inSide Drumheller May18,2012

Page 1

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Highway 10 becomes catwalk at Walk a Mile Your guide to tourism in the valley See pages 7-10

Fierce! Kenny MacDonald had the spirit as he strolled along during Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, Wednesday morning. The event raised about $13,000 and saw 61 men stand up and hobble on heels to end violence. See story on page 3. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

Who are you? See page 11

New dino addition coming See page 5

INDEX inSide Opinions .........Page 2 inSide Happenings ..... Pages 4 Employment ............Page 5-6 Who are you? ...........Page 11 inSide Break ............Page 12 Classifieds ...............Page 13 Sports..................... Pages 16 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller

Ph: 403-823-2580 | Fax: 403-823-3864


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2 - Friday, May 18, 2012


inSide Drumheller |

inSide Nielson’s proudly donate $50,000 to Community Facility | donation and what it means STREETERS for the fundraising campaign. Michael James

As the warm weather and sunshine becomes more frequent. inSide Drumheller asks: “What is the first sign of summer in Drumheller to you?”

Lynn Hatt “Lots of tourists.”

inSide Drumheller

The Badlands Community Facility got another big donation this week. Long time Drumheller area residents Jess and Esther Nielsen have given the BCF a gigantic $50,000. According to Esther, the construction of the BCF was a long time coming. “We have wished for something like this in Drumheller for a long time. I used to travel to other towns and see what they had for community centres,” said Esther. “I used to think about how this could happen in Drumheller and now it’s happened. I’m really happy to see it.” Jeff Hall, BCF Fundraising chair, greatly appreciated the

Terra Lawrence “Traffic is crazy and there’s people everywhere.”

Stan Carson “When the heat is on.”

inSide photo by Michael James

Tyrrell unveils Sea Dragon in newest exhibit

Michael James | inSide Drumheller

Randy Owens “The bikes come out, I own one.”

“It’s a great kick off for the public component of our campaign. It’s great to see people like Jess and Esther want to step forward and give such a significant personal contribution. Hopefully that momentum will continue to build,” said Hall. Jess and Esther have been residents of the Drumheller area since roughly 1960. The two owned a farm near Drumheller for many years. After the donation was presented, the two were given a tour of the building from Community Facility Fundraising Committee chair Jeff Hall (left) and May- Mayor Terry Yemen and Hall. or Terry Yemen (right) accept a donation of $50,000 from Esther and “It’s a beautiful building,” Jess Nielsen. The Nielsen’s have been waiting awhile to see a commu- said Jess. nity centre in Drumheller and are impressed with what has been built.

The Royal Tyrrell Museum is showcasing its latest exhibit this weekend, dubbed “Alberta’s Last Sea Dragon: Solving an Ancient Puzzle.” The Sea Dragon refers to the spectacular specimen that is the centerpiece for the exhibit. Five years ago, a Tyrrell Museum crew excavated an enormous Elasmosaur, a type of aquatic reptile, from the Korite Mine near Lethbridge, Alberta. Elasmosaurs are a type of Plesiosaur characterized by their barrel-shaped bodies, long necks, and small heads. The Sea Dragon is a new species and was named Albertonectes vanderveldi, after the Korite Mine founder Rene Vandervelde. When Dr. Donald Henderson and the Tyrrell crew excavated the beast, they found nearly a complete animal. However, the most important part of most fossil animals was missing, the head. “It’s something new, but without the head you’re looking for a collection of autapomorphies [unique characteristics] in the skeleton,” said Dr. Henderson. The most striking feature of the specimen was the length of its neck, which was comprised of 76 vertebrae. There

were also numerous, finer detail, differences that warranted it being named a new species. The second aspect of the new exhibit is to illustrate how palaeontologists use the

scientific method to learn about these ancient creatures. “One of the most frequent questions we get is ‘how do we know?’ We look at alternative ideas in several places and explain what a scientific hypoth-

esis is and how we test it,” said Dr. Henderson. The exhibit does not only feature the new Elasmosaur, but has a Mosasaur, another marine reptile, for contrast. Mosasaurs differ in that they have larger skulls, generally stout teeth, and short necks. “We wanted to contrast the two radical different feeding styles. They’re not overlapping in feeding, so they can coexist,” said Dr. Henderson. “We wanted to highlight that these animals didn’t live in a vacuum and lived with all sorts of other animals.” Other displays will show how Elasmosaurs are related to other animals and how they evolved. The group is often thought to be dinosaurs or fish, but is neither. There will also be a section showing how the age of fossils is determined. The specimen is another fruit of the close relationship between the Tyrrell Museum and Korite Mine. Since it’s discovery, the Tyrrell Museum has collected numerous fossils from the mine, including a remarkable Mosasaur collected this past February. The new exhibit is opening this weekend at the Tyrrell Dr. Donald Henderson stands beside the impressive new animal that Musuem. For more informais the focus of the Tyrrell Museum’s latest exhibit “Alberta’s Last Sea tion, visit www.tyrrellmuseDragon: Solving an Ancient Puzzle. ” The specimen, an Elasmosaur, was collected five years ago from the Korite Mine near Lethbridge.

submitted photo w20eowm



inSide Drumheller |

Friday, May 18, 2012 - 3

Walk a Mile tops $13,000 Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller In all, 61 brave men of Drumheller and area, staggered, teetered and hobbled their way to raising $13,000 to help the struggle against violence. The second ever Drumheller Walk a Mile in Her Shoes went Wednesday morning. A parade of men, some in sandals, many more in red pumps, a few skirts, stockings and even a feather boa headed out along Highway 10. While it was a fun, and sometimes painful way to make a statement and raise some funds, the seriousness of the cause was not lost on the participants. Cindy Stelmaschuk, President of the Big Country Anti Violence Association reiterated the words of participant Joe Legacy, “The

whole purpose is to be uncomfortable for a mile when so many women are uncomfortable for their whole lives.” The group mustered at the Drum FM parking lot and paraded to the Drumheller Co-op where they enjoyed a barbecue. Many received generous draw prizes, sponsored by local businesses. For the second time in as many events, Fraser Beebe was the top fundraiser, bringing in $1,956. While participation was up from 50 to 61 over the last event, the total this year was down from the $19,000 the inaugural walk brought in two years ago. The funds raised at the event stay in the community. Stelmaschuk explains part of the money raised will go towards a transportation fund to assist

women to gain access to emergency shelters, prevention counselling education and training opportunities. Some of the funds will also support the Association for Communities Against Abuse which serves East Central Alberta. This will be used for eduction and preventive programs as well as treatment programs for victims of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The Wheatland Shelter, which supports the area with crisis services is also supported by Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. Participants came from all walks of life. Members of Drumheller Town Council and staff were on route, as well as business professionals, those working in the social services, tradespeople and community leaders. Don Yavis, principal of Morrin

School put on heels and took on the course. “I have been teaching for 30 years and we are dealing with issues of this kind. Kids don’t pick their parents and don’t pick their situation, they end up where they end up,” said Yavis. “I thought this was important, if we can help out any parents. It takes a brave woman to step up and get out of those situations.” His participation also sets an example for students. “Any time you can do something within the school to show it is not just about the kids in the school, it’s about community, it’s

global now. We want them to make sure they know they can do something for someone else,” said Yavis. Stelmaschuk is grateful for the community support. Scores of businesses supported the walk in various ways. Her highest praise was for the walkers themselves. “There is an old saying, you can’t understand another person’s experience until you walk a mile in their shoes. Thank-you everyone of you gentlemen, because now you understand. You have walked that mile,” said Stelmaschuk.

