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ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 11047-3179
Posidonia 2016
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ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179
Bimonthly Review for the Shipping industry
Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry
BimohthlyReview Review Bimohthly forthe theShipping Shipping for Posidonia 2014...and the Industry Industry DECEMBER 2016 USA, ARPIL-MAY 2016 winner is KAMINCO issue110 114 issue
100 the Galileo’s ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ Cryobox 2229
Cruise Industry’s
economic contribution sets all-time high in Europe
Ted Petropoulos
Vicky Liouta
Greek Shipping at a boom? Post Posidonia pulse
What a BEKIARIS difference 90 days APOSTOLOS
makes for Private Equity PAUL HAGENS Funds in Shipping
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Growth and size limits
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Index ISSUE 114 - DECEMBER 2016
06. ΝΙΚΟΣ Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Ο Νίκος Φράγκος μέσα από τα μάτια μου... 08. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Έφυγε ένας μεγάλος πλοιοκτήτητης PETROPOULOS: Greek Shipping powers on despite 10. TED adversity
Fast response & professional assistance 24/7
36. January - February 2016 review 40. March - April 2016 review 46. May - June 2016 review 56. July - August 2016 review
Athanasios Reisopoulos, Member of BoD of Box Ships Containerships challenges: Growth and size limits
58. September - October 2016 review 62. November - December 2016 review
Kirsi Tikka, VP, Global Marine, ABS Threats and Opportunities for 2017
Tom Kirk, Director of Environmental Performance, ABS Outcomes of the MEPC 70 meeting and their implications for shipowners
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Ο Νίκος Φράγκος μέσα από τα μάτια μου…
Γράφει ο Νίκος
Κ. Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ.
Εκκλησία, οι οποίοι δεν είχαν υπόβαθρο κάποια ματαιοδοξία, αλλά αποτελούσαν προέκταση της επιθυμίας του να είναι χρήσιμος στους ανθρώπους. Έκανε ο,τι μπορούσε με σκοπό να τη βοηθήσει προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση δίχως ιδιοτέλεια και τυμπανοκρουσίες. Δεν ήταν άλλωστε τυχαίο ότι βοήθησε ιδιαίτερα το έργο της Ελληνικής Ορθόδοξης εκκλησίας η οποία τον ετίμησε με την υψηλότερη διάκριση που απονέμει, τον Χρυσό Σταυρό. Φιλανθρωπικό έργο πρόσφερε και μέσω της Ελληνικής Αρχιεπισκοπής της Αμερικής. Με τις πράξεις του στάθηκε αθόρυβα αλλά καταλυτικά δίπλα σε πολλούς ανθρώπους που είχαν ανάγκη την βοήθειά του. Την Κυριακή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους ‘Ελληνες εφοπλιστές έφυγε “αθόρυβα” από την ζωή, πλήρης ημερών στα 90 του χρόνια. Ο λόγος για τον Καπετάν Νίκο Φράγκο που για ολόκληρη την ζωή του υπήρξε υπόδειγμα επιχειρηματικής σκέψης, δημιουργίας, φιλανθρωπίας, και αλτρουϊσμού. Με καταγωγή από το σημαντικότερο λίκνο του ελληνικού εφοπλισμού, τα Καρδάμυλα, ο αείμνηστος Νίκος Φράγκος αναδείχθηκε σε μία από τις πιο εμβληματικές φυσιογνωμίες στον χώρο των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών. Είχα την τύχη ο Καπετάν Νίκος Φράγκος να είναι πνευματικός μου πατέρας μιας και με βάπτισε το 1976 στον Άγιο Νικόλαο του Πειραιά. Η σχέση μας δεν έμεινε στους τύπους. Υπήρξε για εμένα πρότυπο και πολλές φορές κάναμε ιδιαίτερες συζητήσεις για την μεγάλη του αγάπη τη Ναυτιλία. Προσπαθούσα κάθε φορά να ρουφήξω όση περισσότερη γνώση και πληροφορία μπορούσα να πάρω από αυτόν τον σπουδαίο άνθρωπο. Αλλά και εκείνος πάντα ήταν διαθέσιμος να δώσει τα πάντα στους άλλους. Άνθρωπος ακούραστος που εργαζόνταν νυχθημερόν, στοχοπροσηλωμένος στην επιτυχία που για να την κατακτήσει δούλεψε όσο λίγοι άνθρωποι στην ζωή τους. Ο Καπετάν Νίκος σε όλη την διάρκεια της ζωής του υπήρξε φιλάνθρωπος με μεγαλειώδες έργο. Ποτέ δεν τον ενδιέφερε να μάθει ο κόσμος τις καλές του πράξεις. Έτσι, δημιούργησε στενούς δεσμούς με την
Τον θυμάμαι ακούραστο στο μεγάλο γραφείο του το οποίο είχε περισσότερα από 15 τηλέφωνικές συσκευές, και στα αριστερά του δέσποζε ένας μεγάλος άτλαντας όπου με μαγνήτη υπήρχαν επάνω σε αυτόν τα πλοία της εταιρίας του της “GOOD FAITH SHIPPING”. Εκείνος με βοήθησε πολύ στα πρώτα μου βήματα καθοδηγόντας με με αγάπη για το τι θα έπρεπε να κάνω και πως. Στήριξε την προσπάθειά μου όλα αυτά τα χρόνια και ο ίδιος πάντα μου έλεγε “Εσύ θα προσπαθείς πάντα να είσαι ο καλύτερος όχι για τα χρήματα αλλά για την ηθική ικανοποίηση της προσπάθειάς σου. Και ο Θεός βλέπει και βοηθάει. Να έχεις πίστη στο Θεό. Και αυτός δεν θα σε εγκαταλείψει ποτέ”. Ένας άνθρωπος με τρομερή διορατικότητα, με απίστευτη τόλμη, απλός και μετρημένος. Κέρδιζε πάντα τον σεβασμό λόγω του βεληνεκούς της προσωπικότητάς του. Η παρακαταθήκη που άφησε στα παιδιά του είναι όλα αυτά τα στοιχεία του χαρακτήρα του. Έδωσε την σκυτάλη και αυτή τώρα ταξιδεύει με επιτυχία μέσα από την οικογένειά του στις θάλασσες. Ο καπετάν Νικός έφυγε για να συναντήσει την αγαπημένη του σύζυγο Στέλλα. Θα είναι πάλι μαζί εκεί ψηλά και είμαι σίγουρος ότι και από εκεί πάλι θα βοηθούν τον κόσμο. Καλό ταξίδι καπετάνιε… Νίκος Κ. Δούκας
Στο πρώτο ΝΑΥΣ που κυκλοφόρησε το 1996, ο καπετάν Νίκος Φράγκος τόσο προφητικά μιλούσε για όλα αυτά που συμβαίνουν σήμερα. Για τις απειλές των Τούρκων στο Αιγαίο, για τα Καρδάμυλα της ιδιαίτερης πατρίδας του της Χίου, για το έλλειμμα εθνικής Ελληνικής πολιτικής, για τις βαρβαρότητες των Τούρκων, αλλά και για το γεγονός ότι η θάλασσα θα πρέπει να ενώνει και όχι να διχάζει τους λαούς. Όλα αυτά πριν από 20 χρόνια. Πόσο προφητικός και αληθινός.
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Έφυγε ένας μεγάλος πλοιοκτήτητης Γράφει ο Κώστας
Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση
Πλήρης ημερών σε ηλικία 90 ετών απεβίωσε ο καπετάν Νίκος Φράγκος, δημιουργός του μεγάλου ναυτιλιακού συγκροιτήματος Good Faith Shipping του Πειραιώς, ο οποίος κατόρθωσε με τη ναυτωσύνη του, με την εργατικότητά του και με την εξειδίκευσή του στη ναυτιλιακή επιχείρηση να δημιουργήσει μια μεγάλη ναυτιλιακή αυτοκρατορία με συνέχεια και συνέπεια. Είχα την τύχη να γνωρίσω το καπετάν Νικόλα Φράγκο στα πρώτα βήματα της δημιουργικής σταδιοδρομίας του όταν λειτουργούσε ως εταιρία μόνος του, χωρίς τους κατοπινούς συνεργάτες, στο μέγαρο Μακράς Στοάς του Πειραιώς. Έζησα εκ του σύνεγγυς πολλές αγωνίες του αλλά και πολλά επιχειρηματικά επιτεύγματα, που αποσκοπούσαν στην εδραίωση της εταιρίας του, στη μεγέθυνση του στόλου του και στην ανάδειξή του σαν ενός εκ των μεγαλυτέρων ακραιφνών Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών, με επιστέγασμα των προσπαθειών του την απόκτηση της ναυαρχίδος του στόλου του, το γιγαντιαίο bulk carrier “Good Leader” που ενώ εκτελούσε το παρθενικό του ταξίδι την ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων, συνέπεια μέθης του πλοιάρχου του υπέστη μείζον ατύχημα στον Βισκαϊκό. Ο καπετάν Νικόλας Φράγκος βρισκόταν και την ημέρα εκείνη, μετά τον εκκλησιασμό του, στο γραφείο του και έλαβε γνώση με telex. Αμέσως αγόρασε το “Good Leader” με ένα σεβαστό ποσό ως total loss και το ρυμούλκησε στα ναυπηγεία Σκαραμαγκά όπου το επισκεύασε και το κατέστησε ναυαρχίδα του στόλου του. Έκτοτε άρχισε η ανοδική πορεία της εταιρίας. Εργασιομανής αλλά και δημιουργικός από νεαράς ηλικίας ο Νίκος Φράγκος συνεχίζοντας τη ναυτιλιακή παράδοση, κατόρθωσε
να ανελκύσει το 1947 το ναυάγιο ενός οικογενειακού του πλοίου που είχε βυθισθεί από τους Γερμανούς, το “Ostrako”. Το πρώτο πλοίο και ενώ εργαζόταν εως πλοίαρχος το απέκτησε το 1960. Ήταν το ¨Κάπταιν Φράγκος”. Ο καπετάν Νικόλας Φράγκος δεν έλειψε ποτέ από το γραφείο του και παρακολουθούσε προσωπικά τη λειτουργία και την απόδοση του στόλου του, διατηρώντας ταυτόχρονα ισχυρούς δεσμούς με την Εκκλησία της Ελλάδος, καθώς ήταν μεγάλος ευεργέτης της Μητροπόλεως Χίου αλλά και της Αρχιεπισκοπής Αθηνών καθώς και της Αρχιεπισκοπής Βορείου και Νοτίου Αμερικής, ενώ διατηρούσε ισχυρούς δεσμούς και με την Ιερά Μητρόπολη Πειραιώς. Ο Καρδαμυλιώτης εφοπλιστής, ο οποίος φρόντιζε κάθε χρόνο να συγκεντρώνει τη νησιωτική του κοινότητα σε χοροεσπερίδες σε μεγάλα ξενοδοχεία της Αθήνα, έχει χρηματοδοτήσει την κατασκευή και τη λειτουργία της σχολικής πτέρυγας του σχολείου Καρδαμύλων που φέρει το όνομα της αειμνήστου συζύγου του εκπαιδευτικού Στέλλας Φράγκου. Ακούραστος, ικανός, τεχνοκράτης και πλοίαρχος με όλη τη σημασία της λέξεως, ο καπετάν Νίκος Φράγκος δεν δίσαζε να αναλαμβάνει τις πιο δύσκολες εργασίες στη ναυτιλία. Όταν ένα πλοίο του προσάραξε στον Αμαζόνιο και τα τοπικά ναυπηγεία και οι Νηογνώμονες θεωρούσαν το πλοίο χαμένο, δεν δίστασε να μεταβεί ο ίδιος επί τόπου και με τις οδηγίες να αποκολλήσει το σκάφος χωρίς ζημιές ενώ οι τοπικές αρχές το είχαν για ολική απώλεια. Πρωτοπόρος και νεωτεριστής για την εποχή του ανέπτυξε ισχυρούς δεσμούς με την Κίνα, διαβλέποντας την ραγδαία ανάπτυξη της χώρας αυτής, βοήθησε στην εκπαίδευση των ναυτικών της και με δική του χρηματοδότηση ολοκλήρωσε την ανέγερση δύο δημοτικών σχολείων στην Κίνα, με αποτέλεσμα οι Κινέζοι να του απονείμουν την υψηλότερη διάκριση που μπορούσε να δοθεί σε πολίτη ξένου κράτους. Ένθερμος υποστηρικτής κάθε ελληνικής ναυτιλιακής δραστηριότητας, ο καπετάν Νικόλας Φράγκος ανέπτυξε ιδιαίτερους δεσμούς με τα επισκευαστήρια του Περάματος. Ο καπετάν Νίκος Φράγκος ήταν άκρως καταδεκτικός. Η πόρτα του γραφείου του ήταν πάντα ανοικτή σε όλους και είχε πάντα για όλους ένα καλό
λόγο να πει. Συνεργασθήκαμε πολλές φορές σε ναυτιλιακά θέματα γενικώτερου ενδιαφέροντος για το καλό της ναυτιλίας και μου έκανε την τιμή να βαπτίσει το γιο μου Νίκο και εκδότη του περιοδικού ΝΑΥΣ στη Παναγία της Τήνου. Ταπεινός και χριστιανός με όλη τη σημασία της λέξεως, όπως είναι οι περισσότεροι Έλληνες οικογειάρχες εφοπλιστές, ο καπετάν Νίκος Φράγκος θα μείνει στη καρδιά μου όχι μόνο σαν καλός και δημιουργικός παραδοσιακός Έλληνας εφοπλιστής, αλλά και για τις γενικώτερες αντιλήψεις του περί ζωής. Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ την παροιμία που μου είπε όταν τον ρώτησα γιατί δεν έχει εντυπωσιακή βίλα όπως όλοι οι πλούσιοι συνάδελφοί του στο νησι. “Κουμπάρε, μου είπε, σπίτι όσο χωρείς χωράφι όσο θωρείς”. Ας είναι ελαφρύ το χώμα που θα σκεπάσε το εκλεκτό αυτοδημιούργητο τούτο τέκνο της ναυτιλία.
Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ την παροιμία που μου είπε όταν τον ρώτησα γιατί δεν έχει εντυπωσιακή βίλα όπως όλοι οι πλούσιοι συνάδελφοί του στο νησι. “Κουμπάρε, μου είπε, σπίτι όσο χωρείς χωράφι όσο θωρείς”.
Greek Shipping powers on despite adversity The recently published Petrofin Research ©, which can be accessed at www.petrofin. gr, demonstrates the ability of Greek shipping to continue growing and investing in shipping via younger fleets despite the highly adverse markets and the lack of bank ship finance. Greek owners increased their share of the world fleet (Source UNCTAD) from 15.41% in 2014, 16.05% in 2015 and 16.36% in 2016. Its biggest competitors, Japan, China and Germany have not done so well as can be seen in the table above. With growth of 6.5% in vessel numbers and 10.26% Head, Petrofin Research in DWT terms Greek shipping continued to power forward. Please see Graph 1. What are the reasons that may explain the large rise in both vessel numbers and fleet DWT at such challenging times? Some explanations can be found in the following: • Many Greek owners had committed newbuilding orders which were delivered even though there have been significant delivery delays as a result of revised agreements with the shipyards. • In comparison to newbuilding prices, second hand vessels represented a better buying opportunity and Greek owners switched their attention to purchasing modern second hand vessels. • A number of Greek owners remain committed to building their eco fleets and to snap up any newbuilding resale opportunities. • Especially for dry bulk owners, there is a widespread belief that the worst is over and acquiring modern vessels represents an opportunity. • Private equity funds have begun once again to conclude Joint Ventures with Greek owners especially in the dry bulk sector. • Greek owners have increasingly made use of their cash reserves to purchase vessels on a cash basis. Let me highlight some of the key findings of the research: 1. The number of Greek based/owned companies continues to decline down to 638. Considering the level of financial difficulties encountered by Greek shipping, this fall is modest. 2. 25+ vessel fleets constitute now well over half of the Greek total in DWT terms (65.38%), and the number of companies that run them has grown to 46 compared to 41 in 2015. These fleets are also getting younger. 3. The very young fleets (0-9 years of age) continue to rise. They hold 73.56% of the whole of Greek fleet DWT compared to 73.47% in 2015. This shows the commitment of Greek owners towards younger vessels. 4. Over the last 19 years of Petrofin Research, the overall number of Greek companies has declined by over 31%. 5. The overall age of the fleet keeps falling and it now stands at 12.19 years. As one may observe, there is a clear trend whereby the fleets are getting larger but the number of companies is remaining virtually the same. In all three sectors there is strong evidence of economies of scale at work whilst the age momentum continuously supports younger vessels. The LPG fleet, has become the star performer across all sectors with the number of companies operating fleets of over 20,000 DWT growing from 6 to 13, the total fleet DWT has nearly tripled from 1.078m DWT to 2.950m DWT over the last 4 years. The number of vessels has risen from 23 to 66 and even more remarkably the average age of the LPG fleet has fallen from 13.69 to 4.33
Ted Petropoulos,
years. The growth story, however, contains some elements of distress among the smaller fleet sizes, as many companies experienced negative cashflows and the increasing reluctance of banks to provide further restructures. The 68 largest Greek companies increased their Greek fleet share to 65.38%. Greek owners have also taken advantage of the sale of modern vessels by bank promoted sales, increasingly by German banks and owners. These sales are usually not supported by soft financing as the banks are looking to exit shipping and reduce their loan portfolios. En bloc loan portfolio sales have not materialized to the extent anticipated by the market as the discounts offered to banks have not largely met the banks’ expectations. The current Greek orderbook now consists of approximately 307 vessels (Clarkson’s World Fleet Register). As deliveries approach, owners are invariably looking for leasing from the Far East, an area where Chinese leasing companies have exceled with Japanese banks/leasing companies joining this trend in 2016 for the top owners. The fall in the tanker market has brought this market also to the attention of private investments funds. Although activity had slowed down in 2016, as the year closes, there is considerably more interest in dry bulk by such funds. IPO activity, however, remains slow as no public companies have escaped the assault on their share prices as a result of weak earnings and value impairments. However, we believe that there is a change in the wind, especially for dry bulk shipping and we would expect more activity in this sector from the public markets coupled with a recovery in company share prices. International trade growth has been lackluster and the recent trends towards nationalism and trade protection have added further clouds on the global economic growth outlook. Hence, the shipping industry is not expected to experience boom conditions in 2017, even though there has been a modest improvement lately across most sectors. Greek shipping, having invested massive amounts of capital, needs to digest its gains and continue to grow selectively and qualitatively. It would not be surprising for fleet growth to slow down as newbuilding deliveries slow down. However, the interest by Greek owners in modern second hand vessels has been considerable and this should ensure a yet further solid performance in 2017.
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Containerships challenges: Growth and size limits By Athanasios Reisopoulos , Member of BoD of Box Ships Inc 1. INTRODUCTION
Modern containerships are highly complex floating systems that, for the past 50 years, have been trimmed for high performance in terms of safety and availability. Their development is still far from over. Container shipping is being driven by world trade in a way no other transport system is, and unlike any other system it is in itself a powerful motor to trade. Asia’s economy boom could not have been handled without container shipping. The increase of containership size seems to be an endless process without any foreseeable limit. Over the past 40 years any estimated limit turned out to be an underestimation in a very short time. The economies of scale remain a crucial factor in increasing the containers capacity and sizes. The bigger the ship, the lower the transport costs. The introduction of Very Large Container Vessels (VLCVs) and Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCVs) changes shipping patterns and requires port expansions and port adjustments. Even in the present situation with a historic volume of oversupply of container tonnage, we are still facing a flood of newbuildings of sizes, which have been never seen before.
