inSide July 16, 2010

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Friday, July 16, 2010

art & gift gallery

Vol. 4, No. 28 | 16 pages

Downtown | Drumheller 403.823.3686


Summer Fun

Cooling off for critters

Tourism in the valley See pages 6 - 11

Racing returns this Sunday See page 10

Rodders roar through A&W See page 4

INDEX inSide Opinions .........Page 2 Who are you? .............Page 3 inSide Break ............Page 14 Classifieds .................Page 13 inSide Sports ...........Page 12 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller

These animal lovers were helping passersby beat the heat and hunger pangs, selling lemonade and cookies all in support of critters that need help. (l-r) Sara Ahner with Mia the puppy, Aja Kennedy and Nicole Ahner set up a lemonade stand at Riverside Packers, and did a brisk business. They also sold hand-knitted stuffed animals made by Sara and Nicole’s grandmother Christa. The lemonade stand was held in support of the Drumheller and District Humane Society and by day’s end the trio raised $132. 55 for the local charity. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

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inSideOPINIONS inSide Dinosaur hunting by boat expedition cut short, STREETERS to resume next year

2 - Friday, July 16, 2010

Now that Drumheller is ready to break ground on the Badlands Community Facility, what are you most looking forward to in the new development?

Heather Franciotti “The walking track. I use the arena now, and I hope it’s built wide enough for strollers and wheelchairs.”

Jamie Worman “I’m excited for the fieldhouse and indoor soccer. I don’t play now, but I will.”

Caitlin Ryan “I would probably use the running track.”

inSide | Drumheller -

Pascale Taylor | inSide Drumheller

For eight years, Royal Tyrrell Museum technician Darren Tanke has worked on a dream: a Centennial re-enactment of the first American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) trip. Using all the known information from trips Barnum Brown of the AMNH carried out between 1910 and 1913, and the Sternberg family of dinosaur hunters trips of 1913 to 1916, Tanke recreated a scow as close to the original as possible, including using similar equipment. The idea was to launch the scow from the city of Red Deer, Alberta and float down the Red Deer River for a five-week trip, ending in Dinosaur Provincial Park in August, and reliving history along the way. The scow, named the Peter C. Kaisen after an assistant of Barnum Brown, was launched from Red Deer on June 29. “We really went into the project not knowing what was involved and that’s exactly what happened with Barnum Brown and George Sternberg when they did their expeditions,” explained Tanke to inSide Drumheller. Tanke had planned the same route, the same size scow, same equipment and the same plan, but the crew soon found that the journey wasn’t going to be the same. As soon as the trip started, the scow hit a bridge piling side on, smashing some glass and ceramic equipment in the kitchen. Soon after, a leaning tree nearly ripped off the tent, followed by a collision with the bank which shattered the tiller block and snapped a tiller clean in two. “We discovered things weren’t exactly the same, or maybe they were, but they didn’t write how difficult it was to be on the river,” said Tanke. Although he had worked to avoid the reported problems from the original expeditions, Tanke said there was no mention of the problems they encountered, the biggest one being the speed of the current and their difficulties controlling the scow. “There’s no mention of getting hung up on rocks, the current being very fast and the difficulty of stopping. When water is moving six to eight kilometres an hour or even four, and you are in a boat that weighs three and a half tons, it is difficult to stop and that for me is the big ques-

tion - how did they manage to get around that? There’s nothing on their scows to indicate they had any kind of anchor like we had. We had a 95-pound anchor that we would drop overboard,

a real learning experience for me and a real eye opener. Historically, it raises a lot of questions. Brown claims he had six tons of dinosaur bones on his scow. Well, if he was hitting rocks like

After several mishaps and illness that struck the crew’s leader Darren Tanke, the Dinosaur hunting by boat expedition was cut short, to be resumed next summer. The photo shows the crew which brought the scow back to Drumheller with Bill Spencer at the front and (back; l-r) Eva Koppelhus, Al Rasmuson, Tess and Tom Owen with Phil Currie. photo by Lawrence Dohy

which would slow us down, but in some cases it would just drag at the bottom.” Tanke explains that some of the AMNH expeditions had a power boat, although the reasons why are unclear. “Was it because of the difficulties they encountered they did not write about in their field notes and maybe the power boat was used to help fight the current a little bit, slow the scow down?” advanced Tanke, adding that one of the crew brought up the question that maybe they did not write about the damages that occurred during their field trip for fear of their supervisor’s barring them going back. On Sunday, July 4, Tanke became ill and was taken to the Three Hills hospital where he discovered he was anemic. This, combined with exhaustion he was suffering from the hard work and sleepless nights that preceeded the trip, meant Tanke had to abandon the expedition, leaving a crew to carry on without him to bring the scow to Drumheller and suspend the expedition this year. “I’ll remember it differently from the others, they had a much nicer experience. It just didn’t happen the way I planned it. When you work on a project for eight years, you get a mindset of how things will unfold and happen and very few of those things actually happened. It was

we were, how was he getting the scow off with only two or three people in his crew? It makes you wonder if he embellished some of his field notes.” But Tanke is not defeated. He

says this expedition was a steep learning curve, and he will now work on adjustments needed to do this again next year, when they plan to launch the scow from Drumheller and float down to Dinosaur Provincial Park. “We will re-appraise what we experienced, what went well and what didn’t go well. We are the first scow-based paleontology expedition to float down that river since 1916 and we were the first expedition to do so without a power boat assisting us since 1911. We retraced a large portion of the route followed by Brown and Sternberg, well over half, from 1910 to 1916. We created a lot of awareness; everyone up and down the river knew who we were, even though we never introduced ourselves to anyone. We had people floating by saying ‘Are you the dinosaur guys?’ I think all the crew had a great experience, and different. It’s very easy to get in your truck and do some field work and that’s done all the time, but to hop on a scow built to the same specification as one built in 1910 - that had never been done before.” For more information, log on to Darren Tanke’s blog about the project at 2010dinohuntingbyboat.

