inSide June 4, 2010

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Friday, June 4, 2010

art & gift gallery

Vol. 4, No. 22 | 16 pages

Downtown | Drumheller 403.823.3686


Summer Fun Don't miss The Weekender See pages 6 - 11

Can you identify this item? See page 10

Who are you? See page 13

INDEX inSide Opinions .........Page 2 Who are You? ...........Page 13 inSide Break ............Page 14 Entertainment .... Pages 4&5 Classifieds .................Page 12 inSide Sports .. Pages 15&16

Fleury pleases golfers at Dragons tournament Calgary Flame alumnus Theo Fleury, left, and Drumheller Dragons league governor Blair Christianson, right, coax Dudley the Dragon into changing his colours and slipping on a Calgary Flames jersey. Fleury was the featured guest at the Drumheller Dragons’ annual golf tournament on Thursday, June 3. See story on page 15.

inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

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2 - Friday, June 4, 2010

inSide STREETERS Alberta Venture magazine has named Drumheller as one of Alberta’s Top 10 communities to do business. inSide asked residents, “What is your top reason why Drumheller is a great place to live?”

Kirstin Sutcliffe “The scenery! I like that it is so different from the prairies, like a different character in the prairies, with the river and the greenery along it and the hills.”

Christine Holden “The people and the sense of community. You can’t go anywhere without running into someone you know and having a chat.”

inSide | Drumheller -

Drumheller gets long awaited boat launch Pascale Taylor| inSide Drumheller

Boating enthusiasts will rejoice to hear Drumheller now has a boat launch at the Newcastle Beach area. During the opening ceremony, which took place on Tuesday, June 1, Cindy Clark, Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce president, explained the need for a boat launch was brought to the Chamber’s attention last year by Councillor Terry Yemen. The Chamber felt it was necessary for the town, not only for the Fire Department to enable them to quickly deploy their rescue boat, but also for residents and visitors to fully enjoy one of Drumheller’s top assets, the Red Deer River. They partnered with the Town of Drumheller, Encana and the Fire Department to complete the project and the boat launch is now open for public use. Terry Yemen, a boating enthusiast himself, told inSide Drumheller he was aware there was a long standing issue for the Fire

Department to have a point for rapid deployment of the first responders and that some boaters pass by the town of Drumheller due to the lack of a boat launch facility. “So I thought from a recreational and commercial tourism point of view, it would be an asset, too, to have a boat launch,” said Yemen, adding the river

was very underutilized, although it was a top tourist attraction and needed promotion to be used to its full potential. The boat launch is located west of Newcastle Beach, close to recreational parking. Yemen explained this section of the river is an area where there is constantly three feet of water, making it a good place for

The Newcastle Beach area is now equipped with a boat launch, thanks to a collaborative effort and investment from The Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Drumheller, Encana and the Fire Department. In the photo (l-r) are Fire Chief Bill Bachynski, Councillor Terry Yemen, Cham-

boat deployment and it is town land so there won’t be any access issues. It is also far west of the beach so as not to interfere with beach users. First to use the new boat launch was the Fire Department who deployed their search and rescue Zodiak during the opening ceremony.

ber president Cindy Clark and firefighters Luigi Vescarelli, community relations advisor for Encana, with Steven Wade and Darryl Benner in the search and rescue Zodiak before its launch from the new boat launch. inSide photo by Pascale Taylor

Joey’s Only coming to Drumheller Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

Sherry Bergnach “The scenery, it is beautiful. I have lived here a couple of years now and I love it!”

Roxanne Bergnach

they saw the site and were North America. The res- ready begun training. He taurant offers a full menu also adds fans of Sammy’s very interested.” There’s something fishy Joey’s Only, headquar- of seafood. In 1999, it in- will not be disappointed as going on at the former tered in Calgary, has been troduced Tennessee Jack’s, they have made arrangeSammy’s Restaurant. around for 25 years and is featuring rotisserie chicken ments to continue to offer Gourmands in the valley now Canada’s largest sea- and ribs on the menu. the valley’s famous Sammay be pleasantly surprised food restaurant chain. It has Nijjar is excited for the my’s Burger on the menu. to learn that Drumheller more than 100 franchises in new restaurant and has alwill now have a seafood option on their list when going out. inSide Drumheller has learned that Joey’s Only is expanding to the valley and will be located where Sammy’s Restaurant currently sits. Renovations to the restaurant have already begun and they hope to open at the end of the month. “We wanted to bring some new franchise to Drumheller,” said Kulwant Nijjar, who also operates Subway. “The burger shops are here and the pizza is here, we saw there was no Seafood fans will have a new Joey’s Only seafood have begun to make a home for Canada’s largest seafood place. We talked to restaurant to look forward to, possibly by the end seafood franchise. Sammy’s fans can relax as they Joey’s about a franchise and of June. Already renovations to Sammy’s Restaurant will still carry the famous Sammy’s Burger.

“The people! They are very friendly compared to where I come from.”

inSide photo by Pascale Taylor

All rights reserved. The use of any or all of the material in this publication is prohibited without the express permission of the publisher. Any and/or all information found within this publication may be displayed on the internet at the discretion of the publisher.

drumheller d h ll (pending)

Published every Friday Office: 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller, AB. Mailing: Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0

Phone 403.823.2580

Fax 403.823.3864


O. R. Sheddy, Editor O. R. Sheddy, Publisher Letters to the Editor are most welcome. They should be brief and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for legality, clarity and taste. Letters must bear the name, address and phone number of the writer. Anonymous letters will be discarded.

inSide | Drumheller -

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 3

Luminaries available for Relay For Life Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

The fourth Relay For Life in Drumheller is coming up on Friday, June 11, and the event sparks a fire with all who participate. One of the most moving parts of each year’s event is the Luminary Ceremony. This is a chance for everyone in the community to take a moment and reflect

on those who have won their battle with cancer, those who have lost, and those who are still fighting. “It is very personal, and everybody has somebody (they know with cancer),” said Teri Sparkes, luminary chair. “It is a part of the night where people can all remember and honour people who have been affected.” Luminaries are simple.

They are paper bags that are available online or from the Scotiabank in Drumheller. Those who purchase a luminary can write their wish, the name of the person to who they are dedicating the luminary, and decorate it how they choose. When the ceremony begins, a candle is placed in each bag that lines the Relay For Life track as a vigil and lights up

the walkers’ route on their way to remembering, celebrating and fighting back. “I’ve had people purchase them for loved ones they have lost, or people who are currently battling, or people that have beaten cancer, so literally it can be anything,” said Sparkes. “The main focus of the entire event is celebrating and remembering.”

While luminaries are available onsite during the event, she is hoping those who want to purchase them beforehand will go to Scotiabank or simply log onto and follow the links to the Drumheller event. For more information, or to purchase a luminary, contact Sparkes at 403-8206718.

