MALTA | 2016
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Pinto Spinola%Networking%Lounge
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FULL$PROGRAMME$ Tuesday(April(19th( ( 09:00$–$15:00$ $ $
$ $
$ 12:00$–$18:00$
Registration*&*Exhibition *
Wignacort First Floor Registration+for+this+event+will+be+outside+the+conference+room+
Conference Ground Floor
Spinola Suite – The Spinola Suite is adjacent to the Exhibition Area
See+your+invitation+room+allocation+and+timings+ +
( Wednesday(April(20th((( ( 09:00$–$18:00$
Registration*&*Exhibition *
EARP*Training*(Pre3Registered*Delegates*Only)* MIM(Module(4((–(Cultural(Theory(&(Intelligence(
Conference Ground Floor
Spinola Suite – The Spinola Suite is adjacent to the Exhibition Area
See+your+invitation+for+room+allocation+and+timings+ +
Verdala Second Floor o Trainers: Dominic Tidey EuRA C.O.O., Sabine Baerlocher Active Relocation This%highly%interactive%day%of%training%forms%one%of%the%four%modules%of%the%MIM%programme%and%will%examine%the%traditional%dimensional%led%approach%to% intercultural%theory%and%contrast%it%with%the%new%CQ%led%approach%to%cultural%intelligence.%
11:00$–$13:00$ ( (
$ (
Breakout*Session*(Open*to*All*Delegates)* Succession(Session(–(Planning(for(the(Future(
14:00$–$16:00$ ( (
$ (
Breakout*Session*(Open*to*All*Delegates)* IT(Update(
Wignacort First Floor o Moderator: Peggy Love, Helmut Berg o Speakers: Mima Hillier TTH Curzon, Coralie Pringle InTouch Relocation, Anne-Claude Lambelet ACL Consulting, Gordon Kerr Morton Fraser This%session%will%look%at%how%we%cope%with%changes%in%our%work%and%personal%lives%and%what%our%speakers%have%done%to%plan%for%their%futures.%
Catra 1&2 Portomaso Suite, Accessed from Hotel Lobby, please check the screens for directions o Moderators: Jon Harman, Ronald Huiskamp Following%on%from%last%years’%session%on%IT%and%Mobility,%Jon%&%Ronald%will%look%at%advances%in%tech%for%our%industry%and%how%this%will%impact%service%portfolios.%
Conference*Opening*(Open*to*All*Delegates)* Review*of*the*Year$
Pinto Second Floor o Speaker: Martina Scharwey KMS Consult This%session%is%open%to%delegates%from%companies%awarded%the%EuRA%Global%Quality%Seal.%
Grandmaster Suite First Floor o Frances Edmonds Conference Host, Tad Zurlinden EuRA CEO, Dominic Tidey EuRA COO, Anita Meyer EuRA President
Opening*Keynote*Address*(Open*to*All*Delegates)* Phil(Zimmermann(–(Creator(and(Founder(of(PGP((Pretty(Good(Privacy)( Grandmaster Suite First Floor
Welcome*Reception$ Portomaso Terrace
Thursday(April(21st((( ( 08:00$–$17:00$
Registration*&*Exhibition *
Conference Ground Floor
Spinola Suite – The Spinola Suite is adjacent to the Exhibition Area
Thursday(April(21st(Continued( $ $ 08:00$–$16:00$
EARP*Training*(Pre3Registered*Delegates*Only)* MIM(Module(2((–(Excellence(in(Service(Delivery!
Verdala Second Floor o Speakers: Dr Carmelina Lawton Smith Oxford Brookes University, Helle Herstad This%interactive%training%takes%a%new%approach%to%achieving%the%highest%standards%of%service%delivery%in%mobility.%%Based%around%the%five%core%services%that%underpin% the%EGQS,%we%use%an%academic%model%to%examine%the%impact%of%each%stage%of%the%mobility%process%on%the%family%and%transferee.%%Carmelina%and%Helle%together%bring% an%academic%and%practice%led%approach%to%this%fascinating%day.% %
10:00$–$12:00$ ( (
$ (
Breakout*Session*(Open*to*All*Delegates)* Critical(Update(–(Legal(and(Immigration(
$ 13:30$–$15:30$
Breakout*Session*(Open*to*All*Delegates)* DSPs,(RMCs(Working(in(Partnership!