Canadian Tire helps kids go to camp The Salvation Army received a boost from Canadian Tire in their fundraising efforts to help send kids to camp. Having already hosted a successful BBQ in the Canadian Tire parking lot, the amount they raised was then matched by the store, adding an extra $2,400 to the program. In the photo, Baljit Salh, owner of Drumheller Canadian Tire, left, presents the cheque to Lt. Matt Shiels from The Salvation Army. inSide photo by Pascale Taylor

Ann Wade “The gymnasium will give us the ability to host volleyball and basketball tournaments.”

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Published every Friday Office: 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller, AB. Mailing: Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0

Phone 403.823.2580

Fax 403.823.3864


O. R. Sheddy, Editor O. R. Sheddy, Publisher Letters to the Editor are most welcome. They should be brief and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for legality, clarity and taste. Letters must bear the name, address and phone number of the writer. Anonymous letters will be discarded.

inSide | Drumheller -

Friday, July 16, 2010 - 3

are you? WHO Job: Community Services Coordinator Employer: Town of Drumheller Volunteer Service: Big Country Anti-Violence Association, Youth Justice Committee. What do you like about your job? Gets me out in the public, building partnerships with stakeholders, promoting awareness of family violence. Where do you live? Drumheller. How long have you lived there? About a year. If not all your life, where do you come from and what brought you to Drumheller? From Ontario, I came to Alberta to work with the Calgary Police, and I met someone in Drumheller. What do you like best about Drumheller? The visitor attractions, there are always different faces. There is also lots of community in-

volvement. If there were one thing you could change about Drumheller, what would it be? I would like to see a youth shelter, a place of refuge from family violence and substance abuse. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? San Diego. What do you do in your spare time? Work out, rollerblade, visit family in Ontario. Your life’s best achievement? Being involved in the planning process of starting the Youth Justice Committee. What are your strengths? Working with behavioral issues, de-escalating crisis situations. Any weaknesses? Chocolate. Any bad habits? Smoking. Three words that best describe you? Strong, independent, focused.

Amy Jopp

If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie, what would they be? World Peace, to have a child, and be closer to family.

If you could have one super power what would it be? Invisibility. If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a 10 year old kid,

what advice would you give yourself? Be nicer to siblings. Closet fan of? Sandra Bullock.


are you?

is a weekly feature that profiles various young, professional Drumhellerites. Submit a "Who are you" for yourself, a friend or a co-worker online at under the 'inSide' tab. We'll call you to come in and have your photo taken.

! y a w a e v i G d a iP

We’re giving away an Apple iPad to one lucky winner!

Contest opens on THURSDAY, JULY 1 and closes on FRIDAY, AUGUST 27

Entering our contest is simple!

1. Sign-up for our email newsletter at 2. Follow us on Twitter at 3. ‘Like’ our Facebook community page at Then, send an email to us at containing your email address signed up to our newsletter, your Twitter username, and your name as it appears on Facebook. (Please also provide us with your phone number so that we can contact you if you win!)

Thunderbike wins at Motorcycle Madness Looking like a masked vigilante, Hanna’s Rod Quaschinck showed second in the people’s choice custom class at Motorcycle Madness Saturday. His ‘57 Ford Thunderbird mock bike, the “Thunderbike”, is built over a 750cc Honda core. inSide photo by Kyle Smylie

RULES AND REGULATIONS • The name of any contestant who has completed the contest tasks will be entered into a draw for the iPad in which a winner will be selected randomly. After the winner is chosen, their entry criteria will be verified and they will be contacted by phone. • Only one contest entry per person is permitted. • To be eligible for the contest, entrants must have a valid shipping address within Alberta. (The Drumheller Mail will pay the shipping cost if the winner resides outside of Drumheller.) • The Drumheller Mail and inSide Drumheller employees and their immediate families are ineligible for the iPad giveaway. • Winner will be required to answer a skill-testing question. • Winner must agree to have their photo taken and published in The Drumheller Mail or inSide Drumheller. • Giveaway is for a 16 GB Apple iPad with wi-fi (but not 3G) capabilities - comes with iPad, dock connector to USB cable, 10W USB Power Adapter, and documentation. Further technical specifications can be found on

4- Friday, July 16, 2010

inSide Drumheller -

Upgrades bring higher water quality Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller It has been almost a year since the UV filtering systems at the Drumheller water treatment plant were put online, and since then, the treatment plant has been delivering residents some of the highest quality water in the province. Over the last five years, the water treatment and wastewater treatment plant have undergone many changes. These have been spurred on by changes by the province to make regulations more stringent. Brian Bolduc, utilities manager for the town explains, the province completed an inventory of water treatment plants a few years ago, and reviewed guidelines. Each water treatment plant then looked at different ways to meet the new standards. The upgrades at the water treatment plant began with an advanced coagulation system. About three years ago, this system was put in place to control the amount of organic particles in the water. With a river source, organics are always present, and

the amount fluctuates season to season. The advanced coagulation treatment adds a compound that separates the suspended particles in the water allowing them to settle. This reduced the Total Organic Carbons in the water to levels of compliance. The changes continued as last summer the water treatment plant brought in the ultraviolet disinfection units. These two units specifically address ridding the water of Giardia which causes “beaver fever” and Cryptosporidium, another parasite responsible for a similar illness. The UV also allows the plant to use a little less chlorine in its treatment, making better tasting water. So far, Bolduc says these measures have helped to increase the water quality in Drumheller. He adds the Alberta Government, while setting the bar higher with the new standards, has also been very responsive in providing the grants and funding needed to upgrade the equipment and processes for water treatment plants to meet the guidelines. Bolduc has worked in other jurisdictions, and believes