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When you use War Amps key tags, you support the Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program. (l-r) Tom Dooley, Don Yavis, John Sparling and Joe Legacy on a comfortable stroll down Highway 10

Wednesday morning during Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa


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February by Lisa Moore

Lori Stefanishion inSide Drumheller Book Columnist

“FEBRUARY” was our book to read in May. I can speak for all of us in that we enjoyed the scrumptious fare presented by our hostess more than we did the novel. As we dipped our garlic-infused baguette slices into balsamic and oil from Provence, we were transported across the sea in our imaginations for some time. We returned to the east coast to review Lisa Moore’s account of a woman named Helen who loses her husband to an offshore drilling rig off the coast of Newfoundland. The story encouraged some discussion on grieving as well as the spouses who are left behind. The book can be described as a jumbled photo album as the story bounces back and forth between past and present. Moore uses a lot of symbolism in her writing. Water is a central force in events of the story. The balance of life and death begins with Helen’s husband’s death, finding out she is pregnant and then her son’s discovery of becoming a father himself. We thought this book would be a good read for someone who has gone through the grieving process and is able to identify with much of the central character’s plight. For others, they will find nothing much happens as far as a plot. I felt it was a book that wouldn’t really matter if you finished it or not because you know there will be no climactic climb to the end. You will simply find out how Helen survives the many years she has spent in loneliness. This author has some lovely descriptive pieces in the story, but I am one who becomes slightly annoyed when it begins to distract from the story. I think there is a fine line that is easily crossed when description loses its purpose in the actual narrative. I tend to ask, “What’s the point?” when I come across lengthy portrayals with no bearing on the story. To be fair, I know there are people who adore this style and can lose themselves in those moments. I would say this is a “love it or leave it” type of book. It’s a good “beach read.” Once again, we have a message about survival that we seem to find in most of the books we read. Human nature always lends itself to an interesting perspective on life and gives us cause to examine our own lives and take into account our blessings. We look forward to our next read by Corban Addison. Set in the seedy underworld of Mumbai, “A Walk across the Sun” promises to be a book that is hard to put down. 20m

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4 - Friday, May 18, 2012

inSide Drumheller |


Rotary Club of Drumheller presents


SpringFest 2012 rocks East Coulee

Friday, June 1 • 7:00 pm Badlands Community Facility Get in on the fun for only $40 per ticket

Michael James | inSide Drumheller

Tickets can be purchased from: Members of Rotary & SJ Fashions

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East Coulee was alive with the sound of music this past weekend. The community was buzzing with musicians and festival attendees enjoying the beautiful weather and rockin’ tunes. Beginning Friday, May 11, and lasting throughout Saturday East Coulee hosted the 2012 SpringFest. The Community Hall, East Coulee School Museum, and East Coulee Hotel & Tavern were packed all day, with nary a seat to be found (except between acts). “It sure felt good. Looking at the rooms, they were full early in the day, a lot of smiling faces, and the weather was great,â€? said SpringFest president Brent Noland. Musicians, both local and from far and wide, oered a diverse musical menu from folk to rock n’ roll and everything in between. As of press time, attendance ďŹ gures were not available, but Noland estimated that revenue from the festival is up 20 to 25 per cent over the previous year, which suggests an increase to attendance. All of the revenue, minus expenses, from SpringFest will go towards funding the East Coulee School Museum. The money will go towards operations, bills, staďŹƒng, and, quite possibly helping to pay for a new heating system. Some of the factors that helped the success of the 2012 SpringFest include the

inSideHappenings DAYTIME EVENTS Friday, May 18, Drumheller: Sunshine Lodge/Hillview Lodge presents their Pie Social. All you can eat pie for $6. Starts at 2 p.m. at Sunshine Lodge with Pie Auction to follow. Saturday, May 19, Drumheller: Farmers’ Market at Greentree Mall. 9:30 am 1:00 pm. Sunday, May 20, Nacmine: Pancake Breakfast at the Hall. 9:00 am - 1:00 p.m. Everyone welcome! June 1, 2, 3: 96th Annual Hand Hills Lake Stampede! Saturday, June 2, Morrin: Morrin Block Party. Good stuff - all day long. Saturday, June 2, Sunnynook Golf Course: Quad/Motorbike Poker Rally.Start time: 12 Noon. Call Cindy Kingcott 403-566-2437. Wednesday Afternoon: KidsClub After School Program. 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Drumheller Church of the Nazarene. 627 6 Street East 403-823-7020 for information.

DRUMHELLER AREA NIGHTLIFE Playing at The Napier Theatre... Friday, May 18 - Thursday, May 24, 7:30 p.m. The Lucky One. Closed Mondays. Saturday, May 26, Newcastle: Prime Rib Supper at Newcastle Hall. 1st seating 5 pm; 2nd seating 7 pm. Proceeds to St. Anthony’s Playground & Bocce Field. Call 403-823-4499 for more information. Saturday, June 2, Morrin: Morrin Block Party. Good stuff - all day long. June 1, 2, 3: 96th Annual Hand Hills Lake Stampede! Saturday, June 2, Sunnynook Golf Course: Quad/Motorbike Poker Rally.Start time: 12 Noon. Call Cindy Kingcott 403-566-2437. Monday evenings, Nacmine: Community Bingo at Nacmine Hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings, Drumheller: Wing Night and Mystery Tunes, Flavourz Restaurant and Lounge. Friday evenings, Drumheller: Karaoke and Rib Night, Flavourz Restaurant and Lounge.

4th Floor 90-3rd Avenue East Drumheller, AB Phone: 403-823-6934 Email:

Get paid to attend a workshop! May 28 - June 15 Can you believe it? Getting money to have fun while learning new skills! This program is made possible by funding from the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy.


fantastic weather, the extra venue, a big marketing presence, and public transportation provided by the Valley Bus Society. It was hoped that by scheduling SpringFest in May, rather than April as in years past, the weather would be bet-

ter, a gamble that certainly paid o this year. Organizers appreciate the eort of all musicians, volunteers, and the music lovers who spent the weekend listening to great music.

The Fire Coulee Bandits rocked the East Coulee Hotel & Tavern. The band performed songs they are recording for their upcoming album, including Old Willie, which was nominated in the Calgary Folk Festival Songwriting Competition. inSide photo by Michael James

The Kirby Sewell Band belts out some blues in the Community Hall. The band had performed the night before during the blast off party in the East Coulee Hotel & Tavern. inSide photo by Michael James

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inSide Drumheller |

Friday, May 18, 2012 - 5

New dino addition coming to downtown Drumheller

The finishing touches are being put on a new dinosaur to be installed in Downtown Drumheller in the next couple weeks in time for tourism season. photo submitted

Tembec Industries Inc., Skookumchuck Pulp Group has scheduled a MAINTENANCE SHUTDOWN from SEPTEMBER 12 – 19, 2012. JOURNEYMAN TRADES: During this shutdown the following Certified Trades’ Persons may be required:

Millwrights, PipeďŹ tters, A level Pressure Welders, Machinists, SO006201 Electricians, Instrumentation Mechanics, and Carpenters All trade candidates must submit an application/and or resume together with a copy of their BC or Interprovincial trades qualifications. Welders must submit a copy of their up-to-date log book showing their current pressure tickets. No trades’ person will be hired without a current copy of their qualifications. To apply, submit your application together with the required qualifications to:

