February 3, 2010 issue

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The Chronicle T h e i n d e p e n d e n t d a i ly at D u k e U n i v e r s i t y




Long push Plans grow for new Keohane wing for sorority housing ends by Nicole Kyle THE CHRONICLE


Nine chapters. More than 1,000 members. And no home. Every year, the leaders of Duke’s Panhellenic Association sororities faced the same stark math: Nearly a century after its first chapter arrived at the University, the organization’s members still lacked the centerpiece of sorority life at many other schools—their own space. “We [Duke sororities] don’t have the news ability to give girls a full experience because we analysis can’t live together,” said senior Alyssa Dack, president of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. “Having space would make our programming more effective and our organizations better.” After nearly four years of watching her sorority shuffle through different rented meeting rooms each week, competing against the legion of other student groups for precious campus space, Dack said she was fed up. Last Fall she and fellow senior Casey Miller, a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, made a

graphic by emmeline zhao and courtney douglas

Preliminary work on K4, the proposed new wing of Keohane Quadrangle mapped above, is scheduled to begin by next week. The dorm is slated to finish Fall 2011.

See Sororities on page 6

Graduate young Trustee Finalist

The K4 housing project is finally being set in motion, and if all goes according to plan, the new residence hall will open by Fall 2011. But it is too early to know if selective living groups will have a presence in K4, said Joe Gonzalez, associate dean for residential life. Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta said K4 will serve as an exemplar of a possible new House-style living model for the architecture of New Campus—a proposed large-scale development that would connect East and West Campuses. Plans for New Campus have been placed on hold due to the economic downturn. The House-style design will allow students to be divided into two “houses,” one with 90 students and one with 60, he added. Steve Nowicki, dean and vice provost of undergraduate education, said K4 is not overshadowing the administration’s concern about renovations to older residential buildings such as Crowell and Craven Quadrangles. “We’d like to do it all, but construction of this will be paid for by the fact that there will be new revenue generated whereas renovation has to be based on other reserves,” he said. “In this time of financial downturn, renovation money is hard to find.” Part of the appeal for the project comes from its financial feasibility, Nowicki said. The project will cost about $20 million and See k4 on page 9

Undergraduate young Trustee Finalist

Clough aims to bridge Harpham seeks post gaps in Duke family to repay debt to Duke by Kristen Fricke

by Aziza Sullivan

Adrienne Clough sees Duke as more than a community, but as a family to which she is proud to belong. Clough, a second-year student in the Fuqua School of Business’s Health Sector Management Program, is one of three finalists for the graduate Young Trustee position. She believes her experiences­— ranging from launching an alumni mentorship program to serving as Executive Fellow and co-Chair of the Fuqua Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series—have introduced her to the many facets of Duke. Even the basketball fan camaraderie of Cameron Indoor Stadium has added to her understanding of the University and

As a candidate for undergraduate Young Trustee, senior John Harpham hopes to repay his “debt to Duke.” The former chair of The Chronicle’s editorial board and an Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship recipient, Harpham believes his broad Duke experience will serve him well should he be elected to the Board of Trustees. “My time at Duke has put me in the unique position to translate the experiences of an undergraduate to the expertise of a Board member,” Harpham said. As a four-year member of Duke’s club baseball team, three-year member of The Chronicle’s independent Editorial Board

See Clough on page 6

See Harpham on page 6


michael naclerio/The Chronicle

Graduate Young Trustee Finalist Adrienne Clough hopes to leverage her consulting experience on the Board of Trustees, if selected to the post this month.



Women’s Golf season preview, Page 10

“I would not be afraid to go there and have any medical work done. And that’s a pretty serious statement.”

­—Mike Davis, VP of HIMSS on Duke Hospitals. See story page 4

michael naclerio/The Chronicle

Undergraduate Young Trustee Finalist John Harpham, former chair of The Chronicle’s editorial board, wishes to actualize Duke’s global focus, if elected.

Watch clips from Tuesday’s YT forum: news.chronicleblogs.com

2 | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2010 the chronicle






Children face increased risk in Haiti after disaster

Feds investigate engine Govt predicts slow recovery electonics in Toyota case WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s proposed budget rests on a series of gloomy economic projections, which suggest that the administration does not foresee a quick leap out of the deepest downturn in generations. In estimating budget figures for the years ahead, the administration assumed that the unemployment rate will average 10 percent this year, and come down at a glacial pace— to 9.1 percent in 2011, 8.2 percent in 2012, and above 5 percent through the end of the decade. The administration forecasts tepid overall economic growth this year—a 2.7 percent rise in gross domestic product— followed by stronger growth in the four subsequent years. The administration’s projections are roughly in line with those of private forecasters and other economists within the government.

Sleep is the best meditation. —Dalai Lama

WASHINGTON — Federal regulators launched an inquiry into whether engine electronics might be at fault for vehicles that accelerate unexpectedly as legislators and experts cast doubt on Toyota’s explanation of its “runaway cars.” The new probe reopened a controversy that seemed to be waning earlier this week, after a Toyota Motor executive went on national television to say a fix was on the way. Several congressmen questioned the company’s assurances Tuesday, and new data showed the Japanese auto giant’s sales in January falling to their lowest level in 11 years. The latest examination by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration could address years of complaints regarding electronic throttle control, the computerized gas pedal systems that now operate in most cars.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Children are increasingly suffering health problems from the hardships of Port-au-Prince’s crowded encampments, according to international medical workers who predict the situation will worsen as Haiti continues to reel from the Jan. 12 earthquake. Food is scarce, the sun is fierce, water is often impure and thousands upon thousands of families are living side by side in makeshift shelters that rarely consist of more than a synthetic tarpaulin and thin cloths for walls. Worried about the potential for disease, medical teams on Tuesday launched a major campaign to vaccinate children in this ravaged capital. In a project expected to last about two weeks, the goal is to protect as many as several hundred thousand children against measles, tetanus and diphtheria, UNICEF spokeswoman Roshan Khadivi said. “Every day it is

worse,” said Pino Gonzalez, a Médecins du Monde nurse working with children at a sweltering encampment on Toussaint L’Ouverture Boulevard, about a mile from the Port-au-Prince airport.“If you go more and more days without food, water or shelter, it can only get worse.” The vaccinations began Tuesday morning at a large tent encampment at Silvio Cator Stadium. UNICEF and its partners aim to vaccinate 200,000 children under 7 who are living in the camps, and 500,000 in that age group nationwide. An American doctor working a triage tent in the courtyard of the Haiti’s State University Hospital said Tuesday that child illnesses “connected to crowding” are growing. He cited meningitis and intestinal disorders exacerbated by the piercing heat and a shortage of food and clean water.

TODAY IN HISTORY 1377: Mass execution of population of Cesena Italy

Nikki Kahn/The Washington post

Nick Mansour, owner of a diner in Pontiac, Mich., says the recession has left his business in shambles. Ever since the auto industry has declined, business hasn’t been the same.

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the chronicle


Angrist demystifies genomics Ghostwriting policies face scrutiny

by Kelly McKisson THE CHRONICLE

It’s flashy, it’s new, it’s the hottest thing on the market. Although not speaking of the recently released Apple iPad, renowned scientist Misha Angrist sees the parallels between the gadget and genomic sequencing, his area of expertise. “Here’s a new device and it’s been very hyped but we don’t really know what we would do with it,” he said as he displayed an image of the iPad. “We don’t really know how to manipulate it. So in some ways the genome is sort of iPad-ish.” In front of a crowd of about 25 attendees Tuesday night, Angrist, assistant professor of the practice at the Duke Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, discussed the current state and foreseeable future for genome sciences. The talk was titled “The Human Genome: Perpetual Contemplation of an Infinite Glory... or A Boy and His Gigabases.” Angrist garnered national media in Fall 2006 for agreeing to make his genetic and medical information public as a participant in the Personal Genome Project. Noting that his audience was likely not all “pre-med and science people,” Angrist briefly introduced the basics of genomic science and the project, explaining its sometimes technical nature in laymen’s terms. “In a nutshell the idea is, let’s get people who understand what it is to be involved in this type of research and let’s remove the traditional guarantees of privacy and confidentiality and make the data See angrist on page 9

by Christine Chen THE CHRONICLE

nate glencer/The Chronicle

Misha Angrist, assistant professor of the practice at the Duke Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, expounds on the science of genomic sequencing in a Tuesday evening speech in the Divinity School.

