DCI Today Fall, 2004

Page 1

F a l l , 2004

Dear DCI An activity that inspires

Shining the Shoes An Interview with Mark Arnold

What’s your Drum Corps IQ? Take the ultimate test!

2005 TOUR

A Sneak Peek!

Fall, 2004 VOLUME 30 • NUMBER 2

INSIDE 8 Dear DCI ✦ An activity that inspires

16 A Drum Corps Society ✦ by Monica Simon

24 What’s your

Drum Corps IQ? ✦ Take the ultimate test!

26 2005 Tour Sneak Peek ✦ DCI’s Major Events

28 2005 World

Bring it in

Championships ✦ Information and Schedule

by Dan Acheson

33 Shining the Shoes ✦ An interview with Mark Arnold

37 Free Day ✦ Amplified Heart

DEPARTMENTS 5 Pit Break ✦ News in the world of DCI

13 Do you want to march? ✦ Division I Corps

19 Do you want to march? ✦ Division II & III Corps

31 Tickets ✦ On sale now

ON THE COVER Photo taken of the Blue Knights at the 2004 DCI World Championships, Saturday, August 7 at INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver, Colo.

DCI.org Get all the scores, find all the events, order all the tickets, read all the news and more at DCI.org. Come LIVE the experience!

THE DRUM CORPS SEASON is of course my favorite time of year, but my second favorite time of year in the annual cycle of the activity is audition camps. This is the time of year when several young people seek out the information as to how to audition for a corps, what it takes to be in a corps, and all the factors they must weigh to evaluate if indeed drum corps is right for them. The anticipation of potential members is a joy to witness at audition camps but even more so is the excitement seen by veteran members as they talk about memories of last season along with how incredible they think the next season can and will be. All corps experience a rebirth this time of year. As the books are closed on the 2004 season volunteers, design teams, and corps management are fully engaged in what promises to be their organization’s best season to date. Corps memberships will be formed over the next several months and before we know it the 2005 season will be upon us. Drum Corps International had another outstanding year in 2004, but we too experience a rebirth this time of year. The anticipation and expectation to create the best stage possible for the performers has never been higher or more demanding. With the support of a growing fan base, music educators, tour event partners, Friends of DCI, corporate partners and great volunteers the momentum is sure to keep pushing forward. As we look ahead to a new season please accept my acknowledgement of how truly fortunate the drum corps activity is to have you as a part of the family. Thank you!

Publisher: Drum Corps International Co-Editors: Monica Simon and Dave Wilson Design and Production for Drum Corps International: DesignAura, San Francisco, California Art Direction: Laura Bratt and Nicole Bratt Contributing Writers: Dan Acheson, Marco Buscaglia, Monica Simon Performance Photography: Jolesch Photography, Sid and Linda Unser

Drum Corps International is a non-profit organization formed to service the North American drum and bugle corps activity. Editorial and business offices are located at 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101, phone 630.628.7888, fax 630.628.7971. DCI TODAY is published in Fall, Winter and Summer each year. Non-profit organization U.S. postage paid at Madison, WI permit #2223.


Pit Break Santa Clara Vanguard unveiling new floor for outreach program

Santa Clara Vanguard’s outreach cre-

ative dance program, Children’s Adventures in Movement (CAM), unveiled its newest addition to the program: a 2000 sq. ft. hardwood sprung dance floor in September. The floor was made possible by generous grants and donations from the community, as well as support from friends, alumni, and parents of CAM! The Mission City Community Fund got the ball rolling with two separate grants, followed by the Thomas H. Maren Foundation and the Santa Clara Vanguard Booster Club. Volunteers offered their time to teach Jazz and Modern classes for two sessions to interested adults who consisted of CAM parents, friends and SCV alumni. The floor was installed with weeknight and weekend work. CAM would like to continuously thank all involved for donating so much of their time and efforts. Since its inception in September of 2001, CAM has continued to offer dance classes with a creative twist, allowing students to add their own unique expression to the classes. The program has grown from 3 classes to its current 9, with classes ranging from Ballet & Tap, to Modern, Hip-Hop, Choreography and Flag/Dance.

Spartans 50th-year planning underway The Spartans have officially

begun planning their 50th year. Committees are currently being formed during this fall recruiting season. High volumes of applications are anticipated from the events that the recruiting committees have planned so far. The November 14th Open House will kick off many scheduled events. The Board of Directors have also added new members to the board and approved the restart of their junior program " Spartan Cadets". An Open House is scheduled the week before on November 7th for students of grades 6-9. Mission statement and purpose for this group will be defined as a

Mike & Mark for Magic The Magic Drum and Bugle Corps is pleased to announce the appointment of Brass Co-Caption Heads, Mr. Mike Longdo and Mr. Mark Hoskins, for the 2005 season. “It is a great day for the Magic to add these individuals to our instructional team. Both Mike and Mark will help bring our brass program to the next level,” stated Corps Director, Jim Newman.

Spartan to officer Spartan alumni Pete LaFlamme, has enlisted into the army as a deferment. Pete is the oldest son of Executive Director Peter A. LaFlamme. Pete Jr. marched with the Spartans for eight years and is currently enrolled at U-Mass Lowell Music performance program. The army has a new program putting school first, in which Pete scored as one of the highest in New England. He will achieve his degree first before entering the

army. When he graduates, his entire schooling will have been paid for, while also receiving monthly income benefits. After his term in basic training when he does enter officially, he will also be enlisted immediately as an officer. After his guaranteed term in the army, Pete’s ambition is to be in fire forensics within the continental USA in a major city where the action is. At 21, he has a great future ahead of himself!

training program for students with a desire to advance to the Spartans. The group also plans to apply for the Presidential Inaugural Parade on January 20th. The alumni committee is still searching for past members of the last 50 years and hoping to contact as many as possible to be a part of the midsummer plans for a reunion. All and any corps alumni who wish to get involved should contact Spartans as soon as possible. Write to: plspartan@aol.com if interested and the corps director will forward your name to the appropriate people. Or visit their web page at www.spartandbc.org

Sage & Thompson to head up Phantom Regiment visual design in ‘05 Phantom Regiment is pleased to announce Adam Sage as color guard designer and caption head and Jamey Thompson as drill designer. “Having Adam join the team is very exciting for us,” said Dan Farrell, Regiment’s program coordinator. “The wealth of experience and the quality of his past work speaks for itself. I’m sure people will be very pleased with the 2005 Regiment guard and what it will contribute to the overall look and feel of the corps.” “I’m very happy to have Jamey joining us,” said Farrell. “I’ve been a fan of his writing for quite some time, and I am looking forward to having him as a member of the design team.” Sage, 34, comes to Phantom Regiment with a wide range of experience working with many of the top color guards in the world. Thompson has been involved in the activity as a marching member, designer or adjudicator for more than 20 years. He currently writes for high school marching bands in Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, Texas, Florida and Georgia.