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Chips with Salsa Relay For Life walkers pass the luminaries at last year’s event. The luminaries light up the Relay For Life track and are in dedication to those who are

lost, are battling or have won their fight against cancer. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

by C. Aiello

As many of you are probably aware, Pop attends Mass or prayers or communion service almost every day, sometimes twice a day. On Thursday, afternoons there is a Mass service at Sunshine Lodge. Pop usually gets a ride with one of the women, but last week I drove him to the Lodge. I didn’t stick around, as I had other business to tend to, but I did have time to sit in the reception area for a little while, waiting for Pop. The reception area at the Lodge is quite large and well lit. It has four or five wing-back chairs, some too soft, some too hard, but the one I chose to sit in was just right. Sitting at the desk was a nice young woman named Melanie. She was polite, friendly and helpful, providing a name for the bespectacled granny sitting in the rocking chair to the right of the fireplace, knitting. Did I mention the fireplace? Well, it’s integral to the story. When I first noticed the knitting granny, I did a double take, she looked almost lifelike, as though someone had bronzed their granny instead of cremating or burial. Her hair is pulled back in a bun, and she is wearing large wire-rim glasses. I kid you not, had that chair started rocking, and her hands started those needles knitting, I would not have been surprised. However, she looked lonely, as though there should have been a cat at her feet, and then it struck me. The fireplace needed somebody on the other side of it, preferably an old man reading a newspaper. I know what you’re thinking, and you obviously know what I’m thinking, but put it out of your mind, Pop doesn’t like rocking chairs. Although, if I did have him bronzed, I could visit him every night and have the same conversations with him that I do now when he’s reading the newspaper. (The man’s focus is singular.) Just a thought.

thought Food for

Lori Stefanishion inSide Drumheller Food Columnist I recently made this delicious bread pudding for brunch and served it with omelets. One of the guests was a little queasy about the words “bread pudding” so I simply baked it in muffin tins and called it “blueberry muffins.” Just as a rose by any other name smells as sweet, this bread pudding by any other name tastes as good. Blueberry Bread Pudding (or “muffins” for some) 3 eggs 4 c. heavy cream 2 c. sugar 3 tsp. vanilla 2 c. blueberries 1 (12oz.) pkg. white chocolate chips 1 loaf french bread, cubed

a little spicy but always welcome

Combine eggs, cream, sugar and vanilla. Stir in berries and chips. Stir in bread cubes. *Let stand 15 minutes for bread to soften. Transfer to a 9x13 pan (or use muffin tins). Bake at 350 for 50 minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Prepare the sauce while it stands. Sauce: 1 (12oz.) pkg. white chocolate chips 1 c. heavy cream Bring cream just to a boil. Pour over chips and whisk until smooth.


Tuesday of this week I got up early so I could have the grass cut before noon and take Pop out for a late breakfast. After breakfast we had to get home and fill in some legal documents that needed to be mailed ASAP. Having no return envelope and no cash with which to purchase one, I went to the bank to make a withdrawal. I don’t own a debit card (Man, does this guy live in a cave) and so I do it the old-fashioned way, by asking one of the nice young ladies to help me. They always do, and always with a smile. (Try to get that from an ATM.) The girls always ask for my customer card and I usually produce it. I keep it and my credit card in my glasses case. Heather got me the cash I needed, wished me a good day and I was on my way. I got in the car, placed the glasses case in the cup holder, and drove to the post office. I went in, bought the envelope I needed, addressed it, and handed it over to Mike to ring in the sale and postage. That done, Mike handed me my change and said, “Have a good day, see you later,” and off I went. Later that evening I ran Pop over to church and was going to pick something up for supper, but when I reached for my glasses case the cup-holder was empty. Hmm... I hope I left it at home. I searched the house and the car about half a dozen times, but nothing. I was worried, but like my mother used to say, “Don’t worry, it will turn up.” Before I went to bed, I prayed that it would. Wednesday morning at about 9:30, the phone rings. “Hi, Chip, it’s Mike at the post office. “You left your glasses case here yesterday.” That ranks as possibly the best phone call I have ever received. My mother was right, God does hear our prayers, and Mike at the post office (some people don’t like it when I use their last names, but I think everyone knows Mike) is the same guy I went to high school with. Thanks Mike, you saved me a lot of hassle. 22L


4 - Friday, June 4, 2010

inSide | Drumheller -

Memories Recovered Project to preserve veteran’s experiences Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

A documentary filmmaker is wanting to tell the story of veterans across Canada, and will be interviewing Drumheller service men and women this summer. Allan Cameron has been working on the Memories Recovered Project for the past few years and has interviewed on camera and documented the stories of more than 200 veterans. The videos are then provided to schools, museums, legions and families of the veterans to preserve the living history of veterans of World War II and the Korean War. The Memories Recovered Project Association is registered as a non-profit organization. “It has been really busy and we are trying to document as many as we can,” said Cameron. He has been in contact with Bill Eremko of the Drumheller Legion. “It is for all veterans.”

Currently they are looking for a site to conduct interviews and are hoping to get underway in the next few months. The project is the brainchild of Cameron. He has an extensive broadcast background and has always has a keen interest in history. The immediacy of the project was brought to the forefront by his own experience. “My uncle was with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and was a carrier driver on D-Day. He went in the second wave, and went from the beaches to Germany. He is mentioned in the North Novies war diary,” said Cameron. “We were going to get together to have an interview with him back in 2001 and he was pretty busy at the time, and I moved out west. He said, ‘When you come back for a visit we’ll sit down and have a chat.’ I had this funny feeling in my gut it wasn’t going to happen and several months later I received the phone call that he passed away. He was trying to impress upon me how important this

is to be done, and that was why he was stepping forward to talk. That was a catalyst to make it all happen.” They did their first interview in 2006 in Calmar. “The first few years were just gaining credibility for the project and letting people know I was out there. Once they started seeing what I was doing, that I was serious about it and actually cared, I think it brought a lot of people closer to the project,” said Cameron. Since then, he has interviewed veterans from all points in Canada, although right now he is concentrating on Alberta for logistics. His original intention was to get the documentaries into schools, museums and libraries. He has also learned the importance of getting the project to the families, and donates a copy of his work to each veteran’s family. He also makes sure a sponsoring Legion gets a copy of the work. For more information on the Memories Recovered Project, go to


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St. Anthony’s students enjoy Italy experience

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Students from St. Anthony’s School, Grades 10, 11 and 12, traveled to Italy during the Easter break in order to learn about the history and art of the country. They spent time in Venice, Florence, Assisi, Rome, the Vatican and Pompeii from April 2 to

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April 9. In total 17 students, 16 from St. Anthony’s and one from the DCHS, ranging in age from 15 to 18, along with six adult supervisors, took part in the trip. They traveled with another school from Whitecourt, Alberta. photo submitted


