Τιμητική Διάκριση Ιδρύματος Προαγωγής Δημοσιογραφίας Αθ. Βασ. Μπότση για το έγκυρο Ναυτιλιακό ρεπορτάζ και την στήριξη της Εμπορικής μας Ναυτιλίας
ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ 2229
Bimonthly Review for the Shipping Industry May 2022 | issue 146
Shipping is in the Greeks’ DNA and the revival of the shipbuilding industry must become our national target
Yiannis Paraskevopoulos: The pioneer of Turbocharger repairs in Greece & Europe presents a new global innovation TURBOMED SA, the innovative technology company, that constantly leads the way offering the most reliable & high quality solutions in the field of ship engines turbochargers, proudly presents the new pioneering service of “Portable Dynamic Balancing” on-board. A significant problem with regards to the repair and maintenance of turbochargers is the difficulty and, in some cases, the non-availability of rotor balancing devices. Given the fact that the turbocharger plays a significant role in the smooth operation of the ship and the rotor shaft is a high speed rotating part of it, the balancing is considered absolutely necessary for the performance, as well as its life expectancy.
T: (+30) 210 4000111 | M: (+30) 6932210060 | |
The innovative solution TURBOMED SA, equipped with the innovative solution of flexible portable dynamic balancing device, -designed in order to respond effectively within an environment of high vibrations such as that of the ship’s engine room- solves
Do the results of vibrations on the balancing device get affected by the rest of the vibrations and noise generated by the other machines in the engine room? No, the device does not get affected by external vibrations and noises. It is manufactured in such way in order to zero all vibrations & noises coming all sources other than the placed on the device rotor shaft during the
a major integrated repair problem, covering the total range of turbocharger’s
balancing. This device is designed and manufactured
balancing requirements of main & auxiliary engines.
specifically for TURBOMED SA for on-board use.
“A vision of many years is becoming a reality! The Portable Dynamic
Is this a portable device?
Balancing device is designed and manufactured exclusively for our company
Yes, it is portable and flexible, as it can easily get
for on-board use and beyond. This way we are able to restitute any damage
transported in the luggage of specialized technicians of
on board, even in the most remote parts of the planet”, pointed out the
TURBOMED SA. At the same time the balancing report is
President & CEO of TURBOMED SA Mr. Yiannis Paraskevopoulos.
being issued and remains on-board together with the rest of the service reports.
Now, the complete repair and balancing service is performed directly and efficiently inside the ship, without having to take the rotor off board – a time consuming and costly service. In fact, in cases of remote ports, where there is no infrastructure or specialized workshops suitable for balancing, this exclusive service is a great added value for the ship-owners & charterers as they save valuable time and therefore money. Starting from the specialized machine shop of TURBOMED SA in Piraeus, this new service of portable dynamic balancing on-board is also available at the company’s services stations in key ports around the world such as Constanta Romania, Lagos Nigeria, Limassol Cyprus, as well as all over Europe, USA, Asia & Africa. Well trained and experienced engineers are always available to support the overhaul of ship engines turbochargers, transporting the balancing device on their luggage and providing balancing services on ships and power plants all over the world.
Are the safety rules met during process? TURBOMED SA holds all safety protocols and takes all necessary measures, using the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure the prevention of accidents and the maximum possible safety of individuals. Is it an economical solution? The “Portable Dynamic Balancing” service is the most advantageous solution, given the fact that it provides a high degree of immediate efficiency, effectiveness and quality. A full service package is offered on-board, covering the wide range of maintenance – service – balancing of turbochargers rotor shafts within the ship schedule and without any delay. For which engines is it suitable? This device combines excellent flexibility and ergonomics. It is suitable for all types of main & auxiliary engines, covering a wide range of needs and is able to balance new and used rotor shafts. Is it possible to cover an emergency need of a damage? Of course, it meets the needs for both scheduled overhaul and balancing, as well as an emergency breakdown service anywhere in the world 24/7. Is it exclusively providing services on-board? Not only. Shipping, on one hand, occupies the largest percentage of repairs, however this device is equally suitable and ideal for Shipyards where there are no dynamic balancing machines, for Power Plants and Oil & Gas Platforms.