Drum corps affects people’s lives. Whether they march for just one season, go on to work with a corps, or are simply a fan — it changes them. Perhaps it’s in a lifechanging way such as meeting their future spouse, moving on to a career in the activity or motivating them to do something they never would’ve thought possible without the experience of drum corps. Whatever it is, every member of the drum corps community can say that they got somewhere because of drum corps. That something in their life would’ve never happened had it not been for drum corps. That drum corps played a key role in shaping them in their young adult years to become the admirable individuals they are. Here are letters from drum corps members — past and present — sharing how drum corps has affected and shaped their lives.


r my final year, fo them, especially e e ad th tr t be n’ ld to I, , C ou otlight Dear D with Colts. I w ine under the sp eI I have marched portunity to sh op rps, but the on y co m um as For three years w dr s rp om fr co s m on ru ss D le w . world eaking do n, a y valuable anything in the ience. A bus br . I gained man ld en or nv w co ic in us an m d e th s epidemic...all oblem an “sports hero” of even a bronchiti e between a pr d nc an re , ffe es di rid e s th is hour bu value the most string of eightnasium, a long m gy g rin rewarded by te el sw an honor to be as w It e. . m r es nce fo ng to realize inconvenienc a surreal experie so gut wrenchi al as t w s bu rp h, co rt fo um t ormers ever n I had pu Aging-out of dr t family of perf k and dedicatio ni or -k w ht lt rd tig ha a e ch th with su tter term, difficu thousands for for lack of a be able to perform , as be r w ve it up k ne e, uc ld tim sn ou day Iw the final long. My final ing the field for such pride for so corps life; ith again. After leav um w dr n st or w po d y ha m uniform I I stand in re he w no plan on t I . Bu to take off the lly ming. d menta never saw it co th physically an bo ed of drum in ld ag or on me so fast I im w er read the person than I ev it, I hope to sp ith s to have W . er re m tu a much stronger or fu rf ar pe n in the ne ntial young sig te de po t e eb an w w to I . in going e activity n take advantag familiar with th e so that they ca un ag ly le rly on op ea d pe an ha to I at s corp career if corps is my drum corps g of what drum d in te nd ar ta st rs ve de ha un an I would s how long ago of it. Lord know sooner. known about it – Bill Albrecht 2002-2004 Colts Baritone

Knights drum e Lehigh Valley th ith w s ar ye ur d. I’ve spent fo Dear DCI, ast. en happy and sa be es to say the le s on it’ , le up ab ic show in it or m em m en be Well, to su ly I Eastern Class ite C D fin e de th e ve se ha to ey and th the Lehigh took me & bugle corps, auditioned for s until a friend I rp , co 01 20 um In dr . t in ew me uch abou ought could be that I never th geantry really dr I didn’t know m ay pa w d a an , ch rt su fo in ef y life r sound, ould change m 1999. The shee the guys who w et m d an what would be ts gh Valley Kni e moved in for w til un is, t ha mmer. Jason, mmers. T possible. age-outs that su her previous su w ot y llo m fe y to m r ila be ould ry sim the guys who w dy could break. 2004 seemed ve bond that nobo e even closer to a m g ca in be ar idst the entire I . sh ur up to my final astounding. Am I would end as d w t an , go ill e w W n u, anab st thing in the , the reactio Josh, Chris, M ony was the be m t field together l re ou ce et ag ou at eth ag all on was so emotiona in, the When we were other corps. It s that one puts ur om fr ho y le an op m pe d e mor ork, an and I met even struggle, hard w be of friends there, h nc bu a where I would y. w sa on I m world. g the cere sure don’t know rin I t du so bu al d I ie s, cr ar e. ye en m ev ired uple of that some of us s who have insp wns this past co s and drummer or any ups and do ct participate in m ru to en st d be in re e ve no th ha There come and ho I thank all of el w e. el lif fe y e m m in e s mad corp without drum er the years that ople I’ve met ov e that pe e nc th rie of pe l ex al k than y others will an m at th pe t plishmen that this activity. I ho ing and accom m or rf s pe of g in s, riding long bu amazing feel g on gym floor in ep e sle th r in te l af sa el ar one can fe y hours of rehe g through man e th is s hi T rides, and goin s. er condition th ea w e rs ve s! ad many drum corp at is known as phenomenon th rak – Kevin Kachu Knights y lle Va gh hi Le 4 Drum 2001-200 re Timpani/Sna

ional Corps Internat all three Drum in en s. be et ad ve C ha s. I The Dear DCI, third year with ar of drum corp this will be my nth and final ye d ve an se y 2, m 00 n I was 8 years be -2 he ill 00 2005 w since 1992(w Spartans 20 , d ar 99 gu 19 r in lo co ns Citatio rifle and the ve been in divisions with turn around on ould come! I ha le w ip tr ar in a ye t do ou to et my ag ly approaching One was I never though lifelong goals. st birthday slow y 21 m y e m ad is m ith s I w , et Cad age of 10 nty. Now e-out with The old) and at the of Bergen Cou ng goals.” To ag lo g in Foxboro ith the Cadets ife w tin “l sit ch y ar m as m w of d to other — Boston, an hieved both ac in d ve ise ha I ra to perform d at an th I n say I was born als.” Now get go is, rt ng pa lo December, I ca st ife “l be e ade thos as well as come true. The adets when I m that someday,” C e do th to g literally a dream g all in in ch go at id, “I’m out in front of e 1994 finals w my mom and sa getting to ageto ed Stadium for th rn tu lly I ea re (r family t place whe my friends and in the same exac y parents just m , em ALL of th . of 120 seats!!!) bought a block m ru “d a is My entire family everything rents met it. I thought of y sa to d family.” My pa te s en an rp w ev co I d w an ho es d liv an say y day ched in Dear DCI, affects our ever hat I wanted to when they mar w drum corps at I felt was a just deciding w th ho ur e to m ho g t an hi un t er in the yo ng th en re hi ge sp I hile you' at, somet Northstar to out marching w rps. Just like th ab co g h a part of me in itc lk en sw ta be to s t om it’ fr choice bu 1970s, so no ” k? ng ar vi m ha a t e ou as I can Did I mak how I felt ab for as far back . s choose to love? rp ge I sa co id es D m um t e? dr an e m rt r th they couldn’t be rs and remembe more impo remember, and : We as membe How will they e 04 . th cy 20 of ga of s le ss er a la e ad C av le e me. Long story ge to th group of “I want to le more proud of ere’s my messa this were the main H e u . ak ts Yo m ou e. eto iv al activity and d ag di I’s ity it C as much as long, I love the keep this activ ill ed I thought of D at st ov th pr s rt im ng fo hi ve ef met t ha my last. preciate your u for leaving so corps would no this year will be community ap rience, thank yo leadership, your pe ur ex yo is t th ou of ith t W en ou 2004 season. – Kim Bolduc t you have gott No matter wha tans, hen leaving w u yo ith w year awesome! n Citations, Spar ng u have take hi yo et ill m w so t or Guard e ha ol uc C W ason prod behind. s been set. The Cadets positive ur work this se be he standard ha yo T to ill : g w 05 in , go 20 tly it an of rt s k. Is To the clas mer? More impo ve left your mar idence this sum make sure you' to ce an ch st la Foxboro or Prov ur hind? This is yo ing impression leave an everlast worth leaving be to ce or an ch st la be your e you physically or negative? of ‘05, this may ch again becaus s ar as m cl e to to t th g e ge in t lik n’ go t's u do se: Just never know wha s happen and yo To everyone el eat activity. You mmunity. Thing gr co is s th rp in co er m um on the dr d another sum t afford to spen i, a Revolution financially can' Sarah Slominsk y. or st r, y pp ha this as a ay last Decembe happen. tually think of ion, passed aw ac ct I se t ution ol bu rn , ev ho R l um y ge gl get ard from m en’s 2003 flu he m e ss I’v ro s I don’t want to C ie d or st an e om th ing behind. r in 2001-2002, with her, but fr hing worth leav et ed m ch so ar d m soprano membe r ha ve ho ne w . eone a sad state. I r summer family example of som leaving many in uld have with he as an awesome w co e e sh sh , mething ay ily so yd m as er fa joyed ev . There w and Crossmen example, and en rn evening show te by es as only ad w hw le s , ut hi rd T So . I ha d a big grin e 2003 DC She worked th an at ce la as ck w r ne he ssmen y I have of wearing her Cro as. The last memor as in her blacks bered who I w w e em m Sh re t. t know if it e gh sh ni t at bu , th r on he as t se n on me? I don' ou at sio ab th es r pr he im w g sa I in ch a last ird time drum corps just uation leave su ose that loved the second or th sit th on ith m w e m co tim d r right now that ding he ple act an u reading this joy of just spen yo e How did this sim pl of y sim an a e d ar ha e . If ther om your cheek uld see she said something y tears falling fr st ju an was because I co s ile ap sm rh g pe bi d ies, an rhaps that e good memor as she did or pe minds you of th re it pe ho I h, it, are you knew Sara joy. ay you planned of w s e ar th te ’t e ar isn n w d easily right no e situatio they could, cave d tired, and th as an rd t ha ho as re k u’ or yo w didn't they think of Next time phere? Or will as the one who os d m re at be e em tiv m ga re ne under the least caused a going to be and pushed even ons, or always iti st be nd r co ei e th em do tr rived to rps mates? under ex e that always st r their fellow co on fo e ve th lo t as bu ly g nd in you fo d noth on the time we stances and ha ople think back um pe rc ci n he of w e bl at ra th favo just that, I will ould hope sion. If I can do ca membered? I w oc re l fu en be I iss bl ill a w How r the better, th viewed as st one person fo er, it would be ju th ce ge to en flu ed in ar n sh have corps ca my time in drum be satisfied. If mplished. my goal is acco a joyous affair. the 2005 season g in ak m to s e' rd Her – Kristen Richa 04 Mellophone , Crossmen 20 20 Revolution 03


