3 minute read
The innovative solution
from NAFS December 2022
TURBOMED SA, equipped with the innovative solution of flexible portable dynamic balancing device, -designed in order to respond effectively within an environment of high vibrations such as that of the ship’s engine room- solves a major integrated repair problem, covering the total range of turbocharger’s balancing requirements of main & auxiliary engines.
“A vision of many years is becoming a reality! The Portable Dynamic Balancing device is designed and manufactured exclusively for our company for on-board use and beyond. This way we are able to restitute any damage on board, even in the most remote parts of the planet”, pointed out the President & CEO of TURBOMED SA Mr. Yiannis Paraskevopoulos.
Now, the complete repair and balancing service is performed directly and efficiently inside the ship, without having to take the rotor off board – a time consuming and costly service. In fact, in cases of remote ports, where there is no infrastructure or specialized workshops suitable for balancing, this exclusive service is a great added value for the ship-owners & charterers as they save valuable time and therefore money.
Starting from the specialized machine shop of TURBOMED SA in Piraeus, this new service of portable dynamic balancing on-board is also available at the company’s services stations in key ports around the world such as Constanta Romania, Lagos Nigeria, Limassol Cyprus, as well as all over Europe, USA, Asia & Africa.
Well trained and experienced engineers are always available to support the overhaul of ship engines turbochargers, transporting the balancing device on their luggage and providing balancing services on ships and power plants all over the world.
Do the results of vibrations on the balancing device get affected by the rest of the vibrations and noise generated by the other machines in the engine room?
No, the device does not get affected by external vibrations and noises. It is manufactured in such way in order to zero all vibrations & noises coming all sources other than the placed on the device rotor shaft during the balancing. This device is designed and manufactured specifically for TURBOMED SA for on-board use.
Is this a portable device?
Yes, it is portable and flexible, as it can easily get transported in the luggage of specialized technicians of TURBOMED SA. At the same time the balancing report is being issued and remains on-board together with the rest of the service reports.
Are the safety rules met during process?
TURBOMED SA holds all safety protocols and takes all necessary measures, using the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure the prevention of accidents and the maximum possible safety of individuals.
Is it an economical solution?
The “Portable Dynamic Balancing” service is the most advantageous solution, given the fact that it provides a high degree of immediate efficiency, effectiveness and quality. A full service package is offered on-board, covering the wide range of maintenance – service – balancing of turbochargers rotor shafts within the ship schedule and without any delay.
For which engines is it suitable?
This device combines excellent flexibility and ergonomics. It is suitable for all types of main & auxiliary engines, covering a wide range of needs and is able to balance new and used rotor shafts.
Is it possible to cover an emergency need of a damage?
Of course, it meets the needs for both scheduled overhaul and balancing, as well as an emergency breakdown service anywhere in the world 24/7.
Is it exclusively providing services on-board?
Not only. Shipping, on one hand, occupies the largest percentage of repairs, however this device is equally suitable and ideal for Shipyards where there are no dynamic balancing machines, for Power Plants and Oil & Gas Platforms.
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Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179.
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NAFS magazine has been honored with The Ath. Vas. Botsis Foundation award - the most prestigious award in Greece for journalism - for the valid Shipping Report and its support to the Merchant Shipping.
NAFS | Dec. 2022 / Jan. 2023