Porto Programme

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PORTO | 2015






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Apollo Ballroom





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Ariane 2


Ariane 3



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Up to Conference Floor Ground Floor Lobby & Bar



Check In & EuRA Office


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TERN Air Animal Pet Transport CORT CORT The Apartment Service Intouch Furniture Leasing Corporation Palladium Intermark



10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


Lloyds Bank International The Ascott Ltd TIRA DQS EGQS Auditors SGS EGQS Auditors EuRA MIM & OBU Training EuRA Global Quality Seal EuRA App Help

Gemini 1

Gemini 2


FULL PROGRAMME Tuesday April 21st 10:00 – 18:00

Registration & Exhibition Challenger & Conference Floor

14:00 – 19:00

Sponsor Meetings (By Invitation Only) Ariane 1, 2 & 3

Please check with the EuRA Office for room allocation and timings

Wednesday April 22nd 09:00 – 18:00

Registration & Exhibition Challenger & Conference Floor

09:00 – 16:00

Sponsor Meetings (By Invitation Only) Please check with the EuRA Office for room allocation and timings

10:00 – 16:00

EARP Training (Pre-­‐Registered Delegates Only) MIM Day One – Cultural Theory & Intelligence Gemini 1 o

14:00 – 16:00

Trainers: Dominic Tidey EuRA C.O.O., Sabine Baerlocher Active Relocation This highly interactive day of training forms one of the four modules of the MIM programme and will examine the traditional dimensional led approach to intercultural theory and contrast it with the new CQ led approach to cultural intelligence.

EGQS Update (EGQS Holders Only) Gemini 2 o

Speaker: Martina Scharwey KMS Consult This session is open to delegates from companies awarded the EuRA Global Quality Seal

16:30 – 17:15

Conference Opening (Open to All Delegates) Review of the Year Apollo Ballroom o Frances Edmonds Conference Host, Tad Zurlinden EuRA CEO, Patrick Oman EuRA President

17:15 – 18:00

Opening Keynote Address (Open to All Delegates) “The Eight Key Drivers for the Future” – Ray Hammond Apollo Ballroom

18:30 – 20:30

Welcome Reception Sheraton Porto Garden

Thursday April 23rd 08:00 – 17:00

Registration & Exhibition Challenger & Conference Floor

08:00 – 16:00

EARP Training (Pre-­‐Registered Delegates Only) MIM Day Two – Excellence in Service Delivery Discovery o Speakers: Dr Carmelina Lawton Smith Oxford Brookes University, Helle Herstad Herstad.dk This interactive training takes a new approach to achieving the highest standards of service delivery in mobility. Based around the five core services that underpin the EGQS, we use an academic model to examine the impact of each stage of the mobility process on the family and transferee. Carmelina and Helle together bring an academic and practice led approach to this fascinating day.

EARP Training (Pre-­‐Registered Delegates Only) Advanced Training – DSPs & Compliance Gemini 1 o

Moderator: Anne Claude Lambelet – ACL Consulting In this session, representatives from fields of compliance from RMC’s to legal, DSP’s to data integrity will update delegates on the key points of compliance in their area of specialism. This will be a highly interactive day, moderated and chaired by Anne Claude Lambelet, who is working on a future MIM Compliance module.

EARP Training (Pre-­‐Registered Delegates Only) Introduction to the EGQS Gemini 2 o

Trainer: Martina Scharwey, EGQS Project Manager If you are thinking about undertaking the EuRA Global Quality Seal programme, this training is essential.


Thursday April 23rd Continued 10:00 – 12:00

Breakout Session (Open to All Delegates) Be ‘Appy or Not – Using Apps to Navigate Through Change Ariane o o

Moderator: Peggy Love Dwellworks Panelists: Jon Harman CORT, Mini Vermaak Missing Link, Craig Toedtman Resource Development, Lata Patel IOS, Ronald Huiskamp Relocation Online, Rob Baldwin Packimpex With the launch of the EuRA Members and Congress App, we know just how brilliant this technology can be! In this session Peggy will lead her panelists through the benefits they have got from leveraging the power of this new medium.

13:30 – 15:00

Breakout Session (Open to All Delegates) DSPs, RMCs Working in Partnership Ariane o o

15:30 – 16:30

Moderators: Sabine Baerlocher Active Relocation, Patrick Oman Irish Relocation Services Speakers: Jacqueline Biersma, Richard Tucker, Susie Goodall, Elaine Hery, Kay Kutt, Lee Wong Complex supply chains throw up complex challenges and this session will look at the current hot topics. Not to be missed, this session is always standing room only so get there early!

AGM (EuRA Full Members Only) Ariane


Cocktails & Gala Dinner Apollo Ballroom, Sheraton Porto

Friday April 24th 09:00 – 15:45

Registration & Exhibition Challenger & Conference Floor

Conference plenary sessions take place in the Apollo Ballroom and are open to all delegates

10:00 – 11:00

Opening Session Research, The Zeitgeist o

Speakers: Steve Cryne, Dr Barbara Gibson, Peggy Smith According to the most recent PWC Annual Global CEO Survey, 97 per cent of chief executive officers identified access to skilled workers as a top priority. Consensus is building that mobility is a key solution to this challenge. But mobility is becoming more complex in today’s globally connected economy with growing r eluctance among employees to transfer, intercultural differences, compliance obligations, and immigration obstacles. It is also clear that today’s global companies (which range from giant multinationals to nimble start-­‐ups) require interculturally competent managers and leaders, especially at the most senior levels. Yet a growing body of research indicates that international experience alone may not r esult in the development of the capabilities needed. What are the key skills needed by global leaders? How can companies and suppliers cultivate a mobility mindset that supports long-­‐term development of skilled global executives, as well as improve short-­‐term performance in international assignments? This panel will discuss compelling research and explore solutions.

11:00 – 11:30

11:30 – 12:30

Morning Coffee Session Two Immigration – What’s Working and What’s Not, and How do we Prepare our Corporate Clients to Work with us? o o

Moderator: Anita Meyer Speakers: Kasia Pinska, Stuart McAlister, Sabine Baerlocher This interactive session will look at how blue cards are working (or not!) across the EU along with some national variances, in what many clients believe is a unified immigration process across the r egion. We will be sharing ideas on how we can best prepare our corporate clients to ensure they r emain, not only compliant but also aware of what we actually do for them.

12:30 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:30

Session Three Lean Thinking – “Lean Doesn’t Have to be Mean” o o

Moderator: Andrew Scott Speakers: Richard Tucker, Meredith Kennedy, Grete Christoffersen This session will look at how we can introduce lean thinking principles into our business’s to help drive innovation and process efficiencies. We will look at what lean thinking means, how are some of our clients are using these principles and how some of our EuRA members have already introduced this thinking successfully into their business.

15:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:00

Afternoon Tea

Closing Keynote Address “How to Survive in the Expression Economy” – Ron Tite

17:00 – 17:30

Conference Close & 2016 Destination Reveal o


Tad Zurlinden EuRA CEO, Patrick Oman EuRA President, Anita Meyer EuRA President Elect, Frances Edmonds Conference Host

Buses to the Porto Port Party & Dinner Taylors Port Cellars, Vila Nova de G aia

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Plenary & Breakout Session Speakers (in order of surname) Sabine Baerlocher – Active Relocation RMC DSP Breakout & “Immigration – What’s Working” Sabine is the Vice President of EuRA. Sabine studied law at Geneva University and after graduating in 1993, spent time working in the US. On returning to Switzerland, she continued her professional career managing the real estate and expansion department of a branch company from the second largest Swiss retailer (Simeco Management, Coop Group). In 2000 she was invited to join the Board of that company and subsequently bought Active Relocation. Sabine is a past president of the boards of TIRA, The International Relocation Associates, and of SARA, the Swiss Association for Relocation Agents. Sabine is an accomplished trainer in the field of intercultural theory and achieved her EARP Fellowship designation, with the successful submission of her thesis on Cultural Diversity in Switzerland. Sabine and her team are graduates of all 4 Programmes of the EuRA, Oxford Brookes Relocation Coaching training, which has further enhanced their professional skills in the application of intercultural theory to the mobility process. Robert Baldwin – Packimpex Be ‘Appy Breakout Robert has worked at Packimpex in Switzerland for 10 years in a number of roles and currently is Director Global Business. Prior to joining the relocation industry he worked in London as a fixed income trader for an American bank. His rule of thumb is always to be on good terms with the company IT department, as his ability to remember passwords is legendary! When he is not in Switzerland you will most likely find him in Palm Springs California trying his hand at home improvements with mixed results!! Jacqueline Biersma – TEAM Relocations RMC DSP Breakout Jacqueline is Relocation Director for TEAM Relocations. Jacqueline has extensive experience in international employee mobility having started her own relocation company in 2003 after heading up H R mobility for Nike. In her role with TEAM, Jacqueline places a very high value on training and expertise and has put all of her European operational managers through the MIM training qualification. Jacqueline participated in the development and ongoing management of the EuRA Global Quality Seal as well as being a member of the EuRA FMC Forum. Grete Christoffersen – Relocation AS “Lean Doesn’t Have to be Mean” Grete Christoffersen is the CEO of Relocation AS, Norway’s largest company. She worked internationally relocation as an HR Manager in the oil and gas industry for 12 years. Grete has worked as a management consultant for several years before she joined

Relocation AS as the CEO in 2011. She is educated as an economist with a master Human Resources from the ESSEC Business School in France. She is also a trained coach with a specialization in organizational constellations. Grete has a passion for working LEAN in business. The method has been adapted into Relocation AS and she views this as a needed approach to the relocation business in the future. Stephen Cryne – CERC “Research – The Zeitgeist” Stephen Cryne is the President of the Canadian Employee Relocation Council, CERC. CERC is the leading provider of professional education and information to the relocation industry in Canada. CERC also works with government to effect change to legislation and regulatory practices that impede workforce mobility. Prior to joining CERC in September 2002, Stephen had his own consulting practice providing strategic planning and communication services. He has an extensive background in association management and government relations. Between 1995 and 2001 Stephen held senior management positions in the Ontario Government. Stephen is a regular speaker at human resources management conferences and relocation industry meetings. Frances Edmonds – Conference Host Those of you who were in Lisbon, Rome, Vienna, Palma, Stockholm, Bucharest and Edinburgh will know Frances already. As Conference Host, Frances brings her consummate skill to making our conference programme such a success and it is our great pleasure to welcome her back for our Porto event. Frances is an accomplished best-­‐selling author, journalist, TV presenter and interviewer, property entrepreneur, as well as a gifted speaker and comedienne. Frances is also a true Global Nomad, who began her career after graduating from Cambridge working for the G7 World Economic Summits. Fifteen years of negotiating at the highest international level taught her invaluable lessons in the art of cross-­‐ cultural communication and consensus creation. An honorary fellow of the British Association of Women Entrepreneurs for her promotion of British business interests, she also appears as a news reviewer for BBC TV, and is a regular contributor to a wide range of publications including The Times, The Sunday Times and The Evening Standard. Dr Barbara Gibson “Research – The Zeitgeist” Barbara Gibson, a business consultant and lecturer in international management and marketing, has become the first graduate from the NewRoutePhD Intercultural Communication programme in Birkbeck’s University of London Department of Applied Linguistics and Communication. Barbara, whose dissertation is on ‘Intercultural Competencies needed by global CEOS’

completed her taught modules and the research project within 4.5 years as a part-­‐timer. She says, ‘I really enjoyed the combination of structured learning and individual research. Through the process of doing a PhD, I have learned to be a researcher and become confident that I can do anything’. She has set learning Mandarin as her target for next year! Susie Goodall – Brookfield GRS Based in London, UK, Susie heads up the Brookfield GRS Supply Chain Management team for the EMEA and Asia-­‐Pacific regions and is responsible for supply chain selection and management across multiple service lines, including temporary accommodation, immigration, language training, and spousal assistance. Susie also has responsibility for Brookfield GRS’ destination services and education services strategy globally. Before joining Brookfield GRS in 2009, she worked for four years with a global immigration consultancy, managing their EMEA operations team based out of M adrid, Spain. Susie was born and raised in England, and has lived and worked in various countries, including several years in Japan. Having studied French at the University of Manchester, Susie has also spent time living and working in France. Jon Harman – CORT Global Jon Harman is a Global Account Manager for CORT Destination Services. In this role, Jon works with CORT’s operations staff to develop unique solutions for the individual requirements of each client. Prior to joining CORT, Jon served as Director of Relocation Services for Move One Relocation in Dubai, where he managed relocation operations in 22 countries across Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the Gulf region. Jon has served as a EuRA Board Member and has been instrumental in EuRA Conference planning. Ray Hammond – Opening Keynote Speaker Ray Hammond is Europe's most experienced and most widely published futurologist. For over 30 years he has researched, written and spoken about how future trends will affect society and business. As technological innovation, globalization and the environment continue to be priorities Ray is one of a few commentators equipped to explain how these massive challenges will affect our futures, the way we do business and the far reaching implications socially, economically and politically. Ray started his career as a successful serial entrepreneur. In 1974 he co-­‐founded the company that today owns and operates the British television outlet Channel 5 and publications including The Daily Express, The Daily Star and OK! After selling his shareholding advantageously in that company he founded and led International M agazines plc which he later sold to EMAP International in a multi-­‐million pound deal. In 2010 President Mikhail Gorbachev presented Ray with the Medal of the Italian Chamber of Deputies for his services to futurology.

