Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide*
This guide outlines special discounts and member benefits that the Dublin Chamber of Commerce provides to its members and their employees. Chamber members are encouraged to review all lis ngs to iden fy and implement discounts that may improve the cost-effec veness of their businesses. Members are also encouraged to support local businesses and save money through Dublin Chamber Coupon Deals found at: h ps://www.dublinchamber.org/hotdeals/
*Note: This guide is intended for the use and benefit of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce’s dues paying members. Discounts offered are subject to change without no ce and there is no guarantee, either stated or implied, of the accuracy or completeness of the informa on provided. The Dublin Chamber, its Board of Directors, and Chamber staff do not specifically endorse any of the businesses listed in this guide. Any person or organiza on using this guide should do their own due diligence evalua on of prospec ve business rela onships and agreements.
Dublin Chamber of Commerce, 129 S. High St., Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-2001, info@DublinChamber.org, www.DublinChamber.org

Member Discounts to Benefit Your Business and Employees

Health Insurance*
The Dublin Chamber of Commerce offers a group health care insurance program to you as a member. This program is designed to accommodate the needs of small businesses while offering compe ve rates most o en available to larger employers only. The Chamber can connect you with local agents that are members of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce who can provide you with the plan details, costs and services of your health insurance plan.
In addi on, the Dublin Chamber has partnered with SOCA to offer a group rated health insurance program. This Anthem plan is a mul ple employer welfare arrangement (MEWA) that offers predictable rates and compe ve benefits usually reserved for larger groups. This plan enables mul ple smaller employers to join together to share in overall claims risk. As part of a larger, selffunded pool, par cipa ng employers will have financial protec on backed by Anthem’s stop loss coverage, fixed monthly payments and more ra ng stability while preserving flexibility for plan par cipants.
To learn more, please contact the Dublin Chamber of Commerce at 614-889-2001 or email info@DublinChamber.org. For a free quote, please go to: h ps://chamberhealthchoices.com/anthemchamberdiscount/quote?area=Dublin&member=yes
* Members must apply and meet plan requirements to be accepted.

Dublin Chamber Members Can Save Significantly on Your Premium
Did you know that many alternative discounts are available to help reduce your annual Ohio workers’ compensation costs? Through the Sedgwick workers’ compensation program, your organization can significantly reduce your workers’ compensation costs through a variety of alternative rating programs. Sedgwick offers you quality service and stability through the complex workers’ compensation environment.
For over 50 years, Sedgwick has been helping employers navigate Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, providing services to help them control claim-related costs and reduce premiums. Their team includes experienced colleagues from CompManagement and CareWorks Comp. The two companies merged and are now Sedgwick. Together, they serve nearly 65,000 Ohio employers including organizations of all sizes operating in various industries across the state. Group rating programs administered by Sedgwick have produced over $4 billion in savings since group rating was introduced in 1991, and their group retrospective programs have returned over $630 million in premium refunds since the program began in 2009.
Reach out if your organization is not yet participating in this Dublin Chamber member benefit, and you would like to receive a free, no-obligation analysis from Sedgwick.
Use Dublin Chamber Program Code: 07925
David Deyo, david.deyo@sedgwick.com, 614-376-5401
Group-Rating Safety Accountability
Sedgwick Safety Resource Page: www.sedgwick.com/ohiotpa/resources

Get Help with Expenses Health Insurance Doesn't Cover!
Don't be blindsided by medical expenses, have Aflac to help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover! Aflac is different from health insurance. Aflac is insurance for everyday living expenses like house payments, car payments, cell phone bills, etc. The benefit money from Aflac is paid directly to the policyholder when he/she or a dependent is sick or injured. Aflac is affordable and can fit in most budgets. Aflac processes claims quickly so you can take care of the expenses you need to in a mely manner.
Most companies can receive the Aflac benefits at a 30-40% reduced rate. Reach out if your organiza on or company would like a free consulta on to see if your company is a good fit for the Aflac benefit advantages!
Kris n Dombroff, kris n_dombroff@us.aflac.com, 614- 832-3041

