Nafs june 2014

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nafs Bimonthly Review for the Shipping industry

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179

Issue 98 - April - May 2014

Posi0d1o4nia 2


Leading the way Kaminco and Galileo

bring on demand LNG to the marine industry


Ballast Water Treatment System

Ted Petropoulos

Shipping finance lagging behind the recovery of Shipping

Louis Cruises

Νέοι προορισμοί, θεματικές κρουαζιέρες και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη, η κεντρική στρατηγική για το 2014




Head Office - Mηχανουργείο - Aποθήκη: ΒΙ.ΠΑ Σχιστού, οδός 1, αριθµός 2, 18863, Πέραµα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ, τηλ: 210 40 00 111 κιν: (+30) 6932210060 | 6947008961-2, fax: 210 40 00 225,,, Skype: turbomedtechnical


June 2014





06 | Νησίδα σωτηρίας για την Ελλάδα τα ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝΙΑ 2014 08 | Αιγαίο: Επενδύσεις για λίγους , Πολλά λεφτά, μεγάλα περιθώρια κέρδους ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΔΟΥΚΑΣ

10 | Ballast ώρα μηδέν (Το ballast υπό...έρμα TED PETROPOULOS

40 | The LNG as a marine fuel case 42 | AQUA Blue brings more to the most energy- efficient freshwater generator GIORGIOS TERIAKIDIS

44 | LNG: The Chicken, the egg and beyond


90 | Alfa Laval’s PureBallast 3.0 FORUMS

94 | Capital Link’s annual Greek shipping forum draws 1100 delegates WISTA

116 | The 19th Annual General Assembly of WISTA Hellas LOUIS CRUISES

12 | Shipping finance lagging behind the recovery of Shipping


50 | The newly appointed PRS Management Board

118 | Νέοι προορισμοί, θεματικές κρουαζιέρες και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη, η κεντρική στρατηγική για το 2014




is to define the future for the marine insurance industry?


16 | 2nd Maritime Trends Conference TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING

28 | “We provide value added services to our clients” HALKITIS SHIPYARDS

30 | A modern yard specialized in refurbishment and maintenance of MEGA YACHTS KAMINCO ARTICLE

32 | Kaminco and Galileo bring on demand LNG to the marine industry ABB ARTICLE

34 | A Clean, efficient solution for IMO Tier 3: Gas and DualFuel Engines

52 | Liberia continues quality growth and strengthens market position RAMSUS FOLSE

58 | Selecting the right Ballast Water Treatment System LAMBROS A. CHAHALIS

60 | BV: Moving with the market ATHANASIOS REISOPOULOS

64 | Present and future of Classification Societies DIMITRIS VRANOPOULOS

72 | We offer our customers a value added service

128 | Wärtsilä’s Propulsion Condition Monitoring Service recognised by three major classification societies EVENTS

143 | Hiab celebrates 70 years of load handling leadership BWTS

144 | Ecochlor®Ballast Water Treatment System IMO

155 | IMO 25 years of International Maritime Law Institute celebrated IMO

74 | LNG bunkering: present and future

155 | IMO and Bangladesh announce major collaboration to improve ship-recycling standards





156 | Ταξίδι στη Γνώση



Nikos K. Doukas Publications 12 Karababa str - Athens - Greece 210 42 86 606 / Fax: 210 42 86 610


In recycled paper Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς προηγούμενη γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων της ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού και του εκδότη. Οι αρθογράφοι του περιοδικού φέρουν την αποκλειστική ευθύνη της ιδιοκτησίας των κειμένων που αποστέλουν προς δημοσίευση και οφείλουν να γνωστοποιούν την πηγή ή τις πηγές στην οποία ή στις οποίες αναφέρονται εαν υπάρχει.


Turbochargers Repair Center



all types turbocharger,


γράφει ο Νίκος Κ. Δούκας

Νησίδα σωτηρίας για την Ελλάδα τα ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝΙΑ 2014 Τον Ιούνιο η καρδιά της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας χτυπάει στην Ελλάδα. Τα Ποσειδώνια 2014 λαμβάνουν χώρα για άλλη μία φορά σε ένα εκθεσιακό κέντρο αντάξιο του ονόματός τους, υπερκαλύπτοντας τις ανάγκες επισκεπτών και εκθετών. Εκατοντάδες εταιρίες, χιλιάδες επισκέπτες δίνουν το παρών, και αναμένεται για άλλη μία φορά να είναι τα καλύτερα Ποσειδώνια όλων των εποχών. Η οικογένεια Βώκου, εδώ και πολλές δεκαετίες, συνεχίζει τον αγώνα της για την ανάδειξη της ναυτικής βιομηχανίας ως πρωτοπόρου στην παγκόσμια κλίμακα. Πολλές οι εταιρίες που συμμετέχουν παρά το αρνητικό πολιτικό κλίμα, στέλνοντας μήνυμα όχι μόνο στους Έλληνες πολιτικούς αλλά πολύ περισσότερο στους Ευρωπαίους, που αδυνατούν να δεχτούν ότι η Ελλάδα έχει ικανούς ναυτίλους που τα έβγαλαν πέρα σε κάθε κρίση, και με το ίδιο πάθος και διορατικότητα θα τα καταφέρουν να βγάλουν από την κρίση την οικονομία που περνά δύσκολες ώρες όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα αλλά και στην Ευρώπη. Κανείς επίσης δεν αναφέρεται στη ελληνική ναυτιλία και στο συνάλλαγμα που φέρνει στην χώρα μας ακόμα και σε αυτές τις δύσκολες εποχές που όλοι σχεδόν οι κλάδοι της βιομηχανίας έχουν παγώσει. Το πλοίο – ιερό τέρας της θάλασσας – βρίσκεται πάντα εκεί με όλες τις συνθήκες με ναυτικούς έμπειρους που τα δίνουν όλα για να διασφαλίσουν την αποστολή τους, ενώ όλα τα στοιχεία της φύσης και όχι μόνο, βρίσκονται εκεί για να τους ανακόψουν τα σχέδια. Ο πλοιοκτήτης έχει να αντιμετωπίσει εκτός του ανταγνωνισμού, ένα σωρό αντιξοότητες όπως πειρατεία, ναυτικά ατυχήματα, ρύπανση, χιλιάδες σελίδες κανονισμών για την θάλασσα, προσωπικές επιθέσεις, ακόμα και επίδοξους απαγωγείς. Δρατηριοποιούνται σε ένα πλήρως εχθρικό κράτος, που τους αντιμετωπίζει με τον χειρότερο δυνατό τρόπο, αντί να τους φερθεί όπως γίνεται σε συναδέλφους τους στα υπόλοιπα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη ή στην Αμερική. Χρόνια και χρόνια έχουν περάσει και ακόμα δεν μπορεί αυτό το κράτος να λύσει τα θέματα της σημαίας, των πληρωμάτων, της φορολογίας, των λιμένων, αλλά και των ναυπηγείων που σήμερα πεθαίνουν, ενώ θα έπρεπε να απασχολούν χιλιάδες εργαζόμενους και επιχειρήσεις που δραστηριοποιούνται γύρω από το πλοίο και προσφέρουν στην οικονομία και στην ανάπτυξη. Υπάρχουν σήμερα επιχειρηματίες του χώρου που επενδύουν εκατομμύρια ευρώ στις νέες τεχνολογίες που αφορούν το πλοίο, που σχετίζονται με την ασφάλεια και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Τολομούν και κοιτούν στα μάτια επιχειρηματικούς ομίλους του εξωτερικού, ρίχνοντας χρήμα στην εγχώρια αγορά, αψηφόντας την πολιτική αδιαφορία των κυβερνώντων. Φέτος, είναι ακόμα μια γιορτή για τη ναυτιλία. Αυτό που μένει να δούμε είναι είναι ποιες εκπλήξεις θα φανερωθούν φέτος στα Ποσειδώνια 2014. Και εννοώ νέα προϊόντα και νέες τεχνολογίες. Οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές με τις ιδέες τους έγιναν οι αφορμή για να χτιστεί μία τεράστια βιομηχανία στο όνομα του περιβάλλοντος και της ασφάλειας στην θάλασσα την οποία πληρώνουν αδρά κάθε φορά που αλλάζουν οι νόμοι, τα MOU και τα νούμερα των εκπομπών ρύπων. Χρειάζεται όμως σεβασμός στους Έλληνες εφοπλιστές και στο κολοσσιαίο δημιούργημά τους που κινεί το 90% του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου. Καλή επιτυχία στην έκθεση των Ποσειδωνίων 2014, που καταφέρνει κάθε φορά να ενώνει τον χώρο στην ωραιότερη χώρα του κόσμου.

08 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 ΙΣΑΛΟΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΗ γράφει ο Κώστας Δούκας

Αιγαίο: Επενδύσεις για λίγους

Πολλά λεφτά, μεγάλα περιθώρια κέρδους Ο ελληνικός εφοπλισμός μπαίνει αθόρυβα αλλά δυναμικά στο “παιχνίδι” των κοιτασμάτων φυσικού αερίου και πετρελαίου στην Ελλάδα. Ενώ το Αιγαίο και το Ιόνιο προσελκύουν το ζωηρό ενδιαφέρον μεγάλων διεθνών εταιριών υποθαλασσίων γεωτρήσεων, οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές έχουν ήδη προβεί από καιρό σε διεθνείς συνεργασίες και έχουν παραγγείλει ή έχουν χρονοναυλώσει στόλους ειδικών πλοίων γεωτρυπάνων της τελευταίας τεχνολογίας γιά την δυναμική συμμετοχή, αν όχι και την διεκδίκηση με joint venture της μερίδας του λέοντος στην άντληση και τις μεταφορές υδρογονανθράκων υποθαλασσίων γεωτρήσεων, σε μία κρίσιμη εποχή που διέρχεται ο πλανήτης γιά την αύξηση των ενεργειακών αποθεμάτων, η εξασφάλιση των οποίων θέτει σε δοκιμασία το διεθνές statu quo της ειρήνης. Ένας από τους δυναμικότερους νέους εφοπλιστές στον τομέα τούτο είναι ο Γιώργος Οικονόμου, ο οποίος εν τούτοις δεν είχε οικογενειακή ναυτιλιακή παράδοση, καθώς προέρχεται από οικογένεια ιδιοκτήτρια εταιρίας ειδών χαρτοπωλείου. Ο Γιώργος Οικονόμου είναι αυτοδημιούργητος στον χώρο της ναυτιλίας και φέρεται ως ένας από τους πλουσιώτερους Έλληνες εφοπλιστές, με περιουσία 1,7 δισ. δολάρια, καθώς ελέγχει μία εταιρία κολοσσό στον τομέα των υποθαλασσίων γεωτρήσεων εξόρυξης φυσικού αερίου και πετρελαίου. Ο Οικονόμου ελέγχει την μεγάλη νορβηγική εταιρία Ocean Ring, που διαχειρίζεται υποβρύχιες πετρελαϊκές πλατφόρμες, κατασκευασμένες γιά να λειτουργούν σε βάθος μέχρι 12.000 πόδια. Η Ocen Ring προχώρησε στην δημιουργία θυγατρικής εταιρίας με την Energean, που δραστηριοποιείται ήδη στην παραγωγή πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου στην Ελλάδα. Οι δύο εταιρίες επρόκειτο να δημιουργήσουν (αν δεν δημιούργησαν ήδη) την Ocen Energean με ποσοστό συμμετοχής 50%-50% γιά να διενεργηθούν έρευνες σε νέα «οικόπεδα» στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μεσογείου, την Κρήτη, την Δυτική Ελλάδα και αλλού. Έχοντας αντιληφθεί έγκαιρα τις τεράστιες

πλουτοπαραγωγικές πηγές υδρογονανθράκων που κρύβονται κάτω από τις θάλασσες του Αιγαίου και του Ιονίου, ο κ. Οικονόμου μετέφερε την έδρα των επιχειρήσεών του από το Στάβαγκερ της Νορβηγίας στην Αθήνα. Τα drillships του κ. Οικονόμου δουλεύουν ήδη σε Αγκόλα, Κογκό, Νορβηγία, Ην. Βασίλειο, Ιρλανδία, Τουρκία, Γροιλανδία, νησιά Φώκλαντ, Καναδά και Γκάνα. Στο πελατολόγιό του περιλαμβάνονται κολοσσοί πετρελαίου, όπως Petrobras, Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch, Shell, Total, Statoil, Chevron, Imperial Oil. Όμως για τα πετρέλαια του Αιγαίου ενδιαφέρονται και έχουν αναπτύξει δραστηριότητα και αρκετοί άλλοι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές. Στο επιχειρηματικό στόχαστρο της εταιρίας Τσάκου βρίσκονται οι γεωτρήσεις πετρελαίου στο Αιγαίο. Από καιρό έχει ανοίξει κύκλο διαπραγματεύσεων με ναυπηγεία και εταιρίες πετρελαιοειδών, που ειδικεύονται στην εξόρυξη πετρελαίου, προκειμένου να εισέλθει και σ’ αυτόν τον τομέα, με την κατασκευή υπερσυγχρόνων πλοίων drillships, που κάνουν υποθαλάσσιες γεωτρήσεις σε μεγάλα βάθη. Ήδη παρατηρείται μεγάλη πτώση στις αξίες αυτών των ειδικών πλοίων. Από 1 δισ. δολάρια (Ultra Deep Water) το 2008, η τιμή τέτοιου πλοίου σήμερα ανέρχεται σε 500 – 600 εκατ. δολάρια. Η εταιρία Τσάκου βρίσκεται σε συνεννόηση με τα ναυπηγεία Hyundai και Daewoo, ενώ μελετώνται επίσης joint venture με σκανδιναυική εταιρία, καθώς και γιά παροχή τεχνογνωσίας (know how). Το ενδιαφέρον της εταιρίας Τσάκου επικεντρώνεται στην συμφωνία ναύλωσης τέτοιων πλοίων, αλλοιώς δεν είναι βέβαιο ότι θα προχωρήσει σε παραγγελίες drillships. Προς τον σκοπό αυτόν η εταιρία έχει αρχίσει κύκλο επαφών με πετρελαϊκούς κολοσσούς. Στον ίδιο χώρο δραστηριοποιείται και ο Θεοδ. Αγγελόπουλος με την εταιρία Deep Sea Metro, ενώ υπάρχει έντονο ενδιαφέρον του Πίτερ Λιβανού με την εταιρία GasLog, στην οποία μετέχει και το ίδρυμα Ωνάση. Υποστηρικτικά μετέχουν οι Τσαβλίρης και «ΒερνίκοςΑστροναύτης». Ήδη πολλοί Έλληνες εφοπλιστές μετέχουν ενεργώς στις μεταφορές από Ρεβυθούσα υγροποιημένου φυσικού αερίου (LNG), όπως η Maran Gas του Γιάννη Αγγελικούση, η Dynagas του Γιώργου Προκοπίου, η Cardiff του Γιώργου Οικονόμου και η Alpha Tankers του Θ. Κανελλάκη. Οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές αντελήφθησαν έγκαιρα, ότι η Ελλάδα θα χρειασθεί σύντομα τις υπηρεσίες τέτοιων ειδικών πλοίων, καθώς διαρκώς νέα «οικόπεδα» με πλούσια κοιτάσματα ανακαλύπτονται στο Ιόνιο και στις θάλασσες νοτίως της Κρήτης, ενώ εκκρεμεί η ανακήρυξη της ελληνικής ΑΟΖ, η οποία θα ανοίξει νέους επιχειρηματικούς ορίζοντες στην ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών, οι πιό παραδοσιακοί των οποίων έλκουν την καταγωγή από τα νησιά του Αιγαίου και του Ιονίου.

Ξένες εταιρίες, που ειδικεύονται στην παροχή συμβουλών γιά τις υποθαλάσσιες γεωτρήσεις υδρογονανθράκων, όπως η Douglas Westwood, υπολογίζουν ότι κατά την επομένη πενταετία θα γίνουν δαπάνες 77 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων στον κλάδο των υποθαλασσίων γεωτρήσεων (αύξηση κατά 63% σε σύγκριση με την προηγούμενη 5ετία), καθώς ο κόσμος αναζητεί πετρέλαιο και αέριο στους ωκεανούς. Ο ξένος οίκος αναφέρει ότι ο ολοένα μεγαλύτερος ανταγωνισμός γιά την εξασφάλιση του εξοπλισμού που εκμισθώνεται, θα συντηρήσει τους ναύλους υψηλά. Όλα λοιπόν τα στοιχεία βεβαιώνουν ότι οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές επικαιροποιούν πάντα τις επενδυτικές τους προθέσεις σε όλους τους τομείς της οικονομίας και δείχνουν ότι δεν θα έχαναν ποτέ την ευκαιρία να εισέλθουν δυναμικά στην πρόκληση της εξόρυξης υποθαλασσίων κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων, που αυτή την φορά εντοπίζεται στην «γενέτειρα» θάλασσα, απ’ αυτήν που ξεπήδησαν οι πρώτοι καραβοκύρηδες και δημιουργοί του συγχρόνου ναυτιλιακού θαύματος. Χρέος της πολιτείας είναι να αντιληφθεί κι αυτή τον σημαίνοντα ρόλο και τις δυνατότητες συμβολής της ναυτιλίας των Ελλήνων στην ανάκαμψη της ελληνικής οικονομίας, και να μην αθετεί τις υποσχέσεις της με μεμονωμένες ενέργειες κορυφαίων υπουργών, που προκαλούν την δημόσια δυσαρέσκεια των εφοπλιστών. Ίσως η δυσαρέσκεια αυτή επηρεάζει αρνητικά την αύξηση του υπό ελληνική σημαία στόλου, που ορισμένα ηχηρά ονόματα εφοπλιστών προσπάθησαν εν τούτοις να ενισχύσουν μέσα στο 2013 και μέχρι τις αρχές του 2014, όπως ο οίκος Αγγελικούση που ενέγραψε 13 πλοία στο ελληνικό νηολόγιο και οι εταιρίες των Ιω. Κούστα, Κέρτσικοφ-Καρασταμάτη-Χατζηελευθεριάδη, Νίκου και Μελίνας Τραυλού, Ανδρέα Μαρτίνου, Διαμαντή Διαμαντίδη, Γ. Βαρδινογιάννη, Νίκου Τσάκου, Αθ. Μαρτίνου, Αντ. Παπαδημητρίου, Επαμ. Εμπειρίκου, Μιχ. Λεμού, Αφών Γουλανδρή, Γ. Λιβανού, Λουκά Κτιστάκη, Μάρκου Μαρινάκη, Ζ. και Γ. Χαλκούση, Ε. Τσαλαμανιού, Ορ. Βρυώνη, Ηλ. Μαυρολέοντος, Αχ. Κακομανώλη κ.ά. Πολλές νέες επενδυτικές προθέσεις και σχέδια πρόκειται να εκδηλωθούν κατά την διάρκεια της ναυτιλιακής εκθέσεως των Ποσειδωνίων, που αναμένεται να αποτελέσει τον «μαγικό καθρέφτη» της κυβερνήσεως, γιά να πείσει την εσωτερική και την διεθνή κοινή γνώμη ότι η Ελλάδα βαδίζει, κατά τις εκτιμήσεις της, σταθερά τον δρόμο της ανάκαμψης. Αλλά το μόνο που είναι απολύτως βέβαιο είναι ότι στόν δρόμο της συνεχούς ανακάμψεως και της ραγδαίας οικονομικής αναπτύξεως βρίσκεται τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες μόνο η ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία, που προσφέρεται πάντα σαν βακτηρία της παραπαίουσας εθνικής οικονομίας.


Shipping finance lagging behind the recovery of Shipping

By Ted Petropoulos, Head Petrofin Research

Banks witnessed, after a long and arduous road since 2009, a useful shipping recovery in 2013 in both vessel values and cash flows via higher freights. Although the recovery was erratic and not evenly spread among the various shipping sectors, it had a pronounced beneficial effect on the quality of the banks’ loan portfolios and in bank’s borrowers’ ability to meet their (often restructured) loan obligations. Confidence grew among banks that shipping was on the way to recovery and this was felt even more by borrowers and private equity funds. Dry bulk lead the way with a 12-month (March 2013 to March 2014) recovery of 41.4% in vessel values and 52.3% in freights (from Shipping Intelligence Inc. – 1st April 2014, below). With overall shipping confidence rising to record heights (Moore Stephens) and with the sector’s progress picking up, one would have expected banks to be rushing headlong into new shipping loans and for competition to among banks grow. With rare exceptions though ,this is not, however, what happened and the question is: why? The answer lies with the banks themselves. Commencing with their shipping exposures, many banks had nurtured weaker clients in the hope of such a recovery. The process of recovery, though, could not work miracles overnight. It simply takes time to work out difficult loans and improve the health of a bank’s loan portfolio. The recovery needs to be sustained and the recent fall in dry bulk freights demonstrated the still volatile nature of the recovery. In addition, from a common shipping approach by the boards of major banks to be cautious to achange, involving a willingness to expand, one needs time. A second factor is that many shipping banks had what they believed to be a higher than desired overall shipping exposure and needed time to reduce it to acceptable levels via client loan repayments. A third factor is that banks had set up very strict criteria for lending resulting in too few potential loan transactions meeting such requirements

However, there were other more significant reasons for the banks’ lack of ship lending appetite. It relates to the fundamental weakness in the liquidity and capital ratios of European banks in the light of Basel III and the new ECB regulatory overview of all E.U. banks. Banks simply lacked the financial resources and the risk appetite to step on the gas pedal. European banks especially found themselves bracing for the ECB loan review and proving their financial robustness. In a world of doubt, to banks, profitability came second to financial strength. As the majority of shipping banks were European (72% of global ship finance in December 2013), Petrofin Bank Research (c) the difficulty of European banks had a pronounced and adverse effect on Greek ship lending. To add insult to injury, three of shipping champions of previous years i.e. RBS, HSH and Commerzbank were under immense pressure to downsize their shipping portfolios and/or leave ship lending altogether. During this time, some banks stood out for either lending counter-cyclically or standing their ground as ship finance providers. These were mainly DVB, ABN AMRO, Credit Suisse and ING among European banks and China Exim, CDB, and Korean Exim, from the Far Eastern banks. A classic West-East divide took place with shipping credit being more readily available in the Far East, where a large number of small to medium banks supported local clients. The same was not true in the West for any but the biggest and often publicly quoted companies. For Greek ship finance, in particular, it had been most hit as the biggest lenders exited the market at precisely the time when Greek newbuilding orders and second-hand purchases accelerated. With the Greek banks unable to provide new ship finance and caught by the difficulties of European banks as a whole, Greek owners turned to the remaining few active lenders, to Far Eastern lenders (linked only to shipbuilding orders) and, increasingly, to US private equity funds (PEFs). As the finance gap widened, PEFs were for many Greek owners often the only way to take advantage of what promised to be a healthy shipping recovery. PEFs were not only active but often scoured Greece for opportunities to co-invest and lend to Greek owners believing that the anticipated shipping recovery would provide them with the high returns they have been seeking. The result was an explosion of Joint Ventures most of which investing in eco-friendly vessels of new designs that is hoped will be the vessels of the future. Characteristically, according to Tufton Oceanic data, on a global basis between January 2002 and January 2014, the share of global mortgage lending of the world fleet and orderbook fell from 43% to 36%. The above was even more pronounced in Greece. There are no hard data for the Greek shipping exposure by PEF, but we believe that there are over 40 Joint Ventures in place today. With interests primarily in drybulk and then

tankers , and to a lesser extent, container vessels. This explains the paradox of a 6.5% annual fall in Greek shiplending (Petrofin Bank Research (C) at a time when the Greek fleet grew to record levels of 3901 vessels and 291 DWT (Lloyd’s Fairplay) and Greek newbuilding orders exceeded 375 vessels. Provided the shipping recovery continues, (a big ‘if’), it is expected that PEF interest shall wane in 2014/2015 as the opportunity to invest at a low point in the cycle falls away. In addition, over the last months, Chinese ship lending and, especially, lending to non-Far East owners has stumbled due to Chinese credit restrictions. These two developments will be counteracted by the increasing confidence and financial ability of Western banks (European and North American) which will be attracted by the high loan yields of Greek shipping based on modern eco design vessels. It is anticipated, therefore, that mortgage lending will slowly pick up globally, as well as in Greece, in 2014/2015. A factor that may help Greek owners is the economic recovery of Greece which had cast a shadow over the last 4 years. In addition, Greek banks too have, at long last, started the long road to recovery. It is anticipated that all 5 Greek ship lending banks will channel funds into shipping once their financial condition shall permit, as shipping is high on the list of preferences. The recent capital increases by Piraeus bank, Eurobank and National bank of Greece have demonstrated Greek banks recovery. A Greek ship finance recovery in 2014/2015, will come at the right time as newbuilding orders are delivered and finance shall be increasingly needed. With most orders being placed in 2015 and 2016, the timing of ship finance demand and supply appears opportune. Of course a big question is overhanging the shipping market. It is whether the shipping recovery witnessed thus far will continue or stall. It is a tough call, as the fundamentals, as well as the once again rising order book, do not support such a sustained rise. On the other hand, shipping, despite the still oversupply position, has been able to absorb the oversupply tonnage through slow steaming, increasing port congestion and longer routes between commodity exporting and importing areas Vessel values have risen on the wake of a euphoria that has taken hold of shipping. It remains to be seen if such high expectations shall be met, as currently a non alignment has appeared between vessel values and freights. In the meantime, banks are clearing out their loan books, are selling loans to hungry recovery funds and are preparing themselves for more active ship lending in the years to come. The recent shipping recovery has provided many banks with a much needed opportunity to do some “house cleaning” and weed out lesser credit. To summarise, ship financing banks are lagging behind the recovery of shipping markets. This is not an unusual phenomenon as the shipfinance cycle often lags behind shipping cycle.


How easy is to define the future for the marine insurance industry?

With Vicky Liouta, MD, Vilmar International S.A

How easy is to define the future for the marine insurance industry? Considering the global circumstances, defining the future of marine insurance industry is not trouble-free, nevertheless, to my view, there is a future for the marine insurance irrespective if there are different rates and various products offered. I believe that a vast amount of experience exists in the field, compiled by insurance and underwriting companies. All this are to the benefit of the owners who depending on the fleet size, type, value, funding, trading needs are able to select the proper amount of insurance coverage taking into account the reliability of the insurance company and the costs involved. Lately there is much noise about hedge funds capital that comes into the insurance market industry and that may initiate different concerns, reactions, thoughts, considerations, negative or positive in different sense, however it is important that the various markets in marine insurance in London, Norway, Japan, China, Italy, Greece, Singapore need to control the claims in order to bring profitability to underwriters and it is certain that underwriters find ways to restore their finances not only following the drop of in equity markets but also in view of claims. Brokers have essential role in finding the best possible terms for their clients and make the insurance sector more responsive and efficient. Trustworthiness and transparency as well as integrity in insurance industry must be maintained and continued among the various underwriters and their clients, owners in various countries worldwide. Even if one cannot expect that the future is bright, I could say that considering the overcapacity of vessels and claims, marine insurance industry will preserve confidence to the owners and continue to attract capacity. Do you believe that shipping industry takes into serious consideration the lessons learned from recent losses? Yes, I believe that the industry takes into very serious consideration the lessons learned from the losses and if we think that IMO adopted the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents with guidelines for the investigation of human factors, then I believe that flag states, administrations, Organizations and international working groups analyze the procedures for evaluating safety issues that need further improvement. Reports on casualty statistics are published daily by special analysts, insurers, P&I Clubs, surveyors and others and developments and progress in marine industry is of first priority. Companies have their own reporting system and unless an outsourcing body is investigating the grounds of an incident the results of the investigation remain within the company and “lessons to learn” forms are signed by vessel crew and company personnel. The aim is to identify risk factors and dangerous working conditions with a view to instigate preventive measures. Indisputable safety improvements have been achieved and despite the volume of the work to be done in the company and on board the ship, industry is very sensitive in recent losses regardless if all know that things happen at sea. How critical is the human contribution to the shipping casualties? It is true that at the centre of global concern over maritime safety and environmental protection is the human element. The prime causes of casualties are not structural but human, although it is humans who design and built the ships and the equipment on it to reduce the perils. People on board the ships are called to do far too many jobs and the main issue of faults is fatigue on board. Regulations, although one may consider necessary, impose additional time and personal cost

and exhaustion on all humans on board and together with untrained personnel as well as low-waged foreign workers in the fleets and lack of any training system, result in serious shipping casualties. The everincreasing requirements by ports, authorities, flags etc and the type of casualties we look at may reveal that when there is an accident there is not only one single failure or mistake, but a number of discrete events, and every human error was determined to be a necessary condition for the accident. If incorrect decisions or improperly performed actions could have been avoided, then the chain of human errors would break and the accident would have been avoided. Many analysts look at the people’s performance in connection with the technology on board and although automation makes things easier for humans, physical work is necessary and considering the climate and temperature changes, high seas, vibrations, economic conditions, nationalities, discipline, morale and many more, I can only think of distraction which ends up in an unfortunate accident. Marine business has to adopt human centered approach and work with the people to increase efficiency and effectiveness. In your company, what are you doing to remain competitive? What are you future plans? The negotiations between owners and insurers are usually carried out by insurance brokers and in our company we have specialized people for various types of insurance (P&I, hull and machinery, loss of earnings, war and legal risks). The knowledge of the legal clauses in the contracts is of paramount importance in negotiating, perhaps even more so than the negotiation about the premium or the coverage itself. We value the personal relations with both insurers and our clients and believe that insurance is eventually a matter of utmost good faith. We try to select the appropriate insurance organization (insurance company, underwriting syndicate or Club) which suits the needs of our clients. Among several negotiation points we consider important the balance between premium and risk covered. Dealing with insurance claims is also an important operational concern and often the dispute and legal action are necessary, thus, skillful analysis is required and proper accounting must be done to deal with the type of insurance carried. We, in our company, will continue deliver solutions to our clients in a stressful environment. Do you believe that the international regulations (as far as shipping sector is concerned) give the right answers to the questions of the future? Various measures set by International Codes have defined the security standards not only for Governments, authorities, Registries but also the owners. New requirements for the shipping community include infrastructure, equipment, training and certification based on regulatory demands which are related to navigational safety and protection of the marine environment. All owners are spending in technology for quality assurance and regulatory compliance. High Standard training system of seafarers is developed by certain countries because of international conventions, and regulations, although implemented after a major casualty, are making the job more difficult to owners and the seafarers on board the ships. Trying to bypass the regulatory requirements limit the trade options of the ships and owners are left or burdened with non profitable alternatives. Many debatable considerations have been made in respect of frequency of vessels’ repairs, well trained people on board, modern equipment on the ships, replacement of older tonnage with newer vessels which owners paid for in order to comply with various regulations and even if all those happened, surveyors, lawyers, port authorities and many more board the ship and find several inconsistencies against the various regulatory requirements. Each time that a regulation is imposed, a different nature casualty changes the previous rule and a new one is necessary to be forced. One may imagine that if more casualties happen in the future, many additional regulations will be obligatory for different reasons and grounds.


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2nd Maritime Trends Conference

Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία το Συνέδριο Ναυτιλίας που διοργάνωσε ο ταξιδιωτικός οργανισμός Marine Tours τους ομιλητές, πρόκειται για πολυδιάστατο ζήτημα με πολιτικές αλλά και κοινωνικές πτυχές, το οποίο καταδυναστεύει όλο και περισσότερο τη σύγχρονη ναυτιλία, επιβάλλοντας την αύξηση των δαπανών σχετικά με την προστασία προσωπικού και πλοίων καθώς και την αύξηση του κόστους εκπαίδευσης πληρωμάτων πάνω σε μεθόδους πρόληψης, διαχείρισης και αντιμετώπισης του φαινομένου.

Με εξαιρετική επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκαν οι εργασίες του 2nd Maritime Trends Conference, το οποίο διοργανώθηκε στις 10 Μαΐου 2014, από τον κορυφαίο ταξιδιωτικό οργανισμό Marine Tours. Το συνέδριο με τίτλο “Trends in Crew Management” είχε στόχο του την ενημέρωση των στελεχών της Ναυτιλίας σχετικά με τα σύγχρονα πρότυπα στη διαχείριση του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις στον κλάδο της Ναυτιλίας. Το θεσμό τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους περισσότερα από 200 στελέχη απο 80 ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες, καθώς και πλήθος διακεκριμένων εκπροσώπων της ευρύτερης ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας. Ο διεπιστημονικός χαρακτήρας του συνεδρίου καθώς και οι ενδιαφέρουσες εισηγήσεις των προσκεκλημένων ομιλητών οδήγησαν σε εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέροντα συμπεράσματα αλλά και σε γόνιμους προβληματισμούς για το παρόν και το μέλλον της ναυτιλίας. Στα πλαίσια του πρώτου πάνελ του συνεδρίου, με ομιλητές τους John Pahoulis, CEO at MEGACHART INC και Marios Koskinas, Director of Doric Seaside Tankers, αναπτυχθηκαν τα τρέχοντα ζητήματα της μεταφοράς εμπορευμάτων και ξηρού φορτίου καθώς και οι εξελίξεις στην αγορά των δεξαμενόπλοιων. Στον πυρήνα των συνομιλιών βρισκόταν η διαπίστωση της δυσαρμονίας μεταξύ της ζήτησης της μεταφοράς φορτίων και της αυξανόμενης προσφοράς χωρητικότητας των πλοίων, η οποία οδηγεί στο φαινόμενο υπερπροσφοράς των πλοίων με δυσμενείς συνέπειες για τη ναυλαγορά. Ιδιαιτέρως ενδιαφέρον θέμα του συνεδρίου αποτέλεσε επίσης το φαινόμενο της πειρατείας, το οποίο αναπτύχθηκε από τους Antonios Papaioannou, Rear Admiral H.N (Ret) και Georgios Kiourktsoglou, Part Time Lecturer & Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Greenwich. Κατά

Στα πλαίσια του τελευταίου πάνελ, οι σύνεδροι είχαν την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθουν από τον Theodore Chouliaras, President of the Shipping Finance Consultants UPMARITIME LONDON Ltd, σχετικά με την επιρροή των εναλλακτικών χρηματοδοτικών εργαλείων στο μισθολογικό κόστος διαχείρισης των πληρωμάτων. Ο ομιλητής επεσήμανε μεταξύ άλλων ότι μεσο-μακροπρόθεσμα τα κόστη πληρωμάτων θα παραμείνουν σταθερά ανοδικά, ασχέτως της αύξησης ή μείωσης της προσφοράς των πλοίων. Στο ίδιο πάνελ, ο διακεκριμένος επιστήμων, Dr. Kevin McSweeney, Manager of the Safety & Human Factors Group at American Bureau of Shipping, πραγματεύτηκε τις Συνθήκες Διαμονής και Ενδιαίτησης Πληρώματος εν Πλω, δίδοντας έμφαση στους νέους κανόνες που εφαρμόζονται στο πλαίσιο της MLC με στόχο την αναβάθμιση των συνθηκών διαβίωσης των ναυτικών. Χαρακτηριστική ήταν η διαπίστωσή του ότι οι εν λόγω κανονισμοί μπορούν να επιδράσουν στο μείζον ζήτημα της υπερπροσφοράς πλοίων, αφού θα αναγκάσουν μέρος των παλαιοτέρων αυτών να αποχωρήσουν από την ναυτιλιακή αγορά. Το συνέδριο έκλεισε τις εργασίες του με την ομιλία της Dr. M. Papaioannou, DNV GL’s Maritime Academy Hellas, με αντικείμενο την διαποίκιλση των πληρωμάτων, αναπτύσσοντας τη σημαντικότητα του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού ως παράγων ασφάλειας και ομαλότητας στην λειτουργία του πλοίου και αναλύοντας τον καθοριστικό ρόλο της εκπαίδευσης και άρτιας ενημέρωσης των πληρωμάτων. Σημαντική στιγμή του συνεδρίου αποτέλεσε η κλήρωση που έλαβε χώρα με αντικείμενο την υποτροφία για την παρακολούθηση του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος “MA in Shipping” στο BCA Οικονομικό Κολέγιο Αθηνών. Νικητής της κληρώσεως αναδειχθηκε στέλεχος της εταιρείας “Eurotank Maritime Management”.

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Maria Tsakos Foundation

“Chios-Shipping-History-Today’s Challenges” It is with great success that the works of the Shipping Conference “ChiosShipping-History-Today’s Challenges”, organized by the “Maria Tsakos” Foundation in cooperation with the Prefecture of the North Aegean, the University of the Aegean and the Association of Friends of Oinousses, concluded on Sunday 4th May 2014. This two-day event was hosted in the “Maria Tsakos” Foundation premises in Chios on 3rd May, and on 4th May in Oinousses. The Shipping Conference took place within the framework of the programme “Sea of Culture”; the relative action was the “Promotion of Maritime Tradition and the Trading Routes in the Northern Aegean”. The scope of the Conference, was twofold: 1) to examine the historical dimension the maritime profession had in the economic and social evolution of Chios island and 2) to highlight the profession’s prospects in the current labour market and as importantly to give the opportunity to seafarers and students of the University of the Aegean and the Merchant Marine Academies of Chios and Oinousses to be informed and updated on the ongoing developments and current trends in shipping, in general. The Conference was attended the local authorities, ship-owners, representatives of shipping associations, seafarers and local community, in addition to over 200 students of the University and the Marine Academies. The interest of the audience was kept undiminished during all sessions as an array of prominent speakers gave lively and useful presentations. Conference deliberations were divided into four sessions covering the following themes: National Shipping Policy, Shipping and the European Union, International Maritime Institutional Framework and, Evolutions in International Shipping. Speakers included among others: Mr. George Gratsos, Chairman of the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenides, President of the “Evgenides Foundation”, Mr. George Theotokas, Chairman of the Navy Retirement Fund, Associate Professor Eleni Thanopoulou from the University of the Aegean, Assistant Professor Anna Kotrikla from the University of the Aegean, Ltd. Vanessa Antonakou (HCG) representing the Directorate of Maritime Labour at the Ministry of Mercantile Marine and the Aegean, Prof. Stratos Papadimitriou, Chairman of the Shipping Department at the University of Piraeus, Associate Professor Ioannis Theotokas from the University of the Aegean, Mr. George Xyradakis, Managing Director of XRTC, Mr. Vassilis Papageorgiou, naval architect and Vice-Chairman of the Tsakos Group, Vice-Admiral (HCG) Nikolaos Themelaros, Rear Admiral (rtd.)Antonis Papaioannou from the Diaplous Maritime Services, Capt. Alexandros Lagouros, Director at the Directorate of Marine Environment Protection at the Ministry of Mercantile Marine and the Aegean, Capt. Ioannis Kourouniotis, Director at the Directorate for Safety Navigation at the Ministry of Mercantile Marine and the Aegean, Mr. Nikolaos Daniil, Director of the Merchant Marine Academy of Chios, Mr. Ioannis Mennis, Student at the Marine Engineering School of Chios, Mr. Nikolaos Tsolas, Student at the Merchant Marine Academy of Oinousses, and the General Manager of the “Maria Tsakos” Foundation R. Admiral (rtd.) HCG, Mr. Stavros Michailides. Conference participants and speakers had the opportunity to sightseeing Chios and Oinousses and view a photograph exhibition with archival material collected by the “Maria Tsakos” Foundation pertaining to the history of the Marine Academies of both islands. The relative action “Promotion of Maritime Tradition and the Trading Routes in the Northern Aegean” is under the co-sponsorship of Greece and the European Union.

20 nafs POSIDONIA 2014

Κongsberg news

Kongsberg Maritime Engineering to supply integrated control and safety system and power package for Teekay’s Gina Krog FSO Kongsberg Maritime Engineering (KME) has signed a contract with Gina Krog LLC, a subsidiary of Teekay Shipping AS, for supply of an Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS) and Power package to the Gina Krog FSO (Floating Storage and Offloading) unit, to be delivered to the Statoil operated Gina Krog field on the Norwegian continental shelf, North Sea. Teekay recently entered an agreement with Statoil to provide the FSO for the Gina Krog field. The $220 million conversion project is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2017, before the newly converted FSO unit will commence operations under a time-charter contract to Statoil. With delivery due to start Q2 2014, KME’s project scope includes design, engineering, manufacturing, testing and supply of all materials, equipment, accessories and tools required for the complete ICSS, Medium Voltage Switchboard, Low Voltage Switchboard (440VAC / 230VAC), thruster transformers, thruster drives, thruster motors and 230VAC distribution, for installation and operation on the FSO. KME is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kongsberg Maritime and has since 2008 acted as a contracting solution company specialising in EIT engineering and system integration on an EPC basis (Engineering,

Procurement & Construction) with strong focus on project management, contracting engineering and site management. KME offers a coherent engineering and management service based on Kongsberg Maritime’s established technical competence and experience with marine and offshore operations. Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. is an international provider of marine transportation, oil production and storage services to the offshore oil industry focusing on the fast-growing, deepwater offshore oil regions of the North Sea and Brazil. Teekay Offshore owns interests in shuttle tankers, floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units, floating storage and offtake (FSO) units and conventional oil tankers. Teekay Offshore has rights to participate in certain other FPSO and shuttle tanker opportunities provided by Teekay Corporation (NYSE: TK) and Sevan Marine ASA (Oslo Bors: SEVAN). A majority of Teekay Offshore’s fleet trades on long-term, stable contracts and it is structured as a publicly-traded master limited partnership. Teekay Offshore Partners’ common units trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “TOO”.

KONGSBERG ships seagliders to national oceanography centre Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Inc. has recently supplied five new Seaglider Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) systems to the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) in Southampton, UK. The AUVs were ordered by NOC’s Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems facility (MARS), and will become part of a fleet of underwater gliders that are made available to research institutes around the United Kingdom. With this delivery, MARS will now have 10 Seagliders in its pool of AUVs. MARS supplies and supports gliders for scientists at the NOC, as well as institutes and Universities around the UK, to carry out their research programmes. 2013 has seen significant investment by the UK government in this technology, furnishing the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) with a fleet of over 30 gliders. These gliders are being used to support and enhance oceanographic research by UK scientists around the world, and the new KONGSBERG Seagliders will see service from home waters to the Antarctic. The new systems will immediately be put to use by the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), which also owns two of its own Seaglider AUVs. All of the vehicles will be used in three ongoing, long term research programs: FASTNEt, the Extended Ellet Line and OSNAP. FASTNEt is a four year program to study the ocean/shelf exchange using novel observations and model techniques to resolve the key seasonal, interannual and regional variation absent from existing knowledge. Stretching across the Atlantic Ocean between Scotland and Iceland, the Extended Ellett Line is a major gateway for water exchange between the Nordic seas and the Atlantic. Regular in-situ monitoring is essential to develop the understanding of circulation in this area, which has a significant impact in the moderation of Western Europe’s climate. OSNAP is an international program started in 2013 and is designed to provide a continuous record of the full-water column, trans-basin fluxes of

heat, mass and freshwater in the subpolar North Atlantic. It will generate new knowledge and understanding of the gyre’s wider impacts on climate and will help improve long term climate predictions and weather forecasting. “Due to their ability to operate in adverse weather, gliders are an essential component of our strategy for wintertime observations, which, in the past, have been very difficult to achieve. Clearer insight into wintertime conditions will shed new light on our understanding of upper ocean variability,” remarked Dr. Stefan Gary, a research associate at SAMS. In all three programs, Seagliders will be a vital tool in the collection of physical oceanographic data over extended durations and geographic areas.

World’s largest inland port selects KONGSBERG Multibeam Echo sounder

The Port of Duisburg is located at the confluence of Rhine and Ruhr two major shipping arteries that link central European industry as well as consumers to the seaports on the North Sea coast. Occupying an area of 3350 acres including 21 basins with a total size of 450 acres, the Port of Duisburg moves more than 120 million tons of goods per year. Duisburg Hafen AG, the owner of the public Port of Duisburg has decided to upgrade their survey capability from a previously used single beam echosounder to the wide swath bathymetry system GeoSwath Plus. The system provides full bathymetry coverage of the harbour basins with unprecedented resolution, while at the same time cutting down on survey time.

22 nafs POSIDONIA 2014

Norsafe news

Davit refit solution offers customer savings Implementation of the DNV-OS-E406 requirements has become a costly task for oil and shipping companies. Norsafe Group has introduced a davit refit solution that generates significant financial savings when davit and lifeboat replacements are necessary. “Norsafe’s engineering team has developed a davit cassette adapter that makes it possible to use the new free-fall lifeboats without tearing down existing davit systems. The adapter is installed into the existing davits with minimal lifting and welding processes on site, which is a costly affair offshore”, says Geir Kvalheim, Sales Manager at Norsafe AS. Norsafe has developed three free-fall lifeboats that meet the DNV-OS-E406 standards: GES45, GES50 MKIII and GES52. Most free-fall lifeboats in use today are not built in accordance with the new requirements.

In this phase, the boat must tolerate high pressures and stress, while the people inside the boat remain safe. Specialists in dynamic flow and finite element tools analyse these pressures and how the boat reacts to the stress. 3. Safe gateway: After resurfacing, the boat needs headway and seaworthiness to minimise the risk of collision with the offshore installation. Advanced simulation tools can analyse and document the boat’s behaviour after resurfacing. The last and final requirement is that the boats are designed for the rigs/ ships where they are installed, and for the wave and weather conditions they will operate in. The documentation gathered from location, weather and simulations determine if the DNV-OS-E406 requirements are met.

Must prove “safe evacuation”

Norsafe’s first refit project is for Grane field in the North Sea. The new GES45 free-fall lifeboats will be installed in existing SW-40 davits, thus generating significant cost saving in comparison with earlier estimates. “The savings are particularly large on rigs and installations that cannot be dragged into yards. The welding and lifting costs offshore are huge, and our new solution minimise these costs”, says Kvalheim. The new standards require custom made solutions in a much greater extent than previously. “The adapters are all going to be different, and Norsafe needs to change their methods to customise the products more than before. In the long run, I believe we have developed a highly profitable solution both for us and our customers”, says Mr Kvalheim.

The main goal of the DNV OS-E406 is to prove “safe evacuation”. This is actualised by specifying the location, installation and the weather conditions in the area. The standard focuses on three important areas, which is documented by analysing a free-fall drop in three phases. 1. Passenger injury evaluation: The entire free-fall phase until the boat hits the surface of the water. In this phase, there are high accelerations and g-forces on the body. How the body reacts to these stress factors and the risks of injury is considered. Simulations in all types of waves and weather conditions provides the answers. 2. Strength and structural integrity: The boat hits the surface and disappears under the water before resurfacing, heading away from the evacuation site.