Plagiarism plagues many scholarly fields, and medical research is no exception. In November, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote a letter to Duke and the other medical schools ranked as the top 10 by U.S. News & World Report, asking them to crack down on medical ghostwriting and outline their policies by Dec. 8. All 10 schools have responded to the letter, and the senator and his staff are currently evaluating the responses, said Jill Gerber, Grassley’s press secretary. Ghostwriting, the publication of information written chiefly by people other than the attributed author, typically occurs in published review articles or summaries in which the real data source is less visible, said Dr. Ross McKinney, director of the Duke Trent Center for Bioethics. Duke’s response to Grassley described the University’s previously established policy, which McKinney called a “passive approach” to combat the practice. “Our reaction to the senator is that if we found an article, we would sit down and talk with the Duke author,” he said. Ghostwriting is defined and condemned See ghostwriting on page 7

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4 | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2010 the chronicle

Pratt grad students Med Center strong with start mentor program electronic health records by Will Hyung The chronicle

Eighteen first-year graduate students in the Pratt School of Engineering are benefiting from personalized mentoring through a new program offered by the Engineering Graduate Student Council. Launched last August, the program pairs older graduate students with incoming graduate students to encourage one-on-one mentorship. Mentors and mentees, who do not necessarily share the same specialization, are free to discuss any topic and can arrange their own meetings. “The mentoring is very individually based because there are so many different backgrounds in different students,” said EGSC president Justin Migacz, who specializes in electrical and computer engineering. “The structure is good because everyone’s experiences are personalized.” Proposed last Spring, the idea for the program involved graduate students mentoring undergraduates. After making several changes to the first proposal, however, EGSC decided to target the program specifically at graduate students. Feedback from mentors and mentees has generally been positive, Migacz said. Many mentors and mentees said the informal nature of the meetings can open discussions in many different subjects that often extend beyond

academics. “Certainly that is one of the things that happens and is one of the reasons to have a student mentor even if your academic advisor is amazing,” said mentor Randy Evans, a sixth-year electrical and computer engineering graduate student. Evans added that meeting people outside his discipline can also be very insightful. Tiffany Wilson, a first-year civil engineering graduate student, said her mentor and the people she meets through her mentor give student perspectives that she does not receive from administrators or other faculty members. In turn, by helping other students, mentors may gain leadership experience through the program, Migacz said. EGSC also arranges various social events for participating students. In addition, mentors and mentees can actively participate in the program’s online forum. Pratt Human Resources Manager Suzanne Blankfard said she hopes the program will continue to develop in the coming years. “One of our goals is to make use of this semester as a pilot semester,” she said. “We want to tweak the program after this year according to feedback and expand the program in the future. We want to create a good school community with these mentorships.”

by Sabrina Rubakovic THE CHRONICLE

The new decade will see changes in health care technology. Last year’s stimulus bill aimed to provide financial rewards to hospitals that have certain information technology developments, including electronic medical records, by 2015 and penalize those that do not. Duke has carried out an IT initiative for five years. “[Duke] is well positioned to meet the requirements within the ‘meaningful use’ of EMR criteria with all of the IT applications they currently have,” said Mike Davis, executive vice president of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Analytics, an organization that evaluates more than 5,200 hospitals on their IT developments. Only seven health systems have received HIMSS’s highest distinction—stage seven—and among them is Stanford University Medical Center. Fifty-four, including John Hopkins Medicine and the Mayo Health System, have achieved stage six. Asif Ahmad, vice president for diagnostic services and chief information officer for Duke University Health System wrote in an e-mail that DUHS meets stage six criteria but has not considered becoming formally designated by HIMSS. Typically, health systems that qualify for a stage six designation are formally invited to be designated by HIMSS, Davis said. But he declined to comment about whether DUHS had received an invitation. Davis added that he believes DUHS has a culture where IT is seen as an investment to better the quality of caregiving. “I would not be afraid to go there and have any medical work done. And that’s a pretty serious statement from someone with the background that I have,” Davis said. In addition to implementing EMR, DUHS exports the medical information of any patient treated at a clinic or hospital owned by Duke to a common viewer, called See technology on page 8

EMRclasses Stage 0 • Some clinical automation may exist. Laboratory and/or pharmacy and/ or radiology not installed. Stage 1 • All three major ancillaries (laboratory, pharmacy and radiology) installed. Stage 2 • Major ancillary clinical systems feed data to clinical data repository that provides physician access for retrieving and reviewing results. • CDR contains a controlled medical vocabulary and the clinical decision support system and rules engine for rudimentary conflict checking. ................... Stage 5 • Closed loop medication administration environment fully implemented in at least one patient care service area. Electronic medication administration record and bar coding or other auto-identification technology, such as radio frequency identification, implemented and integrated to maximize point-of-care patient safety processes. Stage 6 • Full physician documentation/ charting are implemented for at least one patient care service area. • Full complement of radiology picture archiving and communication systems is implemented (i.e. all images are available to physicians via intranet or secure network). Stage 7 • Clinical information can be readily shared via electronic transactions or exchange of electronic records with entities within a regional health network (i.e., other hospitals, employers, payers and patients).

the chronicle


Duke University union

DUU celebrates WISER opening ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ could end by Ray Koh


Duke University Union is jazzed about charity work in Kenya. At their meeting Tuesday night, DUU members discussed tonight’s Jazz at the Mary Lou concert, which will be co-hosted by the Women’s Institute for Secondary Education and Research from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m in honor of the successful opening of the WISER school in Kenya. “It’s a perfect opportunity to enjoy music by Jazz at and learn about what WISER does,” said junior Camille Creed, Jazz director. Creed said the event is a celebration of the accomplishments WISER has made in Kenya and to raise awareness about their work. WISER is a non-profit organization that has worked for the past several years to build the all-girls secondary and research boarding school in Muhuru Bay, Kenya and to provide better secondary education conditions to young girls in the area. She noted WISER will be giving a video and other visual presentations of its work and successes in Kenya. In other business: The rXn Dance Party, originally scheduled for Jan. 30 but delayed due to last weekend’s snowfall, will take place in February, said Special Projects Director Christie Falco, a senior. She said DUU is currently coordinating facilities to reserve the Wilson Gym as the venue. DUU is also working to book the DJ and is cooperating with Duke Police to provide security. Falco added that there will not be any major changes to the event, and Duke men’s basketball and the line moni-

by Craig Whitlock and Greg Jaffe The Washington Post

stephen farver/The Chronicle

At their weekly meeting Tuesday, DUU members discuss co-hosting Jazz at the Mary Lou with the Women’s Institute of Secondary Education and Research to celebrate the opening of the WISER school in Kenya. tors will still co-sponsor the event. The Union Consulting Group is looking to expand and reach out to a wider range of student groups, said junior Will Benesh, DUU vice president of external affairs. The UCG was created last year by current President Zach Perret, a senior, and

provides event-oriented consulting to help student groups with programming and financial management, Benesh said. Although UCG started a brochure advertising campaign in November, Benesh added that the UCG has helped more than 15 student groups in two years.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s top leaders declared Tuesday for the first time that—after decades of opposition and equivocation from the armed forces—they support an end to the ban on gay men and lesbians serving openly in the military. “It is my personal and professional belief that allowing homosexuals to serve openly would be the right thing to do,” Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee. He was echoed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who said the Pentagon is preparing for a repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law. That law has stood for 17 years, but the debate over allowing gays to serve openly stretches back much further. For the tradition-bound military, the issue has proved to be an intractable one, with some officers arguing that the integration of openlyserving gays would demoralize their fellow troops, even as critics of “don’t ask, don’t tell” insisted that military service should be a civil right. Despite the remarkable shift in position by the tradition-bound military, there remained serious questions about whether Congress and the White House are ready See pentagon on page 7

STRANGE, WONDERFUL,… and HERE How Families of Abraham Worship at Duke Over two weekends believers from Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, and Protestant traditions are inviting visitors to observe and/or participate in their respective acts of worship and have opportunities to ask questions and join in discussions afterwards. These are moments not for proselytism but for deepening understanding and discovering the meaning of others' strange and wonderful practices and convictions.

