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Bimonthly Review for the Shipping Industry | April - May 2018 | 122
Dimitris Vranopoulos
The Gentleman of Shipping
Index ISSUE 122
APRIL - MAY 2018
Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: “Συν-Ένωσις” τώρα για αλώβητη, ηγετική 06. ΝΙΚΟΣ Ελληνική Ναυτιλία 08. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Ήρθε η ώρα του διαμελισμού του Ιράν; Petropoulos: Trends in Greek ships finance: A different 12. Ted mix of finance Drydocks & Services Ltd in the largest maritime 18. Euploia exhibition in the world
24. GOLDEN DESTINY Shipping forum 2018 38. MEGATUGS : 24/7 emergency response in Greece and abroad TURBOCHARGING: Customized service agreement ensures 40. ABB maximum uptime for Greek ferry operator, Hellenic Seaways 46. TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING: Leader in yacht painting DIMITRIS VRANOPOULOS: The Gentleman of Shipping
54. 62. PPG: Pioneering Coating Technologies 90. Liberian Registry: 70 Years of Leadership & Quality Operation 98. Intra Mare: The marine sense of technology 116. Andreas Chrysostomou joins Tototheo Maritime 14.
Paillette Palaiologou
Perspectives | From Posidonia 2016 to 2018
Ioannis Chiotopoulos Digitalization will revolutionize shippinh
Tom Erixon
Setting the industry standard
Tom Perlich
Ecochlor’s system exceeds IMO & USCG requirements
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
«Συν-Ένωσις» τώρα για αλώβητη, ηγετική Ελληνική Ναυτιλία
Γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας, Δημοσιογάφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ
Εν μέσω θυέλλης, συμπληγάδων, αντάρας, ανεμόδαρτης άπαρσης, πολιτικής λάσκας, ανεμορούφουλα, διαρκούς και επαναλαμβανόμενου πούσι και καραντί, η μεγάλη Ελληνική Ναυτιλία κρατάει γερά τον μπούσουλα της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλιακής αρένας με έναν στόλο 4800 και πλέον πλοίων, με αξία ζηλευτή που ξεπερνά τα 100 δις δολάρια. Αγγελικούσης, Αγγελόπουλος, Βαφειάς, Βενιάμης, Γουλανδρής, Δράγνης, Εμπειρίκος, Ευγενίδης, Καλλιμανόπουλος, Κούστας, Κολλάκης, Κωνσταντακόπουλος, Λαιμός, Λασκαρίδης, Λιβανός, Λως, Μαρινάκης, Μαρτίνος, Νομικός, Ξυλάς, Οικονόμου, Πιστιόλης, Παππάς, Προκοπίου, Τσάκος, Φαφαλιός, Φράγκος, Χανδρής, Χατζηπατέρας, και τόσοι άλλοι, άνθρωποι αυτοδημιούργητοι οι περισσότεροι, κινούνται και κινούν τα νήματα στο διεθνές επιχειρηματικό ναυτιλιακό στίβο τόσο αθόρυβα αλλά και τόσο καθοριστικά. Η ναυτιλία αλλάζει, ψηφιοποιείται, επενδύει στο μέλλον, εφαρμόζει διαρκώς νέους κανονισμούς, φέρνει συνάλλαγμα, φορολογείται, και συνάμα στοχοποιείται, κατηγορείται, εξευτελίζεται ως παγκόσμια οντότητα από μία ανίδεη και προκλητική Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή. Οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές απαντούν έτσι όπως μόνο αυτοί ξέρουν. Πληρώνουν τις νέες τεχνολογίες, εφαρμόζουν πρώτοι τους νέους κανονισμούς, νικούν τα capital controls, καταβάλουν φόρους, αποφεύγουν το εχθρικό κράτος, αγοράζουν και πωλούν μόνο όταν πρέπει, και παραμένουν ΠΡΩΤΟΙ στον κόσμο. Οι Έλληνες παραμένουν η κυρίαρχη δύναμη στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλία. Η σημερινή αξία του στόλου τους ανέρχεται σχεδόν σε 100 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια, τοποθετώντας τη χώρα στην κορυφή του πίνακα. Η αξία συγκεντρώνεται στους τύπους πλοίων Tanker ($ 36 δισ.), Bulker (35,75 δισ. Ευρώ) και LNG (13,5 δολάρια). Ο ελληνικός έλεγχος των αγορών αυτών ανέρχεται στο 20% περίπου της συνολικής αξίας του παγκόσμιου στόλου και στο 50% του Ευρωπαϊκού. H ισχυρή δέσμευση των Ελλήνων πλοιοκτητών στις παγκόσμιες ναυτιλιακές αγορές φαίνεται απίθανο να αλλάξει, καθώς άλλοι, όπως η Γερμανία, ρευστοποιούν περιουσιακά στοιχεία, ενώ η Βρετανία βρίσκεται στον πανικό του BREXIT. Τα Ποσειδώνια ακολουθούν το μήκος κύματος της Ναυτιλίας. Εξακολουθούν μετά από 50 και πλέον χρόνια να παραμένουν ο σοβαρότερος θεσμός της Παγκόσμιας Ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας, κρατώντας ψηλά την σημαία της αξιοπιστίας, της σοβαρότητας, του ρεκόρ των συμμετοχών, της ουσίας στην επικοινωνία. Τα τελευταία χρόνια είμαστε όλοι μάρτυρες μιας πλεονάζουσας όπως λέμε και στη Ναυτιλία χωρητικότητας σε βραβεύσεις, συνέδρια, ημερίδες, forums, όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα αλλά και στο εξωτερικό. Αν παρακολουθήσει κανείς την μηνιαία ατζέντα της Ναυτιλίας, θα διαπιστώσει μια δραματική άνοδο επαναλαμβανόμενων δράσεων για την αγορά μας, με συχνότητα μικρότερη του 15νθημέρου. Παρ όλα αυτά η προσφορά του καθενός προσμετράται θετικά για τον κλάδο. Είναι αντιληπτό ότι οι εξελίξεις στη Ναυτιλία είναι γρήγορες και ιδιαίτερα τα τελευταία χρόνια όπου οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές καλούνται να πληρώσουν τεράστια ποσά σε νέες τεχνολογίες, καθώς διαρκώς τίθενται σε ισχύ νέοι κανονισμοί για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Η ναυτιλία είναι μια βιομηχανία που συμμορφώνεται με τους κανονισμούς, ενώ παράλληλα προτείνει λύσεις στα διεθνή φόρα, που τις περισσότερες φορές δεν εισακούγονται. Σε καμία όμως περίπτωση δεν μπορεί να ανεχθεί την εφαρμογή κανονισμών που δεν διέπονται από λογική. Αυτό θα πρέπει να ληφθεί σοβαρά υπόψιν από τους διεθνείς οργανισμούς. Η ανάγκη για εκπαίδευση του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού είναι πλέον τόσο σημαντική για την ασφάλεια στο πλοίο. Η μείωση των Ελλήνων ναυτικών αποτελεί πρόβλημα για μία παραδοσιακά ναυτική χώρα. Η ποσοτική και ποιοτική υπεροχή της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας προέρχεται από εμπειρία δεκαετιών, μεταλαμπάδευση αυτής της εμπειρίας στις επόμενες γενιές έχοντας βαθιές ρίζες στην Ελληνική ναυτική οικογένεια. Μπορούμε με υπερηφάνεια να πούμε ότι η Ναυτιλία μας, αποτελεί εθνικό κεφάλαιο για τον τόπο. Η επίλυση του Ευρωπαϊκού νομοθετικού πλαισίου οφείλει να λυθεί άμεσα για την προάσπιση και την ενίσχυση της ανταγωνιστικότητας της ναυτιλίας και του σκληρού ανταγωνισμού που υφίσταται. Ο καθένας από την δική πλευρά οφείλει με νύχια και με δόντια να διαφυλάξει με όλη την δύναμη που διαθέτει την Ελληνική Ναυτιλία. Με τον τρόπο αυτό όλοι μαζί θα διαφυλάξουμε το κύρος της και την μεγαλοπρέπειά της. Οι Έλληνες είναι ένας λαός ναυτικός που μπορεί και πρέπει να νιώθει υπερήφανος για τη ναυτιλία του. Το οφείλουμε σε εκείνους που χάραξαν την πορεία και σήμερα δεν είναι κοντά μας, το οφείλουμε στα παιδιά μας. Όπως έγραψε και ο Ηρόδοτος, «έχουμε γη και πατρίδα όσο έχουμε πλοία και θάλασσα».
Visit us at Posidonia 2018 | Stand Number #1.115
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 | Ίσαλος Γραμμή
Ἦλθε ἡ ὣρα διαμελισμοῦ τοῦ Ἰράν; Γράφει ο Κώστας
Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Δημοσιογραφίας Ιδρύματος Μπότση
Η Ναυτιλία των τάνκερς θα υποφερει 1-3 χρονια, ενώ η τιμή του πετρελαίου θα ξεπεράσει βραχυπρόθεσμα, ακόμη και τα 85 δολάρια το βαρέλι. Ἡ ναυτιλία, καί ἰδιαίτερα ὁ παγκόσμιος στόλος τῶν τάνκερς, ἂρχισε νά ἐπηρεάζεται ἀπό τήν πολεμική ἐξέλιξη μεταξύ Ἰσραήλ καί Ἰράν. Μολονότι ἡ κυριωτέρα αἰτία τῆς κακῆς ναυλαγορᾶς τῶν δεξαμενοπλοίων ἐξακολουθεῖ νά εἶναι ἡ πλεονάζουσα χωρητικότητα, ὡστόσο ἡ ἐπίθεση τοῦ Ἰσραήλ στούς ἰρανικούς στόχους τῆς Συρίας, προοιωνίζεται καί μία ἰσραηλινή ἐπίθεση στό ἲδιο τό Ἰράν. Σύμφωνα μέ ἐκτιμήσεις ναυτιλιακῶν κύκλων τοῦ Πειραιῶς, στόχος ὃλων τῶν ἐμπλεκομένων μεγάλων κρατῶν εἶναι ὁ διαμελισμός τοῦ Ἰράν, ὃπως ἒγινε μέ τό Ἰράκ, τήν Λιβύη καί τήν Συρία, ἀλλά ἐκφράζονται φόβοι ὃτι ἡ ἐπέμβαση στό Ἰράν θά εἶναι ἀκόμη “σκληρότερη”. Ἀπώτερος στόχος εἶναι ὁ ἒλεγχος τῶν ἀποθεμάτων πετρελαίου τοῦ Ἰράν, πού παράγει 3,5 ἑκατομμύρια βαρέλια ἡμερησίως. Ἡ παρούσα πολεμική ἀναταραχή, πού δικαιολογεῖται ὡς “δικαίωμα ἂμυνας|” τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, εἶχε ὡς ἂμεσο ἀποτέλεσμα τήν ἂνοδο τῶν τιμῶν τοῦ πετρελαίου, στά 70 δολάρια τοῦ ἀμερικανικοῦ κρούντ ὂϊλ καί στά 78 δολάρια τοῦ μπρέντ, κάτι πού συμφέρει πολύ τήν Ἀμερική, τήν Ρωσία ἰδιαίτερα, τήν Βενεζουέλα, τήν Βραζιλία καί γενικῶς ὃλες τίς πετρελαιοπαραγωγές χῶρες. Ἡ ἀπόφαση τοῦ προέδρου Τράμπ νά ἀποχωρήσει ἀπό τήν πυρηνική συμφωνία μέ τό Ἰράν, δέν ἐπηρέασε καθόλου τίς τιμές τοῦ πετρελαίου. Ὃμως ἡ ἰσραηλινή ἐπίθεση σέ ἰρανικούς στόχους στήν Συρία, προκάλεσε τήν ἂμεση ἀνατίμηση τοῦ μαύρου χρυσοῦ, καί ἡ ἀνοδική πορεία θά συνεχισθεῖ ἂν τό Ἰσραήλ χτυπήσει ἐπιλεγμένους στόχους στό ἲδιο τό Ἰράν, πρᾶγμα τό ὁποῖο φοβοῦνται πολύ οἱ ναυτιλιακοί καί οἰκονομικοί παράγοντες. Ἡ ναυτιλία τῶν τάνκερς πλήττεται σ᾽ αὐτές τίς περιπτώσεις, δηλαδή τῆς ἀνατιμήσεως τοῦ μαύρου χρυσοῦ, κατά τό σκέλος ὃτι οἱ καταναλώτριες χῶρες δέν αὐξάνουν τά ἀποθέματα πετρελαίου σέ περιόδους ἀνόδου τῆς τιμῆς τοῦ πετρελαίου (ἡ κατανάλωση εἶναι δεδομένη), περιμένοντας νά πέσουν οἱ τιμές γιά νά τά ἀναπληρώσουν γιά ἀποθεματοποίηση. Ἒτσι τά τάνκερς πλήττονται ἀπό τήν μείωση τοῦ ὂγκου μεταφορῶν ὑγρῶν καυσίμων. Τό μέλλον ὂχι μόνο τῆς ναυλαγορᾶς, ἀλλά καί τῆς παγκόσμιας εἰρήνης, ἐξαρτᾶται ἀπό τήν κλιμάκωση τῶν ἐπιθετικῶν ἐνεργειῶν τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, τό ὁποῖο βρίσκεται σέ συνεννόηση μέ ὃλους τούς “μεγάλους”, διότι σέ ὃλες τίς μεγάλες χῶρες παραγωγῆς πετρελαίου συμφέρει ἡ ἀνατίμηση τοῦ προϊόντος, καί εἰδικώτερα τήν Ρωσία. Ἂν πληγεῖ τό Ἰράν, προβλέπεται ὃτι θά μειωθεῖ ἡ παραγωγή τουλάχιστον κατά 500.000 βαρέλια ἡμερησίως.
Μέσα σ᾽ αὐτή τήν
Αὐτό τό ἒλλειμμα μπορεῖ νά καλυφθεῖ ἀπό τόν ΟΠΕΚ, πού εἶχε πρό ἒτους ἐπιβάλει μείωση τῆς παραγωγῆς γιά τήν ἂνοδο τῆς τιμῆς τοῦ πετρελαίου. Ἐκεῖνο ὃμως πού φοβοῦνται οἱ μή πετρελαιοπαραγωγές χῶρες, εἶναι ὃτι “μπορεῖ νά συμβεῖ κάτι μεγαλύτερο καί σοβαρότερο”, ὂχι βέβαια στήν περιοχή τοῦ Αἰγαίου (πού ἀπασχολεῖ καί θά ἀπασχολεῖ ἐπί χρόνια μόνο τήν Ἑλλάδα καί τήν Τουρκία). Ἀπώτερος στόχος τῶν μεγάλων δυνάμεων εἶναι ὁ ἒλεγχος τῶν ἀποθεμάτων πετρελαίου τῶν χωρῶν τῆς Μέσης Ἀνατολῆς. Ἢδη τά ἀποθέματα τοῦ Ἰράκ τελοῦν ὑπό τόν ἒλεγχο τῶν ΗΠΑ. Τώρα φαίνεται ὃτι ἦλθε ἡ ὣρα τοῦ Ἰράν νά διαμελισθεῖ. Τό Ἰσραήλ φοβᾶται μόνο τό Ἰράν, πού ἒχει ἀπειλήσει ὃτι θά τό ἐξαφανίσει ἀπό τόν χάρτη. Ἐπίσης τό Ἰσραήλ πιστεύει ὃτι τό Ἰράν διαθέτει πυρηνικά ὃπλα. Ὑπάρχουν φόβοι ὃτι τελικά τό Ἰσραήλ θά χτυπήσει στόχους στό Ἰράν, ὁπότε ὑφίσταται κίνδυνος γενικώτερης ἀνάφλεξης μέ ἀπρόβλεπτες συνέπειες. Ἡ Συρία δέν ἐλέγχεται πιά ἀπό τόν πρόεδρο Ἂσαντ. Ὑπάρχουν ἢδη περί τίς 100 φατρίες, μία εκ τῶν ὁποίων εἶναι καί ὁ Ἂσαντ. Τά διεθνῆ συμφέροντα, πάντα γιά τό πετρέλαιο καί τήν μεταφορά του μέ ἀγωγούς, εἶναι ἐπίσης ἀλληλοσυγκρουόμενα. Ἡ Ἀμερική, ἡ Εὐρώπη τό Κατάρ κ.ἂ. θέλουν τήν δημιουργία ἀγωγοῦ στήν Μεσόγειο, ἀλλά αὐτό δέν συμφέρει τήν Ρωσία καί τήν Τουρκία, ἐνῶ τό Ἰράν θέλει δικό του ἀγωγό. Ἀμφιλεγόμενη καί ἡ κοινωνική κατάσταση στό Ἰράν. Ὁ μισός πληθυσμός θέλει νά εἶναι “φρουρός τῆς ἐπανάστασης” τοῦ θεοκρατικοῦ καθεστῶτος τῶν ἀγιατολάχ, καί ὁ ἂλλος μισός θέλει νά ζήσει καλλίτερα μέ εὐρωπαϊκά πρότυπα. Ἡ Εὐρώπη πάλι πού δέν μπορεῖ νά παράγει πετρέλαιο, ἀνησυχεῖ περισσότερο, ἐγκρίνει τήν “ἀμυντική” ἐπίθεση τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, ἀλλά εὒχεται νά μή κλιμακωθοῦν οἱ πολεμικές ἐνέργειες. Στό βάθος ὃμως φαίνεται πώς ὃλοι μαζί ἐπιθυμοῦν τόν διαμελισμό τοῦ Ἰράν. Μέσα σ᾽ αὐτή τήν περιπεπλεγμένη καί ἐπικίνδυνη κατάσταση, οἱ ναυτιλιακοί παράγοντες ἐκτιμοῦν, ὃτι ἡ ἀγορά τῶν δεξαμενοπλοίων θά ὑποστεῖ πιέσεις γιά ἓνα τουλάχιστον χρόνο, ἀλλά ἡ ἀναταραχή θά κρατήσει γιά τρία τουλάχιστον χρόνια, καθώς πιστεύουν ὃτι οἱ συγκρούσεις ἐξ αἰτίας τῆς διενέξεως Ἰσραήλ καί Ἰράν ἲσως θά εἶναι σκληρότερες ἀπό ἐκεῖνες τοῦ Λιβάνου καί τῆς Συρίας.
περιπεπλεγμένη καί
ἐπικίνδυνη κατάσταση, οἱ ναυτιλιακοί παράγοντες
ἐκτιμοῦν, ὃτι ἡ ἀγορά τῶν δεξαμενοπλοίων θά
ὑποστεῖ πιέσεις γιά ἓνα τουλάχιστον χρόνο
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Trends in Greek ships finance: A different mix of finance By Ted
Petropoulos, Head, Petrofin Research©
As the Greek fleet is getting bigger and younger, it is also getting more consolidated. The fleet percentage held by fleets of 25 vessels and over, in dwt terms, has risen from 42.27% in 2010 to 67.07% in 2017. Globally, vessels are also getting bigger in all market segments which is also the case for the Greek fleet, which is diversifying its trading patterns more and more. (Petrofin Research ©, published in March 2018 | www. petrofin.gr) In order to finance the above developments in a shrinking bank finance climate, as has been demonstrated in the last few years, major changes have occurred. Although, traditional bank lending continues to play a leading role in Greek ship finance, Western banks in general and German banks in particular, in line with international ship finance trends, have declined both in market share, as well as in overall lending volumes. This reflects more their own financial and capital constraints rather than their attitude towards ship finance in general and Greek ship finance in particular. To a large extent, this withdrawal has been covered by Far Eastern banks and export credit agencies, notably Chinese and Korean. The global trend has continued unabated over the past 7 years with European banks’ share falling from 83% to 62%, whilst Far Eastern banks’ share rising from 15% to 33% (see Graph). Greek ship finance has been affected by this decline with levels falling from $63bn in 2015 to $57bn in 2016, despite the growth of the Greek fleet. In the midst of this fall, the top 4 Greek banks have managed to largely retain their share and current research, thus far, points to some banks increasing their portfolios in 2017, including some of the Greek banks (see table of Petrofin Bank Research preliminary results on the top Greek banks - the full results of the latest Greek ship finance research are expected later in May 2018): Eastern financing entities (Banking and Leasing, as well as Export finance) have stepped in to fill the gap. Their client target has always been the big owners and the exponential rise to their portfolios has all but strengthened this preference. The question, thus, arises, as to what happens with the renewal and development of the smaller fleets. As mentioned above, there is an indication that Greek banks are now in a better position to support Greek shipping, having been through a lot of turmoil in view of the Greek crisis. Latest stress tests for Greek banks have been satisfactory and this is supportive of their increasing involvement in Greek shipping. The Greek banks are in a good position to enjoy a full range of services with their Greek clients and they continue to regard highly the concept of
Greek banks
National Bank
building up relationship. Currently, smaller owners remain not a focus group, but this may well change. Greek banks continue to also focus on client deposits which assist their liquidity. The overall decline in market share by traditional bank lending has been covered by a variety of non- bank financing sources, notably Chinese leasing, as well as private investment and financing funds which (at a higher cost) have been willing to support the Greek expansion. Export credit finance has also supported local shipbuilding in the Far East. Lately, Japanese and other leasing companies have entered the sector. Public markets have played a reduced role but this trend is likely to reverse with Norway also playing an interesting role. There have been signs of smaller local banks both in Europe and the Far East expanding
their activities in view of higher margins and fees, as well as use of bank services. Overall, the 75 top Greek owners accounting for 80% of Greek shipping have enjoyed multiple ship financing options and their growth has not been affected by the decline of Western ship financing banks. Such exodus is largely coming to an end, as banks have achieved their desired exits or reductions, whilst Far Eastern lending and alternative finance continues to grow. The recovery of many shipping sectors is also assisting the process. Shipping is and will remain a capital intensive industry and as Greek shipping continues its growth, Greek ship finance in all its forms is expected to show solid growth in the coming years.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Paillette Palaiologou*: Perspectives | from Posidonia 2016 to 2018 *Vice President, Regional Chief Executive Hellenic & Black Sea Region, Bureau Veritas notations, guidelines and services enable owners to comply with regulatory requirements, safeguard their crews and protect their assets from both malfunction and malicious attack.
As we prepare for Posidonia 2018 it’s interesting to review the two years that have elapsed since the shipping world gathered in Greece. For Bureau Veritas it has been an exciting and challenging period. We have had tough market conditions to deal with. Our clients are facing the introduction of regulations for ballast water and emissions where there remains great uncertainty as to the best means of compliance - or beyond compliance, what is the best solution from a technical and a commercial perspective. Globally, BV is the fifth largest class society by gross tonnage and the second by number of ships reflecting a diverse portfolio of ship types with deep expertise in the main sectors of bulk, tanker, LNG and container but also highly specialized sectors - such as FSRU and expedition class cruise ships. At BV we know that different owners require different solutions. The needs and operational realities of Greek owners, historically focused on tanker and bulk carrier trades, will often be different from our clients in other markets. Significant highlights in the last 24 months must include: - the 15 ice class, podded Artic LNG carriers, all classed by BV, ordered for the Yamal project. Four of these ships are now in the water – and a total of five of the 15 owned by Greek operator Dynagas. - Greek owners Aegean Bulk, Alpha Bulkers, Chartworld, Diana Shipping, Starbulk confidently ordering or taking delivery of a range of bulk carriers [more on the Greek market?] - nine LNG fueled ultra large containerships ordered by CMA-CGM. At 22,000 teu these are the largest gas fueled ships ever ordered and with the largest installed capacity engines. - the LNG fueled/hybrid propulsion expedition class cruise ship ordered by Ponant, to join six other expedition class cruise ordered by the same owner. - 4 (+6) Ulstein designed expedition class cruise ships ordered by Sunstone being built now at CMHI in China. - the development of BV’s digital end-to-end and integrated digital platform: both digitizing the existing class business and offering new tools and solutions encompassing asset integrity and inspections by drone. New capabilities, joining the existing digital functions, include e-certification, a fuel consumption and reporting tool to meet IMO and EU requirements as well, as an application to prepare shipowners and their crews for port state control inspections. - BV’s development of a comprehensive approach to support shipowners in addressing maritime cyber risks. A new series of classification
Currently Bureau Veritas offers two cyber notations: The first, SW-Registry, focuses on software change management ensuring that installations of tested new software versions are properly tracked. A second notation, SYS-COM, addresses cyber security, and is directed at preventing malicious cyber attacks. SYS-COM is a voluntary notation covering the exchange of data between ship and shore. Bureau Veritas is now the only classification society to offer a notation for this specific risk, identified as a key cyber security threat to digital ship data and systems. The experience from projects with shipowners and providers of ship equipment and technology systems has been vital in developing and testing the Bureau Veritas approach. Recent announcements of projects with Bourbon and Kongsberg are examples. In addition to the existing notations, and in order to further address the issues of cybersafety and cybersecurity with an holistic approach, Bureau Veritas is developing a new rule notation, soon to be introduced. This notation will apply the principles of the existing industry frameworks and guidelines like BIMCO and NIST, in the most appropriate form for shipping, and will include guidance and templates for performing the necessary risk assessment for the most common ship types. The notation will be provided in three levels, depending on company maturity, and will require measures for crew roles and training, systems protection, software compliance and change management, forensic capabilities, system hardening and others. The first level is scheduled to be issued in September 2018. Paillette Palaiologou,VP and Chief Executive Hellenic & Black Sea Region, Bureau Veritas: “As vessels become increasingly smart and reliant on digital systems, both cyber safety and security have become a major concern for shipowners seeking to protect their data, people, assets and operations. The approach developed by Bureau enables shipowners to address risks relating to digital onboard systems, including the major cybersecurity threat to communications between ship and shore.” Additionally, BV’s Guidelines for Autonomous Shipping was released at the end of December 2017. This guidance note contains the basis for the risk assessment of ships including autonomous systems, the goal-based recommendations for a minimum level of functionality of autonomous and the guidelines for improving the reliability of essential systems within autonomous ships. - Helping clients prepare for the 2020 global fuel cap. With a variety of options available, the best decision will depend on the type, age, operating area and charterer for most shipowners. Along with Verifuel our fuel testing business, we are well placed to advise owners as 2020 approaches. BV is a leader in LNG as fuel with a large share of the gas –fueled orderbook such as CMA-CGM’s breakthrough order. But LNG as a fuel is not for everyone and is certainly not considered feasible for existing ships, with a few exceptions. We expect that, while take-up of scrubbers will pick up, the vast majority of owners of tankers and bulk carriers will be looking to migrate to a LSFO. We will be able to assist in managing the transition. The big uncertainties are going to be availability and price. It has been a challenging two years! But we look forward with excitement, as always, to Posidonia.
Bureau Veritas global services for the marine industry Classification - Certification - Training & Advisory services For further details please contact us: Bureau Veritas Hellas A.E. 23, Etolikou Str. - 185 45 PIRAEUS Tel: +30 (210) 40 63 000 Email: grc_lpr@gr.bureauveritas.com Visit us on: www.bureauveritas.com www.bureauveritas.gr
Move Forward with Confidence
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Constantine P. Tzavelas*: You need to be able to ‘say something’ to your clients to be successful *Head of S&P Dept. GOLDEN DESTINY
Judging from the various latest analysis/ reports we receive, the prospects for 2018 are very positive compared to the recent past.
Over the past two years, many companies operating in dry and container field have gone through quite difficult times and many of them have struggled to survive. Now what is the picture and how do banks deal with this issue? Without a doubt, up until the early stages of the Q1 2017 these two sectors were coming off a very distressed period. This was evident from the loss making hire rates, the historically low prices of second hand vessels as well as the fact that many owners opted for laying up their vessels as a mean to weather the storm. As with every similar case in the past, demolition picked up which coupled with the slowdown in newbuilding orders/deliveries brought the equation to a relative equilibrium. In fact, when discussing about demolition one could easily see 15 year old bulkers and 10 year old containers heading to the scrap yard. Worth mentioning also for the container sector is that the bankruptcy of a single company (i.e. Hanjin) influenced the market as a whole in a very disturbing and financially negative way. In any case, the aforementioned situation together with the clear re-enactment of the major developed and developing countries of the world, with positive GDP rates and hence increased demand for commodities and finished products, have created a more healthy and certainly positively forecasted market. The Banks that had the stamina and commercial insight to support their clients are able to take advantage now of the healthy markets. On the other hand, at situations where a restructure was not possible, either due to the client’s irreversible position, or the bank’s inability (be that for strategic, commercial or political reasons) to proceed with sustainable restructures for both parties,
transfer of assets to existing (as a first option) clients or to third parties (which included heavy wright offs) were an inevitable play on their behalf. To sum up – and although from the German banks who have some of the highest non performing portfolios in the sector and the impact of massive wright offs or support from their government could affect the system in a greater scale – banks who have managed to restructure their portfolios are now better positioned to finance new deals in anticipation of a further market strengthening. What do you expect from the market for the year 2018? In what way do you propose that shipowners should react to the market fluctuations, given that the recent past has shown us how fragile the balance is? Judging from the various latest analysis/reports we receive, the prospects for 2018 are very positive compared to the recent past. It is expected that demand for iron ore, coal and grains will stay strong creating a positive dynamic for the dry bulk sector which will be reflected in healthy hire rates and increased demand from prospective buyers of second hand vessels, resulting in increased prices of vessels. Similarly the highest expected GDP rate (about 4% worldwide) for the current year, paves the way for stronger demand of finished products for the benefit of the container sector. As to your question on what to propose so that shipowners should react to market fluctuation, I would say that this is actually a question for the shipowners. Every company has its different policies when it comes to investing
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
and managing vessels, different market perceptions, but most importantly each one is variably resilient to the market and its fluctuations, which means that everyone has a different capacity to react in the market. One thing is for sure though, the basic principal of investment applies to this sector as well and it goes by “buy when the market is at its lows”. One thing I would like to see though from shipowners is a conservative way forward in regards to investing in new buildings, as it seems that inter alia the market’s future cyclicalities will be highly dependent on the ‘interventions’ made by shipowners in the supply side of the chain. Is there a shortage of modern hi tech ships for sale today and how does this affect the shipping market? Yes indeed, generally speaking the high majority of vessels we currently see in the market for sale are of around 10 years old (+/-). This means that modern units are either kept for utilizing the current high rates, or in the expectation of higher values in the future. Another factor is the high book value that many of the modern vessels have and of course there’s always the question from the owner’s side of ‘what to substitute the modern vessel with’? It is a fact that many owners are looking more and more for vessels equiped with features like ‘eco main engine’, BWTS fitted/ready, scrubber fitted/ready, LNG fueled (to a less extend) and thus their only option is to head to the shipyards for new orders. This has to do with the new rules that are expected to take effect from 2020 onwards and deal with the market of new reduced global sulphur limits and it is expected to increase interest in newbuilding contracts thus raising prices consequently. A very important parameter is the right communication between the broker and the client. In your opinion, what is the meaning of “right”? What are the keys to success for a modern broker house? A communication between a broker and a client can have various ways to be interpreted. However, I strongly believe that if you are to have chances in this highly competitive market to get the support from your clients you need to be as ‘close’ to them as possible. This is of course nothing new and actually every senior broker will start his initiation with a young broker from this point. A close contact and relationship with a client is a must since your client is not only looking for a ‘messanger’ to identify and propose vessels for sale (or buyers for his vessels). A broker is basically a consultant on a capital intensive, high risk investment and this means that the broker needs to firstly identify his client’s capacity in terms of current and future status, be ready to adapt to his changing needs, short out in more than one terms possibilities in the market that would interest the client and also be able to participate in discussions well beyond the standard negotiation talk. This is what actually identifies a modern broker house and I believe this can only be achieved while a broker handles a specific ‘manageable number of client list rather than a vast one which is practically impossible to be serviced on a more personal level, rather than a vast circulation one. A flexible small-medium client list ensures that the broker can easily stay in touch on a weekly basis with his clients and not lose track of them, therefore offering updated full scale services. I’m of the opinion that in order to be successful these days, in any line of business actually, you need to be able to ‘say something’ to your clients. How do you do that? First of all by maintaining high standards of ethicality. This is actually something which you cannot afford to make any discounts on, because it can instantly trigger your clients to flee away and not ever have the chance to make up for it. On top of that, accurate and updated information, coupled with rational and effective consulting are the keys to maintaining your clients focused on you. Recently, at the 1st Golden Destiny Shipping Forum you talked about the Japanese model where support and partnerships start first and foremost from their local support. Could you please analyse that? The Japanese model or ‘Japan Inc’ as the old school players of the industry like to call it, is basically a fully integrated production system within the maritime sector of the Japanese economy. In simple words, a local shipowner orders a vessel from a local shipyard after he has secured finance from local banks as a result of a long term time charter from a local charterer. All this is being orchestrated and in many cases put together as a whole project by a local broker/trading house. It is deep within the Japanese people’s perception that they need to support each other first and foremost, both as a matter of trust but mainly as a matter of common progress and development, something which I deeply envy (in the good sense of course). Unfortunately, it seems that despite my younger age, compared to other seniors in the business, I am rather romantic on this issue since, although not every step of the aforesaid ‘production chain’ can be realised from our local players, the notion of local support within the Greek shipping cluster is not high on everyone’s day to day agenda.