Significant savings

Huge interest for Munin S1200 Fast patrol & Interception The brand new prototype of the Munin S1200 was for the first time convention presented to the public during the High Speed Boat Operations Forum 2014 (HSBO) in Gothenburg Sweden.

“This is an incredibly important event for us. We recently got the S1200 prototype on the water, and I have been curious about the public reactions. This is also an important arena where our engineers can meet others within the boat industry”, says marketing manager Arild Hansen. For three full days of boat trials and presentations, the HSBO gathers 300 high-speed boat enthusiasts from 36 countries within Navy, Coast Guard, Police, Sea Rescue, Special Forces. 25 state-of-the-art high speed boats are presented, amongst them the Munin S1200. “The Munin S1200 is being highly praised, says Hansen at day two of the exhibition. There are lots of people wanting to take the boat on a test run – people are literally standing in line. The S1200 is in a class of its own”, he says. A team of eight representatives from Norsafe left Arendal Tuesday morning and travelled the 117 nautical miles to Gothenburg. The last day of the HSBO is 8th of May.Partisipants: Thomas Skaala, Sindre Sviggum Knutsen, Arild Hansen, Olav Bakkegaard, Bjarte Skaala, Tor Olav Hagestad, Svenn Axel Nilsen and Kjetil Grøsle. Norsafe was the only participant crossing Skagerrak from Arendal to Gothenburg. The Munin S1200 was followed by a Magnum 850 which also drew a lot of attention during HSBO.

Norsafe was proud main sponsor of the Fast patrol and Interception Craft convention in London at the end of March. “The convention is a forum for ideas and a possibility for Norsafe to present our own solutions to many of the challenges these potential customers meet in their everyday missions. As a main sponsor of the event, we got a lot of attention for our fast patrol boats and daughter crafts”, says Sindre Sviggum Knutsen, Area sales manager at Norsafe AS. The main goal of the conference was to gather specialized governmental organizations operating in hostile or demanding areas at sea, and suppliers such as Norsafe. There were different keynote speakers from these organizations explaining in detail their challenges, operating standards and technical demands for operating under these special conditions. As part of the program, VP marketing Arild Hansen had a 40-minute presentation of Norsafe legacy, history and focus on quality products.



New orders increased by 32% in first four months of the year RWO GmbH, manufacturer of water treatment plants in the maritime sector, can already report its first successes of 2014. In the first four months of the year the long-established Bremen-based company increased the orders received in its core business by 32% compared to the same period last year. The business sector encompasses oil separators, wastewater treatment plants in various sizes, emulsion separators, softeners and other systems for treating water on board. “RWO’s results in the first months show clearly that focusing on quality becomes prevalent in the industry. Major European shipping companies trust the products of RWO, and our oily water separators are now installed on board more than 14,000 ships,” commented Andreas Rosebrock, the company’s new Sales Director, on the success. “The RWO systems above all convince ship owners by their lasting reliability,” he said. Decisively in favour of the oil separators are also excellent treatment results, whose values are far below the prescribed 15 ppm limit. Even also for the frequently required 5 ppm, no additional systems must be employed upstream or downstream. The figures now available for the core business cover the product lines of oily water separators, wastewater treatment plants, drinking water treatment and spare parts. In the pure plant business, the incoming orders were in fact increased by 68% compared to the previous year.


Χιλιάδες μαθητές και ευαισθητοποιημένοι πολίτες στηρίζουν έμπρακτα την Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Καθαρισμού Ξεπέρασε κάθε προσδοκία η συμμετοχή εθελοντών στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Καθαρισμού, το Σάββατο 10 Μαίου, που καθιερώθηκε για πρώτη φορά φέτος με την υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής και συντόνισε στη χώρα μας η Ελληνική Ένωση Προστασίας Θαλάσσιου Περιβάλλοντος – HELMEPA. Περισσότερα από 4.500 άτομα ανταποκρίθηκαν στην πρόσκληση της HELMEPA και οργάνωσαν πάνω από 100 καθαρισμούς σε ακτές, βυθό, όχθες ποταμών και λιμνών, δάση, πάρκα και άλλες φυσικές περιοχές σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Ιδιαίτερα μεγάλη ήταν η συμμετοχή μαθητών-μελών των προγραμμάτων «Παιδική HELMEPA» και «Nαυτίλοι» από Νηπιαγωγεία, Δημοτικά Σχολεία και Γυμνάσια. Στους συμμετέχοντες δόθηκαν λεπτομερείς οδηγίες για τη διοργάνωση των καθαρισμών και την καταγραφή των απορριμμάτων σε ειδικά δελτία ώστε τα στοιχεία που θα προκύψουν από την επεξεργασία των δελτίων να συμβάλλουν στην αποτελεσματική εφαρμογή της Θαλάσσιας Στρατηγικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για Καθαρές Θάλασσες και Ακτές μέχρι το 2020. Στην Αττική, η HELMEPA σε συνεργασία με το εταιρικό της μέλος Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), τη Βρετανική Πρεσβεία στην Αθήνα, το Μεσογειακό Γραφείο Πληροφόρησης MIO-ECSDE, το Ναυτικό Αθλητικό Όμιλο Βάρης-Βάρκιζας (ΝΑΟΒΒ) και την Ελληνική Εταιρεία ΑξιοποίησηςΑνακύκλωσης (ΕΕΑΑ) πραγματοποίησε εθελοντικό καθαρισμό της παραλίας στη Βάρκιζα. Συμμετείχαν 150 μικροί και μεγάλοι εθελοντές - στελέχη της RBS με τις οικογένειές τους, αξιωματούχοι της Βρετανικής Πρεσβείας, ναυταθλητές

του ΝΑΟΒΒ καθώς και στελέχη της HELMEPA, του MIO-ECSDE και της ΕΕΑΑ. Ιδιαίτερη νότα έδωσε στην ελληνοβρετανική αυτή συνέργεια η παρουσία των εθελοντών δυτών Loutraki Divers που με την υποστήριξη της RBS ήρθαν στη Βάρκιζα και πραγματοποίησαν υποβρύχιο καθαρισμό. Σε όλη τη διάρκεια της δράσης, τους εθελοντές συνέδραμε με μεγάλο ενθουσιασμό ο Βρετανός Πρέσβης, κος John Kittmer. Χαιρετίζοντας τους συμμετέχοντες, ο Πρέσβης ευχαρίστησε HELMEPA και RBS για την πρωτοβουλία και ανέφερε ότι αυτές οι δράσεις συνδυάζουν 3 στοιχεία τα οποία πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζουμε όλοι με πάθος: το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον, την υπεύθυνη διαχείριση και ανακύκλωση των απορριμμάτων μας και τον εθελοντισμό. Εκ μέρους της HELMEPA, ο Κ. Τριανταφύλλου του Τομέα Περιβαλλοντικής Ενημέρωσης αναφέρθηκε στους στόχους αυτής της πανευρωπαϊκής πρωτοβουλίας και ευχαρίστησε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες για την παρουσία τους. Στη συνέχεια, στελέχη της HELMEPA μοίρασαν γάντια και σακούλες και έδωσαν οδηγίες στους συμμετέχοντες για την ορθή καταγραφή των απορριμμάτων, στην οποία χρησιμοποιήθηκε η ηλεκτρονική εφαρμογή Marine Litter Watch του Ευρωπαϊκού Οργανισμού Περιβάλλοντος (EEA). Η εκδήλωση αυτή ολοκληρώθηκε με ξενάγηση στην κινητή έκθεση για τα θαλάσσια απορρίμματα που είχε τοποθετήσει το MIO-ECSDE στις εγκαταστάσεις του ΝΑΟΒΒ, στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού ερευνητικού προγράμματος MARLISCO. Tα συνολικά στοιχεία από τους καθαρισμούς σε όλη την Ελλάδα θα δημοσιευθούν από τη HELMEPA στις αρχές Ιουνίου, ενώ οι μαθητές που συμμετείχαν στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Καθαρισμού θα λάβουν αναμνηστικό Δίπλωμα Συμμετοχής.


Reliability and wide range

of electrical equipment

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Wärtsilä Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems selected for ten new vessels being built by HHI Wärtsilä has received a number of new orders for its exhaust gas cleaning systems. Solvang ASA of Norway confirmed the option for Wärtsilä Open Loop Scrubber Systems to be installed aboard another of its LGC (Large Gas Carrier) vessels. This confirmation follows the order that the company placed in late December 2013 for two such vessels. The company has already taken delivery of Wärtsilä Open Loop Scrubber Systems, which have been installed aboard the VLGC (Very Large Gas Carrier) vessels, the ‘Clipper Quito’ and ‘Clipper Posh’. One such order was announced in January 2012.The Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard in South Korea is delivering all of these new Solvang vessels. In addition to these new build projects Wärtsilä has also in March 2014 signed a contract with Solvang to retrofit its Open Loop Scrubber System onboard the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) tanker “Clipper Harald”. This installation is scheduled to be delivered in summer 2014. This now brings the total number of Solvang vessels to order Wärtsilä scrubber systems to six. Wärtsilä will also supply its Hybrid Scrubber Systems for four new Post-Panamax car carriers currently being built for Wilhelmsen Lines Shipowning Malta (WLSM), a subsidiary of Oslo-based Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA. The contracts were signed in the third quarter of 2013 and in the first quarter of 2014. These vessels will be delivered from the Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI) yard in South Korea. HSHI is a subsidiary of HHI. Two further Wärtsilä Open Loop Scrubber Systems are to be delivered aboard a new VLGC being built at the HHI yard for Dorian-LPG Ltd of Greece. This contract was also signed in the third quarter of 2013.

Wärtsilä and HHI leaders of the industry

“The acceptance of exhaust gas cleaning systems as a means of achieving compliance with environmental regulations is rapidly increasing. Wärtsilä is not only the leading supplier of such equipment, but is also able to provide all the technical and installation support needed. The co-operation between our companies is first class, and because of this we can provide the service that the industry demands,” says Mr Jae-Su Kim, Technical Manager of Initial Design Department of Shipbuilding Division of Hyundai Heavy Ind Co., Ltd. “Wärtsilä is committed to working with its customers to find the right environmental performance solution according to their specific operational profiles. We are also committed to working closely with the shipbuilding industry to develop the necessary installation expertise, and HHI has been very successful in developing its capabilities in this respect,” says Mr Sigurd Jenssen, Director, Exhaust Gas Cleaning, Wärtsilä Ship Power. Wärtsilä is the global leader in marine exhaust gas cleaning technology, and has the industry’s most complete service support network. At the same time, HHI has become established as the world’s leading shipyard for the installation of exhaust gas cleaning systems for newbuild vessels. Because of the relatively recent introduction of this technology for marine applications, the supplier’s technical expertise and co-operation with the yard is essential for the installation to be successful.

The Wärtsilä systems already delivered to two Solvang vessels involved two scrubber systems; one for the main engine and one integrated exhaust gas cleaning unit for the three auxiliary engines. It was the worldʼs first vessel of this kind with exhaust gas cleaning systems installed for all engines onboard. This latest order from Wilh. Wilhelmsen follows a similar contract in 2012, which involved the retrofitting of Wärtsilä Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems to the MV Tarago. The success of that project has been cited as an important factor in the decision to fit the Wärtsilä systems to these new vessels. A third party measurement and verification programme, partly funded by the Research Council of Norway, will be carried out during the next two and a half years. This is expected to further endorse the viability of exhaust gas cleaning as an efficient and cost effective means of achieving Emission Control Area compliance. The Dorian-LPG order consists of a 15 MW exhaust gas cleaning unit for the main engine and a 4 MW exhaust gas cleaning unit for the auxiliary engines. They will be delivered as an open-loop system, but will be ready prepared for retrofitting to hybrid performance if required at a later date. The Wärtsilä exhaust gas cleaning technology will enable these ships to fully comply with International Maritime Organization (IMO) and European Commission regulations governing sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions. In particular, the vessels will be able to use the Panama Canal and to operate in the United States Caribbean Sea Emissions Control Area, which includes the waters adjacent to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This is particularly important for the Wilhelmsen vessels that operate regularly in this area. Wärtsilä was the first manufacturer to have been awarded the IMO certificate for exhaust gas cleaning systems by the classification societies Det Norske Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd, and Bureau Veritas. As of March 2014, Wärtsilä has 45 vessels contracted for a total of 94 exhaust gas cleaning systems for both new building and retrofit projects.



“We provide value added services to our clients� TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING

is specializing since 1994 in the field of painting and maintenance of yachts. Our long experience and qualified staff help to provide responsible and reliable services. Constant investment in infrastructure and materials and the latest technology machines used, ensure excellent results in any kind of work and raise the level of our services . This is one of the main advantages of our company .


Painting and maintenance of yachts Painting reefs and axles Antiosmosis works Local paint and repairs surfaces Hull and superstructure polishing Propeller spolishing


nafs POSIDONIA 2014


“This is an excellent Benetti yacht built in 1996. It was refitted in 2009 and 2011, whereas a total refit took place during winter 2013. The yacht travels through the Mediterranean Sea offering high standards cruises for 11 people. During the yacht’s total refit, the company has chosen TSAGARIS YACHT PAINTING, to provide total painting works. The company has selected Mr. Vassilis Tsagaris because there is a mutual relationship of trust, and we were sure about the final result.” John Antonaros, Captain, LADY ELEN


HALKITIS SHIPYARDS S.A. A modern yard specialized in refurbishment and maintenance of MEGA YACHTS in Perama for many years. Our yard was established and commenced its activities around 1923, specialized in building big commercial vessels in wood mainly, contributing greatly to the national economy of Greece. During the last (10) years the new generation succeeded to upgrade and modernize the yard with great success. HALKITIS SHIPYARDS was the leader in this modernization effort despite the well known bureaucratic problems, by installing in 1989 the biggest hoist machine of that time. In 2002 HALKITIS SHIPYARDS was equipped with the latest model of hoist cranes with a lifting capacity of 600 tons. Same time has been modernized by inventing new technologies and facilities specialized for yachts, such as : Extension of land area in the sea by 24.000 sq.m. Upgrading and reconstruction of entire flooring to cooperate with the 600 tons lifting capacity of the new Travelift. Construction of new hauling out docks, wide enough to accommodate the new Travelift. Construction of new berthing dock totally 140m in length, to allow berthing by stern of Mega yachts and Super yachts. Upgrading and re-arrangement of the electrical installation, fire and fresh water lines net. As the modernization alone is not enough for the successful operation of a yard, we employed also highly qualified personnel who are properly trained for the job. These technicians already have many years of experience in dry-docking, maintenance and repair works of Mega yachts, but also in building and extensive modifications, that have been carried out with outstanding results. Specially during the last two years we modified and repaired three Mega Yachts, such as : (a) CRN 50m on which new transom re-designed by an-lengthening and re-constructing the area with a large swimming platform, a new swimming ladder and transom door hydraulically operated. The main and upper deck were also an-lengthened strong enough to carry a new lifting crane. General painting of the yacht with Awlgrip paint system. (b) JONGERT 38m - on which general painting was carried out applying Awlgrip paint system. A new engine installed including a new re-designed tail shaft and propeller. On the bow a tunnel was installed to accommodate a bow thruster. (c) FERRETTI 24m - A big bottom damage was repaired by cropping out and installing a new pre-fabricated part of 3m x 2,5m, reinforced inside as needed. Main Engines were removed, repaired and reinstalled as well as D.Generators including all necessary piping and electrical nets. Also new shaft brackets fabricated and installed including new shafts and propellers as per our estimation. Halkitis Shipyards is certified with ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 14001:2004 / OHSHAS 18001:2007 for refit, repair and maintenance of vessels and yachts. Our yard for the near future is seeking a ministerial agreement for the erection of a special closed type shed, equipped with all necessary equipment and technologies for Mega yachts, new building and big modifications. Obviously work under shed can continue irrespective of weather conditions with the best possible quality, reducing man-hours and product cost. One of the benefits of working under these special shed is the control of the air temperature and humidity, leading to superior results of painting works. In addition to the highest possible quality of painting works, the environment is full protected when paint work with high-toxic materials is carried out in a closed type shed. Our financial target is to increase or even double the annual turnover in the near future by attracting new clients from near East Mediterranean and European countries including Russia. We are committed to make every possible effort to provide high quality services at very competitive prices. The competition is strong by neighboring countries which have been already involved in the yachting industry. There is room for improvement in the field of sea tourism, yachting industry and especially the Mega yachts sector. Our yard has declared its willingness to increase the efforts in this respect and become the regional leader in this sector contributing accordingly to the much desired growth of Greek economy. For the Yard, V. Halkitis President


nafs POSIDONIA 2014



Kaminco and Galileo bring on demand LNG to the marine industry

The Kaminco family once again forges ahead on the leading edge of technology, introducing the latest advancement in the marine industry. A strategic cooperation between Kaminco and one of the world’s leading CNG and LNG technologies manufacturer, Galileo of Argentina, will put Greece and Cyprus onto the international energy map by introducing the most efficient turnkey solution for onsite LNG production and distribution. Through Galileo’s Cryobox solution Kaminco can now offer its valued customers a revolutionary alternative to traditional bunkering options with the most cost effective way of implementing the undoubtedly best solution when it comes to IMO compliance. The Cryobox technology enables companies to have the flexibility of producing their own LNG on demand at the exact quantities and locations they require. Installation Case Study: Buquebus Adopts Cryobox Solution Cryobox® technology will make Buquebus the first maritime company to supply its own LNG, the cleanest fuel on the market - with the highest performance. This is possible in view of the fact that the Cryobox® is an LNG production nano station designed so that the private industry and communities can become their own LNG suppliers. Until now, major technological barriers and the need for long term capital investment prevented industries such as marine, oil and gas, long-haul trucking, rail, mining services from using LNG as a low cost and low carbon alternative for diesel fuel. “LNG will allow “Francisco” to reduce combustion emissions by 98%, in marked contrast to traditional fuels,” says Anibal Argomedo, Buquebus’s Technical Manager. At the same time, it is estimated that the 66 tons per day (ton/day) of LNG production required for its two daily frequencies will generate 50% savings within the operating expense. Seven Cryobox® nano stations with a capacity of 84 tpd will be responsible for this LNG production. At the Francisco’s christening event, López Mena referred to the Crybox nano modules as the sole equipment that can be transported to wellheads anywhere in the world, regardless of distance; gas is liquefied and its volume reduced 600 times, which makes it easy to carry in trucks to their

points of destination, at a very low cost. On February, Buquebus has been honored with the annual Black Diamond Award. This award is given to the top LNG fuel project to advance technology, open new markets, and achieve the smoothest execution considering the degree of difficulty. In terms of savings, it would be appropriate to compare these equipments with the ‘mini LNG production-station’ due to their size, production volume of LNG, investment and operating costs. In that case, while the latter requires a capital investment (CAPEX) of around $ 310 per ton of LNG, the nano station requires only a $ 170 per ton of LNG. If we consider the annual operating expenditure (OPEX), the comparison is of 390-210 dollars per ton. Therefore, the use of a nano LNG production station as Cryobox allows savings of 50% in CAPEX and OPEX 40% per annum. “It’s a real breakthrough in the field of technology. We were about to buy from USA a project which involved a huge liquefaction plant. We met Galileo’s team and they showed us that their undertaking is far more efficient,” said Buquebus President Juan Carlos López Mena. “Cryobox® is the result of five years of development & investigation, built on 30 years’ expertise in the manufacturing of gas compressors in Argentina,” says Osvaldo del Campo, Galileo’s CEO. “At the same time, it represents a worldwide innovative leap, as it is one-of-a-kind equipment, due to its compact dimensions and modular configuration.” Each Cryobox® unit applied to the Buquebus project is conceived as a module that can reach a maximum of 12 ton/day (4 480 GGE/day or 7 000 gal/day) of LNG. This feature allows a flexible installed capacity that can grow at the pace of the demand, through the progressive addition of modules. “The River Plate, “Francisco’s” high speed and the 100 meter boat length are proof that LNG is the best fuel for heavy transport, and that Galileo’s technology contributes to make it happen,” adds del Campo. In terms of vehicle supply Cryobox® is a dual equipment because, besides LNG, it also generates CNG depending on demand. This allows the simultaneous availability of adequate fuel for every need: CNG for urban vehicles which profit from the low cost of this fuel, and LNG for heavy transport and long distances, including boats, where saving is linked directly to the performance and autonomy originated in the higher energy density of the fuel. The same concept can be applied to the Galileo’s Virtual Pipeline® System for gas distribution by road, where the best alternative is CNG up to 250 miles, and beyond that distance, LNG. “I imagine fleets, stations on motorways offering both CNG and LNG,

ARTICLE major stations producing LNG for small-scale distribution using our Virtual Pipeline® system for other stations and industries. I also imagine its use in bunker operations for the fuelling of commercial or private boats, such as yachts and ocean-going vessels. This offers a highly competitive tool; the cost of transportation is one of the essential factors of the market products to bear in mind. The fact that ships can operate on LNG radically change the cost structure of the different industries,” del Campo concludes.

Multiple configurations

The Cryobox® is also a “Plug & Play” module that can be sent to any destination by trailer for its immediate commissioning, since it can be installed at a fueling station and then connected straight to a gas pipeline distribution or to a modular treatment plant which allows gas pre-conditioning at a remote natural gas field. Biomethane can be also considered as a source for liquefaction or gas compression. Therefore, this product presents multiple standard configurations that offer similar production capacities, but from different inlet pressures, as it is shown in the exhibit.


Since 1983, Galileo has been a global reference in modular technologies for both CNG and LNG production and transportation. Its portfolio includes the widest range of compressors and pumps for vehicles and vessels; pipeline boosters and wellhead compressors; and the Virtual Pipeline® system, for gas distribution by road, which can reach remote communities and industries without pipeline network connection. Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a Service and Training Hub in Los Angeles, USA, Galileo exports and provides ongoing assistance to customers in 65 countries in Latin America, USA, Europe, Africa and Asia.


KAMINCO is a Group of Companies with more than 50 years of powerful presence in the Greek and Cypriot Marine, Petrochemical and Energy Markets. It is dedicated in the research and application of new technologies. In co-operation with the most reputable world makers, it offers exclusively products, engineering services and consultancy in the areas of automation, safety, propulsion, shipbuilding, remote operations, decision support, even aviation and complex defence applications.

Notes on table • Performance parameters refer to natural gas composed by 100% Hydrocarbons and a reference specific gravity of 0.65 kg/m3 (0.276 lb/ft3). Inert gas portions have to be deducted. Deviations in the Specific Gravity may modify the performance. • Performance values refer to an average ambient temperature of 22 ºC (72 ºF). For other temperatures, performance has to be corrected by temperature correction charts. • All performance parameters contained in this datasheet have a tolerance of ± 10%

nafs POSIDONIA 2014



A Clean, efficient solution for IMO Tier 3: Gas and Dual-Fuel Engines By Daniel Brand: Head of R&D turbocharging solutions, ABB Turbo Systems AG & Claudio Christen: R&D Senior Engineer, ABB Turbo Systems AG.


Pure gas and dual fuel (DF) engines are widely discussed alternatives for marine propulsion, because they are able to comply with the NOx emission limits set forth by IMO Tier III. However, the performance of today’s established marine engine designs is limited mainly by the phenomenon of knocking combustion. In the case of pure gas engines, this limitation sets the achievable efficiency and power density. Additionally, in the case of DF engines, operation in diesel mode also suffers from lower efficiency. Based on a cycle simulation study, this article introduces a concept for DF engines, which allows for increasing the power density while reducing the fuel consumption in both the diesel and the gas operation mode. Moreover, it will be shown that applying variable valve train technique, for instance the ABB solution VCM® [10], has the potential to resolve the design compromises of DF engines. The proposed concept for the gas mode will also be applicable to pure gas engines since VCM enables the individual optimization of the gas and diesel mode operation.

Available Technology and Current Development Paths

Established DF Engines Today’s commercially available marine DF engines have a bmep in the range of 20 to 22 bar. They feature a single stage turbocharging system combined with moderate Miller cycle and fixed valve timing. The compression ratio e is rather low in order to prevent engine knock in the gas mode. Often the bore size is somewhat enlarged to match the output of their diesel counterparts. Commonly, DF engines are operated at constant engine speed. However, engines for FPP operation have also been announced lately, [2], [3]. Gas Engine Control Strategies The power of port injected gas engines is controlled by the gas admission valve in the inlet ports, while the air excess ratio lV is adjusted by a corresponding control device. For established DF engines, an Exhaust Waste Gate (EWG) is used for the above purpose. Key Points of Future Engine Development For the future development of DF engines the following four points are expected to be of major importance: 1. Improvement of efficiency in both gas and diesel mode 2. Extended power density 3. Improvement of load step response or engine acceleration without decrease of steady state engine efficiency 4. Enabling direct drive propulsion by mitigating the tendency to knocking combustion

Opportunities for DF and Pure Gas Engines

Improving Efficiency Nowadays, it is a well-known fact that introducing strong Miller cycle and two-stage turbocharging contributes to improving engine efficiency

and allows for a higher power density, see e.g. [1]. With Power2®, ABB provides a two-stage turbocharging solution in place that supports OEMs in implementing such concepts. Control of unwanted knocking combustion is a key factor to increase power density and efficiency of engines operating according to the Otto cycle. It leads to limited design values of compression ratio and bmep. The higher the required design power density, the lower the allowable maximum compression ratio e will be, [5]. Present engines use the moderate charge pressure of single-stage turbochargers to achieve power densities of roughly bmep = 20 bar at a compression ratio of about e = 11 to 13. Because of the constraints imposed by the gas mode operation, engine efficiency suffers especially in diesel mode, for which a compression ratio around e = 16 would be favorable. By increasing the Miller effect with a corresponding early intake valve closure in-cylinder cycle temperatures can be lowered allowing for increasing of compression ratio or/and power density. This again requires higher charge air pressure which can be provided by two-stage turbocharging. The very high two-stage turbocharging efficiency strongly improves the gas exchange work. Improving Load Response without Deterioration of Engine Efficiency Air excess ratio control based on variable valve control allows for highly improved load response even at an increased level of engine efficiency. The gas exchange losses are substantially reduced and the lowered process temperature due to the increased Miller effect substantially increases the closed cycle efficiency.

Figure 1 –Gas exchange with VCM, EWG and throttle valve Improving Power Density and Enabling FPP Engine Operation Engine operation at reduced engine speed and increased torque, e.g. FPP operation, is a demanding task due to knock and control margin issues. Again, this challenge can be met by applying strong Miller timing and variable valve timing.


Simulation-based approach to new DF and Gas Engine concepts

Starting point of the simulation-based study is an engine model calibrated with measured data obtained from a single stage turbocharged DF engine with moderate Miller cycle and fixed camshaft featuring a standard main diesel injection system, a CR system for pilot fuel injection and a port injection system for gas admission. This simulation model has been extended and modified with the following features: • two-stage turbocharging system • increased compression ratio e • strong Miller effect • variable inlet valve train The increase of the cylinder compression ratio e will consequently raise the diesel mode engine efficiency. In order to prevent knocking combustion in the gas mode, the Miller effect has to be increased and/or the combustion phasing needs to be retarded. Moreover, the right choice of the parameters such as compression ratio, Miller effect, and combustion phasing is not only restricted by the combustion knock limit, but also by safeguarding conditions for safe ignition of the pilot diesel spray. In addition, other design limits such as the maximum allowable cylinder pressure and turbine inlet temperature have to be considered as well. Key Model Assumptions a) Combustion: Wiebe model Gas mode: constant model parameters (for constant speed) Diesel mode: recalculated parameters for each operating point according to Woschni and Anisits, including modification from ABB’s experience b) Pilot Spray Ignition Delay tID Ignition delay according to calibrated model based on [6] c) Knocking Engine knock has been estimated based on a widely used phenomenological knock model, [7]. d) UHC emission Constant percentage of unburned fuel was assumed due to a missing modeling approach. e) VCM power demand No power demand arising from the VCM system has been considered. Measurements and simulations show very low losses. Furthermore, it is proven that VCM allows for much faster closing of the valves than conventional valve train systems. It is expected that the improvement of the gas exchange process will help to cancel out the rather small additional power demand. f) Gas Supply System No additional power consumption assumed. Simulation of Engine and Turbocharging System Engine cycle simulations have been carried out using the ABB in-house simulation software SISY and. Design Parameter Optimization Increased compression ratio e and Miller effect are expected to increase engine efficiency, whereas the increase of the compression ratio is expected to be especially beneficial for the diesel cycle. However, the

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compression ratio e is limited by geometrical constraints. Furthermore, the efficiency benefits at high values of compression ratio will be restrained by increasing friction and heat losses. Optimization calculations have been carried out at full engine load for several values of bmep considering both gas and diesel mode engine operation in order to arrive at optimum engine design parameters. For the full load optimization a two-stage turbocharging system with constant turbocharger component efficiencies has been assumed. The compression ratio, the IVC timing and combustion phasing of diesel and gas modes have been adjusted to achieve maximum engine efficiency. However, the feasible range of design parameters is restricted according to:

Table 1 – Limiting conditions Gas Mode Limits

Diesel Mode Limits

Max. knocking integral value

Max. turbine inlet temperature

Max. pilot spray ignition delay

Max. ignition delay

Air excess ratio constant

Min. air excess ratio

Max. cylinder pressure

Max. cylinder pressure

The results in Figure 2 show that the engine performance benefits considerably from an increase in the compression ratio. The plot shows the increase of thermal engine efficiency for several values of bmep as a function of the compression ratio. The increase refers to the efficiency achieved at the lowest compression ratio and power density. According

Figure 2 – Average of diesel and gas mode engine efficiency gains to the plot an efficiency increase of more than +2% points is still possible compared with today’s established engine technology. Since both the Diesel and the Otto process are limited by the maximum cylinder pressure and knocking combustion respectively, an increase in compression ratio needs to go hand in hand with an increase in Miller effect, thus increased charge air pressure.


Case Studies Based on the optimization results shown, the engine parameters for a more detailed case study have been chosen:

TC system




λV control


single stage



















* DEP: fixed cam, FPP: switchable IVC

** continuously variable IVC

The investigation compares an engine setup with single stage turbocharging and EWG control (reference case EWG) to a future engine setup with two-stage turbocharging. The latter case allows for increased power density enabled by a strong Miller effect. The increased bmep allows for a reduction in cylinder bore diameter. Since a reduction of the bore leads to a reduced bearing force, the maximum cylinder pressure limit can be increased in the latter case (for the cases of future engine design a further increase of the firing pressure is considered beyond the scaling due to the bore size reduction). Due to the strong Miller timing, a large step in compression ratio can be afforded. Two different control systems have been compared for the cases with two-stage turbocharging. In the case EWG-2s, the air excess ratio is controlled by an EWG bypassing both turbine stages. In the VCM case, the intake charge mixture is controlled just by a variable inlet valve closure timing (IVC). a) DEP Engine Operation Figure 3 shows the reduction of fuel consumption as function of engine load achieved in the cases EWG-2s and VCM compared to the reference case EWG in gas mode. In the case of diesel mode refer to Figure 4. As expected from the optimization results, the potential gain of engine efficiency is very high. In both operating modes a reduction of fuel consumption in the range of 10 to 15 g/kWh is predicted by simulation at full engine load. While in diesel mode the VCM case shows better performance towards full load, in gas mode the EWG-2s displays a more pronounced potential at engine part load.

Figure 3 – DEP diesel mode fuel saving

Figure 4 – DEP gas mode fuel saving

The required cylinder throttling towards part load by further advancing of the IVC event (VCM case) leads to a very high reduction of the in-cylinder temperature level. As a result, the ignition of the pilot diesel spray is impeded. The retarded combustion thus produced leads to the depicted difference in fuel consumptions. Among other valve control strategies, the issue of excessive Miller timing for DEP part load operation could be mitigated by the application of skip firing. b) FPP Engine Operation For FPP engine operation, the cases EWG and VCM have been simulated with the same design parameters as in the DEP section shown above and consequently exhibit the same performance parameters at nominal load. However, the reference case performance is different because for an applicable low load engine behavior, a part load optimized turbine specification and an inlet valve closure timing shift below the 50% load point is applied because the control margin at part load becomes too small. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the specific fuel saving relative to the reference. It is evident that the simulations predict a substantial reduction of fuel consumption in the whole engine load range; in gas mode with a special asset with VCM.

Figure 5 – FPP gas mode fuel saving


Tips for the operators

Cleaning a turbocharger’s turbine Article by Sebastian Herrmann Cleaning – what’s the point? Don’t things just get dirty again? No-one who’s seen a turbocharger turbine after just a few hundred hours of operation, especially when the engine burns HFO or some other low-grade fuel, would ever doubt it. That’s why ABB recommends regular cleaning of the turbocharger during normal operation.

Why does the turbine get so dirty?

The gas given off by heavy fuel oil during combustion contains particles that attach themselves to every part of the exhaust gas system. In the turbocharger these particles stick to the turbine blades and nozzle ring, forming a layer of dirt which reduces the turbine area and causes a drop in efficiency. To limit this effect, the turbine has to be cleaned during operation, at intervals of 48 to 500 hours.

How often is too often?

Getting the cleaning intervals right for 4-stroke applications isn’t always easy. If washing is carried out too often the cleaning results will be good, but the thermal cycles increase. This causes material stress and may impact component durability, especially if the washing temperature is too high (thermal stress can cause cracking; the more thermal cycles, the faster the cracks develop and propagate.)

What happens if I wait?

If, instead, the intervals between washing are too long more dirt will build up, causing a drop in turbo charger efficiency, blockage and an increase in the exhaust gas temperature. The layer of dirt can also harden. If this happens it can only be removed by – usually unscheduled – mechanical cleaning of the turbine-side parts!

Getting the balance right

In both cases there is a financial impact: Too frequent washing results in a loss of availability (due to the necessary load reductions) while worn out parts have to be replaced more often; too long intervals between washing also lead to a loss of availability (due to the unscheduled downtime for mechani- cal cleaning), and then there’s the cost of the work itself. Each of these situations can be avoided by working with the engine builder and ABB to set up an application-specific wash- ing schedule. This involves first watching some key operating parameters – turbo charger speed (rpm), exhaust gas tempera- ture directly before the turbine (°C)

and air outlet pressure (bar) after the compressor – and observing the trend. For a given engine reference load, the values should remain within certain limits (normally provided by the engine builder). If they stray outside these limits, wet cleaning should be carried out. During the first 2 or 3 service jobs, photos can be taken of the turbine and nozzle ring to compare their state, noting each time the fuel used and the actual cleaning interval. With this documented information available, the operator is in a better position to judge whether the cleaning interval should be longer or shorter.

Safety Means the World to Us GasLog’s reputation has been earned as one of the world's leading owners, operators and managers of LNG Carriers. As each ship leaves port we are keenly aware of our responsibility toward ensuring the safe passage of our people, our cargoes and our environment. Our attention to detail is a reflection of our company's values and a demonstration of our dedication.


Lloyd’s Register explores the drivers for the future energy mix in shipping in 2030

The LNG as a marine fuel case

By Apostolos Poulovassilis, Marine Regional Manager EMEA One of the key areas where Lloyd’s Register has been leading in helping shipping innovate is in fuels of the future. Gas as a fuel for ships has emerged as a major area of work for us. Our depth of expertise in this area is built on our leadership in classification in the LNG carrier market and capabilities in understanding the risks involved with gas operations and infrastructure. A recent research study issued by Lloyd’s Register in collaboration with University College London’s Energy Institute explores the drivers for the future energy mix in shipping in 2030. The Global Marine Fuel Trends 2030 (GMFT2030) Report indicates that in all scenarios heavy fuel oil will remain the main fuel for deep sea shipping although LNG will develop a deep sea bunker market share of 11%, with low sulphur heavy fuel oil and hydrogen emerging as alternatives in certain scenarios. In Global Commons, the most optimistic scenario for a more sustainable world, global greenhouse gas emissions from shipping decline from 2025 despite significant growth in shipping. The study also shows that the combination of growth in trade and reduced emissions would require a reduction in fossil fuel dependency and the commencement of a transition to a zero carbon fuel like hydrogen. We have been right at the heart of helping the shipping industry with new LNG-as-fuel projects. The Argonon, the world’s first gas fuelled newbuilding tanker – classed by LR – is in her second year of operation and Viking Grace, the largest LNG-as-fuel project to date, is now in service. The Viking Grace is a cruiseferry constructed at STX Europe for the Finlandbased ferry company Viking Line. Working closely with shipyards, shipowners and technology suppliers is critical. The growing interest in gas-as-fuel is being met by our highly experienced teams of technical experts. LNG provides a lot of benefits but, for many outside the LNG transportation sector, there has been a lot to learn and we have been supporting the industry. We are now seeing the expansion of activity in LNG-as-fuel projects beyond northern Europe with orders for containerships, offshore vessels and ferries being placed by North American operators. It can be expected that this expansion will continue, although focused in niches for now. Take-up in the deep-sea trades will be a longer process but developments like the joint investment project ’Clean Sky’, looking at gas fuelled bulk carrier

design, are incredibly exciting and point to the future.

Introduction and reasons for using LNG as fuel

Due to the substantial increase in oil prices as a result of growing consumption, the rate of discovery of new oil fields being unlikely to meet the growing demand as well as the greater social awareness of the marine industry’s impact on the environment, new methods for improving efficiency and reducing its environmental impact are being exlpored. From January 1st 2015, new regulations on the sulphur content of fuel for shipping in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel will come in force. Accordingly, the sulphur content has to be decreased from 1.0 % to 0.1 %, setting the competitiveness of short sea shipping under pressure compared with land-based transport and especially trucks. In addition to reduced sulphur fuels, emmisions after treatment system and rewnewable sources of energy such as wind or solar power, alternative fuels are becoming more feasible. Using natural gas as fuel is not a novel concept. It has been used in homes and indusrty for heating and cooking and also used for the production of power in land based power generation plants. There has been an increase in the use of natural gas as a clean fuel within the automotive industry on buses and passenger vehicles. The benefits and drivers for switching to using natural gas as a fuel on board ships can be broadly categorised into the economic reasons and environmental reasons (the latter driven by legislation).

Regulatory framework

Gas has been used as a fuel on LNG carriers that utilize the cargo tanks boil off for a long time. The design of these gas supply systems is governed by Ch. 16 of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC code). Currently Resolution MSC 285 (86) “Interim Guidelines on Safety for Natural GasFuelled Engine Installations in Ships” (2009) is the only official guidance released by IMO for the use of low flash point fuels on other ship types. A new statutory code for these systems is currently under development by the IMO-the International Code for Ships using Gas or other Low FlashPoint Fuels (IGF Code). An important step forward for the implementation of LNG as a marine fuel that can be used as a reference point in the regulatory process, has been the draft ISO TS document “Guidelines for systems and installations for supply of LNG as a fuel to ships”, which was released in June 2013.

Challenges in using LNG

The use of LNG on other ship types is a development that has been growing at an accelerated pace for the last decade. The current world fleet of LNG powered vessels (not counting LNG carriers that use boil off from cargo as fuel) is a small but rapidly growing sector. There are currently 33 vessels in service, 70% of which were delivered in the last three years and there are currently more than 20 projects at various stages with planned delivery over the next two years.


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Viking Grace Emissions are not only controlled by ECA’s; since EU Directive 2005/33 EC came into force in January 2010, Eu regulations require 0.1% Sulphur in EU ports and inland waterways. Moreover, there are further regional controls such as the Antractic ban on heavy grade fuel oil, which will only become tigher as administations across the world focus on the reduction of emissions. The greatest unkown currently with the implementation of LNG as a fuel on a worldwide basis is the provision of LNG bunkering facilities and the costs of LNG at the quay side. Morever the absence of prescriptive rule requirements has been one of the great barriers at the initial stage. Regulatory framework is expected to strengthen both the supply and demand side for natural gas. Risk assessment is also a critical factor for the wide application of LNG as marine fuel.It aims to supplement prescriptive requirements and comprises of a complicated methodology for technology qualification that should address design arrangements of the asset in question (whether is a ship or a bunkering station), the piping arrangements, the structural design arrangements of LNG tanks, ventilation, isolation of the tank room, operational as well as emergency response procedures. Under the gaps for setting up a new supply chain for LNG as marine fuel, the paramount importance of the human factor must be acknowledged. Crew training and familiarisation with new complex operational requirements should be included in the planning process of wider adoption. Last but not least quantity and quality issues on the LNG bunkering process should not be overlooked as they could pose significant commercial barriers to its wider use. In the last few years we have come a long way in addressing all the aforementioned challenges and we can remain optimistic that LNG as fuel will be feasible in the forthcoming years.

Environmental drivers for change

The environmental drive to consider alterantive fuel or exhaust gas cleaning options is largely dependent on the areas where vessels are trading. The emissions limits of trading in Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) are significantly lower (Figure 1) than the limits elsewhere. In August 2012

the global coverage of ECAs was greatly expanded by the addition of the North American ECA extending up to 200 miles from the coast. Emissions are not only controlled by ECA’s; since EU Directive 2005/33 EC came into force in January 2010, Eu regulations require 0.1% Sulphur in EU ports and inland waterways. Moreover, there are further regional controls such as the Antractic ban on heavy grade fuel oil, which will only become tigher as administations across the world focus on the reduction of emissions. Engines operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuels such as Heavy fuel oil (HFO) and Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) will require low sulphur bunkers or additional abatement technologies, in order to meet future emissions control legislation. LNG is chemically relatively simple, compared to fuels like HFO and MDO/MGO, and as a result produces fewer harmful combustion byproducts. Conventional diesel engines running on traditional fuels require some form of exhaust after-treatment to reduce their production in Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). LNG fuelled engines with optimised combustion timing can achieve NOx emissions up to 90% lower than oil fuel engines. LNG that has undergone processing emits insignificant levels of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) to the environment. LNG as a fuel also reduces the emission of carbon dioxide by around 20%. The reduced emission achieved when using LNG as a fuel will enable LNG fuelled ships to meet present and planned environmental air pollution legislation.

Economic drivers for change

The initial capital investment needed to succesfully use liquid natural gas as a bunkered fuel has often discouraged ship designers and owners, however the future economic savings are making LNG a more feasible option. It is possible in the future, with the stricter phases of EEDI (Energy Efficiency Index) and an increasing number of the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) and Emission Control Areas (ECA), a ships performance on environmental factors and ability to operate in these controlled areas without the need to use expensive low sulphur fuels will have a greater influence on commercial matters. It is difficult to accurately predict global LNG bunker costs as there is not yet a mature supply network in pace, comparison though to the supply receipts from electricity generating plants in the US suggests that LNG may be more stable and lower priced than heavy fuel oil over the long term.


Alfa Laval

AQUA Blue brings more to the most energyefficient freshwater generator

First, feed water passes through the lower section, where it is evaporated in a vacuum. As the vapour rises, it then passes through the separator section, with brine falling back into the sump at the bottom of the freshwater generator. Only the clean vapour reaches the top section, where it is condensed into highquality fresh water.

Remarkably low energy consumption

“The simplicity of the AQUA concept is surprising, considering what it can achieve,” says Jönsson. “With one plate pack instead of two, the freshwater generator needs just half the seawater flow. So only half the pumping capacity has to be installed, which means only half the electrical energy for running the pumps.”

With the launch of AQUA in 2008, Alfa Laval introduced the most efficient process yet for freshwater generation. The AQUA technology cut the need for seawater in half, along with the electrical energy needed for pumping it. As energy efficiency continues to gain focus, the technology is more relevant than ever – especially with the launch of the new AQUA Blue. AQUA Blue, on show at Marintec China, is Alfa Laval’s next step in a long tradition of development within freshwater generation technology. AQUA Blue uses the same proven, energy-efficient desalination process as its predecessor. But it incorporates a wide range of enhancements that simplify both operation and installation. “The AQUA technology was a revolution in freshwater generation, because it cut energy use and changed the way we look at a very wellknown application,” says Alex Jönsson, Alfa Laval’s Regional Marketing Manager responsible for the product launch. “But innovation is one side of the Alfa Laval coin, and continuous development is the other. AQUA Blue takes this pioneering technology and builds on its already substantial advantages.”

The 3-in-1 AQUA technology

The foundation of the AQUA technology, and therefore of AQUA Blue, is a unique type of titanium plate. Though plate-based freshwater generators have existed for half a century, the plates themselves have always been a modification of heat exchanger designs. Alfa Laval’s AQUA plate was the first to be specifically designed for desalination work. The AQUA plate has a 3-in-1 construction, which means that evaporation, separation and condensation all occur within the same plate pack.

In the new AQUA Blue, the focus on energy efficiency is also seen in the use of an IE3 motor. “Energy efficiency is even more relevant today than it was when the original AQUA was launched,” says Jönsson. “So for AQUA Blue, Alfa Laval has chosen not just an energyefficient motor, but the most energy-efficient motor type available.”

Full peace of mind for the operator

Besides minimizing energy consumption, the AQUA technology keeps scaling to a minimum and provides consistently high-quality fresh water. To ensure still more uniform results, the flow of seawater through AQUA Blue is regulated. “AQUA Blue operators can be sure of 2 ppm maximum salinity in all conditions, and the seawater regulation will also contribute to faster start-up times,” says Jönsson. “In fact, AQUA Blue gives operators more peace of mind at start-up and beyond, thanks to expanded instrumentation that gives them a better overview of what’s happening inside.”

From easy installation to a lifetime of service

For operators and shipbuilders alike, there are advantages in the physical construction of AQUA Blue, whose plate pack slides open for easy inspection and maintenance. Because the AQUA technology maintains the vacuum within the plate pack, there is no outer shell to be opened – and no service area needed beyond the frame. “The AQUA concept has always had advantages for installation and maintenance, and we’ve added new features to AQUA Blue that provide further ease and flexibility,” Jönsson says. “Between the new features, the optimized process and a robust construction with duplex piping, AQUA Blue is a convenient solution that will last the vessel lifetime while asking little of the crew.”

nafs March 2014



LNG: The Chicken, the egg and beyond By Georgios Teriakidis, Customer Service Manager / Principal Surveyor, Regional Office East Med., Black & Caspian Seas, DNV GL - Maritime There is this old English conundrum of the chicken and the egg: which one came first? The chicken or the egg? Many have been using this expression in order to explain that a certain problem is in a deadlock, with no clear solution ahead. Such was the case, up to the very recent past, for LNG as fuel for ships. What should come first: the LNG bunkering availability or the ships? The answer has been given by others (Ref. P. Blikom in DNV GL LNG Blog) but I will try to expand and answer myself the question, in this article. I will also refer to the potential new locations as well as the regulatory status currently, for LNG operations.