Dear DCI age05 will be my m Regiment. 20 to e an th Ph ct pe ith ex w did not & 2004 Dear DCI, ted dating. We ar I marched 2003 the st s d A e an w n. h d ga nc an hi Fi s, ic ca ec med Joe Hul nd Rapids, M na ra t G ve My name is Reb r om ea k. fr -y or is ur w d he ake it 2003, I met a fo England UK, an we agreed to m om so fr r, ve am re r out season. In I fo he as e ot , by saw each say good work long term ver we can, and did not want to ne e w d he relationship to te w at r ni th U he e ed ot iz th sit each oving to ded we real e save up and vi en I plan on m W th 2003 season en w. d no an , o ag go lf to mmer and a ha ve one more su That was a year each e aged-out. I ha Jo n he w , and I only see er m this sum g school. . Although Joe tin 03 ar 20 st in d ! an ch at d ar r th glan e to m States from En k drum corps fo ne when I cam and we can than ed to meet anyo p, ct hi pe ns ex tio r la ve re ne I really ve a wonderful months, we ha other every few h – Rebecca Finc 4 iment 2003-200 eg R m to Phan that point on ching band, from ar m a in met a e tim I, r the first adets! There I Dear DC I performed fo and then the C o, s, ag e have rp s w co ar n r ye le he al w 30 r be happy More than years in a sm ve w ne fe to a us ed ch of l ar ught al and growing ood. I m a genius! He ta s keep striving it was in my bl as ay w w e al H t li. bu , ga ts in en rge Z performance, mplishm man named Geo able with your ur smallest acco rt fo yo r m fo co y e ar pp u ha Be ce their next k that yo room to grow. give the audien when you thin to st l al Ju , . inds al ve gi go to on t m stayed in our m ore swea to get to a com ore to learn, m ething that has m m so Dear DCI, ng id hi us sa et s d m ha ge so s that chan ch Boy Drum there is alway d an instructor things that have I’ve been in Dut All of us have ha , but also many II p. re m he on d bu isi te e iv in os (D pr go d ar n’t be Corps’ color gu sayings that ca I ctor, designer, (mostly funny and Division II 0 00 -2 98 rformer, instru 19 pe in a s, g ar in ye be person we 7 . st om r) foreve for the pa is activity fr always let each th to in is gs ity in tiv th 2001-present) ac y man s in this ould never give s of Dutch Boy I have enjoyed d over my year , or else you w ne be ar le to I t ve as well as Cadet ha ha W u dge. es! In 10-plus rful. Yo A). clinician and ju r 10-plus minut they are wonde fo at le th op ow pe Winterguard (I kn of t ith tw have to open be in fron came in contac enver, I this is that you all year long to of l do al e w to t This year in D y ha ke w e. The your time to do Individual & in tears and aw participated in n leave people ca u em. yo th ed es iv ish most is that ith ut w ce in re ft m I is simple gi rize” that I cher th “p e al ar a Ensemble where re sh e d th , an a ds eatest mistake and awar yourself up DCI.org for share it is the gr pionship rings r ve am recognition on ne ch d e th an t nd of al ar l (a mance e my he le individu Through al person’s perfor mble gift insid wicked jazz-sty ed 11th at to have a hu are poison to a ac " th pl if not giving your d t ly d ne ha on an ar I le "w . st I ce be ds performan med your e! The wor t or ak rf en m pe em t er ac ev no dusty fields, pl d d or ul an score person co e the field s, parking lots, av m le gy To in ). but it’s not the ve es , ga st liv u eir a crowd cheer s that yo me. To be hone sometimes to th there and have th all the hour t or ou w l t al that matters to no it ps is e or av ce C le en t to s and life is all patch Drum gift to the audi es even snow. Bu what drum corp im is et I did it for the u, m so yo d of y an m rt , pa em a ve me with in the sun, rain you just gave th International ga use they knew ca be u yo enough to be r ! fo ts judge shee and was lucky ng hi ac te r be to I returned about. part of passing 04 I remem g, last summer I miss being a The part of 20 in d di dg , e ju hat oy th B of s t. up ar g en Regim s thought, “W is wakin After 16 ye pective, I alway of the Phantom most from tour rs rs pe be ’ es em dg m in ju e e th ed om th e arriv work with e performers! Fr first morning w e directly to th ere barely open dg w le es ow ey they needed to kn ?” y ur M to r. Denve derstand when h go back to un tc to re e st em r lik od, th fo lp be en he it , ok w would as not understo their best when we were t performance w e students did r ho th ei e n th th he n w in he e k w er oc th To be rect them and running bl I e them and redi , but the second more, or consol om me. ve fr gi behind the ed iv muggy weather ce pe they re uld see place in August ho co I t I ok l to at al s th e, rp ft id co gi ts e is th antom Regimen s of drum stepped ou embers of the Ph as the most y in all my year m w or e It w th . em ro ns m ed th ai t ch d es nt at an nd ou w s My fo hen I ructor were m and turday night, w to all their inst I’ve ever seen, friend, then go m in Denver Sa iu st ad be incredible view st r e ei w th ng d ni rted on with joy, fin d every mor knowledge impa it didn't get ol hug, cry, scream tch and ank us for our re th otional once st to d em us t de ea ge nd ’t dr ou e woke for th Funny, I didn their arms ar . ce rs of fa y m n om w fr Being s ran do ft all the membe running block. them. The tear of joy for the gi ve s ha ar e te w d y ie er cr t en st sc CI, bu Ontario, the be when I won D was amazing! e n imagine at weekend. It ca th u ve yo you give up th ga s So rp s! co ee e are tr all th le, “Why would nI op he w pe e m y gy lik an d m ed an so ok s d by on buse what my face lo eyes I have been aske house, to sleep , jaw dropped, best seat in the e y?” th da e, l dg al ju saw mountains at a life of in the he to gasp of pure the rain and be in e tic no better place ac is glowing and a pr e s er floor ecause th “B e. m sa e th s t. way ds!” conten My answer is al ing with the ki u rps and I love be co um dr – Jessica Stanci e nc ait! experie or Guard t here. I can’t w Dutch Boy Col n camp is almos tio bach di Au – ! SUTA Eric Sa 1998-2004


“Drum corps serves as my second family. The people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made are beyond anything I have had before, and the learning experiences are priceless.” — Casey Hawthorne, 2004 Bluecoats’ drum major

Do you want to march? DRUM






Blue Devils

Carolina Crown

Kiwanis Kavaliers


4065 Nelson Avenue Concord, CA 94520 (925) 689-2918 www.bluedevils.org

227A Main Street Ft. Mill, SC 29715 (803) 547-2270 www.carolinacrown.org

4601 Holt Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53219 (414) 486-1961 www.pioneer-corps.org

Blue Knights

The Cavaliers

1137 S. Jason Street Denver, CO 80223 (303) 777-1937 www.bknights.org

P.O. Box 501 Rosemont, IL 60018 (847) 685-8412 www.cavaliers.org

P.O. Box 25010 Hi Way Market RPO Kitchener, ONT Canada N2A 4A5 (519) 894-0222 www.kavaliers.com