Alberta is progressive. Gordon Fournier has been working at the water treatment plant since 1986, while in larger jurisdictions a plant operator may not ever see beyond their office. In Drumheller, the staff pays attention to the whole water system from when it is pulled from the river, treated, delivered, returned, treated in the wastewater plant, and eventually returned to the river. He finds this satisfying. Bolduc also says the responsibility of his department goes beyond the plant. Currently Drumheller is in the midst of its cast iron water line replacement project. This summer they were working in the splash park area. While this caused a few traffic woes for residents, in the long run it will help improve water quality and delivery. He explains while the water leaving the water treatment plant meets standards, it is possible to pick up sediment and compounds in the line before it is delivered to the customer. This is controlled by maintaining a constant PH in the water coming from the plant, and through

Gord Fournier, left, and Brian Bolduc at the Drumheller water treatment plans showing one of the two ultraviolet filters employed to purify Drumheller drinking water. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

the annual flushing program. The Drumheller Fire department is a big part of the flushing program. The cast iron water line replacement will also help in reducing the possibility of sediment in the water. Because much of the line is approaching the end of its lifecycle, replacing it will also help minimize water main breakages in the winter. The newer stronger lines may also allow

the town to run the water system with pressure, although there are no definite plans. Bolduc explains the department appreciates calls from the public about water quality and problems with the water system. In fact he says about 90 per cent of water breaks are reported by residents. The feedback from customers allows them to pinpoint problem areas.

Rodders roar through A&W on their way to Vancouver Island Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

A group with a deep love for the V8 and the open road roared through Drumheller on Monday afternoon

enroute to Vancouver Island. Canadian Rodders were on the third day of the Points West 2 Cruise, their trek from Lethbridge to the Island when they stopped at A&W

Do you have a talent for Sales? Your search is over! Full or Part-Time, come grow with us. Sell newspaper advertising for The Drumheller Mail and inSide Drumheller! You will generate new advertising business as well as maintain existing accounts. If you are self-motivated, energetic and willing to work hard, we'd like to talk to you! A reliable vehicle and valid driver's license are required. A creative mind, computer skills and good organizational work habits are an asset. Good spelling and language skills are essential. A base salary and commission package, plus an excellent benefits package make this a desirable position for the right person.

in Drumheller to cool off and have a little lunch. It was unavoidable that the collection of rods from the 1920s to the 1980s would attract a crowd. Frank Colgoni, founder of Canadian Rodders explains the trip headed out from Lethbridge on Sunday morning. On Monday, after a stop at Vulcan, they dropped into Drumheller. From there, they headed west through Calgary and by today (Wednesday, July 14) will be in Agassiz B.C. This is not the first run for the group. In 2009 they completed the Points East Tour from Ontario to New

Brunswick and in 2007 the inaugural Hot Rod Tour went across Canada from Ontario to B.C. Along for the ride this year were drivers from across Canada, including Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C. There was even a rodder from North Carolina enroute. Colgoni said there are about 70 cars registered, although some will be joining along the route as they cruise to their final destination. While many of the rods along are from the tradition of “go fast and get the girl,” Colgoni says they are all set up for hitting the highway,

although many of the creature comforts most come to rely on, such as air conditioning and even windows that roll down, are missing. This doesn’t deter the drivers. Already there have been a couple mechanical mishaps for the cars in their first few days, but they have a built in pit crew supplied by The Rod Shop in Calgary travelling with them. One place to serve as stopping point along the way is A&W. The drive-in culture that A&W helped create is still a part of the company, and it is a presenting sponsor of the trip.

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While Keith, right, and Jeni Robinson’s 1954 Ford station wagon even has original paint, they have made a few modifications for the open road. The car has a modern Ford power plant, disc brakes to slow the led sled, and shoulder strapped seat belts. Keith

Stop in at 515 Highway 10 East or call for more details 403-823-2580. 27tfc

tells inSide Drumheller one creature comfort that Jeni made sure was in the car before they made the 4, 000 mile trek from Prince George B.C. to Speed Week at the Bonnyville Salt Flats in Utah, was air conditioning. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa


inSide | Drumheller -

Friday, July 16, 2010 - 5

Local talent takes center stage at Stampede Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

Drumheller musicians are shining at this year’s Calgary Stampede. The Calgary Stampede Youth Talent Contest is in full swing, and after the ďŹ rst elimination, four of the top 28 acts going into the ďŹ nal stretch

David Epp, above, The Russell Brothers, right, Misha Maseka and Courtney Morse, accompanied by Kyle Gerlinger, all moved on to the second round of the Calgary Stampede Talent Search.

of the contest are artists from the area. They include, David Epp of the Hussar area, Courtney Morse accompanied by Kyle Gerlinger, Misha Maseka, and the Russell Brothers, featuring Matt and Alex Russell. These four acts will know

by the weekend if they are selected to be the top talent entered at the Calgary Stampede. “The experience was even better than last year,â€? said Courtney who was in the contest at the last Stampede. “The calibre of competition is unbelievable. It’s very intimidating being surrounded by so many very talented people. It makes you want to perform better and give it all that you have.â€? Morse and Gerlinger performed their rendition of 'Break Even' by the Script. “It’s a fantastic song, and popular so we thought we could get the audience hooked into it, but still make it our own,â€? she said. All of the Drumheller acts were able to use a house band at the performance to back their performance. Misha performed 'Glitter in the Air' by Pink, and was blown away by the calibre of the backing band. “It was so good, these guys have been playing for about 30 years,â€? she said. This might have been one of the biggest stages that David has played on. While he has shared the stage with his father since he was little, he stepped out on his own with his guitar and performed Johnny Cash’s 'Folsom Prison Blues'. David grew up on a farm in the Hussar area, and has decided to ďŹ nish his high school at St. Anthony’s School. He was inspired to enter the competition at a DCHS grad fundraiser where last year’s talent contest champion Calum Graham performed. He urged many of the local artists to try out. It was a long process. "There were a few days of auditioning, and I went on the last day," said David. “There were 200 people that tried out, and 70 made it into the ďŹ rst round, and out of that, 28 made it to the semi ďŹ nal.â€? The Russell Brothers also pulled out the Cash;