Mr. Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, President & CEO of TURBOMED SA
06 Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 ιδανικό περιβάλλον για την προβολή της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας
MAY 2022
Panagiotis Doukas Publications
Μελίνα Τραυλού, Πρόεδρος της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών CORPORATE
Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 χαρτογραφούν τη νέα πορεία της Παγκόσμιας Ναυτιλίας
Posidonia 2022
16 18
N. Δούκας | Η σημασία της ναυτιλίας για την Εθνική Οικονομία και την Ευρώπη K. Δούκας | Οὒριος ἂνεμος στήν ναυτιλία μέ ἀνησυχίες ὃμως γιά τό μέλλον Ted Petropoulos | TA review of Greek ship finance trends and prospects
66 Charidimos Valentakis Shipping is in the Greeks’ DNA and the revival of the shipbuilding industry must become our national target
158 Ετήσια συνδρομή εσωτερικού 50 ευρώ. Ετήσια συνδρομή εξωτερικού USD 70. NAFS, ISSN 1107-3179. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση, η αναπαραγωγή, ολική, μερική ή περιληπτική, ή κατά παράφραση με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, χωρίς γραπτή άδεια του εκδότη, εκτός αν αναφέρεται το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ ως πηγή των πληροφοριών αυτών. Οι απόψεις των συνεργατών και αρθρογράφων του περιοδικού ΝΑΥΣ δεν απηχούν κατ’ ανάγκη και τις θέσεις του περιοδικού και του εκδότη. Οι αρθρογράφοι του περιοδικού φέρουν την αποκλειστική ευθύνη της ιδοκτησίας των κειμένων που αποστέλουν προς δημοσίευση και οφείλουν να γνωστοποιούν τις πηγές στις οποίες αναφέρονται εάν υπάρχουν.
Το περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ έχει τιμηθεί από το Ίδρυμα Προαγωγής Δημοσιογραφίας Αθ. Βασ. Μπότση για το έγκυρο Ναυτιλιακό ρεπορτάζ και την στήριξη της Εμπορικής μας Ναυτιλίας. NAFS magazine has been honored with The Ath. Vas. Botsis Foundation award - the most prestigious award in Greece for journalism - for the valid Shipping Report and its support to the Merchant Shipping.
06 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
“Η Ένωσις Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών δεσμεύεται ότι η ελληνική ναυτιλία, ως παγκόσμιος ηγέτης του κλάδου, θα βρίσκεται στην πρώτη γραμμή πρωτοβουλιών, ώστε να υιοθετηθούν βιώσιμες πολιτικές προς όφελος της αειφόρου ανάπτυξης, της προστασίας του πλανήτη και της εύρυθμης λειτουργίας του παγκόσμιου οικοσυστήματος”.
Μελίνα Τραυλού Πρόεδρος της Ενώσεως Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών
Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 ιδανικό περιβάλλον για την προβολή της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας
καθιερωμένη παγκοσμίως εδώ και δεκαετίες ναυτιλιακή έκθεση των Ποσειδωνίων επιστρέφει φέτος, μετά από 4 έτη απουσίας λόγω της πανδημίας, με ισχυρές βάσεις, ώστε, όχι μόνο να ανταποκριθεί στις υψηλές προσδοκίες της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας, αλλά και να τις υπερβεί. Με ιδιαίτερη χαρά υποδεχόμαστε στη χώρα μας, στην έδρα της μεγαλύτερης ναυτιλίας του κόσμου, διεθνείς εκθέτες και επισκέπτες, για να συμμετέχουν σε αυτόν τον παγκόσμιο ναυτιλιακό θεσμό κύρους. Η ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία μας διατηρεί τον ηγετικό της ρόλο στον κλάδο, αντιπροσωπεύοντας σήμερα το 21% του παγκόσμιου στόλου και το 59% του ευρωπαϊκού στόλου. Ειδικότερα, ελέγχει το 32% του παγκόσμιου στόλου δεξαμενοπλοίων, το 25% των πλοίων μεταφοράς χύδην ξηρού φορτίου και το 22% του στόλου πλοίων μεταφοράς υγροποιημένου φυσικού αερίου (LNG). Η ελληνική και συνακόλουθα η ευρωπαϊκή ναυτιλία παρέχει στρατηγικό πλεονέκτημα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στην προσπάθειά της να εξασφαλίσει την εφοδιαστική επάρκεια και ανεξαρτησία της. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι κατά τη διάρκεια της περιόδου των τεσσάρων χρόνων που μεσολάβησε από τα «Ποσειδώνια 2018», ο ναυτιλιακός κλάδος συνέχισε να εξυπηρετεί αδιαλείπτως το 90% του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου. Στο ασταθές παγκόσμιο περιβάλλον, η ναυτιλία λειτούργησε και λειτουργεί ως φάρος σταθερότητας, ανταποκρινόμενη στις πρωτόγνωρες συνθήκες που αντιμετωπίζουμε τα τελευταία χρόνια με τη διεθνή υγειονομική κρίση, αλλά και τους τελευταίους μήνες με την κρίση στην Ουκρανία. Για άλλη μια φορά, ο κλάδος της ναυτιλίας, ανέδειξε τη στρατηγική του διάσταση και την καθοριστική του συμβολή στη διαβίωση των πολιτών της
παγκόσμιας κοινότητας. Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, η διεθνής ναυτιλιακή διοργάνωση των Ποσειδωνίων 2022,θα αποτελέσει το ιδανικό περιβάλλον για να προβληθεί ο νευραλγικός, πολυ-επίπεδος και αναντικατάστατος ρόλος του ναυτιλιακού κλάδου στην παγκόσμια οικονομία. Με έντονο το διεθνές ενδιαφέρον για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής, τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 θα αποτελέσουν, επίσης, εξαιρετικό βήμα προβολής του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας, αλλά και της περιβαλλοντικής απόδοσης του ελληνόκτητου στόλου. Παράλληλα, θα προσφέρουν μια μοναδική πλατφόρμα επικοινωνίας των πιο καινοτόμων και τεχνολογικά προηγμένων δυνατοτήτων σύγχρονης λειτουργίας του κλάδου, με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση σε εφαρμογές που οδηγούν στη σταδιακή απεξάρτηση της ναυτιλίας από τον άνθρακα. Θα ήθελα ιδιαίτερα να τονίσω τη διαχρονική προσήλωση της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας στην προώθηση της «πράσινης ναυτιλίας». Η ελληνική ναυτιλία, αξιοποιώντας τη συσσωρευμένη τεχνογνωσία κι εμπειρία της, χαράσσει τις εξελίξεις, πάντα με προτάσεις ρεαλιστικές και στόχους ουσιαστικούς όπως η έρευνα και η ανάπτυξη εναλλακτικών ναυτιλιακών καυσίμων, φιλικών προς το περιβάλλον. Επιπλέον, ενισχύουμε κάθε τεκμηριωμένη προσπάθεια που αποσκοπεί σε μια ναυτιλία ακόμη πιο φιλική προς το περιβάλλον, αλλά και διεθνώς ανταγωνιστική. Η Ένωσις Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών δεσμεύεται ότι η ελληνική ναυτιλία, ως παγκόσμιος ηγέτης του κλάδου, θα βρίσκεται στην πρώτη γραμμή πρωτοβουλιών, ώστε να υιοθετηθούν βιώσιμες πολιτικές προς όφελος της αειφόρου ανάπτυξης, της προστασίας του πλανήτη και της εύρυθμης λειτουργίας του παγκόσμιου οικοσυστήματος.