The growth of containerization over the past half century has been exponential. Container ships have been getting bigger because the increased size affects positively their operating efficiency, profitability and friendlier environmental performance (Figure 1). One criterion for Athanasios dividing container vessels in particular categories is, if they can be accommodated by the Panama Canal. Here we have the following categories: Panamax CVs (3,000-5,000 TEU), Post-PanaReisopoulos, max CVs (5,001-10,000 TEU) and New-Panamax CVs (10,001-14,500 TEU). Member of BoD of Box In literature two terms are often used for the largest ‘’mega-ships’’ in the world: Very Large Container Vessels (VLCVs) and Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCVs). As there is no commonly Ships Inc accepted definition of VLCVs and ULCVs, for the purpose of this paper we have assumed that vessels between 10,000-14,500 TEU are VLCVs (or New-Panamaxes). ULCVs are having a capacity of 14,501-21,000 TEU, an overall Length of max 400.0 m, and a max Beam of 50.0-60.0 m (Table 1). The fast growth in size of containerships has started in June 2011 with the ordering of twenty (20) new Class ‘’Triple E’’ containerships, of 18,270 TEU capacity each by Maersk shipping, the world’s largest containership. Maersk claimed that the ‘’Triple E’’ was the most environmentally friendly ship (the three E stand for economy of scale, efficiency and environmental friendliness). Putting more containers on a ship with less fuel consuming engines would definitely save costs and bring the liner in a much better position in a very competitive market. Designed to be only three meters longer and 3 meters wider than the 15,500 TEU Emma Maersk, it increased the carrying capacity by 16%. Triggered by Maersk decision to build the first set of Triple-E-Class ships and while it was believed that the Triple-E-Class ships would mark a record for a long period of time, more and more shipping companies have reacted by ordering larger container vessels (over 14,000 TEU), in order to increase their profitability and maintain or even strengthen their market position. Still in 2014China Shipping has put the ‘’CSCL Globe” of 19,000 TEU into service. “MSC Oscar’’ entered the Europe-Far East trade in early 2015 with 19,224TEU capacity being the world’s biggest containership by today. «MSC Oscar’’ was initially specified at 18,270 TEU but expanded during the building period, as one extra tier was added. (See Chapter 3).
Figure 1: Growth in size of containerships during the last 50 years.
In 2014, there was solid interest in the 14,000 TEU containerships, but the recent interest and ordering of new container ships of liners has been focusing on the 18,000 + TEU ships. Today, more than 100 vessels of this size, or even higher, are on order or in operation (Table 2).
Table 1: Containerships’ categories & main dimensions
Note: After VLCVs and ULCVs entered the market, the category of feeder vessels has been adjusted from 700-1,500 TEUs to cover also the range of 2,500 TEUs to 3,000 TEUs. Capacity (TEU)
Name Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCV) (with 12 tiers in Hold)
ULCV (with 11 tiers in Hold and 11 tiers on Hatch) ULCV (with 11 tiers in Hold and 10 tiers on Hatch)
Length o.a. (m)
Beam (m)
Depth (m)
Draught (m)
Post Panamax
The average size of containerships has continuously grown over the years from 1,820 TEU in 2001 to 2,425 TEU in 2007 and now reaching, with the construction of VLCVs and ULCVs of over 10,000 TEU and 18,000 ++ TEU respectively, the average size of more than 3,800 TEU. It has to be acknowledged that we have already experienced limits of growth in other fields of shipping and shipbuilding some time ago. I.e., only two crude oil tankers have surpassed the mark of 500,000 dwt for a short time. No other tanker has come close to this limit since then. Although the shipbuilding industry could have delivered even bigger vessels the limited flexibility to access ports with the big volume of required cargo per shipment have refrained tanker owners from further making use of such mega vessels. The maximum size now is down to 320,000 dwt again. Therefore, a wide adjustment of the ports to the bigger tanker sizes has not taken place.
The case is different in container shipping. The ordering of continuously larger and larger containerships reaching capacities in the region of 20,000 TEU was originally initiated by the need to improve profitability through economy of scale meaning reduction of unit cost and slot cost advantage. Another significant reason is the strong competition among the shipping liners in a very depressed market and in effort, by many of them, to weaken the dominance of Maersk and MSC. In September 2016, the global containership fleet reached a capacity of 20,267 m TEU corresponding to a total number of 5,150 container ships of all sizes. It took less than 10 years to double in capacity and reach this new milestone.
Table 2: Ultra Large Container Vessels in trade or under construction Size - TEU
Single/Twin screw
Hanjin PIL
Shipyard Group
Shipyard Group
a) Designers and shipyards have managed to raise the ship cargo capacities of VLCVs and ULCVs without having to increase their breadth or length. By lifting the TEU Capicity Adjustment Lbp (m) B (m) H (m) Tsc (m) deckhouse in order to ensure Original 11 tier in visibility, shipyards have been 18,200 hold and 10 tier on 379.0 58.60 30.3 16.0 able to deliver ships with up to 11 tiers of containers on the hatch hatch coves, in addition to 11 standard 19,450 11 tier on hatch 379.0 58.60 30.3 16.0 containers in the hold. That extra tier, compared to stacks of 10 20,400 12 tier in hold 379.0 58.60 33.2 16.0 containers on the hatches for 21,360 one more row 379.0 61.15 33.2 16.0 an 18,200 TEU ship, raises the capacity to around 19,550 TEU. 22,410 one more 40’ bay 379.0 61.15 33.2 16.0 Over the years the number of Figure 2: Increase of TEU capacity by increasing tiers, rows and bays. containers on top of the hatch covers has risen from 9 to 11 tiers. The Depth of a containership depends on the number of containThe liners MOL, OOCL, China Shipping and Evergreen took this ers it carries in the hold, the height of the hatch cover and the progression one step further by lifting the deckhouse even more space between the top of the containers and the lower side of the by placing 12 tiers in the hold increasing this way of capacity to hatch cover. around 20,000 TEU. The loading condition inside the holds and on hatch covers is a key b) The capacity can be further boosted from 20,500 TEU to item in the contracts between shipowner and the yard. Accord21,400 TEU by adding an extra row across the deck and increasing ing to ISO 1496/1, the lowest container in the hold maybe over the beam from, say, 58.6m to 61.1m. Finally, by lengthening the stowed by 192.0 tons, which would result in an average container ship with one 40ft bay the container capacity will increase to weight of 31 tons for 40’ containers, or 28 tons in the case of 11 22,400 TEU. tiers, which is equivalent to the typical 14-tons homogenously The above design changes in number of tiers, bays and rows loading condition. without major changes in vessels design and structure is reflectThe maximum depth of a presently under construction 21,000 ed in the table in Figure 2. TEU container ship with 12 tiers in the holds, is 33.2 meters. Three different draught concepts can be evaluated for containerships: the design draught, the scantling draught and the 4. LIMITS IN THE MAIN DIMENSIONS operational draught. Traditionally the design draught is used for Although the trend to further lengthen and widen ULCVs above contractual issues such as speed and cargo capacity while the 18,000 TEU has calmed down due to the present market situascantling draught is the basis for all international regulations and tion and world economy, the interest for even bigger ships still class rules. persists. However, ports and canals impose restrictions on the For example, the design draught of a 13,000 TEU containership is draught, breadth and length of vessels. The structural stability between 14.0m and 14.5m while the scantling draught is generlimiting the container ship sizes plays also a major part and it ally 15.5m to 16.5m. takes some in-depth investigation to determine, where to put The operational draughts are used to calculate the specific fuel limits for the main parameters: ship length, ship breadth, and consumption at various loading conditions. ship depth/draught. The increase of the length has a direct effect on the increase of the still water bending moment by a power of two. This means that the plate thickness and grade of steel to be used in the upper girder is to be of the appropriate thickness and quality in order to absorb the additional stresses (Chapter 5). The maximum overall length of the presently trading or under construction ULCVs is 400.0 m. The increase of the Breadth of containerships due to today’s slow steaming (18-20 knots) and extra slow steaming (15-18 knots), to save fuel consumption, has much less effect on the longitudinal strength (linear) than the lengthening of the vessel (by a power of two). However, the main setback by widening of a vessel is the more severe rolling motions in seaway and the considerably stronger transverse acceleration forces, affecting the permissible loads of the lashing equipment. The maximum Breadth of the presently trading or under construction mega container vessels (VLCVS and ULCVS) is in the region of 60.0 m.
While the demand for container liners exceeding 20,000 TEU persists, technical challenges remain, in particular those relating to the maximum plate thickness in the upper hull girder (Figure 3). In using heavy or extremely thick plates, sufficient attention has to be paid to deterioration of safety and structural integrity due to decline in brittle fracture resistance, increase in ship weight and increase in welding works. Fracture toughness is particularly required for these extremely thick plates (>50.0 mm) to ensure the safety of the hull structure and suppress brittle fracture, which leads to catastrophic sea accidents. As for the safety against the brittle fracture, it is pointed out that in addition to the prevention of the occurrence of the brittle crack, prevention of crack propagation is very important. The safety of a welded structure is secured by equipping the base material (i.e. the extremely thick steel plate) with brittle crack propagation halting capability or
termed as arrestability or arrest toughness. Therefore, heavy thick plates with excellent crack arrest toughness must be used in the hatch coaming and upper deck to suppress brittle crack propagation, even when a crack initiates at the weld joint. The crack arrest toughness of extremely thick plates for hull structures has been studied at the Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES).On the basis of the results of the research a guideline was incorporated into the NK Class. In this guideline the minimum arrest toughness or arrestability, Kca, for steel plate thickness between 50-80 mm at -10 degree C is to be 6,000 N/mm 3/2. In January 2013, the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) released its Unified Requirements (S 33) for the use of extremely thick plates for max 80.0 mm in thickness. Taking the above background into consideration, Nippon Steel Sumimoto Metal Corporation has developed the YP 460 steel (yield strength 460 N/mm2), which has higher strength than the conventional YP 390 steel (390 N/mm2), with excellent arrest toughness and has applied it to actual ships. The excellent brittle crack arrest toughness of the steel grades YP 460 and YP 390 have been achieved with advanced alloy design, optimized rolling and cooling under Thermo-chemical Control Process (TMCP) conditions. However, the IACS requirements only relate to steel plates with a thickness of 80.0 mm or less. For thicker plates the value of crack arrest toughness is to be specifically agreed with the relevant Class Society. Therefore, Class NK continued with verification tests by UltraLarge-scale test specimens in collaboration with the JWES, which simulated the construction of the hatch coaming and upper deck of ULCVs (i.e. with 18,000++ TEU capacity) as part of a joint project. Class NK concluded that the minimum brittle crack arrest toughness, Kca, for 100 mm steel plates of YP 460 steel grade, used in the construction of ULCVs, must be 8,000 N/mm 3/2 at -10 degrees C. It is highly likely, that this requirement will be incorporated into the IACS Unified Requirements as well.
The actual plate thickness of the presently trading or being under construction ULCVs of 18,000-21,000 TEU capacity are as follows: • Plate Thickness between 85.0-95.0 mm Grade YP460: in way of hatch coaming. • Plate Thickness between 80.0-90.0 mm Grade YP390: in way of main deck • Plate Thickness between 65.0-85.0 mm Grade YP390: in way of shear strake ad longitudinal bulkheads.
Most of the containerships presently in trade or under construction are designed for a cruising speed of 23-25 knots/hour. The practice of slow steaming emerged during the financial crisis of 2008-2009 as an international trade mode. The shipping market started to experience an oversupply of shipping tonnage, declining freight rates and increasing fuel prices, slow steaming and extra-slow or ultra-slow steaming was the only solution in order to lower costs by reducing fuel consumption. Slow steaming or extra-slow steaming is the practice of deliberately slowing down
Figure 3: 18,000 ++ TEU Containerships: Maximum plate thickness (85-95mm) and quality of steel (grade YP460) on the upper hull girder.
the speed of a ship at 18-20 knots or 15-18 knots respectively. Slow steaming is principally affected by a number of factors such as: freight rates, bunker cost, cargo cost interest rate and environmental cost but basically the most important and dominant factor is the freight rate. For shipping lines, trying to stay profitable in the present weak freight market, slow steaming has proven a good way, if not the best operating mode for a container ship, to trim operating expenditures. As a response, maritime shipping companies (not only in the containership sector) adopted slow steaming and even extra slow steaming services on several of their routes by reducing fuel costs. Supply chains have simply been synchronized with the de- Figure 4: Fuel consumption by Containership size and speed (Source: adapted from Notteboom, T. and P. Carriou (2009). creased shipping speeds. Currently, there is a need for infrastructure improvement i.e more The fuel consumption advantage yard space, larger gates, more manning and possibly investing in are obvious on the following Figure 4, by comparing the consumplarger cranes with longer outreach, additional rail and road capacition of a 10,000 + TEU containership trading at two different ty in order to deal with the new megaships. speeds. At 24 knots speed it would consume 300 tons per day, To deal with the volume peaks, VLCVs and ULCVs can only be while at 19 knots around 150 tons per day. profitable if they are handled quickly. The consensus among big The Triple-E-Class vessels of Maersk of 18,270 TEU and having ship carriers today is that terminals should handle 6,000 moves a 81% more displacement than the so called S-Class of Maersk day on vessels above 14,000 TEU. This calls for improvements at built 1997 with 8,400 TEU capacity need only 7% more proalmost all European ports. pulsion power as at the same time the top speed of 23 knots is The introduction and deployment of VLCVs and ULCVs will affect reduced by 2 knots. However, the advantage of having less fuel consumption and lower main routes, as they will replace smaller containerships, which currently serve these routes. For example some shippers looking for costs is mitigated with longer shipping times and engaging more the most economic choice, divert their cargo to Rotterdam, which ships, by increasing this way the crew costs, on pendulum service is served by ULCVs from Hamburg. The reason is the limitation in to maintain the same port call frequency. handling these vessels at the port of Hamburg due to restricted There are also technical issues to be confronted with such as the draft. lifespan of an existing engine built before the financial crisis, Nevertheless, ocean carriers will continue to deploy the most effiwhich is expected to decrease due to suboptimal usage. Therecient size of ships, most likely larger ships, for the particular cargo fore, slow steaming involves adopting engines that were designed volume and the particular trade route. for a specific optimal speed of about 22-25 Knots, implying that for that speed they run at 80% of their full capacity. CONCLUSION Adopting slow steaming requires the ‘’de-rating’’ of the main It is expected that ship capacities will continue to head upwards, engine to the new speed and new power level, which involves the timing of fuel injection, adjusting exhaust valves and exchanging a surpassing the 20,000 TEU mark, as lines strive for economy of scale and lower slot cost. There are no immediate technical barrinumber of mechanical components in the engine. ers to larger ships. Most experts predict that boxship sizes will furThe new generation ULCVs of 18,000+ TEU are designed specifther increase, before, port and land-side infrastructure constrains ically to slow steam, as it is expected that slow steaming will be put a ceiling on slot capacity. a normal way of operation regardless of the fuel price plunge, at The challenge to marine engineers is to go to the limits of what is least in the short to medium term. technically feasible, without losing sight of the profitability and market situation. To that end, box ship sizes are expected to grow 7. CHALLENGES FOR PORTS AND SHIPPERS further but maybe at a more moderate rate, than in the last deThe introduction of VLCVs and ULCVs has significantly changed cade. It is believed that container vessels size will not go beyond shipping and operation patterns for basically all major world the current maximum of 400 by 60 meters so that the largest routes. The new generation of mega containerships is facing a vessels may be able to carry about 20,000 TEU to 23,000 TEU. It is shrinking number of harbors able to handle them, placing presprojected that cost savings resulting from increasing ship’s cargo sures on port infrastructure and equipment. Ports and terminals capacity will not justify further vessel size increase at the present already make preparations and investments in anticipation of the market situation and the projected cargo flaws. 50% capacity jump in the last two years from 14,000 TEU (work horses) to the 20,500 TEU containerships. NAFS DECEMBER 2016 19
Threats and Opportunities for 2017 By Kirsi Tikka, VP, Global Marine, ABS The coming 12 months could prove to be a pivotal year for the maritime industry. If, as many hope, it marks the nadir of the downturn that began almost a decade ago, 2017 may be seen as ‘the beginning of the end’. If, on the other hand it proves to be a continuation of recent trends, then it might instead prove to be another year of ‘the new normal’ in which the industry adapts to structural changes. As a result, threats and opportunities for the industry exist in a close relationship, with many representing opposing points of view on what Kirsi Tikka, shape our industry will VP, Global Marine, ABS take in future. Beginning with the most immediate threats, the industry is rightly concerned that 2017 brings a further slowdown in the global economic growth and therefore lack of growth in shipping demand. At the same time, there is concern that political changes from East to West mean an era of global policy in which growing protectionism creates unpredictable effects on shipping. We have already heard rhetoric about the risks to existing trade agreements and there is concern that planned and pending deals may not come fully to fruition. At the same time, policies that threaten previously agreed climate conventions - though they appear to favour fossil fuels - also create uncertainty for shipping. Volatility in major bulk commodities might create increased cargo movements in the short term but do not necessarily provide a stable platform for sustainable growth. The re-starting of oil production in previously embargoed countries has added volume to the market, but in some cases reduced total tonne miles. This creates a regulatory touchpoint, principally on how smoothly the IMO can move forward in its work on collecting shipping’s CO2 emissions data and ultimately move towards setting a CO2 budget for shipping and appropriate reduction targets. More pressing for 2017 is the threat of further movement towards regional regulations, whether on environmental or safety issues, that do not support a level playing field in step with, and co-ordinated through the International Maritime Organization. The industry will also face a significant technology risk which will continue well beyond the coming 12 months. Even if the US Coast Guard is able to approve the ballast water treatment systems it has under test and the IMO is able to agree on an implementation date for the Ballast Water Management Convention, the industry still faces uncertainty around implementation, adoption and the costs of compliance. It is already trying to gauge and the prepare for a new era of ‘low sul-
phur shipping’ following the agreement struck at MEPC 70 and issues of fuel availability, quality and the impact on prices are significant considerations. A continuing challenge will be the need to attract and retain qualified and high quality people – onboard and ashore. This is especially true for those men and women we need to support the transition to an era of ‘smart shipping’, which will change the skills mix by adding new demands to traditional crew competence. At the crossroads of threat and opportunity is ‘disruption’ of the shipping industry – either by technological advances or challenges to its traditional business model and client relationships. Many consider shipping is vulnerable to disruption precisely because it thinks itself well defended from this threat. An asset-heavy, capital intensive business model may reinforce shipping’s belief in its exceptionalism, but we should be aware that entrepreneurs will see openings where we may not. I strongly believe that disruption is also an opportunity; one that gives us the chance to examine customer relationships and the quality of our service delivery. If we believe that ‘business as usual’ will no longer be good enough then it is up to the industry to embrace new technologies as key to long term sustainability. It might also be argued that there is an opportunity arising from regulations. In particular the requirements of the both the IMO and EU to collect data that will be used to calculate carbon emissions could be viewed as a means by which many can take the first step in understanding energy efficiency. This may seem counterintuitive – administration is considerable unless automated – but smart owners have already begun planning their compliance strategies, co-operating and collaborating where they can. Without understanding this sort of fundamental data it is not possible to understand where and how improvements can be made. This creates a knock-on opportunity for owners who by using data such as that collected for compliance, have the chance to obtain a deeper understanding of the performance of their ships and their fleet. With that understanding comes a much greater focus on the areas that can be leveraged to drive optimisation and operational efficiencies that can deliver real savings. By the same logic it is possible to view 2017 as the first year of the transition to an era of public appreciation of cleaner shipping. Time is short to grasp what the move to alternative fuels in 2020 will mean for operations, but if properly realised it will be positive in terms of a supply chain alternatives and better public perception. As such, we should be doing everything we can to talk about it externally. Lastly, the use of technology – probably the defining issue of this decade – will continue to create opportunities in 2017. Even in an era of lower fuel prices, the need for efficiency has hardly been greater. Unlike in previous downturns, shipping has the ability to embrace new concepts that can streamline or simplify ship operations, lower administrative burdens, increase remote support from shore, and create a roadmap that moves towards greater automation and improved safety. Some of these are already happening today, some will evolve over time but the embrace of an ‘exponential’ digital economy means we may be surprised at the speed of the changes as the next 12 months unfolds.
Outcomes of the MEPC 70 meeting and their implications for shipowners Attributable to Tom Kirk, Director of Environmental Performance, ABS The outcomes of the 70th meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC70) at the International Maritime Organisation are highly significant for shipowners. To share its insights on what was agreed and the committee’s continuing work, ABS held a series of briefings for clients in Germany, Denmark, Greece and Spain, immediately following the meeting. ABS spends significant time tracking the development of international regulations and provides technical input through various working groups and committees. In addiTom Kirk, Director of Environmental tion, ABS monitors environmental regulations and Performance, ABS technology development that impacts compliance. As a result, ABS is well-positioned to inform owners of new regulatory requirements, update them on issues that require continued attention and help them plan compliance strategies. To further support its clients, ABS offers assistance with regulatory timeline planning, helping navigate the certification and survey cycles of their vessels in terms of regulatory developments.
bility of different ballast water management systems to meet their regulatory compliance needs. The evaluation provides owners with information that enables them to confidently decide on a system that best fits each of their vessels’ design and operational profiles. Shipowners will continue to work on twin compliance tracks to meet the IMO Convention and USCG rules, and while there could be an intersection between these different requirements, there is unlikely to be convergence. It remains possible that the first USCG Type Approvals will be granted before the end of 2016.
