My Baby's Graduating!

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We are so proud of you. You are off to great journeys! We wish you good health, happiness, and persistence. Amy Guan

Biomedical Engineering

Congratulations, Amy!

Aydin Ata Gultekin Biology

Dear Ata,

We are very proud of you. We congratulate you and the entire class of 2024 and wish you all the best for life

Annie Zhang

Chemistry and Global Cultural Studies

Congratulationss! I know that the best is yet to come in your life because you deserve it. Keep on reaching for your goals!

You are a rock star, we are so proud of you! We love you!

Dad, Mom, Sister & Brother

Anna de Pourtales Public Policy & Biology

Bravo, Anna!

You pursue your goals with such courage, determination, imagination, irrepressible energy, talent and kindness. We are so proud of you and love you endlessly.

Kathryn Thomas Public Policy

Congratulations Kathryn! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. We can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Love, Dad, Mom & Joseph

Samantha Owusu-Antwi

Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Congratulations, Schmofiedoodle! We are incredibly proud of your accomplishments and love you dearly. Your tenacity is just admirable. Keep on rocking! Mom, Dad & David

Heidi Smith

Computer Science & English

Congratulations, Heidi!

We love you and are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Your father would be especially proud, too.

Halle Friedman Political Science

Halle, We are extremely proud of your many accomplishments, and most importantly, the amazing young woman you’ve become. Congratulations!

Love, Mom, Dad & Grant

Giselle Dunn


Gigi, I and all your family are so proud of you and your amazing accomplishments and we can’t wait to see what’s next!

Love, Mom

Kevin Jiang Math & Computer Science

Happy graduation, Kevin! You are braver than we believe, stronger than we hope, smarter than we think. Congrats and we love you!

Katie Tan Economics

Katie, We are so proud watching you follow your dreams with determination! Keep dreaming, we know you will crush it in whatever you do! Congratulations!

Kaylin Hernandez Public Policy

We can’t wait to see the impact you have on this world. We are so Proud of you!

Love, Mom & Dad

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May your curiosity and spark always override your fears. You are a force, Lia, but everyone is stronger with support. We are behind you always.

Eleanor Ross

We continue to be amazed by you! We are so very proud of you and look forward to where your travels will take you! Remember to come home occasionally!

Mom, Dad, and William

Jaylen T. Blakes

We are blessed to be inspired by your courage, leadership, and resilience. Your accomplishments fill our hearts with tremendous pride. We pray that you always have faith to dream big and live on purpose. On your next chapter, allow your authenticity and divine gifts to propel you forward to your unique and extraordinary journey. We Love You!

Mom, Dad, Mikayla

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Horace Gao Biology

Congratulations, Horace!

Rina Sclove

Political Science & English


Shanzeh Sheikh

History & Global Health

Congratulations, Shanzeh!

Quentin MacFarlane

Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Your remarkable journey at Duke University fills our hearts with pride. May your future be as bright as your indomitable spirit!

Isabelle Ginn


Isabelle, you are such a joy and we love you to the moon and back! We are so proud of you!

Love, Mama & Daddy

Carmel Falek


Congratulations! Hold on to the moment, be proud, and know you deserve all the successes you work toward. We are beyond proud! Mom & Sisters

Yet another accomplishment completed with your whole heart. We love you and are so proud of you! Congratulations!

Love, Mom & Dad

Austin Gabay Public Policy

You’ve made it to the finish line and it’s time to take a breath before you start a new race. Remember to keep chasing your dreams.

Emily Sandberg

Evolutionary Anthropology & Psychology

Emily, Duke will always be your beginning and there is so much more to come. Always remember YOU GOT THIS!

Love always, Mom & Dad

With love from your biggest fans, Mama, Baba, & Alizeh

Sasha Gerber Public Policy

Congratulations Sasha— always our Sunshine Girl! You’ve had an incredible four years as a Blue Devil. So proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad & Drew

Anna Schilling Public Policy

Congratulations, Anna! We are so proud of you!

Quentin, We are super proud that you not only excelled in class, but also enjoyed the fullest Duke experience with lifelong Dukie friends. Congrats!

Garrett Johns Psychology

With love and pride today and always.

Love, Mom, Dad, Cameron, Jana & Bandit

Gabriel Espinoza Math

Only some of your goals have been achieved today. Go fulfill the other ones with faith & strength as your guide. We love you son!!

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Hannah Galdes Public Policy

Congratulations on all your accomplishments at Duke. We’re immensely proud of your personal, academic and professional achievements. You bring tremendous joy to everyone around you!

Hong Yan Public Policy and Biology

Congratulations on this special achievement. You have been worked so hard and you made us all proud! Thank you for making this our proudest day as parents! Wish you have greatest adventures in your life!

Zachary Dobson Public Policy

Congratulations, Zach! You did it! So Proud. Keep working hard and believing. Success will continue to follow. Dream big!!!

Love, Mom, Dad & Sarah

Congratulations, Paul! We are so proud of the person you have become.

Dad, Mom & Michael Paul Kamer Economics

Conor Becker Economics


We are proud of your hard work and dedication as a Duke Student Athlete. Your future is bright. We love you Conor Becker!

Ryan Hu Economics

Congratulations, Ryan! We love you and are so proud of your hard work and accomplishments. Continue to chase your dreams. The sky is the limit!

Luke Triplett Mathematics & Computer Science

Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication has paid off and we look forward to your future successes at UC Berkeley.

Love, Mom, Dad & Noah

Alexandra Thursland Computer Science

With all our love; looking forward to watching you write the next chapter in your book of life.

With Love Always, Mom & Dad

Alexander Golombek Psychology

Congratulations, Alex ! We are so very proud of your accomplishments. Continue to shine, we love you!

Gaby, Dad & Mom

Evan McMahan Neuroscience

Congratulations, Evan! We love you and are so very proud of your hard work and accomplishments. We can’t wait to see what you do next!

Maxwell Brown Economics

Congratulations, Max! We are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished! Wishing you continued happiness and success!

Love, Mom, Dad & Jessica

Alaa Osman Biomedical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering

Alaa you make us proud! You continue to inspire us every day. Congratulations! We wish you an abundance of health, happiness and prosperity. Mom

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Meghana Yadav

Dear Meghan, We are so proud of you and the person that you are! We can’t wait to see all the amazing things the future has in store for you! We love you very much. Mom,Dad,Devin,RyanandKikixxoo

Chad Faykus

Rebecca Dominguez

Congratulations, Becca! Duke Class of 2024! What an amazing achievement & reflection of your talent and years of hard work! I am so proud of you & love you always! Let’s. Go. Duke! Mom
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Heath Springman

Mechanical Engineering

Heath— We are so proud of you! You are a genuine, kind and humble man. You AMAZE us! We love you.

Job Trahan Psychology

Job, You lead with Grace, Fulfilling His mission, Rewarding all you encounter with Joy. We are Blessed to have you and We Love You! Congratulations!!!!

Gavin Eskenazi Economics

Congratulations Gavin! We are so proud of you. The best is yet to come!

Love, Mom, Dad & Zach

Eliza Heaton Psychology

Out of the blue, you became a fellow, director, and now a teacher. Keep spreading your “sunshine”!


