Nafs march 2017

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ΝΑΥΣ nafs nafs ΝΑΥΣ n afs 115 114 110

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 11047-3179

Posidonia 2016

Type approved by 6 the U.S. Coast Guard

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ. 2229 ISSN 1107-3179





TED PETROPOULOS Bimonthly Review for the Shipping industry Bimohthly Review 99 - July 2014 Bimohthly Review for the Shipping Industry MICHALISIssue PANTAZOPOULOS for the Shipping BimohthlyReview Review Bimohthly ATHANASIOS REISOPOULOS Industry for the Shipping for the Shipping FEBRYARY2014 - MARCH Posidonia OSVALDO DEL CAMPO Industry ...and the Cruise Industry’s Industry 2017 DECEMBER 2016 ARPIL-MAY 2016 What a BEKIARIS difference 90 days winnerissue is KAMINCO USA, economic contribu- Greek Shipping at a boom? APOSTOLOS 115 114 issue 110 makes for Private Equity ΚΩΔ. 2229 Galileo’s tion sets all-time high ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ Γ.Γ Cryobox 2229 Post Posidonia pulse PAUL HAGENS

100 the

Vicky Liouta

in Europe

Ted Petropoulos


Funds in Shipping

PPG Type approved by Fast response

After 18 years of serving the marine news industry, we are proud to publish our 100th issue of NAFS. We want to thank you all for your trust and support. Objective for 200 issues is set!!! PureBallast is pure confidence in all waters Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 is now type approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. For you who deballast in United States waters, that means total peace of mind.

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HARRY HAJIMICHAEL TOM PERLICH ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟΧΑΛΚΙΤΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ TED PETROPOULOS POSIDONIA SEAcontinue TOURISM ATH. REISOPOULOS Greek shipping will to Ecochlor to achieve consent for 3οΝΑΥΠΗΓΕΙΑ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗΣ: FORUM Who will replace European 90 Χρόνια ιστορίας και Greek Shipping powers play its leading rolechallenges: worldwide Containerships the USCG Type Approval 28 years of experience Απολογισμόςστη ναυτιλία Προοπτικές ανάπτυξης για το banks as theadversity primary προσφοράς στη ναυτιλία on despite Growth and size limits at your service 2017 ship-lending institutions?

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Piraeus-Hellas -

Index ISSUE 115 - MARCH 2017

ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Οι “μισθοί γαλέρας” και το “μαγαζί” 06. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ των συνδικαλιστών PALAIOLOGOU: How does BV help with ballast 08. PAILLETTE water regulatory compliance? PETROPOULOS: Who will replace European banks as the 10. TED primary ship-lending institutions? STORY: Alfa Laval received the US Coast Guard Type 14. COVER Approval for PureBallast 3! BONNETT: Ballast Water Management – 2016 and 28. SIMON Beyond completed the first training round for NKO3 Blue 34. Oceanking Ballast system operators All the developments of the Ballast Water 38. GloEn-Patrol: Management System of PANASIA KIADIMOS: Challenges in Shipping Industry follow40. GEORGE ing the entry into force of the BWM Convention on the 8th September of 2017




Rasmus Folsø , CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S Choice of Ballast Water Treatment Systems remain a minefield for shipowners

04 NAFS MARCH 2017

BWTS by TeamTec closing in on type approval 42. Avitalis certificates and CSSC sign manufacturing license agreement for 44. Wärtsilä BWMS JAVAID: OceanSaver will lend its BWT expertise to 46. KASHIF assist owners, asserting their ballast water treatment needs MARE announces representation of Light Structures 56. INTRA for Greece & Cyprus Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum 2017 διερευνά προοπτικές 64. Τοανάπτυξης 76. 3ο ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗΣ: Απολογισμός


Vincent Li, Oversea Project Manager, SunRui Marine BalClor BWMS is mainly consisted of Filtration, Disinfection, and Neutralization



Katie Weaver, Ecochlor Technical Sales Manager The Ecochlor® BWTS: Proven Effective and Reliable for over 12 Years at Sea.

Georgios Teriakidis, Regional Business Development Manager, DNV GL Maritime When owners face the choice between one type of ballast water treatment...


Οι “μισθοί γαλέρας” και το “μαγαζί” των συνδικαλιστών Γράφει ο Κώστας

Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση

Τό μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα τῆς ναυτιλίας σήμερα εἶναι ἡ ὑπερπροσφορά χωρητικότητας, πού κρατᾶ τήν ναυλαγορά σέ χαμηλά ἐπίπεδα. Τά κοντέϊνερς εἶναι στόν πάτο. Τά τάνκερς βρίσκονται στό brake even, δηλαδή βγάζουν τά ἒξοδά τους. Τά cape size ἀνέβασαν προσκαίρως τούς ναύλους τους ἀπό τά 7.000-8.000 δολ. στά 15.000 δολ., ἀλλ᾽ αὐτό δέν κράτησε γιά πολύ. Τό χειρότερο εἶναι ὃτι μόλις ἀναπτυχθεῖ ἡ ζήτηση, Κίνα καί Κορέα σπεύδουν νά καλύψουν μέ νέο τονάζ τήν ἀγορά, μέσα σέ μόλις ἓξι ἓως ὀκτώ μῆνες, καί ἐπιστρέφουμε πάλι στήν ὑπερπροσφορά. Αὐτό δέν συνέβαινε παλαιότερα. Ἡ μπονάνζα κρατοῦσε 3-4 χρόνια. Τώρα οἱ προοπτικές γιά καλύτερη ναυλαγορά τοποθετεῖται γύρω στό 2019, ἐφ᾽ ὃσον οἱ διεθνεῖς συνθῆκες τό ἐπιτρέψουν (περί τῶν ὁποίων βλέπε κατωτέρω), μέ τό παγκόσμιο ἐμπόριο νά αὐξάνεται σταθερά μέ 2,5% (2017). Γιά τήν ἑλληνόκτητη ναυτιλία εἶναι μεγάλο ἐπίτευγμα τό γεγονός ὃτι οἱ Ἓλληνες ἐφοπλιστές ἐξακολουθοῦν νά ἐλέγχουν (διαχειριστικῶς) τό 20% τοῦ παγκοσμίου στόλου. Ἀλλά στήν πραγματικότητα δέν εἶναι πλοιοκτῆτες. Λόγω πτώσεως τῶν τιμῶν τῶν πλοίων καί τῶν ὑψηλῶν δανείων τους, ἁπλῶς διαχειρίζονται στόλους πού ἀνήκουν σέ ξένα funds καί σέ τράπεζες. Ἐπιπροσθέτως, δέν ὑπάρχουν πιά Ἓλληνες ἀξιωματικοί καί ἑλληνικά πληρώματα. Τά ἑλληνόκτητα πλοῖα ἐπανδρώνουν ξένοι ναυτικοί, ἀξιωματικοί καί κατώτερα πληρώματα,

06 NAFS MARCH 2017

πού ἀμείβονται ἡγεμονικά κυρίως μέ τίς διεθνεῖς συμβάσεις. Ἰνδός πλοίαρχος σέ ἑλληνόκτητο πλοῖο ἀμείβεται πρός 14.000 δολάρια, ὁ ὑποπλοίαρχος πρός 7.000-8.000 δολ. καί ὁ ναύτης μέχρι 1.500 δολ. μηνιαίως. Αὐτή ἡ κατάσταση ὢθησε τόν πρόεδρο τῆς ΕΕΕ κ. Θ. Βενιάμη νά ἐξαγγείλει χρηματοδότηση τῶν ναυτικῶν σχολῶν, ὣστε νά ἐπανδρώνονται τά ἑλληνικά καί ἑλληνόκτητα πλοῖα μέ Ἓλληνες ἀξιωματικούς, πού σήμερα ἀναζητοῦν στήν ξηρά μισθούς πείνας τῶν 300-500 εὐρώ μικτῶν. Κραυγάζουν οἱ συνδικαλιστές ὃτι προσφέρονται δῆθεν μισθοί γαλέρας στά ἑλληνόκτητα πλοῖα, ἐνῶ τό κράτος βάζει κάθε εἶδος προσκόματος γιά νά φρενάρει τήν ἀνταγωνιστική λειτουργία τῆς ναυτιλίας. Συνδικαλισμός καίκράτος εἶναι ἀνέκαθεν δύο ἀνασχετικοί παράγοντες τῆς ναυτιλίας μας, γιά νά ἐλέγχουν τήν συνδικαλιστική καί κομματική πελατεία τους. Ναῦτες συνδικαλιστές πού γέρασαν στίς προκυμαῖες τῶν λιμανιῶν, ἀντί στίς κουβέρτες τῶν πλοίων (ἐπειδή τήν ποντοπόρο ναυτιλία δέν μποροῦν νά τήν ἐλέγξουν, ξεσποῦν στήν ἀκτοπλοΐα καί στούς καταπέλτες τῶν ὀχηματαγωγῶν), ἐμφανίζονται λαῦροι στά ΜΜΕ καί κραυγάζουν γιά μισθούς γαλέρας στά πλοῖα, ἀποτρέποντας ἒτσι τούς νέους νά στραφοῦν στόναυτικό ἐπάγγελμα γιά νά βγάλουν ἓνα μεροκάματο τῆς προκοπῆς. Διότι ναί μέν οἱ συνταξιοῦχοι ναυτικοί ἒχασαν πολλά λεφτά σέ σχέση μέ τίς καταβολές τους στό ΝΑΤ, ὃπως ἒχασαν ὃλοι οἱ ἐργαζόμενοι καί ὃλοι οἱ συνταξιοῦχοι, ἀλλά τίς περικοπές τίς ἒκανε ἡ κυβέρνηση τῆς συμφορᾶς τοῦ κ. Τσίπρα καί οἱ προηγούμενες ἀνάλογες κυβερνήσεις, καί ὂχι οἱ ἐφοπλιστές.

Τα διεθνή γεγονότα και η Ναυτιλία Ὃλος ὁ κόσμος ἀντιλαμβάνεται πλέον καθαρά ὃτι τό διεθνές κλῖμα διαρκῶς χειροτερεύει. Οἱ Ἓλληνες φοβοῦνται γιά τά χειρότερα στό Αἰγαῖο καί ἡ ὑπερπληροφόρηση μαζί μέ τήν παραπληροφόρηση, τούς ἒχει κάνει νά φοβοῦνται ὃτι ἡ Τουρκία θά ἁρπάξει κάποιο ἢ κάποια νησιά μας. Κανείς δέν μπορεῖ νά καταλάβει μέσα σ᾽ αὐτόν τόν πληροφοριακό ὀρυμαγδό, ὃτι τό μόνο πού μπορεῖ νά κάνει ὁ Ἐρντογάν, εἶναι νά ἐπιτεθεῖ στήν Κύπρο. Ἐνενῆντα

ἑκατομμύρια Τοῦρκοι τόν προτρέπουν καθημερινά. Ὁ Ἐρντογάν, θέλοντας νά πουλήσει ἐθνικισμό, νά ἀνακηρύξει τόν ἑαυτό του νεώτερο πατέρα τοῦ ἒθνους καί νά ἀποκαθηλώσει τόν Ἀτατούρκ, προκαλεῖ τήν ῾Ελλάδα. Ρητορικά τά βάζει μέ τήν Γερμανία καί τήν Ὁλλανδία, χῶρες ἀνέκαθεν σύμμαχες, τίς ὁποῖες θά γλύφει αὒριο, δείχνει τά δόντια του στήν Ἑλλάδα, γιατί ξέρει ὃτι δέν μπορεῖ νά κάνει τόν νταή ἀλλοῦ, ὃταν οἱ Κοῦρδοι ἒχουν 100.000 καλά ἐξοπλισμένο στρατό καί οἱ Ρῶσοι καί οἱ Ἀμερικανοί εἶναι ἐναντίον του στό θέμα τῆς Συρίας, τοῦ Ἰράκ καί τοῦ Ἰσλαμικοῦ κράτους. Ἒτσι περιορίζεται νά φωνάζει στήν Εὐρώπη καί νά προκαλεῖ τήν Ἑλλάδα, καθώς εἶναι ἀποδυναμωμένη, ἡ ὁποία πρέπει νά γνωρίζει ὃτι ἂν τυχόν ἡ Τουρκία ἐκδηλώσει ἐπιθετική ἐνέργεια ἐναντίον τῆς Ἑλλάδος, κανείς δέν θά πολεμήσει πρός ὑποστήρηξή της, οὒτε τό Ἰσραήλ οὒτε ἡ Ρωσία, ἡ ὁποία ὡς γνωστόν βοήθησε τήν Τουρκία κατά τήν Ὀκτωβριανή Ἐπανάσταση τό 1917, ἐπειδή πάντοτε ἡ Ρωσία προασπίζει τά οἰκονομικά της συμφέροντα, ἐνῶ στόν Β παγκόσμιο πόλεμο ὁ Στάλιν ἀπαίτησε στήν Γιάλτα τήν παραχώρηση τῶν νησιῶν τοῦ Αἰγαίου στήν Ἑλλάδα, γιά νά μή μονοπωλοῦν οἱ Τοῦρκοι τό δικαίωμα καθόδου τοῦ ρωσικοῦ στόλου στό Αἰγαῖο, ἀλλά καί γιά νά ὑπάρχει μόνιμη αἰτία προστριβῆς. Ὡστόσο ὁ Ἐρντογάν ἐξακολουθεῖ νά παραμένει ἀπρόβλεπτος. Ἀποφάσισε ἀκόμη καί τήν Ἁγία Σοφία νά τήν μετατρέψει σέ τζαμί καί νά προσευχηθεῖ ἐκεῖ τήν Μ. Παρασκευή τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. Ὃσο ὃμως δέν λύνεται τό κυπριακό, καί δέν φαίνεται νά λύνεται στό δυνάμενο νά προβλεφθεῖ μέλλον καί ἀσχέτως τῶν ὑπερεξουσιῶν πού θέλει νά συγκεντρώσει, ἐπιδιώκει ἓνα προεδρικό σύστημα ἀνάλογο μέ ἐκεῖνο τῶν ΗΠΑ καί ἂλλων εὐρωπαϊκῶν χωρῶν, που θεωρεῖται πιό σύγχρονο ἀπό τήν προεδρευομένη δημοκρατία, ἀσχέτως τῶν δικτατορικῶν ἀντιλήψεων πού τόν διακατέχουν. Βεβαίως ὃλ᾽ αὐτά ἒχουν ρυθμισθεῖ μέ διεθνεῖς συμβάσεις, ἀλλά ὃλοι ξέρουμε ὃτι οἱ διεθνεῖς συμβάσεις γίνονται γιά νά παραβιάζονται ὃταν ἐπέλθει τό πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου. Τώρα ἡ ἀχίλλειος πτέρνα εἶναι τά τεράστια ἀποθέματα ἀερίου καί πετρελαίου τῆς Κύπρου. Αὐτή εἶναι ἡ γυμνή ἀλήθεια ὃσον ἀφορᾶ τήν τουρκική ἁρπακτικότητα καί τόν νεοσουλτανισμό τοῦ ᾽Ερντογάν.


How does BV help with ballast water regulatory compliance? By Mrs. Paillette Palaiologou, Vice President
Regional Chief Executive Hellenic & Black Sea Region BV is focused on serving both owners and ballast water system manufacturers There are a number of uncertainties with the BWM Convention affecting both. Two of the most important are revisions to the guidelines for approval (G8) and requests for changes to the entry into force date. The first causes problems with already installed equipment approved in line with the “old” or original guidelines, and that are less onerous than the new ones. Although studies have shown few problems with existing approved BWM systems, owners who have already installed these systems feel penalized due to their early implementation of the convention requirements. Regarding the entry into force date, under strong pressure from different players, IMO has left the door open for possible postponement. Postponement now seems likely. This has resulted in confusion in the market. On the one hand, we have aggrieved manufacturers who have invested huge amounts of money and, on the other, owners in poor markets happy for further delay. Our role in this is to provide clear information and in-time services. We certify ships against D-1 method (ballast exchange) - a transitory solution before D-2 (installation of the BWM system) is into force. We provide updates, guidance and training. Most manufacturers already have their products type approved with BV. We assist them to commence re-approval against revised G8 guidelines. IMO has issued guidelines for type approval (G8). But flag states and recognized organizations may apply their own rules and methods for approval of the BWM system is a statutory matter, we do the job on behalf of the flag. All flags have the right to carry out approval by themselves or to authorize Recognized Organizations, such as BV. Mutual recognition should be straightforward. BV accepts BWM system approvals by other leading societies if the manufacturer holds a class certificate with flag agreement

Addressing the most common questions

We approve BWM manuals and equipment installation only on BV

08 NAFS MARCH 2017

classed ships. There are instances where owners apply to one society for approval and certification of an entire fleet to reduce costs. However, this is contrary to our delegated flag state responsibilities. BWMS approval is complex, it affects both class and statutory matters and numerous drawings and information are needed. It is not a matter of ‘one book’ approval only. The most common question we receive from owners are on costs and the time needed for plan approval and are always doing our best to be in line with their expectations. Also, de-harmonization of the IOPP certificate was a hot topic but most owners are well informed now. Questions about retrofits on existing ships, and how BV can assist, are common, too and we can provide such services through our technical consultancy.

Aligning IMO and USCG standards

The procedure to align these two regimes is quite complicated. G8 requirements are defined by the Convention, all the changes must be ratified by the members (about 168 countries) and that is not an easy process. The G8 was revised recently, but the biggest difference between the G8 and USCG remained: the criteria for remaining organisms after the water has been treated. G8 talks about “viable and no-viable” organisms, while USCG says “live or dead”.


BV provides BWT training for shipowners, mostly in-house. These courses are organized locally and are client-oriented. Our surveyors’ training is also important and we have successfully completed a program for all our surveyors. We are close to finalizing an E-learning module which can be also offered to the clients.

About Bureau Veitas

Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC), delivering high quality services to help clients meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. As a trusted partner, Bureau Veritas offers innovative solutions that go beyond simple compliance with regulations and standards, reducing risk, improving performance and promoting sustainable development.

Bureau Veritas core values include integrity and ethics, impartial counsel and validation, customer focus and safety at work. Bureau Veritas is recognized and accredited by major national and international organizations.


Who will replace European banks as the primary ship-lending institutions? By Ted Petropoulos, Head, Petrofin Research©

Ted Petropoulos,

Head, Petrofin Research

The decline of European banks over the last decade has been amply demonstrated. According to Petrofin Bank Research ©, the share of European banks as a percentage of the top 40 global shipping banks fell from 81.6% in 2011 to 61% in 2015 Notable examples of banks withdrawing or drastically reducing their exposure in shipping are RBS, HSH Bank and Commertzbank. There have been some notable exceptions, such as DVB, ABN, Credit Suisse and ING, who have expanded their exposure over the years.

Source: Marine Money – January 2017

The main reasons underlying the reduced European bank ship lending appetite have been: 1) capital constraints (Basel IV), 2) increased ECB regulation and monitoring, 3) high loan losses and provisions, 4) change of policy, to de-risk their portfolios and 5) inability to raise fresh capital, leading to deleveraging. The main beneficiaries of the above contraction have been the following: a) Chinese and Asia based banks Possessing a higher deposit to loan ratio and with a greater ability to raise capital in a fast growing economic environment, these banks have managed to offset some of the missing credit capacity. Often linked to local newbuilding orders, these banks have focused primarily on publicly owned and large private shipping groups. b) Export credit institutions Export credit insurance assisted finance has developed fast over the years, offsetting some of the Western banks’ decline of capacity. Centred in China and Korea (CEXIM, KEXIM), they have developed as a leading newbuilding finance source. There has also been export finance in Europe e.g. GIEK, Atradius, Hermes etc., in support, largely, of the offshore related local shipyards. Export Credit Agencies involvement in shipping loans has increased markedly since the beginning of the crisis. c) Chinese, Japanese and Korean leasing The activity of leasing companies, often part of or associated with major banks, has increased. Examples include ICBC Leasing, Bank of Communication Financial Leasing, CMB Financial Leasing, Minsheng Financial Leasing and lately, Mitsubishi Leasing. Far Eastern leasing companies have the advantage of less strict capital requirements than Western leasing companies and banks and can offer a more flexible approach both for newbuildings, as well as second-hand vessels, in their search for higher yields. Although still highly selective,

10 NAFS MARCH 2017

smaller shipping companies have also been able to secure leasing finance. d) Shadow banking providers or investment funds The main development over the last decade has been by the various funds, which are unregulated and in search of very high returns. Increasingly, these have been developed not only in the US but also in London, Germany, the Middle East, Norway and Holland. They each have their own target markers and transactions and minimum IIRs. With the adoption of Quantative Easing (QE) by the US and European central banks, deposit interest rates have fallen to near zero or even negative levels. In an effort to obtain positive yields, enormous quantities of funds, which were previously placed as deposits with banks, have switched into participating into such funds, whose growth has been explosive. Fund managers, often, have a problem in the absorption of such funds and processing a sufficient number of transactions that meet their risk and yield criteria. Some funds are opportunistic and seek returns of over 20% - 25% concentrating on higher risk opportunities and the purchase of bank loan

portfolios at a discount. Some funds are investment only and seek to control the underlying investments, providing the vast majority of the required investment. Others consider a more sharing approach with their shipping clients and yet others only take up minority participations.

Source: Marine Money – January 2017


From the above, it is self-evident that unlike banks, each fund is geared to meet the specific investment targets and risks, as determined by their managements and accepted by their own investors. Funds are competitive and wish to attract ever higher investment resources, so as to in many cases become market leaders. There are also purpose made funds often found in Norway, which are specific investment oriented, tailor made funds, promoted by specific brokers, such as Fearnley’s, Pareto and others. Lastly, recently, there have emerged quasi banking funds, whereby against lower banking style loan to asset values lending of 50% - 60% and often lower, they provide mirror banking style terms with, however, more flexibility as to the loan repayment profile. The returns sought by such quasi banking funds are in the order of 7% - 8% per annum, on a fully secured basis. These funds are taking advantage of the absence of bank interest into small and medium client transactions, which, however, are considered to be low-risk. Funds are generally more expensive and flexible than traditional bank finance. It is interesting to observe in the following table by Alpha Assets that each type of Alternative Finance occupies a different spot in the Flexibility / Cost relationship.

as the abundance of capital conditions, less stringent capital constraints and more lax regulatory environment are unlikely to return and are expected to instead increase. There is a glimmer of hope, though, as shiplending margins and terms have increased and have begun to offer banks more meaningful returns for their capital. Should the outlook for both the European economy, as well as the financial markets improve, to the extent that banks will be able to increase their capital via stock market openings, it is possible that the period of bank consolidation over the past decade shall begin to stabilise and possibly reverse. In addition, in the event that the unregulated parts of the banking and quasi banking industry, as well as investment funds shall become more regulated, it is possible that resources shall, once again, shift towards banks and deposits, especially in case interest rates shall rise. A recovery of the shipping outlook for all market segments may also be the necessary catalyst to make shipping loans more attractive for banks, in relation to other forms of lending.

e) New banks The bank finance vacuum has begun to attract the interest of new ship financing banks. Examples are the recently established M&M Bank in Norway, as well as the development of stronger interest by other banks, such as Berenberg, Warburg, Pareto Bank, Carnegie Bank and others. Often, the margins required by such banks are to the order of 4-5% and higher, with loan to value loans of 30% - 50% being offered. Such is the appetite for shipping loans among smaller owners and projects deals that many such banks have already seen more demand than they can cope with. Internationally, we have seen an increasing number of local banks throughout the world entering into shipping loans with local clients and this trend has also been in the ascendant. Consequently, we have seen the ship finance gap that has been created by the reduction of Western banks’ appetite for shipping being replaced by the banks and institutions outlined above. The last question that remains is whether Western banks might recover and return to shiplending in a similar style as in the past. The short answer is no,

NAFS MARCH 2017 11

NAFS SHIPPING MAGAZINE - COVER STORY Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions. Our equipment, systems and services are dedicated to helping customers to optimize the performance of their processes. Time and time again. We help our customers to heat, cool, separate and transport products such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, foodstuffs, starch and pharmaceuticals. Our worldwide organization works closely with customers in almost 100 countries to help them stay ahead.Alfa Laval provides professional project management and execution before, during and after our customers order processing equipment for their products. We are dedicated to finding the best solutions, which will maximize the performance for the individual customer.

Dimitris Poulos

General Manager ALFA LAVAL Greece 14 NAFS MARCH 2017

COVER STORY - NAFS SHIPPING MAGAZINE Our focus is on innovation in order to continually upgrade and improve our products and systems. Boosting performance and quality are important driving forces behind everything we do in our business. For Alfa Laval, our obligation to our customer does not stop short at delivery. Our Parts & Service organization is there to ensure that the process always runs at peak performance. This is a commitment that extends throughout the lifetime of the system. We call it Nonstop Performance. Nonstop Performance is based on the global network of experts from Alfa Laval, who are always on standby to provide you with genuine spare parts on site, in more than 50 countries, 365 days a year, right around the clock. In terms of service, Alfa Laval speaks your language.

Vaggelis Papalaios

Sales Manager Marine Capital Sales ALFA LAVAL Greece

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Alfa Laval received the US Coast Guard Type Approval for PureBallast 3! Interview with ALFA LAVAL Greece by Dimitris Poulos Manager Marine Adriatic Region ALFA LAVAL and Vaggelis Papalaios Manager Ballast Systems ALFA LAVAL Greece NAFS: Recently, U.S Coast Guard (USCG) approved the third generation of PureBallast. Could you pls explain what this approval practically means for Alfa Laval? Dimitris Poulos: On 23rd of December we finally received the US Coast Guard Type Approval for PureBallast 3! It is a great achievement and put us in a perfect position in the BWM retrofit market, where customers are moving for making decisions about solutions and suppliers for their BWMS retrofit installations! We have the USCG certificate and a market leading IMO performance! We can be proud facing the customers now, offering them a solution that will offer them the best available compliance solution for both IMO and USCG requirements.We are one of two or maximum three suppliers with USCG TA and the only with global marine sales and service presence. NAFS: After that welcome development, it is obvious that PureBallast is a confident choice of treatment technology for the shipowners who deballast in United States. Would you like to say few words to your active and potential customers? Dimitris Poulos: As with the BWM Convention, the USCG Final Rule requires vessels to install and operate a type-approved treatment system before deballasting into United States waters. However, the USCG’s type approvalprocess is stricter and more rigorous than the one currently laid out in the BWM Convention. In addition to more stringent shipboard tests, it includes landbased testing according to the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol of the U.S. EPA. As a result, many existing systems with IMO type approval may fail to meet USCG type approval requirements, and will therefore require retesting or redesign. With all the above, we understand that customers need a global marine supplier that invest a lot not only on the technology and quality of the technical equipment but also to the continuous monitoring of the progress of regulations and the reliability that this that is offered will be compliant with the upcoming changes of regulations especially on the US waters. Alfa Laval has a vision to be positioned as one of the major marine suppliers globally and PureBallast will be the flag to succeed this. So we are obliged to look in the long term, to be predictable about the new regulations coming and to invest on that. Alfa Laval is one of the few BWT suppliers that have the size and assets to follow with reliability and consistency this progress and to ensure shipowners that always will provide solutions in every aspect that will occur. NAFS: Therefore Alfa Laval holds both USCG and IMO type approvals. Could you please picture Alfa Laval’s future regarding decisions and actions about biological disinfection performance in shipping?

