AIESEC Vietnam Newsletter October, 2011

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AIESEC Vietnam


24 NOV 2011

NEWSLETTER date October, 2011



LC Update


AIESEC Vietnam's 5 YEAR Anniversary is coming!!! 5 year is not long period of time for an organization but it is significant to put an strong background on AIESEC VIETNAM in long road of exploring and developing Vietnamese youth's potential leadership. One Night to celebrate Five Years. Celebrating yesterday, Embracing tomorrow Website: VIETNAM/Alumni/5th_Year_Anniversary_Celebration.html Video:

Click here to send feedback Editor Pham Trung Duc - National Supporting Team



Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer!

President’s address

I want to share a story from my own time in AIESEC. I joined AIESEC in March 2008, a member of the OGX team. I was one of the few highly active members in my small LC, and I knew that I wanted to apply for LCVP the next term. There was a highly active ICX member that joined at the same time as me, he decided to apply for LCP and everyone thought he was crazy for applying. He lost the election, and so he decided to apply for LCVPICX while I became LCVPOGX. At the end of our EB term, we both wanted to apply for Int’l MC. I applied for MCVP in Vietnam, he applied for MCP in Taiwan. Again everyone thought he was crazy, why would he waste his time when we thought he had no chance. He did not even pass the MCP pre-screening stage, but he was not demotivated. He applied for MCVPICX and was selected. At this time I became MCVP Exchange in Vietnam. When the time came for elections, we both decided to apply for MCP in our new countries. At this time I was selected as MCP in Vietnam and we thought that he had a realistic chance of being elected in Taiwan, but again he lost the election. Not to be discouraged, he applied for MCVP ICX in Hong Kong. Again, he failed, not passing the confidence voting round. Finally 1 more position opened up that truly suited his personal strengths and characteristics. He decided to apply, and he was successfully selected. This person that I mention is Aniel Bhaga, the current AIESEC International Global Community Manager. After failing in 4 elections he was selected for AI after only 3.5 years in AIESEC (usually it takes around 5 years).

With LC and MC elections coming shortly, I hope you take a few key messages from this story. 1) Don’t be scared to fail or look foolish. When we fail, it is an opportunity to learn so much about ourselves and how we need to improve if we want to reach our dreams. If you’re worried about looking foolish, ask yourself why. Your true friends will stick beside you when you attempt big challenges, and why worry what other people think of you, they’re probably just jealous they didn’t have the courage to try it themselves. 2) Know why and what you want to achieve The most important thing when making choices is to know why. If you feel passionate about making some positive changes in your LC, understanding the ‘why’ will help you to communicate it much more clearly. Of course, you must combine this passion with a clear vision for what you want to achieve. If you only think of the what, you will become de-motivated quite easily after 1 or 2 failures. 3) Know your self Take the time to reflect on your experiences until now, what are your strengths and weaknesses. If you understand what you are/can be really great at, then will you have a much higher chance of contributing something really impactful in that area. 4) Keep looking for opportunities It’s very rare to succeed first time in everything, so one of the keys to success is to continually look for opportunities. You may apply for a position in the next few months and not be selected, at this point you have 2 choices. (A) Stop now, or (B) take a different route to the top. I think you can see from this story that there are great benefits by taking the 2nd option.


In October, TMs in all LCs are running Induction and

Allocation with shorter and more effective process of allocation and stricter PA&CA. Nationally, in October, mostly, we focus on Alumni management ( alumni newsletter, alumni googlegroup, alumni event, alumni association preparation) and AIESEC 2015 initiatives for TMP&TLP. National focuses in November: 1. TMP & TLP customization preparation into our recruitment, induction, allocation. 2. MEC revision preparation 3. Alumni Association-building basic policy and activities.

AI visit This month we had a visit from Denise, our AI VP

Country Development for Asia Pacific. With the MC team we went through a detailed understanding of AIESEC 2015 and analysing which of the programs we should focus to bring maximum results. We also discussed the way in which our MC and LCs can evolve to allow us to focus on delivering value for our customers and helping us achieve the 3 wheels. Exciting times!


Working on fund building & adjustment of

pricing for AIESEC Vietnam Conducting 1st financial audit for all LCs in October

BD National Sales Auditing team: the main

purpose of Auditing team is checking sales skills and knowledge of all sales members so that we can ensure a consistent image of professional sales men across the country. All sales people will be checked by having mock meeting with NST. This activity is actually very funny and enjoyable and we believe that all Auditing team will effectively support VPs to enhance sales quality of AIESEC Vietnam. We are highly encouraging VP Sales to put Auditing team as one of element in your member training plan. • Auditing team is now effectively working in FTU HCM LC to support VP Sales in providing new members a good environment to practice their skill.