Human Resources Department Attention: Shutdown Employment Tembec Pulp Group, P.O. Box 4000 Cranbrook, BC V1C 7H7 Fax: 250-422-3085 E-mail:

Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

inSide Drumheller has an inside look at the new dinosaur which will be placed in the very near future in downtown Drumheller. The Drumheller DinoArt Project set a goal last year to begin adding new dinosaur sculptures to the town, and refurbishing the existing models that have made the town famous. The ďŹ nal touches are being put on its latest installation. John Sho, president of the DinoArt Project describes Theropod sitting on a bench in downtown Drumheller. They have gone away from the realistic look to a playful cartoon-like style. He is impressed with the small details, including the sundial watch, bouquet and bow tie. The dinosaur will be installed at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Centre Street near Gus’s Corner Restaurant. He is sure to be a favourite for residents and visitors alike and will possibly end up in hundreds of photos commemorating a visit to the valley. The DinoArts Project received a donation of a bust of a T-Rex from the Royal Tyrrell Museum. Originally they were looking at placing the bust near the three way stop at the south end of Centre Street, however Sho said there were a few issues with being able to mount it in such a way that it would be out of harm’s way from climbers and potential vandalism. They have made arrangements to instead install the bust inside the Badlands Community Facility. “It will be a much nicer location,â€? said Sho. These endeavours have kept the committee busy, however as the warmer weather sets in, the pace picks up even more. Sho said they are making an inventory of the dinosaurs, and their condition to see how many need repairs or reďŹ nishing. Already volunteers armed with paint brushes have been busy this spring. One dino on North Dinosaur Trail has been repainted with a Flintstone-like motif. As they near completion of their inital projects, Sho says the committee is looking at stepping up its fundraising eorts. “We haven’t done a whole lot of fundraising this year, we wanted to get last year’s project installed and then be able to show people what it is going towards rather than trying to raise money with nothing to show for it,â€? he said. For more information on the project or to get involved, or even submit a name for the new dino call 403-823-2983.



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Dowland Contracting Ltd. is seeking General Labourers for a project in Drumheller, Alberta. The successful applicants will make between $17-20/hr, depending on qualifications and experience. Priority will be given to local applicants with commercial construction experience. Applicants must successfully pass a background check Fax: 1-780-487-7660 Email: Online:

Reports to: Owner Main Duties Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of staff. Knowledge of Laundry Equipment and be able to do minor repairs if required. Responsible for ordering supplies. Maintain quality to meet customer satisfaction. Hire and train staff to meet the Business workforce needs. Oversee the cleaning of difficult items. Working Conditions Work weeks are 5 days, Monday to Saturday 8 hours per day, starting at 8:30 in the Morning. Will be required to work weekends. The supervisor is exposed to the noise of the machines and a regular flow of people in and out of the laundry. Employment requirements Completion of secondary schooling. 1 Year Experience as supervisor in dry cleaning and laundry machine operation is required. Punctual, meticulous and reliable. Courteous manners with the customers. Wages Ideal candidates will be offered $16.12 per hour. Candidates meeting the above requirements could send resumes by fax or email to the above address.



6 - Friday, May 18, 2012

inSide Drumheller |


Spring Cleanup closes successful 2012 campaign


Michael James | inSide Drumheller


Nygaard, operations man- 229.57 mt. Metal was down ager for Drumheller and slightly to 41.86 mt. Town crews reinforced District Solid Waste ManThe number of batteries the old cliche of taking out agement Association. collected decreased drasthe trash these past two tically from 111 in 2011 to weeks. Crews wrapped up “Everybody, I’m 48 this year. anther successful Spring “Right now, batteries are sure, in the Town of Cleanup this past ThursEARN HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS AND A WAGE THIS SUMMER lucrative. I think there were Drumheller got new day, May 10. Metis Environmental Career Camp a lot of scavengers prior to TV’s this year." Th e cleanup had started Looking for 16 Youth Participants (15the guys going through,” 18 yrs) and 4 Crew Supervisors (18-30 on April 30 and saw crews Tammi Nygaard said Nygaard. yrs). Participants will receive certification collecting items from resiin standard first aid,SO006150 wilderness first aid, The number of tires colH2S alive, WHIMIS/TDG, GPS, and canoe, dences that would otherOverall, the amount of lected increased, but quite Alberta High School credits and earn a wise be left by the standard items collected were on a few had to be left behind, wage! garbage collection service. par with the previous year. because they still had their Program Runs July 23 - August 24 , 2012 Application Deadline - June 22 , 2012 “The crew did a fantas- Wood, household, and rims. The Town cannot reCall 1-888-48-MÉTIS (1-888-486-3847) tic job as usual. The Town compost materials were cycle tires with rims. online at: guys have this down to up by 10 metric tonnes, to “We have to have them a science,” said Tammi separated, that’s why we couldn’t pick up all the tires Drumheller Public Library Job Opportunity this year,” said Nygaard. Summer Reading Program Leader With the purchase of Position Description: tires, there is a $4 tire tax Working with an assistant this individual is responsible for helping to advertise, plan and run the day to day activities of the Summer Reading Program. The Summer Reading Program that goes towards recycling Leader reports to the Director of Library Services. This position runs from June 4 to August 17 for and transporting used tires. 38 hours per week. Application deadline is May 31, 2012 or until a suitable candidate is found. However, the tax does not cover rims and the Town Duties: • Create Summer Reading Program daily activities in alignment with the TD Summer Reading does not have a machine Program theme. to separate rims from their • Implement the Summer Reading Program daily activities with the assistance on one other tires. program staff for children 0 to 10 years of age. There were some issues • Reflect and evaluate the success of the activity with co-workers and families through informal discussion and formal survey. with water coolers this • Work within the budget provide to implement a fun and exciting Summer Reading Program year. Water coolers contain freon and must be treated Qualifications: like other freon appliances, • Strong written and verbal communication skills. • Some college or university in a related field is an asset. Norm Panisiak (left) and Markus Goodhope toss a few odds and ends such as fridges. A sticker, • Previous experience working with children in a leadership role is preferred. into a bin during the Town of Drumheller’s spring cleanup. The clean- as seen on fridges, must be up was a success and crews were pleased to see the public sorting attached to a water cooler. Please send resumes to: their items. Council praised the efforts of the crews and are recognizThere was a big increase Mellissa D’Onofrio-Jones Director of Library Services, P.O. Box 1599, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 403-823-1371 • ing all involved with a letter from the Mayor. in the number of televiw20c21m inSide photo by Michael James sions being disposed. “Everybody, I’m sure, in the Town of Drumheller got new TV’s this year,” said Nygaard. “We had so many TV’s it was unbelievable.” In the end, only 66 hours Excellent pay based on experience. of overtime were required Full/Part Time Hours. Full benefits available. Full and part time hours available. by the crews, a dramatic Excellent pay based on experience. We offer full benefits. decrease from previous years, where it was not unApply in person to Evan. common for the crews to be out late into the evening Apply in person to 403-823-6362 working away. As a result, locally owned & operated labour costs were down. Twyla or Peter We do things better! Nygaard praised resik20cm dents efforts to sort their items for collection. Unsorted piles can be dangerJanitorial Service Contract Contrat pour service de conciergerie ous for crews. Can your company clean up? You’ll provide Votre entreprise fournit-elle des services d’entretien de qualité? janitorial service for our 2,300-square-foot Vous offrirez des services de conciergerie pour notre bureau de “In a previous year we Drumheller office. This two-year contract 2 300 pieds carrés situé à Drumheller. Ce contrat de deux ans had a gentleman stick his begins July 20 2012. prend effet le 20 juillet 2012. hand in a pile that wasn’t Fax your quote to 306-780-8641 or email Télécopiez votre proposition au 306-780-8641 ou faites-la parvenir sorted and was burned by by May 31, 2012. par courriel à d’ici le 31 mai 2012. battery acid,” said Nygaard. For janitorial specs or any other details, Pour12052FF1 obtenir plus de détails au sujet des services de conciergerie 12051FF1 The Town will be reccall Jon Starcevich at 306-780-6384. ou d’autres renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Amanda Goon, au 306-780-5116. ognizing the efforts of all those who helped make the Spring Cleanup a success. Mayor Terry Yemen will be writing a letter thanking everybody for the fantastic job. rd



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Your gu ide

Friday, May 18, 2012


May 22, 2009 Page 7 - The Weekender Friday, | inSide Drumheller

Sooo… Where ya from?