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Elaine Hery – ERES Relocation RMC DSP Breakout Elaine is a founder and Managing Partner of ERES Relocation Services. ERES provides destination and immigration services throughout Spain, Portugal, France and Angola. With experience in Marketing, Customer Service, and Human Resource Management, Elaine set up her own relocation company in 1992 in the spare room of her tiny apartment in the centre of Barcelona. From these humble beginnings she developed her team and grew her company, and in 2007, she joined forces with José Antonio de Ros to form ERES Relocation Services. With offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon and Luanda, the company now employs 40 full time staff and has just opened a new office in Paris. As well as English, Elaine speaks fluent Spanish, and less fluent French and Catalan, she is a Global Mobility Specialist and a Fellow of the European Association of Relocation Professionals. She is m arried to a Spaniard and lives in a small mountain village 30 kms south of Barcelona with her husband, son and 2 dogs. Ronald Huiskamp – Relocation Online Be ‘Appy Breakout As the founder of Relocation Online -­‐ a pretty impressive communication and collaboration platform for destination services -­‐ Ronald prefers to take the road less travelled, is completely rad about customer service, and, according to his very beautiful and talented wife, likes the sound of his own voice a bit too much. Meredith Kennedy – Dwellworks “Lean Doesn’t Have to be Mean” Meredith Kennedy, CRP, GMS, Vice President, Global Account Management, is responsible for overseeing the account management team at Dwellworks. Meredith’s career in the global mobility industry spans more than 15 years, where she has gained valuable management experience in both operational and client services positions. Her previous positions at Dwellworks include three years as Vice President of Destination Services Operations and eight years as the Director of Destination Services -­‐Supplier Network. Meredith holds a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Studies from the University of Michigan and has earned both the Certified Relocation Professional and Global Mobility Specialist designations from Worldwide ERC®. Kay Kutt – Asian Tigers RMC DSP Breakout Kay Kutt SCRP, SGMS-­‐T, GPHR, currently serves as the Asia Managing Director, Relocation Services of Asian Tigers M obility Limited leading this business unit that provides comprehensive in-­‐country mobility solutions in 14 countries throughout the region. She has over 25 years of business experience with 20 years in management roles, several of which were in the relocation industry.

Prior to joining Asian Tigers Mobility, Kay served as the Director of Global Implementation Services and previously had responsibility for Global Business Development for the Northeast U.S. region for GMAC Global Relocation Services. In 2003, Kay transferred to the U.S. to take on the responsibility of business development in the eastern region as the Regional Vice President, Global Business Development with Paragon. She also served as Managing Director Asia Pacific for Cendant Mobility (now Cartus) as well as Director of Operations for both Regus Business Centers Regional Asia Pacific Office and HQ Business Centers in Hong Kong. Born in Canada, Kay has dual British and Canadian citizenship. She has spent over 18 years in Hong Kong and has moved more than 15 times throughout her life. Kay holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is an active board and planning committee member of numerous organizations including the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Worldwide ERC. Peggy Love Be ‘Appy Breakout Peggy Love has been involved in the global relocation industry since 1994 when she founded Full Circle International Relocations. In 2008 she sold Full Circle to Dwellworks, created an education division of the company, and served as Managing Director until 2015 when her tenure with Dwellworks was complete. Peggy is a frequent speaker at global industry conferences and has been an active member of EuRA since the association’s beginning in 1999. Peggy will continue her affiliation with EuRA as she takes on a role leading research projects for destination services. Stuart McAlister – Inter Relocation “Immigration – What’s Working” Stuart McAlister is a British citizen who has been based in Hungary for around 20 years. Stuart studied business at Sheffield Hallam University and worked as a government administrator, TEFL teacher and IT trainer/manager before discovering the world of relocation in 2001. He founded his company, Inter Relocation in 2002 as a small destination services and immigration compliance provider in Budapest. From humble beginnings with a staff of 3 the company grew both locally in Hungary and then outbound over the following years to the point where Inter Relocation now delivers relocation services in 20 countries across Central and Eastern Europe. One of the cornerstones of Inter Relocation’s business model is the provision of in-­‐house immigration compliance and over the last 13 years, Stuart has gained a broad knowledge of the immigration process and challenges across a diverse region encompassing both EU and non-­‐EU states. Anita Meyer – am&pm Relocation “Immigration – What’s Working” Anita Meyer, Board Member for the Benelux Region, is the

founder and CEO of am&pm relocation. Anita will be the next EuRA President. Born and raised in Belgium, by parents who became expats when she was 17 years old. She visited her Philips family regularly in Singapore, Mexico, Paris, Porto, Johannesburg, while studying in Belgium. With a university degree in translation (Dutch, French, English, Italian), she enjoyed a career in human resources with companies such as Wagons Lits, Pullman Hotels, Ciba Geigy, Olin Hunt. The birth of a boy and a girl in two years’ time, gently pushed her in the direction of setting up her own company in 1993, offering translation, copywriting and office start-­‐up services. International customers suggested adding relocation to the list. In 1997 all other activities were divested, to concentrate on the true professional passion: immigration and destination services. Today am&pm assists expats and their families in all major cities in Belgium, with a strong team of consultants and account executives. Patrick Oman – Irish Relocation Patrick is the President of EuRA. Patrick is a veteran of the relocation industry. Prior to his involvement with IrishRelo, which itself was one of the pioneers in Ireland having been established in 1994, Patrick served on the board of OMNI the Overseas Moving Network International and was President of that organisation from 2000 to 2002. He became Managing Director of IrishRelo in 2002 and has been fully engaged in relocation since. Patrick joined ERC in 1996 and EuRA prior to their Dublin conference, when IrishRelo was Gold Sponsor. He has been invited onto various industry committees and is currently on the editorial advisory panel of “Mobility”. As a strong supporter of the EARP and EuRA Quality Seal Initiatives, Patrick has achieved the EARP ERQ Level 2 and IrishRelo was among the first to achieve the Quality Seal accreditation. Lata Patel – IOS Relocation Be ‘Appy Breakout Lata has a Master’s degree in Marketing and Bachelors in Accountancy. She is born and raised in India, has travelled extensively and lived in many overseas locations for several years. Having worked with KPMG Peat Marwick, Chicago she brings her expertise in client management to IOS Relocations. Lata is GMS Certified and is an active member of various international relocation associations. She is the founder and managing director at IOS Relocations Pvt Ltd. Kasia Pinska – Fragomen “Immigration – What’s Working” Kasia is a Senior Manager of coordination teams based in Europe. Kasia is a manager, with eleven years of an experience in counseling clients on global immigration matters. She has an extensive knowledge of immigration procedures in Europe, the Balkans, Russia & CIS and the Middle East. She has as well, a total of 12 years of experience in management and administration.

