Dubli Network | 7 Effective Tips for Dubli Network Success from the Start

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7 Effective Tips for DubLi Network

Success from the Start

Starting a new business can sometimes be a daunting venture, but DubLi Network helps lessen the anxiety when you join. The vast amount of resources available in the DubLi Network Back Office dramatically decreases the pressure of starting from scratch, providing you with a clear path and a wealth of mentoring and advice designed to aid you. Nevertheless, it’s still perfectly normal to have moments of uncertainty, so here are our top tips for smooth sailing:

DubLi Network | 2016.07.19


Keep The End Goal in Sight

Embrace Your Expertise

No matter how much help is at hand, things can go wrong and sometimes you just have a bad day. When the pressure of starting out on your own becomes overwhelming, remember the bigger picture, and the possibilities; this will help you to put smaller issues in perspective. Tomorrow you will laugh.

Focus on your strengths and take advantage of the skills in which you excel. If you’re good with people, then draw up a plan that will revolve around using those skills wherever possible. You’re a social media whiz? Good, use your talents to harness the billions of people using social sites and let it be a positive platform for your business. Not a social expert? We’ve got you covered: check out our Social Media 101 For DubLi Network Business Associates. Whatever you’re good at, make sure you play to that strength.

Make A Plan Write down everything you want to achieve and set a timeframe. Once you’ve done this, draw up a reasonable plan of action that will allow you to accomplish this. Don’t make it a rush to get things done either, if you feel like you’re falling behind it may impact your motivation. It is better to be more lenient with your schedule, and when you accomplish goals you will feel positive and driven.

Always Persevere To achieve your end goal, you will need to employ courage and determination to persevere with your business. Always commit yourself to moving forward; even the smallest steps will set you in the right direction.


DubLi Network | 2016.07.19

Don’t Reinvent What Works Take advantage of the time-tested models already available to you; don’t fix what isn’t broken. Being a successful DubLi Network Business Associate requires making your business duplicable, learning from the seminars in the Back Office and using the content designed to aid you. If you’re already learning someone else’s system, stick with it. There’s a reason that person found success. Your job is now to learn how to replicate a system that has already been proven effective.

DubLi Network | 2016.07.19


Don’t Burn Out This might sound obvious, but it’s important to remember: starting your own business and working from home can be a jarring change and it will take some time for you to adjust. Just because you can do work in the evening, doesn’t mean you necessarily should. Find the right work-life balance and learn to completely switch off “work mode” when you can. Being a DubLi Network BA means you are your own boss, so do what you’ve always wanted to do, and take time off when you need. You’re not valuable to anybody if you’re tired and can’t think straight. Read our tips on positivity and balance when you’re working from home.

Keep Your Sense of Humor Some days you’ll get bogged down with work and feel intense pressure to perform. When your day starts getting tough, read something funny, watch your favorite comedian on YouTube or find someone and share a joke. The simple act of smiling makes you feel better, and a solid ten minutes of laughter will leave you feeling relaxed, uplifted and ready to face work again, this time with a different perspective. Remember, there is always support available to you; you can attend DubLi Network events and meetings in your area, and make use of the DubLi Network Back Office too. Stay positive, always.

© 2016 DUBLI NETWORK All rights reserved worldwide.

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