Ballast Water
After significant discussion, it was agreed that there would be no change to the Phase 2 targets of the Energy Efficiency Design Index. However (with the exception of RoRo and RoPax vessels) early implementation will be considered for Phase 3 targets with the possible addition of a Phase 4. The IMO’s three-step programme to collect, report and verify fuel consumption data recorded from ships moved forward, with the an update of the SEEMP to include the data collection system which will go into effect on January 1 2019. There remain differences in terms of compliance with the IMO data collection system and the EU MRV, the main areas being that the IMO requires reporting of fuel consumed, whereas the EU requires cargo carried, fuel consumed and CO2 emitted. A large amount of time was spent discussing the IMO ‘fair share contribution’ towards the global GHG emissions targets. It was decided that more work was needed on this topic ahead of MEPC 71, in order to refine the roadmap for such a contribution. An intersessional working group will be convened in advance of MEPC 71. There is an expectation that the roadmap will include short, medium and long term emissions targets, but no significant numerical targets will be proposed until the industry has completed three cycles of data collection in 2021.
Despite the significance of the recent ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention, by the meeting’s conclusion, the industry does not yet have clear agreement on the implementation dates. Because agreement could not be reached, it will be on the agenda for the next meeting of the MEPC in May 2017, where participants will consider whether the effective compliance date should remain as originally proposed – the first renewal of the IOPP certificate after September 2017 – or after September 2019. The main work approved by MEPC 70 was the Revision of G8 standards – amendments that are intended to provide greater transparency and a more robust approval process for BWT systems. Concerns had previously been expressed that approved systems have not all been shown to be operationally robust. Revision of the Guidelines is intended to address weaknesses in the approval process, and the expectation is that owners will have more confidence that what they are buying will perform as expected. ABS has developed a Ballast Water Management Technology Evaluation Service to help owners understand installation requirements, technical functionality, design parameters, performance and opera-
Other BWM issues for further discussion ahead of MEPC 71 include the concept of ‘experience building’ – the period of time between the owners installing systems and when authorities begin taking action for noncompliance. A discussion also will be held in the intersessional correspondence group about contingency measures - what happens if ballast water is known by the crew not to be in compliance or is determined as such by inspection.
Global Sulphur Cap Following the agreement announced at MEPC 70, shipowners now have certainty on the effective date for a global cap on sulphur in marine fuel of 0.5%, but this does not remove all the challenges. There was considerable discussion around the safety issues of fuel blending and quality – as well as how enforcement of the rules is carried out on the high seas. These implementation issues have been referred to the PPR subcommittee for further discussion. There was a recognition at the IMO meeting that potential problems relating to fuel quality and availability might still exist in the run-up to the alternative date of 2025; however, it was determined that 2020 would be an achievable target for the industry.
Energy Efficiency/Greenhouse Gases
CR Ocean Engineering exhaust gas cleaning system (CROE® scrubber) receives MED G certification by DNV-GL for the STENA Forerunner installation. CR Ocean Engineering, L.L.C. (CROE®) announced that it has received final class approval and MED-G certification by DNV-GL (acting for the Flag State) of the two scrubbing systems CR Ocean Engineering supplied aboard the STENA Forerunner Ro-Ro vessel. The Forerunner is the first of 2 (two) vessels contracted by STENA with CR Ocean Engineering for the design and supply of two scrubbing systems. The second vessel, the STENA Foreteller, followed about one year later. The Foreteller Ro-Ro vessel also has two operating CROE® scrubbing systems in the final stages of receiving MED-G certification by DNV-GL acting for the Flag StaParsippany, NJ, USA, 18 July 2015 – CR Ocean Engineering, L.L.C. (CROE®) announced that it has received final class approval and MED-G certification by DNV-GL (acting for the Flag State) of the two scrubbing systems CR Ocean Engineering supplied aboard the STENA Forerunner Ro-Ro vessel. The Forerunner is the first of 2 (two) vessels contracted by STENA with CR Ocean Engineering for the design and supply of two scrubbing systems. The second vessel, the STENA Foreteller, followed about one year later. The Foreteller Ro-Ro vessel also has two operating CROE® scrubbing systems in the final stages of receiving MED-G certification by DNV-GL acting for the Flag State. MED-G certification is issued by class society acting for the flag state flag confirming that the design, installation and operation all met, state and IMO requirements. The CROE® scrubbing systems were installed to reduce SO2 from two main engines aboard each of the two vessels (a total of 4 scrubbers were installed for the two vessels).
The CROE® scrubbers are designed to meet both the 0.1% sulfur requirement of the 2015 ECA as well as the global 0.5% sulfur requirements expected to be implemented in 2020 by IMO. The systems will automatically adjust to optimum operation based on each requirement. The Stena Forerunner and Foreteller operate primarily in the European ECA where the low sulphur fuel regulations went into effect on January 1, 2015. The installed scrubbers will allow the vessels to meet the low sulphur ECA requirements even when burning high sulphur heavy oil. The advanced CROE® scrubbing technology can be used on new vessels (newbuilds) or as a retrofit to existing vessels. It can be designed as in-line single engine treatment or for multiple engines it can be designed as multistream. The system is available in three standard configurations, customizable to the ship’s needs: a) as a once through scrubber [also known and Open Loop]; b) as a recirculating scrubber [also known as Closed Loop], and c) as a combination of both designs [also known as Hybrid]. The system’s small footprint minimizes ship modification and makes this technology an excellent choice for cruise ships, ferries, bulk carriers, containerships, RoRo and others. Nick Confuorto, Chief Operations Officer of CR OCEAN ENGINEERING, L.L.C., said “We are very happy with the relationships we have developed with our clients. Receiving the final approvals and certifications is just another step in winning client trust and long term relationships. We plan on becoming the shipping/cruise industry’s first choice for their scrubbing system needs”.
Global 0.5% sulfur compliance is no problem for CROE® scrubbers. With the 0.1% sulfur ECA already in place and the new global 0.5% coming into play in 2020, many shipowners are wondering if scrubbers can adjust to the new rules. CR OCEAN ENGINEERING Mr. Sotirios Mr. Nicholas L.L.C. (www. Kaminis* Confuorto** croceanx.com) announces that their CROE® exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) have the ability to automatically adjust the stack emissions to meet equivalency from 0.1%S or 0.5%S without any modifications. The system is designed to self-adjust to always use the optimum amount of reagent or seawater while meeting the sulfur stack equivalency at any time. Mr. Nicholas Confuorto, President and Chief Operations Officer of CR Ocean Engineering LLC., said that “our clients do not have to be concerned about systems needing adjustments or modifications as the global 0.5%S comes into play. “All of our systems are already designed with the ability to automatically adjust their optimum operation to meet such requirements and do so
efficiently and cost effectively. The system’s components automatically adjust to what is needed to always achieve the required compliance at the optimum operating level. ” This advanced CROE® scrubbing technology is a perfect fit for new ships and as retrofit to existing ships. The Closed Loop and Hybrid system provided by CROE® also incorporate a state of the art purge water treatment technology allowing the vessels to meet stringent water discharge requirements. The CROE® scrubbing systems are available in multiple configurations to meet the vessel’s specific needs: a) as a once through scrubber, also known and “Open Loop”; b) as a recirculating scrubber, also known as “Closed Loop”, and c) as a combination of both designs, also known as “Hybrid.” Each configuration can then be supplied as individual in-line design or as multi-stream. The CROE® system does not require a bypass. Its small size minimizes ship modification and makes this technology an excellent choice for cruise ships, ferries, bulk carriers, containerships, RoRo and others. Several CROE® systems are now operating successfully on various type of vessels. All operating CROE® scrubbers are meeting sulfur equivalency requirements. Among the CR OCEAN ENGINEERING clients one can find notable leaders such as Royal Caribbean, STENA and others.
* Kaminco Group, President & CEO ** President and Chief Operations Officer of CR Ocean Engineering LLC
BPCO LTD:Exclusive Ship repair & underwater in BPCO LTD: representation of firstservices class Marine China, Caribbean and Repair BrazilWorkshops worldwide Underwater Firms & Marine SHIPLUS MARINE&OFFSHORE ENGINEERING CO., LTD is a marine service workshop, Major business cover Ship repair, Diving services and Technical supports. Qualified with ISO 9001:2015, serviced for more than one hundred owners and ship managers all over the world, serviced more than two hundred projects every year. Company 1. In water Surveys and Hull cleaning works Tenet: Safety First, Customers Satisfaction, Doing right 2. Propeller repairs and propeller polishing operation. 3. Underwater Blanking & Cofferdam SERVICES SCOPE: 4. Underwater Welding works 1.Port and Afloat repair (Emergency Solution). 5. Anchor Salvage 2.Automation systems and equipment service and repair. 3. Calibration for Pressure/Temperature instruments, Gas detectors, UTI, Level gauge/draft gauge. 4. Diving service (IWS, Hull cleaning, Propeller polishing, Blanking, Underwater welding). 1. Panamaand Canal Modifications 5. Alternator Electrical Motor rewinding. 2. Electrical & Automation works system service and repair. 6. Marine A/C and Provision refrigeration 3. Steel & Piping repairsspare parts supply. 7.Ship hydraulic/machinery
BPCO LTD Shiprepair Brokers has developed considerable knowledge and wide experience in the Maritime Sector and our vision always remains to deliver fast, innovative, efficient and integrated maritime services to our clients worldwide. We have expand and refine our network of Exclusive Principals, which is mostly comprised of Ship Repair yards, Underwater Firms, Repair Workshops and Makers Equipment able to perform Dry-docking, Afloat Ship repairs and Marine Underwater Services in all five continents. Currently BPCO Ltd is the proud exclusive agent of 45 groups offering first class service worldwide.
BPCO LTD Head Office Tel : +30 210 6850413 / +30 211 7004512 E-mail: info@bpco-group.com
• AFLOAT SHIP REPAIRS ACTIVITIES 4. Hydraulic and Mechanical works 5. Crane repairs
CARIBBEAN SEA DIVER is the best cost effective solutions to your needs.
• PORT OF OPERATIONS We provide you with a high standard quality service. We can help you
determine what the cause of your experiences is: loss of speed, high fuel
overheat of the engine due to heavy marine growth on the Singapore / Indonesiaconsumption, / Taiwan / Korea / China / Vietnam / Japan
propeller or vibration. We can offer you a photo inspection survey that ina written report of the hull condition, propeller, rudder, rope guard, UAE (Fujairah) / Indiaclude: / Sri Lanka bilges keels, sea chest, transducer, in order to describe and evaluate the marine growth or any abnormal observation. also have very competiVenezuela / Brazil / Chile / Peru / Colombia / Panama / CuracaoWe / Aruba / Bahamas / Trinidad / Jamaica tive prices over all cleaning and maintenance services. Our capabilities include:
Las Palmas / Algeciras/ Malta / Greece / Italy
SHIP INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Inspection & survey: inspection, VideoNew survey inspection for classification, extension of USA (East & WestPhoto Coast) Los Angeles, York dry-docking, change of ownership, grounding damage, Contraband inspections on vessels, docks etc., Hull propeller damage identification Gulf ofand Mexico, Houston Maintenance Underwater Canada hull cleaning, Propeller polishing (3 stages micro polishing), Sea chest cleaning, Tail shaft wear down reading, Rope guard removal and installation, Blanking of sea chest & discharges, Australia Rudder bearing clearance reading, Anode replacement, Change of transducer, Underwater epoxy coating application. Ghana / Lome / Benin / Senegal / Dakar Hull Repair Underwater welding & cutting, Insert welding repairs with dry-cofferdam, Crack repair, Rudder blade repair.
ATLANTIS SERVICOS SUBAQUATICOS LTDA was stablished in 2003 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With the wide experience of it´s CEO and Dive Team, the Company got an expressive position within the national and internation market of Underwater Ship Husbandry. The main office is strategically positioned nearby the most important Brazilian ports but the Company also developed a fast response system, allowing the attendance in other Brazilian ports such as Santos, Paranagua, Itaguai, Salvador and São Sebastião. With the recently opened operational base in FORTALEZA, ATLANTIS can also attend in the ports of PECÉM, Maceió and Natal, in the Northeast of Brazil with the same efficiency as the southern ports mentioned before. Services like Video and photo inspection for owners or class, welding repair, hull cleaning, propeller polishing, thrusters removal and repair afloat, blanking and others, are available for a honest price and at the highest quality. ATLANTIS SERVIÇOS SUBAQUÁTICOS LTDA, also known as ATLANTIS DIVE WORKS, is an ISO 9001/2008 certified company and also have class approved by ABS, BV, DNVGL, LR, NKK, RINA and RBNA. In order to keep a constantly improvement, ATLANTIS will update for the version ISO 9001/2015 still in 2016.
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Tel.: +357 96285855 / +357 95123195 E-mail: info@bpco-group.com commercial@bpco-group.com www.bpco-group.com
“We are big enough to meet the challenge and small enough to care”
Fast response & professional assistance 24/7 MEGATUGS is a Piraeus based maritime company established in 1978. It has been widely recognized as one of the specialized professional towage and salvage companies in the marine industry. Throughout the years, MEGATUGS has successfully diversified its services to achieve the full range of services in emergency response, routine operational matters and emerging projects. This allows the company to undertake a job and operate with minimal to no external partner involvement. MEGATUGS constantly raise its standards and challenge its people in order to become better. MEGATUGS has been widely recognized for being committed to its work and clients.
• Harbour Towage - ONLY QUALITY SERVICE COUNTS Since its establishment, MEGATUGS has managed to play a significant role in providing harbour towage services, contributing to the prompt operation of the harbour activities in and around Greek Ports and helping to improve its customers’ commercial efficiency. MEGATUGS operates one of the largest (in terms of number as well as in terms of Bollard Pull) and most modern fleets of tugboats in Greece. MEGATUGS believe that the key to success though is our people, who are passionate and committed to their roles. Round-the-clock fully integrated office operation department, tug crew readiness, efficient ship handling, precise maneuvering and safe positioning require well trained and properly motivated shore-based & seagoing personnel. Coordinating its operations through cooperation and close liaison with port authorities, mooring men and harbour pilots, MEGATUGS is the ship’s port partner who provides professional tug assistance at the highest level
of quality and commercial efficiency.
• Ocean Towage - SAFE DELIVERY TO DESTINATION PLACE MEGATUGS is one of the few Greek companies offering Ocean Towage services. Our operations stand out for their high quality and professionalism due to the great experience of our Salvage Masters and crew which also indicates the reliability and efficiency of our services. Our ocean tugs are highly maintained and fully equipped with all towing and emergency equipment in accordance with the international standards and requirements of recognized marine survey organizations, classification societies and marine insurers. Over the last years, our ocean tugs have safely and successfully carried out ocean towages of jack up barges, pipe and cable laying barges, transport barges, dipper dredgers, floating docks, VLCC’s, damaged vessels, military vessels, concrete caissons etc. We believe that flexibility in supporting marine services is critical in meeting our clients’ advanced needs.
• Salvage Operations - SAFETY AT SEA ON 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS A YEAR Our work approach stands on two pillars: Fast response and professionalism. We will be the first to respond and the best at our job, minimizing costs in human life and property, while at the same time minimizing potential effects to the environment. Whenever immediate salvage assistance is needed, any time of the day or
COVER STORY - NAFS SHIPPING MAGAZINE tive about protecting and preserving the environment, and hence they endeavor to eliminate the environmental hazards that can be caused by a maritime accident. Our company has the necessary expertise, trained personnel and specialized equipment for effective marine pollution control. To further assist the recovery process, one tanker vessel has also been added to our fleet, making the procedure of decontamination and recovery of pollutants easier and more effective. MEGATUGS has effectively performed all kinds of marine pollution control operations including: • Pumping out/ De-oiling of bunker and cargo tanks • Transferring oil residues to a recycling centre • Cleaning the sea surface with oil skimmers • Deploying floating oil booms • Spraying of dispersing agents • Removing of hazardous materials from onboard vessels.
• Offshore Support - PROFESSIONAL MARINE SERVICES TO THE OFFSHORE INDUSTRY MEGATUGS’s primary task is to meet its clients’ growing needs for deep-water development and support of offshore petroleum exploration. The company has the experience and the personnel for successful anchor handling and off shore support services to the offshore industry. MEGATUGS operates on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. It maintains an Operation Office manned round-the-clock and, along with routine operational matters, is ready to respond to any emergency matter. The highly trained and experienced personnel is dedicated and committed to their job on a 24-hour stand-by basis and ready to offer every possible professional assistance. The fleet consists of various types of tugs, fully equipped with modern towage, salvage, antipollution and fire-fighting equipment so that we are capable to meet its customers’ requirements in terms of quality, power, reliability safety and efficiency.
night, MEGATUGS is on call. With its expertise, the highly qualified and dedicated salvage team and the highly maintained and fully equipped fleet, a rapid and efficient provision of service is guaranteed. The salvage and pollution prevention inventory (with specialized salvage equipment either onboard our tugs or in our salvage warehouse) includes high capacity offloading salvage pumps, submersible pumps, electrical generators, welding, cutting, fire fighting and diving equipment, diesel driven hydraulic power pack units, oil containment booms, floating skimmer oil collectors, oil absorbent booms and pads etc.
• Wreck removal - WRECK REMOVAL Shipwrecked vessels are often hazardous towards the environment, other vessels and human life. By providing fast and high-quality wreck removal services, we can safely handle common, and more importantly, uncommon wreck situations. We can secure wrecks and move them to safe anchorage places or shipyards, for repairs or disposal. The procedure we use in our operations is to consider first of all the condition of the vessel, the cargo and any available equipment in order to create the suitable for that specific case methodology. Then our crew that consists of experienced salvage masters, divers, naval architects, surveyors and environmental specialists work together and employ with the best possible way all the available technological advantages. In this way we manage to achieve those removals even in challenging and extreme environments.
With stations in two focal points in Greece, we are able to rapidly respond to any emergency, along with performing routine operations, in the areas of The Mediterranean, the Black and the Red Sea. Our Operation Office is manned around-the- clock, 24-hours per day, 365 days a year, ensuring reliable, effective and efficient port operations. We are ready to handle any salvage request with an immediate response guarantee. Megatugs has the ability to cope with incidents in national and international waters as well as the changes in market trends. This is achieved through the expansion of our fleet and the replacement of our vessels with new, combined with the exploitation of new technology and our experienced personnel.
In recent years, most maritime companies are becoming more and more sensi-
Salvage and Towage is among the most demanding shipping jobs in the world and one would expect that tugs should be the most innovative and ecological friendly vessels. However this is not always the case because the fleet is in many cases old and only few renewals are in the agenda. One of the exceptions of that rule is MEGATUGS . We had the opportunity to make an interview with Mr. Anastasios Michalaros Manager Director of the Company. The interview has as follows: NAFS: What are the major technical challenges that faces the salvage and towage industry? What developments do you see in the salvage and towage industry? A.M: One of the major technical challenges the towing industry faces is the ageing fleet of the tugs. 2017 is coming and there are still companies in Greece who are providing their port services with the majority of tugs being built back in 1950 - 1960. We believe as a company that the Greek ministry of merchant marine has to issue new regulations with new standards - having in mind the renewal of the fleet - for the tug industry in order for the company to be capable and get the permission to undertake a port project with safety. Another technical challenge is that the majority of tug fleet in Greece have only one propeller. These tugs should disappear from the market immediately. In all major ports globally there are tugs with two propellers, ASD, or voit snider systems. This is very important because ships that approach the Greek ports are really big. For example some containerships that arrive at the port of Piraeus are more than 360 meters long. They must approach any port with safety. So, you can understand that a tug with one propeller cannot face this situation with safety. Just imagine that suddenly the one and only engine stops. What are you going to do with such a long and big vessel? Another serious problem is the regulations about the bollard pull capacity and not the horsepower of the tug. When time goes by and you do not have a proper engine maintenance maybe the horsepower is the same but the bollard pull decreases dramatically. There are tugs in the market that started with 40 tons of bollard pull and after 30 or more years the bollard pull is 10 tonnes. So again safety is the
main problem, so the regulation must change for the sake of providing services having in mind that safety comes first. The Firefighting is also a very important issue. All tug companies are checked by the Greek Ministry of merchant marine, in order to be capable to fulfil a port project. If my company passes the test and obtain the operations licence, this licence is valid forever and there is no other test control from the State. Nobody can tell that my fleet’s technical characteristics are the same after let’s say 30 or more years. This Firefighting regulation does not specify the amount in m3 of water that the jets must throw per hour. You may have a licence in one of your tugs which can throw 120 m3 per hours, which is today an insufficient amount of water because with that amount of water you cannot quench any fire due to the length of the vessels as we said earlier. Global regulations clearly declare that the amount of water per hour should be between 500m3 and 2400m3. So the Greek ministry should change the regulation in order to comply with global regulation in order for the tugs to be able to provide high quality services with safety and speed. I think that among many issues that we have to face everyday those stated are the most important. NAFS: New horizons for development are being offered by the offshore sector. What opportunities do you find in this area? A.M: Perhaps it is a little bit early to discuss about offshore sector. In any case it is ahead of us. We believe that Greek companies are being looking at this sector very carefully. It is definitely something new for them and they want it for sure. Our company has worked in this field in the past using its own vessels specialised in offshore activities. Our last project was the connection between Italy and Croatia by a cable. This project had gone very well. The day that offshore activities will come to Greece will find us ready to face the challenge. Two tugs with anchor handling are already in our fleet and they can be part of the core at offshore activities around which new investments will be created. And we ready for that. NAFS: How Megatugs is prepared to face the emergencies? A.M: Last decade the results of the continuing efforts of MEGATUGS
NAFS: What are the methods that your company uses for subsea environments? How can you achieve underwater results equivalent to dry standards?
in emergencies are very significant. Our suitable and qualified staff who are adequately trained have very good knowledge of how to react in such cases and to fulfil their obligations regarding emergency. We provide continuous and appropriate training of our personnel with drills and practical exercises to ensure that MEGATUGS s personnel are proficient in all assigned duties and to identify any safety-related deficiencies which need to be addressed. Our tugs are very well equipped and ready for an efficient and effective first response. Fleet modernisation and renewal has already begun. In this context we have already added five new tugs and our projects include our willingness to add more tugs in the near future to remain competitive. Another area which is related with the critical situation of the first responses is the area of diving. Our divers are certified by English schools for underwater services and they use equipment of the latest technology. In diving area we are certified from almost all IACS Classification Societies. The second important thing in emergencies has to to do with antipollution in which Megatugs has made great investments not only in equipment but also in qualified personnel. In this context Megatugs can face any emergency in all over the world.