Throughout summertime, The Weekender will be looking for visitors to the Valley and sharing their stories with inSide readers.

Victor Miranda Red Deer, Alberta


Reach 1/2 million tourists ready to spend their vacation dollars.

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Who are you? Victor Miranda Where are you from? Red Deer, Alberta What brings you to Drumheller? It is my first trip to Drumheller, I’ve always wanted to see the dinosaurs. What do you like most about the Drumheller? So far the scenery has been nice, and the World’s Largest Dinosaur was pretty cool. What would you change about the valley? From what I’ve seen so far it is a nice community, there isn’t anything I would change in particular. If we came to visit your town what would you suggest us to see? The Canyon Ski and









per person


Recreation area, it is nice in the winter time for ice skating. Would you come back to visit Drumheller? Yes, I would like to come back in a few weeks and do some camping and hiking here. The weather is extremely nice.



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403.823.8623 • 95 - 3 Avenue E, Downtown Drumheller

Area 51 Lounge

May 25 to August 25

July 4 - August 25



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Sing Mystery Song at Karaoke

Page 8 - The Weekender 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


Friday, May 18, 2012

The Weekender 2012 - Page 9

Unique gifts for everyone on your list! DDesigner i Childrens Child Clothing. Cl th thi Giftware, Gift Fashion F hi Accessories A i

Map of the


Delia Verdant Valley Handhills Lake

Town of Drumheller

Home of the




Nature Trail: A hiking trail along the scenic Red Deer River gives an excellent view of the unique geological formations and wildlife in the Valley.

The Fossil Shop

Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology Little Church Dinosaur Golf & Country Club Golf Driving Range Bleriot Ferry


45 3rd Ave. West, Drumheller, AB · 403-823-3505

WHIFS Flapjack House

RESTAURANT Chinese & Western Cuisine

Buffet starts at 11 am • $8.95 per person Lobster 1 piece, 2lbs • ONLY $24.95 Business Hours 9 am - 9 pm • Free Internet Access Close to Econo Lodge & Shoppers Drug Mart


388 Centre Street, Downtown Drumheller 403-823-3030 k20c35m


Drumheller Regional Chamber of Development & Tourism

Nacmine Bleriot Ferry Carbon

Badlands Community Facility

2 for 1

pizza & pasta

Dump Station


700 - Highway 9 South Drumheller

NEWCASTLE BAR in the Dinosaur Hotel

LEGEND Hospital




Bernie and the Boys Bistro

Newcastle Park: Set on the banks of the Red Deer River, has a beach and walking trails, baseball diamonds, and picnic tables.


Tourist information

Free delivery within town limits on orders over $25.00 after 5 p.m.



Bernie and the Boys Bistro Can you believe it? 70 flavours of milkshakes and slush! Dare to try one!


information Portable water & dump stationTourist Medical Clinic

Bernie Made It!

Rotary Splash Park

The Drumheller Valley is a unique, scenic valley, created by millions of years of erosion by wind and water. About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed the hot tropical swamps and forests that covered this area. Today, the fossilized remains of the dinosaurs can be seen in museums all over the world, and the lush vegetation exists as coal seams throughout the area. The Valley was first inhabited by Thomas Greentree, who, in 1902, built his homestead on what is now the Town of Drumheller. The Greentree House became a stop-over place for early pioneers coming into the district. It was Sam Drumheller who first exploited rich coal reserves

in the area and conceived the idea of a townsite in the Valley. Jesse Gouge opened the first coal mine in 1911. In 1913, the Calgary-Drumheller railway line was opened and the coal industry boomed. More than 40 mines were soon operating in the Valley. Mining towns like Nacmine (short for North American Collieries Mine), Midlandvale, Rosedale, East Coulee, Wayne, and Newcastle developed notorious reputations as highrolling boomtowns with bootlegging and gambling. When gas and oil were discovered in other parts of Alberta, the importance of coal diminished and the economy of the Valley turned to other things.

OPEN 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday 305 - 4 Street West, Drumheller • 403-823-3318

Downtown Core


Badlands Comuniity Faclity

* Daily Specials * Healthy Menu Choices * Fresh Homestyle Food * Specialty Coffees * Smoothies * Breakfast Bagels * Quesadillas * Desserts * Free Wireless Internet

Medical Clinic Here to make you happy. TM

RCMP Civic Centre/Library

Today, the Town of Drumheller relies on agriculture, government services, oil and gas, and tourism for its economic prosperity. REPTILE WORLD

HEY KIDS!! Cool down at the


Badlands Historical Centre

Bus Depot

Rosedale Suspension Bridge Cambria Asteroid East Coulee E.C. School Museum Atlas Coal Mine Caracol Clay Studios Hwy 10x Hwy 36 Hwy 56 Wayne The Hoodoos

Post Office

RESTAURANT Chinese & Western Cuisine

Rotary Splash Park



Horseshoe Canyon Helicopter Rides ROSEBUD

61 bridge street 403-823-6774 XXX UIFGPTTJMTIPQ DPN w20c35m


T H E ORIG INAL , s i nce 1 9 86


Find us on Facebook

Located at The Brick Railway Ave East & Centre Street

Visit Janet Grabner & John Dahm invite you to browse through their gallery and working studio ďŹ lled with their handmade treasures. Although we’re open most days from 10 am to 4 pm, you can call ahead to make sure we’re there! Photo by Mike Todor


Located next to the World’s Largest Dinosaur

The Fossil Shop

(403) 822-2258 w20c35m

Mic Hogs & Biker Hogs Welcome




Hot, Fresh Food and Cool, Chilled Treats k20c35m

1220 Newcastle Trail, Drumheller, AB 403-823-6844

SAVE $10

Come climb inside the

Outdoor Patio, VLTS, Liqour Store, Bargain Room Rates, Rider Friendly.

in the Dinosaur Hotel

Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. (Summer time ‘til 10 p.m.)

1102A Highway 9 South, Drumheller 403-823-8131



Whether you’re a veteran karaoke crooner or a newbie, come sing your heart out every Friday night!



You Gotta Eat Here!



60 - 1 Avenue West w20c35m


Soon to be Warranty Approved

Next to Boston Pizza (403) 823 9667 Not valid with any other offers. Coupon only redeemable at Lube-X Drumheller

Oil Change • Auxiliary Services • Transmission Services • Coolant System Services

Page 8 - The Weekender 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


Friday, May 18, 2012

The Weekender 2012 - Page 9

Unique gifts for everyone on your list! DDesigner i Childrens Child Clothing. Cl th thi Giftware, Gift Fashion F hi Accessories A i

Map of the


Delia Verdant Valley Handhills Lake

Town of Drumheller

Home of the




Nature Trail: A hiking trail along the scenic Red Deer River gives an excellent view of the unique geological formations and wildlife in the Valley.