The Banks that had the stamina and commercial insight to support their clients are able to take advantage now of the healthy markets.
The Japanese model or ‘Japan Inc’ , is basically a fully integrated production system within the maritime sector of the Japanese economy
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd in the largest maritime exhibition in the world of Diesel engines under MAN/ B&W and Wärtsilä / Sulzer licenses) • Navitec Marine Services (which provides repairs and technical assistance for every type of vessel) • NaviSafe Global Safety Services (which provides a full range of services related to safety on board ships) • Marine Corrosion Services (which provides Marine Cathodic Protection Solution and Services) • CR Ocean Engineering (which provides scrubbers for a wide range of vessels) • BLRT Grupp (which provides a variety of services in different business areas such as: Shipbuilding, Ship Repair, Steelwork Manufacturing, Scrab Collection etc.) Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd for one more time has the opportunity to participate with great success at the most important meeting of the global shipping community, the Posidonia Exhibition that is going to take place on 4-8 June 2018 at Metropolitan Expo Centre, with stand in Hall 1. 115. Posidonia is the world’s biggest maritime event regarding global shipping as it reflects the current challenges and highlights the future trends that are expected to shape the development of the world’s most important industry, which accounts for 90 per cent of the global trading. Posidonia is an excellent way of creating new business opportunities. This year’s exhibition has a record of participations, with very important attendances from the shipping community. Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd through its excellent organization serves “On Time” its customers with a full range of services such as Ship Repair Management, Marine Equipment, Spare Parts, Lubricants & Bunker, BWTS-ECOCHLOR and Scrubber - CR OCEAN ENGINEERING. With carefully selected collaborations, it can meet the needs of its customers across the entire range of shipping products. Posidonia 2016 was really a colossal exhibition for the shipping industry as it resonated among active shipping professionals around the world. With Posidonia 2016, Euploia created new fruitful collaborations by representing exclusively in Greece some of the most well-established companies in the shipping industry such as: • Stone Marine Group (which provides repairs, spare parts and services for the ships propulsion systems) • Pombe Garbarino S.P.A. (which provides centrifugal and positive displacement Pumps for Marine & Offshore, Navy and Industry) • H.CEGIELSKI-POZNAŃ S.A. (which is the world’s top manufacturer
Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd always strives to enrich more its stand, preserving the prestige of Posidonia and lead the future trends and developments of the shipping industry Euploia is hoping to increase its Network of partnerships with Posidonia of 2018 and to provide even more benefits to its customers in the Greek Market. The constant pursuit of Euploia’s sales team is to offer the best overall experience to Posidonia’s participants, both inside and outside the exhibition center, perfecting the services it provides to its visitors. At Euploia’s stand #1.115 you will have the chance to meet some of its well-known co-exhibitors who have been serving the Greek industry for many years: • ECOCHLOR – BWTS • CHANTIER NAVAL DE MARSEILL & SAN GIORGIO DEL PORTO • CR OCEAN ENGINEERING LLC – SCRUBBERS • TURBO BELGIUM • LUPI SRL • BLAY MARINE TECH (BMT - Workshop/Afloat Repairs), Spain • POMPE GARBARINO S.P.A. • NAVITEC MARINE SERVICES (Workshop/Afloat Repairs), Belgium • WAAGENE PURIFINER TECHNOLOGY • SINO UNITED DOCKS CO LTD ( SUD ), China Your presence will give us a great opportunity to discuss and focus on your own needs, analyse and recommend solutions that cover your requirements in the best way. It will be our pleasure to welcome you at our stand No 1.115 in Hall 1.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
CNM prepare next steps to be the first European Green-Shipyard Sustainability, Environment and Economize Automatic Systems: Chantier Navale de Marseille (CNM) prepare next steps to be the first European Green-Shipyard. CNM work with a state-of-the-art technology for blasting and coating of hulls developed by Hubert Palfinger Technologies (HPT). The new, cost-saving process, the Hull Treatment Carrier (HTC), sets new standards in coating quality and efficiency to make a sustainable contribution to environmental and occupational safety. HTC is now available at CNM customers for all repair and refit projects. Removal with ultra-high-pressure water blasting up to 3,000 bar, automated application up to 1,200 m. per hour per HTC, up to 30 percent less coating needed - CNM, in cooperation with Hubert Palfinger Technologies, is setting the stage for new standards in the refit and repair sector by introducing to the market with new HTC systems for surface treatment and color application. Hubert Palfinger and his team develop and built the first eco-friendly, cost-optimized and automated system for maintaining ship surfaces. Until now, no automation took place in the field of ship maintenance and ship repair. Washing, Blasting and Coating hulls meant three standalone processes, resulting in hundreds of man-hours. With the dual setup the HTC (Hull Treatment Carrier) is able to simultaneously blast and coat the hull, maximizing time efficiency and minimizing costs for shipowners and shipyards. The „Rise of the Machines” may be ominous to some, but in the shipping industry the rise of automation is a welcome innovation. Continuing advancements in automation have led to — in most cases — increased productivity, efficiency, reliability and confidence in maintenance.
Manual work can‘t guarantee constant daily positive constitutional or working quality of employees! Manual work can‘t guarantee constant surface preparation and coating thickness! The biggest Automatization Benefits are the effect with reducing the roughness depth of a vessel with surface preparation, coating and consistent coating. Automation help us report more accurate results, more quickly. These faster and more accurate results will improve material consumption and environment. Compared to common manual application techniques, with the HTC, due to the automatic surface preparation and coating, an exact and uniform color composition can be achieved. This results in reduced consumption of the color coating as well as a smoother application of the antifouling (AHR) providing a less rough surface, which ultimately leads to fuel savings when the ship is in operation. According to the Admiralty formula an increases of speed at 18 knots to 19 knots will require (19kn)³ / (18kn)³ = 17% more engine power, thus fuel consumption. If this is achieved by better hull surface condition and not by additional engine power, approx. 17% of fuel can be saved. In general, for every 25 µm (25/1000 mm) increase of the average hull roughness, the result will be a power increase of 2-3%, or a ship speed reduction of about 1%. Chantier Naval de Marseille opened in October a new giant facility, the Dry dock no. 10, the biggest dock in the Mediterranean area and one of the biggest in the world. Forme 10, Operated by Chantier Naval de Marseille (CNdM), is ready to accommodate all types of naval vessels, including those exceeding 270 meters of length, thanks to its 465 meters in length and 85 meters in width. With the new facility, the shipyard is able to position itself and the port
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
of Marseille as a state of the art location for all ship-owners and cruise ships, tankers, cargo ships, RO/RO, container ships and offshore platforms will all be able to benefit from the extensive expertise and state of the art technologies of the yard. About 10 million euro investments have been planned to increase the shipyard’s efficiency. Among CNdM activities, a special focus is given to operations linked to the optimization of energy efficiency and environmental performances of cruise ships, in line with the new regulations and cruise lines investments strategies. “It is a great satisfaction for our Company to see Forme 10 finally fully operational as we have always believed in the great potential of this facility. The availability of Forme 10 marks a turning point in the operations of Chantier Naval de Marseille, which now has all it takes to become the point of reference in the Mediterranean area for ship repair, maintenance and conversion.” said Ferdinando Garrè, CEO of San Giorgio del Porto, parent company of CNdM and headquartered in Genoa, Italy. “This was made possible thanks to a series of investments that aimed at expanding our business to new market segments and, subsequently, at increasing the efficiency of the shipyard with the best available technologies”. The port of Marseille Fos is the first French port and plays a major role in the Mediterranean Sea. The size of the new ships requires dry docks of adequate measures and in proximity of their area of operation. Dry dock no. 10 responds to this need and opens new industrial perspectives to large scale ship repair, offering new opportunities for the offshore sector, gas tankers, bulk carriers or container ships. CNdM can now offer their customers, on the same premises, a complete port service, from commercial operations to major repair and refit activities, in a unique industrial pole in the Western Mediterranean. Works to restore dock no. 10 started in mid-2013 and included the construction of a new floating concrete gate, the overhaul of the pumping
system, the repair of the lifting facilities and the redesign of all networks.
About Hubert Palfinger Technologies As an internationally active company in the special segment of unique machine construction, Hubert Palfinger Technologies (HPT) actively supports the sustainable future of the shipping and offshore industry. HPT’s product portfolio includes the development, manufacture and distribution of automated access and maintenance systems. The most important goal for Hubert Palfinger Technologies is with the highest quality of automated coating; to reduce fuel, therefore the overspray and carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) from a vessel to save the environment.
About Chantier Navale de Marseille CNdM was founded in April 2010 by San Giorgio del Porto to operate dry-docks No. 8 and 9 of GPMM - Grand Port Maritime de Marseille (Marseille Port Authority) and from 2017 dry-dock No. 10, the biggest graving dock in the Mediterranean sea. Despite its relatively young age, the yard draws on a long and venerable legacy. Indeed, with over 175 years of services and craftsmanship, Marseille has positioned itself as an expert venue for ship repair, maintenance and conversion. Over the past century, the architecture of companies and facilities has changed considerably as the environment adjusts to the market. CNdM, employs 140 people including naval architects and mechanical engineers, skilled workers and specialized technicians. The yard is located in the eastern section of the Port of Marseille, the largest in France, in the center of a large traffic zone extending from Genoa to Barcelona. The harbor benefits from direct access to the western Mediterranean Sea with no tideor lock restrictions, which means vessels up to 11.70m can enter CNdM docks with no time constraints. The area enjoys a favorable climate for ship repair activities, with an average of less than 60 days of rain per year.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Franman at joint presentation and technical seminar with Kyma AS in Athens A Presentation & Technical seminar organized by KYMA A.S in collaboration with Franman was held on April 17th, 2018 at the Yacht Club of Greece, in Piraeus. Attendees of this seminar included key members of the Greek Shipping industry. During the Presentation & Seminar, KYMA A.S examined the present and future of Performance Monitoring Systems for shipping. The event was also a celebration of the 25 years anniversary of productive cooperation between Franman and KYMA A.S. During the event, Mr. Costis Frangoulis, CEO of Franman presented Kyma and the main systems, talked about the achievements in the Greek market and the future goals while he expressed his thanks for the 25 years of productive cooperation. Mr. Erik Hagestuen, Managing Director of Kyma provided a brief overview of the company highlighting the technological development that the company has pursued through continuous vigilance and determination. The opening remarks were followed by a synopsis of new products by Mr. Sjur Clementsen, Sales Manager and Mr. Carlos Gonzalez, Marine Engineer of KYMA A.S, including KPM.P, KDA, KSP Basic , KSP and KYMA online, as well as new services, including Smart Data Collection, Data Analysis, Notification Center, and Support Analysis / Agreement. The Presentation was concluded with the views of Mr. Stavros Hatzigirogoris, Managing Director of Maran Gas Maritime Inc. and Mr. Fotis Belexis, Technical Manager of Thenamaris Ships Management Inc., who presented their experience as end users of KYMA products and services, noting that reliability and direct technical support are the most important factors for the choice of monitoring systems for shipping companies. As a gesture of honor and thank you for the course of 25 successful years of collaboration, Mr. Costis J. Frangoulis offered a commemorative plaque to Mr. Hagestuen, committing to continue providing customers with cutting-edge technologies and excellent support.
Franman Ltd. was established in 1991, to represent First Class Makers of Marine Equipment, as its core activity. The Company has since grown into a Trading House offering to Shipowners a wide range of services that include Shipbuilding Equipment, Trading of Parts, Broking, Service and Consulting. Franman Ltd. is a Greek registered Limited Liability Company, aiming at consistently meeting fully the clients’ needs and expectations. KYMA was established as a consultancy in marine engineering and naval architecture in 1965 and, from the outset, set up specialist groups for field work tuning ship machinery and control systems. The vast experience gained through the years made it possible to introduce computer-based expert systems for steam turbine plants and motorships. Since then several specialised products have been introduced within the field of marine performance monitoring. Kyma a.s has existed in its present form since 1.Jan. 1995, as an independent share holding company. Today the company delivers high quality products for performance monitoring to all types of vessels. Our products represent state of the art technology, and quality assurance is a continuous and necessary process for efficient production and development of new products. Kyma has a highly qualified staff within all areas of our production. and are located in modern production facilities in Bergen, Norway.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
GOLDEN DESTINY Shipping Forum 2018
The 1st Golden Destiny Shipping Forum was organized recently with great success at the Athens Hilton, by Golden Destiny, one of the most reliable ship broking houses of Greece which specializes in Sale & Purchase and Marine Insurance broking, as a Premium meeting among the sector’s leaders. The exclusive event was attended by some of the most prominent Greek shipowners, both by members of the new generation as well as senior executives of the shipping market. Golden Destiny’s founder and Managing Director, Mr. Michail D. Kokkinis, welcomed the Forum’s guests as he stressed the need for the industry’s evolvement through the continuous involvement of the new generation. Mrs. Sofia M. Kokkinis, Deputy Managing Director, presented then an annual review of 2017 in relation to the Company’s main activities in the Secondhand, Newbuilding & Demolition markets as well as the Marine Insurance market, while pinpointing Golden Destiny’s strengths in the market. Mr. Constantine P. Tzavelas, Head of the S&P Department, concluded the first part of the Forum by stressing out the importance of good communication between a broker and a shipowner and urged Greek shipowners show their faith and trust to the Greek shipbrokers and support the Greek Shipping Cluster. The second part of the Forum included a panel of discussion with Mr. Theodore Vokos- Executive Director of Posidonia Exhibitions acting as the panel’s moderator and Mr. Stamatis Tsantanis - CEO of Seanergy Maritime Holdings, Mr. Jerry Kalogiratos – CEO & CFO of Capital Partners, Mr. Filippos Prokopakis- Commercial Manager of Danaos, Mrs. Ioanna Pavlidis- General Manager of the London P&I Club and Mr. Angelos Roupas – Director of Eurofin S.A. analyzing the current and future conditions and expectations of the market, each from their own perspective.
The topics in consideration mainly referred to the current market challenges related to present and future geopolitical and financial markets developments, followed by an open discussion in regards to the panels representatives’ strategies on how they will tackle the upcoming new regulations for reduced global Sulphur limits. The closing remarks of the Forum were made by Mr. George Procopiou of Dynacom Tankers, who looking back more than 4 decades in his career, referred to the recent developments and urged the participants – especially the younger generation - to dare for innovations with courage and persistence. As a closure and also very special moment of the Forum, Mr. Procopiou was honored by Golden Destiny for his outstanding performance & contribution in the Shipping industry.
Sponsors of the Forum were: The Athens – Hilton / ARGO TRAVEL / P.C. Podimatas Audiovisual / P&A Tax & Accounting Consultants / Bureau Veritas / Evdemon & Partners / Marine Traffic / The Marshall Island Registry / V.Ships / PPT Legal / IQ Solutions / Photoshop Company / Grafima
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 1
PHOTO CAPTIONS: 1. Mr. Michail D. Kokkinis, Mr. George Procopiou, Mrs. Sofia M. Kokkinis. | 2. Mr. Michail D. Kokkinis. | 3. Mr. George Procopiou. | 4. Mrs. Sofia M. Kokkinis. | 5. Shipping Executives attending the Forum. | 6. Mr. Constantine P. Tzavelas
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
A. HILIOS : Protecting your property and the environment HILIOS ANASTASIOS LTD was found to provide cleaning, hydroblasting, snadblasting, sponge jet and painting services to floating vehicles and overland facilities. A. Hilios Ship Protection Structure provides • Cleaning in shipping and industrial sectors. • Surface preparation for any application of coat. • Sand blasting according to the international standard 515 055900-1967 (external hull/tank coating e.t.c). • Hydro blasting according the international standard (stg guide Norma 2222). • Specialized application equipment. • Sponge jet services. • Painting in shipping and industrial structures. • Pipelines cleaning and coating. • Specialized painting scheme. • Cleaning with sponge jet method. • Rent mechanical equipment. • Corrosion protection Its founder is Hilios Anastasios who operates from 1988, starting with Hilios Hellas and stepping to A. Hilios LTD., with all equipment and his experience. The company’s premises are located at Perama Shipyards zone, at Perama Attica, former Karras premises. Hilios Ltd has its own service trademark, HPS, distinguishing its services from other companies in the same industry. The company has won worthy reputation for the quality of its work using continually updated mechanical equipment, machines with new technology purchased from the EU countries and working methods environmentally friendly in accordance with international standards. The A.HILIOS LTD. employs a large number of scientific and technical personnel with more than 20 years of experience in ship repairs. It undertakes work worldwide for its customers , providing 24-hour service. Today A.HILIOS LTD. is continuing to lead, aimining to offer competitive services and its industry, protecting the property of the customer and the environment as well. A. Hilios LTD. undertakes waterjet work, sandblasting, painting and preparation surfaces in other yards in Greece and abroad after his own accord. It also sends its staff to any part of the world requested by customers. A. HILIOS LTD. is able of providing services to many different types of businesses. Its main field of operation are maritime companies, with services of high quality and competitive prices. In the idustry field, the company has successfully delivered important projects, earning the trust and respect of clients such as: Coca Cola, Shell Hellas, Halyvourgiki SA and Motor Oil SA. In addition, it has participated in competitions of projects appointing both for the greek navy and the national roads of Greece. The company HILIOS ANASTASIOS LTD. continuously renews its equipment with new technology machines that meet the needs of demanding customers.
Visit A. Hilios Ltd at Posidonia 2018 Stand #3.114
years of experience
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
GreenOil Standard: BACK TO BASICS! Oil filtration solutions The unique system yield’s a new top-class standard for water and particle filtration in oils. Using an old and basic filtration technology, developed after years of testing for today’s modern tasks utilizes compressed layers of woven sheep’s wool with impressive results. Particle filtration combined with the most efficient water separator on the market, ensuring oil quality which benefits owners and operators by extending the lifetime of oil and lowering maintenance and oil replacement costs.
Engine Lubrication Oil treatment GreenOil’s unique filtration system is an alternative to replacement of the conventional purifier/separator, it removes the finer soot particles and reduces insolubles to nearly zero. Removing combustible contaminants from the engine’s cylinder liner and other rotating parts better protects the engine. With impressive results GreenOil extends the oil life time reducing the need to change the oil. Performance approved by OEMs.
Stern tube and Thruster Oil treatment Lubrication oil has historically been used in stern tube and thrusters. Today new EAL Bio oils are being used due to operators having to meet the latest US environmental requirements. Bio oils are expensive to replace. A GreenOil system will maintain good oil quality and the lifetime of the lubrication or bio oil is increased 2-4 times giving a return of investment in only just a few months. Performance approved by OEMs.
Hydraulic Oil treatment Oils used in hydraulic equipment can form part of either a low or a high pressure system. In both types of systems and more so in a pressurized system, water build up can have a huge effect on the operation of equipment. Installing a GreenOil filtration system will separate the particles, remove all water in the system and keep the oil in a dry and good quality condition. Performance approved by OEMs.
Off-Line Oil Filtration Solutions
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June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Tom Erixon*: Setting the industry standard *President and CEO, ALFA LAVAL
“ We expect to triple the number of product launches in 2018, compared with the last three years.”
Our customers demand high standards – both regarding our products and services, and the way we work. Our solutions support our customers to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their environmental impact.
Driving technological development We work closely with our customers to drive technological development and launch new products that contribute to improved customer productivity, profitability and sustainability. During 2017, we have continued to work on our product launch plan for the next three years. We expect to triple the number of product launches in 2018, compared with the last three years, across our three divisions. Late 2017, we started the introduction of our new product platform for gasketed plate heat exchangers. We are very proud that our new industrial product range have features that achieve higher energy efficiency, better reliability and greater serviceability. Our focus on innovation continues and by the end of the year, we had more than 3,000 patents in our portfolio.
Creating better everyday conditions for people At Alfa Laval, we are committed to creating better everyday conditions for people. We see great opportunities to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and our products can make a positive impact in many areas. Ensuring access to safe food, increasing energy efficiency and cutting transport emissions on land and sea will be important steps to achieving the goals by 2030. Three areas that create long-term growth opportunities for Alfa Laval are energy efficiency, the cleaning of wastewater and our solutions that enable customers in the marine industry to reach tougher environmental legislation. Our four Business Principles define the way we act whilst achieving our business goals, and form the found tion for our sustainability work. The Principles are governed by the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, to which we have been a signatory since 2011, as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations and the UN Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights.
Safety – a top priority Safety of our employees is and will always be our very first priority. Despite this, accidents still occur. We understand that the work to ensure a safe working environment must continue with full commitment. A new Health and Safety Strategy towards 2020 will increase our focus on health and safety by improving machine protection, development of clearer procedures, and improving safe behaviour.
Energy and carbon emission targets Our environmental strategy towards 2020 includes targets for energy, carbon emissions, water, chemicals and waste. Even though we have managed to turn the trend regarding energy use, we are still deviating from our target. To ensure that we reach our target by 2020, we have included energy consumption and carbon emissions as a part of the approach in all our manufacturing sites. We are increasing the use of renewable electricity, and will analyse the financial and environmental impacts of switching to solar or other renewable energy sources for each new site we build. A new factory in China will, for instance, be equipped with solar panels.
Focus areas in 2017 We experienced greater interest from customers and investors in sustainability during the year. Both the number of queries as well as the level of detail requested has increased. Continuous improvements at our own facilities are a key focus. During 2017, we have developed an anti-bribery and anti-corruption training programme which will be launched in 2018. The training will be mandatory for all white-collar employees. We continued to implement Alfa Laval Business Principles at our suppliers’ facilities, with particular focus on China and India, where we invited suppliers to workshops to raise awareness of sustainable and responsible business.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA select Alfa Laval PureBallast 3
Alfa Laval has signed fleet agreements with Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA for the supply of PureBallast 3, the third generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology. Under the agreements, Alfa Laval will provide dozens of Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA vessels with PureBallast 3 systems – the vast majority of which will handle large flows of more than 1000 m3/h. The agreements with Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA come as many ship owners shift their focus from individual ballast water treatment systems to complete fleet solutions. Over the past year, clarifications of the ballast water management legislation have made it easier – and more important – to maintain a wider, more long-term perspective.
such as operating economy and supplier security,” says Grzegorz Wardzyński, Director of the Technical Department at Polsteam. “The UV technology used by PureBallast 3 will be simpler and more cost-effective than electrochlorination, even for our very large systems. But it was equally important to choose a supplier who could deliver now and still be there to support us long into the future.”
“Leading actors like Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA are now pursuing ballast water treatment system retrofits in earnest,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “In light of recent directives from authorities, they are keen to secure not just the right technology, but also a stable partner who will be there to support them in the long term.”
For Nova Ship Tech SA, whose fleet agreement covers ballast water treatment systems for 34 vessels, the high flexibility of PureBallast 3 was a major factor in the decision. PureBallast 3 can be implemented smoothly, despite the variations that exist when working across a fleet.
Large systems and strong partnership Polsteam’s fleet agreement expands upon a previous investment in PureBallast 3 systems that the company made in mid-2017. With the installation of those six systems currently underway, Polsteam has now chosen to equip the rest of its fleet with PureBallast 3 – bringing its total ownership to 60 systems. All systems will handle large flows of at least 1000 m3/h, with 16 systems handling 2000 m3/h or more. “This was a key decision for Polsteam, based on long-term factors
“Knowledge, service and parts will be critical to ensure compliance in the years our vessels have ahead,” Wardzyński concludes. “That made Alfa Laval and PureBallast 3 the right choice for equipping our fleet.”
Simplifying fleet-wide installations
“Intervening in the existing structures and systems of ships in operation is much more complex than a whole newbuild project,” says Francesco Costagliola, Nova Ship Tech SA Technical Manager. “Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 has a compact and highly flexible structure that facilitates installation as a retrofit. Above all, Alfa Laval has the field expertise and proven operating procedures to adapt it to any ship.” Costagliola notes, however, that the choice of PureBallast 3 goes deeper than installation. “The operating costs and the opportunity for global service are clearly very important to us,” he says. “If there were any problems of any kind, we know that Alfa Laval would solve them.”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Celestyal Cruises : Making the difference in the global cruise market In 2017, Celestyal Cruises’ passengers made 598,000 visits to Greek ports, where they spent an average of €62 per passenger As one of the major home-porting cruise line in Greece and the preeminent cruise line serving the Greek Islands and the Eastern Mediterranean, part of the company’s mission is to make a significant contribution to the country’s economy. In 2017, Celestyal Cruises’ passengers made 598,000 visits to Greek ports, where they spent an average of €62 per passenger. The company brings tourists to smaller destinations where their expenditures are powerful fiscal infusions for local economies. Last year Celestyal Cruises contribution to the Greek economy was €103M, including €30M in direct operating expenses. Celestyal Cruises also supports Greek food & beverage companies with purchases of €5,5M and has invested a total of €3M in the promotion of Greek destinations. All the maintenance and upgrades of its vessels are performed in Piraeus and Perama, with an annual contribution to the economy of Piraeus of more than €30M. It is also important to highlight that Celestyal Cruises employs jobs to 300 Greek marine officers and crew, the same number employed by 60 cargo ships. In 2017 there were more than 36 million visitors to Greece, a nine percent year-over-year increase, and Celestyal Cruises expects an even larger year-over-year increase in 2018 – the company sees dynamic growth and increase in demand for Greece as a destination. The destination is the foundation of the company’s philosophy. Its itineraries differ from other cruise lines because Celestyal Cruises blends marquee destinations with “off-the-beaten-path” ports of call: the company is dedicated to true cultural immersion, so its passengers can truly discover the Aegean and have authentic, lifetime experiences everywhere they visit, even during off-season months such as March, April, October and November. Celestyal Cruises’ extended seasons are a first step toward the company’s goal of sailing year-round Aegean cruises. Celestyal Cruises operates four mid-sized vessels, each one cozy enough so its crews can provide genuine and highly-personalized
service to each passenger. In 2018, Celestyal Cruises introduces a 7-Day itinerary, the Idyllic Aegean, which offers one of the best value-for-money vacation experiences in the Mediterranean. This cruise spends overnights in Mykonos and Santorini, with calls at Athens (Piraeus), Milos, Crete, and Kusadasi or Samos and disembarkation in Piraeus. The addition of Milos to its itineraries and the inclusion of overnight stays in Mykonos and Santorini are the result of the company’s ongoing interaction with its passengers to find out exactly what they want Celestyal Cruises itineraries to offer – it turns out passengers want more time at the two most popular destinations in the Aegean, Mykonos and Santorini, so they can enjoy the legendary nightlife of Mykonos and the unparalleled beauty of Santorini. The 2018 7-Day Idyllic Aegean, like every one of the company’s cruises, features the Celestyal Cruises All-Inclusive drink package, all meals onboard, entertainment, selected shore excursions, port and service charges, and gratuities. The Celestyal Cruises All-Inclusive offer is just one of many reasons the company has been repeatedly recognized for offering passengers a true premium experience and outstanding personalized serviced at an excellent value-for-money all inclusive price. Celestyal Cruises has announced its return to Istanbul in 2019, including overnight calls at this cultural, geographic and religious crossroads. The Celestyal Crystal will also call at Canakkale, at the narrowest point of Dardanelles, so Celestyal Cruises passengers can enjoy excursions to Troy and other important sites in this fascinating area. In February 2018 Celestyal Cruises received four Cruise Critic Cruisers Choice Awards: two first place awards, for Shore Excursions and Value, and two second place awards, for Service and Entertainment. In 2017 Celestyal Cruises was given the UK Editors’ Picks Award for Best Service by Cruise Critic, as well as four Cruise Critic Cruisers’ Choice Awards: Best (mid-sized), Embarkation, Entertainment, Shore Excursions and Value. In 2017, Celestyal Cruises was given the Cruise Critic UK Editors’ Picks Award for Best Service by Cruise Critic.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
MEGATUGS : 24/7 emergency response in Greece and abroad Our fleet consists of various types of tug, all fully Classed by IACS Classification Societies and able to cover a wide range of emergency cases
MEGATUGS is a Greek family business that was founded in 1978. It is devoted to providing quality services in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, utilising the extensive expertise and know-how of our staff. Our fields of operations are: ● ● ● ● ●
Harbour & Ocean Towage Salvage Operations Wreck Removal Antipollution Services Underwater Services
We maintain stations in the two ports in Greece, Piraeus and Thessaloniki, from which we are able to respond rapidly to any emergency or commercial towage operation in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Red Sea areas. The company is recognised as an international salvor of repute. Our fleet consists of various types of tug, all fully Classed by IACS Classification Societies and able to cover a wide range of emergency cases.
During the last two years we added four modern salvage tugs to our fleet: PANTOKRATOR 4,052 BHP - 55 tons bollard pull, PANTANASSA 4,052 BHP - 52 tons bollard pull, PLATYTERA 3,872 BHP - 51 tons bollard pull, and MEGALOCHARI VII 4,930 BHP – 68 tons bollard pull. We also purchased a modern barge CLARE (LOA: 76.25 M, breadth: 24.38 M) to support our salvage services.
Our strategy goal is to operate a fleet of modern, flexible and efficient tugs, all fully equipped and maintained to the highest standards. The fleet is expanding, with the strategic renewal of the tugs being a key part of our business plan. Our crews and staff are well trained, experienced and motivated, with customer satisfaction being our main goal. We constantly invest in the most up-to-date technology and equipment for our services in pollution control to ensure that we keep up with the ever-increasing demand and standards for environmental protection. Our tugs are equipped with FiFi 1 (2.400 m3/hour) firefighting systems, which is crucial for efficiently handling shipboard fires. Apart from our presence in the tug sector, we provide a full range of underwater services through our company, MEGADIVE. We are able to provide a full range of services in emergency response, commercial towage and offshore projects both in Greece and abroad.
The projects we have handled in the last two years include: May 2016: NOVA CURA - Grounding on Mitilini Island September 2016: SAFFET BEY - Grounding in Neapolis, Peloponnesos November 2016: ANTAIOS – Immobilised off Cape Town February 2017: BELLATRIX - Grounding on Mitilini Island April 2017: USICHEM – Immobilised off Rhodes island June 2017: ST. GREGORY - Grounding in Kokkala, Peloponnese January to October 2017: CABRERA - Wreck removal and pollution control January 2018: LITTLE SEYMA - pollution control
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
ABB TURBOCHARGING Customized service agreement ensures maximum uptime for Greek ferry operator, Hellenic Seaways
When choosing a service and maintenance supplier, many factors must be taken into consideration. And when Greek ferry operator Hellenic Seaways selected the newest and most comprehensive service offering from ABB Turbocharging, the Turbo LifecycleCare service agreement, the benefits were clear.
any downtime costs. With the volume of traffic in the Hellenic Seaways operating areas, particularly during the high season, any delays in vessel operation can potentially harm the company’s reputation, but also incur unexpected additional costs, due to customer compensation claims and the urgent need to find alternative transport for stranded passengers.
The true cost of downtime
Reputation is paramount when operating services such as those of Hellenic Seaways. When dealing with high volumes of individual consumers, the company’s reputation can be damaged almost instantaneously at the tap of a device with the trend of naming and shaming companies on social media and sending viral messages around the globe. The loss of returning and potential future customers is unquantifiable, a risk which all companies look to avoid.