MC Update

• FTU Hanoi and HCM LC will involve Auditing team soon this November. We are still looking for 2 people from LC Hanoi to join us, please contact me at if you have passion of enhancing your LC sales quality. National Sales Learning Culture: Learning team have just building up a Sales Handbook project in which all success/failure sales stories will be collected for learning purposes. We encourage all sales people share with us your sales story, and it will be stored in our sales handbook for next and next generations. Your name will be remembered forever!!! :). Fan page:


Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer!

GCDP Overview

drivers of growth

A round applause for 3 LC: HN, FTU HN, and FTU HCM for leading a growth, especially LC HN for having two projects in top 2 for both Matching and Realizing. Our Project is now well on track which actual results in Ra, Ma and Re surpass goal planned National PBOX is delayed until next year due to MC capacity. Attending AP Unleash 2015 has helped us finding a good model for National PBOX. It is expected to have National PBOX realized in May-June period Period Jul - Dec 2010 Jul - Oct 2011

Raise 36 160

Match 24 58

Realize 21 63

LC/Pbox Ranks

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Lack of infrastructure like: standard planning process, standard tracking system, standard training material, etc leading to low efficiency and effectiveness of project management. Lack of HR capacity Leadership pipeline in some LC is not good

The Way Forward Build infrastructure: standard planning process, standard tracking system and training material; and HR capacity to - Help LC run PBOX more efficiently and effectively - Run National PBOX next year Re-marketing PBOX for clear positioning in the CSR market


I’m Possible Earth and Me Hope for Children Living with HIV/AIDS Global Citizen Program Global Leadership Festival SPARK Global Citizen Summer Camp I-Think Career Orientation Living with HIV/AIDS Step Up



Other achievements Member Engagement Score is implemented and proving to be a good tool to motivate member and manage the whole team Quality control system designed and implemented Standard planning process designed. It will be documented and sent to LC soon

Driver of growth The 3 LCs: HN, FTU HCM, and FTU HN are the main MC Update


Match Realize 13 8 12 17 7 11 9 4

7 1



3 2 1 0 0 0

1 5 1 0 0 4



GIP Overview GIP TN has surpassed the half-term result of term 2010 although we still got 2 months to go. A round applause for us all, especially FTU HN for being the Champion in all Ra, Ma, and Re. Meanwhile, some LCs are way behind their track and need to bounce back on the race. Period Jul - Dec 2010 Jul - Oct 2011

Raise 17 18

Match 12 14

Realize 11 12





9 4





3 3 1



0 0

0 0

Other achievement Member Engagement Score is implemented and

Comm & IM With the new system being launched, the Comm

teams across the country had a good time figuring out all the new functions and pushing for their teams to continue using the system despite all the bugs in it. We are still trying to figure out the system ourselves, but so far we are very happy with all the new tools and the upgraded system!!! Stay tuned for upcoming trainings for how to most effectively utilize the new!!! For now, I would just like to encourage everyone to start playing around with the new system, and to please shoot me an email (chris. if you have any questions for how to use it!

MC Update

proving to be a good tool to motivate member and manage the whole team Quality control system designed and implemented

Driver of growth Clear marketing strategies: focus on selling on Education sector Professionalism: for the first time, detailed exchange data for 5 years has been created, helping us to realize that Education is the most potential sector

Bottleneck Sale skills of member: members don’t understand about product or how to sell GIP Materials for training and sale Management skills: most LCs is not effective at pipeline planning and controlling In some LC, sale members are distracted by other tasks or opportunities reducing the sale capacity of those LCs.

Way Forward Training and sale materials for members Focusing sale activities in Education sector Market research for new sector: Tourism

Also, in October, the Comm teams worked hard in collaboration with the OGX teams across the country in promoting for the Pocket Recruitment for DecemberJanuary realizations!!!! Final report is being compiled now and will be released shortly!! A big shout out to the VP Comms across the country for effectively dealing with the new system upgrade and for constantly striving for innovation in their branding messages!!!! Well done ladies! Things being worked on in the next month: training (if you have feedback/things you would like to see in the training, send it my way!) and social media strategy building!!


Once AIESECer, forever AIESECer!


National Raise OGX 40 Growth on previous year 4000% Goal 30

Match 4 0% 20

Realize 6 -14% 10


Recruitment will add up EP pipeline for winter realization and it showed some achievement in promotion, but we at the same time recognized the ALERT of over capacity of promotion channels and not clear promotion strategy, which if we don’t know how to overcom will be the definite obstacle to overall success of OGX during term 2011 – 2012.

