inSide June 25, 2010

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Friday, June 25, 2010

art & gift gallery

Vol. 4, No. 25 | 16 pages

Downtown | Drumheller 403.823.3686


Summer Fun

Esther eyes new collection carts As the new garbage collection carts are being delivered to residents and businesses in Drumheller, Esther Bieganek, from Riverside Value Drug Mart, wanted to check just how big the new carts were and yes, she is satisfied they will indeed be big enough for five bagfuls of garbage! The Town of Drumheller started delivering the carts on June 21

Your guide to summer See pages 6 - 11

and Infrastructure Services told inSide Drumheller residents can start using them July 5. If you have any questions or have not received your cart by June 30, please contact the town on 403-8231358 or 403-823-1345 or visit their website at www. Thanks to Esther for being such a good sport. inSide photo by O.R. Sheddy

Mayor will not seek re-election See page 2

Drumheller's NHL draft prospect See page 2

INDEX inSide Opinions .........Page 2 Who are You? .............Page 3 inSide Break ............Page 14 Classifieds .................Page 13 inSide Sports .........Pages 15 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller

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2 - Friday, June 25, 2010

inSide STREETERS As announced in this week’s edition of The Drumheller Mail, the wait is over - Tim Hortons has selected a potential site to bring its first franchise to Drumheller. inSide Drumheller asked "How do you feel about Tim Hortons coming to town?"

Debi Kennedy “It’s about time! I have a husband we call a Timmiholic. We drive to Airdrie on Sunday afternoons just so he can have a Timmies!”

Vanessa Seymour “I think it’s awesome!”

Stahl has high hopes in NHL draft Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

This Saturday, Tyler Stahl is probably going to be doing what any other average 18 yearold will be doing. Maybe he’ll be playing a little tennis, or hitting a few golf balls. He probably isn’t going to be watching TV. Any other teenager in his position however would probably be glued to the screen. After all, the future of his hockey career is hanging in the balance. Tyler, son of Gary and Lorri is ranked 116th going into the 2010 NHL draft. NHL teams on Friday and Saturday will be picking 200 players to be added to their organization. At 116, there is a good chance his career will be in the hands of a team from the premier hockey organization in the world. He sheepishly grins and admits he is not sure if he will watch yet. He would hate to be in the position of watching but not being picked. Many in Drumheller have followed Tyler’s career on his way through the hockey ranks. Quietly, but always with a smile, he started out in elementary school with FunTeam. His dad Gary chuckles and says they learned right away he was a little too physical for that type of play. He played Drumheller Minor Hockey through his first year of peewee, before he headed to Strathmore to play. Along the way, he began to believe that he could play at the higher ranks. “I was in my first year of summer hockey when I thought I could do well and make it,” Tyler tells inSide Drumheller.

He also grew on his way through the ranks. The defenseman now stands 6-foot-2 and is shooting past the 200-pound mark. He played his bantam career in Airdrie. He entered the bantam draft and was selected in the fourth round by the Chilliwack Bruins. He headed to Caronport High School in Saskatchewan and played midget hockey. The 2009-2010 season was his first full season in Chilliwack and he made an impact. His mid-season ranking was 96th. Even if his number is not drawn in the draft, his dream to play professional hockey is undaunted, and he understands the key is hard work. He says at the level he plays, all the players bring to the table a high skill level. The work they put into their game is what makes the difference. To that end, he is training five to six days a week this summer. Jon Armbruster, a former member of the Drumheller Dragons coaching staff, who is now working for Uptown Sports Management, comes to Drumheller weekly to help him and a number of athletes train at the Dragons training facility. Stahl says his hockey experiences are what keep him motivated. While he still won’t fess up to watching television on Saturday, he will be watching on Friday during the first round to see how some of his colleagues do. On Saturday, even if he is on the golf course, there’s a good chance he’ll be checking his phone for messages.

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Karen Shepherd “I think Tim Hortons takes all the character out of a community. When you get all these standard chains, it all starts to look the same. It’s cool to come to a place with a little downtown with cafes and nice buildings.”

inSide | Drumheller -

Editor inSide Drumheller Dear Editor, “Lead us not into temptation”. That’s what came to mind as I returned to Drumheller Tuesday morning and saw the new garbage cans sitting on people’s lawns and laneways. They’re huge. What do I need with that? Our household rarely has more than one kitchen bag of garbage per week… and we could lessen that still if there was recycling for glass and/

or community composting. When visiting a relative of ours who lives in Stettler, we were most impressed to hear that community now has curb-side recycling. I wish. I wonder how many of the new carts will be filled this week with people's old garbage cans? Increasing our community’s capacity to reduce waste instead of encouraging people to “fill ‘er up” via the big new carts, would have my support. A saddened citizen, Jan Richardson

drumheller d h ll (pending)

Published every Friday Office: 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller, AB. Mailing: Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0

Phone 403.823.2580

Fax 403.823.3864


Mayor Nimmo says “No” to third term O. R. Sheddy | inSide Editor

al Landfill. The two new schools (St. AnMayor Bryce Nimmo, who thony’s and DCHS) currently has led the Town of Drumheller under construction are certainfor the past four years, will not ly positive for the town as these seek a third term in the October are important for a healthy, vibrant community, he added. 18 civic election. “Drumheller is in a great poIn an exclusive interview, Mayor Nimmo informed inSide sition for the future, and we are Drumheller he felt he has en- moving in the right direction”, joyed the opportunity to serve he continued. “Council has also dealt with a the citizens of lot of planning Drumheller and land-use since comissues that are ing to office key to our fuin February of ture.” 2007. Mayor NimHe followed mo was also former Maypleased that or Paul Ainthe town has scough who sig nif ic antly resigned in the increased the fall of 2006, number of and defeated volunteers informer counvolved in work cilor Larry DaMayor Bryce Nimmo… on behalf of the vidson in a Janunot to seek re-election Town. ary by-election. “Our commitIn the October 2007 civic election, he was re-elected, de- tees involved with the new fafeating Robert Jackson for the cility, the new Police Commission, and all of the other boards mayor’s seat. “I am pleased with the prog- assisting the town, require a ress the town has made over lot of time commitment and I the past while, and Drumheller am grateful to citizens for their continues to be a wonderful dedication,” he said. Though not seeking another place to live and work”, he said. Mayor Nimmo cited several term, Mr. Nimmo says he will moves made by the Town over still help out where needed. “Rosalie and I will continue the past while that he is pleased to have been part of, including to make Drumheller our home, the planning and development and I will still volunteer where of the Badlands Community I can. I want to offer “Good Facility, the new Wastewater Luck” to the new Council when Treatment Plant, and signifi- they take over after the fall eleccant changes out at the Region- tion.”