Columbus Blue Jackets Discount Tickets
Join the Columbus Blue Jackets for an exclusive Dublin Chamber of Commerce cket offer to select home games during the 2024-25 season for all members and their families! Each game includes group-rate discounts for all ckets! Be sure to check back as new games may be added at any me!
Game info: h p://www.bluejackets.com/dublinchamber
Jared Horan, jhoran@bluejackets.com, 614-246-3280

The Computer Workshop’s Technical and Professional Development Training for Dublin Chamber Members. Enjoy 20% off ANY class for one student* with the Coupon code:
As a leading technology educa on provider, The Computer Workshop delivers an extensive array of courses tailored to cater to the requirements of individuals and organiza ons alike. With over 35 years of experience, we have successfully implemented training programs that yield results. A endees of our classes return to their work environments equipped with enhanced skills for increased proficiency. These classes are open to individuals aiming to broaden their skill set, and many are eligible for college credit. Moreover, we provide industry cer fica ons for those seeking creden als to validate their exper se.
Contact us or register online at www.tcworkshop.com today! When checking out online, under the Billing Informa on page check “Do you have a Coupon, Voucher or Purchase Order?” Enter DUB24 in the field and we will invoice you with your 20% off discount for one class.
*Discount good for one student for one class. Not applicable with any other discounts, vouchers, or promos and not eligible for use with previous class refunds.
Amy Graves, AGraves@tcworkshop.com, 614-588-0606

Background Screenings:
Dublin Chamber members can save on headaches and expenses with Confirmed Integrity!
Why Background Check: Background checks are o en thought of as one extra step that delays the hiring process, but through partnering with Confirmed Integrity they offer so much more. Understanding a candidate’s background before they join your team can help avoid damaging the brand, culture, safe work environment and trust you have worked so hard to build. Not all records on a background check are showstoppers but having this addi onal informa on can allow you to make a more informed hiring decision and avoid costly issues in the future.
Why Confirmed Integrity: To help you navigate background screening, drug tes ng and social media screening, Confirmed Integrity has dis nguished itself from the rest through superior customer service, ease of use, and help with lingering background reports. Since our crea on in 2014, we have an cipated your needs, offered quick responses, compe ve pricing, and an automated process. Think of us as your partner to handle this step in the hiring process; enabling you to focus on all the other steps in making an informed hiring decision, while avoiding distrac ons and future issues.
Coupon Offer: Dublin Chamber Members receive a free background screening assessment and 10% off their background screening package. Use Dublin Chamber Program Code: DC10
Kim Smith, kim.smith@confirmedintegrity.com, h ps://confirmedintegrity.com/index.html

Constant Contact Discount
Dublin Chamber Members can save 10-25% on a new or exis ng Constant Contact account featuring: email marke ng - create and send emails that look amazing on any device, SMS marke ng - connect with customers where they are every day, on their phones, social media marke ng - reach new audiences and grow your business with easy-to-use tools, landing pagescapture new leads or drive sales with targeted landing pages, event marke ng - manage your event, sell ckets, and track details, all in one place, AI - advanced automa on, and ecommerce integra ons - sync your Constant Contact account with Shopify, WooCommerce, and others to sell more in less me.
Sell smarter, not harder, with tools that do a lot of the work for you. Sign up today and save 1025% at h ps://go.constantcontact.com/signup.jsp?pn=dublinohiochamber.