Hellenic Seaways provides passenger and freight ferry services in the Aegean and Adriatic Seas operating over 20 vessels, which connect a network of over 35 ports in the region. Preventing the potential costs associated with vessel downtimes, not only from a reputational and customer service point of view, but also from operational and practical standpoints were therefore top priority. Without a reliable agreement in place, finding a quick solution to get a vessel up and running again takes time and is generally more expensive. To maintain maximum availability and the continuous smooth sailing of their vessels, Hellenic Seaways opted for the ABB Turbo LifecycleCare service agreement. The agreement with ABB would deliver a customized service to meet their operational needs. The ABB Turbo LifecycleCare agreement would provide the uptime guarantee required by Hellenic Seaways and in turn potentially eradicate
Tailored service agreement to meet individual customer needs Fostering a collaborative relationship with customers allows ABB to gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ business needs and therefore provide tailored services that address their unique businesses. The ABB Turbo LifecycleCare service agreement delivers regular and flexible turbocharger maintenance for optimum performance, reducing the chance of a potential turbocharger malfunction affecting uptime. This combined with ABB’s approach to package plans that match the
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
budget and business of the customer made ABB the ideal choice for Hellenic Seaways to ensure maximum vessel availability and cost control. ABB worked closely with Hellenic Seaways to develop a tailored package with appropriate maintenance planning that ensures the ferry operators’ services run smoothly. The package takes into consideration the actual operation hours and the equipment scheduling needs of the customer, such as visits to ports, overhauls and peak periods.
The benefits of long-term service agreements
for Hellenic Seaways needs, ensures that ABB will return the turbochargers to full operation within the agreed number of hours should unexpected incidents happen. This includes the time for the engineer to arrive onsite, plus the time to resolve the problem. Excessive wear and tear as well as all spare parts are also covered within the agreement. This customized approach from ABB Turbocharging will maximize uptime and reduce the chance of unwelcome surprises.
Cost control is a constant issue for operators so long-term agreements offer costs predictability and peace of mind. High performance turbocharging, with predictable maintenance costs removes uncertainties, making Turbo LifecycleCare highly appealing for Hellenic Seaways.
The result
However, the benefits go beyond that of predictable spend. These agreements also provide the reassurance that maintenance will be performed quickly and to a high standard. The customized approached to these agreements gives the customer a ‘priority service’, providing a guaranteed timescale for repair which transfers the risk from the operator to the supplier, ABB Turbocharging.
“We have already had experience of a similar maintenance contract with our ship Highspeed VI, where we saw the advantages, such as a stable budget, no surprises throughout the year, immediate reaction from the local ABB team when needed and many others. But what makes the new agreement we recently signed with ABB more attractive is the guarantee that within 20 hours the turbochargers will be back in operation, when unexpected incidents happen.”
Hellenic Seaways’ Turbo LifecycleCare agreement with ABB covers the 16 ABB TPL 69-A30 turbochargers on two passenger ferries – the Nissos Chios and the Nissos Mykonos. The uptime guarantee, which is tailored
Hellenic Seaways can now rely on a provider to supply consistently high performing turbochargers, predictable budgets and increased peace of mind.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Want to save time and money? Tekomar XPERT, part of the ABB AbilityTM portfolio, delivers faster access to data that enables enhanced fleet performance, 24/7.
Tekomar XPERT: Cost savings with optimal fleet performance High fuel costs and regulatory changes advocating more sustainable shipping practices are pressures for operators focusing on fleet performance and profitability. Tekomar XPERT, part of the comprehensive ABB AbilityTM digital portfolio that extends from device to edge to cloud, is a performance evaluation software designed for ultimate convenience and cost efficiency. “XPERT is a versatile and intelligent tool, offering an excellent value proposition at a time operators are seeking to mitigate higher fuel costs and focus on sustainability, as well as profits,” said Beat Güttinger, Head of Tekomar at ABB Turbocharging. “The digital solution saves fleet operators time and money, by minimizing unnecessary fuel costs and thus reducing the environmental footprint of a shipping fleet.” XPERT, which has recently been upgraded, analyzes the performance of any two-stroke diesel main engine, any auxiliary engine and any
turbocharger for whatever configuration is found on a vessel. Advanced diagnostics, combined with intelligence, allow ship operators to immediately focus on fixing potential problems, rather than initially spending many hours analyzing them. XPERT is already on more than 1,000 ships. Improvements such as a dynamic new interface for optimal fleet analysis and assessment are offered with the upgrade, which ABB Turbocharging is launching at Posidonia 2018. “Whether an operator oversees five ships or many more as part of a global fleet, XPERT offers them intrinsic benefits,” said Mr Güttinger. The upgrade enhances the overall software offering, with popular existing features kept for consistency and com-plemented by user-focused improvements. “ABB Turbocharging is investing in XPERT as a strategic solution for analysing the performance of engines – the heart of a ship – for the maritime industry,” said Mr Güttinger. Connectivity is an additional intrinsic benefit, because a fleet manager is
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Saving fuel 24/7: how it works
Embracing digitalization
As an original equipment manufacturer, ABB Turbocharging’s digital solutions, such as Tekomar XPERT, are backed by a proven reputation for reliability and investment in smart technologies. Connectivity requires data sharing, and it is here that ABB’s reputation for excellence as a digital pioneer supports a strategic value proposition. “At ABB, we are committed to rigorously protecting customers’ information, and have a sophisticated, multi-layered approach to security,” explained Cristian Corotto, Head of Digital Customer Solutions at ABB Turbocharging. “This includes secure connectivity, an enterprise-grade cloud infrastructure for customers with which to securely store their data, and the protection of intellectual property. We assure the protection of our customers’ data, 24/7. “As part of ABB Ability™, our unified, cross-industry offering, Tekomar XPERT is enabling our marine customers to know more and do more. With digitalization, we can do better, together, and generate new efficiencies and cost savings for sustainable shipping as we write the future together.”
Various ways exist to optimise the performance of a fleet. Some common solutions include slow steaming, weather routing, a design change of the hull or modifying propellers. A key contributor to fuel savings is often overlooked: the engine. Imagine if you could identify the reasons for sub-par engine performance at a glance, or precisely quantify an en-gine’s optimisation potential and scope for total propulsion performance. Tekomar XPERT does just this, offering smart suggestions for retuning, adjusting and maintaining a vessel’s main and auxiliary engines. The result is total peace of mind for customers, with cost savings, connectivity and reliability for sustained peak fleet performance.
able to overlook crew to respond immediately, based on intelligent insights. The software also provides a platform for engine licensors and builders to cooperate. Tekomar XPERT was incorporated into ABB’s comprehensive digital portfolio in 2017. The rapid development of XPERT reflects ABB Turbocharging’s ongoing commitment to innovation, technology and continuous improvement for the shipping industry. Over the longer term, XPERT will be fully integrated into ABB’s established vessel optimization system and ABB Ability™. Cloud solutions will support a better understanding of vessel data, with ABB translating data insights into value in the physical world. As a pioneering technology leader, ABB’s dedication to best practices for digitalization ensures customers’ total peace of mind. Coupled with XPERT’s clear advantage in offering cost savings with reliable and timely access to data, this quality commitment is an added assurance for customers. “Fleet operators work 24/7 in the competitive, international shipping industry,” said Mr Güttinger. “At ABB Turbocharging, we understand our customers’ needs. Connectivity is vital with contemporary shipping, and it is with this focus on strategic solutions that we have upgraded XPERT as an intelligent system for fleet operators in-ternationally, 24/7 for today, tomorrow and the future.” For more information, visit the ABB Turbocharging website: http://new.abb.com/turbocharging.
“Tekomar XPERT now offers marine customers an instant overview of their entire fleet, saving time and helping to ensure staff can focus on priority areas. Customers can quickly pinpoint vital data, such as vessel reporting activity and savings potential, and select criteria including engine and ship type to filter results. This saves time and money by making it faster and more convenient to identify and analyse essential data for optimal performance monitoring.” Beat Güttinger, Head of Tekomar at ABB Turbocharging 43
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
MARINESAT - A leading maritime broadband satcom operator in China
In early December, 2016, Singapore Dasin Shipping Pte Ltd. reached cooperation with Marinesat, and enabled 18 ships to access Marinesat’s global satcom network. Marinesat provides comprehensive services such as: broadband satellite communications, IP telephony, remote video surveillance, and ship data monitoring. Before choosing Marinesat, Dasin was using traditional satellite communication methods, i.e. telephone and email, which were inefficient and costly. These means have become outdated and no longer meet current needs, and more advanced technologies are bound to replace traditional technologies. After using the service of Marinesat, the owner of Dasin stated, “By using Marinesat’s satellite broadband communication services, one can use mobile APPs to make voice calls, video calls, real-time video and photo transmissions, with crew members onboard, achieving more efficient and productive communications. Through the use of mobile phones, PC, the ship owner can master real-time situations for the entire fleet, along with the vessels’ position, heading, the condition of goods, etc. Marinesat achieves at-office, dynamic, real-time monitoring of the entire fleet with diversified, multidimensional ship management, and fleet scheduling has been greatly improved and more efficient.” The crew of Dasin says, “Life at sea has been greatly improved and enriched using Marinesat with entertainment possibilities that are now accessible through the internet allowing the crew to chat with people on land, enjoy video games, music and news etc. Life is no longer so boring and monotonous.” Dasin has been enjoying Marinesat services for more than one year and is very satisfied with Marinesat’s hardware, installation and after-sales service. It ensures the normal communications of ships and brings great convenience to ship owners. At the same time, it has also greatly reduced the cost of communication. Dasin, therefore, specifically wrote a letter of thanks to Marinesat. In the past, ships used traditional communication methods, mainly with narrow-band transmission of “ship to shore” of telephone and email.
These methods were simple, and the efficiency was low and expensive. Marinesat has transformed maritime communications providing customers with diversified marine information services. It will build a smart ocean service platform based on maritime broadband satellite communications and realize the “Internet + Shipping”, “Internet of Things” and “Ocean Big Data” to enhance the value of the marine industry. Marinesat’s maritime satellite broadband communications meets the needs of shipowners’ daily office work and crews, and gives access to the internet and VolP telephony. Marinesat continually introduces more smart and diversified value added services such as: remote video surveillance, ship data monitoring, fleet management, meteorology services and telemedicine assistance maximizing its value to ship owners. Marinesat has global leading satellite resources. The satellite network consists of more than 10 satellites that achieve seamless coverage across the world using the VSAT + Iridium binary system. It is one of the most stable, complete and cost effective civil satellite communication systems in the world. The successful rising of Marinesat has created a huge effect within the Chinese market. It is reshaping traditional shipping communications and accelerating the intelligentization of ships. By April, 2018, Marinesat has provided satcom services for more than 1000 commercial vessels and more than 1500 fishing vessels. Its customers include almost all the well known Chinese ship owners, and therefore occupy more than 80% of China’s maritime broadband satellite communication industry market share. After more than two years development, Marinesat has moved into the international market serving ship owners in Japan, Singapore and Europe. Marinesat aims to use the latest technology to promote the development of the shipping industry and marine informatization, and it will create invisible value for ship owners by improving work efficiency and life quality. Marinesat is exclusively represented in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus by Marine Plus SA.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING: Leader in yacht paining TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING holds one of the leading positions in the domestic and international painting and preservation of yachts since 1994. Its headquarters are located in the port of Perama. Total and local coloring, antifouling applications, polishing and anti-shading applications are the specialties that it specializes in. The experienced staff and the long experience of Mr. Vasilis Tsagaris (owner of the company), in combination with the continuing education in new technology materials and equipment, guarantees a great deal of success in every kind of work. With perseverance, patience and dedication to work TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING managed to be in one of the highest positions.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Hybrid power choices are increasing for maritime By Domenic
Carlucci, Manager, Machinery, Electrical & Controls, Corporate Technology, ABS
Take up of hybrid power solutions is increasing, as is the guidance to support it, writes Domenic Carlucci, Manager, Machinery, Electrical & Controls, Corporate Technology, ABS. The maritime industry is increasingly investigating the potential for hybrid power as a storage and delivery solution when either short or long term auxiliary power is required. ABS is an industry leader in providing guidance for the safer development and deployment of hybrid power and is supporting its adoption with a strategy that focuses on the three areas of use covering storage, distribution and generation. This began with an Advisory covering an overview Hybrid Electric Power Systems in February 2017 and continued with the Lithium Battery Guide in May 2017. The Advisory on Hybrid Electric Power Systems takes a measurable approach to evaluating potential advantages and disadvantages, challenges and level of readiness for the primary hybrid energy storage and generation systems and components most suited for marine and offshore applications. The most recent addition to the publication series was the Supercapacitor Guide in November 2017. Use of supercapacitors is of increased interest when fast energy delivery is required during a peak power condition, such as using thrusters. ABS produced the Guide to provide requirements and reference standards to facilitate effective installation and operation of on-board supercapacitors. Its purpose is to establish safety guidelines for owners, operators, shipyard builders, designers, and manufacturers. The Guide delineates types of supercapacitors, including electrochemical capacitors and lithium ion capacitors, and then defines requirements for design, construction and installation of supercapacitors in marine and offshore applications. As a commercialized energy storage device, supercapacitors have a high power density and a fast charging and discharging process to augment other power sources and can greatly improve the efficiency of traditional energy sources. This technology is continuously evolving with respect to materials and
design. As such, alternative arrangements or new supercapacitor technologies can be considered provided it can be shown, through either service experience or a systematic analysis based on sound engineering principles, that they meet the overall safety standards of the Guide and ABS Rules. When we look into the wider future of hybrid power solutions for shipping we can see growing interest in applications that are achievable today and those which will be possible in the future. For example, because supercapacitors provide high density short term power, they could be used to start up a generator or motor on a vessel which could then draw auxiliary power from Lithium Ion batteries for the majority of its voyage. These combinations of energy storage technologies provide significant advantages for hybrid deployments. A ship with hybrid power approaching an ECA could switch over from some of its conventional generators and use batteries for a planned period time. Hybrid power could also be used to improve overall efficiency of auxiliary installations. Instead of the practice of running two generators inefficiently at 50% load, it is possible to run one at 80% and keep a ‘spinning reserve’ of hybrid power, reducing overall fuel consumption while also reducing wear on generators. Current hybrid installations have tended to be retrofits to existing vessels to create an OPEX benefit. In the future, vessel designers could conceivably replace some generator capacity with hybrid power, requiring fewer units and thus creating a CAPEX reduction. Power management systems coupled with battery and capacitor management systems also provide an appropriate safety layer for vessel operations. Because the typical operating environment in the maritime industry will differ from that considered when a supercapacitor system was originally designed, ABS would normally recommend a review of the environmental and operational aspects prior to adoption. A key variable in energy storage planning is an appropriate risk assessment. This supports development of proper safety measures and have also been used to confirm safeguards and reassure crew that they can perform their regular tasks in proximity to a containerised supercapacitor installation. In the future, ferries making short runs could be completely electric-powered, with rapid charging technology enabling them to maintain planned passage speed and use fast re-recharging in port to prepare for the return journey. The ABS hybrid power publication strategy continues in 2018 with the release of its next guide, covering DC Power Distribution. Our future work will also focus on energy generation from alternative sources, including fuel cells, wind and solar power and their application in the maritime industry.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
The distinct quality of PANDORA ART SHOP PANDORA ART SHOP is located at 19 Sotiros Dios Str. in the center of Piraeus. It is a place that we have all admired, even outdoors. The distinct quality of the works of art that it offers can not go unnoticed. The founder of PANDORA ART SHOP, Mrs. Amalia Panagiotopoulou, has for two decades been dedicated to the presentation and promotion of modern Greek artists exclusively. The themes of their works stem from Greece, myths, history, nature and everyday life. PANDORA ART SHOP offers sculptural objects of high aesthetics of clay, metal and composites. Construction techniques are an adventure that tells the human epoch on materials, be it the ancient art of clay, where the four elements of nature (soil-water-air and fire) will provide an art object, whether it be for casting aluminum, bronze or brass into sand, oxidations, deformations and iron castings where the technique of fire and heavy tools will be called upon to cooperate and perform fine arts. The works proposed by PANDORA ART SHOP are all signed, unique and hand-crafted and cover a wide range of modern needs such as jewelery, decoration, gift, specialized business gift, as well as the collection of artworks of modern Greek artists. At PANDORA ART SHOP you will find a lively gallery with great creations of Greek artists at affordable prices. Soon with us and the online store of the PANDORA ART SHOP.
Σύντομα κοντά σας και το ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα της γκαλερί μας ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ ART SHOP Η ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ ART SHOP Σωτήρος Διός 19 στο κέντρο του Πειραιά, είναι ένας χώρος που όλοι έχουμε θαυμάσει έστω και εξωτερικά. Η ξεχωριστή ποιότητα των έργων τέχνης που προσφέρει δεν μπορεί να περάσει απαρατήρητη. Η ιδρύτριά του Αμαλία Παναγιωτοπούλου, έχει εδώ και δύο δεκαετίες σαν σκοπό της την παρουσίαση και την ανάδειξη των σύγχρονων Ελλήνων καλλιτεχνών αποκλειστικά. Η θεματολογία των έργων τους πηγάζει από την Ελλάδα, τους μύθους , την ιστορία, την φύση και την καθημερινότητα. Η ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ ART SHOP προσφέρει γλυπτικά αντικείμενα υψηλής αισθητικής από πηλό, μέταλλο και σύνθετα υλικά. Οι τεχνοτροπίες κατασκευής είναι από μόνες τους μια περιπέτεια που διηγούνται την ανθρώπινη εποποιία πάνω στα υλικά, είτε πρόκειται για την πανάρχαια τέχνη του πηλού, όπου τα τέσσερα στοιχεία της φύσης ( χώμα-νερόαέρας και φωτιά) θα δώσουν ένα αντικείμενο τέχνης, είτε πρόκειται για χύτευση αλουμινίου, μπρούντζου η ορείχαλκου σε άμμο, οξειδώσεις, παραμορφώσεις και εξελάσεις του σιδήρου, όπου η τεχνική της φωτιάς και των βαρέων εργαλείων θα κληθούν να συνεργαστούν και να αποδώσουν λεπτότατα καλλιτεχνήματα. Τα έργα που προτείνει η ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ ART SHOP είναι όλα ενυπόγραφα, μοναδικά και χειροποίητα και καλύπτουν μια ευρεία γκάμα σύγχρονων αναγκών όπως το κόσμημα, τη διακόσμηση, το δώρο, το εξειδικευμένο επιχειρηματικό δώρο, αλλά και την συλλογή των έργων τέχνης σύγχρονων Ελλήνων δημιουργών. Στη ΠΑΝΔΩΡΑ ART SHOP θα βρείτε μια ζωντανή γκαλερί με υπέροχες δημιουργίες Ελλήνων καλλιτεχνών σε προσιτές τιμές.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Pompe Garbarino: World leader in cruise shipbuilding
Pompe Garbarino S.p.A. is an Italian manufacturer of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for marine&offshore, navy and industry. Founded in 1932 by Paolo Garbarino in Acqui Terme (Piedmont) for satisfying the local wine industry (with patented piston pumps) Garbarino entered in the naval sector at the beginning of the 50’s becoming the supplier of the Italian Navy. Over the years the naval customers increased and nowadays there are 27 foreign navies in the reference list. The pumps for naval applications are manufactured and tested according to the following NATO standards: •MIL STD 167 1 (mechanical vibrations) •MIL STD 740 1 (airborne sound) •MIL STD 740 2 (structure borne vibrations) •MIL S 901 D (shock test) •Non - magnetic executions In the marine sector, included at the beginning of the 60’s, Garbarino supplies major shipyards in Europe and Asia, ship owners worldwide: in particular Garbarino has the world leadership in the cruise shipbuilding with 120 cruise ships supplied for 17 different owners. Most of the owners can appreciate how Garbarino has decided to manage the after sales activity offering very competitive prices for spare parts and retrofitting pumps and very short delivery time thanks to the huge company warehouse. Regarding the Energy Saving Garbarino is able to offer control panels with variable frequency converters in several configurations, each designed for the main pumping application of the vessels. These special control panels operate the pumps according to the system requirements in terms of flow, pressure or temperature, changing automatically the motor speed. The main benefit of the type of control is a consistent energy saving during operation of the pumps and an increase of the service life of the pumps. Regarding the products Garbarino started the production of new type of the vertical in-line compact pumps MU-LMC. These pumps have
the same performance and reliability of the well know MU-L pumps with a lower installation cost. New compact design of the pumps provides reduced height and minimum maintenance. With some additional certifications Garbarino can supply electrical fire fighting pumps according to marine Rules (ABS, LR, DNV, RINA) and to NFPA20. Supply is not limited to the pump but also includes control panel. It is also available different pumps with ABS approved bulkhead shaft. Installation can be horizontal or vertical with additional cardan shaft. For small flow rates Garbarino has developed a series of variable speed pumps with built in frequency converter, this solution can offer a very flexible pumping solution at an affordable price. Besides the Energy Saving there are two other questions very important currently and in the next years for the ship owners: scrubbers and ballast water treatment systems. Garbarino has been selected by the main scrubbers manufacturers (Alfa Laval, Wartsila and Ecospray) and by many BWTS manufacturers in Europe and in the rest of the world. In the 80’s the industrial sector was added for diversifying the business: focusing on the main features of the industrial applications Garbarino has developed chemical pumps according to ISO 2858 and 5199 standards, as well as vertically suspended line-shaft pumps, high pressure (850 m) multistage pumps and other models. Garbarino is using for all the sectors a wide range of different materials: cast iron (grey, nodular, ni-resist), bronze (nickel-aluminium bronze), martensitic and austenitic stainless steel, duplex and superduplex, special alloys like monel, hastelloy, etc.. The raw materials come from Italy and the pumps production is 100% Made in Italy. With reference to the Quality System Garbarino, besides the double ISO 9001:2008 with RINA and ABS and the ISO 14.001:2004 with Lloyd’s Register, has added over the years the Type Approval with ABS, RINA, Lloyd’s Register and DNV-GL. After 85 years Garbarino is still a family company with 100% of the capital in the hands of Garbarino family (Mr. Carlo Garbarino and his two sons Paolo and Danilo).
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 | Cover Story
Dimitris Vranopoulos
The Gentleman of Shipping “This year is an important milestone both for my company and for me personally. We celebrate 30 years of Marine Plus, but simultaneously 30 years of marriage with Helena and my son George’s university debut”.
Dimitris travelled the world as the son of a diplomat. Most of his childhood was spent in the States. He then spent the majority of his high school years in Athens College, where he forged his closest friendships, especially during his time in boarding school. Unfortunately, he lost his father suddenly at the young age of 48. Dimitri was 18 at the time. Despite the shock of his father’s loss, he managed to secure his entry to the London School of Economics where he completed both undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Economics. All expenses for his studies were covered by his fathers’ best friend George Coumantaros, the well-known shipowner and businessman. His first job was with the John Latsis group, where he worked in various posts and overseas offices, and finally headed the group purchasing office in London for several years. His years in Latsis were very significant for his later development. After 6 fruitful and challenging years with Latsis, Dimitris followed his own path and created Marine Plus. With his own wits, his hard work and perserverance, he managed to enter the shipping industry, and from an unknown player to become a market leader in his field. Marine Plus started with a small office (5 x 4m room!!) in London in 1988. The first overseas trip was to Shanghai in 1991, where Dimitris participated in the Marintec exhibition. With the assistance of a translator sourced through the Greek embassy, standing in a small booth, and handing out business cards in english and chinese to all exhibitors, the first contacts with Chinese yards were established. The first repair in china was booked in Lifeng S/Y with a vessel owned by A.M. Nomikos. Since then 30 years have passed, and Dimitris has managed to win the confidence and trust both of the major Chinese yards as well as the Greek shipping community. Dimitris has developed a special relationship with Chengxi S/Y, arguably the best repair and conversion yard in the world. He was recently awarded as ‘best overseas agent’’ by Chengxi for the last 10 years. Marine Plus is now active in other fields apart from shipyard representation worldwide, ranging from ballast water management and scrubber representation to safety and internet services on board vessels. Among all its activities and branch offices, dedication and commitment to providing a quality service is the driving force. The company is now offering a ‘’boutique’’ approach to newbuilding, by engaging only a few select yards in the F.East with existing loyal customers. With branch offices in Singapore, Istanbul and Houston, offering a wide range of technical services worldwide, Marine Plus has come a long way from its humble beginnings in London in the late 80’s. Besides his achievements in business, Dimitris is best known to the shipping industry cluster as a true Gentleman, or’’ kirios’’ to his Greek peers.
After 6 fruitful and challenging years with Latsis, Dimitris followed his own path and created Marine Plus. With his own wits, his hard work and perserverance, he managed to enter the shipping industry, and from an unknown player to become a market leader in his field.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 | Cover Story
Dimitris Vranopoulos: I am still a strong supporter of the human factor NAFS | How, with a new testbed and several research projects underway, autonomous shipping is moving closer to becoming a reality? D.V | Autonomous shipping is something which has been on the drawing board for years now. There has been some progress in the sense that there are more automated systems on board vessels, and the number of required crew members on board has fallen. I am still a strong supporter of the human factor. When ships are called upon to deal with nature and unpredictable circumstances you cannot rely on artificial intelligence to ensure that the crew, vessel and the cargo that its carrying will safely arrive at the destination. So in my opinion the people factor still has an vital role to play. We should be investing more on how to upgrade the standard and training of seafarers, rather than spending huge funds in researching hypothetical cases such as autonomous shipping. Perhaps for some specific mode of transport, eg short voyages in calm sea areas such as lakes, autonomous shipping is a real option. Bottom line: if I was sailing on a vessel and navigating through a typhoon, I wouldn’t want somebody with a joystick on shore making critical decisions that will determine my fate!! NAFS |LNG is gaining acceptance in shipping. Where does the industry stand today and what will the future of LNG for shipping be? D.V |There is no doubt that LNG indeed is gaining acceptance in shipping. LNG is the fuel of the future. In terms of upcoming regulations, reducing CO2 emissions and green house effect, LNG will take centerstage very soon. At the end of the day LNG will also be a cheap fuel to burn, once the issue of accessability in ports is resolved, and the price is adjusted to meet the higher demand. At the moment of course burning LNG is still something which is not mainstream for shipping. Currently on existing vessels which do not have dual fuel engines the option to do a conversion to dual fuel is available. We have recently signed an exclusive agreement with the most reliable LNG retrofit company in China, and are confident this type of conversion will pick up over the next 10 years. At the current market conditions this type of conversion is not popular yet because of high initial investment. However this will change over time, once the benefits of burning LNG fuel become more clear. . On the newbuilding stage dual fuel engines are becoming more popular. Now even conventional vessels like bulk carriers, containers and tankers have got dual fuel options. LNG is the future with no doubt. NAFS |Shipping industry is facing a challenging operational environment characterized by fierce competition, economic uncertainties and more demanding regulations while at the same time, technology is developing rapidly. Do you believe that the shipping sector is adapting easily to these challenges? D.V |The shipping industry has always been a challenging industry in the sense that owners have to deal with a variety of factors simultaneously, of which many cannot be predicted. Shipping requires high capital investment, while at the same time the conventional banking institutes no longer finance such investment, so other modes of finance
need to be explored. Experience collected over several generations and gut feeling is often critical to shipowners’ ability to survive, especially during the cycle downturn. At the moment there is no doubt that there is fierce competition especially from countries that have their own large fleets. Such national fleets have advantages in terms of subsidizing their investments with soft loans, giving preferential charter rates for shipping their products to local owners and many more. Such conditions make competition for private owners working in purely free market conditions much more difficult. Factor in global economic uncertainty, potential liability, as well as the continuing increase in regulation, and you have by far the most difficult market where Greeks still thrive!! In terms of Greek shipping fleet and Greek ship owners, they have proven over time that they have the capacity to adopt to whatever conditions prevail in the market. So in that sense I am confident that no matter what difficulties arise in future, the Greek shipping cluster will maintain its leading position in the market and keep growing in line with the requirements as they arise. NAFS |What do you predict future shipbuilding market developments will be and what initiatives and efforts have the shipyards to take to face the market challenges and uncertainties and maintain and develop their position? D.V |The shipbuilding industry has become a much more difficult industry than it was in the past. Huge shipbuilding groups face severe financial problems, where in most cases they would go bankrupt if the state did not step in to rescue them. One the one hand we see that the large shipbuilding countries (China, Korea, Japan) are implementing specialization. Korea has completely moved out of the dry sector, concentrating on more sophisticated vessels such as gas carriers, mega containers and large crude tankers. Japan is still active in all sectors on a smaller scale , however giving more emphasis on dry and small lpg vessels. China on the other hand has dominated the dry sector, and is becoming more involved with tankers and containers, and to a smaller degree with gas carriers. At the same time shipyards have to incorporate whatever new regulations come into force in an economically viable way. The issue of ecofriendly green ships is here to stay, and yards are required to make vessels run economically and on the other hand to comply with more and more regulation. It seems that this trend will continue. The challenge here is for yards to build ships at competitive prices more efficiently by introducing more innovative designs and technological advances without compromising the quality and seaworthiness of the ships produced. NAFS |Why in your opinion did owners keep ordering in recent years despite the existing oversupply? D.V |During the super boom of 2004-2008, freight rates in all sectors peaked dramatically, leading to an artificial euphoria that these rates were here to stay. Even the shrewd Greeks were influenced, and perhaps for the first time broke the golden rule of ‘’buy low and sell high’’ which had served them so well in the past. When the market crashed in late 2008, the order book was enormous, leading to heavy oversupply which in turn led to a very long period of depressed freight
“If I was sailing on a vessel and navigating through a typhoon, I wouldn’t want somebody with a joystick on shore making critical decisions that will determine my fate!!”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 | Cover Story
rates. More recently the order book seems to be growing again. I think that the main reason for this is that a lot of ordering which is done is not actually initiated by ship owners in the traditional sense. A lot of it is motivated by private funds, by stock exchanges, by institutions that have money they want to place in shipping but don’t actually have a clear idea on when is a good time or a bad time to place an order. On the other hand many more owners are ordering new buildings than they were in the past . In the past there were 10-15 traditional Greek companies doing newbuilding on a regular basis. Today that figure is over 70 companies engaged in newbuilding. Owners often look only at the their own microcosm, and do not consider what their actions may impact on market conditions. For example if there is a fairly flexible and economical finance available for newbuilding which seems to be the case now in the far east (leasing, bbhp etc) compared to fiancÊ of second hand purchases, newbuilding contracts will be concluded as is the case for the dry order book this year. NAFS |Huge and very quick changes are happening in the way the world uses and produces energy. Do you believe that these changes and new trends will impact the maritime sector and in what way? D.V |At the moment oil and other conventional raw materials (coal, lignite etc)are still at the mainstream in terms of supporting the energy requirements on a world scale. The trend is always for cleaner energy (LNG, wind, energy produced from water cycles). It will take several decades before alternative sources of energy becomes mainstream. In terms of shipping once there is a lower demand for the raw material used for producing energy, eventually that will have an impact on the freight rates at least for dry because dry at the moment mainly carries these kind of products. So, there will be an impact but I think it will be medium to long term and not short term. NAFS |It is obvious that the new wave of digitalization in shipping transforms the industry. What will be will the impact of digitalization? Are there any hidden risks? D.V |Digitalization worldwide and in shipping is here to stay. In most respects I see digitalization as a positive development. The office, the charterer and all parties related to the vessel and its cargo should have a very transparent and clear picture of what is going on on board the vessel in real time. So in that sense its good to have a more secure monitoring of all operations on board the vessel. At the same time we should also keep in mind that its extremely important to maintain and to upgrade the standard of crew on board. Digitalization should not be seen as a substitute for good crew. It should be a useful tool which works in synergy with good and competent crew members. NAFS |The roots of Marine Plus in China are well known. How difficult is doing business in China? According to your experience, do you believe that Chinese shipbuilding industry is transitioning into more sophisticated ship types? D.V |As a company we are doing business in China mainly with shipyards both for repair, conversion and new building since 1992, over 26 years. I would say that in order to do good business in China, particularly in shipbuilding and ship repairing sector you need to have the experience and the understanding of how people think and how people function in China. Respect is very important in Chinese culture, and it is important to show your respect when dealing with any business there. We have to accept that we are the foreigners in China so we have to adopt to the style and the mode of how business is done in China.