Check out inSide's Entertainment section every week in inSide Drumheller

DAYTIME EVENTS Friday, June 4, Drumheller: Celebrate Seniors Week! Seniors FREE Barbecue. Noon to 1:00 p.m., Sunshine and Hillview Lodge, 698 - 6th Avenue East. Friday June 4, Drumheller: STARS 24 Hour Jam. 6:00 pm to June 5, 6:00 pm. Open to all. The Old Grouch’s, Drumheller, 403-823-5755, grouch9@ Proceeds to help keep STARS in the air. Fri., June 4 - Sun., June 6, Hand Hills: Hand Hills Lake Stampede. CPRA & PRCA Pro Rodeo, beer gardens, free camping, entertainment. Saturday, June 5, Standard: Huge Fundraising Auction. Starts at 10:00 a.m. in the Standard-Rosebud Arena. Saturday, June 5, Drumheller: Community Partnership Fair, 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Drumheller Memorial Arena. Free BBQ. Sunday, June 6, Midland: Elks Pancake Breakfast at the Midland Hall. 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sunday, June 6, Wayne: Live music by The Tom Savage Trio at the Last Chance Saloon. 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Tues. & Wed., June 8 & 9, Drumheller: West Coast Amusement Carnival Midway, Drumheller Co-op parking lot. Saturdays, Drumheller: Drumheller Farmers’ Market, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm, Saturdays, May through October. Liquidation World Site in Greentree Mall. For information phone 403-823-8955. Until June 20, Drumheller: Be a Tourist in your Own Town. $2 Special at Bumper Boat Amusements.

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Wednesday, June 9, Drumheller: Caregiver/Caretaker Session presented by the South Central Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Committee. 7-9 p.m. Drumheller Civic Centre (AV Room). Thursday Evenings, Rockyford: Rockyford Horse Club. Riders of all ages welcome. Contact Dani 403-901-5938; Dixie 403-361-0149 or Karen 403934-3169 for more info. 22L

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Art in the Badlands Thursday Afternoon, June 17, 4 to 7 pm (Alternate Rain Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010)

Drumheller Health Centre Recreation Therapy Garden The Encana Badlands Science Camp, one of the Royal Tyrrell Museum’s programs, gives kids a great opportunity to spend time with like-minded kids passionate about dinosaurs and to learn all there Pascale Taylor | inSide Drumheller

Awaken a passion at the Encana Badlands Science Camp, one of the Royal Tyrrell Museum’s programs. Every summer, the museum runs these camps for youth ages 9-11 and 12-15, as well as families. “The family camp is quite unique,” explained Leanna Mohan, marketing coordinator at the museum. “It’s only four days, so three nights and you can camp with your kids so moms don’t have to cook or come with groceries. You get to sleep in a teepee as a family, and learn how to find fossils.” During the camps, kids get to sleep in teepees or in the museum, and learn how to prospect for fossils, and about the rules of fossil collecting. Meals are provided by the cafeteria, or cooked outdoors, and picnics are set up in the Badlands as well. Most importantly, participants get to work with the museum staff who know everything there is to know, and who answer all questions from their inquisitive minds. As well as access to the Tyrrell Museum, they are treated to a ‘behind-thescenes’ tour, where they will get to see first-hand how it all happens, with a special project for older campers who get to reconstruct an actual dinosaur!

is to know about fossil hunting. The photo shows a past group in front of one of the teepees they camped in.

Silent Auction Items & Live Art Auction at 5:00 pm There will be a Strawberry Shortcake tea and live music.

Featuring local artists Quilts and other goodies!

photo submitted

What campers seem to enjoy the most is being able to share their passion about dinosaurs with other kids, and to be out working with the museum staff in the Badlands. “It is really memorable for them,” said Mohan. They get to visit other local museums too, and use local amenities such as the Aquaplex pool. These camps are so successful that many return, some developing a life-long passion. “Most of the kids end up

coming year after year, lots of them end up being camp counsellors, and a few have ended up working here. Once you find your passion as a kid and you get to keep following that up, it’s a great thing!” Due to their popularity, most camps are sold out. However, there are still girl’s spots available in some of the camps. Contact the Royal Tyrrell Museum at 403-8237707 to check the latest availability.

Proceeds will go toward the purchase of Laparoscopic equipment for the Operating Room.

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Your gu ide

Friday, June 4, 2010


Friday, May 22, 2009 Page 6 - The Weekender | inSide Drumheller

Exhibit features another side of Tyrrell Patrick Kolafa Weekender

While the Royal Tyrrell Museum is celebrating its first 25 years featuring its 25 most exciting discoveries, Fred Oro-

sz has created a display featuring some of the human history of the museum. Orosz began at the museum in 1983, before it opened its doors. He was contracted for six months, and remained at the museum until he retired in 2006.

Fred Orosz has put together a display featuring some of the history of the Royal Tyrrell Museum over the last 25 years, from educational exhibits to newspaper clippings and artifacts. They are currently on display at the Drumheller Public Library. weekender photo by Patrick kolafa

Along the way he has amassed a collection of hundreds of artifacts and keepsakes from the museum, from its opening day to the modern years. He has assembled them into a collection he calls 25 years of the Tyrrell Museum Education and Fun. “I wanted to show another part of the museum,” said Orosz, with his collection that reflects more of the human history of the museum. Orosz’s first contract with the museum was the creation of the exhibits in the Science Hall. These were hands-on exhibits that demonstrated scientific principles. He and others toiled away at the former Co-op building (now Reptile World in downtown Drumheller)building the exhibits in anticipation of the opening of the museum. These stayed in the museum for years and thousands of youngsters have pulled, pushed and squeezed the exhibits and more importantly, learned. “The kids enjoyed these. They were demonstrations of science, rather than just looking and reading,” said Orosz. These former exhibits are featured prominently in Orosz’s display. They in-

clude the famous swimming squid, the falling bell demonstrating buoyancy, a sorting and settling demonstration and an exhibit demonstrating light refraction. There is also an extensive collection of newspaper clippings, everything from opening day to The Great Dinosaur Adventure Expo in 1990 in Japan, in which a number of Tyrrell Museum personnel took part. All of these feature faces from the community past and present who were involved in the museum. There is also a collection of promotional items, historic T-shirts, uniforms and even a Tyrrell Terrasaurs slo-pitch team uniform. Other items may look familiar including one of the original benches from the gallery. Even the display case that Orosz built for his display was constructed from some of the original ash handrails. Orosz’s display will be at the Drumheller Public Library until the end of June. He hopes it will be displayed at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in September.

Explore, create, & discover with a variety of educational programs available this summer at the ava Royal Tyrrell Museum. (They’re a scream!)


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Weekender 2010 - Page 7

Hand Hills Lake Stampede marks 94 years Patrick Kolafa Weekender

Alberta's oldest consecutive Rodeo is set to go this weekend, June 4-6, and now in its 94th year, it continues to be one of the premier events of the season. The Hand Hills Lake Stampede is a full slate rodeo, with all the traditional events, sanctioned by the CPRA (Canadian Pro Rodeo Association) and PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association). The event features stock from the Calgary Stampede Ranch. Slack begins Friday at noon and the rodeo kicks off on Saturday and Sunday at noon.