Ships (the eggs)

Since 2000 DNV GL has been dealing with LNG as fuel. Initially it was the vessel Glutra (SEE GLUTRA PHOTO); alas it was not the most attractive vessel. Neither big or of a large capacity. It was a small ferry operating in the Norwegian fjords. However it was the first time in the modern times, when a vessel was built specifically to burn LNG as its main propulsion fuel. This (r)evolution was a breakthrough but took years to take off. Please take note: for quite some years, the small ferry Glutra was the only LNG fuelled ship in the world. It took years till 2003 before the second vessel was built. Even so, it was not till 2009 that the world LNG Fuelled

fleet broke the 10 ships milestone. From the statistics we have, it was 2009 that the total number of ships took a sudden rise. (SEE FIGURE DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD LNG FUELLED FLEET) As they say, the rest is history.

Bunkering availability (the chicken)

At the beginning, LNG bunkering was available only within Norway. For many years after the appearance of Glutra, Norway was the centre of LNG fuelled ships. That led to various arguments against LNG use as fuel by many parties, arguing that since there is no LNG available outside Norway, there will be no ships either (No chickens, no eggs). This however changed. In a similar fashion to the fleet development, as described above, this did not happened overnight. Others took a more explorative approach ; through various projects, governments and port authorities moved ahead into exploring the possibility of offering LNG as fuel. This led to today’s situation: In North Europe we have nine (9) stations in Norway, one (1) in Sweden, one (1) in Germany and one (1) in Finland, one (1) in Argentina and one (1) in China (Gaolan port, Zhuhai). (SEE GLOBAL LNG BUNKERNG INFRASTRUCTURE) In many others countries bunkering is delivered through trucks or land based facilities which are about to commence operation (United States and Rotterdam). Still thinking about the chickens and the eggs?

Potential new locations – new projects

There are many plans for LNG bunkering availability around the world these days (SEE GLOBAL LNG BUNKERNG INFRASTRUCTURE). There is no busy shipping hub that has not at least considered the option. In Europe things are been pushed ahead by EU – as per Brussels, a number of European ports will have to provide the option of LNG as fuel in the near future. That does not mean that all these ports and countries should consider large, new infrastructure for thousands of LNG fuelled vessels. One example is actually the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium where the LNG fuelled vessels are actually the port tugs. Supply of LNG is made by trucks. On top of that I have to share the story of how one of these tugs (M/T Borgoy – the first LNG fuelled tug ever built), which was built in Turkey managed to reach the port of Zeebrugge. I love this story – here you have a vessel coming out of the shipyard, but the only fuel it can burn is…LNG! How do you get to Belgium? The plan was that the vessel will sail from Mediterranean and through Gibraltar all the way to Zeebrugge. There was one


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problem: As you have seen from the maps provided in this article, there are no available LNG bunkering facilities in Mediterranean today. Nevertheless, where there is a will there is a way. The owners managed to secure enough quantities of LNG for their tug, at specific locations throughout the route. Result: the tug sailed all the way to Belgium, under its own power burning all the way LNG. Lesson learnt: Use of existing infrastructure is key and new,large and expensive inftrastructure is not always the best option.

Regulations - Legislation

The topic of regulations is a serious one. It is true that without standard processes, the handling of LNG can result to be disastrous. However it has to be also noted that since 2000 we have not had any single accident. That is a straight 14 year run of accident free LNG bunkering! Quite a track record, don’t you think? Beyond the optimistic note of the above paragraph, the fact remains: standardisation of LNG handling & bunkering needs to be established. It is positive that both ISO and IMO have taken steps towards that direction. It might be news to some, but since the summer of 2013, ISO has published preliminary standard (OGP Draft 118683) covering LNG bunkering operations. At the same time IMO has published interim guidelines on safety for natural gas fuelled engine installations in ships, which includes the requirements for shipboard bunkering systems. Beyond these, various bodies (SGMF, SIGTTO etc.) have published their own guidelines on the topic of LNG bunkering. On top of that all major classification societies have updated their class rules in order to accommodate for LNG fuelled ships. I am proud to say that DNV GL was the first to do so and the only one so far to issue a Recommended Practise for LNG Bunkering, a standard which is open and free for all.

In other words, although we are dealing with something new for the maritime industry, it seems that we have reached a maturity point where many factors start aligning: ships, bunkering facilities, regulation.


They say that we are going through the Golden Age of LNG. Is this the Silver Age of LNG fuelled ships? Maybe. Maybe not. No matter what, the mix of high fuel prices, large number of environmental regulations and new technology developments (new fuels, new engines) create challenges but also new opportunities. Something that started with a small ferry in a Norwegian fjord has now spilled over to become a world-wide phenomenon. Definitely LNG as fuel, will be a case for specific routes, areas and ship types…still, as we have seen, there are plenty of chickens and eggs around today. They are only about to become more! I don’t have a glass ball to look into but I will be definitely watching closely the next developments of LNG fuelled ships.


RINA Hellenic Technical Committee focuses on

Route Specific Class Notations, Energy Efficiency and Crew Training

Mr. S. Zolotas, Area Manager Greece & Cyprus, Mr. A.Tsirigakis, Chairman of HTC, Mr. S.Bertilone, General Manager RGMA & Mr. P. Moretti,General Manager, Business Solutions, Marine.

RINA’s first Hellenic Technical Committee meeting for 2014 organized by RINA

owners and managers maximize the operation of their fleet in specific routes, as well

Hellas on Wednesday the 12th of February at the Floisvos Marina has been very

as on Energy Efficiency.

successful with high participation of its Members who are among the most prominent

Mr. Angelo Tonelli, Naval Technician Structures, presented the theme “RINA compe-

managers of Greek Shipping Companies.

tency on noise analysis”, which concerns basically the new SOLAS requirements on

Spyros Zolotas, RINA Area Manager for Greece and Cyprus, during his welcome to

noise levels on board Passenger and Cargo Ships that may also be satisfied through

the HTC Members and distinguished guests, thanked for the continued support in the

the additional RINA class notation ‘Comfort’.

past year, which permitted RINA to further grow its classed Greek owned fleet. The

RINA is continuing its active role in the chairmanship of IACS and the opportunity

growth counts for about 10% in terms of gross tonnage of existing vessels, as well as

was given to Mr. Markogiannis, who is a member of the RINA Chairman’s support

for several newbuilding orders mainly of container ships and bulk carriers.

team, to update Members on “IACS latest developments and RINA involvement in

The Chairman of the Committee Mr. Akis Tsirigakis, General Manager of Nautilus

Harmonized Common Structural Rules development”.

Marine Acquisition Corp., welcomed the new Members and referred to the fact that

The ever increasing importance of crew training and evaluation was presented by

the RINA global fleet has further increased with more new vessels joining RINA class

Capt. Nicolo Terrei, General Manager of IMaPhil, under the title “Crucial Issues on

in the last year, as well as on the newbuilding orders and first ISO 50001 certificate

Crew training”. IMaPhil is a Company of the RINA Group specialized in the seafarers’

that has been issued recently for one Member Company.

training and career development at the Philippines and is one of the few to have the

The RINA General Manager for Greece, Middle East and Africa, Mr. Stefano

recognition for TOTS standards.

Bertilone, briefly presented the latest news of the RINA Group regarding its current

The last presentation was given by Mr. Paolo Moretti on “Energy Efficiency: A test

organization structure in two main companies, RINA Services Spa. in the Testing,

case”, and it concerned the results of actual installations on board some vessels of

Inspection and Certification field and D’Appolonia Spa. in the Engineering Consult-

the RINA software tool on energy governance named InfoShip EGO. The system is

ing field. He also informed members about the recent acquisition of CSM (Centro

modular and can extend to the requirements of the client according to its needs and

Sperimentale Materiali), which is a highly specialized company in the field of studies

the type and operation of each ship. It can provide real time information to the ship’s

of advanced materials and will bring to RINA Group a new competency to be offered

personnel with a friendly and comprehensive interface on the energy efficiency of the

to its clients worldwide.

vessel in the current sailing conditions, as well as extensive monitoring and analytical

The technical part of the HTC meeting followed with Mr. Paolo Moretti, RINA Gen-

tools for the Company offices on the energy footprint of each vessel and as a result

eral Manager Marine Business Solutions, Mr. Michael Markogiannis, Manager of

of its whole fleet.

Piraeus Engineering Center and Mr. Nikolaos Voutiras, Structures specialist Piraeus

The discussions were continued during dinner and appointment was given for the

Engineering Center who gave a presentation on the “New Rules and additional class

next HTC meeting expected to be held after summer.

notations development” with focus on route specific notations developed to help ship


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RINA Signing Ceremony

Borouge appoints RINA Services to certify quality, environment and energy management systems Borouge, a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions, signed

“Quality of management and production, minimising energy use and mitigating our

a contract with RINA Services, one of the oldest and most reputed international

environmental footprint are key values for Borouge,” said Abdulaziz Alhajri, CEO of

certification bodies, to audit and certify the Company’s quality, environment and en-

Abu Dhabi Polymers Company (Borouge). “We are pleased to work with RINA to

ergy management systems to ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001

ensure we meet and maintain the highest possible global standards in these areas.”

standards. “Our global network and extensive experience with auditing major companies will The three-year contract was signed by Abdulaziz Alhajri, CEO of Abu Dhabi Poly-

enable us to add real value to Borouge’s operations,” said Stefano Bertilone, General

mers Company (Borouge), and Stefano Bertilone, General Manager RINA Services

Manager RINA Services Greece, Middle East and Africa. “Borouge is a leader in its

Greece, Middle East and Africa, during a ceremony held at Borouge’s headquarters

field and we are delighted to support them.”

at the Shaikh Khalifa Energy Complex in Abu Dhabi. Borouge was established in 1998 as a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National The certification will cover the head offices of Borouge in Abu Dhabi and Singapore,

Oil Company (ADNOC) and Austria based Borealis, a leading provider of chemical

the Company’s petrochemicals manufacturing facility in Ruwais which includes the

and innovative plastics solutions. It is a groundbreaking international partnership at

world’s largest ethane cracker, Compounding Manufacturing Plant in Shanghai and a

the forefront of the next generation of plastics innovation.

network of offices across the Asia Pacific region.

RINA strengthens cooperation with the Hellenic Shortsea

Shipowners Association

RINA Services and the Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association (HSSA) have signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen their relationships in the fields of ship classification, safety, environmental protection awareness and training of personnel. Charalampos Simantonis, Chairman of the HSSA, says, “The Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association is aiming to increase the quality of services provided and the awareness of its members in a very competitive European and international environment. We need to be more prepared for the challenges of the future regarding new environmental regulations, Port State Control, alternative fuels and other new technologies. We share many common views and values with RINA and this agreement will help our members by giving them better access to RINA’s expertise.” Spyros Zolotas, Area Manager of RINA for Greece and Cyprus, says, “RINA is committed to help its clients protect their assets as well as the environment. The HSSA is a very active association that wants to further develop and we are ready to support their efforts with our specialist knowledge and services.”


RINA Certifies Aggreko Marine Generators International classification society RINA has certified the power generators which Ag-

control solutions. Aggreko employs over 5,700 people operating from 194 locations.

greko provides for temporary marine use. The certification provides ship owners with

In 2012 Aggreko served customers in about 100 countries, and had revenues of

the assurance that the generators meet all applicable SOLAS rules for temporary

approximately GBP 1.6bn (USD 2.5bn or Euros 2.0bn). Aggreko plc is listed on

use on board a ship.

the London Stock Exchange (AGK.L), is a member of the FTSE-100 index, and is

Pino Spadafora, Area Manager, RINA Services, says, “This certification delivers

headquartered in Scotland. For more information, please visit the company website

peace of mind for ship owners and ship operators that SOLAS rules are fully checked


and complied with by the equipment providers. The RINA approval certificate on an Aggreko generator ensures compliance with on-board safety requirements”.

RINA Services S.p.A. is the RINA Group’s company active in classification, certifica-

Maarten Martens, Business Development Manager, Aggreko Continental Europe,

tion, inspection and testing services. RINA Group is a multi-national group which

says, “This is a major step in the way we help our shipping customers meet SOLAS

delivers verification, certification, conformity assessment, ship classification, envi-

rules. This process will ensure faster and simpler delivery of containerised diesel

ronmental enhancement, product testing, site and vendor supervision, training and

power generators for planned or emergency projects”.

engineering consultancy across a wide range of industries and services. RINA Group

RINA certification of the generators and associated safety makes it simpler for ship

operates through a network of companies covering Marine, Energy, Infrastructures &

owners and ship operators to comply with safety procedures when using a generator

Real Estate, Transport & Logistics, Food & Agriculture, Environment & Sustainability,

on board for a short or a medium period.

Finance & Public Institutions and Business Governance. With a turnover of around

Aggreko has over 50 years’ experience in rental power and temperature control solu-

280 million Euros in 2012, over 2,200 employees, and 150 offices in 53 countries

tions and is a pioneer in the development of temporary power solutions for shipyards

worldwide, RINA Group is recognized as an authoritative member of key international

and for sea-going vessels.

organizations and an important contributor to the development of new legislative

Aggreko plc is the world leader in the supply of temporary power and temperature


RINA granted Danish LNG fuel RINA launches Efficient Ship



International classification society RINA has launched a new voluntary notation to clearly identify new ship designs which meet eco-ship criteria. The Efficient Ship notation is granted to ships and new designs assessed by RINA to have very high overall efficiency of engines, a lower fuel demand at owner defined speed and deadweight higher than the average for the particular type of ship and a system to monitor their performance during their life. International classification society RINA has been authorised by the Danish Maritime Authority to act on its behalf to carry out drawing approval activity and surveillance during construction on board ships using LNG as marine fuel. The authorisation is valid for ships flying the Danish Flag. Andrea Cogliolo, head of innovation, RINA Services, says, “This authorisation recognises RINA’s expertise with gas and will allow us to assist owners in Denmark who are actively considering conversions to and newbuildings with LNG fuel. We believe there will be a rapid and accelerating switch to LNG as a fuel in north European waters, but the move to gas must be done safely and with good management of all the risks involved. That is where we can make a real difference, by helping owners and yards to adopt new fuel solutions in a safe and timely manner.” RINA has rules and requirements for the use of liquefied or compressed natural gas (LNG or CNG) on board ship as an alternative to traditional fuels. These rules give the industry a regulatory tool to ensure that the arrangement and installation on board of machinery using this type of fuel are such as to provide a level of integrity, from the point of view of safety and reliability, equivalent to that of a conventional installation. Cogliolo says that until the new IMO Code for Gas Fuelled Ships is completed owners and yards must work to class requriements. “We are helping owners move to gas, and we are making sure they avoid the pitfalls as well gaining the benefits,” he says. RINA is actively involved in a number of projects to convert existing tonnage or build new vessels with gas fuel and is also facilitating studies for the diffusion of LNG as a fuel in the Mediterranean area.

Dino Cervetto, head of technical services, RINA Services, says, “It is easy for shipyards to offer eco-ship designs, but it is much harder for shipowners and especially charterers to distinguish which vessels are actually more economical in service than others. We can look across the market and compare ship performance and help owners to choose the right ships, and then with this notation, help them to stand out in the market place.” The first ships to be issued with the Efficient Ship notation are a series of nine 39000 dwt bulk carriers, built for owner d’Amico Dry in China, at the Yangfan Group yard. RINA has also recently launched two route dependent voluntary notations. In partnership with UAE classification society Tasneef it has launched the SAHARA notation for ships specifically equipped for navigation around the Arabian peninsula, and for containerships it has launched a ROUTE DEPENDENT LASHING notation which optimises lashing strategies depending on the sea conditions expected on different trades and ultimately allow much more flexibility in the containers loading and uploading operation. RINA Services S.p.A. is the RINA Group’s company active in classification, certification, inspection and testing services. RINA Group is a multi-national group which delivers verification, certification, conformity assessment, ship classification, environmental enhancement, product testing, site and vendor supervision, training and engineering consultancy across a wide range of industries and services. RINA Group operates through a network of companies covering Marine, Energy, Infrastructures & Real Estate, Transport & Logistics, Food & Agriculture, Environment & Sustainability, Finance & Public Institutions and Business Governance. With a turnover of around 280 million Euros in 2012, over 2,200 employees, and 150 offices in 53 countries worldwide, RINA Group is recognized as an authoritative member of key international organizations and an important contributor to the development of new legislative standards.

nafs March 2014



The newly appointed PRS

Dariusz Rudzinski President of the Board

Management Board

In 2013, the long serving

It is also worth mentioning

President of the Board

that PRS is authorized by

of the Society dr Jan

more than 30 maritime ad-

Jankowski, and the Board

ministrations to act on their

Member Jerzy Wyrzykowski

behalf. PRS can provide cli-

stepped down from their

ents with services on behalf

posts. They had been at

of the world’s major flags.

helm of the Society for 16

In recent years PRS has


conducted numerous in-

Under their leadership PRS

house research studies on,

developed and instigated

among others, safety of ves-

proceedings for passing a

sels in damaged condition

law in the Polish Parliament

and structural safety of ships.

Grzegorz Pettke Member of the board

to recognise Polish Register of Shipping as a not for profit organisation, free of share

Research results are regularly incorporated into class Rules, they are also utilized in

holders commercial pressure, allotting the society’s income to development of the

our supervision of existing ships, giving useful tools for tailoring individual solutions,

Society and R&D work enhancing safety. Above mentioned decision brought PRS a

adjusted to the structure characteristics of a particular vessel.

stable position in the legal system of the Republic of Poland.

In the middle of 2012 PRS received from Greek Maritime Administration confirmation

Further work on restructuring, developing and improving the Society’s quality

that on the basis of the recognition granted to PRS by the European Commission,

performance led to EU recognition of PRS under the Directives for sea-going and

PRS can perform class related inspections (hull and machinery) and issue classifica-

inland navigation ships and to accreditation and notification

tion certificates to Greek flagged ships engaged in domestic

for compliance with other Directives. The re-accession to the

voyages. Greek Administration performs statutory inspections

International Association of Classification Societies in 2011

and issue statutory certificates to these ships. The above

capped the Society’s efforts to be among the most credible

concerns both passenger vessels and cargo ships. If a ship

and reliable classification societies serving the maritime

wasn’t built under IACS society survey PRS is obliged to


approve technical documentation, before commencing class

The newly appointed PRS Management Board – Mr. Dariusz

related inspections. At present a number passenger ships

Rudziński was nominated to assume the position of PRS

and cargo ships hold PRS certificates of class.

Board President and Grzegorz Pettke, the position of PRS Board Member. Both recruit from among PRS experienced

PRS is fully aware both of the changing role of classification


societies in shipping and in the offshore sector, as well as

PRS takes on an active role in the International Maritime

of the clear focus of class societies towards providing tools

Organisation (IMO) forum. In recent months PRS Rules as

facilitating compliance with regulations in force.

well as the Rules of other IACS Societies are adjusted to

The jointly developed IACS Rules for the construction of

the requirements of Goal Based Standards (GBS). This task

tankers and bulk carriers are a good example. PRS has

required a lot of work and effort. Finally, in December 2013,

been involved in the issue for quite some time. Nevertheless,

PRS submitted its Rules to IMO for GBS compliance verifica-

the Rules themselves are not sufficient to design a ship as

tion. The IMO opinion on Rules concordance is expected to

they require complementary sophisticated software, which

be ready next year.

class societies develop individually. PRS has developed such software, with the final

Currently the Society is processing a project, which may lead to proposing amend-

verification phase of the software presently under completion.

ments to the SOLAS Convention regarding the stability of the ships in damaged

PRS is present in the Greek market continuously for a long time. The PRS Piraeus

condition. PRS intends to address the Polish Government to present results of the

Branch Office has been operating since 1996. It was established to facilitate the

work at IMO forum.

co-operation with Greek ship owners. We value the work of Greek naval architects

PRS, like other IACS classification societies has been subjected to audits for compli-

and surveyors in PRS who demonstrate not only top educational background but

ance with requirements of IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS) carried

work experience as well. PRS is a relatively small society which enables us to treat

out by the Department of Management and Quality Systems of Military University

each individual client with special attention. He won’t be lost within a huge company’s

of Technology – the Accredited Certification Body. We are pleased to be highly

structure, will always know whom to contact and will always find friendly assistance.

evaluated during the audits and appreciated for the pragmatic cooperation of PRS

And last but not least, we are cost-conscious.

employees with auditors.

EU recognized & IACS member classification society

P Priority R Reliability S Safety PRS Piraeus Branch Office 5-7, Agiou Nikolaou str. 18537 Piraeus tel: 210-4528320 fax:210-4185845


Liberia continues quality growth and strengthens

market position

Most recently, the Liberian Registry has developed a sophisticated “Advanced Notice of Arrival” (ANOA) program to screen advance notice of ship arrivals as part of a detention prevention plan to help maintain its independent ranking among the safest and most efficient ship registries in the world. The overall objective is to maintain and strengthen the already excellent safety record of the Liberian flag, and to further reduce detention rates, especially in Australia, China, the EU and the United States.

The Liberian Registry is one of the world’s largest and most active shipping registers, with a long-established track record of combining the highest standards for vessels and crews with the highest standards of responsive service to owners. Liberia has recently surpassed all-time tonnage records and the Registry continues to grow with the addition of ships from both existing and new owners. The fleet now stands at approximately 4,000 ships, aggregating 136m gt and more than 207m dwt, which is nearly 40% larger than its closest rival, Marshall Islands. The Liberian Registry says the entry of private equity funding into the ship finance market is helping to sustain its continued growth. Scott Bergeron, CEO of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR), the US-based manager of the Liberian registry, says, “Owners are ordering ships again, and there is a great deal of private equity funding entering the market, in the US and elsewhere, which is filling the shortfall created by a reduction in traditional bank finance for shipping. Liberia has the second-highest share based on market capitalization of shipping companies listed on the US stock exchange, behind only the US. Well-informed private equity investors recognize Liberia’s pedigree in shipping, and understand that it is a key player in the market. The Liberian Registry continues to grow with the addition of ships from both existing and new owners. The fleet now stands at approximately 4,000 ships, aggregating 136m gt and over 207m dwt, which is nearly 40% larger than its closest rival, Marshall Islands. Bergeron continues, “We have stood by our owners during what has been a difficult five-year period, and now we are starting to see a recovery in the market.” Greek interests are playing a major role in publicly traded US companies, and figures released by the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee (GSCC) show that, in deadweight terms, 17 percent of Greek-controlled ships were registered under the Liberian flag at end-March, 2014 – second only to the Greek national flag itself. This is an increase of 3.5m dwt on last year. A total of 678 Greek-controlled ships, aggregating 49.05m dwt, are currently registered with Liberia, compared to 819 vessels aggregating 76.11m dwt flying the Greek flag. Bergeron notes, “Liberia and Greece share a strong maritime tradition of successful co-operation dating back 65 years to the birth of the Liberian Registry. It is a source of great satisfaction to know that Greek owners still value the efficiency, safety and responsiveness of the Liberian flag administration.” While engaged in this program of planned, quality expansion, the Liberian Regis-

try has not lost sight of its primary objective of staying close to its customers and taking proactive steps, where appropriate, to protect their interests, adds Michalis Pantazopoulos, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director of Registry’s office in Piraeus. This philosophy can be seen in a number of recent initiatives, not least the industry-leading role which Liberia has taken in connection with its unique and exclusive Harmonized Audit Program. Liberia is the only Flag State that provides ship owners the option of harmonized audits, combining vessel certification for ISM and ISPS Codes and the annual safety inspection into a single visit, with important cost and time savings for owners and operators. Liberia’s value-added service eliminates the need for engaging three different auditors. The key to Liberia’s ability to offer such services is its global network of more than 300 Nautical Inspectors and Auditors, trained exclusively by the Liberian Administration, who are conducting ISM/ISPS and MLC 2006 Code verification and certification audits for many of our ship owners.

The Liberian Registry also recently launched a powerful stateof-the-art mobile application (‘App’) to enable owners, managers, operators and others to communicate and interact with the Registry on a round-the-clock basis. The FlagState App builds on Liberia’s commitment to provide innovative technology and services to its clients, who own, manage and operate more than 4,000 vessels worldwide.

Most recently, the Liberian Registry has developed a sophisticated “Advanced Notice of Arrival” (ANOA) program to screen advance notice of ship arrivals as part of a detention prevention plan to help maintain its independent ranking among the safest and most efficient ship registries in the world. The overall objective is to maintain and strengthen the already excellent safety record of the Liberian flag, and to further reduce detention rates, especially in Australia, China, the EU and the United States. All Liberian vessels calling at US, EU, Australian and Chinese ports must provide an Advanced Notice of Arrival (ANOA), which can be used by the Liberian administration to assess the probability of a PSC boarding. Thereafter, appropriate steps can be taken if necessary to prevent a detention. Under Liberia’s Zone Notification program, if the Administration has not received an ANOA from vessels entering LRIT zones which Liberia has established around the US, China, Australia and the Paris MoU countries, it can use their LRIT notification system to assess the probability of a PSC boarding, and take appropriate action when necessary.


Meanwhile, Pantazopoulos notes, Liberia has firmly established itself as the leading international ship registry for successful Maritime Labour Convention 2006 compliance. Ninety-seven percent of qualifying Liberian-flag ships had achieved successful Maritime Labour Convention 2006 compliance just weeks after the Convention entered into force, putting Liberia

far ahead of any other international ship registry. The Liberian-flag fleet is the second largest in the world and includes 3,173 ships to which MLC 2006 applies. Liberia was the first flag state to ratify MLC 2006, and one of the first to adopt in house measures to anticipate implementation of the Convention. Other flag states have been relying on class societies to inspect vessels. While still recognizing inspections conducted by class, as Recognized Organizations where appropriate, Liberia elected to deal with shipowners directly, using its dedicated global workforce of more than 180 MLC-trained inspectors to conduct inspections. The figures show that this was the right decision. This past year the Liberian Registry also launched an online Maritime Labour Complaint Resolution Form for seafarers prior to the Convention’s entry into force. Liberia is committed to ensuring that seafarers who serve on Liberian-flag ships have decent working and living conditions, a safe and secure workplace and fair employment. Seafarers are encouraged to use the ship’s onboard complaint procedures to resolve complaints at the earliest possible opportunity in accordance with MLC 2006. However, in the event that a complaint is unable to be resolved on board, Liberia has provided the online Maritime Labour Complaint Resolution Form (accessible from the homepage of the Registry’s website at to help seafarers resolve all genuine and valid complaints. Liberia’s online Maritime Labour Complaints Resolution Form is a way of ensuring that seafarers on Liberian-flag ships have all possible resources available to them for reporting any genuine grievances to those who have the authority to resolve such matters in accordance with the letter and spirit of MLC 2006. The Liberian Registry also recently launched a powerful state-of-the-art mobile application (‘App’) to enable owners, managers, operators and others to communicate and interact with the Registry on a round-the-clock basis. The FlagState App builds on Liberia’s commitment to provide innovative technology and services to its clients, who own, manage and operate more than 4,000 vessels worldwide. From an iPhone, iPad or an android device, users can read up-to-the-minute news and developments; access a comprehensive Global Maritime Events Calendar and, with the click of a button, add events to their calendar and share upcoming events; verify the authenticity of certificates and documents for Liberian-flagged ships; search Liberia’s global network of inspectors and ISM/ISPS/MLC auditors; validate seafarer credentials; submit an MLC Complaint Resolution Form; track the daily vessel positions on an interactive world map of all Liberian-flagged ships; browse photos of Liberia’s quality fleet; and quickly access the registry’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles. Liberia’s FlagState App is available for download in both the Google Play (http:// and Apple’s iTunes App Stores (

nafs POSIDONIA 2014



Danish Marine Group at Posidonia 2014 Danish Marine Group is the shortcut to 176 Danish companies that are all world-class suppliers within the marine industry. At Posidonia, six of these companies are presenting their newest products and services at booth no. 3.411 in hall no. 3. The following companies from Danish Marine Group are represented at Posidonia 2014:C.C. Jensen, Dan-Marine Europe, Den-Jet Nordic A/S, Emerson Process Management, DEIF A/S, Hoyer Motors A/S.

Big news from Emerson Process Management and DEIF

At Posidonia 2014, two of the companies are launching new products: Emerson Process Management introduces their integrated control and monitoring system Aperio System with a completely new interface. DEIF A/S presents a touch screen HMI that saves both space and wiring.

Emerson’s Aperio System improves operation and ensures efficiency

At Posidonia, Emerson Process Management introduces their integrated control and monitoring system Aperio with a completely new interface.

At Posidonia, Emerson Process Management introduces their integrated control and monitoring system Aperio with a completely new interface. The Aperio System enables ship owners to achieve safety and efficient operations of the ship. With the launch of the system, Emerson strengthens their position on the Greek market. The integrated control and monitoring system with advanced alarm functions is already installed in several ships across the world and with the systems new interface, Aperio has become more user-friendly and easy to operate. The Aperio System meets all marine requirements and supplies ship owners with a system that is scalable to their needs. “To the ship owner it is all about making the process more safe and efficient and thereby earning more money. With the Aperio System control and monitoring of functions such as engines, generators, switchboards and other service systems are integrated in one system that is very easy to operate. With a flexible alarm system you can set up alarm indications on the right locations and in the right situation. In that way, ship owners can improve operation onboard and ensure a high level of efficiency without compromise on safety” explains Christina Duch, Manager Marketing Marine Tank Management.

Greek office Emerson Process Management is well established on the Greek market and to further strengthen that position and meet the ship owners on their own half, the company recently set up their own office in Greece. “By being present on the Greek market we can offer ship owners consultancy immediately and directly from our own specialists. With the launch of the improved Aperio System we supplement our product portfolio so that we can offer ship owners a wide range of cost efficient operation systems,” says Christina Duch.

years and together represent the foremost thinking within marine tank management. What really sets us apart is our dedication to the marine sector and engineering excellence. This is reflected in all aspects of our offering, from design and production, through to application know-how and global aftersales support.

Touch Screen HMI from DEIF saves both space and wiring

The AGI 300 from DEIF A/S is a recent product release, which has been fitted and approved for the maritime industry. At Posidonia 2014, the company will present the AGI 300, which features functionalities that eliminate the need for other instruments and saves both space and wiring. The AGI 300 connects both to all DEIF multi-line controllers and other brand controllers via standard communication protocols. “Designed specifically for marine & offshore environments as the most intuitive and user-friendly HMI for visualisation and active control for multiple applications, the AGI series is available in 4.3”, 7” and 15” sizes. Featuring a quality screen readable even in direct sunlight and at sharp angles, the HMI is the safe and ideal choice for bridge installations,” explains Kristian Thing Vangsgaard, Product Manager at DEIF.

A small SCADA system Data-sharing ability via Ethernet connections effectively enable the DEIF HMI to be used as a small SCADA system. Built-in Ethernet port switch functionality lets you connect the panels to small control systems without incurring extra costs for external switches. Connect to multiple serial devices with the multi-standard serial port or use the USB host to provide access for external storage devices. At Posidonia, DEIF is showing the controllers and their range of bridge instrumentation products together with the AGI 300.

About Emerson Process Management

About DEIF A/S

Emerson’s Marine Tank Management business unit is part of Emerson Process Management that is one of the world’s leading suppliers of integrated solutions and products that drive operational performance and broaden your business opportunities with greater uptime, higher productivity, safer and more reliable conditions. Our expertise covers integrated tank management systems, valve remote control, cargo monitoring systems, ballast, fuel oil and service tank level gauging and draft measurement for all types of ships and offshore units. Our brands – Damcos, LevelDatic, MAS2600, Rosemount TankRadar – have served marine customers for more than 30

The DEIF Group has sales offices, competence centres and training facilities in 16 key markets in Europe, Asia and the Americas and distributors and system integrators in an additional 35 countries.

A global market leader in marine power control and instrumentation technology, DEIF’s record of innovation, service and support dates back to 1933. With our expert consultancy services, the delivered solution will optimise your application and potentially reduce overall maintenance and fuel costs.

nafs March 2014




Newly Developed “Selfjector-Hercules Series” of Oil Purifiers Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha, Ltd. has developed a new series in its lineup of “Mitsubishi Selfjector” oil purifiers, one of the company’s main products. The “Mitsubishi Selfjector-Hercules (SJ-H)” is the first new series of oil purifiers developed by MKK in the last ten years. The new SJ-H series builds on the excellent reputation gained by the Mitsubishi Selfjector Genius (SJ-G) series for its stability and reliability. By integrating new technologies like higher centrifugal force and highly efficient new separation disks, the new SJ-H series was developed to offer even higher quality and greater stability, yet at the same time to reduce running costs. The SJ-H series purifier is even more compact than its predecessor, and each model in the new lineup reduces overall sludge discharge volumes, an important feature in light of increasing environmental concerns. Models include the “H-HIDENS” type, which employs a new operating algorithm and is highly reliable for purifying low-grade heavy fuel oil; and the “SUPER HIDENS” type, which can discharge the separated water without opening and closing the main cylinder in bowl. The quality of heavy fuel oils used in large marine diesel engines has changed dramatically over the years. Advances in oil refining technologies have enabled low quality oils with specific gravities close to that of water and containing high amounts of particulate matter to be used as fuel. Mitsubishi oil purifiers employ high-speed centrifugal force to separate particulate matter and water from low grade fuel oils, and lubricants. Centrifugal separators discharge the separated matter outside the devices continuously, which are used primarily for large-scale marine and land use diesel engines, onboard ships or at inland diesel power plant. MKK first developed and began selling the Mitsubishi oil purifiers in 1942. They are now being widely used in various industries, helping to prevent engine trouble and ensure stable operations. Over the decades, MKK has produced and delivered a total of 93,000 units of these devices (as of August 2012), which are colloquially

referred to as OP (Oil Purifiers) or SJ(Selfjectors). The newly developed SJ-H series is the eighth generation. (Some features of the SJ-H series are described below). • Full lineup includes eight models capable of processing up to 22,500 L/Hr (380 mm2/s @500C), which is a considerable increase over the SJ-G series (nine models capable of processing up to 14,500 L/Hr). • Compact size and lightweight construction means 20% less space required for installation (compared to MKK’s earlier series of oil purifiers). • Compact bowl and more efficient replacement; 30% less discharge (compared to MKK’s earlier series of oil purifiers). • As with earlier Mitsubishi oil purifiers, the “H-HIDENS” system can process up to 1,010 kg/m3 of highly dense, low grade fuel oil; however, the adoption of a new algorithm enables the SJ-H series to cut down further of total discharge volumes. • Includes the “SUPER HIDENS” model, which can process separated water within the bowl without requiring any discharge via operation of the main cylinder (when processing oils with high water content (bigger than 0.5 vol.%) under the ISO8217 fuel standard. • Employs the pilot valve mechanism, of which MKK has produced 50,000 units. • Comes standard equipped with gear pump for processing low viscosity fuel oils. • Improved operation thanks to multi-monitor display showing flow rate, temperature, pressure and other information. Mitsubishi Selfjectors (oil purifiers) are the best selling centrifugal disc type separators, which are backed by a history of over seventy years and sales of over 90,000 units to date. Mitsubishi Selfjector Hercules (SJ-H) Series, the latest version of its series, is compact and yet offers improved fine particulate removal and higher output, thanks to Mitsubishi’s years of expertise. With its outstanding reliability and purification performance, the Mitsubishi Selfjector Hercules (SJ-H) Series is ideal for purifying not only fuel oils and lubrication oils for vessels, but also mineral oils that are commonly used in a wide range of industrial applications. For more information about “Mitsubishi Selfjector-Hercules Series” please contact JNE Marine Ltd. ,, 2109373888.

Measured on two different days and two different locations in Shanghai port


BV: Moving with the market

By Lambros A. Chahalis, Vice President, Regional Chief Executive Hellenic & Black Sea Region, Bureau Veritas Greek owners are successful because they are the most responsive to market changes. As markets move, they move quickly to be ahead of trends. That is why in today’s fast-changing markets more and more of them are turning to Bureau Veritas for classification and expert support services. Delivering quality quickly is the hallmark of Bureau Veritas. We help Greek owners react to the market by providing the technical expertise when and where they need it. Confidence in the Greek shipping sector is producing a surge of new orders and projects, all seeking to take advantage of the improving global economy. Timing is crucial. That is why Bureau Veritas is focussed on delivering quality quickly. Shipowners, shipyards and offshore operators don’t want any corners cut. They want the highest technology and the most rigorous scrutiny. But they also want their projects to move along quickly. They come to Bureau Veritas because they want peace of mind that their projects will work and be safe. Here we live by the market and when owners decide to act, they want to act while the market is right. When they choose Bureau Veritas as a partner owners know they have access to expertise that moves at their pace and with their priorities. During 2013 we saw our classed fleet grow globally to over 10,500 ships, and much of that growth came from owners in Greece moving vessels to BV class. We also saw a tripling in newbuilding orders placed by owners in Greece and Cyprus and entrusted to our class. Owners in BV class are pushing technology frontiers, moving into Arctic-capable LNG carriers, for example. We are with the owners every step of the way, using our expertise to give them the confidence to move into new areas and new markets. In 2013 Greek owners chose BV class for 76 orders for new ships for groups including Oceanbulk Group, Augustea Atlantica, Allseas Marine, Minerva/Brave/Stealth, Laskaridis Shipping, Alpha Tankers, Cosmoship Management, Polembros Shipping, Capital Ship Management and Safety Management Overseas. We saw deliveries to owners such as Dynacom/Dynagas, taking a major Arctic-capable LNG carrier and bulk carriers for Laskaridis and Cardiff/TMS. And we saw almost 100 ships totalling 3.4 m grt transfer to BV class. In addition to the previously mentioned companies, Euronav, Gleamray and Eastern Mediterranean were added, which chose to transfer part of their fleet to our Society. Right at the heart of everything Bureau Veritas does is the concept of leveraging technology to help make its clients’ businesses and projects more efficient, safer and cleaner. What that means in practice is investing in research and development in partnership with industry and key institutions in order to be able to understand and deliver the highest technology in the simplest way. During 2013 Bureau Veritas reorganised its teams to create a service department which brings together all its technology and tools to deliver them in exactly the way each client needs for a specific task. An example is the application of Risk Analysis and Risk-Based Services. Bureau Veritas is a world leader in risk analysis, and uses that in a variety of services which help owners and offshore operators to decide the best way to tackle complex problems. North European ferry major Brittany Ferries turned to BV for assistance with how to comply with new air emission rules. BV was able to apply its risk tools to study not

just safe and clean gas-fuelled solutions for the fleet of ferries, but also the bunkering and logistics needed to make the switch to gas fuel economically feasible. The safety of large containerships is a live issue now, following the MOL Comfort break up and lack of clear reasons why it happened. An analysis of IACS class services showed that Bureau Veritas was the only class to include whipping and springing analysis into class for ULCSs. BV’s deep understanding of the phenomena and their effect on fatigue is incorporated into its user-friendly HOMER software. That helps Korean and Chinese yards and international owners developing the world’s largest containerships to design safe structures which will deliver a full service life. An example is the series of 16,000 teu vessels being built now in China for CMA CGM. Work is also proceeding on effective container lashing, using real-time data on accelerations to develop systems which are easy to use and which put safety first above over-simplified route-based systems. Greek owners such as Dynagas are already benefiting from BV’s ice expertise. Major investment in ice research and tools including the IceSTAR ice load calculation software helped Bureau Veritas to win the contract to class the innovative 170,000 cu m LNG carriers which will be built in Korea to service the High Arctic Yamal project. The ability of BV’s teams to focus on the detail of ice loads was crucial to working with yards and project teams for these unique vessels which will have pod propulsion and be able to transport LNG in ice over 2 m thick. By helping shipyards to work more efficiently we help owners to get the ships they want quickly. That is a crucial part of BV’s strategy. Major Korean and Chinese shipyards use BV’s VeriSTAR tool for structural analysis, even for other class rules. BV’s energy analysis tool SEECAT is used by yards to map and minimise energy use in proposed designs. Yards make full use of BV’s LILAS software for noise, vibration and shaft alignment studies for very high powered ships. And every BV service they use is delivered quickly with responsiveness, so that owners can move with the market.

A Greek owned ship with BV class. The Lena River from Dynagas.

Brittany Ferries PEGASIS project, the world’s largest LNG-powered ro-ro will have BV class as part of a ferry fleet switch to LNG.

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We support innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions For more information, please contact: Bureau Veritas Greek Central Office 23, Etolikou Str. - 185 45 PIRAEUS Tel: +30 (210) 40 63 000 Fax: +30 (210) 40 63 063 Email: Visit us on: -

Move Forward with Confidence



ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece

Business unusual

ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece is a not-for-profit organization operating under the auspices of the business community. It was founded in 1992 through a joint initiative of the Federation of Greek Industries (Σ.Ε.Β.), the Hellenic Management Association (Ε.Ε.Δ.Ε) and by 1995 the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ε.Β.Ε.Α.). ALBA is an association of corporations and institutional members. Currently, 87 companies are corporate members, among them, some leading Greek shipping companies. ΑLΒΑ, strives for excellence, quality and continuous innovation in research and teaching. It is a well-known Business School in the Greek and foreign world of shipping, offering three different specialized programs in Shipping: the MBA in Shipping, the MSc in Shipping Management and the MSc in International Shipping and Finance in collaboration with the University of Reading (dual degree).

Internationally Accredited Programs

Most of our ALBA academic programs are internationally accredited for their academic standards by AMBA and EFMD: Executive MBA, The ALBA MBA, MBA in Shipping, MBA in Banking (under the auspices of the Hellenic Bank Association), MSc in Shipping Management, MSc in Finance (It is the CFA Program Partner in Greece), MSc in Risk Management, MSc in Strategic HR Management, MSc in Marketing, MSc in Business for Lawyers, Double Masters for Lawyers (double postgraduate program with the University of Reading, School of Law), MSc in International Business & Management, MSc in International Shipping & Finance (dual degree with the University of Reading), MSc in Entrepreneurship. The AMBA and EFMD accreditations position us within a select group of business schools across the world. Apart from the academic recognition, ALBA shipping programs are also accredited by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS), the Hellenic Shipbrokers Association (HSA), and the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) (for the MSc in International Shipping and Finance).

At ALBA Shipping Matters!

Greece is a nation with a long-standing tradition in shipping. Greek ship-owners control more than 16% of the world merchant fleet and hold a leading position in the global maritime shipping market. More than seven hundred Greek Shipping companies are situated in Piraeus and the surrounding areas, while country’s largest port, the port of Piraeus has climbed to the third largest Mediterranean port in terms of container traffic. Shipping is a large and complex industry which includes a wide diversity of companies and organizations, such us shipping companies, supply chain providers, support service providers, maritime organizations,

maritime associations and importers/exporters, all creating the need of well-trained and premium educated personnel, capable in coping with the continuously changing needs of the industry. Moreover, due to intensive competition, globalization of the world economy, regulation, speed of change, technological developments and increased international trade, a holistic approach for executive managerial skills is ever-needed. ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece soon recognized its strategic comparative advantage in accommodating the educational needs of the executives in the shipping industry; thus, it developed three specialized graduate programs, as presented below.

MBA in Shipping – Sea…Your Future

Through a combination of academic rigor with practical knowledge, the ALBA MBA in Shipping program provides students with the ability to make sound and timely decisions and to cope under pressure in the rapidly changing shipping environment. More than that, the program invests heavily in leadership and strategic management competencies, which are particularly relevant both as personal advantages and as essential resources for companies in this sector. Learn more at

MSc in Shipping Management – Navigate Your Future

The program is designed to develop professionals equipped with the skills, knowledge and expertise required for a successful career in the demanding and highly competitive world of Shipping. It provides students with a holistic and in depth knowledge of the most important issues in modern commercial shipping. Students will gain solid foundations of ship management, maritime economics, ship technology, chartering, maritime law, insurance, risk and strategic management, which are particularly relevant for companies in this sector. Learn more at

MSc in International Shipping and Finance (with the University of Reading) – A truly Unique program This 10 month program seeks to address the needs of the rapidly evolving, highly competitive and capital-intensive shipping industry by bringing the gap between academic theory and business practice. Those needs have led to increase demand from ship-owning and transportation companies, ship broking firms, shipping divisions of investment funds, among others of personnel with shipping specific, practical financial management skills and knowledge. Learn more at

All ALBA Shipping programs provide students with a thorough and deep understanding of all major theories and practices that can be encountered in a modern shipping company. For more information you may visit the official ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece website at:

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Athanasios Reisopoulos*:

Present and future of Classification Societies *Vice President, Regional Market and Business Development Manager, Regional Office E. Med, Black & Caspian Seas, DNV GL Maritime


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NavigatiNg complexity DNV and GL have merged to form DNV GL. The company is the leading technical advisor to the global oil and gas industry and the world’s largest classification society. We provide consistent, integrated services within technical and marine assurance and advisory, risk management and offshore classification, to enable safe, reliable and enhanced performance in projects and operations. Together with our partners, we drive the industry forward by developing best practices and standards.


Our people combine industry expertise, multi-disciplinary skills and innovation to solve challenges for our customers – to navigate in a complex business environment. People • Cargo • Fire • Stability • Crew and training • Market conditions • Maintenance • Vetting • ECA • SECA • Sulphur cap Ballast • Emissions to air and water • Life Cycle • IMO Port State • Statutory • Advisory

68 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 INT. SHIPYARDS Marine Plus will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.307

Marine Plus S.A.

Your global partner in shiprepair & technical services Marine Plus provides the Greek shipping community through its shipyard principals worldwide high quality repairs, conversions and newbuilding services. The company has 2 branch offices operating in Singapore and Istanbul that offer the same high standards of technical services to the local shipping community. Furthermore, the branch offices offer assistance to Greek customers requiring any type of technical service in Singapore and Istanbul. In addition, the company has many qualified workshops in most ports for carrying out minor repairs, port repairs etc. Marine Plus along with its affiliated company JNE Μarine, offer high quality marine spare parts and marine equipment to Greek vessels worldwide.

Marine Plus History Key milestones 1988. 1990. 1991.

Company set up in London Athens office subsidiary set up A+P Appledore exclusive agreement signed

1992. 1993. 1994. 1995.

First Greek repair in China – Lifeng S/Y

Kong, the Black Sea, Med region, Thailand, Panama,

Zavod, St Petersburg

Kuwait, US East coast and Europe.