Vilhena First Floor o Moderators: Gordon Kerr Morton Fraser, Sophy King Peregrine Immigration Accuracy%in%compliance%is%vital%in%our%current%geo%political%climate.%%The%EU%is%seeing%massive%changes%to%immigration%regulation%and%with%individual%member%states% altering%their%rules%in%response%to%the%migrant%crisis,%is%the%Schengen%Agreement%in%jeopardy?%%For%an%overview%of%the%current%situation%this%session%is%key.% % %
Portomaso Ballroom, Accessed from Hotel Lobby, please check the screens for directions o Moderator: Frances Edmonds Our%panel%of%representatives%from%Global%Management%Companies%will%look%at%two%of%the%aspects%of%Conscious%Business;%Higher%Purpose%and%Stakeholder% Integration.%%This%session%will%be%highly%interactive%with%small%group%workshops%and%exercises%to%look%at%how%these%principles%can%enhance%partnership%within%supply% chains.%
Hilton Pool Terrace (weather permitting)
( Friday(April(22nd((( (
Conference Ground Floor
Spinola Suite – The Spinola Suite is adjacent to the Exhibition Area
Conference*plenary*sessions*take*place*in*the*Grandmasters*Suite*and*are*open*to*all*delegates* $
Opening*Session*Research*Update*3*The*Future*of*Mobility$ o o
Moderator: Tad Zurlinden, EuRA C.E.O. Speaker: Steve Cryne, Canadian Employee Relocation Council CEO President ! Steve%will%lead%a%session%on%the%results%of%the%CERC%EuRA%joint%research%on%the%future%of%our%industry%and% current%trends.%
Session*Two*3*Conscious*Capitalism*and*its*Impact*on*Mobility* o
Speakers: Elisa French CEEYANA, Dr. Anne Copeland Interchange Institute ! Elisa%and%Anne%are%both%at%the%very%summit%of%the%Conscious%Business%Movement%and%both%have%extensive% experience%in%mobility.%%Their%session%will%focus%on%how%we%can%integrate%the%philosophy%into%our% professional%practice%and%truly%walk%the%talk.%%
Session*Three*–*Ignite*Session*–*Conscious*Capitalism*and*Me* o
Moderator: Ghadeer Hassan ! If%you’ve%never%experienced%an%Ignite%session%before,%prepare%yourself%for%a%unique%learning%and%sharing% experience;%20%slides%per%presentation,%15%seconds%per%slide%–%a%fast%paced%session%that%will%look%at%how% our%diverse%presenters%have%integrated%Social%Values%into%their%Conscious%Businesses.%For%the%bios%of%our% presenters%see%the%EuRA%App.
15:30$–$16:00$ $ 16:00$–$16:45$ * *
$ *
Closing*Keynote*Address* Stuart(Knight(–(“Four(Conversations(for(Success”!
Conference*Close*&*2017*Destination*Reveal$ o
19:00$$ $ *
Tad Zurlinden EuRA CEO, Anita Meyer EuRA President, Frances Edmonds Conference Host
Buses*to*the*Party*and*Dinner* Xara*Lodge,*Mdina$
WHEREVER YOU RELOCATE, WE’LL HAVE FURNITURE WAITING. The CORT Global Network provides a tax efficient and cost effective, one-stop relocation furnishing solution. With a single point of contact, our international service centres can provide you with a wide range of furnishing solutions in over 80 countries worldwide. CORT works in strategic partnership with the following service providers in EMEA to offer unparalleled service: Ireland Israel, The Palestinian Authority, Cyprus Qatar United Kingdom Sweden Turkey Nigeria Spain and Portugal Norway South Africa Italy and Malta United Arab Emirates
EFR express furniture rental Andorra, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland Kenya Poland, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary, Estonia, Bulgaria
CORT also has capabilities in Asia/Pacific and The Americas.
With the continued increase in shorter-term assignments, the need to balance flexibility, cost control and service excellence, Furniture Rental provides a simple and reliable alternative furnishing solution. Working with our global partners, the CORT Network can match the budgetary and style requirements of transferees in almost any location while helping them to achieve immediate productivity. CORT, a Berkshire Hathaway Company is the world’s largest provider of rental furnishings and housewares. In business for over 40 years, CORT has helped literally hundreds of thousands of customers with their furnishing needs. For information, contact: EMEA Regional Office | +44 (0) 20 8879 5923 | Global Services Center | + 1 512 900 6933 | ©2016 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company.