The stampede could stand on its own as just a rodeo, but add chucks, chariots and premium entertainment and it is one of the biggest shows of the season. This year there is also a trade show at the community hall on Friday from noon to 8 p.m. Each night from Friday to Sunday, the All Pro Canadian Chuckwagon and Chariot Association will be on the track. There is also lots of entertainment on the stage. Friday night after the chuckwagons are done blazing the track, the kick-off party begins. On Saturday night there is also the

traditional Cowboy Cabaret. Each morning rodeo goers can refuel with a western breakfast. After breakfast on Sunday morning there is a Christan Cowboy Church service before the excitement of the rodeo begins again. For more information on the up close and personal rodeo, see

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Page 10 - The Weekender | inSide Drumheller

Friday, June 4, 2010

Valley reports promising tourism numbers during long weekend Pascale Taylor Weekender

Victoria Day May long weekend, traditionally is the ďŹ rst popular weekend for spring travel. Figures of visitors to attractions in the valley during that weekend are a good indication of things to come. Not blessed with the best of weather this year, May Long weekend ďŹ gures still look promising.


“Since our opening at the beginning of May, we have had people coming from day one, it is pretty encouraging.� Gilles Danis

The Royal Tyrrell Museum, which unveiled its new exhibit Alberta Unearthed on Saturday, May 29 reported 12485 visitors over the four day period, down 69 from last year. However, the museum experienced a power outage on Monday afternoon, forcing them to close their doors earlier than usual. “Things are looking great for the summer. The new exhibit was very successful, all we are getting is positive feedback,â€? said Leanna Mohan, museum marketing coordinator. The World’s Largest Dinosaur’s visitor ďŹ gures for that weekend were comparable to last year, too.

Complete the Drumheller Experience!

“We were down 11 people,â€? said Heather Bitz, manager at the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce, explaining the weather may have contributed to the slight dip in numbers. “Last year was a good year for us, so if we can match our numbers from last year then we will be doing well,â€? she added. The Atlas Coal Mine’s ďŹ gures were up by ďŹ ve per cent from last year. “Saturday was lower probably due to cold weather, Sunday was similar but Monday was higher,â€? explained Linda Digby, executive director of the Atlas Coal Mine. “The pattern was dierent due to the weather, people came later during the weekend.â€? The Homestead Museum’s numbers were up ten per cent from last year. “The Saturday was the day the campers were going to camp no matter what and so they stayed in the campground and we only got about 15 visitors. But on the Sunday, it got too cold so they decided to come in and so we had over 50 people!â€? reported Gilles Danis at the Homestead. “Since our opening at the beginning of May, we have had people coming from day one, it is pretty encouraging.â€? Danis has a tradition of giving out cookies during the long weekend, and made one visitor very happy. "This fellow came in with four little ones, each below six years old, and I handed them cookies and he said, ‘This is the most peaceful time I've had the entire weekend!’."

3 67(

Can you help??

Can anyone help identify this item? The Homestead Museum received this item, called Crone by the manufacturer, and they need help finding out what it was used for. The small tabs (red and blue), on each side, cause coloured gels to come before the light bulb. Is it a signal lamp for a train conductor? photo submitted

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Friday, June 4, 2010

The Weekender 2010 - Page 11

What makes Drumheller a great place to be? A to Z A Attractions, Atlas Coal Mine, Aquaplex B Badlands, Bleriot Ferry, 11 Bridges to Wayne, Bowling Alley, Baseball Diamonds C Curling Club, Cruisin’ the Dub, Chuckwagons, Campgrounds, Coal Mines, Canoe Rentals D Dinosaur Capital of the World, Dinosaur Digs, Demolition Derby, Drumheller Dragons Hockey E Eateries, East Coulee School Museum F Friendly People, Fossils, Fountain, Funland, Fishing, Festivals, Farmer’s Market G Golf Course, Go-Carts, Gift Shops, Galleries H Horse Thief Canyon, Horseshoe Canyon, Helicopter Rides, Hot Air Ballooning, Homestead Museum, Hand Hills

I inSide Drumheller (FREE on Fridays), Interpretive Centre J Jogging Paths, July 1st Parade K Kite Flying, Kaleidoscope Theatre L Little Church, Last Chance Saloon, Landscape, Library M Mini Golf, McMullen Island, Midland Provincial Park, Museums N Nature Trail, Newcastle Beach O Oyster Beds

P Pancake Breakfasts, Parks, Passion Play, Pro Rodeo, Parking is FREE!! Q Quiet Walking Trails R Royal Tyrrell Museum, Reptile World, Rosebud Theatre, Red Deer River S Suspension Bridge, Swimming Pool, Skateboard, Splash Park, Stampede Grounds, Shopping T The Drumheller Mail (on the stands Wednesday), Theatres, Tea Houses, Tours, Tunnel Vision U Unusual Formations, Underground Experience at the Atlas Coal Mine V Valley Historical Sites W World’s Largest Dinosaur, Walking Paths, Weekender (Free on Fridays), Water Slide X Xeriscaping Y Yard Sales Z Zoophyte


Match the photo of the dinosaur with the correct business logo and drop off the entry form at The Drumheller Mail for your chance to win a



redeemable at any one of the advertisers in this publication.




Riverside Value Drug Mart





Name: Full Address: Phone Number: Comments on Drumheller:

Drop 515Hwy. Hwy 10 East,Drumheller, Drumheller,AB AB Dropentry entryform formoff offat atThe The Drumheller Drumheller Mail, Mail, 515 10 East, orormail Drumheller, AB AB T0J T0J 0Y0. 0Y0.One Oneentry entryper perperson. person. mailto toBox Box1629, 1629, Drumheller, Contest Winner will will be be contacted contactedby by September September11, 10,2009. 2010. Contestcloses closesAugust August20, 21,2010. 2009. Winner


12 - Friday, June 4, 2010

Contact us!

Alberta-Wide Classifieds Only $259.00 to advertise in over 100 community newspapers in Alberta

Phone: 403-823-2580 Fax: 403-823-3864 E-mail:


ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVIORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further cash compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-888918-9336 now. Free service!

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Display Classified Ad: $9.60 plus GST per column inch

Merchandise FOR SALE... Iron Out Water Treatment System Marvel Iron Filter with sump pump and submersible pump. Includes paperwork. Value $8000, asking $3000. Call Remie at 403-820-1314. 3tfc FOR SALE... Big Steel truck top. Fits Ford Ranger & Toyota standard box. Fiberglass construction, windows, white in colour. $200 obo. Daytime: 403820-5137, evenings 403-823-9201. 12tfc

Garage Sales YARD SALE... Saturday, June 5, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. 27 Spruce Drive. 22p

Business Opportunities ATTENTION: Work from home. Turn 10 hours a week into $1500+ a month. Free online training. 22p25


COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION! 3rd Annual Calgary Collector Car Auction,June 11 13, Grey Eagle Casino. Still taking quality consignments.Contact 403-396-0304; www. MEIER GUN AUCTION, Saturday, June 5, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Avenue,Edmonton. Over 200 guns - selling all classes of handguns, rifles andshotguns, ammo and miscellaneous. Call Meier Auction to consign780-440-1860. COLLECTIBLE AUCTION, Sunday, June 13, 1200: Noon, Clive CommunityHall. Clive, Alberta. Furniture items and more. Donna’s Auction, phone403-784-3939. ABBOTT’S CONSTRUCTION, June 12, 10 a.m., 9835 - 60 Ave.,Edmonton. Selling 2005 Ford F550 picker truck, 2005 Bobcat S205 skid steer, Clark 3000 lb. forklift, flat deck trailers,Fruehauf Storage & Atco Office Trailer, storage buildings, welders, aircompressors, pipe stands & racks, steel, pipe, conduit, stock & tools.See or call 1-800-371-6963. AUCTIONS DONE RIGHT! Whether it’s equipment, real estate, livestock or a complete farm dispersal. For a free auction proposal contact Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers today! 1-800-491-4494 or

AUTO PARTS SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED! Buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equipment. $2. & up/each. Free pick-up greater Calgary & Edmonton area. Minimum 10. Toll free 1-877-334-2288. FREE SCRAP vehicle removal. No wheels, no problem! Greater Edmonton area. Call 1-780-433-9217.



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inSide | Drumheller -


NEED A VEHICLE? Need cash? Up to $10,000. cash back! Guaranteed approvals! Over 400 vehicles to choose from. Call Will or Ashley today! 1-888-289-8935. $0 DOWN & we make your 1st payment at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? Good or bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599; DLN 30309. FOR SALE. Tenders are being accepted for the sale of one 2007 Chevy Uplander Van and two 2009 Chevy Uplander Vans, equipped with automatic rear passenger lift seats and electric stretchers; and one 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan with a heavy wheelchair conversion package. Vehicles have been used for non-ambulance transport. All vehicles and equipment will be sold in one parcel package. Tender packages are available upon request by calling 403-443-2014. Tenders can be submitted by mail to: Box 1360, Three Hills, AB, T0M 2A0 and must be received no later than June 18, 2010. Highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. SAVE UP TO $400. on your car insurance. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-428-0890 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Open Weekends. (Alberta only). BANKRUPT? BAD CREDIT? Call us! All makes and models. Professional credit rebuilders. Delivery Available. Call Garth 403888-5593 or 1-866-476-1938. Cavalcade Auto Acceptance Corp., serving Alberta for 20 years.

BUILDING SUPPLIES SAVE MONEY, build with Insulated Concrete Forms. Specializing in your ICF needs. Insulated Concrete Block sales, bracing rentals, qualified installers. IC Forming Inc., 780-914-8650;

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU have gravel/aggregate deposits on your property? We specialize in marketing, mining, managing and reclaiming aggregate resources. Contact Tom 1-888-7844400 for more information. ARE YOU HIGHLY motivated and looking for a reputable on-line business? Flexible hours, free training, great income, and incentive, real support; RECESSION PROOF investment opportunity worldwide lottery & you. Part owner of never before offered. Enormous profitably potential! Minimum $25K accredited investors. Call 1-888-855-8187; OWN A REPUTABLE online business. Convert 10 hours fun work into $3,000. plus. Training and support included, low start up, franchisable, eco inspired; PERFECT RETIREMENT BUSINESS, product sells it’s self, nooperating expense, less than $400., capital investment. Seeev-

Call 403-823-2580 for more information. erything yourself at or FOR SALE BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. New franchise opportunities in your area. Call 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website: today

CAREER TRAINING TRAIN TO BE a Medical Lab Assistant. The Healthcare industry needs you! MTI Community College; 604-3102684. Love your job! MASSAGE CAREER. Train at our highly regarded, progressive school and graduate with confidence! Excellence in education, guaranteed! 403-346-1018;

COMING EVENTS 3RD CALGARY ANTIQUE Show & Sale, June 5 & 6.Saturday 10 - 5:30 and Sunday 10 - 4. Garrison Curling Rink,2288 - 47 Ave. S.W. Over 50 vendors. Free parking? Carswell’s 403-343-1614.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES HAVE FUN making money as an actor, actress or film extra on Calgary movie sets. All ages required. 403-521-0077. #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the fastest pardons, lowest prices, and it’s guaranteed. BBB accredited. Free consultation. Toll free 1-866-416-6772; www.ExpressPardons. com. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC required. Phone, fax, email or drop off resume at office. Email: Phone 780842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: php. MORGAN CONSTRUCTION & Environmental Ltd. is looking for experiencedScraper Operators and Finishing Dozer Operators for work in the oilfieldand heavy civil construction projects. Clean driver’s abstract and all safetytickets a must (Standard First Aid, H2S, CSTS/PST and Ground Disturbance II).Competitive wages, full benefits. Resumes can be faxed to 780960-4696. Emailed to: or apply in personat 702 Acheson Road, Acheson, Alberta. Only those contacted will beinterviewed. PRE-EMPLOYMENT Welder or Millwright Training. 16 weeks, write firstyear apprenticeship exam. Be ready for in-demand trades jobs. GrandePrairie Regional College. 1-888-539-4772; PSSST! Wanna be a Mechanic? 8 month General Mechanic training. Learn basic engine theory,power train, suspension, job safety, etc. Write Automotive or HeavyDuty 1st year Apprenticeship exam. GPRC Fairview College Campus.1-888-999-7882; WHICH TRADE would you like? We’ll teach you basic shop practices, safety. Work experience in trade of your choice. GPRC Fairview College Campus. Fairview, Alberta; 1-888-999-7882. PUT YOURSELF behind the counter - The Parts counter! Pre-employment parts program at GPRC Fairview Campus. Fall/2010. Write 1st year Apprenticeship exam. Learn warehousing, cataloguing, ordering, etc. 1-888-999-7882; EXCLUSIVE FINNING/Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Service Training at GPRC Fairview Campus. 2 year diploma program gives 4 years apprentice theory. $1000. bonus on first day of school. Write all 4 years apprenticeship exam. 1-888-999-7882; WHITECOURT DENTAL CLINIC seeking full-time RDA II. Forward resume to:Box 1500, 4743 - 51 Ave., Whitecourt, Alberta. Fax 780-778-3808; orapply in person. Phone 780-778-3808. LOADER OPERATORS for fly in Yukon gold mine. Small family goldminewith large Cat equipment. $6000. month wage plus room and board.May - October each year. Fax experience, references, 250-483-4036. DANCE CLUB two hours NE of Edmonton is seeking Dance Instructorsfor the 2010 - 2011 dance year. Compensation for expenses. ContactPam at 1-780-623-8336 or SOUTH ROCK LTD. is seeking a Base Foreman for work in FortMcMurray area and experienced paving personnel for workthroughout Alberta. Visit for more info or to apply.Fax 403-568-1327.