Winnning the trust of a Chinese that you do business with is a long and complicated process, which requires patience, persistence and proving over time that you have a fixed set of business ethics which are not compromised due to short term opportunism. Bonding on a personal level is also a must. Once the trust is established, it is there to stay for the long term. In terms of shipbuilding since 1992 the transformation of the Chinese yards is unbelievable. They were building only very inferior small bulk carriers the early 90s. At this point in time the first class yards in China can effectively build anything. They are now building mega containers up to 22,000 TEU, VLCC tankers, all types of gas carriers as well as other specialized vessels. I know shipbuilding is of strategic importance to the Chinese government. I believe it is just a matter of time before China will be able to compete with the well known shipyards building cruise ships in France and Germany. NAFS |Recently Intertanko and Intercargo stated that they are positive to new regulations but at the same time those regulations must be characterized by reality. Do you believe that ship owners have paid a lot of money in the last years for new regulations and equipment? D.V |The shipping industry in the last 10-15 years as well as going forward is facing a bazaar barrage of new regulations which need to be absorbed quickly. Whoever does not comply with these regulations faces both financial and penal consequences. In my opinion some of the regulation makes sense, and a lot of it makes no sense! Much of the regulation is politically driven, and drawn up by bureaucrats sitting in Brussel s with little understanding of how shipping works. We don’t actually have a real idea of what implications a particular regulation will have on the operation of the vessel until it is in force for a number of years. It is obvious that the financial burden rests with the vessel and the shipowner. At the same time a lot of this regulation is creating bureaucracy on board the vessel and the seafears seem to be spending more time ticking boxes and filling out forms than actually doing their jobs which is to make sure that the cargo and the vessel arrive in port safe and sound. NAFS |What are the number of factors for the choice of the best-suited ballast water treatment system? How important is the after sales services? D.V |Its difficult to specify specific factors why a particular technology or system is best suited for a particular type of vessel. Generally speaking BWMS uses a variety of technologies. Some technologies are more applicable to smaller size vessels, some to larger, some for tankers some for dry. There is no universal equation. Each technology, have their pros and cons. The reality is that this is something new. The makers need to invest a lot in providing proper after sales networks as well as continuous training both of the members of the shipping company either by setting up seminars or training centres overseas as well as training up crew because once crew are trained then there is always a possibility the information is not properly transferred to the next change of crew. I am very happy to say that we represent Sunrui of China which has done its own research and development, and applied the same technology to high end shore applications (nuclear power plants, thermal power plants etc). I am very confident that the technology they have developed, as well as the actual application on board (the components used, the system, the design) are very well tested. Sunrui is in a continuous process of upgrading the existing product to ensure trouble-free operation and customer satisfaction.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 | Cover Story
30 years Marine Plus | Main fields of activity REPAIRS & CONVERSIONS Most of Marine Plus business is conducted in China, where they have been active since 1992. China accounts for around 80% of their annual shiprepair/conversion turnover , by far the largest portion. They are also active and represent shipyards in Hong Kong, the Black Sea, Med region, Thailand, Dubai, The Americas and Europe. In China, yards do not offer agents exclusive agreements, partly because the Chinese are extremely competitive by nature and also because they believe that the Greek market is so large and it is not possible for one agent to cover the entire territory. They have thus built up very close, long-term and constructive cooperation with the best shiprepair yards in China. This has been a slow process which has taken years of commitment and hard work, a combination of strong interpersonal relationships with the senior management of these yards as well as a concentrated team effort to ensure each repair project undertaken is a success both for their Greek customers as well as the yards’ they represent. ‘’Our real job begins after we receive a firm booking, especially during the vessel’s repair at the yard, where key milestones are monitored as well as overall progress, maintaining agreed schedules, docking dates, sufficient labor for prompt execution of works etc. During this period regular contact with the attending supt eng as well as the head office is maintained. Monitoring and expediting work progress is greatly assisted by our Chinese-speaking staff who deal with working level yard staff (eg ship repair manager, deck engineer etc), whilst we also keep contact with senior yard management as and when their intervention is required.’’ BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT Marine Plus is the exclusive agent for the CSIC SUNRUI BALCLOR® Ballast Water Management System. SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (CSIC). SunRui has successfully developed BalClor® BWMS (Ballast Water Management System), which compiles to IMO D-2 stan-
Marine Plus S.A. was established in 1988 as a provider of high quality technical services to the Greek Shipping Industry. Today, with over 30 years of experience and offices in Athens, Istanbul, Singapore and Houston, Marine Plus can effectively provide almost any technical support required by vessels trading Worldwide, ranging from dry dockings, conversions, new building contracting/supervision, minor voyage or port repairs, BWMS, LNG fuel systems, VSAT services, supply of spares, supplies and provisions, inspections and more.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 | Cover Story
dards and has received Type Approval Certificates by DNV-GL, CCS, LR, NK, BV, ABS and also the IMO Type Approval Certificate. Moreover, on June 7th, 2017 the final USCG Type Approval Certificate has been acquired. Finally, on April 6th, 2018 the Type Approval Certificate regarding IMO new G8 & G9 Guidelines has been acquired from DNV-GL. UNDEWATER SERVICES Marine Plus has a Worldwide Network of reliable Diving Companies in about 250 locations providing a 24/7 call service with quick response: • In water Class survey/Clearances measurements • Hull cleaning/Propeller polishing • CCTV inspection • Stern seals replacement • Underwater Ship repairs (propeller, rudder, duct repairs, overboard valves blanking, cracks gouging/welding etc) • Maintenance repairs All their partners are certified by IACS Classification Societies, they mostly use Hydraulic equipment and most of them have reference lists from Greek Shipping Companies they have already worked with. They serve main ports such as Singapore, Fujairah, Panama, Gibraltar, China, India, Brazil and South Africa as well as smaller (always depend on local authorities’ permission and visibility). NEWBUILDING CONTRACTING Marine Plus have developed their Newbuilding activity aggressively over the past few years, mainly in China where they have a permanent association with well-established local brokerage houses who assist with securing off-market opportunities as well as due diligence with new yards and contract negotiation. Having excellent cooperation in ship repair services with big state owned groups CSSC & CSIC they have a natural spillover in their newbuilding activity. WORKSHOPS / AFLOAT SERVICES With a Worldwide Network of reliable Workshops in about 150 locations providing the following services with flexibility and responsibility: • M/E and Auxiliary repairs • Pumps and motors repairs and exchange • Steel repairs • Replacement of anchor and chain • Tank cleaning services • Piping works • Boiler works • Electrical works • A/C & refrigeration systems repairs • Deck repairs including Cranes • Hydro blasting and painting afloat They are able to provide riding teams with Seamen books if work has to be completed on the move. GENERAL SHIP SUPPLIES They are exclusive agents for the Ningbo International Trade Ocean Shipping Supply Co., LTD. (FORGITOS Supply) – China FORGITOS Supply is approved by the Chinese government in 1993, specializing in ocean shipping supply and port services businesses. Following a service policy of “honesty, thoughtful, reasonable, high-quality”, basing on the good geographical advantage of the Yangtze Delta, relying on the excellent management team, the company would provide one station shipping service for foreign ships.
The company integrates ocean shipping supply, import and export trade, spare parts supply and other services. It owns 4 store warehouses and three classified food freezers about 7,000 sqm. Owning several branches like Zhoushan, Taizhou, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Shanghai, Nantong etc. around the Yangtze River, along with perfect distribution system of ship store & provision logistics, the company is qualified to provide fast, attentive service and high-quality, reasonably-priced items. SAFETY SERVICES Marine Plus, with its newly established company Marine Plus Safety, as well as its associates worldwide has a network of reliable Workshops in about 150 locations providing the following services on a 24/7 basis: • Fire extinguishers of all types • Fire protection systems (water, foam, CO2, etc) • Onboard inspections for FFE (Fire Fighting Equipment) and LSA (Life Saving Appliances) such as: o Fire extinguishers o Fire systems o Breathing apparatus o EEBD o Air quality test for air compressor o MED O2 o Immersion Suits o Inflatable life jacket o Foam Generators • Sales of fire fighting equipment (fire hoses, fire fighting outfits, fire pumps, etc). All their associates are certified by IACS Classification Societies and approved from the Manufacturers. MARINE SPARES / EQUIPMENT This activity is handled by their subsidiary JNE Marine Ltd and headed by Mr. Nikos Theodorou. They deal with mainly trading of new main engine components from reliable/proven makers-stockists, turbocharger spares, anchor chain/anchors, lifeboats/liferafts and china license-built equipment. In addition, they are exclusive agents for a number of quality marine equipment makers, such as Mitsubishi MKK purifiers, Cygnus Ultrasonic gauges, Strainstall stress gauges and others. VSAT SERVICES Marine Plus is exclusive agent of Shenzhen Marinesat Network Technology Co.,Ltd. Marinesat is the largest broadband satellite communication provider in China, which specializes in broadband access and value-added service. The corporation aims to change the entire ocean industries through the innovation of business model and technology,building wisdom Marine ecosystem. The provided services include: • Broadband: the world’s fastest commercial satellite broadband service, broadband can reach a maximum downlink 8Mbps, the uplink 2Mbps for a single ship, which brings your flying online experience. • Remote Video Monitoring: the turnkey solution for remote video monitoring, you can monitor the real time radio through your mobile phone or computers at any time. Even you are far away, all is under control. • VoIP: Direct dial the phone numbers to 200 countries globally. Bandwidth is guaranteed for IP telephone. You can enjoy the voice quality as on land. • Vessel Data Monitoring: real time data for the ships status such as course, attitude, position and speed. You can have your finger on the pulse of your ships.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 - PPG stand 3.128
PPG: Pioneering Coating Technologies PPG STEELGUARD 601 and 651
“From land to air to sea, PPG’s coatings protect a wide range of assets in most of the demanding industries around the world”
From land to air to sea, PPG’s coatings protect more assets in more industries than any of our competitors. Innovation never rests. We take proven technology and develop it further. Alongside our trusted anticorrosive coating systems, we continue to invest in the research and development of: • Fouling protection for seagoing vessels, including biocidal antifouling and biocide-free fouling release coatings • Passive fire protection for hydrocarbon fire and cryogenic protection of chemical, petrochemical, and offshore facilities; and cellulosic fire protection for infrastructure projects • Heat resistant systems and spray-on insulation coatings • Chemical resistant tank linings for land storage tanks and commercial shipping • High performance topcoats, which provide ease of use and/or unsurpassed durability.
Our key coating solutions include: • Antifouling/fouling release coatings PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE™, PPG SIGMAGLIDE®, PPG SIGMA NEXEON™, PPG SIGMA ECOFLEET® • Tank linings PPG NOVAGUARD™, PPG PHENGUARD™ • Cargo hold coatings PPG SIGMASHIELD™ • Top coats PPG PSX®, PPG SIGMADUR™, PPG AMERCOAT
• Water ballast tank coatings PPG SIGMAPRIME®, PPG SIGMACOVER™ • High-temperature resistant coatings PPG HI-TEMP™ • Hydrocarbon passive fire protection PPG PITT-CHAR® • Cellulosic passive fire protection • PPG STEELGUARD™
Here are just some examples of our latest innovations… PPG STEELGUARD™ 601 and 651: Waterborne intumescent technology Having worked closely with architects and designers around the world, we understand the pressure to specify ‘greener’ products. We have responded by investing in the research and development of waterborne intumescent technology that not only buys time, saves lives and limits asset damage, but offers the additional environmental benefits of being low VOC and virtually odorless. This not only provides healthier working conditions for painters, but also means that the coatings can be applied while buildings are in use. PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE™ RX and GX: Advanced low-friction, self-lubricating antifoulings with extended idle times We developed our innovative range of PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE antifouling coatings with the goal of reducing energy consumption and therefore lowering total operational costs. Thanks to an innovative
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
self-smoothing mechanism, PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE antifoulings are proven to deliver fuel savings averaging 5%. The latest additions to this range, PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX and GX, boast innovative self-release binder technology, which utilizes PPG’s patented Controlled Surface active Polymers (CSPs). This unique composition means these coatings are particularly effective for slow-steaming ships. The CSPs act as a lubricant on the coating/water interface, supporting laminar flow and thereby reducing hull friction when the ship is sailing. They also create a slippery surface that resists fouling when the ship is not sailing. This extends possible idle time by up to 30 days on average without affecting the hull’s performance. PPG PSX® ONE: Durability and protection of two chemistries in one product PPG PSX ONE is another example of our forward-thinking approach. This revolutionary patented acrylic siloxane hybrid system is designed specifically for asset owners and contractors. Providing outstanding color retention, this product retains its gloss after many two-pack polyurethane topcoats have begun to fade. The PPG PSX ONE topcoat is one of our latest product formulas that leverages our existing patents and more than two decades of expertise. The benefits of the PPG PSX ONE are consistent with the other PPG polysiloxane technologies – superior color and gloss retention, excellent adhesion, weatherability and abrasion resistance, easy to apply and low VOC – with the added advantage that it provides a one-pack solution. This reduces waste and gives additional convenience to the customer, particularly in the case of maintenance and repairs. PPG PITT-CHAR® XP: The flexible, single-product solution for fire and cryogenic spill protection Specially formulated for the oil and gas industries, the PPG PITT-CHAR XP coating is the only patented flexible epoxy intumescent on the market. PPG PITT-CHAR XP is a single coating solution that provides protection in extreme conditions against hydrocarbon hazards such as explosions, impacts, fires and cryogenic spills. Our product also has one of the highest impact resistances in the hydrocarbon PFP industry. Unlike rigid epoxy intumescent coatings, the PPG PITT-CHAR XP product is tough and ductile with an elongation at break of approximately 20%. This unique flexibility also reduces impact and abrasion damage during construction, reducing subsequent remedial repairs and, once in service, any subsequent repair work due to mechanical damage and other defects.
eSHaRk project: Eco-friendly ship hull film system Our commitment to innovation and protecting the environment is reinforced by PPG’s role in the landmark EU-funded project to develop eSHaRk (Eco-friendly Ship Hull film system with fouling release and fuel saving properties). Imagine being able to swim like a shark. You would be fast and highly manoeuverable, thanks to the properties of your amazing skin that nature designed to disrupt the flow of water, thus reducing drag and increasing energy efficiency. You would also be strong with a skin that can quickly repair if needed, and you would not need to worry about fouling growth. This is the premise of our revolutionary new PPG SIGMAGLIDE FOIL, a five layer self-adhesive foil that can be applied to an underwater hull, like a new sharkskin. This innovative technology not only maintains current fouling protection standards, but is superior to existing solutions in terms of eco-friendliness, ease of application, durability and drag-reduction, all of which lead to significant fuel savings and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 - PPG stand 3.128
Smooth sailing with PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE low friction, self-lubricating antifoulings The maritime industry continues to undergo numerous regulatory and operational challenges even as some segments are beginning to see a return to an improved economic environment. At PPG, we work closely with our customers to understand the ongoing challenges they face, and try to solve those challenges through innovation. We invest nearly $0.5bn annually into coatings research and we are proud to be the global leader in the sector. Our researchers receive dozens of patents per year and consistently receive multiple global recognitions. However, we know that within the maritime industry there is still room for improvement and our global laboratories together with our Allison Park Coatings Innovation Centre in Pennsylvania, have worked on numerous solutions to assist our shipping industry customers. We enhanced our range of PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE® coatings, adding PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX and GX, featuring self-release binder technology built on Controlled Surface active Polymers. Developed with the primary aim of reducing energy and therefore lowering total operational costs, these products cover a wide range of operational conditions and vessel types and are based upon an extensive range of high-performance technologies. The addition of CSP technology offers an improved self-lubrication and self-release mechanism resulting in lower friction, increased idle time tolerance and better fuel savings. The CSP formulation in PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX and GX was developed in house to provide predictable, best-in-class performance. The CSP acts as a lubricant on the coating/water interface. This supports laminar flow and thereby reduces hull friction when the ship is sailing. The CSP also creates a slippery surface that resists fouling when the ship is not sailing. This extends possible idle time up to 30 days on average without affecting the hull’s performance. Suitable for application at newbuild and dry dockings, the products are designed for all vessel types and speeds, and are particularly effective for slow-steaming vessels because of the engineered oil binder composition.
PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX and GX coatings benefit from high-volume solids (up to 59%) for efficient application and evolve in a linear polishing and consistent biocide release for predictable performance for up to 90 months. The application of these coatings offers extended idle days through the release effect of engineered oils that create a slippery surface. In addition to the new PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE products, PPG has rebranded its original products. Details of the full range are given below. PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX • Low friction, self-lubricating, linear self-polishing antifouling based on hydrolysable polymer binder composition • Technology based on Controlled Surface active Polymers (CSP) • Idle time tolerance: averaging 25 days • Vessel operating rate: 50-90% PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE GX • Low friction, self-lubricating, linear self-polishing high performance antifouling based on hydrolysable binder composition • Technology based on Controlled Surface active Polymers (CSP) • Idle time tolerance: averaging 30 days • Vessel operating rate: 40-80% PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE MX • Low friction, linear self-polishing antifouling based on organic hydrolysable polymer binder • Idle time tolerance: averaging 25 days • Vessel operating rate: 50-70% PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE DX • Ultra-low friction, linear self-polishing antifouling based on organic hydrolysable polymer binder, designed for broad operational ranges • Idle time tolerance: averaging 30 days • Vessel operating rate: 40-90%
PPG SIGMA ™ SAILADVANCE RX and GX Advanced low-friction, self-lubricating antifoulings
We created PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE RX AND GX especially to save energy and lower total operational costs. On contact with water these coatings create a slippery surface that resists the settlement of shell and weed fouling during idle periods and also reduces hull friction when the ship is sailing. This is thanks to PPG’s patented self-polishing binder technology built on Controlled Surface active Polymers. • • • • • •
Extends possible idle time up to 30 days Low friction results in fuel savings averaging 5% Suitable for all vessel types and operating speeds Particularly suited to slow steaming ships Can be applied at new build and dry dock Ensures predictable performance for up to 90 months.
Visit ppgpmc.com to learn more about PPG’s marine coatings.
The PPG logo, We protect and beautify the world, and all other PPG marks are property of the PPG group of companies.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 - PPG stand 3.128
PPG coatings chosen to protect Diana Shipping’s new flagships
Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX) is a global provider of shipping transportation services. It specializes in the ownership of dry bulk vessels. As of December 7, 2017 its fleet consists of 50 dry bulk vessels (4 Newcastlemax, 14 Capesize, 5 Post-Panamax, 5 Kamsarmax and 22 Panamax). As of the same date, the combined carrying capacity of its fleet is approximately 5.8 million dwt with a weighted average age of 8.29 years. The organization’s main objective is to manage and expand its fleet in a manner that it will be able to enhance shareholder value. It aims to achieve this by maintaining a high-quality fleet; strategically expanding the fleet size; pursuing a balance of short-term and long-term time charters; maintaining a strong balance sheet; and maintaining low-cost, highly efficient operations.
The Challenge This project involved supplying coatings for a large newbuilding construction comprising the Newcastlemax bulk carriers San Francisco and Newport News. The specification required a range of robust and durable coatings tailored to maximize the protection required at each vessel area. The San Francisco and The Newport News are the flagships of Diana Shipping Inc. and share the same impressive specifications: 208,500 DWT, length 299.99 m; beam 50 m; cargo capacity of 225,000 m3; gross tonnage 107,000; 14.3 knots ABT.
The Solution PPG’s protective and marine coatings business has a close working relationship with Diana Shipping Inc. that we have developed over many years. This trust and respect led to PPG being chosen to supply the coatings for their Newcastlemax New building project, which was testament to the quality and performance of its products, staff and services. Following a detailed appraisal of the new-building specification, PPG proposed the following main products for both vessels: • PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE DX antifouling for the underwater hull • PPG SIGMACOVER 380 primer for the water ballast tanks • PPG SIGMASHIELD 420 coating for the cargo holds
The Benefits PPG’s integrated coating proposal combined a number of key benefits for both vessels: The PPG SIGMACOVER 380 multipurpose anticorrosive epoxy primer gives highly durable, long-term protection for water
ballast tanks and is also suitable for use on many vessel areas. The primer is specifically designed to meet to the most demanding operation requirements for long time protection in the water ballast tanks. Key benefits PPG SIGMACOVER 380: • Outstanding anticorrosive properties and water resistance • Good abrasion resistance • Suitable for immersion service (ballast tanks, outside shell) The PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE DX antifouling is based on an organic hydrolysable polymer binder and designed specifically for a broad range of vessel activities. Key benefits PPG SIGMA SAILADVANCE DX: • Ultra low friction, linear self-polishing antifouling based on organic hydrolysable polymer binder, designed for broad operational ranges • Fuel savings averaging 5% • High idle time tolerance The PPG SIGMASHIELD 420 system is designed for the highest needs of anti-abrasion protection in the cargo holds of all types of bulk carriers. Key benefits PPG SIGMASHIELD 420: • Excellent abrasion and impact resistance - ideal for hard angular cargoes • High level of resistance high TG temperature of self-heating cargoes • High flexibility. Excellent solution for all cargo needs • Easy to clean
The Result PPG is a market-leading supplier of high-performance, heavy-duty coating systems, ideally suited for providing maximum and long term performance after new-building application. Its technical expertise, industry knowledge and understanding of the customer’s needs proved to be of vital importance to ensure that the vessels would benefit from the optimal protection provided by PPG’s coatings. The combination of the coatings applied on the San Francisco and Newport News produced hardwearing, smooth surfaces ideally suited to those areas that are subject to heavy impact and abrasion from a variety of destructive cargoes and traffic. The antifouling used for the underwater hull will deliver excellent fouling protection and fuel savings.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 - PPG stand 3.128
Trends in marine coatings: innovation delivers high performance with low impact As a long-time supplier of innovative coatings to the marine market, PPG was able to anticipate the trend of rising marine fuel costs to produce the industry’s most advanced pure silicone fouling release systems to date. This has helped shipowners save money over the last decade and comes into focus again from January 2020 when new regulations will see the industry move to low sulfur fuels whose costs could double from current levels. Within the next few years, regulators are expected to enact new rules covering greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, creating the need for further efficiencies. As a result, shipowners are demanding marine coatings whose properties extend from improving operational performance to those that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of the well-known drawbacks of fouling release technologies is that their effectiveness decreases over time. This is often seen at the waterline where the impact of sunlight, dirt and UV radiation has a negative effect and leads to the aggregation of slime. To meet this need, we engineered PPG SIGMAGLIDE 1290®, a coating formulated to help owners reduce their fuel costs and therefore reduce greenhouse gas emissions. PPG SIGMAGLIDE 1290 has been engineered to include dynamic surface regeneration properties. These allow water to act as a catalyst to lower the surface energy of the coating back to its original state and thus restart its beneficial surface configuration properties. This regeneration preserves the coating’s effectiveness over time, meaning that it will experience no loss in performance and stability of the product throughout its lifetime. Its low environmental impact means that it can be applied to vessels trading in the most ecologically delicate environments. Superior performance is achieved through a combination of film-forming properties and a very low average hull roughness, which result in significant fuel savings. The next stage in the efficiency/performance/environment story was to create a new way to apply these marine coatings. To deliver this, PPG joined project partners MACtac (Avery Denisson), Meyer Werft/ND Coatings, VertiDrive and Hamburg Ship Model Basin HSVA to create the Eco-friendly Ship Hull film system, or eSHaRk. eSHaRk aims to bring to market a fouling protection technology which not only maintains state-of-the-art protection but is superior to existing paint-based solutions in terms of eco friendliness, ease of application, robustness and drag reduction effects. All of these features should lead to fuel savings and the reduction of GHG emissions.
“Shipowners need coatings that can reduce drag and fuel consumption and need new ways to apply them,” says PPG eSHaRk Project leader, Peter Schoneveld. We are working with our consortium partners to develop a greener and more efficient anti-fouling solution, consisting of a self-adhesive and non-toxic fouling release foil, produced by applying PPG SIGMAGLIDE onto a self-adhesive film. The fundamental concept is to develop a siliconized substrate that is industrially engineered to realize optimum fouling release where the surface of the siliconized substrate is textured to have maximum effect on drag reduction. For this purpose, PPG created a strategic alliance with producer of self-adhesive films MACtac (Avery Denisson) to jointly develop the self-adhesive fouling release foil. The project took its inspiration in part from recent developments in hitech swimsuits, which can enhance a swimmer’s performance by reducing drag as they move through the water. In fact, the eSHaRk partners have described their ambition in creating a new fouling release solution as wanting to pull the ship as though it was wearing a high-speed swimming suit. Also under development is an automated application method featuring a robotized laminator capable of applying the fouling release film on the hulls of large commercial vessels. A number of trial applications are underway and the advantages of the system are already being demonstrated. So far the foil system has been able to offer clear advantages on newbuild projects in terms of productivity improvements and minimized environmental impact. For smaller vessels, the foil is applied manually due to hull size and shape. For these vessel types PPG has developed a highly sustainable concept with a combination of foil and specially designed anticorrosion hard coating, with the foil removed by hydrojetting and renewed after an extended period. The adoption of a film-based coating opens up new possibilities for optimizing the morphology of the products’ surface, leading to enhanced fouling protection and superior drag reduction properties. This can contribute towards greater fuel efficiency of large commercial vessels and hence reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Case study: PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 - Survey shows no damage to hulls on icebreaker vessels
The Customer Established in 2003, Caspian Offshore Construction LLP (COC) is a 100% privately owned Kazakhstan entity. COC’s own fleet currently consists of 19 vessels (the majority of which were recently built in leading European shipyards). The total fleet, which is operated and managed by COC, numbers about 40 vessels. The company has an extensive fleet of offshore support vessels and offers a wide range of marine offshore support services, including the management, operation and maintenance of marine vessels, as well as the supervision of new-builds and the modernization of existing vessels.
The Challenge The main issue was the problem in planning the scheduled dry dock repair for the icebreakers as the customer had specified the need for a twin-feed spray pump to apply a competitor’s product to protect the hulls from the impact of ice. It is difficult to find a shipyard in the region with a twin-feed spray pump, which presents a problem for a ship owner needing to apply specialized products from competitors.
The Solution As a result of the application issues on this project, we converted the customer to implement a PPG solution. The four icebreakers, Mangystau-1, Mangystau-3, Mangystau-4, Mangystau-5, regularly sail in heavy ice conditions. Therefore, we recommended the highly resilient PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating to provide optimal underwater hull protection. Under normal conditions, the PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coatings can be applied by cold, single-feed airless spray equipment, as opposed to the hot, twin-feed system specified and used by the competitor. Our PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating is based on a very hard filler composition, providing excellent anti-abrasion properties built on a highly cross-linked phenolic epoxy technology, further extending the service life of the coating by greatly increasing the creep resistance.
The Benefits The PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating is the ideal solution for ice-going vessels offering easy application, maximum abrasion resistance, and
damage propagation control. Ice is unquestionably the main hazard for a hull’s outer shell coating. This proven, durable coating has a well-established, global track record in protecting ice-going vessels operating in such potentially destructive situations. Key benefits: • Suitable for new-build, and maintenance and repair • Outstanding impact- and abrasion resistance; smooth surfaces promote fuel savings • Excellent cathodic protection and creep resistance • Standard- and low-temperature version for enhanced curing performances • Excellent application properties; also possible in winter conditions • Single-coat application using standard equipment • Easy maintenance and repair • Excellent creep resistance, reducing size (and hence cost) of repair areas • Solvent-free technology - no VOC emissions • Reduced explosion risk and fire hazard • Recognized by Lloyd’s Register as an abrasion-resistant ice coating • Recognized by Aker as a low-friction surface coating for ice breaking ships
The Results Following a diving survey of the vessels after operations in harsh, ice-going conditions, the customer was delighted by the PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating’s performance. The examination showed that there was no damage on the vertical sides of the hulls as a result of ice impact. Technical Management of COC commented, “Our vessels face severe ice-going scenarios and need the most effective protection for their hulls. Once we carefully assessed PPG’s SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating and its use in similar situations, we were convinced that it would give our vessels the best protection. Additionally, its single layer application with standard equipment saved a great deal of time during the dry dock stage.”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
TURBO BELGIUM: “We celebrate 10 years of servicing the maritime industry” In today’s quick developing worldwide shipping business, TURBO BELGIUM strives to keep up with the main evolutions for spare parts and field service. As for the Greek market, together with our local representative Euploia Drydocks & Services, we are proud to mention we have established an excellent cooperation with various Greek clients during the recent years. Furthermore, our global market position in field service work, spare parts supply and repair works has expanded. The key principles of TURBO BELGIUM are turbocharger service, as well as the supply and repair of spare parts. In order to meet the demands of our customers, TURBO BELGIUM keeps developing its quality approaches. As we are following the last innovations in turbocharger technology, supplying the necessary spare parts anytime, anywhere in the world and implementing the newest methods, is the primary aim of our company. In pursuance of achieving these rapid developments and by following the latest innovations, we strive to meet our client’s expectations effectively. We have equipped our workshop with a new ultrasonic cleaning machine, resulting in better and faster cleaning results. Our state-ofthe-art balancing equipment has been updated to the newest standards in balancing. We are also committed to weld repairs on damaged compressor wheels and turbine blades.
Together with our trustworthy partners based in different locations in the world, we provide the best quality services and spare parts. Apart from complete services on board, we are experts in turbocharger overhauls in the workshop, cleaning, blasting and balancing of rotating elements, shaft repairs, re-blading and the reconditioning and repair of turbocharger components. Thanks to our large and recently expanded stock based in Antwerp, we are able to supply required parts for all types of turbocharger types on short notice. Additionally, service and support can be provided by our fully trained and experienced service engineers. As we celebrate our 10-year anniversary in 2018, some main developments have been established. The most significant actions made are the development of partnerships in new markets as well as achieving some important certificates to answer the customer’s needs even better. We are proud we became LR ISO9001:2015 certified in 2018 and an authorized repair agent for Mitsubishi in 2017. In conclusion, our policy is to service our clients with high quality spares, service and technical assistance, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. On all our spare parts and service work we offer 1 year warranty. We are looking forward to be of service to you.
TURBOCHARGER SERVICE & SPARE PARTS 24/7 AROUND THE GLOBE • SERVICE 24/7 Team of experienced engineers New Schenck balancing equipment and state of the art ultrasonic cleaning machine New workshop located in the Port of Antwerp, dock 140 • SPARE PARTS New & reconditioned parts with 1 year of warranty Bearings & oil pumps on direct sale base or on exchange base Varied stock of + 2m EUR NETWORK OF PARTNERS WORLDWIDE ISO 9001:2015 certified
Vosseschijnstraat 140 2030 ANTWERP – Belgium T+32 3 685 20 24 - info@turbobelgium.com
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Extend your incinerator’s lifespan, secure high performance and safe operation! In order to make sure that your incinerator has high performance and is safe to operate it is important to do regular maintenance. This will also result in a long lifespan for the incinerator. TeamTec has supplied more than 12000 incinerators to all kind of vessels and has accumulated high competence and know how over the years. Nevertheless, an incinerator is like any kind of equipment, it needs maintenance to continuously perform at a high level. We like to compare the incinerator to a car because most people have a relation to cars and understand their need for maintenance. When we calculate the capacity for which incinerator you should install on board your vessel, this is done on basis of 10 hours use every day. If we compare this to a car driving with an average speed of 60km/h, 10 hours a day, 365 days a year, the car will have reached no less than 219000km during one year… You may then ask yourself if you have done, or should have done, some maintenance on your car during this year? Most certainly you have replaced at least the air filter, oil filter, changed oil, new tires and you might also have replaced the brake pads, wipers, fuel filter, spark plugs, etc….. and you have probably also washed the car several times. So why shouldn’t it be necessary to replace some parts on your incinerator during the same time of period, specially when thinking of what stuff you feed into your incinerator? You feed your incinerator with all kind of waste, dirty oil (sludge) and at some model even grey water, the waste you don’t want on board, the dirty oil you for sure don’t want in your engine… Frequently the anticipation seems to be that the incinerator always remains quiet in a dark corner with a minimum of attention, except the guy feeding it and expecting the incinerator to chew all your garbage and dirty oil every day only by pressing the start button and trying to do some adjustments if it doesn’t function correctly.