MALTA SPONSORS 2016 CORT Global * Conference Sponsor International Furniture Rental When you're facing an international move, it's only natural to wonder how you're going to pull it all off. Whether it's you, your employees or your clients who have to relocate temporarily, CORT is here to help you navigate the unknown. Access the CORT Global Network to find solutions that meet your needs. Count on a single point of contact to provide a simple, hassleBfree process, guiding your move from departure to settling in. We offer a large furniture selection, flexible terms and fast delivery. In many cases, you can arrive overseas to a fully furnished home. Destination Services Relocating to a new city is exciting but can certainly be challenging, especially if you're not familiar with the location, the schools or know which neighborhoods you should be looking in. CORT Destination Services can really help. We take a lot of the intricacies of moving off your family's shoulders. We will get you acclimated to the area quickly, help you find the right place to live that fits your family's lifestyle needs and get you settled fast so you can get on with life.
Dwellworks * Gala Dinner Sponsor Dwellworks is a supplier of Destination and Global Intercultural Services and Solutions for relocating employees and their families. A holder of the EuRA Global Quality Seal, Dwellworks focuses on governance, innovation, and consistent delivery. Our Destination Services model combines centralised operations with an on the ground network of local consultants to deliver highB touch, personalised support with local insight throughout Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In December 2014, Dwellworks acquired DFA Global Intercultural Solutions, a respected provider of crossBcultural training and consulting. Intercultural Global Solutions are delivered through a network of certified intercultural trainers covering nearly 200 cities across the globe.
Ferguson Snell * Party Night Sponsor
Ferguson Snell & Associates are a specialist immigration advisory firm, providing professional guidance to corporates and businesses in the UK and globally. Our personalised approach and focus on compliance provides innovative immigration advice and solutions. We work in partnership with clients to harness the best talent B regardless of geographical boundaries and by demonstrating consistent excellence and expertise in strategically moving talent around the world, our team offers every client one direct point of contact to assure a professional, personal and timely service. Web: Email: Tel: 020 3668 2700
Nordic Relocation Group * Party Night Sponsor Founded in 1993 Nordic Relocation Group is the first Swedish relocation company to hold both the EuRA GQS as well as ISO:9001. All our offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö/Lund are staffed with trained relocation advisors with Global Experience and Local KnowBhow. Whether handling your immigration, managing your move or finding a suitable home, you will find that our dedicated team is committed to making your move to Sweden a positive experience. Through our global network we provide immigration and relocation services to companies bringing employees to Sweden as well as preparing employees and their families for assignments abroad.
Reloc8 * Logistics Sponsor Reloc8 is your gateway to the Asia Pacific Region with offices in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. Reloc8 is your single contact point to access relocation and immigration services for the globally mobile workforce. The Reloc8 partners provide seamless DSP services to major multinational companies and individuals alike. Our website,, is your portal for regional information, updates and where to register for our regular webinars and eBnewsletters. We welcome you to Malta and look forward to meeting you at the Reloc8Bsponsored Welcome Reception at the Hilton Hotel @ Portomaso Terrace on Wednesday evening.
Team Relocations * Logistics Sponsor Team Relocations are Europe's leading independent Relocation Management Company providing multinational corporate clients with a comprehensive range of relocation 'solutions' and support. Team specialises in Relocation Technology, Relocation Policy Design/Benchmarking, International and
Domestic Relocation, International/Domestic Moving & Storage, Financial Analysis, Expense Management, Vendor Supply Chain Management, Mobility Outsourcing. We provide these services on a global basis for many of the world's leading multinational organisations and government agencies. As Europe's mobility leader, we are at the forefront of the industry, consistently providing innovative and costB effective relocation solutions. Team – transforming relocation.
TERN Financial * Meeting Point Sponsor TERN Financial Group Inc. is an approved Lloyd’s of London coverholder with recognized expertise and intent focus as regards the development and delivery of international mobility risk and insurance solutions. TERN Financial was established for the express purpose of deftly applying accumulated knowledge, profound insights and enlightened perspectives the full spectrum of international mobility risk exposures while defining innovative responses and streamlined processes. TERN Financial works in close partnership with relocation industry stakeholders and embraces a transparent, consultative and collaborative approach to reveal simple and costBeffective solutions. The company is based in Montreal, Canada. To learn more, visit
Weichert Workforce Mobilty * Boat Sponsor Weichert Workforce Mobility helps companies optimize the most critical segment of their global workforce—their mobile talent. We manage the entire relocation and assignment cycle, from household goods to employee tax preparation, from one contact point, providing a holistic, endBtoBend solution that improves efficiency and effectiveness. Uniquely independent and agile, we ensure your mobile employees are ready to tackle any business challenge, anywhere in the world and we help you derive the greatest value from your investment. For more information, visit
Aires * Gold Sponsors AIReS is a global relocation solutions provider with a reputation for metricBbased, worldBclass performance and a unique familyBfocused approach to customer service and support. A strict focus on quality oversees every aspect of our business, proven through membership in industry organizations like FIDI, OSA, and OMNI, along with FAIM, CBTPAT, and ISO registrations. Our culture of flexibility brings an offering of a comprehensive list of relocation services that can be priced in a variety of ways. As a financially independent company supported by organic growth, our ability to adapt to our clients’ needs marks us as a true industry leader. Supported by leadingB edge proprietary technology developed by our inBhouse team specifically for relocation, a central point of contact model, and a quality assured global partner network, AIReS stays with a transferee for the entire relocation lifecycle, starting with the very first initiation phone call and continuing through repatriation or localization.