FEED AND SEED HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

NEW NORWOOD SAWMILLS - LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34” diameter, mills boards 28” wide. Automated quick-cyclesawing increases efficiency up to 40%; Free information. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400OT. WWW.DURAGUARDFENCE.COM. Chain link, ornamental iron, gates, dog runs. Direct from the manufacturer since 1987. Guaranteed best price on fencing materials. Commercial installation available. 1-800661-7630 (Edmonton). CRIMINAL RECORD? Only Pardon Services Canada has 20 years experience guaranteeing record removal. Call 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) $38.95 HOME phone service - Reconnect your home phone! No one refused - $38.95 monthly - $18.95 one time activation $18.95 unlimited long distance. Call Choice Tel now! 1-888-333-1405; www.choicetel. ca. SEA-CAN CONTAINERS LTD. New and used, cargo worthy 8’, 9’, 10’, 20’, 40’, 48’, 53’, office units, wind and water tight, delivery available. Phone 780-440-4037. Fax 780-440-1176;; www. METAL SIDING/ROOFING. Best prices! 36” Hi-TenToughrib 29ga. Galvalume $.729 sq. ft. Colours $.849 sq. ft. IN STOCK. 25/30 year warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254. FUTURE STEEL Buildings Clearance. Pre-engineered and custom-sized to your requirements. Factory-direct pricing. Some models discounted to half-price to clear. Call for free brochure and quote 1-800-6685111 ext 170. #1A STEEL Building Sale! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse. 6 colours available! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers! 1-800-4572206; FUEL ECONOMY, power and torque. Improve all three with easy install DSG Power module. Available for most electronic engine models. Call William or Trent 1-800-6676879. PUT YOURSELF behind the counter - The Parts counter! Pre-employment parts program at GPRC Fairview Campus. Fall/2010. Write 1st year Apprenticeship exam. Learn warehousing, cataloguing, ordering, etc. 1-888-999-7882; Home Phone Reconnect. Call 1-866-2871348. Prepaid long distance specials! Feature package specials! Referral program! Don’t be without a home phone. Call to connect! 1-866-287-1348. BUILDING SALE! 25x30 $4,577. 30x40 $7,140. 32x60 $11,950.32x80 $18,420. 35x60 $13,990. 40x70 $14,650. 40x100 $24,900.46x140 $37,600. Others. Ends optional. Pioneer ManufacturersDirect 1-800668-5422. GREEN GIANT POPLAR, plugs: $1.49/ each (200 for $298.). Also Swedish Aspen, Pines, Maples, various shrubs & berries, etc. Free shipping. 1-866-873-3846 or www. LAPTOPS AND DESKTOPS from $399. or $25./month. Huge selection of quality brand names. Easy, in-store financing and flexible payment options. Call 1-877-992-9992. AT LAST! An iron filter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, sulfur, smell, manganese from well water. Since 1957. Phone 1-800BIG IRON; A FREE Telephone Service - Get your first month free. Bad credit, don’t sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines today. Toll free 1-866-8847464.

LANDSCAPING & GARDENING LEARN SUSTAINABLE BUILDING. Timber frame, log, straw bale and stackwallbuilding, portable sawmilling. Workshops start August 9. GPRC Fairview CollegeCampus. Fairview, Alberta. 1-888-999-7882; www.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE: Rancher’s Choice 2 year old and yearling Black Angus Bulls. Phone Kim - cell 306-463-8405 or home 306-968-2637. GELBVIEH BULLS: Easy doing...easy going? Performance andHeifer Bulls. Available. Red’s, Blacks and Tans, semen tested. Deliveryincluded. Larry 780-718-5477, EyoT Valley Ranch.

MANUFACTURED HOMES IN AIRDRIE there is a difference. Modular Homes as low as $90./sq. ft.Full drywall includes delivery. A1 Homes 1-866-907-0503. Best BuyHomes 1-877-275-5555. LOWEST PRICES on Modulars, 1,000 2,200 sq. ft. 20 wides with Gourmet Kitchens. 16 wides starting at $76,900. Best Buy Homes, Red Deer, 1-877-396-5564.

UNITED HOMES CANADA - in business for over 40 years. Servicingour clients is our priority! Call now for our summer promotions!1-800-461-7632 or LOOKING FOR the ultimate 20 wide? Fully drywalled luxuryGrandeur Home, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garden doors, and much more.$129,900.; www.grandviewmodular. com or call 403-945-1272. $116,900. VIEW SHOWHOMES in Edmonton or Grande Prairie. Volume buy = huge discounts. 2010 model. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1520 sq. ft. loaded w/options, immediate delivery. Edmonton 1-800463-0084; Grande Prairie 1-877-504-5005. FACTORY SALE on now. Save $8000. Available on 3 brand new 1,520 sq. ft. SRI Homes. Commonwealth Homes on 43 St. S. just south off Hwy 3, Lethbridge. 1-800-6402012 or 403-320-2012. SHOPPING FOR A new home or cottage? Make Pleasant Homes your last stop and rest easy knowing you’re getting the best in quality and service at the lowest price possible. 20’ X 76’ SRI Homes starting at $107,000, delivered, blocked and skirted. Call 780-939-3584; 1-866-962-0238 or see our show homes in Morinville today. Also specialize in modular and commercial products.

MOTORCYCLES THE ONE! THE ONLY! Authorized HarleyDavidson Technician program in Canada. GPRC Fairview, Alberta. On-campus residences. 15-week program. Top quality instruction, up-to-the minute curriculum, hands-on training. 1-888-999-7882; www. FREE WHEELIN’ EXCITEMENT. Learn to repair street, off-road and dualsport bikes. Hands-on training. On-campus residences. Great instructors.Challenge 1st year apprenticeship exam. 1-888-999-7882; www.

PERSONALS DATING SERVICE. Long-term/short-term relationships, free calls! 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations - 1 on 1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies. 1-877804-5381 (18+).

REAL ESTATE LEARN SUSTAINABLE BUILDING. Timber frame, log, straw bale and stackwallbuilding, portable sawmilling. Workshops start August 9. GPRC Fairview CollegeCampus. Fairview, Alberta. 1-888-999-7882; www.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Men and Boys? Men fix their toys! Become an Outdoor Power Equipment Technician. Work on watercraft, ATV’s, snowmobiles, etc. Credit towards apprenticeship. GPRC Fairview College Campus. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.

SERVICES DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering bankruptcy? Call 1-877220-3328. Free consultation, government approved, BBB member. CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300/1-800347-2540. CLEAN DRIVING RECORD? Grey Power could save you up to $400. on your car insurance. Call 1-888-623-5050 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Open Weekends. (Alberta only). MORTGAGES. Refinance, pay debt, renovate, take holiday, or you decide. Equity lending available. Jason 1-877-568-0929, Alberta Home Loans Inc. Website: $500. LOAN Service, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free 1-877-776-1660; CRIMINAL RECORD? We can help! The National Pardon Centre™ is RCMP Accredited. For better price and better service visit: Call 403-6988800 or 1-866-242-2411.

