Women are not a niche market.
Women control nearly two-thirds of consumer spending in the world.
// Our mission. // The Ogunte network of ac1vists, entrepreneurs,
partners and facilitators are here to help women to make a posi1ve impact on people and planet by enabling them to:
learn, lead, connect
Melanie Stack – Louise van Rhijn
Rioch Edwards Brown – Sam Roddick
Diana Verde Nieto – Susan Aktemel
// The Women’s Social Leadership Awards… // … recognise the achievements of influen1al women leaders, who:
• Offer bold and tested solu1ons to social & environmental issues • Can evidence their social impact and ability to transfer learning • Know how to engage and inspire people to think differently and do more
Building a beOer world, powered by women.
// What happens. // Theme: Growing a Posi1ve Impact How: Suppor1ng & Promo1ng Women Social Leaders When: Monday 10th June 2013 + One year learning programme for winners and finalists Venue: Central London Audience: 150 delegates on the day Network Impact Reach: ca.750,000 people globally. Ogunte Web: ca. 12,000 visitors/month
// Key Benefits for Partners. // On site benefits (150 delegates) • Feature your brand in a trusted environment of carefully selected women social entrepreneurs • Educate the audience about what you do and your corporate values • Access a targeted audience of excellent connectors, with a real global reach • Get direct feedback/insights from a focus group of leading women social entrepreneurs. • Your Company logo displayed on the event site, through banners, branded goody bags and screen • Press coverage includes current affairs, women, social business focused magazines. On-‐line benefits (ca 750,000 reach) • Your Company log/name on targeted e-‐shots and social media campaign, on registra1on site, our blogs and website (12.000 visitors a month); our social media channels (b2b, b2c); on our PR campaign, in the lead up to the event, with a quote from your company representa1ve
// Key Benefits for Partners. // More on-‐line benefits (ca 750,000 reach) • Your company logo remains permanently on awards archives. • Previous press coverage includes features in: Marie-‐Claire, The Next Women, The Guardian, We are the City, London loves Business, Red Magazine. Year programme benefits • Reward your staff with co-‐mentoring AND learning opportuni1es from thriving, vibrant emerging social businesses, intermediaries and chari1es. • Opportunity for R&D, and Learning purposes, business intelligence + shorter innova1on cycle. • Engage with responsible companies that can contribute to your supply chain.
// Partners Feedback. // “I realised that my 'big corporate' experience is valuable to small, emergent businesses.” “I felt energised and inspired by the talent, service focus and energy” “The clearest and most stand-‐out is the opportunity to get to know and interact with (something much more meaningful than ”networking”) professional women who I would not have otherwise met.”
Donna Morton First Power Canada Winner People’s Vote 2012
// Categories. // Social Business Leader 2013 A woman founder or the leader of a social business (enterprise whose social purpose is aligned with its commercial objec1ves), with a track record.
Leader in the Workplace | Intermediaries 2013 A woman providing ac1vi1es reaching other social businesses, chari1es or campaigns (SVI, Consultants, Impact Investors, Angels); leading a CSR ini1a1ve, or a corporate/ public sector ini1a1ve that contributes to social and/or environmental change.
Leader in Charitable Organisa@ons | Campaigns 2013 A woman whose charitable organisa1on /not-‐for-‐profit / campaign / has made waves and changed people’s lives.
… And the Global People’s Vote Compe@@on!
// Our costs.// £4500 covering event logis1cs: • • • • •
Venue; Refreshments Filming, Edi1ng, Photographer Event staff Social Media repor1ng Administra1on
£2500 covering professional execu1ve coaching for 4 winners in total £5000 covering a year programme coordina1on (ca. 4days/mnth) • • • • •
candidates recruitment media management, sourcing mentors, supervising coaches, Introducing winners & finalists to relevant stakeholders, funders/and finance organisa1ons.
// Packages. // Platinum £12000
Gold £8000
Diamond £5000
Sapphire £3000
Ownership of 3 main categories + branding on all global social media comms for 1 year.
Ownership of People’s Vote award and branding on global social media comms for a year
Co-ownership of 2 categories and branding on event comms
Your branding on event comms.
Open the Awards ceremony, speak & give away 1 award
Speak & give away People’s Vote award
Speak & give away 1 award
Introduce Event Networking Section
Main partner Award Winners coaching & media package
Main Partner Award Winners’ mentoring package
Partner Workshop preevent (10th June)
Partner Networking section during awards event.
Logo/Quotes on videos, pics & PR pre & post event + goody bags + award trophies +archives
Logo/Quotes on Pics, PR pre & post event, goody bags + archives.
Quotes and pics, on PR + archives, post event.
Quotes on PR, post event.
Development opportunity for your staff by mentoring 4 women social entrepreneurs + Access to Angel training
Development opportunity for your staff by 4 mentoring women social entrepreneurs + 1 staff access to Angel training
Development opportunity for your staff by mentoring 3 women social entrepreneurs
Development opportunity for your staff by mentoring 1 woman social entrepreneur
Access to database of all delegates, active intros to award winners and finalists
Access to database of all delegates, active intros to award winners and finalists
Access to database of all delegates.
Access to database of all delegates.
// Lovely in-kind options. // If cash sponsorship is not be the best solu1on for you, here’s how you can s1ll be part of the Women’s Social Leadership Awards: • Provide venue and refreshments for The Awards event on 10th June -‐ 150 people • Provide space in above venue in the aoernoon of June 10th, for a mentoring workshop • Media coverage/PR for Award Winners, from April to December 2013 • Provide a photographer on June 10th and edi1ng post event • Provide a video team on June 10th and edi1ng post event • Provide exci1ng goody bags for 150 people
// Past Awards Contributions. // 2012 Weightwatchers Inc contributed £6000 towards last year's programme and Melanie and 3 of her colleagues accepted to mentor the Award Winners (Canada, South Africa, China and Scotland). Their contribu1on helped to cover the cost of the event and 3 months coordina1on. The rest was self-‐funded by Ogunte. WW accessed development opportuni1es for their staff via a member of Ogunte Angel Group. 2011 Ernst and Young donated venue & refreshments – Involved Execu1ve Women’s Network. Accessed new social enterprise for their Entrepreneur of the Year Award Scheme. 2010 Royal Society of Arts discounted venue £500 -‐ gained 30 new members. 2009 King’s Place donated venue / refreshments via Shine Unconference. 2007 & 2008 BT plc donated venue, mentored women social entrepreneurs, got shadowing and leadership development opportuni1es for their staff. Involved Execu1ve Women’s Network. 2008-‐2012 Rachel Bamber from Brighter Thinking provided coaching to awards winners.
// Women’s Social Leadership Awards 2013. //
Key dates Judging March/April 2013 Finalists revealed mid April 2013 People’s Vote starts mid April 2013 Awards Event 10th June 2013
Servane Mouazan | Founder & Director Ogunte Ltd.
Contact: e: socialleadership@ogunte.com |m: 07932982379 | w: www.ogunte.com | t: @ogunte Pics: cover Zanotti, p. 5,8,10 Jody Kingzett