Madison Scouts



1795 Space Park Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 727-5532 www.scvanguard.org

P.O. Box 2733 North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 353-3999 www.bluecoats.com

P.O. Box 515 Dubuque, IA 52004 (563) 582-4872 www.colts.org

Boston Crusaders


P.O. Box 51391 Boston, MA 02205 (617) 268-4600 www.crusaders.com

601 Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18101 (610) 821-0345 www.yea.org

The Cadets


601 Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18101 (610) 821-0345 www.yea.org

P.O. Box 502591 San Diego, CA 92150 (858) 391-1311 www.esperanzacorps.org

Capital Regiment


1444 Demorest Road Columbus, OH 43228 (614) 539-0366 www.capitalregiment.org

P.O. Box 352080 Toledo, OH 43635 (419) 698-9775 www.glassmen.org

1475 West Main Street Sun Prairie, WI 53590 (608) 837-0707 www.madisonscouts.org

Magic of Orlando 200 Hatteras Avenue Clermont, FL 34711 (352) 394.2469 www.magicoforlando.org

Mandarins P.O. Box 22297 Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 395-8310 www.mandarins.org

Pacific Crest 21231 Fountain Spring Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 598-5961 www.pacific-crest.org

Phantom Regiment 5050 E. State Street Suite 514 Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 226-2835 www.regiment.org.

Santa Clara Vanguard

Seattle Cascades P.O. Box 55100 Shoreline, WA 98155 (206) 367-6695 www.seattlecascades.org

Southwind 218 Patchen Drive Suite 408 Lexington, KY 40517 (859) 268-5244 www.southwind.org

SPIRIT from Jacksonville State University P.O. Box 1295 Jacksonville, AL 36265 (256) 782-5562 www.spiritdrumcorps.org

Troopers 535 North Beverly Casper, WY 82609 (307) 472-2141 www.troopersdrumcorps.org


A Drum Corps

by Monica Simon

You know how it is when you talk about a college party to friends who didn’t go to your school? You know how it is when you talk about stress at your job to friends you don’t work with? Everyone can relate to the stories and you don’t have to explain every detail’s origin, right? NOW, YOU KNOW how it is when you talk to friends who didn’t march drum corps about a 12-hour rehearsal day? It’s not the same at all, is it? Often times a five-minute drum corps story about a funny mishap that happened in rehearsal turns into a 30-minute account spent explaining what rehearsals are like — first of all — then how something like an extremely fast tempo in basics block could be funny. The story becomes one of those “you had to be there” tales, except it’s also a “you have to march drum corps to be there.” Leaving you sighing, longing to call up one of your fellow drum corps comrades to rehash the details of that day along with 35 other stories you can revisit in rapid speeds with complete understanding on both sides. Your everyday audience is left confused with a “What are you talking about?” look, and mocking you by saying “This one time at Band Camp…” made famous and useful to those of the “outside world”, and mind-achingly annoying for those in the drum corps community from the “American Pie” movie in 1999.


Ok, so maybe it’s not that bad, but after one hundred instances of remembering a funny drum corps anecdote and not having anyone to share the humor with, it becomes tiring. The drum corps activity is an experience that fosters sincere and long-lasting relationships. Stories no one else can understand, and a pride incomparable to anything else. It creates a bond between those who marched the ranks together, as well as young adults and longtime alumni unlike any other activity out there. It’s a part of our lives that we hold very near and dear to our hearts. We want to protect this activity that, like any prized possession, seems so fragile and in need of our careful watch and support. The community has a sense of unity and individuality. As if we are part of a secret society, so to speak. Those of us in the drum corps community are comfortable in this subculture we have created. Drum

corps is the biggest little world. The least known activity with the largest following. It’s so common when members of the “outside world” see drum corps to say how amazing it is to see so many people who are involved and fans of the activity. The way a drum corps can invade a high school at 2 a.m. on a Wednesday morning in July never fails to shock the neighboring homes. The way fans can take over a major city when it is the site for the World Championships leaves the locals scratching their heads as to where all of this came from. It’s no wonder that there is such camaraderie in drum corps. The relief a fan feels when surrounded by the activity and other fans like themselves at an event is the strong glue that holds

Society this community so tightly together, since during everyday life it’s rare that we hear a thing about drum corps or are fortunate enough to cross paths with someone who as at least somewhat heard of it. Quite simply the biggest, across-the-board challenge for all drum corps fans and participants is trying to explain what the activity is to newcomers or those so close-minded to the uniqueness of drum and bugle corps. The drum corps community’s motto is “you can’t explain it-you just have to see it,” and hold it as an entirely unique activity separate from anything else on this planet. And yes, drum corps is very unique and different from anything else in our lives which makes the memory of the time spent in or with a drum corps that much more sentimental. Drum corps members often walk away from the experience saying that they gained life experiences from it. But if drum corps is nothing like real life, how does that pan out? The truth is that it is somewhat of a sample group of real life, and that is how they relate. How about this — integrate drum corps into every segment of life. Look at your family. Say you have two parents, and two younger siblings. Could you view your parents as the corps director and the caption head? As the oldest, are you the section leader, the middle sibling a seasoned vet, and the youngest the rookie of the section? Could be! Look at your high school. To be cliché — you have the athletes, the brains, the art students, the rich kids and the rebels. Venture to

look at your drum corps in the same cliques. Maybe in different ways, but did the contra/tuba section ever give you flashbacks to the football team running through the school at Homecoming? Were the drummers the ‘A’ students of your corps, the ones who studied (practiced) the most? Were the sopranos/trumpets the members who knew the most drum corps trivia? Was the color guard always the most creative, and decorate everything they owned from their water jug to their bus window? Did the mellophones have the most ritzy decorated bus seats and name-brand rehearsal clothes? Were the snare drummers always the ones causing trouble? [Editor’s Note: These examples are merely random analogies, and not necessarily the opinion of Drum Corps International staff or members] It could be a fun way to view things. A way for drum corps fans to feel that when they step into a football stadium that has been transformed to the Mecca of this incredibly unique activity incomparable to anything else in any walk of life, that it is just like everything else in life. Drum corps has and always will be its own big little community. It will remain unique, and that is why it will remain so cherished to all members past, present and future. But when we can find a way to relate the amazing experiences that is drum and bugle corps, we can start appreciating it in a brand new light. When the activity

stops being a “you had to march to be there” phenomenon, those from the outside world will find it so much easier to enter into this secret society, and be able to enjoy all it’s greatness and uniqueness. And these outsiders will then be able to turn around and tell the stories of an incredible performance they saw, and the camaraderie they feel when amidst the most loyal of drum corps fans. Because in the end, what is the real difference? Monica Simon is the Promotions Coordinator for Drum Corps International


Do you want to march? D R U M C O R P S I N T E R N AT I O N A L D I V I S I O N I I & I I I C O R P S Allegiance Elite (Fusion)

Colt Cadets

Lehigh Valley Knights

Spokane Thunder

3650 19th Street NE #15 Calgary, ALB T2E6V2 (403) 250-2263 www.allegianceelite.org

P.O. Box 515 Dubuque, IA 52004-0515 (563) 582-4872 www.colts.org

P.O. Box 786 Allentown, PA 18105 (610) 504-4072 www.lehighvalleyknights.org

4019 N. Maringo Drive Spokane, WA 99212 (509) 325-8206


Dutch Boy

Les Stentors

1615 Drum Corps Drive Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 722-5543 www.canos.org

200 Borden Avenue South Kitchener, ON N2G 3R8 (519) 744-3291 www.dutchboydrumcorps.com

CP 240001 Belvedere Sherbrooke, QC J1H 6J4 (819) 570-2556 www.stentors.net

4 McIntosh Court PO Box # 28070 Brantford, Ontario N3T 7X5 (519) 759-4568


East Coast Jazz

Marion Glory Cadets

103 River Road Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6C3 (705) 759-3192 www.bandettes.com

P.O. Box 53 Malden, MA 02148 (781) 388-9411 www.eastcoastjazz.org

434 W. Church Street Marion, OH 43302 (740) 382-3013 www.marioncadets.org

Blue Devils ‘B’ & ‘C’