The Fossil Shop

Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology Little Church Dinosaur Golf & Country Club Golf Driving Range Bleriot Ferry


45 3rd Ave. West, Drumheller, AB · 403-823-3505

WHIFS Flapjack House

RESTAURANT Chinese & Western Cuisine

Buffet starts at 11 am • $8.95 per person Lobster 1 piece, 2lbs • ONLY $24.95 Business Hours 9 am - 9 pm • Free Internet Access Close to Econo Lodge & Shoppers Drug Mart


388 Centre Street, Downtown Drumheller 403-823-3030 k20c35m


Drumheller Regional Chamber of Development & Tourism

Nacmine Bleriot Ferry Carbon

Badlands Community Facility

2 for 1

pizza & pasta

Dump Station


700 - Highway 9 South Drumheller

NEWCASTLE BAR in the Dinosaur Hotel

LEGEND Hospital




Bernie and the Boys Bistro

Newcastle Park: Set on the banks of the Red Deer River, has a beach and walking trails, baseball diamonds, and picnic tables.


Tourist information

Free delivery within town limits on orders over $25.00 after 5 p.m.



Bernie and the Boys Bistro Can you believe it? 70 flavours of milkshakes and slush! Dare to try one!


information Portable water & dump stationTourist Medical Clinic

Bernie Made It!

Rotary Splash Park

The Drumheller Valley is a unique, scenic valley, created by millions of years of erosion by wind and water. About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed the hot tropical swamps and forests that covered this area. Today, the fossilized remains of the dinosaurs can be seen in museums all over the world, and the lush vegetation exists as coal seams throughout the area. The Valley was first inhabited by Thomas Greentree, who, in 1902, built his homestead on what is now the Town of Drumheller. The Greentree House became a stop-over place for early pioneers coming into the district. It was Sam Drumheller who first exploited rich coal reserves

in the area and conceived the idea of a townsite in the Valley. Jesse Gouge opened the first coal mine in 1911. In 1913, the Calgary-Drumheller railway line was opened and the coal industry boomed. More than 40 mines were soon operating in the Valley. Mining towns like Nacmine (short for North American Collieries Mine), Midlandvale, Rosedale, East Coulee, Wayne, and Newcastle developed notorious reputations as highrolling boomtowns with bootlegging and gambling. When gas and oil were discovered in other parts of Alberta, the importance of coal diminished and the economy of the Valley turned to other things.

OPEN 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday 305 - 4 Street West, Drumheller • 403-823-3318

Downtown Core


Badlands Comuniity Faclity

* Daily Specials * Healthy Menu Choices * Fresh Homestyle Food * Specialty Coffees * Smoothies * Breakfast Bagels * Quesadillas * Desserts * Free Wireless Internet

Medical Clinic Here to make you happy. TM

RCMP Civic Centre/Library

Today, the Town of Drumheller relies on agriculture, government services, oil and gas, and tourism for its economic prosperity. REPTILE WORLD

HEY KIDS!! Cool down at the


Badlands Historical Centre

Bus Depot

Rosedale Suspension Bridge Cambria Asteroid East Coulee E.C. School Museum Atlas Coal Mine Caracol Clay Studios Hwy 10x Hwy 36 Hwy 56 Wayne The Hoodoos

Post Office

RESTAURANT Chinese & Western Cuisine

Rotary Splash Park



Horseshoe Canyon Helicopter Rides ROSEBUD

61 bridge street 403-823-6774 XXX UIFGPTTJMTIPQ DPN w20c35m


T H E ORIG INAL , s i nce 1 9 86


Find us on Facebook

Located at The Brick Railway Ave East & Centre Street

Visit Janet Grabner & John Dahm invite you to browse through their gallery and working studio ďŹ lled with their handmade treasures. Although we’re open most days from 10 am to 4 pm, you can call ahead to make sure we’re there! Photo by Mike Todor


Located next to the World’s Largest Dinosaur

The Fossil Shop

(403) 822-2258 w20c35m

Mic Hogs & Biker Hogs Welcome




Hot, Fresh Food and Cool, Chilled Treats k20c35m

1220 Newcastle Trail, Drumheller, AB 403-823-6844

SAVE $10

Come climb inside the

Outdoor Patio, VLTS, Liqour Store, Bargain Room Rates, Rider Friendly.

in the Dinosaur Hotel

Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. (Summer time ‘til 10 p.m.)

1102A Highway 9 South, Drumheller 403-823-8131



Whether you’re a veteran karaoke crooner or a newbie, come sing your heart out every Friday night!



You Gotta Eat Here!



60 - 1 Avenue West w20c35m


Soon to be Warranty Approved

Next to Boston Pizza (403) 823 9667 Not valid with any other offers. Coupon only redeemable at Lube-X Drumheller

Oil Change • Auxiliary Services • Transmission Services • Coolant System Services

Page 10 - The Weekender | inSide Drumheller

Friday, May 18, 2012


inSide Ride gets rolling in a Coupe De Ville Braden Scriven likes to cruise around in style, and this year will be rolling up to his grad in a 1973 Cadillac Coupe De Ville. Scriven bought the car from a private owner in Balzac, and it was a second generation restore. It takes a bit of power, and a lot of gas to propel the nearly 5,000 pound car off the line, but the 472 C.I. V8 has no problem getting the Caddy up to cruising speeds. inSide Ride is back for the summer. If you, or you know someone who has a unique garage creation, e-mail news@ Let us know and we may feature it in The Weekender this summer.

If you know someone who has a cool ride let us know! Call us at 403-823-2580 or email news

weekender photo by Patrick Kolafa

As-is Furniture!

Scratch & Dent Appliances!

Take the challenge. Now Serving

Discontinued Electronics!

Visalis Vi Shape Shakes


90% OFF

UP TO k20cm


Noon - 3 p.m.

Our original price on clearance items in the tent!

includes GST

Approx. 200 Calories per shake Gluten Free, Lactose Free

Saturday, May 19 •



Q91 on site.

Located at THE BRICK Railway Ave E. & Centre St.

Humane Society Fundraiser

Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday Closed

;HRL [OL ATTENTION VISITORS! Match the photo of the dinosaur with the correct business logo and enter at The Drumheller Mail for your chance to win a



redeemable at any one of the advertisers in this publication.








1$3,(5 THEATRE




Full Address: Phone Number: Comments on Drumheller:

at The Drumheller Mail, 515 Hwy 10 East, Drumheller, AB, mail to Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0, fax to 403-823-3864, or email to One entry per person. Contest closes August 22, 2012. Winner will be contacted by September 5, 2012.

inSide Drumheller |

Friday, May 18, 2012 - 11

WHOare you?

ATCO Electric continues burying lines along Dinosaur Trail.