Schedule of Services 1/29—Jewish Life at Duke Shabbat service Where: Freeman Center for Jewish Life When: 6:15 p.m. 1/31—Duke Catholic Center service Where: Duke Chapel When: 9 p.m.

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Sponsored by the Duke Faith Council to coincide with the Families of Abraham exhibit currently in Duke Chapel For more information email emw17@duke.edu.

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6 | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2010 the chronicle

Harpham from page 1 and a member of the Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship selection committee, Harpham said he has experience working with diverse groups of people toward a common goal. Harpham believes the activity that has given him the most knowledge about Duke has been his work on The Chronicle’s independent editorial board, which he joined in the Fall of his freshman year before becoming its chair as a junior. “His work for The Chronicle... really exemplified his interest in the welfare of the University,” said Michael Moses, an associate professor of English who has worked closely with Harpham. Harpham said he hopes to help realize President Richard Brodhead’s goal of internationalization at the undergraduate level. He has studied abroad in Oxford, Paris and

Clough from page 1 its opportunities, she said. “At Duke, in my program and across the University, you can have a vision and you can actually make it happen,” Clough said. One of Clough’s passions is assisting fellow students with their future plans by conducting mock-interviews, reviewing resumes and generally sharing her knowledge with others, she said. After receiving a full-time employment offer from the prestigious Boston Consulting Group, Clough has dedicated herself to helping other students, said mentee Jill Otto, a first-year Fuqua student. “She’s a do-er,” Otto said. “She’s not the

Dublin and is also a member of Wayne Manor, a selective living group. “I have lived the full range of a typical undergraduate life at Duke,” Harpham said. He sees the Young Trustee position not as a prize to be won, but as a way to thank Duke for the six years he has spent on and around its campus. Harpham started visiting Duke as a high school student in Durham and has longknown that he wanted to attend the University. It was during this time that Harpham met Moses, who became his mentor. “I think he’s one of the most intelligent, talented and public-spirited students that I’ve known in my 23 years at Duke,” Moses said. Having spent much of his life around large universities, Harpham said his plans to become an academic will add perspective to the Board. “There are four people on the Board who are academics,” he said. “It would be beneficial to add the perspective

kind of person who you tell something and it gets forgotten. She goes after it.” One of Clough’s goals is to bridge the gaps between undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni. “The more you can bring the whole family together, the better off all parties are,” she said. A Young Trustee is someone who not only has a thorough understanding of the Duke community, Clough said, but also someone who can break down problems and find the information needed to solve them. She added that her consulting background will assist her with this challenge. “Doing that work is something I enjoy and that I think could make me an effec-

Sororities from page 1 decision: They would find the Panhellenic sororities a physical space at Duke. It was a task that spanned the entire Fall semester, taking the women from meetings with administrators and Residence Life and Housing Services to presentations and proposals before Campus Council. Campus Council agreed Jan. 21 to grant the nine Panhel sororities two apartment buildings on Central Campus for the 2010-2011 school year, a total of 28 beds to be split among the different chapters. The buildings will also house two common rooms, which Dack and Miller said will provide crucial meeting space for Panhel. “[Before this year] I had always just assumed­­—like I

tive Young Trustee,” she said. This would not be Clough’s first experience working with a Board of Trustees. After graduating from Princeton University, she spent three years working as an investment officer for the school’s endowment where she regularly collaborated with Princeton’s trustees. “She has a great blend of analytical ability and creative thinking,” said Wendy Kuran, Fuqua’s associate dean for centers and corporate relations. Kuran also emphasized Clough’s generous and engaging personality. If selected, Clough said she views the position as a way to continue her pursuit of strengthening the Duke family. The position is not about just promoting gradu-

think most other women on Duke campus—that the reason Panhel didn’t have a space of its own was that the University wouldn’t allow it,” Miller said. But as she quickly discovered, the reality was far more nuanced. Despite a popular perception on campus that Duke sororities lack housing because of a historical law preventing groups of women from living together—a so-called “brothel law”—no such ordinance ever existed in the city of Durham, said Joe Gonzalez, associate dean for residential life. “It’s an old wives’ tale,” he added. And while the city of Durham does have an ordinance prohibiting more than three unrelated people from sharing a single-family dwelling, what hampered Duke Panhel from securing space was actually a tangle of administrative red tape and sorority inaction, Dean of Students Sue Wa-


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of an academic.” Harpham plans to use his undergraduate studies to inform his work on the Board. In his time at Duke, Harpham has received the Robert F. Durden Prize for excellence in research, as well as an honorable mention for the Faculty Scholar Award from the political science department. He has also received endorsements from the University for the Rhodes Scholarship and the Marshall Scholarship. He is the current co-president of the Political Theory Colloquium, which brings students and professors together for discussions. Harpham was one of the two students responsible for reviving the inactive organization. In an interview, Harpham recalled the moment he knew he wanted to run for the Young Trustee position. “When [The Chronicle’s editorial board] interviewed the Young Trustee candidates my freshman year, I heard them talk and saw their love of Duke,” he said. “I knew this would be the best way for me to give back to Duke.”

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ate student interests, she noted, but about making the best decisions for the whole University. Otto believes working to accomplish these goals will come naturally for someone who is so passionate and approachable. “She makes an effort to reach out and listen to people and hear new ideas,” she said. “She is very curious and interested [in what people have to say].” Clough—whose husband, sister and brother-in-law are all associated with the University—said she is pursuing the position of graduate Young Trustee not only to continue her efforts to improve a school that has given her so much, but as a way to remain close with the entire Duke family.

siolek said. The history of sororities at Duke began in 1911, when ADPi chartered the first sorority chapter on campus, but it was not until the 1930s that their popularity took off at Duke’s Women’s College and they later laid claim to a large meeting space on East Campus, the Crowell Building.

“[Sorority] women have always gotten excited over the opportunity for housing, but they could never figure out how exactly to do it.” — Clarybel Peguero, director of fraternity and sorority life But after the Board of Trustees closed the Crowell space in 1959, Panhel began to roam, holding meetings in classrooms and whatever spaces they could borrow from the University. This began the nomadic existence that would haunt sororities at Duke for the next four decades, as they waged a range of battles for permanent meeting space and housing on campus. “[Sorority] women have always gotten excited over the opportunity for housing,” said Clarybel Peguero, assistant dean of students and director of fraternity and sorority life. “But they could never figure out how exactly to do it.” Instead sororities faced internal divisions, Wasiolek said, refusing to make serious attempts at securing housing until all of their member organizations were behind the plan. That day never came. But Pannhel also fought for—and on at least one occasion in the 1980s briefly received—their own meeting space, in the building that now houses the Duke Police Department on Oregon Street. It dissolved after less than two years of existence due to a lack of interest among sorority members, Wasiolek said. Peguero said Miller and Dack’s initiative succeeded this year because, unlike the leaders involved in many previous attempts at securing Panhel space, they submitted a concrete and reasonable proposal. Many sorority leaders are excited by the new Panhel housing and meeting space on Central, and they said it is a step in the right direction for the organization. “If Delta Gamma had our own place on campus we would feel more like a sisterhood,” said DG president Becki Feinglos, a junior. “There’s something really important about having a space that’s all your own.”