A.M: Underwater service is raising increased attention in recent years. As I said previously, MEGATUGS has effectively developed the underwater activity area. At first place we choose very carefully the people who will work in that field. Each new diver spends a substantial period with us just to be sure that he is the person we want for that job. Then we send all the diver either to UK or to South Africa in special schools for divers from which they receive a certification related to the specific diving job. To improve efficiency in underwater tasks we continuously train our personnel and of course we apply all the latest regulations so to eliminate the possibility of something goes wrong. Given the high tech equipment that our company uses for underwater services, the next challenge for MEGATUGS is to acquire its own decompression chamber. As you can see we implement investment policies that depend on market conditions and the specific area of operation.
NAFS: How difficult is to handle with the environmental challenges? What effect do you see new environmental regulations having in the shipping industry?
NAFS:What are you doing to remain competitive? What is the secret of your success? How are you approaching the future? How about your growth plans?
A.M: As the shipping industry is growing so fast, the need to handle the environmental impact is very important. There are numerous environmental issues emerging on the agenda that are set to become important after 2020. Regulations regarding environmental protection are here. The point is the proper application and the compliance of the regulations. A positive step should be the review of standards and practices to assure state compliance with the environmental and anti-pollution regulations. This must be one of the absolute priorities of all states. As far as MEGATUGS is concerned we can assure that our priority is to carry out the necessary actions to face marine pollution circumstances and to advise shipowners how best to manage the problem. Fast decisions are high in our agenda and given the collaboration of shipowners and the state or the port authority the result is positive in any case.
A.M: The first thing is to offer valuable services. We are not trying to cheat the market. We are who we are and we offer what we offer and through our job we aim at closer links with our customers. We enjoy close working relationships with shipowners from all over the world. We strongly believe at the regulations for shipping industry and we are sticking on them. That means that MEGATUGS is working under a complex set of international and national regulations. We are not making discount in safety. Moreover the company is now in a process of its fleet renewal with very young tugs like the two last ones which are considered among the most contemporary in Greek market at least. Although predicting the future is a risky business, however our objective is to remain a leading Salvage and Towage firm in terms of technology and therefore in terms of safety of life, property and the environment. And we are confident about that.
3x 1, 1x 2, 3x 4
Anchor Handling, Salvage Tug
IMO Number
Port of Registry
Year Built
Classification notations
Bureau Veritas Hull Mach, Tug, Oil Recovery Ship, FIFI Capability, Unrestricted navigation DETAILS
Length Overall
Depth Moulded
Maximum draft
Clear deck Space
150 m2
Deck loading
5 t/m2
Max Speed
13 kn / 7 m3
Economical speed
10 kn / 4.2 m3
Bollard Pull
52 t
Sewage Plant
MARPOL compliant 20 persons
Not fitted CAPACITY
FIFI Capability
2 x 600m3/hr
1 x 1200m3/hr DECK EQUIPMENT
Towing Winch Type
Double drum waterfall
50 t
Wire Capacity
1000 m x 42 mm
Anchor Handling Winch Type
Plimsol double drum waterfall
50 t
Brake Holding
120 t
Wire Capacity
1000 m x 42 mm
Tugger Winch Number & Capacity
2 x 5 t SWL
Wire Capacity
100 m x 26 mm
Other Deck Equipment Towing Pins
Plimsoll 100 t
Stern Roller
Plimsoll 1.45 m x 3.5 m, 150 t SWL
Shark Jaws
100 t Strong Jaw, 78 mm
Deck crane
Palfinger, PK 15500 C, 910 KG @ 12,40 m LIFESAVING
Fuel Oil
368.18 m3
Fresh Water
172.3 m3
7.8 m3
FRC/Rescue Boat/Davit
SOLAS Semi-rigid BMD Rescue boat & KATO KS 454 RC Davit
Main Engines
2 x Caterpillar 3516B – 2026 BHP each
2 x 20 man
2 x Caterpillar 3306C – 311 BHP - 232 kW each
Rescue Zone
Bow Thruster
Oil Spill Response booms
2 x Fixed pitch
Salvage pumps
2x 1, 2x 2, 3x 4
2 x 1200m3/hr
1 x 2900m3/hr DECK EQUIPMENT
Towing Winch Type
Double drum waterfall
50 t
Wire Capacity
1000 m x 42 mm
Anchor Handling Winch Type
Plimsol double drum waterfall
50 t
Brake Holding
120 t
Wire Capacity
1000 m x 42 mm
Tugger Winch
Anchor Handling, Salvage Tug
IMO Number
Port of Registry
Year Built
Classification notations
Bureau Veritas Hull Mach, Tug, Oil Recovery Ship, FIFI Capability, Unrestricted navigation DETAILS
Length Overall
Depth Moulded
Maximum draft
Clear deck Space
150 m2
Number & Capacity
2 x 5 t SWL
Wire Capacity
100 m x 26 mm
Deck loading
5 t/m2
Max Speed
13 kn / 7 m3
Towing Pins
Plimsoll 100 t
Economical speed
10 kn / 4.2 m3
Stern Roller
Plimsoll 1.45 m x 3.5 m, 150 t SWL
Bollard Pull
55 t
Sewage Plant
MARPOL compliant, 20 persons
Shark Jaws
100 t Strong Jaw, 78 mm
Electrical Sockets
4 x 415 v x 32A
Not fitted
Hydraulic Crane
27S 5.7 t @ 4.0 m, 950 Kg @ 16.7 m
Fuel Oil
361.80 m3
Fresh Water
172.3 m3
Other Deck Equipment
2 x 20 man
7.8 m3
9.3 m3
FRC/Rescue Boat/Davit
SOLAS Semi-rigid BMD Rescue boat & KATO KS 454 RC Davit
Rescue Zone
SALVAGE/ ANTIPOLLUTION Oil Spill Response booms
Salvage pumps
MACHINERY Main Engines
2 x Caterpillar 3516B – 2026 BHP each
2 x Caterpillar 3406C – 288 BHP – 215 kW each
Bow Thruster
2 x Fixed pitch
90 χρόνια Ναυπηγεία Χαλκίτη 90 χρόνια λειτουργίας για τα Ναυπηγεία Χαλκίτη. Σε μία λαμπρή τελετή στο Ναυτικό Όμιλο η εταιρία γιόρτασε το σημαντικό αυτό γεγονός με πολλούς καλούς φίλους και συνεργάτες. Ακολουθεί η ομιλία του κ. Βασίλη Χαλκίτη εκ των διευθυντών της εταιρίας. “Αγαπητοί φίλοι και συνεργάτες, Με την ευκαιρία της σημερινής μας συνάντησης επιτρέψτε μου να εκφράσω τις ευχαριστίες όλων μας για την ευγενική σας παρουσία και την ιδιαίτερη τιμή που μας δίνετε να γιορτάσουμε μαζί μια ιστορική επέτειο για το ναυπηγείο μας. Σαν εκπρόσωπος της τρίτης γενιάς της οικογένειας και βασικό στέλεχος των Ναυπηγείων Χαλκίτη νιώθω ιδιαίτερη συγκίνηση και χαρά που μου δίνεται η ευκαιρία να αναφερθώ με λίγα λόγια στο ιστορικό του ναυπηγείου μας και την δυναμική πορεία του από την ίδρυσή του μέχρι σήμερα. Πέρασαν 93 ολόκληρα χρόνια που ο παππούς μας διωγμένος από
τη Σμύρνη το 1923 έφτασε στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά με μόνη περιουσία του την κάσα με τα εργαλεία του καραβομαραγκού και δίψα για δουλεία που υπεραγαπούσε. Το 1926, ακριβώς πριν από 90 χρόνια, ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΙΟΡΤΑΖΟΥΜΕ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ, εγκαταστάθηκε με την οικογένειά του στο Πέραμα σε μια παράγκα πάνω στη θάλασσα και άρχισε μόνος του με τα ελάχιστα μέσα της εποχής, αλλά με πολύ αγάπη και μοναδική γνώση της ναυπηγοξυλουργικής τέχνης να κατασκευάζει βάρκες ψαρέματος που σιγά-σιγά έγιναν μεγάλα ξύλινα εμπορικά και αλιευτικά πλοία, χρησιμοποιώντας με ιδιαίτερη δεξιοτεχνία το μοναδικό Σαμιώτικο πεύκο, αναδεικνύοντας το ναυπηγείο Χαλκίτη σε φημισμένο χώρο για την κατασκευή ξύλινων σκαφών μοναδικών για την ποιότητα και την αξιοπλοΐα τους. Τα χρόνια πέρασαν, αλλά η παράδοση της οικογένειας στην ξυλοναυπηγική τέχνη συνεχίστηκε μεταδίδοντας τις σπάνιες και μοναδικές γνώσεις στα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια. Η τεχνολογία όμως και οι απαιτήσεις της αγοράς οδήγησαν το ναυπηγείο μας να μετεξελιχθεί σε μονάδα επισκευής, ανακατασκευής και συντήρησης μεσαίων και μεγάλων σκαφών αναψυχής. Για τις νέες ανάγκες το 1995 έγινε πλήρης αναβάθμιση του χερσαίου χώρου με εκσυγχρονισμό του μηχανολογικού εξοπλισμού και την εγκατάσταση ενός travelift ανυψωτικής ικανότητας 300 τόνων που έδωσε νέες δυνατότητες στις επιδιώξεις του Ναυπηγείου μας. Το 1998 η συμφωνία ενοποίησης του ναυπηγείου μας με το παράπλευρο ναυπηγείο Τζανόπουλου αναβαθμίζει ιδιαίτερα τις δυνατότητες του διπλασιάζοντας σχεδόν την επιφάνεια του χερσαίου χώρου. Οι εργασίες του ναυπηγείου πλέον σε όλους τους τομείς που αφορούν την κατασκευή, μετασκευή, επισκευή και συντήρηση yachts πολλαπλασιάστηκαν δημιουργώντας νέες προοπτικές και έτσι φτάσαμε στο ορόσημο του 2008. Τότε, και με την συμμετοχή στην ιδιοκτησία του ναυπηγείου μας του Καπτ. Πάρη Δράγνη, που ασχολείται εδώ και 20 χρόνια με τα megayachts μέσω της εταιρείας Golden Yachts, γίνονται οι απαραίτητες ενέργειες, και έτσι το ναυπηγείο μας, πρωτοπόρο όπως πάντα, επεκτείνει το θαλάσσιο μέτωπό του με σοβαρό λιμενικό έργο κατασκευάζοντας νέα νηοδόχο για την εγκατάσταση ενός travelift 600 τόνων, μεγαλώνοντας συγχρόνως το χερσαίο χώρο του και αυξάνοντας την παραγωγική του ικανότητα. Σήμερα πλέον το ναυπηγείο μας με την μακροχρόνια εμπειρία του, την αναμφισβήτητη τεχνογνωσία και την μοναδική αξιοπιστία του στο χώρο των yachts βρίσκεται στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας ανακοινώσει την κατασκευή στις εγκαταστάσεις του ενός σύγχρονου megayacht ολικού μήκους 85 μέτρων για πρώτη φορά στο Πέραμα. Σας ευχαριστούμε και πάλι θερμά για την σημερινή παρουσία σας και για την μακροχρόνια συνεργασία και στήριξη του ναυπηγείου μας. Ειδικότερα θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω κάποιους ανθρώπους που μας έχουν υποστηρίξει όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Θα ήθελα να καλέσω κοντά μου τον κύριο Γιώργο Τριανταφύλλου εκπρόσωπο της Οικογένεια Τριανταφύλλου που μας προτιμούν 40 ολόκληρα χρόνια και να τον τιμήσουμε με μια αναμνηστική πλακέτα ως τον «Παλαιότερο Πελάτη» μας. Επίσης θα θέλαμε να τιμήσουμε με μια αναμνηστική πλακέτα έναν συνεργάτη μας για τις μακροχρόνιες υπηρεσίες του και τη συμβολή του στην ανάπτυξη του Ναυπηγείου μας, τον κύριο Σταύρο Πανέρη. Τέλος να σας ευχαριστήσω όλη ομάδα και το δυναμικό των Ναυπηγείων Χαλκίτη και να τους καλέσω κοντά μου για να κόψουμε την γενέθλια τούρτα γιατί όλοι μαζί σαλπάρουμε στο ΜΕΛΛΟΝ”.
January - February 2016
Shipping companies encouraged to use new transitional measures for ship recycling two newbuildings due delivery from the German yard in fall 2016. ABB is delivering the complete electrical power plant and propulsion systems for the two new cruise ships. The 335-meter length vessels will be able to accommodate 3,300 passengers each and will be delivered one apiece in fall 2016 and 2017
Shipping companies were strongly encouraged to use new ‘Transitional Measures for Shipowners Selling Ships for Recycling’ launched by a wide coalition of international shipping industry organisations. The purpose of the new ‘Transitional Measures’ – developed by an inter-industry working group led by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) – is to help shipowners ensure to the greatest extent possible that their end of life ships will be recycled at facilities that are compliant with the standards enshrined in the IMO Hong Kong Convention, in advance of the global regime entering into legal force. The Transitional Measures set out detailed advice on the preparation and maintenance of inventories of hazardous materials, as required by the IMO Convention and a separate new EU Regulation which has already entered in force and which has implications for non-EU ships calling at EU ports. The Guidelines also address measures which shipping companies are strongly recommended to take now when selling end of life ships for recycling. “The industry accepts its responsibility to promote the safe and environmentally sustainable disposal of ships in the world’s ship recycling yards, the majority of which are located in developing countries,” said ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe. “Adherence to these Transitional Measures should be seen as a sign of good faith prior to the entry into force of the IMO regime. But they will also help companies avoid falling foul of the separate EU ship recycling regime which started to take effect on 31 December and which is also relevant to ships flying non-EU flags.”
The attractions of Azipod propulsion Destined for installation on board one of the highest profile cruise ship deliveries scheduled for 2016, the latest Azipod XO podded propulsion departed from the ABB factory in Helsinki. The unit, which commands 20.5 MW of power, is pictured under transfer from ABB’s Vuosaari Harbour plant to the dockside for loading, bound for Meyer Werft, Papenburg. It will be installed on one of
Wärtsilä to upgrade largest residential ship in the world
“The World”, the largest, private, residential ship on the seas, was to be retrofitted with a Wärtsilä Advanced Wastewater treatment system and a Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum system for navigation and external communication purposes. The Wärtsilä Advanced Wastewater solution will replace an existing system and keep the vessel in full compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) requirements concerning the prevention of pollution from ships. The ship is owned by its residents and is managed by ROW Management Ltd based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. The contract with Wärtsilä was signed in November. The equipment was scheduled for delivery in April, 2016. Wärtsilä Hamworthy Membrane BioReactor (MBR) solutions are designed to facilitate the management and treatment of both ‘grey’ and ‘black’ wastewater, and to monitor discharges to the sea. The Wärtsilä system treats black and grey water so that the effluent can meet the most stringent marine discharge standards across the globe, including the latest nutrients removal requirements in the Baltic Sea. The navigation retrofit to “The World” will replace an earlier system. The new installation will ensure that the vessel has the latest and most technically advanced system available. The Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum system’s unique combination of integrated voyage planning, monitoring, and track control significantly reduces the workload for ship navigators, while improving navigational safety. The system to be supplied as part of this order includes the unique integration of an ice radar. “The World” is powered by Wärtsilä main and auxiliary engines, namely two 12-cylinder and three 8-cylinder Wärtsilä 32 engines. Photo: Here the ship is in Hong Kong and Antarctica.
Monitoring of liquids is in safe hands
Are you looking for complete solutions for monitoring of liquids onboard all kinds of ships? KROHNE Marine has the answer. Through more than 50 years in marine business, KROHNE Marine has gained extensive knowledge regarding high quality products for demanding ship operators and yards. Our systems have been installed on all kinds of vessels, from the smallest product tankers to the most complex chemical tankers and VLCCs. CARGOMASTER® – Complete solution for tank monitoring and alarming, including system software adapted to individual vessel applications, engineering, drawings, documentation and commissioning EcoMATE® – System to monitor and report fuel consumption and/or bunkering KROHNE Marine – The marine industry is our world. Please see our website for more information.
January - February 2016
DNV GL gives general approval for VARD’s new LNG tank
VARD’s new LNG tank design granted General Approval for Ship Application (GASA) by DNV GL. The new LNG-type B-tank design is based on vertical cylindrical-shape geometry and has a patented support design. The tank is the result of a joint industry project (JIP) initiated by VARD and DNV GL in April 2015. Initially, a number of design and documentation challenges were identified, but throughout the project, the two companies were able to collaborate closely to agree on feasible solutions. After numerous iterations, extensive documentation of details and the use of finite element strength calculations to prove the design’s capability, DNV GL granted the design a GASA Statement. Image: Arnt Reines and Øystein K. Sæther (middle and second from right) of VARD Engineering Brevik AS receive the approval certificate from DNV GL’s Pål Spilleth, Magnus Lindgren and Jonas Broström (from left to right). Source: DNV GL
DNV GL approves first vessel to comply with IMO Polar Code
After a successful survey, DNV GL and the Danish Maritime Authority can confirm that the AHTS Magne Viking, owned by Viking Supply Ships, is in compliance with the new IMO Polar Code.
“Having followed the development of the Polar Code for some years, it is a great achievement to finally survey the first vessel to comply with the Code” says Morten Mejlænder-Larsen, responsible for Arctic and Polar activities at DNV GL - Maritime. Based on long experience from Arctic operations in low temperatures and ice covered waters, Viking Supply Ships saw the value in the IMO Polar Code and decided to implement it early on. The process has included updates of vessel and equipment, as well as providing the required documentation. “As this vessel was already winterized and built for operation in cold climate, most of the additional requirements in the Polar Code were already fulfilled before we started the implementation process,” says Andreas Kjøl, Project Director at Viking Supply Ships. Image: Magne Viking, care of Viking Supply Ships.
States urged to ratify compensation regime for Hazardous and Noxious Cargoes The International Maritime Organization (IMO), together with the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) and the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF), is urging its Member States to ratify and implement a key compensation treaty covering the transport of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) by ship. The International Convention on Liability and compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious substances by Sea, 2010 (2010 HNS Convention), when in force, will provide a regime of liability and compensation for damage caused by HNS cargoes transported by sea, complementing existing regimes already in force for the transport of oil as cargo, bunker oil used for the operation and propulsion of ships, the removal of hazardous wrecks and claims for death of or personal injury to passengers, or for damage to their luggage, on ships. “The HNS Convention recognizes that accidents can and do happen and it is the last piece in the puzzle needed to ensure that those who have suffered damage caused by HNS cargoes carried on board ships have access to a comprehensive and international liability and compensation regime,” said IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim. “The number of ships carrying HNS cargoes is growing steadily with more than 200 million tonnes of chemicals traded annually by tankers. I urge all States to consider acceding to the HNS 2010 treaty as soon as possible, in order to bring it into force.” Entry into force requires accession by at least 12 States, meeting certain criteria in relation to tonnage and reporting annually the quantity of HNS cargo received in a State. There are as yet no contracting States to the 2010 HNS Convention. However, progress towards the Convention’s entry into force has gathered pace over the past year, with a number of States preparing the necessary implementing legislation. HNS covered by the Convention include: oils; other liquid substances defined as noxious or dangerous; liquefied gases; liquid substances with a flashpoint not exceeding 60˚C; dangerous, hazardous and harmful materials and substances carried in packaged form or in containers; and solid bulk materials defined as possessing chemical hazards. The HNS Convention establishes the principle that the ‘polluter pays’ by ensuring that the shipping and HNS industries provide compensation for those who have suffered loss or damage resulting from an HNS incident.