08 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 χαρτογραφούν τη νέα πορεία της Παγκόσμιας Ναυτιλίας
Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 θα διεξαχθούν αυτό το καλοκαίρι από τις 6 έως τις 10 Ιουνίου, με την 27η διοργάνωση της κορυφαίας ναυτιλιακής έκθεσης στον κόσμο να ετοιμάζεται να καλωσορίσει και πάλι τη διεθνή ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα στους χώρους του Athens Metropolitan Expo, μετά την ακύρωση των Ποσειδωνίων του 2020 λόγω της πανδημίας. Tα Ποσειδώνια 2022 φαίνεται ότι θα επανέλθουν – αν δεν τα ξεπεράσουν – στα επίπεδα ρεκόρ που είχαν σημειωθεί στην προ της πανδημίας διοργάνωση του 2018, στην οποία συμμετείχαν 2.009 εκθέτες και 22.000 επισκέπτες από 92 χώρες. Το μεγαλύτερο μέρος των επιβεβαιωμένων κρατήσεων εκθεσιακού χώρου στα φετινά Ποσειδώνια προέρχεται και πάλι από διεθνείς εταιρείες, ενώ τουλάχιστον οι 85 από τον συνολικό αριθμό των εκθετών θα κάνουν το ντεμπούτο τους στη φετινή διοργάνωση. Ο Θεόδωρος Βώκος, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος των Εκθέσεων Ποσειδώνια Α.Ε., διοργανωτών της εκδήλωσης, δήλωσε: «Είμαστε έτοιμοι για τις μεγάλες αλλαγές που λαμβάνουν χώρα στο ναυτιλιακό κλάδο. Είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι που βλέπουμε τόσο ισχυρή ζήτηση και νιώθουμε την επιθυμία της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας να ξαναβρεθεί στα Ποσειδώνια. Ως ‘έδρα’ της ελληνικής ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας, τα Ποσειδώνια ήταν πάντα ένας δημοφιλής προορισμός για δικτύωση με τους ηγέτες του κλάδου, για παρουσίαση των τελευταίων μηχανολογικών και τεχνολογικών εξελίξεων στη ναυτιλία
και για τη συμμετοχή σε συζητήσεις που διαμορφώνουν τον διεθνή διάλογο για τα σημαντικότερα ζητήματα του κλάδου». H πρόσφατα εκλεγμένη Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών (ΕΕΕ) κα. Μελίνα Τραυλού, στέλνει το δικό της μήνυμα στήριξης στη διοργάνωση των Ποσειδωνίων 2022: «Η καθιερωμένη παγκοσμίως εδώ και δεκαετίες ναυτιλιακή έκθεση των Ποσειδωνίων επιστρέφει φέτος, μετά από 4 έτη απουσίας λόγω της πανδημίας, με ισχυρές βάσεις, ώστε όχι μόνο να ανταποκριθεί στις υψηλές προσδοκίες της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας, αλλά και να τις υπερβεί». «Έχοντας λάβει την τιμή να ηγηθώ της ιστορικής μας Ένωσης, του θεσμικού εκπροσώπου της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας η οποία κατέχει περίπου το 20% της παγκόσμιας χωρητικότητας και το 59% του ελεγχόμενου από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στόλου, εκ μέρους και του Διοικητικού μας Συμβουλίου, είμαστε βέβαιοι για την επιτυχή διεξαγωγή της σημαντικής αυτής έκθεσης για τη διεθνή ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία, που αποτελεί καθοριστικό πυλώνα του παγκόσμιου εμπορίου και της οικονομικής ανάπτυξης», δήλωσε η κα. Τραυλού. «Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 προσφέρουν ευκαιρίες για σύμπραξη της ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας και συσπείρωση σε κοινές αποδεκτές αρχές και αμοιβαία επωφελείς στρατηγικές για έναν φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον και βιώσιμο ναυτιλιακό κλάδο, τόσο βραχυπρόθεσμα όσο και μακροπρόθεσμα», σημείωσε η κα. Τραυλού. Μερικά από τα θέματα που θα συζητηθούν στο πλαίσιο των
10 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