You’re invited. Badlands Community Facility Of¿cial Ground Breaking Ceremony Monday, July 19 • 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Badlands Community Facility Site Join in the celebration! • Hot dog BBQ • Entertainment by the Fire Coulee Bandits

Johnny, that is. They performed their own arrangement of 'Ring of Fire'. “The audience was totally into it,� said Matt of their rendition of the country classic. Stage presence is also impor-

tant, and Matt, who performed with an upright bass, got the crowd going by climbing his bass and jumping o while the instrument spun. The Russell Brothers, Misha and David performed on

Thursday, and Courtney is performing on Friday. The top 14 from these two showcases will move onto Saturday’s show where the top talent will be selected. Misha attributes the success of the Drumheller performers to a strong, supportive music scene in the valley, especially in light of cuts to music programs. “There is something in the water in Drumheller, it’s kinda weird, but it is really, really exciting though,â€? she said. “I think with the absence of it (music program) people want it more‌without access to an outlet people are kind of doing it on their own. “There is a pretty vibrant music scene here. Musicians know musicians and we get together and support each other.â€?



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Your gu ide

Friday, July 16, 2010


May 22, 2009 Page 6 - The Weekender | Friday, inSide Drumheller


If you know someone who has a cool ride, let us know! Call us at 403-823-2580 or email

2002tii inspires Trudy Lee has owned a number of BMW 2002’s in her lifetime, and her purchase of this 1975 classic 2002tii Beemer, in Fjord Blue, has inspired her to keep collecting. She bought this great example of the car that brought Bavarian Motor Works back to life in February. She found this Florida car in New York on E-Bay, had it shipped to Montana, and imported it to Canada herself. The tii is the high performance version of the trusty car, and this one gets its muscle from a 2.0 litre power plant through a dual throat downdraft Webber carburetor. She is slowly restoring her reborn love, and is planning to set up a car import company to fuel her passion.

Where to go...

WHEN YOU HAVE TO GO! Visitors... if you need a washroom, please use ours! • The Drumheller Mail • Riverside Value Drug Mart • Freson IGA • Canadian Tire • Greentree Mall • World’s Largest Dinosaur

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If you would like to offer this service to our visitors, call 403-823-2580

Drumheller’s business community welcomes you!! 703 2 Avenue West, Drumheller 403-823-6300

inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

Explore, create, & discover with a variety of educational programs available this summer at the ava Royal Tyrrell Museum. (They’re a scream!)


Friday, July 16, 2010

The Weekender 2010 - Page 7

Walk where miners walked on suspension bridge Staff writer Weekender

The Star Mine Suspension Bridge in Rosedale is a charmingly quaint piece of Drumheller Valley nostalgia. The 117 metre bridge was originally built to enable miners to work

at the Star Mine on the north side of the Red Deer River, across from the community of Rosedale. Although the mine opened in 1912, it wasn’t until 1931 that the original bridge was constructed. The coal miners were originally required to cross the

river to and from work in row boats. In 1919 there was an aerial cable car system constructed to transport the men and coal back and forth. From 1912 to 1930, the mine’s tipple was located on the south side of the river at Rosedale. The tipple is the structure which housed conveyors, shakers and screens for sorting and grading the coal. It is also used to extract any loose rock that may have been included with the coal. The coal was then loaded from the tipple into Canadian National Railway coal cars, which at the time carried the coal from the Valley. In 1930, the Canadian Pacific Railway built a bridge and a spur line 1.6 kilometres up river and a tipple was built at the mine site. The original swinging bridge was constructed in 1931, and although high winds and floods Happy 10th Birthday to the World's Largest Dinosaur!!

made crossing hazardous at times, the bridge was used by the miners until the mine closed in 1957. One year later the hillside collapsed and slid over the mine workings. The late Angelo Berlando, a former miner in the Drumheller Valley, spoke to The Weekender a few years ago of his memories of the Star Mine Suspension Bridge. The following, is part of that interview. Angelo Berlando of Drumheller fondly recalled his days as a young man working the coal mine. Berlando was a boxcar loader at the Star Mine between 1940 and 1957, starting when he was just 16 years old. His duties included filling up coal into the boxcar and shipping it out of the mine. “It was a good job. I wish I still had it,” he said. “Once you got use to it there was nothing to it.”

Berlando continued to visit the bridge on a daily basis, reminiscing of his days of youth, back when the bridge was still made out of wood. “It really whipped around a lot,” he said. “Back then if you had a good wind storm you could barely stand on it.” In order to commemorate the colourful mining history of the Drumheller Valley, the Government of Alberta rebuilt the bridge in 1958 and continues to maintain the suspension bridge for public use. To find the suspension bridge, travel east from Drumheller on Highway 10 to Rosedale then turn left at the first corner after crossing Rosebud Creek and follow the signs. The bridge is a perennial favourite for visitors and tourists, many who treat themselves by walking across one of Alberta’s most treasured mining monuments.

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Today residents and visitors alike are able to retrace the steps of miners of days gone by traversing the Red Deer River at the Suspension Bridge in Rosedale.