the chronicle


ghostwriting from page 3

pentagon from page 5

in the Guidelines for Authorship and Authorship Dispute Resolution, a document included in Appendix P of the Duke University Faculty Handbook. The policy was approved March 2008. The policy has yet to be tested, however, as there have been no cases of ghostwriting raised to this date, McKinney said. Vice Provost for Research James Siedow also noted the absence of ghostwriting cases at Duke. “The policy came about not so much because so much ghostwriting was going on, but because we were running into problems with conduct charges [that] were not disputes over authorship,” Siedow said. Other top-10 medical schools have ghostwriting policies similar to Duke’s. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s guidelines are outlined in its Medicine Policy on Interaction with Industry, as well as in its Rules and Guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Research. Similarly, the University of Washington School of Medicine established a Ghost Authorship Policy in August 2007. “We have taken the position that... if the faculty is not compliant and it comes to our attention, there will be consequences,” said Dr. Wylie Burke, chair of the bioethics and humanities department at the University of Washington. “That’s the position our school is taking as opposed to a monitoring system.” Dr. Evan Kharasch, professor and chief of the division of clinical and translational research at Washington University in St. Louis, said WashU is also actively denouncing ghostwriting. “[Our policy] is very explicit, defines what is acceptable and unacceptable authorship and includes ghost authorship as unacceptable,” Kharasch said. The University of Pennsylvania is one institution that does not have a specific policy on ghostwriting. Dr. Arthur Caplan, director of UPenn’s Center for Bioethics, said the university is addressing such violations through education instead. “We do teach ethics courses for medical students and [graduate and post-doctoral] students where authorship requirements are addressed,” Caplan said.

to keep pace. A House bill that would overturn “don’t ask, don’t tell” has 187 co-sponsors, but Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., a powerful committee chairman, opposes it and has not let it come up for a vote. The Senate, which invited Gates and Mullen to testify on the subject Tuesday, is moving cautiously. Worried that they lack the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster, Senate leaders said they might try to add a temporary moratorium on discharges of gay service members to a defense spending bill, whose passage would require only majority approval. President Obama said in his State of the Union address last week that he wants to work with Congress to repeal the law, but he has resisted pleas by gay rights groups to sign an executive order that would instantly mandate a change. On Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden promised to end the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy by the end of the year. Speaking on MSNBC, he also defended the administration against critics who have questioned why the issue has become pressing now. Richard Socarides, a Clinton White House official who served as an adviser on gay issues, predicted that Congress would take its cues from the military and eventually vote to allow gays to serve in the open. Mullen’s public statement, in particular, he said, will influence lawmakers. “It was highly significant, coming in a very historic setting and from the highestranking military man in our government, in uniform,” Socarides said. “I found it quite compelling and an eloquent statement.” Mullen, 63, told senators that he had knowingly served with gays since 1968, when he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., and that he thought it was wrong that they were forced

to hide their sexual orientation. “No matter how I look at the issue, I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens,” he testified. “For me, it comes down to integrity — theirs as individuals and ours as an institution,” he added. Mullen’s remarks contrasted sharply with the Pentagon’s position in 1993, when admirals and generals — including Gen. Colin Powell, serving as chairman of the Joint Chiefs — rebelled against President Bill Clinton’s attempt to integrate gays into the military. As a compromise, they supported the “don’t ask, don’t tell” legislation, which allows gays to serve as long as they hide their sexual orientation. Republican senators said they worry that a change in the law could undermine morale, disrupt unit cohesion and affect recruiting, especially at a time when the military is fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Has this policy been ideal?” asked Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a Navy veteran. “No, it has not. But it has been effective.” Despite objections from Republicans who said he is acting prematurely, Gates said he had appointed a Pentagon team to study a possible repeal. The team, which will have until the end of the year to finish its work, will be led by Gen. Carter Ham, commander of the U.S. Army, Europe, and Jeh Johnson, the Pentagon’s legal counsel. Gates cautioned, however, that the military would move slowly and that it would need at least a year beyond that — until 2012 — to fully integrate a change. Meantime, however, Gates said the Pentagon will determine, within 45 days, whether it had the authority to enforce the current policy more loosely, resulting in fewer discharges. For instance, Gates

said he thinks the military could “raise the bar on what constitutes reliable information” about a service member’s sexual orientation, ignoring allegations filed by snitches or third parties. Although Mullen said he supports ending sexual discrimination in the military, he acknowledged that it is unclear how other members of the Joint Chiefs, as well as the rank-and-file, will react. Interviews with military personnel Tuesday suggest that attitudes have gradually changed since 1993, though many were reluctant to speak on the record about a hot-button political issue. “I don’t think it is going to make that big a difference,” said one company commander who just returned from leading a brigade in eastern Afghanistan. “You expect people to do their jobs and be competent. We’ve talked about it in my company of late. But the consensus is that it isn’t a big deal.” Military attitudes about gays tend to be divided along generational lines. “You see a clear split between younger and older members of the service,” said one social scientist who works for the Army. Older officers are more likely to characterize homosexuality as immoral, the social scientist said. Much of the recent debate in the military has revolved around how the service might manage social issues, such as samesex marriage, barracks co-habitation and attendance at military social functions, officers said. “I think we have all expected this would come in time. My sense is that it isn’t a big deal among the other majors I am serving with, and even less so among junior soldiers,” said Maj. Niel Smith, an Iraq War veteran who is a student at the Army’s Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. “We have become accustomed to the idea that gays have served honorably alongside us for some time.”

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AIG to pay $100 million in bonuses by Brady Dennis

THE washington post

American International Group plans Wednesday to pay another round of employee bonuses worth about $100 million, said several people familiar with the matter, a year after similar payments at the bailedout insurance giant infuriated many Americans and inflamed Washington. This week’s retention payments go to those employees at the company’s Financial Products division who agreed recently to accept 10 to 20 percent less money than AIG had initially promised them two years ago. In return, they are to receive their payments more than a month ahead of schedule. The company is still scheduled to pay out tens of millions of dollars more in March, mostly to former employees who did not agree to the concessions. AIG executives have been scrambling to hammer out a compromise before March 15, when the firm faces a deadline to pay nearly $200 million in bonuses to employees at Financial Products, the unit whose risky derivatives deals brought the insurer to the brink of collapse in 2008. Government and AIG officials have been eager to avoid a repeat of the public furor that erupted last March when an earlier round of payments — worth $168 million — went to the same set of employees. While many in the public and on Capitol Hill have been angered by outsize paydays at financial firms, the AIG retention bonuses have been especially rankling because the company has received a federal rescue package of about $180 billion in loans, stock investments and other commitments from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department.

People familiar with the negotiations over AIG pay said about 97 percent of current employees at the Financial Products division agreed last week to forgo 10 percent of their upcoming bonus in return for early payment. Participation rates have remained far lower — about 35 percent, two people said — among former employees, who were asked to surrender 20 percent of their bonuses.

“Virtually all — some 97 percent — of active FP employees have volunteered to reduce their upcoming 2010 payment to help achieve our giveback target” — Mark Herr, AIG spokesman Gerry Pasciucco, who was hired after the bailout to run Financial Products and help dismantle it, sent an e-mail to employees this week explaining that the company had decided to move forward with the reduced payments. “We expect payment to be received in your account no later than Wednesday, Feb. 3,” it read in part. “This lets us, as a business, pivot away from this issue,” said one Financial Products employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record. “Current employees stepped up. They want to continue to do their business. They obviously want to get beyond this.”