We have made it easy for you All TeamTec incinerators are made according to IMO regulation and to satisfy all class specifications and have been type approved since 1995. The incinerators are tuned both mechanically and by software at our factory in order to perform correctly, no matter what kind of waste, dirty oil (sludge) or grey water you feed into it. That is why we can tell for sure that there is something wrong if the incinerator doesn’t perform according to our specifications during normal operation. The fault needs to be detected and repaired. In too many cases we see that “smart guys” have adjusted software settings, valves, etc… in order to “solve the problem”, not understanding the long term consequences of what they are doing, instead of solving the actual problem. This is why we have put warning signs at critical valves and dampers. We have also locked the software for manual changing since 2007 (our generation 4 incinerators – TG4) and we have continued with this ever since. Do not adjust! To make it even easier for you, we have put together different spare part kits which are based on regular wear and tear parts: • The first kit: “One year wear and tear parts” is wear and tear parts that need to be replaced during one year of operation. This kit contains parts like diesel oil nozzles, stators for the sludge dosage pump, door
gasket, etc…. These are important to maintain proper function, high performance, safe operation and to secure long lifespan of the incinerator. We can even organize to inform you when it is time to order a new kit. • The second kit: “Recommended on board repair parts” contains wear and tear parts that are not subject to regular replacement but we know they will need to be replaced sooner or later and the operation may stop or the performance negative affected if you don’t have the right spare part available on board. The kit contains parts like thermocouples, solenoids, flame scrod, blast tube, etc…. You will get a discount by ordering the kit compared to ordering the individual spare parts one by one. By following the list below you will ensure a long lifetime and high reliability of your incinerator:
The 10 incinerator commandments 1. Read the instruction manual. Never change any settings unless instructed by TeamTec AS Norway. 2. Keep the incinerator chamber air inlets and outlet clear, and keep the burner parts clean. Inspect daily before start in the morning, and clean as required. 3. Never load glass, lithium batteries or spray cans into the incinerator. 4. Large quantities of oily rags or filter cartridges may damage the flue gas fan. 5. Never turn off the main power before the chamber temperature is below 170°C. 6. If experiencing any problem with high temperature in the combustion chamber, flue gas or control of sludge dosing, replace the dosing pump stator. 7. As a minimum, heat the sludge over night, without starting the circulation pump. Next morning drain off the free water, and then start the sludge program. 8. Never close the air/steam needle valve for sludge atomizing to less than ¾ turn open. If the pressure increases above the green area, clean the sludge burner nozzle. 9. In a single tank system, do not transfer sludge to the service tank during sludge burning (can damage the refractory). 10. In case of abnormal operation, contact TeamTec AS
Visit us at Posidonia Hall 3 Stand 105
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Tom Perlich: Ecochlor’s system INTERVIEW exceeds IMO & USCG requiremets Many voices in the shipping community insist that the majority of the systems that have been installed have not performed as well as expected. Is that true? A recent ABS report that suggested that 43% of ballast water treatment systems currently installed on ships were either inoperable or considered too difficult for their crew to run without training. In some cases, shipowners have had problems getting BWT vendors to respond to their requests for service. Other times, there was the expectation that the BWTS would still run effectively after being inactive for an extended period of time without any maintenance on the system. Ecochlor supports owners and crews regularly using their installed BWTS, not only to ensure effective operation but also for crews to gain experience and confidence in BWTS operation. We are constantly striving for 100% operationality of our system. To get run-time information we communicate with the vessel crew, management, and thoroughly document the status of each of our systems. At Ecochlor – if there is a problem – we fix it quickly with minimal disruption to the shipowner. How easily is it for shipowners to determine which BWTS best suits them? What are the criteria shipowners should base their decision on? There are many things for a shipowner to consider when selecting a BWTS for their ship or fleet. It is often recommended that an experienced maritime engineering firm is contracted to manage the integration project. These projects typically start with a ship-specific feasibility study which evaluates ship type and size, ballast flow rate, the vessel’s operational area, space limitations and restrictions and OPEX considerations. The impact of running the BWMS on the crew and integration with the vessel’s operations and controls is also an important consideration when choosing a system. Many BWMS manufacturers retreat from the market. Why is this happening? In September 2017, BWTS manufacturer OceanSaver filed for bankruptcy and it is expected that others will follow due to the delay in compliance implementation and high cost of Type Approval testing. The expectation of the IMO, in approving the delay, was that shipowners would use this time as an “experience builder” by running their systems. Given the poor market, many shipowners instead delayed retrofitting their vessels through changed IOPP renewal dates or USCG extensions and purchasing decisions for BWTS consequently stalled. Regulations have been pending for so long that many of BWTS manufacturers, maybe even some with a viable treatment technology, are postponing Type Approval testing. With shipowners making buying decisions based on these certifications, it is expected that we will continue to see manufacturers leave this very competitive industry. Currently, we are seeing the first wave of the consequences from these delays through manufacturers that are no longer servicing their BWTS. Do you believe that 2018 and 2019 will be a high scrapping period and how can this affect the ballast water treatment sector? In 2017, market analyst Alphatanker saw tanker freight rates decline while scrap prices rose; this alone has motivated shipowners to remove
their vessels from operation. However, with the implementation of two major environmental regulations taking effect in 2019 and 2020 (the global 0.5% Sulphur cap and the BWM Convention) the decision to scrap vessels that are nearing end of life will likely increase significantly. How important is the training for your customers in order to comply with ballast regulations in an effective and efficient way? Training is typically provided at the end of the shipyard period and is performed in two-phases. The first includes a classroom setting with prepared presentations that review safety procedures, an introduction to the system, the interface the crew will use to operate the system (HMI screens), and an overview of system operation. The second phase includes hands-on training in system operation. As a supplement to the in-person training, and for crew members not present during the initial training, Ecochlor has developed a computer-based training program that can be run on the vessel’s computer using an interactive software program. Based on their level of responsibility, instruction for the deck crew, engineering staff, chief engineer and chief officer on the Ecochlor system is offered in varying levels of intensity. How crucial is the role of Classification Societies? The objective of Classification Societies (Class) is to verify the reliability, operational functionality and safety of the system on board a vessel. Class achieves this through the development and application of their own Rules and Guidelines as well as by verifying compliance with international and/or national statutory regulations on behalf of Flag Administrations. Within the ballast water treatment sector, this is accomplished through documentation and engineering design oversite, attendance at the BWTS installation to verify that it is installed in accordance with the approved design plans and classification Rules and, finally, at the commissioning of the system to ensure it is running correctly with other ship operations. Upon successful completion of the commissioning, a class certificate will be issued. Without Classifications Societies, there would be no benchmark or guideline standards for ships to follow to ensure its continued safety and vessel security. Finding money for BWTS is an easy matter? Installing a BWTS on an existing vessel can be quite a large investment, ranging from $100,000 - $500,000+ with no operational return on this investment. In these challenging economic times for shipowners it can be difficult to obtain funding for retrofit projects. However, banks have an interest to support sustainable shipping and sometimes a combination of funding can be a solution between the owners, banks and, sometimes, manufacturer. At present, Ecochlor has had some brief discussions with several lenders and leasing companies and we are continuing to research opportunities. It is fair to assume that with the BWTS market opening up, more financial institutions will become willing to provide support to shipowners for installations. Does the role of tests affect good functioning of a BWTS only during the test or does it guarantee the excellence of a BWTS
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
during the lifetime of a ship? Since the first Ecochlor System was sold, we have undergone extensive testing and received International Maritime Organization (IMO) Type Approval (2011), US Coast Guard (USCG) Type Approval (2017), both demonstrating our system’s ability to meet and, in many cases, exceed both U.S. and international requirements. Subsequent VGP testing has confirmed the continued efficacy of our technology. While, the industry is still looking for guidance and clarity on BW sampling and analysis, we believe shipowners can have confidence in systems that have achieved all of these approvals. Does the high cost for the approval of the solution keeps the companies away from doing further innovations? Yes, to a certain extent, manufacturers are discouraged from major design improvements due to the high cost of re-testing for both IMO and USCG Type Approval. Ecochlor would certainly support any regulatory changes that allowed for the upgrade and improvement of a ballast water treatment system or the replacement of supporting components without further testing for Type Approval or re-certification – as long as the BWTS manufacturer and/or parts supplier (i.e., filters, etc.) could demonstrate that their product is of equal or better quality and efficacy. The regulations on the processing of ballasts are aimed at ending environmental damage to the oceans. Do you think that in the end will they achieve this goal? In our maritime community, we believe that everyone is concerned about the environment and doing everything possible to protect our oceans. Providing shipowners with an efficient and effective solution to prevent the spread of invasive species in ships’ ballast water will always be the main objectives at Ecochlor.
“Ecochlor System was sold, we have undergone extensive testing and received International Maritime Organization (IMO) Type Approval (2011), US Coast Guard (USCG) Type Approval (2017), both demonstrating our system’s ability to meet and, in many cases, exceed both U.S. and international requirements”. 75
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“Even though our system is relatively simple, our experienced installationteam is working during the yard period alongside the shipyard, superintendent, engineering integrator and crew to ensure that the ballast water treatment system is retrofitted properly and operating effectively at commissioning. Our company philosophy is that the sale and installation of an Ecochlor System initiates a relationship with the shipowner and operator that will last for the life of the vessel and this cooperative relationship begins at the installation!” Tom Perlich, founder and president of Ecochlor
The Aleksey Kosygin BWTS Retrofit Case Study SCF Management Services (Dubai) Ltd. approached Argo Navis to do a 3D scan and ship survey for the Aleksey Kosygin in preparation for its upcoming ballast water treatment system (BWTS) retrofit. Andreas Zontanos, Co-owner of Argo Navis Marine Consulting & Engineering said, “We use a standard approach for the ship surveys and 3D scanning of ship spaces - visit specific areas on the vessel, look for auxiliary systems, gather information and follow a checklist of criteria. In 95% of our surveys [more than 150 ships], we have considered the Steering Gear Room (SGR) as an optimal space for installation, but up until the Aleksey Kosygin retrofit it has never been chosen by the shipowner.” “The benefits of a treatment system installation in the SGR are obvious - savings in installation and maintenance costs, and a reduction in cabling and piping. The greatest benefit is the elimination of building a deckhouse for the treatment system either on a free funnel superstructure or on the main deck. Until now, there has been very limited knowledge of this type of modification for a retrofit and the ease and comparative success of this installation was one of the most important results of this project,” said Zontanos.
Installation details The Aleksey Kosygin is a 163,545 DWT crude oil tanker built in 2007 with an ice class rating. The installation was subject to DNV GL, Liberia Flag and owner representative inspection and approval. The Ecochlor treatment system, consisting of the ClO2 generator, treatment system, control panel and chemical storage tanks with secondary containments, was installed within a new BWTS dedicated space on the port side of the SGR, separated from the rest of the SGR by a new bulkhead. The chemical filling and ventilation station was located above the SGR on the Upper Deck. The filtration system consists of two filter units vertically-mounted and installed inside the cargo pump room (CPR). A third filter unit for aft peak tank (APT) treatment was installed in the engine room and an Ecochlor remote monitoring panel was connected inside the Cargo Control Room, close to the control console/computer. “There were not any special challenges in this project. The Santierul Naval Constanta Shipyard in
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Romania was a shipyard that we had not previously worked with, but after they understood the extent and difficulties of the project, they worked carefully and effectively,” said Zontanos. “As the project integrators . . . our role was to assist the Superintendent, who is the project manager, to familiarize the shipyard with the entire retrofit project: starting with the engineering drawings; project sequence; scheduling; and familiarization of the crew with the new piping arrangements, power supplies, other auxiliaries, etc. and their function.”
ECOCHLOR installation reports Daily reports and photos of each day’s progress, including any installation successes, issues and/or delays, were provided by Ecochlor and Argo Navis. These reports allow non-present supporting members of the installation for the BWTS manufacturer and the shipowner to maintain up-to-date information on the installation. Foreseeable issues and delays were discussed beforehand to allow for changes in procedures that facilitated a smooth and successful installation. Consistent, open lines of communication are a critical factor for the success of any retrofit project. During the pre-dry dock period, the shipyard started the preparations to open and allow access to the CPR and SGR, cut and opened the APT deck areas, set up scaffolding, and constructed the chemical tank and ClO2 generator foundations. Once the BWTS equipment had been delivered to the shipyard, the Ecochlor team immediately started document the contents and confirm inventory. In dry dock, the work moved quickly. Two weeks into the dry dock, the bulkhead construction was inspected and approved by the Class Surveyor, the foundation welding and aft peak filter transfer were complete,
and piping and cabling were in progress. The treatment system and filters were transported onto the vessel and situated in place. Welding started for the chemical storage tank containments and foundations for the filters as well as the treatment system. The new bulkhead installation in the SGR was also initiated. The Ecochlor commissioning engineer arrived onboard prior to the final - and often very rushed - days of dry dock. During this time the Ecochlor team leader brought the ship’s crew on a training tour around the vessel to the various installation points of the BWTS, (i.e. engine room, SGR, CPR) to familiarize them with the system components. Further hands-on and classroom training took place with the startup of the system and commissioning.
Conclusion “Regular, open communication among the stakeholders is the most important factor for the success of the project. The consequences of mistakes due to poor design or planning can by mitigated when communication is effective. Even the best preparation can be diminished due to poor communication and coordination during the actual working period,” explained Zontanos. “Even though our system is relatively simple, our experienced installation team is working during the yard period alongside the shipyard, superintendent, engineering integrator and crew to ensure that the ballast water treatment system is retrofitted properly and operating effectively at commissioning. Our company philosophy is that the sale and installation of an Ecochlor System initiates a relationship with the shipowner and operator that will last for the life of the vessel and this cooperative relationship begins at the installation!” said Tom Perlich, founder and president of Ecochlor.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Safe Delivery of Ecochlor BWTS Chemical Resupply for Crew
The Ecochlor® BWTS uses two precursor chemicals to generate the chlorine dioxide used for ballast water treatment. Delivering these precursor chemicals for initial supply or re-supply is coordinated by the Ecochlor Service Department in close cooperation with the vessel master, ship management, and/or other vessel representatives. After an initial chemical supply has occurred at the BWTS commissioning, the decision of when to resupply the vessel with precursor chemicals is based on several factors which include the following: amount of precursor chemical remaining onboard the vessel, vessel location, and available space in vessel storage tanks. Ecochlor selects its BWTS tank sizes to require resupply approximately one to two times per year. Once the decision to resupply the vessel has been agreed upon, Ecochlor team will make all necessary arrangements to supply the required amount of precursor chemicals to the vessel at the agreed upon time and location.
Safe Handling of Chemicals To ensure safe handling of chemicals, Ecochlor has undertaken an extensive Risk Analysis of the precursor chemical supply and resupply process to ensure that all actual and perceived risks are mitigated to their lowest possible level. All Ecochlor personnel performing chemical supply/resupply services are required to have the following training and/ or certifications at a minimum: • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazardous
Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) 24-hour Training per 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120(e) • International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code with Amendments • Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazmat General & Security Awareness, per 49 CFR 172.704 • Basic Rigging Awareness Prior to initiating the chemical supply/resupply process, a safety meeting is held with all concerned parties to discuss the safe transfer of the chemical supply which includes weather, time of day and physical location. Precursor chemicals are delivered alongside a vessel in IBCs. These IBCs are owned by Ecochlor and have been specifically chosen to provide the safest delivery container available on the market today.
Labelling Ecochlor has selected the Ultratainer by Snyder Industries as its IBC for chemical supply/resupply based on the following safety benefits: • Tank Wall Thickness • Ability to Color-code IBCs o Blue IBCs are used for Purate® BWT. o Yellow IBCs are used for 78% Sulfuric Acid 3. • Integral Top Lifting Lugs o The integral top lifting lugs are designed to four times the rated weight capacity of the IBC eliminating the possibility of an IBC
rolling over during lifting. • Installed Pressure/Vacuum Relief (PV) Valves o This allows each IBC to be emptied without the need to open the large filling cap for venting, reducing potential exposure to chemicals by vessel and crew. • NMeets Requirements in the IMDG Code for IBCs (i.e, UN 31H1). • NDesigned for Liquids of Specific Gravity of 1.9.
Delivery The IBCs are delivered alongside the vessel (by either truck or barge) with an IBC Cradle placed on board the vessel ready to receive the IBCs. The IBC Cradle is used to securely support an IBC and to provide the necessary height to allow the IBC to empty into the chemical tank fill station. All Ecochlor technicians wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when precursor chemicals are being transferred between the IBC and the vessel and at all times when hoses are being connected or disconnected. They follow all established procedures and perform job duties as they’ve been trained. Dedicated chemical hoses are then connected between an IBC and the fixed fill station aboard the vessel. Each precursor chemical is transferred from the IBC to the vessel’s chemical tanks via gravity. Only one type of chemical is transferred at a time. Upon completion of chemical transfer, each IBC valve is secured and the hoses drained into the respective fill valve, via “walking the hose”. Once drained, all
valves are closed and the hoses disconnected and capped, coiled and prepared to be removed from the vessel. Once all precursor chemicals have been transferred into their respective storage tanks, hoses are drained, disconnected and capped, and all supply/resupply equipment is made ready to be removed from the vessel. The fill station valves are sealed with tamper evident seals and recorded in the service report for future reference. Empty IBCs are then sent to a company that specializes in cleaning chemical storage containers. Each IBC is then cleaned and inspected. Ecochlor is committed to playing our part in creating a safe chemicals resupply for the ship’s crew.
Ecochlor selects its BWTS tank sizes to require resupply approximately one to two times per year. Once the decision to resupply the vessel has been agreed upon, our team will make all necessary arrangements to supply the required amount of precursor chemicals to the vessel at the agreed upon time and location.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Shipowners Realize Added-Value Features & Quality with the Ecochlor BWTS 2004 and one year later, a system was retrofit onto the Moku Pahu, a U.S. flagged integrated Tug / Barge Bulk Carrier. This system is still in operation today and works just as effectively as it did 13 years ago. While Ecochlor has made minor adjustments and upgrades to the system since then, the fundamental treatment technology remains incredibly effective and has not required, nor do we anticipate it requiring, any upgrades. Ecochlor’s attainment of global regulatory type approvals, including IMO, USCG, Classification and Flag Societies highlights our perseverance in bringing a quality, effective BWTS to market in the marine industry and our continued commitment to working with shipowners to assist them in having BWT compliant fleets and/or individual vessels.
After the Installation Service and Training
Ecochlor’s prospects have spent time researching the different treatments for ballast water and are typically an informed and educated customer-base. These customers are looking beyond initial price points and focusing on efficacy, reliability, and after installation service and training.
Value-added Features An Ecochlor customer typically looks for: • A BWTS with both IMO and USCG Type Approvals and the ability to review associated data; • A BWTS system that is effective under a wide range of water qualities including change in salinity, temperature, turbidity, and organics; • Systems that are modular and flexible with respect to the installation; and that can be custom designed to meet existing space limitations with hazardous zone options; • Systems capable of treating high flow rates whose footprint does not grow in physical size proportionately to the ballast water flow rates; • A system that does not need treatment or neutralization on discharge; • A system with transparent operational costs including power consumption, consumables, crew time, and maintenance; and, • A BWTS that will meet today’s need and hold up to any future requirements. Ultimately, after their research, our customers are discovering that the Ecochlor system is best suited for their fleet of vessels. Over the past two years, the Ecochlor® BWTS has been installed on 26 tankers with ballast water flow rates ranging from 1,500 m3/hr to 4,000 m3/ hr. These installations included Product Tankers, Aframax Tankers and Suezmax Tankers at shipyards in China, Croatia, Romania and Turkey. Currently, we have two Bulk Carrier New Builds installations that are ongoing in China and four tanker retrofits scheduled over the next few months.
Reliability Ecochlor installed its first BWTS on the Atlantic Compass in
Service Through a Technical Service Agreement, an authorized Ecochlor representative will resupply the chemicals approximately every six months. During the chemical resupply process, there is very little crew involvement. The Ecochlor Service team has collaborated with Drew Marine to assist in providing logistics and technical support for resupply of the precursor chemicals at ports and harbors around the world. Ecochlor has an established international Customer Service Call Center that is available 24/7 for other service needs. After commissioning, the vessel’s crew is given a Functional Data Monitoring Sheet (FDMS) to track any ballasting operations on ships with our BWTS. The FDMS summarizes the ballasting operation within critical data sets of the Ecochlor BWTS and are sent to us via the crew. If our Service Team notices any issues or if the crew reports any concerns the items are immediately addressed and then rectified in a timely manner by our Service Team. Training After the initial training at commissioning, Ecochlor offers an interactive software training program that runs on the vessel’s computer and is available in varying levels of detail for the deck crew, engineering staff, chief engineer and chief officer, based on their level of responsibility for the system. In June of 2018, we will begin the development of a new Training Center Facility with an onsite Ecochlor HMI Training simulator, instructor and classroom training program. The HMI Simulator Training was designed to immerse the crew by replicating the real-world operation of the Ecochlor Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) on their vessel. Simulator and classroom training will include: • Familiarization with the Human Machine Interface (HMI). • Recognizing normal BWTS operation and system status. • Understanding the impact on BWTS operation with process changes. • Understanding system response and indications to Warnings and Alarms. The realistic scenarios and equipment allows for crew members to practice in a classroom environment while mastering the elements involved with running an Ecochlor BWTS in an effort to reduce on-the-job errors and comply with BWM Plan regulations. This training will be available for ship crews, integrated engineering firms and vessel superintendents.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 Low Power is an Important Consideration in BWTS Retrofits The power required to operate a BWTS during ballasting, and in some cases, during de-ballasting, can be considerable. The ship’s existing generators typically supply this power; however, some power hungry BWTS may even require the installation of additional generators to power the system. These added power requirements are not only a burden to the existing power available on the ship, but add to fuel consumption costs and increase sulfur emissions. Clearly, selecting a BWTS with lower power requirements will ease these environmental burdens that shipowners are now facing. The main operational cost for UV BWT units is power consumption, which is directly related to the intensity of the UV lamps and quality of the water. As water clarity decreases, additional power will be required to ensure the same effectiveness, by either increasing exposure time, increasing the intensity of the UV light or additional filtration to improve water clarity. For larger flow rates, multiple UV systems may be required in order to treat the vessel at full ballast capacity. UV treatment requires treatment during both ballasting and discharge, effectively doubling the power requirements to treat with a UV system. As flow rates increase or decrease when using an Electrochlorination BWTS, the electricity required to power the electrolytic cell will also increase or decrease and could significantly affect power requirements. Additionally, variations in temperature and salinity of the water can affect the efficiency of the Electrochlorination unit and also increase power requirements. The Ecochlor BWTS requires very low power, possibly the lowest in the industry. As flow rates increase there is minimal scale-up in power usage. See the Ecochlor Power Requirements chart for specific flow rates and typical power requirements. Lower power use, combined with improved ship efficiencies, and lower emissions are the reality of the future.
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nafs June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018 Ioannis Chiotopoulos: Digitalization
will revolutionize shipping
Regional Manager South East Europe, Middle East & Africa DNV GL – Maritime In 2017, markets remained tight and competition fierce, but as the year progressed both the world economy and shipping demand picked up. Many segments enjoyed some earnings growth and newbuilding ordering bounced back slightly from the lows of 2016. There were major orders in the cruise and container sectors especially, and DNV GL was able to secure a significant share of the newbuilding contracts signed. Regulatory pressure remained and we saw the entry into force of several major regulations (BWT, MLC, 2006, EU MRV) that will have ongoing effects on the industry. Talking about major changes to the industry, it became very clear this year that there is no doubt that digitalization will revolutionize shipping to the same degree as the transition from sailing to steam ships or the invention of the container once did. DNV GL ourselves launched several major digitalization initiatives over the year. Another development will be a growth in the use of big data. DNV GL’s Veracity open data platform helps to bring new insights and value to the maritime industry by making data sets available for asset owners and operators to share with third parties in a controlled manner. Based on the very positive feedback from leading maritime companies on Veracity, we expect the use of such data platforms to continue to develop in 2018. At the same time, the cyber security of maritime assets is a topic that is growing in importance. Owners and operators are now seriously contemplating third-party verification of their assets’ cyber safety, whether during new build construction or for vessels in operation. This is an area where we foresee increased demand over the next few years as the industry gains awareness of the vulnerabilities and related cyber threats to their business. Ioannis Chiotopoulos, DNV GL – Maritime, Regional Manager, says: “We are proud that our organization becomes a pioneer in digitalized classification and certification services. We have already implemented a number of pilot and fullscale programs as well, that have proved that with effective tactic and targeted effort we are able to achieve significant, tangible benefits not only for our customer but also for the Shipping industry.”
Initiatives in Greece Two years after the launch of DNV GL’s “Greece as third home market” initiative, the classification society is staying true to its promise and continuously strengthens the responsibility and capability of the Region. As of January 1st 2018, Africa is under Regional Office Piraeus’ jurisdiction. DNV GL Maritime is currently present in 6 countries in Africa, with offices in Algeria, Angola, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa. “The confidence of the headquarters in the Piraeus office and the realization of Piraeus as the third home for the organization is expressed by the geographic extension of the responsibilities of Greeks office in Africa, as of the start of the year,” says Ioannis Chiotopoulos. In addition to this DNV GL’s Business Development team has been further strengthened by welcoming three new colleagues. Nikolaos Michas, who joined our team after spending 11 years in China will be the single point of contact for Chinese yards. Ioannis Sergis and Leonidas Karystios who joined DNV GL from other classification societies. Ioannis Sergis is the Regional Segment Manager for Bulk Carriers and Leonidas Karystios is the Regional Segment Manager for Gas and Tankers. “We are more than pleased to have in our workforce two outstanding executives, who have proven their value during many years of service abroad, at key positions of competitive companies”, says Ioannis Chiotopoulos. Adding that “by strengthening our human potential, another promise that the company has made to the local community is fulfilled. Now the segment directors for Bulk
and Gas carriers are Greeks and they are on a continuous basis in the Piraeus office to help the shipping advance.” Worth noting is the global network, Greekspeaking surveyors, in different countries around the world, ensuring effective customer oriented communication. When the initiative of Greece as third home market was launched, DNV GL had also promised “to deepen the local skill and competence pool available to its Greek customers, to deliver an expanded and enhanced service portfolio” and this is what the company does.
The Digital Transformation As the digital transformation of the industry accelerates, DNV GL as a classification society must uphold the high standards we have set, but more than that make sure that we are providing the support the industry needs to respond to the challenges of today and of the future. This is why for the last several years at DNV GL we have been working on a series of “Modernizing classification” initiatives. It is a process that goes back to the development of the new DNV GL rule set and we have been building on it ever since. As an example, to provide worldwide access to class documentation, DNV GL customers have been able to use electronic certificates since October 2017. “We have been overwhelmed by the positive response from our customers and the industry as a whole,” says Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime. “Many owners have opted not to wait for their first scheduled survey to shift vessels to the new certificates, but have asked to move their whole fleet onto the new system. Our goal for 2018 is to have every vessel in the fleet using electronic certificates in conjunction with their periodic survey.” Since the launch in mid-October 2017, DNV GL has issued approximately 50,000 certificates, with more than 6,000 vessels of the classed fleet now trading with one or more certificates. Digitally signed electronic certificates represent nearly 80 per cent of all certificates issued by DNV GL since the roll-out. 52 flag states accept the certificates, with further acceptances expected over the coming year. “The administrative savings for our customers have been significant, in particular in the ease with which customers always have access to new and updated certificates on the fleet status portal and through email subscription,” says Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen. “And vessels issued with electronic certificates have successfully been through close to 1,000 port state inspections worldwide. The port state process is also made more efficient, by enabling owners to use a secure electronic certificate folder to grant temporary access to authorities through our fleet status portal.” DNV GL is also now offering customers the ability to use intelligent software agents to find the best time and place to book a survey. The introduction of the Simple Survey Booking tool will simplify survey booking, fitting inspections into the customers’ schedule while saving time and costs. Its features include notifications about the best time to order surveys and audits and notified shortly before the due date of the next survey. It also proposes the scope of the survey and states how long a survey of this scope would take. A list of approved service suppliers in each port will help operators to find out whether an in-water survey can be performed in a specific port. Over the last two years our surveyors have been carrying out a number of surveys using camera-equipped drones to check the condition of remote structural components on board ships and offshore units. DNV GL has built a network of trained drone pilots based in Piraeus, Singapore, Houston and Shanghai. This allows us to offer drone survey inspections from any of these hubs. To help the industry address potential cyber hazards, DNV GL has also published a Recommended Practice (RP) on “Cyber Security Resilience Management”. Developed in cooperation with customers, the RP provides guidance on risk assessment, general improvements to cyber security, and the verification of security improvements and management systems.
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June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Changing the industry conversation on cyber securit By Rick
Scott, PE, ABS Senior Technical Advisor, ABS
The trend toward an increasing reliance on computerized control systems is clear – from cars to aircraft to air conditioning systems – and the trend is evident within the maritime industry as well. Digitalization is impacting the maritime industry; however, users of digital technology may not fully appreciate the extent of this impact. Still, many users are increasingly looking to control, maintain, and protect complex and highly integrated maritime control systems. The maritime industry is unique in its application of computerized control systems. Unlike land-based industries, maritime applications of control systems are located on vessels that are afloat for extended periods of time. This distance “dislocation” away from the suppliers and IT departments who create and maintain maritime control systems makes ship-to-shore connectivity increasingly critical. Since this connectivity is maintained over Internet and proprietary wireless communications links, those necessary links that are critical for vessel productivity, reliability, and safety open digital maritime systems and assets to cybersecurity risks. This is the reason cybersecurity is such a “hot topic” in the maritime industry. In 2016, ABS recognized cybersecurity as a key enabler for reliable vessel connectivity, and that controlling cyber risk is the heart of cybersecurity. The clear trend toward increased interconnectivity of complex maritime operating systems is relentlessly escalating the potential impact of cyber incidents and complicating the task of defending against them. Based on numerous interactions with maritime clients, it became ev-
ident to ABS that the conversation around maritime cyber risk recognition and response needed to change. It required a new model that gives asset owners a clear picture of the sources of maritime risk and tools to guide their risk mitigation actions. Risk needed to be defined in a straightforward way that can be observed and measured, specifically defining the individual risks inherent in marine operating systems and so cybersecurity managers would have engineer¬ing “knobs to turn” to reduce them. Historically, the most common model used to represent cyber risk is as follows: Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Consequence. Cybersecurity practitioners frequently rely on this expression to understand that cyber risk has three constituent factors. This expression is less a mathematical equation than a model for understanding the fundamental nature of cybersecurity risk. Its three core factors are difficult to capture using standard units of measure, which presents problems when trying to engineer a solution and/or calculate a resolution. For today’s maritime risk practitioner, the main challenge is creating a model that calculates risk for maritime operating systems based on factors that can be counted, measured, computed, compared, and modeled against known-sufficient Cybersecurity Management System (CMS). This sort of model would in turn provide definition and depth to rigorously engineered cybersecurity management plans and system architectures. With these issues in mind, ABS recently joined forces with the Stevens Institute to tailor the common risk model by redef¬ining it as a true mathematical equation in terms that are countable, observable and easily understood. The result is a new model and that enables a true risk-based cybersecurity approach driven by specific quantifiable risks — that spotlight specific remediation requirements. This enables engineered CMS designs built on identified solutions that are computationally engineered, highly detailed, and traceable to specific risks. One of the major findings of the research was that the nature of maritime cybersecurity risk is not well defined, understood, or managed. As a result a risk-based approach, providing asset owners with understandable controls for responding to cyber risks, is essential to future cybersecurity programs. The resulting ABS FCI Risk Model quantifies the risk associated with OT architecture design decisions. It allows the user to consider whether access points are adequately protected, whether networks connected to Functions are segmented to reduce the risk of cascading Function failures, and if the asset owner has sufficiently controlled access of human and digital device Identities to connection nodes in the OT architecture. The resulting Risk Index ultimately provides a quantitative view of the relative risk associated with the architectural design of the systems onboard the vessel, which has been missing in the maritime cyber-security space until now.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Liberian Registry: 70 Years of Leadership & Quality Operation By Dr. Michalis
Pantazopoulos, Senior Vice President & General Manager of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate
Registry’s (LISCR) Piraeus office, managers of the Liberian Registry
Celebrating 70 years in business is a true cause for celebration in any industry let alone the internationally competitive shipping industry where longevity is a badge of honor that is awarded only to businesses that are in it for the long haul and survive because of the quality services they provide. And Liberia is no exception to this point. The Liberian Registry has always been a highly proactive flag supporting shipowners and their ships with prompt, consistent quality services driven by technology to assist in reducing their cost as well as save operating time. It has established a reputation as the world’s most innovative ship registry, and it will continue to build on that reputation for the benefit of ships and their operators worldwide whilst celebrating 70 years of quality operations in 2018. With 4,172 registered vessels, aggregating more than 152 million gross tons, or 12 per cent of the world fleet and average age of the fleet 10 years, the Liberian Registry is the largest quality registry worldwide. The Liberian Registry recorded 445 new registrations in 2017, with 84 further new registrations confirmed in 2018 to date. Liberia became the preferred flag of choice for Greek shipowners again in late 2017 with 969 flagged ships and over 42 million GT and continues as of April 2018 with more than 1,080 vessels of 83,7 million DWT.
