DCI Today Summer, 2003

Page 1

Summer, 2003

The Ebb and Flow of the Summer

Shining the Shoes An Interview with Pat Seidling

2003 TOUR Let the games begin!

theXperience of a new beat!

Simply the Best People! Simply the Best Performing Groups! Simply the Best Instruments! ®


Simply the best!

DEG Music Products, Inc. P.O. Box 968 • Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 53147 • www.degmusic.com Photos by Ron Walloch and David Rice.

Summer, 2003 VOLUME 29 • NUMBER 1

INSIDE 10 The Ebb and Flow

of the Summer ✦ by Emily Tannert

13 To The Box ✦ It's about the experience

15 2003 Tour ✦ Let the games begin

28 Shining the shoes ✦ An interview with Pat Seidling

33 Chris & Jaimie ✦ Marriage and marching mold two lives

37 Free Day ✦ Happiness is being one of the gang

DEPARTMENTS 7 Pit Break ✦ News in the world of DCI

25 Tickets ✦ On sale now

30 DCI Wear ✦ 2003 Merchandise

40 DCI Clinics ✦ Learn from the best


Drew Wiza

Boston Crusaders

✦ Drew aged out of the Boston Crusaders in 2002, spending a total of four years in the corps. Currently, Drew is teaching high school English and is pursuing a graduate degree in secondary education.

DCI.org Get all the scores — and the rich stories behind the scores — FAST at DCI.org throughout the summer.

Bring it in by Dan Acheson NOW THAT I am entering my 8th season as the Drum Corps International executive director, I have become very sensitive to what I probably say every year. I probably say the corps are going to be better than ever. I probably say that the young people who participate are more amazing human beings than ever. I’m sure I have said that the volunteers who support the corps and the events are the greatest living example to our young people. I know I have said how humbled I am whenever I am in a room full of the instructors and designers for the corps, because of their talent and unending dedication to the drum corps experience. And I know I have said that the fans in the stands that jump to their feet for the performers at events throughout the summer are nothing short of champions in their own right. Although I say it every year, I cannot say it enough to all that are involved in the drum corps experience. You are truly exceptional people for engaging in one of the world’s truly great youth activities. My annual rap may be getting old, but the emotion I feel for all that YOU do gets stronger everyday. I look forward to sharing an outstanding 2003 season with all of you, and I THANK YOU for making a difference in the drum corps experience. Enjoy!

Publisher: Drum Corps International Co-Editors: Emily Neuendorf and Dave Wilson Design and Production for Drum Corps International: DesignAura, Martinez, California Art Direction: Laura Bratt Contributing Writers: Dan Acheson, Marco Buscaglia, Chris Hollenback, Jaimie Hollenback, Emily Neuendorf, Emily Tannert, Dave Wilson Performance Photography: Sid and Linda Unser

Drum Corps International is a non-profit organization formed to service the North American drum and bugle corps activity. Editorial and business offices are located at 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101, phone 630.628.7888, fax 630.628.7971. DCI TODAY is published in Fall, Winter and Summer each year. Non-profit organization U.S. postage paid at Madison, WI permit #2223.


Pit Break That’s Dr. Dean to you

Crossmen director Dean Musson will earn his Ph.D in music education from the University of Kansas this year, where he also received a master’s degree. “The whole experience has been extremely educational and allowed me not only a great teaching experience at the University level but an environment which expanded my knowledge and curiosity about music education,” Musson said. Musson’s dissertation is on "The Effectiveness of a Timbral Education Program in Identification of Timbral Differences in Like Instruments." Lisa Collins, who aged out with the Jersey Surf last summer and will assist that same corps in 2003, spent her winter break as a scientific crewmember on a research vessel. Collins sailed from Wood's Hole, MA, to Fortaleza, Brazil, as part of a three-credit oceanography course at the University of Maryland, where she is a senior majoring in geology. “While on the cruise, we measured daily the amount of plankton in the water at different depths, the amount of dissolved organic matter in the water, the strength of the sun and the amount of sunlight in the water column. I worked on measuring

A Night at the Opera How do you get to Lincoln Center from Bergenfield? Ask Daniel Arredondo. A member of The Cadets’ color guard from Kyle, Texas, Arredondo performed with the New York Philharmonic chorus as part of a celebration of the French romantic composer Hector Berlioz’s 200th birthday. Arredondo, flanked by television actor David Hyde Pierce, performed in the opera “Beatrice et Benedict.” “Every morning during the week of April 9 we (the opera chorus) would get up at

A Drum major and a scholar Chris Loomis, 21, of Laguna Hills, Calif.,

is a drum major for the Pacific Crest. Right now he’s in the middle of a unique combination of his two loves: Academia and drum corps. Loomis, who will graduate with a degree in history from Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., in 2004, is using the Boston Crusaders as an academic case study. “Right now I am working on a history of the Boston Crusaders from the 1950s through the 1970s. I have wanted to write about drum corps for some time — the history of the activity is absolutely fascinating. So much about drum corps has changed since its inception, yet the com-

monality of the emotional experience among past and current performers seems to transcend these evolutions. “Choosing the Crusaders for a case study was easy — they have a strong alumni network that made it easy to contact former members — and the corps has its own long and rich history that provides an interesting story in and of itself. Loomis plans to get a Ph.d in history in the near future. “I someday hope to teach eager young undergraduates and write lots of lengthy and widely purchased books.” Share your drum corps experiences with Loomis at drumcorpshistory@hotmail.com

Jersey sailor water temperature, density, salinity and light transmission through the water. Using these measurements, we were able to tell when we passed through the Amazon River plume, and when we moved from one oceanic current into another,” Collins said. “My favorite parts of being on the ship were watching the water from the helm or the upper deck of the boat. Nights were surreal. We saw both extremes from a moonless night, where you could barely see the horizon, to a full moon which lit up the sea for miles,” Collins said. 6:30 in the morning to be in New York by 10 a.m. for rehearsals with Sir Colin Davis, one of the world's leading conductors of Berlioz’s music,” Arredondo said. “It was so amazing to see the rehearsals mold into a masterpiece of art.” When he’s not performing with the Philharmonic or The Cadets, Arredondo attends Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, where he’s getting a music education degree with a minor in dance.

The Gibbs (from left) Dave, Peyton, Sherrie and Ainsley

A Blue Devil baby Ainsley Elise Gibbs, daughter of Blue Devils’ executive director Dave Gibbs and his wife, Sherrie, was born on Jan. 7, 2003. Ainsley’s brother, Peyton, who celebrated his second birthday on April 28, “is a very protective brother,” Gibbs said. “He kisses her goodnight every evening.” The Gibbs family planned for Ainsley’s birth “like the invasion of Normandy,” Gibbs said. “There were many things to get done, one of them was to buy every pink baby item in Northern California. That task was accomplished by Mom to perfection.”


The Ebb and Flow A drum corps season has a certain flow to it, an ebb and tide that helps those of us marching put the season and its events into perspective. Given that we march a show almost every night, and are frequently in a new city (or even a new state) every day, one football field can bleed into another very easily in the blur of tour. Although DCI Finals is the obvious final goal of the season, the penultimate performance, intermediate milestones help to keep the daily routine from becoming monotonous.

by Emily Tannert


DCI HAS PROGRAMMED several of these intermediate milestones into the drum corps season. Each Saturday starting in midJuly, all the Division I corps perform at a regional show. DCI began the regionals several years ago to help build the competition and excitement of the second half of the season towards finals week, and since the drum corps world has integrated the various regional tours, these regionals have expanded to include several early-season shows. The first regional of 2003 is in Louisville, Ky., the weekend of June 21. While I have never had the opportunity to march at Papa John's Cardinal Stadium, I am extremely excited about the expansion of drum corps visibility in the Southeast with the advent of regional shows such as this one. In addition, Louisville in June is the perfect setting for a huge drum corps event like this one! In my two years (2001, 2002) of drum corps tour, the first large event of the season is the Bloomington-Normal show, also known as DCI Central Illinois, held this year on June 25. The show is part of a week-long Bands of America camp for high school students, and is popularly known on tour as a "band-o" show because of high level of excitement these high school marchers exhibit as part of the crowd at a drum corps show. Last year I was asked several times to take pictures with high school drum majors (future

