HeadMapping™ workbook s.o.s.
[salon operating systems]
through innovation
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
eleven west figueroa street, santa barbara, california, 93101, USA 805.963.7579 sos@walterclaudio.com
Š Copyright 2006 Walter Claudio Salon Spa, Inc. All rights reserved. None of contents or portions herein may reproduced without permission.
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
b y Wa lter Cla ud io
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This manual, and any components described in it, are furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Salon Operating Systems (S.O.S.). Salon Operating Systems (S.O.S.), the S.O.S. logo, HeadMapping and all their components are registered trademarks of Salon Operating Systems, Inc.
Contents THE SYSTEM Introduction to HeadMapping and Salon Operating Systems..................................................................... 1 HEADMAPPING – The Blueprint HeadMapping Architecture.................................................................................................................... 8 HeadMapping Language..................................................................................................................... 10 HeadMAPPING Color HeadMapping Color Service Menu...................................................................................................... 14 HeadMapping Color Service Definitions............................................................................................... 16 HeadMAPPING Color GUIDES - Eliminating Waste Pre-Sectioning Guide......................................................................................................................... 18 HeadMapping ColorMix Guide (1:1 ratio)........................................................................................... 21 HeadMapping ColorMix Guide (1:2 ratio)........................................................................................... 22 HeadMapping Partial Highlights – Most Popular.................................................................................... 23 Itemized Color Service ColorMix Guide.............................................................................................. 25 PureTone ColorMix Guide.................................................................................................................. 27 PureTone ColorMix Formulas.............................................................................................................. 29 Color Dispensary.............................................................................................................................. 30 HeadMapping Color Formula Language............................................................................................... 34 HeadMapping Color Performance Development Time Guide................................................................... 38 HeadMapping Color Foil Placement Guide........................................................................................... 39 HeadMapping Team Philosophy........................................................................................................... 44 HeadMAPPING Color MENUS - Increasing Your Revenues Itemized Color Services..................................................................................................................... 49 Itemized Color Services Menu Definitions............................................................................................ 50 Itemized Color Services Menu............................................................................................................ 51 Financial Benefits of Itemized Color Services........................................................................................ 52 Guest Consultation Questionnaire....................................................................................................... 54 HeadMAPPING SCHEDULE - Guest Services HeadMapping Schedule for Guest Services............................................................................................ 60 HeadMapping for Guest Services......................................................................................................... 62 HeadMapping Color Service Definitions............................................................................................... 64 HeadMapping Color Schedule Time Guide........................................................................................... 66 Itemized Color Services Menu............................................................................................................ 68 Definitions of Itemized Color Services.................................................................................................. 70 Scheduling Itemized Color Services.................................................................................................... 72 Sample Time Schedules for Itemized Color Services.............................................................................. 75 Pre-Scheduling.................................................................................................................................. 77 Pre-Scheduling Ticket......................................................................................................................... 79 Compressed Scheduling.................................................................................................................... 81 HeadMapping Schedule and Pricing Codes........................................................................................... 89 APPENDIX A: REVIEW / SELF-TEST APPENDIX B: NoteS / Blank Head Worksheets APPENDIX C: INTERACTIVE GAMES / EXERCISES Appendix D: Quick Tips
INTRODUCTION TO HeadMapping and SALON OPERATING SYSTEMS HeadMapping™ and Salon Operating Systems™ (S.O.S.) were founded out of a need to create solutions for salons in a complex business climate. This natural progression was birthed after years spent identifying the needs, mindset, and frustrations that currently characterize salons and Service Providers in the hair styling industry. It was out of this intense passion to improve upon the status quo that I was able to find sustainable solutions that would both standardize the mode of operation as well as lead to a healthier and leaner business, thus creating more opportunities for future growth. As an industry, we have made great advances in the marketing and branding of our salons. However, the back side – or the mechanical side – of our business is in many ways archaic and obsolete. Excess in waste, operational inconsistencies, and fragmented procedures seem to be the norm for salons and Service Providers. Are we proactive and relying on a proven standardized system, or are we reactive and putting out fires? “S.O.S.” – or “Save Our Ship” – is recognized as a distress signal for ships out at sea that encounter problems. If a ship is taking in water, the crew must identify the leak and fix the leak to keep it afloat. A ship that is leaking water will have difficulty navigating, paticularly through stormy weather. Ultimately the ship needs to be fixed or it will sink! Our salons, in many ways, are like ships. Are they hemorrhaging due to waste, lost revenue, and mere average productivity levels? Are we putting most of our energy into navigating or just trying to stay afloat? Have we fixed our leaks? This manual is designed to take you through the process of understanding the need to standardize our mode of operation through the use of the HeadMapping and its components. Our first goal is to completely immerse ourselves into this new blueprint and start understanding the importance of how each component affects our guests, Guest Services (or front desk/counter personnel), and ourselves (the Service Providers). This transformation occurs when we recognize the need to utilize HeadMapping as a reliable platform to run our operations. S.O.S. offers through HeadMapping a complete operating platform designed to navigate and streamline the production of services in a standardized manner. HeadMapping is the nucleus of S.O.S., and is composed of interconnected components. Each component represents a category of functions that build upon and interface with one another, thus creating a fully integrated working environment. HeadMapping is designed to interface Guest Services, Service Providers and the salon guest with its blueprint. Once imbedded into the salon’s infrastructure, we will all enjoy the benefits and rewards associated with a standardized mode of operation.
“For our survival, we must operate with smart operating solutions.” – Walter Claudio © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
H ead M apping ™ A rchitecture
H ead M apping C olor
H ead M apping S chedule
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
BENEFITS Owners & Managers
Service Providers
Guest Services
Higher Profitability
Increases Revenues from Existing Clients Reduces Costs for Color Increases Client Satisfaction
Protects Environment by Reducing Waste Pre-Scheduling Consistent & Accurate Scheduling Consistent Color Consistent & Accurate Pricing Clearer Communication Between Front & Back Focus on Creativity Guest Consultation Creates Team Service Culture
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping IMPLEMENTATION The implementation of HeadMapping becomes a journey of tranformation for ourselves and our salons. It will truly change our current salon culture with tools that deliver tangible benefits and results. HeadMapping is not delivered as a quick-fix “flavor of the month” or some type of motivational hype that simply fizzles out. It is a system that standardizes a salon’s mode of operation in regards to the mixing, pricing and scheduling of color services. We believe that long-lasting results stem from an evolution of implementation. We have all heard the phrase, “It starts at the top.” Our leaders and decision makers must have 100% buy-in for HeadMapping to be successful. If we were to envision our salons as highly productive, lean, efficient machines in a creative environment, what would that business model look like? We would have to start imparting the HeadMapping vision first to our existing culture from an operational side. How will our salons look twelve months from now if we take the appropriate steps of action? HeadMapping evolves into your salon culture through a progression and series of courses. Each course focuses on the componenets designed to standardize all the pieces of your color business.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Implementing HeadMapping depends on acquiring skills and understanding in a systematic, hierarchical fashion, where each step builds on the steps before. The six implementation steps are covered in HeadMapping seminars offered by Salon Operating Systems (SOS) as follows:
IMPLEMENTATION STEPS HeadMapping III seminar covers:
HeadMapping Schedule
INCREASE SCHEDULING EFFICIENCY Pre-scheduling, and Compressed Scheduling
INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY Service Teams and Performance Development
HeadMapping II seminar covers:
HeadMapping Color
INCREASE REVENUES HeadMapping Service, Itemized Color Services Menu, and Foil Placement
ELIMINATE WASTE, INCREASE PROFITS Guides for ColorMix, Computer Formula Language, Service Menu, and Pre-sectioning
HeadMapping I seminar covers:
HeadMapping Color
The full HeadMapping system.
ESTABLISH THE FOUNDATION HeadMapping Language and Architecture – provides essential understanding, definition, and basis for the entire system
establish the vision An overview of the full system and the steps of implementation. Provides the full overview necessary for the owner/manager to commit to HeadMapping.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
OVERVIEW OF HeadMapping COURSES offered by Salon Operating Systems The Business of Color An intensive one-day session for owners and managers that provides tools for developing, growing and managing the color business in your salon. Attendees will develop action plans for creating and defining their businesses as color-focused salons. Head Honchos A two-day session for owners and managers. The first day provides an in-depth overview of the entire HeadMapping system. The second full day identifies the key factors for successful implementation. Head Honchos Plus An intensive three-day session that combines The Business of Color with Head Honchos training. HeadMapping I A two-day session for managers, trainers, and service providers on HeadMapping, including the language, architecture, and mixation guides. Successful implementation of the basics of HeadMapping will result in the reduction of waste, inventory control and an increase in profitability. HeadMapping II A two-day session for managers, trainers, and Service Providers on HeadMapping Color, including Performance Development Guides, Formula Language and Itemized Color Service Menus. Successful implementation of these basics of HeadMapping Color will result in appropriate and consistent pricing, increased productivity and teamwork. HeadMapping III A two day session for Guest Services managers and staff on HeadMapping Schedule, including the Language and Architecture of HeadMapping, Pre-Scheduling, and Compressed Scheduling. Successful implementation of the basics of HeadMapping Schedule will result in increased productivity, consistent communication between the front side and back side of the salon, and increased guest satisfaction. Head Honchos™ II A two-day session for owners and managers. Review and assessment of the implementation of HeadMapping, including sharing best practices, learning from other salon owners and one-on-one consulting time with the founders of S.O.S.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ The Blueprint
“Remember, things don’t just happen. It’s all by design.” – Walter Claudio
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping ARCHITECTURE The alignment of salons with manufacturers, such as Aveda™, has allowed us to make a positive impact on society and the environment, grow our retail, and improve our technical abilities. As an industry, we have made great advancements in the branding and marketing of our salons. However, from an operational standpoint, there are too many inconsistencies that prevent the growth of the back side of our business: excessive waste, inconsistent pricing, constant scheduling errors, and low productivity levels. Do we have a standardized mode of operation or are we just reacting and trying to put fires out? As an industry, we need to run our operations in a standardized manner in order to deliver a consistent message and experience to our guests, support and encourage the creativity and artistic talent of our service providers, and achieve strong financial results. The need for salons to have an industry standard blueprint based on functional segregation of the human head is crucial in developing systems that interface with one another. Our industry lacks a common architecture (blueprint), which ties the front and back sides together with the correct information needed to operate in a consistent standardized manner. This standard is needed to maintain and operate a lean and efficient working platform from which to grow upon. Envision an operating system that allows a computer to perform various functions quickly, accurately, and consistently over and over again. A computer without an operating system is absolutely limited in its performance and capability, much like a salon without a standardized integrated system. Salons of the future must become standardized in their operations, with an industry specific architecture that aligns all the components into a highly efficient standardized structure. HeadMapping Architecture is the nucleus of this standardized operating system. It identifies different parts of the head with panels and divisions. This blueprint provides the visual tool for all members of the salon to see, comprehend, and coordinate various functions in a standardized and clear manner. HeadMapping Architecture is composed of three divisions and three panels. The divisions divide the head into three parts: Division A, Division B, and Division C. Each division individually represents 1/3 of the whole head. The panels identify the top portion of the head. These panels are the 1/3 Panel, 1/2 Panel, and Full Panel. Naturally, both the 1/3 Panel and 1/2 Panel are located within the Full Panel. All three divisions and three panels represent the full head. The beauty and effectiveness of HeadMapping lies in its ability to simplify and characterize the functional segregation of the head. HeadMapping also allows for easy transitions in utilizing and implementing the other components. The blue print in its raw form is easy to follow. The purpose in keeping HeadMapping simple is its function and value. As HeadMapping becomes a natural functional tool, there will be numerous opportunities to incorporate HeadMapping into your own coloring and cutting techniques. HeadMapping is not a technique, but
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
rather part of an operating system that is both compatible with current methods of coloring and cutting, and will not interfere with the philosophies and creativity that shape our industry. This alignment between HeadMapping and current standards of practice will serve to further your creativity while providing improved efficiency. HeadMapping Architecture is the starting point for HeadMapping Color and HeadMapping Schedule. This blueprint empowers a strong culture and gives Guest Services the ability to fully understand and comprehend the functional segregation in relation to the scheduling of partial color services. Once embedded as the mode of operation, the grey areas of appointment scheduling are practically eliminated.
1⁄2 Panel
F 1⁄
P ull
Division B Division A
n isio Div C
panel boundaries division boundaries
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping LANGUAGE Many salons suffer from poor communication, as each individual Service Provider offers his or her own interpretation or explanation concerning services, techniques and procedures. One crucial component missing from our industry is a standard industry specific language. A language that creates, reflects, projects, maintains high standards, and elevates our industry to a higher level. Many industries outside the salon industry operate intern-ally and externally with their own industry specific language resulting in standardized operations and procedures that can be duplicated over and over again. We now have the opportunity with HeadMapping Language to positively change our industry forever! HeadMapping Language is designed to support the Architecture. It interprets the different parts of the head as panels and divisions. HeadMapping Language provides the audible tool for all members of the salon to comprehend and communicate various functions in a standardized manner. An industry first, the HeadMapping Language will empower the Service Provider and Guest Services with the ability to communicate using a common professional language. HeadMapping Language is designed to standardize the communication flow in regards to partial service pricing, technical operations, technical trainings, internship programs, internal communication, and external communication. The implementation of the HeadMapping Language will result in a reduction of misinterpretations and miscommunications in daily salon activity and elevate the salon, Guest Services and Service Providers to a higher professional level. The true value in implementing HeadMapping Language as the standard language is the positive effect it will have on our salons, resulting in the increased satisfaction of our salon guests. The HeadMapping Language is composed of Divisions A, B, C, and 1/3, 1/2 and Full Panels
HeadMapping Definitions: Division A: from hairline to apex of head down vertically to top of ear Division B: from top of ear to top of ear horizontally up vertically to apex Division C: from top of ear to top of ear horizontally down to nape 1/3 Panel: pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in Division A 1⁄2 Panel: pie section from the point of recession to the line that divides Divisions A and B Full Panel: pie section from the point of recession to 1⁄2 distance in Division B
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Language
Division A
Division B
Division C
1/2 Panel
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
1/3 Panel
Full Panel
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping Color
“Define the services... and ensure consistent results for our guests.” – Walter Claudio
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping color Services Menu The HeadMapping Color Service Menu is designed to support the architecture. It identifies the different partial color services based on HeadMapping™. It provides an important tool in selecting, quoting, communicating the partial service, determining the appropriate amount of color to mix, and pricing partial services. Since all communication, mixing and pricing is based on the panels and divisions, the HeadMapping Color Service Menu will remove any of the guess work in regards to services conducted. The salon will see an immediate improvement in communication, reduction of waste, increase in pricing accuracy, and a reduction in guest complaints. The HeadMapping Color Service Menu is the perfect companion to all Service Providers while conducting consultations or upgrading partial services. This tool allows the guest, Service Provider and Guest Services to fully understand the price of a partial service and the reason for the charge. Major problems in salons occur when salon guests do not understand differences in partial services in regards to effects, results, and pricing. A description of partial highlight services empowers not only the guests to understand the effects of each service, but for Guest Services to use as a reference tool, to fully understand what each partial service represents.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Color Services Menu
Price: $______
Full Panel Division ABC
Price: $______
1/2 Panel Division AB
Full Panel
Full Panel Division AC
Price: $______
Full Panel Division A
Price: $______
1/2 Panel
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Price: $______
Full Panel Division AB
Price: $______
1/3 Panel Division A
Price: $______
1/3 Panel
Price: $______
Price: $______
HeadMapping™ workbook ™ Hs.o.s. eadMapping Menu [ s a l o n o p eCr olor a t i n g sServices ystems] Full Panel Division ABC
Full Panel Division AC
Creates color accents all over the head. Ideal for fine hair that needs body, also great for short layered styles.
Creates color accents in the front and back top of the head, sides and nape area. Ideal partial highlight service for long hair, that is put up in a high ponytail or hairclip.
Creates color accents overall the head, except for the nape area. This service is great on long layered hair and helps cover difficult cowlicks in back of head.
Full Panel Division A
1/3 Panel Division A
Creates color accents around the face, sides and more of the top back part of the head. This service is also very popular and ideal for short, medium and long, hair.
Creates color accents around the face, sides, front and back part of the head. The most popular color service for maintaining highlights. This service is great for medium to long hair.
Creates color accents around the whole face and the front part of the top of the head. Great for medium length textured hair that cascades towards the face.
Full Panel
1/2 Panel
Creates color accents that add even more color to the front and back top of the head. Covers the top of the head and is ideal for short hair and one length hair.
Creates color accents that add a bit more color to the front top of the head. Ideal for Short hair.
1/2 Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division AB
Creates a color accent only around the fringe area and is great on short hair.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
1/3 Panel
HeadMapping™ Color Guides Eliminating Waste
“We all need guidance.” – Walter Claudio
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping color PRE-SECTIONING Many salons do not offer a technical salon standard for the preparation of color services. The more we prepare ourselves the better we perform. The restaurant industry has evolved quite extensively because it understands the importance of proactive food preparation: having all the ingredients ready for the cooking process is crucial for busy, high volume restaurants. Remember, time is money! Color services, one of our most profitable sources of income, need to be conducted in the same manner. Good preparation leads to good performance! Once the HeadMapping Architecture is embedded into the technical preparation of color services, pre-sectioning facilitates a smoother transition into the service. HeadMapping Color Pre-Sectioning gives us the road map to repeat technical functions over and over again in a standardized, consistent manner. Do our Service Providers have technical structure or are they scattered and rely on natural talent? By incorporating Headmapping into the salon’s technical education and dexterity training, intern technicians and entry level Service Providers develop confidence as well as skill in regards to the sectioning of partial color services. When this structure is fully embedded in the salon’s mode of operation, Service Providers are prepared and positioned to perform the technical functions with ease and clarity. The Pre-Sectioning of the panels and divisions provides a blueprint of the work and provides a polished platform from which to start. This technical process—whether working solo or with an intern—delivers a proactive approach in creating a clean, efficient mode of operation. Internship programs with great emphasis on strong technique are a great vehicle for developing entry level intern colorists into productive service providers. A salon with an intern or a new talents program greatly benefits from HeadMapping Color Pre-Sectioning. It has a huge positive impact on young intern colorists and service providers by reducing idle or non-productive time. It is another procedure that they take part of from start to finish. It fosters a team service environment that is truly interactive and fun. It also has a technically strong visual effect when guests are pre-sectioned into nice, crisp, clean partings. When working with an intern, Pre-Sectioning is done before-hand by the intern for the preparation of the coloring procedure. Team concept working environments thrive when all members fully understand the process based on standardized procedures. This systemic approach produces a great working environment for the team and ultimately it becomes evident to the guest that the systems are designed to provide a standard that delivers consistent results. Salons need to establish these operational systems in order to elevate the standard of their industry in the marketplace. Team Service is addressed in the Guest Services section of this book.
“Prepare, proact & perform.”
– Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Pre-Sectioning Guide
Full Panel Division ABC Take a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a parallel parting the width of the foil back to center of Division B; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. Section off Division C from the top of ear to the top of ear horizontally down to the nape. Take a vertical parting and divide Division C in half; section off and clip. At this point the head is segregated into five sections.
1⁄ 2
Panel Division AB Section off a pie section from the point of recession to the line that divides division A and B. Segregate off with a hair clip. Take a parallel parting the width of the foil from the top of the ear to the 1/2 distance in division B. Segregate with a hair clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections.
Full Panel Section off a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division B. Section hair off and segregate with a clip.