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Everyone Welcome

CRUISE IN EVERY THURSDAY 6:30 - 8:30 pm Take the

until August 26.

Great Drumheller Dinosaur Challenge

Drumheller Location

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WIN A $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE!! See page 11 for full details

Get ready... $2 Mamas $3 Papas (from 5- 8 pm)

to uncover that Antique, Classic, Hot Rod, Muscle Car or Motorcycle. Tune her up, polish the chrome & with pipes rumbling... Cruise to the Dub & let everyone enjoy your work of art!

it’s all about the journey.. . Explore your roots. Play. Experience Nature.. TRAVEL THE SPECIAL AREAS. TRAVEL THE SPECIAL AREAS v i s i t u s o n t h e w e b a t w w w. s p e c i a l a re a s . a b . c a

Root Bear will be on location

Page 10 - The Weekender | inSide Drumheller

Racing returns this Sunday at Dinosaur Downs




Friday, July 16, 2010

Patrick Kolafa Weekender








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It has been a while since there has been the rumbling of car racing in the valley, but that could all change this weekend. Sunday, July 18 is opening day for Dinosaur Downs Speedway, as they will be hosting four categories of racing at the new track. The track had a false start last season, but now it is set for racing, having inked a deal with the International Motor Contests Association (IMCA) of Canada. Gord MacKinnon, second vice president of the Drumheller Stampede and Ag Society, who is helping to spearhead the racing at the facility, is confident the track will be in great shape for the scheduled races. MacKinnon says there is a full slate of racing scheduled of the 3/8-mile track. The IMCA Modifieds are going to be at the races. These are unique whips comparable in speed and power to late model stock cars; however, they are typically open wheeled at the front and enclosed at the back. Some are based on stock cars while other are fully customized. There will also be IMCA stock cars. These to will provide great racing action, especially on the larger track that allows for the V8’s to stretch their legs. Also on track is the Renegade Stock Truck Club out of Brooks. MacKinnon says they have about a dozen trucks that will provide for some exciting racing.

Local drivers also have a chance to get in on the action. Dinosaur Downs will be hosting local hobby stock car races at the track this Sunday as well. There is potential for about 10 cars to be on track for racing, with many drivers itching to get back behind the wheel since Hidden Valley Motorsport Park closed.

If your idea of a Sunday drive is to watch some dust-pounding racing action, the gates to Dinosaur Downs open to spectators at 11 a.m. Time trials start at 12:30 p.m. and racing goes at 2 p.m. Go to for more information.

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Racing will return to the valley this weekend at Dinosaur Downs as four classes of racing including local hobby stock cars will take to the new 3/8 -mile oval track. Above

is an example of a IMCA modified cars which will also be racing. Weekender filephotos


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Friday, July 16, 2010

The Weekender 2010 - Page 11



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Fire Coulee Bandits keep lobster feast lively The Old Grouch Restaurant hosted its annual Lobsterfest on July 3 and the Fire Coulee bandits kept patrons enter-

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tained with their brand of rocking folk. inSide photo by Lisa Clarke


Match the photo of the dinosaur with the correct business logo and drop off the entry form at The Drumheller Mail for your chance to win a



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Riverside Value Drug Mart





Name: Full Address: Phone Number: Comments on Drumheller:

Drop 515Hwy. Hwy 10 East,Drumheller, Drumheller,AB AB Dropentry entryform formoff offat atThe The Drumheller Drumheller Mail, Mail, 515 10 East, orormail Drumheller, AB AB T0J T0J 0Y0. 0Y0.One Oneentry entryper perperson. person. mailto toBox Box1629, 1629, Drumheller, Contest Winner will will be be contacted contactedby by September September11, 10,2009. 2010. Contestcloses closesAugust August20, 21,2010. 2009. Winner


12 - Friday, July 16, 2010

inSide | Drumheller -

Call our Sportsline at 403-823-2580 or fax 403-823-3864 or email us at

Swim lessons at Aquaplex summer success Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

ager Ann Wade says there are about 100 children every week On some of these rainy coming for lessons. The prodays, it has been relatively gram ďŹ lls up quickly, although quiet outside the Drumheller Wade says there are still a few Aquaplex. spots available for the aordInside, the squeals of excite- able week-long lessons. ment and joy Programs offrom youngfered range Inside, the squeals from Aquatots, sters learning to navifor of excitement and designed gate in the and joy from youngsters parents water echo. babies, learning to navigate their The Drumpreschool lesin the water. sons, all the way heller Aquaplex is a busy up to Bronze place in the Cross and Bronze Medallion summer. Not only does it see certiďŹ cation. 300-500 come through the The pool has about 10 door to use the facility, but trained instructors for lesdozens more youngsters are sons. in the pool learning the basics For more information or to and beyond of swimming. register for swim lessons, conThe summer swimming tact the Aquaplex at 403-823lessons at the Aquaplex are 1322. going strong. Aquaplex man-

Instructors Brandin Gwinner, left and Audrey deBona help a class of preschoolers get their first taste of swimming at the Drumheller Aquaplex. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

Wintering Hills Wind Power Project Suncor Energy invites you to an

Information Session Tuesday, July 20, 2010 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the

Dalum Community Hall located at the intersection of Highway 56 and Highway 569 The Wintering Hills Wind Power Project will be located 21 km south-southeast of Drumheller, near the community of Dalum, within Wheatland County. Members of our team will provide information on Suncor and answer questions about this exciting new project.

Badlands Basketball attracts 34 cagers This is the eighth year for Badlands Basketball, and this year a healthy 34 youth from Grade 6 to Grade 12 registered for the week-long camp. The camp helps hoopsters learn the fundamentals of the game and keep fit. This year the two most improved players from last summer were sponsored to attend, and instructors also drew five names from spring league players to attend for free. The program is sustained by the volunteerism of alumni that return to help coach the camp. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

Please note: This project has been approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC).