Auris * Gold Sponsor Auris Relocation, offers a comprehensive range of vital advisory services for companies, their employees and individuals planning to settle in Switzerland as well as for personnel transferring abroad including Advisory, Immigration, Destination Services and Move Management, Global Mobility Management & Corporate Advisory and Property Search. We have years of experience in international mobility and develop allBround solutions to ensure that moving home and work location is a success. During this time we have been able to build a wideBranging customer base of renowned international companies who have expressed themselves very satisfied with our services. As the largest privately owned and independent relocation company in Switzerland, Auris has a unique and enviable position. Our independence guarantees that the advice we supply is absolutely impartial and in accordance with the objectives of our clients. With multiple offices throughout Switzerland, Auris covers all regions people want to be in. Outsourcing to a specialist saves your company time and expense, not to mention the reassurance gained. Auris Relocation provides an efficient service that elegantly takes the load off your human resources department.
MALTA SPONSORS 2016 Brookfield * Gold Sponsor
Palladium Mobility * Gold Sponsor
Brookfield Global Relocation Services develops and implements comprehensive talent mobility solutions for corporate and government clients worldwide. With deep industry experience and unparalleled insights on the future of talent mobility, we enable our clients to craft mobility programs that will empower them to attract, retain and develop top performers. With nearly 2,000 people across five continents, we combine a global perspective with deep onBtheBground resources in local markets. As an operating company of Brookfield Asset Management, a leading global alternative asset manager, we have the financial strength, stability and ability to scale necessary to be a longBterm partner to the world’s largest organizations as well as smaller, expanding companies. To learn more, visit
THANK YOU ALL! Palladium Mobility Group celebrates its 5th anniversary – 5 years of excitement, passion and hard work. It all began 2011 with entrepreneurs who had the same simple idea – to offer the best possible services combined with professional and anticipating guidance for our and your clients. Today, the oneBofBaBkind team is ten times bigger and the company a solid brand within the relocation & immigration world. Then as now, we deliver reliable worldwide relocation assistance of any size, covering relocation management, visa and immigration support, area orientation, home finding, school search, tenancy and expense management as well as move management.
Cartus * Gold Sponsor Cartus provides trusted guidance to organisations of all types and sizes who require global relocation solutions. We apply over 60 years experience to help our clients with their mobility, outsourcing, consulting, and language and intercultural training needs. With 2,800 Cartus employees and offices worldwide, our clients trust us to assist nearly 168,000 transferees, expatriate assignees and members each year across more than 185 countries. Our broad base of services support our clients and their assignees in managing the relocation process – from selling a home and shipping household goods to settling into new communities around the world. For global assignments, we provide not only logistical support for expatriates, but also specialised expertise in crossBcultural and language training and in global workforce development. Our programmes are designed to help assignees increase their effectiveness while working and living around the world. Visit the new for more information.
Gosselin * Gold Sponsor Gosselin Mobility was founded more than 80 years ago and has since expanded based on the needs of our customers. With 48 offices in 32 countries, Gosselin Mobility has become one of Europe’s largest international mobility companies. We provide global mobility solutions on a regional, national and global level for many of the world’s leading multinationals and government organisations.
Graebel * Gold Sponsor Graebel Relocation is a global company that administers worldBclass relocation and removals services for clients in the Global 100, Fortune 500 and midBsize firms worldwide. Centres in the EMEA, APAC and Americas regions are staffed with industryBexperienced people dedicated to exceeding clients and their assignees’ expectations. Global relocation including policy and programme consultancy services are offered in 165 countries on six continents. For seven decades the company has placed clients' relocation requirements at the forefront. From modern business practices, industryBfirst innovations to trusted relationships with global partners, Graebel Relocation strives to be the Supplier of Choice. For more information visit:
InTouch Relocations * Gold Sponsor Intouch Relocations is committed to providing our global partners and customers with the highest level of professional and ethical service. With 48 years of combined relocation experience and more than 200 highly qualified employees in the Middle East and Africa, Intouch Relocations is the leading independent DSP in the region. Our expertise and coverage spans 28 countries across Africa and the Middle East, managed from our two headquarters in Dubai and South Africa and 6 regional offices in the Gulf and SubBSaharan Africa. Intouch Relocations understands doing business in challenging emerging markets and that there is no substitute for firstBhand experience or local expertise. Our dedicated onBBtheBground professionals support 3,000 families annually via wellBcoordinated programs delivered with personal guidance and care. Intouch Relocations is proud to sponsor EuRA Malta 2016 and the work EuRA and its members do in benchmarking innovation and best practice in our industry. We wish the organisers and fellow members great success – Evviva Malta!