WANTED WANTED: Contractors for rural garbage pickup within Lamont County.This contract will be between the contractor and the resident. An advertisement of the contractor will beplaced on the Lamont County website and the Lamont County Leader.If you are interested in being a service provider please contact Lamont County Public Works at780895-2547 or email:

are you? WHO inSide | Drumheller -

Age: 19. Employer: Headlines Hair. Job Title: Apprentice Hair Stylist. What’s the best part about Drumheller? Rosedale, it’s so quiet and peaceful. Hobbies and interests? Kayaking, fishing, dogs, the Sims 3. Can you describe yourself in three words? Shy, maybe a little cute, and funny. Favourite movie? Dumb and Dumber Favourite band? Blink-182. Where in the world would you like to live? California, it’s always beautiful there. What’s a life changing decision you’ve made? Starting work here at Headlines. What do you do in your spare time? Walking the dog, use my computer. What are your strengths? I can drive standard, and styling hair.

Albertans from across the province will be celebrating seniors and their contributions during Seniors Week, which starts on June 7. In Drumheller, Seniors Week 2010 is kicking off on Friday, June 4 with a BBQ at the Sunshine Lodge from noon until 1:00 p.m. Cathy Smoliak, Seniors coordinator for the Town of Drumheller told inSide Drumheller she has an array of activities organized to celebrate Seniors Week. On Monday, June 7,

Colby LeBlanc

Your weaknesses? Quiet, and I’m not very good at Monopoly. Words to live by? Work hard, play hard. If you were stuck on a desert island, what’s the one thing you’d bring? My dog Nora. What are your bad habits? None that I want to announce here. If you were granted three wishes from a genie, what would they be? Ice cream, ice cream, and ice cream. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Super strength, to bust up the bad guys. Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive? Heath Ledger and I would serve him Kraft Dinner.

Drumheller to celebrate the past, look to the future during Seniors Week Pascale Taylor | inSide Drumheller

Friday, June 4, 2010 - 13

there will be a Seniors Fair at the AV Room of the Civic Centre (above the library) from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. “Its intent is to bring all the community resources for seniors in one location,” explained Smoliak. “People will be able to ask questions directly to the person who runs the business.” Thirteen businesses will be there to help seniors with any questions, including Service Canada, Primary Care Network, Meals on Wheels, The Sunshine Lodge, The Pioneer Trail Society, Helping

Hands and many more. On Tuesday, June 8 the Town of Drumheller is offering a trip to East Coulee Museum, including transport. The Pioneer Trail will host a bingo on Wednesday, June 9 at 1:30 p.m., as well as a board game day and muffin sale on Thursday, June 10 from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All activities are free for seniors, however registration will be required for the trip to East Coulee. Contact Cathy Smoliak at 403-823-1317 for more information and registration.

WHOare you?

Who are you? is a weekly feature that profiles various young, professional Drumhellerites.

Know someone who we should get to know better? Please give us a call at 403-823-2580, fax at 403-823-3864 or email

W. Ralston (Canada) Inc. Is taking applications to fill the position of:


W. Ralston produces plastic film products including garbage bags and construction film. We are looking for physically fit (male or female) individuals to run our extruder lines. Starting wage is $16.34 per hour. Successful applicants will be contacted.

Fax resume to 403-823-5771 or fill out application at 1100 South Railway Ave., Drumheller, Alberta.



1st or 2nd Year Technicians for busy 10 BAY SERVICE DEPARTMENT • medical and dental program • clean working environment • state of the art technology • G.M. training provided and a great place to work!! Fax your resume to:

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for our Accounting Department 22cb(i)

14- Friday, June 4, 2010

inSide | Drumheller -

inSideBREAK Crossword



1. Extinct New Zealand bird 4. Millisecond (abbr.) 8. Muddle 13. Inner forearm bone 15. Acid radical 16. Brook 17. NJ NBA team 18. A crane 19. Positivism founder 20. Jasperware perfector 23. Dorsal finger plate 24. Autonomic nervous system (abbr.) 25. Male parent 26. Wave crest 31. Wide cooking vessel 32. Lightly fry 33. Opening 34. Minute tissue openings 36. Fruit juice drink 37. Predictor of antimatter 39. Cranberry habitat 40. Encouraged earnestly 42. Master of Education (abbr.) 43. Fortified wines 45. Common organizations in schools 47. Electromotive force (abbr.) 48. Twinge 49. Places to buy a sofa 57. Double curves 58. Federal drug agent 59. A British peer 60. Beach (French) 61. South American Indian 62. A skin lesion's crusty surface 63. Flanks 64. Afrikaans 65. Electronic warfare-support measures (abbr.)


1. Tough Asiatic grass 2. Margarine 3. Hymenopterous insects 4. Five iron 5. Frown with displeasure 6. Largest Aussie lake 7. Sheathed 8. Used of syllables

Here’s how it works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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Rainy day solution...

New Kids Craft Kits! Crop Night June 18 9. Snooze 10. Exhibit a product's use 11. Apollo's mother 12. Barely made it 14. Fatuous 21. After Action Review (abbr.) 22. Walking tempo 25. Sergeant's nickname 26. Walks through water 27. With a tinge 28. Apple centers 29. W. Rumanian city 30. Political action committee (abbr.) 31. Children's tale bear 32. Salvia 34. KQED or WGBH

Word Search

35. Infers from evidence 38. Insects after metamorphosis 41. Breach 44. Change mind 45. Programming language 46. Explosive 48. Yellow perch genus 49. Dandies 50. Tangelo 51. Del. senator 1789-93 George 52. Component part 53. Wood frog genus 54. Running contest 55. Periods of time 56. Nuclear undersea weapon (abbr.)40.

Answers Last Week's Crossword Solution

6 pm - midnight 372 Centre Street, Drumheller • 403-823-4151 w22cl

Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Bide your time, Aries, because change is on the horizon. You just need to have a little more patience. However, the outcome may not be what you expected.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you are in a festive mood, but others aren't receptive to your jovial demeanor. Maybe you should postpone the festivities for another week.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, things are about to heat up and you could begin to feel overwhelmed in the next few days. You will have to struggle only for a little bit, though.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, if you can't make up your mind, how are you going to be able to convey your point to others? The next few weeks are busy and you won't have much time for discussion.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, take your time going through your choices this week. Otherwise you may make a bad decision that you will regret later. An old friend is in town.

Sudoku Solution

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You need a break, Cancer, but you don't know from what. Analyze what is giving you the most stress and act on changing that situation. Money woes are forgotten. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, relationships are strained and you're called in to act as mediator. But you don't relish the idea of acting as a referee. Be patient with the situation.

Lexicon Choose which definition is correct.

borzoi means:

prelude attack Russian wolfhound dif ficulty Answer: Russian woldhound

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PetroCan Mall Drumheller 403.823.8131 w22tfcl w18tfc

Word Search Solution

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, it's okay to take others' advice once in a while. You don't have to stand on your own merits every day. People already know that you are a strong person. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Don't think about making any big changes in the next few days, Libra. Your personal life is about to turn topsy turvy and you will have a lot of choices to consider. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 You haven't been feeling like yourself, Scorpio, and others notice the change. It could just be stress or you may be feeling a little restless. Hang in there.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Start putting your money where your mouth is, Aquarius. There's only so long you can bait a person and keep your catch on the line. Sooner or later he or she will get smart and leave. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Travel is in your immediate future, Pisces. You just won't be sure if it will be a long adventure or just a day jaunt to get away.