Full Panel Division AC
Take a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a vertical parting from the top of the ear to the perimeter of the Full Panel; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. Section off Division C from the top of the ear to the top of ear horizontally down to the nape. Take a vertical parting and divide Division C in half; section off and clip. At this point the head is segregated into five sections.
Full Panel Division A
Section off a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division B. Segregate off with a hair clip. For the sides, take a vertical parting from the top of the ear to the perimeter of the Full Panel; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections.
1⁄ 2
Section off a pie section from the point of recession to the apex line that divides division A and B. Section hair off and segregate with a clip.
Full Panel Division AB
Take a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a parallel parting the width of the foil back to center of Division B; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections.
1⁄ 3
Panel Division A
Section off a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division A. Segregate off with a hair clip. Take a parallel parting the width of the foil to the center of the head and section off and segregate with a hair clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections.
1⁄ 3
Section off a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in division A. Section hair off and segregate with a clip.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping COLORMIX GUIDE The over-mixing of color has become a standard procedure in a majority of salons. This practice has a negative impact on the financial health of a salon and a negative effect on the environment. With the escalating costs that affect a salon, we cannot continue to casually waste color due to lack of training or knowledge. Many salon leaders have attempted to create an awareness of this problem by having all staff dump over-mixed color into a trash bin for one week. After a week, the bin looks like an environmental disaster, and Service Providers are able to actually see the amount of waste generated. This exercise does seem to create an awareness, but only curbs waste for a limited time. Unfortunately, people go back to their old ways and start wasting again. Habits are hard to break and the cycle repeats itself. We must realize that placing a band-aid on this disease will not heal it. The problem stems from Service Providers not being equipped and trained within a standard that is designed to eliminate waste. The HeadMapping Colormix Guide is rooted in the architecture. It is one of the most important components within the HeadMapping framework because it guides the user to measure the appropriate amount of color needed for the prescribed service, thus eliminating waste. This guide is designed to accurately measure the amount of color needed for partial and full color services. Each panel and division requires an appropriate amount of mixed color. The calibrated color amounts in the HeadMapping Colormix Guide are based on one inch to one-and-a-half inch of new growth. As a tool for salons color mix areas, the HeadMapping Colormix Guide maps out the appropriate amount of color, creating a standardized process in the mixture of color. By reducing waste levels to zero waste, the profit margins of the business increase, resulting in improved profitability. Elimination of waste is turned into real dollars and a healthy bottom line.
“To save resources is to earn wealth.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ ColorMix Guide 1:1 Ratio
This ColorMix guide is for a 1 to 1 ratio (one part color or enlightener to one part developer).
Full Panel Division ABC
Full Panel Division AC
Color or Enlightener 1 Color
30 g
2 Colors
15 g
3 Colors
10 g
Color or Enlightener
30 g
1 Color
25 g
15 g
2 Colors
15 g
10 g
3 Colors
10 g
1⁄ 2
Full Panel Division AB
Panel Division AB
25 g
25 g
15 g
2 Colors
15 g
15 g
10 g
3 Colors
10 g
10 g
1⁄ 3
Panel Division A
Color or Enlightener
25 g
Full Panel Division A
Color or Enlightener 1 Color
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
1 Color
20 g
20 g
1 Color
20 g
20 g
1 Color
15 g
15 g
2 Colors
15 g
15 g
2 Colors
15 g
15 g
2 Colors
10 g
10 g
3 Colors
10 g
10 g
3 Colors
10 g
10 g
3 Colors
1⁄ 2
Full Panel
Color or Enlightener
1 Color
15 g
15 g
2 Colors
10 g
10 g
3 Colors
Color or Enlightener 10 g
Color or Enlightener
10 g
Developer 5g
If using more than 3 colors, divide full amount by the number of colors. For example, if color amount is 40 g and you’re using 5 colors, mix 8 g of EACH color for 40 g TOTAL.
For amount of Aveda's Pure Tones refer to Puretone Mix Formulas (page 29).
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
1⁄ 3
HeadMapping™ workbook H eadM[apping s a l o n o™ p eColorMix r a t i n g s y s t eGuide ms] s.o.s. 1:2 Ratio
This ColorMix guide is for a 1 to 2 ratio (one part color to two part developer).
Full Panel Division ABC
Full Panel Division AC
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
1 Color
20 g
40 g
1 Color
17 g
34 g
1 Color
17 g
34 g
2 Colors
10 g
20 g
2 Colors
18 g
2 Colors
18 g
3 Colors
14 g
3 Colors
12 g
3 Colors
12 g
1⁄ 2
Panel Division AB
Panel Division A
Color or Enlightener 1 Color
1⁄ 3
Full Panel Division A
Color or Enlightener
13 g
26 g
1 Color
2 Colors
14 g
3 Colors
10 g
1 Color
10 g
20 g
2 Colors
10 g
3 Colors
1 Color
10 g
20 g
2 Colors
14 g
2 Colors
10 g
3 Colors
10 g
3 Colors
1⁄ 3
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
26 g
Color or Enlightener 7g
Developer 14 g
Color or Enlightener 3g
Developer 7g
If using more than 3 colors, divide full amount by the number of colors. For example, if color amount is 40 g and you’re using 5 colors, mix 8 g of EACH color for 40 g TOTAL.
For amount of Aveda's Pure Tones refer to Puretone Mix Formulas (page 29).
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
13 g
1⁄ 2
Full Panel
Full Panel Division AB
HeadMapping™ ColorMix Guide Most Popular
1/2 Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division A TIME
30 min
30 min
MIXATION 1:1 ratio
1 Color
Color or Enlightener
20 g
20 g
1:2 ratio
1 Color
1:1 ratio
1 Color
15 g ea
10 g ea
Color or Enlightener
15 g ea
10 g ea
2 Colors
2 Colors
2 Colors
3 Colors
20 g
15 g ea
10 g ea
20 g
15 g ea
10 g ea
3 Colors
1:2 ratio
1 Color
2 Colors
3 Colors
13 g
7 g ea
5 g ea
26 g
14 g ea
10 g ea
Color or Enlightener
13 g
7 g ea
5 g ea
Color or Enlightener
26 g
14 g ea
10 g ea
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Itemized Color Services ColorMix Guide Most salons do an enormous color business with multiple color services. However, due to multiple color services, most service providers waste in the over-mixing of color. We know that it may take multiple or add-on color services from the Itemized Color Services Menu to achieve premium results for desired color looks, or the maintenance of those color services. We also realize that we now need a standardized mixation guide to mix the appropriate amount of color product for those itemized color services. The Itemized Color Services ColorMix Guide is designed to standardize the mixing of color for every Itemized Color Service color procedure that is conducted in the salon or color department. The Itemized Color Services ColorMix Guide becomes a valuable tool as it provides us with the appropriate amount of color needed to perform and execute the application of color based on technique and hair length (short, medium, long, or extra-long). This ColorMix Guide is easy to use and understand along with the other HeadMapping guides. For example: A Full Panel Division A, highlighting service using two colors, is 15g per color (see 1:1 Ratio ColorMix Guide on page 21). An In-Between Foils Color Balance for short hair is 60g of color (see following page). Total amount of the three individual colors needed is 15g + 15g + 60g = 90g. The mixing of color is now regulated and under control by simply using the guide as the salon standard for the mixing of combined multiple color procedures. As a tool for salons' color dispensaries, and to guarantee the success and usage of this important component, the Itemized Color Services ColorMix Guide needs to be displayed, along with the other HeadMapping guides near eye level at the color bar or color mixing counter of the dispensary. Salons, with their Service Providers, will now be able to make a positive impact on our natural and business resources by reducing waste in our environment.
“Standardize the mixing and solve the problem.” – Walter Claudio
Hair above the shoulders.
Hair on the shoulders.
Long Hair between shoulders & mid-back.
X-Long Hair below the mid-back.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Itemized Color Services ColorMix Guide New Growth
Color Developer
Any length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 g . . . . . 40 g Any length with Puretones. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 g . . . . . 35 g Any length 6 Weeks Growth. . . . . . . . . . . 35 g . . . . . 35 g Any length 5 Weeks Growth. . . . . . . . . . . 30 g . . . . . 30 g Any length 4 Weeks Growth. . . . . . . . . . . 25 g . . . . . 25 g Any length 3 Weeks Growth. . . . . . . . . . . 20 g . . . . . 20 g
In between foils
Color Developer
New Growth Any Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 g . . . . . 45 g New Growth With Puretones . . . . . . . . . . 40 g . . . . . 40 g
Color Balance
Color Developer
[New Growth to Ends]
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 g . . . . . 40 g Ends:
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 g . . . . . 15 g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 g . . . . . 35 g Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 g . . . . . 55 g Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 g . . . . . 75 g
In-Between Foils – Color Balance Color Developer [New Growth to Ends]
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 g . . . . . 45 g Ends:
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 g . . . . . 15 g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 g . . . . . 35 g PROPRIETARY – DO NOT DUPLICATE
Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 g . . . . . 55 g Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 g . . . . . 75 g
Color Tone
Color Developer
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 g . . . . . 30 g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 g . . . . . 40 g Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 g . . . . . 50 g Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 g . . . . . 60 g
Color Cleanse
Enlightener Developer
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 g . . . . . 15 g Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 g . . . . . 20 g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 g . . . . . 35 g Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 g . . . . . 55 g Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 g . . . . . 75 g © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.07
NOTE: If using deposit-only color for In-Between Foils on full length of hair shaft, the total amount of grams mixed should correspond with ends-only amount. 25
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
PURETONE COLORMIX GUIDE A huge point of difference for Aveda color salons is the creative elements of Full Spectrum hair color that allows the colorist to customize and create shades using the PureTones with the Natural Series and Pure bases. The PureTone ColorMix Guide is necessary when mixing partial color services using Aveda PureTones. The PureTone amounts are figured from the standard 40 grams that are recommended by Aveda in their color swatches. Mixing reduced amounts of color requires reduced amounts of PureTones. These amounts need to be adjusted using the PureTone ColorMix Guide. For mixing color, a measurement scale is recommended for accurate ratio amount between Natural Series and PureTones. This is calculated using a mathematical formula that divides total grams of color by ratio amounts. Salons that rely on the printed gram measurements on color tubes and do not use a color scale, may use the linear measurements of the PureTone ColorMix Guide as a guideline. For best results when mixing we do recommend a proper professional measurement scale for accuracy. In the following examples, mixing ratio is based on 40g of Aveda Natural Series.
Example: 6y/o Light Golden Brown 40g 6Natural 2g Dark Yellow/Orange Puretone To mix 20g of 6y/o for a Full Panel Division A: Divide Puretone by 2 (2g divided by 2 = 1g) Example: 6y/o Light Golden Brown 20g 6Natural 1g Dark Yellow/Orange Puretone
Note: When mixing with Pure bases, double the amount of PureTone. Note: There are 2 ways to calculate PureTones: either (A) by using Linear Measurements as shown in the figure opposite; or (B) by the PureTone ColorMix Formula Guide given on page 29.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ PureTone ColorMix Guide
PURETONE COLORMIX Linear Measurements
“Accuracy is learned behavior.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Itemized Color Services PureTone ColorMix guide Color Service
PureTone Amount Natural Series Levels
Amount of Color to be Mixed
10 & 6
40 g
2.0 g
4.0 g
6.0 g
8.0 g
45 g
2.25 g
4.5 g
6.75 g
9.0 g
New growth Any length
In-between foils New growth
Color Balance [New growth to ends] New growth
40 g
2.0 g
4.0 g
6.0 g
8.0 g
15 g
0.75 g
1.5 g
2.25 g
3.0 g
35 g
2.0 g
3.5 g
5.5 g
7.0 g
55 g
3.0 g
5.5 g
8.5 g
11.0 g
75 g
4.0 g
7.5 g
11.5 g
15.0 g
In-between Foils – Color Balance 45 g
2.25 g
4.5 g
6.75 g
9.0 g
15 g
0.75 g
1.5 g
2.25 g
3.0 g
35 g
2.0 g
3.5 g
5.5 g
7.0 g
55 g
3.0 g
5.5 g
8.5 g
11.0 g
75 g
4.0 g
7.5 g
11.5 g
15.0 g
30 g
1.5 g
3.0 g
4.5 g
6.0 g
40 g
2.0 g
4.0 g
6.0 g
8.0 g
50 g
2.5 g
5.0 g
7.5 g
10.0 g
60 g
3.0 g
6.0 g
9.0 g
12.0 g
Color Tone Short
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
New growth
HeadMapping ™ PureTone ColorMix Formulas Mixing ratios are based on 40g of Aveda Natural Series.
Full Panel Division ABC
30 g
1.5 g
15 g
15 g
0.75 g 1.5 g
2.25 g 3.0 g
3 color bowls
10 g
10 g
0.5 g
1.5 g
Panel Division AB Time
1⁄ 3
xx 3.75 g xx 5.0 g
2 Colors 2 color bowls
15 15 gg
15 gg 15
xx 0.75 g xx 1.5 g
xx 2.25 g xx 3.0 g
3 Colors 3 color bowls
10 gg 10
10 gg 10
xx 0.5 g
xx 1.5 g
xx 1.0 g
xx 2.0 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
25 g
25 g
1.25 g 2.5 g
3.75 g 5.0 g
2 color bowls
15 g
15 g
0.75 g 1.5 g
2.25 g 3.0 g
3 color bowls
10 g
10 g
0.5 g
1.5 g
1.0 g
2.0 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
20 g
20 g
1.0 g
2 color bowls
15 g
15 g
0.75 g 1.5 g
2.25 g 3.0 g
3 color bowls
10 g
10 g
0.5 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
1.0 g
3.0 g
4.0 g
2.0 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
20 g
20 g
1.0 g
2 color bowls
15 g
15 g
0.75 g 1.5 g
2.25 g 3.0 g
3 color bowls
10 g
10 g
0.5 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
1.0 g
3.0 g
4.0 g
2.0 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
15 g
15 g
2 color bowls
10 g
10 g
0.5 g
1.0 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
3 color bowls
5 g
5 g
0.5 g
1.0 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
0.75 g 1.5 g
2.25 g 3.0 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
15 g
15 g
0.75 g 1.5 g
2.25 g 3.0 g
2 color bowls
10 g
10 g
0.5 g
1.0 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
3 color bowls
5 g
5 g
0.5 g
1.0 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
Panel Color Time
PureTone PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 2 4 6 8 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
Developer 10 g
10 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3 0.5 g
1.0 g
1.5 g
2.0 g
NOTE: Mixing 1⁄ 3
ratios are based
Panel Color
on 40g of Aveda Natural Series.
1 color bowl
Developer 5 g
5 g
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3 0.25 g 0.5 g
0.75 g 1.0 g
If using more than 3 colors, divide full amount by the number of colors. For example, if color amount is 40g and you’re using 5 colors, mix 8g of EACH color for 40g TOTAL.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
2.0 g
xx 1.25 g xx 2.5 g
Full Panel
6.0 g
30 gg 25
Panel Division A
1.0 g
4.5 g
30 25 gg
Full Panel Division A
3.0 g
1 Color 1 color bowl
1⁄ 2
30 g
2 color bowls
Full Panel Division AB
PureTone Amount – Natural Levels 10 & 6 9 & 5 8 & 4 7 & 3
1 color bowl
ColorColor or Enlightener
Full Panel Division AC
1⁄ 2
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Color Dispensary The salon industry has so many parallels with the restaurant industry that we need to continue to explore the many opportunities that are available to us. This particular opportunity creates a point of difference that sets you apart from all the others. The color dispensary is the nucleus of the color department much like a kitchen in a fine restaurant. If the kitchen is chaotic or unorganized, it will have a reflection on the outcome of the meal or dining experience. One of the keys to success for a high volume fine restaurant lies in the efficiency to produce high quality meals in a standardized manner. The design and layout of the kitchen is truly crucial when it becomes very busy with activity. The flow of activity can be properly managed with efficiency when every component of the kitchen has a purpose and a reason through design. Remember it is all about the design, and the big and successful restaurants know this. Many color dispensary areas in salons are poorly planned spaces with no efficiency in design. They are normally hidden from the public eye because they appear unorganized, full of clutter, dirty and ugly. The norm is to throw up some low-grade kitchen cabinets and counter with a bar sink and call it a dispensary. Was there much planning and thought put into the design? If we are serious about the business of color, we need to plan our color dispensaries with the proper equipment. This area needs to be space planned for storage and inventory of color and designed for the mixing of colors. The mixing of color needs to done in an organized manner with all proper tools and components and products easily accessible—the space must represent efficiency in function and flow. Would we be embarrassed, by the appearance of our color stained dispensary, if a guest accidentally wandered in? If the answer is yes, then we must do something about it! Our color dispensaries need to be clean and organized to reflect pride and high standards. This area also needs to be designed for efficiency in regards to the weighing, mixing and storage of color and back bar. Is the current set-up efficient? Is there too much clutter? Remember if things are organized in this area it will carry out and reflect into the color area and salon. Our short-term goal should be to reorganize and rethink our color mixing areas. There are immediate changes that can be made, starting with displaying the ColorMix guides. Remember, the over mixing of color is due to having no standardized measuring tools. ColorMix guides are the answer in controlling color waste. To maximize the usage of these guides we recommend that they are permanently displayed in a highly visible area of the color dispensary. If possible display the ColorMix guides, near eye level at the color mixing area. Before mixing of color begins Service Providers can view the guide and select from the HeadMapping selection the appropriate amount
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Color Dispensary
to be used. If the salon’s current cabinets are directly above then ColorMix guides should be mounted below the cabinet up against the wall. If possible try to avoid mounting guides behind the mixing area; however if there is limited room, post guides neatly on cabinet doors or on a side wall at eye level. The ColorMix guides should be posted in the following order: • ColorMix Guide 1:1 • ColorMix Guide 1:2 • Itemized Color Services ColorMix Guide • PureTone ColorMix Guide • HeadMapping Color Services Menu with Prices • Itemized Color Services Price Menu
Our long-term goal should be to fully remodel and reposition the color dispensary mixing area into an efficient well-designed workspace. Industry specific modular components should be used, not home kitchen cabinets. Materials and components must be of commercial grade and quality. Stainless steel is ideal because it does not stain like laminates. It is used in commercial kitchens and should be used throughout this area. If sufficient space is available, then an open mixing color area – or better yet, a color bar is the answer. The open color bar becomes that point of difference that reflects and encompasses a communal relationship between the service provider and salon guest. It gives our guest a sense of security by exposing the manner in which color is mixed and how the business of color is being conducted. It can take center stage in the salon’s color area and can become a magnet that attracts a lot of attention from our valued guest. After we have standardized our mode of operation with HeadMapping and its components, we can now look to redesigning or rearranging our color mixing areas into well designed color dispensaries and open color bars that truly reflect our commitment to creating and maintaining the highest standards possible.