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Kasia supervises a team of experienced immigration consultants that coordinate international personnel transfers into the region, assist clients with all matters relating to inbound immigration and monitor quality standards of partner law firms. Also providing further support with research of complex technical issues and formulate solutions and strategies for complex immigration assignments. Andrew Scott – Dwellworks “Lean Doesn’t have to be Mean” Andrew Scott is the Vice President of Dwellworks UK office and brings over 20 years experience of the mobility industry to the EuRA Board. As a provider and procurer of services, Andrew brings a unique perspective to the association. Andrew is a keen advocate of the EuRA Global Quality Seal, having guided over 20 County Homesearch and Dwellworks offices through the process. Dwellworks was one of the very first organisations to acheive the EuRA Global Quality Seal. “I am delighted to be part of the EuRA Board representing the Northern Region. Members who achieve the EuRA Global Quality Seal are acknowledged for having reached the very highest standards in relocation services. This carefully audited benchmark is essential to both providers and clients alike and should be the objective of all relocation providers, large and small.” Peggy Smith – WERC “Research – The Zeitgeist” Peggy Smith, Worldwide ERC® President and Chief Executive Officer, is an experienced and innovative business leader and recognized global strategist. In her own words, she “never m et a stranger”-­‐ indeed, Peggy is viewed by her peers as a friendly and straightforward communicator with a great sense of integrity and humor and a curious and intelligent colleague. Having served on a number of committees and task forces for Worldwide ERC®, and more recently, on its Board of Directors and Executive Committee before joining the staff, she is equally familiar with global and U.S. member issues, and service provider and employer concerns, from both an internal and external perspective. She brings a deep understanding of each member segment’s needs and perspectives and an unwavering focus on the advancement of the workforce mobility industry and Worldwide ERC®. Peggy holds a BA in marketing from Seattle University, as well as the Worldwide ERC® Senior Certified Relocation Professional (SCRP®) and Senior Global Mobility Specialist (SGMS®) designations. Her involvement with Worldwide ERC® has included presentations, articles, and a variety of committee assignments, and led to recognition with a Meritorious Service Award in 2004 and the Distinguished Service Award in 2006.

Ron Tite – Closing Keynote Speaker Trained at the legendary Second City, Ron Tite has been an actor, comedian, speaker, host, and award-­‐winning advertising writer and Executive Creative Director. Named one of the Top 10 Creative Canadians by Marketing M agazine, he has also written for a number of television series, penned a children’s book, and wrote, performed and produced the play, The Canadian Baby Bonus. He has created advertising campaigns for clients including Air France, Evian, Kraft, Intel, Microsoft, Volvo, and many others. His work has been recognized by The London International Advertising Awards, The New York Festivals of Advertising, The Crystals, The Extras, The Canadian Marketing Association, The Marketing Awards and others. His first book, Everyone’s an Artist (or at least they should be) was published by Harper Collins in June, 2014. Currently, he is CEO of The Tite Group, a content marketing agency based in Toronto. Craig Toedtman – Resource Development Company Inc Be ‘Appy Breakout Founder & CEO, Resource Development Company, Inc. – a human resource consulting company, located in Philadelphia, PA. Retained executive search, job search consulting, personal branding, and career counseling. 30 years of business experience in human resources, executive relocation, m anufacturing and general management, having worked at Warner & Swasey, Selas Corporation, and the Abar Ipsen Industries of TI Group plc. Held a variety of executive m anagement positions. He received his BA in Economics from Allegheny College and MBA from Case Western Reserve University. US Army V ietnam veteran. Craig is a certified Senior Human Resource Professional (SPHR), Global Mobility Specialist (GMS), Certified Career Management Professional (CMF) by the Institute of Career Certification International (ICCI), Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), EARP Fellow (European Academy of Relocation Professionals), and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessor. Co-­‐creator of www.JobMetrx.com -­‐ utilizing technology and online personal branding to support job seekers in their quest for new opportunities. Richard Tucker – Cartus Richard heads up the Cartus Supply Chain M anagement team and the national network of independent estate agents in England, Scotland and Wales – Relocation Agent Network. In 1996, Richard joined Cartus as Supplier Manager and was instrumental in the development of the ISO accreditation programme. Richard soon moved onto the role of Director of Customer Services, before moving to Director of Relocation Agent Network. In 2002, he became M anaging

Director of Relocation Agent Network and later also took over the position of Vice President of Supply Chain M anagement for the Cartus EMEA, APAC and Americas regions. Michael ‘Mini’ Vermaak – Missing Link Be ‘Appy Breakout Michael Vermaak is Technical Director of M issing Link Conference Company Limited and has worked with EuRA over the last 7 years helping them improve the technical production of this growing conference. He has worked on many events over the last 13 years across the globe for audiences of up to 4500 people. Technology and it's seamless integration is at the forefront of his work. Lee Wong – Asian W elcome RMC DSP Breakout Owner and Managing Director of Asian Welcome Pte Ltd. I took over the company in 1996 from two ladies who started it in 1992. At that time, I needed a reason to return to Singapore after spending six years in Scotland. It proved to be a worthwhile venture as it has given me much satisfaction in growing the business. This is the third business I have owned and managed, having been involved in fashion merchandising and running a pub restaurant in Singapore. I am also the founding member of the Reloc8 Asia Pacific Group which started in 2002 with eight members. Today, we are a group of eleven members. Tad Zurlinden – EuRA Tad Zurlinden has been the CEO of EuRA since its formation in 1998 and has worked alongside successive councils to support and promote the association, but more importantly, the interests of its members. Tad started his professional life in relocation in the UK, working to support both private and corporate clients moving into Edinburgh, our 2014 venue. Tad was approached in 1986 by the UK industry to head up the then embryonic Association of Relocation Professionals. In 1997,Tad was asked to head up the newly formed European Relocation Association. In the following 18 years he has worked with successive Presidents and members of the EuRA Board to build the association into a highly respected global organisation. In 2002, Tad worked with the steering committee of the EARP to promote a unified accredited training programme and in 2006 was instrumental in the development of the EuRA Global Quality Seal. In 2011 Tad was awarded the prestigious “Relocation Personality of the Year Award” at the Re:Locate Awards in London. Tad is a dual UK and Swiss citizen and lives near Cambridge, UK.


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SPONSORS CORT Global International Furniture Rental When you're facing an international move, it's only natural to wonder how y ou're going to pull it all off. Whether it's you, your employees or your clients who have to relocate temporarily, CORT is here to help you navigate the unknown. Access the CORT Global Network to find solutions that meet your needs. Count on a single point of contact to provide a simple, hassle-­‐free process, guiding your move from departure to settling in. We offer a large furniture selection, flexible terms and fast delivery. In many cases, y ou can arrive overseas to a fully furnished home.