Thanks again to all of our Palladium team members and especially to you as our clients and partners. We are proud to be part of the European Relocation Association and sponsoring partner 2016 here in Malta. We wish all participants a successful EuRA Conference and a great time. Palladium Mobility Group
Sterling * Gold Sponsor Sterling is a provider of endBtoBend global mobility solutions to many of the world’s leading companies. We are a subsidiary of unigroup, whose network spans more than 1,000 service centres in over 180 countries, giving us one of the largest owner managed relocation networks in the world. We are flexible in our service offering, giving clients the option to select from a standBalone service to an endBtoBend mobility solution. Passion, honesty, caring and delivering are the core values and our teams focus on delivering superior service – to every customer, every time, everywhere – without compromise or excuses. Customer satisfaction is the measure of our success.
TheMIGroup * Gold Sponsor Why choose offBthe rack mobility solutions when they can be made toB measure? In the business of talent relocation since 1978, TheMIGroup understands that relocation is a highly unique and complex process; every organisation and relocating employee is different, and therefore a oneBsizeB fitsBall approach to mobility just doesn’t make sense. At TheMIGroup, our priority is to take the time to create partnerships with our clients that result in a deeper understanding of their needs, allowing us to develop customB tailored solutions. Our model is built around a single point of responsibility, and our empowered employees are accountable and solutionsBfocused to get the right fit from the start. Whether relocating talent regionally or overseas, TheMIGroup has the experience and range of services to deliver a seamless relocation experience. From a total outsource of the relocation function or a selection of individual services, our people can match your exact level of required support. TheMIGroup – Just a Better Fit.
Xerox * Gold Sponsor Xerox Relocation & Assignment Services is an awardBwinning, internationally recognized, fullBservice relocation company. We deliver: •
Tailored mobility solutions
Support in 17 languages to assignees and transferees in 120+ countries
Industry expertise with an average manager tenure of 24 years
Business results and peace of mind for our clients
Active Relocation * Silver Sponsor With over 25 years of expertise assisting companies and individuals achieve a successful transition. We provide the highest possible quality of caring, efficient and personalized solutions in order to exceed our clients’ expectations. •
Intercultural Training and Coaching – Delivering personalized program to group and individuals, face to face or remotely, for adults, teenagers and children
Global Mobility Solutions B Providing comprehensive solutions in total confidentiality
Destination Services B Caring onBtheBground support tailored to any situation
Immigration expertise B InBhouse, throughout Switzerland
Counseling, Training and Support B Facilitating your integration and accelerating your return to productivity
ISO 9001:2008 and EGQS certified
MALTA SPONSORS 2016 Icon Relocation * Silver Sponsor
Professional Relo * Bronze Sponsor
Always standing by our motto ‘People not Packages’
Professional Relo was founded in 1994 by Maddalena Michieli, who still runs the company.
Proud winners of the EMEA EMMA’s for ‘DSP Provider of the Year in 2014 & 2015’, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality and tailored solutions across the UK. ICON are the only independent company to have held the EuRA Quality Seal continuously in the UK since 2008 ensuring the highest level of service; supporting RMC’s, DSP’s and direct corporate clients with a 95% recommendation rate in our annual survey. We are confident that we can provide the perfect service to support you and your clients. Look forward to meeting you!
Intermark Relocation * Silver Sponsor Intermark Relocation, the leading relocation consultancy operating in Russia and CIS since 1993, have supported international companies and employees based in Russia for over 20 years now. We provide complete range of services required within the relocation process: finding a new home and settling into a new location, taking care of all immigration requirements and nuisances, moving and arranging your belongings into the new property. Intermark Relocation will support you wherever you go with our offices covering all of Russia, along with other CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Based in the Milan area, for 21 years we have been providing destination and immigration services throughout Italy. We deliver tailorBmade services to corporate clients only, and our success is the result of a unique blend of expertise, efficiency and flexibility. Our two teams work closely, adopting an integrated, dynamic approach to answer both personal requirements (housing, schooling, settlingBin…) and deal with immigration and bureaucratic formalities. Our Mission is to be recognized as the Italian provider offering the highest quality in relocation services. As a testimony to our commitment in this area, in 2014 we were the first provider B and still the only one B to obtain the EuRA Global Quality Seal in Italy.