Mountains combined with the state-of-the-art venue gives drum corps a majestic quality that can only be found a mile above sea level. Next the corps season heats up temperature-wise as the regional season heads next to San Antonio and the Alamodome for the Southwestern Championship on July 19. Playing in a domed stadium can be a tricky thing for a marching ensemble, as pressurization and acoustics can radically alter the way a performer — and a conductor! — hears the show. That said, getting to march in air conditioning during the Texas summer is heavenly! The big screens allow all spectators an equally excellent view of the corps, and the format allows die-hard corps fans the opportunity to see every one of the Division I corps perform in the same day. The Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES show in Murfreesboro, Tenn., on July 25, is a true fan’s show in that fans can vote at the DCI Web site, www.dci.org, to decide the show order. The top eight corps from the San Antonio regional will perform, giving the Masters show a true finals flavor. The very next day, all of the Division I corps meet again in Indianapolis for the Midwestern Championship. Just like the San Antonio event, the two-show format gives the die-hard fan all the drum corps he could ask for in a gorgeous arena, the RCA

of the Summer drum corps drum majors!). Aside from the gratification of adolescent adoration, it's a wonderful feeling to know that merely by doing what you love, you can perhaps inspire others to achieve more than they might have dreamed possible! And there is nothing like the screams of a responsive crowd to get the adrenaline flowing when you're on the field. The regionals tour takes a break until mid-July, returning with THE Midwest Championships (formerly the Drum Corps Midwest circuit championships) in DeKalb, Ill., July 11 and 12. This show has always marked the halfway point of the season for Midwestern corps, and although the various regional tours have become integrated, the "DCM weekend" still holds the same significance in the seasonal flow. It's an opportunity for staffs and directors to take a look at how they measure up against their closest competition, and for members it's often one last night to enjoy some relaxation and inter-corps companionship before the competitive season really heats up. This year, in a slight change to previous years' schedules, Drums Along the Rockies in Denver, Colo., is being held the same weekend as Midwest Championships. Several Midwest corps are participating in an exchange of sorts that will allow Midwest crowds to see West Coast corps earlier in the season than usual, while the Midwest groups march in Denver. I had the privilege last season of leading the very first corps ever to march on the new INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver, and it is a humbling and inspiring experience. The awesome beauty of the Rocky

Dome, site of the Bands of America Championships each November. As a performer, one of the more interesting — even fun — aspects of this show is having to enter the field via an airlock at the side of the stadium. And even more so than in the Alamodome, the feelings of awe and insignificance you get when you step into that enormous stadium is incredible. The last regional of the season is the Eastern Classic, held this year in Allentown, Pa., on August 1 and 2. In previous years this event was held in Philadelphia. Maneuvering pit carts through the city streets — and city traffic — made for an entertaining preshow trek, to say the least! The triumphant return of drum corps to the historic Crum Stadium (which has undergone extensive renovations) gives this event a sentimental feel. It is only appropriate that the last big show before finals week honors the past as it heralds the future of the drum corps activity. The excitement of the various regional shows spices up the long two and a half months of playing and marching the same 11 minutes of music and drill. They also allow corps fans all over the country the opportunity to see groups that might not otherwise perform nearby. Hopefully you'll have the opportunity to experience the special magic of drum corps played at these impressive venues sometime this summer!

Emily Tannert is a columnist for DCI.org, and is a Glassmen pit member. She will age out at the end of this summer.


To the Box Capital Regiment “The thing I'm looking forward to the most during the summer is the shows. I remember what it's like everyday I wake up to be standing there on the field at the start of the show. It's a feeling that can't compare, and I love it. If we could have a show every day of the year, I'd do it.” — Matthew deSaracho, Capital Regiment drum major

The Cadets “This is my seventh and final year with the Cadets, as I am aging out. I just want you to know that marching for the last seven years has been a wonderful experience. As glad as I am that I am finished, I am also sad to see it all go. It has been a long journey with ups and downs, but through it all I have learned that I can accomplish anything that I want. It's funny that I will end in Florida where I began in 1997. I would like to thank everyone who helps this activity stay alive. If it weren't for you I would not be the person that I am today. I will be giving it everything that I have this summer, and I hope that you all enjoy our performances.” — Rebekah Chadderdon, The Cadets’ color guard

Seattle Cascades “Each camp has been a learning experience for me, just as my high school band camp was when I had to learn a new instrument. With each camp, I set goals, and I work hard each time to achieve them. Each flight I take back home to California from camp, I evaluate what I could have done better at each camp, what I improved on from prior camps, and what I will need to do to prepare myself for the following camps. This is what’s going to help me reach above my standards for the summer.” — Matt Smith, Seattle Cascades baritone

Blue Devils “During the summer there are many things to look forward to. The one I am looking forward to the most is finals night. For one simple reason -- that will be our peak performance. Throughout the year we all wonder if we will ever be as good as we think we can be. At that moment when we walk of the field on finals night we will have peaked and the months of practice WILL have paid off.” — Jonathan Holmes, Blue Devils’ drum major


2003 Drum Corps International



Middleton, WI

Portage, MI

DCI Midwest www.madisoncorps.org 608.837.0707 Madison Scouts Colts Capital Sound Racine Scouts Blue Stars Americanos Kingsmen

DCI Midwest 269.385.2505 Phantom Regiment Southwind The Cavaliers Capital Regiment Marion Glory Cadets Scenic City Dimensions

June 13 Oswego, IL DCI Midwest www.festivalofbrass.com 630.896.2016 Glassmen The Cavaliers Capital Sound Americanos Kingsmen

Racine, WI DCI Midwest Racine Scouts Madison Scouts Colts Pioneer Kilties, Sr. Blue Stars

June 14 Toledo, OH DCI Midwest www.glassmen.org 866.468.3401 Glassmen The Cavaliers Phantom Regiment Southwind Capital Regiment Marion Glory Cadets Dimensions

Appleton, WI DCI Midwest Madison Scouts Pioneer Colts Capital Sound Americanos Kilties, Sr. Blue Stars Racine Scouts

June 15 Menomonie, WI DCI Midwest www.darc.us Madison Scouts Minnesota Brass, Sr. Colts Pioneer Chops Inc., Sr. Capital Sound Americanos Blue Stars Decorah Kilties

June 17 Crown Point, IN DCI Midwest Glassmen The Cavaliers Madison Scouts Colts Southwind Marion Glory Cadets Scenic City

June 18 Harrison, OH DCI Midwest Marion Glory Cadets Glassmen Phantom Regiment Bluecoats Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Dimensions Scenic City

June 20 Norwalk, CA DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 www.impulseyoutharts.org Blue Devils Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Knights Mandarins Pacific Crest Esperanza Alliance Impulse Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils B So Cal Dream, Sr

Sevierville, TN DCI Atlantic 865.453.4026 The Cadets The Cavaliers Bluecoats SPIRIT Magic of Orlando Carolina Crown Scenic City Memphis Sound

Columbus, OH DCI Midwest www.capitalregiment.org 614.447.4169 Glassmen Phantom Regiment Colts Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Southwind Marion Glory Cadets Americanos

In 2003, Drum Corps International will bring you over 140 drum and bugle June 21 corps events throughout the United Louisville SUMMER MUSIC GAMES States and Canada. The schedule on Louisville, KY the following pages reflects the 2003 DCI.org SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Tour at time of press and June 21, 2003 is subject to change. In Louisville SUMMER MUSIC GAMES general, corps are listed in Louisville, Kentucky reverse performance order. 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org Of course, with the nature Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium • 7 PM The Cadets • Cavaliers • Buecoats • Glassmen • Magic of Orlando of the activity and the man SPIRIT • Madison Scouts • Colts • Southwind • Carolina Crown Marion Glory Cadets • Americanos • Eklipse uncontrollable factors Ticket Prices: affecting the summer tour, Premium Tickets $25 • Value Tickets $18 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more) the schedule is subject to change. Please contact San Diego, CA Birmingham, AL your local show promoter at the DCI Pacific DCI Atlantic numbers provided to verify times, DCI.org Crossmen 800.495.7469x3 Glassmen contest line-up and other details. If Blue Devils Spirit from JSU Santa Clara Vanguard Madison Scouts the contact information you need is Blue Knights Southwind Mandarins Revolution not listed, please check DCI.org for Pacific Crest Teal Sound more details. We post contact Esperanza Scenic City Blue Devils B Memphis Sound information as it comes in from the Vanguard Cadets June 23 Impulse various shows. Alliance So Cal Dream, Sr

Waukesha, WI DCI Midwest Pioneer Capital Regiment Phantom Regiment Capital Sound Governaires, Sr. Kilties, Sr. Bandettes Racine Scouts

June 22 Riverside, CA DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Blue Devils Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Knights Mandarins Pacific Crest Blue Devils B Vanguard Cadets Alliance Esperanza Impulse So Cal Dream, Sr

Woodstock, IL DCI Midwest Phantom Regiment Pioneer Capital Sound Kilties, Sr. Blue Stars Racine Scouts Kingsmen

Rockford, IL DCI Midwest www.centreevents.com 815.968.5222 Phantom Regiment The Cavaliers The Cadets Colts Pioneer Americanos Blue Stars Marion Glory Cadets

Atlanta, GA DCI Atlantic www.spiritofatlanta.org 770.438.0366 Spirit from JSU Bluecoats Crossmen Carolina Crown Revolution Scenic City Teal Sound Memphis Sound Court of Honor CorpsVets, Sr

June 24 Evansville, IN DCI Midwest www.drumsontheohio.com 812.476.3002 Glassmen SPIRIT Magic of Orlando Madison Scouts Southwind Eklipse