“Improve it, change it and watch it grow!” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping Color formula language
As we know, people from different parts of the world must learn a common or universal language in order to communicate. Communication in a global economy is so important that most countries around the globe teach their students English as a second language. The need to understand and interpret one another is crucial in building and maintaining working relationships whether on a global level or at the salon level. A constant problem for most salons is the inconsistent inputting of color technique and color formulations into the salon’s database. In most cases these procedures can be misinterpreted, due to the fact that there is not a standardized universal language in place. The misinterpretation of a salon guest’s personal color formula can lead to disaster. Service Providers may lose a guest, along with revenue, due to mistakes. The salon also loses short term credibility in the marketplace. For this reason, Service Providers must know exactly what procedures and color formulas were previously used on the salon guest. Mistakes often occur when a specific Service Provider is on vacation or has moved away and the guest sees another Service Provider for the same service. An experienced Service Provider with a firm understanding of color theory and technique, in most cases, is able to assess, comprehend, and figure out what needs to be done in order to duplicate a previous color service. However, not all Service Providers come equipped with this insight and need to be trained and rely on a system that translates into a language. This language needs to be imbedded as a means of communication that becomes a daily procedure in the salon, thus eliminating unnecessary mistakes. HeadMapping Color Formula Language is a communication guide used for inputting individual color formulas in a standardized manner. HeadMapping Color Formula Language is designed to create consistency in the inputting of color formulas for all staff members. When fully implemented and understood, it reduces mistakes made in reading and comprehending color formulas and procedures between Service Providers that share the same salon guest. HeadMapping Color Formula Language becomes another crucial component in maintaining standards for salons that deliver consistent results day in and day out. These standards will continue to push salons and their Service Providers to higher levels of professionalism. Information needs to be inputted in a certain pattern utilizing the following nine steps. This structured format must not be altered and is necessary in maintaining consistent interpretation of color formula files.
“Map your work. Work your map.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping Color Formula Language
HeadMapping Color Formula Language Nine Steps Step 1
Identify and input the service or HeadMapping area (Example: Full Panel Division AB)
Step 2
Identify and input the density (Example: medium density)
Step 3
Identify and input the pattern (Example: V-line)
Step 4
Identify and input the number of color bowls (Example: colorbowl 1 (CB1))
Step 5
Identify and input the light (Example: lowlight)
Step 6
Identify and input the effect (Example: fine effect)
Step 7
Identify and input the technique (Example: Weave)
Step 8
Identify and input the color formula amount (Example: 6YO(25g)YO(1.25g) 20vol
Step 9 Identify and enter color bowl pattern (Example: CB1, CB2, CB1, CB3)
Example of Final HeadMapping Color Formula: Full Panel Division AB medium density V-line CB1: lowlight fine effect weave 6YO(25g) YO(1.25g) 20vol
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
The elements of the technique are set forth below:
• Extra Light
• V-Line
• Highlights
• Extra Fine
• Weave
• Light
• Part Line
• Midlights
• Fine
• Slice
• Medium
• Straight Line
• Lowlights
• Medium
• Skip Slice
• Heavy
• Diagonal
Part Line
Straight Line
Weave Effect
Extra Fine
Extra Light
Slice effects
• Strong
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 06.07
HeadMapping™ Color Formula Language
HeadMapping Color formula language DEFINITIONS OF DENSITies
deffinitions of EFFECTS
Density is defined in the following ways. The amount of foils in each HeadMapping section determines overall density.
Effects = number of weaves or slices in a parting
Extra-Light Density • 20% or less of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1 inch apart
Light Density • 30% or less of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1⁄2 to 1 inch apart
Medium Density • 50% of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch apart
Heavy Density • 70% of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1/8 to 1⁄4 inch apart
Weaving effects: • Extra-fine effect is achieved with 14-16 weaves per parting • Fine effect is achieved with 10-12 weaves per parting • Medium effect is achieved with 6-8 weaves per parting • Strong effect is achieved with 3-5 weaves per parting
Slicing effects: • A fine effect in slicing is achieved by parting off a fine slice of hair to be colored within the foil. Placement of the next slice is determined by the density desired. • A medium effect is achieved by taking 2 slices in a row, placing each slice to be colored in a foil back to back, before leaving hair out between the foils to be left uncolored. • A strong effect is achieved by taking 3 slices in a row, placing each slice in foil back to back, before leaving hair out between the next set of foils. • A skip slice is achieved by slicing fine effect, skipping, and slicing again.
Definitions of PATTERNs V-Line: Foils are placed at a diagonal in the pre-sectioned 1/3 Panel, 1/2 Panel or Full Panel. The Panel is parted down the center and foils are set at an angle. Ideal for layered hair that has no definite part-line. This technique is very popular for loose drapey shapes. Part Line: Foils are placed parallel to the center or side part in either the pre-sectioned 1/2 Panel or Full Panel. The panel is subdivided at the part. Foils are placed parallel to the part-line. Ideal for classic one-length or for hair that naturally parts in the same area. This technique is necessary when foils need to be very close to part-line. Straight Line: Foils are placed straght back in either the pre-sectioned 1/3 Panel, 1/2 Panel, or Full Panel. Depending on width, the panel may be split down the middle and foils placed within two sub sections. They may also be simply placed straight back in the whole panel. Ideal for layered hair that has no definite part-line. This technique is efficient and useful for quick service. Diagonal Line: foils are placed at a diagonal at hair line in the pre-sectioned 1/3, ½ or full panel. Either on left or right side, depending on direction of hair, a single row of foils are placed at a diagonal straight row forming an off set pattern. This technique is necessary for tight spaces in the 1/3 and ½ panel.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 06.07
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping Color formula language Examples Example: One color 1⁄2 Panel Div AB • medium density • V-Line CB1: highlight, fine effect, weave, 10N (20g) 20vol
Example: Two colors Full Panel Div A • extra light density • Part Line CB1: highlight, fine effect, weave, Daybreak (7g) 40vol (14g); CB2: lowlight, strong effect, weave, 5BV (15g) 20vol + DBV (1.5g)
Example: Three colors Full Panel Div AB • medium density • V-Line CB1: highlight, fine effect, weave, Dusk (6g) 40vol (12g); CB2: midlight, medium effect, weave, 8N (10g) 20vol; CB3: lowlight, strong effect, medium density, weave, 4N (10g) 20vol CB Pattern: CB1, CB2, CB1, CB3
Example: Four colors Full Panel Div ABC and In-Between Foils Colorbalance Long • heavy density • Straight Line CB1: highlight, fine effect, weave, Enlightener (10g) 20vol; CB2: midlight, medium effect, weave, 7Y/O (10g) 20vol + LY/O (2.0g); CB3: lowlight, medium effect, weave, slice, 4Y/O (10g) 20vol + DY/O (1.5g); CB4: 10 Y/O (100g) 20vol+ LY/O (5.0g).
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Headmapping Color Performance Development TIME GUIDE The HeadMapping Color Performance Development Time Guide is designed to measure the amount of time needed to perform and execute the color services based on the HeadMapping Archtecture. In the chart on the following page, each panel and division shows the calculated procedure time required to do the partial color service. Time efficiency equals production efficiency when the correct amount of time is allocated and scheduled for the services provided. The salon then is able to increase its production levels and service revenues, resulting in increased cash flow. The HeadMapping Color Performance Development Time Guide is a crucial component to creating increased accuracy and efficiency in appointment scheduling. This allows Guest Services to accurately schedule the appropriate time allotment for the requested service, thereby eliminating the grey areas of appointment scheduling and communication regarding “partial services.” The HeadMapping Color Performance Development Time Guide is also used to evaluate and measure the progress of entry level Service Providers. This tool is crucial in determining the time performance of each Service Provider, and indicates when prices increase. Promotions to higher levels can be substantiated. In application, the HeadMapping Color Performance Development Time Guide is a functional time tool designed to determine the length of time needed to perform the requested partial color service. The HeadMapping Color Performance Development Time Guide sets forth three time levels. The time most typically taken by a newly trained service provider (“new talent”), the time most typically taken by a seasoned provider (“accomplished”) and the time taken by the masters of the service (“mastery”). Sometimes, an individual may be technically at mastery level but naturally works at a slower pace; this should be recognized and accommodated in scheduling.
“Time is precious... use it wisely.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook ™ Development s a l oM n apping o p e r a t i n g Performance systems] s.o.s.H[ ead Time Guide
Full Panel Division ABC
Mastery: 45 min
Full Panel Division AC
Mastery: 35 min
Accomplished: 60 min
Accomplished: 50 min
Accomplished: 50 min
New Talent: 75 min
1/2 Panel Division AB
Mastery: 30 min
New Talent: 65 min
Full Panel Division A
Mastery: 30 min
New Talent: 65 min
1/3 Panel Division A
Mastery: 20 min
Accomplished: 45 min
Accomplished: 45 min
Accomplished: 30 min
New Talent: 60 min
Mastery: 15 min
New Talent: 60 min
1/3 Panel
1/2 Panel
Mastery: 10 min
New Talent: 40 min
5 min
Accomplished: 20 min
Accomplished: 15 min
Accomplished: 10 min
New Talent: 30 min
New Talent: 20 min
New Talent: 15 min
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Full Panel
Mastery: 35 min
Full Panel Division AB
HeadMapping™ Color Foil Placement Guide
HeadMapping color FOIL PLACEMENT GUIDE Many high profile salons with successful color businesses are very committed to providing a thriving learning environment. Ideally, this includes extensive internal and external technical training for their service providers. Much of this training is very structured, with weekly educational sessions that include theory, practical and hands on instruction. The salon’s curriculum may provide a detailed outline on color standards, methods and procedures regarding highlighting services. While some salons offer technical and procedural structure in this area, others simply do not. The HeadMapping Color Foil Placement Guide is a great tool for salons that desire but lack technical foundations (see pages 37-41). The guide shows the sub-sections that are included in each HeadMapping Panel and Division. The amount of foils in each HeadMapping section determines overall density. It is crucial that today’s salons are technically structured with standardized foil placement techniques. The quality and consistencies of the color services cannot be duplicated by all team Service Providers unless a standardized structure is embedded into the salon’s technical training. Remember, for our salons to create and deliver consistency day in and day out, we must maintain a consistent training program that does not deviate in any way, shape, or form. Salons can no longer afford to have Service Providers learn from their mistakes. Foil placement is very important in achieving certain looks and great results. Understanding the way in which the placement of color will affect the haircut, as well as facial features, makes a difference in the finished product. Salons need to provide Service Providers with a blueprint that clearly develops the plan of action into a strategy. The blueprints needed are the HeadMapping Color Foil Placement Guide and HeadMapping Color Foil Density
Effects Guide, great tools for
teaching commercial coloring foil placement and techniques to entry level Service Providers. By incorporating HeadMapping into the salon’s technical education and dexterity training, Service Providers are taught very quickly to perform quality foil coloring services in a systemic manner. Once embedded into the movement and thought process of each Service Provider, the placement of foil becomes a fluid range of motion that expedites the overall process. The HeadMapping Color Foil Placement Guide illustrates four commercial partial services (1/3 Panel Division A, 1/2 Panel Division AB, Full Panel Division A, Full Panel Division AB) based on the HeadMapping Architecture. These four foil blueprints are designed for daily commercial use and are very effective in layout. The HeadMapping Color Foil Placement Guide provides a standardized, easy step-by-step approach for all Service Providers to create consistent results day in and day out.
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The elements of the technique are set forth below:
• Extra Light
• V-Line
• Highlights
• Extra Fine
• Weave
• Light
• Part Line
• Midlights
• Fine
• Slice
• Medium
• Straight Line
• Lowlights
• Medium
• Skip Slice
• Heavy
• Diagonal
Part Line
Straight Line
Weave Effect
Extra Fine
Extra Light
Slice effects
• Strong
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 06.07
HeadMapping™ Color Foil Placement Guide
HeadMapping Color formula language DEFINITIONS OF DENSITies
deffinitions of EFFECTS
Density is defined in the following ways. The amount of foils in each HeadMapping section determines overall density.
Effects = number of weaves or slices in a parting
Extra-Light Density • 20% or less of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1 inch apart
Light Density • 30% or less of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1⁄2 to 1 inch apart
Medium Density • 50% of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch apart
Heavy Density • 70% of the hair in each HeadMapping section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1/8 to 1⁄4 inch apart
Weaving effects: • Extra-fine effect is achieved with 14-16 weaves per parting • Fine effect is achieved with 10-12 weaves per parting • Medium effect is achieved with 6-8 weaves per parting • Strong effect is achieved with 3-5 weaves per parting
Slicing effects: • A fine effect in slicing is achieved by parting off a fine slice of hair to be colored within the foil. Placement of the next slice is determined by the density desired. • A medium effect is achieved by taking 2 slices in a row, placing each slice to be colored in a foil back to back, before leaving hair out between the foils to be left uncolored. • A strong effect is achieved by taking 3 slices in a row, placing each slice in foil back to back, before leaving hair out between the next set of foils. • A skip slice is achieved by slicing fine effect, skipping, and slicing again.
Definitions of PATTERNs V-Line: Foils are placed at a diagonal in the pre-sectioned 1/3 Panel, 1/2 Panel or Full Panel. The Panel is parted down the center and foils are set at an angle. Ideal for layered hair that has no definite part-line. This technique is very popular for loose drapey shapes. Part Line: Foils are placed parallel to the center or side part in either the pre-sectioned 1/2 Panel or Full Panel. The panel is subdivided at the part. Foils are placed parallel to the part-line. Ideal for classic one-length or for hair that naturally parts in the same area. This technique is necessary when foils need to be very close to part-line. Straight Line: Foils are placed straght back in either the pre-sectioned 1/3 Panel, 1/2 Panel, or Full Panel. Depending on width, the panel may be split down the middle and foils placed within two sub sections. They may also be simply placed straight back in the whole panel. Ideal for layered hair that has no definite part-line. This technique is efficient and useful for quick service. Diagonal Line: foils are placed at a diagonal at hair line in the pre-sectioned 1/3, ½ or full panel. Either on left or right side, depending on direction of hair, a single row of foils are placed at a diagonal straight row forming an off set pattern. This technique is necessary for tight spaces in the 1/3 and ½ panel. © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 06.07
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Full Panel Division AB Pre-section the Full Panel Division AB by taking a pie section from the point of recession to 1/2 distance in Division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a parallel parting the width of the foil back to center of Division B, segregate and clip. Do the same with other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections. Start on sides in Division A, and place foil at a diagonal. Start by either using a
Full Panel Division AB
weave or slice technique, brush color and then neatly fold foil. Decide distance between foils (density) and repeat process. Work systematically with a diagonal foil placement pattern from the parallel parting to the center and top. Go to the other side, repeat process and do the same. Sides front and back are now finished with the Full Panel left to finish. Either, start at weaving or slicing from the hairline and work systematically going back.
Full Panel Division A Pre-section the Full Panel Division A by sectioning off a pie section from the point of a vertical parting from the 1/2 ear to the perimeter of the Full Panel, segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections. Start on sides in Division A, and place foil at diagonal. Start by either using
Full Panel Division A
a weave or slice technique, brush color and then neatly fold foil. Decide the distance between foils (density) and repeat process and do the same. Sides are now finished with the Full Panel left to finish. Start either with a weaving or slicing technique from the hairline and go straight back or divide the 1/2 Panel with a center part and place foils diagonally from the hairline and work systematically back until Full Panel is finished.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
recession to 1/2 distance in Division B. Segregate off with a clip. For the sides, take
HeadMapping™ Color Foil Placement Guide
1/2 Panel Division AB Pre-section the 1/2 Panel Division AB by sectioning off a pie section from the point of recession to the line that divides Division A and B. Segregate off with a hair clip. Take a parallel parting the width of the foil from the top of the ear to the 1/2 distance in Division B. Segregate with a clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections. Start on sides. In Division
1/2 Panel Division AB
A, and place foil at a diagonal. Start by using either a weave or slice technique, brush color and then neatly fold foil. Decide distance between foils (density) and repeat process. Work systematically with a diagonal foil placement pattern, from the parallel parting to the center and top. Go to the other side, repeat the process and do the same. Sides front and top back are now finished. Now the 1/2 Panel is left to finish. Either, start at weaving or slicing from the hairline and go straight back or divide the 1/2 Panel with a center part and place foils diagonally from the hairline and work systematically going back until 1/2 Panel is finished.
1/3 Panel Division A of recession to 1/2 distance in Division A. Segregate off with a clip. Take a parallel parting the width of the foil to the center of the head, section off and segregate with a clip. Do the same on other side. At this point the head is segregated in three sections. Start on sides in Division A, and place foil at a diagonal. Start by using
1/3 Panel Division A
either a weave or slice technique, brush color and then neatly fold foil. Decide distance between foils (density) and repeat the process. Work systematically with a diagonal foil placement pattern from the parallel parting to the center and stop. Go to other side, repeat process and do the same. Sides are now finished. Start the 1/3 panel by weaving the hairline and continue either on a diagonal parting or a straight back pattern.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Pre-section the 1/3 Panel Division A by sectioning off a pie section from the point
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[salon operating systems]
Headmapping team philosophy Team – without them where would we be? Lonely and very tired to say the least. We, as owners, alone cannot make anything happen if not for the commitment, collaboration and passion of each player. Like a soccer team, each player has a role, a function and a skill set. Without the syngerstic play of each individual, the game of soccer could not be played – let alone, won. Each individual brings to the table a completely unique combination of experience, talent, strengths and passion. It is the role of salon owners as leaders, to capture, equip and deploy each member of our staff into their rightful place so they can “be all that they were created to be.” We are a body of believers, with one cause, one vision and one goal. To serve well. HeadMapping is based on team philosophy…. “We need each other and together we are stronger than we can ever be by ourselves.” Four hands are better than two, six hands are better that four and so on…. As a team our mantra is that “no guest is left behind” regardless of whose client they are, or if it is their first visit or thousandth. No guest shall be left behind…. they will spend a shorter time in the salon, receive genuine care, consultation; value added services (stress relieving scalp treatment & cleansing massage, hand treatment, finishing touch make-up application), a pre-scheduled appointment and a great service. In order to share with HeadMapping salons the possibilities and potential of team work here is a description of team work at Walter Claudio Salon and Spa, where HeadMapping originated: Because of the strong emphasis on teamwork it really has become a part of our culture. Staff genuinely care for one another and honestly you can witness upon any visit to our establishment—stylists helping one another by holding foils, doing hand treatments on one another’s clients, sweeping hair, mixing color, etc. Whatever needs to be done, they pitch in for one another without being asked. It is truly a mode of operations. This idea of Team Work, Team Value and Team Play has become very intentional. We teach team. We leave nothing to chance. Team Service has not only become the “way we do things around here”, it is written in the procedures and operations of Walter Claudio. This is a HeadMapping model. However, your salon will need to develop the team environment compatible with your individual salon’s leadership and culture.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping Team Philosophy
HeadMapping TEAM SERVICE Team service strategy is ideal for today’s fast pace working environments that offer above and beyond service experiences. With team service, “no guest is left behind”. A team with a strategy and a mode of operation is able to offer more services with efficiency to our guest. This results in less service time for the guest. For this concept to work we must all understand and utilize HeadMapping as our mode of operation. It will create educational, financial and creative opportunities for all who participate. We must also understand our purpose as an intern, apprentice, or service provider, and what role we play on the service team. Each player is valuable to the team and must contribute in their role to win! We can only achieve successful results when all team players follow and execute the overall team plan and strategy. Remember, “WE ARE ONLY AS GOOD AS OUR LAST SERVICE.” For us to fully understand our role and purpose we must know the overall plan and strategy for service at our salon. Service Team Plan • Service providers work with assigned intern/apprentice (service team) for four months. • All team members are expected to fully understand HeadMapping and its components. • The service team works systematically and synergistically using all the HeadMapping components. • The service team strives to create a positive experience and impression on our guest. • Each member of the service team takes responsibility supporting one another. • No Guest is left behind. • Environmental conservation and waste elimination • Business Sustainability Service Team Strategy • Service teams are used as a development process for both interns/apprentices, to support senior stylists/team leaders and to connect the back side of operations (the color and cutting floors) to the front side operations namely Guest Services. • Increase and maintain retail sales to the RPCT (retail product per client ticket) benchmark of $15 per ticket. • Achieve and Maintain an average SPCT (service per client ticket) of $80 • Maintain a 75 % of overall Service dollars are derived from Color Services. • Develop the Aveda experience to a greater level. • Upgrade partial Color Services using HeadMapping Color Services Menu. • Multiply services by utilizing the Itemized Color Services Menu. • Utilize the service teams as a model for HeadMapping. • Create up sale opportunities by compressed scheduling and Team Service model of operation. • Support and maintain a 75% pre-scheduling rate.