ReloTracker * Bronze Sponsor A successful relocation depends upon each person having the information they need B when they need it! That's why ReloTracker™ is the webBbased system that more companies around the world use to manage their business. •
Skyline Worldwide * Silver Sponsor Skyline Worldwide is recognised as one of the leading providers of serviced apartments in the EMEA and LATAM regions, offering over 105,000 apartments across 76 countries. At Skyline Worldwide your needs and requirements are our focus: this defines our company. Not only do we provide handpicked apartments and excellent customer service but our flexibility also allows us to work together with each client to develop the most suitable solution for all their corporate accommodation needs.
TIRA * Silver Sponsor Quality Service Provision, Global Expertise, Benchmarking TIRA is an aligned network of quality mobility service providers. The network provides access to leading mobility experts from around the world that provide local solutions to global challenges. Network members exchange best practices and share this value with the industry through benchmarking exercises. For members, this creates many referral opportunities and the network enables these service providers to aggregate their marketing activities cost effectively. TIRA: Global Issues, Local Solutions
Altair * Bronze Sponsor Providing comprehensive mobility solutions since 1989, Altair Global is an independent, fullBservice relocation and global assignment management company offering bestBinBclass services in more than 180 countries. Our diverse client base includes Fortune and Global 500 members, boutique companies, and everything in between. Our services are delivered from locations across the world in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. With one of the most talented workforces in the industry, we offer innovative solutions, exceptional service, and cuttingBedge reporting and technology. Through our dedication to phenomenal customer service, you can rest assured “we’ve got it from here.” For more information, please visit
APP Mobility* Bronze Sponsor Since 1985, Asia Pacific Properties has provided comprehensive real estate and relocation programs in Hong Kong, China and the APAC region. Based on this 31 years' experience, APP Mobility was created to incorporate the corporate residential & relocation division to strengthen its brand. Recognized globally for its bestBinBclass services delivered to a wide range of companies including over 50 of the Fortune 500, APP Mobility specializes in residential real estate, orientations, settlingBin, visa and school assistance, tenancy and expense management. In addition, APP provides worldBclass commercial real estate services and assists in the general residential market through our affiliate,
Largest number of users in more countries B Quality support team B Training and documentation B Unmatched flexibility B Setting industry standards Spreadsheets and Word documents are no longer enough to provide great customer service. ReloTracker™ is the only complete Relocation Management and Tracking System that can be installed in days without large investments in customization, hardware, or software. Contact us today for a demonstration of how other relocation providers are improving their productivity and lowering their costs with ReloTracker™.
Switzerland Relo GmbH * Bronze Sponsor Since 2010 when Switzerland Relo was established, the dedicated goal is to offer clients an alternative to the international, monoBbrand relocation firms and to be the Swiss DSP of choice for RMC’s. An alternative, where the same knowBhow of large providers is available but where passion, flexibility and the personal touch are paramount. With 30+ specialists we service all of Switzerland and have relocated thousands of families. With our motto “Out of the box thinking” it is our daily aim to create extraordinary client experiences.
The ISL Group of Schools * Bronze Sponsor The International School of London (ISL) Group has schools in London and Surrey in the UK and in Doha, Qatar, each having primary and secondary programmes for internationally mobile students. Although the language of the school is English, the schools are known for integrating home languages and English as an Additional Language (EAL) into the internationally recognised curricula. The schools are culturally diverse communities which foster a passion and enthusiasm for learning, and where students' cultural and linguistic identities are valued and nurtured. ISL Schools develop the attitudes, skills and understanding needed for further education and to become active and responsible contributors to local and global communities.