Dad, Mum, Chicken, Bubs, Nana, Popop

Caroline King Psychology

Dearest Caroline, We adore you and couldn’t be prouder of you! Enjoy your new adventures in Cambridge!

Love, Mom, Dad, Charlie, Kodi & Momo

Brendan Parrella Economics

Brendan, you excel at every goal you set. We are so very proud of who you are and what you do. We love you buddy!

Benjamin Rubin Statistical Science

We are so proud of you, Ben! We know you will make a big impact in this world.

Forever Duke, Mom, Dad & Naomi

Kennedi Wesley Public Policy & ICS Middle East

Dearest Kennedi, You have made your entire family proud. Your persistence is unwavering and unmatched. We love you more than you can imagine.

Love, Mommy

Charlie Pinckney Mechanical Engineering

You are our greatest gift. We are so proud of you and love you so very much.

Your biggest fans— Mom & Dad XXOO

Maya Montgomery Neuroscience & Global Health

Maya, it has been a long journey! Hope you are still smiling like you were at the beginning!

We love you! Momma, Dad & Meera

Campbell Lawson Public Policy

Congratulations, Campbell!! As you have every day of your life, you have made us proud today. Your hard work and generous soul amaze and inspire.

Haley Wixom Computer Science

Haley— Congratulations on embracing your Duke experience! We cannot wait to follow and support your success ahead. Keep spreading positive energy! Love, the Fam

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Jean-Luc Rabideau Mathematics

So proud of you today and everyday! Happy that we can celebrate with you!

Love you lots! Mom & Papa

Suresh Kannoth

Economics & Public Policy

Suresh, Immensely proud of you becoming Duke graduate in Economics and Public Policy!! Congratulations and wish you continued success!

Love, Mom, Dad, Sneha, and Supriya

Miracle Adedeji Public Policy & Global Health

Miracle, you have made us very proud. As the firstborn, you have paved the way for your siblings in excellence. You will continue to soar.

Alison Korn Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations Alison— We are so proud of you! Your heart, humility and faith are inspiring to everyone who knows you.

Love, Mom & Dad

Meredith Faye Cohen Psychology

Huge CONGRATULATIONS on your Duke graduation! Your successful undergraduate career heralds an even more successful future!

With boundless love for you, from your whole family!

Christina Sigler Economics

Congratulations! We are so very proud of you!

God Bless You, Mom & Dad

Gabrielle Fry Neuroscience & Linguistics

Congratulations, Boochie! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!

We love you! Mom & Dad

Jonathan Piland Electrical and Computer Engineering & Biomedical Engineering

Jonathan, We are so proud of you and how you run the race with endurance! (1Cor 9:24).

Congratulations and love always, Mom, Dad & Anna

Maya Regal

Computer Science & Linguistics

We’re so happy for you and wish you a bright, blessed future!

Love, Leilani, Evan, Papa, Maama, Jade & all your aunts, uncles & cousins

Megan Mahoney Computer Science

Meg— We’re so proud of of who you are and all you do. We love you to the moon and back!

Congratulations, Kristin! You will always be mom/dad’s happy girl. Kristin Zhu Public Policy & Political Science

Madeleine Menkes

Cultural Anthropology

Congratulations, Madeleine! You’re not only compassionate, humble and wise but supremely talented, hardworking, driven, and responsible. Get ready world, here she comes! We love you!

Mom & Dad
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Kavi Freyaldenhoven Marcos Hirai Catao

Congratulations, Marcos!

We are so proud of you and your accomplishments at Duke. We have witnessed your dedication, responsibility and commitment in your journey and we are happy to celebrate this important moment. You are our pride and joy. We love you!

Mom, Dad & Quincas

Dear Kavi, Congratulations Darling!

We are so proud of the work you put into school and your job. You’re amazing and have the whole world in front of you. Its time to move your mountain! We love you!

Mom, Dad, Kaesha, Kannan and Nans!

Jaiden Kaplan

Jaiden …

We are so proud of you and your past, present and future. Congratulations! We are the Presidents of your fan club! Love you forever. XO, Mom, Dad, Daylin, Blake and your entire family

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Grisha Mouromtsev

Bravo my son, congratulations! You’ve accomplished so much, and I believe you can achieve anything. I’m always proud of you. Love, Mum Congratulations! Don’t rush, recognize and believe in yourself. —Dad You did it, little brother! I’m proud of you. Your hard work and dedication have lead you to this remarkable achievement. —Kat



Caroline Zhang

Congratulations on your graduation, Caroline!

Congratulations, Michelle, on your graduation! Your perseverance, intellect, and determination have brought you to this momentous milestone. As you step into the next chapter of your life, may your success continue to soar and your dreams flourish. All our Love, Mom, Dad, Michael and Emily

We are so proud to have watched you grow and transform into an incredible young woman, keep chasing your dreams and shine on! We will always be there for you.

With all of our love, Mom, Waigong, Waipo, Olivia, Lucky

Liliana Root

Words cannot express how proud we are of your academic achievements and personal growth. Keep reaching for your dreams and know that your family will always be here for you. We love you very much. Que Dios te bendiga siempre.

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Zack Schroeder

Computer Science

Well done, Zack!

We’ve loved seeing you in Duke Blue for four years.

Can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Mitchell Harrison

IDM in Statistics + CS on Data Science

You continue to amaze us. First the Navy, and now Duke. Keep reaching for those stars. We’re so proud of you!

YBF, Mom, Dad, Ali

Jordan Troob Biology

Congratulations, Jordan! We’re so incredibly proud of you and all you’ve accomplished.

Can’t wait to see where your journey takes you! Love you so much!

Chris Knotek

Mechanical Engineering

Chris, Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Love you to the moon and back!

Mom, Dad, Katie, Anna, Peter, Casey, Papa & Gramma

Jacey Curd Computer Science & Biology

Congratulations, Jacey!

We’re so proud of you and can’t wait to see what your next adventures begin.

Love, Mom & Dad xoxox

Kendall Satcowitz

Statistical Science

Congratulations, Kendall! We’re so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished at Duke! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Love you!

Maxwell Wyatt

Mechanical Engineering

We are beyond proud of you! You are the whole package, Max! Can’t wait to celebrate this milestone with you and many more. Love you!

Eli Cuene Computer Science

Congratulations, Eli Cuene! It has been a joy to watch you grow and learn at Duke. Your incredible friendships will last a lifetime. Love you!

Luke Thomas Computer Science

Congratulations, Luke! You have grown into such a kind, compassionate, smart, fun young man. We love you and are proud of you.

Dad, Mom, Kendall

Trevor Tang

Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations Trevor!!

We love you and are so proud of you and your accomplishment. It takes courage and determination to grow up and become who you are.

Nicholas Olomu Risk, Data and Financial Engineering

We are so proud of you, Nicholas.

Love, Dad & Mom

Sofia Guerrero Neuroscience


We are immensely proud of you and all your achievements. Keep pursuing your dreams with the same determination.

With love, Mom, Dad & Carolina

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Mom, Dad, Nick, Lulu

Charlotte Kelliher

Computer Science & Economics

Congratulations, darling Charlotte. Hard working, dedicated, bright, beautiful and full of fun! We love you and could not be prouder.

