VERTICAL GARDEN The Vertical Hydroponic Garden is designed to help promote urban gardening and the integration of living plants into interior spaces. Its function-足forward and aesthetically pleasing design enables people to harness their own green thumb in a modern and exciting new way while also providing the benefits of a healthier living environment. The system connects people on a personal level, with the ability to grow their own healthy house plants, fresh fruits and veggies, as well as herbs in their homes, offices and public spaces using hydroponics, one of the most energy efficient and sustainable growing practices in use today.
The vertical garden uses vertical hydroponic technology to optimize space for urban gardening. This self-足watering system simplifies the process of growing your own plants so that interior gardening becomes much more accessible for those seeking a greener lifestyle.
Vertical hydroponics is a soilless method of growing plants that is one of the most energy, waste and cost efficient methods in existence. Hydroponics enables plants to grow faster and healthier while yielding higher quantities in a year-足round growing cycle. This far exceeds any traditional method of agricultural production. This vertical garden harnesses hydroponic technology to create a healthier growing environment for plants to thrive. An energy efficient air pump, concealed within the structure, distributes water from an internal reservoir up to the top planter tier. The unique design then uses gravity to deliver water to each of the subsequent planter pods. A soilless medium such as clay rocks is used in each pod, thus eliminating the risk of soil-足borne diseases. The Vertical Hydroponic Garden also provides easy access to test the pH levels and add nutrients to the water, giving greater control over providing the most ideal growing conditions.
Danielle Trofe Design Danielle Trofe Design promotes a function-足forward, sustainable and socially responsible approach to furniture and lighting design. Aligning design practices with the philosophy that with creation comes the responsibility to not only bring beauty into the world, but to do so with minimal environmental impact, while also serving a functional need within society. www.danielletrofe.com info@danielletrofe.com brooklyn, ny usa