All rights reserved. The use of any or all of the material in this publication is prohibited without the express permission of the publisher. Any and/or all information found within this publication may be displayed on the internet at the discretion of the publisher.

Pat Roes “I can’t wait, I love Tim Hortons!”

Whether he is selected in the NHL draft or not, Tyler Stahl will continue his rigorous training regiment preparing to play with the Chilliwack Bruins next season. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

O. R. Sheddy, Editor O. R. Sheddy, Publisher Letters to the Editor are most welcome. They should be brief and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for legality, clarity and taste. Letters must bear the name, address and phone number of the writer. Anonymous letters will be discarded.

Cynthia MacKay


are you?

is a weekly feature that profiles various young, professional Drumhellerites. Submit a "Who are you" for yourself, a friend or a co-worker online at under the 'inSide' tab. We'll call you to come in and have your photo taken.

Chips with Salsa a little spicy but always welcome

by C. Aiello

Today’s technology is a wonderful thing, but there is an old maxim about too much of a good thing. Only my opinion, but I think we are nearing the point of critical mass, that is, too much. As exhibit number one, I cite the cell phone/camera/texting device/online connection. As technology speeds ahead, the cell phone/camera/etc. is going the way of the late lamented land line, being replaced by do-it-all gadgets like the Blackberry and the iPad.. I mean who needs a phone that has perhaps a lousy 100,000 apps (What the hell is an “app” anyway?), when you can get an iPad for 600 bucks that has 200,000 apps and counting? (That’s according to the advertising.) The latest thing (to me at least), books on your iPad or laptop. It isn’t really a book, then, is it? Oh sure, your little electronic device can store thousands of books, but what’s the point, you may only read about a dozen books in a year, most of us don’t read that many. A book is something I can hold in my hands; it smells of ink, paper and glue. I get a feeling through the words; I enjoy the tactile feel of turning a page, or dog-earing to mark my place. Try that on your laptop. Enough of my disdain for technology, it’s out there, there’s more of it on the way, it’s coming fast and furious, and my feelings matter little. Okay, I’m almost used to punching in the area code before dialing a local number. I still knock one out every now and then, but mostly I hit 403 before I dial. Sure it’s a hassle, but it’s just one of those things where computers, cell phones and the like are making life so much simpler and convenient. Did I just contradict myself? I said it was a hassle, but then said it was convenient. Yes, I believe that constitutes a contradiction. As a further contribution to my convenience, the White Pages for the phone book will soon be discontinued, that is, it will no longer be delivered to one’s house. The White Pages are going online. Gosh, you just know that it can’t happen soon enough for me. I’ll no longer have to finger through that lousy directory, whose print gets smaller every year, requiring me to don reading glasses. Now I’ll just dial directory assistance, and let them do the walking. Of course, I attribute the need for having to dial three extra numbers to the cell phone, whose number is beyond counting. In North America, the sight of a teen or preteen talking or texting on a cell phone is as common as seeing a teen or preteen in the Third World trying to communicate his feeling with an AK47 assault rifle. Neither technology should be allowed into the hands of anyone under the age of 18, and then only for emergencies. The first has the capacity to restrict one’s ability for rational thought, and the second, the ability for life itself.

First the phone numbers and now the license plates. It appears that we have too many cars and not enough plate numbers. I don’t see how that can be, there are only about three million of us. Sure, some of us have more than one car, but even at that, it’s maybe five million cars for personal use. You can add another million, or even two million, and you have seven million. Using a combination of three letters and three numbers, the number of permutations is astronomical. There is a formula for figuring out this sort of thing, I remember there being one from high school. Of course, that was 40 years ago, and I’m afraid that time and lack of use has erased that lesson from the blackboard that is my mind. We are told we must reduce, reuse and recycle. Adding another number or letter to license plates helps to do none of these. We will use more paint, more metal and more energy. Government leadership in action, or perhaps more accurately, government leadership inaction.


Friday, June 25, 2010 - 3 Age: 32 Job: Public Works Administrative Assistant. Employer: Town of Drumheller. What do you like about your job? Interacting with the public, and working with my awesome co-workers! I am one of those lucky ones who loves their job and the people I work with. Where do you live? Just south of Dalum… middle of nowhere. How long have you lived there? 4 years. If not all your life, where do you come from and what brought you to Drumheller? I was born in Chatham, Ontario but grew up in the Strathmore/ Calgary area. We moved to Drum to have a better place to raise our son. What do you like best about Drumheller? The people, they are so friendly. If there were one thing you could change about Drumheller, what would it be? Tim Horton’s… Yes, I’ve read the paper but I won’t believe it until I see it. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Australia – I love the accent and the beaches look so beautiful. Have you ever taken a life changing decision? Yes, when I quit my job of nine years and moved to Drumheller. What do you do in your spare time? Race a stock car. Your life’s best achievement? My son James. What are your strengths? I am a people person. Any weaknesses? Of course not… haha. Any bad habits? Yes, but I’m not telling. Three words that best describe you? Reliable, upbeat, and crazy (in a good way).