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PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Saturday, July 17, 11 a.m. all types; Auto, RV’s, 4x4’s, boats, paraplane and more. Units arriving daily. Scribner Auction, Wainwright, AB. 780-8425666; AUCTIONS DONE RIGHT! Whether it’s equipment, real estate, livestock or a complete farm dispersal. For a free auction proposal contact Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers today! 1-800-491-4494 or

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FOR SALE... Auto shelter 10’ x 20’ x 61/2’ portable garage. New, still in box. $200. 403-823-6675. 28p

Employment Machine Operators: Experienced civil installers for shallow utility installation. Must be willing to commute to Drumheller area, to job site. Please submit resume via e-mail or fax. No phone calls, please. E-Mail: dougw@ Fax: 1-888-8814563. 27tfc

Garage Sales GARAGE SALE... 333 3rd Street East (back alley). Something for everyone. Cancelled if raining. Saturday, July 17, 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. 28p


$0 DOWN & we make your 1st payment at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? Good or bad credit call Stephanie 1-877792-0599; DLN 30309. SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Good driving record? Call Grey Power Alberta today at 1-866-428-0890 for no-obligation quote. Extended weekday hours. Open Weekends. (Alberta only). BANKRUPT? BAD CREDIT? Call us! All makes and models. Professional credit rebuilders. Delivery Available. Call Garth 403-888-5593 or 1-866-476-1938. Cavalcade Auto Acceptance Corp., serving Alberta for 20 years.

BUILDING SUPPLIES SAVE MONEY, build with Insulated Concrete Forms. Specializing in your ICF needs. Insulated Concrete Block sales, bracing rentals, qualified installers. IC Forming Inc., 780914-8650;

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE CORNER PUB in Mundare, Alberta is for sale. Asking $349,900. Call or email Danelle Bolinski at 780-242-4662; with All-Banners Realty for more information. ENERGY DRINKS = LIQUID PROFITS! Distribute our hot selling, all-Canadian, pro endorsed energy drinks. Exclusive retail/vending opportunity, limited areas. Investment required. Free samples/information package. 1-800-2672321. ARE YOU HIGHLY MOTIVATED and looking for a reputable on-line business? Flexible hours, free training, great income and incentives, real support; BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877-3880123 ext. 229 or visit our website: today


CASTOR CENTENNIAL HOMECOMING 2010, July 30, 31 & Aug. 1, 2010. Info and pre-register:; Welcome former residents of the town and surrounding area.

Robert Joseph Boutin (b. 7 January 1945 in Spiritwood, Saskatchewan) passed away at his home in Drumheller, Alberta, on the 30th of June 2010 at the age of 65. Robert is remembered by his daughter Michelle, his son Mathew and his beloved dog, Pud. A memorial service will be held at 1 pm, Friday the 16th of July at Pierson’s Garden of Peace Chapel (located within the Rocky View Garden of Peace Cemetery), 16th Avenue & Garden Road NE, Calgary, AB. Online remembrances can also be made through the obituarties link at The family requests donations to the Heart Foundation in lieu of flowers. 28p



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First Aid, PST, Ground Disturbance, Line locating and air brakes. Fax resume and drivers abstract to 780-723-3315 or email: lorialee@moradnet. VILLAGE OF CONSORT invites applications for a Village Administrator. Successful applicant will possess: a Local Government Administrators Certificate, excellent personal skills in communicating with rate payers and employees. A financial background would be an asset. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume by Wednesday, July 21, 2010 to : Box 490, Consort, Alberta, T0C 1B0, Attention: Michelle Formanek, Fax: 403-577-2024; email MORGAN CONSTRUCTION & ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. is looking for experienced Scraper, Hoe and Finishing Dozer Operators for work in the oilfield and heavy civil construction projects. Clean driver’s abstract and all safety tickets a must (Standard first aid, H2S, CSTS/PST, and Ground Disturbance II). Competitive wages, full benefits. Resumes can be faxed to 780-960-4696, emailed to, or apply in person at 702 Acheson Road, Acheson, Alberta. Only those contacted will be interviewed. EMPLOYMENT IN ALBERTA. Sheetmetal journeyman required shop fabrication, journeyman sheetmetal field, journeyman plumbers/pipefitters field, journeyman refrigeration mechanic, benefit package available, overtime available.; Fax: 780-624-2190. ENSIGN CANADIAN DRILLING, is currently looking for Top Drive Field Technicians. The position of Field Technician offers a wide variety of work and the potential for growth in the organization. The primary responsibilities for this position include all operational aspects on Varco and Tesco Top Drive units, working on our drilling rig sites throughout Western Canada. Previous experience with Varco or Tesco Top Drive Units is preferred. Please submit your resume with related experience and references to: Ensign Recruitment Center, Fax number 780-955-6160. Attention: Lincoln. SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit:

EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAREGIVERS/NANNIES with 7 months training and/or one year experience are looking for live-in employment with elderly, disabled or families needing child care. 780-7090005;

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TRAVEL QUEEN VICTORIA HOTEL, Victoria, BC. Extended rates October 15 - April 30. Downtown hotel with kitchens, pool, fitness centre, parking. Contact: or 1-800-663-7007;