McKenna Paulik

Psychology & Global Health

We’re immensely proud of you every single day. Keep pursuing your dreams and remember, we’ll always be here for you. LOVE YOU SO MUCH M5

Oscar Nolen

Computer Science & Math

Congratulations! Today is your day!

You’re off to great places! You’re off and away! Oh the Places you will go To infinity and beyond!

Noah Falbaum

Mechanical Engineering

Noah, you make us proud each & every day. Congratulations! We’re all super excited to see what’s next for you.

Love, Mom, Dad & Jessica

Ayumi Tsuyuki Biomedical Engineering

You’re not the worst graduate in the world:)! We couldn’t be more proud of you!!!! Happy Birthday!

Katherine Long Biology & Chemistry

Katherine, we are so very proud of you! We love you and cannot wait to watch your future unfold before you!

Mama, Daddy & Matthew

Timothy Koh

Electrical Engineering & Physics

shrug. kiddo. glean. budge. goose. black horsey. jai took your book. nerd. shrew. dingus. budapest. magnificent brown. easy peasy lemon squat! We love you, Tim!

Charlotte Kramon Public Policy

Charlotte, We are so proud of you! May this next adventure be the beginning of many!

With so much love, Mom, Dad, Lily & Zoey

Kartik Pejavara

Computer Science

Congratulations, Kartik, on this amazing achievement! We are very proud of you! Continue to follow your dreams! We love you!

Love, Mom & Dad

Andrew Dale Chemistry

We are so proud of you, Drew! You made the most of every second of your undergraduate experience! We love you!

Vincent Li

Math & Computer Science

Like a fully-fledged bird spreading wings proudly to soar high, farther from our sight, limit is the sky. Congratulations, Vincent! Love forever!

Catherine Liu

Economics & Computer Science

Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors. We love you!

Visiting with
Duke University Archives
Washington Duke,
Dad, Mom & Haley
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Dad, Mum, Ben & Rafa

Alanna Peykar

Congratulations Alanna!

We are so proud of all you have accomplished at Duke. You have grown to be a smart, savvy and strong woman, who we know will succeed in everything you do. Plus, a bonus year w/Evan!

Love you, Mom & Dad

Chloe Thomas

Congratulations, Chloe! It’s been amazing watching you mature and create lifelong friendships at Duke. You’ve always taken on life with ease and confidence, and we look forward to watching you achieve your goals. You’re smart, witty, and full of love. We’re so proud of you!

Brandon Francis


Innate courage forges your foundation with endurance.

Your ambition converts to achievement.

Your benevolence reflects in the smiles of those who surround you.

You motivate Nathan and Nolan with your tribal glitter and glue.

Our proud hearts explode with the love we have for you.

Mom and Dad

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Dominic Ritchey

Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Dominic, We are so proud of you. You set your sights on Duke and now you are graduating.

Adrianna Diaz

Biomedical Engineering

Adri, Congratulations! We are so proud of every one of your accomplishments. We cannot wait to see you shine.

Love you! Mami, Papi & Gaby

Theodora Harmsworth

Public Policy

Darling Theodora, Congratulations!

We are so proud of you and look forward to seeing you flourish as you embark on the next exciting chapter.

With love from Mum & Dad xxx

Sophia Williams

Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science


Algorithms dance in steps so grand; one misplaced comma crashes the band! Wires entangle, but you’re in control; ECE explorer with a genius soul!

Sanjit Beriwal

Political Science & Economics

Congratulations! We love you and are so proud of you! As an inquisitive kid, you asked dozens of questions, and it’s been a blessing to see you discover answers to some of those questions (and more!) in college. We can’t wait to see you grow!

Connor McDermott

Mechanical Engineering & Computer Science

Congratulations, Connor! Your hard work and achievements have made us extremely proud. May you continue to achieve greatness and shine as bright as your smile!

Isabelle W. Sanz

Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations, Isabelle! We are so very proud of who you have become and what you have achieved! Wishing you all the best in Grad school.

Love, Mom & Dad

Madeleine Dawson

Mechanical Engineering

Maddie, we are so proud of you and excited for this next phase of your life! We love you!

—Mom, Dad, Ellie & Charlie

Bianca DeSilva Psychology

Congratulations Bianca! We are very proud of your accomplishments.


Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! We are so very proud of you!!

Congratulations to our dearest Piper! We are so very proud of you and we love you!

Mom, Dad, Luke, Nan, Pop & Teddy Piper St. Regis Psychology

Rodricka Robinson

Cultural Anthropology

It takes courage and vision to achieve your dreams. Dedications to keep moving forward, your next steps will be bigger then the rest. Congratulations, Rodricka!

With lots of love, Ammi & Thathi

All Our Love, Mom, Dad, Grant & Sloan Max Bello
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Love, Mom & Dad

Spencer Spahr Economics & History

Spencer. ConGRADulations! Keep up your Blue Devil spirit. Wishing you continued happiness and success.

Nicholas Amato Biology & Theatre

We are so proud of all that you have accomplished. We admire your tenacity, perseverance, intelligence, kind heart and sense of humor. You made the most of your Duke life now it’s time to make the most out of your whole life. We love you!

Ali Gaviser History

Congratulations, Ali! We are in awe of all that you have accomplished, and can’t wait to see what comes next. Dream big. We love you!!

Isabel Siebrecht

Global Health & Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies


We are so proud and excited for you to continue to make this world a better place! NYC get ready. Love you always!

Satya Yalamanchi Biology

Congratulations, Satya!!

We are proud of your achievements and the person you’ve become, can’t wait to see what’s next in your journey. Love you.

Lauren Puig Biophysics

Congratulations, Lauren! Your journey from a curious child to a confident Duke graduate fills us with pride and joy.

We love you! Mom, Dad & James

Luke Beiswenger Biomedical Engineering

We love you so much. So proud of you!

Mom, Dad, Drew,

& Cal

Brian Janger Computer Science & Statistical Science

Congratulations, Brian! We can’t wait to see all the great things you’re going to accomplish. Love, Mom, Dad, Megan & Charlie #GoDuke #GoCanes

Audrey Hicks Economics

Audrey, know this— you are loved unconditionally, stronger than you think, capable of anything, and a source of joy for everyone. Congratulations!!!

Jessica Anz Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations, Jess. We are so proud of you and all your hard work for 16 years of school with more to come.

Ashley Rees Public Policy

Congratulations, Ashley! Continue to embrace opportunities with courage, pursue your dreams with determination, and strive to make a positive impact on the world. Love you!

Melissa Sandoval Mullis Political Science

Oh my goodness kiddo, you did it!!! We are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. We love you very much!

Jaxon Mom & Dad Love,
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Mom, Dad, Lucy & Grandma Amy

Jonah Pilnick

Congratulations Jonah! Your perseverance, dedication, and goodness inspire those around you everyday. Continue to pursue your dreams, so many have come true already. We are so very proud. You are ready! Love always, Mom, Dad, Emma and Ben—Duke & Louie too!

Olivia Levitan


Congratulations, Jack! We love you and are so proud of all that you have accomplished. We’ll be cheering you on in your next adventure!