Destination Services Relocating to a new city is exciting but can certainly be challenging, especially if you're not familiar with the location, the schools or know which neighborhoods you should be looking in. CORT Destination Services can really help. We take a lot of the intricacies of moving off your family's s houlders. We will get you acclimated to the area quickly, help you find the right place to live that fits your family's lifestyle needs and get you settled fast so you can get on with life.

Dwellworks Dwellworks is a supplier of Destination and Global Intercultural Services and Solutions for relocating employees and their families. A holder of the EuRA Global Quality Seal, Dwellworks focuses on governance, innovation, and consistent delivery. Our Destination Services model combines centralised operations with an on the ground network of local consultants to deliver high-­‐touch, personalised support with local insight throughout Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In D ecember 2014, Dwellworks acquired DFA Global Intercultural Solutions, a respected provider of cross-­‐cultural training and consulting. Intercultural Global Solutions are delivered through a network of certified intercultural trainers covering nearly 200 cities across the globe.

Nordic Relocation Group Founded in 1993 Nordic Relocation Group is the first Swedish relocation company to hold both the EuRA GQS as well as ISO:9001. All our offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö/Lund are staffed with trained relocation advisors with Global Experience and Local Know-­‐how. Whether handling your immigration, managing your move or finding a suitable home, you will find that our dedicated team is committed to making your move to Sweden a positive experience. Through our global network we provide immigration and relocation services to companies bringing employees to Sweden as well as preparing employees and their families for assignments abroad.

Weichert Workforce Mobility Weichert Workforce Mobility helps companies optimize the most critical segment of their global workforce—their mobile talent. We manage the entire relocation and assignment cycle, from household goods to employee tax preparation, from one contact point, providing a holistic, end-­‐to-­‐end solution that improves efficiency and effectiveness. Uniquely independent and agile, we ensure your mobile employees are ready to tackle any business challenge, anywhere in the world and we help you derive the greatest v alue from your investment. For more information, visit weichertworkforcemobility.com.


Founded in 1981, AIReS celebrates 2015 as our 34th year of providing relocation services. The company initially specialized in international shipping and storage of household goods for corporate employees; however, we methodically evolved into a leading global relocation solutions provider with a reputation for delivering consistent metric-­‐based, world-­‐class performance. Today AIReS operates as a full-­‐service provider of full global relocation and assignment management services, and we strive for long-­‐term partnerships built on integrity, trust, and exceptional customer service. We concentrate exclusively on relocation programs for corporations and their transferees, developing customized, flexible programs that are sensitive to the unique needs of each family. AIReS is an independent organization that is, and always has been, privately held. Throughout the last 34 years we developed our extensive service offerings organically, to ensure that our clients receive a consistent award-­‐winning service and high-­‐touch attitude from all AIReS employees, across all service lines.

Auris Relocation Auris Relocation, offers a comprehensive range of vital advisory services for companies, their employees and individuals planning to settle in Switzerland as well as for personnel transferring abroad including Advisory, Immigration, Destination Services and Move Management, Global Mobility Management & Corporate Advisory and Property Search. We have years of experience in international mobility and develop all-­‐round solutions to ensure that moving home and work location is a success. During this time we have been able to build a wide-­‐ranging customer base of renowned international companies who have expressed themselves very satisfied with our services. As the largest privately owned and independent relocation company in Switzerland, Auris has a unique and enviable position. Our independence guarantees that the advice we supply is absolutely impartial and in accordance with the objectives of our clients. With multiple offices throughout Switzerland, Auris covers all regions people want to be in. Outsourcing to a specialist saves your company time and expense, not to mention

the reassurance gained. Auris Relocation provides an efficient service that elegantly takes the load off your human resources department.

BRC Since 1985 the BRILLIANT Relocation Center has been assisting international executives of global organizations on foreign assignments moving in and out of Belgium. Our aim is to protect the company's investment involved in positioning staff abroad. A fast, satisfactory and efficient relocation of international transferees improves their productivity and creates a more enjoyable environment for them and their families. BRC’s long term experience, know-­‐how and professional flexibility are essential in ensuring a smooth and positive transition in the new home country. Our practical, highly personalized support makes an employee adapt successfully to local conditions and to obtain a sympathetic understanding of the cultural v alues of the local community.

Brookfield GRS Brookfield Global Relocation Services (Brookfield GRS) is a leading full service provider of relocation and assignment management services to corporate and government clients throughout the world. We are an operating company of Brookfield Asset Management, Inc. (Brookfield). Headquartered in New York and Toronto, Brookfield (NYSE: BAM, TSX: BAM.A) is an alternative asset management company focused on property, power, infrastructure, and private equity assets. In 2014, Brookfield GRS managed in excess of 72,000 relocations on behalf of our clients via our supply chain network. Globally, Brookfield GRS have 2,800 supplier partners in 140 countries which are continuously managed, monitored, and mentored by over 100 experts within our global Supply Chain Management team. Service categories, including destination services, household goods moving, immigration, temporary living and intercultural training, are led by specialists who ensure that we are in a position to deliver right size solutions for our clients where they need them.

Cartus Cartus provides trusted guidance to organisations of all types and sizes who require global relocation solutions. Celebrating our 60th anniversary in 2015 we help our clients with their mobility, outsourcing, consulting, and language and intercultural training needs. With 2,900 Cartus employees and offices worldwide, our clients trust us to assist over 171,000 transferees, expatriate assignees and members each year across 165 countries. Our broad base of services supports our clients and their assignees in managing the relocation process – from selling a home and shipping household goods to settling into new communities around the world. For global assignments, we provide not only logistical support for expatriates, but also specialised expertise in cross-­‐cultural and language training and in global workforce development. Our programmes are designed to help assignees increase their effectiveness while working and living around the world.

Graebel Graebel provides a full suite of global relocation solutions through our regional relocation centers located around the world. We work closely with our clients to customize a mobility program that fits their individual needs and goals. Our number one focus remains the same as it has been for over seven decades; to provide outstanding service to our clients and their relocating employees. The Graebel wholly owned move management division administers industry certified worldwide moving and storage services at the lowest possible cost. Not bound by any service provider affiliation, Graebel has the freedom to choose the service provider that specifically meets your move management needs to ensure y our program will never be subjected to a ‘next up’ mover or one that is not suited to perform the job.

Intouch Intouch Relocations expands into Africa by acquiring Elliott Corporate Relocations. Intouch Relocations is proud to announce the acquisition of Elliott Corporate Relocations, bringing together the two premier providers of specialist relocation services in Africa and the Middle East. “Our investment in the leading DSP in Sub-­‐ Saharan Africa supports our goal of moving to the next tier of regional destination service providers, and our Africa expansion strategy of establishing offices in both West and North A frica during 2015” says Kavit Handa, Chairman of Intouch. Established in 1998, Intouch Relocations is the leading independent destination service provider in the Middle East. Our combined 47 years of relocation industry experience and more than 200 highly qualified trained employees focus on providing the highest level of service to our clients in 28 locations in the Middle East and Africa’s emerging markets.

