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The prospects of the Maritime Industry for 2023
from NAFS December 2022
Greece has a proud maritime history and remains a major player on the global stage. One non-profit organization – the Worldwide Industrial Marine Association (WIMA) – is encouraging its members to thrive.
We are\ live in the era of the energy transition, that is a fact. Transforming our businesses and leveraging new digital technologies is one of our biggest challenges.
The transition to green energy use in shipping can only be achieved through a re-engineering of investment and policy solutions, with a new approach that will lead and support the shipping industry in new long-term green, sustainable, and development perspectives consistent with achieving the climate goals.
Greece is capable of developing its own shipbuilding industry for the production of electric ships, in the energy transition for green shipping.
The full decarbonization of shipping is a difficult and huge task considering that we are talking about an industry that carries around 80% of world trade. We have to take a step forward.
WIMA aims to be present and pioneer in the rapid developments in the field of green energy and the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly the carbon footprint. Greece and Greek coastal shipping are in a phase of research to find new ways of moving, environmentally friendly with zero emissions.
WIMA, by utilizing its industry knowledge and in order to create added value for both the Association and its Members and the country itself, has proceeded to the design and development of an emblematic project called “ELECTRIC DREAM”. The project incorporates the new trends, prospects, and challenges posed by the digital transformation as well as the need to align with the global regulatory standards (mainly reducing carbon emissions) to lead to a more “Green Shipping”.
At the same time, the revival of our shipbuilding industry will certainly help the development of our businesses even more.
As far as the future is concerned, we have to be open and extroverted and take advantage of the opportunities presented.
Elias Hajiefremidis President, WIMA, Worldwide Industrial & Marine Association


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“The Global Shipping industry will continue to be concerned in 2023 by the lack of Officers from the cargo ships. The War in Ukraine will, I believe, might end in the new year by diplomatic means, and its termination will bring an increase in the freight rates needed for the reconstruction of Ukraine”.