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Headmapping Service Team Roles: Service Provider • Ability to teach HeadMapping and its components.
• To educate about and recommend Aveda products.
• To communicate with clarity all computer formula language
• To communicate the pre-sectioning of weaving services.
• To model HeadMapping culture and strong service principles.
• To have the ColorMix Guide memorized (embedded) when mixing color.
• To teach as you perform procedures.
• To practice waste elimination.
• To communicate using HeadMapping Language.
• To teach consultation using guest questionnaire.
• To utilize interns/apprentices in color procedures.
• To create and communicate a plan of service while pre-scheduling.
• To utilize interns/apprentices in blow-drying. • To enforce Aveda culture and utilize Aveda service rituals.
• To compress schedule.
Intern/Apprentice • To support service provider. • To communicate using HeadMapping Language. • To input all formulas using HeadMapping Color Formula Language. • Pre-section all weaving services. • Prepare & Setup color tray for scheduled service. • To hold foils or place foils.
• To be sure all new guests receive rituals of service according to the guest flow chart. • To perform hand relief treatments on all guests. • To perform or assist in scalp treatments and cleansing massages including the hot towel treatment on each guest. • To perform finishing touches on all guests.
• To perform color procedures when needed.
• To recommend products and fill out a prescription pad.
• To input or communicate Itemized Color Services Menu add-ons.
• To do salon duties during downtime.
• To mix all color formulas using ColorMix guides. • To practice waste elimination. • To maintain a clean mess-free workstation.
• To be a part of the consultation. • To assist in blow-drying. • To make sure guest has been pre-scheduled.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping Color Menus I n c r e a s i n g Yo u r R e v e n u e s
“Grey areas offer no solution... only speculation.” – Walter Claudio
“Offer what you know... know what you offer.” – Walter Claudio
Itemized Color Services
Itemized Color Services
Most salons operate in grey areas with regards to the pricing of individual services. These grey areas have become the norm and contribute to the assumption that salons are poorly run. Salons already operate on small margins and need standardized systems and procedures in place to maximize daily income and to reduce loss from undercharges. Itemized Color Services is designed to support the HeadMapping Color Services Menu by listing all services individually and separately. Much like fine restaurants, the guests are presented all the possibilities. The Itemized Color Services Menu is a great tool for Service Providers when consulting with our salon guest. It empowers the Service Provider with itemized individual services for today’s customer service driven salons. For instance, most service providers simply don’t charge for all services performed. Unfortunately, this business practice is outdated for today’s salons with increasingly high overhead costs, and a best practice is to price each service, including color tones, separately. As these overhead costs continue to escalate, the Itemized Color Services Menu provides a timely and much-needed revenue generating solution. We must give our guest options and empower Guest Services with the ability to understand and charge for itemized color services. The Itemized Color Services Menu is crucial for a guest when conducting a color corrective consultation. Prices, steps and procedures need to be identified and communicated in an itemized manner. This clearly eliminates undercharging or overcharging of services and fairly charges the guest for services rendered, thus giving our guest true value. The pricing on the Itemized Color Services Menu is adjusted based on hair length. For instance, the price of a Color Balance Medium service (for medium-length hair) might be $65, whereas that same service for extra-long hair might be $95. For most servies offered in the Itemized Color Services Menu, pricing is given for short, medium, long and extra-long hair. In cases of extreme density, it may be necessary to mix and charge differently. For example: Sue has long thin hair and may only need color mixed in the amount of color balance medium.
Short Hair above the shoulders.
Medium Hair on the shoulders.
Long Hair between shoulders & mid-back.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
X-Long Hair below the mid-back.
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Itemized Color Services MENU DEFINITIONS New Growth (30 minutes) The application of color or lightener to the new growth of hair. The new growth touch-up is necessary in covering grey or in maintaining all over color. Maintenance upkeep for this service is usually needed every 4 to 6 weeks. Color Balance (short: 30 min • medium: 30 min • long: 45 min • extra-long: 60 min) The application of color or lightener to the new growth, mid-growth and ends of hair. All hair from new growth through ends is covered with color. Color Balance is needed when the overall color has lost its tone and has faded more than one level. Color tends to fade due to sun exposure, swimming or the use of harsh shampoos. In-Between Foils/New Growth (30 minutes) The application of color to the new growth of hair in-between the foils. In-between foils new growth may be needed if grey coverage or base color is altered and highlights are desired.
After the foil work is done, color is applied in-between the foils to the new growth. This allows for the total coverage of grey while getting highlights. This is a time efficient approach in receiving two services simultaneously.
In-Between Foils/Color Balance (short: 30 min • medium: 30 min • long: 45 min • extra-long: 60 min) The application of hair color in-between the foils. An in-between foil color balance is needed when grey coverage and an overall color is desired. After the foil work is done, the color is applied in-between the foils to the new growth and out through the ends. Great for refreshing and toning hair that has faded or lightened. Colors tend to fade and lighten due to sun exposure, swimming, or the use of harsh shampoos. Color Cleanse (new growth: 15 min • short & medium: 15 min • long & extra-long: 30 min
add on service • also used to repair/redo)
Color Cleanse may be necessary when getting a corrective color service. Color Cleansing may also be needed when altering or removing the tone or changing the level of the color. Great for removing color buildup and for softening the new growth in between highlighting services. Color Toner (short: 15 min • medium, long, extra-long: 30 min • add on service • also used to repair/redo) Color Toner may be needed after prelightening colored hair or to tone highlights. Usually the second step in a double process coloring or after foils are removed. Great for adding warm or cool tones.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Itemized Color Services
New Growth
In-Between Foils
Any length . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
Color Balance [New growth to ends] Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . $40.00
In-Between Foils - Color Balance
$55.00 $65.00 $75.00 $95.00
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$45.00 $55.00 $65.00 $85.00
Color Cleanse Partial Weaves [Highlight Services]
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00
Color Tone Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00
1/3 Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 1/2 Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Full Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $70.00 1/3 Panel Division A. . . . . $70.00 Full Panel Division A . . . . . $80.00 1/2 Panel Division AB. . . . $80.00 Full Panel Division AB . . . . $85.00 Full Panel Division AC . . . . $85.00 Full Panel Division ABC . . $110.00
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
E L P SAM © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
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financial benefits of the Itemized Color SERVICEs MENU EXAMPLE ITEMIZED COLOR SERVICE: In-Between Foils Itemized Color Services will increase your revenue dramatically. Here is an example: Full Panel Division A costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 80 3 guests per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 240 Per Day Working 5 days a eeek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,200 Per Week With clients coming in every 2 months . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,200 Per Year In-Between Foils is an excellent service and the most common Itemized Color Service you will add on. With this service alone the figures are as follows: In-Between Foils on short hair costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 45 3 guests per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 135 Per Day Working 5 days a week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 675 Per Week With clients coming in every 2 months . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,980 Per Year However, the In-Between Foils Service is not sold on its own. When adding this to your initial Full Panel Division A service: Full Panel Division A income for the year. . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,200 In-Between Foils Color Balance (short) income for the year + $ 3,980 You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 11,180 Per Year
This is a
56% Increase in Revenue.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Financial Benefits
EXAMPLE ITEMIZED COLOR SERVICE: Color Tones Another example of how Itemized Color Service will increase your revenue dramatically can be shown with the Color Tone service: Full Panel Division AB Weave costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 85 3 guests per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 255 Per Day Working 5 days a week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,275 Per Week With clients coming in every 2 months . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,650 Per Year Color Tone is an common service that is most commonly forgotten to be added to a guest's ticket. With this service alone the figures are as follows: Color Tone on medium-length hair costs. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20 3 Guests Per Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60 Per Day Working 5 Days a Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 300 Per Week
Wiht clients coming in every 2 months . . . . . . . . . . . . X
You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,800 Per Year However, the Color Tone service is not sold on its own. When adding this to your initial Full Panel Division AB service: Full Panel Division AB income for the year. . . . . . . . . . $ 7,650 Color Tone (medium) income for the year . . . . . . . . . . + $ 1,800 You will generate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This is a
$ 9,450 Per Year
25% Increase in Revenue.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
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[salon operating systems]
We have all experienced complaints from dissatisfied guests in regards to poor communication and pricing. Do we provide in depth consultations with first time guests, or do we just have a quick chat with them? Are we able to provide accurate pricing for our guests when conducting a consultation? Do we train our service providers on how to listen and communicate during a consultation? Remember, the initial consultation usually sets the tone for the overall visit. We cannot afford to continue making the same mistakes due to lack of communication. Consulting with our guest in regards to hair color services is necessary and should be done in a very professional manner. If possible, an area of the salon should be designated as the consultation area. This provides us with a more personal approach and sends a clear message to our guest that we are serious about finding solutions to the challenges they may be facing with their hair. It truly elevates us as professionals when we can provide these consulting practices to our valued guest. It also provides us with the financial opportunity to up sell or upgrade color services. The Guest Consultation Questionnaire was developed as a consultation tool. Once the questionnaire is filled out by our guest, it provides the Service Providers with past salon history and vital information needed for pinpointing technique, formulation, and the correct color service. Remember, the questionnaire only works if it is looked over and read by the Service Provider. If the guest takes time to fill it out, then we must take the time to read it. The Guest Consultation Questionnaire along with the Itemized Color Services Menu become important and wonderful tools used for providing exceptional service and results. For a corrective color consultation, the Itemized Color Service Menu is a must use tool when discussing pricing, procedure, and scheduling. It empowers us with the proper pricing so we can avoid the disaster of over pricing or under pricing color services. We must provide accurate total cost to our valued guest. There are rewarding opportunities with incorporating the consultation into our mode of operation. It truly establishes a strong foundation in creating and maintaining a solid core color business. This value-added service becomes a point of difference in our market place and truly sets us apart from our competitors.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Guest Consultation Questionnaire
[guest consultation]
Getting to know you... Thank you for taking a few moments to complete the following questionnaire. You are important to us and your answers will help us provide the best possible services.
Tell us about you... Name:
Phone (H): (W):
E-mail: Would you like to receive e-mail from us? ❑ Yes ❑ No
1. How did you hear about us? 2. Why did you leave your last salon? 3. How would you best describe your style? (Circle applicable) NATURAL
4. What do you like most about your hair? ...least? 5. What challenges do you experience with your hair? (Circle applicable) FUZZY
6. Are you pleased with your current hair color? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7. Have you previously had your hair colored? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. Would you be interested in...? (Circle applicable) ENHANCING NATURAL COLOR
9. What hair products do you use at home? 10. What other salon services do you usually require or enjoy? (Circle applicable) WAXING
11. When scheduling your appointment, how was the service? (Please check all that apply) ❑ ABOVE & BEYOND EXPECTATIONS ❑ OTHER COMMENTS:
12. What do you expect from your visit? 13. How often do you prefer to see a hair stylist?
© Copyright 2006 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
TIPS: Here are some tips for incorporating the consultation as a part of your mode of operation: • Set aside an area or room with mirrors for consultations. • Incorporate the Guest Consultation Questionnaire. • Have salon menus with Itemized Color Services Menu displayed. • Put together quality visual style and color portfolios to use as reference. • Have color charts and color swatches at hand.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook Color [ s aConsultation lon operating systems] s.o.s.
[color consultation]
1. Have you had your color done in the last three months? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to color? ❑ Yes ❑ No If so, what brand of color was used? 3. How often do you have your color done? Every: 3-4 WEEKS
4. If color fading is a problem for you, how soon after receiving a color service do you notice fading? After: 2 WEEKS
5. How often do you wash your hair? ONCE A DAY
6. Do you use a color safe shampoo and conditioner? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7. If you have grey hair, is your hair resistant to hair color? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. Do you like to change you hair color often? ❑ Yes ❑ No 9. Have you ever had a corrective color service done? ❑ Yes ❑ No 10. Have you had a chemical straightening process or permanent waves done? ❑ Yes ❑ No If so, how long ago was that service performed?
[personal color plan]
As an exclusive HEADMAPPING TM salon, all pricing and designing of hair color services are based on the HEADMAPPING system referring to itemized color service menus and guides. A personal color plan as listed below clearly identifies recommended services and the estimated cost. STEP 1:
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $ Total Estimated Amount for Plan: $
© Copyright 2006 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Personal Color Plan
[personal color plan] Client Name: Corrective color work varies by individual need, and may require several steps and/or visits to the salon. An initial personalized plan is provided below, but please keep in mind that adjustments to this plan may be needed as results from previous treatments are evaluated. STEP 1:
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $
Price: $ Total Estimated Amount for Plan: $
[release of liability] Due to the nature of corrective hair coloring, Walter Claudio Salon Spa does not offer a guaranteed result or final price for corrective color work. Corrective color work may require several steps and/or visits to the salon. Since the primary concern of the salon is the integrity of the hair, the stylists must be the final judge as to the steps taken to achieve maximum results. Accordingly, I acknowledge that no representations have been made regarding the final result of the hair coloring process. I release Walter Claudio Salon Spa and its agents and employees from any responsiblity or liability regarding the corrective hair coloring process.
Client Signature
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Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
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Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping Schedule Guest Services
“We must know the process in order to schedule the process.” – Walter Claudio
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[salon operating systems]
headMapping schedule FOR GUEST SERVICES HeadMapping and its components were created to address the needs and create solutions for the challenges and grey areas that plaque the efficiency and productivity of salons. Each of the components of HeadMapping work together synergistically to provide each team member with the tools and guidance necessary to deliver consistent results and an extra-ordinary guest experience. This equals success. At the forefront of all of our efforts, the guest experience must reign supreme. Without the guest we have nothing. They are why we are here and why we do what we do. HeadMapping benefits the environment (reduction of waste); the business owner (controlling costs and increasing production), and the Service Provider (productivity, consistent results, performance guidance) and they also tremendously benefit the guests. The guest benefits with an enhanced experience, consistent color results and pricing, consistent and accurately scheduled appointments, team service which reduce salon service time, and the assurance of environmental preservation. So, as HeadMapping Color addresses the needs and create solutions for the back side of our operations, HeadMapping Schedule directly ties the front side (Guest Services) of operations to the back side (Service Providers), ultimately enhancing the guest’s overall experience.
Point of Contact (POC) Chart
Guest Services
Service Provider
We have all heard and experienced the horror stories concerning the salon front desk. The staff is left to manage this critical piece of our salon’s operations. Unfortunately for some salons, these horror stories (such as miscommunication, over-charges, under-charges, long lines, guest neglect and inconsistency) have become a part of daily operations that continue to disrupt the flow of business. Scheduling appointments, taking money, directing customer complaints, offering beverages, and generating retail sales are crucial functions of the front side. Salons are shifting away from the old front desk business model, which relies on a multi-talented, multi-tasked super-human to make things happen. This mode of operation relies on an individual and not a system. This model cannot maintain or deliver the level of attention with the consistency required for today’s service standards. So what can we do to provide a sustainable solution to the challenges salons are faced with daily? HeadMapping Schedule offers a solution. By applying the S.O.S. concept of standardization, speaking the same language, using the same architecture, performance development time guides, service menus, pre-scheduling, and itemized service menus for
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping Schedule for Guest Services
one common goal, to deliver a superb guest experience. Day in and day out we can bridge the present gap that exists between the back side and the front side. The winner then becomes the guest, which directly impacts the profitability and sustainability of the business and the salon owner. The salon guest deserves nothing less than excellence. The front line is what is now commonly referred to or grouped under Guest Services, a term borrowed from the hospitality industry. Guest Services is composed of one or all of many titles that refer to these roles, such as receptionists, host/ess, retail advisors, concierge, call center-scheduling operators and so on. The bigger the salon(s), the more positions within Guest Services are needed. Smaller salons may not need or require all these, but should implement as many of the roles as needed to provide consistent, reliable, and attentive service. Salons need to develop the Guest Services component of the business. Guest Services must be an extension of the services that are being performed on the floor. A guest’s first point of contact or communication usually sets the tone for their visit. This is the moment of truth. Was it professional? Pleasant and attentive? Above and beyond expectations? Promises delivered? We are judged not only by our actions, but also by what we say and how we say it. Remember, a service often commences before a guest enters our facility. All the hard work, technical, artistic talent and invested education can be completely neutralized by a negative experience with or at Guest Services. No matter how good we are, customers will be lost by inattentive, inconsistent service at the front side. Everything starts and stops with the front line, absolutely everything. Our reputation and branding depends on Guest Services, as does our sustainability. It is the first and last impression that guests have of our facilities. Send them off by making their day. Guest Services is one of the most important components in our salons. We need to continue to invest time, energy and resources into training and developing this valuable area. Our future depends on it! And HeadMapping Schedule will aid in ensuring that that goal is attained. HeadMapping Schedule is the road map for Guest Services operations and includes: • HeadMapping for Guest Services • Scheduling with Itemized Color Services • Pre-scheduling and point of contact • Compressed Scheduling • Scheduling and pricing codes
“Remember, our purpose is to serve our guest.” – Walter Claudio © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
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[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping for Guest Services Lack of communication or the means to communicate or interpret is a serious problem in today’s fast-paced, quality-oriented service environments. If the front side (Guest Services) and backside (Service Providers) continue to operate in grey areas by misinterpreting services, scheduling and pricing, we will never be able to resolve or eliminate the costly mistakes that continue to repeat themselves. If we do not equip Guest Services with the right tools to do their jobs, we will never eliminate this problem. We must also realize that Guest Services role is to service both the salon guest and Service Providers with the correct scheduling of services and the checking out of guests. We have heard it many times from Service Providers ”They never book me right!” or “How do they expect me to do this? I don’t have the time!” This mode of operation becomes stressful for the Service Provider and, unfortunately, for the guest. We have also heard similar remarks from Guest Services. “She’s hard to book; you never know how to book her,” or “He always charges a different price.” These scenarios happen quite too often in salons and don’t instill the confidence in guest service in the scheduling of appointments or the checking out of guests, for certain Service Providers. For both Service Providers and Guest Services, lack of communication and a lack of common knowledge are the reasons for ongoing mistakes. These flaws can create disharmony in a salon and dissatisfaction for our guest. Remember, we all have to be on the same page for it to work! Imagine a salon that runs like a Swiss watch, where mistakes are not part of normal daily operations, where Guest Services completely understand and comprehend the steps needed by the Service Providers, and where coordination and efficiency are the standard. This mode of operation can only be standardized when both Guest Services and Service Providers are empowered with the same architectural blueprint that enables them to interface at various levels of operation. The HeadMapping™ Architecture, poised to be an industry standard, is the blueprint that bridges Guest Services and Service Providers with the same operational information. For instance, when Guest Services knows what a “Full Panel Division AB” is on the head, knows that the charge is $80 (Itemized Color Service Menu), and knows that it takes 45 min. to physically complete (Scheduling Time Guide), Guest Services will feel empowered and enriched with correct operational information to service the guest and Service Provider. Once all the HeadMapping™ components are embedded and engineered into the mindset of Guest Services, repeated costly mistakes will no longer exist in the scheduling and pricing of color services. The benefit to both Guest Services and Service Providers is monumental in creating, maintaining and providing a consistent level of expectation and service for our most valued asset, our salon guest.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ for Guest Services
1⁄2 Panel
lP Ful 1⁄
Panel Division B Division A
n isio Div C
division boundaries
HeadMapping Architecture
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
panel boundaries
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping Color SERVICE DEFINITIONS Major problems in salons occur when salon guests do not understand differences in partial services in regards to effects, results, and pricing. A description of partial highlight services empowers not only our guests to understand the effects of each service, but for Guest Services to use as a reference tool, to fully understand what each partial service represents.