TheMIGroup Why choose off-­‐the rack mobility solutions when they can be made to-­‐measure? In the business of talent relocation since 1978, TheMIGroup understands that relocation is a highly unique and complex process; every organisation and relocating employee is different, and therefore a one-­‐size-­‐fits-­‐all approach to mobility just doesn’t make sense. At TheMIGroup, our priority is to take the t ime to create partnerships with

our clients that result in a deeper understanding of their needs, allowing us to develop custom-­‐tailored solutions. Our model is built around a single point of responsibility, and our empowered employees are accountable and solutions-­‐focused

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to get the right fit from the start. Whether relocating talent regionally or overseas, TheMIGroup has the experience and range of services to deliver a seamless relocation experience. From a total outsource of the relocation function or a selection of individual services, our people can match your exact level of required support. TheMIGroup – Just a Better Fit.

international assignments in Portugal and abroad, providing HR managers and companies with the capability to move people effectively. With offices in Portugal and Mozambique, Moving-­‐ON works with selected partners in the world with local experience and industry expertise, also assisting in Angola and Cape Verde, providing professional mobility solutions in Portuguese since 2003.

Palladium Mobility

TERN Financial

As one of Europe’s leading mobility providers, Palladium Mobility Group is committed to offering its clients the relocation services necessary to support the needs of their business and their relocating employees. Whether local, regional or global, PMG delivers a wide range of high quality relocation services customized to meet these needs. The portfolio of services includes relocation management, visa and immigration support, area orientation, home finding, school search, tenancy and expense management, as well as removals. At each stage of the process, our services are carried out by experienced professionals with expert relocation skills. PMG’s clients can select from an assortment of relocation service packages that suit the needs of the relocating employees and the organization’s corporate goals. Palladium Mobility Group’s international relocation service experts are happy to advise their customers on the program that is best suited to their business. Since 2012 a proud holder of the EuRA Quality Seal! Palladium Mobility Group. At your s ide – in Germany, Austria and around the world!

Sterling Sterling is a provider of end-­‐to-­‐end global mobility solutions to many of the world’s leading companies. We are a subsidiary of unigroup, whose network spans more than 1,000 service centres in over 180 countries, giving us one of the largest owner managed relocation networks in the world. We are flexible in our service offering, giving clients the option to select from a stand-­‐alone service to an end-­‐to-­‐end mobility solution. Passion, honesty, caring and delivering are the core values and our teams focus on delivering superior service – to every customer, every time, everywhere – without compromise or excuses. Customer satisfaction is the measure of our success.

Oakwood Worldwide Global Serviced Apartment Provider. Oakwood Worldwide is the premier global provider of serviced apartments, delivering reliable, flexible, customised housing solutions designed to meet the needs of business and leisure travellers worldwide. With access to the largest selection of housing options and a presence in more than 85 countries, Oakwood brings together both global expertise and a local footprint to provide a housing solution that is r ight for you and your organisation.

TIRA – The International Relocation Associates

TERN Financial Group Inc. is an approved Lloyd’s of London coverholder with r ecognized expertise and intent focus as regards the development and delivery of international mobility risk and insurance solutions. TERN Financial was established for the express purpose of deftly applying accumulated knowledge, profound insights and enlightened perspectives to the full spectrum of international mobility risk exposures, while defining innovative r esponses and streamlined processes. TERN Financial works in close partnership with relocation industry stakeholders and embraces a transparent, consultative and collaborative approach to reveal simple and cost-­‐effective solutions. The company is based in Montreal, Canada. To learn more, visit www.terngrp.com.

Active Relocation With over 25 years of expertise assisting companies and individuals achieve a successful transition. We provide the highest possible quality of caring, efficient and personalized solutions in order to exceed our clients’ expectations. • Intercultural Training and Coaching – Delivering personalized program to group and individuals, face to face or remotely, for adults, teenagers and children • Global Mobility Solutions -­‐ Providing comprehensive solutions in total confidentiality • Destination Services -­‐ Caring on-­‐the-­‐ground support tailored to any situation • Immigration expertise -­‐ In-­‐house, throughout Switzerland • Counseling, Training and Support -­‐ Facilitating your integration and accelerating your return to productivity ISO 9001:2008 and EGQS certified

Asia Pacific Properties Since 1985, Asia Pacific Properties has provided comprehensive real estate and relocation programs in Hong Kong, China and the APAC region. Based on this 30 years' experience, APP Mobility was created to incorporate the corporate r esidential & relocation division to strengthen its brand. Recognized globally for its best-­‐in-­‐class services delivered to a wide range of companies including over 50 of the Fortune 500, APP Mobility specializes in residential real estate, orientations, settling-­‐in, visa and school assistance, tenancy and expense management. In addition, APP provides world-­‐class commercial real estate services and assists in the general residential market through our affiliate, Okay.com.

Quality Service Provision, Global Expertise, Benchmarking TIRA is an aligned network of quality mobility service providers. The network provides access to leading mobility experts from around the world that provide local solutions to global challenges. Network members exchange best practices and share this value with the industry through benchmarking exercises. For members, this creates many referral opportunities and the network enables these service providers to aggregate their marketing activities cost effectively. TIRA: Global Issues, Local Solutions

Global LT


International School of London

Xerox Relocation & Assignment Services is an award-­‐winning, internationally recognized, full-­‐ service r elocation company. We deliver: • Tailored mobility solutions • Support in 17 languages to assignees and transferees in 120+ countries • Industry expertise with an average manager tenure of 24 years • Business results and peace of mind for our clients

The International School of London (ISL) Group has schools in London and Surrey in the UK and in Doha, Qatar, each having primary and secondary programmes for internationally mobile students. Although the language of the school is English, the schools are known for integrating home languages and English as an Additional Language (EAL) into the internationally recognised curricula. The schools are culturally diverse communities which foster a passion and enthusiasm for learning, and where students' cultural and linguistic identities are valued and nurtured. ISL Schools develop the attitudes, skills and understanding needed for further education and to become active and responsible contributors to local and global communities.

Team Relocations Team Relocations are Europe's leading independent Relocation Management Company providing multinational corporate clients with a comprehensive r ange of relocation 'solutions' and support. Team specialises in Relocation Technology, Relocation Policy Design/Benchmarking, International and Domestic Relocation, International/Domestic Moving & Storage, Financial Analysis, Expense Management, Vendor Supply Chain Management, Mobility Outsourcing. We provide these services on a global basis for many of the world's leading multinational organisations and government agencies. As Europe's mobility leader, we are at the forefront of the industry, consistently providing innovative and cost-­‐effective relocation solutions. Team – transforming relocation.