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Vaggelis Papalaios: Dear Pano, thank you for placing this question. The biological disinfection performance of a BWT systems is a critical issue for the shipping industry and a major asset for our PureBallast. Since 2015, we have all witnessed the USCG’s decisions not to accept for the time being the systems’ testing method by MPN and insist on the CMFDA/FDA. PureBallast is the only system having being tested and certified under both MPN and CMFDA/FDA methods. Therefore, we do not believe that our PureBallast has to be afraid of any future decision or actions that could challenge its biological disinfection performance. On the contrary, we believe and hope that the use of an MPN-based method to evaluate mixed assemblages of organisms in ballast water is going to be soon validated by Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) technical panel. United states have commented in official paper PPR4/7 to IMO that “A version of the MPN-Dilution-Culture Motility Method is currently undergoing a review within the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program in the United States. This verification assessment will evaluate the method through trials in multiple locations”. If the panel finds an MPN method to be acceptable, USCG will have to make a policy decision or rulemaking to incorporate the EPA approved method. It should be noted that MEPC 70 agreed to that viable organisms mean organisms that have the ability to successfully generate new individuals in order to reproduce the species. The MPN method is designed to measure organisms ability to generate new individuals. The MPN method is undergoing a serious evaluation and it is likely that it will be approved. Alfa Laval is looking forward to future decisions and actions on performance and feels confident that will anticipate. NAFS: The PureBallast 3 family is prepared for the revised IMO G8 guidelines. How possible is to get an update G8 certificate during 2017? Vaggelis Papalaios: The PureBallast 3 gap analysis to be compliant with the new revised IMO G8 testing guidelines has been confirmed by DNV GL and DHI (independent test facility). In order to have an IMO certificate according to the revised G8 guidelines, we will have to conduct two land-based biological efficacy tests in each salinity at a minimum hold-time. We also need to prove that PureBallast 3 biological efficacy is not impacted by really low temperatures (+2 C). The later will be proven during a witnessed bench-scale test in Tumba. We already last summer secured a slot at the testing site for March 1st 2017, to be able to be among the first manufactures to have a revised G8 Type Approval Certificate. The goal is to have the certificate by July 1st, Friday the week before MEPC 71 commence. NAFS: Further to those good news, do you think that Alfa Laval is

well prepared for the increased demand triggered by the ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention? Dimitris Poulos: Alfa Laval has invested a lot of assets in the PureBallast. Not only in R&D and product resources but also Operation Managers in order to provide competitive delivery times and a normal supply chain independently of the demand. Alfa Laval operates more than 25 factories and has a very good experience on managing the turbulent marine market as it concerns variable demand. Already there is a preparation with factory capacity in Soborg of Denmark and the relevant sub suppliers in order to be able to provide in the market about 2000 systems per year.There is a preparation that last three years as the ratification was expected earlier and is coming finally actively on September 2017. Alfa Laval has the size and the assets to fulfil any demand not only in the production but also on the project management of the installations and commisioning of them. NAFS: Apart from the technology offered, what other vessel-adapted solutions with high efficiency and well developed service can Alfa Laval provide? Dimitris Poulos: PureBallast 3.1 has a compact and highly flexible construction that facilitates installation in an existing space. But most importantly, Alfa Laval has the hands-on knowledge and proven working procedures to adapt it for any vessel. These have been refined during a decade of work with retrofit installations. Alfa Laval employs a comprehensive and flexible approach to retrofit project management. This allows customization of each project to meet ship owner requirements, vessel specifications and the necessary timeline. A retrofit project can be tailored to an individual vessel or an entire fleet, and installation can be performed while docked at a shipyard or during a voyage. Alfa Laval can work with the ship owner’s own engineering department and chosen yard, or can secure all necessary competencies from within the Alfa Laval network. Engineering support, 3D laser scanning, class approval and more can be arranged, as well as total solutions. Crew training, budgeting assistance and financing options are also available. Every PureBallast 3.1 retrofit project is unique. The following steps are generally included, but each is customized to meet the vessel’s needs and particular circumstances: • Evaluation of existing ballast layout • Preliminary onboard survey • Onboard survey combined with 3D scanning • Pre-engineering • Order of system • Detailed design • Class approval

• Prefabrication and acquisition of materials • Installation • Commissioning Partnerships are required in many of these phases, often at a global level. Alfa Laval safeguards the retrofit process, making certain that all project partners understand the scope, the timeline and their responsibilities. Everything is documented in a project specification, and Alfa Laval’s well-established routines ensure that this is followed. NAFS: And what about the after sales service? Dimitris Poulos: A ballast water treatment system is a major investment that requires expert maintenance to secure lasting,compliant performance. Engineers on board are not trained for these kind of equipment as these treatments systems are new on board. So there is not the accumulated experience that usually chief engineers and second engineers have collected from their sailing experience. Also there are not third party service providers that will be able to support so large variety of makers. Only periodic inspection and service from the original supplier will safeguard that major investment by verifying full system functionality according to the system’s type approval. This fact declares that is more than necessary to have a proven global supplier not only on manufacturing equipment but also capable to provide service in a global perspective. Alfa Laval is global marine supplier not only of equipment but also of services. There is a global presence with sales companies in 45 countries that each of them supports local territory with a service team. We are present with local service stations in more than 82 ports and already with 70 service engineers trained in PureBallast. We provide not only preventive maintenance and troubleshooting but also complete performance agreements that secure shipowner and are giving a total peace of mind. Also due to the fact that we have installed on board more than 600 systems that owners were not working these due to the lack of ratification , we have launched a special service product that we call recomissioning. Is a service program available in more than 30 ports that provides a restart of the units that were operating and give again the appropriate training to the engineers on board. We fully believe that after sales will be one of the major concerns of the shipowners as the systems are new and still we do not know how strict will be the procedures from the coast control authorities. Only a global marine supplier with proven capacity and competence will be able to fulfil coming needs and Alfa Laval for sure has an advantage on this perpective.

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Why PureBallast? Reasons to select Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 for ballast water treatment Type approved by IMO and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 is the third generation of the leading ballast water treatment technology. Over 1200 PureBallast systems have been sold to date, including more than 300 as retrofits – far more than any other system. The reasons are simple. First, PureBallast 3.1 offers superior performance in all waters, so that your vessel is free to do business anywhere. Second, it comes from a supplier whose knowledge, resources and experience ensure the best and most cost-effective system for your needs.

Performance and peace of mind

Lowest cost of ownership

Compliance in any waters PureBallast 3.1 complies wherever your vessel sails. The system is type approved and certified by both IMO and the USCG, and it avoids the limitations experienced with other systems. As an example, different ports have different water conditions. While the clear water in Singapore can be treated by almost any system on the market, the waters of Shanghai or Bremerhaven are technically challenging. Many systems cannot comply in these ports or others like them – or will require your vessel to slow its operations significantly. PureBallast 3.1 is unaffected by salinity and can treat fresh, brackish or marine water, regardless of water temperature. Using one of the most effective filters on the market, it removes high concentrations of suspended solids. It also outperforms other UV systems in challenging waters, handling UV transmittance levels as low as 42 %. As a result, PureBallast 3.1 complies in more ports worldwide than any other system.

Cost-saving project management The largest cost of a ballast water treatment system is not the system itself, but rather its engineering and installation. This is especially true in a retrofit project, which can involve many parties and high complexity. Alfa Laval provides experienced project management, built on a decade of installations and over 300 retrofit projects. By working closely with all parties, our team lets you avoid engineering mistakes and delays that can drastically increase your project cost.

Alfa Laval has the technology, knowledge and experience to ensure your compliance. Besides leading in system performance, we have provided biological and technical competence on key panels involved in developing standards and educating the market.

Chemical-free treatment PureBallast 3.1 is a chemical-free system. It neither requires chemicals to operate, nor does it produce chemical compounds during treatment. This means there is no increased corrosion of the ballast tanks, no ventilation needed and no chemical discharge. It also means that your vessel’s operations are simplified. No safety equipment or storage space is required, and there are no supply logistics to consider when planning your vessel’s route. Updated G8 compliance and beyond PureBallast 3.1 is compliant with the revised IMO G8 guidelines, which were developed to harmonize the type approval process and ensure its robustness. The system exhibits superior performance under challenging test conditions, which also safeguards compliance during Port State Control sampling. Your ballast water treatment system will need to meet the discharge standards for as long as you own the vessel. By choosing PureBallast 3.1, you choose a supplier with a century-long track record and a system that has been developed not only to pass the certification tests, but also to comply with discharge standards under real conditions – today and throughout the vessel’s lifetime.

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Your ballast water treatment system should last as long as your vessel, which makes it important to look at its total costs. From installation to operation, PureBallast 3.1 is the costeffective choice.

Durable system construction Materials impact the lifetime and maintenance needs of components. Higher quality increases upfront costs, but it ensures fewer problems and replacement costs over time. This is why Alfa Laval uses high-grade materials for all key PureBallast 3.1 components. In a warm engine room, for example, marine water can easily corrode a UV reactor of 316L steel, creating a replacement need in as little as five years. PureBallast 3.1 reactors are made of 254 SMO steel, a material designed for seawater applications. Likewise, non-corroding bronze-aluminium is used for the filter body. Energy-saving power management In operation, PureBallast 3.1 minimizes energy-related costs. Thanks to its high biological disinfection performance, it runs at just 50 % of its potential operating power in most situations. It can then be ramped up to full power for the most challenging waters. This automatic power management is available whenever running in IMO mode, including when USCG-certified systems operate outside the United States. Easily maintained performance Maintaining PureBallast 3.1 involves little time or cost, and the most important maintenance is automatic. A Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) system keeps the reactor sensors and lamp sleeves free from performance-reducing fouling. In contrast to wiper-based cleaning systems or manual cleaning, the circulation of inexpensive and biodegradable CIP fluid involves no moving parts or risk of scratching the sleeves. The technique prolongs sleeve life while avoiding your biggest potential cost: non-compliance due to degraded performance.


Ease of installation and operation

PureBallast 3.1 is designed to make life simple, both for those who engineer and install it and for the crews that will operate it over your vessel’s lifetime. High vessel compatibility PureBallast 3.1 is an excellent match for nearly any vessel. Single systems handle ballast water flows of 32–3000 m3/h, and multiple systems can be used for even larger capacities. For installation in explosive environments, components with ATEX or IECEx certification can be used to create a PureBallast 3.1 Ex system. Space-saving inline design PureBallast 3.1 is a modular system with an inline design in which the major components are incorporated into the ballast water piping. This creates a highly flexible system with a small footprint, which is especially important when engineering a retrofit. For flows of 32–300 m3/h, PureBallast 3.1 is available in compact skid-mounted designs. These compact systems have the market’s smallest footprint and are connected via simple plug-and-play contacts, which decreases installation time and cost. Strong but flexible project management No two installations are the same, especially in retrofit projects. Drawing on a decade of retrofit experience, Alfa Laval takes responsibility and understands the importance of adapting to change. Our project management combines local presence with global strength. We can work with your engineering department and chosen yard, or we can secure all necessary competencies from our network of skilled partners. Likewise, we can meet your existing docking schedule or arrange for installation during your voyage. As a global organization with strong logistics, we can even move with your project if your trading routes change prior to docking.

served marine customers for 100 years, we see ballast water treatment as a natural part of our offering. This will still be true a decade from now, when the retrofit peak period has passed. As the legislation continues to develop, we will continue to secure your compliance. Newer players, who have little or no other connection to marine business, cannot make the same promise. Comprehensive knowledge In ballast water treatment, Alfa Laval and PureBallast 3.1 stand out among the many competitors. Alfa Laval has 20 years of development experience, and PureBallast was the first commercially available treatment system. Now in its third generation, the system has improved significantly with each. Since launching PureBallast in 2006, Alfa Laval has sold over 1200 systems, including more than 300 as retrofits – far more than any other supplier. Installations have been made on a wide range of vessel types, from large container ships to small supply vessels. In each case, the experience has been used to further improve PureBallast and our project capabilities. Service and support wherever you sail As a major marine supplier, Alfa Laval also has a strong global service network. With Alfa Laval service centres in all major harbours worldwide, your vessel will never be far from our parts and expertise. To secure fast access to PureBallast support, Alfa Laval has specially trained more than 100 service engineers in local and regional hubs.

Simple, automatic operation Once installed, PureBallast 3.1 is fully automatic and operates in the background. Together with Alfa Laval crew training, this minimizes the risk of non-compliance as a result of crew error. Remote panels or integration with the ship’s control system allow PureBallast 3.1 to be overseen from the bridge, cargo control room or elsewhere. Limited maintenance Maintenance of PureBallast 3.1 is limited to a few simple tasks at regular intervals. If desired, Alfa Laval can take responsibility for the whole system, performing annual maintenance, calibration and upgrades as part of a Performance Agreement. In the event of an unplanned service need, Alfa Laval’s global service network is always close by.

Lasting supplier commitment

By choosing Alfa Laval, you choose a dedicated marine supplier with the skills, resources and well-developed service offering to support you in ballast water treatment – tomorrow as well as today. A proven marine supplier Unlike many suppliers of ballast water treatment systems, Alfa Laval has a long-term commitment to the marine industry. Having

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Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Reasons to select Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 for ballast water treatment This chapter provides details about Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1, the current generation of Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology. The most established treatment system on the market, PureBallast 3.1 benefits from over a decade of experience in merging compliance with practical needs – in both newbuild and retrofit installations.

PureBallast 3.1 in overview

Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 is an automated inline treatment system for the biological disinfection of ballast water. Operating without chemicals, it combines initial filtration with an enhanced form of UV treatment to remove organisms in accordance with stipulated limits. The main component of the modular system is an enhanced UV reactor in which disinfection treatment occurs. The special design of the reactor’s synthetic quartz lamp sleeves supports transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, providing more UV light during disinfection. Combined with the reactor’s internal design, this ensures optimal UV dosage and low energy consumption. PureBallast 3.1 is certified for ballast water treatment in all types of water: fresh, brackish and marine. Flows of 32-3000 m3/h can be accommodated by a standard system. Due to its enhanced UV technology and power ramp-up capabilities, PureBallast 3.1 provides unmatched biological disinfection performance in low-clarity waters. Full-flow treatment is possible in waters where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%. The exact configuration of a PureBallast 3.1 system is determined by the ballast water flow needs and the specific requirements of the vessel’s sailing profile.

PureBallast 3.1 benefits

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• Superior performance in any waters PureBallast 3.1 offers unmatched biological disinfection performance in any type of water: fresh, brackish or marine. This includes water in liquid form at frigid temperatures. Even in low-clarity waters with UV transmittance as low as 42%, the system can perform at full flow. This gives vessels full freedom of movement without operating constraints. • Ease of use PureBallast 3.1 is fully enclosed, fully automated and thoroughly integrated with the ballast water system. The system requires no manual intervention. • Effective power management Because of its high biological disinfection performance, PureBallast 3.1 runs at just 50% of its potential operating power in most situations. It can be ramped up to full power when needed, for example to handle low-clarity waters where the UV transmittance is extremely low. • Space-saving inline construction PureBallast 3.1 is an inline system in which the major components (filter and reactor) are incorporated into the ballast water piping. The reactor di-


ameter, in particular, is only marginally larger than that of the piping itself. This creates a highly flexible system with a small footprint. System design is further simplified by the free placement of the lamp drive cabinet up to 150 m away. This allows additional space to be saved in the engine room, and it enables placement outside the hazardous zone for Ex systems. • Chemical-free operation PureBallast 3.1 meets biological disinfection requirements without the addition of salt or chemicals, even when operating in fresh water. No dosing is required, and there are no tanks or ventilation systems needed to manage consumables and residuals. • Complete worldwide support Alfa Laval is a global supplier and an experienced partner in ballast water treatment, with a complete range of solutions for both newbuild and retrofit needs. Shipyards and engineering companies can expect clear and thorough documentation, as well as expert consultation. Ship owners have access to far-reaching ownership support, including Performance Agreements and other services for cost-efficient peace of mind.

Type approvals

• IMO All generations of PureBallast, current and previous, have IMO type approval. PureBallast 3.1 is explicitly certified for use in all water types: fresh, brackish and marine. • USCG PureBallast 3.1 systems with USCG type approval are available for vessels that need to discharge ballast in United States waters. However, these vessels can also benefit from choosing the IMO version of the system. PureBallast 3.1 systems with IMO type approval are approved for use in the United States as Alternate Management Systems (AMS) during a five-year acceptance period from the vessel’s compliance date. If needed, they can then easily be upgraded to a USCG version.

System components – biological disinfection

Biological disinfection with PureBallast 3.1 comprises an initial filtration stage followed by enhanced UV treatment in a specially designed reactor. Both stages are integrated into the ballast water piping as inline components. • Filter A filter is used during ballasting operations to block the intake of larger organisms and reduce sediment in the ballast tanks. Bypassed during deballasting, the filter is cleaned via automatic backflushing using a small portion of the system flow. In combination with the reactor, the effective basket filter design enables full-flow treatment of fresh, brackish and marine water with UV transmittance as low as 42 %. • Reactor The enhanced UV treatment stage of PureBallast 3.1 occurs within a reactor. Four reactor sizes are available, each with a flow-optimized interior that ensures high turbulence and the concentration of the UV dose. The reactor lamps employ specially designed lamp sleeves of synthetic quartz. These support transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, thus providing more UV light during disinfection. Temperature and level sensors within the reactor ensure its safety. The reactor design, which draws on treatment technology from Wallenius Water, is specially developed for marine applications. The reactor construction is of SMO steel, which ensures a long

lifetime without corrosion.

System components – support

The additional components of PureBallast 3.1 are support systems that can be flexibly placed for an optimal design. • Lamp drive cabinet The UV lamps are supplied with power by a lamp drive cabinet associated with the reactor. The cabinet is physically separated from the reactor and may be placed up to 150 m away. This saves space in the engine room and simplifies the design of Ex systems. • Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) unit UV lamp performance is safeguarded by an automatic CIP cycle. The CIP unit circulates a reusable, non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning solution that prevents any UV-impairing build-up. Such build-up cannot be removed by wiping, which would also risk scratching the sleeve surface. • Control cabinet The PureBallast 3.1 control cabinet features a graphical touchscreen interface that is easy and intuitive to use. Operation can be started or stopped with a single touch. The control system can also be integrated with onboard automation systems via Modbus, allowing access to all functions through the vessel’s Integrated Ship Control System. • Auxiliary equipment A broad range of auxiliary equipment is available to support integration into any vessel, including backflush pumps, sampling points, valve packages and remote control panels.

Optional equipment

Available options for PureBallast 3.1 include: • Remote control panels The main control panel can be complemented with remote control panels. This allows ballast water treatment to be started, stopped and monitored from any location on board. • High-pressure system (up to 10 bar) PureBallast 3.1 can be delivered for use with high-pressure ballast water pumps operating at 9 or 10 bar rather than 6 bar. • Booster pumps Booster pumps can be provided if the available flow or pressure is not sufficient to secure reliable function, e.g. for cooling and filter backflushing.

Ex systems

PureBallast 3.1 is available in Ex configurations according to ATEX and IECEx, Zone 1, IIC and T4. Ex designs are simplified by the flexible placement of the lamp drive cabinets, which can be located outside the hazardous zone and up to 150 m away from the reactors they serve. To increase safety in operation, PureBallast 3.1 safety features have been designed with redundancy. For example, the reactor temperature and level sensors are connected via safety relays that bypass the PLC,which prevents their signals from being missed in the unlikely event of a PLC malfunction.

Operating sequence

• Ballasting PureBallast 3.1 is a fully automated system. When initiated, it undergoes a brief start-up sequence. When ballasting begins, the incoming ballast water first passes through the filter stage. This removes any larger organ-

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NAFS SHIPPING MAGAZINE - COVER STORY isms and particles, which improves the quality of the water for treatment. The filter stage is of benefit for operation in cloudy coastal waters and fresh water. After filtration the water continues through the reactor stage, where it is disinfected by means of enhanced UV before entering the ballast tanks. Once ballasting is complete, reactor cleaning is performed via an automatic Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) cycle. This cycle is prompted immediately afterballasting and should be performed within 30 hours. The reactor stage is rinsed with fresh water when the CIP cycle begins and filled with fresh water upon its completion. The filter stage is also filled with fresh water once ballasting is completed. • Deballasting The deballasting process is essentially the same as the ballasting process. However, the filter stage is bypassed during deballasting since the water has already been filtered. After leaving the ballast tanks, the outgoing ballast water passes through the reactor stage to eliminate any regrowth of microorganisms that may have occurred in transit. Having thus been disinfected to the established limits, it is discharged into the receiving water at the deballasting site.The same start-up and shutdown sequence, including CIP, is employed during both ballasting and deballasting.


The size of a PureBallast 3.1 system is determined by the capacity of the ballast water pumps it is used with. An optimal configuration is achieved by matching a reactor setup and filter capacity to the required ballast water flow. For flows of 32-300 m3/h, PureBallast 3.1 can be configured in a range of compact solutions optimized for smaller vessels, including skid-mounted solutions. For flows in excess of 3000 m3/h, dual systems are installed. With this configuration strategy, PureBallast 3.1 is competitive over the entire flow range up to 6000 m3/h.


PureBallast 3.1 requires no manual intervention from the crew during its operation. Maintenance is limited to the following intervals: • Filter inspection once per year • Lamp replacement after 3000 hours of operation (a safe and easy procedure performed in minutes) • CIP fluid replacement once per year or when the pH value reaches 3 Commissioning and technical services are available from all Alfa Laval offices to start up the system and to provide advice about operation and maintenance. Upon request, onboard training is also available for the crew.

Retrofitting PureBallast

PureBallast 3.1 has a compact and highly flexible construction that facilitates installation in an existing space. But most importantly, Alfa Laval has the hands-on knowledge and proven working procedures to adapt it for any vessel. These have been refined during a decade of work with retrofit installations. Alfa Laval employs a comprehensive and flexible approach to retrofit project management. This allows customization of each project to meet ship owner requirements, vessel specifications and the necessary timeline. A retrofit project can be tailored to an individual vessel or an entire fleet, and installation can be performed while docked at a shipyard or during a voyage. Alfa Laval can work with the ship owner’s own engineering department and chosen yard, or can secure all necessary competencies from within the Alfa Laval network. Engineering support, 3D laser scanning, class approval and more can be arranged, as well as total solutions. Crew training, budgeting assistance and financing options are also available.

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Project workflow and coordination Every PureBallast 3.1 retrofit project is unique. The following steps are generally included, but each is customized to meet the vessel’s needs and particular circumstances: • Evaluation of existing ballast layout • Preliminary onboard survey (optional) • Onboard survey combined with 3D scanning • Pre-engineering • Order of system • Detailed design • Class approval • Prefabrication and acquisition of materials • Installation • Commissioning Partnerships are required in many of these phases, often at a global level. Alfa Laval safeguards the retrofit process, making certain that all project partners understand the scope, the timeline and their responsi- bilities. Everything is documented in a project specifi- cation, and Alfa Laval’s well-established routines ensure that this is followed. Global flexibility Retrofits are complex undertakings, involving multiple sites worldwide. If the vessel’s trading routes change prior to docking, it may even be necessary to move the docking site to a different country, region or continent. As a global organization with strong logistics, Alfa Laval can adapt and move with the needs, ensuring a smooth and successful project even when major changes occur.

Service offerings for PureBallast

A ballast water treatment system is a major investment with a single purpose: ensuring compliance. A flexible service offering is therefore important in securing its long-term performance. Alfa Laval is an experienced supplier of ballast water treatment systems, as well as a true marine supplier with a global service network and a century-long track record. Services and Performance Agreements Alfa Laval offers many services to keep PureBallast 3.1 working at its best. While these can be used individu- ally, the greatest value is obtained by combining them in a tailor-made Alfa Laval Performance Agreement. This creates an ideal service solution at a fixed, budgeted cost. Alfa Laval services include: • Installation Supervision Ensures proper installation according to best practices and classification society specifications • Calibration Ensures all sensors and transmitters are communicating correct values to the control system • Performance Audit Ensures the system is true to its type approval through system updates and careful evaluation of all functions • Recommissioning Restores performance and avoids potential damage at start-up after a long period of system inactivity. PureBallast Compliance Service Package For convenience and economy, Alfa Laval experts have put together a predefined annual service package. The PureBallast Compliance Service Package includes everything needed to verify that the system is functioning according to type approval: • Full system check and test • Calibration • System optimization • Crew guidance

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Simplicity and service in focus as the Alfa Laval PureBallast offering develops The Alfa Laval PureBallast offering continues to develop and expand. Higher flows are now possible with a plug-and-play PureBallast 3.1 Compact solution, and a broad service offering is available to support PureBallast worldwide. “Alfa Laval PureBallast is a unique system with high flexibility and truly top-notch support,” says Anders Lindmark, General Manager, Business Centre PureBallast. “Besides the outstanding performance of PureBallast 3.1, customers now have access to an even wider range of technical options and services.”

Larger flows with a compact design

Alfa Laval has extended its line of skid-mounted PureBallast systems with the new PureBallast 3.1/300 Compact, which was on display at SMM 2016. Self-contained and ready to install, the system is the market’s smallest ballast water treatment solution for flows up to 300 m3/h. Yet it offers the same reliable biological disinfection performance as its larger PureBallast counterparts. “PureBallast 3.1/300 Compact is a direct response to shipyards, who are calling for ready-to-install solutions,” says Lindmark. “Minimal footprint and simplified pipework make the installation of a PureBallast Compact solution truly plug-and-play. That will be increasingly valuable as the market expands, especially when the retrofit market gains speed.”

Complete services and cost-effective agreements

To further support the growing market, Alfa Laval has expanded and consolidated its range of services for PureBallast. The Alfa Laval 360° Service Portfolio contains a broad selection of services to secure lasting performance, ranging from Installation Supervision and Calibration to in-depth Performance Audits. For vessels whose systems have been inactive, there is even a Recommissioning service to restore performance and prevent potential damage at start-up. For the greatest value, individual services can be combined in a customer-specific Alfa Laval Performance Agreement. Alfa Laval has put together predefined packages for annual inspection and service that simplify the process and provide even greater economy. “The packages aim to make peace of mind convenient and affordable,” says Carl Kesselmark, Service Development Manager for PureBallast. “Between the two packages, customers get all the most essential PureBallast services at a very reasonable cost.”

Preparing for tomorrow’s needs

Lindmark points out that the technical and service developments are both part of a larger continuous effort. As ratification of the IMO convention edges closer, Alfa Laval is actively working to support the full range of needs that will soon become urgent. “We will continue to strengthen our PureBallast offering from every perspective,” he says. “Alfa Laval customers can count on the best installation support, the best compliance solutions and the best service coverage on the market.”

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Alfa Laval PureBallast augments IECEx certification The explosion-proof version of Alfa Laval’s chemical-free ballast water treatment system, PureBallast 3.1 EX, has received approval from the U.S. Coast Guard for use on barges sailing in U.S. coastal waters. The approval comes a year after Alfa Laval PureBallast received an IECEx Certificate of Conformity from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for use in explosive atmospheres on board ships in international waters. As a pioneer in the ballast water treatment arena, Alfa Laval introduced PureBallast, the first commercial chemical-free ballast water treatment system in 2006. Three years later, the company launched PureBallast 2.0 EX, which complied with ATEX directives, the European Union Directives for equipment use in potentially explosive atmospheres, such those on tankers carrying volatile cargo. Last year, PureBallast EX received an IECEx Certificate of Conformity from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for use in explosive atmospheres on board ships in international waters. Now this third-generation ballast water treatment system is approved for use on barge applications sailing in U.S. coastal waters, making it one of the first to be approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. “We’re pleased that PureBallast EX meets the stringent criteria for approval by the U.S. Coast Guard,” says Alfa Laval’s Stephen Westerling Greer, Global Business Manager of PureBallast. “U.S. Coast Guard approval, together with IECEx certification, sends a strong signal to ship owners and operators that they can trust our ballast water treatment system to comply with strict national and international regulations while effectively cleaning ballast water.” In addition to U.S. Coast Guard approval for use on barge applications, PureBallast EX comes with other noteworthy news regarding safety. To enhance safety onboard, Alfa Laval simplified the PureBallast design, enabling the lamp drive cabinets to be placed up to 150 meters away from the reactors they serve. This means the power supply can be safely located outside any potentially hazardous zone. Westerling Greer says that there are other PureBallast innovations that enhance system performance, making it more attractive to ship owners and operators. These include 50% space savings, energy management and power ramp to optimize disinfection treatment whilst operating at full flow in low-clarity waters where UV transmittance is just 42%. “We’ve also introduced a new PureBallast reactor for system sizes from 170 m3/h to 32 m3/h, our customers have access to leading edge technologies for a broader range of applications. Alfa Laval is now able to offer ship owners with vessels, large and small, the means with which to comply to international, national and regional regulations and local port requirements the world over.”


New reactor for Alfa Laval PureBallast means opportunities for smaller vessels

USCG type approval triggers major Alfa Laval PureBallast retrofit order

The proven capabilities of Alfa Laval PureBallast – which include operation in fresh, brackish or marine water and in low-clarity water with just 42% UV transmittance – are now available to significantly smaller vessels. Alfa Laval’s ballast water treatment technology, which was submitted for USCG approval in March 2015, can now be used in systems for flows of 87 m3/h. A variety of vessel types, including offshore supply vessels, will benefit from the extended PureBallast flow range. The lower capacities are enabled by a new reactor, optimized for system sizes from 170 m3/h down to 87 m3/h. This is a major expansion of the PureBallast family, where a 250 m3/h system was previously the smallest available. “Lower flow rates will make PureBallast accessible to smaller vessels, whose quality and performance needs mirror the needs of larger vessels,” says Stephen Westerling Greer, Global Business Manager for PureBallast. “In some cases, as in the offshore industry, small vessel needs can be all the more extreme.”

As a direct consequence of its type approval by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 has been selected for ballast water treatment on vessels owned by STAMCO Ship Management. The agreement is expected to generate orders worth around EUR 2.2 million to be booked during Q1 2017. Under the agreement, PureBallast 3.1 systems will be retrofitted on 11 RoRo vessels in the STAMCO Ship Management fleet. STAMCO Ship Management made its decision following the type approval of PureBallast by the USCG. “This order is directly tied to the USCG type approval of PureBallast,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast, Alfa Laval Marine Division. “Since the type approval was announced, Alfa Laval has seen a clear increase in the number of inquiries about the system.” The USCG Type Approval Certificate for the PureBallast 3 family was issued on 23 December 2016, making Alfa Laval one of the first suppliers with a USCG-approved system. With the IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention entering into force in September 2017, the issue of supplier capability has become urgent in other areas as well. “The high interest in PureBallast is a clear sign that the retrofit market is opening up,” Lindmark says. “Alfa Laval is well prepared, not only with type approved systems, but also with a decade of experience and a worldwide organization ready to deliver.”