The Registry’s unique technical innovations have saved shipowners and managers significant time and money within a flexible system which keeps Liberian-flag ships operating safely and efficiently. Liberia is committed on a continuous effort moving towards a system based on the use of e-certificates which can be verified online as a logical next step in the technological transformation of ship registration, and of shipping generally. It will also help to reduce the incidence of fraud and manipulated data. The Liberian Registry has been working on a wide range of digitalization projects from the moment LISCR was appointed to manage the Registry in 2000. Liberia was in fact one of the first registries to issue fully electronic documents, back in 2006. It has established a reputation as the world’s most innovative ship registry as well as technologically advanced. Some of the long offered technology driven services are: Electronic Certificates: Liberia is the only Flag State to offer “Electronic Certificates” since 2005. Liberia’s electronic certificates prevent fraud due to their built-in security features, to enable port state officials and other parties to verify the authenticity of the certificates on the website, and cannot be lost or damaged. It provides additional operational efficiency reducing delays and it is not necessary for a Liberian Registry representative to attend on the ground, resulting in savings for Liberian shipowners. Seafarer’s Certification and Documentation (SEA System): Liberia’s versatile web-based System that allows authorized filing agents to electronically apply for Liberian seafarer’s documents and resulting to
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substantial savings in processing time and courier fees. It is estimated that the system has saved the Registry’s clients more than $4 million in courier expenses alone over the past two years. SEA System, a secure, web-based application, was designed in participation with shipowners and Port State Control representatives. Its objectives are increased operational productivity and transparency, leading to greater efficiency, security, control, lower costs and increased customer satisfaction. Online Certification Services for WRC, BCLC and CLC Compliance: Liberia’s enhanced online facility is available to owners of Liberian-flagged ships as well as owners of ships registered in non-convention States. Shipowners and managers can apply for Liberian WRC, BCLC and CLC certificates online directly at Liberia’s Waypoint Client Portal, resulting in quick response via email, flexibility and great savings due to reduced fees. “Advance Notice of Arrival” (ANOA) Program: The Registry has also developed a unique satellite-based Compliance Assistance Program (CAP) which has helped ensure regulatory compliance and prevent detentions in some of the world’s most active Port State Control (PSC) areas. If there are concerns that a vessel may need assistance, the Registry’s Administration has several proactive support services that will be implemented. The system is totally electronic and non-burdensome, and is provided at no extra cost to shipowners and managers. Liberia continually updates and maintains this sophisticated program to screen advance notice of ship arrivals as part of a detention prevention plan to help maintain its independent ranking among the safest and most efficient ship registries in the world. As a result, Liberian vessels have experienced a decrease in detentions in heavily trafficked PSC regions such as China. Digitalization of mortgage records, meanwhile, results in a reduction of roughly one-third in the amount of paper documentation needed to record a mortgage in Liberia. No extra paper copies are needed for Liberian records, producing a positive environmental impact, added convenience and significant cost-savings. Another exciting development is the Liberian Corporate Registry’s eCorp system, a web-based client interface that provides clients with secure, convenient, real-time, access to their accounts. Within eCorp, clients have access to electronic copies of their documents and invoices. They are also able to obtain new documents from the system – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Liberian Registry also recently became the first flag state to participate in the Green Award program. Green Award brings together ship operators who are willing to improve the safety and environmental performance of their vessels, and ports or private companies in the maritime sector which are willing to support vessels that go beyond international conventions and legislation in terms of ship lay-out and equipment, quality of operations and management. Green Award-certified ships will be recognized and rewarded by the Liberian Registry for their efforts to minimize emissions and risks of incidents and accidents, while ensuring the best care for people and the environment. The Registry will offer a 3% tonnage tax discount annually to all Liberian-flag
vessels that are certified. The discount will apply continually as long as the vessel remains in the Green Award program. Moreover, the Registry has launched an innovative software product designed to replace traditional paper oil record books (ORB) and to facilitate correct ORB entries into an efficient electronic format. Liberia’s IMO-compliant Electronic Oil Record Book (ε-ORB) is intended to address a variety of issues, including oil record books being reported missing onboard, failure to document entries in the ORB of internal transfer of oily mixture, discrepancies between entry into the ORB and actual capacity of the oily water separator, and falsification of log entries. Created in accordance with MARPOL requirements and certified by Lloyd’s Register, the ε-ORB is designed to establish transparency, credibility and traceability.
Training Initiatives for the Shipping Industry, all ships and all flags. The Registry’s most recently introduced Computer-Based Training (CBTs) on Cyber and Ship Security and Marine Environmental Awareness have been widely accepted and applauded by shipping as these are applicable to any vessel irrespective of flag and would benefit training of seafarers and ashore personnel on security and environmental awareness issues meeting IMO’s requirement. The Cyber and Ship Security training provides a comprehensive overview of cyber-security issues, including concepts such as malware, network security, identity theft, risk management, and other common threats to maritime security. The Marine Environmental Awareness training, developed in partnership with North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA), Netherlands-based ProSea Marine Education, and Maritime Training Services (MTS), provides a comprehensive overview of the complex and diverse marine environment, explaining how it is impacted by shipboard waste, discharge and spills, etc. Liberia is planning to develop a library of training programs to protect, the environment, promote crew safety, and ensure ships in their fleet are secure. These digital and technology driven services have been matched by one of the most extended network of worldwide offices and dedicated representatives, auditors and inspectors in a truly 24/7 round the clock service providers. It is an unmatched record by any Flag Administration.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Committed to provide rapid assistance in shipping TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP is one of the most active emergency response contractors for maritime casualties worldwide, having handled over 3.000 casualties. The Group’s international activities embrace every service relating to marine salvage & towage, extending to complex wreck removals and protection of the marine environment from pollution. Tsavliris is committed to maintaining a modern global network providing rapid assistance to shipping. The roots and the background behind the establishment of the Group goes back to the mid 1920’s when the founder, Alexander G. Tsavliris, arrived in Piraeus from Asia Minor and started to build his own business. Young Alexander bought (together with his brothers and uncle) a small, wooden, coal-burning tug of about 10hp. Later he moved to London, where he studied and worked, establishing his first company in 1939. At the end of Second World War he purchased his first ship, a 1,200-dwt tons collier, whilst his first ocean-going ship soon followed as he set about creating a fleet of dry-cargo ships. Alexander returned to Piraeus in 1956 to become one of the expanding shipping community’s leading owners. During the following years, Tsavliris purchased a number of war surplus Liberty ships and other secondhand freighters. In the following years, Alexander G. Tsavliris decisively strengthened his dry cargo fleet so that by 1965 he had a substantial fleet of 17 ships. By the end of 1969 following the addition of further acquisitions, the Alexander G. Tsavliris’ fleet of tugs and salvage ships totaled 29 units and was internationally appraised as one of the major players in this demanding shipping sector, maintaining salvage stations in crucial parts of the world. Having created a major international shipping enterprise, Tsavliris sadly passed away in 1973 at the height of his career, at the relatively young age of 59, leaving a great legacy behind. During his 35-year journey in the shipping industry, he had managed to establish a solid group, which among its activities incorporated the largest towage and salvage enterprise ever in the history of Greek shipping. In mid-1973 his three sons Nicolas, George and Andreas, established the company Maritime Commercial Enterprises Ltd., quickly building-up a fleet of 12 tugs. In 1975, they sought to strengthen the family’s ocean-going fleet, and acquired a 7-year-old, 27,000-dwt bulk carrier. Later they placed an order for two 26,272-dwt bulk carriers in Brazil which were delivered in 1978 and 1979. The early part of the 1990s marked the further expansion and strengthening of the Tsavliris Group. The Tsavliris brothers decided to focus solely on salvage, operating from offices on the Piraeus waterfront of Akti Poseidonos. By fully utilising the wealth of experience gained over 30 years, and assisted by able business partners, especially first class well trained crews, they moved ahead dynamically. By showing loyalty to the standards established by their late father, the Tsavliris brothers, have strengthened the evolution, as well as the public image, of the family enterprise. Their activities and accomplishments have been demonstrated with professionalism and reliability through their active participation in Greek and international organisations and fora, such as the International Salvage Union, the European Tugοwners Association, the Union of Greek Shipowners, the Union of Greek Tug and Salvage Shipowners, the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee,
the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, the Cyprus Union of Shipowners, the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA), the Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association (CYMEPA) etc. With an impressive record and a huge experience gained in dealing with over 3.000 incidents of all categories, the Tsavliris Group looks ahead with an eye to writing the new chapter of its history. Its path is closely linked to a commitment for continuous upgrading and the maintaining of a strong and competitive presence in the service of the most important and indispensable sector of world economy; sea transportation. In this new chapter, which has been designed and is being implemented by the three sons of Alexander G. Tsavliris, based on the standards set by their father, the third generation of the family – members of which are already active within the Group – are expected to play a crucial part, inspired by the accomplishments of their predecessors. Outstanding achievements which fully justify the well-known motto adopted by the Group over the last 50 years of successful operation: “Salvage Masters of the World”.
Tsavliris Group Today As a world-class professional marine salvor, TSAVLIRIS SALVAGE GROUP is dedicated to saving life and property at sea and to protecting the marine environment from maritime accident-related pollution. The TSAVLIRIS name has been prominent in shipping for more than half a century, establishing the Group as one of the world’s leading marine salvors. With a bedrock of experience, the Group is active in all aspects of marine salvage. As a “one-stop-shop” salvor, TSAVLIRIS is geared to provide any and all services relating to marine salvage and towage ranging from emergency response on the high seas to industrial project management for removing wrecks, as well as refloating vessels, recovering cargo and handling deep sea operations. Whatever the challenge, TSAVLIRIS’ approach combines a traditional entrepreneurial salvor’s gallantry and practical ingenuity with contemporary engineering and project planning skills. Founded on safe procedures, scrupulous attention to detail and efficiency together with flexible and cost-effective solutions, TSAVLIRIS is able to provide an extensive scope of services including: • Contingency Planning & Emergency Response • Marine Salvage & Ocean Rescue • Deep-Sea Towage • Wreck Removal & Demolition • Fire-fighting • Pollution Abatement • Ship & Cargo Recovery • Anchor Handling & Offshore Support • Sub-sea Works • Casualty Engineering • Management & Consultancy • OPA90 Services in USA • SPRO Services in China Tsavliris Salvage Group celebrates 100 years from the birth of its founding father, Alexander G. Tsavliris; 75 years from the commencement of the first Tsavliris shipping company and 50 years from the foundation of Tsavliris Salvage in 1964.
Stand 2.419 /Hall 2
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
SunRui, after the success of BalClor BWMS, launches SCR System Mr. Vincent
Li, Overseas Manager Marine Equipment Department SunRui
SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Co., Ltd is a state-owned company, a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (CSIC). CSIC is one of the 10 major military groups and the biggest shipbuilding group in China. The headquarter of SunRui is located in Qingdao and now has branch compaies in Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore and Hamburg. SunRui also has a Key Laboratory of Science and Technology for National Defense located in the headquarter for new technology development. Now SunRui is engaged in R&D, designing, product manufacturing and engineering in the fields of Corrosion Control, Electro-chlorination, Desalination and Exhaust Gas Treatment. Up to now, SunRui has set up more than 40 state and military standards on corrosion control, anti-fouling and marine coating. SunRui’s Corrosion Control products are widely used onboard of all kinds of navy ships and national engineering projects such as South-to-North Water Diversion, cross-sea bridges and so on; Electro-chlorination products are operating in 12 nuclear power plants in China and in more than 100 thermal power plants worldwide; More than 1000 sets of BalClor ballast water treatment system have been ordered by clients all over the world. The BalClor ballast water treatment system has received USCG type approval, IMO new G8 & G9 guidelines certificate, class approvals from CCS, DNV-GL, BV, NK, LR, ABS and Rina, flag approvals from Greece and Liberia. With the powerful support of China government and mother company CISC, SunRui has been keeping developing new technologies and products. The De-NOx system, high pressure SCR, has been approved by both engine makers and classes and the first installation will be done for 4 supermax bulkers in 2018. On Nov 9, 2017, as the first maker in China, SunRui HP-SCR passed FTA bench testing for MDT in one attempt. Meanwhile, passed Tier III emission bench testing by CCS, DNV-GL and LR. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was applied during the system designing process. Exhaust full flow field simulated by CFD can: 1. Optimize main units such as reactor, spray gun, mixer, flow guide structure, etc. 2. Estimate pressure loss, velocity field and ammonia uniformity in SCR system.
3. Optimize the whole system design based on simulation result to ensure performance Characters of SunRui HP-SCR: 1. Located before Turbo, close to the engine, suitable for heavy oil and low-sulphur fuel 2. No combustion Chamber (Burner) 3. Low installation cost and OPEX. 4. Limited increase of fuel consumption Advantages of SunRui HP-SCR: 1. A serial product to fulfill middle/low speed diesel engines up to 40MW 2. Excellent performance (Tier III NOx emission: 2.67g/ kw·h, lower than the limit, 3.4g/ kw·h) 3. Low pressure loss, SCR pressure loss<40mbar, much lower than MDT requirement 4. Ammonia slip rate less than 3ppm, much lower than 10ppm. 5. Rapid reaction of Urea supply rate following engine load changes 6. Electric standby heating system to ensure temperature in the reactor is above 200OC. This is to ensure the SCR system can be put in operation immediately when vessel is leaving the port, so that NOx emission fulfills TIER III standard. 7. Unique shock soot blowing system ensures high efficiency. This design can remove the dust, oily mud or any other sediments attached on catalyst surface, so that to increase the service life of the catalyst. 8. Reliable design of venting system to prevent corrosion effect in SCR. Under TIRE II mode, SCR system can build up an efficient venting status to prevent any corrosion effect. Ventilation volume is well-controlled to be at the minimum rate to save the consumption of compressed air, which is, running cost. In order to offer service and support to our clients, SunRui is also building up a global service network. The plan is not only to have service agents around the world but also send out experienced engineers from headquarter to all overseas branches and offices. In each and every branch and office overseas, at least 2 engineers from SunRui will stay there for the next 2 to 3 years. Once service is required, SunRui engineers and service agents in local area will go onboard to solve the problems. SunRui has about 360 employees, the Total Assets is about RMB 1 billion (about USD 152 million), the Revenue is RMB 401 million (about USD 61 million) in 2014, RMB 429 million (about USD 65 million) in 2015, RMB 410 million (about USD 62 million) in 2016. SunRui has been in business for more than 50 years and surely will be around for many years in future, during which we will always be there to provide our clients what they need. SunRui is exclusively represented in Greece by Marine Plus SA.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Intra Mare will be present in the Posidonia 2018 Exhibition and will be welcoming all friends and partners on our stand Nr 3.315, Hall 3.
Intra Mare The marine sense of technology Intra Mare celebrates 20 years of successful presence in the Greek shipping industry. The company’s very first vision was to introduce and offer to the Greek Shipping Companies, advanced and reliable marine technology that could be implemented to all levels of applications and new constructions. Over the years Intra Mare evolved into one of the leading technology providers, promoting and supplying integrated solutions covering most of the ship’s critical areas, like Cargo Control, Safety, Deck & Engine Room Machinery and Accommodation Outfitting. We were happy to experience, through the years, the dynamic regeneration of Greek Shipping and to work closely with all those gifted people who contributed to this effort. It is our great honor that Intra Mare contributed to the building of new ships, through the promotion and supply of advanced technology marine systems. However, the greater experience gained out of our cooperation with the Greek shipping executives, was the continuous and tireless effort to succeed within the global competition. Working in this environment, our daily activity focuses on the need of the prevalence in the international maritime environment, making us even more responsible for our mission towards the maritime community. Reliability, speed and continuous monitoring until the successful completion of projects that we undertake, is the daily objective. For every single case, from a single request for spare parts, up to integrated systems for new building projects, our focus is to provide a complete, reliable and cost effective proposal, carefully designed to adapt operator’s demands. Calling ourselves “Technology Providers”, our main concern is the satisfaction of our customers through a credible presence, worthy of their trust over the years and with this perspective we move towards achieving our goals, without compromising on the quality of the offered cutting-edge technology products and services. Today Intra Mare, is sailing full speed ahead, to meet the new horizons that shipping industry dynamically enters, by expanding the range of activities, in order to offer worldwide high quality installation services. Digital Ship, Energy Efficiency, Electrical propulsion, LNG-fuelled ship, Environmental Protection, Oil & Gas, Cruise & Ferries are some of the sectors shaping the future of the maritime industry and Intra Mare ambition is always to be on the front line of the developments. Intra Mare will be present in the Posidonia 2018 Exhibition and will be welcoming all friends and partners on our stand Nr 3.315, Hall 3.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
DNV GL launches alternative fuels white paper Classification society DNV GL has issued a new white paper which assesses a range of alternative fuels and technologies. The white paper “Alternative fuels and technologies for greener shipping” examines the price, availability, regulatory challenges and environmental benefits of alternative fuels and technologies, including LNG, LPG, hydrogen, fuel cells, and hybrid and battery technologies, and comparing them to the use of conventional fuel with scrubbers and new low sulphur alternatives. Through the new white paper DNV GL intends to offer the shipping industry insights that will help them in their preparations for the upcoming Global Sulphur Cap, which is due to come into effect on 1 January 2020. “The incoming International Maritime Organization (IMO) sulphur cap on emissions from shipping could have a significant effect on the maritime industry, and it has the potential to be a game changer for alternative fuels,” says Trond Hodne, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing Director at DNV GL – Maritime. “Our new white paper is designed to set out the options for interested stakeholders and to offer a balanced assessment of the potential of these fuels and technologies going forward. We hope that by doing so we can add to the growing body of knowledge and enable investment decisions to be made with greater certainty and confidence.” The technologies and fuels considered in the white paper are many of the most commonly used in the shipping industry today: LNG, LPG, methanol, biofuel, hydrogen, battery systems, fuel cell systems, and wind-assisted propulsion. The white paper identifies and examines the factors that will affect the uptake and acceptance of alternative fuels and technologies in shipping, including: environmental compatibility, availability, fuel costs and the international rules within the IGF Code. Over the short term, the white paper foresees that the vast majority
of conventionally fuelled vessels already in service will either switch to low sulphur conventional fuels, or implement a scrubber system while continuing to use heavy fuel oil (HFO). For newbuilding vessels, the sulphur cap could be a major driver for alternative fuels, and DNV GL’s Gerd Würsig, Business Director Alternative fuelled ships, at DNV GL – Maritime, believes that LNG is the prime contender among them: “LNG has already overcome the barriers related to international legislation and is available in sufficient quantities today to meet the requirements of the shipping industry for many years. It also fits within the trend of demands to lower emissions of CO2, NOx and particulate matter. At the end of the day however, the best concept for a given application needs to be determined by the shipowner on a case-by-case basis, and at DNV GL we are ready to assist in finding the best solution.”
Caption:The white paper “Alternative fuels and technologies for greener shipping” examines the price, availability, regulatory challenges and environmental benefits of alternative fuels and technologies.
“Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore SAS”
The Commandant of the Coast Guard Vice Admiral Stamatios Raptis and the President & Chief Executive of ‘Bureau Veritas (Hellas) AE’ Mrs. Paillette Palaiologou
In the presence of the leading ranks of the Hellenic Coast Guard and the French Classification Society’s in Piraeus, the Commandant of the Coast Guard Vice Admiral Stamatios Raptis and the President & Chief Executive of ‘Bureau Veritas (Hellas) AE’ Mrs. Paillette Palaiologou have both signed, on Orthodox Holy Wednesday (4/4/2018), the updated authorization agreement that enables “Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore SAS” ( Recognized Organization as per Regulation (EC) No 391/2009)) to continue providing enhanced survey and statutory certification services to Greek ships and their managing companies on the basis of the international Conventions and the applicable national legislation. After having signed the new agreement, which commences on 11/4/2018 and provides for a formal four years’ validity period, both signatories stressed the importance of the unimpeded continuation of rendering qualitative statutory services to Greek shipping by the French classification society as well as the need for consolidation & modernization of the technical flag State’s requirements in force, aiming at improving the competitiveness of the Greek flag and at safeguarding safety of human life and property at sea & protecting the marine environment by adhering to the international legal instruments and the Acquis Communautaire.
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June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Keel-laying ceremony for second Bibby Wavemaster takes place at Damen Shipyards Galati
In a ceremony held last Friday, the keel-laying ceremony for Bibby Marine Services’ second Damen SOV (Service Operations Vessel) 9020 WaveMaster vessel took place at Damen Shipyards Galati, in Romania. This event takes place less than a year after Bibby Marine Services took delivery of its sister-ship Bibby Wavemaster 1. The new vessel is due for delivery in August 2019 and has been contracted by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and EnBW for maintenance operations on two windfarms in German waters; Hohe See and Albatros, both owned by EnBW and Enbridge. The final name will be announced after a competition within Siemens Gamesa and EnBW, however it will continue to be part of the Bibby WaveMaster series. The SOV 9020 is a new class of purpose-built Service Operations Vessels (SOV) with Walk-to-Work (W2W) capability developed by Damen in consultation with the offshore renewables industry. The design is an entirely new concept from the ground up, combining DP2 capability, a new motion-compensated gangway, innovative hull design, a revolutionary internal layout, and a comprehensive range of additional innovations designed to increase efficiencies and reduce costs. Bibby Marine Services placed the order for Bibby Wavemaster 1 early in 2018 following the confirmation of the charter in December 2017 by Siemens Gamesa. With the steel plates for the second vessel cut at the same time of those for the first, and some fabrication already having taken place, work has been able to begin at an accelerated pace. “We have believed in the SOV 9020 from the beginning,” says Bibby Marine Services managing director Stephen Bolton. “Siemens Gamesa and EnBW were looking for higher access to the wind turbines and this is what the SOV 9020 is built to do, with the Wavemaster 1 providing the evidence.” The second vessel differs in just a few minor respects from the first.
Some changes have been made to the warehousing layout at the charterer’s request, and the sauna has been removed so as to double the size of the gym. The bridge has also been reconfigured. The second Wavemaster will also have a different gangway package and crane, this time supplied by SMST of the Netherlands. “The gangway on the original vessel has and continues to perform well,” explains Stephen, “but the technology has moved on and this new integrated system does away with the need for an independent lift tower. Now, the gangway hangs off the tower and matches where the lift is. All in all, the small number of changes that we have made to this second vessel shows just how good the first one was.” The Wavemaster 1 has recently completed her first charter servicing wind farms off the east coast of England, having seen all her options to extend taken up by the client. As of 5 April she is now working with Total E&P Netherlands servicing its gas platforms in the southern North Sea. “We have had good feedback on the Wavemaster 1 from our clients, and lots of interest from third parties wanting to look over her,” continues Stephen. “That gives us lots of confidence in the concept, and we have also found the Damen HIL Simulator invaluable in validating the performance of the SOV design, with the initial theoretical predictions now being supported by the data coming back from Wavemaster 1. It’s been a real game changer. “The cooperation with Damen has been very good throughout this process,” Stephen concludes. “We work well together. With our target of winning 25% of the offshore renewables servicing market, which we believe will in total support 20 to 25 of this type of vessel, we hope to be back to Damen for more SOV 9020 vessels in the near future.”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
The annual Greek National Committee of DNV GL
The annual Greek National Committee of DNV GL gathered once again at the Yacht Club of Greece. The event was well attended with representative from across the Greek shipping industry. At the same time, we had the pleasure of having our DNV GL colleagues: Mr Knut Ørbeck-Nielssen, Maritime CEO, Mr Trond Hodne, Business Development Manager, Mr Stian Erik Sollied, Area Manager Japan, Mr Christos Chryssakis, Business Development Manager of Business Development Projects at Oslo and Mrs Catrine Vestereng, Business Director Tankers, at the meeting. The presentations given, focused on DNV GL update and focus areas for 2018. The Maritime forecast up to 2050, the “path” to a Digital class and Global Sulphur Cup 2020 are some of these focus areas.
Presentations: Dr. John Coustas, Chairman of the Greek National Committee, took over and announced the speakers of the day, starting with Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen Maritime CEO of DNV GL. Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen thanked all the participants for their attendance and support. He then began his presentation with an overview of the annual status of the organization. Subsequently, he offered the attendees a high-level market analysis and an introduction to DNV GL’s new Maritime Forecast to 2050. The shipping industry was becoming more complex as a result of its digital transformation he said, and this was shaping the DNV GL’s strategy. By offering a series of digital driven improvements and services, such as electronic certificates, drones surveys and an open digital platform DNV GL was aiming to improve its outreach to customers, become even more productive and efficient, and develop a digital class model. Following this, Mr. Trond Hodne presented a more in depth look at
DNV GL’s new Maritime Forecast to 2050, which gives an insight into the world’s energy future through to 2050. This study provides a long-term overview of how the shipping segments: tanker, gas, container, offshore, are affected by the worlds changing patterns of energy production and consumption. He also noted that a new version of the Maritime Forecast will be released later in the year. Mr Hodne continued his presentation with an update on the current shipping markets. In closing he examined the outlook on LNG supply and market. Mr. Loizos Isaias presented various aspects of the digital transformation in DNV GL’s daily work and what this new digitalized era would bring for shipping and for ship clasification. He went on to present some of DNV GL’s newly digital class tools, including: My DNV GL, the DNV GL portal, drone surveys, electronic class certificates and other tools that DNV GL is using to modernize its core class services. Mr Stian Erik Sollied gave a presentation regarding alternative fuels, and how they could help the maritime industry prepares for the 2020 Global Sulphur Cap. After the presentation, a discussion was held where attendees were able to talk to Mr Stian about the solutions and the consequences of the upcoming Sulphur Cap. Finally, Mr. Christos Chryssakis presented the upcoming action of IMO’s upcoming action on CO2 emissions in shipping in connection to CO2. He ended his presentation with the ISO/CIMAR work and a possible scenario of how things could progress in the near future. During the presentations, various discussions took place between all participants. The meeting came to a close with the remarks of the Chairman, Dr. John Coustas and Mr. Knut Ørbeck- Nilssen, DNV GL Maritime CEO. The meeting was declared very satisfactory by all and followed by lunch at the Yacht Club of Greece.
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June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Bureau Veritas: My Fuel Consumption Bureau Veritas further expands its support to shipowners and the industry with the introduction of the first phase of My Fuel Consumption a cloud-based and secure web application available for use on desktop, mobile and tablet. My Fuel Consumption makes compliance easy, with a digitized process throughout the various steps of IMO-DCS (declaration of fuel consumption) and EU MRV regulations (CO2 emissions). These regulations aim to reduce emissions and protect the environment. All ships of 5,000 GT and above must submit IMO-DCS plan to receive a confirmation of compliance, from their flag states or delegated Recognized Organizations (ROs) before January 1st, 2019. Phase 1 of My Fuel Consumption, enables owners to fill in and submit their Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMPs) Part II as requested by IMO-DCS for their Bureau Veritas classed ships using the app, and then to follow the review progress on-line and download their confirmation of compliance.
for their BV-classed ships and MRV ships contracted with Bureau Veritas. Laurent Hentges, Vice President Operational Excellence, Bureau Veritas, commented: ‘The whole point of My Fuel Consumption is to make life simpler and easier for our clients, and therefore contribute to the reduction of emissions. It also helps them to get accessible, accurate and useful data as well as being a compliance tool.’
Image caption: My Fuel Consumption: a new application to help shipowners comply with new regulations for energy efficiency management
From 2019 onwards, all ships of 5,000 GT and above will need to collect, aggregate and report fuel consumption data for each year, before March 31st of the next year, so that flag states, or delegated ROs, can verify and validate the ship data by May 31 and issue annually IMO-DCS statements of compliance to shipowners. This is already effective from 2018 onwards for EU-MRV applicable ships. Phase 2 of My Fuel Consumption, planned for June, will enable owners to complete their declarations, for both IMO-DCS and EU-MRV, through one unique online form. Owners will also be able to follow-up progress of their reviews with Bureau Veritas using the app and then download their statement of compliance. This will be effective
Boskalis creates new horizon in heavy marine transport Boskalis is about to set a new record and create another new horizon. The BOKA Vanguard, the world’s largest semi-submersible heavy lift vessel of Boskalis, is currently getting ready to load a 90,000 ton Floating Production, Storage and Offloading platform.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Maritime Future Summit: Vision Becomes Reality
What does the Digital Revolution specifically mean for the maritime industry, and what are the technologies that drive innovation? At the Maritime Future Summit (MFS) during SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair, experts will study future perspectives for the industry. From digitalisation and big data through to Artificial Intelligence (AI), new technologies have the potential to revolutionise global shipping. “Mind the gap – bridging disruptive technologies” is the appropriate theme for the Maritime Future Summit (MFS), which will take place on 3 September. SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair, will open its doors the following day. At the MFS, two high-profile expert panels will discuss how digitalisation and other megatrends can be leveraged to make the shipping business more transparent and efficient, and how to best prepare the sector for the future.
Optimised logistics chain
There is no question that network integration of ships and ports harbours huge opportunities for the shipping industry. Speaking from the perspective of a liner company, Hubert Hoffmann, CIO and CDO of MSC Germany, will address this topic in his opening speech titled “New thinking in shipping”. The IT specialist’s proposition boils down to this: If you want to be a leader tomorrow, you must begin by challenging your company’s established internal and external processes today. Ulf Sive from the Swedish Maritime Administration’s Sea Traffic Management Validation Project will speak about the role the maritime industry could play in the logistics chain. Standardised information sharing will be a key element in this logistics network and have a significant impact on trade flows and business models. Numerous research institutes and companies are currently conducting intense research into autonomous shipping. Some initial tests have been completed successfully. According to the SMM Maritime Industry Report (MIR), one third of responding decision-makers from shipping companies believe that unmanned ships can realistically be expected to be in commercial use within the next 20 years. But who will be liable if something goes wrong? In his speech Wu Sun from the Chinese Classification Society CCS will examine some technical and legal aspects. The Japanese National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI) has conducted a comprehensive research project. Its scientific director Kohei Matsuo will present the results. The “Technology Roadmap to 2050”
will provide some insights into the changes innovative technologies will bring about for both, the shipping and shipbuilding segments. Under the aegis of the Japan Ship Technology Research Association (JSTRA), the scientists studied innovative technologies in various industries and countries.