Dr. Sandi Endersby-Beekman On Tuesday, May 15 ATCO crews were out working to increase the wire size for the overhead power lines beside North Dinosaur Trail. This will enable power to be fed in both directions of the cables, and is a continuation of the project of burying the lines further up the road. Areas in North Drumheller experienced a planned power outage. inSide photo by Donella Swan

F R E E VA C AT I O N O F F E R How long have you been in the dental field? I’ve been in the field for over 20 years. I started out as a dental assistant, then decided to get my degree in dental hygiene. After that I decided to return to dental school. Where are you originally from? My husband and I are from the Brooks area. Right now we’re living in Olds with our five children but have plans to move closer. Why did you choose to come to Drumheller? My sister and her family live here and I heard there was a demand for a dentist in town. It was a fantastic opportunity. What are you looking forward to most by coming to Drumheller? It seems like a friendly community. I really look forward to getting to know the people, serve and become part of the community. Was there any other profession you had considered before taking on the dental field? I’d considered education. Possibly teaching elementary school. However I was always interested in dental. I

had braces as a kid, so I understand what a difference in confidence a smile can make. What is your main goal as the new dentist in town? I know the dentist is not always the most preferable place for people to be. I want to ensure they have a good experience and to accommodate them. I also encourage little kids to come in. I love working with kids. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what would be your essentials? I’d need a good book, my cell phone, floss and a toothbrush, and some scuba gear. What was your most memorable vacation and why? It was a family trip down to the United States. We were fortunate to take an extended holiday while I was on maternity leave. We drove down to California to see my parents, then travelled to Florida. It was great family time and we probably won’t have time to do a trip like that again, or maybe until we are retired.






Let’s have a safe farming season. 12052VC3

At Cenovus, we know our work can affect your work. So we wanted to take this moment to remind you to be cautious when operating in and around oil and gas facilities. If you ever have an incident or emergency involving our equipment, call our toll-free emergency line immediately. 1-877-458-8080. Have a great summer and when you’re working your fields, be on the look out for any potential hazards.

New ideas. New approaches.


12 - Friday, May 18, 2012

inSide Drumheller |

Crossword CLUES ACROSS 1. Three-banded armadillo 5. Confining bird structure 9. Taxi 12. Comedian Carvey 13. A young canine 15. "Spy Kids" actress Jessica 16. Galvanizing element 17. TV show "Modern _____y" 18. 2s 19. Hooray! 20. Suggesting horror 22. Eastbound 24. Region of SE Pakistan 25. 1999 high school massacre 29. Hip-hop music 32. The cry made by sheep 33. Herb rue genus 34. Reverence 35. Point that is one point S of due E 36. Slash or slice 37. Idly talk 38. Meshwork for fishing 39. K particle 41. Division of geological time 42. Tax collector 43. Treated soil with nitrates 46. Hair on the head 47. Actress Derek 48. Wrenching 52. Overhead shot 55. Federal job safety law 56. At the front 60. Interagency Manufacturers Operating Group (abbr.) 62. Chew tobacco 63. Sacred Muslim pilgrim shrine 64. Very small 65. Kilo yard (abbr.) 66. "____ Ado About Nothing" 67. British school for boys CLUES DOWN



Here’s how it works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Sponsored by

1. Wood shaping tool 2. Two considered as a unit 3. Tennis' Kournikova 4. TV cook Ray 5. Canadian Wildlife Fed. 6. Exclamation of triumph 7. A cut & polished mineral 8. One who removes 9. Stout stick, larger at one end 10. Town in Ghana 11. Lowest or bottom part 14. Smoothing tool 15. Dentist's group 21. Atomic #48 23. Providence school (abbr.) 24. Allot a site to 25. Pole (Scottish) 26. Hop kilns 27. Mister 28. London palace

29. Finger millet 30. Bestow an honor on 31. Nine-banded armadillo 32. Northern Bolivian river 40. Atomic #28 43. 1st guru of Sikhism 44. Fullback 45. Violet gemstone 46. 26th state 48. A mass of stone 49. Like fireplace residue 50. N'Djamena is the capital 51. ___ City, Oklahoma 74641 53. Leave out 54. Singer & Congressman Sonny 57. Cologne 58. Basics 59. Dash 61. Lifting device on a sailing ship

Word Search

Last Week's Crossword Solution

Sudoku Solution

Word Search

drumheller d h ll

Published every Friday Office: 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller, AB. Mailing: Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0

Phone 403.823.2580

Fax 403.823.3864



Call Kathryn or Wendy at 403-823-2580 or email sales@

Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Expect to expend a little energy this week to get the job done right, Aries. Leaving it up to others is not the best way to go in this instance. Step up.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Don't expect this week to go smoothly, Libra. But that doesn't necessarily mean it will go badly. It's just full of distractions and interruptions.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, focus on the big picture or nothing will get accomplished. It's too easy to get lost in all of the little details. Follow through on the task at hand.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may be feeling sensual and romantic for the next few days. It could be because of all of the positive attention you have been receiving lately.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, someone will catch your ear and it will only serve to confuse you. You won't know what to make of it but don't get worried. It will all begin to make sense once a few pieces fall into place.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You may feel happy when a friend or family member comes over to visit, Sagittarius. You have been waiting for some company for quite a while. Enjoy the visit.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Lots of people need your help, Cancer. Focus all of your energy on helping others for the time being. You will feel good about your efforts and the good karma that results from them.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your mind will be all over the place this week unless you find someone to help you get focused. Think of it as having a babysitter who can call you out if you start to stray.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you need to figure out how to turn all of your great ideas into workable projects -- especially ones that can make you some money. Get started on a plan.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you will be amazed at the results when you finally set your mind to something. Stick with what you're doing and enjoy the ride.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Change will be all around you, Virgo. While you're not overly excited about it, you realize change is essential to growing in your life and career. New work arrangements need to be made.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, help around the house or at the office this week and the work will benefit you and all of the other people with whom you interact.

All rights reserved. The use of any or all of the material in this publication is prohibited without the express permission of the publisher. Any and/or all information found within this publication may be displayed on the internet at the discretion of the publisher.

O. R. Sheddy, Editor O. R. Sheddy, Publisher Letters to the Editor are most welcome. They should be brief and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for legality, clarity and taste. Letters must bear the name, address and phone number of the writer. Anonymous letters will be discarded.

inSide Drumheller |


e d i nS

Alberta-Wide Classifieds



GARAGE SALE... Saturday, May 19, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 720 Bankview Close. Camping items, tools, bedroom suite, household items & much much more. 20nc

Pay just $10.99 plus GST and get FREE Garage Sale Signs!* *limits may apply

Phone 403-823-2580 Fax 403-823-3864 Contact us! Phone: 403-823-2580 Fax: 403-823-3864 E-mail:

Rates Regular Classified Ad: $9.00 plus GST - Up to 25 words, $0.37 / additional word

Display Classified Ad: $10.50 plus GST per column inch


R.V.’S & MOTORHOMES FOR SALE.... 1996 Travelaire 20 ft Motorhome. Sleeps 6 - everything works very clean - lots of towing power. Ford Chassis with 460 engine. Phone 403321-0150. 20c

HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT... Smaller 3 bedroom house in Newcastle. F/S, W/D. $850.00/mo. Plus utilities. No pets. 403820-3146. 20c


HELP WANTED HELP WANTED...Summer staff needed at Heartwood Inn, housekeeping (casual hours, some weekend work). Great for students. Best pay, best working conditions and best benefits in town, advancement available to front desk and night auditor. Drop off resume at hotel. 403-823-6495 or email to 19c20 HELP WANTED... Rosebud Centennial Museum needs an assistant collections manager who was full-time student this past year and is returning to full time studies for 35 hours a week job at $14/ hr stating immediately and going until August 30. Needs to be a meticulous record keeper, know Word and Excel, personable with the public, and willing to do cleaning and designing of new displays as well as regular museum care-taking. Please send cover letter and resume to or mail to Box 693, Rosebud, AB T0J 2T0. 20c

FREE PICKUP of all unwanted vehicles

Phone Bob or Chris


Friday, May 18, 2012 - 13


Only $259.00 to advertise in over 100 community newspapers in Alberta.

drumheller d h lll

Call 403-823-2580 for more information.