What makes you happy? Spending time with my family at the race track, working on the car and winning races. If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie, what would they be? Good health, happiness, and prosperity for my friends and family. If you could have one super power what would it be? InvisRiverside Value Drug Mart

ibility – this way I could always win hide 'n' seek when I play with my son. If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a 10 year old kid, what advice would you give yourself? Don’t be so serious….be a kid and have fun. Words to live by? Don’t spend life worrying about the future…. live for each day.

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Ask Your Pharmacist


Q: A: Ray Ainscough B. Sc. (PHARM)

Have health questions? We’re here to help.

Chances are you’re not alone when it comes to health matters that affect us the most. Here, your questions are answered by our local pharmacists of Riverside Value Drug Mart.

Q: A:

My friends and I go down the river in the summer and one of us always get a bad burn, what can you recommend to help after? Prevention is always more important than treatment. To prevent such a bad burn, a sunscreen with at least a SPF of 15 is recommended. If out in the sun for long periods of time, reapplication is warranted. If a burn occurs, a long shower or bath is recommended since the skin will continue to burn for hours after exposure and this can prevent further skin damage. Applying pure Aloe Vera gel can be effective in treating mild sunburns with frequent applications recommended. In severe sunburns, prescription creams are available. Are there any over-the-counter products that get rid of pinkeye, is it contagious? The only product available OTC is Polysporin eye drops. I find it effective in only approximately 25% of the time. Most often a visit to a doctor or optometrist is recommended to make sure it is indeed pinkeye and to get a prescription. Pinkeye is definitely contagious. The affected person should avoid touching their infected eye(s) with their fingers, as well, when applying drops the tip of the bottle should not touch the eye. With a prescription, pinkeye should be cured in about five days. It is recommended that the drops should be used for two days after the eye is totally clear in order to make sure that the infection is cured. If the eye is not getting better or is getting worse after two days of the start of treatment, further follow-up the a doctor or optometrist is warranted.

Have something to ask a pharmacist? Email your questions to with the subject line: Ask Your Pharmacist All names remain confidential.

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Entering our contest is simple!

1. Sign-up for our email newsletter at 2. Follow us on Twitter at 3. ‘Like’ our Facebook community page at Then, send an email to us at containing your email address signed up to our newsletter, your Twitter username, and your name as it appears on Facebook. (Please also provide us with your phone number so that we can contact you if you win!) RULES AND REGULATIONS • The name of any contestant who has completed the contest tasks will be entered into a draw for the iPad in which a winner will be selected randomly. After the winner is chosen, their entry criteria will be verified and they will be contacted by phone. • Only one contest entry per person is permitted. • To be eligible for the contest, entrants must have a valid shipping address within Alberta. (The Drumheller Mail will pay the shipping cost if the winner resides outside of Drumheller.) • The Drumheller Mail and inSide Drumheller employees and their immediate families are ineligible for the iPad giveaway. • Winner will be required to answer a skill-testing question. • Winner must agree to have their photo taken and published in The Drumheller Mail or inSide Drumheller. • Giveaway is for a 16 GB Apple iPad with wi-fi (but not 3G) capabilities - comes with iPad, dock connector to USB cable, 10W USB Power Adapter, and documentation. Further technical specifications can be found on


are you? WHO inSide | Drumheller -

4 - Friday, June 25, 2010

inSide | Drumheller -

DCHS stem cell drive huge success Pascale Taylor | inSide Drumheller

Drumheller Composite High School (DCHS) students had a very ambitious target: to get 400 people to come to the school and have their cheek swabbed for a stem cell donation on Wednesday, June 23 within a four-hour period. The idea of the stem cell drive came from Mrs. Dart. When DCHS students found out the rare blood disease she had suffered from had come back, they asked how they could help. As a stem cell transplant had saved her life in June 2007, Mrs. Dart suggested this drive and felt a target of 100 would be reasonable. Mr. LaPierre and the students decided that 400 was the target they should aim for. And they are nearly there! At the time of going to press, Hailu Mulatu, coordinator for the drive from OneMatch Canadian Blood Services, told inSide Drumheller they had 309 people attending the drive and 63 had registered online.

“The Drumheller community has shown these patients [on the registry awaiting donors] very huge support and they have given a very clear indication how caring the community is,” said Mulatu. “On behalf of the Canadian Blood Services OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network and the patients we serve, I would like to thank and express my gratitude to the community of Drumheller.” Mrs. Dart told inSide Drumheller, “I am excited, but I am determined to reach 400. I am not stopping until we reach our target!” “I really didn’t have any doubt,” said Mr LaPierre about reaching their target. “The 400 number came from me and talking with the Grade 7 team who were volunteering here. And I said, ‘You know, this sounds like a good number, and it may not be possible, but at the same token, I think it is. If everybody does their little part, it happens very easily.’ And sure enough,

this is exactly what happened.” People who were not able to attend the drive can still register online. To keep track

of the numbers, Mrs. Dart is asking for people to let her know when they register online by emailing her at

Drumheller Composite High School hosted a very successful stem cell donation clinic on Wednesday, June 23, and has nearly reached their target of 400 registrations. In the photo are (front; l-r) volunteer To register online, visit

Wendy Olson registering Chris Foesier, with (back; l-r) volunteer Shauna Johnson registering DCHS graduate Joshua Wiebe, giving his cheek swab, accompanied by his brother, Nathaniel. inSide photo by Pascale Taylor

Retailers make efforts to reduce plastic bags Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