No compromises in design or operation

“Smaller PureBallast systems will be a full match for their larger counterparts,” he says. “The reactors are built with SMO for a long and corrosion-free life, and the power management is equally effective. Performance-enhancing CIP is there as well, in a new compact design to meet customers’ need for space savings.”

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Choice of Ballast Water Treatment Systems remain a minefield for shipowners By Rasmus Folsø , CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S

Significant uncertainties are still unresolved, but important clarifications await in the coming months In a recent interview with Danish media Shippingwatch the CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard A/S, Rasmus Folsø, comments on the uncertainties which makes choice of ballast water treatment system such a risky business - “Possible acceptance of the MPN method by the US authorities in the near future combined with possible postponement of IMO compliance dates makes it hard for shipowners to make good decisions about when and what to retrofit”.

well receive up to 5 years postponement of their compliance dates. This will be clarified at MEPC71 meeting in IMO in July 2017.

How to navigate in a minefield

Making decisions about time of retrofit and equipment to install for a given vessel at this point in time involves the risk that you invest earlier than actually required, and that you end up with a system with problematic operational limitations. Therefore, it might be prudent and wise to await the outcome of the next IMO meeting in July and the outcome of the US Congress voting on VIDA.

US Coast Guard type approvals

The US Coast Guard rejection of the MPN-Method was a considerable setback for UV based ballast water treatment, as well as the world’s marine eco-systems, but as new US legislation is closing in on its final adoption, the situation is set for a remarkable change. In a near future, and maybe already in the spring of 2017, the US congress may be adopting a legislative package called VIDA (Vessel Incidental Discharge Act), which, amongst other things, instructs the USCG to accept the MPN-method - ultimately paving the way for DESMI Ocean Guard’s RayClean™ system and other Eco-friendly UV-based systems. The earlier rejection of the MPN-method by the US Coast Guard have stirred up confusion and uncertainty with the ship-owners. This due to the fact that the method so far accepted by the USCG, the FDA method, lead to some significant limitations on the operation of UV systems. The two systems approved so far by the USCG are only approved for operation in clear and transparent water, and a minimum of 3 days have to pass between ballast water uptake and discharge. These are for many shipowners unacceptable operational limitations. “Instead of giving in to the current US Coast Guard regulations and work on retesting our system according to the FDA-method, we have decided to stand our ground instead of compromising our eco-effective UV solution. Especially as we now see movement towards accepting the MPN-method in the US Congress.” Says Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard.

Postponement of IMO compliance dates

In addition to the uncertainty regarding USCG acceptance of the MPN-method, Rasmus Folsø thinks, that the compliance dates in the IMO Ballast Water Convention may be facing a postponement. The IMO Convention will enter into force in September 2017, but several flag states and NGO’s have proposed postponements of the convention’s compliance dates – giving another reason for ship-owners to act cautiously. The vessels that are up for retrofit in 2017 or 2018 may very

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DESMI Ocean Guard to deliver its first portbased treatment system

DESMI Ocean Guard has won a contract to deliver a containerized version of its RayClean-300 system to a new port development project in Turkmenistan. The containerized unit will be used as a portable treatment facility and comes complete with easy connections for pipes, hoses and power supply, and is equipped with lighting and heating. The complete system comprising both filter, UV unit, electrical panels and filter backflush pump is fitted inside a 20” insulated container. “This is the first contract for a portbased ballast water treatment system for DESMI Ocean Guard, and we are very excited about entering this new niche market. We see some potential in portable portbased treatment systems, where they mainly fulfil a purpose as a contingency measure in case a vessel needs to discharge ballast water that for some reason has not been managed according to IMO requirements. This could e.g. be due to failure of the treatment system installed on the vessel” – says Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard. The portbased RayClean system will be delivered and commissioned during the summer of 2017.

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Ballast Water Management – 2016 and Beyond

By Simon Bonnett, Safety & Technical Manager, International Registries (U.K.) Limited Simon Bonnett, Safety & Technical Manager, International Registries (U.K.) Limited, which with its affiliates provides administrative and technical support to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Registries, outlines the status of ballast water management regulations, problems facing owners and operators, and the need for responsive flag administrations The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (the “Convention”) enters into force on 8 September 2017. The implementation schedule for the D-2 standard, in regulation B-3, has been relaxed by International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution A.1088(28). This resolution is an agreement among Parties not to enforce the legal text of the Convention set out in the current regulation B-3, and instead to apply a schedule outlined in Table 1 below. The agreement also commits to an amendment to regulation B-3. The proposal will be circulated once the Convention enters into force and the process to amend the Convention will take approximately two years from September 2017, giving time for any party to object to any changes should they wish to do so. No parties are expected to object, since they have already committed to IMO Resolution A.1088(28). The United States (US) is not a party to the Convention and has its own unilateral Ballast Water Management (BWM) system (BWMS) installation requirements based upon a vessel’s drydocking schedule; but, has adopted the Convention D-2 discharge standard. Industry groups have brought to the attention of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 70 the great difficulty shipowners finds themselves in when they want to purchase a reliable BWMS that can consistently meet the requirements of the D-2 discharge standard. Even though there are many BWMSs approved by the IMO’s Member States, there are currently only three BWMSs which the US Coast Guard (USCG) has recently Type Approved. One application for USCG Type Approval is under review and approximately 16 additional systems are undergoing testing by independent laboratories (ILs) for eventual application for Type Approval, but there is no time estimate as to when this may occur. Consequently, it will continue to be difficult to purchase a system which can work under the IMO regulatory regime as well as the USCG’s until there are sufficient USCG Type Approved systems available from manufacturers; however, the US does allow alternatives until such time as appropriate systems are available. The IMO has gone to great lengths to improve the guidelines (G8) for Type Approval, and revised guidelines were adopted on 28 October 2016 in the hope that this will lead to more reliable treatment systems more likely to receive USCG Type Approval. With this in mind, and with

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Figure 2

the likelihood that improved systems will be tested in the near future, a number of industry associations and IMO Member States pushed for a further relaxation in the schedule to implement the D-2 discharge standard (Table 1). Consensus on this revised schedule was not achieved at MEPC 70 and a proposal was forwarded to MEPC 71 for further consideration, though is not expected until early July 2017. The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) was one of the parties interested in supporting the alternative schedule. However, at this time all ship operators must consider the Resolution A.1088(28) as the only agreed proposal. It is expected that many shipowners who have the International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) renewal survey occurring within the first few years after entry into force will decide to complete the survey prior to 8 September 2017. This will allow owners to wait and see if systems that are both IMO revised G8 and USCG Type Approved come to market. If ships are going to conduct an early IOPP renewal, this needs to be done well in advance of the 7 September 2017 deadline as the renewal date will be the last day the surveyor attended the ship. Unavailability of surveyors or time over runs will be no reason to alter this. Indeed, for some owners the cost of modifying their ships to be able to install a BWMS will be so high that their vessels will surely go to scrap. Fortunate owners may enter into trades which avoid the BWM regimes of the US and IMO. For example, a ship which operates within the waters of a single party, or between the high seas and a single party, is not subject to the Convention. BWMS have been fitted to several thousand ships and occurrences of unreliable BWMS operations are frequently recounted, including accounts of systems failing at first use and never working again. Lack of availability of service engineers has also been an issue for some shipowners. Some owners who are early adopters of BWMS technology say their system functions just fine, so it appears it’s possible to find some reliable suppliers. But with so many variables for different ships, trades, and ports, it can be a very difficult task. As previously noted, it is still very difficult to find a USCG Type Approved system (to enable the important worldwide trade requirement need for most charters), which could be installed today and remain in place for the life of the ship. Given the previous non-availability of a USCG Type Approved system, the US has


allowed ships to apply for an extension of the date to fit a BWMS until the next drydocking, or fit an Alternate Management System (AMS). An AMS is a foreign approved BWMS which has been accepted by the USCG for operation in the ship for a period of five years beyond the required BWMS installation date. If after the five years are up and the BWMS hasn’t received USCG Type Approval, then ship operators could potentially have to remove the system and replace it with a USCG Type Approved one. At the time of writing there are over 12,000 extensions for BWMS fitting granted by the USCG. Even though there are now three USCG Type Approved systems, extensions will continue to be granted if a Type Approved system is not suitable for a given ship or not available given the potential high demand; but, the extension time period may vary. Existing granted extensions and the use of an existing installed or contracted AMS will not be affected by the availability of a US Type Approved system. From 8 September 2017, the Convention will be enforced by flag administrations and coastal States alike. The IMO has agreed to the non-penalization of early movers. In principle, this means that a ship which installs a BWMS prior to the application of the revised G8 Guidelines, and maintains and operates it according to the manual, would not be detained, sanctioned, or criminalized for lack of efficacy by the system. Port State control (PSC) still has the option to restrict the vessel and prevent it from discharging unmanaged ballast if they feel doing so may bring harm to people, resources, or the environment. This latter option to restrict ballast discharge needs to be considered further if trade is not to be affected when a BWMS breaks down, or struggles with a particular load of ballast. MEPC 71 is inviting submissions for contingency measures, or plans agreed between port States and flag administrations to enable a ship to discharge ballast which may not meet the D-2 standard, but has been sufficiently managed to reduce the risk of harm to people, resources, and the environment. One of the most effective contingency methods would be for port States to ensure there are alternative shipboard or land based reception/treatment facilities. If these are not available, then it could be a chemical treatment, or a specified location for ballast water exchange.

An experience-building phase is being considered by MEPC 71, for a limited non-penalization period that could be extended to all ships. All ships, flag administrations, and port States would be encouraged to gather data on the implementation of the Convention. This data would be collected and analyzed to review the effectiveness of BWMS, its guidelines, and the practicality of the Convention. If the analysis brings to light persistent issues, then the text of the Convention and its guidelines could be reviewed and amended as appropriate. Figure 2 gives an overview of this proposal. One thing is for sure, if things start to go wrong with a BWMS, ship operators will need an interactive, responsive flag administration to advise and agree on next steps and contingency measures. Shipowners should be confident that the ship’s flag administration will quickly deal with their urgent needs when regulatory and commercial pressures are at their highest. Such support needs to be available 24/7. With this in mind, the RMI Registry has placed resources in overlapping time zones, ensuring timely responses. Leading experts are already in place in Hong Kong, Piraeus, London, and Reston/Washington, DC. More expertise is being trained and the significant technical resources of the flag are always available to owners and operators from 27 offices worldwide.

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BalClor BWMS is mainly consisted of Filtration, Disinfection, and Neutralization By Vincent Li, Oversea Project Manager, SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Co., Ltd There are three major units in BalClor Ballast Water Management System: Filtration Unit, Electrolysis Unit, and Neutralization Unit. During ballasting process, ballast water is filtrated by an automatic back flush filter, marine organisms larger than 50Âľm will be removed during this process, then a side-stream of filtered ballast water is by-passed to electrolyzing unit to generate high concentrated oxidant (mainly sodium hypochlorite solution), which will be injected back into main ballast stream to provide effective disinfection to meet D2 discharge standard. Active oxidant will remain in ballast tank for a certain period, preventing re-growth of microbes. During de-ballasting process, ballast water will be discharged directly without repeating disinfection. TRO (total residual oxidant) sensor installed at pipe outlet will closely monitoring the concentration level of active oxidant. However, if TRO level is higher than 0.1ppm, neutralization unit will be initiated automatically, injecting neutralizing agent to main ballast water pipe; if TRO concentration is lower than 0.1ppm, ballast water will be discharged to the sea. There are three major units in BalClor Ballast Water Management System: Filtration Unit, Electrolysis Unit, and Neutralization Unit. During ballasting process, full volume of Ballast water flows into an automatic back flush filter firstly after through ballast pump. During filtration, the water flows into the filter candle from both direction, which results that organic and inorganic particles being captured in the inside of filter candle. Clean water reaches the filter outlet through filter element slot. During the backflushing cycle, initialed by differential pressure and/or time, the filter elements, which are open at both ends, are alternately flushed in sequence from above and below, without any interruption to the filtration operation. Core component of electrolysis unit is tubular-plate type electrolytic cell

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which is reliable, efficient, and compacted. It has a low power consumption and requires small installation space. During electrolyzing process, chlorine is generated from seawater and dissolves in the water rapidly, forming high concentrated Sodium Hypochlorite solution, which will be injected back to main ballast water pine after by-product, hydrogen, is separated. Sodium Hypochlorite is an effective disinfection solution that can kill spores, larvae, pathogens to meet D-2 regulation. BalClor BWMS has a comprehensive de-gas unit installed in the Electrolysis unit with a removal efficiency of about 99%, which can ensure the safety operation of the system. Hydrogen bubbles produced during electrolysis process goes into a cone-type cyclone with electrolyzed seawater to generate a turbulent flow. Hydrogen bubbles are broken into smaller ones during high speed spinning and then rising with water vapor. After two-step separation process, vapor becomes fluid and flows back. Meanwhile, hydrogen gas will be diluted by two blowers and discharged overboard through a de-gas pipeline. This very de-gas technology has been operating in the nuclear industry safely for more than 20 years, which fully satisfies the safety standards of nuclear industry. Neutralization is used to neutralize TRO, neutralizing agent, Sodium Thiosulfate is used in this process, while doing can be controlled automatically. The superiorities of SunRui BalClor Ballast Water Management System are: 1.Side- stream electrolysis technology provides low power consumption, as 1-2% of total volume of ballast water is need for electrolyzing purpose, thus the installation of the system will cause no change to vessel main pipe line arrangement. 2.Modular Design method provides flexible installation options on board, for both new builds and retrofits. 3.Low maintenance cost, as life span of core components reaches up to vessel’s whole service life. 4.No repeat process of disinfection, reliable and effective. 5.Suitable for various type of voyage route, can be applied to fresh/ brackish water. 6.Effective solutions for fresh/ brackish water treatment.


About SunRui SunRui Marine Environment Engineering Company (hereafter called SunRui) is a wholly owned subsidiary company of China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (CSIC). SunRui is an integrated engineering company, is specialized in corrosion control, anti-fouling technologies and has more than 30 years’ research and practical experience on water treatment technologies. SunRui has been engaged in research and development of electrolysis technology for over 20 years and has successfully undertaken hypochlorite generation projects for 12 nuclear power stations and more than 100 power plants, chemical plants, vessels, and marine platforms. SunRui’s BalClor Ballast Water Management System is developed based on land-based electrolytic technology. The principle of this system is to electrolyze seawater onboard directly to produce a high concentrated sodium hypochlorite solution for Disinfection. A unique coating guarantees a life-time service of electrodes, reducing significantly the maintenance cost. SunRui owns the Independent Intellectual Property Rights of the core components. BalClor BWMS has been approved at IMO’s International 61st MEPC Conference in September 2010 and now SunRui already achieved Type Approvals from CCS, DNV-GL, LR, BV, NK, ABS and Liberian Registry. USCG AMS certificate was also achieved. After successfully accomplished all required tests for USCG Type Approval, SunRui submitted the final report to USCG through DNV-GL in January 2017 as the no. 4th maker in the whole world. The USCG Type Approval will be achieved during March to April. Now SunRui holds contracts of around 600 systems ordered (Newbuilding and Retrofitting Projects) by the clients worldwide (such as NYK Line, JO Tankers, MMS, TMS Tankers and Neda) for various vessels types and keeps delivering them. Among all those orders, there are quite a few big ships such as VLCC, Suemax, Aframax, VLOC, Valemax, Capsize and 174k m3 LNG. To provide clients a good service in future, SunRui has always been focusing on building up an efficient service network. SunRui’s contracted aftersales service agents now can cover all important ports around the world. Up to now, SunRui has a Tokyo office and a Singapore office built up and operated by our own local employees. SunRui’s branch company in Hamburg and one more office in Hong Kong is well prepared and will be open in a few months. Offices in USA and Dubai are also under planning. Since 2015 Marine Plus SA represents, exclusively in Greece, SunRui BalClor BWMS.

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The Ecochlor® BWTS: Proven Effective and Reliable for over 12 Years at Sea. By Katie Weaver, Ecochlor Technical Sales Manager

Our focus is effective ballast water treatment. Our mission is to help shipowners protect our coastal ecosystems It started with a conversation in the late 1990’s between two senior-level employees in the pulp and paper industry regarding the use of chlorine dioxide in their industrial processes. Tom Perlich, Ecochlor’s president and founder, had become interested in the international effort to prevent the spread of invasive species in ship’s ballast water and thought chlorine dioxide would make a great treatment

technology. Chlorine dioxide was already being used safely and effectively in industrial and municipal water treatment applications, but had not yet been considered for shipboard applications in ballast water treatment. The concept was simple: Chlorine dioxide injected at a low dose into the ballast line will kill organisms in ballast water. Once in the ballast tanks, chlorine dioxide degrades to salts, which are naturally present in seawater. Thus, in 2001 Ecochlor, Inc. was formed with the sole purpose of commercializing recently obtained patents for a superior ballast water treatment technology. In 2004, the company installed its first system on the Atlantic Container Line’s, Atlantic Compass, one of the world’s largest combined container/ RORO ships. Two years later a second system was installed on the bulk carrier, the MV Moku Pahu, operated by Matson Navigation, which carries sugar from Hawaii to the US West Coast and grain to Asia. Christian Johnsen, Chief Officer of the MV Moku Pahu shared his thoughts about using the Ecochlor® BWTS onboard his vessel. “The Ecochlor System has worked well for us in that, its relatively small footprint was easily retrofitted into our existing ballast system, it uses an almost negligible amount of electrical power and works effectively in all water conditions, including the sediment filled, biologically saturated waters off Chittagong, Bangladesh. Ecochlor has shown their commitment to our system by reliably providing support, scheduled service and chemical resupply as needed.” Since those first systems were sold, the system has undergone extensive testing and received International Maritime Organization (IMO) Type Approval (2011), US Coast Guard (USCG) Alternative Management System (AMS) Acceptance (2013), and numerous classification society approvals including Lloyd’s Register, American Bureau of Shipping, Class NK, Bureau Veritas, and RMRS. While other BWTS manufacturers have had to modify their systems to meet changing regulatory requirements, Ecochlor’s core technology has never changed.

USCG Type Approval Process

In 2013, after receipt of USCG AMS Acceptance, Ecochlor started the

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process for USCG Type Approval. DNV GL was selected as Ecochlor’s Independent Laboratory (IL), in order to secure DNV GL classification society approval simultaneously with USCG Type Approval. Following completion of preliminary test plans, Ecochlor submitted a letter of intent (LOI) to the USCG indicating the intention to initiate testing. A treatment system was installed at the California Maritime Academy’s Golden Bear Facility (GBF) in March 2015 and both land-based and shipboard testing starting in April of that year. All testing required for USCG Type Approval was completed in September 2016. Since that time, Ecochlor has continued to work diligently with DNV GL to finalize the required paperwork and submit an application, though the road has been arduous. As one of the first manufacturers to pursue USCG Type Approval, there have been delays as Ecochlor has worked with DNV GL to finalize testing and reporting procedures. Each ballast water treatment manufacturer who went through this testing prior to Ecochlor also experienced these challenges to some degree. Fortunately, as we are nearing the end of this process, we have four manufacturers who have led the way, giving DNV GL and Ecochlor better insight to allow for a smoother process towards Type Approval. One example, is the scaling requirements. The Ecochlor system installed on the Golden Bear was an ES-400S-1.0, capable of treating flow rates up to 400 m3/hr. Ecochlor is working to document the system’s ability to scale up so that it will be approved for the wide range of flow rates it’s capable of treating (up to 16,200 m3/hr). As a team, DNV GL and Ecochlor are working together to provide supporting documentation to ensure the system is approved without operational limitations. As these final details are addressed with DNV GL, Ecochlor remains poised to submit its application and obtain USCG Type Approval. Ecochlor’s test results from USCG Type Approval indicate that the Ecochlor System can meet and in most cases exceed USCG discharge criteria. This has come as no surprise to those who have been following Ecochlor since the beginning. Tom Perlich said, “In the past year, Ecochlor has seen a lot more activity from shipowners and has been working in force to prepare for a very busy 2017 due to the IMO ratification and upcoming USCG Type Approval. Shipowners SCF Novoship and Unicom are in the process of installing our system on their tankers. Between last fall and early 2017 a total of seven Ecochlor systems were installed on their vessels, six more are pending installation and (at this time) 14 more are on the books for later in 2017. The Ecochlor BWTS is well-known for its efficacy in all water types, its low power requirements and flexible installations on mid-sized ships to some of the largest vessels in the world.” Our focus is effective ballast water treatment. Our mission is to help shipowners protect our coastal ecosystems and meet regulatory requirements in the most effective and efficient way, now, 12 years from now, and longer.

1 1 Y E A R S AT

The Ecochlor Ballast Water Treatment System: proven effective and ÂŽ

reliable for over 11 years at sea. Meets or exceeds USCG and IMO standards.


The Ecochlor Ballast Water Treatment System: proven effective and

reliable for over 12 years at sea. Meets or exceeds USCG and IMO standards.

Ecochlor System: Simple operation, rugged

construction, unique technology.

Ecochlor is exclusively represented in Greece by Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd.

Please visit our stand #2428

Contact: Charis Valentakis +30 210 9400660


Oceanking completed the first training round for NKO3 Blue Ballast system operators

Oceanking in cooperation with NK have just completed the first training round which has been delivered to NKO3 Blue Ballast system operators. More specifically, NK O3 Blue Ballast system operators from Thenamaris, Anangel, Maran Tankers and Maran Gas were trained by NK, aiming to ensure the proper and safe operation of the aforementioned systems, improve performance and increase efficiencies in processes. The 8hours courses were tailor made to meet each company’s separate needs/demands, focusing on the following sections/topics: • General Overview of the Ballast Water Treatment System • Operational instructions for the System • Maintenance procedure • Identification of alarms/ breakdowns / malfunctions • Troubleshooting •Simulation of actual operation / breakdowns OCEANKING having consistently expressed devotion in training will organize in cooperation with NK, within 2017, a new round of similar courses. These are within the frame of the need for familiarization of the system by the operators, since these are been recently developed by the shipping industry and should be in compliance with the requirements of the IMO and USCG as well. NK has obtained a big number of orders in the Greek maritime community and by the end of 2017 will receive the USCG approval.

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OCEANKING having consistently expressed devotion in training will organize in cooperation with NK, within 2017, a new round of similar courses. NK has obtained a big number of orders in the Greek maritime community and by the end of 2017 will receive the USCG approval.


When owners face the choice between one type of ballast water treatment system and another, there is no silver bullet. By Georgios Teriakidis, Regional Business Development Manager, Region South East Europe & Middle East, DNV GL – Maritime DNV GL has been working with owners and operators to ensure the safe installation of ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) on newbuilds and as part of retrofit projects for many years now. Currently, the industry is under a lot of pressure to install ballast water management systems on time. To give you an idea of the scale of the task, we estimate that about 8,700 vessels (in DNV GL class) shall be issued with an International Ballast Water Management Certificate by 8 September 2017, which adds up to roughly 300 certifications per week up until the entry into force date. In addition, we estimate that about 5,000 ballast water management plans shall be approved by DNV GL over the same period. The installation of ballast water treatment systems will come in the next 6 years. DNV GL expects about 450 retrofit projects per year (this includes sister vessels). In terms of system installations, retrofits are more complex than newbuild installations. Due to the short time windows during dry docking, retrofits require very good planning and the classification society needs to be involved from an early stage. Some of the lessons learnt from previous retrofit projects include that every aspect of the installation needs approval by class, including any updates to the drawings and stability calculations. Also, the ballast water treatment system increases the vessel’s overall power requirement.

When owners face the choice between one type of ballast water treatment system and another, there is no silver bullet. Our recommendations for the type of system hinge on such questions as: What ship type is it? Does the vessel need to operate in fresh or brackish water? Does it operate in cold waters or in temperate conditions? Will the system have to work in high turbidity conditions, meaning water that contains a lot of clay, algae or silt? And of course, for existing vessels: is it worth it at all? Has the vessel reached such an age that a retrofit will involve a too high cost? Better to scrap the vessel now rather than

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retrofit? All these questions are very important for making the right choice. But a treatment system that is optimal for one ship may not be the best solution for another ship. There is no “one size fits all” solution. Careful selection of treatment systems can mitigate specific feasibility issues in terms of the individual ship. There are many factors, such as space constraints, electrical load limitations, the integration of control systems, optimization of performance and operational costs. UV systems, which use a two-step process of filtration and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to sterilize organisms and stop their reproduction, are among the prevalent options at present. UV systems are simple to operate and relatively easy to install. The electrolytic treatment systems are another popular option. By passing electric current through a small amount of seawater, they convert the salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), into sodium hypochlorite, a disinfectant, which is then used to treat the ballast water. This is a proven method; the downside is that electrolytic systems are sensitive to low salinity and low temperatures. Salt or a heat must be added where necessary.

BWTS technologies may face challenges in specific water conditions, and neither the G8 nor the EVT protocol – the IMO and USCG protocols, respectively – guarantee treatment of all types of water in line with the D-2 standard. During the type approval process, the IMO and USCG protocols require that the system design limitations, water quality and operational parameters to which the BWTS is sensitive, are identified so that vessel operators can determine in which water conditions the system will function. In case of doubt regarding treatment performance of the given water, or if the system fails during ballast intake, ballast water exchange with treatment when out of port may be an option, provided the vessel also has approval to perform ballast water exchange. However, once D-2 compliance is compulsory, shipowners will need to notify the port state if they need to perform exchange, and the port state will need to accept this as a solution. Turbidity, opacity, temperature and salinity level of the intake water are challenges to which the treatment system is subjected. They will differ significantly between the different ports of intake of ballast water. Water


in ports located in close vicinity to rivers may have high levels of particulate and organic matter carried out with the river water into the sea. Excessive levels of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, may enrich the seawater that can generate algal blooms. If a vessel is trading in such areas, the BWTS is required to function adequately in water with high organic content. The filter will be susceptible to clogging, and reduced flow-rate may be expected due to the requirement for back-flushing. In water with high organic content, more disinfectants are required, and hence more chemicals need to be added to the system or produced by the system. For ports located in fresh or brackish water, the salinity will subsequently be low; hence the BWTS is required to function adequately in fresh water and low salinity water. For some systems where the generated disinfectant is dependent on the salinity, such as electrolysis, the system cannot produce sufficient amounts of disinfectants when the availability of chlorine ions is low. Water temperature is also an important factor for some systems. The production of disinfectants by oxidation is a temperature-dependent process, and at low temperature, the system will have to produce more disinfectants, hence higher energy consumption. The training needed for the crew will be dependent on the type of treatment system. For example, chemical injection systems will require crew training in handling chemical spills/ leakages. Electrolysis systems, both in-line and side-stream, create H2 gas as a by-product. Different manufacturers will have different systems for expelling the H2 gas. The crew must become familiar with the off-gassing system, as well as any alarms or shutdown procedures. Besides any hazards inherent to each technology type, the crew will need to receive training in operating the system, limitations of the system and any changes which may occur to the ballasting and de-ballasting procedures as a result of the new treatment system. Bearing all of this in mind owners need to take their time to check the different solutions that exists and weigh all the possible options. A decision made in haste could have serious consequences if a sub-optimal solution is chosen. Specialised engineering services may be worth the investment when finalising this choice. For newbuilds, we advise that owners also bear in mind that if they do not fit a BWT system in the vessel initially, it may cost twice as much to install a system retroactively, not counting the potential loss of earnings from time spent in dry dock. If they do delay, they should ensure that the layout and equipment allows for fitting a BWTS at a later date. This entails looking at the piping system, the pump strength and capacity, and ensuring that a suitable BWTS is available for installation on the vessel by the compliance date. DNV GL has developed a decision-making tool that helps shipowners choose the system most suitable for their ship and, most importantly, helps them avoid costly systems which are not compliant. The tool synthesizes information from shipowner experience and experience from advisory and class services. DNV GL can use this tool to perform quick assessments of treatment technologies for specific vessels on behalf of our customers. We have also developed a guide for retrofit installations of ballast water treatment systems. The description includes all approvals required when a BWMS is to be installed on board a ship classified by DNV GL in accordance with the BWM Convention.