1995. Mitsubishi Purifiers exclusive agreement signed 1996. Malta Shipyard exclusive agreement signed 1998. MIK Sevastopol S/Y exclusive agreement signed 2001. Braswell S/Y (Panama) exclusive agreement signed 2002. Kuwait S/Y exclusive agreement signed 2004. First conversion of single to double skin tanker success

Our core business always was and still is shiprepair and conversion. Most of our business is conducted in China, where we have been active since 1992. China accounts for around 80% of our annual shiprepair/ conversion turnover, by far the largest portion. We are also active and exclusively represent shipyards in Hong

In China, yards do not offer agents exclusive agreements, partly because the Chinese are extremely competitive by nature and also because they believe that the Greek market is so large it is not possible for one agent to cover the entire territory. We have thus built up very close, long-term and constructive cooperations with the best shiprepair yards in China. This has been a slow process which has taken years of commitment and hard work, a combination of strong interpersonal relationships with the senior management of these yards as well as a concentrated team effort to ensure each repair project undertaken is a success both for our Greek customers as well as the Yards we represent. Our real job begins after we receive a firm booking, especially during the vessel’s repair at the yard, where key milestones are monitored as well as overall progress, maintaining agreed schedules, docking dates, sufficient labor for prompt execution of works etc. During this

Unithai S/Y (Thailand) exclusive agreement signed London office closed – operation moved to Athens office Newbuilding handymax contract signed with Baltiskiy

fully completed in Chengxi S/Y

2005. 1st Newbuilding contract signed in China 2006. Halifax S/Y exclusive agreement signed 2007. 1st conversion from VLCC to VLOC booked in China 2008. QMS ISO 9001 accreditation awarded by Lloyds Register 2009. Antwerp Shiprepair (Belgium) exclusive agreement

period, regular contact with the attending supt eng as


well as the head office is maintained. Monitoring and

2011. Opening of our new branch office in Singapore 2012. Opening of our new branch office in Istanbul 2013. MEC S/Y (Panama) exclusive agreement signed

expediting work progress is greatly assisted by our Chinese-speaking staff who deal with working level yard staff (eg ship repair manager, deck engineer etc), whilst we also keep contact with senior yard management, as and when their intervention is required.

Dimitris Vranopoulos, Managing Director


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Exclusive Agents for the following shipyards MEC Panama Shipyard - Panama

Directly at the entrance to the canal and adjacent to the New Balboa Container terminal MEC Shipyard is able to serve the needs of the international shipping community prior to the canal passage, at anchorage or going to the terminals. With a year round work force of over 150 qualified employees and three graving docks up to full panamax size, the yard is able to tackle all work assignments from major Canal incidents, to scheduled dry dockings to minor afloat repairs. Over 12,000m2 of fully equipped workshops with three cranes, up to 60 tons capacity, a steel plate and pipe shop as well as machine shops are geared to make dry dockings in Panama a trouble free and satisfying experience. Efficient blasting, tank blasting and coating rounds off the offerings. MEC Shipyard is looking back on a long and mutually satisfying relationship with the Greek shipping industry with an ever increasing number of repeat customers every year.

Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co. (HEISCO) - Kuwait

A modern shipyard in Kuwait, offering reliable, cost effective shiprepair and ship construction services. The yard offers: shiprepair and conversion, ship construction, offshore support services, afloat repairs and riding teams and siving services. A floating dock of 190m length and 32m width, caters for vessels up to 35,000 dwt. In addition a synchrolift accommodates vessels up to 5,000 dwt with 7 repair bays, ranging in length from 90 to 135m. Five berths, ranging from 90 to 230m in length are serviced along their entire length by luffing cranes (lifting cranes from 10-30 tons). Yard has already approved the construction of a Panamax graving dock to be operating by 2015.

UNITHAI Shipyard & Engineering - Thailand

The largest shipyard in Thailand is centrally located in the SE Asia region. The yard is developed on 562,000 m2 of reclaimed prime water frontage adjacent to the deep sea port of Laem Chabang. With Unithai’s multi – national staff and expertise and Thai workforce exceeding 2,000 personnel, significant emphasis is placed on quality workmanship and completing projects on schedule with strict safety controls. The yard has 2 floating docks, one for capesize vessels and one for handymax vessels. Normally the yard repairs around 20 vessels per annum from the Greek market.

Yiu Lian (Hong Kong) Dockyards - Hong Kong

A wholly owned subsidiary of China Merchants Holdings Company Ltd, the yard was established in 1964. It owns and operates 2 floating docks, the largest with dimensions 305 mtrs length and 45.80 mtrs breadth (lifting capacity 46,000 tons) capable of docking container vessels up to 6,000 TEU. A very reliable yard accustomed to keeping tight deadlines due to serving many containers.

Irving Shipbuilding Inc., Halifax S/Y- Canada

Halifax S/Y covers 18,000 m2 of water frontage. Three docks up to panamax size, together with a comprehensive array of fabrication shops, outfit shops, machine shop and an extensive local sub-contract for community provide all the necessary capability to undertake a wide range of jobs. Attention to quality is evident right through the production process. This is in part a result of its long standing ISO 9001: 2000 accreditation, but mainly as a result of the pride of workmanship which is clear in all the skilled tradesmen who work at the yard.

DAVIE Shipyard - Canada

Founded in 1825 by Captain Alison Davie, Davie shipyard has built over 700 vessels, from steamboats to diesel-electric oilfield services vessels with advanced dynamic positioning systems and naval vessels with complex combat systems. Davie has built, converted, repaired and upgraded almost every form of vessel, rig and offshore platform including tankers, bulk carriers, containerships, fishing vessels, ferries, naval vessels and jack-up and semi-submersible drilling and production platforms. With its strong engineering disciplines and fully integrated, self-sufficient fabrication facilities. At 351m, Davie has Canada’s largest graving dock. The Champlain Dry Dock is 36.57m wide and was fully refurbished in 2001 at a cost of over USD 12m. The dock is serviced by elevators and a variety of fixed and mobile cranes and can be used for both repair and construction projects. A channel connecting the Champlain Dry Dock to the main shipping channel on the St. Lawrence river provides a safe passage for vessels of all descriptions. The dock is equipped with a central gate which allows two vessels to be docked at any time (194.5m in the inner section and 147m in the outer section).

70 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 INT. SHIPYARDS Marine Plus will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.307

Main Agents for the following shipyards Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd. - Shanghai Region

Chengxi shipyard Co. Ltd. is one of the largest shiprepair and newbuilding enterprises under CSSC. The company specializes in shiprepair, conversion and newbuilding, steel construction as well as offshore engineering, lifting gears and mechanical-electric equipments repair and manufacture. Located in Jiangyin city, Jiangsu province, the company covers an area of 980,000 m, with 2,152 m river front and 1,630 m outfitting quay. The company has 5 floating docks, in 170,000 DWT, 120,000 DWT, 100,000 DWT, 80,000 DWT, and 25,000 DWT respectively and one slipway in 70,000 DWT. And also, the company is rich in facilities and equipments of shiprepair, newbuilding and steel construction. The company is proud of the strong technical capability and ship conversion experience as well as the annual production capacity of 240 vessels (up to 300,000DWT) for shiprepair and conversion, 18 vessels (up to 75,000DWT) for newbuilding and 50,000-ton steel for steel construction. With the high quality, credible and top-ranking service concept, the company erects her own brand, and also, through the constant strengthening and promotion of the internal management, the company has been accredited and certified by LRS & CCS with ISO9001:2000 Quality Management Certificate, ISO14001 Environmental Management Certificate and ISO18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certificate.

Chengxi Shipyard (Xinrong) Co., Ltd. - Shanghai Region

Chengxi (Xinrong) Shipyard Co., Ltd is a joint venture corporation by CSSC Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Huixiong Industrial Co., Ltd & Jiangsu Changrong Steel Co., Ltd., as a state-owned holding modern enterprise for ship repair & conversion. She is located at Xingang port in Jingjiang city, Jiangsu Province. The Company has an advantage in road and water way transportation as it is adjacent to the port cities like Shanghai, Ningbo, Nantong and Zhangjiagang. The company covers an area of 230,000 sq. meters. There is one floating dock with deadweight capacity 170,000 tons, and another floating docking with deadweight capacity 100,000 tons. Outfitting quay is 1060m, the front water depth being 12-20m and the main navigation channel 30 m. The quay was equipped with shore crane with lifting capacity of 60 tons/70m X 2 sets, 50 tons /100m X 2 sets, 32tons /72m X 2 sets. Steel workshop covers an area of 16,000 sq. meters. Machinery & Electrical workshop covers an area of 20,000 sq. meters. Piping workshop covers an area of 7,000 sq. meters. Hatch covers coating house covers an area of 10,000 sq. meters. Hatch covers repair place covers an area of 30,000 sq. meters with two sets gantry crane of 50 tons. The company is fully equipped with advanced ship repair facilities. The company is mainly engaged in ship repair & conversion, offshore unit repair & conversion. The annual capacity is repair & conversion between 120 to 150 vessels & offshore units.

Chengxi Shipyard (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. - Southern China

Chengxi Shipyard (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. is a large joint venture established by China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Ocean Line Holding Ltd. on January 1st, 2006. The company has undertaken the original ship repair business of Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard with its more than 50 years of experience in ship repairs, which was one of the first shipyards engaged in repairing vessels from foreign countries/customers. The company has two graving docks of 200.000 DWT and 300.000 DWT and 2.400 mtrs. of berths. The maximum DWT of the vessels they can undertake is 300.000 DWT. There are more than two thousands of employees which include professionals and experienced engineers and technicians. With an annual capacity of repairing more than 360 vessels, Guangzhou Dockyards is one of the biggest and most modern ship repair enterprises in South China, conveniently located, providing the most outstanding ship-repairing and conversion service for all the ship-owners from all over the world.

Daishan Haizhou Shipyard Co., Ltd. - Shanghai Region

Daishan Haizhou Shipyard Co.,Ltd established in 1963, is a professional private enterprise specialized in undertaking ship repairing & new building for large and medium-size vessel globally and domesticlly. The company located in Daishan Economic Developing Zone, Zhoushan City, adjacent to the international habours & ports, such as Yangshan port of Shanghai, Ningbo and the main island of Zhoushan City, as also near the international navigation route for ships, the company has very convenience communication environment, location of the company is an ideal base for ship repairing & new building. The company covers an area of 700,000 square meters, with 800 meters shorelines, presently main facilities of the company including one new 360m × 68m VLCC drydock, one 560m × 40m Panamax drydock, three outfitting wharves of 680m, 210m and 310m each, and all the necessary integral facilities that qualified to undertake repair and conversion of various large vessels. Up to now, business of Haizhou shipyard already spreaded through more than 30 countries and regions, such as Europe, the United States of America, and Asia.

Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. - Northern China

Shanhaiguan Shipyard is a large state-owned enterprise that belongs to the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). The shipyard has three dry docks, sized 170 x 28 x 9.1 m for Handymax, 240 x39 x 11.4 m for Panamax, 340 x 64 x 12.8 m for VLCC, and ten wharfs with a total length of 2,018 m, four harbor tugs, and workshops for steel processing, piping, painting, numericalcontrolled cutting machine, steel pre-treatment line, plate straighting and 200 tons gantry crane etc. There are 900 highly skilled, experienced engineers and architects. The shipyard has been qualified and certified to IS09001-2000 standards, and with its advanced facilities and techniques, Shanhaiguan Shipyard can perform repairing, conversion of VLCC, Jack-up, bulk carrier, general cargo carrier, Ro/Ro vessel, container ship, refrigerated carrier, ore carrier, crane ship, pick up boat, supply vessel, harbor vessel and chemical carrier, and the shipyard is also engaged in cargo handling and storage. In 1995, the shipyard was awarded the foreign trade authority of direct import and export. In 2001, the shipyard was awarded the right to conduct independent harbor business. The shipyard performs repairing, conversion and building of ships and offshore facilities, manufacturing of port handling equipment, fabrication of steel structure, and spare part supply with an annual ship repairing of more than 100 vessels, having built up close relationships with the ship owners from more than 30 areas and countries such as Korea, Greece, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, America and Hong Kong and won a good reputation in the world shipping industry.

Fujian Huadong Shipyard Co., Ltd - Southern China

Fujian Huadong Shipyard invested by Fujian Huarong Marine Shipping Group lies on the north coast of Fujian Luoyuan Bay, a natural and deep-water shelter port which is quite unique in the coastal areas of mainland China. The shipyard faces the vital sea route-Taiwan Strait to the East. It covers an area of about 800,000 sq.meters and has a deep-water shoreline of 2,250m in length. Main facilities of the shipyard include: three dry-docks with a capacity of 400,000DWT (Meas. 375m × 72m ), 170,000DWT (Meas. 295m × 50m ) and 100,000DWT (Meas. 245m × 41.8m ) respectively, one slipway with a capacity of 50,000DWT , seven ship repair (outfitting ) berths totaling 1,710 m in length and workshops totaling about 100,000 sq.meters in area. It is the most ideal shipbuilding and ship repair base in south-east coastal areas of China.

Besiktas Shipyard - Turkey

Besiktas Shipyard is one of the best established ship building and ship repair yards of Turkey with proven experience in building specialized ships such as chemical tankers and LPG carriers up to 26.000 dwt. With its state-of-art facilities, experienced human resources and service oriented company culture,


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aims to be one of the most reliable ship building and ship repair yards in Europe. Their target is to provide top quality services with the most competitive prices. Besiktas Shipyard has gained a solid reputation for the design, construction, maintenance and repair of all types of vessels with its experienced staff. The Shipyard has one 235 m long, 40 m wide panamax size dry dock and two 230 m long, 37 m wide panamax size floating docks dedicated to ship repairs and conversions. Besiktas Shipyard has a strong and experienced ship repair team to provide the highest level of performance.

constant efforts directed towards new and innovative techniques, the company gives its clients maximum time and cost benefits. Marine Outfitting specializes in services of hull and electricals, underwater works and mechanical firefighting systems. The Company with its prompt and efficient service ensures minimum down time for vessels under repair. By running an efficient and successful operation, Marine Outfitting has recently expanded by incorporating new repair avenues at near by Indian Eastern ports of Visakhapatnam, Haidia and Paradip thus making its services more readily available to the enterprises.

Ilyichevsk Shiprepair Yard - Ukraine

One Shipping Services Ltd. - Turkey

Ilyichevsk Shiprepair Yard was established in 1951 in convenient harbour of Sukhoi Estuary (the northwestern Black Sea). It has favorable location: close to Ilyichevsk Sea port and about 20 km from Odessa. Besides, ships calling at Ilyichevsk in winter have the additional benefit of mild climatic conditions here. Since its foundation the shipyard has focused on repair of ships of all types using advancing technologies. In 2006 the company changed form of ownership and became a private one. These changes together with entry of Ilyichevsk Shipyard into the world market of shiprepair have mobilized a comprehensive modernization of its production facilities. Long-term plans provide further improvement of the yard to remain up-to-date enterprise competitive to domestic shipyards and leading shipyards round the world as well. Ambitious investment plans are aimed to meet the challenges arising from the changing conditions in the world shipping market. The company has two floating docks with a capacity of 75,000DWT (Meas. 225m × 36.6m) each.

Located in the Black Sea area, Santierul Naval Constanta SA is ranked among the largest new-buildings and ship-repairs yards in Europe. Accessible by sea through the Bosphorus Strait, by river through Danube – Black Sea Channel and by air using the International Airport “Mihail Kogalniceanu”, Santierul Naval Constanta SA provides to the worldwide ship-owners and managers the ideal location for building and repairing of sea-going vessels up to 200,000 dwt. With more than four million dwt delivered during its years of activity both to Romanian and first class European owners, new-buildings ranging both in size – from 1,100 dwt Chemical Tanker to Aframax / Suezmax Tankers or Capesize Bulk Carriers and complexity – from steel pontoons to LPG / Ammonia Carriers and Platform Supply Vessel, Santierul Naval Constanta SA is backed by the experience, professionalism and teamwork of its over 2,300 employees.

One Shipping Services Ltd. offers agency services for all Turkish ports, Turkish Straits transits and newbuildings & repairs at Tuzla and other Turkish shipyards. One’s extensive hub of branches and sub-agents in all Turkish ports employ the most experienced agents with best relations with all government officials. While keeping the clients up-to date with e-mail, fax messages and SMS minute by minute, only One has the best resources to deal with any trouble involving the ships. Services • Full-vessel agency attendance and ship husbandry services in all Turkish ports and during Turkish Straits transit passages. They serve all vessel types, and in particular, crude and clean product tankers, LNG, LPG, chemical, drybulk, cruise and container vessels. • Customized and integrated web-based Voyage Reporting, Voyage Accounting and Finance services with flexible communication capabilities tailored to your requirements. • Detailed local marine and port facility information, electronic daily port updates and real-time port information alerts • Experience in all Turkish Customs, Coast Guard, Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and all other government regulations that concern ships, crews, and cargoes • Crew transfers - meet & greet, hotel bookings, shore pass arrangements, etc. • Crew welfare - doctor, dentist, mail, and prepaid telephone calling cards • Spares clearance and delivery • Inward & outward clearance • Liaison with local authorities • Follow-up activities with workshops, contractors etc. • Bunker fuels and lubricants • Communication assistance • On-ship coordination service during repairs.

Other representations

CSSC Chengxi BBSD Forum & Best Overseas Agent award

Santierul Naval Constanta Shipyard - Romania

Ningbo International Trade Ocean Shipping Supply Co., LTD. (FORGITOS Supply) - China

FORGITOS Supply is approved by the Chinese government in 1993, specializing in ocean shipping supply and port services businesses. Following a service policy of “honesty, thoughtful, reasonable, high-quality”, basing on the good geographical advantage of the Yangtze Delta, relying on the excellent management team, the company would provide one station shipping service for foreign ships. The company integrates ocean shipping supply, import and export trade, spare parts supply and other services. It owns 4 store warehouses and three classified food freezers about 7,000 sqm. Owning several branches like Zhoushan, Taizhou, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Shanghai, Nantong etc. around the Yangtze River, along with perfect distribution system of ship store & provision logistics, the company is qualified to provide fast, attentive service and high-quality, reasonably-priced items.

Marine Outfitting PVT Ltd. - India

Marine Outfitting is a Chennai based Company established in the year 2000. The Company’s single minded goal is to be a one-stop service shop to the shipping industry. With an experienced workforce and state of the art infrastructure, the company specializes in repairs and refurbishments. With

On December 19, 2013 the “CSSC Chengxi Branding Building & Strategic Development Forum” was successfully concluded in Jiangyin International Hotel, celebrating the 40 years of Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd. More than 300 attendants including owners, surveyors, agents and experts concerned, came together and celebrated this event presided over by Mr. Cao Jiwei, Vice-president of Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd. The only non-Chinese speaker, Mr. Dimitris Vranopoulos, Managing Director of Marine Plus SA, shared his experience about the cooperation with Chengxi, and extended his expectations for the bright future of Chengxi. Mr. Vranopoulos talked about the loyalty of the staff, the strong personality of the leadership, the corporate culture, the strong interaction and cooperation between departments, the design capability and the good facility/layout. “These are all advantages that make Chengxi a very good yard. The combination, however, of these advantages together with the previous points raised relating to staff/ leadership/culture are what make Chengxi a GREAT yard” Mr. Vranopoulos concluded. Speeches were stated also by Mr. Hong Huilun, General Manager, Wah Kwong Ship Management (Hong Kong) Limited, Dr. Xue Maogen, Marine Manager, Greater China of LR, Mr. Zhang Xinlong, Vice Director of CSSC China Institute of Marine Technology and Economy. Earlier Mr. Vranopoulos had been honored by Mr. Wang Yongliang, President of Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd for his 20 years of fruitful cooperation with the Shipyard and awarded the “Best Overseas Agent” award for the period 2003 – 2013.

72 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 INT. SHIPYARDS Marine Plus will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.307


Dimitris Vranopoulos*:

We offer our customers a value added service *Managing Director, Marine Plus S.A Despite international and domestic challenges, Greek shipping is holding up better than expected, demonstrating once more resilience in trying times. What is your opinion about the perspective of shipping industry for the next years? Greek shipping is indeed holding up better than expected. Most companies survived the crash of the freight market at the end of 2008, but bear in mind that at that time shipping companies were cash-rich and therefore better positioned to ride out the storm. In addition, the 2008 crash was driven by the failure of the international banking system. It seems we are now in a purely shipping market recession, due mainly to oversupply of new tonnage in most segments and world recession. In that context, I believe many Greek operators will take advantage of this and buy young shipping assets at low or ‘’distressed’’ levels. I am confident that Greek shipping will expand and grow stronger during the shipping downturn, as has been the case in past recessions. As far as market prospects are concerned I believe for this year the market will have short spikes and downturns and the average freight level will be hovering at just below long term averages. Regarding the age profile of the fleet, the order book of newbuildings further improved the age of the Greek – owned fleet. Do you believe that this trend is going to be continued? Newbuildings as part of Greek shipping companies’ growth strategy is here to stay. The clear trend is for Greeks to sell their older (mainly 80’s built) vessels either to Chinese/ M. East/ F. East buyers or scrap and buy younger ships. Newbuilds are no longer the privilege of the few. Current newbuild price levels are relatively low but still have some way to go, and even cautious owners who did not contract during the peak years of 2005-2008 will eventually be involved with newbuilds as well. The average age of the Greek fleet has been steadily reducing on an annual basis over the past 10 years. The future of the European maritime transport policy until 2018 acknowledges the de facto global character of European shipping, in respect of its global competitive position, safety and environment and the need for high quality know–how. Do you believe the

European shipping will maintain its international competitiveness for the near future? The main European shipping communities (Greece, Germany, Norway, Holland) will continue to have a competitive edge in terms of compliance with ever increasing new regulations related to safety, emissions etc as well as know-how built up over the past few decades. The eastern threat (China, Singapore, India etc) is evident, but still needs time before they can match European shipping expertise. What will tomorrow’s sustainable vessel look like, and how will it differ from other vessels? The ‘’green ship’’ is already a reality. Korea and Japan have heavily invested in research and development of ships that will be eco-friendly and fuel efficient, both at government and shipbuilder level. China is also developing similar designs through their main design bureaus. Vessels currently under construction already incorporate the regulatory ecofriendly requirements known to be applicable in the forthcoming years. Alternative/greener sources of power generation / propulsion on board vessels are also ‘’in the making’’! What is the competitive advantage of the companies you represent, in order to meet the specific needs and expectations of Greek shipowners? Our main business has been shiprepair/conversion activity for the past 26 years. We have built up an international network of reliable and reputable shipyards, both as exclusive and non-exclusive agents, and due to our close and continuous cooperation with these yards over many years, are able to provide real value-added to our Greek customers, especially during vessel’s repairs. We employ qualified naval architects / marine engineers in our office to ensure we are at the side of our Greek customers during the complete repair cycle. Our aim is to secure a win-win result both for the owner and the yard we represent. Our main expertise lies with Chinese yards, where we complete over 100 repair projects annually. We are proud to have most of our customers as repeat clients for many years. Why should the Greek shiponwer select MARINE PLUS ? As previously advised, we offer our customers a value added service due to the sheer volume of business we do with the yards we cooperate with, which we pass to our customers. We ensure our vessels are given top priority during repairs, have a strong yard project team on board the vessel, and keep pressure on the yard to maintain sufficient manpower on board the vessel to complete within the quoted repair period. We keep regular contact with the superintendent engineer attending the repair, the head office in Greece as well as the yard to secure customer satisfaction. Every project is important, and all customers are important irrespective of size.

Shipyard Agents - Afloat / Underwater Repairs - Ship Supplies - Spares


LNG bunkering: present and future By Raffaele Piciocchi, ABS Gas Center, Piraeus

The potential of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel has rapidly captured the imagination of ship designers, builders and owners, quickly becoming embedded in shipping’s daily ‘conversation’. But while it is true the industry has passed the initial tipping point, issues around LNG bunkering are still evolving. The primary driver to adopting LNG as fuel remains compliance with the tightening limits for emission of sulphur and nitrogen oxides within the US, Baltic and North Sea Emission Control Areas (ECAs) where maximum sulphur content of marine fuel can be no more than 0.1% after 1 January 2015. Globally the trend is similar, with a fuel availability review in 2018 set to decide whether the global limit on sulphur content should drop to 0.5% in 2020 or 2025. In addition to these requirements, the adoption of LNG is supported by two interlinked assumptions: that the fuel will be available and that it will be low cost. In the European Union, the Commission has previously indicated that it expects marine LNG available to be at ‘a sufficient number’ of large European ports by 2025. The EU Sulphur Directive mentions LNG as a potential future fuel solution and invites governments to make it attractive in terms of supply.

In addition, the ABS Global Gas Solutions team formed in 2013 and the ABS Piraeus Gas Center, established in 2012, are positioned to support ABS clients and stakeholders in successfully addressing questions around regulatory compliance as well as the technical challenges of LNG bunkering. Support takes the form of advice, training and guidance that act as reliable reference for owners investigating the feasibility of a switch to LNG. Whether this will result in subsidised product being made available is open to question, though the first LNG-powered ferries, operating in Norway were subsidised by a tax on NOx emissions. Moves by supra-national government bodies to encourage LNG supply do not necessarily mean adoption will be easy for the user. That will likely mean that we see LNG as fuel emerge first on dedicated point to point trades, where the infrastructure is in place or fuel can be readily supplied independently. The wider take-up of LNG will likely require dedicated facilities where supply is relatively robust. In addition to fixed LNG bunkering facilities, we are seeing concepts other than land-based terminals, such as LNG bunkering barges attracting increased interest. ABS has looked at this type of concept and given approval in principle to the Waller Marine bunkering barge project, with others expected to follow.

Beyond supply, the primary issues remain regulation and safe operations. In operational terms, owners need to know they can bunker without major difficulties, without compatibility or personnel issues. For example, how do they manage bunkering logistics; can they bunker in the same location as cargo operations or when loading or unloading is taking place? ABS is involved in several initiatives addressing questions around training for LNG bunkering and operations, including the SIGTTO LNG Fuel Safety Advisory panel, the International Standards Organization’s TC67 Working Group on LNG Fuel Bunkering and the INTERTANKO/ISTEC group of experts. It also plays a role in developing standards of best practice in LNG as fuel through its development of relevant requirements and membership on industry committees, such as the recently-formed Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel. In the US, the availability of low cost shale gas and its likely application to meet the clean fuel needs of domestic shipowners has created considerable interest in the ability to bunker LNG. But here uncertainty remains on how to meet various overlapping regulatory requirements. In response, ABS earlier this year published a report, Bunkering of Liquefied Natural Gas-Fuelled Marine Vessels in North America, to provide guidance to owners and operators of gas-fuelled vessels, as well as LNG bunkering vessels and facilities and help them obtain regulatory approval for projects. The report, developed by ABS and ABS Group, takes a broad look at the requirements of various regulatory bodies including the IMO, US Coast Guard, Transport Canada, US Environmental Protection Agency and the many state and local authorities involved in a bunkering project. Included in the report is a recommended process for meeting those requirements and obtaining approval for the LNG bunkering infrastructure project. In addition, the ABS Global Gas Solutions team formed in 2013 and the ABS Piraeus Gas Center, established in 2012, are positioned to support ABS clients and stakeholders in successfully addressing questions around regulatory compliance as well as the technical challenges of LNG bunkering. Support takes the form of advice, training and guidance that act as reliable reference for owners investigating the feasibility of a switch to LNG. The subject of LNG as fuel has already attracted attention among Greek shipowners. The ABS Piraeus Gas Center – a unique resource among classification societies in Greece - is dedicated to assisting local clients with gas shipping, LNG as fuel and LNG bunkering issues. The Piraeus Gas Center, with the help of Athens office and the support of the ABS Global Gas Solutions Team is working with some owners and shipyards evaluating an LNG-ready vessel designs and LNG bunkering vessels are also under consideration. Greek owners are weighing up the emerging opportunity but for pace of the adoption to quicken, they too need to be confident that fuel will be available when and where they need it, once the ships are delivered.

ABS is involved in several initiatives addressing questions around training for LNG bunkering and operations, including the SIGTTO LNG Fuel Safety Advisory panel, the International Standards Organization’s TC67 Working Group on LNG Fuel Bunkering and the INTERTANKO/ ISTEC group of experts.

76 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128

PPG Protective and Marine Coatings Bringing innovation to the surface

Attributed to: Sijmen Visser, Global Marketing Manager Marine, PPG Protective and Marine Coatings

“Our SIGMAPRIME® range of products is available with options of 60%, 70% and 80% volume solids. Customer case studies demonstrated that after ten years in service, ballast tanks coated with SIGMAPRIME are still in good condition with corrosion less than 0.5%. PHENGUARDTM has consistently given shipowners the ability to carry the widest range of cargoes, including highly aggressive loads such as methanol, EDC and fatty acids. It is resistant to hot water as well as grey water. The PHENGUARD system is simple to apply using standard shipyard practices, with a surface that remains smooth in service, enabling efficient cleaning in-between cargoes.

At PPG you believe that innovation is part of

savings as well as meeting environmental obliga-

everything you do. Could you analyze this?

tions such as reduced in-water impact as well as

What does it mean in practice?

lower VOC emissions.

Marine Coatings is an essential part of the PPG

PPG’s premium antifouling and fouling release

business portfolio. Over the years PPG has

range centres around three main technologies;

continued to focus on coatings, and we are proud

silicone-based, biocide-free fouling release coat-

to be the world’s leading coatings provider. We

ings such as SIGMAGLIDE® 990, silyl acrylate

will further invest and leverage that expertise in

antifouling coatings which offer hydrolyzing,

our attempt to bring value to our customers, with

self-polishing and self-smoothing properties such

product innovations, manufacturing, warehouses,

as SIGMA SYLADVANCE™ 800 and copper free

people, and systems to deliver enhanced produc-

antifouling coatings that offer low friction antifoul-

tivity, improved operational costs and service.

ing properties such as the SIGMA NEXEON™

We are constantly developing innovative ways

range. All of these technologies score highly in

to improve customer solutions and our SIGMA

reducing environmental footprint and lowering

CARE® PLUS online guide to maintenance at

operational expenses.

sea is one example of how we are working to

PPG has been delivering high quality ballast

improve the efficiency and productivity of onboard

and cargo tank coating solutions for more than

maintenance for fleets, vessels and crews. The

40 years. At new-build, ballast tank coatings

launch of SIGMACARE® PLUS has enabled us to

represent the majority of the paint volume and

signal a major change in the efficiency of onboard

particular focus has been on products that can

coating maintenance management. The tool has

provide higher volume solids and lower emis-

been so successful that we now have over 2,000

sions of Volatile Organic Compounds. Our

customer vessels using this value-added service.

SIGMAPRIME® range of products is available

Working closely with our suppliers, universities

with options of 60%, 70% and 80% volume solids.

and testing institutes, we have developed the

Customer case studies demonstrated that after


ten years in service, ballast tanks coated with

SIGMA SYLADVANCE™ 800 low environmen-

SIGMAPRIME are still in good condition with cor-

tal impact products, which offer customers the

rosion less than 0.5%.

potential for maximum fuel savings.

PPG’s PHENGUARD™ system has been used

For slow steaming / low activity vessels PPG has

by vessel operators for over 40 years to provide

recently launched the SIGMA ECOFLEET® 690

high chemical resistance in liquid cargo tanks.

product that offers excellent fouling protection at

PHENGUARD has consistently given shipowners

these conditions and at the same time sets the

the ability to carry the widest range of cargoes,

industry standard for volume solids at 70%.

including highly aggressive loads such as metha-

Our newest product, SIGMAGLIDE 1290, will be

nol, EDC and fatty acids. It is resistant to hot

launched at Posidonia 2014.

water as well as grey water. The PHENGUARD system is simple to apply using standard shipyard

Profitability and productivity are two key

practices, with a surface that remains smooth in

aspects for shipowners. How PPG supports

service, enabling efficient cleaning in-between

shipping industry with experienced and

cargoes. A recent case study showed that after

reliable solutions that satisfy the above key

12 years in service, with the vessel carrying a

aspects? Could you present us the recent

wide range of aggressive cargoes, the PHEN-

developments in the marine coating market?

GUARD system was found to be in excellent

The marine coatings industry has experienced


a period of intense product innovation over the last few years, responding both to regulation and

Do you focus on R&D activity to enhance

the changing needs of shipowners. With fuel

polishing rates and biocide content of your

accounting for 50% or more of daily operating


costs, shipowners are increasingly expecting their

A supplier such as PPG, which develops prod-

coatings to contribute positively to potential cost

ucts based on its own research and has local

production close to centres of demand will have an edge when it comes to

tal targets, improve performance and reduce costs.

fulfilling the needs of the market, with new product R&D programmes based

Please give us an idea about PPG’s people – the heart of the company?

on direct customer feedback and the need to anticipate future trends and

Our people are at the heart of PPG’s well- earned global reputation and


position. It is their unequalled dedication, expertise, experience, and profes-

One example of continuous research and development is the recent patents

sionalism that elevates PPG from others in the marine industry.

on leading SIGMA ECOFLEET® 690. SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 has been formulated using PPG’s unique patented binder technology and formulation

How easy is for PPG to answer and solve economic demands of

ensuring consistent performance levels and fouling control for in-service pe-

shipping industry while minimizing the environmental impact of its

riods of up to 60 months. Fully compliant with the IMO AFS Convention, the

released technologies?

product is suitable for a wide range of vessel types and contains an ultra-

PPG’s premium antifouling and fouling release range centres around three

high volume solids content of 70% - thus reducing potential VOC emissions.

main technologies; silicone-based, biocide-free fouling release coatings such as SIGMAGLIDE® 990, silyl acrylate antifouling coatings which offer

What exactly is the approach of “The Voice of the Customer” and how

hydrolyzing, self-polishing and self-smoothing properties such as SIGMA

PPG uses it?

SYLADVANCE™ 800 and copper free low friction antifouling such as the

As part of our Quality Management Program, we have carried out a number

SIGMA NEXEON™ range. All of these technologies score highly in reducing

of customer interviews that are integral to the `Voice of the Customer´

environmental footprint and lowering operational expenses.

survey. This approach involves meeting with customers in the marine market to identify areas that are critical to their success and to clearly define wants

Describe the latest achievements and activities of your company in the

and needs. The information obtained is used to improve products, processes

Greek shipping market.

and services that will benefit the marine industry.

PPG Industries recently opened a new facility in Acharnai, Greece which

Our customers trust us to give them the right advice and products so that

houses a spray application center and customer training facilities. This

they gain maximum benefits for their operations. Our products and support

new facility allows PPG Greece to hold customer trainings and roadshows,

systems help customers control their businesses at a time when every area

with customers from Greek shipping companies attending the events.

of activity is expected to make cost and efficiency savings. In this way, we

SIGMAGLIDE is allowing us to gain recognition in the GREEK market with

assist vessel owners, shipyards and applicators to meet crucial environmen-

customer-endorsed fuel savings.


78 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128

PPG Protective and Marine Coatings Bringing innovation to the surface

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings is an all-round supplier delivering innovative coating solutions and services at NewBuild, Onboard Maintenance and Dry Dockings. Continuous innovation delivers the most comprehensive product offer, services and support package for customers worldwide.

Recent PPG innovations

80 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128

PPG’s Antifouling and Fouling Release Portfolio

Simplifying the choice for customers In today’s market, many antifouling products are available to the extent that the decision-making process involved in choosing the right product becomes a burden. Also, it is increasingly difficult to make evidence-based purchase decisions when so many competing performance promises are presented. Indeed, coating manufacturers promise a lot – but do they deliver on these claims? Ever-increasing product assertions, with complex jargon often used to mislead and confuse, have resulted in customers unsure of which company to believe or trust. That is why we at PPG looked at this issue from a customer’s point of view and decided to upgrade our antifouling and fouling release product offer both in terms of relevant products and also simplicity of choice.

Green, Fuel Saver and Performance Options

Therefore, to help customers decide quickly and easily which product range is most suitable for their needs, the PPG antifouling and fouling release product portfolio has been divided into three categories: Performance, Fuel Saver and Green – each with its own clearly defined features and benefits.


Performance products deliver consistent performance in all operating conditions. Over many years of deployment, these products have gained an excellent track record that is fully trusted by ship owners, builders and operators.

Fuel Saver

Fuel Saver products have been developed with the primary aim of achieving the maximum level of fuel savings. As well as lowering the total operational cost these products also support reduction of the environmental footprint.


Products within the Green category do not contain biocides. They are engineered to deliver fuel savings through their optimal smoothness characteristics from the outset. The end result is that these biocide-free products save fuel and reduce emissions – giving excellent performance while helping you to minimize environmental footprint.

The Perfect Fit for the Customer

PPG is the only coatings company with a lengthy, extensive track record in the development of premium silyl acrylate antifouling and silicone-based fouling release coatings. This unrivaled expertise means we can help our customers to improve efficiency, save operational costs, and increase productivity with our innovative Performance, Fuel-saving and Green products. That is why we organized our ranges into these three distinct groups – to help you make a clearer, better informed and more profitable choice.

A Copper-free Antifouling Future

Always looking to future market conditions and requirements, the SIGMA NEXEON™ range is being developed using state-of-the-art technology and, with this important innovation, PPG shows that it is taking the lead in preparing for a copper-free antifouling future. The SIGMA NEXEON copperfree antifouling range is based on self-polishing binder technology. All these products provide excellent protection against fouling and also enhance vessel aesthetics due to their color stability.

82 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128


PPG’s SIGMA ECOFLEET® 690 solves fouling problems for low-activity vessel PPG Customer Allseas Group S.A. The Location

Cantieri Navali Palermo, Italy

The Challenge

To provide an antifouling solution that offers protection against fouling for a ship that is slow moving and often idle

The Solution

The SIGMA ECOFLEET® 690 selfpolishing, high-activity antifouling protection for aggressive fouling conditions

The Benefits

The SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 product, through its specialized formulation, is a faster polishing antifouling specifically designed for low-activity ships, such as pipe-layers

The Result

Excellent fouling-free performance on the underwater hull.

Image Caption: Allseas’ Solitaire after application of SIGMA ECOFLEET 690

The optimal long-term solution for aggressive fouling conditions on low-activity vessels.

for low-activity- and low-speed vessels. Allseas

(5.6 miles) per day.

Group S.A. chose the SIGMA ECOFLEET 690

Pipe-layers traditionally operate at low sailing

product based on its clear advantages over other

speeds and are therefore subject to relentless

products in terms of its effectiveness as a faster

fouling conditions. They are also immobile when

As marine market conditions continue to be

polishing antifouling specifically for low-activity

pipes are being welded and installed onto the sea

demanding all around the world, it has become


bottom, so the antifouling has to be resilient and

increasingly important to ensure that vessels are

reliable to provide the necessary protection for

operating at their most efficient speed. This often-

The Customer

results in a move to slow steaming or a lower rate

Founded in 1985, Allseas is a global leader in

of activity in an effort to reduce fuel consumption.

offshore pipeline installation and subsea construc-

The Solution

tion, and has gained worldwide experience in

PPG created the SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 product

Pipe-laying vessels, in particular, suffer from the

all types of offshore and subsea construction

to deliver excellent self-polishing antifouling

constant damage and diminishing performance

projects. The company employs over 2,300

for extremely hostile fouling conditions. This

resulting from the harmful effect of severe fouling

people worldwide and operates a versatile fleet

advanced antifouling uses PPG’s unique patented

on underwater hulls. Fouling conditions can be-

of specialized pipe-laying and support vessels,

binder technology to produce consistent perfor-

come particularly acute for such vessels and thus

designed and developed in-house.

mance levels and fouling control for in-service

require specific antifouling formulations that can

these difficult operational environments.

periods of up to 60 months.

The Challenge

Allseas was particularly interested in the SIGMA

Allseas’ Solitaire is the largest pipe-laying vessel

ECOFLEET 690 antifouling as the Solitaire had its

PPG’s SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 product has been

in the world, capable of installing hundreds of

next assignment in Australian waters; therefore,

developed to address these issues, and is a high-

kilometers of pipeline in a single year, and has

a clean, smooth and attractive hull upon arrival

quality, self-polishing antifouling ideally suited

achieved pipe-laying speeds in excess of 9 km

was critical.

cope with the most destructive fouling levels.

Main Benefits:

• Excellent self-polishing antifouling for extreme and aggressive fffouling conditions • Fouling control for service periods up to 60 months • Extended fouling control periods – reduces maintenance costs • Easy application and recoating – less time, more productivity

The Benefits Vessels, like the Solitaire, with low sailing speeds during pipeline installation operations, need antifouling protection that can cope with the most intense fouling conditions. The SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 product produces constant, high-activity antifouling performance with faster polishing rates for these types of low-speed- and low-activity vessels. Fully compliant with the IMO AFS Convention, the SIGMA ECOFLEET antifouling is suitable for a wide range of vessel types and contains an ultra-high volume solids content of 70%, thus reducing potential VOC emissions. It is also easy to apply, thereby increasing productivity and reducing overall maintenance costs.

The Result The entire underwater hull of the Solitaire was coated with the SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 product, which delivered superb foulingfree performance with extended fouling control periods, resulting in reduced maintenance and greater profitability. By adopting the SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 antifouling, Allseas can now be confident that the Solitaire has one of the market’s leading solutions for combating fouling species, wherever in the world it operates.

• Developed specifically for coastal- and low-activity vessels • Industry standard for high-film build with 70% volume solids • Complies with IMO AFS Convention • PPG’s patented self-polishing binder composition • Reduces VOC emissions

84 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128

PPG Drill ship coatings

Market-leading coating solutions for extreme conditions PPG has been awarded a certificate of appreciation by Odebrecht Oil and Gas Ltd. for its commitment to safety, outstanding coatings quality and excellent performance. As a result, there has been a surge in new drill ship construction with more than sixty new vessels built since 2000. This pattern is set to continue, with an increasing fleet growth rate anticipated by Clarksons Research Services as shown below:

“The coating solutions and services provided during our drill ship new-buildings clearly showed PPG’s market leadership in this segment.” G. Kariabas – Ocean Rig

Image Caption: Odebrecht Norbe VIII, Ocean Rig Corcovado

Drill Ship Market Trends

Drill ships are a critical component of the mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) fleet used by operators and contractors in oil and gas fields under development around the globe today. The trend for global oil and gas production in deeper water and well depths, as well as more remote exploration regions has resulted in an increased demand for sophisticated ultra-deepwater drilling units. As a result, there has been a surge in new drill ship construction with more than sixty new vessels built since 2000. This pattern is set to continue, with an increasing fleet growth rate anticipated by Clarksons Research Services as shown in graph.

Sophisticated Technologies for Challenging Conditions

These new, sophisticated drill ships feature highly advanced operational technologies: • Capability of drilling in water depths of 3,000–3,600 meters (10,000–12,000 feet) • Deep well depth drilling capability over 12,000 meters (40,000 feet) • Dual derrick designs for multi-functional capability • Dynamic positioning • Higher hook load capability • Larger fluid tanks and handling systems • Ice class hulls • Advanced blow out preventer technology • Increased accommodation capacity These technologies maximize operational flexibility and make exploration and drilling activities as efficient as possible in challenging and remote environments. With these sophisticated functionalities, drill ships require a significant financial outlay on the part of the owner.

Given the high level of investment and the demanding schedule and environments in which drill ships have to operate, owners need to protect the ships and equipment with coatings that are trusted and known to perform without the need for extensive, frequent and costly maintenance.

Coatings Proven on New Drill Ship Designs

As the market leader in drill ship coatings, PPG has an impressive track record of protecting state-of-the-art drill ships from the ravaging effects of corrosion as well as the most extreme environmental and operational challenges. We continually strive to develop and market products that meet the current requirements of both operators and yards. Consequently, we have launched coatings that allow for extended outfitting periods, reduce the costs of maintenance and that meet the latest IMO PSPC regulations for water ballast tanks.

Performance-enhancing Coating Solutions PPG’s comprehensive range of premiumquality coatings provide shipyard efficiency and extended service life: • Universal primers • Premium antifouling andfouling release coatings • High-activity antifouling • Ultra-durable finishes

1. SIGMAPRIME® Universal Primers – Recognized Market Value These multipurpose primers are specifically designed to suit modern shipyard building practices. With a track record of over 800 new-build ships and over 90 million m2

(968 million ft2) applied, it is clear that our customers recognize the value of using PPG universal primers. 2. SIGMA SYLADVANCE™ Premium Antifouling and SIGMAGLIDE Fouling Release Coatings As a globally responsible organization, PPG has fouling release and antifouling coatings that improve hull performance, thereby reducing fuel consumption and the environmental footprint. 3. SIGMA NEXEON™ 750 High-activity Antifouling – Excellent Aesthetics This copper-free, high-activity antifouling is offered in combination with the existing antifouling product range as the final coat for virtually all ship types at new-build stage, including drill ships. This solution keeps the ship’s hull clean through long outfitting periods. 4. SIGMADUR™ Ultra-durable Finishes – Reducing Maintenance Costs PPG’s range of extremely resilient finishes is ideal for drill ships, which are often at sites where both inspection and repair are not feasible.

Expertise in Action

Ocean Rig is the manager and operator of two semi-submersibles and four drill ships. The drill ships were delivered by Samsung in 2011 and painted with PPG coatings. PPG coatings used: • The SIGMAPRIME® 700 product: anticorrosive primer and ballast tank coating • The SIGMA ALPHAGEN® 230 and 240 products: antifouling protection.

86 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128


PPG taking the lead in preparing for a copper-free antifouling future

PPG is the first coatings manufacturer to successfully develop a range of copper-free antifoulings to help customers stay ahead of environmental regulation. Its SIGMA NEXEONTM range combines unique self-polishing zinc-acrylate binder coating technology with high performance to help protect new-buildings during outfitting periods and once in service. Based on extensive research and testing at PPG’s own facilities, the established SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 finish coat and the new SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 antifouling offer a market-leading antifouling solution.

Long-term R&D collaboration

The SIGMA NEXEONTM range is based on the non-metal antifouling agent ECONEA®, which is produced by Janssen PMP, a division of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. This important component of our copper-free antifouling range resulted from a close working relationship between PPG and Janssen PMP. PPG has a long history with Janssen PMP, which dates back to 1993, when the company was approached by Janssen PMP to work together on the research and development of compounds to be used in antifouling coatings. Consequently, ECONEA was developed as an organic alternative to cuprous oxide in antifoulings. Once released from a coating, ECONEA degrades quickly in seawater and is therefore non-persistent in the environment. ECONEA enabled PPG to design antifouling paints with constantly low, but effective, leach rates because the agent combines excellent stability in paint with low seawater solubility and is therefore very effective against the settlement of hard fouling, such as barnacles, oysters and mussels on a ship’s hull.

SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 Proven Results for Long Outfitting Periods

With prolonged outfitting periods common for new-building gas carriers,

FPSOs, drill ships, offshore structures and even general commercial ships, there is an increasing demand for vessels to look good at delivery. The SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 product is an ideal finishing coat that keeps ships’ hulls clean through long outfitting periods, so customers do not incur extensive costs for cleaning the underwater hull. In particular, the excellent color retention qualities of the SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 coating ensure that the ship acquires a pristine, ‘as new’ appearance at delivery. This innovative, copper-free, high-activity antifouling, based on self-polishing binder technology, can be applied on top of any other PPG antifouling, including the SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 antifouling. For customers who need durable antifouling and superb color retention for all vessel types, with long outfitting periods at new-building stage, the SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 coating provides the optimal solution.

SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 Commended by the Customer

To illustrate the effectiveness of the SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 finish coat, the coating was recently applied to the underwater hulls of four new-building drill ships operating offshore in Brazil for Odebrecht Oil & Gas Limited (OOG). Odebrecht wanted to keep the hulls clean from discoloration and fouling pick-up while stationary in seawater to minimize cleaning costs before delivery to the field, as well as reducing environmental impact. Following the successful completion of the project, PPG was awarded a certificate of appreciation by OOG for its commitment to safety, outstanding coating quality and excellent performance. The client was so impressed that the Fleet Manager of Odebrecht issued this wholehearted endorsement: “We are very satisfied about the performance of SIGMA NEXEONTM 750, and it has proven to be the ideal solution for us, even after long outfitting periods.”

SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 Extending the Copper-free Portfolio

The new SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 coating is a regular copper-free antifouling. The coating is initially launched in Asia and results clearly show that it outperforms any other copper-free alternative currently available in the market. SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 has been specifically formulated to ensure exceptional protection against fouling for all types of vessels. Classified by a world-leading shipyard as a low-friction antifouling, its innovative composition provides provides a smoother film surface from the start, thereby delivering fuel-saving potential straight from launch. It also has excellent color retention and weather resistance, ensuring a stunning ‘as new’ cosmetic appearance for extended periods. In addition, where outfitting periods are shorter than six months, the SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 antifouling can be used as a standalone solution, without the need for the SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 topcoat.

Excellent performance of SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 antifouling on one of OOG’s new drill ships after a long outfitting period.

PPG prepares for the future

At PPG, we constantly anticipate and plan to meet ever-changing future legislation. With the introduction in 2011 of the SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 coating, we became the first coatings company that has now created an unrivaled track record with copper-free antifoulings. The SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 antifouling employs comparable, revolutionary PPG technology, which has already proved its value in the market place, and builds on the success that the SIGMA NEXEONTM 750 finish coating has already achieved. By working together with advanced and pioneering companies like Janssen PMP, PPG continues to drive innovation in the marine industry by developing antifoulings that answer the vital commercial and environmental needs of owners, operators and shipyards across the globe.

SIGMA NEXEONTM 710 - the innovative copper-free antifouling solution.

88 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 COVER STORY PPG Protective and Marine Coatings will exhibit at Posidonia, Hall 3, Stand 3.128


PPG’s SIGMA SYLADVANCE™ 800 - delivers immediate energy savings! PPG Customer SCF Unicom

The Location Cyprus

The Challenge

To deliver an energy efficient antifouling

The Solution

The SIGMA SYLADVANCE™ 800 silyl acrylate hydrolyzing antifouling

The Benefits

Energy efficiency and fuel savings

The Result

Excellent performance and efficiency optimization for 13 tankers in SCF Unicom’s fleet

Answering key marine challenges – improved efficiency, durable protection and reduced emissions. As we know, operators and owners across the globe are subject to mounting pressures in all areas of their business, including commercial, operational and environmental. These challenges were of particular importance to SCF Unicom, which operates a large fleet of tankers that trade in some of the worlds’ most unforgiving conditions. Companies look to PPG, as a world leader in innovative coating technology, to develop high-performance products that provide proven benefits that have a positive impact on their marine business. That is why SCF Unicom chose the SIGMA SYLADVANCE™ 800 antifouling as the most appropriate system to answer its diverse and demanding criteria.

The Customer

Unicom Management Services (Cyprus) Ltd., established in January 1991, is a member of the Sovcomflot Group but operates as an independent ship management company providing a wide range of services.

Τhe Fleet Manager of SCF Unicom commented: “We tested SIGMA SYLADVANCETM in aggressive fouling conditions where it delivered excellent performance results, in addition to impressive fuel savings, and have decided to adopt this product for our future dry docks.”

Application of the SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 antifouling The SCF Caucasus after application

These include total management services; technical-, crew-, and commercial management; full operational management, including disbursement, freight- and hire calculations, marine insurances and claims handling; and also project- and new-building supervision. As well as managing various types of vessels, SCF Unicom specializes in full management services for the safe operation of oil and gas tankers. SCF Unicom currently manages a fleet of 91 vessels amounting to 7.2 million DWT, of which 89% (or 98% equivalent in DWT) are tankers.

The Challenge

SCF Unicom manages a fleet of mainly tankers that trade under long-term charters. Due to the extremely aggressive conditions that these vessels are exposed to and, with operational costs constantly increasing, optimal efficiency was of paramount importance for any new coating system.

The Solution

In March 2010, SCF Unicom chose the SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 antifouling for the tankers M/T SCF Byrranga, M/T SCF Aldan and M/T SCF Baltica in order to benefit from the excellent linear polishing and selfsmoothing properties provided by the advanced silyl acrylate binder. The SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 product is a premium self-polishing, self-smoothing silyl acrylate antifouling. In addition to keeping the ship’s hull free from fouling, its silyl-acrylate polymer technology also contributes

positively to the hydrodynamics of the ship’s hull by reducing hull frictional drag and, crucially, the amount of fuel consumed.

The Benefits

Such was the noticeable difference in performance, that SCF Unicom was able to immediately confirm the outstanding operational results of the SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 antifouling and also the improved efficiency for each vessel. The SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 product is built on the state-of-the-art, silyl-acrylate polymer and addresses both ecological and economical drivers in the shipping industry by contributing to fuel savings. The predictable product performance also allows for a tailor-made solution to each vessel’s profile and sailing pattern.

The Result

Following superb performance results, SCF Unicom decided in 2012 to convert eight more tankers and two bulk carriers to the SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 antifouling: the M/T SCF Caucasus, M/T Vladimir Tikhonov, M/T SCF Khibiny, M/T SCF Yeneise, M/T Tverskoy Bridge, M/T SCF Aleksey Kosygin, M/T Petropavlosk, M/T Challenge Passage, M/T Granat and the M/T Emerald. SCF Unicom now has a total of thirteen vessels that benefit from the energy efficient performance of the SIGMA SYLADVANCETM 800 antifouling.


Alfa Laval’s PureBallast 3.0

gains an intermediate reactor size and IMO type approval

With PureBallast 3.0, Alfa Laval redefined its chemical-free ballast water treatment system, producing major advances in flexibility and energy efficiency. Now a 600 m3/h reactor has been added to the system portfolio, enabling new configurations with fewer components and considerable energy savings. In addition, the system has formally received IMO type approval from Det Norske Veritas. Since its launch in April 2013, Alfa Laval’s PureBallast 3.0 has enjoyed tremendous success. Offering space savings of 50% and energy savings of up to 60% over previous versions, the system has gained a high acceptance among customers worldwide, including both Asian and European shipyards. A key reason for this is the system’s flexibility, which is now increased by the release of a 600 m3/h reactor. “The intermediate PureBallast 3.0 reactor complements our existing 300 and 1000 m3/h sizes, enabling even more compact and energy-efficient ballast water treatment,” says Per Warg, the Alfa Laval Business Manager responsible for PureBallast. Further flexibility is provided by Bollfilter as a new alternative to Hydac for the PureBallast 3.0 filter.

New configurations save more space and energy The new 600 m3/h reactor is slightly smaller than the 1000 m3/h reactor already in use. The main difference is not the reactor’s own size, however, but the smaller treatment systems it allows. The reactor makes possible the following configurations: • PureBallast 500, comprising one 600 m3/h reactor and one 500 m3/h filter • PureBallast 600, comprising one 600 m3/h reactor and one 750 m3/h filter • PureBallast 1200, comprising two 600 m3/h reactors and one 1500 m3/h filter The key advantage of the PureBallast 500 and PureBallast 600 configurations is the reduction in system components. Up to now, two 300 m3/h reactors have been needed for these flow rates. When the two are replaced by a single 600 m3/h reactor, installation is further simplified and more space is saved in the engine room. For customers whose flow needs are greater than 1000 m3/h but do not approach 1500 m3/h, there are substantial energy savings in the PureBallast 1200 configuration. Built with two of the new reactors, the system has a maximum power consumption of 125 kW. This a major reduction compared to the 201 kW of the PureBallast 1500 system, which up to now has been the next available step. “A more streamlined solution for 1200 m3/h is in keeping not only with our development strategy for PureBallast, but also with Alfa Laval’s overall focus on energy efficiency,” says Warg. “Our aim in all areas is to minimize oversizing, so that energy consumption stays aligned with actual needs.”

IMO type approval for PureBallast 3.0 The introduction of the 600 m3/h reactor is one of two factors that will

reinforce the already strong market position of PureBallast 3.0. The other is IMO type approval of the system, which was announced by DNV on 14 February. Although PureBallast 3.0 uses the same core technology as its predecessors, a new approval was necessary due to the sweeping advances between versions 2.0 and 3.0. “Alfa Laval is pleased to have formal IMO type approval for PureBallast 3.0, even if our customers have been confident all along,” Warg says of the announcement. “It confirms what our data has always shown, namely that PureBallast 3.0 performs as well or better than previous typeapproved versions.” The tests forming the basis for DNV’s decision were conducted at the DHI testing institute in Denmark. Since these were conducted according to both IMO and ETV protocols, they also lay the groundwork for future USCG approval.

Progress towards USCG approval While USCG approval for PureBallast 3.0 is still some time off, it appears closer due to a potential resolution of conflicting treatment definitions. In contrast to IMO legislation, the USCG Ballast Water Discharge Standard defines treatment as effective when no organisms survive the treatment process. This has been a problem for UV-based systems like PureBallast, which kill many organisms outright but render others non-viable by making them unable to reproduce. “In principle, the US authorities have been willing to accept a broader definition of effective treatment, since organisms that cannot reproduce pose no threat to their host environment,” explains Warg. “However, the USCG has questioned the reliability of methods for measuring non-viability. Together, we’ve been working to remove those doubts.” A team comprising representatives from the USCG, test institutes (e.g. DHI) and suppliers of UV-based ballast water treatment systems has been appointed to evaluate the available testing procedures. Thus far the results indicate that non-viability can be reliably verified, which gives UVbased systems a better footing with regard to USCG legislation. “Alfa Laval is engaged in regular dialogue with the USCG, and we are confident that the issue of definition will be resolved in the near future,” Warg says. “In the meantime, we are pleased to have IMO type approval for PureBallast 3.0 and an extremely strong position in today’s ballast water treatment market.”

Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval

PureDry PureDry


Inmarsat Maritime

opens Smart Operations dialogue

Inmarsat (LSE:ISAT.L), has staged the inaugural ‘Smart Operations’

2014. High fuel prices and disastrous charter rates persisted while regula-

conference, the first in a series of events seeking an open debate in the

tory restrictions could cost shipping half a trillion dollars between 2015

maritime industry over the operational benefits of integrated thinking on

and 2025, he said.

shore and ship communications. Quoting a McKinsey projection that 50 billion devices will be internetWith the first of the three new Global Xpress® satellites already in orbit –

connected by 2020, Mr Coles also cited an Engineering Software Reli-

a prelude to the global launch of the world’s first high-speed mobile broad-

ability Group estimate to argue that $20 billion could be captured across

band satellite service to the maritime industry, scheduled for early 2015

100,000 ships through smart decisions on energy efficiency, predictive

- the ‘Smart Operations’ conference took place at Inmarsat headquarters

maintenance and downtime avoidance. Again, the future of compliance

in London (February 12th) attended by leading figures in the maritime

with environmental rules lay in collecting, analysing and acting on real

communications industry. Event organiser Fathom has already set 2014

time data, he said.

dates for further conferences in Hamburg, Hong Kong and Athens. Many are keen to fill expanded communications capacity. Introducing “Ship to shore connectivity has not kept pace with the unprecedented

the ShipServ Match offer to save buyers money by analysing and rating

data access available ashore after the internet revolution, but things are

the performance of 53,000 ship suppliers, Shipserv Chief Executive Paul

changing fast,” Inmarsat Maritime President Frank Coles told an audience

Ostergaard envisioned a time when some purchasing decisions could

including key end-users. “The industrial internet is here and shipping will

devolve to crew. Meanwhile, Lloyd’s Register Lead Environmental Spe-

have to accept it. With ships already featuring ever increasing numbers of

cialist Paul McStay said owners were seeking urgent guidance on which

sensors, smart operational decision-making is available through advanced

technologies would yield efficiency gains.

analytics. Inmarsat is developing the platform that will enable the Maritime Industrial Internet age.”

Lawrence Poynter, Product Management Director from software developer iOra cautioned the industry that effective communications relied

Mr Coles said ultra-fast data transfer rates were in sight. Communications

more on data management than data transfer speeds. Despite operating

would be the enabler of operationally efficient technologies, he said.

dedicated satellites, for example, the US Navy has a strict three tier data transfer regime: general; vessel type data; and ship specific information.

“The shipping industry is innovative, but in its own way,” said Mr Coles. “Today, we send data in 2MB bundles, but tomorrow it will be 15-20MB.

“Critical in all of this is reliable, fit for purpose communications,” said Mr

The point is it is no longer about getting data ashore, but about analysing

Coles. “I believe shipowners cannot be expected to manage the data

it and sifting it to ensure smart operations.”

available alone and it is the engine and other equipment manufacturers and software developers who are taking the lead in developing the large

David Balston, UK Chamber of Shipping Director – Safety and Environ-

network centres to help manage this. Vendors will drive change. They are

ment, outlined the commercial and regulatory pressures facing owners in

doing it already.”






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Capital Link’s annual Greek shipping forum draws 1100 delegates More than 1100 delegates attended Capital Link’s 5th Annual Greek

Greek Shipping is an industry that endures in times of difficulty, flour-

Shipping Forum “Positioning for the Rebound” which took place on

ishes in prosperous ones and that supports Greece during the bad

Monday, February 24, 2014 at the Hilton Hotel in Athens, Greece.

and the good times. He further characterized Greek Shipping as the greatest developmental achievement of modern Greece. “Shipping

Capital Link is organizing on an annual basis Shipping Forums in

demonstrated that not only it can survive in conditions of international

New York and London, where listed shipping companies, bankers

competition, but moreover that it is capable of dominating such com-

and analysts address the international investment community, while

petitive environment “, the Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs and

at the Athens Forum the international financial community and market

the Aegean, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, inter alia, stipulated. “Competitive-

experts address the Greek and international shipping industry.

ness is the element missing the most from the model of development of the Greek economy. Competitiveness is the element most persis-


tent and indicative of Greek Shipping. And when we hear the “moto”

The Forum was organized by Capital Link, a New York based Investor

that Greece is either too “small” or too “anachronistic” or too “pam-

Relations and Financial Communications firm, with presence in Lon-

pered” to become competitive, we shall respond as follows: Check out

don, Athens and Oslo which amongst other specializes in the shipping

Greek Shipping! Our shipping protagonists are a coroner example and

sector, working with the majority of shipping companies listed in the

evidential of the fact that competitiveness is part of our Greek culture

European and US Stock Exchanges. The Athens Forum was organ-

and essence “, he further stressed. Furthermore, the Minister referred

ized in cooperation with NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ.

to the Ministry’s strategy to strengthen the Greek Registry so as to enhance maritime education, restructure the Greek Coast Guard and


improve the infrastructure of our harbors.

Traditionally Capital Link cooperates with a number of industry or-

“It seems to me that the time is right to evolve the overall ports policy

ganizations which contribute to the success of the events. This year’s

in our country, aiming to achieve a systematic administration of the

Supporting Organizations included: the Association of Banking and

ports, to ameliorate the port facilities and to deliver an efficient service

Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping, the Cass Business School,

to our islands that will essentially attract investment and further create

the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee, the Hellenic Chamber of

employment”, he proclaimed.

Shipping, the Hellenic Shipbrokers Associations, the Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association, the International Propeller Club of the United


States - Port of Piraeus, the Institute of Maritime & Economic Studies


, the Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration, the Piraeus Marine

For the Second Consecutive Year, we presented the “Capital Link

Club and WISTA Hellas.

Greek Shipping Leadership Award”, to Mr. Pericles Panagopoulos. Mr. Panagopoulos, has a long and distinguished career in shipping and


has made a significant contribution to the industry. A leading figure in

The Forum discussed the latest developments and trends in interna-

the Greek Shipping Community, he commands the respect and ap-

tional trade, dry bulk commodities, and the energy markets-framed

preciation of the industry on a global scale and is a symbol of wisdom

against the broader backdrop of the global economy. The Forum

and contribution. Mr. Panagopoulos stated that: “Shipping has been

reviewed in detail the various funding alternatives for raising capital

for me, more than an occupation. It has been my whole life, for the last

among listed and private shipping companies.

60 years or so. I am proud to say, that Royal Cruise Line, Attica Group

Capital Link’s President, Mr. Nicolas Bornozis mentioned that with

and Magna Marine, have proved to be worthy children of this long

the shipping markets expected to stage a gradual recovery, access to

standing tradition of maritime innovation. In spite of the risks and haz-

capital is of critical importance as it will allow shipping companies to

ards that lie ahead, the shipping industry will continue to grow together

grow their fleets at attractive asset valuation levels. Bank financing,

with the global economy. Shipping was, is and will continue to be the

which has been the traditional source of capital, has become more

artery donor of the real economy. For Hellenism and Greece shipping

difficult to obtain and costlier. Capital markets and private equity are

will always be something uniquely precious. The Greek state should

now of increasing importance. Therefore, timely access to capital is a

acknowledge and appreciate the importance of Greek shipping and

critical competitive advantage particularly in today’s market condi-

incorporate the synergies of the blue economy into a National Strategy

tions. Capital Link’s Forums aim to raise the profile of shipping to a

Plan which would help to boost the growth of the country’s economy.

wider audience while presenting unique informational and networking

Concluded his speech by stating that if he could start again his life and


his career he would try and do exactly the same things as he did in the past and the present.


Mr. Efthimios E. Mitropoulos, IMO Secretary General Emeritus and

Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs & the Aegean of the Hellenic

Chairman of the “Maria Tsakos” Foundation made brief remarks on

Republic, Mr. Miltiadis Varvitsiotis,during the Luncheon, stated that

the state of the shipping industry today. He then introduced Mr. Peri-

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cles Panagopoulos and presented him with the “2014 Capital Link

Mr. Randall C. Anstine, Global Capital Markets Director, EY, presented

Greek Shipping Leadership Award”, in recognition of his unique and

on “A New Era in Internal Controls: “Implementing the New COSO

extensive contribution to Greece and to Shipping. Mr. Efthimios E.

Internal Controls Integrated Framework” and stated that: “In 1992, the

Mitropoulos noted that:“The worst of the world economic and financial

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) released Internal

crisis that has, since 2008, plunged shipping in the doldrums, is about

Control – Integrated Framework which is widely accepted as the lead-

to come to an end and, therefore, the time seems right for the own-

ing framework for designing, implementing and executing internal con-

ers, managers, operators and their alikes to position themselves for

trol, as well as assessing its effectiveness. A lot has changed since

the rebound – if they have not already done so. Farsightedness to

1992. The updated Framework, released by COSO in 2013, builds on

successfully read, analyse and interpret the shape of things to come

what has proven useful in the original version. This presentation will

and take early action to make the maximum of their bright side; and

address reasons for the update, a summary of key changes, transition

confidence in himself and the ability of hand-picked collaborators to

provisions and a “way forward” for companies to consider in applying

collectively weather the storms, sail the ship to calm waters and drive

the COSO 2013 Framework”.

his companies to profitability and prosperity. From an early stage in

Mr. Robert G. Burns, Partner - Bracewell & Giuliani, presented on «

his life as a shipping entrepreneur, Mr. Panagopoulos showed signs

Restructuring: Opportunities for a New Beginning » and stated that:

of two characteristics that marked, more than others, his career;

“The prolonged downturn in the shipping industry, and pressure on

sealed his phenomenal rise; and explained his success in a sector

traditional ship lenders have created an opportunity for predomi-

of the industry, in which so many of his fellow shipowners, in spite of

nantly U.S.-based alternative investors to acquire distressed ship

ephemeral triumphs, eventually failed. These were: farsightedness

loans. These investors will rely on U.S.-style restructuring methods to

and confidence. Mr. Panagopoulos is credited with the creation, from

reorganize the loans or monetize the assets. Shipowners and execu-

scratch, of three shipping companies (the Royal Cruise Line, Attica

tives who desire to maintain their positions can manage through the

Enterprises and Superfast Ferries). Throughout his long, and undeni-

restructuring cycle and emerge in a stronger position if they are real-

ably successful career in the service of shipping, Mr. Panagopoulos

istic about their situation, take the initiative to lead the restructuring,

has led by example – ethical, humane, professional – and this, I

understand the investment objectives of the new investors, and are

believe, constitutes the best of his many credentials to win this year’s

prepared to participate in a restructuring process in a commercially

Capital Link Greek Shipping Leadership Award, which I am delighted

reasonable manner”.

to present to him today”.

Mr. Erik Helberg, Chief Executive Officer- RS Platou Markets AS, presented on « Raising Capital in Norway ». Helberg started the


discussion by comparing equity raisings in Oslo and New York, and

Ms. Isabella Schidrich, Senior Managing Director - NASDAQ OMX

although the total amount raised for Shipping in New York was not

made the Introductory Remarks at the Afternoon Session and provided

too far ahead of Oslo, the company characteristics behind the deals

a brief overview of the US IPO market.

were very different. Most equity raises in NY have been for estab-

Throughout the day, there were presentations from the following:

lished companies and frequent issuers that pay dividend. For Oslo the

Mr. Nick Kounis, Head of Macro Research - ABN AMRO on « The

picture is opposite with 85% for companies new to public markets and

Outlook for the Global Economy and World Trade» and stated that:

done through the N-OTC. Helberg added that this dual opportunity is

“Stronger growth in the global economy and world trade lies ahead.

very positive for companies seeking public equity as the N-OTC offers

The pace of budget cuts in the US and eurozone has dropped sharply.

a very time efficient platform. He underlined however that the N-OTC

In addition, private sector balance sheets are looking healthy. Stronger

market is a stepping stone to a full Oslo or New York listing.

demand in the advanced economies should lift exports around the

Finally, Mr. Socrates Leptos-Bourgi, Partner, Global Shipping & Ports

world. However, risks remain. There is a possibility of abrupt capi-

Leader of PwC and Ms. Santos Equitz, Director, US Capital Mar-

tal flight from emerging markets, though fundamentals for most are

kets Group, Greece of PwC presented some of the key matters that

healthy. There are also risks to the growth outlook in China. This

companies need to consider when contemplating an IPO in the US

reflects the leverage that has resulted from the investment boom of

Capital Markets. The starting point in this process should be an evalu-

previous years. We think the authorities will ultimately be able to man-

ation on whether an IPO is indeed the right decision for the company

age the transition, while sustaining decent growth”.

going forward, especially since this is a time consuming proess that

Mr. Sultan Riaz Khan, Advisor to the GMS Projects & Finance Depart-

is highly regulated and costly. The key elements to focus on when

ment, Tavlon Consultancy, presented on « Creative Financing – fast

preparing for an IPO are to build an experienced management team

solutions for today’s market conditions » and stated that: “The financial

with relevant experience and depth, appoint independent directors to

crisis in shipping provided GMS the impetus to expand in to ship

the board, begin to build a positive public image, determine the IPO

finance. The projects team at GMS works closely with brokers, banks,

structure, build the right team of advisors and address accounting and

ship owners and private equity firms to structure creative and unortho-

financial reporting concerns early. These elements were analysed

dox financing options. Most of the investments are equity based. GMS

in more detail in the PwC presentation with particular emphasis on

investments have ranged from investments in shipping companies,

issues encountered by shipping companies, based on the speakers’

ship owning, bareboat charter deals along with several other projects.

experience. In his closing remarks, Mr. Leptos-Bourgi stressed the fact

The Project team’s objective is to identity ship owners whose financial

that the effort required to run a successful IPO process should not be

needs are not being addressed by banks, which are either shying

underestimated. It requires significant time commitment and contribu-

away from shipping, or are lending only to their existing client base, or

tion on behalf of management and is a transformational process for

where major PE players consider deals to be too small for their portfo-

the entire organisation.

lios. GMS is out to fill the gap ! “



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their debt and advice for investors looking to purchase shipping debt.

A series of panel discussion debated critical industry topics, including: “The Reopening of the Capital Markets for Shipping” “The Role of Private Equity in Shipping Today”

Moderator: Steven Hollander, Counsel, Corporate Group - Watson

Moderator: Mr. Lawrence Rutkowski, Partner - Seward & Kissel LLP

Farley & Williams



Mr. Hamish Norton, Head of Corporate Development- - Oceanbulk

Mr. Jeffrey Pribor, Global Head of Shipping Investment Banking - Jef-

Maritime (USA) Inc.

feries & Company, Inc.

Mrs. Marianna Fassinotti, Managing Director - Siguler Guff and

Mr. Nicholas Stillman, Managing Director Investment Banking - Clark-

Mr. Robert P. Burke, CEO - Ridgebury Tankers

son Capital Markets

The panel on private equity in shipping will examine the question of

Ms. Liz Cabot, Vice President, Industrials Group - Wells Fargo Securi-

why private equity has turned its attention to the shipping industry

ties LLC

now? Private equity has historically avoided the pure asset play in

Mr. Chris Weyers, Managing Director, Head of Maritime Investment

favor of struggling businesses with “hidden” value. How does shipping

Banking - Stifel Financial Corp. and

comport with this model? Is this a mere cyclical play or is private

Ms. Christa Volpicelli, Managing Director, Global Transportation Group

equity around for the long term? What are the unique challenges

- Citigroup

private equity faces when partnering with operators in an industry still struggling with the drive towards transparency? Will investors and

The panel covered topics that expected to cover the spectrum re-

operators ever truly have their interests aligned?

garding capital markets. It also discussed a number of topics which

“Shipping & Bank Financing”

may include equity and debt capital markets; U.S. and other stock

Moderator: Jasel Chauhan, Senior Associate, Ship Finance - Holman

exchanges, including the Oslo Stock Exchange; sector preferences;

Fenwick Willan International LLP

the influx of “green” vessels; the interplay of private equity and capital


markets; characteristics of successful IPOs; availability of capital; and

Mr. Gust Biesbroeck, Head of Transportation - ABN AMRO, Energy,

trends and expectations regarding the future of capital markets.

Commodities & Transportation, Mr. Vassilios Maroulis, Shipping, Logistics & Offshore Director - Citibank N.A. and Ms. Henriette Brent

“Analyst Panel”

Petersen, Head of Shipping & Offshore Research - DVB Bank SE

Moderator: Mr. John Gaffney, Partner - Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Panelists:

This year’s shipping and bank finance panel discussion was moder-

Mr. Fotis Giannakoulis, Vice President, Shipping, Morgan Stanley

ated by Jasel Chauhan (Senior Associate at Holman Fenwick Willan

Mr. Herman Hildan, Shipping Analyst, RS Platou Markets AS

International LLP), and saw the banking panel – with representatives

Mr. Michael Webber, Senior Analyst, Vice President, Equity Research

from Citibank, ABN Amro and DVB Bank – vigorously discussing the

& Global Shipping, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC

activity of the past year and the outlook for ship finance in 2014. With

Mr. Benjamin Nolan, Director, Maritime Research, Stifel

increased activity in restructurings and new acquisitions (both in the second hand and newbuilding markets), there was some key discus-


sion regarding the availability of ship finance. The panel also went on

Global Lead Sponsors: ABN AMRO and Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd

to consider the notable sale and purchase activity within the Greek


market and what impact this could have on an international shipping

Global Gold Sponsors: DVB Bank and EY


Sponsors: Bracewell & Giuliani, Citi, Clarkson Capital Markets, Gibson Dunn, GMS, Jefferies, International Registries Inc., Reed Smith, RS

“Acquisition of Non-Performing Shipping Loans”

Platou Markets, SeaWorld & Kissel LLP, Stifel, Watson Farley & Wil-

Moderator: Mr. Robert Wilkins, Partner - Reed Smith

liams και Wells Fargo Securities.

Panelists: Mr. Michail Zekyrgias, Managing Director Global Credit & Special Situ-


ations Group, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Holman Fenwick Willan LLP and PwC

Mr. Robin Das, Founder & Director - Auld Partners Mr. Alexander Tracy, Director - Miller Buckfire and


Mr. Jon Howells, Managing Partner - Capstan Capital Partners LLP

Hellenic Petroleum and National Bank of Greece

Whilst secondary trading of performing and non-performing loans and


loan portfolios is a relatively new phenomenon to the ship finance in-

All About Shipping, BarclayHedge, Lloyd’s List, Maritime Executive,

dustry, there has been a significant volume of such trades over the last

MetalBulletin, SteelFirst, SHIP to SHORE, Tradewinds and Worldoils.

18 to 24 months. The panel discussion focused on the reasons for this trend (both in terms of the drivers for European banks to sell and for


the appetite of private equity and funds to purchase), whether the pan-

Naftemporiki,, IHT -Kathimerini, BUSINESS FILE

elists expected this to increase in 2014, how investors price loans and, Elnavi, Shipping International Monthly Review, Athens

shipping risks and whether they were currently being priced correctly,

Views,, , , Nafs-

the approach that borrowers should take with investors purchasing and SBC TV.

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with a unique dual certification milestone MARIA TSAKOS TCM ACADEMY of TSAKOS COLUMBIA SHIPMAN-

courses for staff development and training.

AGEMENT (“TCM”) S.A. has recently been accredited as an Approved

“It is our duty to provide the best training facilities to our seafarers and

Training Provider by Lloyd’s Register as well as certified to the BS EN

shore personnel and to continuously develop & improve their compe-

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Standard by Lloyd’s Reg-

tence in order to ensure operational excellence, both in terms of safety

ister Quality Assurance. MARIA TSAKOS TCM ACADEMY has obtained

as well as efficiency and performance towards our clients. The reason

approval for two courses: Operational use of electronic chart display and

we invested in simulators was the opportunity for our crew to operate and

information system & Oil Record Book. The certified Quality Manage-

react in a virtual, yet fully realistic, environment where mistakes become

ment System against ISO 9001 is applicable to the ‘Provision of Training

lessons learnt, without risking damage to environment, equipment and

Services to Shipping Company Personnel and Seafarers’.

people” Captain Panagiotis Tsakos said The Maria Tsakos TCM Academy occupies about 500 square meters on

On Friday 7 February during a ceremony held at TCM premises and

the fifth floor of the Tsakos headquarters in Athens, and it is fully equipped

attended by Capt P. N. Tsakos, Mr. Nikolaos Tsakos, and managers and

with the latest KONGSBERG simulators including;

staff of Tsakos Group of Companies, the Chairman of Lloyd’s Register

K-Sim Polaris – DNV class A, ship’s bridge simulator with 240 degrees

Thomas Thune Andersen presented the certificates to Vassilis Papa-

visual field of view for complete navigation and ship maneuvering training

georgiou, Tsakos Group Deputy Chairman, George Vassiliades, TCM

Four K-Sim Polaris, desktop simulators with ECDIS

Deputy Managing Director and Nikolas Themelaros, Manager of “MARIA

Four K-Sim Neptune Cargo, where the cargo, ballast, inert/venting,


washing and associated sub-systems are presented as interactive mimic diagrams

“My sincere congratulations go out to the managemen t and staff of the

Four K-Sim Engine Neptune, desktop simulators, which are fully inte-

MARIA TSAKOS TCM ACADEMY for this significant achievement and

grated with the bridge simulator for full crew training

we look forward to supporting the further development of the Academy in

Big View touch screen system – an interactive schematic mimic of all

the future with the key objective of enhancing standards of training and

relevant engine room compartments, ideal for full system understanding.

competence in the maritime industry, and promoting safer and cleaner

The education at the Academy will not only be restricted to certification

shipping.”, said LR Chairman Thomas Thune Andersen.

and statutory training, but will also be expanded to cater for the specific needs of the officers and the operational requirements of the vessel the

The Lloyd’s Register Approved Training Provider Scheme provides third

officers are assigned to. The Academy will in addition provide training to

party assessment and certification of the ability to provide training to a

shore personnel, in areas of new regulations, analysis of incidents, loss

recognised standard and deliver courses which meet their stated objec-

prevention and familiarization of new equipment to be fitted on board

tives. It provides a benchmark for the marine industry when selecting


102 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 MARKET NEWS Ice-class LNG carrier features multiple MAN 51/60DF engines

Sovcomflot takes delivery of Dual-Fuel Power Sovcomflot, Russia’s largest shipping company, has taken delivery of its latest LNG carrier – the ‘Velikiy Novgorod’ – from South Korea’s STX Offshore & Shipbuilding. The ship is equipped with a diesel-electric, dual-fuel propulsion system consisting of 2 × MAN 8L51/60DF and 2 × MAN 9L51/60DF engines, offering a total rated power of 34 MW, which were constructed at MAN Diesel & Turbo’s Augsburg plant in Germany. The propulsion facility provides the LNG carrier with a highly efficient, low-emission propulsion system, especially when running in gas mode. It also features a high degree of redundancy, while the MAN 51/60 DF engines provide multiple fuelling options. MAN Diesel & Turbo states that the delivery of the LNG carrier newbuilding orders mark a major milestone in its strategy of expanding its environmentally friendly dual-fuel engine technology into the marine sector. MAN Diesel & Turbo sees promising opportunities ahead in the significant LNG market. The Velikiy Novgorod has been designed for sailing through sea ice and has an Arctic ice classification. The vessel has a total length of 300 m and a load capacity of 170,200 cubic metres of gas. It is the first in a series of ships to be built by STX Offshore & Shipbuilding in South Korea and becomes the fifth LNG carrier in Gazprom’s fleet of long-term-charter tankers. While working on the Sovcomflot project, MAN Diesel & Turbo utilised the valuable experience it gained from working on its first 51/60DF reference project, delivered in 2010 to Spanish shipping line Elcano. Featuring 5 × MAN 8L51/60DF units, the ‘Castillo de Santisteban’ has been operating globally since summer 2010.

Viking’s South Korean partner recognized with

Royal Danish Award

The Danish Export Association’s Diploma, and His Royal Highness Prince Henrik’s Medal of Honour, goes to VIKING Life-Saving Equipment’s Korean representative, Mr. J.W. Lee, for close to thirty years’ of successful business partnership. The recipient of the Danish Export Association’s Diploma, and His Royal Highness Prince Henrik’s Medal of Honour is Mr. J.W. Lee, a successful Korean businessman who, over many years, has built a highly successful agency business based around the products of VIKING Life-saving Equipment, the Esbjerg-based global market leader in marine and fire safety equipment. The award was presented by the Danish Minister for Trade and Development, Mogens Jensen, and CEO of the Danish Export Association, Ulrik Dahl, at a gala dinner held as part of the current Danish trade delegation to the Republic of Korea. Dinner attendees included numerous representatives from the Korean shipbuilding industry, Korean government officials, Danish industry, the Danish embassy in Korea, as well as a delegation from VIKING, including CEO Henrik Uhd Christensen. Mr. J.W. Lee is the founder and president of Dae Myung Marine Co. Ltd. which is based in the city of Pusan in Korea. After signing up with VIKING as a sales agent in 1986, Mr. Lee began to build a business upon VIKING’s marine safety equipment with the Korean shipyards. From modest beginnings, the company has now achieved annual sales in hundreds of millions of Euro, and has captured the lion’s share of the Korean newbuilding market for VIKING’s core products and solutions. “Mr. Lee has done an outstanding job,” explained Henrik Uhd Christensen. “He has built a very strong position for Danish maritime products

in Korea, entering into multi-year framework agreements with major shipyards in the region.” In 1995, after becoming convinced that liferaft safety servicing should be expanded in Korea, Mr. Lee expanded Dae Myung Marine Co. Ltd.’s business to encompass service as well as sales. Over the years, he has also expanded the company’s product range to provide more of VIKING’s impressive portfolio of equipment, including state-of-the-art offshore evacuation systems. Together with the Danish Marine Group, Danish Offshore Energy Group and other industry groups, Danish Export Association determined the south-western region of Korea as the destination for its March 2014 trade delegation because of the concentration of marine and offshore industry in Pusan and its surroundings. Korea is the world’s largest producer of complex offshore and maritime structures, comprising shipbuilding and offshore structures such as drilling rigs, drill ships, production platforms and FPSOs. Among other activities, the group visited the main shipbuilding and offshore construction companies in the area, meeting with design, procurement and technical departments. The association’s trade delegations have long been a resounding success – in 2012 alone, for example, 610 companies joined trips to a variety of export destinations around the world. Accepting the award and medal from Mogens Jensen, Mr. Lee thanked VIKING’s CEO for his company’s trust and support. “It is an honor to have my work recognized by Denmark, a country for which I have strong affection – and I will treasure this award as evidence of what people who inspire and trust each other can create together by leveraging the strengths of different cultures.”

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Viking goes against the flow in

Registers a tight global market First United States-flagged Ship

Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has announced that ClassNK has classed its first United States-flagged ship. The vessel, newly named MT SLNC PAX, owned by Schuyler Line Navigation Company, LLC (SLNC), is classified as an Oil tanker and Chemical Tanker with IMO type II & III, and will be operating in the US-flag cargo preference service. Russell Paret, President of SLNC said, “We are very pleased to be working with ClassNK as they have been knowledgeable and diligent in issuing class certificates for the MT SLNC PAX in the US registry. Schuyler Line looks forward to continuing our relationship with ClassNK.” ClassNK was granted the authorization to carry out statutory survey for US-flagged ships from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in 2011 for the first time for the Load Line (LL) and Tonnage (TM69). It was granted extended authorization on December 2012, enabling ClassNK to render a full range of services for survey and certification for the SOLAS, MARPOL and AFS conventions, as well as to perform ISM Audits on behalf of the United States flag administration. This service commenced with the classification of the MT SLNC PAX. ClassNK opened its first US office in New York in 1962. The classification of its first USflag ship is recognition of the company’s solid reputation as a society in the US market.

Announcing its results for the 2013 financial year, VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S has again led the way in its industry, achieving growth in both turnover and profits for 10 straight years. In doing so, the Danish-based company with a worldwide presence has once more beaten the odds in an industry plagued by reductions in passenger and cargo ship newbuilds, falling exchange rates in key markets, and downward price pressure. Adjusted for falls in the US dollar exchange rate, currencies pegged to the dollar, and European member state non-euro currencies, the company’s turnover for 2013 increased 6 percent to DKK 1.612 billion. Profit before tax grew more than 20 percent to a record DKK 141.2 million. “Our earnings have now reached an appropriate level for a healthy manufacturing company,” says VIKING CEO Henrik Uhd Christensen. “In 2013, VIKING achieved moderate growth in turnover, and the increased profit level primarily reflects internal improvements. We have, in fact, been able to reduce the costs of administration, logistics and production while simultaneously strengthening customer service.” Long-term strategy in a sluggish market As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of maritime safety equipment, VIKING is closely tied to the newbuild market for passenger and cargo ships, a market that has been declining in recent years. Southern European countries, in particular, the traditional stronghold of ferry traffic in the Mediterranean, are still feeling the effects of the economic crisis. Moreover, low economic growth rates in several large markets have had considerable influence on global cargo traffic which, in turn, affects contracts for new cargo ships. “We have been able to handle the worldwide market saturation of recent years because VIKING’s owners take a long-term approach to expanding our global market position, focusing on growth and making sure we are right where our customers are,” says Henrik Uhd Christensen. “During the crisis years, we have continued to develop a competitive product portfolio based on concepts and services tailored to each customer’s specific needs.” Offshore market continues to grow Henrik Uhd Christensen points to the VIKING Shipowner Agreement, where his company offers to take care of all aspects of a shipowner’s safety equipment and servicing tasks for predictable, transparent prices. It’s a concept that addresses shipowner needs for flexibility at a time where access to financing is limited, and has quickly become the industry’s gold standard since its launch four years ago. With its broad product portfolio, VIKING has also been able to compensate for slower activity in some market segments by expanding in more promising ones. Here the offshore industry stands out, with growth rates fueled by continued high oil prices. “As the hunt for new oil and gas discoveries moves further from shore, higher-quality safety equipment and servicing arrangements are necessary,” says Henrik Uhd Christensen. “With a product range wellsuited to the North Sea and polar conditions, and with a specialised offshore business unit based in Norway, VIKING is uniquely positioned to dominate the offshore market for the foreseeable future.” 2014 just as difficult Despite difficult prevailing market conditions, VIKING expects to see growth both in turnover and profit during 2014. “We are again facing a challenging year where there is little room for improvement in newbuilds, or strong growth in other areas. We expect the passenger and cargo markets will marginally improve, and that the offshore market will continue to show its strength. Within these largely unchanged parameters, we will continue to be on the offensive with our products and services, tailored to individual customer needs,” says Henrik Uhd Christensen. The positive earnings for 2013, combined with a conservative dividends policy, have contributed to further strengthening the company. VIKING’s equity at the end of the financial year amounted to DKK 617.2 million.


ABB wins energy management systems order

for Baleària ferry

Energy management system will improve vessel’s fuel efficiency by over 2 per cent ABB, has won an order from Spanish ferry operator Baleària to supply energy management systems for one of its largest vessels. ABB’s advisory software will be installed onboard the ferry Martin i Soler, with an option to extend the project to two further vessels in the Baleària fleet. The package supplied is part of ABB’s energy management solution package EMMA™ Advisory Suite of software. The EMMA Advisory Suite is a decision-support tool to minimize the overall energy costs for individual vessels and entire fleets. Baleària’s installation will cover dynamic trim optimization and hull condition monitoring. The package will help the vessel operator to optimize required propulsive power and forecast hull and propeller fouling, with both contributing to reduced fuel consumption. By reducing fuel consumption, ABB will also help Baleària to reduce the vessel’s environmental emissions. ABB’s trim optimization system dynamically measures actual trim and advises the crew on steering adjustments via easy-to-understand and user-friendly displays. All data generated onboard is transferred to a cloud-based application for vessel benchmarking. This can provide management onshore with full visibility of energy consumption across the entire fleet. “Baleària and ABB are expecting over 2% savings in propulsion power used at sea through the installation of the trim optimization system and hull monitoring, which will have the same impact in the fuel consumption and consequently reduce emissions,” says Mr. Guillermo Alomar, Baleària’s, Fleet Manager. Baleària operates ferries connecting the four Balearic Islands to mainland Spain, as well as providing daily inter-island sailings. The company also operates in the Strait of Gibraltar

and between the U.S. and the Bahamas. Baleària’s business focuses on the regular maritime transport of passengers and cargo. The company has a strong focus on continuous growth and the modernization of its fleet, with 17 vessels currently in service. “ABB is committed to the development of cutting-edge technology that will help ship operators with the challenge they face today, and we are confident that ABB’s energy management systems will help Baleària to optimize vessel operations while improve the energy efficiency.” said Heikki Soljama, head of ABB’s Marine and Cranes Business Unit. The EMMA Advisory Suite is also the core advisory part of ABB’s Vessel Information and Control portfolio. ABB’s Vessel Information and Control (VICO) portfolio of solutions for marine applications consists of a broad range of advisory and fleet management reporting solutions, integrated automation, vessel management and control systems, and marine instrumentation and sensors. ABB has already equipped more than 170 vessels with its advisory systems to operate more efficiently and safely.

Globecomm and Future Care create ‘virtual ER’

to deliver emergency medical response to seafarers Future Care Live telemedicine service combines cost effective video streaming with cutting edge healthcare provision for crew in remote locations

Cedar Knolls, NJ. Globecomm Maritime, a leading provider of maritime communications solutions, has formed a strategic relationship with Future Care, Inc, to create Future Care Live, a video-enabled telemedicine solution integrated into Globecomm’s popular Access Chat service. Future Care Live combines Future Care’s Caring for the Crew® program with Globecomm’s Access Chat Plus live video streaming software to provide a revolutionary level of medical care to commercial shipping and marine personnel during emergency illness or injury at sea, as well as to respond to routine healthcare needs. Using the video streaming properties of Access Chat Plus, Future Care Live creates a ‘virtual ER’, which allows for the simultaneous remote participation of general and specialist physicians, hospital treatment staff, Future Care case manager, shipowner representatives and family members while the patient is onboard ship. Christina DeSimone, President and CEO of Future Care, said the alliance would allow both companies to greatly expand the reach and effectiveness of maritime telemedicine services. “Telemedicine is a truly shared benefit – to the ship or boat owner or shipmanager, as well as to individual crew members – and in ways not imaginable a few short years ago. Seafarers will benefit from the virtual presence of Future Care’s network phy-

sicians and other medical professionals onboard ship while the shipowner and his P&I Club will save in medical costs, time lost and avoidance of deviation.” Malcolm McMaster, President of Globecomm Maritime, said the ability to provide a genuine telemedicine was a timely development, given the ratification last year of the Maritime Labour Convention. “Shipowners and managers are more than ever focused on the ‘human factor’ as the key to safe and efficient operations. Until now, this realisation has lacked the mechanism to truly provide innovative services like telemedicine. Putting Access Chat Plus together with Future Care creates the opportunity to deliver a service that can improve healthcare for mariners and also be highly cost effective.” Originally developed for military use, Future Care Live meets the requirements of the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and international standards for the electronic transmission of private medical information. Other capabilities include virtual face-to-face secure communication in one-to-one or group settings for non-medical discussions, as well as the encrypted transmission of business documents of any size and in any format between ship and shore. Future Care and Globecomm Maritime will be exhibiting this solution at the Connecticut Maritime Association Shipping 2014 Conference next week in Stamford, CT. At 3 PM on March 19, 2014, in the Charter Oak Seminar room, Future Care will be holding a panel discussion entitled “Future Care and Yale University School of Medicine Present Injury and Illness at Sea – New Developments in Emergency Response and Telemedicine.”

nafs March 2014



Heavy storm DNV GL opens new Vietnam damages rudder office to support growth plans of dry cargo vessel

When the rudder of a 132-meter dry cargo vessel was severely damaged during a heavy storm it came loose and was swinging dangerously from side to side during sailing, hitting the propeller of the vessel. The ship was unable to sail any further. A Hydrex diver/technician team mobilized to St. Malo, France in January to perform an emergency repair operation. A thorough underwater inspection revealed that the rudder was positioned in the portside angle. Several bolts and rings were missing from the steering gear of the rudder. The team then pulled the rudder to a zero angle. Next they installed a temporary stiffener that would keep the rudder in position. This allowed the manufacturer to safely open up the rudder from the steering room. It immediately became clear that the steering gear was completely broken and needed to be replaced in its entirety in drydock where the damage to the propeller would also be repaired. The vessel needed to be towed without the rudder moving uncontrollably and causing further damage. The Hydrex diver/technicians therefore reinforced the temporary stiffener with a full weld and installed seven additional stiffeners. The rudder was now fully secured in the neutral position. The vessel could be towed safely to drydock for further repairs. Permanent on-site repairs with new technology Because of the extent of the damage to the steering gear, drydocking was the only option for this ship. In most cases, however, in-house developed rudder repair techniques allow Hydrex to perform permanent repairs while the vessel remains at anchorage. Cargo operations can continue uninterrupted, saving the owner precious time and money. The equipment can be mobilized within hours to any port in the world. This allows Hydrex to offer this service on a worldwide basis. The technique allows engineers, welders and inspectors to perform their tasks in dry conditions with the vessel still afloat. Class approved permanent repairs in-situ are possible. Steel repairs and replacements can be performed and pintle and bushing defects can be remedied without the loss of time and money associated with drydocking.