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Andrew Goodstadt, a New York lawyer who represents more than a dozen current and former Financial Products employees, said he hoped the deal would be a step toward normalcy. “My clients are looking forward to getting paid their contractual entitlements,” he said, “and resolving this matter once and for all.” The new payments are in part an attempt by AIG to meet two demands from U.S. Compensation Czar Kenneth Feinberg. One is to scale back the size of the bonuses. By paying the employees less than they had been promised, the company is also seeking to compensate for $26 million that Financial Products employees had said they would return last year but did not. At the height of the controversy last spring, employees at the firm signaled they would return a total of $45 million by the end of 2009. A government audit in the fall showed that only about $19 million was returned. Feinberg has insisted that the full amount be repaid, though the $20 million in recent concessions still falls short of that mark. AIG has been consulting with Feinberg about its negotiations with employees over reducing their bonuses in return for early payment. “We are greatly appreciative that virtually all — some 97 percent — of active FP employees have volunteered to reduce their upcoming 2010 payment to help achieve our giveback target,” AIG spokesman Mark Herr said. “We have decided to begin these reduced payments to these active employees as well as those non-active employees who agreed to reductions. The reductions from these two groups stand at about $20 million, and we believe this allows us to largely put this matter behind us.”

technology from page 4 an e-browser. This allows physicians to have a comprehensive view of the patient even if he or she has never been treated at their care facility before, Ahmad said. “We’ve demonstrated a microcosm of the health information exchange concept,” he said. DUHS also uses EMR to make more information available to patients. Through the online Patient Portal, individuals treated at one of Duke’s medical centers can view test results, Associate Chief Information Officer Rafael Rodriguez said. Ahmad said this viewing ability creates more consumer transparency. With EMR data, DUHS has created a knowledge repository. The repository takes into account aggregate data from all care-giving interactions and uses statistical modeling to identify ways in which DUHS can improve its performance. Hospital administrators hope to increase the amount of information contained in EMR. Currently, EMR includes information such as laboratory results, radiology images and physician orders, said Berit Jasion, associate chief information officer for technology, informatics and education services. Jasion said DUHS aims to make all information related to a patient’s care electronically available. Kay Lytle, director of nursing informatics with Duke Health Technology Solutions, is working to make nursing documentation electronic. Currently, patient information collected by nurses, such as physical and psychosocial examinations, are carried out on paper everywhere but in the intensive care unit.

the chronicle


k4 from page 1

Making their case

libby busdicker/The Chronicle

Senior John Harpham (right) speaks at the Duke Political Union’s Town Hall forum for the undergraduate Young Trustee finalists Tuesday night in the Social Sciences building as the other two candidates—seniors Zach Perret (left) and Chelsea Goldstein (center)—look on.

angrist from page 3 public,” he said. Angrist said he became interested in the possible utilty of making such information public from his research experiences as a student. “When I worked in the genetics lab as a grad student and a post-doc, we could not say anything of substance to the families when they called the lab,” he said. “It was very clear that this was research and [the subject] shouldn’t expect anything from us, that we can’t really improve [the subject’s] lives in any meaningful way.” The idea behind making the previously-private information public was to maintain and improve the relationships between researchers and subjects, in what Angrist called “a new model” for research. Angrist noted, however, that sensitive genetic infor-

mation, which could reveal the possibility of disease, paternity and ancestry, is difficult to control once released. “Not everybody’s crazy about that idea and there are some understandable reasons why,” he added. The PGP was established, Angrist said, “as a pilot experiment to test this notion of letting one’s genome and health information be made public.” Angrist was the third speaker in the A.B. Duke Speaker Series “The Future of the Human Body.” Junior Katherine Buse, an A.B. Duke scholar and an organizer of the series, said she hoped the presentation would attract not just A.B. Scholars but the student body in general. “This is really the first thing we have done that’s really taking the funding we have and using it to foster debate in a wider audience,” she said. “The idea was to choose a topic that could be interesting to any undergraduate or even professor or graduate student and we figured anything that deals with the future and with humanity would be a good option.”

will be debt-financed. This means that most of the funds will be borrowed, in part from Residence Live and Housing Services’ reserves and license fees—what students pay for on-campus housing. “In essence, these beds pay for themselves,” Gonzalez said. Nowicki noted that new construction will be centered on making housing options more long-term. “Any new construction for residence that we build really needs to be looking to the future,” he said. “Because in the future, when we finally do get to New Campus, and expand out, the residential experience could allow all students to have the same ability to move into someplace and get to stay there.” The addition of a fourth building to Keohane Quadrangle will provide on-campus housing options to students who want to live on West Campus but are forced to go off campus due to a lack of space, Nowicki said. As the architectural completion of Keohane, K4 will add 150 beds to space inventory, with a higher percentage of singles and common space, Moneta said. “We are creating facilities necessary for students we have here, better facilities. We’re not just building another dorm—we really are trying to make this a new and better residential space,” Nowicki said Moneta hopes K4 will enliven McClendon Tower and the back quad with more social and study space along with an expanded plaza. “Its a lot of things for one little 150-bed residence hall,” he said. In its December meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the start of site prep work, Nowicki said. And in this month’s Trustees meeting, the Board will give its final say on the budget and permission to break ground. “We are very optimistic that the Board will give us the go-ahead [to begin construction],” Nowicki said. “We’re going to start with some site work and figure out utilities, so that when we get the go-ahead we can move very quickly.” If the project is approved, the University will try to complete most of the digging and foundation over the summer, but there will be utility relocations this Spring spreading down into the Edens Quadrangle, Moneta said. He added that administrators will work closely with residents to give notice of disruptions and ensure that construction hours minimally affect student patterns. There will be a meeting Wednesday at 9 p.m. on the fifth floor of McClendon Tower for students with concerns or questions about the project and its impact. The University is currently working with William Rawn Associates, an architectural firm in Boston, Nowicki said. He added that the construction bid has not been awarded yet. “[The project is] a sign of progress and [it is] good to see things moving forward at Duke,” he said.

Sources say Christmas day bomb suspect cooperating by Carrie Johnson The Washington Post

WASHINGTON ­— Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the man accused of trying to blow up a jet airplane on Christmas Day, has been providing FBI interrogators with useful intelligence about his training and contacts since last week, Obama administration sources said Tuesday. Separately, FBI Director Robert Mueller III told senators at an intelligence committee hearing that Abdulmutallab was giving information to investigators. Mueller did not elaborate. The disclosures that the Nigerian student is cooperating with criminal investigators come amid a fierce debate in Congress over the Obama administration’s handling of the case and, more broadly, its approach to national security. Dennis Blair, President Barack Obama’s director of national intelligence, has said Abdulmutallab should have been interrogated by special terrorism investigators instead of FBI agents. House and Senate Republicans have criticized the Justice Department’s decision to prosecute Abdulmutallab in a civilian court, rather than through a military commission, and one Senate leader, Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.,

has called for the resignation of Attorney Investigators are following up to corroboGeneral Eric H. Holder Jr. rate the information. The Obama administration asserts, U.S. investigators flew members of Abhowever, that its approach is paying divi- dulmutallab’s family from Nigeria to the dends. “It’s been very successful as far United States on Jan. 17, the senior adminas gaining his cooperation,” a senior ad- istration official said. The family members ministration official told reporters late have proved vital in getting Abdulmutallab Tuesday, referring to talk, he said — to Abdulmutallab. indicating that it Officials have also “It’s been very successful would have been said that the civilcounterproductive as far as gaining his ian legal system is to interrogate him more than capable under military rules, cooperation” of handling terroras some have sug— senior official, gested. ism investigations and trials. The president is Obama administration getting On the day of briefings on his arrest, Abdulthe interrogations of mutallab told the Abdulmutallab, the FBI during a 50-minute interrogation official said. at a Michigan hospital that he had been All three sources spoke on the conditrained by an al-Qaida branch in Yemen. tion of anonymity because the investigaHe later stopped cooperating and asked tion is ongoing. for an attorney. Officials are continuing to flesh out AbIn recent days, two law enforcement dulmutallab’s contacts with radical Yemesources said, Abdulmutallab has told au- ni-American cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi, who thorities more about where he trained allegedly met with the suspect before the overseas and others he met there — leads bombing, one source said. that the FBI has shared with other memNo plea deal between Justice Departbers of the U.S. intelligence community. ment lawyers and federal public defend-

er Miriam Siefer is imminent, the sources said, but both sides began negotiating last week, as reported by The Washington Post. If convicted, Abdulmutallab faces a virtual life sentence on six criminal charges, including using a plane as a weapon of mass destruction. In exchange for his renewed cooperation, authorities could recommend that a federal judge reduce any prison sentence Abdulmutallab might face, a common occurrence in the criminal justice system. Siefer did not immediately respond to requests for comment, but she is said to be helping advance the negotiations, along with representatives for Abdulmutallab’s family, which is prominent in Nigeria, the law enforcement sources said. The approach appears to closely follow the FBI and Justice Department’s handling of David Coleman Headley, a Chicago resident accused of serving as an advance man for the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Headley has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges, but federal prosecutors and defense attorneys have said he has been sharing information with the FBI for months about his alleged contacts with terrorist-linked groups overseas.