LoveMom, Dad, Maddie, Teddy, Tom and Jerry

Sophia Kuhn Sophia Kuhn

We are so proud of you Olivia Rose. With love always, Mom, Dad, Elana and Truffle & Callie XO

Dear Sophia,

Congratulations on your graduation from Duke University. We are so proud of your accomplishments. All our love, Mom, Dad, Natalia, and Jeffery

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Cheryl Li

Computer Science & Economics

Congratulations, Cheryl! We are so proud of you graduating from Duke with double majors, and look forward to your future success! Love you for ever!

Congratulations, Akash! We are proud of you graduating with high honors. Follow your passions and code for greater good.

Shane Simkin Mechanical Engineering

Through thick and thin, pizza boxes and a pandemic, you made it. We are so Duke Proud!

Love, Mom & Dad

Love you, Mama & Baba Akash Mullick Computer Science

& Computer Science

Congratulations, Luke! We love you so much! ~ Mom, Baba & Rebecca

Dear Leo, We are so proud of all you have accomplished! Remember anything can happen if you let it!

Love, Mom, Harrison & Papa Leo Cooley Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Shejejianu! Congratulations!! There is a big party in heaven and mom is full of Joy! We are very proud of you! And love you endessly! Amber Miranda Biology

Kamdyn Atkinson Computer Science

Kamdyn, We are so proud of you and your accomplishments! May you continue to walk in faith, confidence, courage, and patience.

Abundant love, Your Family

Amber Smith Sociology

Here’s to the passionate devil who Bleeds Blue and shines with intelligence and kindness!

So proud you’ve blazed your own brilliant, creative path at Duke! You light up the world in all you do! Congratulations!

Love, Mom, Sam, Becca Matthew Norman Public Policy

Arnav Sethi Economics & Computer Science

Arnav, We are so proud of all your accomplishments in life. Super congrats to you. Stay blessed in life!


Risha, Mom & Papa

Nicole Bolton Environmental Sciences

Congratulations, Nicole! We couldn’t be more proud of you!

Love always, Mom & Dad

Janvi Kavathia Psychology

Congratulations, Janvi! We are so proud of all of your hard work and dedication.

Love you!

Mom, Dad, Jay, Nana, Nani, Kaka

Luke Lorentzatos Mathematics
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Tarun Ratnasabapathy

Mechanical Engineering & Computer Science

Your character, drive and tenacity are to be admired; your ability to remain grounded and humble makes us proud.

Love, Dad, Mom, Varun

Laura Poma

International Comparative Studies & Nursing

Congratulations, Your resilience and commitment to your studies are truly admirable. Your hard work and determination have paid off, you have achieved a significant milestone.

Jakobe Bussey

Computer Science & Economics

Congratulations, Jakobe! You are truly our ancestors’ wildest dream! Nothing but the stars for you!

Love, Mom, Dad, Isaiah & Lauren!

Joshua Tennyson

Biomedical Engineering

Congratulations, Josh!

We are proud of you and your hard work, dedication and accomplishments. Dream big and fly high.

Love and Prayers, Dad, Mom, Joe

Hunter Quigley Biology

Your family is so proud of all the hard work you dedicated to academics and serving your country. We love you!

Frank Willard

Computer Science & Statistical Science

Congratulations, Frankie! We love you and are proud of your accomplishments. We look forward to what the future holds.

Neuroscience & Global Health

Congratulations to our Nikhil on incredible and well deserved success! We are so thrilled it’s at DUKE!! Nikhil Chaudhry

Rebecca Edelman

Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations, Rebecca! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!

Love, Mom, Dad, Jacob & Matthew

Michael Lund

Computer Science

Michael, We are so incredibly proud of you! Wishing you all of God’s blessings in the future.

Love, Mom, Dad & Yana

Computer Science

We’re proud of your achievements and growth. Challenges are part of success. We’re here for you no matter what.

Mom, Dad & Anna Bob Qian

Dai Biology

Danika, your graduation from Duke fills us with immense pride. Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and we can’t wait to see the incredible things you’ll achieve in the future!

Love, Mom, Dad & Lucas

Islam Statistics

Congratulations, Hamza! A proud moment, and just the beginning of many more beautiful journeys that lie ahead waiting for you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Anisa, Aman

Danika Hamza Love,
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Amelia Dinallo Amelia Dinallo Zachary Barry

Congratulations, Amelia!

We are so proud of the daughter and sister you’ve become. We wish you a good, happy life. We love you. — Mom, Dad and Robert

Duke will always hold a special place in your heart. We are so proud of you. Keep going for it all through life! Love, Mom, Dad, Sophie, Anna, Thomas, and Henry

Tess DiMenna

Tess!! ere are no words to adequately describe our pride and joy in your accomplishments, at Duke and in every part of your life. You are a brilliant, insightful, compassionate woman who has worked hard to distinguish yourself in the classroom and within the community. You are a cherished daughter, sister, granddaughter, partner and friend. We love you so much!!
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Nikki Schwenk

Congratulations, Nikki!

Your journey at Duke has been a whirlwind of achievements. You’ve rocked every opportunity with your trademark flair and infectious spirit. Keep shining bright, our beloved rockstar. We’re bursting with pride!

Love, Mom, Dad, & Max



Congratulations Sahil!

We are incredibly proud of you every day and of all that you have accomplished at Duke! We wish you a happy life and continued success. We all love you so much!

Mom, Dad and your entire family

Mira Khazanchi

To Our Dearest Mira! Congratulations!!!

We are so incredibly proud of you! Thank you for being the BEST daughter!!! We are so blessed. Continue to shine your bright light on this world! Love you infinitely!!! Mom and Dad

Christina Wang

Congratulations, Christina!

Your unwavering drive, grit, and determination continually inspire us. We’re confident that you will achieve every goal you set your sights on. We’re incredibly blessed to have you as our daughter, and we couldn’t be prouder of you!

With love, Mom & Dad

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Pilar Kelly Public Policy

Pilar, We threw you into a wild situation & you emerged the strong, amazing woman we know & love today.

Davey Frankel Neuroscience

You’ve come a long way, Davey, Congratulations!

We love you, Mom, Dad, Robbie & “Duke”

Natalia Hauser Sociology

Dear Nati, We’re thrilled to celebrate your graduation and proud of your many accomplishments. You’re unstoppable!

With love from, your entire family

Ralphie Hageman Computer Science

Congratulations, Jacob! Your family is very proud of you! We appreciate your humor, intelligence, and enormous heart. Always follow your dreams!

Angelica Villalba English

As your mom, I couldn’t be happier to witness your graduation. Your perseverance and passion inspire me. Go forth and conquer the world!

Jackson Walker Public Policy

We are so proud of you, Jackson! It seems like just yesterday we were dropping you off for move in. We love you so much!

Emma Colavecchio Economics

Congratulations, Emma!! We love you!

Mom, Dad, Tess & Winslow

Claudia Barreto Biology

Congratulations Princess, you are graduating from your dreamed University. Next step Medical School. Keep dreaming, the Sky is a limit. We are proud of you!

Ben Sperber Program II

You are smart, compassionate, funny and a one-of-a-kind! You have made us so proud. We cannot wait to see what happens next! We love you.

Kennon Walton Public Policy

May the Lord fill your world with joy and success. Happy Graduation, Kennon!