FitBiz Corporate Wellness from the City of Dublin
The City of Dublin cares about the health and wellness of our corporate ci zens. It’s no secret that healthy employees are more produc ve, have higher job sa sfac on and lead to reduced medical costs, but many employers have no idea where to begin when it comes to health and wellness programming op ons. That is where the City of Dublin’s FitBiz program can help!
In conjunc on with our partners at The Ohio State University, the City’s FitBiz corporate wellness program can deliver onsite and virtual wellness programming, coordinate volunteer opportuni es, provide corporate membership discounts at the Dublin Community Recrea on Center, and more. To help you get started, we offer a FREE FitBiz program to any Dublin-based company that is new to our services. As a Dublin Chamber member, you will also receive 10% off any addi onal programs that you schedule (must be a Dublin based business for discounts to apply).
Use Dublin Chamber Program Code: FITBIZ10
To learn more about the City of Dublin’s FitBiz program and the services we offer to improve the lives of your employees and the health of your organiza on, please contact: Mollie Steiner, msteiner@dublin.oh.us, 614-410-4553 h ps://www.econdev.dublinohiousa.gov/fitbiz/

Reliable. Convenient. Affordable.
Ohio’s #1 Non-Profit University for Online Degrees
Get the college education you deserve and the support you need from the university that’s been dedicated to working adults for more than 115 years. From convenient, online classes to a huge list of student-centered services, everything at Franklin University is designed with you, your schedule and finishing your degree in mind.
Dublin Chamber of Commerce members and their employees can develop and advance professionally through the partnership with Franklin University.
Members and their employees can take advantage of the following:
20% tuition discount – Associate, Bachelor and Master degree programs
10% tuition discount – Doctoral Degrees
Free Textbooks
For more information and to apply go to: www.franklin.edu/dublinchamber Contact Information: Danielle Cordes, MBA, partners@franklin.edu, 614-947-6629
One Pass That Does It All. Get Out and Play! The GetOutPass includes hundreds of free admissions to ac vi es and a rac ons near you! Try it all with the GetOutPass!
Just go to h ps://getoutpass.com/near-me and enter the code DUBLINCHAMBER at checkout for up to $70 off!

The Place to Save Money on Everyday Office Needs
The Dublin Chamber of Commerce and Office Depot are partnering to save you, your business AND your employees money on office supplies, print, paper, furniture, facility products and technology.
Dublin Chamber members can take advantage of this discount program online, or at any of the 7 Central Ohio Office Depot locations, as well as at nearly 1,500 Office Depot stores nationwide. Office Depot, Inc., and the Dublin Chamber of Commerce have partnered to offer a program that consists of a unique mix of features and benefits. The program offers deep discounts on office supplies & school supplies, paper & toner, furniture, technology, off-site printing, facility resources, and promotional supplies.
Shopping at Office Depot Retail Stores
You and your employees are eligible to receive the Chamber’s FREE Office Depot Store Purchasing Cards, which offer you a convenient way to buy the office supplies and print services that you need at any Office Depot locations nationwide—at the Chamber’s discounted prices. The cashier will scan your card to access your special pricing. All items included in your agreement are automatically priced at your special pricing and instantly displayed on the register and on your receipt.
Go to https://community.officedepot.com/Com2SPCCardTemplate?id=78209270here to download your printable Store Purchasing Card. You can also sign up online at https://community.officedepot.com/GPOHome?id=78209270
Ron Hubbell, ronald.hubbell@odpbusiness.com, 405-476-0289, http://www.odpbusiness.com/

OHIO University: OHIO Online
Dublin Chamber Members Can Receive Incentive Scholarships Toward Eligible Online Degree Programs
New students starting Summer semester 2025 and Fall Semester 2025-2026 can be eligible to receive an incentive scholarship. Newly enrolled students in eligible programs can receive a 15% Incentive Scholarship on OHIO’s eligible online Graduate programs and a 10% Incentive Scholarship towards the online Undergraduate programs. OHIO’s online programs are offered in a flexible, 100% online format that allows you to continue your path at one of the many wonderful Dublin Chamber member employers. You can see a full list of included programs online here: https://www.ohio.edu/online/scholarships.
Members eligible for this benefit must be newly enrolled in either Summer 2025 or Fall 20252026 semesters. Once members are admitted to an eligible program, they must email Kathy Wilson, Senior Director of Affinity Programs and Student Engagement, kwilson@ohio.edu to get the scholarship applied to their account.
Kathy Wilson, kwilson@ohio.edu, Phone: 614-793-5643
Website: https://www.ohio.edu/online/scholarships