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Heartwood signature pedicure a SOLE SOOTHING treat for the feet ... Featuring paraffin mask & hydrotherapy massage

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Famous Birthdays JUNE 4 Sam Harris, Actor/Singer (49)

JUNE 7 Michael Cera, Actor (22)

JUNE 5 Pete Wentz, Musician (31)

JUNE 8 Kanye West, R&B Artist (33)

JUNE 6 Harvey Fierstein, Actor (58)

JUNE 9 Natalie Portman, Actress (29)


Track season winds up at St. Anthony’s Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

Track and field has wrapped up for another season at St. Anthony’s School as the junior high team returned from zones on Wednesday, June 2. The team was in Calgary for their first and only meet of the season. This put the team at a disadvantage, as they experienced no competition before they headed to the meet. Despite this, the members of the team competed well in running, jumping and throwing events, and most managed to post personal best at the competition. “They worked hard and have some things to work on for next season,” said coach Gavin Makse. A week prior to the junior high competition, the senior high team, consisting of Matt Russell and Brandon Gruber, went to zones. They both competed in jumping events. Gruber managed a third place finish in the triple jump and was just 11 centimetres off the mark for qualifying for zones. He placed ninth in Matt Russell placed sixth in long jump and eighth in triple jump for St. long jump and high jump. Anthony’s at the zone track meet. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa Russell managed a sixth place in long jump and eighth in the long jump. St. Anthony’s athletes are ond annual awards night will be presented for athletcelebrating a great season banquet on Thursday, June ic achievement, sportsmanof successes with their sec- 10 at the school. Awards ship and spirit.


Friday, June 4, 2010 - 15

Fleury pleases golfers at Dragons tournament Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

“I understand the ‘Old Man’ was here last year,” laughs Theo Fleury, referring to Lanny McDonald’s appearance last year at the Drumheller Dragons annual golf tournament.


inSide | Drumheller -

“I know what it takes

to run junior hockey teams these days, it is not cheap and obviously this tournament helps that,” Fleury

Fleury was this year’s guest at the event on Thursday, June 3, a major fundraiser for the Drumheller Dragons. He was among a sold out crowd of 144 golfers on the course to have fun and support the team. A jovial Fleury was camped out at the fifth hole of Dinosaur Trail Golf Club, signing copies of his book Playing With Fire and visiting with golfers as they made their rounds. Never one to shy away, dozens of souvenirs were made at the tee box. While rain continued throughout the day, it could not dampen the enthusiasm of Fleury and golfers alike.


Fleury explains he has known the Christianson family for years after meeting at a Wayne Gretzky Fantasy Camp, and has kept in touch. It is also a natural for him to support hockey in all its forms. “I know what it takes to run junior hockey teams these days, it is not cheap and obviously this tournament helps that,” said Fleury. Fleury may be the most famous Calgary Flame in the franchise’s history, playing in 11 seasons. He made a brief return and played exhibition games with the Calgary Flames in September of 2009 before he officially retired. He then released his book Playing With Fire, which has sold tremendously. He tells inSide Drumheller he has signed about 50,000 copies of the book since its release. League governor of the Drumheller Dragons Blair Christianson is appreciative of Fleury’s support. “We have a relationship with him, and he always is one to lend a hand to these kind of events, and we appreciate it,” said Christianson.



Not everyone has what it takes to protect our youth. There are a lot of kids out there dealing with some tough stuff. Drugs, abuse, neglect and a general lack of support. And while some of them have been fortunate enough to experience the care of Children’s 10055SA0 Services workers, this valuable front line support is being strained. As our population grows and our world gets more and more complicated, the government isn’t keeping up with the increasing demand. The results are not good. We’re seeing a decrease in the level of available care and less protection for the most vulnerable Albertans – our kids. We are AUPE and we are working towards a better quality of life for all of us. Work with us, and we will continue to work for you.

16 - Friday, June 4, 2010

s t r o p s

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San Diego trip to usher in promising season for Titans


Dressed up Satellite

inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

If you know someone who has a cool ride let us know. 403-823-2580 or email

The Senior Drumheller Titans are finishing up their spring training session with a tournament in Okotoks on Saturday, June 5. The team will be heading to San Diego in the fall to compete and train with a high school in order to experience how important football is in America, and can be here in Drumheller. inSide photo by Kyle Smylie

Kyle Smylie | inSide Drumheller

June theme: Family Outings

Email your photo, along with your name, address and phone number to

One lucky winner each month will receive a Portrait Package at Freson IGA (value of $29.99). It consists of 3 - 8x10 professional quality sheets. Each sheet can be made up of either: 1 - 8x10, 2- 5x7’s, 3 - 4x6’s, 4 - 3.5x5’s or 9 wallets. The portraits can be ready the next day!


“We will build on last year's success during league finals.” Jason Rasmussen

This high expectation will be even loftier when the team travels to San Diego


Look Photo Contest Winner for the month of May is

Joel Steward


Monthly Photo Contest

Coach Jason Rasmussen believes the upcoming season of Senior Titans Football looks very promising as the team looks to contend for league finals once again.

winner of a Portrait Package from Freson IGA Category: Spring into Action

to partake in a training exercise against a California high school this fall. “They will see how football is almost a lifestyle in America... It seems to take a backseat to hockey here,” said Rasmussen. Rasmussen has seen first hand what experiences like the San Diego trip can do for a team. Praising the Okotoks football program for undertaking many trips like this, he believes seeing how

Dinosaur Trail Golf & Country Club


Open everyonto e

Thursday, June 10 • 2:00 - 6:30 pm G O L F

Prize give-aways! New equipment New technology Woods Irons Hybrids Putters

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Take your test drive now!


Bob Persson of Nacmine owns this week’s inSide Ride. His 1970 Plymouth Satellite just won Best in Show, as chosen by spectators at this year’s Boogie in the Badlands, on Saturday, May 28. Persson has had the car for about six years. It is powered by a 440, breathing through a four barrel carb, with relatively few modifications, but who needs it with that much displacement. He has done little to the Satellite other than add the Air Grabber hood and tail fin. The rest has been driver enjoyment.

good American high school teams can be inspires Alberta players to gain renewed respect and determination. The coinciding of this trip and next season is no accident", says the coach. "It will usher in a new wave of talented players." The last two years of the program have been rebuilding ones, and now the team has the coach’s high expectations on their shoulders. “The experience level is quite high this year,” Rasmussen explains. “We have a strong core of talented Grade 12 players. “We will build on last year's success during league finals.” Spring training can be frustrating for football teams, with practices taking backseat to basketball, lacrosse, and other sports in the valley. “Expectations are high for next year, and we fully expect to be in the league finals again.” The Titans will be wrapping up their final tournament and playing time of the spring season with a tournament in Okotoks on Saturday.

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