Edmonton Strutters (Fusion)

Memphis Sound

4065 Nelson Avenue Concord, CA 94520 (925) 689-2918 x 3900 www.bluedevils.org

Blue Saints 102 Jacob Street Lively, ON P3T1ES (705) 692-5646 www.bluesaints.com

Blue Stars 20 Copeland Avenue LaCrosse, WI 54602 (601) 552-0377 www.bluestars.org

Capital Sound P O Box 55025 Madison, WI 53705 (608) 850-4071 www.capsound.org


Box 20055, Beverly P.O. Edmonton, ALB T5W5E6 (780) 473-3584 www.strutters.org

Fever 3148 Roland Garros Lane Modesto, CA 95355 (209) 988-4874 www.fevercorps.org

Impulse P.O. Box 5369 Buena Park, CA 92626 (714) 239-4408 www.impulseyoutharts.org

Jersey Surf 34 Mill Street Mount Holly, NJ 08060 (609) 914-0488 www.jerseysurf.org

295 Amelia Cove Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 861-3091 www.memphisdrumcorps.org

Mystikal 107 N. Reino Road PMB 266 Newbury Park, CA 91320 (562) 335-2513 www.mystikal-corps.org

Oregon Crusaders 32838 Old Bunker Hill Road St. Helens, OR 97051 (503) 397-4876 www.oregoncrusaders.org

Racine Scouts PO Box 085298 Racine, WI 53408-5298 (262) 989-7876 www.racinescouts.org


248 Cambridge Street Burlington, MA 01803 (781) 272-1821 www.citations.org

Jester 1751 W. Indian School Phoenix, AZ 85015 www.jestercorps.org

P.O. Box 67 Wayne, NJ 07470 (201) 788-1935 www.raidersdbc.org

Court of Honor

Lake Erie Regiment

7th Regiment

4012 Deerbrook Way Atlanta, GA 30047 (770) 712-9105 www.courtofhonor.org

113 W. 10th Street Erie, PA 16501 (814) 456-5300 www.leregiment.org

228 Gales Ferry Road Groton, CT 06340

The above corps are corps that participated in 2004 Drum Corps International events.

St. John’s

Spartans 73 E Hollis Street Nashua, NH 03060-6303 (603) 889-2760 www.spartansdbc.org

Spirit of New Jersey 512 Hussa Street Linden, NJ 07036 (908) 925-1172 www.spiritofnewark.org

Targets 59 Old Fuller Extension Chicopee, MA 01020 (413) 592-0392 www.targetsdbc.org

The Academy 950 E. Redfield Road Tempe, AZ 85283 (480) 235-8796 www.arizonaacademy.org

Teal Sound 2087 Matefield Road Jacksonville, FL 32225 (904) 997-6566 www.tealsound.org

Vanguard Cadets 1795 Space Park Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 727-5534 www.scvanguard.org

Yamato 8955 Poppy Lane Riverside, CA 92503 (909) 352-9573 www.yamatodrumcorps.org


Drum Corps International Presents

Masterful Performances of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES

Re-live the television broadcasts from 1974-1999 with the DCI Legacy Collection DVD Series! Order the ultimate drum corps viewing experience for long time and new fans alike NOW! For more information and complete listings of the DVDs, visit


To place an order contact: Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101

800/495-7469 x3

For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630/628-7888 x3

FAX 630/628-7971 DCI.org Shipping & Handling Information Merchandise orders will have a $3.00 handling charge in addition to shipping charges based on weight of package.


Please visit DCI.org or call 1-800-495-7469 x3 for exact cost. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Š2004 Drum Corps International. All rights reserved.

Store Introducing Merchandise BRAND NEW for FALL 2004! Bags {from $16.00 Hats {$17.00 T-shirts {from $17.00 Outerwear {from $28.00



for more info.

Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive • Addison, IL 60101 800.495.7469x3 • 630.628.7888x3 • FAX 630.628.7971

Get the new look of DCI to enjoy all year round! 17

The Quiz

What’s your D R U M C O R P S I N T E R N AT I O N A L C H A L L E 1. Who was the 2004 Director

6. Who currently arranges

of the Year?

Carolina Crown’s brass book?

a. Brian Hickman, Glassmen b. Pat Seidling, Phantom Regiment c. Mark Arnold, Blue Knights d. Jeff Fiedler, The Cavaliers

a. J.D. Shaw b. Drew Shanefield c. Russ Newbury d.Michael Klesch

2. Which Division II or III corps performed “Providence Unfurnished” by David Holsinger in 2004?

a. Fever b. Marion Glory Cadets c. Raiders d. Oregon Crusaders

7. Name this corps ☞ a. Kiwanis Kavaliers b. Colts c. Esperanza d. Boston Crusaders 8. Which of these corps currently dons a shako?

a. Santa Clara Vanguard b. Phantom Regiment c. Boston Crusaders d. The Cavaliers 9. What two corps were the first to tie in Division I World Championship Finals history?

a. Blue Devils/Santa Clara Vanguard b. The Cadets/The Cavaliers c. Blue Devils/Phantom Regiment d. The Cadets/Santa Clara Vanguard 3. Where was the DCI 25th anniversary World Championships held?

a. Foxboro, MA b. Orlando, FL c. Madison, WI d. Dallas, TX 4. What was the final paid attendance at 2004’s DCI World Championship Division I Finals in Denver?

a. 21,986 b. 19,598 c. 23, 354 d. 22,047 5. What corps was first to win consecutive titles?

a. Garfield Cadets b. Blue Devils c. Santa Clara Vanguard d. Cavaliers


10. Which Division I corps used

13. What year were the Kiwanis Kavaliers founded?

a. 1980 b. 1971 c. 1968 d. 1975 14. Where are the Mandarins from? a. Riverside, Calif. b. Japan c. Jacksonville, Fla. d. Sacramento, Calif. 15. Who came in 6th place at

water as part of their general effect visual program in 2004?

DCI Southwestern (San Antonio) in 2004?

a. The Cadets b. Magic of Orlando c. Crossmen d. Capital Regiment

a. Madison Scouts b. Boston Crusaders c. Glassmen d. Capital Regiment

11. What was the title of The Cavaliers’ program in 1996?

a. “Pan American Sketches” b. “Revolution!” c. “Traditions for a New Era” d. “The Firebird” 12. What was the name of Impulse’s 2004 program?

a. “Seuss-ational!” b. “The Medusa” c. “Cartoon” d. “Fortune Favors the Brave”

16. Which of the below listed corps made the top five at the 1963 VFW Nationals?

a. Cavaliers b. Troopers c. Blue Stars d. Madison Scouts 17. Which corps won the Division III Spirit of Disney Award?

a. Oregon Crusaders b. Yamato c. Blue Devils ‘C’ d. Capital Sound

drum corps IQ? NGES YOU TO TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 18. What year did Esperanza first

23. Who was a drum major for the

28. Name this color

tour as a Division I corps?

Crossmen in 2004?

guard from 2004

a. 1999 b. 2003 c. 2004 d. 2001

a. Ben Duncan b. Rebekah Terry c. Jen Burns d. Stuart Shulman

a. Madison Scouts b. The Cavaliers c. Bluecoats d. SPIRIT

19. What was the corps now known

24. How much did tickets to

29. Which won the DCI World

as Pioneer named in 1973?

Division I Finals cost in 1972?