A new agreement by grocery industry groups and the Province of Alberta is expected to see a drastic reduction of plastic grocery bags. Liked for their convenience, but loathed for the strain they put on landfills and the mess they create, the Alberta government and Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors, Retail Council of Canada, Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, and the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores have reached a voluntary agree-

drumheller d h lll

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ment to cut the number of plastic bags in circulation. They have set a target of seeing the 2008 number of bags cut in half by 2013. “Many Albertans are concerned with the number of plastic bags littering streets and entering landfills,” said Rob Renner, Minister of Environment. “This agreement with retailers is an important step in reducing plastic bag waste in every community.” Many retailers in Drumheller are already taking steps to curb the number of bags. Darryl Jacques, manager of Freson IGA said as much as the bags are a convenience, grocers are concerned with the waste generated by bags, and says more customers are choosing not to use them. “More people are conscious of it for sure,” said Jacques. Freson IGA, like many oth-

er retailers, have been selling reusable shopping bags. This could help the store’s bottom line by not having expense of supplying plastic bags for many orders. “There is an expense, it’s not that great, but when you look at it over the year, it does add up,” said Jacques. “At the same time, we are not trying to make money on reusable bags.” Dave Kosolofski, controller for Drumheller Co-op says they too are making an effort to promote reusable shopping bags. “On occasion we’ll do promotions where we give the reusable bags away with certain purchases to get them out there and people using them,” said Kosolofski. The store makes other efforts. “We try to minimize as many plastic bags as we can throughout the course of the day,” said Kosolofski. “We also accept the

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plastic bags back in our recycle centre, and we ship them back for recycling. So we do try to keep them out of the landfill by recycling them through our wholesaler.” He says plastic bags cost the store anywhere from 3-5 cents each, and while some retailers have begun to charge for bags, he says this is a route the Drumheller Co-op would not explore. Some industry best practices list include: Reduce usage of new plastic bags • Train staff to put a sticker or tape on large items instead of bagging. • Offer consumers a choice to bring their own bag. • Train staff to maximize the efficient use of bags by increasing the number of items packed in each bag.

• Train staff to ask consumers if they need a bag for smaller purchases. Provide alternatives to plastic bags • Promote and offer for use/ sale reusable cotton, net, or recycled plastic bags in lieu of providing free plastic bags. • Offer reusable bags for sale at cost, a deep discount or, in some instances, at no charge. • Offer reusable bin programs. • Offer recycled cardboard boxes as a carry-out option. • Offer compostable carry bags for sale or at point-of-sale. Provide incentives to consumers to reuse or use alternatives • Provide consumers with incentives (i.e. rebate, loyalty points) to change behaviour and use fewer plastic bags or no bags at all.


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inSide | Drumheller -

Friday, June 25, 2010 - 5

Dragons sign two prospects Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

The Drumheller Dragons have made two major signings this week to boost their squad for the 2010-2011 season. The team announced it has picked up local talent Josh Kluck, and a two-way player named Sean Sanford. At 5’10’’ and 160 pounds, Kluck was a forward to be reckoned with playing last season for the AC Avalanche in the Alberta Minor Midget Hockey League. He averaged nearly a point a game, amassing 11 goals and 17 assists in 31 games. “Josh is a special player and a special person. His energetic on-ice presence, coupled with his maturity and professionalism o the ice, will really endear him to our fans and to the community in general,â€? said Dragons’ vice president Rod Knelsen. “We’re very proud to have another talented Drumheller product join our program.â€? Kluck credits parental support for his success. “Any hard work or ability I might bring to the table is only part of the picture,â€? he said. “My parents have been the foundation of my success to this point and it’s going to be so great to play in my hometown in front of them and the incredible fans of Drumheller.â€? With his hulking size, standing 6’9’’, and weighing in at 230 pounds, you would think that Sean Sanford would spend his time guarding the blue line, if not the low post on a basketball court. In fact, he spent his time playing for the Missoula Maulers in the North PaciďŹ c Hockey League playing both centre and defence. The Arizona-born prospect had ďŹ ve goals and 16 assists last season. Known for eectively combining his intelligence and vision of the ice with his strong skating ability and imposing physical presence, Sean enters the AJHL as the biggest player ever to don a Dragons’ jersey, and as one of the tallest players ever to play hockey at a competitive level. “Sean is just such an impressive athlete. His combination of mobility, reach, width, and height is truly unique, and it’s clear that he’s worked extremely hard to develop the agility and versatility that he brings,â€?

And the answer is... Thank you to our readers who contacted us after last week’s edition of inSide Drumheller to let us know the answer to our question. The above moth, found in Gunnar Mortensen’s yard, is in fact a Polyphemus Moth, from the family Saturniidae, the North American giant silk moths. Its average wingspan is 15 cm (6 inches), and it gets its name from the Greek myth of the Cyclops Polyphemus. inSide photo by Gunnar Mortensen

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Local forward Josh Kluck, left, is welcomed to the Dragons by head coach Dan Price. The Dragons also announced they have picked up Sean Sanford, a hulking defenceman/centre. photo submitted

said Assistant Director of Player Development, Ryan Hilderman. “He will deďŹ nitely add an important dimension to our team and his well-rounded game will allow him to establish it not just down the middle, but also on the wall, at the net fronts and on the blue line.â€? Sanford is looking forward to wearing a Dragons jersey. “In Drumheller, I’ve

been welcomed by a great group of guys in the dressing room. I’m excited to be their teammate and I’m looking forward to doing whatever I can to contribute,� he said. “I really think I can use my size as an asset, especially at the net front and on special teams, and I hope to develop into a vocal leader within the group as well.�




Rock N’ Roll


DAYTIME EVENTS Saturday & Sunday, June 26 & 27, Hanna: Rock n’ Roll Cruisers at the Hanna Municipal Airport. 1/8th Mile Drag Racing. Drag races start at 8:00 a.m. both days. Show and Shine, Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, June 27, East Coulee: East Coulee Pancake Breakfast, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Hall. Thursday, July 1, Drumheller: Celebrate Canada Day in Drumheller!! Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Watch for upcoming details for fun family events throughout the day! Saturday, July 3, Delia: Greer Family Farm Celebrating 100 years of farming. 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Saturdays, Drumheller: Drumheller Farmers’ Market, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., May through October at the former Liquidation World site at Greentree Mall.