In line with our policy of Greece been our 3rd home market, our Piraeus office is ready to assist the Greek Maritime community. Our competent colleagues will be happy to assist either with the above mentioned tools and guideline or with the approval of the mandatory water ballast management plans. NAFS MARCH 2017 37


GloEn-Patrol: All the developments of the Ballast Water Management System of PANASIA

Ballast Water Management System of PANASIA, GloEn-Patrol, is a technical combination of filtration and ultra violet disinfection. PANASIA owns all technologies for filter and ultra violet disinfection unit achieving strong points in fastest feedback on technological issues and spare parts cost control. As a frontier in BWMS field, PANASIA has achieved contracts of 1,025 equipment of which 773 was provided. PANASIA has its own subsidiary called PANASIA E&S (Engineering and Service) which devoted only for BWMS retrofit construction from A to Z. PANASIA does not avoid taking responsibility in retrofit construction suggesting the condition that PANASIA shall take at least project management who can control all stake holders in lieu of customers. All experienced engineers in PANASIA E&S can control on-board 3D scanning survey, reverse designing, pipe and cable procurement, installation control and supervision depending on customers’ selection. PANASIA is now operating 3 training centers in Greece, Estonia and U.S.A. in which theoretical and practical exercise with real BWMS is available. And PANASIA launches its own CBT (Computer Based Training) software to decrease crews’ misoperation and lead them to deep knowledge on all parts of the system in preparation for PSC inspection. Followings are brief explanations about advantages of PANASIA GloEn-Patrol BWMS. 1. Physical treatment type: UV is physical treatment type that is free from corrosion concerns and safety concerns. And GloEn-Patrol doesn’t require chemical storage inside vessel. 2. No dependence on water salinity & temperature: performance and power consumption of electrolysis type BWTS varies greatly depending on sea water salinity & temperature. Especially in fresh water, the type must be equipped with brine take that requires more space & regular brine supply 3. Neutralizing material: electrolysis BWMS technology. 4. Lowest maintenance cost: GloEn-Patrol innovatively reduces maintenance cost by increasing UV lamp life time up to 4,000 hours and reducing regular maintenance points. 5. TSS (Total Suspended Solid): This aims to see the weight(mg) of particles in water (per lilter) by evaporating sample water to leave particles inside. This criterion has been utilized to estimate the per-

38 NAFS MARCH 2017

formance of UV light because particles in water can reflect or absorb UV light disturbing its penetration. IMO CONVENTION 2004 & ETV Protocol for USCG simultaneously chose TSS as one of main criterion of water quality. Both set the standard of TSS as 50mg/L but our system was tested around 650mg/L condition at maximum and ICS declared at BWT Technical Cooperation 2015 at Busan on 3~4 Nov, 2015 “system must be operated under 600+ TSS value. 6. Explosion Proof Certified: GloEn-Patrol is certified its explosion proof function by DNV ATEX & DNV IEC-Ex. 7. Automatic Power Control: GloEn-Patrol controls its power consumption in three kinds of levels to save as much power as possible by detecting UV intensity. 8. MP(Medium Pressure) UV application: Comparing to Low Pressure UV lamp that emits short wavelength, MPUV can emits various wavelengths in which large types of organisms are subject to elimination. 9. PANASIA has carried out USCG Type Approval Tests under FDA/ CMFDA biological testing method and will achieve the Type Approval by end of 2017. 10. PANASIA USCG Type Approval will target 24 hours holding time with which owners are free from any concerns on short voyage. 11. Smallest amount of water loss in back flushing: Comparing to competitors, GloEn-Filter’s amount of water loss for Back-Flushing is just 0.1~2 % of total flow rate. Large water loss contributes to total cargo unloading time extension. 12. PANASIA BWMS is already reviewed as the system that can meet new G8. PANASIA EUROPE B.V. MANAGER PAUL JINHWA KIM

** BPCO LTD, represents exclusively PANASIA CO in Greece.

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Challenges in Shipping Industry following the entry into force of the BWM Convention on the 8th September of 2017 By George Kiadimos, Lloyd’s Register Specialist, Technical Support Office, Marine & Offshore It was back in 1973 when IMO in an embryonic stage, started researching the effects of the spreading of the epidemic disease bacteria through the discharge of ballast water and Sediment, with Resolution 18 of the International Conference on Marine Pollution. Three resolutions were required by the IMO, namely: Res.50 (31)(1991), the Res. 774 (18)(1993) and Res. A. 868 (20)(1997), in order for the BWM Convention to be finalized on February 2004’ which was (eventually) ratified on 8 September 2016 and will be entering into force the following year. Although thirteen (13) years have passed for the Convention ratification, the Maritime community is still concerned about several points before the final implementation. Until the next session of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in July 2017, we have the following two proposed implementation programs regarding the installation of Treatment technology (D-2 Standards): 1. Compliance with D-2 Standards, at the first IOPP* renewal survey after 8th September 2017. 2. Compliance with D-2 Standards at the first IOPP* renewal survey completed after 8th September 2017, unless that survey is completed prior to 8th September 2019, in which case compliance is at the first IOPP renewal survey completed after 8th September 2019. * The IOPP renewal survey refers to the renewal survey associated with the IOPP Certificate required under MARPOL Annex I. It is understood that Vessels with keel laying date after the BWM Convention entry into force will be required to have an installed treatment system at delivery. For the compliance of the ships with the BWM Convention required: - Approved ballast water management plan. - Keeping record book for ballast water operation procedures - Using one of the applicable ballast exchanging methods or using an approved ballast water treatment system according to the timetable for compliance with the D-2 Standards. - Survey for obtaining the ‘’International Ballast Water Management Certificate’’ for compliance with the Convention. - Training and familiarization of the crew operating ballast water Treatment technologies, on-board the vessels. In due course, Shipping Companies, Classification Societies, Flags of the Vessels and technical offices will face several technical challenges relating to the installation of the Ballast Water Treatment Units. Some of the technical challenges in question are as follows:

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1. The Revised G8 Guidelines and how this will affect the industry and the installation of such systems. The effective dates of Ballast Water installation Systems taking into account the revised G8 guidelines are as follows: • The ballast water management systems installed on ships on or after 28 October 2020 should be approved taking into account the 2016 Guidelines. • The ballast water management systems installed on board ships prior to 28 October 2020 should be approved taking into account either the Guidelines (G8) as adopted by resolution MEPC.174 (58) or preferably the revised 2016 Guidelines as per resolution MEPC. 279(70) 2. De-harmonisation of the IOPP Renewal Surveys by performing it before the scheduled survey window, i.e. before 8 September 2017. This will give more time to Ship-owners for retrofitting a BWMS during the 5 year validity of the new IOPP certificate, but the truth is that same problem and perhaps shipyard unavailability for the installation with longer turnaround times will be one of the possible future challenges. 3. The De-harmonising of the IOPP renewal survey will postpone the compliance dates of the BWM Convention but in the meantime USCG compliance dates for existing vessels are running, and based on scheduled dry-docking dates need to be considered separately. It must be underlined that since the first three USCG type approved BWT Systems have already been announced, it is expected that USCG will start to harden its position against the Ballast Water discharge and Extension Program policy. (Already initiated civil penalties on Ballast water discharge violations). Reference is made to the New Marine Safety Information Bulletin on Ballast Water Management (BWM) Extension Program, dated 6th March 2017. (https:// 4. The Convention will require all ships to implement a Ballast Water Management Plan and most of them will be subject to D-2 Standards compliance (Installation of treatment technology), including yachts, barges, fishing vessels, etc. 5. Shipping companies should establish training programs regarding the Ballast Water Treatment Technology management and continuous updating of Seafarers both on board and on land in order to avoid lack of knowledge due to crew rotation. 6.The process of the on-board ballast water sampling method still remains unclear waiting for further instructions by the IMO. 7. It will be interesting to see the reaction of other States having their Local legislation regarding the Ballast water requirements and their Ports States Control’s approach, regardless of the IMO BWM Convention, such as Australia, etc. Many of these topics will be discussed at the next MEPC session but on the top of the agenda will be the possible extension with respect to the calendar for ballast water management systems installation (2nd Implementation program). Therefore, we look forward to the final decisions of the next session of the IMO in July ‘17 predicting a very ‘hot’ summer.

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Avitalis BWTS by TeamTec closing in on type approval certificates

With the start of 2017, type approval certificates for the Avitalis Ballast Water Treatment System are rapidly approaching. With only weeks left of the IMO shipboard test onboard the container vessel MV Helmut, TeamTec will be able to present the IMO type approval certificate for Avitalis in the first half of 2017. The type approval certificate will be according to the updated G8 rules. For the UCSG type approval, land based testing has been paused for the winter, and will restart around April upon confirmation of adequate organisms in the water. Already, all five sea water tests have been completed successfully, with excellent results after just 24 hours holding time. Testing in April will start with brackish water, followed by fresh water. The final USCG type approval certificate is expected by the end of 2017. Meanwhile, interest for the Avitalis BWTS is constantly increasing. “Ship owners recognize the flexibility and reliability in a ballast water treatment system using chemical injection, where there are no limitations on water flow, water type or holding time”, says Edvin T. Tønnessen, TeamTec´s Product Manager for the Avitalis BWTS. “In addition, more and more ship owners are requesting turnkey solutions, something that TeamTec can offer together with one of many engineering partners, like Damen Green Solutions. It is also worth mentioning that ship owners can receive competitive financing through Export Credit Norway when purchasing an Avitalis BWTS from TeamTec.” The ballast water treatment system by TeamTec, AVITALIS™ BWTS, is a chemical dosage system based on organic chemistry. AVITALIS™ works in a unique way by the sequential combination of a two-stage treatment during ballasting. The health of the aquatic environment is safeguarded by means of chemical monitoring and neutralization (when necessary) of the ballast water during discharge. During ballasting, the ballast water is first pumped through a 40 µ automatic self-cleaning filter, where more than 90% of the organisms ≥ 50 µ are filtered out and pumped back into the harbor. The biodegradable formulation PERACLEAN® Ocean is then injected into the ballast water. Disinfection of the water happens immediately. Before ballast water from the tanks is discharged, inline sensors measure continuously the concentration of residual active substances. If needed, the optimum amount of sodium sulfite is added to the water before discharge to assure that the ballast water being discharged poses no threat to the aquatic environment. AVITALIS™ BWTS is available for ballast water flow from 250m3/h to 12000 m3/h.

42 NAFS MARCH 2017

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Wärtsilä and CSSC sign manufacturing license agreement for BWMS

Wärtsilä has signed a manufacturing license agreement with Jiujiang Precision Measuring Technology Research Institute, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), based in Jiujiang , China. The two-way agreement provides CSSC with access to technology and the rights to manufacture the Wärtsilä Aquarius EC Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) under license for applications to CSSC customers. In return, Wärtsilä gains access to CSSC’s new manufacturing facility, thereby further supporting supply and demand needs for the Wärtsilä BWMS direct to Wärtsilä customers. The agreement was signed in Jiujiang on 5th December 2016 and is implemented with immediate effect. Wärtsilä retains ownership of the Aquarius Electro-Chlorination (EC) technology and all associated Intellectual Property Rights, while CSSC will manufacture the system for sale and installation with CSSC newbuild and retrofit projects. CSSC is the largest group of shipbuilding companies in the world with a significant need for robust BWMS technology for their Chinese and international customers. The system will be supplied with Wärtsilä Type Approval. “This is another landmark agreement forming an important new partnership in China. It facilitates the supply of Wärtsilä Aquarius EC BWMS to a significant provider in the Chinese marine market, both for new shipbuilding and retrofit projects. By combining the strengths of our two companies, we can more effectively meet the growing demand for EC BWMS for medium to large vessel applications. Our combined global service networks also ensure that the BWMS units are fully supported wherever and whenever needed,” says Dr Joe Thomas, Director, Ballast Water Management Systems, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions. “As a subsidiary of CSSC, our institute has strong design and manufacturing capabilities. We have easy access to the resources concerning shipbuilding and retrofits for marketing and sales of BWMS systems, and Wärtsilä, as a significant global marine equipment supplier, has great advantages in technical support and global after sales service. This milestone event represents a promising start to our two companies’

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partnership. The signing of this agreement will promote the further cooperation between the two companies,” says Mr Zou Xiubin, Director, Jiujiang Precision Measuring Technology Research Institute. The agreement has a 6 year initial term. The two companies will support each other in delivering the BWMS technology to a broader customer base, and in providing long term global service support and sales of spare parts for the companies’ combined customer base.

The Wärtsilä Aquarius EC Ballast Water Management System

The Wärtsilä Aquarius EC BWMS provides robust technology for the treatment of ballast water using a simple two stage process involving filtration and electro-chlorination (EC). It is effective in all operating and environmental conditions. The system is easy to integrate and maintain, and is type approved according to the IMO Convention and has an Alternative Management System (AMS) acceptance certificate from the United States Coastguard (USCG). Caption: The new manufacturing license agreement for Ballast Water Management Systems was signed by Dr Joe Thomas, Director, Ballast Water Mana

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OceanSaver will lend its BWT expertise to assist owners, asserting their ballast water treatment needs By Kashif Javaid, Sales Manager, OceanSaver As the first electrochlorination ballast water treatment system to obtain final USCG type approval certificate in December 2016, OceanSaver is able to offer peace of mind to ship owners by providing a BWTS in full compliance with both US Coast Guard and IMO standards. Oceansaver MKII BWTS is a side stream system with screen type 40 Îźm filters, utilizing a patented Electrodialysis process with cell membrane with low oxidant and safest DNV-GL approvad H2 management. The USCG testing has been carried out with OceanSaver existing MKII system (IMO type approved in 2011) without significant modifications, proving the efficiency and reliability of the design. Overall the MKII system has been through more than 60 tests over the past years as part of development of the system, class certification, IMO- and USCG approval processes. OceanSaver has obtained USCG type approval with no restriction regarding holding time, temperature, flow-rate and water quality. The operation of the system will not affect and interrupt the vessel trade or cargo operation. Power consumption still remains the same as the IMO type approved system. As part of R & D, the USCG type approved system has further introduced new feature in order to eliminate any potential risks for operators. Homogenous mixing of oxidant and neutralization, compact layout of injection and sampling points to reduce installation cost and increased robustness are few of the new features. The benefits of OceanSaver membrane cell electrodialytic technology continuous to provide unique benefits in terms of safety, low TRO level, self-adjusted oxidant generation, and compliance. In addition, lowest operational cost and consumables are, amongst others, the key benefits of the system.

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The operational flexibility of MKII BWT system ensures uninterrupted ballast/ deballast operations. Provisions of gravity de-ballasting, intermediate stop function, sea-to-sea ballasting, filter recovery function, in-built redundancy in system, optimized power consumption and automatic control of processes are some of the added-value functions that are intended for operational flexibilities to ship crew. With IMO convention ratification as well as USCG strict policy on further extensions, there is an increased demand in enquiries for BWTS retrofitting. OceanSaver is prepared to assist owners with turn-key solution including interface equipment, design & engineering package, class approval package as well as financing of retrofit projects through Norwegian Government financing institutions at attractive interest rate options. At the same time it is also recommended that owners initiate retrofitting projects 8-10 months prior of expected DD ensuring smooth project handling. OceanSaver is determined to provide quality services to Greek market through our local partners. We are proud to announce delivery of first USCG type approved systems to esteemed Greek owners during summer 2017.

USCG TYPE APPROVED The OceanSaver Ballast Water Treatment System

H2 exhaust fan

C2E Disinfectant unit with heater and DNV approved H2 management.

C2E feed water filter

TRO sensor C2E feed water Disinfectant from C2E

Ballast water main filter

TRO neutralization unit

• Design and engineering for retrofits (incl. 3D scanning, class approval, riding crew etc.) can be offered.

Treatment Spool Unit

• Financing possibility of up to 85%. • 40 um screen filtration and side stream electrodialysis with patented membrane cell. • Low TRO level - short half life. • Self adjusted dosage - optimization of power consumption - low opex cost.


Do you need to control your Ballast Pumps Speed for BWTS? You can, with ABB’s Variable Frequency Drives! The ACS880-37 is part of ABB’s all-compatible drives portfolio. This drive is ideal for handling low harmonic requirements in demanding industrial applications. The innovation behind allcompatibility is ABB’s common drives architecture, designed to simplify operation, optimize energy efficiency and maximize output.

Simplifying your world without limiting your possibilities

Our cabinet-built ACS880-37 low harmonic single drives are used in industries such as oil and gas, chemical, mining, water and wastewater, cement and metals. The drive is compatible with a wide range of applications including pumps and fans, extruders, conveyors and compressors. The drives produce exceptionally low harmonic content in the drive input. This is achieved without external filters or multi-pulse transformers. At the heart of the drive is direct torque control (DTC), ABB’s premier motor control technology. The extensive range of selectable features include built-in EMC filters, du/dt filters and sine filters. Other options include encoders, resolvers, a remote monitoring tool as well as applicationspecific software. Integrated safety features reduce the need for external safety components. Application programming capability based on IEC 61131-3 is embedded inside the drive for making the application run more efficiently, without a separate programmable controller. Multiple drives can be daisy chained or synchronized drive-to-drive communication.

Learn it once, use it everywhere

The ACS880-37 is part of ABB’s all-compatible drives portfolio. This drive is ideal for handling low harmonic requirements in demanding industrial applications.

48 NAFS MARCH 2017

The common drives architecture features the same control panel, parameter menu structure, universal accessories and engineering tools. The new control panel is equipped with an intuitive and high-resolution control display that enables easy navigation. Many flexible data visualizations including bar charts, histograms and trend graphs help users to analyze processes. The menus and messages are customizable for the specific terminology of different applications. An integrated USB port allows easy connection to the Drive omposer PC tool, which offers fast and harmonized startup, commissioning and monitoring. The built-in energy calculators, including used and saved kWh, CO2 reduction and money saved, help the user fine-tune processes to ensure optimal energy use. The energy optimizer control mode ensures the maximum torque per ampere, reducing energy drawn from the supply. The drive also offers built-in service features.

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Hai Cheung to build Evoqua Seacure® system under licence Evoqua Water Technologies’ SeaCure® ballast water management system (BWMS) continues to build momentum in the marine market. Today, the company expanded its global partnership network by joining forces with Hai Cheung, a leading marine equipment supplier to the Chinese market. Hai Cheung will initially support Chinese shipyards with the supply and service of Evoqua’s SeaCURE BWMS. In a second phase of the agreement, the Hong Kong-based engineering company will then produce the SeaCURE system under licence to facilitate demand from Chinese yards.Following the ratification of the IMO Convention, the demand for a complete ballast water treatment solution, including design, installation and aftermarket support will grow. An expansive international network of organizations, sharing knowledge and expertise, is the best way to meet this market demand. Gus Hou, Hai Cheung’s manager for the marine equipment business, said: “We are delighted to have formed this relationship with Evoqua. By combining the knowledge of our two organizations we will provide a robust and bespoke service to all our customers in the area. “Over the next three years, we want to grow the business in China and become the first choice for electrochlorination equipment in this market.” Lars Nupnau, Evoqua’s Director for Global Business Development, added: “By expanding our partnership network to China we have ensured that shipowners across the globe can enjoy consistent levels of expertise and support under the Evoqua name.” Evoqua’s SeaCURE system is an electrochlorination Ballast Water Management solution that has been developed to meet the IMO and USCG regulations, in all three salinities. The system is based around three main pillars of filtration, electrochlorination and proprietary ORP-control logic. Utilising the trusted Chloropac® electrolyser, the system produces hypochlorite through the electrochlorination process to provide effective ballast water management. The in situ generation from natural seawater avoids purchasing and handling of bulk chemicals, thereby reducing operating costs and removing safety risks.

50 NAFS MARCH 2017

Since 1975, the Onassis Foundation, continuing the tradition of its founder Aristotle Onassis in shipping, through Olympic Shipping and Management manages a fleet of 29 vessels manned mainly by Greek officers with the purpose of continuously implementing public benefit projects which promote the Hellenic Civilisation.

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Damen InvaSave external ballast water treatment system receives IMO type approval

An external ballast water treatment unit designed primarily for use in ports and harbours, the Damen InvaSave treats ballast water to the IMO D-2 standard, for ballast water received from inbound ships. It can also deliver water treated to the same standard to outbound vessels. Its mobile, containerised format means that it can be operated from the dockside or from onboard a vessel alongside, receiving or delivering water to a ship. The InvaSave has been developed with the knowledge that, after the 8th of September this year, unmanaged ballast water cannot be discharged. Any vessel that cannot take in or discharge its ballast water after that date will be restricted in its operations and there may be financial implications due to demurrage costs. The Damen InvaSave is, therefore, a valuable asset to all ports seeking to minimise vessel delays caused by the need to treat unmanaged ballast water, allowing them to offer a robust, IMO-certified contingency service. Damen has dedicated years of research on the development of the InvaSave, including collaboration with some of the leading research institutes in the Netherlands – Groningen Seaports, Wagenborg, MariFlex and Waddenfonds. Marcel Karsijns, Managing Director of Damen Green Solutions, said: “InvaSave solves the ballast water challenge in ports. We are very proud to receive IMO type approval – it proves the capabilities of this product, something that we have believed in for a long time now. We are looking forward to providing this solution to the market.” Philip Rabe, responsible for InvaSave sales at Damen, says: “The

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InvaSave is a unique product – this is a truly innovative solution developed with the needs of the future in mind. Its application goes well beyond the relevance it has for ports too. In many cases, it offers vessel owners a viable and cost-effective alternative to retrofit. And, in the event of failure in an on board system, it ensures that owners have a means by which to access water treatment quickly, equalling no downtime.”

One step, discharge only treatment

InvaSave is fast and effective. It produces no filter backwash and requires no holding time to achieve biological efficacy. Land-based tests were conducted as if the InvaSave was a regular in-line treatment system and, in addition, the water was tested directly after treatment to verify that the system achieves D-2 compliance in its capacity as an external treatment unit. The InvaSave has demonstrated that it can treat ‘raw’ ballast water from ships without any pre-treatment or settling time in the ballast tank. The latter was a requirement of the authorities prior to approval as an IMO-certified contingency measure in a port. Damen InvaSave is a single-pass system and uses mechanical filtration and ultraviolet radiation to remove and eradicate invasive organisms, and has been tested in fresh, brackish and marine water, including coastal water with a high sediment load. The system is designed to be able to treat water with a low turbidity and a UV Transmission of down to 20%. The system has shown consistently that it can outperform the IMO D-2 standard for organisms.

WELCOME HOME! DNV GL has expanded its responsibilities in Greece to support local customers even better by having Greece as its third home market. We have improved response times and strengthened our capabilities in Greece, with a focus on providing services, decision making and supporting Greek companies directly from our Piraeus office. Our customers will be able to conduct their business directly with the local team in Piraeus – and around the world through the


DNV GL global network of Greek-speaking surveyors in all major shipping hubs, such as the US, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UAE, Singapore, China and Korea. At home in Greece, at home around the world with DNV GL. T: +30 210 41 00 200 E: I:


Wärtsilä Ballast Water Management System again chosen for new container vessels

Four new 3300 TEU container vessels being built for the French shipping group, CMA CGM, will feature Wärtsilä Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS). This is the third series of vessels for which the same owner has selected the Wärtsilä BWMS solution, making a total of ten ships in all. These latest vessels are being built at the Cosco Zhoushan shipyard in China, and the contract with Wärtsilä was signed in the fourth quarter of 2016. The BWMS system chosen for these vessels is a 500m3 per hour capacity Wärtsilä Aquarius UV system. This uses a simple two-stage process involving filtration and ultra-violet (UV) irradiation. Delivery of the equipment to the yard is scheduled to begin in July of this year. “We have enjoyed a long and successful relationship with this major global operator and are pleased and proud to have again been selected as their BWMS provider. The Wärtsilä solution is extremely efficient and

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very well proven. Furthermore, we are the only company able to offer customers maintenance contract support for a BWMS installation,” says Joe Thomas, Director, Ballast Water Management Systems, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions. Ballast water may be taken onboard by ships for stability and can contain thousands of aquatic or marine microbes, plants and animals, which are then carried to other parts of the world. Untreated ballast water released at the ship’s destination can potentially introduce a new invasive species with devastating consequences for the local ecosystem. The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments was adopted to introduce global regulations to control the transfer of potentially invasive species. It requires ballast water to be treated before being released into a new location. The BWM Convention will enter into force on 8 September 2017.


INTRA MARE announces representation of BLUE OCEAN SOLUTIONS On subject of Emulsified Fuel Technology (Water in Fuel) scoping to improve engine combustion & save fuel. BLUE OCEAN SOLUTIONS Profile:

• Pioneer: Their research work goes back to 1980’s University of New Castle Upon Tyne. Being the first one to ever install emulsified fuel system in marine applications. • Leader: Beyond proof of concept having system tested and results verified by ship owners, classification societies (DNV-GL, Lloyd’s Register) and engine manufacturer (Wartsila). • References: Ships with installed systems have been saving fuel with since 2011 already. • Patented Technology: Only company in the market in emulsified fuel with own-developed and patented technology.

The proven benefits of Emulsified Fuel System (EFS):

Main features of the BOS Emulsified Fuel System:

• Fuel savings 2-5% • Fully automated and trouble free system • Reduced NOx emissions (meeting TIER II) • Modular system - > fast and simple installation –> benefit is smaller SCR • No use of any chemical additives • Less PM emission, cleaner exhaust • Can be used on MGO and HFO • Cleaner engine --> better maintenance of the engine BlueOcean June 2016_1/2 27/05/2016 14:51 Page 1

The key differentiating factors of BOS Emulsifier: • No moving parts • Produces the optimum emulsion for best fuel savings reliably and consistently • No wear and tear • Zero maintenance

Less Particulate Matter PM


Less NOx meeting TIER II

- fuelling cleaner shipping 2-5% fuel savings

Cleaner engine

BOS Emulsified Fuel System (EFS) Beyond proof of concept

Find out who are already saving fuel with BOS EFS, go to


INTRA MARE announces representation of Light Structures for Greece & Cyprus

Light Structures AS is a Norwegian maker of Hull Stress Monitoring Solutions (HSM) offering a complete suite of hull and structure condition monitoring systems with decision support functions.

Range includes;

• SENSFIB Hull Stress Monitoring system (HSM) • SENSFIB Ice Load Monitoring system (ILM) • SENSFIB Sloshing Monitoring system (SMS) • SENSFIB Integrated Marine Monitoring system (IMMS) • Active Fatigue Management services (AFM) Founded in 2001, Light Structures is the world leading supplier of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) technology of hull and structure monitoring systems. Main office is located in Oslo, Norway and product sales & technical support is provided through a dedicated network of partners and agents worldwide.

Ships that will benefit from HSM include: • Tankers, Crude carriers and LNG carriers • Bulk carriers • FPSOs • Container carriers • High speed ferries and cruise ships • Naval & Coast Guard vessels

Benefits of FBG technology for HSM:

SAFETY - Fiber optic Hull Stress Monitoring systems can be configured with absolutely no electrical components in hazardous areas. The low optical power means the system is intrinsically safe, even without engaging Zener barriers. RELIABILITY - Fiber optic solutions are immune to electromagnetic disturbance, which provides a stable, high-quality signal. With maker’s well-tested installation technique, the short-gauge sensors perform flaw-

56 NAFS MARCH 2017

lessly without service, year after year. The system reliability has been optimized by the use of the Linux operating system, which is becoming the software of choice among computer professionals. All these factors contribute to systems high reliability and redundancy. ACCURACY - Measurements are made using the wavelength of light, which enables high precision monitoring of stress. The precision is maintained all the way to the data logging, as the fiber optic signal is not affected by electromagnetic interference from adjacent signal or power cables. The accuracy is maintained over time by the use of an online reference in the signal receiver. COST EFFICIENCY - There is a small cost premium compared to alternative systems at the new building stage, but this is countered through a significantly reduced maintenance cost, which overall gives a lower system life-cycle cost compared to conventional systems. On LNGCs, there are even savings already during installation, as no welding is required for sensor mounting and the sensors do not require bulky casings. FLEXIBILITY - Sensors can be mounted on deck, on girders, submerged in ballast tanks or in void spaces. Systems can be configured in basic systems with only four strain sensors, or expanded to include fatigue monitoring sensors in the waterline, sensors in the bow for ice monitoring or local sensors for sloshing monitoring on tank walls. Light Structures systems are fully certified by all major classifications societies. We look forward to receiving your inquiries for Hull Stress Monitoring solutions, as per our maker Light Structures.