Championship in 1990?

a. Cedarburg Knights b. Imperials of St. Patrick c. The Thing d. The Thunderbolts

a. $7 b. $25 c. Free d. $12

a. Star of Indiana b. Cadets of Bergen County c. Santa Clara Vanguard d. Cavaliers

20. Which of these corps unveiled

25. What are Seattle Cascades’

a new uniform in 2004?


a. Blue Knights b. Carolina Crown c. Bluecoats d. Mandarins

a. Green/Red b. Black/Green c. Black/White d. Blue/Green

21. Who was the composer of Pacific Crest’s 2004 program?

a. Bernard Herrmann b. Philip Glass c. Leonard Bernstein d. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 22. What blockbuster movie soundtrack did Southwind perform in 2004?

a. “The Mummy” b. “West Side Story” c. “The Last Samurai” d. “Wayne’s World”

26. What year did the Glassmen

30. How many times have the World Championships been held at Camp Randall Stadium?

a. 4 b. 9 c. 6 d. 7

first break into the DCI Division I top five?

a. 1996 b. 2001 c. 1998 d. 1999 27. Name this corps director ☞ a. Jeff Fiedler, The Cavaliers b. Kevin Smith, Carolina Crown c. Ken Bodiford, SPIRIT d. Greg Orwoll, Colts

What’s your drum corps IQ? Add up how many correct answers you got to see your drum corps IQ! If you got Quarterfinalist 0-10 correct answers, you: Apparently you had a few lucky guesses, and a had a 2004 CD or program book handy.

Semifinalist 11-20 correct answers, you: You’re not necessarily a drum corps connoisseur, but you’ve been around the activity for a few years and around those who have been in the activity for a whole bunch of years, so you just couldn’t help but learn some of this stuff!

Finalist 21-30 correct answers, you: You marched ‘back in the day’, own the Legacy Collection or have been following the activity for years... or you just had some free time to look up the answers in program books and on the Internet!


Answers: 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. d; 5. c; 6. d; 7. b; 8. c; 9. c; 10. b; 11. a; 12. c; 13. b; 14. d; 15. d; 16. b; 17. b; 18. c; 19. c; 20. c; 21. a; 22. a; 23. b; 24. a; 25. b; 26. c; 27. c; 28. a; 29. b; 30. c.

2005 DCI Major Ev DRUM CORPS HAS TWO SEASONS: summer tour and the winter camps. But in between the two there is a gray area where drum corps fans and members feel lost and floating through oblivion. So here, we’ll peer into the future and see what 2005 has in store for drum corps. It’s not too soon to mark your calendar and plan your summer to include the 2005 Major Events and World Championships. We’re thrilled and looking forward to another electrifying season, and we don’t want to keep the excitement to ourselves. So here’s a sneak peek into the schedule of Major Events setting the stage and leading up to the World Championships in Providence, Rhode Island and Gillette Stadium. Drum Corps International kicks off the series of Major Events with DCI Orlando on Saturday, June 25. Once again at the Florida Citrus Bowl, this event will feature a mix of Midwestern, Eastern and Southeastern powerhouses. These corps will meet up in what promises to be an event that lets the audience and participating corps know that the competitive season has begun.

On Friday, July 1, Drum Corps International will once again team up with Bands of America for the DCI Central Illinois event at Illinois State University’s Hancock Stadium in Normal, Ill. For the third year in a row, Drum Corps International heads to Louisville, Ky. on July 9 at the University of Louisville’s Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium in the shadow of the spires of historic Churchill Downs. DCI Louisville will feature another great mix of corps. With a few weeks of DCI tour under their belts, world-class drum corps will split between two events on Saturday, July 16. While some will return to Kalamazoo, Mich., for the sophomore year of the DCI Central Division Championships at Waldo Stadium on the campus of Western Michigan University, other corps will return to the site of the 2004 World Championships at INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver for Drums Along the Rockies, returning from a one-year hiatus due to the World Championships. The following week, DCI returns to the Lone Star State with DCI Southwestern at San Antonio’s Alamodome on Saturday, July 23. Back to its usual spot in the second half of tour, and back to a fullday event, DCI Southwestern will surely be welcomed back with open arms as the first event in the 2005 season where all Division I corps will face each other in competition.

Saturday, June 25

Friday, July 1

Saturday, July 9

Saturday, July 16

DCI Orlando

DCI Central Illinois

DCI Louisville

Citrus Bowl Orlando, Florida

Hancock Stadium Normal, Illlinois

Tickets on sale in January.

Tickets on sale in January.

Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium Louisville, Kentucky

DCI Central Division Championships

Tickets on sale in January.

Contact DCI: 800.495.7469 x3 • 630.628.7888 x3 • DCI.org 20

Order form on page 31.

Saturday, July 23 NOON & 7 p.m.

DCI Southwestern

WMU Waldo Stadium Kalamazoo, Michigan

Alamodome San Antonio, Texas

Tickets on sale in January.

Ticket prices: Premium $45 Super $35 Value $25 Group $15*

*Required purchase of 25 or more tickets. **Two-Day Ticket price special ends Dec 9, 2004. ***Single Night Tickets on sale Dec 14, 2004. All tickets have a per ticket fee, see page 31 for details.

vents Sneak Peek! In what has quickly become one of the most unique and packed stadium shows of the season, the Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES will return to Middle Tennessee State University Stadium in Murfreesboro on Friday, July 29. What makes this show so unique is that the lineup, the top eight corps in the world at that point in the season, won’t be determined until the results are in from DCI Southwestern event in San Antonio the week prior. The very next day, on July 30 the eight corps from the Masters will be joined by the remaining Division I corps at Indianapolis’ RCA Dome for the DCI Midwestern Championship, at noon and 7 p.m. The one-ticket, two-show format will remain the same as last season with an afternoon qualifying event followed by the Saturday evening’s Midwestern Championship Finals featuring the top 12 corps in the world. The longstanding smashing success of the DCI Eastern Classic brings the full line-up of Division I corps back to one of the most storied stadiums of the drum corps activity — J. Birney Crum Stadium in Allentown, Pa. Back to its home as the last Major Event before World Championships on August 5 & 6, the DCI

Eastern Classic couldn’t have a better set-up, leading fans and corps to the World Championships beginning just days later only a few hours away in Providence, R.I. Tickets for the DCI Southwestern, Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES, DCI Eastern Classic and DCI Midwestern Championship are on sale beginning in October, and tickets for DCI Orlando, DCI Central Illinois, DCI Louisville, and the DCI Central Division Championships will be on sale early 2005. Tickets can be ordered online at DCI.org or by calling 1.800.495.7469 x3 (international orders can be placed by calling 630.628.7888 x3) at that time. Look for more announcements and details on DCI’s Major Events on DCI.org as they become available. We hope this whet your drum corps whistle and has you psyched for the winter camp season, and ready to dive headfirst into the 2005 SUMMER MUSIC GAMES when the time finally comes! We’ll see YOU there!

Friday, July 29 8 p.m.

Saturday, July 30 NOON & 7 p.m.

Friday & Saturday, August 5-6 • 7 p.m.


DCI Midwestern Championship

DCI Eastern Classic

MTSU Stadium Murfreesboro, Tennessee Ticket prices: Premium $40 Super $30 Value $20 Group $15*

RCA Dome Indianapolis, Indiana Ticket prices: Premium $45 Super $35 Value $25 Group $15*

J. Birney Crum Stadium Allentown, Pennsylvania Two-Day Ticket prices**: Premium $50; Super $40; Value $30; Group $30* Friday Ticket prices***: Premium $30; Super $25; Value $20; Group $15* Saturday Ticket prices***: Premium $30; Super $25; Value $20; Group $15*

Flip to page 31 for more details!

