Diana Tellis From: Sent: To: Subject:
Respect Life Office [dtellis@drvc.org] Tuesday, May 31, 2011 2:10 PM Diana Tellis Diocese RVC - Respect Life Office - June @-Newsletter
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Issue: # 5
June 2011
Happy Father's Day
(516) 678-5800 Ext 6262 & 381
Quick Links The Vatican Pope2you U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops NY Catholic Conference National Catholic Bioethics Ctr. Faithful Citizenship Archdiocese of NY Diocese of Brooklyn Diocese of Rockville Centre Catholic Charities Seminary of the Immaculate Conception Lumina: Hope & Healing After Abortion Gianna Center - Catholic Women's Healthcare Chastity Catholic Answers Guys For Life Int'l Lifeteen
Calendar June 3
Special Needs Dinner Dance
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions Feast Day
Evening of Refection for Life
How NFP renews Marriages, Huntington
Greetings, Please join us on June 27, 2011 for the END-OF-LIFE DECISION FORUM and Mass at 11:45 AM presided by Bishop Murphy at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. You can view the invitation, the agenda and RSVP NOW HERE for "Now and at the Hour of Our Death", a Catholic Guide to End-of-Life-Decision-Making. When making decisions about healthcare and treatments for ourselves and loved ones, we also consider making them according to the teachings our Catholic faith. Many factors come into play in making these decisions and sorting through them can be challenging and stressful. The presentation given by Kathleen Gallagher of the NY State Catholic Conference, and Rev.Charles Caccavale Professor of Moral Theology, will provide a thorough study of the guide and will address the Health Care Proxy and legal options in New York State. The presentation will also explain DNR, Do Not Resuscitate Orders and 1
Feast of The Most Holy Trinity
Father's Day
22 Marriage Enrichment Summer Series
27 "Now and in the Hour of the Death"-End -of-Life Decision Forum
29 Marriage Enrichment Summer Series
July 6
Marriage Enrichment Summer Series
Bereavement Facilitator Enrichment Series
MOLST, Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment. Here you will be able ask questions regarding decision making standards and guidelines on how to choose a Health Care Proxy. For further questions or concerns please contact the Respect Life Office.
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment Respect for Rights of Conscience Act The new health care reform law creates special threats to religious freedom and rights of conscience. To correct these problems, Reps. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) and Dan Boren (D-OK) introduced the Respect for the Rights of Conscience Act, H.R. 1179 Please urge your Representative to cosponsor and support H.R. 1179. See NCHLA's Action Alert:VOTE HERE NOW Thank you! New York State Catholic Conference
20 Bereavement Facilitator Enrichment Series
25 Seminary Golf Classic 27 Bereavement Facilitator Enrichment Series
Join Our List
Reproductive Health Act - Memorandum of Opposition Please VOTE "NO" HERE NOW to OPPOSE the so‐called "Reproductive Health Act" which is scheduled for an Assembly Health Committee vote on Thursday June 2. Your response will send an e‐ mail to your elected official to express opposition to the bill which is unnecessary, extreme and dangerous. For further information you can read about the Reproductive Health Act and the Memorandum of Opposition. Thank you for your action on this very important matter. Diocesan Respect Life Contest 2011 1st Prize Winner - Poetry Level II
by Stephen Ello
"Someone Cares" TLIC Article May 18, 2011
The measure of love, is to love without measure. All stages of life, Need love's silent treasure. when we live life self-centered, love's measure will fall, when we reach out in love, the measure grows tall. Love's best to give, good to receive, look around when love's missing, so you can perceive: The unborn, the children, the elderly too, "love one another, as I have loved you". The disabled, the struggling, the sick and the blind: All "love is patient"; all "love is kind". If all love is kind, then be kind to your brothers. Love's always tested-hard to get and to give, So the measure of love reflects how we live. If you've been touched with love, you have obligations, 2
To love without measure...without hesitations.
June is Abortion Awareness Month in the African American Community. What is the leading cause of death in the African American Community? See Msgr. Charles Pope from the Archdiocese of Washington article and watch video. "We need to bring the Gospel of Life to the heart of every man and woman and make it penetrate every part of society" Pope John Paul II
The Seminary Golf Classic The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington, NY has as its mission, the formation of men for the priesthood according to the mind and heart of Christ. Additionally, it provides support for the education and formation of men for permanent Deaconate in the diocese and prepares men and women for ministry that serves the needs of the community.
Please support the Seminary Golf Classic.
Intercessions for Life Please include this in your Sunday Bulletins
"Man's Heart Saved By His Own Stem Cells" (ABC 7 KGO‐TV (San Fransisco), 2/3/2011, Recent Advances in Adult Stem Cell Research assists the human person, and highlights the importance that science should be at the service to humanity. The human person, "who is created in the image and likeness of God" (Genesis 1:27), is then respected and protected when science and new technologies do not compromise or destroy, rather preserve and dignify , what God has created. Read more and see video.
Focus on... Marriage and Our Future "Marriage is a word with meaning that is true: marriage is a permanent union of a man and a woman that is meant to last forever". Read more of Bishop Murphy's article from The Long Island Catholic May 4th issue. Please read the Statement of the Catholic Bishops of NY State on Marriage and take action. Defend Marriage Bulletin Announcements DEUS CARITAS EST ..... GOD IS LOVE Thank you very much! Allison O'Brien, Director Diana Tellis, Ministry/Department Assistant
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Respect Life | Diocese of Rockville Centre | P.O. Box 9023 | Rockville Centre | NY | 11571-9023