Reinaldo Domingos
The Boy,
the Money, and the
Three Piggy Banks 1st Edition
Dear Parents, It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on the excellent choice for the future of your child. Learning early on to deal with financial education, children become more responsible and financially sustainable adults.
Author Reinaldo Domingos Illustration and graphic design Ariel Fajtlowicz Editor Renata de Sá Art editor Christine Baptista Editorial production Amanda Torres Review English version Joan Rumph and Milena Cavichiolo
All rights of this book are reserved to: Editora DSOP Av. Paulista, 726 - Cj. 1210 - Bela Vista CEP: 01310-910 – Brazil – São Paulo – SP Tel.: 55 11 3177-7800
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Domingos, Reinaldo the boy, the money and the three piggy banks / translation Joan Rumph e Milena Cavichiolo. -São Paulo : Editora DSOP, 2015. Título original: O menino, o dinheiro e os três cofrinhos. ISBN 978-85-8276-118-2 1. Dinheiro - Literatura infantojuvenil 2. Finanças - Literatura infantojuvenil I. Paulino, Simone. II. Fajtlowicz, Ariel. III. Título.
Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Educação financeira : Literatura infantil 028.5 2. Educação financeira : Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5
With the implementation of DSOP Financial Education Program in schools, students benefit, since they have the opportunity to learn how to use money in a conscious way and thereby fulfill more dreams, as well as the school and family communities, in general, which will also be helped by the project. From a fully behavioral approach, the Financial Education theme goes beyond the strictly mathematical approach, enhancing learning through all other school subjects. The program also includes: • Teacher´s training (course and pedagogical training) - to have the grasp over the subject; • Lecture to parents and guardians - for the behavior change to happen also at home; • Web Portal for schools - lesson plans, enrichment activities, educational materials (games and activities) online, with password access to administrators, teachers and parents (ask at the school office or to your child´s teacher.) • Collection of didactic and/or Para didactic books; • Pedagogical follow up.
Reinaldo Domingos
For all children who believe in the beauty of their dreams...
Once upon a time, a boy owned three piggy banks. On his fifth birthday, the boy received a chubby, smiling, red piggy bank named Short.
At first, the boy did not understand how a red piggy bank with a slit in its back could help make his dreams come true.
“You need to save some of the coins that pass through your hands and drop them into the piggy bank,” his mother explained. “Over time, it will be full and then you can open it and count the coins to achieve your dream.”
“Saving coins is the same as saving money,” his mother said. “Learning how to save as a child is very important for making your dreams come true.”
The boy began to save a few of his coins.
The boy continued to save, and save, and save.
Before too long, the red piggy bank became so full it exploded, scattering coins into the air.
With all the money, the boy purchased a soccer ball and achieved his first dream.
His mother beamed with pride and bought her son a bigger piggy bank, because he had a bigger dream. The blue piggy bank was a plumper, thoughtful piggy named Medium. “The more coins you are willing to save the sooner you will achieve your dream, because every dream takes time for it to come true,� his mother explained.
The boy stopped buying his favorite candy, because he wanted to use his money to fill up the piggy bank faster.
The boy saved, and saved, and saved.
It took a while, until one day the blue piggy bank exploded, tossing a shower of coins into the air.
After counting all the money, the boy purchased a toy car and achieved his second dream.
“I am so impressed,� said his mother with a big smile. Then she handed him a serious, white piggy bank named Long. It looked plumper than Medium and much plumper than Short.
The boy understood the importance of saving and knew that dreams could take a while to happen. By learning to make good choices, all dreams can come true.
The soccer ball and toy car made the boy happy, but he realized that in order to feel truly happy, he needed to do something for others.
This time, the boy not only wanted to achieve his own dreams, but he wanted to help someone else make his dreams come true. He bought a very serious, very plump, white piggy bank as a gift for his father, because the boy’s biggest dream was to see his father happy.
At first, the boy’s father did not quite understand how a white piggy bank with a slit in its back could help him achieve his dreams.
“All you have to do is choose a dream and put aside some of the many coins that pass through your hands into the piggy bank,� the boy explained to his father. 34
The boy told his father that storing coins was the same as saving, and that learning how to save is very important for achieving dreams. “Over time, it will fill up, and then you just have to open it, count the coins, and achieve your dream.� The father began to save only a few coins.
His father continued to save, and save, and save.
But, the father’s piggy bank had not yet exploded or showered coins through the air. The boy’s father helped his son to find a third childhood dream to accomplish to buy a bike. This dream takes a little longer to happen, because he must save far more coins to buy a bike than to buy a soccer ball or a toy car.
The boy discovered that if you save money in three piggy banks, like Short, Medium, and Long, you can make your dreams come true. Some dreams will happen in a short amount of time, some in a medium amount of time, and some will be long into the future.
Hello Little Friend.
Draw a short-term dream. It can be an individual dream or a collective one.
Now that you have read the story The Boy, the Money, and the Three Piggy Banks and learned that there are short, medium and long-term dreams, go to the next pages and draw the dreams you want to fulfill.
Draw a medium-term dream. It can be a material dream or a nonmaterial one.
Draw a long-term dream. It can be a dream you want to fulfill with your family.
REINALDO DOMINGOS Reinaldo Domingos was born in Casa Branca, a city in the State of SĂŁo Paulo. His father was a railway worker and his mother a self-employed worker. At the age of 12, he dreamed of buying a bike. He adopted a strategy of saving a little money every month, which he earned as an assistant vendor, to accomplish his dream. This became the basis of the DSOP Methodology: a simple and efficient way of dealing with money, changing habits, and accomplishing dreams.