DCI Division I World Championships Gillette Stadium • Foxboro, Massachusetts Thursday, August 11

Division I Quarterfinals Ticket prices: Super Premium $40; Premium $30; Super $20; Value $15; Group $12*

Friday, August 12

Division I Semifinals Ticket prices: Super Premium $50; Premium $40; Super $30; Value $20; Group $18*

Saturday, August 13

Division I Finals Ticket prices: Super Premium $125; Premium $75 Sold Out; Super $55; Super Value $35; Value $25



Drum Corps In

World Providence, RI and About Providence Weather in August • Average Temperature: 71.3° • Average Maximum Temperature: 80.7° • Average Minimum Temperature: 61.9° • Precipitation: 3.63"

Providence is located • 3.5 hours from New York City • Less than 2 hours from Harford, Conn. • 1 hour from Boston, Mass. Providence is famous for its beautifully preserved historic architecture throughout the city, with more buildings on the National Historic Register than anywhere else. Historic sites, wonderful museums and theatres compliment the current renaissance Providence is experiencing, which has brought a new mall, Riverwalk, hotels, and so much more. The Providence renaissance has received national acclaim as, amazingly, new developments have fit right in with the historic character of the city. Providence’s multi-million dollar revitalization program has centered around the city’s maritime heritage as a major shipping port at the turn of the century, the downtown revitalization project focused on the waterfront. More than a decade later, the structure of Providence has been changed into a modern urban development — the renaissance of a capital city. Providence has become the center of an emerging arts, cultural and entertainment community in New England. Providence is a haven for young artists to establish galleries, art shops, theaters and museums.

Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive • Addison, IL 60101 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888 • FAX 630.628.7971



The city is home to renowned universities, including Ivy League Brown University, the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence College, and Johnson & Wales University, whose academic programs, theatres, museums, and people contribute significantly to the quality of life in the city.

World Championships Schedule


ternational nternational

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 Division II & III Prelims Bryant College Stadium

Championships Gillette Stadium Foxboro, MA August 9-13, 2005 Where to Stay

Gillette Stadium

Want the best room? Go Providence!

Gillette Stadium is a world-class event facility located in Foxboro, Mass. It is the home of the NFL’s New England Patriots, and the New England Revolution of the MLS. Gillette Stadium opened in 2002.

Providence residents won’t know what hit them when thousands of drum corps fans invade their vibrate New England city next August. If you want to be in the thick of the action for the 2005 Drum Corps International World Championships, you MUST stay in Providence, RI! Division II & III Championships and Individual and Ensemble contests are only a few of the exciting events planned for Providence in 2005.

Gillette Stadium has a large number of features that make it unique to the New England heritage. These features include the bridge and 12-story high lighthouse that will sit atop the Bank of America entrance and welcome visitors to the stadium. Plazas, allowing guests to meet and enjoy the atmosphere, surround the stadium. Please visit DCI.org’s “Providence 2005” section for further information on Gillette Stadium

Division I Quarterfinals & Semifinals

Division I Finals

Fan Headquarter Hotels Stay at any of the three Fan Headquarter hotels, and you will be right next door to: • a brand-new shopping mall • great bars and restaurants • Wednesday’s Individual and Ensemble event • 2006 Super3 Ticket Sales • Saturday night’s fan appreciation “Afterglow” party Not enough? How about first chance access to the DCI Updates and recaps from the previous nights’ competition delivered right to your hotel lobby? Providence Westin 1 West Exchange St, Providence, RI 02903

Bryant College Stadium Bryant College’s Bulldog Stadium, an outstanding athletic facility, will play host to Division II & III World Championships in August 2005. Bulldog Stadium was constructed in the summer of 1998 and seats 3,200 fans for Bryant College varsity football, soccer and lacrosse games. The playing surface was laser-graded and special turf developed at Kingston Turf in southern Rhode Island was put down in 1999. Bryant has served as the summer home of the New England Patriots since 1976.

Providence Biltmore 11 Dorrance St, Providence, RI 02903 Courtyard Downtown 32 Exchange St, Providence, RI 02903 Other great Providence Properties... Johnson & Wales University, 213 Taunton Ave, Providence, RI 02903 Holiday Inn Downtown, 21 Atwells Ave, Providence, RI 02903 Crowne Plaza, 801 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RI 02886 Sheraton Providence Airport Hotel, 1850 Post Rd, Warwick, RI 02886 Comfort Inn Pawtucket, 2 George St, Pawtucket, RI 02860 Radisson Airport, 2081 Post Rd, Warwick, RI 02886 Hotel Providence, 311 Westminster St, Providence, RI 02903 Radisson Harbor, 220 India St, Providence, RI 02903

To book your Providence hotel room, simply go to DCI.org.

Individual & Ensemble competition Rhode Island Convention Center

Thursday, August 11, 2005 Division II & III Finals Bryant College Stadium Division I Quarterfinals Gillette Stadium

Friday, August 12, 2005 Division I Semifinals Gillette Stadium

August 13, 2005 Division II & III Grand Finals Bryant College Stadium Division I Finals Gillette Stadium


World Class Venues

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Drum Corps International presents the

2005 Summer Music Games DCI Southwestern

# of tickets

Saturday, July 23, 2005 Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas Noon & 7:00 pm Premium Seats ________@ $45.00 Super Seats ________@ $35.00 Value Seats ________@ $25.00 per ticket fee ________@ $3.50 sub-total ________@

total price

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

DCI Division I World Championships Thursday – Saturday, August 11-13, 2005 Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, Massachusetts

Division I Quarterfinals • Thursday, August 11th 2:30 pm

Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Friday, July 29, 2005 MTSU Stadium, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 8:00 pm Premium Seats ________@ $40.00 Super Seats ________@ $30.00 Value Seats ________@ $20.00 per ticket fee ________@ $3.50 sub-total ________@

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

DCI Eastern Classic Friday & Saturday, August 5-6, 2005 J.Birney Crum Stadium, Allentown, PA Two Day Tickets** Premium Seats ________@ $50.00 _____________ offer ends December 9th Super Seats ________@ $40.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ per package fee ________@ $7.50 _____________ Friday Tickets Premium Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ on sale December 14th Super Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ 7:00 pm Value Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ per ticket fee ________@ $3.50 _____________ Saturday Tickets Premium Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ on sale December 14th Super Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ 7:00 pm Value Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ per ticket fee ________@ $3.50 _____________ sub-total ________@ _____________

DCI Father’s Day Special June 19, 2005 Benedictine University, Lisle, IL DCI Orlando June 25, 2005 Florida Citrus Bowl, Orlando, FL DCI Louisville July 9, 2005 Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, Louisville, KY DCI Central Division Championships

________@ ________@ ________@ ________@ ________@ ________@

$40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $15.00 $2.00 $3.50

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

$50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $2.00 $3.50

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

$125.00 $75.00 $55.00 $35.00 $25.00 $2.00 $5.50

_____________ N/A _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Division I Semifinals • Friday, August 12th 4:45 pm

DCI Midwestern Championship Saturday, July 30, 2005 RCA Dome, Indianapolis, Indiana Noon & 7:00 pm Premium Seats ________@ $45.00 Super Seats ________@ $35.00 Value Seats ________@ $25.00 per ticket fee ________@ $3.50 sub-total ________@

Super Premium Seats Premium Seats Super Seats Value Seats Foxboro fee per ticket fee Super Premium Seats Premium Seats Super Seats Value Seats Foxboro fee per ticket fee

________@ ________@ ________@ ________@ ________@ ________@

Division I Finals • Saturday, August 13th 6:00 pm

Super Premium Seats Premium Seats Super Seats Super Value Seats Value Seats Foxboro fee per ticket fee

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Group Tickets!

Minimum order of 25 tickets required. DCI Southwestern Group Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________

Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Group Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________

DCI Midwestern Championship Group Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________

DCI Eastern Classic Two-Day Group Seats offer ends December 9th ________@ $30.00 _____________ Friday Group Seats on sale December 14th ________@ $15.00 _____________ Saturday Group Seats on sale December 14th ________@ $15.00 _____________

DCI Division World Championships Quarterfinals Group Seats ________@ $12.00 _____________ Semifinals Group Seats ________@ $18.00 _____________

per group order fee ________@ $10.00 _____________ sub-total ________@ _____________

TOTAL ________@

July 16, 2005 WMU Waldo Stadium, Kalamazoo, MI


Times and line-ups are subject to change. No refunds or exchanges. All sales final. Ticket orders received close to date of event will be held at will call.