“Define the services... and ensure consistent results for our guests.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Color Service Definitions
Full Panel Division ABC
Creates color accents all over the head. Ideal for fine hair that needs body, also great for short layered styles.
Full Panel Division AB
Creates color accents in the front and back top of the head, sides and nape area. Ideal partial highlight service for long hair, that is put up in a high ponytail or hairclip.
Creates color accents overall the head, except for the nape area. This service is great on long layered hair and helps cover difficult cowlicks in back of head.
Full Panel Division A
1/3 Panel Division A
Creates color accents around the face, sides and more of the top back part of the head. This service is also very popular and ideal for short, medium and long, hair.
Creates color accents around the face, sides, front and back part of the head. The most popular color service for maintaining highlights. This service is great for medium to long hair.
Creates color accents around the whole face and the front part of the top of the head. Great for medium length textured hair that cascades towards the face.
Full Panel
1/2 Panel
Creates color accents that add even more color to the front and back top of the head. Covers the top of the head and is ideal for short hair and one length hair.
Creates color accents that add a bit more color to the front top of the head. Ideal for short hair.
1/2 Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division AC
Creates a color accent only around the fringe area and is great on short hair.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
1/3 Panel
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping Color SCHEDULe TIME GUIDE The HeadMapping Color Schedule Time Guide™ is designed to measure the amount of time needed to perform and execute the color services based on the HeadMapping Archtecture. In the chart on the following page, each panel and division shows the calculated procedure time required to do the partial color service. Time efficiency equals production efficiency when the correct amount of time is allocated and scheduled for the services provided. The salon then is able to increase its production levels and service revenues, resulting in increased cash flow. The HeadMapping Color Schedule Time Guide is a crucial component to creating increased accuracy and efficiency in appointment scheduling. This allows Guest Services to accurately schedule the appropriate time allotment for the requested service, thereby eliminating the grey areas of appointment scheduling and communication regarding “partial services.” The HeadMapping Color Schedule Time Guide sets forth three time levels. The time most typically taken by a newly trained service provider (“new talent”), the time most typically taken by a seasoned provider (“accomplished”) and the time taken by the masters of the service (“mastery”). Sometimes, an individual may be technically at mastery level but naturally works at a slower pace; this should be recognized and accommodated in scheduling.
“Time is precious... use it wisely.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Color Schedule Time Guide
Full Panel Division ABC
Mastery: 45 min
Full Panel Division AC
Mastery: 45 min
Full Panel Division AB
Mastery: 45 min
Accomplished: 60 min
Accomplished: 60 min
Accomplished: 60 min
New Talent: 90 min
1/2 Panel Division AB
Mastery: 30 min
New Talent: 75 min
Full Panel Division A
Mastery: 30 min
New Talent: 75 min
1/3 Panel Division A
Mastery: 30 min
Accomplished: 45 min
Accomplished: 45 min
Accomplished: 30 min
New Talent: 60 min
Mastery: 15 min
1/3 Panel
1/2 Panel
Mastery: 15 min
New Talent: 45 min
Mastery: 15 min
Accomplished: 30 min
Accomplished: 15 min
Accomplished: 15 min
New Talent: 30 min
New Talent: 30 min
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Full Panel
New Talent: 60 min
New Talent: 15 min
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
itemized color services menu – an in-depth view What began with client dissatisfaction about the grey areas and inconsistencies in pricing can become the salon’s hallmark to success. The solution to these challenges can become an integral part the way we do business, communicate to the client and increase revenues. The Itemized Color Services Menu is a tool to up-sell services (increase revenues), for guest consultations and to increase productivity and efficiency in the salon environment. The Itemized Color Services Menu lists all services individually. Much like fine restaurants, the guests are presented with all the possibilities. This empowers Service Providers to charge for each service given rather than giving some of the services away without charge. In addition the menu enables salons to increase their revenues from existing clients over time by charging for services that were never charged for. For instance, color tones are seldom charged for and that potential revenue is lost. Unfortunately, this business practice is outdated for today’s modern salons with increasingly high overhead costs. A best practice is to price each service, including color tones separately. As salon overhead costs continue to escalate, the Itemized Color Services Menu provides a timely and much needed revenue generating solution. We must give our guest options, show them all that is available to them and then clearly outline the costs related to those options. In addition to the benefit to the guest and the potential to increase the number of services performed on each guest, it is crucial that Guest Services be empowered with the ability to understand and charge for itemized services. As a business we have realized that while attracting new customers to our salon is needed, it is equally or even more crucial that we increase the number of services performed per client. The Itemized Color Services Menu, offering and charging per service (no service bundling) produces increased client revenues. In conjunction with Pre-scheduling, you will see the operation of the Itemized Color Services Menu in action. For it is the Itemized Color Services Menu that is a tool to be used to increase the number of services booked for each client and to ensure each service the client receives is scheduled and charged. It is a menu from which both service provider and client choose what is needed and desired for their future visit(s).
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Color Itemized Color Services Menu
New Growth
In-Between Foils
Any length . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
Color Balance [New growth to ends] Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . $40.00
In-Between Foils - Color Balance
$55.00 $65.00 $75.00 $95.00
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$45.00 $55.00 $65.00 $85.00
Color Cleanse Partial Weaves [Highlight Services]
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00
Color Tone Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00
1/3 Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 1/2 Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Full Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $70.00 1/3 Panel Division A. . . . . $70.00 Full Panel Division A . . . . . $80.00 1/2 Panel Division AB. . . . $80.00 Full Panel Division AB . . . . $85.00 Full Panel Division AC . . . . $85.00 Full Panel Division ABC . . $110.00
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
E L P SAM © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
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[salon operating systems]
DEFINITIONS OF Itemized Color Services To start integrating Guest Services into the team culture it is important to observe and understand what the services are, who does them and where they are done. We encourage an orientation for new Guest Services staff to the operation of the salon and the services. The definitions are set forth below to assist the Guest Services team members. New Growth An application of color or lightener applied to the new growth of hair. WHY: The New Growth touch-up is necessary in covering grey or in maintaining overall color. WHEN: New growth is normally applied before a haircut and/or blow-dry. Maintenance upkeep for this service is usually needed every 4 to 6 weeks. WHERE: Application is done with a brush in the color area or Service Provider area. HOW TO SCHEDULE: Normally a New Growth application is scheduled before a haircut, haircut/blow-dry or blow-dry only. It can also be scheduled as a single service. Color Balance The application of color or lightener to the new growth, mid-growth, and ends of hair. All hair from roots to ends is covered with color WHY: Color tends to fade due to sun exposure, swimming or the use of harsh shampoos. A Color Balance is needed when the overall color has lost its tone and has faded. WHEN: Color Balance is normally applied before a haircut, and/or blow-dry. Maintenance upkeep for this Itemized Color Service is usually needed every 4 to 6 weeks. WHERE: Application is done with a brush in the color area or Service Provider area. HOW TO SCHEDULE: Normally a Color Balance application is scheduled before a haircut, haircut/blow-dry or blow-dry only. It can also be scheduled as a single service. In-Between Foils / New Growth The application of color to the New Growth of hair in-between the foils. WHY: In-Between Foils New Growth may be needed if grey coverage or base color is altered and highlights are desired this is a time efficient approach in receiving two services simultaneously and allows for the total coverage of grey while getting highlights. WHEN: After the foil work is done, color is applied in-between the foils to the new growth by either Service Provider or Intern Service Provider. WHERE: In-Between Foils New Growth application is done in the color area or Service Provider area. HOW TO SCHEDULE: Normally scheduled immediately after a color weave service with the same Service Provider or an assigned Intern Service Provider.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Definitions of Itemized Color Services
In-Between Foils / Color Balance The application of hair color in-between the foils. WHY: This Itemized Color Service is needed when New Growth and an overall color is desired with highlights. This service maybe recommended, by Service Providers, for refreshing and toning hair that has faded or lightened. Colors tend to fade and lighten due to sun exposure, swimming, or the use of harsh generic shampoos. WHEN: In-Between Foils Color Balance is done after the foil work on the highlights is done. The color is then applied in-between the foils, to the new-growth and out to the ends, by either the Service Provider or Intern Service Provider. WHERE: This service is applied with a color brush in the color area or Service Provider area. HOW TO SCHEDULE: Normally scheduled immediately after a partial highlight service with the same Service Provider or an assigned Intern Service Provider. Color Cleanse Hair Color Cleanse is an Itemized Color Service that removes old existing color buildup. WHY: Hair Color Cleanse may be necessary when doing a corrective color service, to soften the new growth between highlight services, or may also be needed when altering, removing the tone or changing the level of the color. WHEN: Color Cleanse is done before a corrective color application, before or after a highlight service or as its own service. WHERE: This Itemized Color Service is done at the cleansing bowl. HOW TO SCHEDULE: It is scheduled only upon consultation with the Service Provider for corrective color or as a added Itemized Color Service. Color Tone A toning coloring process (using deposit only color) that may be needed as an extra step to achieve the correct color. WHY: Color Tone may be needed to add warm or cool tones to pre-lightened, colored hair or to tone highlights after foils are removed. Usually the second step. WHEN: Color Tone is applied after a color has been shampooed and rinsed off or as a color correction for an existing guest. WHERE: This Itemized Color Service is usually applied at the cleansing bowl while guest is reclined. HOW TO SCHEDULE: This process is scheduled during the finishing time when existing color is being shampooed and rinsed off. The processing time for Color Tone includes finishing time.
“Identify the process before you offer the need.” © Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
SCHEDULING Itemized Color Services How often are appointments mis-scheduled in our salons and how does that inconvenience our guests? Are we as Guest Services guessing and hoping that the multiple services were scheduled correctly? Why can’t we get it right? Scheduling spa services with hair services is fairly straight-forward, but scheduling color services with multiple procedures can be extremely confusing for Guest Services. Do we have systems in place that truly work, or is it a hit-and-miss process that seems to get us by? The scheduling of multiple procedures such as highlights and a color balance need to be coordinated as an appointment itinerary for both guest and Service Provider. For the process to run smoothly, Guest Services must understand the step-by-step dynamics involved in these services and the order in which they must be scheduled. Think of how important a travel itinerary is and how well everything needs to be coordinated, such as: connecting flights, direct routes, accommodations, and whatever else is needed. If everything is well thought out and well planned, most likely the experience will be a good one. The scheduling itinerary, much like a travel itinerary, must also be well coordinated for the guest to have a positive experience. When appointments are not properly scheduled, a domino effect usually occurs that causes stress within the salon environment. In order for Guest Services to correctly schedule what is on the menu, they must totally understand what each individual Itemized Color Service means, and in what order these services need to be coordinated, the length of time needed for application and process, and the combined price of all these services. Guest Services must know and understand the order in which to schedule appointments. This process is very important and a must for anyone scheduling appointments. For consistency, the salon must operate with a standardized method in which all Service Providers work and operate from. Once Guest Services understand the step-by-step procedures used by Service Providers, they will be able to properly schedule and coordinate the appointment itinerary with accuracy and confidence, thus providing exceptional service to our most valued asset, the salon guest. For examples, refer to the Itemized Color Service Schedule Guide and Sample Time Schedules on the following pages.
“We must know the process in order to schedule the process.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Scheduling Itemized Color Services
New Growth (30 minutes) The application of color or lightener to the new growth of hair. The new growth touch-up is necessary in covering grey or in maintaining all over color. Maintenance upkeep for this service is usually needed every 4 to 6 weeks. Color Balance (short: 30 min • medium: 30 min • long: 45 min • Extra-Long: 60 min) The application of color or lightener to the new growth, mid-growth and ends of hair. All hair from roots to ends is covered with color. This colorbalance is needed when the overall color has lost its tone and has faded more than one level. Color tends to fade due to sun exposure, swimming or the use of harsh shampoos. In-Between Foils/New Growth (30 minutes) The application of color to the new growth of hair in-between the foils. In-between foils new growth may be needed if grey coverage or base color is altered and highlights are desired.
After the foil work is done, color is applied in-between the foils to the new growth. This allows for the total coverage of grey while getting highlights. This is a time efficient approach in receiving two services simultaneously.
In-Between Foils/Color Balance (short: 30 min • medium: 30 min • long: 45 min • Extra-Long: 60 min) The application of hair color in-between the foils. An in-between foil color balance is needed when grey coverage and an overall color is desired. After the foil work is done, the color is applied in-between the foils to the new growth and out to the ends. Great for refreshing and toning hair that has faded or lightened. Colors tend to fade and lighten due to sun exposure, swimming, or the use of harsh shampoos. Color Cleanse (new growth: 15 min • short & medium: 15 min • long & extra-long: 30 min
add on service • also used to repair/redo)
Color Cleanse may be necessary when getting a corrective color service. Color Cleansing may also be needed when altering or removing the tone or changing the level of the color. Great for removing color buildup and for softening the new growth in between highlighting services. Hair Color Toner (short: 15 min • medium, long, Extra-Long: 30 min • add on service • also used to repair/ redo) Hair Color toner may be needed after prelightening colored hair or to tone highlights. Usually the second step in a double process coloring or after foils are removed. Great for adding warm or cool tones.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
HeadMapping™ Itemized Color Services Menu Scheduling Time Guide
New Growth Any length . . . . . . . . . . . 30 minutes
Color Balance [New growth to ends] Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . .
30 30 45 60
minutes minutes minutes minutes
In-Between Foils New Growth. . . . . . . . . 30 minutes
In-Between Foils - Color Balance Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . .
minutes minutes minutes minutes
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . 15 Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . 30
minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes
Color Cleanse
Color Tone Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . .
15 30 30 30
minutes minutes minutes minutes
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
30 30 45 60
Time Schedules for Itemized Color Services SAMPLE Time schedules for Itemized Color SERVICES NEW GROWTH: A P P L I CATI ON TIM E
30 minutes A
45 minutes
30 minutes B
45 minutes
C 30 minutes
45 minutes
45 minutes D
45 minutes
60 minutes
60 minutes
7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45
30 minutes E
30 minutes
Tina Alamillo
1/2 Panel Division AB
Service Provider Generalist advanced level
Tina Alamillo
In Between Foils New Growth
Alison Shelman
New Growth only
30 minutes F
30 minutes
30 minutes G
30 minutes
45 minutes H
30 minutes
Tina Alamillo
60 minutes
30 minutes
H/C only
Alison Shelman
Murwarid Abdini
Service Provider discretion
Color Balance - Medium
15 minutes J
Service Provider discretion
Jane Adams
30 minutes K 30 minutes
Service Provider discretion
H/C only
Murwarid Abdini
H/C BlowDry
15 minutes I
Short Med. Long Extra-Long
L 15 minutes
M 30 minutes
Med. Long
N 30 minutes
60 minutes
Service Provider discretion Service Provider discretion Service Provider discretion
1:00 1:15
Lisa Alix
1/3 Panel Division A
Anni Pooch
Color Balance Long
1/3 Panel
1/2 Panel
Full Panel
1/3 Panel Division A
Full Panel Division A
1/2 Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division AC
Full Panel Division ABC
Lisa Alix
H/C and BlowDry
3:00 3:15
Anni Pooch
H/C and BlowDry
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Service Provider colorist
Service Provider designer
Service Provider
Candy Garcia
Color Balance - Long
Patty Allegria
Natalie Polijz
Weave Full Panel Div A
Weave Full Panel Div A
Natalie Polijz
In-Btwn Foils Color Balance - Long
Patty Allegria
Color Balance - Short
In-Btwn Foils Color Balance -
Candy Garcia
H/C w/blowdry
Natalie Polijz
Patty Allegria
H/C w/blowdry
Krista Abell
9:45 10:00 10:15
Krista Abell
H/C w/blowdry
10:30 10:45
Allison Fleming
Color Balance - Long
10:15 10:30
Annie Thomas
Weave Full Panel Div ABC
11:15 11:30
Julie Galvez
Color Balance - Long
Mary Williams
Color Tone - Long
Mary Williams
H/C w/blowdry
Annie Thomas
In-Btwn Foils Color Balance - Med
Jeannine Castillo Color Cleanse - Medium
Erynn Kinchlos
Allison Fleming
Color Balance - Medium
Jeannine Castillo
H/C w/blowdry
Annie Thomas
Color Balance - Medium
Erynn Kinchlos
Helga Abanakis
H/C w/blowdry
Color/Tint Regrowth
12:45 1:00 1:15
Julie Galvez H/C w/blowdry
Jeannine Castillo
Brian Henrickson
H/C w/blowdry
Helga Abanakis
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Pre-scheduling is not just pre-booking to fill future appointments and secure business but it is also for the purpose of correctly scheduling appointments to include all the needed/required/desired services (as listed in the Itemized Color Services Menu) determined by the Service Provider. By planning and scheduling the correct maintenance schedule for the guest you are not only securing future business but allowing the appropriate application, processing and finishing times without sacrificing quality or pushing the reactive envelope. Most or nearly all salons in the industry suffer from the daily mis-booking of services. This occurs when a service is misinterpreted and incorrectly scheduled on the appointment screen. This common practice left in its current state will continue to negatively impact the guest and Service Providers alike. The problem stems from lack of information given to or received by Guest Services. The only effective way to eliminate error in the scheduling of appointments for existing salon guest is to incorporate all three components — Salon Guest, Guest Services, and the Service Provider — in a standardized scheduling process. Point of Contact (View POC Chart) between all three components creates the interface that provides the correct information needed for each individual service. As guests’ hair needs change and evolve, Service Providers must be ready to adjust color formulas, techniques and procedures and insure that these changes are accurately captured for future appointments. The correct communication tool used in pre-scheduling is the HeadMapping Language. Clarity in the comprehension of HeadMapping results in consistent, correctly scheduled appointments. Pre–Scheduling needs to be done by Guest Services while the Service Provider is working on the guest (POC). The Service Provider provides a time frame of appointment intervals and a verbal detailed plan of action using the HeadMapping™ Language and the Itemized Color Services Menu. Below are some examples:
Example 1: Guest Services: May we offer you our pre-scheduling service? Guest: Yes, please! Service Provider: Sue needs to be scheduled in six weeks for a Full Panel Division ABC weave, In-between Foils Color-balance Medium and a haircut only. The following two, six-week appointments will be Full Panel Division A with haircut only.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Point of Contact (POC) Chart
Guest Services
in ter
ter in
Service Provider
Example 2: Martha needs to be scheduled in four weeks for a 1/2 Panel Division AB weave, In-between Foils New Growth, and a cut and style. The following four weeks Martha only needs a color new growth and a cut and style. Service Providers play a key role in establishing the plan of action needed in servicing the guest by outlining a detailed maintenance schedule. Ideally the objective is to schedule out six months of appointments in a calendar year. Pre-scheduling can be viewed as a value added service for the guest by taking away the hassle of stressful last minute appointment scheduling. It also reduces the volume of incoming calls for appointment scheduling thus allowing Guest Services to focus on up-selling and cross marketing other salon spa services. For smaller salons that do not offer call centers, pre-scheduling is crucial in reducing long lines at the check-out/ front desk. This unfortunate scenario occurs in most salons on a consistent daily basis and may disrupt a great salon experience for the guests. Remember, no one wants to wait in line.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Pre-Scheduling Ticket
pre-Scheduling ticket The Pre-Scheduling Program when fully implemented will evolve into a “Service Ritual” and an integral part of the way we care for our guests and our staff. Pre-Scheduling is the simple task of securing the guest’s future appointments during the course of their services (cut, color, style). A Pre-Scheduling Ticket is a tool utilized to facilitate the task of taking in the information needed from the service provider and guest. This laminated ticket includes the HeadMapping Services Menu and the Itemized Color Services Menu to ensure that the appropriate information is given and used for the scheduling of future appointments in the correct sequential manner. The Pre-Scheduling Ticket is used at the time when pre-booking is being conducted by the service teams. A service team member or Guest Services member simply receives the information and checks it on to the ticket much like a waitress or a waiter taking an order at a restaurant. The information from the PreScheduling Ticket is then input into the computer for date and time availability. Once that is completed, the guest receives an appointment card or a printed itinerary for multiple appointments for the calendar year. The Pre-Scheduling Ticket standardizes the steps that are needed when scheduling multiple services and procedures. Remember, standardizing the process produces consistency and guarantees success! The Pre-Scheduling Service serves a two-fold purpose, serving the interests of both guest and salon. For the guest, Pre-Scheduling offers the following benefits: 1. It serves the guest by securing their preferred (best day and time) future appointment(s). 2. Pre-Scheduling is a value added service because it takes away the hassle and stressful last minute appointment scheduling. It also reduces the volume of incoming calls for appointment scheduling which results in faster call answering and scheduling for the guest. 3. It also serves the guest by assuring that their appointment is scheduled accurately according to the mandates of the service provider. 4. The program eases guest checkout frustrations of long lines and unnecessary wait times because the front desk staff is not having to schedule future appointments as guests check out. Long, inefficient lines will taint a perfectly great guest experience.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
For the salon, Pre-Scheduling offers the following benefits: 1. It secures future business. 2. It is crucial in planning and determining the amount of staff support that is required as well when peak and nonpeak periods are expected. Staff planning, time off and educational events can then be tailored to these demands. The overstaffing of a salon has a negative financial effect in terms of overhead and profitability. On the other hand, an understaffed salon may not be able to deliver the level of service that is expected and disappoint the salon guest. It also decreases the level of stress on staff. The economic market, prosperous or depressed, and client demand 24/7 dictates that we must make ourselves available and provide every opportunity to accommodate and service the guest. Pre-Scheduling is helpful in determining these ebbs and flows of business so we can be prepared. 3. It reduces the volume of incoming calls for appointment scheduling which results in faster call answering and allowing Guest Services to focus on up-selling and cross-marketing other services. 4. It allows more time at the end of the service, or at check out to close a sale, introduce a program such as Pure Privilege or simply build relationship with the guest.