Charlotte, NC DCI Atlantic nightbeat.carolinacrown.org 803.547.2665 Carolina Crown Crossmen Bluecoats Revolution Teal Sound Scenic City

Bakersfield, CA DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Devils Blue Knights Impulse Alliance

June 25 Central Illinois SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Bloomington /Normal, IL

June 25, 2003 Central Illinois SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Bloomington /Normal, Illinois 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org ISU’s Hancock Stadium • 7:30 PM The Cavaliers • The Cadets Glassmen • SPIRIT Colts • Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Southwind • Pioneer Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $18 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more)


June 27

June 26

Champlin, MN

Chesapeake, VA DCI Atlantic www.tidewatersmg.org 877.827.1177 Crossmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown Scenic City Lehigh Valley Knights Teal Sound

DCI Midwest www.chopsinc.com 320.743.3503 Chops Inc., Sr. Minnesota Brass, Sr. Pioneer SPIRIT Governaires, Sr. Americanos Racine Scouts Blue Stars


Drum Corps International


Buffalo, NY

Marion, OH

Riverside, CA

Glendora, CA

DCI Atlantic www.musiconthemon.com 412.896.2353 Glassmen Magic of Orlando Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Kiwanis Kavaliers Lake Erie Regiment

DCI Atlantic www.grace-events.com 716.867.1618 Magic of Orlando Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Kiwanis Kavaliers Lake Erie Regiment

DCI Midwest 740.387.6736 Capital Regiment Madison Scouts Magic of Orlando Lake Erie Regiment Bandettes Marion Glory Cadets Eklipse

East Rutherford, NJ

DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Devils Phantom Regiment Blue Knights Seattle Cascades Mandarins Troopers Pacific Crest Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils B Blue Devils C Renegades, Sr.

DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Mandarins Pacific Crest Esperanza Impulse Alliance

DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Santa Clara Vanguard Phantom Regiment Pacific Crest Mandarins Impulse Esperanza Alliance So Cal Dream, Sr.

DCI Atlantic www.yea.org 877.512.TUBA (8822) The Cadets Boston Crusaders The Cavaliers Crossmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown Raiders

Stockton, CA DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Blue Devils Santa Clara Vanguard Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Mandarins Pacific Crest Troopers Blue Devils B Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils C River City Regiment, Sr. Fever

June 28 Malden, MA DCI Atlantic www.eastcoastjazz.org 781.388.9411 East Coast Jazz Spartans Citations Cadets of New York City Patriots Targets Raiders

Allentown, PA DCI Atlantic www.yea.org 877.512.TUBA (8822) Crossmen The Cadets Boston Crusaders The Cavaliers Glassmen Carolina Crown Jersey Surf

Waukegan, IL DCI Midwest Bandettes Kilties, Sr. Marion Glory Cadets Dimensions Kingsmen Eklipse

Alexandria, MN DCI Midwest www.marching.com/events 800.235.9441 SPIRIT Minnesota Brass, Sr. Southwind Governaires, Sr. Chops Inc., Sr. Blue Stars Americanos

Hayward, CA

June 29 Hastings, MN DCI Midwest Minnesota Brass, Sr. Colts Pioneer Southwind Chops Inc., Sr. Capital Sound Governaires, Sr. Blue Stars Racine Scouts

Beverly, MA DCI Atlantic www.nesba.org/beanpot 978.927.3354 The Cadets The Cavaliers Boston Crusaders Crossmen Glassmen Patriots East Coast Jazz

Pleasant Hill, CA DCI Pacific DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 Blue Devils Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Seattle Cascades Mandarins Pacific Crest Troopers Blue Devils B Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils C Renegades, Sr. River City Regiment, Sr. Fever

June 30 New London, CT DCI Atlantic Boston Crusaders Glassmen Crossmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown Patriots

July 01 Mankato, MN DCI Midwest Colts Minnesota Brass, Sr. SPIRIT Governaires, Sr. Capital Sound Americanos Blue Stars Decorah Kilties

July 02 LaCrosse, WI DCI Midwest www.bluestars.org Blue Stars Colts Southwind Pioneer SPIRIT Capital Sound Americanos Decorah Kilties

Pt. Huron, MI DCI Midwest 810.982.9692 Magic of Orlando Kiwanis Kavaliers Capital Regiment The Cavaliers Lake Erie Regiment Marion Glory Cadets Bandettes Dimensions

Ft. Edward, NY DCI Atlantic www.adironackdrums.com 518.747.4342 The Cadets Boston Crusaders Crossmen Glassmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown Patriots

Woodburn, OR DCI Pacific www.woodburnchamber.org 503.982.8221 Blue Devils Seattle Cascades Troopers Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils B Oregon Crusaders

July 03 Vancouver, WA DCI Pacific www.nlinc.org 877.425.6904 Blue Devils Seattle Cascades Troopers Blue Devils B Vanguard Cadets Oregon Crusaders

Frankfort, IL DCI Midwest www.bengtson.org/ soundsoffreedom/ 815.464.4148 The Cavaliers Magic of Orlando Colts Kiwanis Kavaliers Americanos Marion Glory Cadets Lake Erie Regiment Colt Cadets Kingsmen

Cedarburg, WI DCI Midwest www.cedarburgpac.com 262.376.6161 Southwind Madison Scouts Pioneer SPIRIT Capital Sound Blue Stars Bandettes Racine Scouts Decorah Kilties

Bristol, RI DCI Atlantic www.july4thbristolri.com 401.253.0445 The Cadets Bluecoats Glassmen Crossmen Carolina Crown Spartans Patriots

July 05 Racine, WI DCI Midwest Kilties, Sr. Capital Regiment Southwind Magic of Orlando Racine Scouts Americanos Kingsmen

Michigan City, IN DCI Midwest www.cavaliers.org 630.968.0419 The Cavaliers SPIRIT Madison Scouts Colts Kiwanis Kavaliers Pioneer Capital Sound Bandettes Marion Glory Cadets Lake Erie Regiment

Nashua, NH DCI Atlantic www.spartansdbc.org The Cadets Boston Crusaders Crossmen Bluecoats Glassmen Carolina Crown Spartans East Coast Jazz Jersey Surf Patriots

Seattle, WA DCI Pacific www.brassinthegrass.com Blue Devils Seattle Cascades Troopers Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils B Oregon Crusaders

July 06 Spokane, WA DCI Pacific Blue Devils Seattle Cascades Troopers Blue Devils B Vanguard Cadets Oregon Crusaders

Phoenix, AZ DCI Pacific www.arizonaacademy.org 480.839.1274 Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Pacific Crest Esperanza Alliance

Springfield, MA DCI Atlantic Target East Coast Jazz Cadets of New York City Quest Spartans Patriots Citations Phoenix St. John's Spirit of Newark

Dixon, IL DCI Midwest www.petuniafestival.org 815.284.3361 Pioneer Kiwanis Kavaliers Capital Sound Marion Glory Cadets Bandettes Lake Erie Regiment Kingsmen

Charles City, IA DCI Midwest www.charlescityband.com/mim 641.330.4348 Capital Regiment Colts SPIRIT Americanos Decorah Kilties Colt Cadets Dimensions

St. Peter, MN DCI Midwest www.governaires.org 507.388.1927 Governaires, Sr. Magic of Orlando Minnesota Brass, Sr. Chops Inc., Sr. Blue Stars Racine Scouts

Hershey, PA DCI Atlantic www.fivestarbrass.com 717.652.4138 The Cadets Boston Crusaders Crossmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown

July 07 Stillwater, MN DCI Midwest www.lumberjackdays.com/ drumbeauty.html 651.430.2306 The Cavaliers SPIRIT Magic of Orlando Madison Scouts Southwind Minnesota Brass, Sr. Racine Scouts Blue Stars

July 08 Sioux Falls, SD DCI Midwest 605.362.2871 The Cavaliers Magic of Orlando SPIRIT Pioneer

Cincinnati, OH DCI Atlantic summermusicgamesin cincinnati.org 513.858.3788 The Cadets Boston Crusaders Crossmen Glassmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown Marion Glory Cadets Memphis Sound Eklipse

Boise, ID DCI Pacific thunder.boisestate.edu/dci 208.426.1846 Blue Devils Blue Knights Seattle Cascades Troopers Vanguard Cadets Oregon Crusaders

July 09 Ogden, UT DCI Pacific Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Devils Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Troopers Vanguard Cadets

Madison, WI DCI Midwest www.madisoncorps.org 608.837.0707 Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Southwind Capital Sound Blue Stars Bandettes Lake Erie Regiment Decorah Kilties

Ankeny, IA DCI Midwest www.ankenychamber.org 515.964.0685 Pioneer Colts Kiwanis Kavaliers The Cavaliers Racine Scouts Americanos Colt Cadets Dimensions


Drum Corps International


Denver, CO

Omaha, NE

DCI Atlantic 800.900.5171 The Cadets Boston Crusaders Bluecoats Glassmen Crossmen Carolina Crown Eklipse Memphis Sound

DCI DCI.org 800.495.7469x3 www.bknights.org Blue Knights Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Devils Magic of Orlando Seattle Cascades SPIRIT Troopers Vanguard Cadet

DCI Blue Devils Boston Crusaders Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Carolina Crown Kiwanis Kavaliers

July 10 Dubuque, IA DCI Midwest Colts The Cavaliers Southwind Madison Scouts Chops Inc., Sr. Governaires, Sr. Americanos Lake Erie Regiment Decorah Kilties Colt Cadets

San Diego, CA

Alton, IL

July 13

DCI Midwest The Cadets Boston Crusaders Crossmen Bluecoats Pioneer Kingsmen

Casper, WY DCI Pacific www.troopersdrumcorps.org 307.358.5883 Santa Clara Vanguard Magic of Orlando SPIRIT Troopers Oregon Crusaders

July 11 THE Midwest Championships DeKalb, IL DCI.org

Greeley, CO DCI • www.bknights.org Phantom Regiment Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Troopers Vanguard Cadets Oregon Crusaders

July 12 THE Midwest Championships DeKalb, IL

DCI Pacific Pacific Crest Esperanza Blue Devils B Impulse Alliance Blue Devils C River City Regiment, Sr. So Cal Dream, Sr Renegades, Sr.

