Staying motivated and positive when working from home

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Working from home is a trend on the rise. For those in the network marketing industry, it is not just a trend but rather a way of life. How many times has someone said to you, “I could never do that”? We understand that working from home requires a certain level of discipline but, if handled properly, it can be a rewarding and productive lifestyle. We know this already, right? Being successful network marketers we know it works. It can definitely prove to be a better option than arriving at an office daily, being accountable to a boss who is constantly looking at their watch and enjoying the solitude of not being interrupted by the water cooler conversation. Creating discipline, staying motivated and productive when working from home can prove challenging to some but it can easily be mastered by implementing the following routines into your life.

Create a Schedule for Yourself Managing your time is of the utmost importance when working from home. While distractions may be considerable in an office environment, they are also prevalent at home. It is easy to get caught up in doing the laundry, cooking dinner and watching TV so it’s important that you are actually working during work hours. We are not saying you shouldn’t take a break every so often where these chores can be accomplished, in fact we encourage it, but rather don’t make it a habit and spend three hours cooking an elaborate meal for your spouse. If you are meant to be making calls from 9-11, make the calls, don’t procrasti-

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nate. It is also important that you determine which hours you are most productive. If you are a morning person, use these hours to perform your most critical, thought-intensive tasks and use the time later in the day to follow-up on email or undertake any research assignments you may need to accomplish. Create your daily schedule and then follow it to the best of your ability. Life happens, crises occur, just don’t let them throw you off. If you need to, find a suitable time management system. Making a schedule and sticking to it will reduce your stress level and keep you more motivated. Productivity breeds more productivity.


Get Out of the House and Get Some Exercise We all know that exercise reduces stress but it also helps you become more productive. When working from home we become sedentary. Exercise allows us to get our juices flowing, gives us some time away from the phone or computer to think and clear our heads. Exercise provides a boost of energy, which will ultimately make you more productive. One of the benefits of working from home is that we have greater flexibility. Instead of a lunch hour in an office, build into your schedule 30 minutes to go to the gym or for a run. You’ll be glad you did and some fresh air will do you the world of good. Furthermore, switch-up your schedule every once in a while for a change of scenery, try working from your local library or coffee shop.

Reward Yourself and Celebrate Success Nowhere is it written that you can only celebrate when something major happens. In fact, it is healthy and productive, not to mention, great for your self-esteem, to recognize and celebrate small achievements. Did you just register a new team member? Was the webinar you just participated on a success? Since no one else is around to compliment you, reward and celebrate yourself. Set a healthy baseline for yourself and then celebrate when you reach or exceed it. Share your success or achievement on social media, call your family, eat


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your favorite snack‌ Recognize, reward and celebrate your achievements. Most importantly, don’t forget to recognize and celebrate your team members who achieve important milestones. Positive feedback and praise go a long way in keeping your work team motivated. When giving feedback, make sure you are informational and specific in nature; tell them exactly what they did well so as to encourage repeat behavior. Rewards and celebrations will keep you positive and motivated to get up and do it again tomorrow.


“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” John F. Kennedy The concept of JFK’s inaugural speech, which has also been used by the likes of Jim Rohn and Zig Zigler, relates to service. The more people you help, the greater life rewards you in return. Bottom line: build service into your daily life. The richest experience in our lives is not from receiving validation from others but more so when we are doing something that matters, and doing it well and in service of others. It doesn’t matter if it’s helping a team member build their organization, providing training or talking to a new customer about how the platform will save their family money – serving the greater good will benefit you. How does this make you more motivated or positive? It’s simple; it feels good to help others. If this service to others also benefits you financially; all the better. At least you’ve done something you can feel good about that is productive and beneficial. Some would call this “karma” but it works, give it a try.

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