The Chronicle

WEDNESDAY February 3, 2010

Check out The Chronicles of K-Ville, featuring photos, video and commentary from tenters gearing up for Duke-UNC, at kville.dukechronicle.com


Shades of gray in Duke’s future I give up. I’m totally baffled by Duke’s men’s basketball team. I honestly have no idea what to expect the rest of the way. If the Blue Devils go to the Final Four, I won’t be surprised. Hell, they could win the whole thing and I’d be thrilled—but not floored. They could lose in the second round and it wouldn’t be outside of the realm of possibility. It’s a team Alex with no ceiling, and, as we saw against Georgetown, no floor. Make no mistake. I was in the Verizon Center last Saturday. I have the GRAYOUT! T-shirt to prove it. (Yes, I do plan on wearing it, eventually, but the pain is too fresh right now.) (Yes, you read that right—it’s a cool shirt!) I braved the snow, and the ice, and the Hoya fan who insulted me each of the seven times he walked by my table on the way to the bathroom at Bar Louie even though I had every right to insult him since he was the one who was drunk at 10 a.m. and apparently had a bladder the size of a peanut. I know what I saw—an oldfashioned butt-whuppin’. Of course, I see the basketball world


through Duke blue glasses. I am, after all, the man who brought you The Train four years ago, and I insist on picking the Blue Devils in my NCAA Tournament pool every year, even though it always just means I’m throwing away my money. After the N.C. State loss, I was willing to chalk up the result to a oncein-a-season shooting performance from the Wolfpack—that is to say, to bad luck. In the midst of the Georgetown game, I was ready to chalk that loss up to bad luck, too. I was at the game with my cousin (a pretty good high school basketball player back in the day—he once played in the same high school allstar game as former Tar Heel Joe Forte’s little brother Jason), and he turned to me and said, “I thought Duke was known for their defense.” “They are,” I replied. “But Georgetown is just shooting an outrageous percentage.” “That’s because they’re shooting layups,” my cousin said. I clung to my “Georgetown shot a preposterous percentage from the field” argument until I got back from the Verizon Center and checked CBSSports.com’s shot chart. The Hoyas went 19-for-19 on layups and added six dunks; on everything else, they shot 9-for-22—not awful, but certainly not outrageous. I was forced to conclude that I really had just watched See fanaroff on page 11

LAWSON KURTZ/The Chronicle

Duke’s less-than-stellar effort against the Hoyas Saturday at the Verizon Center led columnist Alex Fanaroff to conclude that he still has no idea how the Blue Devils will perform on any given day.

women’s golf

Fall title gives Duke confidence for spring by Rachel Apostoles THE CHRONICLE

Chronicle file photo

Junior Kim Donovan is one of only three upperclassmen on a young Duke roster and will be called upon to help lead the team in the spring.

After winning the NCAA Fall Preview last October, head coach Dan Brooks was not quite ready for the fall season to come to a close. “I personally wish we had another tournament,” Brooks said. Brooks’s enthusiasm was not surprising considering his team overcame a 10-stroke deficit to upset then-No. 1 UCLA and outduel then-No. 4 Auburn by a single stroke in the Blue Devils’ final and strongest showing of the fall. “It was a great way to end the fall,” Brooks said. “It was a culmination of a lot of hard work and some work with swings. It was nice to have a reward at the end.” Following the success of the NCAA Fall Preview, the No. 16 Blue Devils enjoyed a well-deserved winter break from collegiate play. Brooks stressed the importance of relaxation for his team during this brief winter hiatus. “More than anything, I want them to take time off and get away from it,” Brooks said in the fall. “Our season is long, and they also play in the summertime. They really don’t get much of a break the entire year, so I’d really like them to take a break in the wintertime.” Unable to stay away from the course, freshmen Courtney Ellenbogen and Lindy Duncan both participated in amateur tournaments this January. Ellenbogen registered a fifth-place finish at the Harder Hall Invitational January in Sebring, Fla., while Duncan won the Dixie Amateur Championship by five strokes in Coral Springs, Fla. Ellenbogen and Duncan are joined by Stacey Kim to

round out a talented freshman class. Making up half of the Duke roster, the freshmen demonstrated their ability to compete at the collegiate level this fall, accumulating seven top-20 finishes. Further, Duncan led the team with a 72.60 stroke average. “These are freshman, but they have played a lot of competition,” Brooks said. “We saw that in the fall, whenever we had our best field, that is when the three freshmen played their best golf. That tells me that they are capable of playing their best when it matters most.” Seniors Yu Young Lee and Alison Whitaker, along with junior Kim Donovan, round out the rest of the squad. Whitaker posted the top score at the NCAA Fall Preview, shooting a 1-over 217, and Donovan led the team at the Mason Rudolph Women’s Championship in September, so the freshmen will have plenty of leadership to emulate. Ellenbogen and Duncan have already both posted top finishes for Duke in tournaments, including Ellenbogen’s first-place team finish that earned her fourth place overall at the Tar Heel Invitational in October. The young Duke team will kick off its spring season Feb. 8, as it competes in the Northrop Grumman Regional Challenge in Los Angeles, Calif. Four of the top five teams in the nation will be present as the Blue Devils jump feet first into what is set to be an exciting season. “Every tournament we play in, we try to win,” Brooks said. “We just play our game and stay focused on what we can control, it’s all about the process. We are just going to go in and play one shot at a time, one hole at a time, and see how we come out.”

the chronicle


fanaroff from page 10 Georgetown beat the pants off of Duke, eviscerating what I (as well as Ken Pomeroy’s pace-adjusted numbers) thought was a good defense with wide-open backdoor cuts and drives to the basket. So I was left with a question: Which was the real Duke—the team that beat Gonzaga by 35 on a neutral court, or the team that looked totally lost against Georgetown? The easiest answer is to look at recent performance, especially given the Blue Devils’ (justified or unjustified) reputation as a team that fades down the stretch. But today’s only February 3; that’s way too early for a late-season collapse. The next-easiest answer is to look at popular opinion. The national media seems to believe that Duke’s loss to the Hoyas was an aberration—the Blue Devils didn’t even fall out of the top 10 in the Associated Press poll. But eight of the 10 teams behind Duke also lost last week, so maybe the Blue Devils didn’t deserve their spot as much as no one else did. Anyway, I probably watch nearly as much college basketball as anyone in the national media, so I don’t particularly care what they think. When all else failed, I fell back on my English major training—it was time for a close reading. Here is what head coach Mike Krzyzewski said after Duke’s win over Florida State prior to the Georgetown game: “The only thing is that [the Hoyas] haven’t played since Monday…. Their preparation is going to be much better than ours, that’s just a fact. But we’re looking forward to it, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that it’s not going to be an easy game, and I’m not

emily eshman (LEFT) and rob stewart (RIGHT)/The Chronicle

Duke has shown flashes of brilliance this season, like in a 70-56 win over Florida State, but has also struggled mightily in other games, including an 88-74 loss to N.C. State. sure what it will tell. We’re playing at 1:00 in the afternoon so we have a really quick turnaround. It’s a good game for our young guys to step forward and have an opportunity to be more of a part of the actual win and not just the preparation of a win.” Sounds to me like Coach K was writing this one off before it even started. “Their preparation is going to be much better than ours,” “I’m not sure what it’ll tell,” “good game for our young guys to step forward”—maybe my close reading tells you more about me than it does

about reality, but it sure doesn’t seem like Krzyzewski thought the game was as important as CBS did, or as Georgetown’s booster club did with its free GRAY-OUT! shirts, or even as Duke’s fans, eager for an NCAA Tournament-measuring stick game, did. (We’re conveniently ignoring the fact that, if excuses were ice cream and cake, Coach K would basically have had a birthday party.) Then you see that Andre Dawkins and Mason Plumlee logged 13 minutes each, and Ryan Kelly was in for seven, and it seems to fit the pattern. (We’re also con-

veniently ignoring the fact that Kyle Singler, Jon Scheyer and Nolan Smith played 38, 38 and 36 minutes, respectively.) Coach K wanted to beat Georgetown, but he recognized that the short turnaround made it difficult, and he wasn’t going to sacrifice ACC games to win a big out-ofconference matchup. At least, I hope that’s what it means. Because the alternatives—a late-season slide is imminent, Georgetown really is that much better than Duke—are really depressing. Hey, at least UNC’s been awful!