RELOC8 Reloc8 is your gateway to the Asia P acific Region with offices in Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand. Reloc8 is your single contact point to access relocation and immigration services for the globally mobile workforce. The Reloc8 partners provide seamless DSP services to major multinational companies and individuals alike. Our website, www.reloc8asia.com, is your portal for regional information and updates, and where to register for our regular webinars and e-­‐ newsletters. We welcome you to Porto and look forward to meeting you at the Reloc8-­‐ sponsored Welcome Reception at the Sheraton H otel on Wednesday evening.

MovingOn Moving-­‐On provides consultancy in global mobility and assistance in relocation, immigration, temporary accommodation solutions and expatriate compliance-­‐related issues for

For over 35 years, Global LT has been a leading provider of blended language learning solutions (face-­‐to-­‐face, virtual and self-­‐paced), cross cultural training (expatriate, or group), destination services (bilingual service), and translations (expat documents, websites, learning material). Headquartered in the USA with legal entities in China, Hong Kong, Brazil and the UK, Global LT provides customized solutions for unique requests worldwide. We provide a one-­‐stop, centralized approach to servicing our customers.

Professional Relo SRL

Professional Relo was founded in 1994 by Maddalena Michieli, who still runs the company. Based in the Milan area, for 21 years we have been providing destination and immigration services throughout Italy. We deliver tailor-­‐made services to corporate clients only, and our success is the result of a unique blend of expertise, efficiency and flexibility. Our two teams work closely, adopting an integrated, dynamic approach to answer both personal r equirements (housing, schooling, settling-­‐in…) and deal with immigration and bureaucratic formalities. Our Mission is to be recognized as the Italian provider offering the highest quality in relocation services. As a testimony to our commitment in this area, in 2014 we were the first provider -­‐ and still the only one -­‐ to obtain the EuRA Global Quality Seal in Italy.

ReloTracker A successful relocation depends upon each person having the information they need -­‐ when they need it! That's why ReloTracker™ is the web-­‐based system that more companies around the world use to manage their business. Largest number of users in more countries -­‐ Quality support team -­‐ Training and documentation -­‐ Unmatched flexibility -­‐ Setting industry standards Spreadsheets and Word documents are no longer enough to provide great customer service. ReloTracker™ is the only complete Relocation Management and T racking System that can be installed in days without large investments in customization, hardware, or software. Contact us today for a demonstration of how other relocation providers are improving their productivity and lowering their costs with ReloTracker™.

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PORTO GUIDE Porto is a surprising gem of a city. Big enough to be host to some world class points of interest, small enough to explore in a weekend. Portugal’s second city, Porto has long been an industrial and commercial centre, famed for shipping and of course viticulture, with wines and Ports from the Duoro region. Porto is host to some wonderful ancient churches and castles, some world class art museums and an important music foundation, but it’s the picture postcard Ribeira area on the Duoro riverfront and the Port Cellars which are the world beating Porto attractions. Here we won’t list any Port Cellars as our Party Night is being held at Taylors, one of the oldest families and most respected purveyors of fine Port. Here and in the EuRA App, we highlight some of the best that Porto has to offer.

To See… 1 - Museu de Arte Contemporenea A 10 minute walk from the Sheraton, the Fundacio Serralves hosts a world class collection of contemporary art in a great example of the best of contemporary Portuguese architecture. Designed by Porto architect Alvaro Siza Vieira, most of the museum is dedicated to a fine permanent collection but also hosts innovative temporary exhibitions. In the same complex and part of your entrance fee, is the Casa de Serralves, a brilliant art deco mansion that also hosts temporary exhibitions. Both museums are located within the glorious surrounds of the Parque de Serralves, with lily ponds, rose gardens

and fountains. 2 – Soares Dos Reis Musuem This was Portugal's first designated national museum. It was founded in 1833 to showcase works of art from dissolved monasteries and convents, including a valuable collection of paintings, glass, ceramics and jewelry (especially noteworthy is an 18th century breast piece studded with precious stones). The collection's most emblematic work is "O Desterrado" ("The Exhiled") by sculptor Soares dos Reis (after whom the museum is named), but also of note are two portraits by François Clouet (1522-72), and landscapes by Jean Pillement (1727-1808). Another highlight is the huge "Pedra de Eiró", a rock taken from a threshing ground by the Douro River, engraved with spiral motifs that are typical of western European megalithic art. 3- Clerigos Tower Clérigos church tower was the tallest structure in Portugal when completed in 1763 (the national record is now Lisbon's Vasco da Gama Tower), and as the main feature of the city's skyline, ships used it as a guide when coming into Cais da Ribeira. It's a remarkable baroque landmark designed by the Italian architect Nasoni, who also designed the adjoining church. It has become a popular tourist attraction for the aerial view of the city from the top (76 meters up -- after a steep flight of 240 steps). Inside the church, the highlight is a polychromatic Baroque-Rococo marble retable. Opposite the tower is Cordoaria Gardens and an imposing Neoclassical and Pombaline building that is the city's former prison. The ground floor houses a photography museum with both permanent and temporary exhibitions. The collection includes the works of a Scotsman named Frederick William Flower who spent much of his life in Porto in the 19th century,

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PORTO GUIDE and whose photos (many of them of Porto) are Portugal's oldest. 4 – Sao Francisco Church What from the outside looks like an ordinary 14th century Gothic and Baroque construction, has the most extraordinary church interior in Porto and unquestionably one of the most fabulously opulent in all of Europe. The extensive 17th and 18th baroque decoration is a profusion of gilt wood carvings in the vault pillars and columns: cherubs, plants, and animals dripping with gold -- note the "Tree of Jesse," dating from 1718. The little that is not covered in pure gold (it is said that there is 400kg of it here) such as the wideribbed Gothic arches, is made of marble. There is a museum housed in the catacombs below consisting of artifacts from the former monastery. Beneath the flags of the cellar are thousands of human bones, stored to await Judgment Day. Church services are no longer held here, but it is often the venue for classical music concerts. If you only have time to visit one church in Porto, make it this one.

To Do… 5 – Tuk Tour Porto With 6 electric TukTuk’s these guys will take you on an ecologically friendly tour of the city. With multi lingual guides and six routes, these offer a comprehensive way to discover the city and will collect and return you to your hotel. Call them on +351 915 094 443. 6 – EuRA Bus We will have a bus on a loop around the city dropping delegates at the Fubdacion Serralves, the neighbourhood of Foz, the Duoro Waterfront and Old Town. This is a free service for delegates but any donations will be greatfully received by our 2015 charity, Porto Children. Buses will depart every hour and delegates are asked to make their own way back by taxi.