Technological wake-up call
Christian Roeloffs, Managing Director of Container xChange, will explain how increasing network integration of all stakeholders and an ever more sophisticated supply chain management approach can improve efficiency, ultimately building competitive advantage through lower costs. The best ways for shipping companies and ports to position themselves in disruptive markets will be the subject of a lecture by Mikko Lepistö, Director of Software and Automation Operations at ABB Marine and Ports Business. The head of the research department of DNV GL Maritime, Pierre C. Sames, will look ahead to the year 2030: How will artificial intelligence and the use of ‘Digital Twins’ change the way classification societies work? As for manufacturing, 3-D printing technology and the evolution of Smart Factories based on process automation using robots and algorithms will cause major structural upheavals: Nick Danese, CEO of the French engineering firm NDAR, refers to this development as a “wake-up call for the shipbuilding industry”. “This topic will be supplemented by a special exhibition on 3-D printing, including live demonstrations, right here at the fair complex,” says Claus Ulrich Selbach, Business Unit Director Maritime and Technology Fairs at Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH.
Hands-on technology
“The Maritime Future Summit is of vital interest to any stakeholder of the maritime sector who wants to remain competitive,” says Krischan Förster, Editor-in-Chief of HANSA – International Maritime Journal, which is once again the media partner of the MFS. The event will be chaired by Professor Volker Bertram of World Maritime University. During the subsequent four days SMM visitors will be able to study in practice at the Hamburg Messe fair complex what the panel experts have discussed in theory, for example by following the Digital Route. Numerous technical innovations will be on display. “Trends in SMMart Shipping”: The theme for this year’s leading international maritime trade fair definitely taps the pulse of the industry.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Angelicoussis Shipping Group Selects the Ecochlor BWTS for Retrofit in 36 Vessels Maran Tankers Management is the Oil Tanker Shipping unit and Anangel Maritime Services is the Dry Bulk Carrier Shipping unit of Angelicoussis Shipping Group Limited. USA-based ballast water treatment system (BWTS) manufacturer, Ecochlor, Inc. announced today the completion of a contract to retrofit 36 vessels, including Suezmaxes, Aframaxes, VLCCs, Minicapes and Capes for Angelicoussis Shipping Group Limited (ASGL). Installations are expected between 2018 – 2020 in Singapore, Dubai, Qatar and China. Greek-owned company ASGL has a well-established track record in shipping dating back to 1947. The Angelicoussis Group fleet is comprised of bulk carriers, tankers and LNG vessels. Maran Tankers Management (MTM) manages the Oil Tanker Shipping unit and in 2001 Anangel Maritime Services Inc. (AMSI) was appointed to manage the Bulk Carrier fleet of ASGL.
“Having both IMO and USCG Type Approval were very important factors in the selection process by ASGL. Our expertise as well as the system’s ease of use and reliability are critical issues to shipowners as they look for manufacturers that are absolutely committed to making sure their vessels are in compliance with BWT regulations now, and for the life of the vessel.” Ecochlor CEO Steve Candito Maran Tankers Management provides world-class ship management services and aims to adhere to the highest health, safety, and environmental standards. The safety of their crew, cargo loss prevention and reduction in emissions is of paramount importance as they pursue these goals. Choosing a BWTS with low power consumption and a minimal environmental footprint, along with providing a safe, easy-to-operate option for their crew were critical factors in reaching this decision. There are many things Anangel considered when selecting the BWTS for their fleet. After a thorough review, the features and benefits of the Ecochlor BWTS, along with a commitment to customer service and ensuring the compliance of Anangel vessels were important factors in their choice. With this decision, Anangel has taken important steps necessary to move forward in their commitment to comply with the BWM Convention for their fleet of vessels, thus reinforcing their continued environmental responsibilities in keeping the oceans and coastal waterways clean.
“We look forward to working with both Maran and Angangel to retrofit their fleet of vessels and continuing to support their efforts in satisfying regulatory compliance. Our BWTS are setting the standard in the ballast water treatment industry for operational performance and reliability,” said Tom Perlich, President of Ecochlor. Ecochlor CEO Steve Candito remarked, “Having both IMO and USCG Type Approval were very important factors in the selection process by ASGL. Our expertise as well as the system’s ease of use and reliability are critical issues to shipowners as they look for manufacturers that are absolutely committed to making sure their vessels are in compliance with BWT regulations now, and for the life of the vessel.” Over the past two years, the Ecochlor® Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) has been installed on dozens of tankers with ballast water flow rates ranging from 750 to 6,000 m3/hr. These installations were on Product Tankers, Aframax Tankers and Suezmax Tankers at shipyards in China, Croatia, Romania, Portugal and Turkey. Currently, there are two Bulk Carrier New Builds installations in process in China and four tanker retrofits scheduled over the next few months.
ABOUT ECOCHLOR Ecochlor holds a unique position in the shipping industry as the only company utilizing patented chlorine dioxide (ClO2) treatment technology for ballast water treatment. The Ecochlor system uses a two-step process to treat ballast water – filtration followed by disinfection with chlorine dioxide. System effectiveness is not impaired by variations in salinity, temperature, turbidity, organics, and vibration. The Ecochlor® BWTS is the only USCG Type Approved technology that does not require treatment or neutralization on discharge. For more information go to www.ecochlor.com Euploia Dry Docks and Services, Ltd. is the Exclusive Agent in Greece. Contact: Charis Valentakis, +30 210 9400660, info@ euploia.eu
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
2018: A decision-making year for the shipping By George
Markou, Senior Manager KPMG
2018 is considered a decision-making year for shipping companies and the reason is simple: shipping must stop looking back and start looking ahead in the decade after 2020. The importance of transformation turning from the past to the future, from nostalgia of the years before to anticipation of what’s to come - cannot be ignored and understated. Developments in digitalization are growing faster than expected and this will be a life-changing moment for the majority of the business operating vessels and services. Digitalization will create a “revolution” in the shipping industry from ship operation to seafarers and from digitalization of ports to operating offices. Developments in digitalization comes at an astonishing rate. On the one hand, the implementation of 3D printing technology, gives the opportunity to build ships by printing and on the other hand the application of artificial intelligence will contribute to the autonomous ship operation by changing the way of transportation to a focus of manufacturer-to-customer rather than the traditional port-to-port method. It is considered imperative to say here that a race for contributing the best in the field of artificial intelligence and the autonomously of ships has already begun among China, Japan and Northern European countries. Construction companies and research centers are not far away from these developments. The ships of the future are here and it is a reality that noone can ignore. The EU Transport Commissioner, Violeta Bulc has already said in a conference that: “2018 is the year that the first autonomous ship will operate on the Norwegian coast”. Decisions by the shipping industry must be taken immediately and companies should be promptly involved in these developments, as it is expected to have an impact on every aspect of the shipping sector. Benefits vary from vessel operating efficiently through to companies’ environmental footprint and from the recruitment of a new generation of shipboard skills to the skills and features that the new generation of managers and members of the Board of Directors of shipping companies should have. Shipping companies have to weigh their prospects of moving towards digitalization investments in 2018, as they should analyze whether these investments will make a positive effect in a short term period taking the competitive advantage for being the first to adopt such a shift to digitalization compared to those companies that choose not to participate or to stand aside from these developments. However, there are important challenges that need to be addressed to make digitalization a reality in making business. Here are some of the key challenges: - Safety issues (accident / decision making in case of emergency etc) - Cyber security attacks - Digitalizing ports and the related cost - Regulatory framework Some of the shipping companies are in the process of analyzing the effects of such a transformation deciding the investments that have to be undertaken in order to follow a more digitalized future for making
business. On the other hand, there are some shipping companies that see the digitalization more suspicious and take the decision to stand aside from these developments following the traditional way of making business. The pros and cons of digitalization should be addressed and the prospects should be weighed up for those businesses that support the digital innovation and those businesses that stay aside since they decide that greater digitalization does not suit them. In any case, it is certain that the digitalization is the future and the autonomous ships are reality that cannot be ignored changing in all aspects the shipping sector. About KPMG KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 154 countries and have more than 200.000 people working in member firms around the world. Our aim is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of the clients, our people, and the capital markets. All member firms follow the same values and philosophy that secure high quality services while adding value to the clients.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
“Which factor drives shipping today?” By Apostolos
Bekiaris, Marine Engineer B.Sc, M.Sc Operations Manager , Oceanking Technical & Trading SA.
The last 10 years all of us have noticed a continuous technological development which is accelerating year by year. Our everyday life is been affected by this development and inevitably, our business and the way we perform business. How many of us have gone out without our wallet but never without our mobile phone. Is this a matter of dependence or a matter of improving our lives? Certainly, the technological developments have made our lives easier. Shipping is performing by far the biggest transportation of goods around the world. How this trade is been affected by this technological development? Has it made easier for the ship operators and ships’ crews? Definitely, the technological development has improved the communication dramatically and has increased the information flow so much that it becomes almost impossible to read and react on the receiving date from and to the ships. On top of this, electronic systems which are installed onboard for collecting ships’ data and transferring it ashore became more sophisticated. Ship operators’ headquarters demand highly educated technical staff in order to coop and evaluate data flow. Technological development has provided the opportunity of designing systems able to serve numerous tasks. Environmental trend has been benefited by such development by enabling the design and manufacturing of new systems which are related with eco technology. New regulations forced owners to equip their ships with “green technology systems”. At the end, ten years’ ship looks very old technologically wise and loose its value in mush more faster way than before. Ships today carry a vast amount of technology and are much more complicated to operate them and much more expensive to maintain them. New regulations demand new systems, higher technology, highly trained crews, and very well educated technical people. For an operator, to stay in “the race” has to keep up with continuous technical upgrades and/ wor to order new ships which can comply with new environmental regulations. At the end there is a question raised. Which factor drives shipping today? Is the technology? Are the new regulations? The trade demand? Is the resale value of ships? The funds which offer cheap financing? The Yard which offer favorable prices? Over the last years charter rates are been leveling at “even keel” with
moderate profits for most of the ship types. Shipowners, believing that it cannot be worse, try to get advantage of yards’ offers for new ships, aiming to sell the ships later on and get a good profit. Never before, shipping has been into such big dilemmas. Technology has made ships safer, but more expensive to buy, to operate and to maintain. However, technological developments have accelerated the ships’ aging a lot and have become one of the important drives of shipping. Even if trade demand rate is increasing slowly, the need for a ten years’ old ship replacement is becoming a necessity. The new environmental regulations, force ship operators to install ballast water treatment systems and scrubbers, dual fuel engines for emission control etc. For a ten years’ old ship this cost maybe is not justifiable and should be replaced by a new built ship. Are the charter rates encouraging shipowners to do so? Maybe, if trade demand is exponentially increased. Nobody can confirm this for the next five years but shipowners have to “gamble” aiming to more fruitful days.
Sunflame Oceanking Cooperation OCEANKING is proud to announce a new cooperation in the field of boiler burners and incinerators, with the leading Japanese manufacturer SUNFLAME. SUNFLAME is a specialized manufacturer and supplier of oil burners for boilers and incinerators and is recognized as a world leader in design, engineering, manufacturing supply and support of their products for the international shipping industry. Apart from the simple design and the easy operation SUNFLAME burners and incinerators have the following competitive advantages: • Efficient combustion due to the use of direct driven rotary cup burner, succeeding very fine oil mist for HFO/ MGO and LNG. • No nozzle hole to clog. • Very low oil pressure i.e. 0.06~0.3 MPa, safe even in oil leakage from pipe. connection • Low maintenance cost and less consumable parts due to low oil pressure • Rotary Cup Burner for Incinerator can dispose waste oil itself without the Diesel Oil firing assistance. • Garbage disposal while incinerator operation. • Special refractory for partial renewal and maintenance. OCEANKING expect that our new cooperation will reinforce even further the relations between Sunflame and Greek shipping community. We shall be glad to meet your request regarding any further information you may need Please contact Mr. Ioannis Yachis j.yachnis@oceanking.gr
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Andreas Chrysostomou joins Tototheo Maritime Tototheo Maritime is pleased to announce that Andreas Chrysostomou has joined its ranks. As Chief Strategy Officer, Mr Chrysostomou will play a key role in developing and implementing the global satellite communications and technology provider’s strategic vision. Andreas Chrysostomou needs little introduction having accumulated vast experience in the global shipping industry throughout his noteworthy career and had held a number of High profile positions in Cyprus and in Europe. Mr Chrysostomou’s accomplishments have been recognized by the shipping industry worldwide and he has received Award for “Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Shipping” and the “Distinguished Public Service Award” by the United States Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard in 2011. He has also been awarded with the “Green Shipping Technology Award - Leading Shipping Personality of the Decade
2003 – 2013” and he was named “International Personality of the Year” in 2015 by Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards. “Tototheo Maritime has grown considerably in the past few years and we have every intention to keep this pace up”, said Socrates Theodossiou, Co-CEO of Tototheo Maritime. “Andreas’ unique blend of extensive knowledge of the international market and deep understanding of shipping will be key to the further evolution envisioned for Tototheo Maritime.” added Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou Co-CEO of Tototheo Maritime. Mr Chrysostomou expressed his contentment about joining Tototheo Maritime “I have been fortunate enough in my career to receive the acknowledgement of the international shipping community and now Tototheo Maritime a dynamic company with clear vision of the future and I am very excited to be able to contribute to the company’s further expansion and growth.”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
MISC Group welcomes the fifth and final moss-type Lng carrier MISC Group, a leading provider of international energy-related maritime solutions and services, today announced it has taken delivery of Seri Cemara, the final edition to a series of five MOSS-Type Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers. The 150,200 CBM LNG carrier has been built for MISC by Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI). Upon its delivery, Seri Cemara joins her sister MOSS-Type carriers Seri Camellia, Seri Cenderawasih, Seri Cempaka and Seri Camar on long-term charter to PETRONAS, Malaysia’s fully integrated oil and gas multinational ranked among the largest corporations on FORTUNE Global 500®. The new generation of Seri C Class LNG carriers are part of MISC’s long term fleet expansion programme to cater to the energy transportation needs of PETRONAS. They have been designed for worldwide trading capability to enable them to call at all major LNG terminals in the world as well as loading capability at Floating LNG (FLNG) units. Seri Camellia, MISC’s first MOSS-Type vessel made history in 2017 as the first in the world to have operational experience with PETRONAS FLNG Satu. The naming ceremony was graced by PETRONAS President & Group CEO, Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin, and his wife Puan Sri Dr. Azura Ahmad Tajuddin, who is the Lady Sponsor to the vessel, at the HHI Shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea. Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee said: “PETRONAS is committed to deliver safe and reliable supply of energy. It is therefore of utmost importance that we have access to the most reliable, safe and operationally efficient fleet of LNG carriers to serve the needs of our customers worldwide. The Seri Cemara and its four sister vessels cement the long-standing synergy between MISC and PETRONAS’ LNG business, anchored upon the spirit of collaboration and shared success within the PETRONAS Group.” The naming and delivery ceremony was also attended by Dato’ Ab. Halim Mohyiddin, MISC’s Chairman, Mr. Yee Yang Chien, MISC’s President/Group CEO, Mr. H.D. Shin, Senior Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) as well as management and representatives from PETRONAS, MISC and HHI. Speaking at the ceremony, Chairman of MISC Dato’ Ab Halim said the vessel, along with her sister ships, is a reflection of the principles that MISC stands by - strong, capable and dynamic. “The new generation of carriers is highly significant for MISC as we forge ahead in fulfilling our vision to consistently provide better energy-related maritime solutions and services. This project is especially meaningful as it represents our commitment to exceed the expectation of our customers, conducting our business in a responsible and sustainable manner, as well as in ensuring optimum value creation over time. She is fortified to meet the challenges that lie ahead, and, along with the rest of the Seri C vessels, will support MISC’s continuous journey towards sustainable LNG shipping.” Mr Yee Yang Chien, President/ Group CEO of MISC, said MISC and PETRONAS have a partnership
that dates back some 35 years, to the days when MISC first entered the LNG shipping segment. “In the intervening years, both businesses have matured and grown to meet the world’s rapidly changing energy needs. Together, we have achieved several important firsts – the development and shipment from PETRONAS’ Floating LNG unit through to the design and delivery of this innovative MOSS-Type Seri C Class LNG carrier. Today marks another important milestone, as we continue our work together,” he added. Unlike other LNG carriers, the MOSS Type vessels have been built with an Integrated Hull Structure (IHS), whereby a continuous cover encloses and shields four separate spherical tanks. The IHS provides additional protection for the temperature-sensitive cargoes as well as a more robust and superior cargo containment system, ensuring a higher degree of operational flexibility for MISC to operate in harsh meteorological conditions. Each of the LNG carriers complied with and will carry ECO Notation in recognition of their environmental credentials. The MOSS-Type vessels have been specifically designed to minimise hull resistance, increase propulsion efficiency, reduce power requirements, and lower CO2 emissions. The vessels are installed with pre-swirl duct and Propeller Boss Cap Fin (PBCF) that are able to provide around 4 percent energy savings at design draft, along with an X-twister rudder for improved maneuvering performance. Other green technology features of the vessel include the installation of the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system for the diesel generator to comply with the latest IMO Tier III requirement and the Ozone Ballast Water Treatment System. The vessels will be powered by an Ultra Steam Turbine (UST) plant. The vessels can operate on extended low-load gas mode, meaning that they can operate entirely on LNG for full compliance with existing and impending Sulphur Emissions Control Area (SECA) regulations. The delivery of Seri Cemara brings the current number of MISC’s LNG fleet to 29 vessels, further strengthening MISC’s position as a leading owner and operator of LNG vessels.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
LR to class The Grimaldi Group orders first ever six hybrid ro/ro vessels floating storage for Indian waters
Agreement signed with Jinling shipyards for the first units out of an order of twelve
Lloyd’s Register (LR) recently signed a contract to class the first ever floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) to be ordered for Indian waters. Stationed at Jafrabad port and operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it will be built to LR’s Rules for the Classification of Offshore Units by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for SWAN LNG Pvt. Ltd. (SLPL). It is due for delivery in December 2019. The new 180,000m³ FSRU project will help meet the demand for LNG in the region, natural gas is projected to make up 20% of India’s total energy consumption by 2030. The Indian gas market is expected to be one of the fastest growing in the world over the next two decades, the country is the fourth largest energy consumer in the world (after the US, China and Russia). SLPL’s Bhavik Merchant said: “Our FRSU based LNG Terminal at Jafrabad will help India’s push to increase the proportion of gas in its energy mix to power its economic expansion. SLPL is
In the framework of the expansion and modernisation programme of its owned fleet, as anticipated in the last months, the Grimaldi Group has signed yesterday an agreement for the construction of six ro/ro vessels, for a total investment worth over USD 400 million. The order has been awarded to the Chinese shipyard Jinling, thus consolidating an important partnership with the Neapolitan Group, the world’s leading company in the ro-ro sector.
The new vessels, whose delivery is expected as from 2020, will have a length of 238 metres, a beam of 34 metres and will have a gross tonnage of 64,000 tonnes. They will be able to transport over 7,800 linear meters of rolling units, equivalent to about 500 trailers. Their loading capacity will be double compared to the one of the largest ships currently operated by the Neapolitan group and triple compared to the previous generation of ro/ro ships. At the same speed they will consume the same quantity of fuel, meaning a 100% increase in efficiency when measured in terms of consumption/ton of freight transported. The design of the new buildings, called “Grimaldi Green 5th Generation” (GG5G), was developed by the Technical and Energy Saving Department of the Grimaldi Group together with the Nordic Engineering Design house Knud E. Hansen and it incorporates innovative elements partly already patented and protected by copyright. These are the first examples of a new series of hybrid ro/ro vessels, which will use fossil fuel during navigation and electricity while in port, thus guaranteeing “zero emissions in port”. The vessels will, in fact, be equipped with mega lithium batteries which will allow them to satisfy the energy requirements while at berth. These batteries will be recharged during navigation, through shaft generators adding the so-called peak shaving system, and with the aid of 600 m2 of solar panels. The other main technical innovation of these ships is the air lubrication system under the keel creating bubble layers which will reduce friction and hydrodynamic resistance and consequently the emissions deriving from fuel consumption.
pleased to be working with Lloyd’s Register on this prestigious project as they have a wealth of expertise in large gas projects and we have been impressed by their desire to constantly improve the overall quality during construction to ensure uninterrupted operation.”
The vessels’ hull will also be covered with special no-toxic silicon paints characterized by low surface roughness which will reduce friction with the sea and does not release any substances into the water. As far as sulphur emissions are concerned, special on-board devices will combine the sulphur released by the propulsive cylinders with the salt contained in sea water, exploiting its natural chemical reaction, producing gypsum, which can be reused on the ground or disposed of in nature.
LR’s Marine & Offshore Area Manager for South Asia, Middle East and Africa, Piet Mast, commented: “LR is delighted to be working with SLPL on this first of its kind project in India, this success is owed to the real global collaboration of all LR teams involved. LR is expanding its scope of work in this area with a number of other FSRU and gas related opportunities in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.”
Three of the ships will be operated by Grimaldi Lines in the Mediterranean while the remaining three, which will be ice-class, will be purchased by the Group’s sister company Finnlines and deployed in the Baltic Sea. “Reducing fuel consumption and, consequently, cutting harmful emissions are categorical imperatives for our Group”, proudly said President Gianluca Grimaldi, at the helm of the Group together with the Managing Directors Emanuele Grimaldi and Diego Pacella. “It is the first time in the world that such powerful batteries, equivalent to those equipping 90 Tesla cars, will be installed on ships”, continues Diego Pacella. “We are proud that these exceptional technologies on board will make the GG5G hybrid ro/ro the most innovative and efficient vessels in the world”, concludes Emanuele Grimaldi.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA select Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Alfa Laval has signed fleet agreements with Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA for the supply of PureBallast 3, the third generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology. Under the agreements, Alfa Laval will provide dozens of Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA vessels with PureBallast 3 systems – the vast majority of which will handle large flows of more than 1000 m3/h. The agreements with Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA come as many ship owners shift their focus from individual ballast water treatment systems to complete fleet solutions. Over the past year, clarifications of the ballast water management legislation have made it easier – and more important – to maintain a wider, more long-term perspective. “Leading actors like Polsteam and Nova Ship Tech SA are now pursuing ballast water treatment system retrofits in earnest,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “In light of recent directives from authorities, they are keen to secure not just the right technology, but also a stable partner who will be there to support them in the long term.” Polsteam’s fleet agreement expands upon a previous investment in PureBallast 3 systems that the company made in mid-2017. With the installation of those six systems currently underway, Polsteam has now chosen to equip the rest of its fleet with PureBallast 3 – bringing its total ownership to 60 systems. All systems will handle large flows of at least 1000 m3/h, with 16 systems handling 2000 m3/h or more. For Nova Ship Tech SA, whose fleet agreement covers ballast water treatment systems for 34 vessels, the high flexibility of PureBallast 3 was a major factor in the decision. PureBallast 3 can be implemented smoothly, despite the variations that exist when working across a fleet.
Viking Grace becomes first passenger ship in the world to use a rotor sail for wind-assisted propulsion
Viking Line has installed a rotor sail on the LNG-fuelled Viking Grace, making it the first passenger ship in the world equipped with a rotor sail for the utilisation of wind power. Lloyd’s Register (LR) approved the structure and the risk-assessment related to the installation of the sail in line with its Guidance Notes for Flettner Rotor Approval. The approvals were conducted to ensure that the Flettner rotor would not adversely affect the safe operation of the ship or the safety of the crew. The rotor sail, developed by Finnish company Norsepower Oy Ltd, is expected to cut fuel consumption and reduce emissions (by up to 900 tonnes CO2 annually). Viking Grace is already operating on wind assisted voyages between Turku, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden. The LNG-fuelled ferry has been in operation since 2013 when LR helped Viking Line handle the complexities of the LNG tanks on the stern deck as well as its regulatory, class and operational requirements. The cylindrical rotor sail installed on Viking Grace is 24m in height and 4m in diameter and uses the Magnus effect for propulsion. As the rotor is spinning, the passing air will flow with a lower pressure on one side than the opposite side. The propulsion force created by this pressure difference drives the vessel forward. The rotor sail operation is automated and the system will shut down in response to any disadvantageous changes in the direction or force of the wind. “The use of wind power reflects Viking Line’s green values and we want to pioneer the use of solutions that reduce impact on the environment. Based in Finland, Norsepower has developed a world-class mechanical rotor sail solution that will reduce fuel consumption. We are proud of the fact that Viking Grace will be the first passenger ship in the world to benefit from this innovative solution,” said Jan Hanses, CEO of Viking Line. LR’s Jane Jenkins, Lead Specialist, Passenger Ship Support Centre, commented: “A few years ago LR developed an animation called ‘The Ferry – a story of innovation’, which at one point shows a ferry with wind rotors and kite sails sailing across the screen at breakneck speed. At the time rotor sail technology was clear but not immediately contemplated in the context of a ferry. It is wonderful to see what seemed like an idea at the time become a reality. We are immensely proud to have been part of the journey.” In addition to the rotor sail solution installed onboard Viking Grace, Viking Line plans to use wind propulsion in the company’s new vessel, due to be operational in 2020. Built in China, the passenger ship will be equipped with two mechanical rotor sails supplied by Norsepower, doubling the wind power potential.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Wärtsilä’s acquisition of Transas is completed
Alfa Laval PureSOx the choice for SOx abatement on over 100 vessels
The technology group Wärtsilä announces that its acquisition of Transas, a global company headquartered in the U.K., has now been finalised. Control of the company will be transferred to Wärtsilä effective from 4 May, 2018. The acquisition, which was announced in March 2018, has a transaction value of MEUR 210 (enterprise value). Transas is a global market leader in marine navigation solutions that include complete bridge systems, digital products and electronic charts. It is also a leader in professional training and simulation services, as well as ship traffic control systems. In acquiring Transas, Wärtsilä takes a big step forward in achieving its mission of enabling sustainable societies with smart technology. It will also speed delivery on the company’s promise to disrupt the industry by establishing a Smart Marine ecosystem. Wärtsilä envisions a secure, smart, and cloud-based future through the development of applications that leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence. Transas currently has net annual sales in the region of EUR 140 million and employs approximately 1000 people working from 22 regional offices worldwide. They will become integrated within Wärtsilä’s Marine Solutions business. It is expected that the company’s large base of software engineers will play a key role in assisting Wärtsilä in the development of smart products and a digital platform. “Combining Transas with Wärtsilä will bring the
Smart Marine Ecosystem many steps forward. It is a very positive move for both parties, and we welcome the Transas team into our organisation,” says Roger Holm, President, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions.
To date, a total of 109 vessels representing a diverse array of marine industry customers have put their trust in the Alfa Laval PureSOx platform for compliance with IMO SOx emissions regulations. Coincidentally, the 100th vessel to choose PureSOx was an newbuild project owned by Danish company DFDS, who also purchased the very first PureSOx scrubber back in 2009 for use aboard the RoRo vessel Ficaria Seaways. With over 75 PureSOx systems in operation today, Alfa Laval has the marine industry’s most extensive list of reference installations for any single SOx scrubber technology. This represents every PureSOx commissioned since the first installation, including those on board a number of other ships in the DFDS fleet. The shipping company currently has a total of 16 PureSOx scrubbers in operation on 13 of their vessels. “The close, ongoing partnership we’ve been fortunate to build with DFDS and many other customers have been a great benefit for Alfa Laval,” says Erik Haveman, Sales Director, Exhaust Gas Cleaning at Alfa Laval. “They have been instrumental in helping us to better understand the needs facing marine customers when it comes to installing and commissioning SOx scrubber systems.” A broad scope of experience In the eight years since the first PureSOx system was installed aboard the Ficaria Seaways, Alfa Laval has been involved in a wide range of installation projects. Of the more than 100 vessels where PureSOx has been selected to meet emissions rules, 41 have been newbuild projects while over 60 have been for retrofits. “With this experience, our technicians have developed extensive expertise for finding solutions to match different customers’ unique needs,” explains Erik Haveman. Additionally, the customers purchasing PureSOx systems represent the full spectrum of the marine industry. Today, the PureSOx platform can be found in operation on vessels ranging from RoRo and container ships to tankers and cruise liners. “We are proud that customers from across the marine industry put their trust in Alfa Laval,” says Erik Haveman. “It’s been a testament to PureSOx as the market’s most complete SOx scrubber platform, as well as to the level of support we can offer as a true partner to our customers.”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
CEMEX, Damen and LR collaborate on nextgeneration dredger design It is the first new dredger CEMEX has commissioned in 20 years and represents a step-change in dredging technology for the company.
CEMEX UK has signed a contract with Damen Shipyards Group to build the first in a new generation of Marine Aggregate Dredgers, with Lloyd’s Register (LR) providing classification for the vessel. The innovative design offers greater efficiency, environmental credentials and the ability to transport approximately 15% more load when compared to CEMEX’s current dredger. With the capability to extract sand and gravel from the sea bed at depths up to 55m, this vessel has been designed to maintain operations in North Sea conditions. It is the first new dredger CEMEX has commissioned in 20 years and represents a step-change in dredging technology for the company. LR provided integral support to Damen during the design concept stage, optimising the dredger to maximise payload through structural efficiency. The dredger will also benefit from no ballast operations, helping to deal with increasing environmental concerns around biosecurity. The vessel design also meets LR’s ECO notation requirements that recognise the increased environmental drivers influencing modern dredging and the evolution of dredging designs. High levels of crew and accommodation comfort not usually associated with aggregate dredging will be also be provided through LR notations. Additionally, LR has provided assistance with statutory challenges, taking a proactive approach on regulatory engagement. One example related to vessel coaming height and the application of the DR68 Inter-
national standard – this is normally only applicable to hopper dredgers but based on LR support Flag agreement has been obtained through an agreement with the MCA. Mark Williams, Fleet Engineering Manager, CEMEX UK, said: “With the challenge of delivering an innovative modern aggregate dredger to meet the future business requirements of CEMEX Marine, partners with the same philosophy were essential. With the long-established relationship, the diverse specialist ship portfolio, focus on client requirements and pragmatic approach, LR proved to be an ideal partner.” A representative from the Damen Design & Proposal Team said: “It’s in the Damen DNA to embrace a challenge and this vessel, which includes a number of never before seen features, is a good example of that. To reach a higher standard we have worked in a close and efficient co-operation with the owner and LR to achieve our goals with this design.” LR’s Paul Verharen, Senior Client Relations Manager, Marine & Offshore, commented: “LR’s approach to specialised vessels is based on truly understanding the requirements of the owner/operator and applying tailored support. Focusing on vessel specialisation is critical for these vessels. This is the perfect example of a co-operative approach where both the owner and the yard have received the highest level of support from LR.” The steel cutting will take place later this year and the vessel is expected to be delivered at the end of 2019.
See us at POSIDONIA 2018 on Stand 1.505 4-8 June, Athens, Metropolitan Expo
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
CORAL Ltd, committed to its marine clients worldwide In a highly competitive global environment market consolidations an uncertain economic expectations CORAL LTD. is committed to developing innovative methods for surfaces cleaning and advanced treatments for our marine and industrial clients worldwide. Vertically integrated and on the forefront of technology CORAL LTD. offers state of the art, cost effective and environmentally friendly products which protect our clients capital investments that are constantly exposed to corrosive environment. Utilizing a network for the time being between Greece and Romania, our highly trained technical experts and corrosion engineers provide the best solutions based on specific customer requirements and according to the latest developments in surface preparation methods. As CORAL LTD. we offer a broad range of advanced equipments designed to prepare metal structure offering in the same time quality / reliability and guarantee success. Our equipments included in the following attached list. Offered works with the following equipments
are Cleaning, Gas Free, Staging, Ultra High Pressure Jetting up to 2500 bar for hydroblasting, Sandblasting, Tank Coating, Painting etc. CORAL LTD. has been established in 1990 as a company exclusively using high pressure water jetting but rapidly developed in all the procedures of surface preparation strengthening its international presence. Closely focusing on the present and future needs of our customer base and building long lasting relationships with leading maritime and industrial organizations, CORAL LTD. offers complete solutions for any and all corrosion control problems and has all you need to guarantee success. Our cleaning and anticorrosion methods, have perfect results and have already been worked in all kind of steel surfaces. Also the range our activities, covers all types of steel onshore and offshore facilities, where we can offer the most effective anticorrosion, cleaning and painting solutions and can provide at the same time all the technical and machinery support that needed.