DRUMHELLER AREA NIGHTLIFE Friday, June 25, Drumheller: Tim Hus - Hockeytown CD Release Party at Old Grouch’s. 403-823-5755. Saturday, July 3, Drumheller: Steak & Lobster Feast at Old Grouch’s. Music and fun with “Fire Coulee Bandits�. Starts at 6 p.m. Limited tickets available. Call 403-823-5755. 25L



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Your gu ide

Friday, June 25, 2010


May 22, 2009 Page 6 - The Weekender | Friday, inSide Drumheller

Moose calf wriggles away Patrick Kolafa











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A baby moose proved a little too wily for Fish and Wildlife officers and volunteers as they tried to wrangle a set of twins, orphaned in a car collision. On Wednesday evening, June 16, in a collision on Highway 10 near Rosedale, a cow moose was killed, leaving two very young moose to fend for themselves. Fish and Wildlife officer Bryce Jensen said when they saw the mother moose the next day they could see she was actively lactating to feed her young at the time of her demise. They also learned of a reported sighting of the youngsters as well as tracks. Knowing the young animals would not survive if left on their own, and knowing they had fresh tracks, Fish and Wildlife officers and volunteers gathered to try to capture the animals. One was on a piece of land owned by Clayton Schrock near the accident site. Late Friday afternoon the group

assembled to attempt a rescue. They targeted one. While six of the volunteers held snow fence, the other eight went out pushing the bush to flush out the moose. They had the youngster in their net, but it managed to wriggle its way out. Jensen says they probably will not attempt to rescue the animals again unless there is a very good sighting. He explains that at their age there is a good chance they may not have survived the week.

He did offer one glimpse of hope. While out spotting for the moose, they came across another cow in the bush. While it is inconclusive, he says it may be possible this second adult moose could have “adopted” one or both calves. He has seen this in deer populations where other female animals have taken over mothering orphans, and it may be possible this is the case with moose as well.

A moose cow was killed on Highway 10 on Wednesday, June 16 in a motor vehicle accident. Last week Fish and Wildlife officers and volunteers attempted to rescue one of two orphaned calves but were unsuccessful. filephoto

Explore, create, & discover with a variety of educational programs available this summer at the ava Royal Tyrrell Museum. (They’re a scream!)


Friday, June 25, 2010

The Weekender 2010 - Page 7


Happy 10th Birthday to the World's Largest Dinosaur!!

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Contact someone from our sales team to book your space or for more info. Wendy Braun or Kathryn Chambers Ph. (403) 823-2580 Fax (403) 823-3864 Email:

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Cool cruisin’ Bud Wilke has this week’s inSide Ride. He was spotted getting his trike ready for its next road trip. He and his wife have put about 61,000 kilometres on their Honda Goldwing they bought brand new in 1996. The machine is powered by a 1500 cc horizontally opposed flat six cylinder engine and last year he had the bike “triked.” This was to accommodate more load, and add stability as the couple pull a trailer and camp on their journeys. The Wilke’s ride has toured as far as California and Arizona, and after he finishes cleaning off some road tar, they will be headed through Montana and B.C.

until August 26.

Drumheller Location

Get ready...

Weekender photo by Patrick Kolafa

If you know someone who has a cool ride let us know! Call us at 403-823-2580 or email

$2 Mamas $3 Papas (from 5- 8 pm)

to uncover that Antique, Classic, Hot Rod, Muscle Car or Motorcycle. Tune her up, polish the chrome & with pipes rumbling... Cruise to the Dub & let everyone enjoy your work of art!

“… profoundly moving…” (FFWD Magazine) One of Alberta’s Top Cultural Attractions (Attractions Canada) One of North America’s Top 100 Events (ABA) On a stage in a hidden valley in Drumheller, Alberta, hundreds of actors and musicians retell the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Root Bear will be on location

6 PM: July 9, 10, 16 3 PM: July 11, 17, 18 Ticket Prices Adults: $32-$44 Children (6-12): $17-$29 Children (5 & under): free Seniors: $27-$39 Students: $25-$37 Group Rates are available


Page 10 - The Weekender | inSide Drumheller

Friday, June 25, 2010

Coal Mining centennial: detectives needed to help tell Drumheller’s story There is also another source right here in Drumheller, where volunteers from the community could lend a hand in this detective work by going through The Drumheller Mail archives at the public library “Every time I go to the library and scan old editions of The Drumheller Mail, I am fascinated. I learn stu about the city that I have never known before, it is a lot of fun,â€? said Digby, adding that if volunteers could take one year each, then the task becomes a more manageable one. “We are going to learn some amazing stories, some heroic ones, some tragic ones. It is something that as a society, we feel really moved by. Our only frustration is we don’t have the capacity to do it all ourselves, we would love to just invest all the man hours ourselves in doing this because we love to learn about all this, but we just don’t have man power to do it, so we will deďŹ nitely need help from the community.â€? Volunteers who would like to help researching The Drumheller Mail archives should contact Linda Digby at 403-822-2220 to register their interest.

Pascale Taylor Weekender


Drumheller has a big story to tell, and the Coal Mining Centennial committee, formed to plan a centennial celebration of the birth of the ďŹ rst coal mine next year, has lots of ideas to tell it. “Plenty of great ideas came out from the public forums,â€? said Atlas Coal Mine Historical Society executive director Linda Digby, adding a lot of their realization will depend on the level of interest in the community for people to see them through. “Every time I go to the library and scan old editions of The Drumheller Mail, I am fascinated. I learn stuff about the city that I have never known before, it is a lot of fun!â€? Linda Digby

One of the biggest tasks ahead is to compile a list of the miners to be included on a memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives working in the mines. A list was compiled some years ago, however Digby explained to The Weekender they want to try to substantiate those names to ensure nobody gets left out. Some volunteers have oered to research the Glenbow Archives in Calgary and others the Provincial Archives in Edmonton.

The centennial Coal Mining committee is looking for volunteers to go through Drumheller Mail archives at the Public Library to help compile a list of coalminers to be included in the memorial. In the photo is the coal miner statue outside the Badlands Historical Centre. Weekender photo by Pascale Taylor


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Where to go...