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March - April 2016
Green Dolphin Eco-Design Vessel for Pioneer Marine
Dry bulk revisits 1980s lows and faces uncertain longer term outlook
Pioneer Marine Inc. (OSLO-OTC: PNRM) (“Pioneer Marine,” or the “Company”) a leading shipowner and global drybulk handysize transportation service provider announced that it accepted delivery of a 38,419 DWT Green Dolphin eco-design handysize vessel, the M.V. Kite Bay. The new vessel, which was constructed at Yangzhou Guoyu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, is Pioneer’s second Green Dolphin eco-design handysize vessel. The ship’s fuel consumption is about 6 tonnes per day lower than the non-eco design vessels. In addition to eco-friendly efficiencies, Pioneer’s Green Dolphin newbuilding series are equipped with features which offer substantial commercial flexibility such as hull strengthened to Ice Class 1C, fully logs fitted, suitable for the carriage of various dangerous cargoes, grab fitted, ABB Octopus system for fuel consumption optimization, mass flow meters on the bunker line and more.
Wärtsilä Nacos for all three Maersk line new building project
Wärtsilä has been contracted to supply the Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum integrated navigation, automation, and propulsion control systems for 27 new container vessels being built for Denmark based Maersk Line A/S. The contracts with Wärtsilä were signed in July and October 2015, and January 2016. The vessels are under construction at yards in China and South Korea. With these orders, the latest 47 new buildings in the Maersk line fleet will all be fitted with the Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum system, thus emphasising its market application success. Wärtsilä will also provide a power management system and control consoles, as well as external communication facilities. The Wärtsilä equipment is scheduled for delivery to the yards commencing in April 2016. The integrated Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum system covers the control systems for navigation, automation, power and propulsion. By integrating all these functions into a single system, the vessel can be navigated, controlled, and monitored from various onboard positions. The truly multi-functional operator stations enable unequalled flexibility and convenience. The increasing levels of automation and ship wide connectivity of essential sources of information continue to present opportunities for further operational expenditure reductions.
With the market near bottom, attention is turning to the length of the downturn, the effect on asset values and the impact of broader demand side changes. In terms of annual average fleet employment rates, the dry bulk market has now dropped to levels last seen over 20 years ago in 1992, according to the latest quarterly dry bulk market forecast from MSI. However timecharter rates are much worse now ($5,700/day for a Panamax) than they were then ($9,500/day). It is necessary to look back to 1986 to see nominal timecharter rates as low as today in annual average terms. Asset values at scrap-plus With earnings currently at OPEX or below, even 15 year old vessels are now being valued at their realisable scrap value, plus a nominal mark-up for vessel-specific condition. Age beyond 15 years is now purely a number and has little impact on value. The extreme levels to which prices for old vessels have collapsed can be seen in the Chart below, which compares the current second hand Panamax vessel values in terms of Net Replacement Value (NRV) with historical ranges. Thoughts are no longer fixated on how low earnings and prices will fall – the general consensus is that both are at or near the floor. The focus is now on the shape of the downturn – or rather how long it will last. First and foremost is there any hope for bulker earnings and prices in 2016? In terms of downward momentum, the good news is that the end is nigh with an expectation that second-hand prices will bottom out at levels marginally below current values during 2Q 2016 for almost all ages and sizes of dry bulk carriers. This is underpinned by expectations of a minor rate correction in Q2, driven by a seasonal uptick in iron ore imports by China and strong South American grains exports. Enthusiasm should be tempered for the remainder of this year, however; the outlook for dry bulk supply/demand fundamentals in aggregate for 2016 is far from promising, with supply growth set to more than offset demand growth by a small margin. Changing demand dynamics The story is not much brighter for beyond this year – it is not until 2018 before we see any sustained improvement in market balances. Moreover, there are significant risks on the downside to this view. In MSI’s latest dry bulk report we present a scenario in which plausible downside risks to MSI’s forecast for Chinese and Indian coal imports and Chinese iron ore imports are realised, including a robust supply-side response. Under this scenario, we would not anticipate an uptick in market balances or timecharter rates before 2020.
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March - April 2016
ABB to provide equipment and services for the world’s largest floating facility ABB has won a five-year contract to deliver equipment and services for Shell’s Prelude FLNG, the world’s first floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility, the largest floating facility ever built. ABB’s equipment will minimize downtime and optimize the efficiency of the facility. The order includes the delivery of motors, generators, variable speed drives and low-voltage switchgear and guarantees service and lifecycle management of the electrical equipment as well as service and support for motors from third-party vendors. ABB will build up a spare parts inventory, workshop repairs, training and provide round-the-clock technical support both over the phone and on-site. Spare parts and replacement systems are being procured this year, with training to begin soon after. Prelude is 488 meters long, 74 meters wide, with a loaded displacement of 600,000 tons with the facility’s deck longer than 4 football fields laid end to end.
Wärtsilä propellers will drive new Greek Aframax tankers TMS Tankers Ltd, one of the largest Greece based shipping fleet operators, selected Wärtsilä fixed pitch propellers (FPPs) for its new vessels under construction in China. The order was placed with Wärtsilä’s joint venture company in China, Wärtsilä CME Zhenjiang Propeller Co Ltd (WCME), in December 2015. Other leading Greek shipping companies have also recently opted for Wärtsilä FPPs. The contract covers the propellers for four Aframax tankers under construction at the Hantong Ship Heavy Industry yard. The Wärtsilä FPPs will be fitted with the company’s EnergoProFin solution, a propeller cap with fins that rotates together with the propeller to produce fuel savings of up to 5 percent. The Wärtsilä EnergoProFin has also been a popular retrofit solution to improve the fuel efficiency of many vessels already in service. Wärtsilä has earlier supplied FPPs and other products for TMS Tankers and its parent company’s vessels.
MAN’s World’s First IMO-Certified TwoStroke Engine with Tier III NOx Control Hyundai’s Ship Building Division (HHI-SBD) finalised a contract for 2 × Suezmax tankers for Turkish shipowner, Ditas Shipping. The 158,000-m3 crude-oil tankers will each be powered by individ-
ual MAN B&W 6G70ME-C9.5 two-stroke main-engines that feature integrated Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) systems. While there are already IMO Tier III-compliant vessels with EGR systems in service, the Suezmax newbuildings will be the first vessels with keel-laying after 1 January, 2016 to be officially certified as complying with Tier III emission restrictions within existing North American NOx Emission Control Areas (NECAs) and the United States Caribbean Sea NECA
Industry Welcomes World’s First Ocean-Going Vessels Capable of Running on Methanol Starting in April, Waterfront Shipping Company Ltd. (WFS), Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL), Westfal-Larsen Management (WL), and Marinvest/Skagerack Invest (Marinvest) are proud to welcome innovative, clean-burning, fuel-efficient vessels to the sea. These seven 50,000 dead weight tonne vessels are built with the first-of-its kind MAN B&W ME-LGI 2- stroke dual fuel engines that can run on methanol, fuel oil, marine diesel oil, or gas oil. This groundbreaking ship technology will significantly reduce emissions while giving ship owners a viable, efficient and convenient fuel alternative. With the growing demand for cleaner marine fuel to meet environmental regulations, methanol is a promising alternative fuel for ships that can meet the industry’s increasingly stringent emissions regulations. Methanol is a biodegradable, clean-burning marine fuel that reduces smog-causing emissions such as particulates, sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides. “Working with our partners to advance new, clean technology is an important and innovative step in the right direction. Investing in methanol-based marine fuel reinforces our commitment to invest in sustainable technology that not only provides environmental benefits but also an economically viable alternative marine fuel. The cost to build new and convert existing vessels to run on methanol is significantly less than alternate fuel conversions,” stated Jone Hognestad, President, Waterfront Shipping. Waterfront Shipping will charter the seven vessels to replace older vessels and expand its fleet. Two of the vessels are owned by WL, two vessels are jointly owned by Marinvest and WFS, and the remaining three vessels are owned by MOL. The ships were built by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard and Minaminippon Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. The first three vessels are being delivered in April, with the remaining four to be delivered by October 2016. “MAN developed these 2-stroke engines in response to interest from the shipping world to operate on alternatives to heavy fuel oil and meet increasingly stringent emissions regulations. To hedge the risk of fuel price volatility, the vessels can switch between fuels, and operate cost-effectively,” states Ole Grøne Senior Vice President, Head of Marketing and Sales, MAN Diesel & Turbo. “This investment is very much aligned with our vision and leadership to supply safe and environmentally friendly transports. The ability to run on a sulphur- free fuel offers great potential and provides innovative solutions for the world’s energy needs,” states Patrik Mossberg, Chairman, Marinvest. “To be one of the shipping companies helping to lead this effort makes sense for our business. It’s great to be part of an innovative solution,” added Rolf Westfal- Larsen, President and CEO, Westfal-Larsen Management.
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March - April 2016
Shell Marine Products available in 604 ports in 56 countries Shell Marine Products (SMP) continues to expand its global port network by adding more than 70 ports in less than one year as well as expanding its operation in 14 countries, which now stands at 604 ports in 56 countries. In 2016, SMP expanded product availability in: • Argentina: Villa Constitucion • India: Goa, Hazira • Japan: Hatsukaichi, Hibikinada, Iknow, Iyomishima, Naoshima, Ogishima, Onahama, Saganoseki, Shibushi, Tonda, Tsukumi • South Korea: Boryeong, Taean, Tongyeong • Spain: Castellon, Pasajes, Sagunto, Motril, Villagarcia • Taiwan: Taipei • UAE: Mina Saqr • UK: Fawley, Great Yarmouth, Hamble, Portbury, Sunderland • US: Gloucester, Searsport, Kingsbay. “One of our goals as a business is to give our customers peace of mind. We aim to do this via our consistently high quality products, our attentive technical and customer service, as well as making sure our customers can lift the lubricants they need in as many locations as possible. They continue to be supported by our 24/7 International Customer Service Centre (iCSC) for any of their order delivery concerns as well as track their orders via our industry first Shell Marine Products app on their mobile devices,” said Jan Toschka, General Manager of Shell Marine Products.
KONGSBERG: Swimming robot for underwater inspection and maintenance NTNU spin-off company Eelume collaborates with Kongsberg Maritime and Statoil to develop swimming robots for subsea inspection and light intervention. Kongsberg Maritime and Statoil have signed an agreement with Eelume, a NTNU spin-off company, to accelerate new technology that will significantly reduce costs related to subsea inspection, maintenance and repair operations. NTNU and Sintef have conducted research on snake robotics for more than 10 years. Eelume is now developing a disruptive solution for underwater inspection and maintenance in the form of a swimming robot. The idea is to let these robots do inspection and light intervention jobs on the seabed, reducing the use of large and expensive vessels. With its snake-like form, the slender and flexible body of the Eelume robot provides access to confined areas that are difficult to access with existing technology. Eelume robots will be permanently installed on the seabed and will perform planned and on-demand inspections and interventions. The solution can be installed on both existing and new fields where typical jobs include; visual inspection, cleaning, and adjusting valves and chokes. These jobs account for a large part of the total subsea inspection and intervention spend.
Philly Shipyard Delivers 3rd Next Generation Product Tanker to Crowley
CMA CGM, COSCO, Evergreen and OOCL to establish “OCEAN Alliance”
Philly Shipyard, Inc. (PSI), the sole operating subsidiary of Philly Shipyard ASA (Oslo: PHLY), delivered the Louisiana, the third of four next generation 50,000 dwt product tankers that it is building for Crowley Maritime Corporation (Crowley). The 600-foot tanker has a carrying capacity of 14.5 million gallons of crude oil or refined products. This delivery is the 23rd vessel built by PSI (formerly known as Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, Inc.). The next generation 50,000 dwt product tanker is based on a proven Hyundai Mipo Dockyards (HMD) design that also incorporates numerous fuel efficiency features, flexible cargo capability, and the latest regulatory requirements. The vessel has also received LNG Ready Level 1 approval from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). “We are proud to deliver another Philly-born tanker, the shipyard’s fifth tanker for Crowley and 23rd vessel in total,” remarked Philly Shipyard’s President and CEO Steinar Nerbovik. “On behalf of the men and women who built her, we are honored knowing that the Louisiana will be another safe and quality addition to Crowley’s fleet that will serve its mariners and our nation’s waterways for decades to follow.”
CMA CGM, COSCO Container Lines, Evergreen Line and Orient Overseas Container Line signed a Memorandum of Understanding to form a new Alliance enabling each of them to offer competitive products and comprehensive service networks covering the Asia-Europe, Asia-Mediterranean, Asia-Red Sea, Asia-Middle East, Trans-Pacific, Asia-North America East Coast, and Trans-Atlantic trades. This is a milestone agreement among four of the world’s leading container shipping lines. Each line will offer best-in-class services to customers with fast transit times, competitive sailing frequencies, and the most extensive port coverage in the market. “The Alliance will also bring service reliability and the most efficient integration of the latest vessels in a fleet of over 350 containerships. Initially the deployment will cover more than 40 services globally mostly connected with Asia, including about 20 services each in the U.S. and Europe related trades.” Subject to regulatory approvals of competent authorities, the new Alliance plans to begin operations in April 2017. The initial period of the Alliance shall be five years.
May - June 2016
ABB’s Azipod propulsion selected for first Chinese built icebreaker
ABB’s Azipod propulsion system will power a Chinese polar science research icebreaker, the first vessel of its type to be built in China. The Polar Research Institute of China ship will be fitted with two Azipod VI units with combined power of 15 MWs. The order represents another milestone for ABB in the Chinese market and is recognition of Azipod propulsion’s history of reliability and efficiency on ice going vessels. With a built-in high-efficiency AC motor and fixed-pitch propeller mounted directly on the motor shaft, the Azipod has revolutionized the ice-going segment. While mechanical thrusters have complex transmission with gears and shafts, the Azipod has only electrical cables between the power source and the electric motor. The icebreaker will be able to operate stern or bow first thanks the Azipod thruster’s ability to turn 360 degrees. Juha Koskela, Managing Director of ABB’s Marine and Ports business said, “ABB delivered its first electric propulsion system to an icebreaker in 1939 and we are delighted to be playing such an important role in the first vessel of this type to be constructed in China. This deal reflects the close ties we have built within China”
RINA announces definitive agreement for the acquisition of 100% of Edif Group RINA S.p.A (“RINA”), the holding company of the multinational testing, inspection, certification and consulting engineering (“TICCE”) group based in Genoa, Italy, announced that it has signed a definitive agreement for the acquisition of the entire share capital of Edif Group Limited (“Edif”), a portfolio company of Phoenix Equity Partners (“Phoenix”), for £118.5 million (around €151 million) (the “Acquisition”). The Acquisition represents a further step towards the fulfilment of RINA’s broader growth strategy, which will increase its geographical coverage, and deliver a higher level of technical expertise for its cus-
tomers. In particular, the acquisition of Edif will significantly increase RINA’s presence in the UK, alongside the US and German market, where the combination of the two groups will provide a platform for further expansion. Edif is a leading worldwide provider of a diverse range of TIC-CE services that serve to reduce risk, optimise performance and enhance the capability of its clients’ assets. Edif is headquartered in London, UK, and employs approximately 650 employees and 2,500 associates in over 20 offices internationally. Edif was founded as a Group in 2011, and has grown rapidly since inception both organically and through acquisitions. The Acquisition will be funded through an equity capital injection from RINA’s financial shareholders, VEI Capital (“VEI”) and NB Renaissance Partners (“NBRP”), alongside a new financing facility provided by BNL - BNP Paribas Italy, Unicredit Group, and Banca IMI. RINA’s shareholders, its financial partners and Sace (an Italian organisation specialised in supporting companies planning to go international) will continue to support and accelerate the growth undertaken by the Group in recent years. Completion of the Acquisition is subject to receipt of standard merger control clearances, with closing anticipated to occur during the second half of 2016.
Norbulk first to run on environmentally acceptable R407F Oceanic Technical Solutions has successfully converted all refrigeration and reefer plants onboard a Norbulk managed refrigerated cargo ship to run on refrigerant R407F. The conversion, which follows the January 2015 entry into force of F-Gas rules banning the entire use of R22 refrigerant on all European-flagged vessels, is believed to be the shipping industry’s first ever marine refrigerant conversion to the more environmentally-acceptable R407F. Prior to January 2015, operators were still able to purchase recycled R22, but the ozone-depleting gas and other Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are now completely outlawed across Europe. John Taylor, Fleet Manager, Norbulk, said: “With our commitment to operating ships in full compliance with all recognised international and national regulations, the success of the refrigerant retrofit has shown the industry that there is a commercially viable alternative that has a reduced impact on the environment other than the Ozone-depleting gasses formerly used in marine refrigeration plants. “Since the conversion, we have reduced further the impact our operations have on the environment, without affecting cargo cooling performance,” confirmed Taylor. “R407F refrigerant has very similar attributes to R22 but without damaging the environment.” During a scheduled drydocking at a shiprepair yard in Klaipeda, Lithuania, the 6120dwt reefer’s refrigeration plant aboard was shut down and the entire charge of R22 recovered. Three refrigerant recovery units were used to transfer the gas to dedicated refrigerant recovery receivers. However, before the plant could be charged with the new gas, Oceanic’s conversion team, led by Technical Director Dave Lloyd, pressure tested the plant for leaks, fitted new gaskets, seals and oil filters, inspected and made leak-tight all pipe work and installed a fixed leak detection system – now a mandatory requirement under the F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 for refrigerant plants of a certain size – with sensors mounted at valve stations in the machinery room and each of the four cargo holds.
PureBallast is pure confidence
Make the most secure choice in ballast water treatment There’s good reason why Alfa Laval PureBallast can be found on prominent vessels like Norwegian Breakaway. Energy efficient, PureBallast 3.1 offers superior performance in all waters: fresh, brackish and marine. It is also the ideal biological disinfection system for challenging conditions, which makes your life easy wherever you sail. Discover more advantages and see why others have made the choice at www.alfalaval.com/pureballast3
May - June 2016
“TCM” S.A. first to complete MRV compliance project
Celestyal Cruises: Πορεία σταθερής ανάπτυξης
The first MRV project contracted between LR and a Greek shipping company. Lloyd’s Register has been working with Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement (“TCM”) S.A. on early compliance with the European Union (EU) Regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from maritime transport. The project included assessment of compliance solutions available to TCM with regards the MRV regulation. More specifically the work was delivered in two distinct phases: - Review of the ship specific monitoring plan, in accordance with the mandate of the EU Regulation, which was held as a desktop study and - Verification of the ship specific emissions report to a reasonable level of assurance and at a materiality level of the professional judgement of the verifier, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2015/757 monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. Following the review of the monitoring plan, a Verification Report was issued by LR Marine & Offshore to TCM focusing on the reliability of data from the information reported by the vessel, the relevant calculations conducted by the office and addressing the relevant risks associated with these processes. John Iakovou, Lloyd’s Register Marine Management Systems Office Manager for Greece, Eastern Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea commented that this was an excellent opportunity both for LR and TCM to identify relevant issues, address the risks associated with the EU Regulation 2015/757 in a pilot study environment and assess the methodologies of monitoring, reporting and verification in a proactive manner. TCM are to be commended for this initiative and their commitment to proactively addressing MRV.