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Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Compressed Scheduling
compressed Scheduling A vital problem that plagues today’s salons is low productivity levels due to poor management of the appointment books. This problem continues to affect the financial stability of Service Providers and ultimately the salon. The escalating cost in daily operations continues to eat away at small profit margins and makes it difficult for struggling salons to be profitable. As an industry, we have the opportunity to change this old model and shift into a new paradigm of action. The shift occurs when we operate from a proactive mode that creates financial opportunities (More appointments = More income). Conversely, when we operate from a reactive mode financial opportunities are missed (Less appointments = Less income). By not taking control of the management of our appointment schedules, these missed opportunities will continue to plague us resulting in low productive days due to poor scheduling, despite the continued demand for services. Maximizing time with Compressed Scheduling is designed to minimize downtime and increase productivity levels. Compressed Scheduling, with the Itemized Color Services Menu as a tool, utilizes every minute as an opportunity to create full occupancy rates in daily scheduling. Schedules tend to change on a daily basis due to appointment cancellations; therefore schedules need to be proof-read, evaluated, and revised by Guest Services and Service Providers, on a daily basis for creating opportunities of service. This operational function is beneficial in providing availability for those guests or walk-ins that may desire last minute services, thus increasing overall income amounts. Compressed Scheduling is a must for growth-driven salons that cannot afford missed opportunities related to services. To stay competitive in today’s marketplace, we must give our guests choices and take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. “Missed opportunities = lost opportunities = lost revenues“
“Provide more opportunities by creating more opportunities.” – Walter Claudio
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Example 1 (Generalist format) Before
Michelle John - H/C w/blow
10:15 10:30
Hillary Dabney Full Panel Div AB
Michelle John H/C w/blow
9:30 9:45 10:00
Hillary Dabney Full...
10:15 10:30
Faith Torcasio -
H/C only
Faith Torcasio - H/C only
Hillary Dabney -
H/C w/blow
Hillary Dabney - H/C w/blow
12:45 1:00
Jill la Fleur - H/C w/blow
Catherine Bailey - Color/Tiint
2:15 2:30
Sandy Beckers - Blowdry
Catherine Baiiley - Blowdry
1:00 1:15 1:45 2:00 2:15
Sandy Beckers -
Jill la Fleur - H/C w/blow
H/C w/blow
2:15 2:45
Hillary Dabney - H/C w/blow
Catherine Bailey -
Faith Torcasio - H/C only
Full Panel Div AB
12:45 Jill la Fleur -
Hillary Dabney -
Michelle John - H/C w/blow
Catherine Bailey - Color/Tiint Sandy Beckers - Blowdry
2:45 3:00
Catherine Baiiley Blowdry
Catherine Baiiley - Blowdry
4:00 Karen Anderson - H/C w/blow
4:15 Karen Anderson - H/C w/blow
4:15 Karen Anderson -
H/C w/blow
4:45 5:00
Mark Seery -
H/C only
Mark Seery - H/C only
Mark Seery - H/C only
In this example, Compressed Scheduling allows the Service Provider to accomodate 3 additional clients at 9:45am, 12:15pm and 4:45pm. (White areas show open blocks of time) This adds $155.00 to that day’s service total.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Compressed Scheduling
Example 2 - BEFORE (Departmentalized format utilizing Interns or Assistants) colorist
Eric Sanborn
H/C only
9:15 9:30
Paulette Covington 1/2 Panel Div AB
9:45 10:00 10:15
Christina Tanner Full Panel Div ABC
10:00 10:15
10:00 Paulette Covington
Christine Tanner
In-Between Foils CB
Dave Bauer
Heather Baker H/C w/blow
Christine Tanner
Christina Tanner
H/C w/blow
12:00 Katherine Stein
12:30 12:45
Diana Anthony
12:00 12:15 Dave Bauer FINTIME
12:30 12:45
1:00 Katherine Stein
Diana Anthony
H/C w/blow
1:45 2:00
Full Panel Div AB
Rebecca Alexander Color/Tiint
2:45 3:00 3:15
Mollie Alstrand Full Panel Div AB
3:00 3:15
2:45 Rebecca Alexander FINTIME
3:00 3:15 Krista Beard
4:00 Kevin Blair
Mollie Alstrand
Mollie Alstrand H/C only
COLORBAL - Short Jennie Cook
5:00 Kevin Blair
H/C w/blow
5:30 Jennie Cook
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Example 2 - COMPRESSED (Departmentalized format utilizing Interns or Assistants) colorist
Eric Sanborn
H/C only
9:15 9:30
Paulette Covington 1/2 Panel Div AB
9:45 10:00 10:15
Christina Tanner Full Panel Div ABC
10:00 Paulette Covington FINTIME
Christine Tanner
In-Between Foils CB
Dave Bauer
Heather Baker H/C w/blow
Christine Tanner
Christina Tanner
H/C w/blow
12:00 Katherine Stein
12:00 Dave Bauer FINTIME
12:15 12:30
1:30 Katherine Stein
12:45 1:00
Diana Anthony Full Panel Div AB
Rebecca Alexander
Diana Anthony
H/C w/blow
2:45 3:00
Mollie Alstrand
Rebecca Alexander FINTIME
2:45 3:00
3:15 Krista Beard
4:00 Kevin Blair
Mollie Alstrand
Full Panel Div AB
Jennie Cook
Mollie Alstrand H/C only
4:45 Kevin Blair
H/C w/blow
5:15 Jennie Cook
5:30 5:45
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Compressed Scheduling
Example 2 - AFTER (Departmentalized format utilizing Interns or Assistants) colorist
Eric Sanborn
H/C only
9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15
Paulette Covington 1/2 Panel Div AB Christina Tanner Full Panel Div ABC
10:45 11:15
10:15 10:30
10:30 11:00
Dave Bauer COLORBAL - Short
In-Between Foils CB
Christine Tanner
H/C w/blow
12:15 12:30
1:15 1:30
Rebecca Alexander
H/C w/blow
Christina Tanner
Full Panel Div AB
Heather Baker
12:15 Katherine Stein Diana Anthony
Christine Tanner
11:00 11:30
10:00 Paulette Covington
12:15 Dave Bauer FINTIME
12:30 12:45
1:00 Katherine Stein
Diana Anthony
H/C w/blow
2:45 3:00
Mollie Alstrand Full Panel Div AB
4:00 Kevin Blair
Mollie Alstrand
Mollie Alstrand
H/C only
4:30 4:45
COLORBAL - Short Jennie Cook COLORBAL - long
Rebecca Alexander FINTIME
3:15 Krista Beard 3:30
H/C w/blow
3:45 4:00
5:00 Kevin Blair
5:30 Jennie Cook
In this example, Compressed Scheduling allows the colorist to accomodate 5 additional clients at 9am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm and 5pm. (White areas show open blocks of time) This adds $325.00 to that day’s service total. The stylist is able to accoomodate 3 additional clients at 9:45am, 12:45pm and 5pm. This adds $180.00 to that day’s service total.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Example 3 - BEFORE (Departmentalized format without Interns) colorist
Eric Sanborn
H/C only
9:15 9:30
Paulette Covington 1/2 Panel Div AB
9:45 10:00 10:15
9:45 Christina Tanner
Full Panel Div ABC
Heather Baker
H/C w/blow
11:00 11:15 11:30
11:00 Dave Bauer
Christina Tanner
12:00 Katherine Stein
H/C w/blow
12:30 12:45 1:00
12:30 Diana Anthony
Full Panel Div AB
1:45 2:00
Rebecca Alexander Color/Tiint
1:45 2:00
Diana Anthony
H/C w/blow
2:45 3:00 3:15
2:45 Mollie Alstrand
Full Panel Div AB
3:15 Krista Beard
4:00 Kevin Blair
4:30 4:45
COLORBAL - Short Jennie Cook COLORBAL - long
H/C w/blow
Mollie Alstrand
H/C only
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Compressed Scheduling
Example 3 - COMPRESSED (Departmentalized format without Interns) colorist
Eric Sanborn
H/C only
9:15 9:30
Paulette Covington 1/2 Panel Div AB
9:45 10:00 10:15
9:30 9:45
Christina Tanner Full Panel Div ABC
10:00 10:15
11:00 11:15 11:30
Heather Baker H/C w/blow
11:00 Dave Bauer COLORBAL - Short
11:15 11:30
Christina Tanner
12:00 Katherine Stein
H/C w/blow
12:30 12:45 1:00
12:30 Diana Anthony Full Panel Div AB
12:45 1:00
1:45 2:00
Rebecca Alexander Color/Tiint
1:45 2:00
Diana Anthony
H/C w/blow
2:45 3:00 3:15
2:45 Mollie Alstrand Full Panel Div AB
3:00 3:15 Krista Beard
4:00 Kevin Blair
4:30 4:45
COLORBAL - Short Jennie Cook COLORBAL - long
H/C w/blow
Mollie Alstrand
H/C only
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
Example 3 - AFTER (Departmentalized format without Interns) colorist
Eric Sanborn
H/C only
9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15
Paulette Covington 1/2 Panel Div AB Christina Tanner
10:15 10:30
10:45 11:15
9:45 10:00
Full Panel Div ABC
10:30 11:00
Dave Bauer COLORBAL - Short
Heather Baker
H/C w/blow
Christina Tanner
H/C w/blow
12:15 Katherine Stein
12:45 1:00
COLORBAL - Medium Diana Anthony
Full Panel Div AB
1:15 1:30 1:45
1:00 1:15
Rebecca Alexander Color/Tiint
1:30 1:45
Diana Anthony
H/C w/blow
2:45 3:00
Mollie Alstrand
Full Panel Div AB
3:15 Krista Beard
H/C w/blow
4:00 Kevin Blair
Mollie Alstrand
H/C only
4:30 4:45
COLORBAL - Short Jennie Cook COLORBAL - long
In this example, Compressed Scheduling allows the colorist to accomodate 4 additional clients at 9am, 11:30am, 2pm, 3:30pm and 5pm. (White areas show open blocks of time) This adds $260.00 to that day’s service total. The stylist is able to accoomodate 1 additional client at 9:45am. This adds $65.00 to that day’s service total.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ Schedule and Pricing Codes
HeadMapping Schedule AND pricing codes Salons that rely and use tracking for performance based pay on color services would most definitely benefit from HeadMapping Schedule pricing codes. Back side staff that work the office side of our business tend to relate to codes when inputting service data. HeadMapping Schedule pricing codes are the abbreviated form of the HeadMapping Color Services Menu and Itemized Color Services Menu. When these codes are entered into the computer database they then represent an inputted color service. With codes we can easily track and measure what type of partial color services and itemized color services, Service Providers are doing or not doing. As a measuring tool, management can use this data for performance in regards to price and level increases. HeadMapping Schedule and pricing codes are also used as scheduling codes as a communication tool for our centralized booking departments. We now can identify the code and know what service it represents. For example: a Full Panel Division AC in its abbreviated form is then recognized as (FPDAC), and In-Between Foils Color Balance Medium is (IBFCBM). HeadMapping Schedule pricing codes can be very valuable to growth-driven multiple salon groups with or without internal color departments or big salon chains that rely on daily performance data for staff evaluations and promotions. Processing and recognizing information is a must in today’s business climate and the HeadMapping Schedule and pricing Codes are one more HeadMapping component that adds value to our operations.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
[salon operating systems]
1/3 Panel (1/3P) 1/2 Panel (1/2P) Full Panel (FP) 1/3 Panel Division A (1/3PDA) 1/2 Panel Division AB (1/2PDAB) Full Panel Division A (FPDA) Full Panel Division AB (FPDAB) Full Panel Division AC (FPDAC) Full Panel ABC (FPDABC)
New growth (NG) Color Balance – Short (CBS), Medium (CBM), Long (CBL), or Extra-Long (CBXL) In-Between Foils (IBFNG) In-Between Foils Color Balance – Short (IBFCBS), Medium (IBFCBM), Long (IBFCBL), or Extra-Long (IBFCBXL) Color Cleanse – Short (CCS), Medium (CCM), Long (CCL), or Extra-Long (CCXL) Color Tone – Short (CTS), Medium (CTM), Long (CTL), or Extra-Long (CTXL)
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
APPENDIX A R e v i e w / S e l f - T e s t
Review / Self-Test
HEADMAPPING ® TEST: language – Part 1 instructions: 1. Name the PANEL in the space provided below the illustration.
1. Name the DIVISION in the space provided below the illustration.
A - 2
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Review / Self-Test
HEADMAPPING ® TEST: language – Part 2 instructions: Draw a line to match the HeadMapping ® section description in the left column with the appropriate head diagram in the column on the right.
1. Full Panel Division AB
2. Full Panel Division AC
1⁄ 3
4. ½ Panel Division AB
5. Full Panel
6. Division B
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Review / Self-Test
HEADMAPPING® TESt: language – Part 3 instructions: Draw a line to match the HeadMapping ® definition in the left column with the appropriate language in the column on the right. 1. From hairline to apex of head down vertically to top of ear
A. Division C
2. Pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in division A
B. ½ Panel
3. Pie section from the point of recession to the ½ distance in division B
C. Division A
4. From top of ear to top of ear horizontally up vertically to apex
D. 1⁄3 Panel
5. Pie section from the point of recession to the line that divides division A & B
E. Division B
6. From top of ear to top of ear horizontally down to nape
F. Full Panel
A - 4
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Review / Self-Test
HeadMAPPING ® Color TEST: COLORMIX GUIDE instructions: Write in the time and amounts of Color/Enlightener and Developer for a 1:1 ratio in the spaces provided in the charts below:
Full Panel Division ABC
Full Panel Division AC
Color or Enlightener
Full Panel Division AB
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
1 Color
1 Color
1 Color
2 Colors
2 Colors
2 Colors
3 Colors
3 Colors
3 Colors
1⁄ 2
Panel Division AB
Color or Enlightener
1⁄ 3
Full Panel Division A
Panel Division A
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
1 Color
1 Color
1 Color
2 Colors
2 Colors
2 Colors
3 Colors
3 Colors
3 Colors
1⁄ 2
Full Panel
Color or Enlightener
1⁄ 3
Color or Enlightener
Color or Enlightener
1 Color 2 Colors 3 Colors
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Review / Self-Test
HEADMAPPING ® Color TEST: pricing instructions: Write in the price for each HeadMapping ® Service in the spaces provided below:
Price: $______
Full Panel Division ABC
Price: $______
1/2 Panel Division AB
Full Panel
A - 6
Full Panel Division AC
Price: $______
Full Panel Division A
Price: $______
1/2 Panel
Price: $______
Full Panel Division AB
Price: $______
1/3 Panel Division A
Price: $______
1/3 Panel
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Price: $______
Price: $______
Review / Self-Test
HeadMAPPING ® color TEST: Itemized Color Services instructions: Draw a line to match the Itemized Color Service definition in the left column with the appropriate language in the column on the right.
1. An application of color or lightener applied to the new growth of hair.
A. Color Balance
2. The application of color or lightener to the new growth, mid-growth, and ends of hair. All hair from roots to ends is covered with color
B. Color Toner
3. The application of color to the New Growth of hair in-between the foils.
C. New Growth
4. The application of color in-between the foils.
D. In-Betwen Foils/Color Balance
5. The Itemized Color Service that removes old existing color buildup.
E. Color Cleanse
6. A toning coloring process (using deposit only color) that may be needed as an extra step to achieve the correct color.
F. In-Betwen Foils/New Growth
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Review / Self-Test
HeadMAPPING ® color TEST: Itemized Color services colormix GUIDE instructions: Write in the amount of product (in grams) for each Itemized Color Service in the spaces provided below:
New Growth
Color Tone
Any length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________ g
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
In-Between Foils New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . _________ g
Extra Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
Color Cleanse New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
Color Balance
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
[New growth to ends]
Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
Extra Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Extra Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
In-Between Foils - Color Balance New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Ends: Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g Extra Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________ g
A - 8
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Review / Self-Test
HEADMAPPING ® TEST: pre-sectioning instructions: Draw a line to match the pre-sectioning definition in the left column with the appropriate HeadMapping ® section in the column on the right. Full Panel Division ABC
1⁄ 3
Full Panel Division A
Full Panel Division AC
Full Panel
1⁄ 3
Panel Division A
½ Panel Division AB
½ Panel
Full Panel Division AB
Section off a pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division B. Segregate off with a clip. For the sides, take a vertical parting from the top of the ear to the perimeter of the Full Panel; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. At this pont the head is segregated into three sections. Section off a pie section from the point of recession to the apex line that divides Division A and B. Section hair off and segregate with a clip. Section off a pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division B. Section hair off and segregate with a clip. Take a pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a parallel parting the width of the foil back to center of Division B; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. At this pont the head is segregated into three sections. Section off a pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division A. Section hair off and segregate with a clip. Section off a pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division A. Segregate off with a hair clip. Take a parallel parting the width of the foil to the center of the head and section off and segregate with a hair clip. Do the same with the other side. At this point the head is segregated into three sections. Take a pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a parallel parting the width of the foil back to center of Division B; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. Section off Division C from the top of the ear to the top of the ear horizontally down to the nape. Take a vertical parting and divide Division C in half; section off and clip. At this point the head is segregated into five sections. Section off a pie section from the point of recession to the line that divides Division A and B. Segregate off with a hair clip. Take a parallel parting the width of the foil from the top of the ear to the ½ distance in Division B. Segregate with a hair clip. Do the same with the other side. At this pont the head is segregated into three sections. Take a pie section from the point of recession ½ distance in Division B. Segregate and clip. For the sides, take a vertical parting from ½ the ear to the perimeter of the Full Panel; segregate and clip. Do the same with the other side. Section off Division C from the top of the ear to the top of the ear horizontally down to the nape. Take a vertical parting and divide Division C in half; section off and clip. At this pont the head is segregated into five sections.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Review / Self-Test HEADMAPPING ® TEST: Performance Development Time Guide instructions: Fill in the amount of time to be scheduled for each of the HeadMapping ® color services listed below.