Grace Sorensen Biology

Congratulations, dearest Grace! We couldn’t be prouder and are eternally grateful for the love and joy you have brought!

With love always, Mom & Dad

Dharshan Varia Public Policy

Congratulations!! We are so proud of you and everything you have achieved throughout the last four years! We are so excited for you to start your new chapter after graduation. We can’t wait to see what you do! Love, Mom, Dad, Shivani, Benji & Bailey

Love, Mom & Dad
The Chronicle FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | 21
Love, Mom, Dad & Sam

We are immensely proud of you, Lucas! We will be right behind you as you continue to pursue your dreams! Lucas Gonzalez Public Policy

Vincent Huang Computer Science

Congratulations, Vincent! We are so proud of you and love you. Best wishes for your next adventure!

Mia Woodruff

Biomedical Engineering

Congratulations, Mia!

We are proud of your accomplishments. You are so deserving of all your success. We love you! Keep shooting for the stars!

Miccaella Lejwa

Mechanical Engineering

Felicitaciones, Micca! We are always amazed by your grit and determination, and how talented, caring and hard working you are. Wishing you all the success and happiness the world has to offer.

We love you. Mami, Papi, Antonella.

Amy Labrador Public Policy

Words can hardly express how proud we are of you and all that you’ve achieved. Your family is always cheering for you! We love you!

Alex Richardson

Computer Science & Neuroscience

Preschool, 2005, your education journey began. Your love of learning reaches the next step at your graduation from Duke. We are very proud of you!

Love, Mom & Dad

Victoria Kovarik

Sociology & Environmental Sciences and Policy

Victoria, We love you and our hearts swell with pride over your accomplishments at Duke. You slay being a Blue Devil! Love, Mom & Dad

Thomas Rodriguez Public Policy

Thomas, You have been a blessing since birth and have amazed us ever since! Congratulations!

We love you, Mom, Dad, Rebecca, Nick & Grandmom

Brendan Kelleher Neuroscience

Congratulations, Brendan! We are so proud of you for all your accomplishments—academic and personal. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

We love you so much! Mom, Dad & Kiera

Advika Kumar

Biology & Global Health

Congratulations and best wishes for all the adventures that lie ahead. You did it! We are so proud of all your achievements. Keep shining!

Joseph Zhang

Biomedial Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Joseph, Congratulations! We’re so proud of you! Enjoy the moment and each day! Love from, Dad, Mum, Rebecca & family

Joy Bao-Dai

Statistical Science

Beloved Joy, What an honor to witness your growth for over twenty-one years! May God’s presence, mercy, grace, peace, love, and joy bless you abundantly!

22 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle
Mom, Dad, Alexandra & Patrick

Kennedy Cleage

KENNEDY, your growth and achievements at Duke have truly filled us with joy. As you commence your PhD journey at Johns Hopkins, we eagerly anticipate your continued success. We’re so proud to have you as our daughter.

Good luck, and much love, Mom and Dad

James Marren

James Marren, you are a thoughtful leader, an inquisitive learner and a wonderful friend. Congratulations on your successful years at Duke. Your future is bold and bright. We love you!

Mom & Dad & Kelly & Gavin, Kevin & Jack.

Addison Phelps

“Oh the places you’ll go! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose! Kid you’ll move mountains! Today is Your Day!”

We love you and are extremely proud of you!

Morgy, Landy, Mommy, Poppy, Tia, Max, Grandma, Grandpa and All Your Family!

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Kaden Bock

Biomedical Engineering & Computer Science

Congratulations, Kaden! We could not be any prouder of you and all that you have accomplished! We love you so much!

Maggie Love Psychology


We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished at Duke.

We love you! Mom, Dad, William & Rebecca

Ryan Wolfram Computer Science

Congratulations, Ryan! We’re so proud of you and we love you very much!

Ty Johnson Neuroscience

Ty, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and admire the strength and determination you have shown despite all the adversity. We love you!

Maille Sherry Economics

Maille, Congratulations! As you begin this new chapter, continue to be the kind, compassionate, and extraordinary person you’ve always been. Love you bigger than Jupiter!

Hope Pratt

Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Hope, We love you around every bit of your fearlessness and back! You are the bestest daughter, most loving sister, podcast queen! Kudos to you!

Clayton Finney Political Science

Clayton, Congratulations! We are beyond proud of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds. Love you more than words can say!

Ameya Rao Public Policy & Computer Science

We are so proud of you, for your hard work and taking advantage of Duke experience. Follow your dream!

God Bless Mom, Dad, Ishaan

Emma Evans-Nolet

Mechanical Engineering

From our first embrace, we adored you, believed in you and cheered you on. Congratulations on your incredible career at Duke & bright future ahead!

Ayla Weiss Psychology & Biology

Ayla, We are in awe of all you do and who you are! Congratulations!

All our love always, Mom Dad Aaron Jessie & Jordan

Becky Pahren Biology

Congratulations, Becky! So proud of you! Keep up the good work.

Love, Dave, Judy & Matty

Kishen Mitra Biomedical Engineering

Kishen—Congratulations on your achievements! We couldn’t be prouder of you. Sending our best wishes as you embark on the next chapter of your life.

Mom, Dad, Jake, Luke & Lily

With love from, Mom, Dad, Sister & Grandparents

24 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle

We are so proud of you and very happy for you! We love you to the moon, and back! Harris Upchurch Biology & Global Health

Congratulations, Harris!

Ruben Avila

Mechanical Engineering

Dear Ruben, We love you very much!! So proud of your accomplishments, experiences and friendships at Duke! Congratulations!!!

Papi, Mami, M&J, Isa y Cristi

Liam Clark

Economics & Computer Science

Congratulations, Liam! We are so happy for you, proud of your accomplishments and excited for your future.

Love you, Mom, Dad & Tyler

Debosir Ghosh


Congratulations, Debosir!

Keep the music flowing. Wishing you all success as you explore new frontiers piloting your wondership.

Loving you, Mom & Dad

Aidan Aronhime

Computer Science

Dearest Aidan, Wishing you a life filled with kindness, laughter and love, and many joyful opportunities to embrace and explore the world!!!

Love, Your Family

Samantha Chaney

Neuroscience & Linguistics

Congratulations, Sammy! We love you! We’re so proud of you, the hard work you’ve put in, and the person you’ve become.

Dad & Mom

Alexandra Bayer

Political Science & Psychology

Congratulations, Alex!

We are incredibly proud of you and can’t wait to see what’s next. The sky is the limit!

Love, Mom, Dad & Chloe

Emma Chun Public Policy & Computer Science


You are always cooking up something good... we can’t wait to see what’s next! We love you and are so very proud! Congratulations <3

Benjamin Goldstein


We are so proud of all your exceptional achievements! “The most important thing is to never stop questioning.”

—Albert Einstein

Megan Stone



Just be yourself. There is no one better. We love you forever, just as you are.

Congratulations, Charlie!! We are so very proud of you. Your future is bright and we will be cheering you on every step of the way! Charlie Winter History

Anthony Salgado


We are extremely proud of the young man you grew up to be. You figured it out! Mommy and Papi love you always mijo.