Left to right: HE Ms Le Thi Tuyet Mai, Ambassador of Vietnam to Norway, Dr Henrik Madsen, Group President & CEO, DNV GL, HRH Crown Prince Haakon, HE Ms Monica Mæland, Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, HE Mr Ståle Torstein Risa, Ambassador of Norway to Vietnam, Mr Ray Haveron, Country Manager Vietnam, DNV GL, Ernst Meyer, Vice President & Regional Manager SEA, DNV GL. DNV GL has moved into a new office that was officially opened by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Henrik O. Madsen, Group President & CEO, DNV GL. The official ceremony was part of the program of the Norwegian trade delegation visiting Vietnam this week. Besides the Crown Prince, the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Fisheries, Ms. Monica Mæland also attended the inauguration ceremony. DNV GL has had presence in Vietnam since 1995. Starting out as a Representative Office, the new office which is located in the heart of the business district in HCMC will consolidate the operations of its three business areas - Maritime, Oil & Gas and Business Assurance – under one roof. The open concept office will foster closer collaboration and working efficiencies between the employees of both DNV and GL which merged in September last year. Vietnam is a strong emerging market for DNV GL’s services in the maritime and oil & gas industries. In the shipbuilding industry, DNV GL is already represented at major shipyards from the north to south of Vietnam and we firmly believe that the oil & gas industry will develop further in the years to come. “The growth of Vietnam’s oil & gas industry over recent years has been astonishing. We believe this growth will continue and will drive the need for more local expertise and knowledge. We currently have 60 employees in Vung Tau and Ho Chi Minh who are mostly Vietnamese nationals, and we plan to employ and develop more local expertise in Vietnam,” said Dr Madsen. Rising demand for energy has prompted Vietnam to focus on exploration in deeper water reserves that requires high level of technologies. The country also needs large amounts of gas to cover future energy demands. Parts of this gas can be extracted from the Vietnamese continental shelf. “With more than 40 years of experience in offshore and deepwater technology, DNV GL is ready to support Vietnam’s offshore field developments in applying technological innovations and practices. Furthermore, we launched the Deepwater Technology Centre, a competence centre in Singapore in 2012 to support the oil & gas industry in the region,” added Dr Madsen. With a strong base in maritime and oil & gas business, DNV GL is also looking into venturing into new and exciting areas such as electricity and gas power with the authorities and industrial players in Vietnam.

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Ξεκίνησε τις MAN L27/38-Powered Hybrid εργασίες της η νέα Package adds Flexibility, Opμονάδα ναυπηγικών timisation and Environmental εργασιών Safety to ‘Herøyhav’ του ομίλου The Norwegian company, Herøyhav AS, has taken delivery of a 69.95-m


Στα πλαίσια ανάπτυξης του Ομίλου Σπανόπουλος ενημερώνουμε ότι η νέα ναυπηγική μονάδα στο Πέραμα με την επωνυμία Ι & Μ ΣΠΑΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Ο.Ε και έδρα την Λεωφόρο Δημοκρατίας 34 στο Πέραμα, ξεκίνησε την επιχειρηματική της δραστηριότητα φιλοξενώντας ήδη τις πρώτες θαλαμηγούς. Σκοπός του νέου ναυπηγείου είναι η παροχή υπηρεσιών σε πολυτελής θαλαμηγούς που περιλαμβάνουν μεταξύ των άλλων, ανελκύσεις – καθελκύσεις, συνήθεις εργασίες συντηρήσεων και επισκευών, μετασκευές καθώς και εργασίες βαφής. Τα νέο ναυπηγείο καταλαμβάνει έκταση 16.000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων και μπορεί να φιλοξενήσει θαλαμηγούς από 25 έως και 65 μέτρα, ενώ μεταξύ των παροχών του συγκαταλέγονται μία καφετέρια, γυμναστήριο, βιβλιοθήκη, roof garden καθώς και καταλύματα για τα πληρώματα. Η νέα ναυπηγική μονάδα είναι πλήρως εξοπλισμένη με σύγχρονο τεχνολογικό εξοπλισμό, ικανό να παρέχει ευρεία γκάμα υπηρεσιών υψηλού επιπέδου στα πρότυπα των πολυτελών θαλαμηγών, στις ανταγωνιστικότερες τιμές της αγοράς. Με δεδομένη την ήδη υπάρχουσα πολυετή εμπειρία στον τομέα των σκαφών αναψυχής, η Ι & Μ ΣΠΑΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Ο.Ε φιλοδοξεί να ηγηθεί στις ναυπηγικές υπηρεσίες των πολυτελών θαλαμηγών με άρτια εκπαιδευμένο και έμπειρο τεχνικό προσωπικό, σύγχρονο τεχνολογικό εξοπλισμό καθώς και συνέργειες και συνεργασίες με κορυφαίους οίκους διεθνώς. Φιλοδοξία της ηγεσίας του Ομίλου Σπανόπουλος είναι η δημιουργία μιας πρότυπης μονάδας σκαφών αναψυχής που όμοια της δεν υπάρχει στον Ελληνικό χώρο.

trawler/purse seiner from Karstensens Shipyard, Denmark. The vessel is hallmarked by its very flexible propulsion package that offers a number of fuel-saving power modes to accommodate the different fishing patterns it will encounter at sea.

The ‘Herøyhav’ was ordered by the Ervik family of Fosnavåg, Norway in January 2012 and replaces a previous vessel of the same name from 1999. The new fishing vessel has been updated with modern equipment that provides flexible and economic operation, both for pelagic trawling and purse-seine fishing in the Atlantic adjacent to Norway’s coast. The propulsion package consists of a MAN 9L27/38 engine and a two-speed reduction gear that drives a MAN Alpha 4,200 mm diam. ducted propeller. The propeller nozzle is a customised MAN Alpha AHT design. MAN Diesel & Turbo also supplied its Alphatronic 2000 propulsion control system, including the ECO Speed Pilot for optimal voyage planning and speed setting.

Hybrid flexibility

A hybrid configuration is a fuel-efficient and flexible power-and-propulsion system with high redundancy. Hybrid propulsion systems are a combination of electric propulsion and diesel drive, and enable ships with variable power requirements to run at high propeller efficiency. A large number of operational modes are available, which enable the engine and propeller to run optimally over a wider power range. The Herøyhav’s propulsion system has several power modes: both diesel-mechanical, diesel-electrical and hybrid combinations. Its auxiliary generators can deliver 1,500 kW auxiliary power to the hybrid system, which – in combination with the main-engine power of 3,285 kW – offer a total propulsion output of 4,785 kW (~ 6,500 hp) for trawling or full-speed steaming. The following ship speed / power modes were verified during sea trials: 11.6 knots – 1,400 kW (diesel-electric, variable propeller speed) 14.0 knots – 2,400 kW (diesel-electric, fixed propeller speed) 15.5 knots – 3,285 kW (diesel-mechanical) 16.6 Knots – 4,785 kW (diesel-mechanical + electric boost)

Environment – no oil to water

As a result of the fuel-saving propulsion setups for the various operational modes, the Herøyhav also limits exhaust gas-to-air emissions. Another, remarkable environmentally friendly feature is its coated propeller shaft, installed in combination with a water-lubricated stern-tube system, that eliminates any risk of sealing damage and any leakages of sterntube oil to the sea in the event of impact with fishing gear wires.


Type approval opens the market to L01 control Full type approval has been granted to the new generation ‘plug and play’ L01 control lever, opening the way for widespread uptake of the integrated electronic shaft system technology Norwegian supplier Lilaas believes will change the entire ship control sector. The all-electric L01 has secured type approval from Det Norske Veritas covering International Association of Classification Societies E10 standards for control units, EN60945 standards for Marine Navigation Equipment, and the International Protection standard IP56 covering protection against access to hazardous parts, ingress of solid foreign objects and water. The L01 can be used for Azimuth, single and double thruster/propulsion control. It features a distinctive integral display that can be customised to suit individual users, with all information available in one place. The all-electric configuration also means that the L01 requires a very shallow space beneath the lever. However, the L01’s most compelling advantages over existing technology

available for marine use are its drop-in installation and the fact that force feedback is achieved without intermediary motors. “Type approval has allowed us to switch to full-scale industrial production of the L01 to meet demand from end-users and marine system integrators alike,” says Terje Akerholt, Lilaas Sales & Marketing Manager Maritime. “We know that the industry has been waiting for a step change in control lever concepts, not least because the leading marine system integrators have been allocating considerable R&D funds to simplifying their own designs. Lilaas is now in position to meet series orders from shipowners for L01 units, but also to work with system integrators to offer the ‘under the plate’ innovation they have been seeking while retaining the ‘look and feel’ of the consoles their customers expect.” The L01 is configurable for force feedback, detents and friction, features an El shaft, LED indicators, and both redundant CAN open and analogue outputs in a compact modular design. “The L01 is also extremely price competitive with older, less streamlined control units. The idea is not to increase prices; it is to increase possibilities. Rolling out production means that sufficient units are available for the tests that will corroborate Class type approval and demonstrate the ability of the equipment to function as intended, even in the harshest marine conditions.”

Απονεμήθηκε για μια ακόμα φορά η αναγνώριση ως ECOPORT του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε Απονεμήθηκε για μια ακόμα φορά η αναγνώριση ως ECOPORT

Όπως δήλωσε ο Πρόεδρος και Δ/νων Σύμβουλος κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης:

(Οικολογικό Λιμάνι) του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. από την ESPO (Ευρωπαϊκός

«Ο ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. υπακούοντας στις βασικές ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές για τα

Οργανισμός Λιμένων) κατά τη σημερινή δεύτερη ημέρα της Συνόδου της

λιμάνια και τη λιμενική αγορά, με συγκεκριμένες αποφάσεις στηρίζει τις

Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος (ECOPORTS) της ESPO, η οποία διεξάγεται

αρχές της ανταγωνιστικότητας, της διαφάνειας και της προστασίας του

φέτος στον Πειραιά.

περιβάλλοντος. Η σημερινή βράβευσή του για ακόμα φορά ως ECO-

Όπως είναι γνωστό, η απονομή γίνεται με απόφαση της ESPO και

PORT από την ESPO επιβραβεύει στην ουσία τις προσπάθειες ενός

πιστοποίηση των Lloyd’s Register. Μαζί με τον ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. βραβεύθηκαν

δημόσιου Οργανισμού, ο οποίος μαζί με τις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει

επίσης και τα λιμάνια Bremenhaven και Akaba.

στη διακίνηση εμπορευμάτων και επιβατών, δείχνει ιδιαίτερη ευαισθησία

Στη σημερινή συνεδρίαση παρέστησαν και μίλησαν η Γενική Γραμματέας

στα θέματα της προστασίας του Περιβάλλοντος, της κοινωνίας και του

του Οργανισμού Λιμένων Ευρώπης (ESPO) κ. Isabelle Ryckbost, ο


Πρόεδρος και Δ/νων Σύμβουλος του ΟΛΠ Α.Ε. κ. Γιώργος Ανωμερίτης, ο εκτελεστικός Δ/ντής της Ένωσης Λιμένων Ελλάδος (ΕΛΙΜΕ) κ. Γιώργος Καστελλάνος, ο Πρόεδρος της MedCruise κ. Σταύρος Χατζάκος η εκπρόσωπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής κα Anna Bobo Remijn (DG Move), καθώς και ομιλητές από διάφορα λιμάνια της Ευρώπης, με κεντρικό θέμα τις πολιτικές προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος και τις υπηρεσίες υποδοχής αποβλήτων στα Ευρωπαϊκά Λιμάνια. Προηγουμένως υπήρξε διμερής συνάντηση της Γ. Γραμματέως της ESPO κα Isabelle Ryckbost και του Προέδρου της ΕΛΙΜΕ κ. Γιώργου Ανωμερίτη για τα θέματα της Ευρωπαϊκής λιμενικής αγοράς, επί των οποίων υπήρξε σύμπτωση απόψεων. Η Γ. Γραμματέας είχε επίσης συνεργασία με την Υπουργό Τουρισμού κα Όλγα Κεφαλογιάννη. Όπως είναι γνωστό η Γενική Συνέλευση της ESPO του 2015 θα διεξαχθεί στον Πειραιά, μετά από πρόταση του ΟΛΠ και της Ε.Ε. της ESPO.



Double naming in Japan for two eco type LPG carriers On the 28th march StealthGas named the first two of its seventeen new generation eco LPG carriers. The first pair coming out of Kyokuyo yard in Japan were 7,200 cbm fully pressurized, VCM capable and fly the marshall islands flag. The first was named ECO STREAM by mrs Ochi the wife of the president of the shipyard while the second ship was named ECO CHIOS by mrs Galitopoulou sofia the longest serving employee of the Vafias group. (she started working for the group in 1977!) both ships are fixed on 8 year charters ie till 2022!!! The ships have been financed by credit acricole bank and

Harry Vafias with the crew of the ECO STREAM

are classed by NK.

ECO stream sailing

Harry Vafias with mrs Galitopoulou on his left and mrs Ochi and his right (the 2 godmothers)

Ecospeed offers lasting underwater hull protection to

vessels trading in ice

environments. Icebreakers and ships that trade in icy waters have their own very specific problems when it comes to protecting their underwater hull. Icebreakers have to use their weight to ram into thick ice and force a passage. Ice going ships, such as those trading in the North Baltic, the northern coasts of North America, the Great Lakes, and so on, are constantly being hit by chunks of ice which may be 50 centimeters or more in thickness. Not only is the ice highly abrasive, there is the additional factor that the steel of the hull flexes under the impact. Ecospeed demonstrates excellent attachment to the hull and successful resistance to extremely icy conditions. For over seven years When it comes to protecting the hulls of ice-going vessels, the glassflake

a number of vessels coated with Ecospeed

reinforced surface treated composite (STC) Ecospeed速 has proven to be

have been sailing the most northern parts of the Baltic Sea during the

remarkably durable, typically outperforming many specialized ice class

winter season and as far as both the North and the South Pole. Despite

paints. The fact that the coating is non-toxic is also particularly important

this, there has been neither damage from the ice nor any deterioration of

for ice trading vessels where toxic AF coatings are rapidly scraped off

the coating and none of these vessels have required more than just a few

and deposit their toxic ingredients in what are often particularly sensitive

touch-ups during their drydock visits.

nafs March 2014


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The 19th Annual General Assembly of WISTA Hellas

The 19th Annual General Assembly of WISTA Hellas took place on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 at the Metropolitan Hotel, during which General Elections were held to appoint the new Board of Directors and the new Auditing Committee for the coming two-year period 2014-2016. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. President: Angie Hartmann, Crew Manager, Starbulk S.A. 2. Vice-President: Dorothea Ioannou, Managing and Regional Business Development Director, Shipowners Claims Bureau (Hellas) Inc., Piraeus Claims Liaison Office for the Managers of American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association, Inc. 3. General Secretary: Dr. Marina Papaioannou, DNV GL, Maritime Academy Hellas 4. Treasurer: Ioanna Topaloglou, Orion International Brokers and Consultants Ltd. 5. Board Member: Maria Mavroudi, Adjuster, Richards Hogg Lindley (Hellas) Ltd / Claims executive, The Standard Club SUBSTITUTE Board members

Artemis Papatheodorou, AP&Assoc. Law Offices Mary Pothitos, N.A.N.E SHIPPING MANAGEMENT S.A Danai Bezantakou, Managing Director, NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS LTD. AUDITING COMMITTEE 1. Vicky Roussos, J. G. Roussos Shipping S.A. 2. Elizabeth Ioannidi, Oceanbulk Maritime S.A. 3. Mary Argyros, Richards Hogg Lindley (Hellas) Ltd. It was a successful event attended by over 80 members, while approximately 50 more voted through proxies. The Association’s members were updated on WISTA Hellas’s overall activities during 2013, as well as major activities of WISTA International and in particular, were made aware of its annual financial status and the budget for 2014. A lively exchange of views, ideas and information between members present (representing all facets of the maritime industry) ensued, relating to the future conduct and activities of the Association. It is important to note that WISTA Hellas is part of a greater international body of professional women actively involved in the global industry of shipping and trade spanning across 34 countries and many of whom play key roles in the companies they represent. Such diversity of professionals within one industry is unique and has proven a major factor in promoting the goals of WISTA by encouraging commercial and educational interaction on many levels. PHOTO: Marina Papaioannou, Angie Hartmann, Dorothea Ioannou, Ioanna Topaloglou, Maria Mavroudi

60 MacGregor cranes Athens takes the honours as ordered for Chinese-built bulkers prime location in 2014 ICS exams MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has won a run of orders for bulk versions of its season cargo handling cranes from five Chinese shipyards. The cranes are destined for 15 bulk carriers for various owners. The orders were booked in the first quarter 2014 order intake and include: • Two 37,500 dwt bulkers on order at Yangzhou Gouyo shipyard. The vessels will be used to carry logs as well as dry bulk cargoes and will each be equipped with four GLBE3026.2-2/2426.2gr variable frequency drive (VFD)type marine cranes. The cranes are scheduled for delivery by the end of 2014. • A repeat contract for two 63,000 dwt bulk carriers on order at the Dayang shipyard for Greek owner whose two new vessels will each be equipped with four GLB3629-2/28.829 electro-hydraulic type marine cranes. Deliveries are scheduled for the end of 2014. • A Greek customer has ordered two 61,000 dwt bulkers from NACKS shipyard. The contract will see MacGregor deliver four electro- hydraulic-type GLB3528-2/2828gr marine cranes for each vessel by mid-2015. • Five 61,000 dwt bulk ships under construction at the Natong Huatai shipyard for Hong Kong-based company. All vessels will be fitted with four electrohydraulic-type GLB3026-2/2426gr marine cranes, which are scheduled for delivery from the end of 2014 until the beginning of 2016. • Four 67,000 dwt bulk and log handling vessels being built at the Zheijiang Zhenge shipyard for Chinese owners. Each ship will be equipped with four GLBE3629-2/2829gr VFD marine cranes, planned for delivery starting end 2014.

Greek capital overtakes London as more young shipping professionals seek to base their careers on recognised qualifications. Athens has overtaken London as the most popular centre for students sitting the 2014 Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers exams, which begin today. After coming a close second in 2013, the Greek capital has outstripped London as Greeks flock to the ICS programme. The continued interest shown in the ICS exams by young shipping professionals reflects the belief that acquiring the right qualifications is more important as ever, according to ICS Director Julie Lithgow. Total candidate numbers in 2014 are the highest yet, with 2,600 students taking 6,500 exams in 110 centres. In Athens, some 330 students will sit the exams, with some taking part in revision sessions held aboard the restored Liberty Ship Liberty Hellas. Exams are also being conducted in places including Mogadishu, Beirut, Shetland Islands, Caracas, Bermuda, Rio de Janeiro, Doula (Cameroon), Vladivostok and Baku. The UK sees students sit the exams in 11 centres, from the Shetland islands to Felixstowe, including London, Southampton, Cardiff, Liverpool, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Middleborough, Hull, Plymouth with 500 students taking over 1,000 exams. ICS delivers its main educational programme, TutorShip, directly from its London head office and through a further 16 distance learning centres worldwide.

Worldwide relationships! With the support of the extensive global network of affiliated establishments, agents, suppliers and representatives, we guarantee immediate service at all major ports around the world such as New York, Houston, Los Angeles, Panama, Singapore, Rotterdam, Fujairah, Hamburg, Durban, Istanbul, Shanghai , Pusan and various others.

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Νέοι προορισμοί, θεματικές κρουαζιέρες και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη, η κεντρική στρατηγική για το 2014

Από αριστερά:Ο κ. Κυριάκος Αναστασιάδης – Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Louis Cruises, κ. Βασίλης Κανελλακόπουλος συνιδιοκτήτης της εταιρείας Κτήμα Μερκούρη ΑΕ, η κα Ελένη Τσαλδάρη, Πρόεδρος του Λυκείου Ελληνίδων και ο κ. Πυθαγόρας Νάγος, Διευθυντής Πωλήσεων. Η Louis Cruises εγκαινιάζει ουσιαστικά τη φετινή ελληνική κρουαζιέρα και σε σχετική συνέντευξη τύπου ανακοίνωσε τα φετινά της προγράμματα, τη στρατηγική της τοποθέτηση ως τη μοναδική εταιρεία με αφετηρία ελληνικά λιμάνια και το όραμά της για βιώσιμη και ισόρροπη ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας με την εισαγωγή νέων μοναδικών προορισμών. Επίσης, για πρώτη φορά φέτος εμπλουτίζει τις θεματικές κρουαζιέρες δίνοντας μεγαλύτερη έμφαση στην προώθηση του ελληνικού πολιτισμού, της γαστρονομίας, του κρασιού και της ιστορίας της χώρας μας. Αρχικά το λόγο έλαβε ο κος Κυριάκος Αναστασιάδης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Louis Cruises, ο οποίος ανακοίνωσε την καθιέρωση δύο συνεντεύξεων τύπου, μία στην αρχή και μία στο τέλος της τουριστικής περιόδου στο πλαίσιο της πρωτοβουλίας της εταιρείας για ενίσχυση της ενημέρωσης στα θέματα κρουαζιέρας, αφενός λόγω της πολυετούς εμπειρίας και τεχνογνωσίας που διαθέτει, αφετέρου εξαιτίας της συμμετοχής της στην Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Κρουαζιέρας (CLIA). Στη συνέχεια περιέγραψε ποια είναι η στρατηγική και οι στόχοι της εταιρείας, καθώς όπως είπε: «Η φετινή χρονιά αποτελεί ορόσημο για εμάς καθώς αναλάβαμε την πρωτοβουλία και την καινοτομία να εντάξουμε στα προγράμματά μικρά ελληνικά νησιά που λόγω του μεσαίου μεγέθους των πλοίων μας, μπορούμε να τα προσεγγίσουμε χωρίς να διαταράσσεται η ηρεμία του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος αλλά και η τοπική πολιτιστική ιδιαιτερότητα. Η ήπια αυτή τουριστική ανάπτυξη πάντα με γνώμονα το σεβασμό στο περιβάλλον κι η ‘αποσυμφόρηση’ κορεσμένων προορισμών, πιστεύουμε ότι θα πρέπει να τύχει της στήριξης του κράτους με τη διαμόρφωση των κατάλληλων υποδομών, προκειμένου να αξιοποιήσει η Ελλάδα το ανταγωνιστικό της πλεονέκτημα στην κρουαζιέρα». Στη συνέχεια, μίλησε για τους 454.318 επιβάτες που διακίνησε το 2013 η εταιρεία πραγματοποιώντας 659 προσεγγίσεις σε ελληνικά λιμάνια, κατέχοντας το 90% του home porting στην Ελλάδα με 95.557 επιβάτες. Σύμφωνα με τις προβλέψεις της Louis Cruises για φέτος αναμένονται 820.000 επισκέψεις επιβατών σε ελληνικά λιμάνια, από τους οποίους οι 150.000 θα είναι home porting (προσμετρώντας και τα πλοία που ναυλώνει και διαχειρίζεται για λογαριασμό της Thomson Cruises). Παράλληλα,

επισήμανε την ετήσια συνεισφορά της εταιρείας στην εθνική οικονομία που ανέρχεται μόνο πέρυσι σε χρονιά κρίσης, σε 76 εκατομμύρια ευρώ και αφορούν τόσο στις δαπάνες επιβατών της όσα και στα άμεσα λειτουργικά έξοδα που περιλαμβάνουν ναυπηγοεπισκευές που μόνο πέρυσι άγγιξαν τα 17 εκ ευρώ, ενώ οι συνολικές επενδύσεις από το 2007, έτος ίδρυσης της εταιρείας αγγίζουν τα 400 εκατομμύρια ευρώ. Και ο κος Αναστασιάδης κατέληξε τονίζοντας ότι «μέσα σε ένα δύσκολο οικονομικό περιβάλλον που βιώνει η επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ελλάδα, είναι εξαιρετικής σημασίας ότι μια εταιρεία με έδρα τον Πειραιά και με αφετηρία Ελληνικά λιμάνια, προσφέρει μια πολύπλευρη ενίσχυση της οικονομίας, τόσο σε τοπικό όσο και σε εθνικό επίπεδο». Τέλος, ο κος Πυθαγόρας Νάγος, Διευθυντής Πωλήσεων της εταιρείας, ανέλυσε τα περυσινά στοιχεία των επιβατών, παρουσίασε τις εκτιμήσεις για το 2014 εκφράζοντας την αισιοδοξία του ότι θα είναι μία ικανοποιητική χρονιά για τη Louis Cruises. Όπως δήλωσε οι επιβεβαιωμένες κρατήσεις με ονόματα δείχνουν μία αύξηση της τάξης του 20% και αυτό είναι πολύ ενθαρρυντικό τόσο για την πορεία της εταιρείας όσο και για την εθνική οικονομία. Στη συνέχεια παρουσίασε τα νέα προγράμματα με την ονομασία «Ειδυλιακό Αιγαίο» όπου όπως ανέφερε: «τοποθετούμε για πρώτη φορά στον παγκόσμιο χάρτη της κρουαζιέρας νέους προορισμούς καθώς 28 ολόκληρα χρόνια τα κρουαζιερόπλοια πήγαιναν μόνο σε Σαντορίνη, Μύκονο και 3-4 ακόμα γνωστά νησιά. Καλούμε λοιπόν τους επιβάτες μας να γνωρίσουν εννέα νέους προορισμούς όπως είναι η Κως, η Χίος, η Μήλος, η Σύμη, η Ίος, η Σάμος, η Σύρος,το Bodrum και Cesme». Επίσης, παρουσίασε τις συνεργασίες με ελληνικές εταιρείες σε μία προσπάθεια περαιτέρω ενίσχυσης και προώθησης των ελληνικών προϊόντων σε ουσιαστικά όλο τον κόσμο, καθώς πάνω από 148 εθνικότητες ταξιδεύουν με τη Louis Cruises. Τέλος, παρουσίασε τις 60 θεματικές κρουαζιέρες που έχει η εταιρεία εντάξει στα προγράμματά της για το 2014. Όπως ανέφερε ο κος Νάγος : «Στόχος μας είναι να γνωρίσουν οι επιβάτες μας καλύτερα τους μοναδικούς μας προορισμούς, να ζήσουν και να ακούσουν πραγματικά τις ιστορίες τους. Θέλουμε να ζήσουν αληθινές, αξέχαστες εμπειρίες μέσα από την αρχαιολογία, την ιστορία, τα ήθη και τα έθιμα, μέσα από την παραδοσιακή μουσική και το χορό, την τοπική κουζίνα, τα κρασιά της Ελλάδος το ούζο και τη σύγχρονη ελληνική μουσική». Στο σημείο αυτό παρουσίασε ορισμένους από τους εκπροσώπους των θεματικών αυτών ταξιδίων που παρευρέθηκαν στη συνέντευξη τύπου όπως, το Λύκειο Ελληνίδων και την Πρόεδρό του κα Ελένη Τσαλδάρη, η οποία δήλωσε σχετικά: «Είμαστε ιδιαίτερα χαρούμενοι γιατί μια εταιρεία όπως η Louis Cruises, που κατέχει ηγετική θέση στον τομέα του τουρισμού, θεωρεί σημαντικό να γνωρίσουν οι επιβάτες της την ελληνική παραδοσιακή κληρονομιά: το ένδυμα –διαφορετικό σε κάθε περιοχή- τη μουσική, αλλά και το χορό. Και για να το πετύχει αυτό, επιλέγει να συνεργαστεί με το Λύκειο των Ελληνίδων, έναν πολιτιστικό φορέα που μετρά 103 χρόνια δημιουργικής προσφοράς.». Συγκινητικό ήταν και το μήνυμα που απέστειλε ο γνωστός μουσικοσυνθέτης Θανάσης Πολυκανδριώτης, ο οποίος εκτός από τις μουσικές παραστάσεις θα πραγματοποιήσει και εν πλω διαλέξεις για την ιστορία της λαϊκής μουσικής. Ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά: «Κάποιοι είπαν Ελλάδα χωρίς μπουζούκι δε γίνεται. Εγώ λέω μπουζούκι και λαϊκή μουσική παράδοση είναι ο λαϊκός πολιτισμός μας. Και αυτό θέλουμε να διαφυλάξουμε αλλά και να προωθήσουμε σε όλο τον κόσμο.» Τέλος, ένα σύντομο χαιρετισμό απηύθυνε και ο κ. Βασίλης Κανελλακόπουλος συνιδιοκτήτης της εταιρείας Κτήμα Μερκούρη ΑΕ, ο οποίος θα αναλάβει τη μύηση των επιβατών στο ελληνικό κρασί. Ευχαρίστησε και αυτός με τη σειρά του την εταιρεία για την τιμή να συμμετέχει σε αυτό το πολύ ενδιαφέρον «θεματικό ταξίδι» πολιτισμού και γευσιγνωσίας.


Hans Jensen MAN Diesel & Turbo Lubricators Moving closer to Customers

Ready to Support Tier III Maritime Age

Based on a desire to bring their market leading and cost reducing technology closer to customers, cylinder lubrication equipment manufacturer Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S opens new office in Singapore.

tive Board Member responsible for Marine Systems and After Sales. “We have the technolo-

Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S, with main office in

has reliably operated for 9,000 hours to date and follows the world’s first Tier-III-compliant,

Denmark, are moving closer to customers by opening up a new office in shipping hub Singapore. From Hans Jensen Lubricators Pte Ltd sales and service will be carried out, and customers and shipping companies from all over the world will benefit from being closer to spare parts supply, professional guidance and service

“We are ready for IMO Tier III”, said Dr Stephan Timmermann, MAN Diesel & Turbo Execugies in place to support our customers for this new era of environmentally efficient shipping. I am pleased that the adoption of the IMO regulations will save us from mushrooming national regulations. Now we have a clear set of rules”, added Timmermann. The company’s Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Hans-O. Jeske, underpinned its technological readiness: “Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Selective Catalytic Reduction are technologies we not only have available but have operational experience with.” In this respect, Danish vessel Petunia Seaways is equipped with an MAN SCR system that two-stroke engine that was built by Hitachi Zosen Corporation in Japan for a general cargo carrier in 2011. Similarly, the company received its first commercial order for an EGR system, to be applied aboard a 4,500-teu Maersk Line container newbuilding, in 2012. The system will be fully integrated with the vessel’s main two-stroke engine, to be built by Hyundai Heavy Industries’ engine & machinery division.

and installation for vessels passing by the area.

MAN Diesel & Turbo has also met the Tier III challenge by introducing dual- fuel engines

Vice President and Sales Director Christian Hans

stroke, 51/60DF engines were introduced with success in 2013 and 2012 respectively and

Jensen says, “The Asian market is very important for our future business, both due to many customers and potential customers being present in Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc., and because most of the major yards and engine builders are located in this part of the world. By establishing ourselves in Singapore we will be better able to cope with demands for service, spare parts and guidance from shipowners and technical managers, just as we will be able to improve our nourishing of relationships to engine

that can operate on clean-burning gas. The two-stroke, high- pressure ME-GI and fourgive shipowners and operators the option of using either HFO or gas, depending on emission and price parameters. Experts across all disciplines at MAN reckon that emissions regulation will remain a key driver for maritime technology development. “For MAN Diesel & Turbo, it is important to offer a variety of solutions so that customers can best balance their needs in terms of cost efficiency, environmental efficiency and operational profile”, Jeske explained. “For decades to come, we will see a rivalry of fuels. Versatility will be key. This is why we offer highly efficient, dual- fuel, two- and four-stroke engines, emission-control equipment and highly developed propeller designs.” “While fuel prices remain high and emissions become ever more stringent, ship owners look for the most efficient solutions for newbuildings and exist-

builders and yards.”

ing ships”, said Ole Grøne, Senior Vice President Marketing & Sales, for MAN’s Low-Speed

Hans Jensen Lubricators already have a Sales Office

an environmental point

in Shanghai, which is at the moment also being extended with additional employees, due to an increase in activities, as well as a start-up of service activities

business unit. “From of view, low-sulphur fuels such as methane, natural gas and LNG are

from this office.

highly relevant – all the

“There is no doubt that our customers will benefit from

pleased with the success

being just around the corner from their supplier of cylinder lubrication equipment, and many vessel owners and operators, from Asia and the rest of the world, will in the long run benefit from having professional service engineers closer to the sailing routes of their vessels”, Christian Hans Jensen says, and continues “The solutions we deliver today are so specialized and tailor-made that it is only a natural and customer oriented step to bring renovation, service, education

more reason for us to be of our ME-GI engines.” While IMO Tier III will come into force for newbuildings from 2016 onwards, already today retrofits can significantly enhance fuel efficiency for existing fleets. “Any percentage point of fuel

and so on closer to the users”.

saving means lower

The new office in Singapore will open up for business

lower emissions – it’s a

during May 2014.

operational costs and win-win situation”, Grøne concluded.

Graphical rendering of a two-stroke, dual-fuel MAN B&W 8L70MEGI engine. The ME-GI is capable of running on both HFO and gas – predominantly natural gas but also LPG and methane. MAN Diesel & Turbo reports a strong market reception to the engine.


Danish-Chinese cooperation strengthened

Danish-Chinese cooperation in the maritime field was strengthened further when the Ministry of Business and Growth concluded a cooperation agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The new cooperation agreement on green maritime technology and ship

ment and its purpose is, inter alia, to create new forms of cooperation that

building creates the framework for a stronger and intensified cooperation

can, in the long term, increase Danish-Chinese trade for the benefit of

between Denmark and China.

both Danish and Chinese companies.

“Blue Denmark’s relations with China build upon 40 years’ cooperation

The agreement was signed in connection with the State visit of Her

wince the signing of our first maritime cooperation agreement in 1974.

Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort to China

Today, Danish shipping and Danish companies have a strong presence

in the presence of the Royal Couple and the President of China H.E. Xi

in China. With this new agreement on green technology and ship building


China and Denmark take yet another step and aim towards maritime technology”, says Director-General of the Danish Maritime Authority Andreas Nordseth. The agreement establishes the framework of new cooperation between Danish suppliers of green maritime solutions and Chinese shipyards. As the world’s largest ship building nation, China is of great importance to Danish suppliers and Danish ship owners. Therefore, several Danish companies are already established with production, service centres or sales offices in China. The cooperation agreement supports this develop-

Marshall Islands Registry

Takes 100 Million Gross Ton Celebration to China nternational Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI), who provide administra-

“We see many opportunities to develop our cultural and business ties

tive and technical support to the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI)

with China in the future. There are many areas where our two countries

Registry, will be hosting receptions at the Asia Shipping Fortune Summit

can co-operate and collaborate in order to build a sustainable relation-

taking place in Shanghai from 13-14 May and the World Shipping (China)

ship based on our individual needs and shared economic interests.” said

Summit in the fall of 2014. The RMI Registry will celebrate surpassing the

President Loeak.

milestone of 100 million gross tons at these two major shipping events in China.

The RMI Registry is the only major open registry to be included on the White Lists of both the Paris and Tokyo Memorandums of understand-

“We are delighted to celebrate this landmark achievement with shipown-

ing (MoUs) and to hold Qualship 21 status with the United States Coast

ers and other industry stakeholders in the Chinese maritime community,”

Guard for nine consecutive years.

said Annie Ng, Head of Asia, IRI. “Since 2011, there has been, on average, a 20% increase in the number of Chinese owners in the RMI fleet

“The RMI Registry is committed to our owners and operators in China

due to the shipyards and other maritime services companies in China that

and will continue to provide strong support to this developing market,”

have expanded their global reach and influence,” she continued.

concluded Annie Ng.

The RMI Registry is one of the world’s premier quality maritime registries that is globally recognized as a modern and efficient administration and is

IRI, with more than 60 years of experience as a maritime and corporate

noted for its contributions to the safety and security of shipping and efforts

registry service provider, has a network of offices in Baltimore, Dalian,

to protect the marine environment. The RMI Registry is the third largest in

Dubai, Ft. Lauderdale, Geneva, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Houston, Imabari,

the world and now stands at over 102 million gross tons with more than

Istanbul, Long Beach, London, Mumbai, New York, Piraeus, Rio de

3,100 vessels.

Janeiro, Roosendaal, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, Washington, DC/Reston and Zurich, that have the ability to register a vessel or

“While the RMI Registry’s largest shipowning countries include Greece,

yacht, including those under construction, record a mortgage or financ-

the United States, Germany and Norway, we have been very happy to

ing charter, incorporate a company, issue seafarer documentation and

see tonnage coming out of the Far East,” said Annie Ng.

service clientele. In order to meet higher expectations, IRI has expanded its worldwide coverage to include representation in Chile, Limassol, Oslo,

Reflecting on the importance of China to the Government of the Marshall

and Port Said. IRI concentrates solely on administering the RMI flag and

Islands and the RMI Registry, the country’s President Christopher Jore-

provides a broad spectrum of registry related services for the shipping

bon Loeak said he is looking forward to working more closely with China.

and financial services industries.


Fincantieri Offshore chooses AVEVA software for a revolutionary project

Fincantieri Offshore has signed a contract with AVEVA to implement AVEVA Marine software in the concept design phase of Proxima, a major offshore drillship project. Proxima is a revolutionary design with an innovative drilling system that significantly increases the speed of the drilling process. It can therefore be a powerful tool for drilling contractors to boost their profitability, not only by drilling more efficiently, but also by drilling wells that were not previously possible. Fincantieri Offshore is using several AVEVA Marine products for this project. “We are very impressed with AVEVA’s technology and customer service,” said Giuseppe Coronella, Vice President, Offshore, Fincantieri. “For a ground-breaking project like Proxima we need to have a leading-edge solution that is reliable and efficient, and AVEVA Marine has equipped us with the right tools to execute this innovative design.” “We are delighted that Fincantieri Offshore chose AVEVA software for the concept design of this exciting and innova-

Fincantieri Offshore is using AVEVA Marine software in the concept design phase of Proxima.

tive project,” said Evgeny Fedotov, Head of EPC Sales, AVEVA. “It has been developed using AVEVA Marine solutions, which can support all of Fincantieri Offshore’s design disciplines and which has proved its capabilities to optimise integration between the hull and the drilling systems. Fincantieri has a very creative and skilled team and we look forward to working with them on other such revolutionary projects in the future.”

Norwegian Epic to sail two cruises around the Iberian Peninsula in autumn 2015

Following a 15-day dry dock in France, Norwegian Epic will embark on a 7-night Iberian Peninsula cruise from Southampton to Barcelona on October 11, 2015. The ship will visit ports of call including Vigo, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; Málaga (Granada) and Cartagena, Spain. Guests sailing on Norwegian Epic will have the opportunity to experience the ship’s more than 20 dining options including signature steakhouse, Japanese Teppanyaki, Brazilian Churrascaria and Italian, along with 20 bars and lounges, including the Svedka & Inniskillin Ice Bar, the first ever true ice bar at sea. In addition, Norwegian Epic is also home to innovative entertainment, and a variety of activities including an Aqua Park with the first bowl slide at sea. Whether guests are embarking on a

Norwegian Cruise Line has announced that Norwegian Epic has added two sailings to and from Southampton, England in 2015, marking the first time that the ship has visited the port since the inaugural celebration in June 2010. Norwegian Epic, named “Best Ship for Sea Days” by Cruise Critic and “Best Overall Cruise Ship” by the readers of Travel Weekly two years in a row, will sail one 6- and one 7-night Iberian Peninsula itinerary. The ship’s 6-night sailing will depart Barcelona on September 20, 2015 and arrive in Southampton on September 26, 2015, with ports of call including Cartagena, Spain; Málaga (Granada), Spain; and Lisbon, Portugal.

family holiday, romantic escape or a solo getaway, Norwegian Epic offers a variety of flexible accommodation ranging from Studios specially designed for solo travellers, to balcony staterooms and opulent suites in The Haven by Norwegian, the ultimate in luxury accommodation. Beginning April 2015, Norwegian Epic will homeport year-round in Barcelona, sailing 7-night Western Mediterranean itineraries in the summer season as well as 10-night Canary Islands & Morocco and 6-, 10-, 11- or 12-night Western Mediterranean itineraries during the 2015 and 2016 winter season.


nafs POSIDONIA 2014


Hydrex Fuel savings from underwater PBCFinstallation in Rotterdam

Last month Hydrex installed Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF) on a 183-meter tanker during the vessel’s stop in Rotterdam. As a result of the underwater operation, the ship will not have to wait for the next drydock visit to start benefitting from the fuel savings the PBCF will bring. The Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF) is a device for propeller efficiency improvement developed by Mitsui O. S. K. Lines, Ltd. The PBCF can recover energy loss of a propeller hub vortex in the propeller’s backward flow. This decreases fuel consumption by 5% when operating at the same speed, or boosts speed by 2% with the same fuel consumption. The 5% energy saving effect has been verified by world research institutes including International Towing Tank Conferences (ITTC) and by owners. With the current emphasis on global environment problems, the demand for the PBCF has been continually growing both as an energy saving device and an environment-friendly product because it realizes a 5% reduction in CO2, NOx and SOx emission from vessels.

On-site installation prevents a long wait for fuel saving benefits After the Hydrex team arrived at the vessel’s location with one of the company’s workboats, they started the underwater operation with a full inspection of the propeller. Next the diver/technicians removed the propeller cap and cleaned the area where the spinner cone was to be installed. They then lowered the PBCF into the water and positioned it on the propeller. When this was done, grease was inserted in the space underneath the propeller cone for lubrication and the bolts were torqued and secured with wire, finishing the installation of the PBCF. The Hydrex team worked around the clock to finish the operation as quickly as possible. By performing the operation on-site and underwater, the owner of the tanker could immediately start enjoying the fuel savings the system offers. Otherwise he would have had to wait for the next scheduled drydocking to have the PBCF’s installed. This would have lost him up to two years of fuel savings. Calculations show that he will have earned back the money of the underwater installation in about eight weeks, so the savings for the customer are substantial.

Norwegians make a difference In the week of the Earth Day, Norwegian Cruise Line demonstrates continued commitment to the environment through its Eco-Smart Cruising programme

For more than four decades, Norwegian Cruise Line has committed to the protection of the oceans through sustainable environmental practices, investments in technology and a commitment to exceed regulatory requirements, fulfilling its core company value of Environmental Protection. On the occasion of Earth Day this week, Norwegian celebrates key achievements from the past year that, as a part of the company’s Eco-Smart Cruising programme, help preserve the world’s oceans. With Eco-Smart Cruising, the company is leading the cruise industry with many innovative environmental policies and technologies – from garbage, waste and recycling programmes to reducing the operational impact on the environment. In 2013 alone, Norwegian achieved the following earthsaving milestones: • Recycled 1.254 tons of cardboard, saving 23.540 mature trees. This represents enough saved timber resources to produce more than 292 million sheets of newspaper. • Additionally recycled 2.517 tons of scrap metal; 2.988 tons of glass; and 669 tons of plastic, along with managing 750 tons of refuse at Waste-toEnergy facilities, conserving enough kilowatt hours to fulfil the monthly electric needs of more than 1.700 homes.

Total recycling and waste management efforts by Norwegian’s fleet conserved: o 113.926 litres of petrol, enough petrol to drive more than 1.356.162 kilometres; o 24.033.579 litres of water, enough fresh water to meet the daily fresh water needs of more than 117.040 people; o 3.715 barrels of oil, which provides enough energy to heat and cool more than 772 homes for one month. Earlier this year, Norwegian Cruise Line established a partnership with The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, which funds inspired scientific research and innovative educational programmes to encourage conser-

vation and best management practices for sustainable marine environments. Famed marine life artist and champion of ocean conservation Guy Harvey designed the signature hull artwork for Norwegian’s newest ship, Norwegian Escape, which is set to debut in October 2015. On board Norwegian Escape, guest stateroom televisions will feature Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation-produced documentaries about endangered marine wildlife so that guests can be more educated on how they can help with ocean conservation. Norwegian Escape will also be the first new build in the cruise industry to feature innovative scrubber technology, to ensure the vessel is compliant with the 0,1% sulphur limit in Emission Control Areas (ECA) beginning in 2015.


Hapag-Lloyd and CSAV agree to merge and create

the fourth largest container shipping company

Binding agreement signed / In return for contributing its container business, CSAV becomes new core shareholder of Hapag-Lloyd / Hapag-Lloyd becomes the world’s fourth-largest liner shipping company Hapag-Lloyd AG

of international competition,” said Oscar Hasbún.

and Compañía

Both companies also fit in other regards: CSAV, founded in 1872, and

Sud Americana

Hapag-Lloyd, founded in 1847, share a similar blend of long tradition and

de Vapores

entrepreneurial vision for the future.

(CSAV) signed

“By integrating CSAV’s container business, Hapag-Lloyd is able to build

a binding

on its strengths and is therefore in an excellent position for future growth,”

contract on

said Michael Behrendt, adding: “This combination will further strengthen

merging CSAV’s

our service portfolio and enable us to deliver an even better global service

entire container

to our clients.”

business with

The relevant corporate bodies of both companies have already approved


the merger. The closing of the transaction is subject to the approval of

subject to the

competition authorities. Another condition is that not more than 5% of total

necessary approvals. Following the integration, the new Hapag-Lloyd will

CSAV´s minority shareholders exercise their appraisal rights till the 20th

rank among the four largest liner shipping companies in the world, with

April. Until then, dissident CSAV shareholders have the right to withdraw.

some 200 vessels with total transport capacity of around one million TEU,

The company defined that this appraisal right should be exercised by

an annual transport volume of 7.5 million TEU and a combined turnover of

holders of less than 5% of the company’s total shares in order for the

9 billion Euro. The company’s head office will remain in Hamburg. In ad-

merger with Hapag-Lloyd to be completed.

dition, Hapag-Lloyd will have a strong regional office in Chile for its Latin

PHOTO: Michael Behrendt, Chairman of the Executive Board of Hapag-Lloyd (left), and Oscar Hasbún, CEO of CSAV, today at Ballin House (Hapag-Lloyd headquarters) in Hamburg after the signing.