West Covina, CA DCI Pacific Pacific Crest Blue Devils B Esperanza Impulse Alliance River City Regiment, Sr. So Cal Dream, Sr Renegades, Sr.

Doylestown, PA DCI Atlantic Lehigh Valley Knights Patriots Cadets of New York City Phoenix Quest Raiders Jersey Surf East Coast Jazz Citations Spirit of Newark Spartans

July 14 Albuquerque, NM DCI www.bknights.org 505.292.0707 Blue Knights Phantom Regiment Seattle Cascades SPIRIT Magic of Orlando Troopers Revolution


July 11-12, 2003 THE Midwest Championships DeKalb, Illinois 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org Huskie Stadium • Friday, July 11th • 6:30 PM Boston Crusaders • The Cadets • Crossmen • Carolina Crown • Kiwanis Kavaliers • Blue Stars • Bandettes Marion Glory Cadets • Racine Scouts • Lake Erie Regiment Americanos • Dimensions • Kingsmen • Decorah Kilties Colt Cadets • Eklipse • Memphis Sound Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $25 • Value Tickets $18 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more) Huskie Stadium • Saturday, July 12th • 6 PM The Cavaliers • Bluecoats • Glassmen • Southwind Pioneer • Madison Scouts • Colts • Capital Regiment Minnesota Brass, Sr • Chops Inc, Sr • Kilties, Sr Governaires, Sr • Capital Sound Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $25 • Value Tickets $18 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more)

July 15 El Paso, TX DCI • www.vtep.edu/music/ drumsalongtheborder Phantom Regiment Magic of Orlando SPIRIT Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Troopers Revolution

Wichita, KS DCI www.drumsacrosskansas.com 316.684.0501 The Cadets Boston Crusaders The Cavaliers Crossmen Colts Capital Regiment Southwind

July 16 Midland, TX DCI www.lx.net/dcimidland Phantom Regiment SPIRIT Magic of Orlando Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Troopers Revolution

Enid, OK DCI www.bigblueband.org 580.213.2929 The Cavaliers Blue Devils Madison Scouts Southwind Capital Regiment Kiwanis Kavaliers

Siloam Springs, AR DCI 479.524.3104 The Cadets Crossmen Glassmen Bluecoats Carolina Crown Pioneer

July 17 Dallas, TX DCI www.lakehighlandsbands.org 214.342.1324 The Cadets Blue Devils Crossmen Glassmen Madison Scouts Southwind Carolina Crown Capital Regiment Kiwanis Kavaliers Pioneer

Leander, TX DCI Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Boston Crusaders Bluecoats Magic of Orlando Blue Knights Colts Troopers

July 18 Houston, TX DCI www.drumcorpstexas.com 281.397.8124 The Cavaliers Santa Clara Vanguard The Cadets Boston Crusaders Glassmen Revolution

July 19

Brick, NJ

Pascagoula, MS

DCI Atlantic phoenixnj.org Phoenix Spartans Cadets of New York City Scenic City Raiders Lehigh Valley Knights Quest Targets Jersey Surf East Coast Jazz

DCI • 228.392.4093 www.GCMusicGames.org Blue Devils Phantom Regiment Crossmen Bluecoats SPIRIT Madison Scouts Carolina Crown Kiwanis Kavaliers

July 23 Kennesaw, GA

Southwestern Championship

July 19, 2003 Southwestern Championship

DCI • www.kmbo.org 678.797.9065 Phantom Regiment Crossmen SPIRIT Carolina Crown Madison Scouts Southwind Pioneer Court of Honor

San Antonio, Texas

July 24

San Antonio, TX DCI.org

800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org Alamodome • Noon All Division I corps will compete throughout the day. The top four scoring corps from the afternoon performance will advance on to compete in the evening show. Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $45 Super Tickets $35 • Value Tickets $25 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more)

Ste. St. Marie, ON, Canada

Grand Rapids, MI

DCI Midwest Bandettes Americanos Marion Glory Cadets Dimensions Colt Cadets Kingsmen

DCI Midwest Dimensions Racine Scouts Marion Glory Cadets Bandettes Americanos Kingsmen Colt Cadets

Brooklyn, NY

July 21

DCI Atlantic Quest Cadets of New York City Scenic City Lehigh Valley Knights Phoenix

Sunnyvale, CA DCI Pacific www.scvanguard.org 408.727.5532 Pacific Crest Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils B Blue Devils C River City Regiment, Sr. Renegades, Sr. So Cal Dream, Sr

Southbridge, MA DCI Atlantic Spartans East Coast Jazz Citations Targets Spirit of Newark

July 20 Sacramento, CA DCI Pacific www.renegades.org Pacific Crest Vanguard Cadets Blue Devils B Blue Devils C River City Regiment, Sr. Renegades, Sr.

Wichita Falls, TX DCI members.tripod.com/holliday eagleband/index.htm 940.696.2561 Boston Crusaders The Cavaliers Glassmen Magic of Orlando Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Capital Regiment Troopers

Baton Rouge, LA DCI www.brso.org 225.383.0500 Santa Clara Vanguard Blue Devils Bluecoats SPIRIT Colts Southwind Mandarins Kiwanis Kavaliers Pioneer Revolution

July 22 Broken Arrow, OK DCI •918.357.5717 members.aol.com/baprideexpo The Cavaliers Boston Crusaders Glassmen Magic of Orlando Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Capital Regiment Troopers

Jacksonville, AL DCI www.spiritdrumcorps.org 256.782.5908 SPIRIT The Cadets Crossmen Colts Southwind Pioneer Teal Sound CorpsVets, Sr

Dubuque, IA DCI Div II & III Colt Cadets Bandettes Capital Sound Racine Scouts Marion Glory Cadets Memphis Sound Revolution Allegiance Elite Edmonton Strutters Americanos

July 25 Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Murfreesboro, TN DCI.org

July 25, 2003 Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Murfreesboro, TN 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org MTSU Stadium • 8 PM The top 8 scoring corps from San Antonio will then earn the opportunity as current year Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES to compete at MTSU. Last year's top 8 corps included: The Cavaliers • Blue Devils • The Cadets • Santa Clara Vanguard • Phantom Regiment • Boston Crusaders Bluecoats • Glassmen Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $40 Super Tickets $30 Value Tickets $20 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more)


The Band Hall

Phone: 800-398-3064

Fax: 888-252-4863

Drum Corps International


Ottawa, IL

Erie, PA

Lehigh Valley, PA

DCI Division II & III DCI.org Revolution Blue Stars Yamato Capital Sound Marion Glory Cadets Americanos Allegiance Elite Blue Saints Bandettes Edmonton Strutters Kingsmen Dimensions Colt Cadets Memphis Sound

DCI Division II & III 815.434.0980 www.ottawariverfest.com Impulse Memphis Sound Revolution Allegiance Elite Americanos Yamato Dimensions

DCI Division II & III 814.456.5300 www.leregiment.org Lake Erie Regiment Esperanza East Coast Jazz Patriots Yamato Spartans Capital Sound Scenic City Dutch Boy Cadets of New York City Racine Scouts Spirit of Newark St. John's Les Stentors Quebec Alliance Lehigh Valley Knights Raiders Blue Saints

DCI Division II & III Lehigh Valley Knights Blue Saints Cadets of New York City Jersey Surf Raiders Racine Scouts Yamato Les Stentors Patriots

July 26 Midwestern Championship Indianapolis, IN DCI.org

July 26, 2003 Midwestern Championship Indianapolis, Indiana 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org RCA Dome • Noon All Division I corps will compete throughout the day. The top four corps from the afternoon performance will advance on to the evening show. Order of appearance is determined by DCI Southwestern results. Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $45 Super Tickets $35 Value Tickets $25 Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more)