Σε Συνέντευξη Τύπου που παραχώρησε η Celestyal Cruises στον πολυχώρο Piree στις 22 Ιουνίου 2016 στον Πειραιά, ανακοίνωσε ότι θα πραγματοποιήσει 821 προσεγγίσεις σε ελληνικά λιμάνια για το 2016 παρά τις προκλήσεις και τις αντικειμενικές πιέσεις και δυσκολίες που δέχεται η ευρύτερη περιοχή μας. Αναμένεται η κίνηση των επιβατών να κυμανθεί πολύ κοντά στα περσινά επίπεδα με τις αφίξεις να αγγίζουν τις 122.000, που αντιστοιχούν σε 488.000 διανυκτερεύσεις ξένων επιβατών για τη φετινή περίοδο. Δια στόματος του κου Πυθαγόρα Νάγου, Αντιπροέδρου Πωλήσεων της Celestyal Cruises, η εταιρεία δήλωσε: «Είμαστε συγκρατημένα αισιόδοξοι για την πορεία μας αυτή τη χρονιά, αλλά και για την επόμενη, καθώς διαβλέπουμε τη θετική τάση και προτίμηση της χώρας μας ως προορισμός. Η Ελλάδα αποτελεί σταθερά έναν δημοφιλή και αγαπημένο προορισμό για τους ξένους τουρίστες, καθώς έχει να επιδείξει τρομερή φιλοξενία, ιστορία, γαστρονομία και πολιτισμό.» Η Celestyal Cruises τονώνει συνεχώς αυτό το ενδιαφέρον, έχοντας επιλέξει να έχει παρουσία σε περισσότερες από 60 διεθνείς τουριστικές εκθέσεις σε πολλές χώρες και διαφορετικές ηπείρους, προβάλλοντας κυρίως την αυθεντική ελληνική εμπειρία. Ο κος Νάγος, επίσης, αναφέρθηκε στους νέους προορισμούς στην Ελλάδα που σταθερά επενδύει η εταιρεία τα τελευταία χρόνια, καθώς προστέθηκαν το 2016 το Ναύπλιο, τα Χανιά, ενώ για το 2017 η Κάλυμνος, προορισμοί που θα προσεγγίζει το νέο κρουαζιερόπλοιου της εταιρείας Celestyal Nefeli. Στο σχεδιασμό της εταιρείας για το 2017 ανακοινώθηκε η έμφαση στην δραστηριοποίηση στην Κούβα, που μετά την τρίτη επιτυχημένη χρονιά, η Celestyal Cruises αποφάσισε την παραμονή του κρουαζιερόπλοιου Celestyal Crystal για όλο το χρόνο στην περιοχή, καθώς υπάρχει εντυπωσιακή αύξηση και ενδιαφέρον με 12.500 επιβάτες για το 2016 και αύξηση 57% και εκτιμήσεις για την επόμενη χρονιά που φτάνουν τους 39.000 επιβάτες. Η Celestyal Cruises, είναι η μοναδική εταιρεία, που επισκέπτεται συνολικά τέσσερα λιμάνια, ενώ από φέτος θα προσεγγίζει και το λιμάνι Punta Frances. Επίσημα, επίσης, η Celestyal Cruises ανακοίνωσε ότι στο πλαίσιο της διεθνούς ανάπτυξης έχει επιλεγεί η δραστηριοποίηση με 3 ήμερες και 4 ήμερες κρουαζιέρες στον Περσικό Κόλπο με την ονομασία «Live the Authentic Gulf experience», ξεκινώντας από το Νοέμβριο του 2017 έως τα μέσα Μαΐου του 2018, με προορισμούς όπως το Ντουμπάι και τη Ντόχα. Η φετινή παρουσία της Celestyal Cruises στο Αιγαίο επισφραγίζεται, όμως, και από την συνεχή αναβάθμιση των κρουαζιερόπλοιων με τις εργασίες ολικής μεταμόρφωσης στο νέο κρουαζιερόπλοιο Celestyal Nefeli και τις εργασίες ανακαίνισης του Celestyal Olympia, που σύμφωνα με τον Αντιπρόεδρο επιχειρήσεων καπ. Γιώργο Κουμπενά αυτό μεταφράζεται σε σύνολο 26 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ προσφοράς και στήριξης των ελληνικών ναυπηγείων. Η Celestyal Cruises στη συνεχή προσπάθεια αναβάθμισης της εν πλω εμπειρίας, ανανεώνει την εμφάνισή των πληρωμάτων της με τη βοήθεια των γνωστών Ελλήνων σχεδιαστών Mi-Ro, Δημήτρη Μαστρόκαλο και Γιάννη Ράπτη. Σύμφωνα με τον κ. Κουμπενά, «Στηρίζουμε έμπρακτα τους Έλληνες σχεδιαστές, γι’ αυτό συνεργαστήκαμε με τους MIRO, για το σχεδιασμό περισσότερων από 50 στολών για πολλές και διαφορετικές ειδικότητες του πλοίου.»
ABB: Azipod 25 year anniversary ABB’s environmentally friendly Azipod propulsion system brings greater fuel efficiency to diverse shipping segments ABB announced that the total fuel savings of the entire installed Azipod fleet since being launched is estimated to be more than 700,000 tons. Assuming the average family car uses one ton of fuel annually, this saving corresponds to the annual fuel consumption of 700,000 cars. The gearless, steerable propulsion system reduces fuel consumption by up to 20% and achieves decimeter accurate maneuverability without the aid of tugboats. It is installed on an extremely wide range of vessels, including the world’s largest cruise ship (6,600 passengers), the most advanced icebreaker, one of the largest crane vessels in Asia, a 105-meter luxury superyacht, and most recently, an innovative cargo transfer vessel. According to Clarkson’s Research, the leading shipbroker and research firm, the number of vessels with electric propulsion is growing at a pace of 12 percent per year, three times faster than the world’s fleet.
nafs March 2014
May - June 2016
Executive Summary of the Union of Greek Shipowners to the EU Commission Decision for the Greek Tonnage Tax System The 120 page paper which has been scrutinised by lawyers well versed in EU law and EU Court decisions discusses why the Commission’s Decision of 18.12.2015, C(2015) 9019 final (“Tonnage tax scheme and other tax relieves provided in Law No 27 of 19 April 1975 as amended”) is based on an incomplete understanding of the Greek legal system and its historical background. The Decision disregards the specifics of the Constitutional Identity of Greece. It does not prove that the Greek system results in a selective advantage which threatens to distort competition or affect trade on the EU’s internal market. The Decision regards the European Commission’s Maritime Guidelines as binding, and fails to take a wider perspective on the compatibility of aid with the internal market and / or use its discretion beneficially. Equally the Decision does not take into consideration that there has been no complaint against the Greek regime, nomigration to the Greek flag nor for establishment in Greece and the fact that the longstanding regime has not been challenged by the Commission since Greece’s admission in the EU in 1981. It is important to bear in mind that the SAG were largely modelled on the Greek shipping institutional regime and on the existing parallel registries introduced in the ‘80s.If the Greek case functions as the standard test, as already proclaimed by the Commission other Member State regimes may be affected causing uncertainty through out the sector. Regarding para 194 of the Commission Decision pertaining to the recommendations against Greece in particular: • Shipping taxation forms an integral part of constitutional identity of Greece in the sense of Article 4 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. These rules are constitutionally protected and are very important for the country’s economy. Therefore, the tonnage tax regime and the relevant tax exemptions constitute a longstanding feature of the Greek legal and economic system and the European Commission should have taken these into account when assessing the specific provisions of the tonnage tax regime. Moreover, it should have considered the regime as a whole taking into consideration all the common characteristics of all the measures it entails as well as the particularities of the shipping market and not engage in an isolated assessment of each individual measure; • The European Commission’s State aid analysis is not sound. It disregards the fact that some of the advantages (exemptions for dividends, capital gains, inheritance tax) are granted to individuals and not to shipping companies and therefore cannot be assessed in the context of the State aid rules. It has not demonstrated on what basis the shipping companies can be considered indirect beneficiaries of the “aid” schemes at issue, given that a tax advantage to shareholders does not necessarily result in an indirect advantage to a company if anybody can invest in such an undertaking. Furthermore, it considers the general rules on taxation as the “reference framework”, and not the constitutionally protected provision of L. 27/1975. Besides, even if the general rules on taxation were regarded as the “reference framework”, it is not evident that shipping companies and other companies in Greece are in a comparable factual and legal situation in the light of the objective and the purpose of the constitutionally protected provisions. Lastly, the European Commission has not proven that the measures strengthen the position of the shipping
companies in relation to other undertakings, especially taking into account that the Greek tonnage tax levels are significantly higher than what has been approved in the past for other Member States by the European Commission; • The European Commission considers the Guidelines a binding legal document. However, when applying the Guidelines in the State aid area, the Commission has and can depart from them, in individual cases, by providing reasons which are compatible with the principle of equal treatment and provided that such a departure does not infringe the general principles of law and is attuned to the beneficiaries’ legitimate expectations. The European Commission could have used its discretion and declared the regime compatible, by using its wide discretionary power, supplemented by the solid evidence already submitted by the Greek Government; • The European Commission should have declared the Greek regime compatible with the internal market. The Commission considers the investment in shares of shipping companies (which, if it is open to everyone, should not constitute an aid) to be a separate function from the shipping activity, and thus to be beneficial exclusively for the shareholder. The state of investing in shipping in the Greek system is an integral part of the traditional proprietary / entrepreneurial model of Greek shipping enterprises and should be recognised as genuine shipping activity since all the material criteria for such a characterisationare present. In conclusion, the European Commission has not adequately demonstrated distortion of competition on the basis of the Guidelines and their main purpose (which is to meet international competition) since the causal link between the alleged advantage and the supposed distortional result is remote.
nafs March 2014
May - June 2016
Posidonia Propels Ahead
Posidonia 2016 has received overwhelming praise from exhibitors and visitors who unanimously agree that this year’s edition of the world’s most prestigious maritime event has also been the most distinguished in the show’s five-decade long history. Having set new records in terms of exhibitor floor space, size of conference programme and number of visitors, Posidonia 2016 also managed to impress shipping industry executives, analysts and media for the look and feel of the exhibition’s displays, the relevance of conference content and quality of visitors and delegates who converged to the Athens Metropolitan Expo from all over the world. In total, 1.825 exhibiting companies from 90 countries and territories and 19 national pavilions welcomed 22.366 visitors from over 95 countries to their stands. “We always strive to make the best even better by constantly reinventing the overall offering of Posidonia seeking to further improve and, if possible, perfect the experience on and off the main venue of the exhibition,” said Theodore Vokos, Executive Director, Posidonia Exhibitions S.A, the organisers of the event. “Through the years we have made significant enhancements to the main event and the parallel social and sporting networking programme, as we endeavor to keep Posidonia fresh, relevant, contemporary, responsive to exhibitors’ and visitors’ demands. But, above all, we strive to maintain its authoritative aura in line with its reputation as the most prestigious, agenda-setting maritime event that is always ahead of developments.” This growing reputation as the must-attend global maritime affair is likely to be augmented in two years from now as forward demand for floor space indicates that when the next Posidonia exhibition opens its doors on June 4th 2018, it will be deployed across the full 45,000 sqm of the Athens Metropolitan Expo, utilizing all of the venue’s available space. Posidonia’s long standing relationship with the Greek shipping community is one of the reasons for the brand’s resonance in every part of the world, wherever maritime and shipping professionals ply their trades while aspiring to conduct business with the owners of the most expansive and entrepreneurial ocean going merchant fleet, the largest in terms of tonnage. According to Zhang Xinyu, Exhibition Office, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Posidonia 2016 was very big and stands at the highest level compared to the biggest international maritime events. “Since we are the
top corporation of our sector in China, our presence at Posidonia aimed at strengthening our influence in the global market and in Europe and Greece particularly, because the Greek market is important for us, as is the European market as a whole. Posidonia is always a good platform for new business opportunities.” The high quality of visitors was yet another positive highlight of this year’s Posidonia according to most exhibitors. Thorstein Franche, Global Industry Director, Marine Division, Krohne Marine, had this to say: “The exhibition is splendid! Everything is very well organised, the venue is great and so are the stands. We are very satisfied. The attendance was very high this year. We were very happy to see more people visiting our stand, but also people more focused on our industry. We had the opportunity of quite a few good meetings and I am sure that the follow up will lead to some good deals.” Dr. Vassilios Mamaloukas-Frangoulis, Director, Marine Environment Protection seems to agree: “The number of visitors was higher this year, but also the quality of the visitors seems to get better by the years and this is very important.” Posidonia has also developed a strong reputation as a forum where crucial discussions, debates and deliberations on issues and regulations affecting the global maritime industry take place between policy makers, government officials and captains of industry and this was reflected in this year’s event with the high profile visits of IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim and European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc in addition to Greek and international heads of state. This aspect of the event didn’t go unnoticed from exhibitor Stefano Lavezzaro, Vice President Service Sales – Merchant, Marine Services – Europe & Africa for Rolls-Royce who said: “This year’s organisation is even better, with more exhibitors, conferences and seminars. There is much more briefing for the industry. And you can also feel the optimism by walking through the exhibition.” Indeed, Posidonia is a global maritime industry bellwether that captures the mood of the moment while outlining the future trends that are likely to shape developments in the world’s most vital industry which account for the transportation of 90 percent of world trade. Posidonia 2018 will be held from 4-8 June 2018 at the Athens Metropolitan Expo. The event is organised under the auspices of the Greek shipping community and major associations representing Greek shipping interests.
May - June 2016
ABB to power world’s largest emission-free electric ferries Innovative ABB technology reduces emissions, increases efficiency of battery charging, reduces safety risk on HH Ferries route between Helsingør and Helsingborg ABB will supply the complete power and propulsion systems for two HH Ferries Group vessels to become the world´s largest emission-free electric ferries. The modernizations utilize turnkey ABB solutions including batteries, an energy storage control system and Onboard DC Grid technology. At both ends of the route ABB will supply the first automated shore-side charging stations using an ABB industrial robot, to optimize the connection time and therefore maximize the charging period. The two ferries, Tycho Brahe and Aurora, will operate completely on battery power between Helsingør (Denmark) and Helsingborg (Sweden), a distance of approximately 4 km carrying more than 7.4 Million passengers and 1.9 million vehicles annually. The new battery solution will help lower total emissions across the fleet by more than 50 percent from the current diesel operated vessels. The combined battery power of 8,320 kWh for the two ferries is the equivalent of 10,700 car batteries. Introduced in 2001, ABB’s IRB 7600, with its proven track record, is being used as part of the new charging station technology. All pre-docking procedures are based on 3D laser scanning and wireless communication between ship and shore. During the last 400 mm of the ferry’s approach the robot will reach out and pull the shore cable from the ship. The cable reel releases the cable and the robot moves the connectors to the corresponding connectors below the robot. After the connection is made, the robot moves back to the home-position and the roll-up doors closes. The robot will reside inside its own building when not in use. “This order goes to the very core of what we do at ABB,” says Juha Koskela, Managing Director of ABB’s Marine and Ports business unit.
First Green Ship Recycling Certificate Awarded by RINA in India In line with the growing interest in green recycling, RINA Services recently awarded its first ISO 30000:2009 certificate and HKC Statement of Compliance (SoC) in Alang, India to Shubh Arya Steel. Shubh Arya Steel, a ship recycling yard in Alang, made substantial investments in infrastructure in order to meet the requirements of IMO’s Hong Kong Convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships. The company implemented a management system to meet the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS 18001: 2007 and ISO 30000:2009 standards and HKC SoC. “We would like to thank RINA for their valuable role on this extensive journey to achieve the coveted HKC Statement of Compliance and ISO 30000:2009 certification for our shipyard. We are proud to have made significant investments to make this happen,” commented Mr. Rajesh Arya, Managing Director of Shubh Arya Steel. There has been a recent spike in shipyard owners making substantial investments to upgrade their yard’s infrastructure to meet the requirements of this Convention, ahead of it being entered into force. The Alang shipyard certification award ceremony was attended by the European Community Ship Owner’s Association (ECSA), to celebrate this significant step for the industry.
ECSA’s visit will greatly encourage European community ship owners to recycle their ships at HKC compliant yards in Alang and subsequently drive on-going investment in upgrades to shipyard infrastructure to meet HKC compliance. Local industry stakeholders appeared very pleased with ECSA’s visit due to the great benefits they receive from ship recycling by reusing many recycled materials and parts. “We are extremely pleased that the ECSA delegation visited the awards ceremony. The attention of the remaining non-HKC compliant shipyards in India is increasing and we hope that this certification will be the first step of the path to safer and environmentally sound recycling ship breaking in Alang” said Sergio Bovo, Area Manager, India and South East Asia, RINA Services. Many other ship recycling yards have already contracted RINA Services for HKC compliance, including Sarvag Shipping Services, Navyug Alloys, Alang Auto, P Rajesh Ship Breaking, Ghasiram Gokalchand Ship Breaking, Ashwin Corporation, Lakashmi Steel Rolling Mills (Unit II), Sachdeva Steel Products and Atam Manohar Ship Breakers Pvt. Ltd. Further, Leela Ship Recycling, an already HKC compliant shipyard, has also contracted RINA Services for social accountability certification.
July - August 2016
Top names unite to drive forward LNG as a marine fuel Carnival Corporation & plc, DNV GL, ENGIE, ENN, GE, GTT, Lloyd’s Register, Mitsubishi Corporation, NYK Line, Port of Rotterdam, Qatargas, Shell, TOTE Inc. and Wärtsilä have announced a new cross-industry initiative called SEA\LNG, to accelerate the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel. Explaining the coalition’s objective, Peter Keller, chairman of SEA\LNG and executive vice president of TOTE Inc., said: “We recognise the need to work closely with key players across the value chain, including shipping companies, classification societies, ports, major LNG suppliers, downstream companies, infrastructure providers and OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to ensure an understanding of the environmental and performance benefits of LNG as a marine transport fuel. SEA\LNG aims to address market barriers and help transform the use of LNG as a marine fuel into a global reality.” Over 90% of global trade moves by sea and this trade is expected to increase substantially over the coming years. In terms of tonne miles, shipping is the world’s cleanest form of transport. However, the volumes moved are so large that shipping is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas (~3% of the total global 1 ), sulphur oxides (SOx, ~10% of the total 2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx, ~15% 3) emissions. The emissions reduction requirements which have come into force around the world to respond to this challenge are increasing demand for LNG as a shipping fuel. LNG offers significant environmental advantages over heavy fuel oil, the main fuel used in shipping today. LNG significantly reduces SOx, NOx and particulate emissions, and can also contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions. LNG is therefore able to offer a fuel solution compliant with both current and anticipated future regulations. However, while LNG is a competitive fuel relative to current alternatives, LNG infrastructure is needed in ports around the world to enable quick, safe and cost effective bunkering. In parallel, there remains a price premium for LNG-fuelled vessels which can make investment
decisions challenging. Furthermore, regulation is not yet globally consistent, which constrains incentives for investment in the sector. SEA\ LNG aims to address and help overcome these and other challenges. Philip Olivier, CEO of ENGIE Global LNG, commented: “Everybody is calling for alternatives to reduce environmental impacts. That’s why we have joined forces to actively promote LNG as a key fuel in maritime transport. LNG has the potential to take a 10% market share of global bunker demand by 2030. ENGIE will contribute to achieving this target”. Tom Strang, senior vice president, Maritime Affairs, Carnival Corporation & plc said: “By working together proactively across the whole marine LNG value chain we can make the transition to a lower emission marine sector a reality. We are proud to share this aim and to align ourselves with other innovators in this field”. “This new cross-industry initiative is good news,” said Lauran Wetemans Shell’s general manager downstream LNG. “To make the transition to LNG as a fuel happen it needs close collaboration with key players across the full value chain. SEA/LNG aims to promote the benefits and potential of LNG fuel, and create a level playing field for LNG with other fuels. It will complement the work being done by other organisations like the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel”. “The ground work has been laid for LNG to thrive, but we need a cross-industry approach to realize the full potential of LNG fuelled shipping. Having been at the forefront of LNG fuelled shipping since its beginning, DNV GL is proud to work with innovative partners to help LNG take its place as a key fuel for the future,” said Tjerk-Johan de Vries, region manager West Europe & Africa at DNV GL. Leo Karistios, gas technology lead, Lloyd’s Register added: “LNG fuelled shipping has mainly been for the visionaries and, until now, concentrated in specialist ship sectors – short sea shipping and ferries, mainly sailing between two fixed ports. We want to help drive the expansion of LNG as a marine fuel of choice, with not just more short sea and local ships burning gas, but also the deep sea trades”.
IBIA investigates: Brexit Norsafe secures and sulphur regulations contract with VARD – what now? The prospect of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union – nicknamed ‘Brexit’ – has raised a number of questions regarding the status, now and in the future, of sulphur regulations in the UK. In response to some of the questions raised, IBIA has investigated the short term reality and future scenarios. The EU’s sulphur regulations contained in Directive 1999/32/EC and subsequent amendments – the EU Sulphur Directive – go beyond the minimum requirements of the International Maritime Organization’s MARPOL Annex VI. The EU and IMO regulations are aligned regarding the 0.10% fuel sulphur limit for ships operating within an emission control areas (ECAs), but the EU Sulphur Directive has three key extra requirements. Firstly, it sets a 0.10% fuel sulphur limit for ships berth in any EU port. Secondly, outside ECAs, there is a 1.50% sulphur limit for passenger ships on regular service between EU ports until 2020.