The Primary Care Benefit Employees Love
One Medical is a na onal, membership-based advanced primary care prac ce and a modern health care benefit that delivers high-quality health care, from preven on and mental health to chronic condi ons. Members can connect with clinicians 24/7 via video chat or via messaging if that’s more convenient. Or, members can choose to make an appointment on the same day or within a few days to visit any of One Medical’s offices in central Ohio. If they need a specialist, One Medical has partnered with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to help members get a referral and schedule an appointment. We’re helping organiza ons improve the health and well-being of their employees.
To see how One Medical can support employees at your organiza on and receive a special offer only for Dublin Chamber members, call Maria Kri kos Oakes 614-519-1819, or email Mariako@onemedical.com. A ract and retain top talent with a healthcare benefit (and doctor’s office) that helps your team stay healthy and happy.
Learn more about One Medical for Business at: h ps://www.onemedical.com/loca ons/cmh/?pediatric_services=false&sees_seniors=false

Interested in saving money on operational expenses? You may want to check out Schooley Mitchell’s Dublin Chamber member benefit.
Virtually every type of business, in every sector, can benefit from Schooley Mitchell’s expertise and growing cost category specializations, which include:
Telecom - Cell phones, Internet, Phone systems
Waste removal – Trash, Dumpsters, Recycling Bins, Medical, Hazardous
Shipping- Small Package, Less than Truckload (LTL)
Our independent and objective recommendations are based solely on our clients’ best interests as we do not receive residuals or incentives from providers. Additionally, Dublin Chamber members are eligible for a 10% discount off our standard fees, which are self-funded from the savings generated. If savings aren’t found, clients don’t pay – a truly risk-free and mutually beneficial model.
Schooley Mitchell is the largest independent cost reduction consulting firm in North America, with a local representative to serve Dublin businesses. On average, Schooley Mitchell reduces essential business service expenses by 28% and has delivered over $600 million in documented savings to its clients to date.
John O’Connell
john.oconnell@schooleymitchell.com https://www.schooleymitchell.com/office/joconnell/

15% off any Catering Order for Dublin Chamber Members!
Check out our catering op ons for your next business mee ng or event at: h ps://www.sunnystreetcafe.com/catering/
To place an order with the Dublin Avery location, please contact Diane Frank: SunnyStreetCafeCatering@Yahoo.com or 614-949-9197.
To place an order with the Dublin Sawmill location, contact Maria Swallie: Catering@SunnyStreetCafe.com, 614-282-0778.

ENROLL TODAY: Your Working Advantage Benefits- Start Saving Now! **
Your work-life balance and general well-being are as important to us as the work you contribute.
That's why we’re excited to offer your Working Advantage Discount Program, your one-stop shop for exclusive and convenient savings on the products, services, and experiences you know and love.
It’s cost-free and easy to enroll. Just visit Working Advantage and use the company code DUBLINCHAMBER to begin receiving discounts on:
Theme Parks
Hotels, Flights, & Cruises
Movie Tickets
Rental Cars
Gift Cards
Special Events
And More!
**By signing up with Working Advantage, you will be enrolled as members of the Entertainment Benefits Group Corporate Benefits Program and subject to the terms and condi ons set forth on the Program website. This program is not affiliated with or administered by the Dublin Chamber of Commerce.

Dublin Chamber Online Coupon Deals & Digital Flipbook
Dublin Chamber members also can submit or take advantage of Coupon Deals offered by other members which are featured on the Dublin Chamber website at h ps://www.dublinchamber.org/hotdeals/
From apartments to catering, restaurants to golf courses, Dublin Chamber Coupon Deals offers great discounts from Chamber member businesses. This is a great way to support local businesses, and offer savings to your employees as well!