We support innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions For more information, please contact: Bureau Veritas Hellas A.E. 23, Etolikou Str. - 185 45 PIRAEUS Tel: +30 (210) 40 63 000 Email:

Move Forward with Confidence


America’s Tropical Shipping Orders Complete MAN Diesel & Turbo Packages Tropical Shipping, the largest provider of reliable logistics solutions to the Bahamas and Caribbean, has ordered a series of MAN propulsion packages in China to complement an expansion of its vessel fleet. The company has ordered 4 × 1,100-teu container vessels, each equipped with an MAN B&W 6S60ME-C8.5 main engine, complete with TCA66-21 turbocharger and an SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) module to achieve Tier III compliance. The propulsion package also features 3 × MAN 6L23/30 Holeby GenSets with MAN TCR14 turbochargers, as well as the latest generation of CP propellers, the VBS1550-5 Mk5, which is a five-bladed design combined with the MAN Alpha rudder-bulb concept. Tropical Shipping has also ordered 2 × 300-teu container vessels, each powered by 1 × MAN 27/38 engines, with TCR turbochargers. The new vessels are due to enter service from June 2018 on. Bjarne Foldager, Vice President – Promotion & Sales, Two-Stroke Business –MAN Diesel & Turbo, said: “The marine market is currently very challenging but, in winning orders like this, we see some green shoots of recovery. Tropical Shipping has chosen to expand its fleet with proven technology from our portfolio and I am confident they will be served well by it.” The ME-C engine MAN Diesel & Turbo initially introduced electronic, fuel injection control on its large bore, ME-C engines, which are a more compact form of their ME-B counterparts. The ME-C range’s electronic controls are characterised by: • fully integrated electronic control • low SFOC • superior performance parameters • appropriate fuel injection pressure and rate shaping at any load • improved emission characteristics • smokeless operation at any load • lower NOx on command. These advantages are gained by the use of variable, electronically-controlled timing of fuel injection and exhaust valves during operation. Additionally, all software and hardware are upgradable for the lifetime of the engine. The MAN 23/30 GenSet The 23/30 engine is one of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s most successful workhorses, and has a half-century history of operational stability with over 12,000 sales to date. The engine is popular with shipowners for its reliability and ‘forgiving’ service demands. Applications for the engine include tankers, bulk carriers and product tankers as auxiliary engines. The engine is mostly HFO-driven with gas and marine oil also used in special environmental areas. The 23/30 engine is optimised for part-load operation, typically at 40-65%, and features an mep that is < 20 bar. As a result, the engine experiences reduced operative stress – compared to its competitors – meaning a decreased demand for spare parts and significantly reduced running costs over its lifetime. Photo: The MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9 ultra-long-stroke engine, a close relation to the 6S60ME-C prime mover ordered by Tropical Shipping for its 1,100-teu newbuildings.

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Υπογραφή Μνημονίου Συνεργασίας μεταξύ ΓΕΝ και TURBOMED Η εταιρεία TURBOMED ανακοινώνει την ανανέωση της ισχύος του μνημονίου συνεργασίας μεταξύ του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού και της εταιρείας TURBOMED για το έτος 2017, ως απόρροια της ιδιαίτερα επιτυχημένης συνεργασίας των ανωτέρω συμβαλλόμενων κατά το προηγούμενο έτος. Το μνημόνιο συνεργασίας υπεγράφη στο ΓΕΝ, τον Ιανουάριο 2017 και αφορά τη δωρεάν συντήρηση και επισκευή από την εταιρεία TURBOMED των στροβιλοϋπερπληρωτών (turbochargers) των ναυτικών μηχανών ντήζελ όλων των πλοίων του ελληνικού Πολεμικού Ναυτικού καθώς και την μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας σε προσωπικό του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού, με τη μορφή πρακτικής εξάσκησης κατά την διάρκεια υλοποίησης των τεχνικών εργασιών. Σε μια εποχή που η δημοσιονομική συγκυρία είναι αρκετά δυσμενής, η προσφορά της εταιρείας TURBOMED εκφράζει έμπρακτα την ανιδιοτελή υποστήριξή της προς το Πολεμικό Ναυτικό και την ιερή αποστολή του να εξυπηρετεί τους εθνικούς μας σκοπούς.


Pronomar Delivers Drying Systems to Bernhard Schulte Pronomar happily announces the provision of drying systems to Bernard Schulte Ship Management, for their two new Service Operations Vessels (SOV’s), working in the 600 megawatt Gemini wind farm in the Dutch part of the North Sea. Bernhard Schulte Ship Management GmbH & Co, based in Hamburg, is a multinational company which is widely recognized as leader in ship management services. According to Bernhard Schulte, the SOV’s will function as “a reliable and environmentally sound platform for wind farm operations and maintenance support, technician accommodation and transport, and the provision of exceptional levels of safe and reliable access to installations offshore”. Two of the main focuses of the company are safety and reliability, which make the products of Pronomar a perfect fit. The high-quality drying systems provide fast and gentle drying of clothing and boots and help create a better, healthier and more comfortable work environment for the technicians on-board, making them indispensable for this project. The vessels have accommodation for 60 persons in single cabins, of which 40 cabins are dedicated to technicians.

Socio-economic impact of the EU shipping industry remains solid The EU shipping industry directly employed 640,000 people and supported a € 57 billion contribution to GDP in 2015. Adding supply chain and worker spending multiplier impacts, the shipping industry’s total employment contribution rises to 2.1 million people and its total GDP contribution is estimated to have been € 140 billion in 2015. These are the key findings of the latest update on the economic value of the EU shipping industry which ECSA commissioned from Oxford Economics. The report further indicates that, at € 89,000 per worker in 2015, productivity in the EU shipping industry remains above the EU average, as well as that of sectors such as manufacturing and healthcare. ECSA publishes the new figures at the start of European Shipping Week, a week-long series of shipping events meant

to raise the profile of the sector with EU policy-makers. “The latest Oxford Economics figures underline that shipping remains a solid contributor to the European agenda of jobs and growth”, said ECSA Secretary General Patrick Verhoeven, “Compared to 2013 figures, we see a modest increase in both employment and value-added figures.” The Oxford Economics report finds that around four-fifths of direct employment occurs at sea. Officers account for an estimated 42% of positions at sea, and ratings 58%. 40% of the 516,000 seafarers employed in the EU shipping industry are estimated to be EU/EEA nationals. “Although it is an estimated figure, the percentage of EU/EEA seafarers appears to remain fairly stable”, commented Patrick Verhoeven, “This is a positive sign, given the challenging market circumstances most European shipping companies still operate in.”

Capital Link’s 1st Cyprus Shipping Forum Draws 400+ Delegates The inaugural “Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum” took place in Limassol on Thursday, February 9, 2017, at the Columbia Plaza. Capital Link intends to organize this event in Cyprus on an annual basis. The Forum was organized under the Auspices of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works. The Cyprus Union of Shipowners and Deloitte were the Lead Sponsors. Hellenic Bank sponsored the Speakers Dinner. The event had the support of the Department of Merchant Shipping, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and many other industry associations. The event was a huge success drawing 400+ delegates from abroad and from the vibrant Cyprus shipping community. Indicative of the interest that the event generated among the delegates is the comment of Captain Panagiotis Tsakos who stated that he “had never before seen a Conference where there are no empty seats after lunch and where the delegates stay during the

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entire event”. George Tsavliris, the Conference Chairman, echoed the same remarks in his Closing Statement. The Forum aimed to raise awareness of the role of Cyprus as a regional maritime, logistics and energy hub. Cyprus has been known as a shipmanagement hub with 5% of the global fleet managed out of Cyprus. An increasing number of owners and ship management firms have been setting up operations in Cyprus. The Forum took place at the Columbia Plaza owned by Mr. Heinrich Shoeller, who attended the event and who is among the pioneers who established a presence in Cyprus since 1978. The Forum started in the evening of Tuesday, February 8, 2017 with a formal dinner for the event speakers, sponsors and other dignitaries. Hellenic Bank sponsored the dinner. Read more at


AIDA Cruises: start of construction of the first LNG cruise ship in the world On February 21, 2017, a new age dawned for the cruise shipping sector at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg. AIDA President Felix Eichhorn and Meyer Werft Director Bernard Meyer performed the symbolic first steel cutting for the world’s first cruise ship that can be run completely on liquid natural gas (LNG). The Rostock-based cruise company had announced the continuation of the longstanding strategic partnership with the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg in the summer of 2015 and issued the order for two new vessels of the next AIDA generation. The vessels, with a size in excess of 180,000 GT (gross tonnage) and around 2,500 cabins each will strengthen the AIDA fleet in the fall of 2018 and spring 2021 respectively. With the “Green Cruising” concept, AIDA Cruises will be the first cruise shipping company in the world with the capability to operate its new generation of ships using 100% LNG. “With the start of construction of the first LNG cruise ship in the world, we are not only setting standards for the future in terms of eco-friendliness. Thanks to the further development of the innovative ship design and a large number of successful product innovations of the existing AIDA fleet, we will be opening up totally new worlds of experience to our guests on board our ships in the future. An extraordinary variety of individual vacation possibilities, innovative entertainment and cuisine concepts, inspired by the

modern lifestyle of international hotspots – these are just some of the themes with which we are creating new impetus in Germany’s vacation market”, said Felix Eichhorn on the occasion of the first steel cutting in Papenburg. “We are very proud to be driving forward this quantum leap in the area of environmental protection together with AIDA Cruises. The successful development of this new and sophisticated ship class for AIDA Cruises shows what a good team spirit, the consistent pursuit of a common goal and committed people can bring about”, added Bernard Meyer. The new generation of ships combines innovative design with state-of-the-art technology for even more comfort on board. The successfully launched features, such as the Brewerie, Theatrium, Beach Club and the Four Elements, have been developed further for the new vessel generation. A new cabin concept will provide AIDA guests with even more room for individuality and personal service in the future, from the Penthouse Suite to the extra-large cabin for families as well as the single cabin. Culinary trends from all over the world served in 15 restaurants and 23 bars will inspire guests to sample something new onboard. The first 7-day cruises on the 13th member of the AIDA fleet will take guests to the Canaries from December 2018. AIDA Cruises will announce further details of the new generation of ships over the coming months.

Θ. Κόντες: Χρειαζόμαστε υποδομές για την παγκόσμια κρουαζιέρα που αναπτύσσεται με 7% ετησίως

Πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Κρουαζιερόπλοιο CELESTYAL NEFELI, στον λιμένα Πειραιά, η Ετήσια Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση της Ενώσεως Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιεροπλοίων και Φορέων Ναυτιλίας, όπου: 1. Ενημερώθηκαν τα μέλη επί των πεπραγμένων του έτους 2016. 2. Παρουσιάστηκε η έκθεση της εξελεγκτικής επιτροπής για την οικονομική διαχείριση 2016. 3. Εγκρίθηκε ο προϋπολογισμός έτους 2017, και 4. Εξελέγη τριμελής εξελεγκτική επιτροπή για τον έλεγχο διαχειρίσεως 2017. Στη συνέχεια έλαβε χώρα η κοπή της βασιλόπιτας και ακολούθησε τελετή βραβεύσεων σε πρόσωπα που προσφέρουν ιδιαίτερες υπηρεσίες στον θαλάσσιο τουρισμό και την κρουαζιέρα. Παρέστησαν: • Η Πολιτική και Στρατιωτική Ηγεσία Υπουργείων, • Βουλευτές του Εθνικού Κοινοβουλίου, • Η Ηγεσία της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης περιοχών που τυγχάνουν προορισμοί της κρουαζιέρας, • Εκπρόσωποι από τον διπλωματικό χώρο, • Παράγοντες της ναυτιλίας και άλλων παραγωγικών κλάδων που συνδέονται με την τουριστική ναυτιλία. Στην ομιλία του ο πρόεδρος της Ενώσεως κ. Θεόδωρος Κόντες, μεταξύ των άλλων ανέφερε:

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Η σημερινή πανηγυρική μας εκδήλωση, που γίνεται με την ευκαιρία της Γενικής Συνελεύσεως, είναι η έκτη από την ίδρυση του Σωματείου μας. Είναι γνωστό ότι ο κλάδος της κρουαζιέρας έχει μεγάλη ιστορία και ο Φορέας που την εκπροσωπούσε και πρωτοϊδρύθηκε το 1921 και που βρίσκεται σήμερα με νέα μορφή και Διοίκηση, είναι αποφασισμένος να συνεχίσει στα αχνάρια της Ενώσεως Εφοπλιστών Επιβατηγών Πλοίων και να απελευθερώσει όλες τις ενέργειες και την δύναμη που του δίνουν τα μέλη του, από τον ευρύτερο πλέον χώρο, προκειμένου να μπορέσει να αναπτύξει τον κλάδο και να τον φτάσει ει δυνατόν, στα αξιοζήλευτα επίπεδα του παρελθόντος. Όπως είναι γνωστό σε όλους μας, οι εποχές αλλάζουν και οι πολιτικές προσαρμόζονται σε εκείνα τα οποία επιβάλλουν οι καιροί και οι τρόποι λειτουργίας των επιχειρήσεων και των πλοίων. Δείτε για παράδειγμα την ανάπτυξη της κρουαζιέρας, όπως εξελίχτηκε από τον παράγοντα διαστάσεων πλοίων, από πλευράς μεγέθους και μεταφορικής ικανότητας. Όταν βρίσκεται κανείς στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά και όχι μόνο, ιδίως κατά την περίοδο του θέρους, καμαρώνει αυτά τα πλοία που είναι πλωτές πολιτείες και διαθέτουν όχι μόνο πολυτέλεια και άνεση, αλλά και κανόνες ασφαλείας που οι Διεθνείς και Κοινοτικοί Κανονισμοί συνεχώς επιβάλλουν. Διαβάστε περισσότερο στο

nafs March 2014



Το Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum 2017 διερευνά προοπτικές ανάπτυξης

Η παγκόσμια βιομηχανία της κρουαζιέρας συνεχίζει και το 2017 να παρουσιάζει δυναμική αναπτυξιακή πορεία, ωστόσο οι τρέχουσες γεωπολιτικές εντάσεις έχουν επηρεάσει αρνητικά την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο ως προορισμό θαλάσσιου τουρισμού. Σε μια προσπάθεια αντιστροφής της τάσης αυτής, κορυφαία στελέχη του εξειδικευμένου αυτού κλάδου θα συναντηθούν φέτος την άνοιξη στην Αθήνα στο Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum, προκειμένου η περιοχή μας να μπορέσει να επωφεληθεί από την συνεχιζόμενη άνθηση της βιομηχανίας κρουαζιέρας. Η σημερινή πτώση της ζήτησης για κρουαζιέρες στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο βρίσκεται σε πλήρη αντίθεση με τις θετικές παγκόσμιες προβλέψεις της Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), που υπολογίζει 25,3 εκατ. επιβάτες κρουαζιέρας για το 2017, μία αύξηση 4,5% σε σχέση με το προηγούμενο έτος. Την ίδια ώρα, η παγκόσμια χωρητικότητα αναμένεται να αυξηθεί με την προσθήκη 26 νέων κρουαζιερόπλοιων κάθε κατηγορίας, όπως ποντοπόρων, περιήγησης ποταμών και τουρισμού ειδικών ενδιαφερόντων. Μακροπρόθεσμα, μάλιστα, εκτιμάται ότι η βιομηχανία θα ενισχυθεί περαιτέρω με 97 νέα πλοία σε διάστημα μικρότερο των δέκα ετών, που θα αντιστοιχούν σε επένδυση ύψους περίπου 53 δισ. δολαρίων. Οι Εκθέσεις Ποσειδώνια, διοργανωτές του διήμερου Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum, πιστεύουν ότι τα προσεκτικά επιλεγμένα θέματα που θα συζητηθούν κατά τη διάρκεια του συνεδρίου μπορούν να οδηγήσουν σε λύσεις που θα διευκολύνουν

64 NAFS MARCH 2017

την ανάκαμψη της περιοχής, προς όφελος τόσο των εταιρειών κρουαζιέρας όσο και των τοπικών οικονομιών. «Τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη των αλληλοεξαρτώμενων προορισμών σε Ανατολική Μεσόγειο και Μαύρη Θάλασσα πρέπει να συνεργαστούν προκειμένου να αξιοποιήσουν τη συνολική δυναμική που έχει να προσφέρει η περιοχή», δήλωσε ο Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής των Ποσειδωνίων, κ. Θεόδωρος Βώκος. «Για να πείσουμε τις εταιρείες κρουαζιέρας να επενδύσουν περισσότερο στην περιοχή και να προσθέσουν νέα δρομολόγια, πρέπει να αναπτύξουμε ένα μακροπρόθεσμο όραμα που να βασίζεται σε αμοιβαία επωφελείς στρατηγικές. Στρατηγικές σχεδιασμένες με σκοπό να δημιουργηθεί ένα συνεκτικό, συνεπές και ελκυστικό προϊόν, που θα τονώσει τη ζήτηση για την περιοχή και θα προσθέσει στον χάρτη της κρουαζιέρας νέους προορισμούς και νέα λιμάνια με δυνατότητες περιφερειακού homeporting», συμπλήρωσε ο ίδιος. Αυτά ακριβώς τα θέματα θα συζητήσουν οι εκπρόσωποι των κορυφαίων εταιρειών κρουαζιέρας στο διεθνές συνέδριο και έκθεση που διοργανώνεται κάθε δύο χρόνια και που φέτος θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 23-24 Μαΐου στο Μέγαρο Διεθνές Συνεδριακό Κέντρο Αθηνών. Εξειδικευμένοι ομιλητές και ενδιαφερόμενοι φορείς από όλη την περιοχή θα αναλύσουν τις προκλήσεις και θα αναζητήσουν στρατηγικές και λύσεις. Στην εύρεση τέτοιων λύσεων θα εστιάσει και το προγραμματισμένο workshop για την κατανομή των θέσεων ελλιμενισμού (Berth

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Allocation), που είναι ένα αίτημα υψηλής προτεραιότητας για την CLIA. Πρόκειται για ένα workshop που πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να παρακολουθήσουν εκπρόσωποι λιμενικών αρχών, καθώς θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να μάθουν πώς να σχεδιάσουν ένα βέλτιστο και ρεαλιστικό σύστημα που να είναι εφαρμόσιμο στις κατά περίπτωση πραγματικές συνθήκες, βελτιώνοντας την αποτελεσματικότητα, την αποδοτικότητα και το εμπορικό προφίλ των λιμανιών τους. Σημαντικά θα είναι τα οφέλη από το Forum και για προορισμούς ή λιμάνια που δεν περιλαμβάνονται ακόμη στα δρομολόγια των μεγάλων εταιριών κρουαζιέρας, καθώς οι εκπρόσωποί τους θα έχουν τη ευκαιρία να συναντηθούν με στελέχη αρμόδια για το σχεδιασμό δρομολογίων και να επωφεληθούν από την τεράστια εμπειρία στη διαχείριση τόσο δημοφιλών όσο και αναδυόμενων προορισμών. Άλλωστε οι εταιρίες κρουαζιέρας βρίσκονται πάντα σε αναζήτηση νέων προορισμών, όπως αποδεικνύει και η πρόσφατη προσθήκη της Σάμου στα δρομολόγια της Celestyal Cruises. Η ολοκλήρωση δύο πολύ σημαντικών ιδιωτικοποιήσεων, η εξαγορά του ΟΛΠ από την COSCO και η εξαγορά 14 περιφερειακών αεροδρομίων από την Fraport, έχουν ενισχύσει τη στρατηγική σημασία της Ελλάδας ως προορισμού κρουαζιέρας και πύλης εισόδου της Κεντρικής και Ανατολικής Μεσογείου. Οι δύο αυτές εταιρείες έχουν δεσμευθεί να αναβαθμίσουν τις υποδομές και τις υπηρεσίες που παρέχουν, γεγονός που θα ωφελήσει καθοριστικά τις προοπτικές της κρουαζιέρας στην περιοχή. Επιπλέον, η δέσμευση της Fraport να αυξήσει τις αεροπορικές συνδέσεις με βασικές ευρωπαϊκές τουριστικές αγορές, σημαίνει ότι ορισμένα περιφερειακά λιμάνια θα αποκτήσουν προοπτική και για homeporting κρουαζιερόπλοιων. «Σε συνδυασμό με ένα παράλληλο πρόγραμμα αποκρατικοποιήσεων λιμένων και μαρίνων στρατηγικής σημασίας, που ήδη βρίσκεται σε προχωρημένο στάδιο σχεδιασμού, φαίνεται περισσότερο από βέβαιο ότι το συνολικό προϊόν θαλάσσιου τουρισμού της Ελλάδας στον τομέα κρουαζιέρας και yachting θα αποκομίσει σημαντικά μακροπρόθεσμα οφέλη, εφόσον ληφθούν τα σωστά μέτρα», επισημαίνει ο Θ. Βώκος. Φέτος, το Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum θα είναι μία ακόμα πιο διευρυμένη διοργάνωση, καθώς θα περιλαμβάνει ένα πλούσιο πρόγραμμα Εργαστηρίων και Σεμιναρίων. Καθώς οι πωλήσεις κρουαζιέρας ευνοούνται από την αναδυόμενη τοπική ζήτηση και προσφέρουν υψηλές προμήθειες, ένα ειδικό εργαστήρι για τη δημιουργία νέων αγορών σχεδιάστηκε ειδικά για ταξιδιωτικούς πράκτορες. Η CLIA Europe θα έχει ενεργή συμμετοχή σε αυτό, αλλά επίσης θα παρουσιάσει στο Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum και το πρόγραμμα μελών της CLIA, με στόχο να αυξήσει τα μέλη της στην Ελλάδα. Το πρόγραμμα αυτό προσφέρει πολλά οφέλη τόσο σε ταξιδιωτικούς πράκτορες, όσο και σε προμηθευτές εξοπλισμού και άλλους παρόχους υπηρεσιών που εμπλέκονται στην όλη δραστηριότητα της κρουαζιέρας. Η προβλεπόμενη αναζωογόνηση του ελληνικού θαλάσσιου τουρισμού έχει αναθερμάνει και το ενδιαφέρον της νέας γενιάς για τους τομείς της κρουαζιέρας, του yachting και της επιβατηγού ναυτιλίας. Το YES to Sea Tourism Forum θα εξετάσει τις δυνατότητες που παρέχονται σε αυτούς τους τομείς και τις δεξιότητες που απαιτούνται για να πετύχει κάποιος σε αυτούς. Αυτό θα επιτευχθεί μέσω ενός ανοικτού διαλόγου μεταξύ των συνέδρων του Forum με τα στελέχη της βιομηχανίας που θα

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συμμετέχουν στο πάνελ. «Το YES αποσκοπεί να λειτουργήσει ως ένας ανοικτός δίαυλος επικοινωνίας μεταξύ των νέων, πολλά υποσχόμενων στελεχών και των ιθυνόντων του κλάδου μας, συνδέοντας τους εργοδότες με υποψήφιους εργαζόμενους και δίνοντάς τους την ευκαιρία να γνωριστούν, να δικτυωθούν και να δημιουργήσουν σχέσεις που μπορεί να αποδειχθούν άκρως εποικοδομητικές», δήλωσε η ιδρύτρια του YES Forum, κα Δανάη Μπεζαντάκου. Βασικό χαρακτηριστικό του φετινού Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum θα είναι και πάλι o διευρυμένος εκθεσιακός χώρος. Η έκθεση αποτελεί την ιδανική πλατφόρμα μάρκετινγκ για λιμάνια και προορισμούς, προμηθευτές ναυτιλιακού εξοπλισμού, αεροδρόμια, παρόχους τουριστικών υπηρεσιών, μαρίνες, τεχνικές εταιρείες υποστήριξης, εκδότες κλαδικών μέσων ενημέρωσης, νέες τεχνολογίες, διαχειριστές και μεσίτες yachting, προκειμένου να προωθήσουν την επιχειρηματική τους πρόταση και να γνωρίσουν δυνητικούς συνεργάτες. Το 4ο Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum διοργανώνεται υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Τουρισμού και του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, και υποστηρίζεται από το Ναυτικό Επιμελητήριο της Ελλάδας, την Ένωση Μεσογειακών Λιμένων Κρουαζιέρας (MEDCRUISE), την Ένωση Λιμένων Ελλάδας (ΕΛΙΜΕ), την Ένωση Πλοιοκτητών Ελληνικών Σκαφών Τουρισμού, την Ένωση Μαρίνων Ελλάδας, το Σύνδεσμο Επιχειρήσεων Επιβατηγού Ναυτιλίας, την Ένωση Εφοπλιστών Κρουαζιερόπλοιων & Φορέων Ναυτιλίας και τον Σύνδεσμο των εν Ελλάδι Τουριστικών & Ταξιδιωτικών Γραφείων (HATTA). Αργυροί Χορηγοί είναι ο Οργανισμός Λιμένος Πειραιώς, η Air France – KLM – Delta και Χάλκινοι Χορηγοί είναι η Celestyal Cruises, το Ακτίνα Travel Group και το Ελληνικό Μουσείο Αυτοκινήτου.

Pronomar Delivers Drying Systems to Bernhard Schulte. Pronomar happily announces the provision of drying systems to Bernard Schulte Ship Management, for their two new Service Operations Vessels (SOV’s), working in the 600 megawatt Gemini wind farm in the Dutch part of the North Sea. Bernhard Schulte Ship Management GmbH & Co, based in Hamburg, is a multinational company which is widely recognized as leader in ship management services. According to Bernhard Schulte, the SOV’s will function as “a reliable and environmentally sound platform for wind farm operations and maintenance support, technician accommodation and transport, and the provision of exceptional levels of safe and reliable access to installations offshore”. Two of the main focuses of the company are safety and reliability, which make the products of Pronomar a perfect fit. The high-quality drying systems provide fast and gentle drying of clothing and boots and help create a better, healthier and more comfortable work environment for the technicians on-board, making them indispensable for this project. The vessels have accommodation for 60 persons in single cabins, of which 40 cabins are dedicated to technicians.

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Extends possible idle time up to 30 days Low friction results in fuel savings averaging 5% Suitable for all vessel types and operating speeds Particularly suited to slow steaming ships Can be applied at new build and dry dock Ensures predictable performance for up to 90 months.

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ABB’s OCTOPUS to enhance safety and efficiency for Greenland Heavylift vessels

ABB’s OCTOPUS marine software will improve the safety and efficiency of four new semi-submersible heavy lift vessels, using weather and loading data to plot the optimal route. The ships, owned by Greenland Heavylift Holdings, will transport gigantic cargoes such as oil rigs and jack-up rigs, with OCTOPUS providing a tailored route for each voyage that is updated with fresh weather data throughout the transportation. OCTOPUS is the maritime industry’s most comprehensive vessel

management software platform and ship owners can choose the modules most relevant to their operations. In this case, OCTOPUS will take into account the hydrodynamic properties of the vessel, loading parameters and the ship’s onboard weather forecasting to create a polar chart that maps the safest and most efficient voyage route. The information will allow ship’s officers to continuously update course or speed decisions during the passage. ABB will also install sensors to produce real-time roll and motion data covering both cargo and ship motions, which can be viewed from the bridge and ashore. This information is vital to enhance safety onboard and as a guide to the condition of cargoes delivered. Juha Koskela, Managing Director of ABB’s marine and ports business said, “OCTOPUS and the heavy lift industry go hand-in-glove. Our marine software has become a vital tool for both the officers onboard and the shore side support team.” Dagfinn Thorsen from Greenland Heavylift Holdings says, “The OCTOPUS system is considered to be the industry standard when it comes to prediction and measurement of vessel motions for semisubmersible heavy lift ships. For us it was a logical choice to select OCTOPUS technology for safe and efficient execution of heavy lift cargo projects.” The vessels are currently under construction at CSBC Corporation in Taiwan with the first expected to go into service in 2017.

PPG PMC Greece celebrates a successful 2016 with local customers Tom Molenda, Global Platform Director Marine and Meghan Roe, Manager Comm. Development Global Marine joined Tassos Kaklamanis, Market Manager PMC Greece to cut the traditional new year’s cake and hand over the prize to the lucky winner who found the coin in his piece of cake. Tassos Kaklamanis, Market Manager, PPG PMC Greece, said: “The main purpose of the event was to thank our Greek customers for their support throughout the year, celebrate the great success of PMC Greece Sales throughout 2016 and set the path for us to continue to work together throughout 2017.”

PPG PMC Greece celebrated the close of another great year of partnership with local customers with a celebration in Piraeus on 12 January. Attended by 40 shipping industry executives from 20 companies (including nine key accounts), the event brought together representatives from technical, purchasing, operational and fleet departments, along with General Managers and two shipowners.