MALTA EXHIBITORS 2016 1 - EuRA MIM Training & EuRA Oxford Brookes Coaching Programme Help Desk 2 - EGQS (EuRA Global Quality Seal) 3 - SGS EGQS Auditors 4 - DQS EGQS Auditors 5 - Inspire - EuRA Foundation Malta Charity 6 - EuRA App Help Desk 7 - TERN Fianancial Group 8 - The Ascott 9 - Directors Languages 10 - TIRA 11 - Palladium Mobility Group 12 - The Apartment Service 13 - Air Animal Pet Movers 14 - CORT Destination Services 15 - CORT Global 16 - CORT Destination 17 - ESI 18 - XN Financial Services 19 - Apartmentservice Germany 20 - Furniture Leasing Corporation 21 - Frasers Hospitality
MALTA - A HISTORY The history of Malta is long and very fascinating. Situated between Italy and North Africa, Malta is one of the most strategically important islands in the Mediterranean and has been a vital staging post in virtually every major conflict in European history. People first arrived in Malta during the Neolithic era. There are some fascinating archaeological sites from this period, most notably the Ggantija Temple in Xaghra on the island of Gozo which dates back to around 3600 BC and the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Paola on Malta dating to 4000 BC. The next major civilisation to develop the islands was that of the Phoenicians who settled in around 750 BC, in the area now the site of Mdina. The island was important in maintaining their maritime power which was based on commerce and trade. First named at this time, “Maleth” meaning shelter, the Phoenicians brought their sophisticated culture to the islands which flourished particularly during the Carthaginian Period. The Phoenicians founded Carthage on the north African coast in what is today Tunisia and the Carthaginians ruled Malta for 250 years with wealth coming from olives, textiles and carob trees. In 218 BC this period came to an abrupt halt when the Romans seized control of Malta after the second Punic war. The Roman age of Malta lasted for nearly 1,000 years and the islands were fully assimilated into Roman culture. There are many fascinating Roman sites to explore one of the finest of which is found near Mdina and Rabat. The Domus Romana is housed in a new building to protect the beautiful uncovered mosaics, and houses the Roman artefacts discovered around the island. As is made evident in the museums collection, the islands flourished under Roman rule as an important stepping stone in the trade routes of the empire. After the division of the empire at the end of the 4th century, the Maltese islands came under the control of the Byzantine empire, to whom they were less important. The islands were ruled from Constantinople for the next 375 years, until North African Berbers took control in 870 AD, spearheading the expansion of Islam. The islands were conquered by the Arabs and they made an important mark on the language which is defined as Siculo-Arabic. About half the language is derived is from Italian, and around 40% from Arabic. In 1091, Count Roger I of Sicily made the first attempt to regain Christian control of the islands but this was only accomplished 30 years later by his son, Roger II. Towards the end of the 11th century Margaritus of Brindisi was appointed as the first Count of Malta but there remained a strong Muslim segment of Maltese society. The Norman Conquest of Southern Italy prompted a large growth in the population of Malta with the exile of the entire male population of the Italian town of Celano in 1223 and the stationing of a new Norman garrison of the island. For the next 440 years Malta was a part of the kingdom of Sicily until the royal families of Aragon and Castille merged through marriage in 1479 when Malta became a part of the Spanish empire. During this period, Hafsid Saracens made an unsuccessful incursion to re capture Malta. However they pillaged the islands and took 3000 citizens as slaves. As the 16th century progressed so the Ottoman Empire started to spread across the Mediterranean. Spanish king Charles V feared that if Rome fell to the Turks it would be the end of Christian Europe, with good reason following the success of Suleiman I in driving the Knights Hospitaller of St. John out of their stronghold in Rhodes. Charles handed the Maltese islands to the Knights to help protect Rome from the south. The order of the Knights of St. John made the islands their base for the next 275 years, building huge fortifications, towns, palaces and churches. The original mandate of the Knights was to protect pilgrims travelling to the holy land by establishing outposts along the route of pilgrimage and provide medical
assistance when confrontations broke out between Christians and Muslims. In gratitude for the many lives they saved the Knights received many newly conquered territories that then needed to be defended. This coupled with their mandate to care for pilgrims led to their evolution into a strong religious, fighting force. From once being medics first and fighters second, they became the opposite and their military mandate resulted in the formation of a formidable, mobile army and navy. With its strategic position between North Africa and Southern Europe, Malta was the ideal base for the Knights to carry out sea bourn attacks against Ottoman shipping which resulted in Suleiman the Magnificent launching what he hoped would be a final attack on the Order. On the 18th May 1565, Suleiman laid siege to Malta. The main strongholds at this time were the towns of Birgu and Mdina and after 5 months of siege, the Ottomans conceded defeat as the approaching winter storms would soon prevent them from leaving. The Empire had expected an easy victory within six weeks, after all they had 40,000 men against the Knight’s 9,000 most of whom were citizens bearing arms. In 1566 the Knights began work on a new city with fortifications, the like of which had never been seen before, on the peninsula where the Ottomans had based themselves during the siege. The city was named after the Grand Master who had steered the Order to victory, Jean Parisot