WHEN YOU HAVE TO GO! Visitors... if you need a washroom, please use ours! • The Drumheller Mail • Riverside Value Drug Mart • Freson IGA • Canadian Tire • Greentree Mall • World’s Largest Dinosaur

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it’s all about the journey.. . Explore your roots. Play. Experience Nature.. TRAVEL THE SPECIAL AREAS. TRAVEL THE SPECIAL AREAS v i s i t u s o n t h e w e b a t w w w. s p e c i a l a re a s . a b . c a

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Weekender 2010 - Page 11

What makes Drumheller a great place to be? A to Z A Attractions, Atlas Coal Mine, Aquaplex B Badlands, Bleriot Ferry, 11 Bridges to Wayne, Bowling Alley, Baseball Diamonds C Curling Club, Cruisin’ the Dub, Chuckwagons, Campgrounds, Coal Mines, Canoe Rentals D Dinosaur Capital of the World, Dinosaur Digs, Demolition Derby, Drumheller Dragons Hockey E Eateries, East Coulee School Museum F Friendly People, Fossils, Fountain, Funland, Fishing, Festivals, Farmer’s Market G Golf Course, Go-Carts, Gift Shops, Galleries H Horse Thief Canyon, Horseshoe Canyon, Helicopter Rides, Hot Air Ballooning, Homestead Museum, Hand Hills

I inSide Drumheller (FREE on Fridays), Interpretive Centre J Jogging Paths, July 1st Parade K Kite Flying, Kaleidoscope Theatre L Little Church, Last Chance Saloon, Landscape, Library M Mini Golf, McMullen Island, Midland Provincial Park, Museums N Nature Trail, Newcastle Beach O Oyster Beds

P Pancake Breakfasts, Parks, Passion Play, Pro Rodeo, Parking is FREE!! Q Quiet Walking Trails R Royal Tyrrell Museum, Reptile World, Rosebud Theatre, Red Deer River S Suspension Bridge, Swimming Pool, Skateboard, Splash Park, Stampede Grounds, Shopping T The Drumheller Mail (on the stands Wednesday), Theatres, Tea Houses, Tours, Tunnel Vision U Unusual Formations, Underground Experience at the Atlas Coal Mine V Valley Historical Sites W World’s Largest Dinosaur, Walking Paths, Weekender (Free on Fridays), Water Slide X Xeriscaping Have a great Y Yard Sales isit and come v Z Zoophyte on!!

back so


Match the photo of the dinosaur with the correct business logo and drop off the entry form at The Drumheller Mail for your chance to win a



redeemable at any one of the advertisers in this publication.




Riverside Value Drug Mart





Name: Full Address: Phone Number: Comments on Drumheller:

Drop 515Hwy. Hwy 10 East,Drumheller, Drumheller,AB AB Dropentry entryform formoff offat atThe The Drumheller Drumheller Mail, Mail, 515 10 East, orormail Drumheller, AB AB T0J T0J 0Y0. 0Y0.One Oneentry entryper perperson. person. mailto toBox Box1629, 1629, Drumheller, Contest Winner will will be be contacted contactedby by September September11, 10,2009. 2010. Contestcloses closesAugust August20, 21,2010. 2009. Winner

12 - Friday, June 25, 2010

inSide | Drumheller -

Drumheller to bloom without blooms this year Weekender

Drumheller will not be entered in the Communities in Bloom (CiB) competition this year, co-chair of CiB, Trish Parker, recently announced, but will remain a Friend of Communities in Bloom. When CiB judges visited the area last year, the Drumheller valley received 4 blooms and a special mention for community involvement for overall performance in criteria that highlighted the community’s effort in environmental responsibility and beautification. Impressed by much about what Drumheller had to offer,

TRY B 4 U BUY Free taste of dance class. Tuesday, July 6 7:30 pm w25cl

carol todor dance school 403.823.4377

the judges also found the area was missing many of the fine details to be awarded the top 5 blooms Drumheller received in 2006 and made recommendations on how to improve the grading. “The CiB judges who visited us last year gave us some excellent recommendations and we are working on implementing their suggestions. We have decided to spend our efforts doing this instead of bringing the judges to town this year.”


Pascale Taylor

Trish Parker

Parker told inSide Drumheller, “The CiB judges who visited us last year gave us some excellent recommendations and we are working on implementing their suggestions. We have decided to spend our efforts doing this instead of bringing the judges to town this year.” She added that the group was still working diligently on beautifying Drumheller “One Block at a Time” and that they had partnered with many stakeholders to beautify the entrance to Historic Downtown by the Atco Electric building. In July, the group is also

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organizing a Garden Tour in partnership with the Garden Club and the Badlands Community Garden Society. “CiB in Drumheller is only a small part of bringing this town to a world-class tourist destination. All parts of the community must get involved and work together to make this happen,” Parker concluded. Some of the recommendations pointed to a need for the Town of Drumheller to increase personnel to look after the green spaces. Al Kendrick, infrastructure services director told inSide Drumheller the town has addressed some of the problems mentioned in the judges’ report, adding they were not big enough to hire an expert from Olds College to dedicate time to tree and urban forest management but they hire contractors when needed. “I don’t think people realize the size of Drumheller. It is 125 square kilometers, and for what we have for staff, they do an absolutely excellent job of going around and keeping it in pretty reasonable condition in my opinion,” Kendrick said, adding the department was tied to a three-year budget. Councillor Sharel Shoff told inSide Drumheller she felt the town should be looking at the

green space as beautifying Drumheller is important for the residents and also for visitors. “The budget is due in the fall but we are already talking about it a little bit now,” said Shoff. “I will check to see what

the budget is and what we are spending it on and if there is any chance of having a little help.” In the meantime, Parker said that the CiB would welcome new members to join and help create an award winning community.