The Chronicle FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | 25

Ashauna Lee


Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. Your accomplishment fills our hearts with joy. We are extremely proud of you. Keep living life to the fullest. Seek God for wisdom and guidance. He will bless you with all the desires of your heart. We love you!

George McCabe

Katherine Hemingway Krieger

Our pride in you knows no bounds. With your dedication to excellence, natural curiosity, and unwavering work ethic, you have reached new heights at Duke. There is no doubt in our minds that you will achieve all that you strive for and more. It is our joy and privilege to have you as our daughter.

True Blue Devil from day one, all the way to graduation. We are so proud of you! Congratulations and good luck! Love, Mom, Dad, Maggie and Jeremiah
26 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle

Olivia Polemeni

Marine Science and Conservation & Biology

Congratulations, Olivia! We are all so proud of you and know you will succeed in all your future endeavors… “Oh, the places you’ll go!”

Alyssa Zhao

Computer Science & Mathematics

Dear Alyssa,

Congratulations on your outstanding achievements at Duke! We’re immensely proud of your hard work and dedication! Continue to shine!

Love, Mom, Dad & Alan

Lindsey Weyant Biology & Evolutionary Anthropology

Keep shooting for the stars, Lindsey! You continue to amaze us every day, and we are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad & Mia

Maya Parekh

Biomedical Engineering

Congratulations, Maya! You’ve made the most of the experiences and opportunities at Duke and will always be our “inexhaustible source” of pride, joy and happiness!!

Taylor Glatt

Program II: The Ethics of Health and War in Conflict Zones

Congrats, Taylor:

So proud of you! Your future is bright & Rosie! See the world & come home often.

Love, Mom, Dad, Evan & Cooper

Erin Duane Public Policy

Erin, Congratulations. We are so proud of you!

Allison Chen Visual Media Studies

We are brimming with of joy and pride to watch you grow into such an exceptional young woman. Congratulations on your graduation!

Annie Vila Biology

Congratulations to our Annie! You did it and you did it so very well! We are all so proud of you. We love you Princi.

Alex Springer Psychology

Congratulations to our beautiful, kindhearted daughter who has brought us so much joy!! We couldn’t be more proud!

Ashley Shaaf

Computer Science & Sociology

Congratulations on your remarkable achievement! We are so very proud of you! Wishing you endless success and happiness!

We love you! Ma, Daddy & Izzy

Shout it out loud, we’re so proud! You are our superstar! Congratulations, Gingy, from everyone that loves you! Alexandra Poole

Economics & Psychology

Zachary Miller

Electrical & Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Congratulations, Zack! We are so proud of you. Wishing you all the best life has to offer as your journey continues. Love you always.

Lots of love, Mom, Dad, Jack, Maya, Caren, Charlie, Michael & Peach

The Chronicle FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | 27

Swetha Sekhar

Mechanical Engineering

Never thought we would have such an intelligent, hardworking, humble, talented and grounded daughter. Blessed to be your parents. Fly high, beautiful!

Stephen Kim

English & Visual Media Studies

So much to see, so much to do— life’s adventures wait for you. Congratulations, Stephen! —CCGSFUDT, et al

Alex “Kilpat” Kilpatrick Sociology


We are overwhelmed with pride to witness the accomplished, loyal man of integrity that you have become. You are loved beyond measure. Love always!

Daniel Uranga Computer Science

YOU did it!

Oleana Rivas Biology

We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments, Oleana! Many congratulations on your graduation from Duke University! We love you so much!

Love, Mom

Jordan Greene Computer Science

Congratulations, Jordan! We are so proud of you!

—Mom, Dad, Josh and Maria

Katherine Wright Biology

Congratulations! Your strength, dedication and passion for education is inspiring and we couldn’t be more proud of you. Enjoy this milestone, take a breath, and get ready for many more. Love, Mom, Dad & Carson

Kathryn Meehl Biology

Katie, We are SO proud of you and your accomplishments! We will always be your biggest supporters.

Love, Mom, Dad & Preston

Jerone Samari Physics

Our beloved Jerone! You are a brilliant star in this complicated world. You have persistence through challenges and discernment in finding equitable solutions. Shine On!

Ella Smyth Economics & Mathematics

Congratulations, Sweet Ella! We are so proud of you! Go shine your light!

Love, Mom, Dad, Connor, Lauren, Marney, Brendan & Kaitlyn

Jack Farley Computer Science & Math

Jack, We love you so much!! We are so proud of you! You are a shining star! Congratulations! Woohoo!

Love, Mom, Dad, Grace & Rosemary

Stanley Park

Neuroscience & Computer Science

Congratulations, Stanley! We are so proud of you and your achievements. Mom, Dad and Mike will always support and love you!

28 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle
Amma, Acha, Mayu


Dearest most valiant and honorable Clay-Clay, you are loved by many for more than intelligence and wit, for more than your creative soul and sense of humor, but for incredible passion you have for others and venture. You are loved. Hooyah my boy, Hooyah!!

Daisja Hono ble Daisja Hono ble

Daisja, When you were born, a village gathered to guide your journey. And here we are closing another chapter in your book of life. Keep laughing, loving, living, and never stop dreaming! We love you more! Infinity—We win! Your Village—we still Bleed Blue.


We are so proud of you and all of your outstanding accomplishments, not only your academic successes but we are even more proud of the amazing individual you’ve grown into at Duke. Your exemplary character and infinite goodness bring us the greatest joy.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”—Thoreau

The Chronicle FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | 29

Isabelle Watkins Psychology & Religious Studies

Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments at Duke. You have matured into a remarkable, powerful, kind and intelligent woman. We are so proud of you. XO

Emily Maceda

English & Psychology

Emily, Congratulations for all your achievements and all your future endeavors. We are so proud of you.

Love, Mom & Dad

Sara Ann Brackett Public Policy & Computer Science

Congratulations, Sara Ann! We are so proud of you!

Emily Gershowitz Neuroscience

Congrats on fulfilling all your “Why Duke” dreams and then some! We are so very proud of you!

XOXO Mom & Dad

Jackson Canady Economics & African and African American Studies

Jax, we are incredibly proud of you! Enjoy this wonderful accomplishment— you deserve it!

Love, hugs and kisses, Mom & Skylar

Mayari Merchant

Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Congratulations Mayari! We are so proud of all you have accomplished and what a wonderful young lady you are.

Jeremy Yarden Biology

Congratulations on your graduation, Jeremy! We’re incredibly proud of you and excited for your future!

Love, Mom, Aba & Graham

Dagny Edison Political Science

Congratulations, Dagny! We are so proud of you! “Just keep truckin’ on” & remember… “Even if we are apart, I will always be with you.”

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science

You did it!! You have made my dreams true! We congratulate you on your graduation day. God bless you.

Holden Buchanan Public Policy & Economics

Holden— You have always been true to your beloved Blue Devils. We are immensely proud of you!

Mom & Dad

Sloane McGuire Environmental Science

Congratulations, Sloane! We are so proud of your accomplishments and excited for the journey ahead. We love you, Buttercup!

Mom & Dad

Congratulations! Be fearless and follow your dreams. Aman Singh Computer Science

With love from, Mom, Dad & Laura

Love, Mom, Dad, Milan & Marin

30 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle

Havish Malladi

Computer Science & Mathematics

Congratulations! We are bursting with pride at your incredible success. We wish you all the happiness and success in life.