14 - Friday, July 16, 2010

inSide Drumheller -

inSideBREAK Crossword

CLUES ACROS 1. Designer Jacobs 5. Invests in little enterprises 9. _____ Castell, makers of pens 14. Ex-ruler of Iran 15. Widely used Pakistani language 16. Niche near the altar 17. Chancel area 18. Asian weight unit (1.3 oz) 19. A protruding part 20. Suspicious 23. Comparative conjunctive 24. Brew 25. Tooth decays 28. Hygienic 33. Feeling of blame 34. Sudden loud noises 35. Sixth Hebrew letter 36. Food from orchid tubers 38. Astern 39. Ethiopian lake 41. Midway between E and SE 42. Rattling breaths 44. Blue goose 45. Pilchards 47. Football league ____ A 49. The longest division of geological time 50. Swollen lymph node 51. Berlin gate 56. Unconsciousness 59. Anglo-Saxon currency 60. An inexperienced person 62. Male social clubs 63. People of southern India 64. A jeering remark 65. Staffs 66. A domed or vaulted recess 67. Or ____ CLUES DOWN 1. Mutual savings bank (abbr.) 2. Polite interruption sound 3. Actor ___ Malek 4. A way to scold 5. Sacred Buddhist writings 6. Von _____, rocket scientist 7. March 15th

Sudoku Here’s how it works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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2 2 for for 11 pizza pizza Proudly serving gluten free pizza for over 5 years

Coming soon 2 for 1 pasta • whole wheat crust 8. Extremist religious group 9. A composer of fables 10. Talisman 11. Where wine ferments (abbr.) 12. Heat unit 13. Whisky 21. One and only 22. Venom injector 25. Romaine lettuces 26. Squash bug genus 27. 12-inch measuring stick 28. Strongboxes 29. Small social insects 30. Wooly indris genus 31. Rajah's wife 32. Chinese monetary unit

Word Search

34. A large cotton bundle 37. Convent superior 40. Obtain by salvaging 43. Tennis star Kournikova 46. Pro and con discussion 47. Ice cream served with a topping 48. The outward flow of the tide 50. A drop of moisture 52. ____ Bene (Latin) 53. Fall to a lower place 54. One train track 55. A castrated male cat 56. Cubic feet per minute (abbr.) 57. Openings 58. A waterproof raincoat 61. Charge for a service

Answers Last Week's Crossword Solution

Sudoku Solution

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Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, a health kick has you feeling good while you get in shape. If you already have been on an exercise regimen, you may want to step it up a little.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you might need a little alone time this week. It's perfectly acceptable to retreat to your room or a quiet corner for as long as you need.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, strange things fall into your lap when you least expect it. You can't help but wonder where they have come from. Don't question your good fortune.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, play your cards right and you might be in for a financial reward. The hard part will be spending your newfound riches. It's easy to get carried away.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, there's not much you can do to change someone's mind. Instead of arguing, try seeing things from the other's perspective. Opportunity for romance arrives later this week.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, when an opportunity for advancement at work arises, jump on it as fast as you can. Though you may have passed on the opportunity before, the paycheck is well worth the work.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, success can be difficult when you don't have a goal or plan in mind. Start mapping out a course of action and enjoy the road to success. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, it is time to carefully consider all relationships. Determine which relationships need to become a higher priority and which can be placed on the back burner.

Lexicon Choose which definition is correct.

liege means:

sovereign liveliness utensil exactness Answer: sovereign

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Word Search Solution

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, don't trust your intuition this week. Instead, rely on others to be your sounding board for ideas. Big changes are in store soon. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a change of scenery might be just what you need. Your biggest challenge is deciding where to go. Take a friend or family member along for the ride. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, your luck changes for the better at a time when you can truly appreciate the change in fortunes. What a different perspective you have on life this week.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, others are worried about your attitude. If you've been in a slump, turn to friends to help you get in a better mood.

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Famous Birthdays JULY 16 Michael Flatley, Dancer (52)

JULY 19 Brian May, Guitarist (63)

JULY 17 Donald Sutherland, Actor (76)

JULY 20 Gisele Bündchen, Model (30)

JULY 18 Priyanka Chopra, Actress (28)

JULY 21 Michael Connelly, Author (54)

inSide | D rumheller -

Friday, July 16, 2010 - 15

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$5 A BAG

2010 Passion Play ends this weekend

With three shows this weekend, there is still a chance for those who haven’t yet seen this wonderful production from the Canadian Badlands Passion Play. Depicting the story of Jesus Christ, his death and his resurrection, the Badlands provide an amazing setting and hundreds of people come together each year to offer this unforgettable experience to spectators. The play has been

scripted to make the audience think. The story of Jesus Christ may be well known, but the play highlights the personal and emotional impact of the events, helped with Matthew narrating directly to the audience. The clever use of the settings provides a few surprises, and a breathtaking ending. The Passion Play has three more shows this week, on July, 16, 17 and 18.

Drumheller Public Library 224 Centre Street, Drumheller


inSide photo by Pascale Taylor




1 of 4 Pairs

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 16, 17, 18, Rumsey: Rumsey Ag Society presents 2010 Homecoming and Slowpitch Tournament. Call Kent to enter your team 403-368-3733. Call Dariel for info on Homecoming 403-368-2120. Sunday, July 18, Drumheller: Stampede and Ag Society present Dinosaur Downs Speedway. Gates open at 1 p.m. Races start at 2 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 23, 24, 25, Rockyford: 53rd Annual Rockyford Rodeo. Lots to do, lots to see. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 23, 24, 25, Hanna: 13th Annual Old Time Music Jamboree. Hanna Community Centre. Starts at 10 a.m. each day. 3 days of fine old time music and dancing. Free RV parking on site. Saturdays, Drumheller: Drumheller Farmers’ Market, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., May through October at the former Liquidation World site at Greentree Mall.