America business. In return for contributing its container business, CSAV will become a new Hapag-Lloyd core shareholder besides HGV (City of Hamburg) and Kühne Maritime. CSAV will initially hold a 30% stake in the combined entity. The partners have agreed on a capital increase of EUR 370 million once the transaction has been concluded, to which CSAV will contribute EUR 259 million. This will then increase CSAV’s share of Hapag-Lloyd to 34%. A second capital increase of EUR 370 million will be linked to Hapag-Lloyd’s planned stock exchange listing. “I am delighted that we have succeeded in concluding this partnership through which our two companies are playing an active part in consolidating the liner shipping industry. This day is an important milestone in the history of Hapag-Lloyd,” said Michael Behrendt, Chairman of the Executive Board of Hapag-Lloyd, upon signing the agreement. “The transaction increases the value of the Company and therefore also the value of our shareholders’ shares.” “By joining forces, we are creating a stronger, larger and more global company with significant economies of scale and a considerably improved competitive position,” said Oscar Hasbún, CEO of CSAV. The combination of CSAV’s container shipping business with Hapag-Lloyd will result in annual synergies of at least USD 300 million. Service networks and fleets of both companies complement one another ideally. “The combination with CSAV, Latin America’s leading container shipping line, considerably strengthens Hapag-Lloyd in this growth market and adds a strong position in the North-South traffic to the company’s global network and to its established strength in East-West traffics”, said Oscar Hasbún. Order books are also complementary: While, at the end of April, HapagLloyd will put into service the last of ten 13,200 TEU vessels ordered for the Far East trade, CSAV still has seven vessels, each of 9,300 TEU, scheduled for delivery in 2014 and 2015. These container ships are specially designed for the South American trade. “This means that we will have a young and cost-efficient fleet. The use of optimum tonnage in the trades is one of the key prerequisites for successful operations in the face

MacGregor secures

new subsea crane contract for advanced heavy construction vessel from South Korea

MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has won an order for two subsea cranes from South Korean shipyard Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd. The active heave-compensated cranes will have an SWL of 100-tonnes and 25-tonnes respectively. They will be fitted on board a new 160m heavy construction vessel (hull 2654) being built at the yard for global offshore specialist, Subsea 7. The MacGregor subsea cranes will support the vessel’s year-round global deployment in complex deep and ultra deepwater offshore construction operations where highest levels of load-handling precision and reliability is required. Delivery of the ship is scheduled for July 2015. This order follows a recently announced contract for six AHC subsea cranes for three flexlay pipe-laying offshore vessels also destined for the UK-headquartered company, Subsea 7. All the vessels will benefit from the advanced offshore operational capabilities that MacGregor subsea cranes deliver.



Wärtsilä power system and ship design selected for PSV to operate in harsh conditions

Wärtsilä’s Propulsion

Condition Monitoring Service recognised by three major classification societies

Wärtsilä has received service level recognition for its Propulsion Condition Monitoring Service (PCMS) by DNV-GL. Wärtsilä is the first company to attain this type of recognition from three of the major classification societies, namely the American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register, and DNV-GL. The approval, which was received in February 2014, means that surveyors from the classification societies may rely on Wärtsilä’s PCMS when assessing propulsion equipment. This eliminates the need for the compulsory five-year internal inspection, which often requires dry-docking. Instead, with the Wärtsilä PCMS continuously monitoring the equipment, major thruster overhauls can be carried out at intervals of anywhere between five and 10 years, based on the actual condition of the propulsion equipment. PCMS increases the reliability and availability of monitored equipment and reduces overall lifecycle costs. The service level recognition represents confirmation that Wärtsilä’s PCMS is well suited for its intended purpose of condition monitoring and condition based maintenance of propulsion equipment. Furthermore, by replacing visual internal inspections with a yearly review of the PCMS reports, surveyors can more easily make decisions affecting classification or statutory surveys to ensure compliance with applicable class rules and various international conventions. “Financially this will have a big efficiency impact on the operations of marine customers. PCMS enables condition based maintenance and eliminates the need to perform an overhaul simultaneously with the compulsory five year inspections, unless of course, PCMS shows there is a need for it. Prior to attaining this service level recognition, approvals could only be given on a vessel by vessel basis. With the service level recognition, this will become much easier,” says Frank Velthuis, Manager of Wärtsilä’s CBM Centre Propulsion. Wärtsilä sees its condition and performance monitoring services as being a prerequisite to supporting customers in the future, and a logical complement to its service agreements business. Monitoring the performance and condition of a ship’s equipment enables owners to optimise its usage and predict the maintenance need, thereby improving asset performance and reducing the total cost of ownership.

A new platform supply vessel (PSV) to be built for operating in arctic conditions is to be designed and powered by Wärtsilä. This is the first confirmed contract for Wärtsilä Ship Design’s new series of arctic PSVs. Wärtsilä will also supply an integrated package that includes machinery, and the electrical and automation systems, including the patented Wärtsilä Low Loss Concept (LLC). This highly redundant diesel-electric system provides additional reliability for continuous operation in various failure modes. The contracts with Kleven Verft AS were signed in January 2014. The ship will be built at the Kleven yard in Norway on behalf of REM Offshore AS, the Norwegian fleet owner. The vessel is scheduled for delivery in the first half of 2015, and will feature the latest developments of Wärtsilä Ship Design’s proven VS 485 design. “Wärtsilä’s unique position as a total solutions provider to the marine sector has again been endorsed with this contract calling for both the ship design, and a comprehensive power solution. This significant order takes us a step further towards our goal of becoming a leading player in the market for ice class vessels,” says Magnus Miemois, Vice President Solutions, Wärtsilä Ship Power. “There is increasing oil company exploration being carried out in northern Russia, Greenland, the Barents Sea, and other arctic waters. This requires vessels specifically designed for these conditions, and Wärtsilä has shown that it can efficiently meet such needs,” says Åge Remøy, Chief Executive Officer of Rem Offshore AS. The ship will be strengthened and equipped for arctic operations, with the hull and propulsion fitted to comply with DNV ice class ICE 1B. This verifies that the vessel has sufficient strength, power, and equipment to operate in arctic conditions. Furthermore, the vessel will be readied for cold climate conditions according to the DNV class Winterized Basic guidelines. This notation includes requirements for maintaining safety and vessel operability in ice, under icing conditions, and at low temperatures. The new Wärtsilä design broadens its very popular 485 range with an arctic option, combining the efficiency and high level of redundancy with arctic operational capability. The Wärtsilä LLC will enable the vessel to fulfill the highest possible Environmental Regularity Number (ERN) of 99.99.99. The ERN rating represents the capability of a vessel to maintain its position and normal operations under certain weather conditions. Wärtsilä is the first supplier capable of providing such a high ERN.


Digital Ship Cyprus Conference The Internationally known “Digital Ship Cyprus” Conference took place between 9 and 10 April 2014 at the Grand Resort hotel in Limassol. The Conference was placed under the auspices of the Minister of Communications and Works, Mr. Marios Demetriades, whose address has been read by the Acting Director of the Department of Merchant Shipping, Dr. Anthony Madella during the Official Opening Ceremony. The “Digital Ship Cyprus” is an international conference that deals with information and communication technologies that relate to the ship and the shipping companies. This is the 11th consecutive year that this prestigious Conference took place in Cyprus. The Conference attracted to Cyprus distinguished speakers and maritime information technology managers from around the world. The Cyprus Shipping Chamber has played a vital role in the organisation and execution of the Conference. The holding of this Conference in Cyprus further enriches the image of Cyprus as an important international shipping centre. The Conference covered the latest technologies for maritime satellite communications, software and electronics and how they can assist ship operators to communicate effectively and efficiently with their fleets and to meet the challenges in a market which is becoming more and more competitive.

PHOTO: Address by the Acting Director of the Department of Merchant Shipping, Dr. Anthony Madella on behalf of the Minister of Communication and Works Mr. Marios Demetriades.

Drydocks World delivers second Modular Capture Vessel – Eagle Louisiana

Drydocks World announced the completion and delivery of Eagle Louisi-

four retractable azimuth thrusters, one tunnel bow thruster, new machinery

ana, the second of two Modular Capture Vessels (MCV). The first MCV,

spaces, diesel generator sets and associated tanks, auxiliaries, switch-

Eagle Texas, sailed away from Drydocks World’s yard recently. The ves-

boards, and electrical distribution equipment. The main engine was modi-

sels are the world’s first MCVs.

fied for Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) operation and a control system

Drydocks World converted the AFRAmax tanker for Singapore-based

was added for dynamic positioning, power management and equipment

AET, a global leader in petroleum shipping, which has a 20-year agree-

monitoring. Structural support stools and foundations were added for the

ment with Marine Well Containment Company (MWCC) for the operation

future installation of topsides processing modules, a turret, flare tower,

of the MCVs. Ten world-renowned companies form MWCC: Anadarko,

communications equipment, control facilities and other miscellaneous

Apache, BHP Billiton, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Hess,


Shell and Statoil - all committed to safe deepwater drilling in the U.S. Gulf

The ship’s systems were modified to provide services to topsides pro-

of Mexico. The MCVs will operate as normal tankers in the U.S. Gulf of

cessing equipment, as well as hydraulic systems for the CPP, thrusters,

Mexico and will be outfitted and deployed for containment services in the

cargo valve control and fire pumps. A new main deck central pipe rack

event of a deepwater well control incident in the region.

was fabricated and piping was installed to support topsides processing

“We have proven once again our exemplary project management capabili-

equipment. The ship‘s living quarters were also upgraded to accommo-

ties, engineering solutions, commitment to the industry and the drive to

date more than 65 persons. Mechanical completion, pre-commissioning,

face challenges in delivering pioneering projects with world leaders like

commissioning, testing and sea trials of the converted vessel were also

AET and MWCC,” said H.E. Khamis Juma Buamim, chairman of Drydocks

carried out.

World & Maritime World. “This is a pioneering project. A newly-fabricated

The amount of steel used for the Eagle Louisiana project is 2530 tonnes

subsea containment assembly will attach to risers and other containment

with 19.68 km of pipes and electrical cables of 292 km also utilized. The

equipment to direct the flow of fluids to the MCVs for processing and stor-

MCVs will individually have 700,000 barrels of liquid storage capacity, and

age. We are delighted to have been associated with this ground-breaking

can process, store and offload the liquids to shuttle tankers. The process

project. This accomplishment also represents two million man-hours

equipment will separate the liquids from gas, safely store the liquids and

without a single Lost Time Injury, which together with the four million man-

flare the gas. Then the liquids will be offloaded to shuttle tankers which will

hours on Eagle Texas is quite an outstanding achievement.”

transport the liquids to shore. With the delivery of the MCVs, Drydocks

The work scope of the shipyard included installing components such as

World has created a name for itself in sophisticated vessel conversions.

nafs March 2014



Sea trials of oblique ship

Baltika completed

The innovative multi-

in mind the state of the art in technological development”, he added.

purpose salvage ice

Multi-purpose salvage ice class ship Baltika is one of the good exam-

class ship Baltika of

ples of new technology application. The ship’s singularity consists in its

7 MW power capacity

ability to operate efficiently not only when running ahead and astern,

returned to the port

but also when moving sideways, which is ensured by the specific

of Helsinki on 30

asymmetrical hull shape and the characteristic arrangement of 7 MW

March 2014, after the

azimuth thrusters. The diesel-electric propulsion unit is equipped with

second stage of sea

three azimuth propulsors, one installed forward and two aft (amidships

trials. The equipment

and port). The innovative hull shape enables the Baltika to make by a

adjustment, function-

single pass when moving sideways a navigable canal up to 50 m wide

al check of main systems and propulsion characteristics have confirmed

for large ships. By way of comparison, the overall beam of the diesel-

the readiness of the ship. The ship customer is FGI Directorate of State

electric icebreakers Moskva and Sankt-Peterburg is 28 m, and that of

Contracting Authority for Marine Transport Development Programmes,

the 25 MW diesel-electric icebreaker of project 22600 being built by the

and the ship operator will be FBI Gosmorspassluzhba of Russia.

Baltic Shipyard is 29 m.

The launching ceremony of the Baltika took place on 12 December

The Baltika is more difficult to operate than a conventional ship and

2013. The ship was built by OAO Shipyard Yantar (hull block manufac-

requires special training. Since large shipping companies show interest

ture, painting) and Arctech Helsinki Shipyard Inc. as subcontractor (hull

in the project, a computer training model for the would-be navigation

forming, fitting-out, trials). The designer (design Р-70202) is Aker Arctic

officers of such ships has already been developed on the premises of

Technology (Helsinki, Finland). The ship is designed for a wide range

the Helsinki Maritime Institute.

of salvage operations both on clear water and in ice, oil spill response

Main particulars:


• Length 76.4 m

“For Russian Maritime Register of Shipping it is a fair assumption to

• Breadth overall 20.5 m

say that the ships built now are capable of solving tasks that were

• Draught 6.3 m

unthinkable and unfeasible as far as two decades back. In this sense,

• Propulsion power 7.5 МW

the design of the Baltika, an icebreaker with oblique hull, is virtually

• Speed 14 knots

unique”, Sergey N. Sedov, Chief Executive Officer of Russian Maritime

• Speed in flat ice 1.0 m thick 3.0 knots

Register of Shipping noted. “Innovative ship construction to the RS

• Crew 24

class confirms the fact that, as a classification society, RS is striving to

• Special personnel 12

keep in step with time and to facilitate the realisation of global goals for

• Sea endurance 20 days (24 persons)

enhancing maritime safety and marine environment protection, bearing

Class: Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

The official ceremony of launching a lead icebreaker Vladivostok of a new generation project 21900 took place on 29 April 2014 at ОАО Vyborg Shipyard. The ship is built to the class of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS): KM Icebreaker6 [2] AUT1-ICS FF2 BWM EPP ECO HELIDECK Special purpose ship. The construction is conducted under the Federal Target Programme ‘Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015)’. Participating in the launching ceremony were representatives of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency, FGUP Rosmorport, Government of the Leningrad Region, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Sergey Shishkin, head of RS Classification Division, handed over the RS Certificate of Ship Preparedness for Launching to Alexander Soloviyev, Director of the Vyborg Shipyard. On behalf of RS, Sergey Shishkin congratulated the management and staff of the yard on the successive completion of one of the most important stages in the ship construction. According to S. Shishkin, the new ship is the next step as compared to the icebreakers of the Moskva and Sankt-Peterburg series. Project 21900 М ships have higher performance characteristics taking into consideration the service experience of previous icebreaker projects

when ensuring icebreaker escort during winter navigation in the Gulf of Finland. The new icebreaker is a double decker equipped with a helideck, about 10 000 t displacement, two azimuth thrusters and thrust unit, capable of overriding ice up to 1.5 metres thick. It is designed for large ship escort, towage, fire extinguishing on board floating facilities and other structures, cargo transportation and assistance to ships in distress. Main particulars: • length - 119.8 m; • breadth - 27.5 m; • depth - 12.4 m; • deadweight - 5,340 t; • gross tonnage - 11,649. RS experts exercise the icebreaker construction survey in accordance with the requirements of RS Rules and statutory requirements, carry out the surveys of the hull, machinery, electrical and automation equipment. Based on the surveys as well as on mooring tests and sea trials, an RS classification certificate and a set of statutory certificates will be issued for the ship.

RS class: new lead icebreaker launched in Vyborg


nafs POSIDONIA 2014


CMM takes delivery of its first Da- ERMA FIRST

men PSV 3300

CMM has taken delivery of a Damen Platform Supply Vessel 3300. The 80-metre, 3,300t deadweight vessel CMM Gravity will be deployed in the Brazilian waters from June 2014 on a 4+4 year contract with Petrobras. For CMM (Compagnie Maritime Monégasque S.A.M.), the vessel will mark a further step in its ambitious plans to expand in the offshore space and expand its offering by developing its capabilities as an OSV operator. It is the yard’s seventh delivery of Damen’s new mid-size PSV 3300 design. This vessel will be compliant to Petrobras specifications, including Petrobras Annex V. Main characteristics Next to the 728 m² deck with a 1,500-tonne deck load capacity, the vessel will feature extensive tank capacities to handle different types of fluids and bulk. The vessel has a DP2 system which relies on four generator sets, two Azimuth thrusters and two bow thrusters. The 14-knot, 16,2-metre wide (moulded) vessel will be LR-classified for worldwide deployment. The most remarkable feature includes the bulb-less axe bow as developed by Damen, and the bright red that CMM has selected for its corporate colour. We are proud to have been awarded the Petrobras long-term charter contract”, CMMpresident Christophe Vancauwenbergh said. “Our goal is to be a proactive service provider with a focus on the ever more demanding needs of our clients in conjunction with delivering quality and technical sophistication. We therefore have sought the added value of an experienced top-shelf shipbuilder”, Mr. Vancauwenbergh commented about CMM choosing Damen. “Their rapid global service and backing added to this.” “From this first order we hope that CMM will let us support their ambition to expand worldwide”, Rutger Dolk, Damen sales manager Americas said. “This new order further strengthens our position in the Brazilian offshore market. When CMM’s vessel will be deployed in June 2014, it will lift the number of Damen-designed Offshore Support Vessels operating for Petrobras in the Brazilian waters to over twenty vessels! The excellent performance of Damen Shipyards Galati, our Romanian yard, enables us to deliver a wide range of high quality offshore support vessels”, Dolk proudly added. The transaction has been structured by Monalux Asset Management SARL in Luxembourg.


Life is a learning curve. This is the driving motto of ERMA FIRST personnel. Being in the ballast water treatment system design and production makes this motto more sound, since in this new market the technological and statutory developments are vast and rigorous. ERMA FIRST as a solution provider returns everyday’s wisdom learned back to the market through continuous and innovative technological developments on its BWTS, from minor design optimizations for the improvement of ERMA FIRST BWTS operability and maintainability to the development of new models of the system. Since we believe that ‘one cannot serve it all’ during the first years of ERMA FIRST we have focused on the design of technological and economical feasible systems with capacities from 50 up to 1500 m3/hr Mr. N. Kyritsis, ERMA FIRST BWTS Technical Product Manager, claims. Having designed, construct, installed and commissioned several systems within this range, it is time for ERMA FIRST to move on the larger capacities. The next step is the ERMA FIRST FIT. This is a new model from ERMA FIRST to serve the bigger ballast pump capacities without disclosing it though from smaller flow rates where the installation of ERMA FIRST BWTS is not feasible. The new model of ERMA FIRST is based on whole flow electrolysis from the lately developed electrolytic cells which are already used on the existing model. The new cells are able to operate in low salinity and low temperature waters which broads it operation limits. The major change ERMA FIRST FIT model is the replacement of the double separation stage, pre- filter and innovative hydrocyclones with a 40 microns mesh automatic back flushing basket filter. Following the tremendous technological development of some filters manufacturers, ERMA FIRST finally felt confident for the performance and endurance of the chosen filters. The new model will offer two options on the filters depending on the customer preference and the footprint restrictions. The design of the new model results to higher than 50% footprint and weight reduction on models with capacities higher than 800 m3/hr and 50% energy consumption reduction compare to the existing model. With both models on the market ERMA FIRST redefines its profile at the ballast water treatment systems vendors’ map from a small to medium flow rates system provider to whole flow rates BWT system provider. Currently the system undergoes its testing at a facility in Northern Europe, while its Approval is expected the fourth quarter of 2014. For more info Visit ERMA FIRST at Posidonia ’14/ stand 4.211


First ever carbon credit methodology developed for international shippingapproved by The Gold Standard AkzoNobel’s Marine Coatings business, supplier of International® advanced hull coatings and The Gold Standard Foundation have announced a new and unique marine-based methodology to reward the improved fuel efficiency of ships within the international maritime industry. Certification by The Gold Standard for the first of its kind, peerreviewed methodology will allow ships to generate carbon credits, thus income, for the CO2 emission reductions they achieve. The methodology is based on ship owners and operators converting existing vessels from a biocidal antifouling system to a premium, biocidefree advanced hull coating such as Intersleek®. A baseline emission level is determined for the vessel prior to the application of Intersleek® with the same data source then used to determine the emission savings after the application of Intersleek®. The carbon credits generated are directly related to reduced emissions as a result of reduced fuel consumption. Using a ‘results based finance’ approach, carbon credits are awarded annually, based on vessel data that is collected, analysed and for Intersleek®, administered by International® and submitted to The Gold Standard Foundation for validation. To ensure rigour and transparency, the fuel savings that are generated are verified by independent UN accredited auditors. Once the carbon credits are issued to International® they can be sold at market price and the revenue shared with customers. This significant landmark for sustainability within international shipping will act as a further incentive to drive an increase in the uptake of ecoefficient technologies, as ship owners and operators can additionally benefit from their investment in Intersleek® technology once the performance of the hull coating is independently verified in service. Many

owners and operators are already eligible to benefit from the process and receive credits that have already been accrued. International® spent more than two years developing the carbon credits methodology as part of its research into making eco-efficiency technologies more accessible for the wider shipping industry. The company chose to work with The Gold Standard Foundation because it is the highest quality and most trusted carbon certification standard with rigorous sustainability benchmarks over three categories; environmental, social and economic, as well as technological. The environmental credentials for Intersleek® technology have already been thoroughly established through an Eco-Efficiency Analysis conducted according to ISO14040 and ISO14044 and independently validated by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute. “This landmark methodology enables ship owners and operators to benefit twice when they invest in Intersleek® technology. Firstly, they can increase operational, environmental and energy efficiencies, which reduces fuel costs and emissions and then they can reap the additional financial benefits of carbon credits, which we will share with them. We will also handle all the administrative requirements, so customers don’t have to invest time, capital or resource in generating the carbon credits,” says Trevor Solomon, Intersleek Business Manager. Adrian Rimmer, CEO of The Gold Standard Foundation, said: “This pioneering initiative will help to increase the uptake of clean technologies in the international shipping industry and credibility is key to its success. The Gold Standard looks forward to continuing its work with International® and the broader maritime sector as it develops its environmental credentials, enabling owners and operators to benefit from the commercial and reputational advantages of sustainable business.”

Intersleek®1100SR fouling control system wins Clean Shipping category at 2014 Seatrade awards AkzoNobel’s Marine Coatings business, the supplier of International® advanced hull coatings, has received the Clean Shipping award at the 2014 Seatrade Awards. The company won the award for its landmark Intersleek®1100SR technology, the shipping industry’s first biocide-free foul release fluoropolymer technology that addresses the significant issue of slime fouling on ships hulls. Intersleek®1100SR delivers macro and micro fouling control with improved static resistance, even in warm waters and is suitable for slow steaming. The movement of the ship through water can release slime that builds up during static periods. As a result, vessels can achieve reduced drag, improved fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions. The 26th Seatrade Awards Ceremony Dinner was attended by HRH The Princess Royal at Guildhall last night, and rewards innovative solutions for safe, efficient and environmental operation, in keeping with the goals and objectives of the International Maritime Organisation. An independent and influential panel of top industry executives, including Mr. Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General of the IMO, judged the entries. The Clean Shipping category was sponsored by classification society ABS and celebrates new, or significant improvements of existing technology, which help to create a cleaner shipping industry. Previous winners have included W R Energy and TecnoVeritas. Trevor Solomon, Intersleek Business Manager, who accepted the

award on behalf of the company, said: “At today’s bunker prices, the effects of slime potentially costs the shipping industry 44 million extra tonnes of bunker fuel, $28.6 billion in additional fuel costs and an extra 134 million tonnes of CO2 emissions every year*. It is a key issue that impacts every ship owner and operator. The development of Intersleek®1100SR is therefore a significant milestone for us and we are very pleased that this has been recognised by the industry. Learning from earlier generations of the technology, the tailored surface chemistry of the latest product specifically influences and resists the adhesion and settlement of organisms that make up slime colonisation.” The introduction of Intersleek®1100SR builds upon the company’s long history of fouling release development. In 1996, it launched the first and original silicone based Intersleek®425 for fast craft. In 1999, Intersleek®700 silicone technology was introduced to bring foul release to deep-sea scheduled vessels. In 2007, the introduction of Intersleek®900, the original biocide-free foul release product based on fluoropolymer technology, meant that foul release was available for all vessels above 10 knots. Intersleek®1100SR, the newest addition to the range, has become the first ever fluoropolymer slime release coating for all vessels. With over 1,600 individual applications, Intersleek® has the largest foul release track record within the industry.


Damen ARNO Dunkerque fits new SPS ‘feet’

to wind turbine vessel Damen ARNO Dunkerque, part of the Damen Shiprepair & Conversion Group, has given a new set of ‘feet’ to the world’s first purpose-built offshore wind turbine installation and maintenance vessel, the 2003-built MPI Resolution*. The yard has carried out upgrades on the feet or ‘spudcans’ of all the jack-up vessel’s six legs to give them the additional strength they need to withstand the huge loads to which they are subjected when spudding on rocky seabeds. The operation, which is thought to be the first of kind,

involved strengthening the spudcans through the use of the innovative Sandwich Plate System (SPS) developed by Intelligent Engineering (UK) Ltd. SPS is a new generation composite building material comprising two metal plates bonded with a polyurethane elastomer core. In the case of the MPI Resolution, the original 40 mm steel plating on the spudcans was bonded with a 40 mm layer of polyurethane elastomer to a second 40 mm high strength steel plate. Damen ARNO Dunkerque carried out the steel work in collaboration with Intelligent Engineering in an operation which was carried out in conjunction with the vessel’s 10-year survey and drydocking, as well as extensive refitting operations. The whole operation was completed within a month, allowing the vessel to leave Dunkirk on April 3, a day ahead of its scheduled delivery date, despite its having arrived at the French port two weeks later than expected. Damen ARNO Dunkerque managing director Bob Derks said that the yard worked 24 hours a day and seven days a week to ensure that the work was completed on time. With outside personnel, the yard’s 165-strong permanent workforce was doubled. “The most challenging thing for us was making sure that all the work was carried out in parallel with security, safety and quality assured. The work was carried out from the bottom up right up to the cranes. People were working everywhere.” Intelligent Engineering SPS shipbuilding director Martin Brooking said that the use of SPS had turned what would have been a much longer and complex operation into one that had been able to be carried out during the MPI Resolution’s scheduled drydocking. This would not have been possible, he said, if the existing steel plate had been replaced with 100 mm steel plate, which would have involved much more time and work.“We were able to maximise the available resources of the shipyard because we were using 40 mm plate and we created this composite

sandwich using the polyurethane core. Basically, what we bring to the design in that way is that we essentially make a new composite plate which is 120 mm thick.” This solution also allowed the vessel’s operator, MPI Offshore, part of the Netherlands’ Vroon shipping group, to strengthen the spudcans without exceeding the 25 tonne per leg additional weight limit it had set itself for the work. MPI Offshore fleet manager Dave Galloway said that the upgrade of the spudcans had become necessary to enable the MPI Resolution to work on the Humber Gateway wind farm project currently under construction off the east coast of England. “The Intelligent Engineering upgrade gives a significant increase to the load-bearing capacity of the spudcan without too much increase in weight,” he said. Damen ARNO Dunkerque, previously ARNO Dunkerque, is one of the most recent additions to the Damen Shiprepair and Conversion Group, which took it over in December 2012. It was designated by the group as the yard best suited to carry out the MPI Resolution contract. “It shows what Damen as a group can bring to this location,” said Bob Derks, adding that he expected that the contract would lead to others of the same type on an expanding market for offshore wind turbine installation. “This is a reference project for us,” he said. “It is a market which is growing now, given the age of the vessels operating in installing the wind farms.” * The MPI Resolution is a jack-up vessel measuring 130 m by 38. It is transformed from ship to stable work platform, clear of the surface of the sea, through the use of a hydraulic jacking system which raises it at a rate of 0.5 m per minute. It is equipped with 600 and 50 tonne cranes and has accommodation for up to 30 crew and 40 installation personnel.


Wärtsilä inaugurates new electrical & automation test

centre in Norway

Wärtsilä inaugurated its new electrical & automation test centre in

are the marine and oil & gas industries. Wärtsilä in Norway also delivers

Stord, Norway on 9 April. The new facility is one of the largest test

a range of environmental and liquid cargo solutions for the marine, oil

centres in Europe dedicated specifically to electrical and automation

& gas, and industrial sectors. The number of Wärtsilä employees in

systems for marine and offshore applications. The facilities were inau-

Norway is currently 1150.

gurated by Wärtsilä’s President & CEO Björn Rosengren together with

PHOTO: Director Engineering, Electrical & Automation in Wärtsilä Ship

Liv Kari Eskeland, the Mayor of Stord.

Power, Jakob Bjelland gives conference participants a tour of Wärtsilä’s new test centre for electrical & automation. Here in front of the two

Wärtsilä works continuously to develop solutions that meet both cur-

electrical motors that is connected to the company’s newly developed

rent and future demands for efficiency and reduced costs. Wärtsilä’s

Medium Voltage Drive.

Electrical and Automation business line has a long history in pioneering and developing sustainable and environmentally sound solutions for marine customers. With the new testing and training facilities in Stord, Wärtsilä can carry out full-scale testing and verification of existing and new electrical & automation solutions. The centre will also help further enhance Wärtsilä’s position as a front runner in product and application development in this field.

INTELLIAN FLEETBROADBAND TERMINALS selected by HANJIN SHIPPING Intellian, the technology leader in satellite communication antennas,

On the day of the inauguration, a customer conference was held to dis-

has won the contract to supply Hanjin Shipping of South Korea, with

cuss sustainable shipping and offshore operations. Among the speakers

FleetBroadband FB500 terminals for a fleet of 38 container ships.

was Mr Tord Lien, Norway’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy, who in

The installation process has already commenced and will be completed

his speech gave his government’s perspective on future maritime and

by Intellian over the coming months as the ships arrive into port.

offshore operations.

The FB500 is the largest of Intellian’s FleetBroadband product range

Wärtsilä in Norway

and provides the fastest and most cost-effective FleetBroadband service available. It is designed specifically for intensive use onboard

Norway is one of the world’s leading maritime nations and the Nor-

merchant and offshore vessels using Inmarsat’s I4 satellite, global

wegian offshore fleet is the world’s second largest and most modern.

broadband coverage. The FB500s will replace Hanjin Shipping’s

Wärtsilä’s primary activities in Norway are R&D of electrical & automa-

current F77 systems, significantly reducing their ship communications

tion systems and controllable pitch propellers, project management,

costs. Hanjin Shipping was also attracted to Intellian’s industry leading

engineering, manufacturing, and sales for Ship Power solutions – in-

Three-year warranty which provides the company with confidence and

cluding Ship Design - to customers all over the world. The main markets

trouble free operation over an extended period.


Seagull brings Competence Management System to the

Bulker Industry

Seagull has released the Bulker

says Roger Ringstad, Managing Director, Seagull AS. “While there are

Industry Training Standard (BITS),

plenty of high quality operators in the bulk industry, there is no universal

a predefined competence man-

standard for competence.”

agement system for the dry bulk industry.

In line with STCW, BITS covers competence in: Navigation; Cargo Handling; Controlling Operation; Marine engineering; Electrical; Maintenance

BITS is a computer-based evalua-

& Repair; and Radio Communications. It links into Seagull’s training

tion tool to enhance the competen-

modules and Competence Evaluation Standard (CES) via the Seagull

cy of officers onboard a ship type

Training Administrator to offer a complete training and assessment solu-

whose maintenance, operating

tion for officers.

and cargo handling practices can be unique. As well as providing a

“Carrying bulk cargoes require specific attention to particular risks related

benchmark for industry compe-

to ship stability, cargo hazards and damage to the ship structure,” says

tence, BITS can be adapted to

Mr. Ringstad. “While these topics are addressed by STCW, BITS brings

reflect advanced training standards developed by individual operators.

more rigor and precision to expectations for competence.

Seagull has worked with leading shipping organizations on harmonized competence standards, developing electronic versions of the Intertanko

“BITS will help operators ensure that their dry bulk vessels comply with

TOTS (Tanker Officer Training Standards) scheme and SIGTTO (Society

mandatory requirements by taking a ship-specific approach to improving

of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators) competence guide-

the officer’s overall knowledge and competence.”

lines. It has also devised electronic versions of the cadets/ratings Training Record Books published by the International Shipping Federation.

BITS specifies competency profiles for junior and senior positions onboard ship, providing individual officers with a simple and effective

BITS is Seagull’s first Competence Management System tool for a non-

competency development and career planning tool to identify promotional

tanker application. It includes coverage of cargo specific competencies for

requirements and motivate progression. Managers ashore gain a full over-

coal, grain and iron ore, with additional cargo types to be incorporated in

view of the seafarer’s development and competence. The Competence

the next version.

Manager section can be edited to reflect company-specific competence requirements.

“We believe building a competent crew through continuous training, gap

To support the new Bulker Industry Training Standard, Seagull will release

identification and assessment is the key to improving ship performance,”

6 new training modules on bulk-specific topics before the end of 2014.

Kalmar’s zero emission RTGs set to provide additional capacity at leading Turkish port

Kalmar, part of Cargotec, will supply eight rubber-tyred gantry cranes

solution that met our needs precisely. The quality and reliability of the

(RTGs) to Turkish port operator Evyapport. The port is a gateway to glob-

equipment is world class and the technological advancements make a

al commerce for Istanbul, Kocaeli and Adapazari region and it continues

considerable contribution to lowering the costs of ownership. Furthermore,

to expand its container operations to industrial organisations around the

the speed at which the cranes could be delivered was really excellent and

world. Kalmar machines will be delivered between Q4/2014 and Q2/2015.

helped us to plan our schedule of activities as the port expands.”

The order was booked into Cargotec’s 2013 fourth quarter order intake. Evyapport selected electric Kalmar E-One2 RTGs to facilitate the expan-

Mika Virtanen, Vice President for RTG and STS cranes at Kalmar: “We

sion of their operations as they considerably improve handling efficiency

are delighted to have gained another valuable order from Evyapport. As

and lower operating costs. The cranes have the capability of handling 7+1

terminal operators gear up for higher container throughput the require-

wide with 1 over 6 high stacking and a maximum lift capacity of 41 tonnes.

ment for equipment to deliver improved efficiency and cost reduction

The units run on mains electric power, provided via a bus bar automatic

becomes increasingly important. More operators are now specifying

arm, delivering zero emissions.

Kalmar’s electrically powered RTGs because they significantly reduce fuel costs, when compared to diesel engines. The resulting zero emissions

The cranes also operate with SmartRail, Kalmar’s electronic driver as-

means they are a very environmentally-friendly option.”

sistance system for enhancing RTG controls and operation. SmartRail helps the operator to use a higher travelling speed, minimising handling

Evyapport is Turkey’s fifth largest terminal with a capacity of 800,000

time per container.

TEU, a total area of 265,000 m² and 1,171 metre berth. The terminal already operates with several types of Kalmar equipment, including RTG

Mr Sedat Topuz, Support Services Manager, Evyapport commented:

and STS cranes, terminal tractors, forklift trucks, reachstackers and empty

“Once again, we were very impressed in how Kalmar responded with a

container handlers.



Ετήσια εκδήλωση βράβευσης ναυτικών Στα γραφεία της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών πραγματοποιήθηκε, η

δολάρια έλαβε ο

ετήσια εκδήλωση βράβευσης των ναυτικών που τερμάτισαν το 2010 την

κύριος Αλέξανδρος

σταδιοδρομία τους σε ποντοπόρα πλοία, με τη μεγαλύτερη θαλάσσια

Παπαναγιώτου. Ο κος

υπηρεσία, καθώς και η απονομή υποτροφιών σε μεταπτυχιακούς

Παπαναγιώτου είναι


πτυχιούχος της Νομικής

Στην εκδήλωση παρέστησαν ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου, οι

του Αριστοτελείου

Γενικοί Γραμματείς του ΥΝΑ, ο Αρχηγός Λ.Σ- Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής, οι


Υπαρχηγοί Λ.Σ – Ελληνικής Ακτοφυλακής καθώς και οι διοικήσεις των

Θεσσαλονίκης με

ναυτικών οργανώσεων και εκπρόσωποι εφοπλιστικών ενώσεων.

βαθμό Άριστα και

Τα βραβεία στους ναυτικούς από 3.000 ευρώ το καθένα που απένειμε

έχει γίνει δεκτός για

ο πρόεδρος της Ε.Ε.Ε. κ. Θ. Βενιάμης, έλαβαν από την κατηγορία

μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές

αξιωματικών, ο Ανθυποπλοίαρχος κύριος Σαράντης Παυλάκης και από

στο τμήμα Shipping Trade and Finance στο Cass Business School.

την κατηγορία των πληρωμάτων, ο μάγειρος κύριος Πέτρος Μπαλαλάς.

Την υποτροφία του Lloyd’s Register Foundation από 10.000 λίρες

Ο κύριος Παυλάκης, γεννήθηκε το 1949 στην Κάρυστο και τερμάτισε την

Αγγλίας, έλαβε ο κ. Κωνσταντίνος Σιμωτάς, ο οποίος είναι πτυχιούχος

σταδιοδρομία του με συνολική θαλάσσια υπηρεσία 27 έτη, 8 μήνες και 6

του τμήματος Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών του Μετσοβείου Πολυτεχνείου

ημέρες, όλη σε ποντοπόρα πλοία άνω των 4.500 dwt, στις εταιρείες TRI-

και έχει γίνει δεκτός για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο τμήμα Transport and


Business Management στο Imperial College.

Ο κ. Μπαλαλάς, από τον νομό Ηλείας γεννήθηκε το 1946 και

Κλείνοντας τη σημερινή εκδήλωση, ο Πρόεδρος της ΕΕΕ κ. Θ. Βενιάμης

συνταξιοδοτήθηκε το 2010 έχοντας συνολική θαλάσσια υπηρεσία 28 έτη,

είπε :

3 μήνες και 21 μέρες, όλη σε ποντοπόρα πλοία κυρίως της ANDRIAKI,

Θα ήθελα να ευχηθώ στους αγαπητούς ναυτικούς που βραβεύθηκαν


σήμερα, υγεία, προσωπική ευτυχία και να κρατήσουν από την πολύχρονη

Οι υποτροφίες για το τρέχον ακαδημαϊκό έτος απενεμήθησαν ως εξής:

σταδιοδρομία τους στη θάλασσα, τις θετικές στιγμές της, γνωρίζοντας

Την υποτροφία της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών στη μνήμη του

παράλληλα ότι αποτελούν φωτεινό παράδειγμα για τους νέους που

Προέδρου της Αντώνη Χανδρή από 10.000 δολάρια έλαβε ο κος

επιλέγουν να ακολουθήσουν το ναυτικό επάγγελμα.

Ιωάννης Διακογιάννης που απoφοίτησε από το τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών

Επίσης, στους νέους επιστήμονες που έλαβαν τις υποτροφίες, εύχομαι

Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς με βαθμό Λίαν Καλώς και έχει

ολόψυχα κάθε επιτυχία στην συνέχιση και ολοκλήρωση των σπουδών

ξεκινήσει μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο Marine Transport with Management

που έχουν επιλέξει. Είμαι βέβαιος ότι με τα μορφωτικά εφόδια που

στο Πανεπιστήμιο Newcastle.

συγκεντρώνουν θα διεκδικήσουν με επιτυχία μία θέση αντάξια των

Την υποτροφία της εταιρείας CARRAS (HELLAS) S.A από 15.000

προσδοκιών τους στο δύσκολο στίβο της επαγγελματικής σταδιοδρομίας.

Ο τομέας Marine &Turbocharging της ΑΒΒ Ελλάδας πιστοποιήθηκε κατά ISO 14001:2004 Ο φορέας TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH, πιστοποίησε τον τομέα

μέσω μηχανισμών επεξεργασίας και ανακύκλωσης. Επιπλέον, το

Marine & Turbocharging της ΑΒΒ ΑΕ σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις του

Σύστημα Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης στοχεύει στη συνεχή βελτίωση των

Προτύπου Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης ISO 14001:2004.

επιδόσεων της εταιρείας σε γενικότερα θέματα περιβάλλοντος, όπως στη

Ο τομέας Marine & Turbocharging της ΑΒΒ ΑΕ πιστοποιήθηκε ύστερα

μείωση της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας, νερού, χαρτιού και διαφόρων άλλων

από επιθεώρηση του φορέα πιστοποίησης TÜV SÜD Management Ser-

πόρων που χρησιμοποιούνται για την διεκπεραίωση των δραστηριοτήτων

vice GmbH, ότι πληροί τις απαιτήσεις του Προτύπου ISO 14001:2004 για

της. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί πως όλα τα παραπάνω αποτελούν ένα ενιαίο

την πώληση ανταλλακτικών υπερπληρωτών, την επισκευή και συντήρηση

σύστημα για το oποίο ο τομέας Marine &Turbocharging έχει πιστοποιηθεί

αυτών καθώς και για τον ναυτιλιακό εξοπλισμό που εμπορεύεται.

πλέον της Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης (ISO 14001), για τη Διαχείριση

Το Διεθνές Πρότυπο ISO14001, το οποίο εκδίδεται και αναθεωρείται από

της Ποιότητας (ISO 9001) καθώς και για τη Διαχείριση της Ασφάλειας και

τον παγκόσμιο οργανισμό ISO με έδρα τη Γενεύη, καθορίζει τις απαιτήσεις

Υγείας στην εργασία (OHSAS 18001).

για την ανάπτυξη και την εφαρμογή του Συστήματος Περιβαλλοντικής

Για την απόκτηση του πιστοποιητικού απαιτήθηκαν βελτιώσεις και

Διαχείρισης (Environmental Management System).

προσαρμογές στις διαδικασίες του τομέα Marine &Turbocharging που

Το Σύστημα Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης που έχει εγκαταστήσει και

βρίσκεται στον Σκαραμαγκά. Σημαντικοί ανθρώπινοι πόροι αφιερώθηκαν

εφαρμόζει o τομέας Marine &Turbocharging της ΑΒΒ ΑΕ, περιλαμβάνει

στη συνεχή βελτίωση των διαδικασιών σε θέματα περιβαλλοντικής

την περιβαλλοντική πολιτική που ακολουθεί η εταιρεία για την προστασία

διαχείρισης και στην εκπαίδευση των εργαζομένων για την πλήρη

του περιβάλλοντος, το εγχειρίδιο περιβαλλοντικής διαχείρισης, την

ενημέρωσή τους στην εφαρμογή και την τήρηση του συστήματος. Το

οργανωτική δομή, τις διαδικασίες και τα μέσα που απαιτούνται για τη

πρότυπο 14001:2004 εξασφαλίζει πλήρη νομοθετική συμμόρφωση

διαχείριση περιβαλλοντικών θεμάτων.

για τον τομέα ΑΒΒ Marine & Turbocharging και αποτελεί επιβεβαίωση

Πιο συγκεκριμένα στοχεύει στον εντοπισμό και τη μείωση των

της αυξημένης περιβαλλοντικής συνείδησης της ΑΒΒ ΑΕ και των

επιπτώσεων των δραστηριοτήτων της εταιρείας στο περιβάλλον, όπως

προσπαθειών της για τη μείωση των επιπτώσεων των δραστηριοτήτων

στη μείωση των διαφόρων μορφών ρύπων, υγρών, αερίων και στερεών

της στο περιβάλλον.


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ABB to supply electric power plant and propulsion units for a Finnish icebreaker

Azipod® technology will power Finnish Transport Agency’s new generation LNG icebreaker ABB, has secured a new order to supply electric power plant and Azipod

“The safety of seaborne transport in the Baltic Sea is under political and

propulsion units for one ice breaker vessel built for Finnish Transport

regulatory scrutiny as never before, making FTA’s preference for ABB’s

Agency (FTA) at Arctech Helsinki Shipyard. The competitive bidding was

power and propulsion technology based on our proven references” says

done between several suppliers.

Heikki Soljama, head of ABB’s Marine and Cranes business unit. “Once more, the system’s performance and its ease of maintenance have

Due for delivery in 2016 and set for operation in the Baltic Sea, the

proved critical factors in the selection process. It is no coincidence that

new vessel is featuring dual fuel capability, and as such will be the first

the most forward-looking icebreaker designs invariably feature podded

icebreaker in operation able to run using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a


fuel, cutting both emissions and fuel cost.

The new Finnish icebreaker is a great continuation for the cooperation be-

In fact, the concept designers at Aker Arctic Technology and ILS were

tween ABB and Helsinki shipyard. In fact, back in year 1987, the Azipod

instructed to select the industry’s most advanced technologies to meet

propulsion system was developed in close cooperation between ABB

icebreaking conditions in the Baltic Sea year-round, and to perform open

and Helsinki shipyard combining the expertise of electrotechnical experts

sea oil spill response and towing duties in summer and winter. Basic

and shipbuilders. ABB can trace its supply record of icebreaker electric

design of the vessel is done by Arctech. Once operational, the new vessel

propulsion technology to the Finnish market back 75 years, to the 1939

is expected to attract worldwide attention to Finnish arctic expertise.

delivery of the icebreaker Sisu to the Finnish Government, which featured electric propulsion systems from Stromberg. The wide adoption of Azipod

Central to the vessel’s performance expectations will be its three-pod

propulsion technology in ice-breaking field has strengthened ABB’s repu-

propulsion solution, with a 6MW Azipod unit at the bow and two 6.5MW

tation too fulfil even the most demanding sea transportation performance

units at the stern included to optimize efficiency and maneuverability in

requirements. ABB has delivered electric propulsion systems to over 80

ice-ridge conditions in particular.

icebreakers or ice-going vessels with a propulsion power of up to 36 MW.

Hiab celebrates 70 years of load handling leadership Hiab, part of Cargotec, celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. The anniversary

marks one of the great ideas in modern industry. Seven decades ago, Swedish ski

Hiab celebrates with a special Jubilee Crane collection To mark the 70 years of innovation Hiab created a unique anniversary crane col-

manufacturer Eric Sundin was struggling to get the heavy timber he needed from

lection that represents the latest technology available in the market. The recently

the woods into his ski factory. The Hiab Method he developed not only solved his

launched HIAB X-HiPro 192 and HIAB X-HiDuo 188 come with a unique collection

challenge, but also sparked a revolution in load handling that continues to this day.

of features combined to give the customer extra everything. Each crane is num-

Eric Sundin, who co-founded Hiab in 1944, found a way to transfer the hydraulic

bered and comes with a unique crane passport.

momentum from a truck engine into a lifting motion - soon to be known as the

“We are proud of our cranes and our legacy. And we are grateful for all our cus-

Hiab Method. As Hiab celebrates its 70th anniversary, the method has been ap-

tomers who appreciate the fine qualities of our products and the value added they

plied in over a half-million loader cranes and is used daily by crane operators in

bring to their business. This is worth celebrating,” concludes Roland Sundén.

more than 100 countries worldwide. Just as Hiab has grown, so has Sundin’s basic idea: that a vehicle equipped with hydraulics can do so much more than travel the road. Today the Hiab Method can be seen in the eight premium brands that comprise Hiab and share the elephant symbol: HIAB loader cranes, JONSERED recycling and forestry cranes, LOGLIFT forestry cranes, MOFFETT truck mounted forklifts and MULTILIFT demountables, as well as DEL, WALTCO AND ZEPRO tail lifts. What remains unchanged is the drive to meet real needs, whether they be high demands on speed and precision or the need for superior flexibility and the means to withstand the toughest working environments. Sundin was his own first customer, and Hiab still works with customer-driven product development. The combination of accumulated knowledge, leading technology and the world’s most comprehensive network of sales, services and support makes Hiab a complete answer for nearly any load handling application. Roland Sundén, Hiab’s President, says: “The philosophy has turned Hiab from an industrial pioneer into the leading global provider, with our personnel of 2,700 professionals serving Hiab’s key customer segments. Over the years we have increased productivity in construction, forestry, recycling and other fundamental

Photo: Hiab’s founder Eric Sundin (left) next to his right-hand man Einar

industries, and we have improved speed, safety and accuracy within distribution

Frisk, demonstrating Hiab 19 - the world’s first loader crane.

and logistics. Above all, we have created flexibility, reliability and security for the individual operator right up to the largest global businesses.”