Love, Amma, Nanna & Halasya

Michael Cao Sociology

Dear Michael, Heartiest and proudest congratulations on your graduation and exceptional achievements! All the best to you and your future endeavors!

Mom & Dad

Matthew LeDonne Economics

Matthew, We are so proud of the incredible young man you’ve become and can’t wait to see where your journey leads!

Dad, Mom & Dylan

Spencer Schutz

Mechanical Engineering

Congratulations, Spencer! You worked so hard to get here. We’re proud of you and love you more than our 25 word limit here can express!!

Riley Dinnell Neuroscience

Riley— You always amaze us! We love you, and are so proud of all you do.

Love, Mom, Dad, Patrick, Brian & Daniel

Maria Lin English

Congratulations on your graduation. All your hard work, determination, and talents have made this great accomplishment. We are so proud of you, Maria! Love, Mom & Dad

Karen Ru Neuroscience

Congratulations, Karen! You are amazing and we are so proud of you. We wish you a happy and healthy life.

Dad, Mom, M&M & Henry

Lexi Korologos Psychology

Congratulations, Lexi! We are all so incredibly proud of you and cannot wait to see what your next chapter looks like! Onwards and upwards!

Mark Kalavritinos Public Policy

Congratulations, Mark! We are so proud of you and happy for your great Duke experience. Look forward to celebrating.

Love, Mom, Dad & John

Ja’nelle Kellam Neuroscience

Ja’nelle we are so super proud of you! You work so hard; you deserve it all!!! Enjoy this moment! It’s time to CELEBRATE!!!

& Global Health

God bless you in your life journey and we’re always here for you! We LOVE YOU and are very proud of you! Mom &

Rhea Niyyar Program II: Health Communications

Congratulations, Rhea/RZ—You did it!!!! So proud of you sunshine! May you keep reaching for the stars & live every moment to its fullest!

Jondre Macaraeg Public Policy
The Chronicle FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | 31

Rachel Heis


GTHC!!!! Aiden Fox 32 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle

Ben Crespo

Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science

Congratulations, Ben! We are all so proud of you and love you very much! Go Duke Class of 2024!

Love, Mom & Dad

Etan Zeller MacLean Public Policy

You’ve had such a wonderful four years at Duke! We are very proud of all you’ve accomplished.

Love you! Mom & Dad

Isabella Liu Psychology

What a joy to celebrate you, Bella!

We are so proud and excited to see what this next chapter will bring. Congratulations! We love you!!

Devin Shah

Biomedical Engineering & Computer Science

Congratulations, Devin!

Your journey is a testament to your strength and resilience. May your future have endless opportunities and heartfelt joy.

Love, Dad, Mom, Neil

Grace Endrud Public Policy & International Comparative Studies

Grace, you are extraordinary! The future is yours! Go chase those dreams!

We love you beyond measure, Mom, Dad & Sophie

Jake Stoller Economics

Congratulations, Jake, on your amazing accomplishments. We are so proud of you! We wish you every happiness as you begin the next chapter of your life. We love you!

Ben Thorpe Data Science

Congratulations, Ben. We Love You!

Mom, Dad & Leah

Gabby Gomez Biology & Chemistry


Words cannot express the pride we feel! Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. We love and support everything you do!

Love, Mom, Dad & Justin

Andres Felipe Cordoba Figueredo Biophysics & Chemistry

Congratulations on your outstanding achievement, a testament to your hard work and dedication. You made us all very proud always.

We love you— your fam

Congratulations to our beautiful, intelligent and caring granddaughter. We are so proud of the woman you have become!

Love, Nana & Papa Gabby Gomez Biology & Chemistry

Samantha Gottlieb Biology

Congratulations, Sam!

We are so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished! The future is bright. Keep shining!

Love , Mom, Dad & Syd

Rachel Schreibstein Neuroscience

Rach, We couldn’t be prouder of all you’ve accomplished and the beautiful, funny, and caring person you are.

Love you more, Mom, Dad & Lance

The Chronicle FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | 33

Sophie Gabrielle Smith

Congratulations Sophie!

We are immensely proud of your hard work, enthusiasm and dedication. Embrace challenges as a path to strength, and remember to keep God at the forefront of your life. Never lose your passion for life and keep aspiring to your dreams and goals.

Love, Mama and Papa

Sanci, Grandma and me love you more than words can say. You fully and successfully immersed yourself at Duke -in the classroom, abroad, the community and stage. Continue to embrace life on your own terms!! Love, Mommy

Emily Hallock

Dearest Emily, We are awed and proud of everything you have accomplished at Duke, especially your ability to build - friendships, community connections, bridges, and memories. Wherever life after Duke takes you, we know you will find joy and seize every opportunity along the way to grow, find joy and be a positive force in this world.

Love, Mom, Dad, Sisters & your fan club of family and friends

34 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle
Sanceray Smith

Ahmed Abdulrahman .......................30

Miracle Adedeji ................................... 8

Nicholas Amato ................................15

Jessica Anz ........................................15

Aidan Aronhime ...............................25

Kamdyn Atkinson ............................17

Ruben Avila.......................................25

Joy Bao-Dai .......................................22

Claudia Barreto ................................21

Zachary Barry ...................................19

Alexandra Bayer................................25

Conor Becker...................................... 5

Morgan Bedingfield..........................29

Luke Beiswenger ..............................15

Max Bello ..........................................14

Sanjit Beriwal ...................................14

Jaylen Blakes ...................................... 3

Kaden Bock ......................................24

Nicole Bolton....................................17

Sara Anna Brackett ..........................30

Clayton Bromley ..............................29

Maxwell Brown ................................... 5

Holden Buchanan ............................30

Jakobe Bussey ...................................18

Jackson Canady ................................30

Michael Cao ......................................31

Samantha Chaney ............................25

Nikhil Chaudhry...............................18

Allison Chen .....................................27

Emma Chun .....................................25

Liam Clark ........................................25

Kennedy Cleage ................................23

Meredith Faye Cohen 8

Emma Colavecchio ..........................21

Leo Cooley ........................................17

Andres Felipe Cordoba Figueredo ...33

Ben Crespo .......................................33

Eli Cuene ..........................................11

Jacey Curd ........................................11

Danika Dai ........................................18

Andrew Dale .....................................12

Madeleine Dawson ...........................14

Anna de Pourtales 2

Bianca DeSilva..................................14

Adrianna Diaz ...................................14

Tess DiMenna ...................................19

Amelia Dinallo ..................................19

Riley Dinnell .....................................31

Zachary Dobson ................................. 5

Rebecca Dominguez 6

Erin Duane .......................................27

Giselle Dunn ....................................... 2

Rebecca Edelman .............................18

Dagny Edison ...................................30

Grace Endrud ...................................33

Gavin Eskenazi 7

Gabriel Espinoza ................................ 4

Emma Evans-Nolet ..........................24

Noah Falbaum ..................................12

Carmel Falek 4

Jack Farley ........................................28

Chad Faykus ....................................... 6

Clayton Finney .................................24

Aiden Fox ..........................................32

Brandon Francis...............................13

Davey Frankel ...................................21

Kavi Freyaldenhoven ......................... 9

Halle Friedman 2

Gabrielle Fry ....................................... 8

Austin Gabay 4 Hannah Galdes ................................... 5

Horace Gao 4 Al Gaviser ..........................................15 Sasha Gerber 4