Drumheller was awarded 4 blooms in 2009, following a visit from Communities in Bloom judges. This year, Drumheller will not be entered in the competition, the group will instead work on implementing the judges’ recommendations on how to improve on the 4 bloom grading. inSide photo by Pascale Taylor

515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller Ph:w 403-823-2580 F: 403-823-3864 Office • School • Home

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inSide | Drumheller -

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14 - Friday, June 25, 2010

inSide Drumheller -

inSideBREAK Crossword



1. Designer Jacobs 5. Invests in little enterprises 9. _____ Castell, makers of pens 14. Ex-ruler of Iran 15. Widely used Pakistani language 16. Niche near the altar 17. Chancel area 18. Asian weight unit (1.3 oz) 19. A protruding part 20. Suspicious 23. Comparative conjunctive 24. Brew 25. Tooth decays 28. Hygienic 33. Feeling of blame 34. Sudden loud noises 35. Sixth Hebrew letter 36. Food from orchid tubers 38. Astern 39. Ethiopian lake 41. Midway between E and SE 42. Rattling breaths 44. Blue goose 45. Pilchards 47. Football league ____ A 49. The longest division of geological time 50. Swollen lymph node 51. Berlin gate 56. Unconsciousness 59. Anglo-Saxon currency 60. An inexperienced person 62. Male social clubs 63. People of southern India 64. A jeering remark 65. Staffs 66. A domed or vaulted recess 67. Or ____and, meadow 64. Lair


1. Mutual savings bank (abbr.) 2. Polite interruption sound 3. Actor ___ Malek 4. A way to scold 5. Sacred Buddhist writings 6. Von _____, rocket scientist 7. March 15th

Here’s how it works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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Now offering hairstyling services and a full line of Redken products. 8. Extremist religious group 9. A composer of fables 10. Talisman 11. Where wine ferments (abbr.) 12. Heat unit 13. Whisky 21. One and only 22. Venom injector 25. Romaine lettuces 26. Squash bug genus 27. 12-inch measuring stick 28. Strongboxes 29. Small social insects 30. Wooly indris genus 31. Rajah's wife 32. Chinese monetary unit

Word Search

34. A large cotton bundle 37. Convent superior 40. Obtain by salvaging 43. Tennis star Kournikova 46. Pro and con discussion 47. Ice cream served with a topping 48. The outward flow of the tide 50. A drop of moisture 52. ____ Bene (Latin) 53. Fall to a lower place 54. One train track 55. A castrated male cat 56. Cubic feet per minute (abbr.) 57. Openings 58. A waterproof raincoat 61. Charge for a service

Answers Last Week's Crossword Solution

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Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 It's okay to ask for a little help when you need it, Aries. Not everything can go according to plan for you. Accept a few helping hands this week. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 There's no debate this week, Taurus. You'll find that the two sides are black and white with no gray areas. Now you must choose which side you're rooting for. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Patience is needed when a family member takes over a situation. This person means well but can be a little overbearing. Keeping mum will help the situation smooth over.

Sudoku Solution

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Relaxed and recharged, Cancer, you are ready to celebrate your birthday in style, if you haven't already done so. Blow up those balloons and get to partying. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 There's more to a situation than meets the eye, Leo. It's better to reserve judgement until you have all of the facts. Sagittarius presents a proposal.

Lexicon Choose which definition is correct.

multilateral means: many-sided trite stationar y quarrelsome Answer: many-sided

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Word Search Solution

403.823.2884 | 127 3rd Ave. West w25cm(i) SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 The power of positive thinking can take you far, Sagittarius. But don't put all of your eggs in one basket. You still need to work hard to achieve what you desire. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Without a goal you have no set course to take this week, Capricorn. Jot down a few ideas of what you want to get accomplished. Handling money issues is a good idea. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 You are ready to scream, "Hallelujah," to a situation you thought would never be finished, Aquarius. Now you can sit back and enjoy your hard work this week. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Unreasonable requests from friends leave you feeling a bit perplexed, Pisces. Just do what you think is right. Sponsored by

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VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 You've learned many things by experience, and now you have to let others learn by their own mistakes and successes, Virgo. This is especially true this week.

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LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Stay focused, Libra; otherwise it is very easy to get dragged off course with distractions. You need a helping hand to keep you on track. This could be a spouse or friend.

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SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 You can't control everything all of the time, Scorpio, but this week you certainly will try. The results may not be what you expected, but you'll pull through.

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Famous Birthdays JUNE 25 George Michael, Singer (47)

JUNE 28 John Cusack, Actor (44)

JUNE 26 Derek Jeter, Athlete (36)

JUNE 29 Richard Lewis, Comic (63)

JUNE 27 Tobey Maguire, Actor (35)

JUNE 30 Mike Tyson, Boxer (44)

s t r o p s

inSide | Drumheller -

Call our Sportsline at 403-823-2580 or fax 403-823-3864 or email us at

Friday, June 25, 2010 -15

Badlands Basketball wraps up season

Spring league wraps up Sam Brown put his defender off balance with his lightening quick crossover. Badlands Basketball Spring League wrapped up last Wednesday night. This year saw great participation at all age levels, and some fantastic games for the championship of each division. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller


the hot hand, plunking in 35 points, and Cody Gouin Badlands Basketball contributed 23. Spring League wrapped In the boys A-final the up with its championship Badgers beat out the Rebnight on Wednesday, June els with a score of 55-44. 16. Kyle Smith had 19 points, This was one of the stron- while Alex Cliché pounded gest years yet for Badlands another 17 through the net. Basketball. They sent two The competition was also travel teams out on the fierce in the adult division road, and had four divi- as PB and J took down the sions playing in spring Toads, 67-54. William Belleague. This liveau had 18 included a ju"This was one of the points in the nior league, strongest years yet for effort. a senior boys Badlands Basketball. While all the and a senior They sent two travel games were girls league, teams out on the road, close, this is and had four divisions what league and an adult playing in spring league." o r g a n i z e r league. Last We d n e s d a y Chad Pidhaiit was cager fever at the chuk expected. This year Central School gym as the the teams were all evenly champions were crowned matched, and the majorin each division. ity of the games were won In the junior category, the and lost by just a handful of Gators, a team from Han- points. na, beat out the Longhorns Next up is the Badlands with a score of 67-42. Basketball summer camp. In the senior girls divi- The general camp, open sion, it was a barnburner to players ages 10-17 to as the Sparks edged out the work on fundamentals, is Storm with a score of 40- slated for July 12-15. The 39. High scorers in the final elite camp, geared towards were Cindy Sharpe with 10 high school aged players, is points and Chalene Keufler set for August 23-26. This with 15. camp works on developIn the boys B-final the ment of team and individVolunteers edged out the ual skills to prepare for the Hawkeyes with a score of upcoming school seasons. 67-63. Jordan Britton had