Wayne, NJ DCI Division II & III Raiders Patriots Esperanza Scenic City Cadets of New York City Spirit of Newark Lehigh Valley Knights St. John's Les Stentors Quebec Alliance Quest Citations Targets Racine Scouts

New Brunswick, NJ DCI Division II & III 856.753.DRUM www.jerseysurf.org Jersey Surf Spartans East Coast Jazz Phoenix

So. Milwaukee, WI DCI Midwest Blue Stars Bandettes Kilties, Sr. Marion Glory Cadets Kingsmen Colt Cadets

July 27 Des Plaines, IL DCI www.cavaliers.org/cgi-bin/news .pl?cmd=showstory&id=371 630.968.0419 The Cavaliers The Cadets Magic of Orlando Colts Mandarins Revolution Blue Stars

Shelbyville, KY DCI Midwest Southwind Blue Devils Seattle Cascades Madison Scouts Carolina Crown Troopers

Canton, OH DCI www.profootballhoffestival .com 800.533.4302 Bluecoats Boston Crusaders Santa Clara Vanguard Phantom Regiment SPIRIT Blue Knights Kiwanis Kavaliers Pioneer

Knox, PA DCI Division II & III Spartans Esperanza East Coast Jazz Cadets of New York City Les Stentors Spirit of Newark Scenic City Lake Erie Regiment

Rochester, NY DCI Division II & III Patriots Capital Sound Racine Scouts Blue Saints Lehigh Valley Knights St. John's Dutch Boy

July 28 Sarnia, ON, Canada DCI Division II & III Allegiance Elite Edmonton Strutters Bandettes Kingsmen Americanos Blue Stars Dimensions

Centerville, OH DCI www.centervilleband.org/soa ringsounds Phantom Regiment Glassmen Madison Scouts Colts Capital Regiment Mandarins Marion Glory Cadets

Pittsburgh, PA DCI www.Baldwin.k12.pa.us/ patrons/music.htm 412.885.7900 x6775 Santa Clara Vanguard The Cadets Boston Crusaders Crossmen Southwind Troopers Pioneer

Rome, NY DCI www.drumsalongthemohawk .com 315.339.6484 Boston Crusaders Bluecoats Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Southwind Troopers Mandarins Pioneer

August 1-2, 2003 Eastern Classic Allentown, Pennsylvania 800.495.7469 • 630.628.7888x3 • DCI.org J. Birney Crum Stadium • Friday, August 1 • 7:30 PM The Cadets • Santa Clara Vanguard • Boston Crusaders Phantom Regiment • Magic of Orlando • Colts Capital Regiment • Southwind • Mandarins Kiwanis Kavaliers • Pioneer • Lehigh Valley Knights Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $30 • Super Tickets $25 Value Tickets $20 • Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more) J. Birney Crum Stadium • Saturday, August 2 • 7:30 PM The Cavaliers • Blue Devils • Bluecoats • Glassmen Crossmen • SPIRIT from JSU • Seattle Cascades Blue Knights • Madison Scouts • Carolina Crown • Troopers Ticket Prices: Premium Tickets $30 • Super Tickets $25 Value Tickets $20 • Group Seats $15 (groups of 25 or more)

Winston-Salem, NC

DCI www.cityofhornell.com 607.324.7421 Phantom Regiment Crossmen Magic of Orlando Colts Kiwanis Kavaliers Capital Sound

DCI Division II & III Yamato East Coast Jazz Patriots Marion Glory Cadets Raiders St. John's Phoenix Teal Sound Spirit of Newark

July 29

Columbia, SC

Louisville, KY

Erie, PA

DCI www.summermusicgames .com/drumbeauty.html 803.936.1746 The Cavaliers Glassmen Seattle Cascades SPIRIT Blue Knights Carolina Crown Teal Sound

August 01

DCI www.leregiment.org 814.456.5300 Santa Clara Vanguard Crossmen Bluecoats Magic of Orlando Colts Capital Regiment Kiwanis Kavaliers Lake Erie Regiment Esperanza

Charlotte, NC DCI nightbeat.carolinacrown.org 803.547.2665 Carolina Crown Blue Devils The Cavaliers Seattle Cascades Spirit from JSU Blue Knights Teal Sound

Hornell, NY

July 31 Lynn, MA DCI www.crusaders.com 617.268.4600 Boston Crusaders Bluecoats Madison Scouts Southwind Mandarins Troopers Pioneer

Kitchener, Ontario

West Chester, PA

DCI Division II & III Dutch Boy Allegiance Elite East Coast Jazz Edmonton Strutters Blue Saints Blue Saints St. John's Kingsmen

DCI www.yea.org 877.512.TUBA (8822) The Cadets Phantom Regiment Santa Clara Vanguard Crossmen Magic of Orlando Kiwanis Kavaliers Jersey Surf

July 30 Greenville, MI DCI Division II & III Impulse Revolution Spartans Blue Stars Americanos Dimensions Bandettes

Salem, VA DCI www.virtualsalem.com/dci 540.375.3004 The Cavaliers Blue Devils Glassmen SPIRIT Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Carolina Crown Esperanza

DCI Division II & III Impulse Revolution Allegiance Elite Dimensions Scenic City Edmonton Strutters Alliance Dutch Boy

Eastern Classic Allentown, PA DCI.org

Chattanooga, TN DCI Division II & III www.buglecorps.org 423.266.6627 Scenic City Spartans Yamato Blue Stars Americanos Allegiance Elite Impulse Alliance Quest Edmonton Strutters Bandettes Decorah Kilties Kingsmen Dimensions Dutch Boy

Tarboro, NC DCI Division II & III Jersey Surf Esperanza East Coast Jazz Patriots Marion Glory Cadets Capital Sound Phoenix Blue Saints Lake Erie Regiment Cadets of New York City Racine Scouts Spirit of Newark St. John's Les Stentors Citations Teal Sound Quebec Alliance Raiders

August 02 Eastern Classic Allentown, PA DCI.org

August 03 Valdosta, GA DCI Division II & III 229.245.2269 www.georgiabridgemen.com Revolution Spartans Americanos Blue Stars Allegiance Elite Impulse Scenic City Alliance Bandettes Kingsmen Decorah Kilties Quest Dimensions Dutch Boy Court of Honor Lehigh Valley Knights Memphis Sound

Jacksonville, FL DCI Division II & III Teal Sound Esperanza East Coast Jazz Patriots Jersey Surf Marion Glory Cadets Capital Sound Pacific Crest Targets Blue Saints Lake Erie Regiment Cadets of New York City Racine Scouts Spirit of Newark Phoenix St. John's Citations Quebec Alliance Les Stentors Raiders

Warrenton, VA DCI Santa Clara Vanguard Bluecoats Seattle Cascades Blue Knights Colts Madison Scouts Capital Regiment Carolina Crown Southwind Kiwanis Kavaliers


World 2003 Drum Corps International

Stay in Downtown Orlando! We don’t suggest, we insist! Most of you live, eat and sleep drum corps, but during the waking moments when you WON’T be completely mentally preoccupied during World Championships Week, there’s plenty to do in the exciting downtown Orlando area. You can’t lose — you’ll be minutes from the Citrus Bowl, in the heart of DCI’s Individual & Ensemble contest, and surrounded by great nightlife.

Visit DCI.org for a great listing of downtown Orlando hotels


August 5th

Division II & III Preliminaries 8:00 AM Dr Phillips High School

Ticket Prices: General Admission $7

Disney Tickets Drum Corps International is proud to offer tickets to the Walt Disney theme parks at a reduced rate. Since you can’t visit Orlando without visiting Mickey, call DCI at 800.495.7469 to purchase your tickets today!

*Groups of 25 or more.


For tickets and more information, please visit

August 5th – 9th Orlando, Florida

Championships Wednesday Thursday August 6th


August 7th

August 8th

DCI Individual & Ensemble Competition

Division II & III Semifinals

8 AM – 3 PM

Dr Phillips High School

Various locations in Downtown Orlando Admission is FREE!

Parade of Champions After 6 PM Disney’s Epcot Admission to parade is FREE with purchase of Disney ticket into Epcot! Parade will feature the top 12 corps from 2002

5 PM Ticket Prices: General Admission $7

Division I Quarterfinals

August 9th

Marching Leadership for Students Clinic Featuring Phantom Regiment

3 PM Citrus Bowl Admission is FREE with purchase of an event ticket

Division II & III World Championships 9 AM Citrus Bowl

Ticket Prices: General Admission $15

Division I Semifinals

3PM Citrus Bowl

Ticket Prices: Premium Super Value Group*


$30 $20 $15 $12

4:45 PM Camp Randall Stadium

Ticket Prices: Premium Super Value Group*

$40 $30 $20 $15

Following Semifinals, plan on sitting back and enjoying DCI’s Individual & Ensemble Gold Medal Ceremony followed by the class of 2003 Age-out Ceremony in the stadium.