November focus:


Raise 0 17 10 13 0 0

Match 1 0 0 0 0 0

Realize 2 2 1 1 0 0

Overall analysis: October seems not to be a successful month for OGX in realization when we faced the lack of EP pipeline for Q4 – starting in this month. Though the Pocket

ER Unfortunately, October was a sort of slow month

for ER. Chris was gone in Malaysia for the Unleash AP Conference and then back home for personal leave. However, we were pushing for sponsorship for the upcoming 5th Year Anniversary Celebration. We are happy to announce that Hult International Business School and Education First (both Global Partners) have agreed to sponsor this event! We are happy to have their support.

MC Update

LC level: Number 1: Matching for raised EP from Oct Number 2: EP selection & EP raising for pocket Recruitment Number 3: Support MC OGX in carrying out GIP TN research and GCDP EP promotion strategy for OGX MC level: Number 1: Clearly define role of MC VP Com and MC VP OGX in OGX EP promotion strategy Number 2: Carry out market research for GIP TN pool and promotion strategy for GCDP EP realization in general, and Mar-Apr particularly.

Things being worked on in the next month: Contract finalization for a few contracts, and beginning to renegotiate the contract for a national partner. We will also be working with several countries in SEA to create regional partners!!!

National Conferences and Events ILEAD 2012

OC ILEAD is finalizing agenda, venue and continue working on fund raising. 1st registration has been released for delegate, alumni and faci. Facebook: Website: Ilead Conference Teaser:

Ignite 2012

OC Ignite 2012 is forming and to start working

5 year Anniversary

OC is finalize agenda, venue and sponsor. The Anniversary will take place on Thursday, 24 November at Ramana Hotel, 323 Le Van Sy, Ho Chi Minh City Website:

MC Update


LC FTU Hanoi

Local Chapter Hanoi Foreign Trade University


ICX team’s result in October Raise 12 Match 7 Realize 6 OGX team’s result in October Raise 13 Match 0 Realize 1


LC FTU Hanoi is running 60-day-program called Activating Leadership Program (ALP) in order to heighten one important AIESEC value: Activating Leadership With the ultimate goal of realization of member’s full potential, Buddy System orientating newbies to the organization and encouraging them to act proactively. Personal Goal Setting (PGS) helped both oldies and newbies actively define goals and review their achievements. Individuals’ goal setting is the basic standard for award decision in R&R in December. First-Step Conference is held on Hai Hoa, Thanh Hoa did gave newbies chance to understand more about AIESEC job through EB one-day session, taste AIESEC Culture with AIESEC dance and very sweet sugar cubes.

Project HIV In October, HIV team set 1 workshop in Foreign Trade University with 50 attendees. They are going to visit the place in which HIV children are taken care of in November.

Global Citizen Global Citizen set 6 workshops in Thang Long secondary school and Luong The Vinh high school. In addition, 12 potential candidates of GC’s English Speaking Contest round 2 had an ‘’Awareness Day’’ at Bo De Pagoda. The short trip gave them chance to approach real life and discover the new as well. Global Citizen English Speaking Contest is the event of Global Citizen Program. This is a program for high school students to show their English potential and have chance to meet friends from many countries around the world LC Update

BD BD raised 36 million VND in cash, 7 scholarships and 5 million of scholarship.

Comm & IM

Comm cooperate and support OGX so well to get the satisfied result in Pocket Recruitment. External Comm is preparing for widespread branding and brand management. External channels like website and fanpage are updated daily. In additional, internal channels like @News video, Newsletter are maintained with the high quality, Internal Comm ran a new offline campaign Comm ambassador so that communication & information in our LC will be smooth and transparent. Information Management intends to run “Beautify LC wikis” program as a competition model.


LC Danang Local Chapter in Danang


P-box has formed a complete team and is running on the content and preparation for the Project in February. In this month, P-box also has successfully uploaded TN form but still not available because of the sponsor.

TM TM successfully recruited 14 newbies. All of them are very enthusiastic and started to work from the 2nd week. Buddy system is running well.