Drumheller Royals win Highway 12 League championship The Drumheller Royals girls squirts fastball team wrapped up an undefeated season last weekend in Coronation, winning the Highway 12 League championship. There were seven teams participating in the league, including two from Drumheller, two from Coronation, and teams from Oyen, Castor and

Hanna. (l-r) The Royals coach Greg Janzen, Megan McKenzie, Madison Heptonstall, Georgia Janzen, Karis Hilchey, manager Melissa Janzen, Morgan Hawkins, assistant coach Aaron Lang, Madison Lang, Haylea Crone, Jordan Kroeger, Brittany Zlatnick, Naomi Sykes and missing is Misha Horness. photo submitted


Monthly Photo Contest June Theme: Family Outings

Grab your camera and be our next winner!!! Email your photo, along with your name, address and phone number to: One lucky winner will receive a

Portrait Package at Freson IGA (value of $29.99).

It consists of 3 - 8x10 professional quality sheets. Each sheet can be made up of either: 1 - 8x10, 2- 5x7’s, 3 - 4x6’s, 4 - 3.5x5’s or 9 wallets.

If chosen, we may even use it for our cover photo!

16 - Friday, June 25, 2010

inSide | Drumheller -

Hey Kids ...


DO YOU WANT TO WIN A BIKE? PARADE THEME 2010 Don't forget to “Digging Canada” pick up a copy of Happy 25th Anniversary The Drumheller Mail on Wednesday for your Canada to the Flag and your chance to WIN! Royal Tyrrell Museum

of Palaeontology in

DRUMHELLER 7:00 - 10:00 am Kinsmen Pancake Breakfast at Riverside Value Drug Mart 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Parade through downtown with over 40 floats registered and includes the RCMP Bag Pipe Band 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Farmers’ Market at the Drumheller Memorial Arena 12:00 - 2:00 pm Live Entertainment at Centre Street stage, with Band-o-Coots (vintage songs of the 60’s to 80’s) opening the downtown entertainment, and include miniature golf from 12 to 1:30 on Centre Street 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Smokie on a Bun, immediately following the parade at IGA parking lot (sponsored by Drumheller’s Rotary Club and IGA) 12:00 - 1:30 pm Smokie on a Bun BBQ at Drumheller Coop sponsored by Greentree Merchants and Drumheller Palliative Care



1:30 - 4: 30 pm Toonie Public Swim at the Aquaplex

4:30 – 5:15 pm Cort Delano with fiddle (Americana / Country / Folk), including a Magic interlude at 5:15 with Lothar


5:30 – 6:15 pm Inga & Gene – local band

2:00 - 3:00 pm Highland Dancers/Opening Ceremonies, including Magic interlude at 2:45 pm with Lothar

5:30 – 6:30 pm Family Activities

6:30 pm Singing of O Canada and cutting of Canada’s birthday cake

2:00 - 6:00 pm The Tyrrell Museum is offering fun for all ages, with a Dinosaur Dig Centre, where kids from age 3 to 6 will get to do their own dig. There is also a Raptor Relay Race, for ages 7 to 12, where kids get to build a raptor and take it into “action” by competing in a relay race. There will also be a hands-on fossils interpretive centre

7:00 - 8:00 pm Fire Coulee Bandits Rockin Folk with Celtic Kick. 8:00 - 9:00 pm Jason Bertsch and the Cold Shot 9:00 - 10:00 pm The Lannigan Band – Rock band

3:00 - 3:30 pm The Russell Brothers “cute contemporary rootsie-pop music”

10:00 - 11:00 pm The Band-o-Coots

3:00 - 6:00 pm Professional Face Painting

11:00 pm Fireworks

3:30 - 4:15 pm 8 Bit Evolution – punk/rock/power pop local band

Best viewed from Centennial Park

4:00 - 5:00 pm Dino Craft with Yvonne, including a Magic interlude at 4:15 with Lothar

Happy Canada Day!!

Long Weekend savings start today. An extra day to sow and save. Visit your Drumheller Canadian Tire Garden Centre today.

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SAVE AT LEAST 25% N A E D P A <INSERT NAME> Canadian Tire Garden Centre today. Visit O Nyour Y SAVE AT LEAST A DA C SAVE 00% Excellent selection of Globe, Hetz, Brandon, $ Cedars. 00 Great for year-round Emerald and Hedge

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Advertised items are Your Canadian Tire in Drumheller Advertised items are available only at 403-823-9512 [set store address/ Mon-Fri 9-9, Sat 9-6, Sunhours] 10-6, Canada Day 10-6 phone numbers/store

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interest anywhere in your yard.

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$ Grass Seed. Let’s not forget about CIL All-Purpose the lawn. For bare spots, new lawns and for overseeding. A great rich lawn to play all summer long! Bold lead-in. Product copy to go here. Im iriusto ero do cortie giam tiem lorem. (reg. $0.00)


HEALTHY LAWN CHECKLIST Grass seed Lawn soil HEALTHY LAWN CHECKLIST Grass seedfertilizer Lawn Lawn fertilizer

Lawn soil Sprinkler Sprinkler



$ 97


2/2/10 4:39:07 PM

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