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SCF Group celebrates the 50th anniversary of Novoship

Novorossiysk Shipping Company (Novoship), a subsidiary of SCF Group, hosted special events dedicated to the company’s 50th anniversary. The anniversary ceremony was attended by: Victor Olersky, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Head of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot); Alexey Kondratenko, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Evgeniy Moskvichev, Chairman of the State Duma Transport Committee; Alexey Klyavin, President of the Russian Chamber of Shipping; Yury Sukhorukov, President of the Seafarers’ Union of Russia, and Sergey Frank, President & CEO of PAO Sovcomflot. Novorossiysk Shipping Company was officially established on 20 January 1967. Very soon thereafter Novoship developed to become one of the nation’s leaders in terms of fleet size and cargo volumes transported. The creation of this specialised tanker company enabled Russia to strengthen its position in global shipping, preserving and expanding the nation’s tanker fleet, whilst building a strong marine infrastructure in the Black sea basin. At the core of Novoship’s success lies a unique professional approach developed in Novorossiysk. The scope of Novoship’s operations and its significance made Novorossiysk the true “Tanker Capital” of Russia. In 2007 Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, signed a decree to consolidate the state energy transportation assets, which saw

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Novoship become a part of newly established SCF Group. Nevertheless, Novoship remained a separate legal entity that continued to pay its taxes locally, to the Krasnodar regional budget. Today, Novoship is one of the key assets within SCF Group. SCF Management Services (Novorossiysk) established at its headquarters is responsible for the technical management of a major part of SCF Group’s conventional tanker fleet. It performs this role in full accordance with the strict requirements imposed by the world’s largest charterers, including the oil majors. From the moment of its establishment, Novoship has played a key role in the life of the city and the region it which it is based. The growth of the company provided a powerful impetus for the development of Novorossiysk, with new residential estates, hotels, kindergartens, and health care facilities built. It has also seen Novorossiysk’s higher engineering maritime college established, now renamed Admiral Ushakov Maritime University. The company is still a trusted employer that provides work opportunities for more than two thousand Russian seamen. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, sent Novoship a greeting telegram. He emphasised that today Novoship “is justly considered as one of the flagships of the Russian and world tanker fleet” and pointed out that the Novoship team is comprised of top-ranked specialists who venerate the company’s history and many years of tradition, while steadily adopting cutting-edge technologies. “I’m sure that you will always be solving actual issues and help further enhance the status of Russian business with due professionalism”, - notes the telegram.

PureBallast is pure confidence

Make the most secure choice in ballast water treatment There’s good reason why Alfa Laval PureBallast can be found on prominent vessels like Norwegian Breakaway. Energy efficient, PureBallast 3.1 offers superior performance in all waters: fresh, brackish and marine. It is also the ideal biological disinfection system for challenging conditions, which makes your life easy wherever you sail. Discover more advantages and see why others have made the choice at


DNV GL’s new Veracity industry platform unlocks the potential of big data DNV GL is launching a new industry data platform – “Veracity” – to help the maritime industry improve its profitability and explore new business models through digitalization. The Veracity industry data platform is designed to help companies improve data quality and manage the ownership, security, sharing and use of data. By creating frictionless connections between data owners and users, the platform will create new opportunities for improving ship performance and safety, while at the same time reducing operational costs. “As a classification society it is vital for us to always be exploring ways we can help our industry to leverage new technologies to improve the safety and productivity of their assets,” said Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO DNV GL – Maritime. “Today that means being out in front of digitalisation and the vast amount of data being produced and gathered on vessels by advanced sensor technology and interconnected systems. Our industry data platform Veracity will enable connections between multiple stakeholders and data sets, thereby creating new and innovative solutions. This will give us a platform where our customers can integrate their data, quality assure the data, secure it, and offer controlled access to DNV GL or other providers to run analytics on the data. Individual data sets can be enriched with other, industry wide data sets, providing benchmarks, new and richer insights and analytics.”

Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO DNV GL – Maritime

One area where the maritime industry can benefit from the Veracity data platform could be allowing DNV GL’s maritime customers to document compliance of main onboard machinery and systems through predictive analytics, removing the need for calendar based inspections. In one of DNV GL’s first pilot projects a drilling operator embarked on a project to explore predictive analytics with a components vendor and an analytics services company.

New DNV GL standard ensures reliable DP capability assessments

DNV GL presented its new standard for assessing the station keeping capability of DP (dynamic positioning) vessels at the European Dynamic Positioning Conference in London yesterday. The ability to assess and compare the position-keeping capability of a ship equipped with dynamic positioning technology is vital during the planning and design phases, and provides valuable operational decision support. The DNVGL-ST-0111 standard is the first to provide a unified approach to these assessments, ensuring verifiable results and increasing transparency in the market. “In the past few years many in the industry had been calling for a new standard that could account for advances in technology and provide reliable data to support owners, operators and other stakeholders in selecting, assessing and benchmarking vessels. This prompted us at DNV GL to take action. We worked very closely with just under 20 industry stakeholders from Norway, the Neth-

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erlands and the United Kingdom in developing DNVGL-ST-0111, resulting in a standard that truly represents industry-wide best practices”, said Aleks Karlsen, Senior Principal Specialist DP Systems Control Systems at DNV GL – Maritime, in his presentation at the European Dynamic Positioning Conference. “One of the greatest challenges in this field is to be able to compare the DP capability of different vessels. In order to do this, we have developed the Level 1 in the standard, which sets strict requirements for the calculation methodology, enabling consistent vessel comparisons. The other challenges in our industry are the needs for vessel- and operation-specific DP capability assessments and methods that are able to provide DP capability results in realistic dynamic conditions,” added Luca Pivano, Principal Specialist DP Simulations, Marine Cybernetics Advisory at DNV GL – Maritime

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Κοπή της πίττας του INSB Class Την εταιρική εκδήλωση κοπής της πρωτοχρονιάτικης πίτας του, πραγματοποίησε στο ξενοδοχείο METROPOLITAN, ο Νηογνώμονας INSB Class (Ελληνικός φορέας επιθεώρησης πλοίων), εορτάζοντας ταυτοχρόνως και τα 40 χρόνια λειτουργίας του. Σε ιδιαίτερα γιορτινή και χαρούμενη ατμόσφαιρα, την εκδήλωση τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους: - Εκπρόσωποι του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας η Ηγεσία του Λιμενικού Σώματος με επικεφαλής τον Αρχηγό Λ.Σ. Αντιναύαρχο Σταμάτη Ράπτη, διατελέσαντες Υπουργοί Ναυτιλίας, η Πρέσβης του Παναμά κα. Cristina Liakopulos de Papadikis και εκπρόσωποι Ξένων Νηολογίων. Επίσης, εκπρόσωποι Φορέων, Ενώσεων και Ναυτιλιακών Εταιριών, ο Πρόεδρος του Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου Πειραιά, κ. Γιώργος Σταματογιάννης, ο πρώην πρόεδρος της Ε.ΣΗ.Ε.Α, κ. Πάνος Σόμπολος και αρκετοί δημοσιογράφοι και εκλεκτοι συνεργάτες και φίλοι του Οργανισμού. Την πίτα ευλόγησε ο Πανοσιολογιότατος Αρχιμανδρίτης

Παρθένιος από τον Ιερό Ναό Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης, Μοσχάτου. Χαιρετιστήριες ομιλίες απηύθυναν: Η Εκπρόσωπος του Υπουργού Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, ο Τομεάρχης Ναυτιλίας της Νέας Δημοκρατίας, κ. Γιάννης Πλακιωτάκης, ο Υπεύθυνος Ναυτιλίας του Κινήματος Δημοκρατών Σοσιαλιστών, κ. Δημήτρης Διαμαντίδης καθώς και εκπρόσωποι Φορέων του Ναυτιλιακού κόσμου. Ο Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του Νηογνώμονα INSB Class, Παντελής Χηνάκης, στην ομιλία του, αναφέρθηκε σε μία σύντομη ιστορική αναδρομή για την εξέλικτική πορεία του Οργανισμού ενώ στη συνέχεια παρουσίασε τα βασικά αποτελέσματα επίδοσης του INSB Class για την χρονιά που πέρασε καθώς και τους μελλοντικούς στρατηγικούς στόχους του Οργανισμού. Η Διοίκηση και τα στελέχη του Οργανισμού, εκφράζουν τις θερμές τους ευχαριστίες προς τους εκπροσώπους των Μ.Μ.Ε. που ανταποκρίθηκαν στην πρόσκληση και κάλυψαν την εκδήλωση, αλλά όλους όσους τίμησαν την εκδήλωση με την παρουσία τους.

“My Jobs”- a new digital application for Bureau Veritas surveyors The latest digital development launched by Bureau Veritas supports in-service surveyors with a new ‘app’ for their class and statutory surveys. “My Jobs” is a mobile application developed by the Marine & Offshore division of Bureau Veritas to facilitate the survey process from end to end. BV’s ships in service surveyors are now able to access up to date information on mobile devices anytime and anywhere. Over 20% of BV surveyors are now using the “My Jobs” mobile “app” to carry out live reporting on the spot – and usage is growing. The core functionality of the app is a smart and digital checklist, as well as a range of other documents, including the request for survey. “My Jobs” benefits both BV surveyors and clients enabling significant time savings and improvements in reporting. Before and during a survey documents can be reviewed, defining the scope

of the survey and enabling live reporting. “My Jobs” reduces paper processing on-board by introducing digital documents validated by electronic signature on a mobile device. Philippe Donche-Gay, President, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore comments, “Digital is transforming our world and changing the way we work. We are evolving with our clients and innovating to support the safety and performance of their assets and operations. “My Jobs” will help us to deliver the highest levels of service to shipowners.” My Jobs was designed with the involvement of thirty BV surveyors around the world. Following a successful pilot phase, “My Jobs” first version is available world-wide. BV’s surveyors are welcoming its functionality as well as the positive impact and impression on clients. My Jobs mobile application is the latest of an expanding digital platform of initiatives launched by BV in the last year.

MPA Expands MOU with DNV GL A memorandum of understanding to promote research and development (R&D) and innovation in the maritime industry was renewed between DNV GL and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. Given the growing need to create safer and more efficient solutions for the maritime industry, this renewed MOU will have an expanded scope to include the R&D of intelligent shipping systems. The MOU aims to promote maritime R&D in the following areas: Intelligent shipping systems such as autonomous vessels and drones for maritime purposes, or the use of data analytics to create robust and optimal shipping solutions. These systems will help to enhance safety and sustainability of shipping and port activities. Green Ports – an examination of the potential environmental gains to be made through the use of energy saving and emission reduction technology in ports, in terms of infrastructure,

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processes and harbourcraft. Marine environment and resources; projects which are designed to cut emissions and boost fuel efficiency, through improvements in operational maintenance, and also research into LNG as an alternative fuel. Organisation of maritime-related thought leadership forums to promote Green Shipping, Green Port and Green Technology within the Singapore maritime community. The new MOU also extends the duration of collaboration for another three years. The signing ceremony took place at the DNV GL Headquarters in Norway, during a visit by Singapore’s Senior Minister of State (SMS) Mrs Josephine Teo and was signed between MPA’s Chief Executive, Mr Andrew Tan and DNV GL’s Group President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr Remi Eriksen. The ceremony was also witnessed by SMS Teo, together with Ms Dilek Ayhan, State Secretary of Norway.


3ο ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗΣ: Απολογισμός Το 3ο Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριο με τίτλο «Ελληνική και Ευρωπαϊκή Ναυτιλία: ανταγωνιστικότητα και προοπτικές σε καιρούς αβεβαιότητας», που διοργάνωσε Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ την Πέμπτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2017, κατέδειξε με θριαμβευτικό τρόπο ότι αποτελεί βήμα εποικοδομητικού διαλόγου μεταξύ εκπροσώπων της ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας και χαίρει της εμπιστοσύνης και της υποστήριξής τους, καθώς στη φετινή 3η κατά σειρά διοργάνωση εξέχοντα μέλη της με προθυμία δέχτηκαν να μοιραστούν τις απόψεις τους με τους άνω των 550 συμμετεχόντων. Το ταξίδι της ευρωπαϊκής ναυτιλίας, έχοντας στο τιμόνι της την ελληνική ναυτιλία καθώς ηγείται και σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, εκτός του παγκοσμίου, στα αβέβαια ύδατα που δημιουργούν οι απρόβλεπτες εν πολλοίς οικονομικές, πολιτικές, περιβαλλοντικές, γεωπολιτικές και τεχνολογικές συνθήκες κάνουν την επιλογή της πορείας δύσκολη υπόθεση ακόμη και για έμπειρους καπετάνιους, υποβάλλουν σε δοκιμασίες τα ανταγωνιστικά της πλεονεκτήματα και ωθούν με τον τρόπο τους ιδιοκτήτες των ευρωπαϊκών ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών να «φλερτάρουν» με την ιδέα

της αποχώρησης από την ευρωπαϊκή επικράτεια ― εξέλιξη η οποία θα αποβεί τραγικά δυσμενής για την οικονομία της Ευρωζώνης. Έλληνες και ξένοι ομιλητές, εκπρόσωποι φορέων, αλλά και εφοπλιστές, έστειλαν μήνυμα αγωνίας και προειδοποίησης προς τους υπεύθυνους λήψης αποφάσεων στα ναυτιλιακά κέντρα. Η ελληνική ναυτιλία παραμένει ισχυρή, παρά τις δυσκολίες της αγοράς και τον πόλεμο των ανταγωνιστών, ανταποκρίνεται στα κελεύσματα των καιρών, διατηρεί την πρώτη θέση παγκοσμίως, αυξάνει το μερίδιό της στη διεθνή ναυτιλιακή αγορά, ενσωματώνει την τεχνολογία στην καθημερινότητά της, επανατοποθετείται επιδέξια όταν οι συνθήκες το απαιτούν, χρησιμοποιεί το ιδιάζον οικογενειακό επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο διοίκησης ως ασπίδα έναντι της αλλοτρίωσης των αξιών με βάση τις οποίες πορεύτηκε επιτυχώς επί σειρά δεκαετιών και εκπαιδεύει τη νέα γενιά για να αναλάβει τα ηνία την επόμενη ημέρα, ελπίζοντας ότι θα βγει από την κρίση σίγουρα όχι αλώβητη, αλλά ακόμη πιο έμπειρη και έτοιμη να λειτουργεί σε συνθήκες κρίσης.

Simulating LNG operations in Poseidon Med II ports Since November 2016, a series of navigation simulation workshops have been delivered by the European co-funded project Poseidon Med II in cooperation with the five participating ports (Piraeus, Patras, Igoumenitsa, Heraklion, Lemesos) and Revithoussa LNG terminal, aiming at evaluating safety and operability aspects of LNG vessels performing LNG bunkering operations in ports. More than 90 real-time simulation scenarios, based on various environmental conditions (daylight, visibility, weather conditions, wind and wave flows etc) were modelled, using a well-established simulation software, verifying the safe passage and manoeuvre of an LNG feeder vessel performing cargo transfer to proposed LNG storage installations as well as an LNG barge vessel performing

bunkering operations to Ro-Pax ships, within each port. Project technical team along with specialised experts, port pilots, captains and respective stakeholders interacted in fruitful discussions around navigation assessment, identifying risks, mitigation actions and other critical aspects regarding LNG port operations. “The navigation simulation workshops were significant components in fostering collaboration with the project ports and port stakeholders. Through genuine discussions and interaction, we built a common knowledge base about the proposed bunkering operations within each port, aiming at improving operational effectiveness and mitigating risks”, underlines Anna Apostolopoulou, Poseidon Med II Project Manager for Lloyd’s Register.

WISTA Cyprus 4th Annual Meeting WISTA Cyprus held its 4th Annual General Meeting at Columbia Plaza Venue Center in Limassol on 19 January 2017. The Agenda of the AGM included an address by the President of WISTA Cyprus, Ms. Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou and a coverage of other AGM matters. Amongst such matters was the proposal and subsequent approval for amendment and of the Articles of Association of the organization facilitating and including the position of a Young Board Affiliate, for the purposes of encouragement, inspiration and motivation of the younger generation in the shipping industry. PRESIDENT - DESPINA PANAYIOTOU THEODOSIOU - Managing Director, Tototheo Group.

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VICE PRESIDENT - ANNA VOURGOS - Director, Aphentrica Marine Insurance Brokers Ltd. SECRETARY GENERAL - YVONNE TSANOS - General Manager and Projects Manager, ÖL Shipping Group. TREASURER – TASOULA TSAKANIAS – Financial Controller – Maestro Shipmanagement Ltd. BOARD MEMBERS ▪ HELEN JOANNOU CHRYSOSTOMOU - Managing Partner, Maritime Executive Recruiters Consultancy. ▪ KOULA LOUCA - Divisional Manager, EMCO. ▪ ANNA PITTALIS - Commercial Manager, Intergaz Chartering Ltd. YOUNG BOARD AFFILIATE - GINA PANAYIOTOU - Legal Manager, Intership Navigation Co. Ltd.

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Θ. Βενιάμης: Η ναυτιλία ως διεθνής δραστηριότητα

χρειάζεται διεθνή μέτρα και σταθμά για τη λειτουργία της Πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου, η Ετήσια Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση των μελών της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών, στη διάρκεια της οποίας ο Πρόεδρος κ. Θεόδωρος Βενιάμης, αναφέρθηκε λεπτομερώς στις εξελίξεις που σημειώθηκαν στην ποντοπόρο ναυτιλία τον περασμένο χρόνο, καθώς και στα πεπραγμένα του αντιπροσωπευτικού συλλογικού οργάνου του ελληνικού εφοπλισμού. Ακολουθεί ολόκληρο το κείμενο της ομιλίας του Προέδρου κ. Θεόδωρου Βενιάμη: «Αγαπητοί Συνάδελφοι και Φίλοι, Κυρίες και Κύριοι, Με μεγάλη χαρά σας καλωσορίζω στη Γενική Συνέλευση της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών και θέλω να ευχηθώ σε όλους μας το καλύτερο για τη νέα χρονιά. Να έχουμε υγεία και δύναμη να συνεχίσουμε να αντιμετωπίζουμε τις προκλήσεις των καιρών και να επιτύχει ο καθένας μας τους προσωπικούς και επιχειρηματικούς του στόχους. To 2016 ήταν μια χρονιά γεμάτη προκλήσεις σε διεθνές αλλά και σε εθνικό επίπεδο. Η διεθνής ναυλαγορά πιέσθηκε ιδιαίτερα. Στον τομέα του χύδην ξηρού φορτίου ο δείκτης Baltic Dry Index (BDI) τον Φεβρουάριο του 2016 βρέθηκε στο χαμηλότερο σημείο από τη δημιουργία του, ενώ και ο κλάδος δεξαμενοπλοίων παρουσίασε αρκετές διακυμάνσεις. Η υπερπροσφορά χωρητικότητας και το κόστος αναβάθμισης των παλαιότερων πλοίων σύμφωνα με τις νέες περιβαλλοντικές απαιτήσεις δημιούργησε κινητικότητα στις διαλύσεις πλοίων. Το γενικότερο αίσθημα είναι ότι ήταν μια κακή χρονιά. Το 2017 ευτυχώς διαφαίνεται πιο υποσχόμενο. Παραμένει το πρόβλημα της υπερπροσφοράς χωρητικότητας και η ανισορροπία με τη ζήτηση καθώς και οι δυσκολίες χρηματοδότησης από το τραπεζικό σύστημα λόγω και των επερχόμενων αλλαγών που επιβάλλει η Σύμβαση της Βασιλείας 3 και 4. Η αναμενόμενη όμως αύξηση, αν και μικρή, του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου, σε συνδυασμό, με τη συνεχιζόμενη τάση για διάλυση πλοίων, και τις αναπροσαρμογές στα προγράμματα ναυπηγήσεων, δηλαδή, τη μείωση των νέων παραγγελιών, την ακύρωση ορισμένων και την καθυστέρηση παραλαβής νεότευκτων, δημιουργεί προσδοκίες για μία καλύτερη πορεία της ναυλαγοράς και για καλύτερες αξίες των πλοίων. Σε γεωπολιτικό επίπεδο, υπήρχαν επίσης συνταρακτικά συμβάντα, όπως η απόφαση από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο να αποχωρήσει από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και η νίκη του Donald Trump στην Προεδρία των Η.Π.Α. Το 2017 θα είναι η αφετηρία μιας νέας εποχής τόσο για την Ευρώπη όσο και για τις Η.Π.Α. Αναμένουμε λοιπόν με ενδιαφέρον, ως πολίτες αλλά και ως επιχειρηματίες, τις αντιδράσεις της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας και σε επόμενο στάδιο, του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου. Μέσα σε αυτό λοιπόν το εκρηκτικό οικονομικό και πολιτικό περιβάλλον, η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων διατήρησε την πρωτοκαθεδρία της, συνεχίζοντας να κατέχει εντυπωσιακά ποσοστά πλοιοκτησίας στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή σκηνή: Ελέγχουμε το 20% περίπου της παγκόσμιας χωρητικότητας σε dwt με 4.600 πλοία και ειδικότερα το 28% στον τομέα των δεξαμενοπλοίων, το 22% στα bulk carriers, το 16% στα πλοία μεταφοράς χημικών και προϊόντων πετρελαίου, το 15% στα LNG / LPG, το 13% στα ψυγεία και το 9% στα containers. Ενώ στην Ευρώπη αντιπροσωπεύουμε το 48,5% σε dwt του κοινοτικού στόλου. Και συνεχίζουμε ακάθεκτοι. Οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες παραμένουμε δραστήριοι ως προς τον επανασχηματισμό της θέσης μας στην αγορά, και η αντοχή μας αποδεικνύεται και με τις αγορές νέων πλοίων αλλά και με τις επενδύσεις σε second-hand πλοίων υψηλών προδιαγραφών. Εξάλλου, το DNA μας φημίζεται για τη σωστή κρίση και αντίδραση στους κύκλους της αγοράς και για το ταλέντο μας να δημιουργούμε ευκαιρίες εκεί που οι ανταγωνιστές μας βλέπουν αδιέξοδα. Σε εθνικό επίπεδο, το 2016 ήταν μια χρονιά καταξίωσης για την

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ελληνική ναυτιλία αλλά και για την Ένωσή μας. Τα Ποσειδώνια 2016 έφεραν για άλλη μια φορά στο διεθνές αλλά και εθνικό προσκήνιο την πολυδιάστατη σημασία της ναυτιλίας των Ελλήνων για τον τόπο μας, για την Ευρώπη αλλά και για το παγκόσμιο εμπόριο. Είχαμε την τιμή να έχουμε στα εγκαίνια τον κ. Kitack Lim, Γενικό Γραμματέα του Διεθνούς Ναυτιλιακού Οργανισμού, του ΙΜΟ, του οποίου έχουμε υπάρξει διαχρονικά υπέρμαχοι του θεσμικού του ρόλου ως του μοναδικού καθ’ ύλην αρμόδιου νομοθετικού οργάνου για τη ναυτιλία. Ο λόγος απλός: η ναυτιλία ως διεθνής δραστηριότητα χρειάζεται διεθνή μέτρα και σταθμά για τη λειτουργία της. Και είχαμε την ευκαιρία στο δείπνο που παραθέσαμε προς τιμή του, να συζητήσουμε διεξοδικά τα εκκρεμή θέματα της ναυτιλίας. Επίσης, την Πέμπτη 9/6/2016, προτελευταία ημέρα των Ποσειδωνίων, η Επίτροπος Μεταφορών, κα. Violeta Bulc, επισκέφθηκε την έκθεση και την επόμενη ημέρα είχαμε την μοναδική ευκαιρία να προβούμε σε κοινή συνέντευξη τύπου επί πολλών καίριων θεμάτων για την ελληνική αλλά και για την κοινοτική ναυτιλία, γεγονός που επιβεβαιώνει την καθοριστική θέση της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας στην Ευρώπη. Και πρέπει να σας διαβεβαιώσω για την πολιτική βούληση της Επιτρόπου να υποστηρίξει την ευρωπαϊκή ναυτιλία, διατηρώντας αλλά και ενισχύοντας την ανταγωνιστικότητά της και ως εκ τούτου και την ανταγωνιστικότητα του μεγαλύτερου «παίκτη» αυτής, της ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας. Θα ήθελα όμως να επικεντρωθώ στην ομιλία του Πρωθυπουργού της Ελλάδας, κ. Αλέξη Τσίπρα, παρουσία του Προέδρου της Αξιωματικής Αντιπολίτευσης, κ. Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη, απτή απόδειξη προς την ελληνική αλλά και ευρωπαϊκή και διεθνή κοινωνία ότι η ελληνική ναυτιλία ως εθνικό κεφάλαιο είναι υπερκομματική. Ένιωσα πράγματι δικαιωμένος ως θεσμικός εκπρόσωπος της ναυτιλίας μας που άκουσα από το στόμα του Πρωθυπουργού να προτρέπει «το μοντέλο με το οποίο αναπτύσσεται η ελληνική ναυτιλία να αποτελέσει θετικό παράδειγμα στην εκπόνηση ενός νέου αναπτυξιακού υποδείγματος» και να επιβραβεύει τα χαρακτηριστικά των Ελλήνων πλοιοκτητών, αυτά της εξωστρέφειας, της διορατικότητας και της καινοτομίας στις επενδύσεις και στον τρόπο λήψης αποφάσεων. Λίγους μήνες μετά, στις 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016 είχαμε τη χαρά και την τιμή να μοιρασθούμε με εκλεκτούς φίλους προσκεκλημένους και σύσσωμη την ελληνική Πολιτεία την ιστορική ημέρα εορτασμού των 100 χρόνων από την ίδρυση της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών. Μια τελετή που μας συγκίνησε με τις αναμνήσεις που μας έφερε, αλλά παράλληλα μας εμψύχωσε για το υποσχόμενο μέλλον της ναυτιλίας και της Ένωσής μας. Η παρουσία των ανώτατων θεσμών τη χώρας έστειλε ηχηρό μήνυμα εντός και εκτός Ελλάδος για τη σημασία της ναυτιλίας για τον τόπο μας. Αυτή λοιπόν η «μεγάλη» ναυτιλία, αποτελεί κοινή πεποίθηση πολιτείας και εφοπλισμού ότι πρέπει να παραμείνει ανταγωνιστική, για να μπορέσει να μεγιστοποιήσει τα συνακόλουθα οφέλη για την πατρίδα μας αλλά και για την Ευρώπη, ιδιαίτερα στις κρίσιμες εποχές που διανύουμε και με το βλέμμα πάντοτε στον σκληρό ανταγωνισμό από ναυτιλιακά κέντρα εκτός Ευρώπης. Στο σημείο αυτό, θα ήθελα να αναφέρω ότι η εκκρεμής διερεύνηση του ελληνικού θεσμικού πλαισίου της ναυτιλίας από τις υπηρεσίες της Γενικής Διεύθυνσης Ανταγωνισμού μας έδωσε την ευκαιρία, στο πλαίσιο ενός εποικοδομητικού διαλόγου κατά τους τελευταίους μήνες, να εξηγήσουμε αναλυτικά τις ιδιαιτερότητες του συστήματός μας, που είναι όμως απολύτως συμβατές με τη σχετική κοινοτική νομοθεσία. Ελπίζουμε ότι σύντομα θα έχουμε την τελική κρίση της Επιτρόπου Ανταγωνισμού κας Vestager, που θα λαμβάνει υπόψη, κατά προτεραιότητα, την ανάγκη για νομική βεβαιότητα και διατήρηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας της ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας, βασικές παραμέτρους της πολιτικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης

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για τον τομέα των θαλασσίων μεταφορών. Και το 2016 η ΕΕΕ συνέχισε να παρακολουθεί με αμείωτο ενδιαφέρον τον τομέα της ναυτικής εκπαίδευσης, υποστηρίζοντας εμπράκτως προσπάθειες αναβάθμισής της. Θα αναφέρω τη ριζική ανακαίνιση της Ναυτικής Ακαδημίας της Μηχανιώνας και την δέσμευσή μας προς το Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής για τη δημιουργία ενός νέου Κέντρου Επιμόρφωσης Στελεχών Εμπορικού Ναυτικού (ΚΕΣΕΝ) Βορείου Ελλάδος, που απαιτεί και περαιτέρω κατασκευαστικές παρεμβάσεις στα κτίρια της Ακαδημίας, καθώς και έργα αναβάθμισης της σχολής Ασπροπύργου, με στόχο πάντοτε και την αύξηση του αριθμού εισερχόμενων σπουδαστών. Επιπροσθέτως, αν και η Ένωση έχει καταθέσει εδώ και καιρό επισήμως ολοκληρωμένη πρόταση για την αντιμετώπιση των προβλημάτων που παρουσιάζει η ναυτική εκπαίδευση, με κέντρο βάρους την ομαλή διασύνδεση των μαθητευόμενων σπουδαστών με τα πλοία της ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας, δυστυχώς δεν έχει υπάρξει μέχρι σήμερα ανταπόκριση εκ μέρους της Πολιτείας και πολιτική βούληση για ριζικές αλλά και ρεαλιστικές μεταρρυθμίσεις. Έχει προς το παρόν συγκροτηθεί από το Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής μια Ομάδα Εργασίας με αντικείμενο τη μελέτη αναμόρφωσης του θεσμικού πλαισίου της ναυτικής εκπαίδευσης, στην οποία συμμετέχουμε με εποικοδομητικό τρόπο. Ας ελπίσουμε ότι στο τέλος θα προκύψει κάτι θετικό. Στον τομέα των σχέσεων με τη ναυτεργασία, δυστυχώς η Πολιτεία και τα συνδικαλιστικά όργανα των ναυτικών μας δεν έχουν εκμεταλλευθεί τη δυναμική της ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας να προσφέρει νέες θέσεις εργασίας σε άνεργους συμπολίτες μας, οι οποίοι στερούνται άλλων εργασιακών ευκαιριών λόγω της οικονομικής κρίσης που βιώνει η χώρα μας. Θα πρέπει όμως να γίνει κατανοητό ότι για να παραμείνει η ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία στρατηγικός πυλώνας και μοχλός ανάπτυξης της ελληνικής οικονομίας θα πρέπει να είναι ανταγωνιστική. Επομένως, και η ναυτολόγηση ελληνικών κατώτερων πληρωμάτων είναι εφικτή μόνο με όρους σύμφωνους με τα νομίμως κρατούντα στην παγκόσμια αγορά ναυτιλιακής εργασίας. Θέλω όμως να ελπίζω ότι θα ξεπεραστούν, έστω και καθυστερημένα, ανεδαφικά συνδικαλιστικά προσκόμματα που εμποδίζουν τη δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας, σε μια χώρα που η ανεργία κλονίζει τους ιστούς της κοινωνίας μας. Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, και την χρονιά που πέρασε, η Ένωσή μας ως επίσημος εκπρόσωπος της ελληνικής πλοιοκτησίας, συνέχισε να παρακολουθεί ανελλιπώς τις ναυτιλιακές εξελίξεις στα διεθνή fora καθώς και στα νομοθετικά όργανα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, προωθώντας πάντοτε ισορροπημένες και ρεαλιστικές θέσεις με γνώμονα τα συμφέροντα του κλάδου. Θα επικεντρωθώ στα κυριότερα από αυτά: • Τη χρονιά που πέρασε μας απασχόλησαν σε σημαντικό βαθμό οι διεθνείς διεργασίες που ακολούθησαν την συμφωνία των Παρισίων για την Κλιματική αλλαγή και αφορούσαν τον μετριασμό των εκπομπών CO2 από τα πλοία. Στις αρμόδιες Επιτροπές του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου προχώρησαν ατυχώς οι τροπολογίες για την ένταξη της ναυτιλίας στο ευρωπαϊκό Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) μέχρι το 2023, εάν δεν έχουν ληφθεί από τον ΙΜΟ σχετικά μέτρα μέχρι το 2021. Η τελική του απόφαση θα ληφθεί προσεχώς στην Ολομέλεια και συνεχίζουμε τις προσπάθειες για την ανατροπή των απόψεων αυτών σε στενή συνεργασία με την ECSA, το ICS και φίλιες εφοπλιστικές ενώσεις αφού επιτύχαμε να πείσουμε βόρειο-ευρωπαϊκά μέλη της σε προσφορότερες για τη ναυτιλία θέσεις που απηχούν τις απόψεις του διεθνούς εφοπλισμού. Ελλείψει εναλλακτικού προς το υπάρχον ναυτιλιακού καυσίμου ο ΙΜΟ συνέχισε την βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης των πλοίων εντάσσοντας στα υπάρχοντα μέτρα το υποχρεωτικό παγκόσμιο σύστημα καταγραφής εκπομπών CO2 των πλοίων, γνωστό ως MRV. Παράλληλα ο ΙΜΟ προχώρησε συναινετικά στην ανάπτυξη ενός οδικού χάρτη που

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θέτει χρονοδιάγραμμα για την εκπόνηση στρατηγικής για την μείωση των εκπομπών CO2 ναυτιλίας, αρχικά μέχρι το 2018 και τη συνακόλουθη οριστικοποίηση των απαραίτητων μέτρων μέχρι το 2023, όταν θα έχουν γνωστοποιηθεί τα πρώτα δεδομένα της καταγραφής των εκπομπών των πλοίων. Έτσι σε επίπεδο ΙΜΟ “το νερό μοιάζει να έχει μπει στο αυλάκι” και υπό την ευρωπαϊκή κυρίως πίεση το Διεθνές Ναυτιλιακό Επιμελητήριο θα προσπαθήσει συναινετικά να εξωτερικεύσει τις προσδοκίες του κλάδου μας στη βάση του πνεύματος της Συμφωνίας των Παρισίων. Η κύρια επιδίωξή μας είναι να αποφύγουμε την ένταξη των πλοίων σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή Emissions Trading System ή περιφερειακών μέτρων, και εφόσον κριθεί σκόπιμο να υιοθετηθεί από τον ΙΜΟ ένα παγκόσμιο bunker fuel levy system στα μέτρα της ναυτιλίας. • Σημαντικές εξελίξεις είχαμε και στο θέμα της κυρώσεως της Διεθνούς Συμβάσεως για τη διαχείριση του θαλάσσιου έρματος (Ballast Water Management), η οποία θα τεθεί σε εφαρμογή στις 8 Σεπτεμβρίου του τρέχοντος έτους. Εν τη απουσία εγκεκριμένων συστημάτων και κατόπιν των έντονων οχλήσεών μας από κοινού με τους διεθνείς οργανισμούς ναυτιλίας, η Αμερικανική Ακτοφυλακή ακολούθησε μια ρεαλιστική και ευέλικτη πολιτική που προβλέπει ικανές παρατάσεις μέχρι τα τέλη του 2018. Υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι η πολιτική αυτή δεν θα διαφοροποιηθεί μέχρι την εξασφάλιση ικανού αριθμού εγκεκριμένων συστημάτων και πέραν των τριών που έχουν ήδη εγκριθεί. Παράλληλα, στο πλαίσιο του ΙΜΟ, επιδιώκουμε και υποστηρίζουμε σταθερά τη διαμόρφωση πολιτικών για τροποποιήσεις στη Σύμβαση που θα διευκολύνουν περαιτέρω την εφαρμογή της στα νέα πλοία αλλά κυρίως στα υπάρχοντα. • Στο θέμα τώρα της ανακύκλωσης των πλοίων η προοπτική κύρωσης της Διεθνούς Συμβάσεως Hong Kong από κράτη με σημαντική δυναμικότητα ανακύκλωσης όπως η Ινδία, καθώς και από κράτη με σημαντικά νηολόγια θα φέρει εγγύτερα την εφαρμογή των προτύπων ασφαλείας και περιβαλλοντικής προστασίας που προβλέπει σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, υπερκεράζοντας τις απαιτήσεις του δύσχρηστου και μη αναγκαίου Ευρωπαϊκού Κανονισμού για τη διάλυση πλοίων. Σημαντικές είναι οι πρωτοβουλίες που αναλαμβάνει η ECSA με την ενεργό συμμετοχή μας στη κατεύθυνση σωστής ενημέρωσης των εκπροσώπων της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής και του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, οι οποίοι ως γνωστόν λειτουργούν υπό την πίεση περιβαλλοντικών μη Κυβερνητικών Οργανισμών. Επιδίωξή μας είναι να ακυρώσουμε στην πράξη τα περιφερειακά μέτρα που λαμβάνει και προωθεί η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, όπως η αναζήτηση χρηματοοικονομικού μέσου για τη χρηματοδότηση της διάλυσης πλοίων σε ευρωπαϊκά διαλυτήρια. • Σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, με πρωτοβουλία της Επιτρόπου Μεταφορών κας Bulc, το έτος 2017 έχει ανακηρυχθεί ως «Έτος Ευρωπαϊκής Ναυτιλίας». Τούτο οφείλεται στη σημασία και τη σπουδαιότητα που αποδίδει η Επίτροπος Μεταφορών στον τομέα των θαλασσίων μεταφορών, έχοντας ως στόχο τη διαμόρφωση μια νέας και φιλόδοξης πολιτικής, που θα διαφυλάξει την ανταγωνιστικότητα της ευρωπαϊκής ναυτιλίας και θα ενισχύσει τον ηγετικό ρόλο της. Εξίσου σημαντική θεωρείται η προτεραιότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να αναδείξει την ευρωπαϊκή ναυτιλία, ως παγκόσμιο πρωταγωνιστή «Global player», στον τομέα των εξωτερικών εμπορικών σχέσεων, προωθώντας την ελεύθερη και απρόσκοπτη πρόσβαση των ευρωπαϊκών ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών στις διεθνείς αγορές φορτίων. Η προτεραιότητα αυτή αποκτά ιδιαίτερη σημασία σε συνάρτηση με τις εν εξελίξει διεθνείς διαπραγματεύσεις για την απελευθέρωση του εμπορίου των υπηρεσιών, στις οποίες συγκαταλέγονται και οι υπηρεσίες διεθνών ναυτιλιακών μεταφορών και την αναμενόμενη να αποσαφηνισθεί πολιτική της νέας κυβέρνησης των ΗΠΑ σε σχέση με το ενδεχόμενο εφαρμογής μέτρων προστατευτισμού στο παγκόσμιο εμπόριο. Τέλος, είναι θετικό ότι η Επίτροπος Μεταφορών κα. Bulc έχει συμπεριλάβει στις προτεραιότητές


της την προώθηση του τομέα της ναυσιπλοΐας μικρών αποστάσεων (του Short Sea Shipping) μέσω της επίλυσης ανασταλτικών παραγόντων όπως είναι η γραφειοκρατία, οι πολύπλοκες τελωνειακές διαδικασίες και η πρόσβαση σε λιμενικές υποδοχές και υπηρεσίες. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, η ΕΕΕ σε συνεργασία με άλλες ευρωπαϊκές εφοπλιστικές ενώσεις και υπό την αιγίδα της ECSA διοργανώνει κατά την Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα Ναυτιλίας ειδική εκδήλωση για τον τομέα αυτό. Συνεχίσαμε επίσης τις τακτικές συναντήσεις με τον International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) και τους νηογνώμονες – μέλη του καθώς επίσης τις συναντήσεις μας με το επονομαζόμενο LAN, δηλαδή τους τρείς μεγάλους νηογνώμονες Lloyd’s Register, ABS και DNV GL, στο οποίο καταφέραμε με δική μας παρέμβαση να εντάξουμε και τον Ιαπωνικό Νηογνώμονα (NK) καθώς και τον China Classification Society (CCS). H συνεργασία μας με την Rightship συνεχίζεται με θετικά αποτελέσματα αφού έχουμε επιτύχει ένα δίαυλο επικοινωνίας και συνεργασίας που οδηγεί σε επίλυση πολλών προβλημάτων μεγάλης εμπορικής σημασίας για τις εταιρείες μας. Παρακολουθούμε μέσω των Ελλήνων εκπροσώπων μας στα Διοικητικά Συμβούλια των P&I Clubs τις εξελίξεις στα ασφαλιστικά θέματα, καθώς και στην BIMCO τις εξελίξεις στη διαμόρφωση νέων ρητρών και τύπων εγγράφων που χρησιμοποιούνται στη λειτουργία των εταιρειών μας και στις σχέσεις μας με τους ναυλωτές μας. Πιστεύοντας πάντα στην χρησιμότητα και αξία της ανάπτυξης διμερών σχέσεων και συμμαχιών με άλλες εθνικές εφοπλιστικές ενώσεις με τις οποίες μας διέπουν κοινές ναυτιλιακές αρχές και πολιτικές, είχαμε σειρά επαφών με τις Ενώσεις του Hong Kong, των Βahamas και της Σιγκαπούρης καθώς και με την Ένωση Γερμανών και την Ένωση Ολλανδών Εφοπλιστών, και φυσικά με τις Ενώσεις Κύπρου και Μάλτας. Θέλω να σας διαβεβαιώσω ότι η παρουσία μας είναι σταθερή και δυναμική στις διεργασίες τόσο των διεθνών οργανισμών της ναυτιλίας, όπως το ICS, η ECSA, η BIMCO, η Ιntercargo και Ιntertanko όσο και στο διεθνές νομοθετικό όργανο για τη ναυτιλία, τον ΙΜΟ. Η βαθιά τεχνογνωσία των μελών της ελληνικής ναυτιλιακής μας κοινότητας μαζί με την αριθμητική υπεροχή του στόλου που ελέγχουμε, οδήγησε άξιους συναδέλφους μας στις υψηλότερες θέσεις των προαναφερόμενων διεθνών οργανισμών: Τον Νίκο Τσάκο και τον Γιάννη Πλατσιδάκη στις Προεδρίες της Intertanko και Intercargo αντίστοιχα, τον Πάνο Λασκαρίδη στην αντιπροεδρία της ECSA, και θα είναι ο επόμενος Πρόεδρος της ECSA, τον Τάσο Παπαγιαννόπουλο στην Προεδρία της BIMCO από τον Μάιο του 2017, τον Γιάννη Λύρα σε μια από τις θέσεις των αντιπροέδρων του ICS. Θέλω να τους ευχαριστήσω όλους για τον χρόνο που αφιερώνουν, έχοντας θέσει τον εαυτό τους στην υπηρεσία του συνόλου της ναυτιλιακής μας οικογένειας. Θερμές όμως ευχαριστίες θέλω να εκφράσω και προς όλα τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της Ένωσής μας, τους εκπροσώπους τους καθώς και στους συναδέλφους μου στο Προεδρείο, για την αμέριστη υποστήριξή τους. Ευχαριστίες επίσης σε όλους τους συναδέλφους που μας ενισχύουν με τη συμμετοχή τους στις διάφορες εκπροσωπήσεις μας στα διεθνή όργανα. Τέλος, ευχαριστίες και στον Πρόεδρο και τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee, στον νέο Πρόεδρο του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος, τον Γιώργο Πατέρα και στον Πρόεδρο της Helmepa, Γιώργο Γράτσο, για την εξαίρετη και αρμονική συνεργασία μας. Και με την ευκαιρία να συγχαρώ τον Γιώργο Πατέρα και το Ναυτικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδος για την οργάνωση του ελληνικού ναυτιλιακού cluster μέσω της πλατφόρμας “Maritime Hellas” και τη δημιουργία του ηλεκτρονικού ιστότοπου για τη ναυτιλία και για κάθε κλάδο παραναυτιλιακής δραστηριότητας. Θα επαναλάβω όμως σε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες σε αυτό, ότι η ποντοπόρος ναυτιλία είναι η ραχοκοκαλιά για την ύπαρξη και ανάπτυξη του ναυτιλιακού cluster και, επομένως, η προάσπιση των θεμιτών συμφερόντων της και κυρίως της ανταγωνιστικότητας αυτής θα πρέπει να αποτελεί κοινό στόχο για όλους. Θέλω επίσης να εκφράσω τις ευχαριστίες μου στη διεύθυνση της ΕΕΕ, στα στελέχη – συνεργάτες αλλά και σε όλο το προσωπικό της Ένωσης

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που συνεχίζουν με επαγγελματισμό και αφοσίωση να ανταποκρίνονται στις καθημερινές απαιτήσεις για την ευόδωση του έργου της. Στο σημείο αυτό, θα ήθελα να αναφερθώ στην αποχώρηση στο τέλος του 2016 δύο εξαίρετων συνεργατών μας, της Άννας Μπρεδήμα και του Γιώργου Κολτσιδόπουλου. Θέλω να τους ευχαριστήσω δημοσίως για τις υψηλού επιπέδου υπηρεσίες που προσέφεραν με ήθος και αφοσίωση για σχεδόν τέσσερις δεκαετίες και να τους ευχηθώ κάθε επιτυχία στην προσωπική και περαιτέρω επαγγελματική τους πορεία. Επίσης, θερμές ευχαριστίες στην εταιρεία Μουρ – Στήβενς και τους ανθρώπους της για την άψογη συνεργασία και τις εξαιρετικές λογιστικές και ελεγκτικές υπηρεσίες που προσφέρουν χρόνια τώρα στην Ένωσή μας. Και, βέβαια, θέλω προσωπικά να ευχαριστήσω τον συνάδελφό μας, αλλά πάνω από όλα φίλο, Λεωνίδα Δημητριάδη – Ευγενίδη για τη θερμή φιλοξενία που μας προσφέρει πάντοτε, στο Ευγενίδειο Ίδρυμα. Τέλος, ένα ακόμη ευχαριστώ από καρδιάς στους Έλληνες ναυτικούς μας, τους συνεργάτες μας, που ταξιδεύουν και κουμαντάρουν τα πλοία μας. Τους εύχομαι υγεία και να βρίσκουν πάντα καλές θάλασσες στα ταξίδια τους. Και να μην ξεχνούν ότι αποτελούν τους θεματοφύλακες της ναυτοσύνης του λαού μας. Πριν ολοκληρώσω τον απολογισμό των πεπραγμένων για το περασμένο έτος, θα ήθελα να αναφερθώ στο πολυδιάστατο έργο κοινωνικής προσφοράς και αλληλεγγύης που υλοποιήσαμε την προηγούμενη τριετία χάρη στην γενναιόδωρη οικονομική συμβολή των μελών της Ένωσής μας και όχι μόνο. Ένα έργο που βρήκε μεγάλη ανταπόκριση από την ελληνική κοινωνία και πολιτεία και που οι συνεχιζόμενες δυσκολίες στην εθνική οικονομία επιβάλλουν να συνεχισθεί. Για τους λόγους αυτούς, όπως σας είχα ενημερώσει στην προηγούμενη γενική συνέλευση, και είχατε ομόφωνα εγκρίνει, με πρωτοβουλία της Ενώσεώς μας ιδρύθηκε τον Απρίλιο του 2016 η Αστική Εταιρεία μη κερδοσκοπικού χαρακτήρα με την επωνυμία «Εταιρεία Κοινωνικής Προσφοράς Ελληνικού Εφοπλισμού» και με διακριτικό τίτλο «ΣΥΝ-ΕΝΩΣΙΣ» που αποτελεί πια το όχημα της ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας για την υλοποίηση έργων κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης και κοινωφελών δράσεων μεγάλης εμβέλειας. Ήδη, στη Συν-Ενωση, πέρα από τα 32 ιδρυτικά μέλη της, έχουν προσχωρήσει πολλά νέα μέλη από τον εφοπλισμό αλλά και την ευρύτερη ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα και με την οικονομική τους συνδρομή διαμορφώνεται ένα πλάνο πολύπλευρων δράσεων. Θέλω όμως από το βήμα αυτό να ζητήσω προσωπικά να αγκαλιάσουμε όλοι μας θερμά αυτήν την πρωτοβουλία. Όλοι μαζί οφείλουμε να την προβάλλουμε στους συναδέλφους μας και στους συνεργάτες μας στη λειτουργική αλυσίδα της ναυτιλιακής επιχειρηματικής δραστηριότητας, ώστε η νέα εταιρεία να έχει τους οικονομικούς πόρους να μπορέσει να αναπτύξει ένα πράγματι δημιουργικό και ωφέλιμο έργο, ανταποκρινόμενη στις ανάγκες και προτεραιότητες της κοινωνίας μας και των συμπολιτών μας. Εξάλλου η ναυτιλιακή μας οικογένεια, όπως αποδεικνύουν έμπρακτα η παράδοσή μας και τα έργα ευποιίας του εφοπλισμού, θεωρεί ηθικό καθήκον της να προσφέρει στη γενέτειρά της. Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι και φίλοι, Μια νέα χρονιά είναι μπροστά μας γεμάτη προκλήσεις που καλούμαστε να αντιμετωπίσουμε. Όμως, ο πρόσφατος εορτασμός των 100 χρόνων της Ένωσής μας θύμισε σε όλους την παρακαταθήκη που έχουμε στα χέρια μας και που οφείλουμε να διαφυλάξουμε ως εχέγγυο για το μέλλον της ναυτιλίας μας. Η Ένωσή μας, στα εκατό χρόνια ύπαρξής της έχει αποδείξει πολλάκις τη δύναμη, το κύρος και την αποτελεσματικότητα της συλλογικότητας. Για αυτό το λόγο σας καλώ να μείνετε κοντά στην Ένωσή μας και μάλιστα να την ενδυναμώσετε με την εγγραφή περισσότερης χωρητικότητας, ώστε συσπειρωμένοι να αντεπεξέλθουμε σε κάθε εμπόδιο και αντιξοότητα. Ο στόχος μας ένας: η διατήρηση της ηγετικής υπόστασης της ναυτιλίας μας στο παγκόσμιο ναυτιλιακό γίγνεσθαι, με παράλληλη μεγιστοποίηση των συνακόλουθων ωφελειών, οικονομικής, κοινωνικής και στρατηγικής διάστασης, για τον τόπο μας.

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DNV GL in China: First AiP for scrubber manufacturer Shanghai Bluesoul

DNV GL has awarded the Chinese scrubber manufacturer Shanghai Bluesoul Environmental Technology with an Approval in Principle (AiP) in recognition of the technical feasibility of the BlueSulf scrubber system. The AiP is the first of its kind for a scrubber according to the new DNV GL rule set, and the first for a Chinese scrubber

New JIP aims to develop LNG fuelled Capesize concept

New regulations on limiting sulphur and nitrogen oxides emissions and a burgeoning global infrastructure are adding to the growing momentum for the more widespread adoption of LNG as a marine fuel. A new joint industry project (JIP) signed recently in Singapore between BHP Billiton, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Rio Tinto, SDARI, Woodside, and DNV GL, looks to capitalize on this opportunity to drive the development of the market. The JIP is named “Green Corridor” and will assess the commercial potential of LNG fuelled vessels in a “green corridor” between Australian and China, culminating in the creation of a next generation Capesize design that will undergo Approval in Principle (AiP) under the new DNV GL rules.

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manufacturer. DNV GL will also provide advisory services to Bluesoul, including hardware-in-the-loop testing, simulations using the DNV GL COSMOSS tool and analyses using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). “We are very pleased to be the first Chinese supplier to receive this AiP and it demonstrates BlueSulf’s design in compliance with DNV GL class rules requirements, by using the sodium alkali method to clean exhaust gases. We have signed three scrubber projects with Chinese and European owners and we are also in negotiations for several potential retrofit and new building projects. Thanks to DNV GL’s extensive experience in scrubber technology and our continued collaboration, we are confident that we will gain a large share in the scrubber market,” said Jacky Chow, Chief Operating Officer of Shanghai Bluesoul, at the AiP handover and contract signing in Shanghai. “For us at DNV GL, this is the first project with a Chinese manufacturer, where we will provide such a comprehensive set of services, ranging from the initial AiP to advisory services and the final certification. This project is a global effort and involves our local specialists in China as well as support from scrubber classification and advisory experts based in Norway, Germany and Greece. We are very pleased about the trust Bluesoul has placed in us and look forward to working closely with the company now and in the future,” said Vincent Li, DNV GL Maritime Regional Business Development Manager in Greater China.

Low carbon technologies are now cost competitive

The drive towards sustainability has never been more urgent – and technology will continue to play a crucial role. The Lloyd’s Register Technology Radar – Low Carbon, published examines the outlook for renewables, nuclear, grid and infrastructure, and energy storage. The research sought the insights and opinions of leaders across the sector, as well as the views of almost 600 professionals and experts around the world – from utilities and distributors through to operators and equipment manufacturers. Respondents were asked to rate a number of technologies in terms of their potential impact, the amount of time it would take for these technologies to hit the market, and how likely they are to be adopted once they do. • It is electrical technologies that will transform storage, rather than mechanical storage or chemical technology innovations. In particular, respondents expect supercapacitors, which will rapidly speed up charging times for large batteries, to have the greatest impact on storage. • Deployment is a major barrier. Implementation of technology in both nuclear and renewables is hindered by deployment, and each sector faces its own distinct challenges. However, 71% of respondents agreed there had been an increase in the scale of deployment of renewable energy sources. •Standardisation is a much-needed development for the low carbon sector. Industry experts agree that regional and global consensus on regulations could speed up deployment and further reduce costs.


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Enhanced software facilitates IACS compliance Common Structural Rules Software LLC, a joint venture company formed by Lloyd’s Register (LR) and ABS, has released a software upgrade that simplifies compliance with current and pending IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR). “The Common Structural Rules provide the only industry route to compliance with IMO’s Goal-Based Standards for tanker and bulk carrier structures,” says LR Marine and Offshore Director Nick Brown. “By working together, LR and ABS have provided fully upto-date straightforward and accessible tools for the whole industry to use when applying CSR.” Improvements to this leading software facilitate compliance to existing and future IACS Common Structural Rules, providing users with an easy way to evaluate designs. Developed from the technical strengths of LR and ABS, version 2.5 of the CSR Prescriptive Analysis and CSR Finite Element (FE) Analysis software allow assessment of whole vessel structures – including new bulk carrier and oil tanker designs – using compliance information for the current CSR, which entered into force on 1 July 2015, as well as for the rule changes that come into force on 1 July 2017. Both class societies will use these tools to evaluate new designs against the CSR. The updated CSR Prescriptive Analysis software requires only that the user input the appropriate data. All of the outputs are

clear, straightforward and easy to read. A summary report provides required and offered scantlings with graphic representation of any deficiencies. An intermediate report summarizes dominant criteria for each structure and a detailed report provides data for every parameter value. In conjunction with CSR FE Analysis, this complete tool makes verifying compliance with CSR possible with minimal effort. The software, which was licensed to nearly 500 users prior to the production release, is now being employed by nearly 1,000 users. Regular updates for additional structural coverage and functionality will address ongoing CSR changes. ABS Chairman, President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki echoes LR’s views. “As requirements change, it is imperative for classification societies to provide services and solutions that keep pace. By updating this software, we ensure our tools are effective and provide the most help to end users.” Detailed information on structural areas and functionality covered by this release can be found in the Release Notes and User Guide bundled with the software installation. The updated CSR Prescriptive Analysis and CSR FE Analysis is available for download from the Common Structural Rules Software LLC website at www.

Inmarsat signs Radio Holland service agreement every month, with the split being half new installations and half upgrades,” said Trond Leira, Senior Vice President, Service Delivery and Customer Support, Inmarsat. “We expect this number to increase in 2017 and our priority is to ensure that installation of Fleet Xpress keeps pace with demand. The agreement with Radio Holland extends the Inmarsat service network and brings access to a pool of experienced, skilled engineers in the world’s busiest ports.”

Inmarsat (LSE:ISAT.L) has signed a service and installation agreement with Radio Holland to support strong customer demand for rapid migration from Ku-based XpressLink to Fleet Xpress services. Radio Holland is a specialist in installing and maintaining maritime communications, navigation and automation systems along the global shipping routes. The non-exclusive agreement augments Inmarsat’s existing service partner and VAR arrangements, reflecting a specific need to draw on the extensive Radio Holland support network to accelerate the installation of Fleet Xpress on a global scale. “Fleet Xpress is currently installed at a rate of around 150 vessels

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Dennis Mol, COO of Radio Holland Group: “As a connectivity solution and service provider, Radio Holland adds its competences and installation capacity to the migration of XpressLink to Fleet Xpress through this partnership with Inmarsat. With our network of more than 80 offices, we are able to work with Inmarsat on a global level. We provide installations, upgrades and yearly services of GX/FX systems. During our 100 years of history, Radio Holland always has been a frontrunner in implementing the latest technology developments on board vessels and supporting changing customer requirements.” Fleet Xpress has unleashed the power of big data to enhance vessel efficiency, delivering transformational but cost-controlled connectivity that is also bringing life-changing benefits to crew working at sea.


Capital Link’s 1st Cyprus Shipping Forum Draws 400+ Delegates The inaugural “Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum” took place in Limassol on Thursday, February 9, 2017, at the Columbia Plaza. Capital Link intends to organize this event in Cyprus on an annual basis. The Forum was organized under the Auspices of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works. The Cyprus Union of Shipowners and Deloitte were the Lead Sponsors. Hellenic Bank sponsored the Speakers Dinner. The event had the support of the Department of Merchant Shipping, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and many other industry associations. The event was a huge success drawing 400+ delegates from abroad and from the vibrant Cyprus shipping community. Indicative of the interest that the event generated among the delegates is the comment of Captain Panagiotis Tsakos who stated that he “had never before seen a Conference where there are no empty seats after lunch and where the delegates stay during the entire event”. George Tsavliris, the Conference Chairman, echoed the same remarks in his Closing Statement. The Forum aimed to raise awareness of the role of Cyprus as a regional maritime, logistics and energy hub. Cyprus has been known as a shipmanagement hub with 5% of the global fleet managed out of Cyprus. An increasing number of owners and ship management firms have been setting up operations in Cyprus. The Forum took place at the Columbia Plaza owned by Mr. Heinrich

Shoeller, who attended the event and who is among the pioneers who established a presence in Cyprus since 1978. The Forum started in the evening of Tuesday, February 8, 2017 with a formal dinner for the event speakers, sponsors and other dignitaries. Hellenic Bank sponsored the dinner. Mr. Bornozis concluded by stressing Capital Link’s commitment to Cyprus, which besides the Annual Cyprus Shipping Forum to be held annually in Limassol, it also includes the “Capital Link Invest in Cyprus Forum” the first of which will be held in New York on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and aims to raise awareness of Cyprus as a business and investment destination to a larger audience of US investors. H.E. President Anastasiades, and Ministers: Harris Georgiades, Minister of Finance, Yiorgos Lakkotrypis, Minister of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Marios Demetriades, Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, along with a high level delegation of business leaders will come to New York for this Forum. The Forum presented a unique opportunity to meet and network with a large, high-caliber audience of Ship Owners - Ship Managers - Ship Operators - Ship Brokers – Charterers - Risk Insurers – Arbitrators - Marine Technology experts, investment and commercial bankers, analysts, private equity and venture capital firms, law and auditing executives, market analysts, institutional investors, financial advisors, trade and financial media.


