AIESEC Xpress, April 2012

Page 1



ndex I


ai esec news

I nc o mi n

c hang ( I CX)

Pr o j e cb as eo

c hang ( PBOX)

t e r na Co mmuni c at i o (EC)

Kno wl e dg Manage me n( KM)

wor kl oa da ndl a t eni ghtwor ki ng! ! !

Bus i ne s De v e l o pme n( BD)

Tal e n Manage me n( TM)

nanc ( F)

Acti vati ng Leadershi p

acti vati ng leadershi p

Entertai nment

Doct orsofKM

HeyAI ESEC! ! !I st her eanyt hi ngyouar ewonder i ngabouti nyourdai l yl i f e?Wear ever yhonort o f aceupt oanyques t i ont hatyouwantt oas k-becaus ewear et heDoct or sofKM –t heDKM ! ! !Andnow we haveachannelt oans weral lofyourques t i onswhi chcanbes entt hr oughFORMSPRI NG -apl acef oral l ofust ochi t chat ,gos s i p,“ hỏixoáyđápxoay” …Let ’ sf eelFREEt or ai s eyourvoi ceher eandt heywoul dbe r es pondedbyDKM.Wewi l lpos tt hemos ti nt er es t i ngques t i onsi nt hemagazi neoft hef ol l owi ngmont h. J us ts i gnupaFor ms pr i ngaccountbyeas i l yconnect i ngwi t hFacebookandwewi l lt al ki nVi et names e s oDON’ THESI TATETO ASK US. Hopeyouwi l lenj oyi twel l! ! !

Entertai nment

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