In October, LC Danang raised 1 learning partner and 0 venue partner


With OGX team, there are 3EP raised, 0 matched and realized. OGX Is going to run pocket recruitment in December

LC Update



Local Chapter RMIT University

TM During October 2011, AIESEC RMIT is preparing for their Fall

recruitment which will happen in middle of November. Therefore most of their activities are promotion for the recruitment. Club Day: Attracted more than 200 RMIT students visited our booth, registered for the Information Session as well as eager to join our Fall Recruitment . AIESEC RMIT Fall recruitment is promising and all of AIESEC RMIT members are expecting to have more talented and enthusiastic newbies later. Monthly LCM: Members started to learn more about AIESEC 2015 through presentation of their LCP and discussion. Later, love is in the air as they received gifts from their lovely Russian intern, Masha!!!

BD BD team is trying to have partnership with Prism, an IT

company. Here is their website: During the early days, AIESEC RMIT ER team has many challenges as they have no experience in doing ER and just very few number of members. Thanks to AIESEC FTU HCMC ER team, especially Anh Kha, they became stronger and more professional.

Comm & IM RMIT LC’s website is under construction at: Internal channel: Gmail, Facebook: RMIT.Vietnam


In October, 1 EP is matched to Malaysia.


Besides continuing the I-Think Seminar promotion, PBOX also started to cooperate with AIESEC FTU in the next year Career Orientation project. We are also welcoming 1 new intern from Germany: Judith Eckhard. Project Name Details Status Partner I-Think Raising awareness in Vietnamese students about the Promotion Neville Dean creativity RMIT University Teaching and practicing creative thinking Babel Project Teaching foreign languages and culture for Vietnamese in Planning general for free Career Day A chance for University students in Ho Chi Minh City meet Planning Company representatives and learn about the opportunities offered LC Update

LC Hanoi Local Chapter in Hanoi



In October, AIESEC Hanoi raises successfully 4000USD for ILEAD (3000 from Techcombank and 1000 from Hanoi backpacker) and maintains relationship with partners


Result of OGX team in October Raise 17 Match 4 Realize 2

Recruitment Overview : 141 application forms, 30 newbies selected Buddy system : Start right after finishing selection in order to help newbies get to know and integrate fast in AIESEC Induction time for newbies : Regional training seminar : AIESEC overview, Challenge your world view, AIESEC experience, AIESEC programs LCM : Mainly about team introduction which supports allocation later Time management training : LCP - trainer gave practical training about how to manage time effectively, work-life balance, time management in AIESEC LC day out : 2 days off-work for all members in Ban Låc - Mai Châu

Comm & IM Enhancing Knowledge Management system,

Finish Preparing guideline for More than 5700 fan on fanpage, building communication partnership with Inspiring Youth.

Result of ICX team in October Raise 50 GCDP + 1 GIP Match 11 Realize 7


Promotion for Career Orientation project and prepare for phase 2 of Earth and Me project

LC Update


LC FTU Hochiminh Local Chapter Hochiminh Foreign Trade University


Result of OGX team in October Raise 14 Match 0 Realize 1


Career Orientation Day

In October 30th, Career Orientation Day of AIESEC FTU HCMC was successfully organized at Unilever Vietnam. With the participation of nearly 200 participants, Career Orientation Day becomes one of the biggest events of AIESEC FTU HCMC in this year. The aim of this event is to offer a chance for students to have a direct dialogue about career orientation and future planning with people in the real busines world, and through that, providing the youth with an overview about their path and their career opportunities in the future. HIV project : running Lead the change contest . Lead The Change Day is a combination of 3 special events, including Final Round of “Lead the Change” Contest; Youth Social Responsibility Forum and Global Village. Joining the event, students have the chance to meet with company leaders, listen to their perspective about youth social responsibility; raise ideas to engage themselves in social activities and interact with 15 international students from more than 10 countries all over the world. Lead The Change Day will take place on 3rd Dec, 2011 H4C : preparing for events on Christmas.


Result of ICX team in October Raise 2 Match 0 Realize 0


BD raised 1 venue partnership, 2 qualified learning partner With 3 Phone call meetings every week, ER did boost the number of phone calls and company meetings. Implement Sales Auditing Team: Each member get 2 mock meetings/ months to practice sales skills, and for VP to monitor their competency

Comm & IM

Enhance the quality of newsletter Run all promotion activities in LC. Enhancing the effectiveness of channels (website, fanpage, forum) Without VP, but Comm&IM team is working hard

Recruitment overview: 33 newbies recruited, 4 returnees engaged Other TM’s events and programs: - Induction activities: I2A conference, Local Training Seminar - Organize Career Orientation Day - Monthly Report released for all members Finish forming team - Monthly R&R in 4 categories: Excellent AIESECer of the month, Champion Finalizing the detail plan Salesman, Outstanding Returnee and Role Model Team Recognition.

OC Ignite

LC Update

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