Emily Gershowitz.............................30

Debosir Ghosh ..................................25

Isabell Ginn 4

Taylor Glatt .......................................27

Benjamin Goldstein ........................25

Alexander Golembek 5

Gabby Gomez ...................................33

Lucas Gonzalez ................................22

Samantha Gottlieb ...........................33

Jordan Greene ..................................28

Amy Guan

Heis .......................................32

Katherine Hemingway Krieger .......26

Kaylin Hernandez .............................. 2

Audrey Hicks ....................................15

Marcos Hirai Catao 9

Daisja Honorable ..............................29 Ryan Hu 5

Vincent Huang .................................22

Hamza Islam ....................................18

George Grune ...................................34

Brian Janger .....................................15

Luke Lorentzatos .............................17

Maggie Love......................................24

Michael Lund....................................18

Jondre Macaraeg ..............................31

Emily Maceda ...................................30

Quentin MacFarlane 4

Megan Mahoney ................................. 8

Havish Malladi ..................................31

James Marren ...................................23

George McCabe ................................26

Conner McDermott ..........................14

Sloan McGuire..................................30

Evan McMahan 5

Kathryn Meehl .................................28

Madeleine Menkes 8

Mayari Merchant ..............................30

Zachary Miller ..................................27

Amber Miranda.................................17

Kishen Mitra .....................................24

Maya Montgomery 7

Grisha Mouromtsev .........................10

Akash Mullick ...................................17

Bailes New ........................................32

Rhea Niyyar ......................................31

Oscar Nolan ......................................12

Matthew Norman .............................17

Nicholas Olomu ...............................11

Alaa Osman 5

Samantha Owusu-Antwi 2

Becky Pahren....................................24

Maya Parekh .....................................27

Stanley Park .....................................28

Brendan Parrella 7

McKenna Paulik ...............................12

Kartik Pejavara .................................12

Jackson Peurach...............................34

Alanna Peykar ...................................13

Addison Phelps .................................23

Jonathan Piland.................................. 8

Jonah Pilnick ....................................16

Jaiden Kaplan 9

Janvi Kavathia ..................................17

Ja’nelle Kellam .................................31

Brendan Kelleher .............................22

Charlotte Kelliher ............................12

Pilar Kelly ........................................21

Mira Khazanchi ................................20

Alex “Kilpat” Kilpatrick ...................28

Stephen Kim ....................................28

Caroline King 7

Chris Knotek ....................................11

Timothy Koh ....................................12

Alison Korn 8

Lexi Korologos .................................31

Victoria Kovarik ...............................22

Paul Kramer 5

Charlotte Kramon ............................12

Sophia Kuhn ....................................16

Advika Kumar...................................22

Michelle Kwan ..................................10

Amy Labrador ..................................22

Campbell Lawson ............................... 7

Mathew LeDonne .............................31

Ashauna Lee .....................................26

Miccaella Lejwa ................................22

Lia Lemieux 3

Olivia Levitan ...................................16

Vincent Li .........................................12

Cheryl Li ...........................................17

Maria Lin ..........................................31

Catherine Liu ...................................12

Isabella Liu .......................................33

Katherine Long ................................12

Charlie Pinckney 7

Olivia Polemeni ................................27

Laura Poma ......................................18

Alexandra Poole ................................27

Hope Pratt ........................................24

Lauren Puig ......................................15

Bob Qian ...........................................18

Hunter Quigley ................................18

Jean-Luc Rabineau ............................. 8

Ameya Rao ........................................24

Tarun Ratnasabapathy .....................18

Ashley Rees .......................................15

Maya Regal 8

Alex Richardson................................22

Dominic Ritchey ..............................14

Oleana Rivas .....................................28

Rodricka Robinson ...........................14

Thomas Rodriguez ...........................22

Liliana Root ......................................10

Eleanor Ross 3

Karen Ru...........................................31

Benjamin Rubin ................................. 7

Anthony Salgado ..............................25

Jerone Samari ..................................28

Emily Sandberg 4

Melissa Sandoval Mullis ...................15

Isabelle W. Sanz................................14

Kendall Satcowitz ............................11

Anna Schilling .................................... 4 Rachel Schreibstein .........................33 Zack Schroeder ................................11

Schutz ................................31

Schwenk .................................20

Guerrero ..................................11
....................14 Mitchell
7 Rachel
Aydin Ata Gultekin
Ralphie Hageman .............................21 Emily Hallock ...................................34 Theodora Harmsworth
Harrison .............................11
Hauser ..................................21
Kevin Jiang 2 Garrett Johns...................................... 4
Ty Johnson........................................24 Mark Kalavritinos.............................31 Suresh Kannoth 8
Rina Sclove 4 Swetha Sekhar .................................28 Arnav Sethi .......................................17 Ashley Shaaf .....................................27 Devin Shah .......................................33 Shanzeh Sheikh 4 Maille Sherry ....................................24 Isabel Siebrecht ................................15 Christina Sigler 8 Shane Simkin ...................................17 Aman Singh ......................................30 Heidi Smith ........................................ 2 Sophie Gabrielle Smith ...................34 Amber Smith ....................................17 Sanceray Smith ................................34 Ella Smyth ........................................28 Grace Sorensen ................................21 Spencer Spahr ..................................15 Ben Sperber ......................................21 Alex Springer ....................................27 Heath Springman 7 Piper St. Regis ..................................14 Jake Stoller ......................................33 Megan Stone .....................................25 Katie Tan 2 Trevor Tang .......................................11 Joshua Tennyson ..............................18 Kathryn Thomas 2 Luke Thomas ....................................11 Chloe Thomas ..................................13 Ben Thorpe .......................................33 Alexandra Thursland .......................... 5 Sahil Tilak .........................................20 Job Trahan 7 Luke Triplett 5 Jordan Troob.....................................11 Ayumi Tsuyuki ..................................12 Harris Upchurch ..............................25 Daniel Uranga ...................................28 Dharshan Varia .................................21 Annie Vila..........................................27 Angelica Villalba ...............................21 Jackson Walker .................................21 Kennon Walton ................................21 Christina Wang ................................20 Isabelle Watkins ...............................30 Jack Weinberg ..................................16 Ayla Weiss .........................................24 Kennedi Wesley .................................. 7 Lindsey Weyant ................................27 Frank Willard ...................................18 Sophia Williams ...............................14 Charlie Winter ..................................25 Haley Wixom ...................................... 7 Ryan Wolfram ...................................24 Mia Woodruff ....................................22 Katherine Wright .............................28 Maxwell Wyatt ..................................11 Meghana Yadav ................................... 6 Satya Yalamanchi .............................15 Hong Yan 5 Jeremy Yarden ..................................30 Etan Zeller MacLean ........................33 Annie Zhang ....................................... 2 Caroline Zhang.................................10 Joseph Zhang....................................22 Alyssa Zhao .......................................27 Kristin Zhu 8
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36 | FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 The Chronicle

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