Full Panel Division ABC
Mastery: ___ min
Full Panel Division AC
Mastery: ___ min
Full Panel Division AB
Mastery: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
1/2 Panel Division AB
Mastery: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
Full Panel Division A
Mastery: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
1/3 Panel Division A
Mastery: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
Full Panel
Mastery: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
1/3 Panel
1/2 Panel
Mastery: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
Mastery: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
Accomplished: ___ min
A - 10
New Talent: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
New Talent: ___ min
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Accomplished: ___ min
Review / Self-Test HEADMAPPING ® TEST: Itemized Color Services Menu Scheduling Time Guide instructions: Fill in the amount of time to be scheduled for each of the itemized color services listed below.
New Growth Any length . . . . . . . . _____ minutes
Color Balance [New growth to ends] Short . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . .
_____ _____ _____ _____
minutes minutes minutes minutes
In-Between Foils New Growth. . . . . . . _____ minutes
In-Between Foils - Color Balance Short . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . .
minutes minutes minutes minutes
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ Medium. . . . . . . . . . _____ Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . _____
minutes minutes minutes minutes
_____ _____ _____ _____
Color Tone
Color Cleanse New Growth. . . . . . . _____ Short . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ Medium. . . . . . . . . . _____ Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . _____
minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
A - 11
Review / Self-Test
HeadMapping ® Formula Language Test: Part 1 instructions: Draw a line to match the step number in the left column to the description of the step in the column on the right.
Step 1
Identify and input the technique (Example: Weave)
Step 2
Identify and input the light (Example: Lowlight)
Step 3
Identify and input the pattern(Example: V-line)
Step 4
Identify and enter color bowl pattern (Example: CB1, CB2, CB1, CB3)
Step 5
Identify and input the density (Example: Medium density)
Step 6
Identify and input the effect (Example: Fine effect)
Step 7
Identify and input the number of color bowls (Example: Colorbowl (CB1))
Step 8
Identify and input the color formula amount (Example: 6YO(25g)YO(1.25g) 20vol
Step 9
Identify and input the service or HeadMapping ® area (Example: Full Panel Division AB)
A - 12
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Review / Self-Test
HeadMapping ® Formula Language Test: Part 2 instructions: Draw a line to match the density or pattern in the left column with the appropriate definition in the column on the right. Medium Density
• 20% or less of the hair in each HeadMapping ® section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1 inch or more apart
Light Density • 70% of the hair in each HeadMapping ® section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1/8 to 1⁄4 inch apart Heavy Density • 30% or less of the hair in each HeadMapping ® section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1⁄2 to 1 inch apart Extra-Light Density • 50% of the hair in each HeadMapping ® section is highlighted in foil • Partings are 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch apart V-Line Foils are placed straight back in either the pre-sectioned 1⁄3Panel, ½ Panel, or Full Panel. Depending on width, the panel may be split down the middle and foils placed within two sub sections. They mayalso be simply placed straight back in the whole panel. Part Line
Straight Line
Foils are placed at a diagonal in the pre-sectioned 1⁄3 Panel, ½ Panel or Full Panel. The Panel is parted down the center and foils are set at an angle. Ideal for layered hair that has no definite part-line.
Foils are placed parallel to the center or side part in either the pre-sectioned ½ Panel or Full Panel. The panel is subdivided at the part. Foils are placed parallel to the part-line.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
A - 13
Review / Self-Test
HeadMapping ® Formula Language Test: Part 3 Definitions of Weaving and slicing effects instructions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate number of weaves per parting.
Extra-fine effect is achieved with ______ weaves per parting Fine effect is achieved with ______ weaves per parting Medium effect is achieved with______ weaves per parting Strong effect is achieved with _______weaves per parting
instructions: Draw a line from the slicing effect in the left column to the appropriate description in the right column.
A fine effect in slicing is achieved
by taking 3 slices in a row, placing each slice in foil back-toback, before leaving hair out between the next set of foils.
A medium effect is achieved
by parting off a fine slice of hair to be colored within the foil. Placement of the next slice is determined by the density desired.
A strong effect is achieved
by taking 2 slices in a row, placing each slice to be colored in a foil back-to-back, before leaving hair out between the foils to be left uncolored.
A - 14
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Review / Self-Test
HeadMapping ® Formula Language Test: Part 4 instructions: Correct the following formulas by entering each one into HeadMapping ® Formula Language
1. Partial w/ enlightener 20vol duck 40col 5yo 10vol darken back bottom 3 yo 10 vol
2. 5BG base 4YO 10v lo enl 10 vol Wants natural look just a few highlights
3. Newg 5NN3gr. yo 3gr. Ro 20vol (55g) total use 5 gr. Dark nn to cover resistant gray
4. More lowlights. Aiming to be a dark blonde. 5YO+NN=20 casual classic weave dbrk40/ ONdemi in between
5. Chunky top enl=20 likes it bright around the face with a few lowlights in the back 6YOBV
6. Enl20v dusk40v 5yo bright around the face with gray 5bv
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
A - 15
APPENDIX B Notes and Blank Head Sheets
HeadMapping™ workbook
B -
[salon operating systems]
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
B -
[salon operating systems]
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
B -
[salon operating systems]
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
B -
[salon operating systems]
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
HeadMapping™ workbook
B - 10
[salon operating systems]
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 09.06
B - 11
APPENDIX C Interactive Games and Exercises
Interactive Game: Name that Service!
instructions: Name the correct HeadMapping ÂŽ Service for each of the following:
C - 2
1. Creates color accents that add even more color to the front and back top of the head. Covers the top of the head and is ideal for short hair and one length hair.
Full Panel
2. Creates color accents around the face, sides and more of the top back part of the head. This service is also very popular and ideal for short, medium and long hair.
1/2 Panel Division AB
3. Creates color accents all over the head. Ideal for fine hair that needs body, also great for short layered styles.
Division C
4. Creates a color accent only around the fringe area and is great on short hair.
1/3 Panel
5. Creates color accents that add a bit more color to the front top of the head. Ideal for short hair.
Full Panel Division ABC
6. Creates color accents in the front and back top of the head, sides and nape area. Ideal partial highlight service for long hair that is put up in a high ponytail or hairclip.
1/3 Panel
7. Creates color accents around the whole face and the front part of the top of the head. Great for medium length textured hair that cascades toward the face.
Division B
8. Creates color accents around the face, sides, front and back part of the head. The most popular color service for maintaining highlights. This service is great for medium to long hair.
1/2 Panel
9. Creates color accents all over the head, except for the nape area. This service is great on long layered hair and helps cover difficult cowlicks in back of head.
Full Panel Division AC
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Interactive Game: Name that Panel!
instructions: Name the correct Panel or Division for each of the following: 1. From top of ear to top of ear horizontally down to nape.
Full Panel
2. Pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division A.
1/2 Panel Division AB
3. From the top of ear to top of ear horizontally, up vertically to apex.
Division C
4. Pie section from the point of recession to the line that divides Division A and B.
1/3 Panel
5. From hairline to apex of head down vertically to top of ear.
Full Panel Division ABC
6. Pie section from the point of recession to ½ distance in Division B.
1/3 Panel
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Interactive Game: Mix that Panel!
instructions: Name the amount of color (in grams) you would mix for each of the following: 1. How many grams of color would you mix for a ½ Panel Division AB, if you were using 2 colors with a 1:1 ratio? 2. How many grams of color would you mix for a 1⁄3 Panel Division A, if you were using 3 colors with a 1:1 ratio? 3. How many grams of color would you mix for a Full Panel Division A, if you were using 1 color with a 1:2 ratio? 4. How many grams of color would you mix for a Full Panel Division ABC, if you were using 2 colors with a 1:2 ratio? 5. How many grams of color would you mix for a Full Panel Division AC, if you were using 1 color with a 1:1 ratio? 6. How many grams of color would you mix for a 1⁄3 Panel, with a 1:1 ratio? 7. How many grams of color would you mix for a Full Panel, if you were using 3 colors with a 1:2 ratio? 8. How many grams of color would you mix for a ½ Panel Division AB, if you were using 2 colors with a 1:2 ratio? 9. How many grams of color would you mix for a 1⁄3 Panel Division A, if you were using 2 colors with a 1:2 ratio? 10. How many grams of color would you mix for a Full Panel Division ABC, if you were using 1 color with a 1:1 ratio?
C - 4
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Exercise: Corrective Color Pricing
INSTRUCTIONS: Using the sample Itemized Color Services Menu and Action Plan example on the next page, create two color corrective scenarios and then develop a plan of action for each. Determine how many steps it will take to correct color. Figure out the cost of entire corrective color by selecting the appropriate services needed from the Itemized Color Services Menu. Then calculate the total number of services needed and total dollar amount.
Corrective Color Scenario 1: STEP 1: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 2: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 3: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 4: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 5: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
TOTAL SERVICES NEEDED: __________________
TOTAL PRICE: $___________________
Corrective Color Scenario 2: STEP 1: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 2: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 3: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 4: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
STEP 5: _________________________________________________________
PRICE: $___________________
TOTAL SERVICES NEEDED: __________________
TOTAL PRICE: $___________________
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
New Growth
In-Between Foils
Any length . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
Color Balance [New growth to ends]
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . $40.00
In-Between Foils - Color Balance
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$55.00 $65.00 $75.00 $95.00
Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$45.00 $55.00 $65.00 $85.00
Color Cleanse Partial Weaves [Highlight Services] 1/3 Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 1/2 Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Full Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . $70.00 1/3 Panel Division A. . . . . $70.00 Full Panel Division A . . . . . $80.00 1/2 Panel Division AB. . . . $80.00 Full Panel Division AB . . . . $85.00 Full Panel Division AC . . . . $85.00 Full Panel Division ABC . . $110.00
New Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00
Color Tone Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra-Long. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00
The example below shows five services off the Itemized Color Service Menu above totaling $250. Each service is needed for the overall color correction and each itemized service is accounted for as part of the overall price.
STEP 1: Color Cleanse Long
PRICE: $35
STEP 2: Half Panel Division AB
PRICE: $80
STEP 3: In-Between Foils Colorbalance Long
PRICE: $65
STEP 4: Color Tone Long
PRICE: $30
STEP 5: Blow Dry
PRICE: $40
C - 6
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Interactive Game: Schedule that Service!
instructions: Answer the following questions in the space provided: 1. If a guest was interested in having color accents only around the fringe area and had shorter length hair what service would you recommend for her?
2. If a guest wanted highlights and lowlites around the face, sides, front and back part of the head, but also needed gray coverage; which services would you schedule?
3. If a guest wanted to darken her medium one-length hair, but wanted some definition on just the top of her hair; which services would you schedule?
4. If a guest had very fine hair and was interested in going lighter and wears her hair up frequently, which service would you schedule?
5. If a guest had dark extra long hair and wanted caramel highlights on the top and sides of her hair, which services would you recommend?
– continued on next page
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
INTERACTIVE GAME: SCHEDULE THAT SERVICE! 6. If a guest had medium length hair that was a solid color with significantly darker ends due to color build up and wanted a more neutral tone with accent highlights around the whole face and the front part of the top of her head, which services would you schedule?
7. If a guest wanted highlights in the front and back top of the head, but did not like that her hair was significantly darker underneath when she wore her hair in a high ponytail, which service would you recommend?
8. If a guest with long hair wanted to re-touch her gray roots and also wanted to add shine and depth to the rest of her hair, which service would you recommend?
9. If a guest was interested in color accents all over the head, except the nape area, and had a difficult cowlick in the back of her head; which service would you recommend?
10. If a guest was interested in keeping up his natural summer highlights in the winter, which service would you recommend?
C - 8
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Your Vision For Implementation
The purpose of this exercise is to help you develop your vision for implementation of HeadMapping ® in the salon. Prepare an outline of your vision. You may want to address, in part, the following elements: 1.
What elements of HeadMapping ® do you plan to implement a.
Language and architecture
Mixology charts
Computer formula language
Performance development time guide
Foil placement guide
Team service
Itemized color services menu and pricing
HeadMapping ® color services menu and pricing
Guest consultation
HeadMapping ® for guest services
What is your current thinking about time line for implementation
Who are your key leaders and influencers
Who will you bring to training in Santa Barbara for HeadMapping ® I and HeadMapping ® II
How will you integrate this training into your overall training and education programs
If you have multiple locations, what is the timeline for implementation in each salon
How will you measure success
In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon(s). If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation. You will have 15-20 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the seminar.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Presentation Exercise
When you return to your salon, the staff will have many questions for you about this seminar and your commitment to HeadMapping ® . Prepare an outline for the presentation to the staff of your salon on your experience at this seminar, your commitment to beginning implementation and introductory information on HeadMapping ® . In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon. If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation. You will have 10 - 15 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the seminar.
C - 10
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Reward and Recognition Exercise
In order for HeadMapping ® to become fully integrated in your salon you must change the culture. One of the key elements of this is recognizing, reinforcing and rewarding the small steps each individual takes toward full implementation of the HeadMapping ® language and architecture, mixing color product to eliminate waste, using the language to schedule appointments, capturing the formula language for each of their guests and so on. Prepare an outline on several ways that you will recognize, reinforce and reward the acceptance, learning and practicing of the HeadMapping ® principles. Remember that small and consistent gestures are more important than monetary recognition. Remember that the research is that a person needs eight (8!) times more positive recognition than negative. Catch someone doing something right! Also remember that everyone in the salon will watch you to see if you are really serious about this or if it could be just a flavor of the month. Think about your actions and words in developing this plan. In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon. If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation. You will have 10 - 15 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the seminar.
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
C - 11
Preparing For Training
The purpose of this exercise is to help you develop your plans for training the salon staff in HeadMapping ÂŽ language, architecture, pre-sectioning, mixology and computer formula language. Prepare an outline for the presentation to the staff of your salon on your training plan. In your training plan you may want to address, in part, the following elements: 1.
Who will you train first, second, third?
Who will do the training? Will you develop specialists?
How will you integrate this training into your overall training and education programs?
Will training be required?
If you have multiple locations, what is the timeline for training each salon?
How will you measure the success of the training?
How will you reinforce the training?
In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon(s). If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation. You will have 15-20 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the seminar.
C - 12
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Developing The Training Sessions
The purpose of this exercise is to help you develop your plans for training the salon staff in HeadMapping ÂŽ language, architecture, pre-sectioning, mixology and computer formula language. Working with your teammates, prepare an outline for a presentation to the staff of your salon(s) on the following topics. You will have 10-15 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the class. 1.
The first training session on HeadMapping ÂŽ language and architecture
The first training session on pre-sectioning
The first training session on mixology and the use of the ColorMix Guides
The first training session on computer formula language
In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon(s). If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation.
Š Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
C - 13
HeadMapping ® Menu Development Exercise
This exercise explores your current pricing and helps you develop an itemized color services menu. Follow the instructions to develop the itemized color services menu. You will then be asked to share your new menu with the group. You will have 10-15 minutes to make the presentation. INSTRUCTIONS: Step One:
Fill in the current price of your Full Panel division ABC (or Full Weave) in the designated space
on the attached chart.
Step Two:
What is your current price for your least expensive partial weave? Write that price in the space
provided under the 1⁄3 panel.
Step Three:
Consider your current prices. Are they the correct levels for your salon and how you want to be
positioned in your current market? If they are, use these two prices to develop the other
HeadMapping ® prices. If not, adjust them appropriately and then use the new prices to develop
the other HeadMapping ® prices.
Step Four:
There are five interim steps in HeadMapping ® pricing. Calculate the difference between the
Full Panel Division ABC price and the 1⁄3 Panel price and then divide this number by 5. This will
give you the approximate difference in each step of the pricing.
Step Five:
Review the overall chart to see if these prices look appropriate for your salon.
Step Six:
If you have more than one level of prices, repeat this process for each level.
At this point your whole chart should be filled in with a general pricing scale based on the current trends in your salon and the amount of surface area of the head you are weaving.
C - 14
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Current price for a Full Panel division ABC (Full Weave)
Current price for a 1⁄ 3 Panel (least partial weave)
Difference between the two prices
Divide this number by 5 levels ($60 divided by $5)
Use $12 (or an amount between $10 and $15) to separate the HeadMapping ® prices.
$12 increments
$15 increments
Full Panel Division ABC
Full Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division AC
½ Panel Division AB
Full Panel Division A
1⁄ 3
Full Panel
½ Panel
1⁄ 3
Panel Division A
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
C - 15
HeadMapping ® Menu Development Exercise
Price: $______
Full Panel Division ABC
Price: $______
1/2 Panel Division AB
Price: $______
Full Panel
C - 16
Price: $______
Full Panel Division AC
Price: $______
Full Panel Division AB
Price: $______
Full Panel Division A
Price: $______
1/3 Panel Division A
Price: $______
1/2 Panel
Price: $______
1/3 Panel
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
HeadMapping ® Menu Development Exercise
INSTRUCTIONS for in-between foils: Step One:
Fill in your current price for new growth in the designated space on the chart.
Step Two:
Now subtract $10.00 from your new growth price. This amount will be the price for in-between
foils new growth.
Step Three:
Add $10.00 to the in-between foils new growth price. This amount will be the price for in-
between foils colorbalance short.
Step Four:
Add $10.00 to the in-between foils colorbalance short price. This amount will be the price for
in-between foils colorbalance medium.
Step Five:
Add $10.00 to the in-between foils colorbalance medium price. This amount will be the price for
in-between foils colorbalance long.
Step Six:
Add $20.00 to the in-between foils colorbalance long price. This amount will be the price for
in-between foils colorbalance extra long.
At this point your chart should be filled out with a general pricing scale for in-between foils services based on your current pricing scale and the length of hair you are working with.
Current price for new growth
Price for in-between foils new growth
Price for in-between foils colorbalance short
Price for in-between foils colorbalance medium
Price for in-between foils colorbalance long
Price for in-between foils colorbalance extra-long
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
C - 17
Using the examples above as a guideline, develop a price list for the other color services your salon offers. Example: Color Tone, Color Cleanse and Professional conditioning treatments.
Itemized color service menu
Color Weaving
In-Between Foils - Color Balancing
1⁄ 3
New Growth…...…
1⁄ 3
Panel div A…....
½ Panel ……………
½ Panel div AB….....
Full Panel…………..
Extra Long…...........
Full Panel div A….....
Full Panel div AB…...
Full Panel div AC…...
Full Panel div ABC..
New Growth Any length…………..
Color Balancing Short……………
Extra Long…...........
C - 18
Color Toning Short……………
Extra Long…...........
Color Cleansing New Growth…...…
Extra Long…..........