To Eat… Portugal is one of the most gastronomically renowned countries in the EU with a fantastic food culture and Porto is at the centre of it. Here are some of our favourite places to discover. 7 – Bar Tolo This uber cool restaurant specialises in Portuguese tapas and has an eclectic and good value menu. Situated in the chic seaside neighbourhood of Foz, a

10 minute cab ride from the Sheraton. Bar Tolo gets very busy on weekends and reservations are essential. Be prepared to wait if it's busy. 8 – Gosho In the Porto Palacio Hotel on the opposite side of Avenida Boavista to the Sheraton, this is Porto’s best sushi bar and Japanese restaurant with an excellent reputation. Gosho's chefs use the freshest locally sourced fish to create memorable sushi and sashimi platters. 9 – Foz Velha One of Porto’s best restaurants, Foz Velha serves modern Portuguese cuisine based on traditional ingredients. A ten minute cab ride from the Sheraton, dishes such as sea bass with squid ink puree and veal cheek in bread dough are among the best gourmet experiences in the city. Reservations are a must. 10 – Duoro Waterfront There are upwards of 40 restaurants spread across both sides of the waterfront area below the Dom Luis bridge. Our favourites are Wine Quay Bar on the Porto side and Dom Tonho on the Vila Nova de Gaia side. 11 – Confeiteria do Bolhao Whether or not you have a sweet tooth this cafe is a must if you're in the historic centre. At the front is the shop, with a dazzling array of take away delicacies including the world famous Portuguese custard tart, the Pasteis da Nata. If you have not tried one of these, it is a must-do experience when in Portugal. Frequented by locals since 1896, this is a Porto institution.

To Drink… 12 – Vinologia Oaky underground wine bar with a huge range of Portuguese fare. Rua de Sao Joao 46 13 – La Taverna Carafes of sangria, local wines and a great rum selection make this the most popular outdoor bar for a warm evening. Praca de Ribiera 14 – Casa do Livro This very funky bar has DJ’s and live bands on the weekends and is the hippest choice in town. Rua Galeria de Paris 85

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PORTUGAL -­‐ A CULTURAL GUIDE The Portuguese are one big family who stick together through thick and thin. They are very loyal to each other and to their culture and consider themselves open minded and tolerant. Great historical explorers, unlike o ther European nations who built vast empires, the Portuguese remained loyal to their former colonies. When the UK handed Hong Kong back to China, it waived goodbye to its former colonists. When Portugal gave Macau back in 1999, it allowed all of its residents to become Portuguese citizens. This intrinsic family minded nature of the Portuguese is evident in all areas of daily life and especially in business. Portugal has a special and deep relationship with Brazil, with Brazilian TV shows being a staple of Portuguese programming, and you’ll find the Caipirinha on every cocktail menu. However, the Portuguese regard their Brazilian cousins as somewhat brash and showy when compared to their own more reserved and private natures. That is until behind the wheel of a car. It can be a surprise to the unsuspecting visitor to be collected in a cab by a very smartly dressed, refined gentleman, who once the car is moving, becomes a relentless speed demon whose sole aim is to reach the destination in as short a time as possible regardless of trivial matters such as road rules or other drivers. As with the U SA and Canada, the world may perceive Portugal and Spain to be similar, but this is a mistake. The Portuguese do not share the southern European Latin nature. They are more reserved, less outgoing and fiercely independent of Spain. On the surface things may appear to be similar. The love of the guitar for example, but in Portugal it is the profound and melancholic Fado, not the exuberant and passionate Flamenco. Fish and rice may appear to be like Paella but Arroz de Marisco has a distinct flavour of its own. All land routes to Portugal from the rest of Europe must pass through Spain. The well known Portuguese saying “neither good winds nor good marriages come from Spain” sums up their ambivalent relationship with their closest neighbour. The world’s oldest unbroken bilateral alliance is between Portugal and England dating back 1000 years when English forces came to the aid of King Alfonso Henriques to unseat the northern African Arabs from what is now Lisbon’s Castillo Sao George. The alliance was tested during the Spanish occupation when the Portuguese navy was drafted into the mighty Spanish Armada but later incursions by Spain were met with the alliance of English forces with Portugal. In fact the start of Britain’s colonisation of India began with the Anglo-­‐Portuguese royal wedding between Charles II and Princess Catherine of Braganca, when Bombay was given to the king as part of her dowry. The great fondness of the

British for wine lead directly to the ascendance of Porto as the country’s second city, when Charles II vastly increased taxes on French imports, resulting in a vast increase in the export of wine from Portugal. To protect the wines on their long sea voyage to England’s shores, they were often fortified with brandy, giving rise to the drink synonymous with Porto today. A tour of Taylors Port Cellars including the history of port will be offered to all delegates attending the Porto Port Party & Dinner on Friday night. Oxala is a philosophy that also helps describe the Portuguese psyche. Translated as “if o nly” or “hopefully”, it is derived from the Arabic Inshallah, “if god wills it”. It describes a fatalism in the way the world is perceived and the inevitability of destiny. The history of Portugal does somewhat bare this out. The 16th century was a golden age that ended with the overspending of ambitious monarchs, the second golden age ended with the terrible earthquake and tsunami of 1755. What may have been a third golden age, freedom from fascism and becoming a member of the EU, was thrown into doubt in 2008 with the country’s financial crash. All of these events are felt to be inevitable and this fatalistic nature is exemplified in the art of fado. In his book “The Portuguese; A Modern History” Barry Hatton writes; “Fado carries a wealth of cultural baggage, its hard-­‐luck stories affording in many ways a telling glimpse into the Portuguese soul… it is a celebration of “Portugueseness”, the distilled essence of a country, as Portuguese as grilled sardines and a jug of sweet sangria at the end of a scorching summers day.” In the lyrics of “Ah, Mouraria” sung by the great Amealia Rodrigues, the fatalistic nature of fado becomes apparent; Ah, Mouraria Of the man of my dreams That lied to me But whom I loved so much! Love that the wind, As a lament, Took with him, That even more now All the time I carry with me. But the flip side of this pessimism is a belief that everything must be possible. The Portuguese are incredibly inventive and have a philosophy that if things are going badly, you might as well still enjoy life. Despite the financial hardships o f the last years, Portugal is still a country with great wealth; in its people, in its lands and in its spirit.


Four Part, Fixed Syllabus Qualification Module 1 – Mobility Industry In Context SUPPLY CHAINS, CLIENTS AND PROCESSES

Module 2 – Excellence in Service Delivery A NEW MODEL FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE

Module 3 – Managing Assignments Internationally STRUCTURING PROCESSES FOR OUTBOUND SERVICES

Module 4 – Cultural Theory and Intelligence THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF RELOCATION

Relocation Coaching Programme Programme A Online May 2015 Programme B Online October 2015 Programme C Online May 2016 Programme D Online October 2016

EURA CERTIFIED Relocation Specific Quality Standard Built with ISO9001 Compatibility in Mind Independent Auditors, Global Reach Customer Led, Industry Focussed Audit Partners:





















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