Chamber of Commerce info@DublinChamber.org, 614-889-2001

Business Directory & Community Guide The Chamber’s Business Directory & Community Guide is an established marke ng tool that reaches 10,000 individuals and companies each year! Each Chamber member receives a free lis ng in the directory and is featured on our online business directory. Both the directory and www.DublinChamber.org/list are designed to increase awareness and generate poten al new customers for Chamber member businesses through our referral service. We only refer Chamber members. Link to Online Business Directory: www.dublinchamber.org/list/ Link to Online Business Directory Flipbook: issuu.com/dublinchamberofcommerceohio/docs/2022-2023memdirec inalonlinev

Member Logo Program
Membership in the Dublin Chamber provides your company with added credibility. As a wellknown and trusted site, DublinChamber.org holds weight not just in the community but also with online search engines. By adding the Chamber's member logo to your website and linking it back to DublinChamber.org, you boost your SEO (Search Engine Op miza on) rankings. Call the Chamber at 614-889-2001 for a logo use agreement form, and the Chamber's member logo will be emailed to you. Let your customers know you are a member by placing the Dublin Chamber's membership logo on your website and business cards. This is a free benefit of membership.
Link to Member Logo program
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 13

Dublin Chamber Online Job Board If you’re looking to fill open posi ons at your organiza on, the Dublin Chamber Online Job Board can help. Dublin Chamber members may post job openings online for free. The Chamber ac vely promotes these lis ngs to residents in Dublin and neighboring areas through various channels, including emails, newsle ers, and the website. To connect with qualified candidates in the Dublin area, employers can post their job openings and internships on the pla orm. Get started by logging into the Chamber’s Member Informa on Center or by calling 614-889-2001.
Link to Online Job Board: www.dublinchamber.org/jobs

Conference Room Rental
The Chamber has three state-of-the-art conference rooms available to members holding off-site seminars, staff mee ngs and presenta ons. The Emerald Suite and Historical Suite can accommodate up to 10 guests each and the Community Conference Room can accommodate up to 36 guests with classroom style sea ng and includes a kitchen and complimentary Wi-Fi. Please download and complete the Room Rental Agreement Form and submit it to the Chamber by emailing info@DublinChamber.org. All requested dates must be confirmed and payment received by the Chamber before reserva ons are accepted.
Room Rental Agreement: h p://www.dublinchamber.org/conference-room-rentals
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 14

NextGen Young Professionals Group Membership
When your business is a member of the Chamber, your young professionals can join the Chamber’s NextGen Dublin Young Professionals Group for FREE! NextGen Dublin offers several networking opportuni es throughout the year, including spor ng events, social ac vi es, educa onal programs, volunteer opportuni es and joint events with other area young professionals' groups.
Link to NextGen Membership: h p://www.dublinchamber.org/next-gen-dublin

Leadership Academy
Join The Leadership Academy, a perk of Dublin Chamber membership, presented by the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and NextGen Dublin. This program, led by industry experts, offers essen al leadership skills and valuable networking opportuni es with top professionals in the community. Graduates gain enhanced business acumen, cu ng-edge career strategies, and mentorship opportuni es. NextGen Dublin, in collabora on with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the City of Dublin, aims to foster leadership development and networking events tailored for young professionals, suppor ng the city's talent reten on efforts.
Link to Leadership Academy: h p://www.dublinchamber.org/the-leadership-academy
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 15

Leadership Dublin
Join the Dublin Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Dublin program to elevate your leadership poten al and community impact. This eight-month execu ve ini a ve connects par cipants with industry leaders, provides insights into Dublin's dynamics, and fosters collabora on on community projects. Gain invaluable experiences, from board stewardship to engaging with local officials, and make a difference in Dublin's future. Apply now to enhance your leadership journey. This program runs from October through May. The tui on is $1,600 per person.
Learn more at: h p://www.dublinchamber.org/leadership-dublin-execu ve-program