AUCTIONS COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION. Canada’s Largest Classic Car Auction Company! Calgary 5th Annual Premier Auction, June 8 - 10. White Tent Event, Grey Eagle Casino. Consign early. Todd 1-888-296-0528 ext. 102; MEIER GUN AUCTION, Saturday, June 2, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. 150 handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Call Meier Auctions to consign 780-440-1860. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE, High River Agricultural Society, Tractor Museum Fundraising. Friday, June 8 at 10 a.m., High River, Alberta. Antique tractors, vehicles, farm machinery & collectibles; BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on Murray Lake, SK. Beautiful 980 sq. ft. 3 bedroom cabin. Year round home built in 1988. 2x6 construction, firm sandy beach, landscaped w/perfect view of Murray Lake, Œ© hour from Battlefords. Opening Bid $100,000. July 13, 7 p.m.; 306-445-5000. PL#914618. BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on Indian Point at Turtle Lake, SK. 1380 sq. ft. year round home built 2004. Included with this home are loads of extras and features. Fully furnished. Double garage, approx. 1 hour from Lloydminster. Opening Bid $100,000. July 7, 2 p.m.; 306-445-5000. PL#914618.

AUTO PARTS SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED. Buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equipment. Minimum $5./each. Free pick-up greater Calgary & Edmonton area. Minimum 10. Toll free 1-877-334-2288.

AUTOS 2011 CHEV IMPALA! Like new condition. Low mileage. Balance new car warranty! Financing available! Good or bad credit! Bankrupt? Will deliver! Call G.O. 403-8885593.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIVE THE DREAM. Harbour’s End Marine has a 27 year history located on beautiful Salt Spring Island, BC, “the best place on earth!” Owner retiring, this well-established business is being offered at $129,000. Email: DO YOU HAVE gravel/aggregate deposits on your property? We specialize in marketing, mining, managing and reclaiming aggregate resources. Contact Tom 1-888784-4400 for more information. GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Very lucrative 13 room motel with attached 1053 sq. ft. home in the thriving community of Foremost, Alberta. Showing good returns; 403-580-0222.

CAREER TRAINING 1,400 GRADUATES can’t be wrong! Enroll with CanScribe Career College today and be a working graduate one year from now! Free information. 1-800-466-1535; www.; admissions@canscribe. com. BECOME A Cardiology Technologist (CT) in your own community. Wages range from $26.18 - $36.26/hour. The only CT program in Western Canada accredited by the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). Approved by the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists (CSCT). This full-time program is delivered in a combined delivery format (guided online learning with regional classroom, lab and clinical placements). Student loans available to qualified applicants. Toll free 1-855-CARDIO-0 (1-855227-3460);

COMING EVENTS FIDELITY SCHOOL 100TH Anniversary. July 13 - 15, 2012. For past students & families who lived in the District. Contact: Carrie Stark 780-853-9760; cd1stark@ DONALDA’S CENTENNIAL June 29 - July 2/12. Register by May 31/12 for discounts. Parade, Tours, Meals, Local entertainment, Country Music Legends and Dominos; link centennial. 403-883-2100.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AN ALBERTA CONSTRUCTION Company is hiring dozer, excavator and rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. AN EARTHMOVING COMPANY in Alberta is looking for a 3rd year or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will be part of a team maintaining and servicing our fleet of Cat dozers, graders and rock trucks plus Deere/Hitachi excavators. You will work at

our Modern Shop at Edson, Alberta with some associated field work. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. BUSY OILFIELD Trucking Company now hiring: Class 3 or 1 Drivers, Licensed & apprentice heavy duty mechanics (must have proven experience). Hot Oiler Operator. Pressure Truck Operator. Please contact Rob, 780-542-5879. EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: Phone 780-8426444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. EXPERIENCED CLASS 3 Water Truck Driver. Rainbow Lake, Alberta. Accommodation supplied. Competitive wages and benefits. H2S and First Aid tickets required. Fax resume with driver’s abstract to 780-956-3028 or email: ACTION PLUMBING & Excavating currently seeking Labourers, Plumbers & Sheet Metal Workers. Experience an asset. Full benefit package and RRSP Plan. Fax resume 403-742-1826. HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR in Slave Lake, Alberta requires Heavy Duty Mechanic and Industrial Parts Person. Experienced apprentices may apply. Call Herb 780-8490416. Fax resume to 780-849-4453. PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS required. Be a part of Central Alberta’s largest volume Ford dealer. We offer a competitive pay plan with aggressive bonus structures, vehicle allowance and Central Alberta’s largest inventory of new and used vehicles. Relocation assistance and salary guarantee available to the right candidate. If you are looking to be part of our winning team: Please forward your resume: Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: Fax 780-3520986. Toll free 1-800-232-7255. FIELD OPERATOR WANTED immediately in Provost and surrounding area. Five years experience required. Must have all tickets. Vehicle provided. Send resume to: WELDERS and FITTERS required for busy Edmonton FCAW structural steel shop. $27 - $33/hour base plus benefits, OT, indoor heated work, paid flight. Fax 780-939-2181. Email: ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE company looking for day rate Vac Operators. Must have valid Class 3, air endorsements. All work in Rocky area. Scheduled days off. Class 1 Drivers, crude tankers, B-trains haul swamp mats, must have experience, oilfield tickets. Winch Truck Operator, must have Class 1, oilfield tickets, experience. Benefits available for all positions. Fax resume 403-845-3903. JOURNEYMAN PICKER OPERATOR wanted by Swampdonkey Trucking in Provost, Alberta. Call Ryan 780-753-4475. Email resume to: swampdonkeytrucking@ HORSE TRAINER NEEDED. Experienced with starting young stock for an equestrian facility. 780-753-0810 cell; 780-753-6749 home. EXPERIENCED FOREMAN, Cat & Hoe Operators required for oilfield construction with well maintained equipment. Competitive salary & safety tickets required. Fax resume 780-778-2444. PROFESSIONAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES. Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned, fluid transport company servicing Northern BC and Alberta. We are an equal opportunity employer now accepting applications at various branches for: Mechanics (Commercial Transport or equivalent). Wage Rage: $25. - $40./hour. Minimum experience requires: second year apprenticeship or equivalent. Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3). Wage Range: $25. - $35./hour. Minimum experience required: six months professional driving. Field Supervisors. Annual Salary Range: $90 - 110,000. (based on qualifications). Minimum experience required: previous supervisory experience. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, and drivers abstract are required. We encourage candidates of aboriginal ancestry, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities to apply. For more information and to apply for these opportunities, visit our employment webpage at: ACCOUNTING TRAINEES needed now! Large & small firms depend on A&P staff! No experience? Local job training & placement is available. Call for details now! 1-888-512-7113. JASPER SUPER A is currently recruiting a candidate with good interpersonal and communication skills, with a positive energetic attitude for the position of Full-time Permanent - Premium Clerk. The primary duties include scanning, ordering, receiving, merchandising, replenishing stock, inventory and facing shelves. Candidates require the skills and ability to maintain operational objectives in the Managers absence. Computer literacy is a must. Can-

didates must have the flexibility to work a variety of shifts including days, evenings, nights and weekends. A grade 12 Diploma and a clean Security Clearance are also required. Jasper Super A offers competitive compensation, rental accommodations and health benefits package to eligible employees, as well as the opportunity for personal and professional development. If you believe that you are prepared for this challenging position and have an interest in working within a dynamic organization, please submit your resume, in confidence to: Jasper Super A, P.O. Box 818, 601 Patricia Street, Jasper, AB, T0E 1E0. Fax 780852-5491. Email: We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. NORTH STAR FORD Calgary needs more Ford Trained Technicians! Up to 23K signing bonus for Ford Specialties + 24K Loyalty Bonus! $35. - $46. per flat rate hour plus Efficiency Bonus. Our benefits are unmatched in the automotive industry. Apply by email to: Call direct to 403-208-6307 or fax to 403-2390661. SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: php.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAREGIVERS/NANNIES with 7 months training and/or one year experience are looking for live-in employment with elderly, disabled or families needing child care. 780-709-0005; www.worldwidecaregivers. ca.