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Communication of the Itemized Color Service Menu
As you introduce the itemized color services menu you need an implementation and communication plan. In this exercise you will develop how you will communicate the new prices to the members of the salon and to your guests. What steps will you take to communicate the new prices to your service providers and get their buy in? Will you involve your staff in the development of the new price levels? How will you communicate to your guests? Will you continue some guests at their current prices and transition them to the higher prices over time? Will you make the prices effective at one time? If you decide to fully implement, for all of your guests at the same time, you might consider if you want to notify your guests of the change in prices. If so will you post it in the salon, send a letter, send an email, alert guests when they schedule their appointment or develop a flyer or brochure? Prepare an outline for the presentation to your staff on the new itemized color services menu, the implementation time and the communications plan for your guests. In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon. If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation. You will have 10 - 15 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the seminar.
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Financial Benefits Exercise
With the development of an itemized color services menu you can appropriately and consistently charge your guests for the value of the services they receive and you can up sell additional services. In this exercise we will use your schedule from last week to identify some of the potential for increased revenues. If you do not have your schedule with you, estimate the number of services. Let’s consider in-between foils and your guests from last week
CHART A – Current Pricing Menu
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Write in the number of most popular partial highlighting services (Full Panel division A and ½ Panel division AB) you performed last week
Write in the price you charged for this service
Write in the revenue from these guests for the Full Panel division A and ½ Panel division AB services (line 1 times line 2)
Write in how many of these guests received an in-between foils service
Write in how many of these guests were charged an incremental amount for the in-between foils service
Write in the price you charged for the in-between foils service
Write in the revenue for this add on service for those guests that were charged (line 5 times line 6)
Write in the number of individuals who received a blow dry
IF your salon has a separate charge for blow drys on the menu write in that price here
Write in the total revenues from the blow drys (line 8 times line 9)
Last week’s revenue from the Full Panel division A and ½ Panel division AB services, the in-between foils service and blow drys (line 3 plus line 7 plus line 10)
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Now let us consider those same guests and the incremental revenue opportunities. Chart B – New Itemized Color Services Menu + Add on service
Write in the number of Full Panel division A and ½ Panel division AB services you performed last week
Write in the price you will charge for these services with the new itemized color services menu
Write in the new revenue from these guests for the Full Panel division A and ½ Panel division AB services (line 1 times line 2)
Write in how many of these guests should receive an in-between foils service
Write in the price of the in-between foils service on the new menu
Calculate the incremental revenue for those guests who should receive an in-between foils service (line 4 times line 5) and write that number here
Write in the number of individuals who received a blow dry
IF your salon has a separate charge for blow drys on the new menu write in that price here
IF there is a separate charge for blow drys, calculate the revenues (line 7 times line 8)
Write in the total revenues from the new menu (line 3 plus line 6 plus line 9)
Write in the revenue from last week from the Full Panel division A and ½ Panel division AB services, the in-between foils services and blow drys (Chart A, line 11)
Calculate the Incremental revenues (line 10 minus line 11) and write that number here
Calculate the percentage increase in revenues for one week and write that in (line 12 divided by line 11)
Calculate the incremental revenues for 48 weeks and write the number in (line 12 times 48)
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Team service exercise
Are there ways to change the operation of your salon and the utilization of apprentices, interns and assistants in the business of color? Prepare an outline of how you could change or improve the team environment of the color work in your salon. Consider each individual’s role, expectations on compensation and tasks, training of new individuals, increasing the productivity of your strong performers and how you envision the guest experience. In preparing this outline remember to stay true to your own style and the culture of your salon. If you typically engage individuals in the thinking process, you may want to incorporate that into this presentation. You will have 10 - 15 minutes to present your outline to the other members of the seminar.
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Demonstrate your commitment to HeadMapping®
The integrity of the system requires the use of the language and architecture of the HeadMapping ® system. a. Do not deviate from the names of the panels and divisions b. Do not change or alter the definitions
When you pre-section be accurate, precise and clean a. To be repeatable, the sections should be created precisely the same each time b. Clean lines between the sections are essential c. Role model neatness and accuracy in your work d. Require your assistants to follow your examples of neatness and accuracy e. Set the standard for accuracy, precision and neatness in all training sessions
If you begin to allow deviations in the language or definitions, you will not have a standard language.
Using the language, architecture and pre-sectioning enables a consistent highlight for the guest each time.
The architecture enables your creativity and artistry. It is not intended to limit your artistry or creativity in any way.
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Head Honchos Implementation Tips
This is hard work because it requires a shift in your culture.
It is not easy to do, it will not happen overnight, and it will not result from one class.
This cannot be a flavor of the month; you do not need hoopla; you need persistent implementation with rewards and recognition.
It is most helpful to have consistency in people who believe it and want the change.
Start with the new people because they will welcome the structure.
Hold people accountable for adopting each element of HeadMapping ®
As the owner/manager of the salon you need to role model the HeadMapping ® procedures for everyone in the salon.
A good focus is on the environmental impact and not wasting color product. This is particularly true in salons that are aligned with Aveda.
Chaos in “the kitchen” leads to chaos on the floor. A messy color mix area leads to a messy approach to hair color.
Measurement is important – it will show that you are achieving results. Put systems in place so one can measure, be efficient and capture how this translates to the floor.
Use doll heads and train, step by step, all of your staff.
Think about when you moved to Aveda – individuals held onto Paul Mitchell, Goldwell…eventually Aveda permeated culture. Those who did not want to use Aveda left the salon.
It is advisable not to have a designated person in the back bar. You achieve better results when everyone takes responsibility for mixing the correct amount of color.
Another benefit is that by eliminating waste, you minimize how many times you run out of color inventory.
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Headmapping ® Service Opportunities
Never assume a guest has been taken care of
Always ask guest if they have been helped
Make sure a new guest recieves all the rituals
Always offer a team member help
Make decisions based on what is right for the guest
Never make a guest feel rushed
Be aware of negative body language
If you see a purse on floor place it on hook
Never ever allow a guest to leave dissatisfied
Never leave a guest dripping wet
Never engage n bad mouthing a competitor
Always fold cutting capes
Always sweep for each other
Always pair up for a color service
Always communicate when help is needed
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Headmapping ® Measurable Results
The Business of Color Ensure measurement systems are in place for •
Revenue from color
Average revenue for color by client
Color costs and inventory levels
Productivity by service provider •
Services per day
Clients per day
Percentage booked
Scheduling effectiveness survey
Client satisfaction
Headmapping I Measure changes in: •
Color inventory
Color costs
Client satisfaction
Level of implementation by service provider
Headmapping II Measure changes in: •
Color inventory
Color costs
Client satisfaction
Level of implementation by service provider
Productivity by service provider
Color revenue
Color revenue by client
Pricing consistency
Headmapping III Measure changes in: •
Client satisfaction
Scheduling efficiency
Productivity by service provider
Pricing consistency
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Thoughts on Headmapping ® Implementation
Implementation is hard work. It is not something that occurs overnight or even in a couple of months. It is a several month process that will lead to attainment of the desired results. Effective implementation requires “fanatical implementation” and will result in consistent achievement of the benefits of HeadMapping ®. The key elements for implementation are: •
Allocation of resources
Role modeling
Reinforcement, recognition & reward, celebrations
Evaluation & mid course corrections
Allocation of resources •
Owner(s) time
Manager(s) and educator(s) time
In salon training
Focus •
How many initiatives can you work on at once
Communication •
About this week
The vision and expectations
The training in Santa Barbara
In salon training
Perseverance - To break a habit takes 60 repetitions of the new way of doing something. •
Not a flavor of the month
Many months
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Thoughts on Headmapping ® Implementation
Training •
Head Honchos
Waste reduction (HeadMapping ® I)
In salon training
Productivity, pricing and revenue growth (HeadMapping ® II)
In salon training
Guest services
Measurements •
Implementation of each phase
Implementation by individual
Sharing results
Role modeling •
Who are the role models
Reinforcement •
Recognition & Reward •
Timely, specific
In a way that works for the individual
Does not have to be dollars
Evaluation & mid course corrections •
Regular evaluation
Mid course corrections
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Color Bar Tending
Keep all used colors in numerical order on rack
Always select a used color off rack first
Always use color key to extract color
Never place pure tones with color tubes
After using color make sure caps are firmly secured
Recycle tube only when there is no color left
Keep developers in order
Keep developer spouts clean
Always consolidate developers before recycling
All used foil and packaging is put in recycling basket
Clean as you mix- keep area spotless
Label all postmix colors
Always use a postmix color before mixing new color
Never ever toss color away
Clean color bowls, brushes and applicators with hot water
Keep all tail combs in sanitizer
Use measurement tablespoon for enlightner
Always have pre-cut foils in bin
Pre cut foils neatly
Refill bins with gloves
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Brainstorming on Reward and Recognition
No or minimal cost ideas •
Hand written note
Love roller ball when catching someone doing something right
Little gifts
American Express cash cards
Coffee shop gift cards
Color service
When their own formula is correctly entered in the computer, the
color product charge for their own hair is waived
Salon bucks
Post-its printed with “good job”
Traveling flowers
Praise jar (“at a girls”)
Praise in front of others
Employee pizza party
“Headmaster” recognitions – at their station, framed in the back
Noticing that someone is doing something right
Using a preprinted note “you were caught doing something right”
and making these notes available to all
Ride in Porsche
Recognition in employee or customer newsletter
Take to lunch
Educational rewards •
Headmapping training in Santa Barbara
Paid educational events
Larger dollar awards •
Installing colorbiz
Ordering new color trays
Paid time off
Employee parking
Use company beach cabin or timeshare
Team outing
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
Team Service Operating Principles
Education – interns and apprentices are competent at color before design. a.
Design – cut and style is more personalized, more like sculpture.
Color – formulating color is creative. Application of color is easily defined because of S.O.S.
Pricing a.
Two levels for color: Walter, and everyone else
3 levels for cut: spark, Walter Claudio Salon, Walter
Spark is new artists. Range of cut and style prices is $25 to$45 in $5 increments for new artists. Blow dry is priced separately.
Walter Claudio cut and style prices is for accomplished and mastery level service providers. Range for cut and style is $50 - $75 in $5 increments. Walter is higher. Blow dry is priced separately.
An example of progression of an apprentice/intern a.
Step one: first two weeks: immersion in S.O.S. and Aveda culture and procedures. “The Walter Claudio Salon Spa Way” Classes on Tuesday and working the floor in the salon doing hand treatments, pre-scheduling, scalp treatments, cleansing massages.
Step two: having demonstrated competencies, the assistant/intern is assigned to a service team for 4 months. Typically rotate to 3 teams if an apprentice. As a member of the service team they begin to apply some color and to do blow drys as they demonstrate capability. Service team leader has responsibility for training in technique, culture, personal interactions with guests, professionalism, etc.
Step three: move from an assistant within a team to “floater”. Floaters are not yet cutting hair, they are doing color on own (at WCSS prices), doing up dos, supporting others in color services, doing blow drys. They also are encouraged to become educators in segments of headmappingtm to teach others in the salon.
Service revenue generated by the assistant/intern while assigned to a team goes 100% to the team leader.
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Service revenue when they are a floater goes on their book, but no commission is paid. The apprentice/intern is paid hourly.
Step four: Having demonstrated competency in design, they begin to book guests for cut and style. When certain minimums are met then commission is possible – depending on their revenues they will be paid the greater of commission or their hourly rate.
Examples of the progression timeline a.
An intern from a good beauty school such as Aveda Institute or Paul Mitchell will spend their first three months on a service team, will begin to float in the fourth month and may move to booking guests in the 6th month for cut and style. Note that during this time they are paid hourly. When they are on the service team the commission is paid to the team leader; while they are floating the revenue is “house revenue”.
An intern from a not so good beauty college will be on a service team for 6-8 months while they learn social skills and build their confidence. Then they may float for 4-6 months before they are competent to book cut and style. Note that during this time they are paid hourly. While they are on the service team, the commission is paid to the team leader; while they are floating the revenue is “house revenue”.
An apprentice from the Apprenticeship Program has a longer progression, because they have no prior beauty school education. It may take them 4-6 weeks before they are pre-sectioning, then they progress to color application, ColorMix, etc. They will typically have 3 four month rotations on service teams before they are capable of floating.
Benefits for team leaders a.
Additional productivity because the intern/apprentice increases their productivity
Additional commissions because the intern/apprentice is able to perform many “up sells” such as in-between foils color balance.
They help develop new talent for the salon
Individual earnings are much higher with a team
Minimizes burnout because of shared responsibility
© Copyright 2007 Salon Operating Systems, Inc. (S.O.S.). All rights reserved. 03.07
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Team Service Operating Principles
Benefits for interns/apprentices a.
Mentoring and professional coaching
Interactive client relations
Time to build self confidence and develop professionally
Financial safety net because the compensation plan is the greater of their hourly rate or commission as they start out
Process for booking revenues – there are two processes involved – both salonbiz and an excel spreadsheet for payroll a.
Clients are booked with the service provider. If an up sell is made then the guest may be booked right then with the assistant/intern.
If the service provider is running behind and the assistant/intern is capable, then a guest may have their blow dry with the assistant/intern.
Clients can be booked with floaters for color, up dos and bow drys
At check out, it is requested that the revenues of assistants/interns’ who are working on a team be transferred to the team leader.
As a backup and double check, the revenues from salonbiz by service provider are transferred to an excel spreadsheet for calculating payroll. This ensures that the revenues are transferred either to the team leader or to the house account for those interns/assistants who receive hourly compensation.
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Color Observation and Procedure Training
We understand that in most salons there is a disconnect between guest services that schedule color services and service providers that perform those services .When we schedule hair color services, do we understand the service procedures and step by step process needed for color services? Is there confusion on how all color services need to be scheduled? Do we truly understand the salon menu and can we truly schedule color services accurately day in and day out? Our training efforts may be focused on computer entry and phone scheduling practices and we may be efficient in answering phones and using our scheduling software. However, are there still too many mistakes in regards to hair color services? In order for guest services to schedule color services correctly, they must be trained in both the theory of HeadMapping ® and how it applies to scheduling. To better understand the color services, we should refer to the definitions guide of our itemized color services as a reference tool. This guide is much needed and very helpful in training guest services. However, reading the definitions guide is simply not enough for guest services to fully understand the coloring procedure and process. I truly believe that we must first understand the process in order to schedule the process! The missing link to this lies within the actual working floor of our salons. As part of training, new guest service employees must be exposed to the salon floor or color area by the color director or lead colorist where they can see, hear and understand how HeadMapping ® functions in the salon. This part of the training is crucial because it translates how color services are scheduled to how they are actually done on the floor. For instance, when a Full Panel Division AB with an Inbetween Foils ColorBalance Medium is being performed on the floor it gives us the opportunity to show the guest service trainee how to observe the service step by step. This type of training connects and integrates guest services into a deeper understanding on how color services are conducted. After observing various services through out the color area, the guest service trainee needs to be quizzed on HeadMapping ® and Itemized color services and procedures. The scheduling and timing of those color services now makes more sense. They now feel more confident scheduling color services because they now understand the process.
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The following is from the walter claudio salon spa guest services handbook
GUEST SERVICES: Would you like to enhance your highlights with more shine or richness to your overall color?
GUEST SERVICES: How long is your hair?
GUEST: Shoulder length.
GUEST SERVICES: Great! Along with your highlight service we will schedule you with an inbetween foils colorbalance medium.
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Intern and Apprentice Training Programs
Description of the intern and apprentice training program at Walter Claudio Salon Spa.
Principles of these two programs: 1. The Apprenticeship program is a two year program under the State of California auspices. The basic theory is provided in bi-weekly, 8 hour classes given by the apprenticeship council. The technical skills are developed and learned in the salon. 2. The intern program is typically a one year program that is for recent graduates of a beauty school who have their license. 3. The interns and the apprentices work through the same program. However, the interns progress at a faster rate. 4. The education program at Walter Claudio has a set curriculum, but it does not run in a predetermined schedule as a school would. Each individual’s talent, skill and learning capabilities are assessed on an ongoing basis and the education is tailored to their needs. This allows an intern to move faster than an apprentice, and an intern from an excellent beauty school to potentially move faster than one from a good beauty school. 5. The educational format has two components: every Tuesday morning there are 3 hours of formal education, often taught by Walter, and sometimes taught by the salon manager or team leaders. The second component in on the job training which occurs in the team setting. Each apprentice or intern is assigned to a team that has a team leader who is very experienced and a more advanced intern or apprentice. 6. Subjects are taught in the education classes which include hands on training with doll heads, quizzes, written exams and oral presentations. 7. Color is taught before design and cutting because the application of color is easily defined while the cut and style is more like sculpture and takes longer to learn. 8. Aveda educators provide training on Aveda products and some of the technical training on color. 9. Interns and apprentices are immediately assigned to teams. They usually rotate every 4 months to a different team. At about the end of one year for the interns, and at about the end of two years for apprentices, the individual becomes a floater. Floaters are not cutting hair, but they are supporting anyone in the salon who needs assistance, doing up-dos, they are coloring hair, supporting color services and doing blow drys. 10. Team leaders are taught to be educators and leaders.
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11. An individual moves from floater to a “Spark” level service provider as they have a certain number of guests on their books. The “Spark” level has prices for cutting that are lower than the Walter Claudio Salon level. The color prices are the same at the Walter Claudio Salon. One first becomes a “Spark New Artist” and then, with demonstrated abilities, can move to a “Spark Accomplished”. 12. As an individual becomes more accomplished, and is approved by Walter, they can advance to the Walter Claudio Salon level cutting prices. 13. For compensation purposes interns and apprentices are paid on an hourly basis. Any revenues generated by them while they are assigned to a team, go to the team leader and are commissionable to the leader. Any revenues generated while they are floaters go to the salon until they qualify for commission. Qualification for commission is dependent on the intern or assistant meeting goals on number of bookings, retail sales, retention of guests, etc.
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The curriculum is set forth below. Timing (approximate)
Formal Tuesday education
Education through the team
First week
1. Culture training 2. Team service roles 3. Service wheel training
1. Hand treatments 2. Pre-scheduling 3. Scalp treatments
Second week
1. S.O.S. architecture 2. S.O.S. language 3. Dexterity training
Re-enforcement of formal training and additional rituals from service wheel
Third week
Fourth – fifth weeks
Computer formula language
Write it down during consultations, copy it from appointment screen
Sixth – eighth weeks
Blow dry with round brush, flat brush etc.
Reinforcement of training to date including all of service wheel, beginning mixing color under direction of team leaders (service leaders formulate color)
Ninth to twelfth weeks
Foil placement, Aveda techniques Doing weaves over and over again in class for accuracy, speed and placement
May start blow drys under supervision of team leader. No foil placement work is done by interns and assistants until each individual’s competency is approved by Walter
Next few weeks
Style Mapping based on Headmapping architecture. A progression of techniques for a solid foundation in all phases of up styling.
Blow drys, color ColorMix, foil placement, rituals from the service wheel, guest consultations, rotate to next team, may be performing add on services.
Next several weeks Note the apprentice program does not start this until 2nd year. Interns start this within first year with a focus on areas where they are less competent
Haircuts using Vidal Sassoon Cutting curriculum
Continue as team members.
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I. Support team provides formula from ColorBiz
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V. Support team takes over service as necessary
IV. Team leader highlights while support team holds foils or works in tandem placing foils
III. Team leader mixes color while support team sets up color tray
II. Support team presections Guest team leader consults
Blowdry or Haircut & Style
Finishing Tone
In-between Foils or Lowlights
Retrieve Color Formula & Presection
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Color Mix Color Tray Setup