de Vallette. The Ottomans never attacked again and the fortifications of Valletta are amongst the best preserved in the world. The power of the Order declined as the Ottoman threat diminished and their reign ended in 1798 when Napoleon seized control and a treaty was signed handing the sovereignty of Malta to the French Republic. In line with the revolutionary zeal, huge social change was implemented; feudal rights and privileges were abolished, as was slavery. Judicial code was implemented as was public education at primary and secondary level and the first university was established. However, the delight of the Maltese did not last long as the French closed convents and seized church treasures. The sword of Jean de Vallette is still exhibited in the Louvre. The Maltese rebelled and the French garrison retreated into the stronghold of Valletta, where several failed attempts were made to seize final control. Eventually the Maltese reached out to the British for help and in 1799 Rear Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson instituted a total blockade of the islands. The French surrendered in 1800. In the same year Malta became part of the British Empire as a protectorate. Two years later at the signing of the Treaty of Amiens, which temporarily ended hostilities between France and Britain, it was agreed that Malta would be evacuated, a promise which the British failed to honour and a year later the treaty collapsed and the war resumed. By the end of the century Malta had become the HQ of the British Mediterranean Fleet. The islands were heavily under invested by the British and were largely dependent on military expenditure which led to considerable poverty amongst the people. Malta became known as the Nurse of the Mediterranean during the first world war as a result of the huge numbers of wounded who were accommodated and treated here. In 1919 the Sette Guingo (7th June) riots over the excessive price of bread led to the first application for Home Rule which was rejected but self government under British rule was implemented instead. A legislative assembly was created and Joseph Howard was named first prime minister. English was increasingly supplanting Italian as the second language and in 1934 Maltese was declared an official language. In 1936 English and Maltese were declared the
two official languages of the fledgling country. The second world war brought great hardship to Malta and the full story can be understood at the Malta Experience in Valletta all details of which are under the Points of Interest widget in the EuRA app. Before the war, Valetta was the location of the HQ of the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean fleet. Despite strong objections from Winston Churchill the decision was taken to move the HQ from Malta to Alexandria in Egypt. Although the British reassured the Maltese that they were easily defended from Egypt, this was not altogether believed and the local government felt the British commitment to Malta was waning. Talks aimed at appeasing Mussolini with concessions possibly including sovereignty over Malta were cut short when Churchill persuaded the war office that no concessions to the Italians should be made. On the 10th June 1940 Mussolini declared war on Britain and France and began offensives in the Mediterranean with the first bombs landing on Malta within hours. The British had left Malta poorly defended with just 6 biplanes ready for action and another six in crates waiting to be assembled. Following the surrender by France just 15 days after Italy entered the war, Mussolini attempted to invade Egypt in September while British forces were otherwise engaged in the Battle of Britain. He was heavily defeated and Hitler was forced to rescue his ally. It was at this time that the Allies and the Axis once again realised the immense strategic importance of Malta. The Italian Regia Aeronautica began aerial bombardment of the islands and on the first day of the offensive 21 fighters flew over Malta dropping 142 bombs on the airfields at Luqa, Hal Far and Ta Qali. Later the same day massive attacks were launched on Valletta. 10,500 buildings were totally destroyed. The Axis planned to destroy the country’s infrastructure entirely, starving the people at the same time. Between June and December 1940 Malta suffered the worst bombardment of the war so far and the siege would go on to last until 1942, when events in the Mediterranean theatre turned after the Allies landed forces in Vichy French Morocco and Algeria, following their success in the Second Battle of El Alamein. The Axis diverted their attention to the Battle of Tunisia and raids on Malta were drastically reduced. Allied forces led by the British were able to restock Malta’s air power and Malta was once again the centre of the offensive against the Axis. In recognition of the incredible bravery and stoicism of the Maltese people, the entire population was given the George Cross, the highest military honour of the British and the only country to have ever been so honoured. After the war Malta sought self rule along the lines of the dominion status Australian and New Zealand. The initial proposal from the British parliament in Westminster was to offer representation in the House of Commons and self rule with the exception of the areas of military and foreign policy and taxation. The country would also have economic parity with the UK based on the Ministry of Defence remaining the islands largest employer. 77% of voters backed these reforms in a referendum but owing to a boycott by the Nationalist party and the Church, voter numbers did not reach the requisite percentage for the referendum to stand. In a further referendum in 1964, Malta became an independent constitutional monarchy with Elizabeth II as head of state. In 1965 Malta joined the Council of Europe and in 1970 signed an Association Treaty with the European Community. Malta became a full member of the EU on May 1st 2004 and joined the Euro on January 1st 2008.