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A promising new funding model At last week’s Duke Student apply directly to the StuGovernment meeting, Trea- dent Organization Finance surer Sam Halls introduced a Committee at the end of the plan to overhaul the funding Spring semester for funding process for student groups. for the next academic year. Under this trial program, eight Because SOFC must overon-campus see a budget per formance of more than editorial groups will be $630,000 for given access to a community around 130 student groups, “bucket fund” to cover general it does not have sufficient expenses as well as a discretion- manpower to hold groups ary fund to finance collabora- accountable for their budget tion among these groups. This requests. measure will come before the The lack of oversight is Senate Wednesday night. problematic because it allows The proposed funding student groups to inflate module has the potential to their budgets and siphon increase accountability and funding from other worthy collaboration, but as a whole, organizations. it fails to completely address Sharing a common bucket the problem of the prolifera- fund will force all eight pertion of student groups. forming arts groups to comUnder the current funding municate with each other to system, most student groups distribute each organization’s


I have been following the Lady Blue Devils all year, and their offensive problems seem to stem from them not getting the ball to their point guard in crucial situations.

—“Melvin Page” commenting on the story “Thomas, defense keep Blue Devils atop ACC.” See more at www.dukechronicle.com.

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cut. This intimate working environment will increase oversight and peer accountability, thus ensuring more efficient allocation of funds. Coupling the bucket funds with a discretionary budget to be used for collaboration between performance groups also makes sense. When groups work together and share resources, they are often able to accomplish more. And through collaboration, groups could prevent duplication of similar events and services. This would free up funds to be put toward a more productive use. But even with the budget accountability and intergroup collaboration that the new funding model could promote, there is still no mechanism in place to control the rapid expansion of

student groups. The number of SOFCfunded student organizations jumped from approximately 100 last year to about 130 for the 2009-2010 academic year. The accounting is simple: with more groups, each will receive less funding. This is especially problematic because many new groups overlap or duplicate the missions of existing organizations. The Senate must keep this issue in mind as it continues to focus on the student group funding process. A group of thematically-linked student organizations—like the eight performing arts groups— could provide SOFC with important feedback when evaluating whether a new group shares a similar mission with existing ones. Ultimately, a

clear and consistent top-down evaluative mechanism is necessary to curb the proliferation of redundant groups. For the purposes of this trial run, a member from the Office of Student Activities and Facilities or SOFC should sit on the committee that distributes the bucket funding for the performing arts groups. A neutral party could ensure a fair budgetary process and help facilitate consistent communication among the eight student groups. The trial funding module is a creative approach that seems well suited to student organizations, like performing arts groups, with common missions. But for groups that can’t be neatly classified by theme or purpose, it will raise new challenges.

Who to trust?

omething odd is about to happen. Very soon— this coming Tuesday, February 9—we undergraduates get to actually elect a member of Duke’s Board of Trustees. Now what in the hell does that mean, and what are we supposed to do about it? You might know of a few board members: John J. Mack, Richard Wagoner, even Xiqing Gao. But let’s be real. Most of us know much more about Steve Nowicki connor southard than we know about dead poet most of these thirtysix people, and they are infinitely more powerful (at least on this campus) than he likely ever will be. A paraphrase of Denzel Washington in “Training Day:” the trustees run stuff here. We just live here. The next young trustee, whether Chelsea Goldstein, John Harpham or Zachary Perret, will suddenly cease to be one of those who just live here. Once one of these three has completed a period as an “observer,” he or she will be a full voting member of the board. That’s both cool and jolting: from Tailgate to multi-million dollar budget meetings, just like that. It’s easy and even tempting to be contemptuous of this sort of thing—they work for The Man, man. But we haven’t got any say in who will be selected for any of the other trustee spots, so we might as well take advantage of this opportunity. It’s our best shot at influencing the distant, ebullient processes that govern our student lives. What we as students really need from the Young Trustee is that particular gift: the ability to deal with power and shape the decisions made by the powerful without accepting a talking down to. It’s not something you typically find in recent college graduates. At least, it’s not something one might intuitively expect from those who—like many of us here—are quite used to validation, hungry for success and therefore vulnerable to the temptation to resort to a kind of “passive activeness.” The well-cultivated appearance of gusto and assertiveness can at times be nothing more than a smoke screen for a process of compliance and bowing to the norms set by institutions and the institutionalized. After all, that kind of kowtowing is how one lands a cushy job, non?

Remember, the Young Trustee does not “represent” the student body any more than any other trustee, but this is the closest thing we have to a voice on the all-powerful board. We want someone who sympathizes more with us than with those whom, while they no doubt wish Duke well, are far removed from the days of waiting in line at Cameron and being bloody well forced to chow at the Marketplace. So, how does one ensure that one’s vote goes to someone with both a serious determination to do their job (approval be damned) and a clear, disillusioned, not soon to-be-forgotten understanding of what it means to be an undergraduate at Duke? Simple: Read at least parts of all three essay-based applications—you can get them through a link on The Chronicle’s Web site—and see which candidate spends the least time bs-ing you. Let me elaborate and let me be a little fairer. Like giving campaign speeches, the process of writing application essays requires one to flog certain things to death, and there’s no way around that. But here’s the rub: if you’re reading an essay and feel like you’re seeing jargon, the regurgitation of safe, politically-correct positions and clumsy thinking, you can trust your eyes. The Young Trustee absolutely needs to be able to communicate well and with little danger of sounding mimetic and uncreative. A young trustee will earn respect and be an effective member of the Board of Trustees if and only if youth (and the youthful temptation to let debates and the flow of ideas be held hostage by one’s elders) does not prevent him or her from engaging fellow trustees as intellectual equals. It will not be enough to be an equal in title only. A good Young Trustee is an independent thinker first, a loyal member of an institution second. And if a thought can’t be well expressed, then it has not been well considered, either, and no one is going to listen to it. So, if the essays you see are bad, if they sound hackneyed and un-compelling, don’t vote for that candidate. Pick a thinker capable of influencing decision-making, not an achiever more suited to looking valedictory while decisions are made around him or her. I admire Board of Trustees Chair Dan Blue for submitting his eloquent letter to The Chronicle this week, and I agree: regardless of age, it is crucial that “Trustees think and act independently.” Connor Southard is a Trinity sophomore. His column runs every Wednesday.