Norsafe has signed a new contract with VARD Group, and will supply lifeboats complete with davit systems to a series of fifteen new vessels. Topaz Energy and Marine has appointed shipbuilder VARD Group to construct fifteen Module Carrying Vessels (MCVs), each measuring 123m long by 16.5m wide. The MCVs will be built at three of VARD’s sites in Vietnam and Romania. Norsafe will deliver two JYN 57 conventional lifeboats with LHD-60 davit systems to each vessel. The unique design of Norsafe’s LHD-60 davits offers stability, and this is also achieved through a low to the ground installation, which is ideal for placement on the narrow vessels. Delivery is scheduled between January 2017 and June 2018.
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September - October 2016 ABS Classes World’s Largest LNG Powered Ethane Carrier ABS confirmed that the ABS-classed Navigator Aurora, the world’s largest ethane/ethylene capable liquefied gas carrier, has been delivered to Navigator Gas by Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, China. The Navigator Aurora is the first of four Navigator Gas ethane/ethylene midsize vessels to be delivered with ABS Class during 2016 and early 2017. It has a cargo carrying capacity in excess of 37,000 cbm and is fitted with dual fuel engines that enable the ship to operate on either diesel fuel or LNG, making it capable of meeting the most stringent current and future air emissions requirements. “The dynamics of the global gas industry demand a commitment to developing novel projects to take advantage of new opportunities,” says ABS Executive Vice President of Global Marine Kirsi Tikka. “As a leader in classing the most advanced gas projects in the world, ABS is proud to work with Navigator Gas, Jiangnan Shipyard, and all stakeholders in making the Navigator Aurora a success.” Development of the vessel focused on opportunities arising from shale gas plays in the United States. The Navigator Aurora has been long-term chartered to export ethane from the United States to Borealis in Sweden. “In the coming years, we expect to see many more projects being developed to service the expanding gas export market from the United States,” says ABS Vice President of Global Gas Solutions Patrick Janssens. “With our experience with the latest technologies for gas carriers and LNG fueled ships, we are well positioned to assist our clients with their new projects. Our strong presence in the US and longstanding history of assisting industry stakeholders with understanding United States Coast Guard regulations make us the obvious choice for companies that need to support vessels operating in US waters.”
Globecomm Maritime commissions its first FleetXpress terminals for Helikon Shipping
Globecomm, one of the leading providers of maritime connectivity services has delivered its first Inmarsat Fleet Xpress terminals to Helikon Shipping Enterprises. The two units were commissioned in Globecomm’s Biddinghuizen facility and delivered to the Tsuneishi Heavy Industries Cebu shipyard in the Philippines, where the ships are under construction. The vessels are due both due to complete sea trials by mid-September for delivery in early October, and marks the first commission of Fleet Xpress by Globecomm. “Globecomm is very proud to have commissioned Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress service,” says President of Globecomm Maritime, Malcolm McMaster. “Helikon has long recognised the value of communications to its business and the strength of the long relationship between our companies has been reinforced as they adopt Inmarsat Fleet Xpress.” Helikon operates a fleet of 10 Supramax bulk carriers trading worldwide. The newbuildings are both ‘TESS 58 Aero’, a highly efficient design featuring a number of innovative fuel saving features, including aerodynamic optimisation with low drag hatch coamings and accommodation block.
SMM 2016 An Inspiration to Maritime Industry With more than 2,200 exhibitors from all over the world, roughly 50,000 industry visitors, and 93,000 square metres of exhibition space, the 27th SMM, held under the honorary patronage of Federal Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel, was concluded on Friday, 9 September, with an impressive outcome: “The overwhelming turnout is proof of a general sense of anticipation that was palpable during the four days of the fair, as well,” said Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. Considering the difficult situation of the industry, this was an especially encouraging fair, he added. Uwe Beckmeyer, Parliamentary Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, and Federal Government Coordinator for the Maritime Industry, emphasised the importance of SMM as an innovation driver: “SMM is a very special platform. The world loves to gather here for this event,” he said.
Digitalisation and Green Propulsion as key topics Digitalisation had been chosen as one of the main topics for SMM 2016. “SMM is the first maritime trade fair globally to turn the spotlight on “Industry 4.0”. This theme harbours enormous potential for the shipping industry,” said Dr Alexander Nürnberg, Chairman of the Board of the Marine Equipment and Systems working group at the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), and Managing Director of MacGregor Hatlapa. Another major topic addressed by this year’s event was Green Propulsion. The fair organisers had erected a dedicated, 3,500 square metre exhibition hall to feature relevant products and services. “This special hall provided an optimal setting for us to showcase our competencies as a specialist for hybrid and fully electric propulsion systems,” said Andreas Baumüller, Managing Director of Baumüller Group. The new hall had been completely booked several weeks ahead of the beginning of the fair.
Global meeting place for the industry Never before had SMM been as international as this year: More than two thirds of exhibitors hailed from countries other than Germany. “It was again a great experience to be here. We learnt a lot, and we were able to get plenty of inspiration and establish great new business contacts,” said Nawfal Al-Jourani, Head of Dubai Maritime Cluster Office.
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September - October 2016
Rolls-Royce to deliver ship equipment to the world’s largest tugs
Rolls-Royce signed a contract to deliver propulsion and deck machinery for 13 new tugs, including five which will have a direct bollard pull of around 150 tonnes. The contract, with Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO) is worth more than 38 million Euro. The 13 tugs are being designed and built at Chouest-affiliated shipyards in the USA. The five most powerful tugs will be 45 metres long and 17 metres wide, making them the world’s largest of their kind to date. Rolls-Royce scope of delivery includes both large azimuth thrusters and winch packages, enabling the tugs to efficiently perform their main duties; general harbour assistance, braking or steering the vessel, or performing deep sea towing.
World’s national shipowner associations press for reducing gas emissions About 90% of global trade is moved by cargo ships which are collectively responsible for about 2.2% of the world’s total Green House Gas (GHG) emissions (similar to that emitted by international aviation). As a considered response to the Paris Agreement on climate change, the world’s national shipowner associations – represented by their global trade association, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) – have pledged their support for the development of a timeline for the further reduction of the shipping sector’s GHG emissions. ICS has proposed that the details of a CO2 reduction commitment should be developed on behalf of the sector, as soon as possible, by the industry’s global regulator, the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The goal is to build on the substantial CO2 reductions already achieved by shipping, and the mandatory IMO CO2 reduction regime which is already in force worldwide. Responding to the expectation that the International Civil Avia-
tion Organization (ICAO) may reach agreement this week on a CO2 reduction plan for the aviation sector, ICS Chairman, Esben Poulsson, explained: “Shipping is the only industrial sector which already has a mandatory global CO2 reduction regime in place, applicable to the entire world fleet and which predates the Paris Agreement by 4 years. Shipping has a very good story to tell. The most recent data from 2014 shows that shipping reduced its total CO2 emissions by over 10% in just 5 years, despite continuing growth in maritime trade.”
European shipowners welcome CO2 deal European shipowners welcome the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) agreement reached on a new global market-based measure to control Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from international aviation. “We congratulate our aviation colleagues with this new milestone in reducing GHG emissions from global transport sectors”, said ECSA President Niels Smedegaard, “We are confident that at the end of this month the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will decide on the next steps for shipping.” The shipping industry has a mandatory global CO2 reduction regime which has been in force since 2013. IMO will now build on the substantial CO2 reductions already achieved by shipping, introducing a global CO2 data collection system, which will be fully operational by 2018. Based on the data collected and a real understanding of the emissions, realistic targets for CO2 emission reduction can be set for the sector.
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November - December 2016 Alfa Laval PureSOx offers cost-effective compliance with the 2020 global sulphur cap
Gases–GHG), συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ΗΠΑ και Κίνα που είναι οι πρώτες δύο χώρες σε εκπομπές GHG. «Πρόκειται για μια ιστορική στιγμή» δήλωσε ο ΓΓ των Ηνωμένων Εθνών κ. Ban Kimoon, προσθέτοντας ότι «αυτό που κάποτε φαινόταν ακατόρθωτο, τώρα δεν είχε σταματημό. Η ισχυρή παγκόσμια υποστήριξη της Συμφωνίας του Παρισιού που τίθεται σε ισχύ αποτελεί απόδειξη της επείγουσας ανάγκης για δράση και αντικατοπτρίζει τη δέσμευση των κυβερνήσεων για ουσιαστική διεθνή συνεργασία και δράσεις σε εθνικό επίπεδο ώστε να αντιμετωπίσουμε την κλιματική αλλαγή». Μακροπρόθεσμος στόχος της Συμφωνίας είναι να συγκρατηθεί η αύξηση της μέσης θερμοκρασίας του πλανήτη κάτω από 2 °C σε σχέση με τα προβιομηχανικά επίπεδα και να καταβληθεί προσπάθεια να μην ξεπεράσει τους 1,5 οC. Οι χώρες καλούνται να επιταχύνουν και εντατικοποιήσουν τις απαιτούμενες ενέργειες και επενδύσεις για ένα αειφόρο μέλλον με χαμηλό αποτύπωμα άνθρακα. Μεταξύ άλλων, η Συμφωνία προβλέπει τη δημιουργία ενός νέου τεχνολογικού πλαισίου, ενός ενισχυμένου συστήματος υποστήριξης αναπτυσσόμενων καθώς και ευπαθών κρατών που πλήττονται από τις επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής και όλα αυτά σε πλαίσιο διαφάνειας δράσεων. Η HELMEPA εύχεται σύντομα και οι υπόλοιπες από τις 191 χώρες, που υπέγραψαν πέρυσι τη Συμφωνία, να την επικυρώσουν γιατί μόνον η κοινή δέσμευση μπορεί να φέρει ουσιαστικά αποτελέσματα.
World’s Largest Cruise Line Continues Growth with MAN Engines On 27 October, the delegates to the MEPC70 meeting in London agreed to implement a global fuel sulphur cap as of 1 January 2020. While the cap will create a 0.5% fuel sulphur limit worldwide, it does not necessitate a switch to low-sulphur fuel. With an Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubber, ship owners can continue using residual fuels and maintain their existing fuel economy. The MEPC’s announcement of a global fuel sulphur cap in 2020 has been met with immediate concern. Ship owners have questions not only about the availability of compliant 0.5%S fuel, but also about the likely difference in price compared to today’s bunker fuel. Using the Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubber platform, however, they can effectively avoid both issues. “Scrubbers are an approved means of meeting fuel sulphur limits without switching from residual fuels,” says René Diks, Manager Marketing & Sales, Exhaust Gas Cleaning. “By cleaning sulphur compounds from the exhaust gas, they provide full compliance while protecting the vessel’s fuel economy. Alfa Laval PureSOx has been doing this for many years in Emission Control Areas, where the sulphur emission limits are far stricter than 0.5%.”
Σε ισχύ η Συμφωνία του Παρισιού για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή Σημαντική ήταν η 4η Νοεμβρίου 2016, για το μέλλον του πλανήτη μας καθώς τέθηκε σε ισχύ η Συμφωνία του Παρισιού για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Τη Συμφωνία έχουν ήδη επικυρώσει 73 κράτη και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση που αντιπροσωπεύουν περισσότερο από 55% των παγκόσμιων εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου (Green House
MAN Diesel & Turbo has won the engine-supply contract from Fincantieri for newbuildings ordered by Costa Asia and P&O Cruises, Australia. The two companies are members of Carnival Corporation & plc, the world’s largest leisure travel company with a combined fleet of over 100 ships across 10 cruise-line brands. Each vessel will feature 2 × 14V48/60CR + 3 × 8L48/60CR medium-speed MAN engines, providing 62,400 kW installed power. The engines will be delivered to Fincantieri’s shipyards in Monfalcone (Trieste) and Marghera (Venice) between August 2017 and September 2019. Each newbuilding will weigh 133,500 gross tonnes, have a length of 323 m, a passenger capacity of 4,000, and carry a crew of 1,450 personnel. Lex Nijsen – Head of Four-Stroke Marine – MAN Diesel & Turbo, said: “We are extremely pleased with the continuation of what has been a very positive development for us within the cruise segment since our first breakthrough at Fincantieri and Carnival. Our company’s firm approach of the risk-controlled introduction of new technologies to the market over many years is bearing fruit and fully in line with the very high safety, reliability and environmental standards demanded by the cruise business.”
Meet the team that’s exploring tomorrow’s fuels Here’s to today’s explorers.
The visionaries behind GMFT2030 can see the future of fuel demand, and share their vision with the rest of us. Lloyd’s Register and University College London are proud to share our findings on the future marine fuel mix to 2030, so that today we can all negotiate a rapidly changing future. Find out what we’ve discovered so far:
Dimitris Argyros Lloyd’s Register Project manager for GMFT2030 Dr Tristan Smith Lecturer at UCL Energy Institute
Working together for a safer world Lloyd’s Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copyright © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2014. A member of the Lloyd’s Register group.
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November - December 2016
100 Χρόνια Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών Στις 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016, έλαβε χώρα στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών, στην αίθουσα «Χρήστος Λαμπράκης» η εκδήλωση εορτασμού της επετείου των 100 χρόνων από την ίδρυση της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, παρουσία 1800 προσκεκλημένων. Ειδικότερα, την εκδήλωση τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους ο Πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας κ. Προκόπιος Παυλόπουλος και ο Πρωθυπουργός κ. Αλέξης Τσίπρας. Επίσης πλήθος επισήμων, Αρχηγοί πολιτικών κομμάτων, Υπουργοί της Κυβέρνησης, βουλευτές, πρέσβεις, επιφανείς προσωπικότητες του ελληνικού πολιτικού, επιχειρηματικού και τραπεζικού χώρου καθώς και πολλοί ξένοι προσκεκλημένοι. Και βέβαια, σύσσωμη η ελληνική ναυτιλιακή οικογένεια και οι συνεργάτες της. Οι παριστάμενοι είχαν την ευκαιρία να απολαύσουν την παιδική χορωδία «Μικροί Μουσικοί» του Ωδείου Αθηνών καθώς και την Κρατική Ορχήστρα Αθηνών, η οποία ερμήνευσε αποσπάσματα από την ελληνική λόγια μουσική. Επίσης, παρακολούθησαν την ταινία «ΕΠΤΑ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΕΣ» της διεθνούς φήμης σκηνοθέτιδος Αθηνάς Ραχήλ Τσαγκάρη, η οποία αποτυπώνει το μεγαλείο της ναυτοσύνης και της ναυτιλίας των Ελλήνων στη διεθνή παγκόσμια σκηνή. Ο Πρωθυπουργός, κ. Αλέξης Τσίπρας, απεύθυνε θερμό χαιρετισμό στους παρισταμένους. Ο Πρόεδρος της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης, στην ομιλία του δήλωσε μεταξύ άλλων: «Η Ένωσή μας, το «σπίτι» της ελληνικής ναυτιλιακής οικογένειας, κλείνει έναν αιώνα ύπαρξης, εκατό χρόνια πορείας και δυναμικής παρουσίας, που μέσα από την ιστορική αναδρομή της, αποδεικνύει έμπρακτα τη σημασία και την διαχρονική υπεροχή της συλλογικότητας στην προάσπιση των θεσμικών συμφερόντων της ναυτιλίας των Ελλήνων, ένα έργο δύσκολο, απαιτητικό αλλά συγχρόνως τιμητικό. Εκατό χρόνια ιστορίας ενός σωματείου που έζησε από κοντά όλους τους σταθμούς στη νεότερη ιστορία του τόπου μας. Οι 16 Πρόεδροι στην ηγεσία της Ένωσής μας, τα 231 εκλεγμένα μέλη στα Διοικητικά της Συμβούλια και η ιστορία της διαδοχής τους αποτελούν έκφραση των τριών θεμελιωδών αρχών που διέπουν διαχρονικά το έργο της: της συνέχειας, της συνέπειας και της σοβαρότητας».
16th “NAVIGATOR 2016 - The Shipping Decision Makers Forum” The international Forum organized by Navigator Shipping Consultants Ltd. was held for the 16th consecutive year and proved that it still remains one of the most popular events in the shipping industry.The event took place on Friday, November 4th 2016 at the Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso. More than 500 executives of Shipping Community, Ambassadors from 25 countries, members of the banking sector, representatives of major maritime organizations, academics, students and press representatives were present at the NAVIGATOR 2016 - “The Shipping Decision Makers Forum”. The Managing Director of Navigator, Mrs. Danae Bezantakou, welcomed the participants and urged them to stop making crisis a brand and try to take advantage of the opportunities that arise through this situation. The President of the Company, Capt. Dimitris Bezantakos, in his opening speech encouraged all decision makers of the Greek
Shipping Industry to leave pessimism aside and strive in order to maintain its leading position in the world. The Forum was inaugurated by Mr. Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Former Minister of the Hellenic Ministry of Shipping and the Aegean, as well as by Mrs. Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament. Furthermore, special tribute was paid to the port of Piraeus. Mr. Petros Kokkalis, Executive City Councillor for Local Economic Development and Entrepreneurship of the Municipality of Piraeus, noted the historical significance and prospects of evolution in order to become the busiest port in the Mediterranean, through the “Blue Growth” program.
November - December 2016
CNCo completes newbuilding programme with Japan naming ceremony Following the naming of its new cement carrier, MV Aotearoa Chief, in New Zealand yesterday, The China Navigation Company (CNCo) christened its last newbuild, MV Tunsin, on 16 November at the Imabari Shipyard in Japan.Tunsin is the 241st CNCo newbuilding and the 86th vessel in this series. CNCo ordered four handysize bulk carriers (Imabari38 loggers) from Imabari Shipbuilding in 2014. Deliveries of the first three vessels, MV Taiyuan, MV Tientsin and MV Tsingtao took place between July and October this year. The names chosen for the vessels reflect CNCo’s long history in the Asia Pacific region since its first ships sailed on the Yangtze River in 1872. MV Tunsin was named by lady sponsor, Sara Cutler, wife of Robert Cutler, Staff Director of John Swire & Sons Ltd. The ceremony was attended by over 30 guests including Sam Swire, Executive Director of John Swire & Sons Ltd. In his speech, James Woodrow, Managing Director at CNCo, said, “The completion of CNCo’s four-year newbuilding programme is a significant milestone for the company which has been in shipping since 1872. Throughout its history, CNCo has relied on developing long term relationships with key business partners. It is our firm belief that the four Imabari38 vessels, facilitated by Itochu and built by Imabari Shipbuilding, will play a key role in the future of the company.
“CNCo currently operates five long-term charter Imabari38 loggers that are well-received by our customers. Just like our Swire B.Delta39 bulk carriers, we are confident that this design will set the benchmark for the handysize sector in years to come.” The four new ships, alongside five long-term chartered Imabari38s and 24 Swire B.Delta39 handysize bulk carriers, will operate in Swire Bulk, CNCo’s handysize dry bulk division. With three additional long-term chartered Imabari38 loggers for delivery in 2017 and 2018, Swire Bulk continues to grow its fleet of modern eco-friendly handy tonnage and expands its service in the Pacific and Atlantic basins. The christening of MV Tunsin marks the completion of CNCo’s newbuilding programme of 41 vessels which include 12 multipurpose vessels (22,000 - 31,000dwt), 28 handysize bulk carriers (37,800dwt - 39,500dwt) and a cement carrier (9,000dwt). The latter, MV Aotearoa Chief, will begin her long term charter with New Zealand’s Golden Bay Cement this month. CNCo owns, operates and charters a fleet of 86 vessels comprising 26 multipurpose vessels, four container vessels, 55 handysize bulk carriers and one cement carrier. Through its three business divisions, Swire Shipping, Swire Bulk and Swire Bulk Logistics, the company provides multipurpose liner, dry bulk and bulk logistics services on a global basis.