144 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 BWTS

Ecochlor®Ballast Water Treatment System The Ecochlor® Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) applies esta lished chlorine dioxide (ClO2) technology to oxidize and disinfect aquatic invasive species (AIS). Chlorine dioxide has a long history (60+ years) of being applied safely and economically for the control of microorganisms in industrial and municipal waters. Chlorine dioxide is unique in its ability to be effective on a wide range of troublesome organisms, in a broad range of water quality conditions. A second unique feature of the ClO2 generated with the Ecochlor® BWTS compared to other oxidants (such as chlorine) is the minimization of unwanted by-products. The Ecochlor® BWTS uses a two-step treatment process as

Figure 1 - Overview of the Ecochlor® BWTS Process

depicted in Figure 1. Incoming ballast water is pumped onboard as usual (through the sea chest/sea filter) via the ships’ ballast water pump(s). Ballast water then passes through the first treatment process step of filtration with a 40-micron stainless steel screen. The second step is generation and injection of ClO2 into the incoming ballast water stream. Immediately after the filtration step, the Ecochlor® BWTS injects ClO2 (5 mg/L dose) into the incoming ballast water as it is piped to the ballast tanks. Treatment occurs on ballast water intake only; no treatment

Figure 2 - ClO2 Treatment System Arrangement and View Inside ClO2 Generator Enclosure

is needed at the time of ballast water discharge. Detailed information on the treatment process and system sizing

BWTS Series Treatment Rated Capacity

is provided throughout this section.

The Ecochlor® BWTS is capable of treating a wide range of ballast water flow rates to meet various ship requirements. There are six different

The Ecochlor BWTS can be installed as a retrofit on existing vessels or

BWTS Series (i.e. “models”) that cover the range of ballast water flow rate

during new vessel construction, with the latter being the most efficient and

capacities, or Treatment Rated Capacity (TRC) in Table 1 below. Each

cost effective. The Ecochlor BWTS can be installed in the vessel’s en-

Series configuration is available in a variety of chemical tank and filter

gine room, enclosed in a designated deckhouse or installed as a modular

sizes and can be customized to fit available space within a ship.

system. The installation location onboard determines the appropriate

Regardless of BWTS size or TRC, the overall process and treatment

enclosure. Figure 2 shows the ClO2 generator mounted on the Treatment

methodology remains the same:



System skid and the inside view of the ClO2 generator enclosure. The generator components and enclosure size slightly increases for larger scaled systems.

filtration followed by 5 mg/L ClO2 treatment of incoming ballast water. Effective treatment for increased TRCs is achieved by adding filter modules to allow for higher ballast water flow requirements and scaling the ClO2 generator.


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Filtration System Description

Filtration System Sizing

The filtration phase of treatment consists of an assembly of filter modules,

For all applications, the ballast water is filtered to 40-micron prior to the

as needed to provide the required filter capacity for the vessel’s bal-

ClO2 treatment step. There are different filter models (see Table 1) that

last water flow rate. Each automatic, self-cleaning filter module includes

can be utilized to meet various BWTS installation requirements such as

a 40-micron weave wire primary screen, proximity scanner cleaning

ballast water flow rate and space considerations. Having a variety of filter

nozles,drive gear motor, and associated suction pump (see Figure 3).

sizes and configurations to choose from allows Ecochlor to design the

During operation, the pressure differential across the filter inlet and outlet

best BWTS to meet the specific needs for each vessel.

is measured. The automatic controls monitor the pressure differential

Filter modules can be incorporated into single housings or can be man

values and, when required, the automated filter module cleaning process

folded together to provide the required filter surface area for the respec-

is initiated. The filters use a cleaning technology that eliminates the need

tive ballast water flow (see Figure 4 and Figure 5).

for a typical back-flush cycle. Without interrupting the ballast water flow, the flush valve will open, the suction cleaning pump will turn on and the scanner gear motor will be energized. The scanner gear motor will rotate the scanner cleaning nozzles and move them upward/downward to provide cleaning to the entire interior surface of the filter screen. This allows for continuous filtration without significantly reducing the amount of water that can be filtered during ballast water uptake. Additionally, cleaning water from the filtration process is discharged back to the “source� harbor. The proximity nozzle cleaning design enables a regulated and consistent suction force to clean the filter screen. This ensures maximum suction force for removing solids from the screen while minimizing residual water and pressure loss from the cleaning process. After ballasting operations are complete, the operator may initiate an automatic filter purge sequence in all filter modules. Filter modules are purged of seawater, flushed with fresh water, and purged with air until the next ballast operation is initiated. The filter purge is offered as an option to extend filter screen life.

Figure 3 - Filter Module Details

146 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 BWTS

Figure 4 - Example of Single Housing Filter Assembly BS-603S provides a TRC of 1,500 m3/hr

Figure 5 - Two Examples of Duplex Filter Assembly

a - Single Filter Module (1 unit) BS-200-T provides a TRC of 550 m3/hr, b - Multi-Filter Module (6 units) BS-200-T provides a TRC of 550 m3/hr x 6 units = 3,300 m3/hr

148 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 BWTS

150 nafs POSIDONIA 2014 BWTS

Ballast Water Management in the United States “Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd is a company of highly experienced and qualified managers in the Marine Services, specializing in Ship Repairs and Conversions. Our core business is to provide Repair Services through our Worldwide Network of Leading Shipyards, Workshops, and Cooperating Companies. Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd is the Exclusive Agent in Greece of Ecochlor’s Ballast Water Treatment Systems solutions. Our Product and Services Portfolio also extends to the field of supply the Greek Market with Marine Equipment, Spare Parts, Bunker, Luboils and Safety Products & Services. Our mission is to provide the local shipping industry with high quality level of products and services accompanied with timely deliveries and competitive prices, honoring always our contractual commitments”.

Ecochlor and Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd organized on Wednesday the 14th of May 2014 at Metropolitan Hotel Athens, a Ballast Water Treatment Summit with the title “Ballast Water Management in the United States”, by CMDR Gary Croot, USCG Retired Chief, Environmental Standards Division, 2008-2011. Ecochlor and Euploia offered this event as opportunity for answers to questions regarding the Ballast Water Regulation Compliance in the US. The first presentation by CMDR Gary Croot was followed by a discussion on “The Ecochlor BWTS” by Tom Perlich, President. Euploia is the exclusive representative of Ecochlor in Greece. Gary Croot is retired from the USCG in 2011 as Chief of the Environmental Standards Division, where he developed a wide variety of environmental regulations including Ballast Water Management, control of marine debris and dry cargo residue. He also administered the Coast Guard’s innovative Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program (STEP) which has facilitated the development and installation of effective Ballast Water Treatment Technologies. Croot led and participated in numerous Congressional briefings focusing on the intricacies of Ballast Water regulation and legislation and served on joint panels with representatives of the EPA’s Office of Water. He is now President and Founder of International Maritime Environmental & Safety Associates. The event was followed by a cocktail reception. For more information you may contact Mr. Charis Valentakis, Director of Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd.

Please, visit Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd, at Posidonia Exhibition, 2 - 6 June 2014, Stand No. 2428. Exclusive agent in Greece of Ecochlor’s BWTS

21 Amfitheas Ave, 17564 Palaio Faliro, Greece, Tel.: +30 210 9400660, Email:,

nafsgreen VI

coming June 2014


The Jotun Group increased sales of paints and

coatings by six per cent last year Operating profit increased by 12 per cent to NOK 1.26 billion in 2013, compared with NOK 1.13 billion in 2012. The increase was mainly due to growth in Eastern Europe, South East Asia and parts of the Middle East. Stable raw material prices, improved product mix and increased focus on the sale of high-quality products in higher margins markets contributed to the positive development in operating profit. In 2013 Jotun achieved good growth in decorative paints, protective coatings and powder coatings, while sales of marine coatings in the Group’s joint ventures operation in North East Asia reduced as a result of the cyclical downturn in the shipbuilding industry. “We are delighted that Jotun has completed yet another strong year of solid sales and good earnings. 2013 has also been a year of large investments in new and existing markets, including new factories in Russia, China and Brazil,” says CEO Morten Fon.

Promises well for 2014 “Jotun is well positioned in the most important growth economies. Based on our organic growth strategy, this will contribute to further sales increases. By ensuring increased capacity and developing personnel and systems that can handle this growth effectively, Jotun is well equipped for the future,” says Fon.

Highlights of 2013:

· Good profitability, especially considering the downturn in the shipbuilding industry. · Gross margins strengthened in all segments, mainly by means of good control of the price and product mix. · Jotun’s investments in 2013 amounted to NOK 733 million. The biggest investments relate to building factories and facilities in Russia, China, Brazil and Vietnam.

RS class: new lead icebreaker launched in Vyborg The official ceremony of launching a lead icebreaker Vladivostok of a new generation project 21900 took place on 29 April 2014 at ОАО Vyborg Shipyard. The ship is built to the class of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS): KM Icebreaker6 [2] AUT1-ICS FF2 BWM EPP ECO HELIDECK Special purpose ship. The construction is conducted under the Federal Target Programme ‘Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010 - 2015)’. Participating in the launching ceremony were representatives of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency, FGUP Rosmorport, Government of the Leningrad Region, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Sergey Shishkin, head of RS Classification Division, handed over the RS Certificate of Ship Preparedness for Launching to Alexander Soloviyev, Director of the Vyborg Shipyard. On behalf of RS, Sergey Shishkin congratulated the management and staff of the yard on the successive completion of one of the most important stages in the ship construction. According to S. Shishkin, the new ship is the next step as compared to the icebreakers of the Moskva and Sankt-Peterburg series. Project 21900 М ships have higher performance characteristics taking into consideration the service experience of previous

icebreaker projects when ensuring icebreaker escort during winter navigation in the Gulf of Finland. The new icebreaker is a double decker equipped with a helideck, about 10 000 t displacement, two azimuth thrusters and thrust unit, capable of overriding ice up to 1.5 metres thick. It is designed for large ship escort, towage, fire extinguishing on board floating facilities and other structures, cargo transportation and assistance to ships in distress. Main particulars: length - 119.8 m; breadth - 27.5 m; depth - 12.4 m; deadweight - 5,340 t; gross tonnage - 11,649. RS experts exercise the icebreaker construction survey in accordance with the requirements of RS Rules and statutory requirements, carry out the surveys of the hull, machinery, electrical and automation equipment. Based on the surveys as well as on mooring tests and sea trials, an RS classification certificate and a set of statutory certificates will be issued for the ship. The series planned for construction to RS class will include three ships of the project. The first one will be named Vladivostok and the two successive ones Murmansk and Novorossiysk accordingly. The pilot ship delivery to the customer is planned for May 2015.

HELMEPA: Συλλυπητήρια για την απώλεια του αείμνηστου Αριστομένη Μ. Καραγεώργη

“Με μεγάλη θλίψη πληροφορηθήκαμε σήμερα στη HELMEPA, την απώλεια του αείμνηστου Αριστομένη Μ. Καραγεώργη, Επίτιμου Πρόεδρου της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, ο οποίος ως Πρόεδρός της προσυπέγραψε μαζί με τον Γενικό Γραμματέα της Πανελλήνιας Ναυτικής Ομοσπονδίας, την Ιδρυτική Διακήρυξή της HELMEPA την 4η Ιουνίου 1982. Η εθελοντική πρωτοβουλία που μαζί με συναδέλφους του και ναυτικούς ανέλαβε ιδρύοντας τη HELMEPA, προβάλλει επί 32 χρόνια την περιβαλλοντική ευαισθησία της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλιακής Κοινότητας και αναβαθμίζει το ρόλο του ανθρώπινου παράγοντα στη ναυτιλία. Ο Πρόεδρος, Δρ. Ιωάννης Κούστας, τα Μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου και όλοι στη Γραμματεία της HELMEPA, εκφράζουν τα θερμότατα συλλυπητήρια τους στην οικογένειά του”.


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IMO 25 years of International Maritime Law Institute celebrated

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) on Monday (28 April 2014) celebrated the 25th anniversary of the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), based in Malta, with a special event which included speeches from the current IMLI Director and the chairman of IMO’s Legal Committee. ”An array of legal measures, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the comprehensive portfolio of IMO treaty instruments, do an excellent job in defining the rights and privileges and, at the same time, the duties, obligations and responsibilities of nations in their use of the world’s seas and oceans. And, for these international legal measures to be effective, States, in their turn, need to enact appropriate domestic legislation to reflect their provisions and provide, thereby, a mechanism for implementation and enforcement. By providing a steady influx of highly trained legal professionals, IMLI has been instrumental in enabling this to happen,” said Mr. Koji Sekimizu, IMO Secretary-General and Chairman of the IMLI Governing Board. “IMLI graduates now occupy positions of great responsibility throughout the maritime world and their knowledge, expertise and influence has been of immense and tangible benefit, particularly for the developing world, and indeed for all the economies and communities that rely on the safe secure passage of their goods across the seas and oceans,” Mr. Sekimizu added. The other speakers included: • Professor David Attard, Director, IMLI; • the Honorable Joe Mizzi, M.P., Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Malta; • Mr. Mitsuyuki Unno, Executive Director, Nippon Foundation, Japan;

• Mr. Jim Harrison, Group Legal Director, Lloyd’s Register Group; • Dr. Kofi Mbiah, Chairman, Legal Committee, IMO; • Professor Dr. Frank L. Wiswall, Jr., IMLI Governing Board and CMI Vice President Honoris Causa; and • Mrs. Gabriele Göttsche-Wanli, Director, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. IMLI was established by IMO in 1988 to help ensure that sufficient maritime law experts, with appropriate knowledge and skills, would be available, especially within developing countries, to assist in the implementation and enforcement of international maritime law and, more particularly, the vast body of rules and regulations developed under the aegis of the Organization. The first students enrolled at the Institution in 1989. The IMLI programme consists of post-graduate education in all areas of international maritime law, including law of the sea, marine environmental law and shipping law. This course is mainly addressed to lawyers, legal advisers, judges and legal draftsmen and women whose duties encompass maritime issues and who are seeking specialisation. The institute also contributes to the development and dissemination of knowledge and expertise in international maritime law, with special reference to the international regulations and procedures for safety and efficiency of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution. By the end of the 2012/2013 academic year, a total of 602 students from 126 States and territories worldwide had successfully graduated with the Institute’s degree of Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Maritime Law. The 2013/2014 academic year commenced on 28 October 2013 with an intake of 33 students from 25 States on the LL.M. programme. Israel, Kiribati and Portugal were represented for the first time.

IMO and Bangladesh announce major collaboration to improve ship-recycling standards

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh have signed a landmark agreement to work together to improve safety and environmental standards in the country’s ship-recycling industry. A Memorandum of Understanding formalizing the cooperation between the two was signed by Mr Nicolaos Charalambous, Director, Technical Cooperation Division, IMO and Mr Md. Ashadul Islam, Additional Secretary, Economic Relations Division of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Bangladesh, on 10 April 2014. IMO and Bangladesh will jointly implement a project entitled “Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling in Bangladesh – Phase I”. With an annual gross tonnage capacity of more than 8.8 million, the Bangladesh ship recycling industry is one of the world’s most important, second only to neighbouring India in terms of volume. The project, aimed at improving standards and sustainability within the industry, will consist of five work packages, covering studies on economic and environmental impacts and on the management of hazardous materials and wastes, recommendations on strengthening the Government’s One-Stop Service (in which all the various ministries with a responsibility

for ship recycling – e.g. Industries, Environment, Labour, Shipping – offer a single point of contact for related matters), a review and upgrade of existing training courses and the development of a detailed project document for a possible follow-up project to implement the recommendations of phase I. It will be executed by the Marine Environment Division of IMO, in partnership with the Ministry of Industries of Bangladesh, over the next 18 months. The Bangladeshi ministry will coordinate input from the different stakeholder ministries within the country, while IMO will also collaborate with other relevant UN agencies including the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to ensure successful delivery of the project. The principal funding for the project will come from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), while the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS)* will also support the project by mobilizing some EU funding towards the work package related to the management of hazardous materials, which will partly be implemented by BRS.



Χωρίς περίσκεψιν, χωρίς λύπην, χωρίς αιδώ Μεγάλα κι υψηλά τριγύρω μου έκτισαν τείχη .............................................................................................. Αλλά δεν άκουσα ποτέ κρότον κτιστών ή ήχον. Ανεπαισθήτως μ’ έκλεισαν από τον κόσμον έξω. Κων. Καβάφης, «Τα τείχη»


Είναι γνωστό από την ιστορία των τελευταίων 5.000 ετών, ότι η ανθρωπότητα ποτέ δεν έζησε ειρηνικά. Οι περίοδοι είναι ασυγκρίτως μεγαλύτερες από τις περιόδους ειρήνης. Καθώς η ζωή των ανθρώπων περνούσε από διάφορες πολιτισμικές φάσεις, από την εποχή των φυλών, μετέπειτα των αυτοκρατοριών και των βασιλείων, αργότερα από την εποχή των εθνών-κρατών και στην συνέχεια του καπιταλισμού και του νεο-καπιταλισμού, οι άνθρωποι ζούσαν με διαρκείς πολέμους γιά την επικράτηση του ισχυροτέρου, με διαλείμματα εύθραυστης ειρήνης. Σε όλες αυτές τις ιστορικές φάσεις, το ζητούμενο γιά τους εξουσιαστές ήταν η καλοπέραση των λίγων και ο εξαναγκασμός – με τον ένα ή τον άλλο τρόπο – των πολλών σε παραγωγική εργασία προς όφελος της άρχουσας τάξης. Με την είσοδο του 21ου αιώνα, η ανθρωπότητα εισήλθε σε μία νέα και πιό επικίνδυνη φάση παγκόσμιας αναταραχής, καθώς η δημογραφική έκρηξη στον πλανήτη δημιούργησε πολλά προβλήματα επισιτισμού και ενέργειας, ενώ δεν είναι ήσονος σημασίας η μη πρόσβαση τεραστίων ανθρωπίνων μαζών σε πόσιμο νερό, γιά την έλλειψη του οποίου πολλοί είναι εκείνοι που πιστεύουν ότι η ανθρωπότητα θα οδηγηθεί σε τρίτο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο. Ήδη, πολύ πριν από την έλευση του 21ου αιώνα, πολλοί μιλούσαν για μία νέα τάξη πραγμάτων, που άκουγε στον ειδικότερο όρο της «παγκοσμιοποίησης», σύμφωνα με την οποία μία νέα τάξη ολιγαρχών, οι οποίοι ελέγχουν την παγκόσμια οικονομία, θα επιχειρούσαν να επιβάλλουν στην ανθρώπινη μάζα των 7 δισεκατομμυρίων ψυχών την θέλησή τους, κάτω από ένα παγκόσμιο σύστημα διακυβέρνησης, που θα είχε οργανωθεί με την βοήθεια του επιστημονικού κόσμου και με βάση την καλπάζουσα τεχνολογία. Σήμερα δεν υπάρχουν άνθρωποι στον λεγόμενο πολιτισμένο κόσμο, που να μή πιστεύουν ότι μία παγκόσμια «αόρατη» κυβέρνηση έχει αναπτύξει μεγάλες δυνάμεις και ακαταμάχητα συστήματα επιβολής στις διακυβερνήσεις των περισσοτέρων λαών του κόσμου. Θεωρείται βέβαιο ότι πολλές από τις πληροφορίες αυτές διέρρευσαν από τους ίδιους τους ανθρώπους της νέας τάξης πραγμάτων, ώστε ο πολύς ο κόσμος να γνωρίζει περίπου προς τα πού τραβάει το μέλλον της ανθρωπότητος,

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καθώς η καλπάζουσα τεχνολογία διανοίγει νέες ευκαιρίες και δημιουργεί νέες προκλήσεις στο ανθρώπινο γένος σε όλους τους τομείς γνώσεως, τόσο στο διάστημα, όσο και στην γενετική. Όμως, παράλληλα με τις πληροφορίες που διαρρέουν γιά το μέλλον της ανθρωπότητος, αναπτύχθηκε και μία συνωμοσιολογία, η οποία έλαβε τεράστιες διαστάσεις μέσω Ίντερνετ, σε βαθμό που κανείς τελικά να μή γνωρίζει ποιές είναι ακριβώς οι δυνατότητες και οι προθέσεις της Νέας Εξουσίας και ποιά η αλήθεια. Ο κόσμος γέμισε από πλήθος συνωμοσιολογικών βιβλίων, οι συγγραφείς των οποίων έγιναν παγοσμίως γνωστοί και πάμπλουτοι, ο πολύς κόσμος, που μετέχει ενεργά στην νέα τεχνολογία και έχει πρόσβαση στον κυβερνοχώρο άρχισε να «ψάχνεται» και να διερωτάται αν η ανθρωπότητα βαδίζει σε ένα ζοφερό μέλλον, ενώ την ίδια στιγμή παρατηρούνται διάφορα «συμπτώματα» στις εθνικές και διεθνείς πολιτικές πρακτικές, οι οποίες περιλαμβάνονται υπό τύπον προειδοποιήσεως στα συνωμοσιολογιά βιβλία και ενισχύουν τους φόβους πως κάτι κακό θα συμβεί στον πλανήτη μας. Μια τέτοια περίπτωση είναι εκείνη του Γαλλοκαναδού δημοσιογράφου και συγγραφέα Serge Monast, ο οποίος μίλησε και έγραψε για απίστευτα πράγματα που θα συμβούν στο εγγύς μέλλον στην ανθρωπότητα. O Monast, που πέθανε μστηριωδώς σε ηλικία 40 ετών, μίλησε γιά ένα μυστικό πρόγραμμα, που χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνολογία των ολογραμμάτων, προκειμένου να εξαπατήσει την ανθρωπότητα προβάλλοντας π.χ. στον ουρανό κάτι που δεν υπάρχει, που είναι εικονικό αλλά τρισδιάστατο και μπορεί να προκαλέσει «μαζικές ψευδαισθήσεις». Το σχέδιο ονομάζεται «Σχέδιο Γαλάζιας Ακτίνας» (Blue Beame Project) και μπορούν οι εμπνευστές του να πείσουν τις μάζες ότι γίνεται αεροπορική επίθεση ή εισβολή εξωγηίνων, ή ότι συντελείται η Δευτέρα Παρουσία ή ότι κατέβηκε ο Εσταυρωμένος ή ο Αντίχριστος κλπ. Το περίεργο είναι ότι η Αποκάλυψη γράφει (ΑΠ.ιγ 13-14) τα εξής: “…και έκαμνε σημεία μεγάλα ώστε και πύρ να κατεβαίνη εκ του ουρανού εις την γην ενώπιον των ανθρώπων και επλάνα τους κατοίκους επί την γην.” Σύμφωνα με τον Monast το σχέδιο Γαλάζια Ακτίνα θα εφαρμοσθεί σε τέσσερα στάδια.

Κατά το πρώτο θα γίνουν τεχνητοί σεισμοί και θα αποκαλυφθούν στοιχεία, όπως τάφοι, επιγραφές, αρχαίες πόλεις κλπ., που θα καταρρίπτουν τις σημερινές θρησκείες. Κατά το δεύτερο στάδιο θα προκληθούν ολογράμματα στον ουρανό με λέϊζερ που θα εμφανίζουν Α.Τ.Ι.Α., εικόνες ιερών προσώπων κλπ. Κατά το τρίτο στάδιο οι άνθρωποι δεν θα βλέπουν μόνο τους Θεούς στον ουρανό, αλλά και θα τους ακούν μέσα στα αυτιά τους με την χρήση χαμηλών hz. Κατά το τέταρτο στάδιο θα μεταδοθεί ψευδομήνυμα περί εισβολής εξωγηίνων, ώστε να προκληθεί πανικός, ενώ οι τηλεοράσεις θα μεταδίδουν εικόνες αποκρουστικών τεράτων. Θα στοχευθεί ο Χριστιανισμός, ώστε να επιβληθεί η νέα θρησκεία. Βέβαια είναι δύσκολο να πιστέψουν σ’ αυτές τις συνωμοσιολογίες οι λογικοί άνθρωποι. Ωστόσο, οι σύγχρονοι άνθρωποι, που έχουν πρόσβαση στην νέα τεχνολογία των οπτικοακουστικών μέσων, γνωρίζουν ότι τέτοια «επιτεύγματα» δεν βρίσκονται στην σφαίρα της φαντασίας, καθώς και ότι, αν κάποιοι νοσηροί εγκέφαλοι θελήσουν να δημιουργήσουν τέτοιες καταστάσεις, δεν είναι δύσκολο να το επιτύχουν και να προκαλέσουν το ψυχολογικό δέος όχι στους λίγους που γνωρίζουν ακόμη και στοιχειώδη επιτεύγματα της τεχνολογίας, αλλά στους πολλούς που δεν γνωρίζουν και υπόκεινται στην ψυχολογία του όχλου. Θα μπορούσε κανείς να φανταστεί τί θα μπορούσε να συμβεί αν σε

χώρες του Ισλάμ «εμφανιζόταν» στον ουρανό ο Προφήτης Μωάμεθ και τους παρακινούσε να επιτεθούν κατά των «απίστων».

ΠΩΣ ΚΥΒΕΡΝΑΤΑΙ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ Ο ΚΟΣΜΟΣ Σήμερα ο κόσμος κυβερνάτα, στην συντριπτική πλειοψηφία, από δημοκρατικά πολιτεύματα, ύστερα από την αποτίναξη της φεουδαρχίας που διατηρήθηκε επί πολλούς αιώνες. Αλλά είναι πράγματι δημοκρατικά όλα τα πολιτεύματα στον πλανήτη; Πολλοί είναι εκείνοι που πιστεύουν ότι τα κράτη, ακόμη και τα πιό δημοκρατικά, δεν κυβερνώνται από τις κυβερνήσεις τους, αλλά από αδιαφανείς διεθνείς οργανισμούς, όπως το ΔΝΤ, η Παγκόσμια Τράπεζα, ο ΟΟΣΑ, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, ο Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου, οι G8 (που τώρα έγιναν G7, μετά τα μέτρα που επέβαλαν οι δυτικοί ηγέτες κατά της Ρωσίας λόγω των γεγονότων στην Κριμαία) κ.ά. Οι συνωμοσιολόγοι υποστηρίζουν ότι οι Οργανισμοί αυτοί είναι πιό πλούσιοι από τα ίδια τα κράτη, χρηματοδοτούν τα κόμματα και είναι υπεράνω νόμων, πολιτικής εξουσίας και δημοκρατίας. Κατά τους ίδιους, το αθόρυβο όπλο των «νέων αφεντικών» του πλανήτη, είναι η πληροφορική τεχνολογία, η οποία είναι σε θέση να επηρεάζει μέσω των ηλεκτρονικών

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Άντριου Τόμας, τον Ερνστ φον Κουόν, τον σερ Φρεντ Χόϋλ και άλλους, περιγράφουν στα βιβλία τους ότι ο άνθρωπος αργά ή γρήγορα θα γίνει συμπαντικό λογικό ον προοριζόμενο νε έλθει σε επαφή με εξωγήινους πολιτιτισμούς. Διαπρεπής αστρονόμος σερ Φρεντ Χόϋλ στο βιβλίο του «τα δέκα πρόσωπα του σύμπαντος», γράφει ότι σύντομα όλοι οι άνθρωποι θα ζούν μέσα σε μια πραγματικά ενιαία παγκόσμια οικονομική κοινότητα. Επίσης επισημαίνει ότι ο κίνδυνος που απειλεί το είδος των ανθρώπων εξ αιτίας της παγόσμιας αύξησης του πληθυσμού, θα κορυφωθεί περίπου το 2025 (το βιβλίο του είχε γραφεί στην δεκαετία του 1950). Αν εφευρεθεί μια χαλιναγωγημένη αποτελεσματική πυρηνική τεχνολογία πριν έλθει η κατάρρευση, το πιθανότερο είναι ο εξαφανισμός του είδους μας. Αν όμως συμβεί πρώτα η κατάρρευση, πρέπει να περάσουν μερικοί αιώνες για να εμφανισθούν πάλι οι ευνοϊκές συνθήκες, ώστε να αρχίσει μία νέα αναγέννηση ύστερα από τον μεσαίωνα που θα έλθει. Αν στην συνέχεια περιοριστεί πρώτα ο ανθρώπινος πληθυσμός και ακολουθήσει η ανακάλυψη της σύντηξης του δευτερίου (βαρέως υδρογόνου) ή εξασφάλιση πρακτικά απεριόριστης ενέργειας από το ουράνιο και το θόριο, το επόμενο κύμα των προσπαθειών του ανθρώπου θα συνεχίσει να αυξάνει αδιάκοπα στον δρόμο ενός καινούργιου πολιτισμού.

υπολογιστών, της τηλεόρασης και άλλων μέσων τις τεράστιες μάζες των χρηστών και να δημιουργεί στις λαϊκές μάζες ένα αδιόρατο συναίσθημα κινδύνου. Η ταχύτατη μετάδοση των πληροφοριών είναι επίτευγμα λίγων ατόμων, τα οποία ελέγχουν τα μέσα πληροφόρησης, που με την σειρά τους, κατά τους συνωμοσιολόγους, ακολουθούν μία νέου τύπου λογοκρισία, καθώς στα δελτία ειδήσεων των ΜΜΕ η πραγματική ενημέρωση γίνεται σε ελάχιστα λεπτά, ενώ ο υπόλοιπος χρόνος των δελτίων ασχολείται με ετερόκλητα και ανούσια θέματα, ώστε το κοινό να μη μπορεί να αφομοιώσει τα ουσιώδη. Έτσι, δημιουργείται σύγχυση, αποληροφόρηση και χειραγώγηση της κοινής γνώμης. Απώτερος σκοπός της Νέας Τάξης Πραγμάτων είναι η κατάρρευση όλων των καθιερωμένων προτύπων, αξιών και αρχών με τις οποίες πορεύθηκε επί πολλούς αιώνες το ανθρώπινο γένος, καθώς η τεχνολογική πρόοδος και η πρόοδος της επιστήμης έχει φθάσει σε τέτοιο σημείο, ώστε ακόμη και κάθε φαντασίωση να μπορεί να γίνει πραγματικότητα.

Ο ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ ΩΣ ΣΥΜΠΑΝΤΙΚΟ ΟΝ Πολλοί μελλοντολόγοι συγγραφείς και επιστήμονες του προσφάτου παρελθόντος, από τον Ιούλιο Βερν, μέχρι τον Ντένικεν, τον Όργουελ, τον

Ο Έρνστ φον Κουόν στο βιβλίο του «Ήσαν οι θεοί αστροναύτες;», ομιλεί γιά την κατασκευή ειδικών ανθρωπίνων ατόμων, που θα ποτελούν συνδυασμό ανθρωπίνων οργάνων και μηχανικών μερών, ώστε το νέο αυτό είδος του «ανθρώπου», δηλαδή ενός ημιεμβίου όντος και μισού μηχανής, να μπορεί να ταξιδέψη στα άστρα. Το ον αυτό, που ονομάστηκε ήδη «Κύβοργ» (Κυβερνητικός Οργανισμός), θα είχε ανθρώπινο εγκέφαλο νέου ανθρώπου, που δεν θα είχε εμπλουτισθεί με εμπειρίες και γνώσεις της ανθρώπινης ζωής, ώστε να μπορεί να «εμπλουτιστεί» με νέες γνώσεις, που θα συνδεόταν με διάφορα μηχανικά όργανα, κατάλληλα γιά την διευκόλυνση στα μακρυνά ταξίδια του διαστήματος, όπου ένας φυσιολογικός κοσμοναύτης δεν θα μπορούσε να αντέξει. Ένας τέτοιος εγκέφαλος σ’ ένα τέτοιο ον θα μπορούσε να συνεργάζεται άμεσα με τον κεντρικό ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή του διαστημοπλοίου. Ο συγγραφέας στην συνέχεια διερωτάται: «Όπως ξέρουμε, οι λειτουργίες μας ρυθμίζονται από τις ορμόνες και η ρύθμιση αυτή ενεργεί όπως απαιτεί μια ύπαρξη σε κανονικό περιβάλλον. Τι γίνεται όμως με την πείνα, την αγάπη, την επιθετικότητα και τα παρόμοια; Στους ψυχολόγους ανήκει το δύσκολο καθήκον να επεξεργασθούν ένα υπόδειγμα λειτουργίας γιά ένα πλασμα από το οποίο – από την δική μας πλευρά εξεταζόμενο – ζητείται να κάνει τελείως ασυνήθιστα πράγματα...Από πού λοιπόν θα παίρναμε έναν εγκέφαλο Κύβοργ που θα ταξίδευε στο διάστημα; Ίσως να παρουσιάζονταν εθελοντές ή να τον πέρναμε από ένα θύμα δυστυχήματος...Εκείνο που κατ’ αρχάς φαίνεται σε μας θανάσιμο στον Κύβοργ, η υποταγή δηλαδή σε συνθήκες ξένες προς την ζωή, ένα τέτοιο πλάσμα δεν θα αισθανόταν. Θα εναρμονιζόταν περίφημα με το περιβάλλον του και θα ήταν υποτεταγμένο σε πολλές απαιτήσεις μας, εμάς των ανθρώπων...Ένας εγκέφαλος, που οι φάσεις δραστηριότητός του ρυθμίζονται αυτόματα, δεν θα αισθανόταν προπάντων εκείνο που είναι δύσκολο να αποφύγει ο ανθρώπινος κοσμοναύτης, την ανία, που στα μακροχρόνια ταξίδια αποτελεί άλυτο πρόβλημα...»


ΕΤΟΙΜΑΖΟΥΝ ΤΟΝ ΚΥΒΟΡΓ Σήμερα φαίνεται, μερικές μόλις δεκαετίες αφ’ ότου είχε γραφεί το βιβλίο του Ερνστ φον Κουόν, ότι οι επιστήμονες, χρηματοδοτούμενοι αφειδώς από τους λεγομένους «παγκοσμιοποιητές», έχουν προχωρήσει πολύ περισσότερο από την φαντασία του συγγραφέως. Συγκεκριμένα, πρόκειται να αναπτυχθούν υπολογιστές που «αντιλαμβάνονται» και θα είναι ευφυέστεροι από τον άνθρωπο. Έντονα πειράματα γίνονται γιά την δημιουργία του «Μετανθρώπου», δηλαδή ενός ανθρωπίνου είδους (προπομπός του Κύβοργ;) με σημαντικές βελτιώσεις, που θα είναι κατάλληλο να χρησιμοποιεί τα προϊόντα της τεχνολογίας. Οι βιολογικές επιστήμες, όπως η βιοτεχνολογία, η γενετική ιατρική, η βλαστική γονιδιακή θεραπεία και άλλες συναφείς επιστήμες, που βρίσκονται χρηματοδοτούμενες υπό την καθοδήγηση και τα συμφέροντα συγκεκριμένων ανθρώπων, είναι πρόθυμες να «βοηθήσουν» προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή, φυσικά με το αζημίωτο, καθώς παρόμοιες δραστηριότητες εξασφαλίζουν τρελά κέρδη. Δεν αποκλείεται στο μέλλον να δούμε μία νέα γενιά ανθρώπων που θα ζεί σε τελείως διαφορετικό περιβάλλον από εκείνο των συνηθισμένων λαών, καθώς οι «μετάνθρωποι» θα είναι άνθρωποι ειδικών προδιαγραφών, γεμάτοι από ειδικά εμφυτεύματα και πρόσθετα μέρη, όπως είχε περίπου προβλέψει ο μελλοντολόγος Έρνστ φον Κουόγκ, αρκετά από τα οποία συζητείται να τοποθετηθούν και στους συνήθεις ανθρώπους, όπως γιά παράδειγμα η αναγνώριση ταυτότητος μέσω της ίριδος ή από την παλάμη της χειρός. Πρόκειται γιά τα γνωστά «τσιπάκια», τα οποία θα τοποθετηθούν με το πρόσχημα της διευκόλυνσης των συναλλαγών, που στο εγγύς μέλλον δεν θα γίνονται με τα γνωστά χαρτονομίσματα, αλλά με πλαστικό χρήμα. Άλλωστε, το 90% των παγκοσμίων συναλλαγών πραγματοποιείται με ηλεκτρονικό τρόπο και μόλις το 10% των συναλλαγών γίνεται με χαρτονόμισμα σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Είναι προφανές ότι οι άνθρωποι ετοιμάζονται πυρετωδώς να επεκτείνουν την δραστηριότητα τους με περισσότερο ενεργό τρόπο στο διάστημα, καθώς στρατιές επιστημόνων ασχολούνται με την επισήμανση εξωπλανητών, προσπαθώντας να επισημάνουν πλανήτες με παρόμοιες κλιματολογικές συνθήκες με αυτές της Γης, γιά μελλοντική μετεγκατάσταση ανθρώπων. Το παράδοξο είναι ότι, αντί οι άνθρωποι να φροντίσουν να εξαλείψουν τις αρνητικές συνέπειες στο μητρικό πλανήτη, που αποτελεί μία όαση ζωής μέσα στο δυνάμενο να εξερευνηθεί σύμπαν, ώστε να βελτιώσουν τις συνθήκες διαβίωσης του ανθρωπίνου γένους, και αντί να επινοήσουν τρόπους γιά την ανάσχεση του ρυθμού αυξήσεως του ανθρωπίνου πληθυσμού, που αποτελεί το μείζον κακό, εξακολουθούν, στο όνομα του κέρδους, να καταστρέφουν τον πλανήτη, ευαγγελιζόμενοι την ανεύρεση ενός εξωπλανήτη, γιά την αποίκησή του από τον άνθρωπο. Αυτό άραγε πρέπει να είναι το ζητούμενο, ή μήπως εκείνοι που διαφεντεύουν τον κόσμο μας έχουν κατά νουν να μειώσουν δραματικά τους πληθυσμούς, ώστε η Γη να είναι κατοικήσιμη από λίγα δισεκατομμύρια εκλεκτούς; Τα όσα οι σύγχρονοι μελλοντολόγοι παρατηρούν ως προς τις ραγδαίες μεταβολές που επέρχονται στην καθημερινότητα του ανθρώπου, δυστυχώς, συνηγορούν υπέρ της δεύτερης εκδοχής. Δανειζόμαστε μερικές θέσεις και απόψεις ενός συγχρόνου Έλληνα μελλοντολόγου με λαμπρές σπουδές, του Λεωνίδα Αποσκίτη, ο οποίος σε μακροσκελές άρθρο του στο περιοδικό «Τρίτο Μάτι», επισημαίνει τα δεινά που αναμένουν τους μελλοντικούς ανθρώπους, καθώς η επιστήμη και η τεχνολογία, στο πλαίσιο των προσπαθειών γιά την μεταβολή του ανθρώπου σε συμπαντικό όν, οδηγούνται σε ακρότητες που προκαλούν την εύλογη ανησυχία. Δεν γνωρίζουμ αν όλα όσα επισημαίνει ο συγγραφέας πρόκειται να πραγματοποιηθούν ή τοποθετούνται στο πλαίσιο της συνωμοσιολογίας. Όμως γνωρίζουμε ότι μερικές τουλάχιστον


από τις μελλοντικές εξελίξεις και τους μελλοντικούς φόβους, τα ζούμε σήμερα. Ο συγγραφέας αυτός λοιπόν ισχυρίζεται ότι με γενετική παρέμβαση, θα επέλθει το τέλος της φυσικής παραγωγής του ανθρώπου, με γενετική μετάλλαξη της «ανθρώπινης φύσης». Στα πλαίσια της εξελίξεως αυτής θα επέλθει περιορισμός της αίσθησης της ευτυχίας, του αισθήματος της συναδέλφωσης με τους άλλους ή της ένωσης με την φύση. Πρόκειται, λέει, να δημιουργηθούν άνθρωποι με ελεγχόμενα πνευματικά χαρίσματα, προορισμένων να εξυπηρετούν συγκεκριμένους τομείς δράσεων και επαγγελμάτων. Η εξάπλωση της γενετικής μετάλλαξης θα δημιουργήσει νέες ασθένειες, που θα καταπολεμούνται από τα αντίδοτα των φαρμακευτικών εργαστηρίων. Ταυτόχρονα, θα επιδιωχθεί με διαφόρους τρόπους η συστηματοποίηση της ανδρικής στειρότητας, ώστε οι άνθρωποι να καταφεύγουν πλέον μαζικά στην τεχνιτή (και ελεγχόμενη) αναπαραγωγή (chemtrails) αυξάνοντας τα κέρδη κάποιων. Στα πλαίσια των σχεδιαζομένων παγκοσμίων αλλαγών είναι και η γενική κατεύθυνση της παγκόσμιας κοινής γνώμης, η οποία άλλωστε σε μεγάλο βαθμό παρατηρείται και σήμερα. Η παγκόσμια αγορά των λεγομένων mass media ελέγχεται από 7-9 πολυεθνικές επιχειρήσεις, που με την σειρά τους ελέγχονται από αμερικανικά στούντιο, που κι αυτά με

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την σειρά τους ελέγχονται κατά 96% από εβραϊκά συμφέροντα. Οι ίδιες πολυεθνικές ελέγχουν όλα τα τηλεοπτικά δίκτυα, περισσότερο από το 80% της παγκόσμιας μουσικής αγοράς, τους μεγαλύτερους δορυφόρους που εκπέμπουν διεθνώς, ένα μεγάλο μέρος της αγοράς εκδόσεως βιβλίων και περιοδικών ποικίλης ύλης, καθώς και την μεγάλη πλειοψηφία των εμπορικών καλωδιακών καναλιών στις ΗΠΑ και την Ευρώπη κλπ. Ταυτόχρονα η ελευθερία του ατόμου αιχμαλωτίζεται από τους ηλεκτρονικούς φακέλλους, τα κινητά τηλέφωνα, το Ίντερνετ, τις πιστωτικές κάρτες και τους γραμμικούς κώδικες (bar code), καθώς και από το παγκόσμιο σύστημα παρακολούθησης των πάντων Echelon. Σύμφωνα με τον μελλοντολόγο συγγραφέα Αποσκίτη, τα συμπτώματα της παγκοσμιοποίησης είναι η πλήρης αποδέσμευση της οικονομίας, η υπερχρέωση των κρατών, η προσωρινή απασχόληση των εργαζομένων (απασχολησιμότητα την είχε αποκαλέσει ο κ.Κ. Σημίτης), η μείωση των παροχών κοινωνικής πρόνοιας, ο απόλυτος έλεγχος των κεφαλαιαγορών, που δεν παράγουν πλούτο αλλά μόνο κέρδη στους «ενημερωμένους» επενδυτές με μια απλή αλλαγή δεδομένων μέσα από τους υπολογιστές, ο πλήρης έλεγχος των φυσικών πόρων και της παραγωγής ενέργειας και η μελλοντική αντικατάσταση του ανθρώπου από μηχανές ή από μηχανικούς και μεταλλαγμένους ανθρώπους.


Σ’ αυτή την κρίσιμη καμπή βρίσκεται τώρα η ανθρωπότητα. Το διεθνές περιβάλλον δεν είναι το καλλίτερο. Οι υπερδυνάμεις κρούουν τα όπλα τους. Ο κόσμος σε όλο τον πανήτη βρίσκεται σε διαρκή αναταραχή. Οι εργαζόμενοι βιώνουν σχεδόν σε όλο τον κόσμο μία άνευ προηγουμένου φτωχοποίηση. Τα λεγόμενα «κεκτημένα» δικαιώματα καταργούνται το ένα μετά το άλλο. Η αποχώρηση των κρατών από την κοινωνική προστασία των πολιτών γίνεται με διαρκώς επιταχυνόμενο ρυθμό. Οι εμφύλιοι πόλεμοι πολλαπλασιάζονται σε όλο τον πλανήτη και οι τοπικές συρράξεις αιματοκυλύουν φτωχούς λαούς. Η τρομοκρατία, πραγματική ή προσχηματική, εμφυλοχωρεί σε όλες τις κοινωνίες, από τις πιό πλούσιες, μέχρι τις πιό φτωχές. Δεν χρειάζεται κανένας μελλοντολόγος γιά να πληροφορήσει την παραπαίουσα ανθρωπότητα, ότι πολλά πράγματα έχουν ήδη αλλάξει δραματικά τον πλανήτη Γη. Μία νέα παγκόμια πλήν αφανής ακόμη, ηγεσία διεκδικεί την επικυριαρχία της Γης, την ίδια στιγμή που τα δεινά της ανθρωπότητος επαυξάνονται με γεωμετρική πρόοδο.

Μέσα σ’ αυτή την γενικώτερη σύγχυση, την γενικευμένη παρακμή, την καθολική κατάρρευση όλων των ηθικών αξιών και αρχών με τις οποίες ετράφη μέχρι σήμερα το ανθρώπινο γένος, την εμφάνιση νέων προτύπων στην τέχνη και στην καλλιτεχνία, την επίδειξη διαρκώς νέων οπλικών συστημάτων μαζικής καταστροφής, την συνεχιζομένη δημογραφική έκρηξη, την έλλειψη υδατίνων πόρων, την εξαθλίωση του Τρίτου Κόσμου και, ταυτόχρονα, τα παρουσιαζόμενα καθημερινώς επιτεύγματα της τεχνολογίας και της επιστήμης, δεν αφήνουν καμμία αμφιβολία στους πληθυσμούς των εθνών-κρατών πως «ένα φάντασμα πλανάται πάνω από τον κόσμο», κατά παραφθορά της διάσημης φράσεως του κομμουνιστικού μανιφέστου του Μαρξ. Υπάρχει διεθνώς μία μεγάλη σύγχυση, που επιτρέπει σε κάθε μελλοντολόγο και σε κάθε συνωμοσιολόγο να υποστηρίζει τα πιό απίθανα πράγματα. Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ

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