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Wärtsilä joins Seabin Project in the battle against ocean plastics The Finnish technology group Wärtsilä has signed an agreement with the Seabin Project to join their global pilot programme, which addresses the worldwide littering problem affecting our oceans. The project aims at approaching the challenge from multiple angles with a key emphasis on education, research and technology. Wärtsilä will work in cooperation with Seabin Project for the next three years and has sponsored both the city and port of Helsinki’s involvement with the programme. The Wärtsilä - Seabin partnership aims at dynamic and versatile actions using Wärtsilä’s experience, established technologies, and know-how in environmental product development. The partnership with Seabin is part of Wärtsilä Corporation’s Finland 100 year centennial programme. The company is celebrating 100 years of Finland’s independence by giving something back to the country, part of which is the sponsorship of the city and port of Helsinki. The Seabin is a floating rubbish bin that is located in the water at marinas, docks, yacht clubs and commercial ports, collecting all floating rubbish. Water is sucked in from the surface and passes through the catch bag filter inside the Seabin. The water is then pumped back into the marina leaving litter and debris trapped in the catch bag to be disposed of properly. The Seabin also has the potential to collect a percentage of oils and pollutants floating on the water surface. The team at Seabin Project are currently using 12 volt submersible water pumps, which have the option to use alternative and cleaner energy sources. This may be using solar, wave or wind power technology depending on the geographical location and current technologies available. Seabin’s global pilot programme will be launched in April 2017 with the presentation and installation of the latest prototype (V5 Hybrid) in different locations around the globe. Helsinki will be one of these locations and is to date the only one in the Nordic countries. During the three month test period, user experience and data will be gathered from the pilot partners before commercial sales of the Seabins commence. Sponsorship of Helsinki In order to work for cleaner maritime environments, Wärtsilä has also signed an agreement with the city of Helsinki and the Port of Helsinki to donate two pre-series Seabins for testing in Helsinki during the trial period. Four additional Seabins can then be installed after commercial sales begin. The city of Helsinki and the Port of Helsinki will manage daily maintenance of the Seabins. Sustainable and environmental initiatives Wärtsilä is a member of the Sustainable Shipping Initiative and a signatory to the UN Global Compact, and is shaping the traditional marine and energy markets with sustainable and renewable solutions, all aimed at improving the environmental footprint of marine transport and power production. Wärtsilä provides cutting edge technology for reducing emissions from ships, by providing exhaust gas cleaning systems and dual-fuel hybrid engines designed primarily for liquefied natural gas fuel, a cleaner and purer alternative to diesel or bio diesel. Wärtsilä also designs, supplies, and installs clean technology for ballast water management to reduce the amount of pollutants being discharged into our oceans, thereby benefiting marine ecosystems globally. Wärtsilä’s remote monitoring and fleet management helps in opti-

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mising vessel operations. Entering the solar energy sector has proved invaluable to the already impressive Wärtsilä offering. By expanding the portfolio with new sustainable innovations Wärtsilä helps its customers to reduce their carbon emissions. Wärtsilä is the first company to offer utility-scale solar hybrid plants. The hybrid solution couples a solar PV park with an ultra-flexible Wärtsilä Smart Power Generation power plant. The two units operate in synchronisation to reduce the engines’ fuel consumption. “Wärtsilä is proud to join the Seabin Global Pilot Programme. As one of the marine industry’s leading solutions suppliers, it is our responsibility to supply efficient products that help our customers protect the environment. Environmental actions need to take place now and everyone can play a role, corporations as well as individuals,” says Jaakko Eskola, President & CEO of Wärtsilä Corporation. “We are excited that Wärtsilä has joined the programme and even more proud that they are sponsoring an entire city with Seabins. We expect to see some amazing and dynamic collaborations in the very near future with Wärtsilä to further develop the technology, and to get the Seabins off the dock and into the waters,” says Pete Ceglinski, Co-founder and Managing Director at Seabin Project.

Ξεκίνησε η περιβαλλοντική εκστρατεία της HELMEPA στο Αίγιο Eγκαινιάστηκε την Τρίτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, στο Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο «Αλέκος Μέγαρης», στο Αίγιο, η Έκθεση «Θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον - Ναυτιλία - Επιστήμες» της HELMEPA υπό την αιγίδα του Δήμου Αιγιάλειας και σε συνεργασία με την Δημοτική Κοινωφελή Επιχείρηση Αιγιάλειας (ΔΗ.Κ.ΕΠ.Α). Η Έκθεση είναι μέρος της «Εκστρατείας Ενημέρωσης της Εκπαιδευτικής Κοινότητας και του Ευρύτερου Κοινού» που υποστηρίζει το Βρετανικό Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF)*. Την εκδήλωση τίμησαν με την παρουσία τους ο Δήμαρχος Αιγιάλειας, κος Αθανάσιος Παναγόπουλος, η Πρόεδρος της ΔΗ.Κ.ΕΠ.Α., κα Μαρία Τσουκαλά, οι Υπεύθυνες Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης των Διευθύνσεων Πρωτοβάθμιας και Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Αχαΐας, κ.κ. Π. Σακοβέλη και Ι. Παπαϊωάννου, εκπρόσωποι τοπικών περιβαλλοντικών φορέων, 30 μαθητές-Ναυτίλοι από το 1ο Γυμνάσιο Αιγίου μαζί με την εκπαιδευτικό τους και πολίτες του Αιγίου. Καλωσορίζοντας τους προσκεκλημένους, ο Δήμαρχος εξέφρασε την ιδιαίτερη χαρά του που η πόλη του Αιγίου φιλοξενεί την Εκστρατεία αυτή, τονίζοντας τη σημασία του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος για τον παραθαλάσσιο Δήμο της Αιγιάλειας αλλά και για ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα, της οποίας η ναυτιλία κατέχει την 1η θέση παγκόσμια.


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Euploia announces Collaboration with Pompe Garbarino S.P.A. Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd signed a collaboration agreement with Pompe Garbarino S.P.A. Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd wish to broaden professional horizons by representing Exclusively in Greece one of the most well-established companies in the field of centrifugal and positive displacement Pumps for Marine & Offshore, Navy and Industry. Pompe Garbarino S.P.A. is worldwide leading company which specializes in the production of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for marine & offshore, navy and industry. The customers of Pompe Garbarino S.p.A. are Shipyards, ship owners, navies, engineering companies, chemical and petrochemical plants, desalination plants, power stations, steelworks, etc., in Italy and all over the world. Pompe Garbarino S.P.A. has the capability to produce more than 450 different models of pumps and offers an excellent service to customers in terms of technical consultancy and after sales service ensuring the availability of engineers on site.

Charis Valentakis, Managing Director of Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd commented: “This collaboration aligns with our vision to offer to our clients high quality repairs, services & spares parts. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship with Stone Marine Seals and Stone Marine Services. I sincerely hope that this first step will lead to long term collaboration between our companies”. Paolo Garbarino, Director, General Manager of Pompe Garbarino S.P.A., added: “We are committed to our collaboration with Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd. Through this Agency Agreement we expect to expand our business in the field of ship propeller and stern gear design, manufacture, service and repair. We expect to increase our sales in the Greek Shipping market and strengthen our position in the Global propulsion system market. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship with Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd which will be based on Trust & Reliability.”

Doosan Engine Passes 100m BHP Milestone bulent marine market and said: “Analysts say there is a crisis in shipping and in ship building. However, we have to keep in mind that world trade will grow as more regions attain a higher level of economic development. Therefore, there is no doubt but that the shipbuilding industry will eventually gain pace again.” Photo: The 100m bhp mark was rounded with the production of this 2,200-ton/ 75,000 kW (103,000 hp) MAN B&W 11G95ME-C engine, one of the most powerful engines the world has ever seen. It is bound for installation aboard an OOCL 21,000-teu container ship built by Samsung Heavy Industries.

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s licensee, Doosan Engine Co., Ltd., held a ceremony in Changwon, Korea on January 20th to celebrate the production of 100 million two-stroke bhp. The milestone was achieved with the successful test operation of an MAN B&W 11G95ME-C (103,000 hp) engine, the world’s most powerful engine type per cylinder and the most powerful engine in MAN Diesel & Turbo’s engine portfolio. MAN Diesel & Turbo drafted its first licence agreement with Doosan in 1983. Thomas Knudsen, Head of Low-Speed, led a company delegation to Korea and spoke at the event, noting that Doosan Engine had celebrated the cumulative production of 50 million bhp just nine years previously. He stated that Doosan Engine had mastered the production of diesel technology and developed into a valued partner in the continuous development of diesel engine technology. He continued: “There have been a lot of major milestones to celebrate at Doosan Engine, and there will undoubtedly be many more. But for now, I would just say congratulations on the 100 million bhp – and we are looking forward to the 100 million kW mark!” Knudsen concluded his speech by mentioning the current, tur-

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ACO Claimers delivered for installation ACO Marine has delivered three of its smallest Clarimar wastewater treatment units to Ukraine-based Nibulon Shipbuilding and Repair Yard for installation aboard a series of high specification project tugs. Three 1200hp tugboats, built to the yard’s 121M Project Tug design, will be delivered to Nibulon’s own account for barge assist operations on the Ukraine’s network of inland waterways. Each vessel will feature a Clarimar MF-0.5 wastewater management system, proving a treatment capacity of up to 1.2m3 per day from a system with footprint of just 1.63m2. Victor Zhigalenko, Sales Director ACO Marine Systems, said: “This is an important reference for ACO Marine in the tug and workboat sector. The Clarimar units we have delivered to the Nibulon yard are the smallest units we manufacture. Tugs typically have small machinery spaces so the Clarimar MF 0.5 is perfectly suited for this type of vessel.”

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Global Subsea Inspection Service launched by Lloyd’s Register Subsea Inspection Service launched by Lloyd’s Register provides operators with greater efficiency and improved confidence in the performance of their offshore and subsea operations. Inspection expertise will deliver optimised and cost effective approaches to underwater operations in offshore oil and gas as well as wind farm power generation and submarine cable markets. Lloyd’s Register (LR), a leading provider of integrity, compliance and specialist risk consulting services, announces its Subsea Inspection Services to support underwater inspections of subsea pipelines, assets and facilities to energy companies operating offshore. Services include project management, consultancy, personnel, quality control, data processing and data management, applicable to ROV, AUV and diver projects. Headed by LR’s Subsea Inspection Manager Andrew Inglis, and delivered by the company’s in-house experts in subsea inspection, survey and asset integrity, services will be provided to operators and contractors in the offshore oil and gas, wind farm and submarine cable sectors. Inglis says: “LR has significant capability and experience within the subsea sector including management of a wide range of offshore projects and operations across the energy mix. By uniting this expertise and experience with our focus upon safety, quality and cost-efficiency, we aim to be the preferred subsea inspection management supplier for our clients.” It is a timely approach by LR. Growth is forecast in all of these areas with research by Rystad Energy – one of Norway’s market

leading strategy consultancy companies – highlighting that subsea installations will increase production levels in the oil and gas sector from 15 million barrels per day to 35 million by 2030. It anticipates a rapid recovery in maintenance, modifications and operations expenditure. In the offshore wind sector Douglas Westwood highlights that €200bn of capital expenditure will result in installed capacity of more than 70GW by 2025, generating significant future operations and maintenance activities. “LR has significant expansion plans for the subsea sector and has invested in technology and people to ensure that we deliver high quality services and tangible cost and efficiency benefits for our customers.” As operators begin to prepare for their annual subsea inspection programmes, the company’s expertise will help clients achieve their subsea asset integrity requirements by optimising project planning, execution and delivery, and facilitating the potential for multi-client multi-project operations. The company has already delivered subsea inspection contracts for major operators in the North Sea and Trinidad. “With a good portfolio of work projects on the horizon, we look forward to making sure we actively do our part to help operators achieve their objectives of achieving a safe, efficient and sustainable sector,” highlights Inglis. Managed and co-ordinated in Aberdeen, the Subsea Inspection Service will be delivered to clients in all offshore energy regions through LR’s global network of office locations.

Lloyd’s Register and TWI launch two new projects

Lloyd’s Register (LR) and TWI are calling for partners to join two new global collaborative projects focused on two additive manufacturing challenges facing the industrial sector. “Achieving Regulatory and Code Compliance for Additive Manufacturing” and “Joining of Metallic Additively Manufactured Products and Materials” are expected to attract considerable interest from companies worldwide, as these new projects will further explore challenges uncovered from LR and TWI’s first joint industry project, “Certification of Laser Powder Additive Manufactured Components for Industrial Adoption in the Energy and Offshore Sectors”. Additive manufacturing, also referred to as 3D printing, has already been widely adopted by the aerospace and medical industries due to its ability to create complex and customised metal parts with not only a high level of precision, but also with reduced weight and high material utilisation. Even with the current market pressure in the maritime and energy industries, industry players continue to research, plan for and adopt additive manufacturing technologies for the production of metal parts – exploiting benefits such as weight reduction and the ability to print spare parts on demand. What remains unexplored is the link between additive manufacturing and compliance with standards and regulations that are often used in safety-critical pieces of equipment, such as the American Petroleum Institute code (API), the American Society of Mechanical

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Engineer’s (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and Europe’s Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). “Achieving Regulatory and Code Compliance for Additive Manufacturing” will investigate the routes to regulatory compliance of parts selected by project sponsors, and will produce data and assessment criteria for the introduction and acceptance of parts through third-party inspection. This will give them a head start on their competition by receiving technical services and support covering design and manufacturing through to testing and inspection. The second project, “Joining of Metallic Additively Manufactured Products and Materials” will concentrate on filling in the real-world gaps (e.g. controls, data, testing, inspection) to enable project sponsors to design, fabricate and put into service structures that are comprised of conventionally made parts welded with additively manufactured parts. Project sponsors will gain the confidence to put parts into service in real-world, challenging operating environments and conditions, which is a significant step forward for industries such as energy, marine and offshore. The projects further involve LR and TWI in the growing AM industry. Both companies are members of several working groups on additive manufacturing approaches and standardisations for industrial equipment and both offer services and support to help clients move from initial concepts and research through to manufacturing and in-service implementation.


DNV GL connects oil and gas with a new industry data platform safety, predictive maintenance, performance forecasting, energy efficiency and real-time risk management. A key learning from such big data projects is that data quality is a major barrier to overcome. “A distinctive element of our new industry data platform is therefore that it combines domain expertise and data science to put quality assured data – the veracity of data - at the centre and facilitate open, industry-wide collaboration and innovation. The aim is to not only build trust, but also boost knowledge and encourage collaboration. The industry needs to be successful at this to leverage the benefits of digitalization,” says Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas. Remi Eriksen, President and CEO of DNV GL, explains: “The potential for using data more smartly in our industries is enormous. Companies have always turned to us for independent, expert assessments and best practices – to build trust in the safety, efficiency and sustainability of their physical assets and operations. Now, we are exercising this same role in the digital domain with our Veracity industry data platform, designed to help companies leverage the ever-increasing amount of data from multiple sources. We are not looking to own data, but rather to unlock, qualify, combine and prepare data for analytics and benchmarking.”

New DNV GL research shows that nearly half of senior oil and gas executives think they need to embrace digitalization to increase profitability. The oil and gas industry is increasingly recognizing the need to overcome data quality issues and manage ownership, control, sharing and the use of data. As a trusted third party, DNV GL is now launching an industry data platform - Veracity - to facilitate frictionless connections between different industry players, domain experts and data scientists. New DNV GL research1 among industry leaders in the oil and gas sector shows that nearly one in four (39 %) respondents say their organization has an increased focus on digitalization and, despite ongoing cost pressures, 39% believe spending on digitalization will increase in 2017. The fact that 49% of the respondents believe digitalization is necessary to boost profitability shows that the industry should step up its digitalization efforts. DNV GL has for years worked with oil and gas companies on big data projects focusing on reduced downtime, improved

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Other main findings from the Industry Outlook research show significant regional differences in the uptake of digitalization. While globally 39 % of senior oil and gas professionals report an increased focus on digitalization since the downturn, only 28% in Latin America and 32% in North America report an increased effort. On the other hand, Asia Pacific and Europe have been the most focussed on digitalization with 40% and 42%. However, most regions show the same interest in implementing/investing significantly in digitalization, with a variance of just 2% - from Latin America at 20% to Europe at 22%. Short-term agility, long-term resilience: the outlook for the oil and gas industry in 2017 is an industry benchmark study from DNV GL, the leading technical advisor to the industry. Now in its seventh year, the study builds on the findings of six prior annual outlook reports, first launched in early 2011. During October and November 2016, we surveyed 723 senior professionals and executives across the global oil and gas industry and conducted 14 in-depth interviews with a range of experts, business leaders and analysts. Two–thirds (66%) are employed by suppliers and service companies across the industry, while 26% of respondents work for oil and gas operators. The remaining respondents come from regulators and trade associations. The companies surveyed vary in size: 41% had annual revenue of USD500m or less, while 18% had annual revenue more than USD5bn. Respondents were drawn from right across the oil and gas value chain, including publicly-listed companies and privately-held firms. They also represent a range of functions within the industry, from board-level executives to senior engineers. Image: Elisabeth Tørstad CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas.


Rolls-Royce To Deliver Propulsion for new Danish Passenger Ferry

Danish ferry operator Mols-Linien has ordered a new passenger ferry from the Rauma Marine Constructions yard in Rauma, Finland. Rolls-Royce will provide the main propellers and propulsion control system to the new ship, which is planned to operate between mainland Denmark and the island of Bornholm, also known as the sunshine island of the Baltic Sea. Rolls-Royce will deliver two units of a Promas system which integrates the controllable pitch propeller, a propeller hub cap, a rudder with bulb and a twisted leading edge into one hydrodynamically optimized unit. Gearboxes, steering gears, two tunnel thrusters in the bow and a control system are also part of the delivery. Gary Nutter, Rolls-Royce, Director Products, said: “By adapting the propeller and rudder into one propulsive unit, Promas offers increased propulsive efficiency and improved manoeuvrability. It is

chosen by both conventional single and twin screw ships, such as the passenger ferry to be constructed for Mols-Linien.” Included in the order are cavitation tests at the Rolls-Royce Hydrodynamic Research Centre (HRC) in Kristinehamn, Sweden. At this advanced facility, the performance of the combined propeller and rudder system (Promas) will be controlled and tested prior to manufacturing. The HRC includes a large cavitation tunnel where a model of the ship’s hull, with the ordered propulsion set up, will perform in different operating conditions. Model testing can lead to important and cost-saving adjustments in a product or ship design. Göran Grunditz, Rolls-Royce, Manager HRC, said: “Cavitation tests are digitally documented and log efficiency, cavitation performance and risk of cavitation erosion on the equipment. The tests provide us, the yard and the owner with useful data related to estimated future fuel consumption and can also help the owner when planning for future services intervals.” The Rolls-Royce Hydrodynamic Research Centre is one of the world’s leading marine research facilities, specialising in the development of marine propulsion systems including the design and testing of propellers and water jets. The new passenger ferry for Mols-Linien will have a capacity of 600 people and two decks totalling 1,500 lane metres for transportation of cars and trailers. It is planned to enter operation in September 2018. Image Caption: Rolls-Royce will provide the main propellers and propulsion control system to a new passenger ferry for Danish ferry operator Mols-Linien

Wärtsilä carries out fast and efficient repowering of Italian ferry The Italian ferry company Moby S.p.A has chosen Wärtsilä to carry out the repowering of its passenger ferry MV Moby Zaza. Wärtsilä was chosen as a partner because of its ability to provide the fastest delivery of the complete system and thus minimising the downtime of the vessel. Moby Zaza is the last one in a series of successful repowering projects that started with MV Moby Corse and continued with MV Moby Kiss. The scope of the agreement covers equipment as well as commissioning and systems integration. The Wärtsilä equipment provided include four new auxiliary generating sets with digital automatic voltage regulators, seawater systems with complete cooling circuit that allows operating in high sea water temperatures, exhaust gas system silencers and fuel systems. Wärtsilä’s efficient delivery, installation, start-up and commissioning of the equipment ensure that the passenger ferry is in commercial operation on an expedited schedule. The new, state-of-the-art equipment will extend the lifecycle of the installation. As the existing 30-year-old equipment is replaced with new Wärtsilä products, the vessel’s environmental footprint is considerably reduced. The Wärtsilä equipment complies with the most stringent environmental regulations. Wärtsilä will provide techni-

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cal support to the yard in the equipment installation and systems integration phase as well as in the on-site commissioning and sea trials to ensure that all systems perform optimally. “Wärtsilä is a key partner of our group. Their competence and quick reactions capability will allow us to have the vessel back in service with minimum downtime,” says Vincenzo Onorato, Chairman of Moby S.p.A.

Secured uptime with increased efficiency

“Maximising uptime is naturally one of the highest priorities of a ferry company,” says Serge Begue, Vice President Services South Europe and Africa, Wärtsilä. “Wärtsilä is happy to update MV Moby Zaza’s installation with modern, more efficient equipment, which is also more environmentally sustainable. We value our partnership with Moby S.p.A. and look forward to continuing our cooperation.” The Milan based company Moby S.p.A. is part of the Italian Onorato Group, one of the most prominent players in the Mediterranean ferry business, owning a fleet of more than 60 vessels under the brands Moby, Tirrenia and Toremar. The RoRo ferry MV Moby Zaza was built in 1982, with 288 passenger cabins and capacity for transporting 480 cars.


Port of Hamburg resumes growth course

Container throughput achieves 1.0 percent advance in 2016/ Setting a record result for seaport-hinterland rail transport with 2.4 million TEU. In 2016 Germany’s largest universal port achieved a turnaround in seaborne cargo throughput, reaching a total 138.2 million tons in the general and bulk cargo segments. ‘Seaborne cargo throughput in the Port of Hamburg again developed upwards with an increase of 0.3 percent. Stronger general cargo throughput offset a slight downturn in bulk cargo throughput. The Port of Hamburg is also contemplating a positive trend for 2017,’ said Axel Mattern, Joint CEO of Port of Hamburg Marketing. The successful development of seaport-hinterland transport by rail was maintained. ‘Hamburg is further extending its position as Europe’s leading rail port. In 2016, 46.4 million tons of freight (up 1.5 percent) and 2.4 million TEU (up 2.4 percent) were transported in/out of the port by rail. We are delighted about this record result. Now at 46.6 percent, the proportion of freight transported by rail received a further boost,’ said Ingo Egloff, Joint CEO of Port of Hamburg Marketing. After an initially modest start at the beginning of the year, container throughput picked up during the second half, achieving a 1.0 percent advance over twelve months to 8.9 million TEU. At 91.7 million tons, total containerized cargo volume rose by 1.2 percent. The container traffic with Asia that is of such special importance for the Port of Hamburg was up by 1.3 percent at 4.7 million TEU. Also dominating in Hamburg, container throughput with Chinese ports made good progress, increasing by 1.6 percent to 2.6 million TEU. Container services on trade routes with North and South America were 2.9 percent ahead at 1.2 million TEU. Handling 2.6 million TEU, the European container trade remained at the previous year’s level. A gratifying 4.5 percent increase took container traffic with Russia up to 453,000 TEU. ‘Despite trade sanctions remaining in force, Russia returned to second place (2015: third) among the Port of Hamburg’s container transport trading partners,’ reported Ingo Egloff. As before, direct calls by container liner services in Gothenburg and Danzig caused downturns in Hamburg’s seaborne

container throughput with Sweden, 10.6 percent lower at 243,000 TEU, and Poland, down by 9.7 percent at 214,000 TEU. Totalling 1.8 million TEU, container services with the Baltic nevertheless remained at the previous year’s level. Up 2.0 percent at 241,000 TEU, India’s continuingly growing importance remained very satisfactory. The country now takes tenth place in the list of Hamburg’s top trading partners for container transport. Other positive trends in container traffic can be reported with the USA, 11.1 percent up at 363,000 TEU, United Kingdom, 12.6 percent up at 246,000 TEU, United Arab Emirates, 11.1 percent up at 234,000 TEU, and Mexico, 17.8 percent higher at 74,000 TEU. On both imports and exports, the Port of Hamburg’s throughput balance for 2016 reflected growth. At 4.6 million TEU, imports were up by 1.2 percent, while exports at 4.3 million TEU scored a 0.7 percent advance. ‘Despite lower transhipment-container services by feederships to/from Sweden and Poland, on total throughput the port can report an upward trend for both imports and exports. Growth was primarily generated by container services with Asia and the Americas,’ explained Mattern. On bulk cargo throughput, accounting for throughput of 44.9 million tons (down 1.3 percent) in Hamburg in 2016, imports and exports fared differently. On the import side, a total of 33.4 million tons represented a gain of 3.0 percent. On exports, at 11.5 million tons bulk cargo throughput was down on the previous year by 11.9 percent. Ensuring import growth were the following segments: suction cargoes – oilseeds, grains & feedstuffs – that were 7.8 percent higher at 4.3 million tons, and liquid cargoes that rose by 9.7 percent to 10.7 million tons. Here the main cause of the increase was a 29.4 percent advance to 9.7 million tons in imports of oil products. Mainly involving coal and ores, grab cargo throughput was slightly – 1.4 percent – down to 18.5 million tons on the previous year. At 11.5 million tons, exports in the suction, liquid and grab cargo segments were down by 11.9 percent, for various reasons. Apart from the harvest-related downturn in grain exports, down by 23.2 percent at 3.2 million tons, another in oil products was also recorded. At 2.2

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million tons, these were 20.6 percent lower than in the especially strong previous year, primarily as the result of the closure of a major refinery in Hamburg, where oil product exports ceased. At 3.5 million tons – down by 0.5 percent – the result on grab cargoes almost matched the previous year. In 2016, at 1.5 million tons throughput of non-containerized general cargoes, for example bulky plant elements and wheeled cargo, was 11.0 percent down on the previous year. On the import side, with the total 9.7 percent lower at 518,000 tons, growing totals for citrus fruits – 1.7 percent higher at 182,000 tons – and other conventional cargoes, for example large machinery, proved unable to offset downturns for paper, wood, metal and vehicles. On exports of conventional general cargoes, with the total down 11.6 percent at one million tons, growth for timber, iron and steel failed to offset lower vehicle exports.

Record result for seaport-hinterland rail transport

Ingo Egloff and Axel Mattern, Port of Hamburg Marketing’s Joint CEOs, declared at the Port of Hamburg’s Annual Press Conference that seaborne cargo throughput in the universal Port of Hamburg has stabilized and there is an obvious upward trend. In strong competition with the other main ports in Northern Europe, Hamburg can claim an especially positive trend in seaport-hinterland services. Against the trend for lower volumes on rail freight traffic in Germany, at 46.4 million tons the volume transported into/out of the Port of Hamburg was 1.5 percent higher. The number of containers transported by rail climbed by 2.4 percent to 2.4 million TEU. In the Port of Hamburg’s modal split, rail further increased its share of containers transported from 41.6 percent to 42.3 percent. Linking Hamburg with all hinterland economic centres, more than 200 freight trains reach or leave Europe’s largest rail port every day. “In a comparison with ports in Europe, the highest number of connections and the great frequency of train departures to/from Hamburg are very advantageous in offering shippers in industry and commerce rapid handling of their export and import cargoes,’ said Egloff.

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Elbe fairway adjustment is coming

To continue expanding the Port of Hamburg in its multitude of functions and to keep it competitive, modernization and expansion of an efficient infrastructure for freight transport by rail, truck, inland waterway or oceangoing ship is of crucial importance. ‘With its judgement on 9 February, the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig expressly underlined the necessity of the fairway adjustment,’ said Jens Meier, CEO of Hamburg Port Authority (HPA). Fairway adjustment is coming. Now the task is to extend the legal process. ‘We shall now be concentrating on clarifying the questions about possible fluctuations in the salinity of the Elbe and on attending to demands for additional compensatory areas within the framework of what is compatible with legislation on protecting habitats.’ The project group responsible will be urgently working on this, yet it is too early just now to make a firm statement on the time framework required. The Federal Administrative Court made clear in its judgement that no deficiencies are evident in the entire planning process and that the objections by environmental groups in respect of hydraulic construction measures are unfounded. The European water directive has also been observed. Only the protection of one plant species, the ‘Hemlock Water Dropwort’ and the designation of compensatory areas require improvement, and then the measure should be implemented. ‘So it is clear that fairway adjustment is coming, but we regret the loss of more time in implementing the measure. The essential point is that for shipping on the Elbe and operations in the Port of Hamburg, nothing changes. We have proved able until now to handle the largest containerships, and that will remain so in future. No deterioration will therefore be occurring,’ stressed Egloff. The Port of Hamburg is Germany’s largest universal port, guaranteeing more than 156,000 jobs in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. The port is a significant industrial base and with net added value of 21.8 billion euros is of immense significance for the entire German economy. For 2017, the Port of Hamburg’s marketing organization reckons with a seaborne cargo throughput at last year’s level.

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