Hydroblasting | Sandblasting | Painting | Cleaning
JOIN OUR SERVICES CORAL is the leader in hydroblasting cleaning method at the local market based on advanced pumps and considerable experience applying the common international standards. For many years Coral LTD is engaged in sandblasting operations in compliance with the Swedish standards providing our customers with cost effective surface preparation methods in both marine and industrial environment.
ABOUT CORAL LTD In a highly competitive global environment market consolidations and uncertain economic expectations CORAL LTD. is committed to developing innovative methods for surfaces cleaning for our marine and industrial clients worldwide. CORAL LTD. has been established in 1990 as a company exclusively using high pressure water jetting but rapidly developed in the procedures of surface preparation.
ISO CERTIFICATION The quality of our work is ensured via Certification ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, offering to our customers the best solutions that the Market has to offer. Further confirmation of our abilities constitutes from the entrusting of ‘’high requirement projects’’ from shipping companies such as : Thenamaris, Centrofin, European Navigation, Golden Union etc.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
DESMI BWTS - Completion of land-based type approval tests DESMI Ocean Guard’s CompactClean Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) has now successfully completed all the landbased testing required by both IMO and US Coast Guard (USCG). The testing includes a total of 15 landbased tests, 5 in each of the 3 salinities required: fresh water, brackish water, and marine water. Results of the testing confirm that the system meets the stringent discharge requirements without any special operating mode to be employed in US territory and without any minimum holding time to be observed between ballast water uptake and discharge. “We are especially pleased that no less than 7 land-based tests performed in different salinities and at various levels of UV-transmission of the water have been successfully completed with the shortest holding time allowed for landbased testing. This means that there is no required minimum holding time for the CompactClean system. Requirement for minimum holding times for type approved BWMSs is one of the main issues that ship operators are facing within ballast water treatment today,
and we are happy to be able to provide a solution with our CompactClean system,” explains Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S, and continues: “It is a significant achievement that the CompactClean system does not need a special US operation mode to meet the USCG requirements in US territory. With just one operation mode used globally, there is no need for knowing the de-ballast location at the time of ballast uptake, in order to determine if the BWMS should be operated in IMO or US mode. Likewise, there are no issues related to mixing IMO and USCG treated ballast water when water is treated in one mode during ballast operation, but then pumped to a tank with remains of water treated in another mode. Mixing of ballast water treated in different modes is also a concern when water is moved internally from tank to tank during a voyage to compensate for consumed fuel. All these issues represent serious complications to the ship operator when using BWMS that must be switched to one operation mode in US and another in the rest of the world. With CompactClean we have managed to solve this.”
Wärtsilä Aquarius EC BWMS submitted for USCG Type Approval The technology group Wärtsilä has submitted its Aquarius Electro-Chlorination (EC) Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) for US Coast Guard (USCG) Type Approval (TA) after successfully completing all the testing procedures required. Wärtsilä received type approval from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2013 for the Electro-Chlorination system and the same successful design was used for the USCG application. This current testing has again proven the consistent performance of the Wärtsilä solution, and demonstrates the high reliability, robustness and effectiveness of the system.
“Achieving this significant USCG testing milestone is a major step forward for the product. It provides customers with further assurance that this system efficiently addresses ballast water treatment compliance needs, with a reliable product and a partner committed to long-term global support,” says Joe Thomas, Director, Ballast Water Management Systems at Wärtsilä. The Wärtsilä Aquarius EC BWMS utilises proven filtration and electro-chlorination technology, while maintaining a high degree of safety, operability and reliability. It ensures compliance with regulations, even with varying levels of water quality
Coldharbour initiates Japanese type approval process Coldharbour Marine, a manufacturer of ballast water treatment systems based on unique inert gas technology, has engaged Japanese classification society ClassNK to assist in the process of obtaining Japanese type approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The approval is a requirement for all foreign companies in the marine sector seeking to sell their products to customers in Japan. The type approval process, as required by Japan’s Ship Safety Law and the Marine Pollution Prevention Law, will involve an independent assessment and verification of Coldharbour Marine’s ballast water treatment technology as well as type approval of the product itself. An inspection
of the company’s manufacturing plant in Linby, Nottinghamshire, in the UK may also be required. “This is a key step in establishing our commitment to the Japanese market,” said Andrew Marshall, Coldharbour Marine Chief Executive. “This market is very important to us for a number of reasons. Japanese owners control the world’s second largest fleet, including many of the vessels for which our technology is ideally suited. Japanese owners control large numbers of bulkers, tankers and LNG carriers, which are all key target markets for us. Three of the world’s 10 largest owners are Japanese”.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
50 Percent CO2 Cut by 2050: Governments Must Acknowledge Enormity of Historic IMO Agreement Speaking at Singapore Maritime Week, the Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Esben Poulsson, said the adoption by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) of a comprehensive strategy to phase-out shipping’s greenhouse gases “should be more than sufficient to discourage those who mistakenly advocate regional measures which would greatly damage global trade and would not be effective in helping shipping to further reduce its total CO2 emissions.” The ICS Chairman was commenting on the ambitious IMO strategy to cut the total greenhouse gas emissions of shipping by at least 50% by 2050, compared to 2008 – with an agreed efficiency goal, as an average for the sector, for a 40% improvement by 2030 compared to 2008, and a 70% improvement by 2050 – so that the entire sector will be in a position to decarbonise completely, consistent with achieving the 1.5 degree climate change goal identified by the UN. “It’s important that governments recognise the enormity of what has been agreed by IMO. While the ultimate goal is zero emissions, a 50% total cut by 2050 is very ambitious indeed, especially when account is taken of current projections for trade growth” said Mr Poulsson. “To put this in context, the aviation sector’s regulators have so far only agreed to hold its total CO2 emissions at 2020 levels, with no clear plan for absolute reduction. Moreover, compared to the 50% cut agreed by
IMO, the commitments made by governments under the Paris Agreement with respect to the rest of the global economy will not see total CO2 emissions begin to reduce until the 2030s, while shipping’s total current CO2 emissions are already about 8% lower than ten years ago despite a 30% increase in trade demand.” Mr Poulsson remarked “The shipping industry deserves great credit for persuading IMO Member States to respond to the Paris Agreement in such an ambitious manner. This includes the detailed proposals which the industry made about what the IMO strategy might look like within weeks of the Paris Agreement being adopted”. “The shipping industry, very unfairly, is often criticised for foot-dragging. But this new IMO agreement makes it absolutely clear that shipping is now far and away ahead of the rest of the world economy in the scale of its ambition.” The new IMO strategy includes a list of possible candidate measures to achieve further CO2 reduction while shipping is still dependent on fossils fuels, including additional measures that could be ready for implementation before 2023. ICS is already now developing detailed input to IMO on all these proposals. But most controversial is further consideration of applying some kind of Market Based Measure (MBM).
ICS applauds “Paris Agreement for Shipping” The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has welcomed the high level strategy for the further reduction of shipping’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, adopted on 13 April by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO). ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe said: “This is a ground breaking agreement – a Paris Agreement for shipping – that sets a very high level of ambition for the future reduction of CO2 emissions. We are confident this will give the shipping industry the clear signal it needs to get on with the job of developing zero CO2 fuels, so that the entire sector will be in a position to decarbonise completely, consistent with the 1.5 degree climate change goal.” He added: “The agreed IMO objective of cutting the sector’s total GHG emissions by at least 50% before 2050, as part of a continuing pathway for further reduction, is very ambitious indeed, especially when account is taken of current projections for trade growth as the world’s population and levels of prosperity continue to increase.” ICS acknowledges that some governments would have preferred to see the adoption of even more aggressive targets, but argues that a 50% total cut by 2050 can realistically only be achieved with the development and very widespread use of zero CO2 fuels. ICS believes that if this 50% goal is successfully met, the wholesale switch by the industry to zero CO2 fuels should therefore follow very swiftly afterwards.
ICS says that the efficiency goal that has been agreed by IMO Member States for the sector as a whole – a 40% improvement by 2030, compared to 2008, and a 50-70% improvement by 2050 – is also extremely ambitious but probably achievable. But only if governments recognise the enormity of this challenge and facilitate the rapid development of new technologies and fuels. Mr Hinchliffe remarked that: “The industry is very encouraged by the willingness of governments, on all sides of the debate, to co-operate and move to a position that demonstrates unequivocally that IMO is the only body that can meaningfully address the CO2 emissions of international shipping.” ICS says it hopes the IMO agreement will be sufficient to discourage those who mistakenly advocate regional measures which, as well being very damaging to global trade, would not be effective in helping the international shipping sector to further reduce its total CO2 emissions, which are currently about 8% lower than in 2008 despite a 30% increase in maritime trade. As a result of the IMO agreement, ICS now expects discussions at IMO to begin in earnest on the development of additional CO2 reduction measures, including those to be implemented before 2023. ICS says that the shipping industry will continue to participate constructively in these important discussions.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Industry Leaders Bullish on the Potential of the LNG Market The future outlook of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market is a bullish one, according to industry leaders who spoke at the inaugural Sea Asia LNG Forum. The leaders also shared a general consensus that Singapore, in particular, is set to benefit from the growth of this market. The LNG Forum 2018 is a Sea Asia conference organised by UBM (Seatrade) and the Singapore Maritime Foundation. Speakers at the forum noted the significant potential of the LNG market in the long-run. Some predicts that for Singapore, the city-state will flourish in is its role as a service centre for LNG, especially with a large number of LNG ships expected to go onstream and eventually requiring to drydocked each year. During the Shipping and Regasification Markets and Developments session, Mr Peter Fitzpatrick, Vice President, Global Marine at ABS commented, “Singapore is a growth market because LNG ships require reliable, on-time delivery from drydocking, a service Singapore has been providing and will continue to do so. “We see LNG overhaul as a growth area for Singapore, and not just drydocking, but major modifications work with a number of significant projects on LNG vessels being undertaken here in the yards.” When it comes to LNG as marine fuel, while the likes of CMA CGM, parent of Singapore-headquartered APL, have made a game-changing order for LNG-fuelled Ultra-Large Containerships, there is still work to be done on providing the bunkering infrastructure on a global scale.
Mr Nicolas Sartini, Chief Executive Officer of APL (APL is a subsidiary of CMA CGM Group), highlighted during the Fireside Chat session: “In order for the LNG market to grow across the region and elsewhere including China and the U.S., it is very important to have the proper bunkering infrastructure in place.” According to other speakers, this infrastructure includes having the appropriate bunkering facilities, a multi-user terminal that has open access to ensure the effective distribution of LNG, and proper risk and safety training for crew members. The launch of the seventh edition of Sea Asia also took place as part of the LNG Forum. Mr Chris Hayman, Chairman of Seatrade UBM EMEA, shared in his speech how discussions such as those that took place at the LNG Forum will be continued at next year’s Sea Asia. Sea Asia 2019 will be the anchor event during Singapore Maritime Week next year. Next year’s event will take place against the background of an industry in transformation. This includes the transformation in regulation as the industry prepares to meet an unprecedented wave of rule making, both global and regional, touching complex problems such as fuel quality and CO2 emissions. “We look forward to welcoming some of the bigger names in the industry at Sea Asia next year and once again, establish the event as the leading platform for debate and discussions on key industry issues,” said Mr Hayman.
DNV GL launches alternative fuels white paper Classification society DNV GL has issued a new white paper which assesses a range of alternative fuels and technologies. The white paper “Alternative fuels and technologies for greener shipping” examines the price, availability, regulatory challenges and environmental benefits of alternative fuels and technologies, including LNG, LPG, hydrogen, fuel cells, and hybrid and battery technologies, and comparing them to the use of conventional fuel with scrubbers and new low sulphur alternatives. Through the new white paper DNV GL intends to offer the shipping industry insights that will help them in their preparations for the upcoming Global Sulphur Cap, which is due to come into effect on 1 January 2020. “The incoming International Maritime Organization (IMO) sulphur cap on emissions from shipping could have a significant effect on the maritime industry, and it has the potential to be a game changer for alternative fuels,” says Trond Hodne, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing Director at DNV GL – Maritime. “Our new white paper is designed to set out the options for interested stakeholders and to offer a balanced assessment of the potential of these fuels and technologies going forward. We hope that by doing so we can add to the growing body of knowledge and enable investment decisions to be made with greater certainty and confidence.”
The technologies and fuels considered in the white paper are many of the most commonly used in the shipping industry today: LNG, LPG, methanol, biofuel, hydrogen, battery systems, fuel cell systems, and wind-assisted propulsion. The white paper identifies and examines the factors that will affect the uptake and acceptance of alternative fuels and technologies in shipping, including: environmental compatibility, availability, fuel costs and the international rules within the IGF Code. Over the short term, the white paper foresees that the vast majority of conventionally fuelled vessels already in service will either switch to low sulphur conventional fuels, or implement a scrubber system while continuing to use heavy fuel oil (HFO). For newbuilding vessels, the sulphur cap could be a major driver for alternative fuels, and DNV GL’s Gerd Würsig, Business Director Alternative fuelled ships, at DNV GL – Maritime, believes that LNG is the prime contender among them: “LNG has already overcome the barriers related to international legislation and is available in sufficient quantities today to meet the requirements of the shipping industry for many years. It also fits within the trend of demands to lower emissions of CO2, NOx and particulate matter. At the end of the day however, the best concept for a given application needs to be determined by the shipowner on a case-by-case basis, and at DNV GL we are ready to assist in finding the best solution.”
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
HHI receives approval for LNG-fuelled 250,000 dwt VLOC Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has received approval in principle (AiP) from Lloyd’s Register (LR) for an LNG-fuelled 250,000 dwt class very large ore carrier (VLOC). Following the announcement of the IMO’s SOx emission limitations from 2020 and increased developments in the global supply of gas, there has been a growing demand for innovative and environmentally friendly designs to replace traditional oil-fuelled ship designs. In response to this, HHI has been focusing its efforts on LNG-fuelled ships as part of its plans to meet the market’s needs for environmentally friendly shipping. ANANGEL, WOODSIDE, LR and HHI commenced a joint development project (JDP) last year to develop an LNG-fuelled 250,000 dwt VLOC design optimised for the trade route from North West Australia to North Asia, based on the XDF engine. The JDP’s main objective is to achieve the lowest practical incremental capital and operating costs to help LNG as a fuel compete against other post-2020 compliance options for bulk carriers. ANANGEL as the ship owner and operator provided practical advice on the design concept from its extensive fleet operation experience. WOODSIDE as the LNG supplier provided information on the outlook for LNG bunkering infrastructure in the region and outlook for LNG against other fuels. LR facilitated the high-level hazard identification (HAZID) in order to identify the major hazards and verify the safety of the vessel design. HHI completed the optimised design of the VLOC with the LNG-fuelled system, and LR provided class approval and issued AiP to HHI. Recently all JDP members reviewed an in-depth economic evaluation of the LNG-fuelled system against a wide range of ultra-low sulphur marine fuel oil prices to assess the competitiveness of LNG-fuelled bulk carriers and exchange ideas on what could be done to help advance the use of LNG as a fuel. The preliminary results show promise for LNG as a fuel opportunities.
AET Tankers and Shell enter into time charter arrangements AET Inc. Limited and Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited formalised arrangements for the long-term charter of AET’s two newbuild LNG dual-fuelled Aframax tankers. AET’s two 113,000 dwt vessels are currently being built by Samsung Heavy Industries in South Korea and are due for delivery from Q3 of 2018. Today’s arrangements will see Shell take both vessels on a long-term charter commencing in Q4 of this year. When operating in gas mode, the two AET tankers will emit up to 30% less CO2, 85% less NOx, 99% less SOx and 95% less particular matters, making them among the cleanest Aframax tankers in the market. Speaking at a ceremony to commemorate the time charter conclusion, AET’s President and CEO, Capt. Rajalingam Subramaniam, said: “As a world leading owner and operator of petroleum vessels, we have a responsibility to embrace the future of sustainable shipping. AET strives to proactively adapt and embrace the opportunities that emerge from the industry and global environment. Therefore, we took the decision to begin building LNG dual-fuelled Aframax vessels some time ago and these two Aframaxes are amongst the first to take their place in our global fleet. As part of the MISC Group and its Sustainability Agenda, AET upholds our environmental stewardship by consistently evaluating greener solutions, and our investment in the LNG dual-fuelled Aframax tankers is a further tribute to this”. “Shell is a longstanding and highly valued partner, and we have been working together on these time charter arrangements for quite some time. The fact that Shell has agreed to charter our new ships is a true testament to their commitment to thriving throughout the energy transition and will encourage AET to forge ahead with our commitment to operate a future fleet, where at least half of our ships are fuelled with LNG.” Both Malaysian flagged vessels will be fitted with twin LNG tanks, allowing them to trade worldwide on LNG and with LNG more readily available now, this makes them ideally suited to operate in the 0.1% sulphur SECA regions of North America, Northwest Europe and Asia, and ensures full compliance with the incoming 2020 sulphur cap. Mark Quartermain, Vice President, Shell Crude Trading, commented: “These two LNG fuelled vessels will help Shell Trading move crude, principally in the Atlantic basin. LNG is a credible marine fuel and will play an important role in our fleet as we introduce cleaner and more efficient vessels. As emissions standards tighten we continue to work with forward thinking companies like AET to support lower emission transportation solutions.” Also present at today’s ceremony was AET’s Chairman and President/Group CEO of MISC Bhd (AET’s parent company), Yee Yang Chien, who said: “It is particularly apt that today’s charter arrangements ceremony is taking place in London just after the International Maritime Organisation has concluded a further round of discussions on limiting and reducing ships’ emissions. The MISC Group is working to a Sustainability Agenda that ensures we protect and sustain the environment we work within; support the communities we work for, and do all we possibly can to protect our planet for future generations. Today’s arrangement to charter our first set of LNG fuelled Aframaxes to Shell is another step on that pathway”. In June 2017, AET was awarded a contract to build and operate two LNG dual-fuelled DP2 Offshore Loading Shuttle Tankers for service in oilfields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf of the North Sea, Norwegian Sea and the southern Barents Sea as well as on the UK Continental Shelf. When operational, these ships are expected to be amongst the world’s first LNG fuelled DP shuttle tankers and the most energy efficient. Today’s arrangement builds on that achievement and cements AET’s position in the LNG dual-fuel market. It marks a further step in the company’s ability to offer innovative and environmentally responsible solutions to its global customers.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
CO2 emissions for shipping: greater digital standardisation & sharing needed The international shipping industry needs to work more quickly towards global digital standardisation if it is to reduce its CO2 emissions. Speaking at the Singapore Maritime Technology Conference today (25 April 2018), Argyris Stasinakis, a partner with ship tracking intelligence company MarineTraffic, told the audience that more information exchange between shipowners, shippers, ports, equipment manufacturers and IT companies was needed to meet the ambitious CO2 emission reduction targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). “Reducing shipping’s environmental footprint isn’t just about fuel choice and vessel design. It’s about deploying our assets intelligently. This can only be done if the industry is able to build a common approach to data standards and be more prepared to share this data. If we are to unlock the potential contained in the vast quantities of official and validated crowd-sourced information generated by shipping, we need to take a more open approach,” said Argyris Stasinakis. MarineTraffic is part of the IMO’s Global Industry Alliance, a public-private partnership working towards building a low carbon maritime transportation system. MarineTraffic believes that more industry stakeholders need to be involved in taking a holistic approach to optimising the voyage from berth to berth and go far beyond standard routeing services which are currently available. Open data and transparency can positively contribute to the overall competitiveness of the shipping industry, significantly improving efficiency. Argyris Stasinakis added: “I passionately believe in the concept of positive disruption in the shipping industry. The benefits of better data are significant: lower fuel consumption, lower emissions, improved berth occupancy, tighter time windows for delivery of services.”
Total to Develop Artificial Intelligence Solutions with Google Cloud Total and Google Cloud have signed an agreement to jointly develop artificial intelligence (A.I.) solutions applied to subsurface data analysis for oil and gas exploration and production. The agreement focuses on the development of A.I. programs that will make it possible to interpret subsurface images, notably from seismic studies (using Computer Vision technology) and automate the analysis of technical documents (using Natural Language Processing technology). These programs will allow Total’s geologists, geophysicists, reservoir and geo-information engineers to explore and assess oil & gas fields faster and more effectively. Under this partnership, Total geoscientists will work side-byside with Google Cloud’s machine learning experts within the same project team based in Google Cloud’s Advanced Solutions Lab in California. “Total is convinced that applying artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry is a promising avenue to be explored for optimizing our performance, particularly in subsurface data interpretation. We are excited to work with Google Cloud towards this goal. This builds on the strategy being developed at Total, where A.I. is already used, for example, in predictive maintenance at facilities,” said Marie-Noëlle Semeria, Senior Vice President, Group CTO at Total. “We believe that the combination
of Total’s geoscience expertise and Google’s artificial intelligence skills will ensure the project’s success. Our ambition is to give our geoscience engineers an A.I. personal assistant in the next few years that will free them up to focus on high value-added tasks.” said Kevin McLachlan, Senior Vice President Exploration for Exploration & Production at Total. “We are thrilled to welcome Total in our Advanced Solutions Labs for the development of A.I. solutions,” said Paul-Henri Ferrand, President of Global Customer Operations Google Cloud. “We are keen to engage our best A.I. engineers to work with Total’s geosciences’ experts.”
Artificial Intelligence Applied to Exploration & Production at Total • Total started applying artificial intelligence to characterize oil & gas fields using machine learning algorithms in the 1990s. • In 2013, Total used machine learning algorithms to implement predictive maintenance for turbines, pumps and compressors at its industrial facilities, thus generating savings of several hundred million dollars. • Today, Total teams are exploring multiple machine learning and deep learning applications such as production profile forecasting, automated analysis of satellite images or analysis of rock sample images.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Lamda Hellix and SetelHellas join forces Lamda Hellix and SetelHellas join forces to offer high end surveillance solutions to the maritime industry Lamda Hellix and SetelHellas are launching a new strategic alliance aiming to provide shipping industry with exceptional solutions in the security and surveillance critical segment. Lamda Hellix is a leading provider of data center and physical security services in Southeastern Europe and Setel Hellas is an international provider of market leading ICT solutions specially designed for the maritime and offshore vertical enterprises. This partnership aims to offer an integrated portfolio of physical security solutions, utilizing Setel’s extensive experience in “Intelligent Vessel™” and Lamda Hellix’s excellence in Data Center Services, security & safety. Main goal is to support enterprises seeking to safeguard and secure their maritime assets wherever they are. This alliance brings key solutions to the maritime industry by unlocking and assuring the business value of digital ship. Alexandros Bechrakis, VP Business & Technology of Lamda Hellix, stated: “The cooperation with Setel Hellas will further enhance our presence in a major sector. We are confident that this will allow us to better meet the needs of the maritime industry offering advanced solutions in security and surveillance. SETEL is an invaluable partner with its deep technology understanding, ICT maritime integration capabilities and customer focus”. George Christakos, Solutions Manager of SetelHellas, commented: “Working with a team of pioneers in digital and physical security can only be beneficial for our clientele. We strive to provide holistic solutions, in alignment with the IoT era, and this cooperation will reinforce our presence in security systems which is an increasing need for the shipping industry”.
Bureau Veritas extends digital portfolio with ‘PSC Ready’ application ‘PSC Ready’ assists ship managers and their crews in planning and ensuring readiness for port state control inspections. ‘PSC Ready’ is a cloud-based and secure application, downloadable for both IOS and Android. The application helps ensure that ship owners are able to focus on all the requirements needed to be ready for PSC inspections. The benefits of ‘PSC Ready’ include: • Helping ensure compliance with applicable requirements • Enhancing ship maintenance by developing crews’ awareness of safety, environmental and employment requirements as well as those for ship structures and equipment • The opportunity to improve PSC performance worldwide • Training crews to detect, correct and avoid deficiencies • Access to statistics, data and news on PSC developments • ‘Check offline, report online’ functionality recognizing that data connections cannot always be available on-board The application enables PSC awareness to be shared across a company’s fleet, the sharing and analysis of records and performance with
management and clients and the promotion of awareness of specific PSC concentrated inspection campaigns - all with access to the latest information about PSC areas of focus and interpretation. Laurent Leblanc , Vice President and Marine Operations Director, Bureau Veritas said: ‘We wanted to ensure that shipowners and their crews know what Port State Inspections require and to help them manage those requirements – all with a practical, digital, tool. This application provides the most up-to-date route to manage PSC planning and performance, enabling data and best practice to be shared on-board and across fleets.’ ‘Port state control is a major operational factor for shipowners and the bottom line is both safety and preventing unexpected operational loss of time and cost.’ ‘PSC Ready’ was developed and refined in pilot projects with shipowners world-wide. The version released today reflects their guidance, input, advice and feedback. It is available for download at Google Play and Apple’s Apps Store.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
Wilhelmsen and KONGSBERG establish world’s first autonomous shipping company Wilhelmsen and KONGSBERG are joining forces to take the next step in autonomous shipping by offering a complete value chain for autonomous ships, from design and development, to control systems, logistics services and vessel operations. Meet Massterly! “As a world-leading maritime nation, Norway has taken a position at the forefront in developing autonomous ships. Through the creation of the new company named Massterly, we take the next step on this journey by establishing infrastructure and services to design and operate vessels, as well as advanced logistics solutions associated with maritime autonomous operations. Massterly will reduce costs at all levels and be applicable to all companies that have a transport need,” says Thomas Wilhelmsen, Wilhelmsen group CEO. Land-based control centres will be established to monitor and operate autonomous ships in Norway and internationally. With a combined 360 years of experience, Massterly will benefit from KONGSBERG`s unique technological expertise and solutions, and Wilhelmsen’s world-leading experience in logistics and ship management operations. Norway’s position as a leading maritime nation also creates opportunities in the development of next-generation maritime personnel. “Autonomy and remote operations are an important development for the maritime industry and Norway’s lead has been made possible as
a result of close cooperation between the Norwegian maritime cluster and the Norwegian authorities. In recent years there has been rapid development driven by a significant increase in demand from customers worldwide, from the traditional maritime industry and others. When autonomous ships soon are a reality, Massterly will be crucial for digitalising the infrastructure and operations,” says Geir Håøy, President and CEO of KONGSBERG. A key milestone in Norway’s maritime autonomy story was the announcement of “Yara Birkeland” in May 2017. It will be the world’s first fully-electric container vessel and will be completely autonomous by 2020, sailing between Yara’s Norwegian production facilities at Herøya and the ports of Brevik and Larvik. Massterly can deliver and operate autonomous vessels such as Yara Birkeland. “Currently, we are at the very beginning of this development, but we see and believe that there will be a significant market for these types of services in the near future. At first, short sea shipping will use autonomous ships. This also implies increased competitiveness to move transport from road to sea. The gains are increased efficiency and reduction of emissions. For Norway as a maritime nation, this will be an important contribution to reach the UN sustainable development goals,” says Wilhelmsen. The new joint venture company will be based at offices in Lysaker, Norway, and be fully operational from August 2018.
Designing for safety – protecting lives from the start The Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a charity helping to protect the safety of life and property by supporting education, research and public engagement, today announces the next in its series of Foresight reviews. This Foresight Review explores how a culture of design for safety can enhance the safety of the world around us. Design for safety goes beyond legislation, regulation and standards, which all play an important role for established products and services, but their limited scope often leads to missed opportunities to enhance safety by taking a broader perspective. A design for safety culture takes a holistic approach to understanding the influences that affect safety. Such influences are varied and take into account the broader environment within which design operates including complex interactions, behaviour and culture. It goes beyond traditional design methods and focuses on the goal of a safer design. Led by principal investigator, and Dean of the Royal College of Art (RCA) School of Design, Professor Paul Anderson, co-chairs Professor Rachel Cooper and Chris Ross, and co-investigators Professor Ashley Hall and Dr Laura Ferrarello, a panel of international experts representing industry, academia, government, regulators and representative bodies were identified to explore the topic of design for safety. The panel assembled in London in February 2018 for a two-day symposium, followed by a more focused
event in March 2018. The review’s findings highlight the importance of multidisciplinary teams working together to understand a broader range of safety risks than traditionally considered; an example of which includes design that takes into account how people both affect, and are affected by, design. An important finding is that the introduction of new technology and emerging industries bring with them risks that are not well understood or even unknown. A design for safety culture is needed to make sure that these risks are controlled before they are able to cause harm. The review makes a set of recommendations to bridge the design for safety gap between products, services and infrastructure and safer design. The recommendations are: Identify future design for safety challenges: There is a need to establish a design for safety research observatory capability that identifies emerging major safety issues and investigates whether new design for safety methods are required. Develop future design for safety methods and skills: There is a need to establish a capability that has expertise in design for safety methods including research and experimental design activity, graduate and postgraduate educational programmes and engagement with the wider international community to learn and share experiences and best practice.
June 2018 | POSIDONIA 2018
CSSC Nanjing Luzhou and MacGregor celebrate the opening of their first joint venture in China
MacGregor, part of Cargotec, and China State Shipbuilding Corporation’s (CSSC) Nanjing Luzhou Machine Co., Ltd. (LMC) celebrated the opening of their first joint venture in Nanjing, China on April 10. CSSC LMC and MacGregor have established a solid foundation of trust through 30 years of successful cooperation. This joint venture turns the first page for a new era of a long-term strategic cooperation. The joint venture’s business model and organisational structure were developed during 2017, and the business license was obtained in March 2018. With common efforts from both parties, the joint venture will be gradually developed to be the centre of excellence for air compressors. The cooperation will be expanded step by step to cover other suitable products in the future. Sun Wei, Vice President, CSSC Group says: “This joint venture establishment is a new cooperation model between our companies who both operate in the challenging market conditions. CSSC Nanjing Luzhou and MacGregor have built a solid foundation through 30 years’ friendly cooperation. The new joint venture will combine MacGregor’s strengths in design, technology, management and global after-sales service with Nanjing Luzhou’s strengths in domestic production and sales based on the scale and industry strength of the CSSC Group. By actively exploring effective and innovative ways of cooperation, we are together able to achieve a win-win situation and good market prospects for the joint venture.
Carnival Horizon delivered to LR class Carnival Cruise Line officially took delivery of the new 133,500 GT Carnival Horizon at a ceremony held last month at Fincantieri’s Monfalcone shipyard in Italy. The cruise ship has a capacity of 3960 guests, plus 1450 crew, and is the second in the Vista-class and the 26th ship in Carnival’s fleet. She was designed and built to Lloyd’s Register (LR) class. The naming ceremony for Carnival Horizon took place in New York on 23 May. Following a summer schedule of four-day Bermuda and eightday Caribbean sailings from New York, the cruise ship will reposition to Miami for a year-round schedule of six- and eight-day Caribbean cruises beginning in September 2018. Like its sister ship (Carnival Vista), Carnival Horizon is certified to LR’s ECO Notation, meaning that she was designed, built and operates in a way that exceeds current marine statutory environmental regulations. The ship also has an Intelligent Power Management System installed, which optimises diesel engine operational settings to reduce emissions and conserve fuel. Additionally, she has a ballast water treatment system that complies with the Ballast Water Management Convention requirements. Carnival Horizon also features several noteworthy attractions including an IMAX Theatre, a brewery with onboard craft beer production, an 800-foot-long SkyRide and the first Dr. Seuss-themed water park with a 455-foot-long water slide.
“We are very pleased with the collaboration and teamwork with our valued partners at Fincantieri and LR to deliver this spectacular addition to our fleet,” said Mark Jackson, Senior Vice President of Technical Operations, Carnival Cruise Line. LR’s John Hicks, Global Passenger Ship Manager, Marine & Offshore, commented: “Carnival Horizon is a magnificent ship representing the latest collaboration between Fincantieri and Carnival, supported through the entire two and half year process by an excellent LR team of surveyors and plan approval specialists.” The third vessel in the Vista-class series, Carnival Panorama, is currently under construction and scheduled to enter service from Long Beach, California in December 2019.
The naming ceremony for Carnival Horizon took place in New York on 23 May. Following a summer schedule of four-day Bermuda and eight-day Caribbean sailings from New York, the cruise ship will reposition to Miami for a yearround schedule of six- and eight-day Caribbean cruises beginning in September 2018
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