DRUMHELLER AREA NIGHTLIFE Saturday, July 17, Morrin: Morrin Hotel 2nd Annual Poker Run and Pig Roast. Registration at 10:00 a.m. at Morrin Hotel. Pig Roast 6:00 p.m. Entertainment by Brian Lannigan. Camping available. Saturday, July 17, Drumheller: Christmas in July at Old Grouch’s. Starts at 6 p.m. Full Christmas Buffet. Entertainment by Dew Carver. Call for tickets 403-823-5755. Saturday, July 24, Trochu: Grand Opening of the Blue Quill Family Restaurant. Great Door Prizes. Free appetizers and cake. 220 Arena Avenue, Trochu. Call 403-442-2197.


VISIT OUR ONLINE FLIPBOOK We are located at 515 Highway 10 East Drumheller

To enter simply answer the skill testing questions below and bring-in/mail your entry to The Drumheller Mail. Draws will be made Wednesday, July 28. Winners and answers will appear in the Friday, July 30 edition of inSide Drumheller. All correct entries will be entered into a draw.

1. How many steps are inside the World’s Largest Dinosaur? ______________________ 2. In what year was the Little Church erected? ______________________ 3. What mine was located on the other side of the Rosedale Suspension Bridge? _____________________ 4. What year did the Drumheller Miners bring home the Allan Cup? ______________________ 5. How many years has The Drumheller Mail been serving Drumheller? ______________________ 6. How many dinosaur statues can be found in the valley? ______________________

Name: __________________________________

Interested in advertising here? Let us help ... call Wendy or Kathryn at 403-823-2580 or email Delivering your news, your way, in print and on line.

Phone: ____________________________________

drumheller d h lll

Send your name & phone number to Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 515 Highway 10 East Ph: 403-823-2580 email:

Deadline for entries is Wednesday, July 28 at 5 pm.

16 - Friday, July 16 2010

inSide Drumheller -

Information session on Winter Hills wind project this Tuesday Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

Development. The Wintering Hills Wind Power Project will consist of 55 turbines, and will be Suncor’s largest wind power project to date. At its peak operation, the installation will be able to generate enough energy to power about 35,000 Alberta homes. This could displace about 200,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Representatives of Suncor will be at the meeting to provide information on the project and answer questions regarding the installation. The information session is this Tuesday, July 20 at the Dalum Community Hall. Representatives will be in attendance from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

An information session to learn about the Wintering Hills Wind Power Project is slated for this Tuesday. The Drumheller Mail reported in its Wednesday, June 9 edition that Suncor has been granted regulatory approval from the Alberta Utilities Commission to build a 88 megawatt wind power project 21 kilometres south-southeast of Drumheller in the Dalum area. “The Wintering Hills project not only complements Suncor’s commitment to sustainable energy development, but also represents a key asset in the company’s growing renewables portfolio,� said Jay Thornton, executive vice president, Energy Supply, Trading &

The public is invited to an information session on the Wintering Hills Wind Project

Food for


Visit us online... www.

Lori Stefanishion | inSide Drumheller Food Columnist Easy Summer Mornings Summertime is a good excuse for some lazy days and simple meals. We often have overnight guests during these warm vacation days, too. Here are a few ideas for uncomplicated, but nice breakfast-type foods to serve any number of people. It might just be you alone that you are giving a special treat to - so enjoy! Ham and egg cups Line muffin tins with one thin slice of ham. Either break an egg into the cup you formed using the ham, or whisk egg - depending on whether you prefer a scrambled egg or a baked whole egg. (As you can see in the photo, I made both.) Top with a sprinkle of grated cheese. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes, until egg is set. You could serve this on an English Muffin, or have toast fingers on the side to dip into the egg. For the kids, you could tint the eggs green and serve them “Green Eggs and Ham� or simply add a dollop of guacamole.

Follow 3 for us on all a to wi chance n an i Pad!



pan. A sprinkling of cheese and you have a nice Breakfast Bake with very little trouble at all. These ingredients can also be put into individual ramekins or the small foil bowls and baked as Breakfast Bowls. Or you may choose to break an egg on top of the other ingredients and bake them that way. Everyone takes their own bowl.

Monthly Photo Contest July Theme: ‘Beat the Heat’

Easy Egg McMuffins I like to do bacon in the oven to avoid the mess of grease splashing and you can just leave it to cook without having to flip it or tend to it often. If you put one slice of bacon curled into each of 6 muffin tins and fill the other 6 tins with egg whisked with a bit of milk, you will have a “no fuss� breakfast ready in about 20 minutes (with the oven at 375.) The egg comes out baked just right to fit onto an English Muffin! You might place a slice of cheese on the muffin first, if you like.  Enjoy these summer mornings!

Omelet Rolls A nice touch to an omelet is to bake it in the oven on a pan with a bit of an edge, such as a bar pan. Flip it over onto a clean tea towel. Sprinkle some toppings such as crumbled, cooked bacon, cheese, mushrooms, peppers, onions, cheese whatever you like. Roll up jelly-roll fashion, using the tea towel to keep it together. Sprinkle some cheese and bake for another 5 minutes to melt the cheese. Serve in slices.

Tuesday, July 20 at the Dalum Community Centre. file photo

Show us how to keep cool during summer!

Grab your camera and be our next winner!!! Email your photo, along with your name, address and phone number to:

Breakfast Bakes I like to stir fry leftover potatoes from the last night’s barbecue along with any roasted vegetables. Add some cooked sausage, bacon or ham. Pour enough beaten egg to blend it all together, depending on the amount of meats and vegetables you have in the One lucky winner will receive a

Portrait Package at Freson IGA (value of $29.99). It consists of 3 - 8x10 professional quality sheets. Each sheet can be made up of either: 1 - 8x10, 2- 5x7’s, 3 - 4x6’s, 4 - 3.5x5’s or 9 wallets.

If chosen, we may even use it for our cover photo!



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