Division I World Championships 5 PM Citrus Bowl

Ticket Prices: Premium Super Super Value Value

DCI.org or call 800-495-7469

$75 $55 $35 $25


Drum Corps International

2003 SUMMER MUSIC GAMES # of tickets

total price

Southern California SUMMER MUSIC GAMES**

# of tickets

total price

Southwestern Championship

$16.00 $12.00

_____________ _____________

Saturday, June 21, 2003 Westview High School, San Diego, CA 6:30 PM Reserved Seats ________@ $16.00 Group Seats* ________@ $12.00

Saturday, July 19, 2003 Alamodome, San Antonio, TX Full Day Event Tickets Premium Seats ________@ Noon Super Seats ________@ Value Seats ________@ Group Seats* ________@

_____________ _____________


Southern California Classic Friday, June 20, 2003 Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA 6 PM

Reserved Seats ________@ Group Seats* ________@

Esperanza Experience

Western Corps Connection

Sunday, June 22, 2003 Riverside Community College, Riverside, CA 6:30 PM Reserved Seats ________@ $16.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $12.00 _____________ Sounds of Summer Tuesday, June 24, 2003 Liberty High School, Bakersfield, CA 6:30pm Reserved Seats ________@ $14.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $12.00 _____________

Western Corps Connection II

Thursday, July 3, 2003 Riverside Community College, Riverside, CA 7:30 PM Reserved Seats ________@ $16.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $12.00 _____________ Corps at the Crest Saturday, July 5, 2003 Citrus College, Glendora, CA 6:30 PM Reserved Seats ________@ $16.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $12.00 _____________

Weekend of Champions

Moonlight Classic Friday, June 27, 2003 UOP’s Memorial Stadium, Stockton, CA

VIP Seats*** ________@ $45.00 _____________ Premium Reserved Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Reserved Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________ Pacific Procession Saturday, June 28, 2003 CSU Hayward Stadium, Hayward, CA 6:30pm VIP Gold Seats*** ________@ $45.00 _____________ Premier Reserved Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ Premium Reserved Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Reserved Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________ Precision West Sunday, June 29, 2003 Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA $45.00 _____________ n/a 5:00pm VIP Amigo Seats*** ________@ Premium Reserved Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Reserved Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________ 6:30pm


Saturday, June 21, 2003 Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, Louisville, KY 7 PM Premium Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $18.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 ISU’s Hancock Stadium, Bloomington/Normal, IL 7:30 PM Premium Seats ________@ $18.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________

THE Midwest Championships

Friday and Saturday, July 11-12, 2003 NIU’s Huskie Stadium, DeKalb, IL Friday Tickets Super Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ 6:30 PM Value Seats ________@ $18.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________ Saturday Tickets Super Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ 6 PM Value Seats ________@ $18.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________ **** Saturday, July 12, 2003 INVESCO FIELD at Mile High, Denver, CO 7 PM VIP Club Level ________@ $75.00 _____________ Club Level ________@ $45.00 _____________ Lower Level ________@ $35.00 _____________ Lower Level ________@ $25.00 _____________

$45.00 $35.00 $25.00 $15.00

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Friday, July 25, 2003 Middle Tennessee State University Stadium, Murfreesboro, TN 8 PM Premium Seats ________@ $40.00 _____________ Super Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________

Midwestern Championship

Saturday, July 26, 2003 RCA Dome, Indianapolis, Indiana Full Day Event Tickets Premium Seats ________@ Noon Super Seats ________@ Value Seats ________@ Group Seats* ________@

$45.00 $35.00 $25.00 $15.00

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Eastern Classic

Friday and Saturday, August 1-2, 2003 J.Birney Crum Stadium, Allentown, PA Friday Tickets Premium Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ 7:30 PM Super Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________ $30.00 _____________ n/a Saturday Tickets Premium Seats ________@ 7:30 PM Super Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________

World Championships August 5 – 9, 2003 Orlando, FL Division II & III Preliminaries Tuesday, August 5th • Dr. Phillips High School $7.00 _____________ 8 AM General Admission ________@ Division I Quarterfinals Thursday, August 7th • Citrus Bowl 3 PM Premium Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ Super Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $15.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________ Division II & III Semifinals Thursday, August 7th • Dr. Phillips High School $7.00 _____________ 5 PM General Admission ________@ Division I Semifinals Friday, August 8th $ 4:45 PM Premium Seats ________@ 40.00 _____________ Super Seats ________@ $30.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $20.00 _____________ Group Seats* ________@ $15.00 _____________ Division II & III Finals Saturday, August 9th • Citrus Bowl 9 AM General Admission ________@ $15.00 _____________ Division I Finals Saturday, August 9th • Citrus Bowl 5 PM Premium Seats ________@ $75.00 _____________ Super Seats ________@ $55.00 _____________ Super Value Seats ________@ $35.00 _____________ Value Seats ________@ $25.00 _____________

Disney Passes Passes valid 7/27/03 - 8/17/03***** $ 1-Day after 2 PM 2-Day after 2 PM 3-Day Park Hopper 4-Day Park Hopper 5-Day Park Hopper

Drums Along the Rockies

40.00 ________@ ________@ $76.00 ________@ $153.00 ________@ $171.00 ________@ $185.00 Service Charge

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________




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Method of Payment:

Address __________________________________________________________


City____________________________ State__________ Zip _______________

Exp. Date_________________________________________________________

e-mail address _____________________________________________________

Name on Credit Card _______________________________________________

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Signature _________________________________________________________

Mail this order form to: Phone in your order to: FAX the above form to:

Check/money order




Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 800.495.SHOW (7469) For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630.628.7888 630.628.7971 Place your order online at: DCI.org

*Minimum order of 25 tickets required. **Prices increase at the door. ***Includes catered reception, VIP Parking, laminated ID pass, and special gifts. ****Additional availability and group rates are available through the DATR Office at 303.424.6396. *****Terms and restrictions apply for all Disney Passes. For detailed information, contact Drum Corps International Times are subject to change. No refunds or exchanges. All sales final. Ticket orders received close to date of event will be held at will call for pick up on the day of the event.


To the Box Blue Knights “I am looking forward to working hard to achieve a flawless show. It is also very exciting to see the transformation of the younger members, who grow into strong and confident individuals. I am anticipating performing our 2003 show, which is very much in the Blue Knight style of artistic, musical and creative excellence.” — Becky Williams, Blue Knights’ drum major

Phantom Regiment “I am really looking forward most of all to those moments (I get a few each summer) when it's actually quiet, like after a show, and I get a chance to just think of how awesome is the whole idea of drum corps. I reflect on how crazy things get in rehearsals and how they come together in the evening; on how many different people with different personalities are working together to make something out of nothing. I also think about all of the people who are moved by drum corps and who spend time and money just to hear and see us — it’s an amazing thing that something like music can bring so many people together — it just makes me feel great. It's sort of refreshing to the soul. I am just looking forward to the opportunity to have those moments again, and to feel that "buzz" of drum corps in the air.” — David Simon, Phantom Regiment conductor



drum corps source .now

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What's up with Southwind's brass line? Who are the kids in the Santa Clara guard? Who won percussion in Louisville last night? It's ALL there at DCI.now, every Wednesday. Get all the news as well as great ticket information and eye-popping merchandise. It's as consistent as a Cavaliers’ drum break and as reliable as the Blue Devils’ drill.

Go to http://www.dci.org/mailing/

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The drum corps information superhighway awaits.

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The Interview Name: Pat Seidling Age: 39 (ugh) Family: Lovely and patient wife Attica, two nutty dogs Buster

and Jake. Education: Education degree from Louisiana State University Current occupation: director of the Phantom Regiment Drum corps background: marched Wisconsin Sundowners

1973-1981, Pioneer 1982, Madison Scouts 1983, 1984. Have taught and managed corps in Louisiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky and Illinois, including a five-year stint as assistant director of Madison Scouts and director of Southwind. Favorite recent film: “We Were Soldiers” Favorite actor or actress: Dustin Hoffman Favorite pig-out food: Chips and salsa The last good book I read: “April 1865,” about the last month of the Civil War. VERY cool! Two CDs I’d have if I were stranded on a desert island: Anything by Lyle Lovett and Trisha Yearwood Most prized possession: Aside from my health and

my family, my collection of gifts and artifacts from all the international students that have stayed at my home.

Favorite non-drum corps activity: Reading, traveling and hang-

ing with my dogs. If I weren’t a corps director, I’d be: Hmm ... tough one. I

intended to do this since high school. I guess either traveling with a country band or running a shelter for homeless pets. Best advice I’ve ever been given: I taught school for a few years, and left one school for another. The principal at the new school said “I’ll judge you on the work you do here.” That made an impression — as life goes on and people come and go — to judge people on how we treat each other. And hey, life is built on second chances, right?