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Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 800.495.7469 x3 For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630.628.7888 x3 630.628.7971 Place your order online at: DCI.org


The Interview Name: Mark Arnold Age: 48 Family: Wife: Jennifer, three children:

Kristin 16, Cody 13, Corry 11

I’d give anything to meet: God... so I could get the straight

answers... Favorite drum corps show ever: It would be impossible for me

to name one. Favorite drum corps memory: 1979 Troopers Semi-Finals

Shining the Shoes

The thing I want to do most before I die:

Move to a ranch in the mountains.

An Interview with Mark Arnold

Education: Music Education Degree from the

University of Wyoming Current Occupation: Director, Blue Knights Drum

and Bugle Corps Drum Corps background: Instructor/Assistant to the

Director: Casper Troopers 1978-1983, River City Railmen 1981-85, Blue Knights 1986 to present. Favorite TV Show: I enjoy watching sports Favorite snack food: Ice Cream Last good concert I went to: West Middle School Beginning

Band Concert! Two CDs I’d have if I were stranded on a desert island:

“Howard Hanson Symphony No. 2”, and “Miles & Coltrane” Most prized possession: The car my daughter is stealing from

me... Favorite non-drum corps activity: Standing on a soccer field! Best advice I’ve ever been given: Don’t let the *#@#@&’s

get to ya... The thing I most like about being a corps director:

A cool summer’s night sitting by myself in the stands watching the corps rehearse. The thing I like least about being a corps director:

Buses and toilet bowl plungers Two people I admire the most: My parents...

somehow they survived me!


Been a member, been a fan…

What else is there?

Are you ready for the next level of drum corps excitement? Become a Partner in the Pursuit of Excellence by joining the Friends of DCI. Your participation provides today’s youth with more than a musical education — it is an education in life! Your contributions and attendance at events directly becomes a part of creating a world-class stage for young people achieving unparalleled levels of excellence through the drum corps experience. Friends of DCI receive exclusive partners-only benefits such as complimentary premium seating at DCI Major Events, FREE CDs of all 24 Division I corps, VIP passes and more! In addition, you will have the extra benefit of belonging to a special group of people who share the same passion and values of drum corps. Become a partner in the pursuit of excellence!

Visit DCI.org/friends for more information or to become a member of the Friends of DCI, Partners in the Pursuit of Excellence. 470 South Irmen Drive • Addison, IL 60101 • 800.495.7469


Free Day

by Marco Buscaglia

Amplified Heart “AND AS THE SPEAKERS RAGED, a great schism cracked open on the 50-yard-line, spilling corps members and fans alike into the ground until the earth resettled and all was quiet again.” At least that’s the way it was supposed to happen. But after an entire season of amplification, all is still well in the drum corps world. Amps — that was the buzz phrase this summer as corps lined up speakers and microphones for the first time ever. You either hated it or loved it — there could be no middle ground. I saw a few corps over the summer that used amps and wasn’t swayed either way. I appreciated some of the effects I might not have heard without amps, but at the same time, had some difficulty getting used to the sight of speakers sitting on the front sideline. As I made the drive from my sister-in-law’s house in Cheyenne, Wyo., for DCI finals, I knew I’d soon see a few things that could seriously challenge my own definition of drum corps. That night, I didn’t know what to expect when I saw Carolina Crown. I had heard and read positive and negative things about the impact of their use of microphones and vocalization on a football field and wasn’t sure what to think. I had seen several marching bands that used vocalists back in the late 1980s, when a group of guys I marched with would make an annual trip to Bands Of America finals. Who knows? I probably cringed a little when I used to hear kids singing “Memory” from “Cats” while wearing shakos and pants with stripes. Most of us did. So with that bias still floating around in the back of my mind, I didn’t know how I would react when I actually saw it on a football field in the context of drum corps, not marching band. . Still, I kept an open mind when Crown took the field in Denver, but I certainly wasn’t prepared for it to be one of my favorite shows of the night. While I realize there are many others who have participated in this activity a lot longer than I have, I’m hardly a newbie. The first piece of equipment I held was a six-foot flagpole in the winter of 1977. I learned how to play horn on a shiny valve-rotor soprano. I marched in a cadet corps that played songs like “Bully,” “How Deep is your Love” and “Stars and Stripes Forever.” I marched in a top-three drum corps when it was still possible to keep a parttime job during the summer. And when I heard someone singing something from “Rent,” well, I liked it. I thought it was different. The show was designed and executed really well. What else can I say? I liked it. After attending DCI finals as either a performer or participant for more than a decade from the early 1980s to mid 1990s, I took a few years off to get married, have kids and participate in all the other aspects of life that put one in eternal debt. I continued to attend local shows during that time period, but when I finally went back to DCI in 2000, I was struck by the homogenous

approach of most of the corps. They all seemed so similar — usually mimicking the previous year’s champion with less effect — with the exception of two or three groups who were doing their own thing. That wasn’t the case in Denver this year. Established corps continue to strengthen their image while corps on the rise work to carve out a niche for themselves. Perhaps amps have a place in those niches. Of course, there are plenty of people who will never like it — fair enough. But there may be just as many new fans who will give our activity a second look because of it — or existing fans who might return to a show in the future to see how the activity is progressing. The phrase, “It’s all about the kids,” is thrown around a lot by drum corps fans — and not in a good way. It’s become sort of a mantra used to knock down anything that some may feel comprises their own personal definition of what drum corps is all about. A corps uses amps? “That’s right, I get it — it’s all about the kids.” A corps decides to buy a set of B-flat horns? “Oh, OK — it’s all about the kids.” But it is all about the kids. We forget that. If they don’t show up, we’ll know where doing something wrong. So far, they haven’t stopped showing up. Every decade will have its share of naysayers. My father, who marched in the Cavaliers in the 1950s, used to grumble with some of his friends about what corps were doing in the 1970s. Who knew shows comprised of tunes like “Children of Sanchez,” “Gonna Fly Now” and “Birdland” were considered too high-brow for a bunch of guys who earned their marching stripes playing “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” and “Babes in Toyland,” but that’s the way it was … and is. I love drum corps from the 1970s and 1980s — I grew up on it. But when I watch the DVDs, I can’t help but see the sameness in the majority of corps: Latin-flavored or classical opener, Broadway or contemporary tune into concert or as a drum solo, jazz concert, Broadway, jazz or contemporary tune out of concert and finally a ballad for a closer. The corps that didn’t follow this mold — Blue Devils, Phantom Regiment, Santa Clara Vanguard — achieved great success. Maybe amps will help create a spark for some corps that will allow them to carve out their own niche in the future, a new identity that will go a long way toward a stable, educational and enjoyable experience. Those of us who choose to go along for the ride can only benefit. Marco Buscaglia marched in the Cavalier organization from 1978-1989. The only time he used amplification during his drum corps career was when he unsuccessfully used the P.A. system of an unsuspecting Rosemont police officer’s car to request that someone in a crowded parking lot do his laundry at the end of the 1988 first tour.


2004 World Championships Drum Corps International

CD and DVD Products

2004 Division I World Championships Finalist DVD


4 Disc set featuring Top 12 corps Top 6 corps features include: Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround, Corps Designer, Percussion & Color Guard Judge commentary to accompany camera features Video: Multi-camera, High Camera, Percussion Iso, Color Guard Iso Corps 7-12 features include: Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround; Video: Multi-camera, High Camera

2004 Division I World Championships 13-24th DVD


Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround

2004 Division II & III World Championships DVD 1 Disc featuring 12 Grand Finalists


2004 World Championships Discount Bundles! Super Bundle Full Division I, II & III; all 3 DVD sets plus 2 CD sets

2004 Division I CD

{$189.00 save $38


4 Disc set featuring all 24 Division I corps

Full Division I Bundle Both DVD sets plus CD

{$149.00 save $27 2004 Division II & III CD


Division I DVD Bundle Both DVD sets

2 Disc set featuring 12 Grand Finalists

Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive Addison, IL 60101

{$129.00 save $10 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage


Division I Finalist DVD/CD Bundle 1 DVD set plus CD

Madison, Wisconsin Permit No. 2223

{$129.00 save $10



for more info.

*Discount Bundle offer expires January 6, 2005

1 Disc set featuring corps 13-24

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