Post Your Businesses Press Releases & Special Events
Members are encouraged to u lize the Chamber’s Member Informa on Center to post news releases and upcoming events on the Chamber’s website. Whether you're hos ng a grand opening event, a ribbon-cu ng ceremony, grand re-opening, www.DublinChamber.org serves as the perfect avenue to amplify your message and reach a wider audience. By pos ng news releases and event details on the Chamber’s website, you not only enhance visibility for your business but also tap into the collec ve promo onal efforts of the Chamber community. Let us help you promote your business and celebrate your milestones together! Log in to: h p://www.dublinchamber.org/login
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 16
Adver se with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Maximize your online presence with a Dublin Chamber banner ad, enhanced business lis ng, and digital flipbook ad on Dublinchamber.org, reaching over 65,000 unique visitors annually. You can also submit a digital ad to be projected in the Chamber building on our television monitors. Gain credibility by partnering with the Chamber and tailor your message to decision-makers in our community. Boost your SEO rankings and elevate your brand visibility today!
Website Banner Ads: $100 per month or $600 per year
Size: 960 pixels (w) x 120 pixels (h)
Includes a link to your website.
Building Digital Ad: $200/quarter or $750/year
Adver se your business all day, every day on the Chamber's mee ng room television monitors! Your digital ad will be seen by all Chamber visitors and guests, providing high visibility and a great opportunity to share informa on about your business.
Enhanced Business Lis ng on www.DublinChamber.org : $100 per year
With an upgraded business lis ng, expand your online visibility by associa ng up to 20 keywords with your profile. Addi onally, you can include a detailed 1,600-word company descrip on, showcase up to eight photos in a slideshow, specify opera ng hours, link a YouTube video, and feature your business logo with a URL link.
Email Banner Ads: $150 (Buy 5 months, get the 6th month free)
Size: 480 pixels x 80 pixels

Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 17

Adver se in the Dublin Chamber News Magazine
Looking to expand your reach to Dublin area businesses? Consider adver sing in the Dublin Chamber News, the Chamber’s bi-monthly magazine mailed to business professionals.
Addi onally, you can submit news about your organiza on to be included in the Chamber’s News Magazine, if you would like to submit your happenings in your business, please send your news releases to info@DublinChamber.org.
Business Card Ads: $200
Size: 3.5” x 2”
Half Page Ads: $550
No bleed: 7.625” wide x 4.875” tall
With bleed: 8.5” wide x 5.25” tall
Full Page Ads: $750
No bleed: 7.625” wide x 10.125” tall
With bleed: 8.5” wide x 11” tall
Note: Dublin Chamber News is published bi-monthly, and deadlines for submi ng artwork and ar cles are as follows:
Jan./Feb. edi on – received by Nov. 15
March/Apr. edi on – received by Jan. 15
May/June edi on – received by March 15
July/Aug. edi on – received by May 15
Sept./Oct. edi on – received by July 15
Nov./Dec. edi on – received by Sept. 15

Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 18
Event Sponsorships
Put your Business in the Spotlight!
Event sponsorship allows you to get your name out in our community and reach specific target audiences with your message. Whether you aim to engage Chamber members, business professionals, students, community members, or young professionals, diverse sponsorship opportuni es are available for you to host or partner. By pu ng your business in the spotlight through sponsorship, you not only amplify your brand presence but also align your message with the values and objec ves of our vibrant community network. Reach out to the Chamber at 614889-2001 for details on how you can leverage event sponsorship to maximize your impact and achieve your marke ng goals.
Business A er Hours Event Hos ng: $250 plus food/beverages
Morning Brew Business Networking: $150 plus food/beverages
Community Champion Awards: $500 - $10,000
Community Service Day: $500 - $10,000
Corporate Charity Cup: $10,000 - $50,000
Dublin Golf Classic: $500 - $10,000
Taste of Dublin: $1,000 - $10,000
Recogni on Luncheon: $2,000 - $10,000
Chamber Luncheon: $500 - $5,000
Tabletop Displays at Chamber events: $150 - $250
Dublin Chamber of Commerce: (614) 889-2001, info@DublinChamber.org
Direct Mail Program
Member may purchase one- me use mailing labels to strengthen business-to-business marke ng efforts for only $150.
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Member Advantages Guide – Page 19