Shining the Shoes An Interview with Pat Seidling The thing I like most about my job: Great friendships, travel

and the daily freedom of the job. The thing I like least about my job: E-mail. Two people I admire the most: My father, and all my fellow

corps directors. I’d give anything to meet: Johhny Cash Favorite drum corps show ever: A tie (why not?) — Blue

Devils 1976, Phantom Regiment 1989 Best drum corps anecdote: Way too many — but I’ll start with a story of a very bizarre trip on the Madison Scouts staff bus going from Moab, Utah, to Reno, Nevada, in the summer of 1998. It’s too weird to put into print, but I CAN say it involves a crazy driver and two hitchhikers. We’ll leave it at that for now. Favorite drum corps memory: Here too, WAY too many — the excitment of seeing the “big” corps at my first DCI show in 1975, the great bus rides over the years, hanging with the members after rehearsals, nights on the staff bus “bonding” with crazy, creative and good people, late night beers at the food truck with the drivers and cooks, watching the Phantom Regiment walk onto the field. Just too many good times and laughs to single out. A Phantom Regiment motivational speech in 15 words or less: 15 words? Oh man, I’m just warming up at 15! But this is a

worthy challenge. Here goes: “Cherish your moments in Regiment, they will impact your life deeper than you'll ever imagine.”


Mer 2003 Drum Corps International 2003 DCI SUMMER MUSIC GAMES T-Shirts Louisville SUMMER MUSIC GAMES T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

THE Midwest Championships T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

Southwestern Championship T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

2003 DCI SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Patches THE Midwest Championships Patch . . . $5.00 Southwestern Championship Patch . . . $5.00 Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Patch . . . $5.00

2003 DCI Merchandise White Flex Fit Cap Sizes S/M and L/XL . . . $20.00

Black/Red Baseball Cap One size fits all . . . $18.00

Carolina Blue Flex Fit Cap with Navy Bill Sizes S/M and L/XL . . . $18.00

Men’s Gray Mesh Shorts M-L-XL . . . $18.00 XXL . . . $20.00

Scrub Pants Blue; M-L-XL . . . $18.00

Scrub Shirt Blue; M-L-XL . . . $18.00

Men’s Red/Black Cap Sleeve Ragland M-L-XL . . . $17.00 XXL . . . $19.00

Men’s Gray/Navy Cap Sleeve Ragland M-L-XL . . . $17.00 XXL . . . $19.00

Men’s Yellow/Navy Ragland T-shirt M-L-XL . . . $17.00 XXL . . . $19.00

Men’s Marled Knit Polo Shirt Ocean/Navy; M-L-XL . . . $30.00 XXL . . . $32.00

To place an order contact: Drum


Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Shipping & Handling Information

Place your order online at


chandise Midwestern Championship T-shirt

White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

Midwestern Championship T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

World Championships T-shirt Navy, Orange, or White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00

2003 Tour T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $20.00 XXL . . . $22.00

DCI Top 12 T-shirt White; M-L-XL . . . $15.00 XXL . . . $17.00



Midwestern Championship Patch . . . $5.00 Eastern Classic Patch . . . $5.00 World Championships Patch . . . $5.00

Men’s Solid Stretch Pique Polo Shirt Pool Blue; M-L-XL . . . $30.00 XXL . . . $32.00

Men’s Ottoman Knit Polo Shirt Oxford/Black; M-L-XL . . . $42.00 XXL . . . $44.00 XXXL . . . $46.00

Nantucket Fleece Sweatshirt Gray; S-M-L-XL . . . $35.00 XXL . . . $37.00 XXXL . . . $39.00

Chamois Fleece Sweatshirt Yellow; S-M-L-XL . . . $35.00 XXL . . . $37.00 XXXL . . . $39.00

Ladies Lemon/Fuchsia Ragland T-shirt S-M-L . . . $17.00

Ladies Pink/Burgundy Cap Sleeve Ragland S-M-L . . . $17.00

Ladies Cotton Polo Shirt Mineral; S-M-L-XL . . . $30.00 XXL . . . $32.00

Ladies Cotton Jersey Knit Shirt Ivory/Khaki/Navy; S-M-L-XL . . . $24.00 XXL . . . $26.00

Ladies Bedford Cord Camp Shirt Butter; S-M-L-XL . . . $38.00

Smoke Lanyard. . . $5.00

Addison, IL 60101 •

800.495.7469 For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630/628-7888 • FAX 630.628.7971 • DCIº.org

Merchandise orders will have a $3.00 handling charge in addition to shipping charges based on weight of package. Please visit www.dci.org or call 1-800-495-7469 for exact cost. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.


Chris and Jaimie

Marriage and marching mold two lives Chris and Jaimie Hollenback met in drum corps and have been married almost four years. Chris marched in the Madison Scouts from 1991 to 1997, playing second bass drum the first three years and snare the remaining four. Jaimie marched in the Colts from 1991 to 1998 in the color guard.

CHRIS: Jaimie and I met during the 1995 Winter Guard

JAIMIE: It was easy to hang out after shows because so many

International (WGI) Finals. A great friend of mine from the Scouts snare line, Brandon, and I took a road trip to Dayton, Ohio, and Brandon introduced me to Jaimie, who was performing with the Patriots Winter Guard from Rochester, N.Y. Jaimie told Brandon she thought I was cute, and he wasn’t supposed to tell me. Luckily for me, he did. Brandon, of course, became my best man at our wedding in 1999. JAIMIE: I punched Brandon’s arm really hard when I heard he told Chris, but now I’m glad he did. CHRIS: After we met that spring, we were fortunate that the Scouts and Colts toured a great deal together. In fact, early on first tour, we had something like five out of eight shows together. JAIMIE: Thanks, Scott! CHRIS: You see, Scott Stewart, the Scouts’ corps director at the time, also made up a lot of the summer tour schedule. So I lobbied him quite a bit.

of our instructors and members were long-time friends. CHRIS: Yeah, sometimes it would seem like half of each corps was hanging out together. JAIMIE: There were a lot of members from both corps that went to the same college, like Southwest Missouri State University. CHRIS: The Scouts often had trail mix for snack after shows, so that was kind of a bummer. JAIMIE: No wonder Chris was so happy after Music on the March — he’d eat some of my ice cream! CHRIS: After one show, the Scouts and Star of Indiana decided to share snack together. Star, as many fans will recall, was backed by Bill Cook, who made sure they had a bountiful meal after each show. Once the Scouts members heard about sharing snack, we changed out of uniform as quickly as possible and ran to their cook truck.


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JAIMIE: Meanwhile, Star is playing their encore concert. CHRIS: Yeah, and that was fine by us because we brought our

JAIMIE: Plus, we marched a lot of DCM Championships our-

selves. I don’t mind being in the stands after the show now — trail mix and Kool Aid, and they had multiple main dishes, man those DCM retreats were LONG! fresh fruits and even a separate table for desserts! CHRIS: Great for fans, but not necessarily the best part of the JAIMIE: Oh, brother. night. CHRIS: There are good snack memories, like when your mom JAIMIE: Did I mention mosquitoes? brings treats to a show, and then are bad ones. CHRIS: Yeah, and you’re not supposed to swat them. JAIMIE: Like the time you got food poisoning at a show? JAIMIE: Especially if you’re in the section that stands in front CHRIS: Yeah, never eat from the “pot luck”. of the rest of the corps. JAIMIE: My friends and I always went out to eat and caught a CHRIS: That was a nice perk of being in the drum line — movie — where it was airyou could sneak a swat in conditioned! here and there. I also CHRIS: I remember the remember little sibling rivalScouts and Colts were esperies between various corps’ cially good in 1995; the fans drum lines — especially loved our shows. I’ll never Scouts and Cavies in the forget the feeling of seeing early ‘90s. If one drum line and hearing the standing crept into the marching file ovation at the end of our of the other the least bit, show that year at finals. It some "bumping" of drums started before we ended, and would ensue. Don’t get me it was an unbelievable rush wrong, the Cavies have great of adrenaline and exciteguys in their corps and we ment. As a drummer, you’re would hang out after shows. sweating and holding on so I think it’s just a pride thing, hard to your sticks at the end in uniform. of a show so you don’t drop a JAIMIE: I remember the stick. You’re pretty drained post-show fun of changing on the hot bus with lots of after 11 minutes of performsweaty people on it all at ing, but that adrenaline gives once. you the extra push you need. JAIMIE: Neither corps CHRIS: Ah, the fragrances. focused on scores at all. In JAIMIE: Yeah, changing fact, members of both corps took some major discretion. were really supportive of CHRIS: Luckily we didn’t each other towards performhave that problem with an ing well. all-male corps. CHRIS: But after we aged JAIMIE: But it was fun to out, we’d tease each other a change into nice (dry) bit about which corps would clothes and hang out with win. I remember Jaimie givfriends. Madison Scouts 2002 snare performs at World Championships ing me a smile after the Colts CHRIS: The friends were beat the Scouts for the first in Madison, Wisconsin the best. I have never been time with a wink and a, closer to any group of “That’s what I thought.” We’ve never been real serious about friends than to my buds in the Scouts. scores. We know scores — especially general effect — are largeJAIMIE: I still have Colts friends that I get together with ly people’s opinions, so we have fun with it. every year. It’s great to share old memories and make new JAIMIE: It’s still fun going to shows each year. ones. CHRIS: Yep, we always go to the Drum Corps Midwest CHRIS: And, it’s nice to be married to someone who underChampionships in Illinois, which is now THE Midwest stands drum corps. It’s such a great experience — one that Championships. It’s fun to see all those great corps in one molds your life. place, and we’re excited to see the Eastern corps this year, too! Written by Chris and Jaimie Hollenback