FEED AND SEED HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

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14 - Friday, May 18, 2012

inSide Drumheller |

3� wide version

3� wide version

Cultivate your own bounty of vegetables

Live the best life in Camrose. EXCAVATING SO005510 &BOBCAT It only makes sense to turn • Track Hoe Calamasue



Arts, culture, a little patch of your properrecreation & inspiration. ty into a personal Outstanding lifestyle, supply of “No job too organic food. amazing business big or small� opportunities. Quality and cost-control Cal & Susan Hansen Owners are the top reasons to do it LQIR#FDPURVH FD‡ ‡FDPURVH FD -- and avid gardeners will tell (403) 364-2131 you that there is a special CELL: (403) 820-0696 kind of joy in planting, grow-

• Bobcat • Mini Excavator

3.75� wide version

Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers Tell them Danny Hooper sent you • Reverse Osmosis • Kontinuous Shok Chlorinator

SO005352 Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System ing, picking and serving the Plan times, Time Payment O.A.C. the winter will leave freshest produce possible. much more moisture in the 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) Check our website for local reps and phone numbers Today, approximately ground than the year before, Visit ustimes, online at 30 percent of residential other drought will homes in North America hamper your harvest and Also view our 29 patented and patent pending inventions cultivatePS:aWe vegetable patch so will heat, insects, weeds also sell Softeners & Purifiers for Town & City water. and most will tell you that and plant disease. the growing season can Insects and disease can be full of surprises. Some- be a serious problem when

3.75� wide version


Live the best life in Camrose. SO005510

Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers Tell them Danny • Reverse Osmosis • Kontinuous Shok Chlorinator Hooper sent you

Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System SO005352 Time Payment Plan O.A.C.

Arts, culture, recreation & inspiration. Outstanding lifestyle, amazing business opportunities.

1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) Check our website for local reps and phone numbers

Visit us online at Also view our 29 patented and patent pending inventions


PS: We also sell Softeners & Purifiers for Town & City water. k14ceow20m

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growing vegetables. If uncontrolled, they will destroy your prized collection of vegetables and flowers. The question is how do you effectively deal with these pests and still use a product that you can feel good about when it comes to your impact on the environment? Here are a few quick tips to refresh your start-up skills in the vegetable patch: * Clean up: Clear your patch by removing grass, rocks, or other debris.

Chain link & privacy slats

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We are not just handymen, we’re professionals with experienced staff to do the job right.

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Linden Tree Farm

Hardy d LLocally ll G Grown TTrees and d Sh Shrubs b Feature Trees

Size Price

Colorado Spruce - blue and green Schubert Chokecherry Swedish Columnar Aspen Thunderchild Flowering Crab Poplars - cottonless varieties Norland Apple - bearing fruit this year

3’ - 6’


7’ - 9’ 6’ - 10’ 6’ - 9’ 6’ - 9’

$75 - $90 $60 - $90 $75 - $90 $60 - $75

6’- 8’


Feature Shrubs • Cotoneaster • Lilacs • Potentilla • Spirea

Maintenance & Renovations

• New Homes & Additions • Kitchen Cabinets • Siding & Windows • ICF Basements • Farm Buildings • Zoomboom - 40 ft. • Bobcat Service

35 years experience

• Double Flowering Plum & more

Come in April or May for best selection & results Many other trees and shrubs available

Call now for your free estimate

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Located on Wayne Road in Rosedale.


Cory Nickel: 403-823-6604 | 403-854-0417 w18ceow24m

* Till the soil: Add at least 6 centimetres of new vegetable garden soil to provide nutrients, improve drainage, and to promote strong root growth. * Plant at the right time: Early season vegetables include broccoli, carrots, lettuce, peas, and spinach. By early June, you can plant the warm-weather vegetables like corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. * Prevent weeds: Put a layer of mulch around the plants * Control pests and disease: keep an organic-approved spray handy for insect and disease control. * Water: Keep seedlings moist by watering regularly. * Harvest: Your bounty should grow quickly from seedlings to a full harvest in less than 60 days

inSide Drumheller |

Friday, May 18, 2012 - 15

Canadians are living longer and costs for the Old Age Security (OAS) are rising. On April 1, 2023 the Government of Canada plans to start raising the age of eligibility for OAS and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from 65 to 67.*

What does this mean for you? 54 or older as of March 31, 2012

You may still obtain OAS/GIS at age 65

53 or younger as of March 31, 2012

The age of eligibility for OAS/GIS will change gradually between 2023 and 2029 12051CH0 12052CH0

Starting in July 2013, Canadians who are eligible for, but not yet receiving OAS will have the flexibility to delay receiving it in exchange for a higher monthly amount at a later date.

The number of working-age Canadians for every senior is decreasing** 6 5

The number of working-age Canadians per senior is decreasing, placing additional pressure on the OAS program.

4 3 2 1 0 1990



**Source: 9th Actuarial Report on the Old Age Security Program

For a free brochure or more information visit or call 1 800 O-Canada (TTY 1-800-926-9105) *Subject to parliamentary approval

16 - Friday, May 18, 2012

inSide Drumheller |


Call our Sportsline at 403-823-2580 or fax 403-823-3864 or email us at

Learning the gears and loving it Donella Swan | inSide Drumheller

The breeze stayed low, as the sun beat down on the dry earth at the D.O.R.V.A. MX motocross track on Wednesday, May. 16. There was a distinct sound of a small engine working its way through the dirt. Katelyn Hudgeon ripped across the intermediate track on her dirt bike. “It’s scary when you first start. But it’s thrilling when you start to feel in control,” Hudgeon said while climbing off her bike to take a break from the afternoon heat.

Having only been riding since March of this year, Hudgeon looks like she is having the time of her life in the driver’s seat. “I got bored watching [my boyfriend] Greg ride so I thought I’d come out here and show him how it’s done,” she said with a grin on her face. Although Hudgeon looks to be fairly comfortable on her bike she explained it wasn’t that way to start. “I’ll admit it was a bit scary for me at first. But it’s a great passtime and good exercise too.” Hudgeon said there is also a

great social aspect to being out at the track. She said it’s a great place to spend time with friends and family, and is a chance to get outoors. Hudgeon and her boyfriend try to get up to the track whenever they have

spare time or the weather permits. She said there is no other sport she has tried that is quite like it. “I’ve heard it’s the 2nd or 3rd most physically demanding sport,” Hudgeon said.

The D.O.R.V.A. MX track is open for riders of any skill level. Memberships and day passes are available. For more information go to

Katelyn Hudgeon rips across the dirt on the intermediate track at D.O.R.V.A. MX track on Wednesday, May. 16. The hot weather and low wind made it perfect riding conditions. inSide photo by Donella Swan

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