Greener Shipping Summit 2016 Mέσα σε λίγες μέρες από την απόφαση του ΙΜΟ MEPC 70 να δημιουργήσει τον οδικό χάρτη μείωσης των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου, είναι προφανές ότι ο οδικός χάρτης δεν παρέχει καθόλου σαφείς κατευθύνσεις. Μολονότι η απόφαση που ελήφθη από τα τέλη Οκτωβρίου χαιρετίστηκε από τη ναυτιλία, καθώς οι ημέρες περνούν τα προβλήματα τήρησης των στόχων γίνονται όλο και σαφέστερα. Ένα από τα πιο εμφανή προβλήματα είναι το κόστος που συνεπάγεται και η επιβάρυνση που θα επωμισθεί η ναυτιλία. Ένας άλλο θέμα είναι η ανάγκη για εναρμόνιση στην προσέγγιση για τη μείωση αερίων του θερμοκηπίου (GHG) μεταξύ του ΙΜΟ και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Έπειτα, υπάρχει η ανησυχία για την προμήθεια καυσίμων χαμηλής περιεκτικότητας σε θείο για να καλυφθεί η ζήτηση για την εφαρμογή ενός παγκόσμιου ορίου σε θείο 0,50% m / m για όλα τα πλοία το 2020, σε σχέση με το τρέχον όριο του 3,50%, όπως προβλέπεται από τον ΙΜΟ. Δεν υπάρχει καμία αμφιβολία ότι εφοπλιστές και διαχειριστές έχουν μια σκληρή σειρά από επιλογές μπροστά τους για να προσαρμοστούν στους νέους κανονισμούς των θαλάσσιων καυσίμων και πολλά περίπλοκα εμπορικά και πρακτικά ζητήματα θα επηρεάσουν τη λήψη αποφάσεων τους επόμενους μήνες. «Έχουμε ακούσει πολλά για αλλαγές που πρόκειται να έχουν κοστος και η ναυτιλία δεν θα πρέπει να θεωρηθεί υπεύθυνη για την κάλυψη αυτού του κόστους, οι κυβερνήσεις πρέπει να βοηθήσουν», λέει ο Χάρης Γιαντζίκης, τεχνικός διευθυντής της Arcadia Shipmanagement. Ο Γιαντζίκης έκανε τη συγκεκριμένη αναφορά κατά τη διάρκεια μιας οκτάωρης συζήτησης για οικολογικότερη ναυτιλία, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Αθήνα, στις 15 Νοεμβρίου. Οι 300 περίπου εκπρόσωποι από 19 χώρες και 137 οργανώσεις και εταιρείες καθώς και οι 24 ομιλητές του Greener Shipping Summit 2016, που διοργανώθηκε από τη Newsfront / Νaftiliaki, έφυγαν από το Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου με τη
διαπίστωση ότι αναμφίβολα ο δρόμος της ναυτιλίας παραμένει μια σημαντική πρόκληση. Στο συνέδριο, που διοργανώθηκε υπο την αιγίδα της Martecma, η διαθεσιμότητα των καυσίμων με χαμηλή περιεκτικότητα σε θείο για να καλύψει τις ανάγκες των επερχόμενων κανονισμών τέθηκε νωρίς στη διαδικασία. Ο Πάνος Ζαχαριάδης, τεχνικός διευθυντής της Atlantic Bulk Carriers και τακτικό μέλος της ελληνικής αντιπροσωπείας στην Imo, προέβλεψε ότι το όριο στην περιεκτικότητα του θείου θα μετατεθεί χρονικά λόγω του ζητήματος του εφοδιασμού. Ο Adrian Pask, της BP Marine Fuels, είπε ότι η βιομηχανία διύλισης εξακολουθεί να ζητά διευκρινίσεις σχετικά με τις προθεσμίες, αλλά πιστεύει ότι «υπάρχει αρκετός χρόνος για τα διυλιστήρια». «Δεν θα είναι εύκολο, αλλά έχουμε αρχίσει να προετοιμαζόμαστε», είπε.
November - December 2016 The World’s First Very Large Ethane Carrier “ETHANE CRYSTAL” Delivered Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL, President & CEO: Junichiro Ikeda) announced the delivery of the new building Very Large Ethane Carrier (VLEC) “ETHANE CRYSTAL”, by Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), for Reliance Industries Limited (Reliance) on November 9. MOL was appointed by Reliance to undertake Site Supervision of new builds and is also to be the Operator and the Ship Manager of these vessels. Mr. P.M.S. Prasad, Executive Director and Member of the Board, Reliance Industries Limited, named the vessel as “ETHANE CRYSTAL” in the naming ceremony held at SHI, Geoje, South Korea, on October 26. “ETHANE CRYSTAL” is the first VLEC from a series of six VLECs that were ordered by Reliance at SHI in July 2014. The VLECs will serve to transport Ethane from United States of America to India, and are the largest vessels ever built for transportation of Ethane at an industrial scale. MOL will be the first shipping company in the world to operate such Very Large Ethane Carriers. The vessels adopt GTT Mark III as a containment system which is unique for Ethane transportation, and are designed to cater to latest safety and environment regulations.
Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία η «Ετήσια Συνάντηση Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας 2016» Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία η «Ετήσια Συνάντηση Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας 2016» με θέμα «Modern Marine Technology – The Greek Reality», την οποία διοργάνωσε για δέκατη συνεχή χρονιά το Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας (ΕΛ.Ι.Ν.Τ.) στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου στις 22 & 23 Νοεμβρίου 2016. Την ετήσια συνάντηση τίμησαν με τη παρουσία τους σημαντικοί εκπρόσωποι του Πολιτικού, Ναυτιλιακού και Ακαδημαϊκού χώρου. Το Συνέδριο χαιρέτισαν ο Πρόεδρος του ΕΛ.Ι.Ν.Τ. κ. Μιχαήλ Μαντζαφός, ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής κ. Παναγιώτης Κουρουμπλής, ο Πρόεδρος του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος κ. Δημήτριος Πατέρας, ο Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Εφοπλιστών Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων κ. Χαράλαμπος Σημαντώνης, o Πρόεδρος της HELMEPA και πρώην Πρόεδρος του Ν.Ε.Ε Δρ. Γ.Γράτσος ο οποίος παρέθεσε χρήσιμα στοιχεία για την πορεία της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, εκπρόσωπος της HEMEXPO κ. Χρήστος Γιορδαρμλής και ο Πρόεδρος της ECOMASYN κ. Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης, οι οποίοι επισήμαναν το ρόλο και την συμβολή του ΕΛΙΝΤ στα δρώμενα της Ναυτιλίας καθώς και την μεγάλη συνεισφορά του σε εξειδικευμένα και ιδιαιτέρου ναυτιλιακού ενδιαφέροντος τεχνικά θέματα, ενώ δεν παράλειψαν να αναφέρουν ότι μέσα από τους κύκλους του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας δημιουργήθηκαν σημαντικές πρωτοβουλίες που στόχο έχουν τη προώθηση των Ελλήνων επιστημόνων και δημιουργών τεχνολογικών εφαρμογών. Μέσα από τις ομιλίες και τις επιστημονικές εργασίες αναλύθηκαν οι
νέες προκλήσεις της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας και οι υποχρεώσεις των εταιρειών να προσαρμοστούν στις νέες περιβαλλοντικές απαιτήσεις των Διεθνών Κανονισμών ενώ αναδείχθηκε ότι ο ελληνικός κλάδος κατασκευαστών είναι έτοιμος να παρέχει νέα συστήματα αλλά και εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες. Το καθιερωμένο βραβείο ΕΛ.Ι.Ν.Τ απονεμήθηκε φέτος κατά τη διάρκεια του Επίσημου Δείπνου στο Ναυτικό Όμιλος Ελλάδος στον κ. Αθανάσιο Μαρτίνο για τη μεγάλη του προσφορά στο ναυτιλιακό χώρο αλλά και για το σημαντικό κοινωνικό έργο. Ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας, ο Αρχηγός Λιμενικού Σώματος, Εφοπλιστές, Στελέχη Ναυτιλιακών Εταιρειών και Μέλη του Ινστιτούτου τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους την παραπάνω εκδήλωση.
LMG Marin to design the first LNG-fueled ferry for the Mediterranean Sea LMG Marin is recognized as a leader in the field of LNG-fueled propulsion and for the design of innovative and efficient ferries. This was the key for Caronte & Tourist choosing LMG Marin as designer for their new project. The LMG 290-DEG design, which is 133 meters long and 21.5 meters wide, will have capacity for 290 cars on two vehicle decks, and 1500 passengers. The propulsion will be based on a gas-electric system using 3 dual-fuel engines. The vessel will be built by Sefine Shipyard in Turkey. When delivered in 2018, the LMG 290-DEG design will be the first ferry in the Mediterranean Sea to operate on LNG fuel. The vessel has been developed in close dialogue with the shipowner in order to accommodate their challenging operational requirements whilst meeting a strict low fuel consumption target. She is in particular optimized to operate across the Strait of Messina between Villa San Giovanni and Messina in Sicily, which is an area prone to very high current. Thanks to her EU Class B certificate she will also be to operate on more open routes such as to the Aeolian Islands.
Optimarine received USCG type approval The first in the World Through twenty years of experience the Optimarin Ballast System has become one of the most sold systems for environmental treatment of ballast water. With a vision of supplying high quality products we focus on continous improvement while keeping in mind that such systems should be simple and flexible. Optimarin has since then sold 500 and installed over 300 systems. Our products have been developed based on years of experience in the shipping, offshore, and water treatment industries. Optimarin chose to create a simple and flexible solution that does not use nor generate chemicals in its process. The system is purely based on filtration as pre-treatment and high doses of UV irradiation for inactivation of marine organisms.
November - December 2016
Laskaridis, Efthymiou and Hajioannou win major awards as nearly 1,200 turn out for shipping awards gala Thenamaris, Samos Steamship, National Bank of Greece and Helmepa Junior among those honoured
The Minister of Shipping & Island Policy, Mr. Panagiotis Kouroumblis, greeted the audience with a brief Welcome Address. A NEW RECORD attendance and a host of celebrities contributed to the success of the Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards for 2016, which were presented at a packed dinner event on Friday, December 2 at the Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel in Athens. Nearly 1,200 of Greece’s leading shipping personalities, executives and their guests were present to see some of the Greek shipping industry’s best-known personalities and companies recognised. The event, organised by Lloyd’s List, the international maritime newspaper established in 1734, included welcoming speeches by Greece’s minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Panagiotis Kouroumblis, and Junichiro Iida, executive vice president of ClassNK, the event’s overall lead sponsor. Guests enjoyed a pre-dinner cocktail reception hosted by the Malta Ship Registry and the event was also supported by numerous Greek and international companies sponsoring individual awards. Hellenic Chamber of Shipping President, George Pateras, presented a donation on behalf of the event organisers to ‘Argo’, the charity supporting children with special needs in the families of Greek seafarers. The awards are held annually to recognise and reward achievement and meritorious activity in the Greek shipping industry as well as to promote Greece’s status as a maritime centre. Winners are chosen by
an independent panel of judges representing a broad cross-section of the Greek shipping industry.
THE WINNERS Panos Laskaridis was named 2016 Greek Shipping Personality of the Year. Mr Laskaridis for a landmark year that advanced Laskaridis Shipping Company’s diversification from its reefer business into becoming a leading dry bulk owner. Other new moves included investment in a new dry bulk terminal in Uruguay. Additionally, Mr Laskaridis has been earmarked as next President of ECSA – the European Community Shipowners’ Associations – a key position to represent Greek shipping’s concerns. Lloyd’s List’s Greek Shipping Newsmaker of the Year Award went to Polys Hajioannou, chief executive of US-listed Safe Bulkers, for “playing good defence” and by being transparently fair to shareholders. Regular deals with lenders in 2016 strengthened the position of Safe Bulkers. Mr Hajiannou has also been creative in finding new funds without diluting the company’s shareholders. Steps included himself purchasing two newbuildings on terms that favoured his public investors. The Award is decided by the editorial staff of Lloyd’s List. Nicos D. Efthymiou was awarded the Lloyd’s List / Propeller Club Lifetime Achievement Award for an outstanding career that included serving as President of the Union of Greek Shipowners from 20032009. He has long been a champion of the Greek flag, Greek seafarers and development of Piraeus into an international business centre.
November - December 2016
Stavroula Betsakou won the New Generation Shipping Award, open to personalities of no more than 40 years of age. A graduate of the University of Piraeus, Ms Betsakou is head of Tanker Research for Howe Robinson, leading a team of four analysts operating from London and Singapore. She has performed more than 220 tanker market presentations in 21 cities and is frequently hailed as one of the industry’s most exciting young talents.
HEMEXPO was recipient of this year’s prestigious Piraeus International Centre Award. HEMEXPO – the Hellenic Marine Equipment Manufacturers and Exporters – was established in 2014 to promote Greek-made equipment on ships constructed overseas. It has already succeeded, with the support of a few of the country’s leading shipowners, in penetrating markets that previously were unaware of Greek manufacturing companies.
Peter Hinchliffe was elected International Personality of the Year, the only award open exclusively to non-Greeks. Mr Hinchliffe joined the International Chamber of Shipping in 2001 after 27 years with the Royal Navy. Since 2010 he has been Secretary General of the ICS, and a stalwart supporter of the industry in all fora.
Helmepa Junior won the Award for Safety or Environmental Protection Congratulations to Helmepa Junior. Over the last year, members of the programme carried out a record 3,900 activities throughout Greece with the aim of helping the environment and raising awareness.
The recipient of the Dry Cargo Company of the Year Award for 2016 was Samos Steamship Co, a company with a 140-year history that has this year expanded with several bulker acquisitions, including the purchase of its largest-ever dry cargo vessel, a Very Large Ore Carrier.
The Seafarer of the Year Award was won by Capt Diamantis Papageorgiou. Captain Papageorgiou has served as Master of more than 50 different ferries in Greece’s coastal services and is known for being entrusted with the most difficult routes. Difficult to replace, in his 16 years as a Captain he has taken a total of only one-and-a-half months’ leave. Currently, he is Master of the ‘Nissos Rodos’ for Hellenic Seaways and typifies the company’s commitment to provide a service to the islands under often difficult conditions.
As Tanker Company of the Year the panel chose one of the industry’s most celebrated names – Thenamaris, long recognised as one of the most advanced tanker companies worldwide in its systems, planning and treatment of employees. The Thenamaris fleet now stands at about 60 tankers including 10 on order, and the company has been building a presence in new sectors such as LNG and LPG. The judges chose Minoan Lines as Passenger Line of the Year for a variety of reasons: the quality of its ships and services, its increasing investment in Hellenic Seaways, the leading domestic ferry operator, and its impressive results as it emerges from the crisis plaguing the sector. It has steadily supported numerous charities in Crete and in Greece. Carriers Chartering Corporation won the Shipbroker of the Year Award, its second victory in this category. Shipowners that nominated Carriers testified to its close relationships with first-class charterers, its market expertise and support, and its ethical approach to its profession. 2016 has been a particularly good year for Carriers with more than 650 deals in the first nine months, up from 2014 and 2013. The Shipping Financier of the Year Award went to National Bank of Greece. NBG has been in shipping finance for a century and from the mid-1990s, led by the late Alexandros Tourkolias, it expanded as a major lender. Today NBG maintains a $2.5bn portfolio of loans to Greek owners. Despite difficult conditions the bank has been selectively lending to stand by its existing clients. In 2016 it also launched a new tool providing trade finance and advice to support Greek maritime manufacturing exports. Vassilis Papageorgiou, Vice Chairman of the Tsakos Group, won the Technical Achievement Award. He spent 23 years with Lloyd’s Register, rising higher than any other Greek surveyor before him. For Tsakos, he has overseen 70 newbuildings of diverse types in various countries and has stood out for his contribution to making shipping a stronger, safety-focused industry.
The Eugenides Foundation was winner of the 2016 Education or Training Award. Its wide-ranging and consistent support for marine education over the years has included publishing 134 books, offering of scholarships, and donating simulators and other equipment to the state schools. The Foundation recently spent more than 700,000 Euros to repair and refurbish the Merchant Marine Academy of the Ionian Islands in Cephalonia after the earthquake damage of 2014. The Ship of the Year Award went to the brand-new LNG carrier Maria Energy of Tsakos Energy Navigation. The Maria Energy was delivered in October 2016 from Hyundai Heavy Industries and was the Tsakos newbuilding department’s 100th newbuilding. The 174,000 cubic metre vessel is the company’s second LNG carrier and the company’s first with tri-fuel diesel electric propulsion. The Lloyd’s List Intelligence Big Data Award was presented to Moore Stephens for its unique ship operating costs benchmarking tool, ‘OpCost’. Greek-owned ships are the biggest contributor to the OpCost database and the tool is keenly used by Greek owners, especially in poor markets that require even stricter cost controls. The winner was chosen by LLI. The Awards are supported by prominent bodies in Greek shipping, including the Union of Greek Shipowners, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee. Supporting organisations also include The Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association, the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association - Helmepa, the Hellenic Shipbrokers’ Association, the Association of Greek Passenger Shipping Companies, the Propeller Club, International Port of Piraeus, WISTA Hellas, the Association of Banking & Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping, and the Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration.
November - December 2016 Kalmar to supply seven RTG cranes with SmartPort automation
Petrobras and Total move forward with their strategic alliance Petrobras announces that it has signed a Master Agreement with the French company Total, in connection with the Strategic Alliance established
Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has won an order for seven rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) cranes following a call for tender launched by the Algerian port procurement company Groupement D’Interêt Commun Des Entreprises Portuaires (GICEP). The value of the order is approximately EUR 10 million. The order has been booked into Cargotec’s 2016 fourth quarter order intake and the equipment will be delivered to the customer during the third quarter of 2017. The Port of Oran Container Terminal (“Port of Oran”) is currently embarking on an ambitious expansion project and the Kalmar E-One² RTGs will provide the terminal with reliable performance, reduced fuel consumption, and an industry-leading maintenance interval of 1,000 hours. The delivery includes Kalmar SmartPort process automation systems: Kalmar SmartProfile, Kalmar SmartRail and Kalmar SmartFleet. Kalmar SmartProfile uses advanced laser technology to detect collision risks in a stack and automatically stops the trolley when a risk is detected. Combined with Kalmar’s electromechanical anti-sway technology the risk of collisions is minimised. Kalmar SmartRail automated gantry steering system with Container Position Indication (CPI) automatically controls the gantry within centimeter grade accuracy on the travelling path and feeds the container coordinates to the Terminal Operating System (TOS), improving the terminal’s operational efficiency. Kalmar SmartFleet remote monitoring allows the terminal to manage, troubleshoot and analyse the status, productivity and maintenance needs of the equipment. Mr SAIDI Mabrouk, General Director at GICEP says: “We have been extremely satisfied with Kalmar that is recognised for their reliable equipment and automation solutions that put an emphasis on efficiency and optimisation of equipment productivity. Therefore it was only natural that Kalmar continues to strengthen our operations and support our ambitions to expand.” Timo Alho, Vice President, Intelligent Crane Solutions at Kalmar, says: “We are happy to see our Kalmar E-One² RTGs with SmartPort to join the most recent order of 25 Kalmar forklift trucks acquired earlier this year by GICEP on behalf of the port companies. We will continue to work closely with GICEP and look forward to our solutions playing a productive part in the future success of the Port of Oran.”
in the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 10/24/2016, as previously announced to the market. Entering into strategic partnerships is an important part of Petrobras’ 2017-2021 Business and Management Plan, as it contributes to mitigating risks, strengthening corporate governance and sharing information, experiences and technologies, in addition to improving the Company’s financial viability through cash inflows and the release of investments. Petrobras and Total have strong similarities in the upstream segment, sharing a relevant common base of E&P assets and the search for technological development in similar themes. The companies jointly participate in 19 consortiums worldwide in exploration and production in key projects such as the Libra area, which is the first production sharing contract in the Brazilian pre-salt in Santos Basin, besides exploration areas in Equatorial Margin, Espírito Santo Basin and Pelotas Basin. In addition, both companies are partners in the Brazil-Bolívia gas pipeline. With this new agreement, both companies will strongly reinforce their technological cooperation in the areas of geoscience, subsea systems and joint studies in areas of mutual interest, aiming to reduce investment risks and increase the probability of exploratory success over the next years. The companies will also become partners in the Iara and Lapa fields, in the pre-salt Santos Basin, and in two thermal plants, sharing the use of the regasification terminal infrastructure in the state of Bahia. The companies also undertake to expand their joint activities outside Brazil, with Petrobras having the option of taking a stake in the Perdido Foldbelt area in the Mexican portion of the Gulf of Mexico. The transaction has a global estimated value of US$ 2.2 billion including cash, contingent payments and the carry of investments in production development of common assets to both companies, to be paid by Total to Petrobras and its subsidiaries as appropriate. The signing of the relevant Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPA) related to the assets from this Master Agreement is subject to internal and external control and regulatory approvals, including the Brazilian Federal Accounting Court (TCU), potential preemptive rights from the current partners of Iara, plus other precedent conditions. The companies have a mutual commitment to make all the necessary efforts to sign all contracts within 60 days. The main terms and conditions of this Agreement are as follows: - the sale of a 22.5% interest to Total, in the Iara area (Sururu, Berbigão and Oeste de Atapu fields) in Block BM-S-11. Petrobras will remain the operator and will keep the largest stake in that consortium, with a 42.5% interest. -the sale of 35% interest to Total in Lapa field in Block BM-S-9, with transfer of the operation to Total. Petrobras will have a 10% interest in this concession.
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