Free Day

by Marco Buscaglia

“Happiness is being one of the gang.” THOSE WORDS were written on a bedsheet I had as a kid, with Charlie Brown, Linus and the rest of the “Peanuts” gang standing around in a permanent state of bliss. I stuffed that same sheet into my sleeping bag while on tour with the Cavaliers from 1984 to 1989. I probably didn’t realize it at the time, but it pretty much summed up my reasons for marching. The 1980s were a wonderful time to be in the Cavaliers. After spending six years in the Cavalier Cadets, I joined the A-corps’ baritone line in November of 1983, which was sort of at the onset of the corps’ upswing, going from potential finalist to “corps on the move” to the top three. We had plenty of success in that era — it was fun to truly compete again with corps the Cavaliers hadn’t beaten in more than 20 years — but there were disappointments as well. But they were never deemed important enough to keep us from coming back for the next summer or to dampen our enthusiasm for the real reason we marched: Each other. After a tough placement, we’d take solace in the upcoming overnight ride on the horn bus, which had been sitting idle for a while, windows shut, air conditioning on high. Eventually, the AC would go out and we’d open the windows to take in the summer air, but for the immediate ride, our bus would be chilled to perfection. Even after a bad performance, the horn bus wasn’t a place for silent sulking. There were no locker-room “NOW YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT JUST HAPPENED!” speeches from older members or berating from staff or management. Instead, we’d move on, continuing our penchant for all-out sing-a-longs, usually consisting of family-unfriendly songs passed down from Cavaliers before us, along with an occasional testosterone-laced, triple-forte, unintentionally ironic ballad for good measure — usually Debbie Boone’s “You Light Up My Life,” or Barry Manilow’s “I Write the Songs.” We were hardly a talented bunch, most of us participating in no other musical activities aside from drum corps. Some, like myself, marched because of our parents — my father marched with the Cavaliers in the formative Logan Square years. But we drew strength from each other and worked incredibly well as a team. Most of the guys who cracked the top three in 1986 were local, many of us from the feeder corps. We used to joke around about our unwillingness to rehearse for 16 straight hours. Luckily, the corps today still adheres to the same principles. Today, the staff calls it practicing smart. We just called it, “When’s dinner?” So many of the lessons I learned while marching are relevant today. Lessons as important as perseverance, respect for others and the desire to make the best of a bad situation. Lessons as unimportant as saving time by brushing my teeth and shaving in the shower, and the ability to sleep while sitting. Even after aging out 14 years ago, some habits die hard. Once you’ve dried yourself off with the same towel 10 days in a row — that same towel that airs out above your seat and has the aroma that can only come from 40 guys riding a bus — I see no need for a fresh towel each day. In fact, I take offense at my wife’s twotowel-a-shower habit. Then there’s the hair. I began shaving my head when I was in the corps, mostly because — well, really for no reason — and I contin-

ue the practice today, now a la Bruce Willis, to mask the everexpanding bald spots. After sleeping on a gym floor with 127 others, I see no need for a large house. I tell my four kids their close quarters in our three-bedroom house in Chicago will only help them get along with others as they get older. I don’t really believe it, but it sounds good. I travel well. My family actually relishes our long car rides to Florida or the occasional drives to Michigan. My kids entertain themselves while my wife — whom I met in 1985 through a guy in the corps — and I talk about all things great and insignificant. And the travel perks are attractive. I figure if I can load up the family and drag them out to cities like San Diego, Jamestown, N.Y., Arlington, Texas, Murfreesboro, Tenn., or Point Pleasant, N.J., I’ll always have a place to stay, just as I would expect the families of the guys I marched with from the aforementioned cities to crash in my place in Chicago whenever possible. Of course, not all habits are worth keeping. In partial thanks to the corps, I swear too much, always take the joke too far and usually forget the type of behavior that’s appropriate in public until it’s too late. I also find comfort in bus fumes, Carmex and eating off a tray. Most importantly, marching with the Cavaliers taught me a sense of perspective — the whole “Don’t sweat the small stuff ” approach to life. We never let winning or losing define our experience. It would’ve cheapened the whole thing. My 12 years in drum corps also taught me to enjoy something while it’s still around. I try to realize the temporary nature of things — sure, it hurts when my 4-year-old daughter chomps on my arm after shouting, “I am woman, hear me roar!” but I bet I’ll miss it when she stops. If I could go back in time for a few days, I’d go back for the bus rides and the other incidentals — the sectionals cut short for impromptu basketball games in the Rosemont Junior High gym, the downtime before a show when we’d amuse ourselves with whatever or whoever we could find, the post-rehearsal stops at Wally’s for a gyros and cheese fries. While it was thrilling to perform in front of thousands of people in Madison, or to be a part of the corps’ ascent to the top five in Allentown, I always preferred hanging out with my friends — just like Charlie Brown being one of the gang. Relationships that began in 1977 in a gym in Park Ridge, Ill., continue today in poker games, fantasy football leagues and late-night phone calls. The guys I marched with still get together for an occasional beer, a round of golf or a backyard cookout. Some times, we even bring our wives. Our conversations sometimes turn to corps, usually reminiscing about a friend or boasting about the current Cavaliers. But we hardly live in the Glory Days of our past. Our lives move too fast for expanded bouts of nostalgia, and it seems that we’re happy right where we’re at. We probably don’t pay homage often enough to the unique way we’ve been brought together, but we don’t need to. We already know. Marco Buscaglia marched with The Cavalier Cadets from 1978-83, and The Cavaliers from 1984-89. He is currently an editor with Tribune Media Services in Chicago.


Drum Corps International

2003 SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Presented by


Festival Workshop Series:


Marching Leadership for Students

“Student workshops are an opportunity to showcase the amazing aspects of a drum corps performance from a grassroots point of view. Take off the uniform and we see the corps members are just like the band students watching the clinic, but trained and polished after countless hours of rehearsal and an outstanding commitment to excellence in marching music. Drum Corps International is very proud to work with the corps and band directors in each area to bring the drum corps experience closer to the students,” said Drum Corps International Executive Director Dan Acheson.

June 21, 2003 Louisville SUMMER MUSIC GAMES 5 PM • Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium • Louisville, Kentucky • Clinic presented by The Cadets July 12, 2003 THE Midwest Championships 4 PM • NIU’s Huskie Stadium • DeKalb, Illinois • Clinic presented by The Cavaliers July 19, 2003 Southwestern Championship 4:30 PM • Alamodome • San Antonio, Texas • Clinic presented by The Cavaliers July 25, 2003 Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES 6 PM • MTSU Stadium • Murfressboro, Tennessee • Clinic presented by Santa Clara Vanguard July 26, 2003 Midwestern Championship 4:30 PM • RCA Dome • Indianapolis, Indiana • Clinic presented by the Blue Devils August 8, 2003 World Championships week 3 PM • Citrus Bowl • Orlando, Florida • Clinic presented by Phantom Regiment

For more information, please visit DCI.org or call 800.495.7469

2003 SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Clinics Drum Corps International is proud to announce the following clinic schedule. For more information on the shows below, please visit DCI.org.

July 9 Murray, Kentucky

June 22 Birmingham, Alabama

July 9 Madison, Wisconsin

Presented by SPIRIT

June 23 Atlanta, Georgia Presented by SPIRIT

June 27 E. Rutherford, New Jersey Presented by The Cadets

June 28 Allentown, Pennsylvania Presented by The Cadets

June 28 Buffalo, New York Presented by Madison Scouts

July 5 Nashua, New Hampshire Presented by The Cadets

July 5 Seattle, Washington Presented by Seattle Cascades

July 6 Phoenix, Arizona Presented by Phantom Regiment

July 6 Spokane, Washington Presented by Blue Devils

July 8 Cincinnati, Ohio Presented by Glassmen

Presented by The Cadets Presented by Madison Scouts

July 16 Enid, Oklahoma Presented by The Cavaliers

July 16 Midland, Texas Presented by Phantom Regiment

July 17 Dallas, Texas Presented by Blue Devils

July 21 Wichita Falls, Texas Presented by The Cavaliers

July 21 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive Addison, IL 60101

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Madison, Wisconsin Permit No. 2223

Presented by Santa Clara Vanguard

July 22 Tulsa, Oklahoma Presented by The Cavaliers

July 22 Pascagoula, Mississippi Presented by Phantom Regiment

July 23 Kennesaw, Georgia Presented by SPIRIT

July 24 Jacksonville, Alabama Presented by SPIRIT

July 28 Centerville, Ohio Presented by Glassmen

July 30 Rome, New York Presented by Boston Crusaders

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