Student groups are encouraged to send endorsements of Young Trustee candidates. Email sp64@duke.edu for The Chronicle’s Young Trustee endorsement policy.

the chronicle

Editor’s Note Personal letters to the editor expressing support for a Young Trustee candidate are not considered under the student organization endorsement policy outlined in Monday’s paper. Official endorsement letters are only included under the “Young Trustee Endorsements” section of these pages.



ver Winter Break, I had the like we’ve become “better people.” opportunity to visit Peru. It is meant to be a lifestyle. It is the Many Peruvians are descen- call to operate out of a vastness of dants of the Incas, who dominated vision, to give of yourself because Peru from the 1400s you know that you to the 1530s before are part of a comthe Spanish Conquismunity, part of sometadors arrived on the thing far greater scene. than yourself. A significant numMore than just ber of people in a lifestyle, service Peru today still speak is a privilege. I’m Quechua, the lanreminded of what daniel wong guage of the Incan Dolores Huerta said loving life, empire. One interestduring her speech loving lives ing fact about Quechat the Martin Luther ua is that, originally, King, Jr. Day celthere was no word for “thank you” ebrations in the Chapel about two (although today there is, and it is weeks ago. Huerta is an award-winpronounced “yuspagarasunki”). ning labor activist who organized The Incas did not need a word boycotts and lobbied on behalf of for “thank you” because service was California’s migrant farm workers their primary way of expressing in the 1950s. She directed the fivegratitude. They believed firmly in year-long national grape boycott of the concept of paying it forward. the late 1960s, which protested the To an Inca, sacrificing his or her mistreatment of farm workers. If llamas or even his or her own life you were at the MLK celebrations, was a way of repaying others for the you probably disagreed with Huerpersonal sacrifices they had made ta’s anti-globalization views and her in the past. opinion that the minimum wage In the Incan empire, people fre- should be $30 per hour—I know quently made offerings to the gods I did! But there is no doubt that for the better of the community. It Huerta is a woman of great paswas hoped that the gods would be sion and determination. Oh, and pleased, and would bless the peo- she also has 11 honorary doctorate ple with good weather and a boun- degrees. tiful harvest. Llamas and alpacas Near the beginning of her were often sacrificed, but when an speech, she said something pretty exceptionally large blessing was striking: “I am blessed to have been desired, the Incas sacrificed young able to work with farm workers…” children and teenagers instead. Blessed? When was the last time you These were considered the best heard a surgeon or architect say, kind of offering—the kind that was “I am blessed to be able to remove most likely to entice the gods into cancerous tumors and save lives,” action. or “I am blessed to be able to design According to the tour guide, the beautiful buildings”? children who were selected were In that one word, Huerta demwilling participants—and their par- onstrated a profound understandents were eager for their children ing that service truly is an honor. to be sacrificed too! When you are in a position to serve, To the Incas, laying down your it means that you have been enlife so that the entire community dowed with certain gifts and talents could enjoy a better harvest was which you can use to add value to not a heroic act of self-sacrifice; the lives of others. All of us here at rather, it was something ordinary, Duke have abilities that have been something that everyone would do honed with effort but have been beout of an appreciation for the fact stowed by good fortune. Today, let’s that others would do the same if acknowledge that we are indeed they were put in an identical situ- privileged and that all of us can ation. The Incas therefore did not say “I am blessed to be able to…” need a word for “thank you” be- as we make the conscious decision cause service was their way of show- to serve. ing gratitude. After all, Duke’s mission stateI’m definitely not a fan of hu- ment says that Duke aims to preman sacrifice, but I do think that we pare students “for lives of skilled have much to learn from the Incas. and ethical service.” Our careers, In the past, I’ve performed our work in student organizations, service—whether it was tutor- our involvement in the communiing elementary school students ty—these are all ways to serve. Let’s or picking up trash in a rundown do so as a way of life and out of a neighborhood or packing food for heart of thankfulness. impoverished children in TanzaWords are not a substitute for acnia—primarily because it made me tion, and “yuspagarasunki” is not a feel good about myself, and not substitute for service. because I wanted to help my fellow man. But service is not meant to be Daniel Wong is a Pratt junior. His a noble action which makes us feel column runs every other Wednesday.



letterstotheeditor Harpham best candidate for YT Given the recent changes to the Young Trustee process, it is incumbent upon the newly empowered student body to make an active informed decision, as the individual they honor will have the responsibility of helping to ensure the continued growth and viability of the University we have all come to know and love. Although I cannot say I have had the pleasure of interacting on a personal level with all of this year’s finalists, it is good to see that the Young Trustee Nominating Committee produced three highly qualified candidates. The position of Young Trustee, however, requires more than just an array of leadership experiences, knowledge about the inner workings of the University and a commitment to keep abreast of the current happenings around Duke and Durham. What is required is a passion for Duke, a commitment to endure, to fulfill the trust that the student body and the University have placed in the individual for three years, after all the nostalgia and prestige of winning has become a distant memory. John Harpham not only has the breadth and depth of knowledge required to be an effective member of the Board, but he has a deep-seated commitment to the betterment of the University. I met John when he became a member of The Chronicle’s editorial board and have stayed in contact with him through the years. His commitment to and insight on the issues is evidenced by the fact that many hold the views expressed at the top of the opinion pages as an independent arbiter when it comes to University matters. It is for these reasons why I would like to personally

endorse John Harpham for the position of Young Trustee. Malik Burnett Trinity ’07, Fuqua ’12, Medicine ’12 President, Black Student Alliance ’06-’07 Harpham engaged with Durham community As a resident of the Trinity Heights neighborhood, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several thoughtful Duke students whose interests extend beyond the university to the larger Durham community. One of these is John Harpham, who is running for the position of Young Trustee. I met John last year when, through The Chronicle, he interviewed me about party problems in our neighborhood. More recently I had a conversation with John about how the well being of Duke and Durham are closely connected, and how students can become a greater presence in our community. In my exchanges with John I’ve been struck by how well he understands that a great university must be engaged in its world—and at the local level as well as the national and international level. John’s been a good student ambassador to the larger Durham community, and I suspect that if elected Young Trustee he’ll expand that role—bringing long-term benefits to both town and gown. For these reasons, I want to voice my support for John Harpham in his candidacy to be the next Young Trustee. Christine Westfall President, Trinity Heights Neighborhood Association

Young Trustee Endorsements Vote Goldstein for Young Trustee The Duke Democrats proudly endorses Chelsea Goldstein for Young Trustee. We were particularly impressed with Goldstein’s ability to be an effective communicator, her detailed articulation of the challenges facing undergraduate women and independents at Duke, and her commitment to making environmental sustainability a more serious university priority. Goldstein also has a thorough understanding of Duke’s institutions, previously serving as member of a Board of Trustees committee, Duke Student Government vice president for academic affairs, and as a tireless student advocate and leader. We also believe that it is important to have more women on the Board of Trustees and Goldstein will be an incredibly well versed and complementary addition to the Board. We were also quite pleased with John Harpham. Harpham demonstrated incredible eloquence and intelligence and a perceptive grasp of the issues facing Duke in the wake of the Great Recession. Harpham would be a conscientious and insightful Young Trustee. Zach Perret’s background in the natural sciences coupled with his dedication to the arts make him an intriguing candidate and Perret would bring a different perspective to the Board. Perret also has experience serving on a Board of Trustee committee. But we felt that Goldstein and Harpham better articulated the challenges facing Duke’s campus culture. Ben Bergmann President, Duke Democrats Trinity ’11 Vote Goldstein for Young Trustee Chelsea Goldstein and John Harpham are the only two serious candidates for Young Trustee, and their skill sets are what distinguish them in the end. Ultimately, Chelsea comes out the win-

ner—she is more than a Chronicle editorial board discusser, though she is that too. She is a true doer (as former vice president for academic affairs for Duke Student Government and an editorial board member). Chelsea is the best choice we can make for our educations, student services, resources and investments. Chelsea was the first person in five years to oversee an actual change to a curriculum (with the Masters of Management Studies degree at the Fuqua School of Business). As Duke’s advocate before the Board regarding the vision Duke has stated for its future—campus space, sustainability and diversity—Chelsea certainly has her finger on the campus pulse, on what it has expressed its commitments to and the ways in which it is not fulfilling them. She is a communicator; she knows how to listen and debate. Under a system where she is permitted to speak at only eight of her 12 Board meetings, the Young Trustee needs to be able to come in and make a prompt and proper response, so that the undergraduate experience can best be represented within the constraints provided her. In this time constraint, it is clear that Chelsea would be the greatest communicator on our behalf. Finally, John and Zach Perret will come in with the perspective of themselves, and a few friends, but Chelsea represents a wide gamut of student interests and concerns in a way that the others do not. While we do not agree with our Democrat partisans that merely being a woman, or for that matter, the outward appearance of any of the candidates, overqualifies Chelsea to represent the student body, she outdoes her competitors by leaps and bounds, based on the content of her character and the quality of her ideas alone. Justin Robinette President, Duke College Republicans Trinity ’11


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