συνεδρίων των Ποσειδωνίων 2022 θα είναι η εκρηκτική άνοδος των αγορών χύδην ξηρού φορτίου και εμπορευματοκιβωτίων, η συζήτηση για τον περιορισμό των εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα, οι νέες τεχνολογικές προκλήσεις και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο αναδιαμορφώνουν τη βιομηχανία, ο αρχικός αντίκτυπος της πανδημίας Covid-19 και η επακόλουθη ανάκαμψη από αυτήν, καθώς και η αβεβαιότητα για το τι επιφυλάσσει το μέλλον σε έναν μεταπανδημικό κόσμο. Το πρόγραμμα των συνεδρίων βρίσκεται ακόμα υπό διαμόρφωση, αλλά έχει ήδη επιβεβαιωθεί το εμβληματικό Tradewinds Shipowners Forum, σε συνδυασμό με το Global Maritime Summit, που διοργανώνεται από την Seatrade σε συνεργασία με το Global Maritime Club, καθώς και το Capital Link Investor Forum. Άλλες επιβεβαιωμένες εκδηλώσεις, που αναδεικνύουν τη διεθνή συμμετοχή στο Ποσειδώνια, περιλαμβάνουν το σεμινάριο Japan Ship Exporters Association, το 3ο Hellenic Maritime Cooperation Forum Κορέας-Ελλάδας, καθώς και το συνέδριο που διοργανώνει η Πολωνική Πρεσβεία στην Ελλάδα. Τα Ποσειδώνια με υπερηφάνεια υποστηρίζουν επίσης την HELMEPA, την WISTA Hellas, το Yes Forum για τους νέους, το Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Ναυτιλιακής Τεχνολογίας, το και το Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, που θα διοργανώσουν επίσης συνέδρια και σεμινάρια στο πλαίσιο της φετινής διοργάνωσης. Τα μοναδικά Posidonia Games θα αποτελέσουν και φέτος σημαντικό μέρος της εμπειρίας των Ποσειδωνίων, καθώς εκατοντάδες εκθέτες αναμένεται να συμμετάσχουν στο πλούσιο αθλητικό πρόγραμμα που περιλαμβάνει τον αγώνα ιστιοπλοΐας Posidonia Cup, τον αγώνα δρόμου Posidonia Running Event, το τουρνουά ποδοσφαίρου Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament, το τουρνουά γκολφ Posidonia Golf Tournament και το ολοκαίνουργιο Posidonia 3x3 Basketball. Η Έκθεση Ποσειδώνια τελεί υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών και του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου της Ελλάδας με την υποστήριξη του Δήμου Πειραιά και της Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Ναυτιλιακής Συνεργασίας.
Κορυφαίοι νηογνώμονες διαμορφώνουν τον οδικό χάρτη για τον περιορισμό των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου
Οι κορυφαίοι νηογνώμονες της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας επιστρέφουν σύσσωμοι στα Ποσειδώνια αυτόν τον Ιούνιο, μετά τη διετή διακοπή που προκάλεσε η πανδημία, στη διάρκεια της οποίας χαρτογράφησαν την πορεία του κλάδου έως την προθεσμία που έχει θέσει ο Διεθνής Ναυτιλιακός Οργανισμός (ΙΜΟ) για το 2030, για μείωση κατά τουλάχιστον 40% της έντασης των εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα της ναυτιλίας σε σύγκριση με το 2008. Το επόμενο ορόσημο του οδικού χάρτη του ΙΜΟ προς την απαλλαγή από τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα είναι η 1η Ιανουαρίου 2023, όταν θα απαιτείται πλέον από όλα τα πλοία να υπολογίζουν τον δικό τους Δείκτη Ενεργειακής Απόδοσης (EEXI) και να καθιερώσουν ετήσιο επιχειρησιακό Δείκτη Έντασης Άνθρακα (CII). Προγραμματισμένη για τις 6-10 Ιουνίου, η έκθεση Ποσειδώνια 2022 θα προσφέρει στην παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα την κατάλληλη πλατφόρμα για να συναντηθεί με νηογνώμονες όπως οι ABS, BV, CCS, Class NK, DNV, KR, LR και RINA, μεταξύ άλλων, ώστε να σχεδιάσει μία συλλογική απάντηση στις υποχρεώσεις που θέτει ο ΙΜΟ, αλλά και να καλύψει τα τελευταία “μίλια” που απομένουν πριν από την προθεσμία εφαρμογής για τις απαιτήσεις EEXI και CII. Η ταχύτητα παίζει πολύ ουσιαστικό ρόλο, τόσο σε ό,τι αφορά το πόσο γρήγορα οι πλοιοκτήτες και η βιομηχανία γενικότερα θα
μπορέσουν να ανταποκριθούν στις βραχυπρόθεσμες απαιτήσεις παρακολούθησης και καταγραφής που θέτει ο ΙΜΟ, όσο και στη μακροπρόθεσμη δέσμευσή τους να μειώσουν τα όρια ταχύτητας με τα οποία μπορούν να ταξιδεύουν οι στόλοι τους. «Γνωρίζουμε ότι το ταξίδι προς έναν προορισμό με μηδενικές εκπομπές έως το 2050 πρέπει να ξεκινήσει και πολλοί πλοιοκτήτες και ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες βρίσκονται ήδη σε καλό δρόμο. Όμως εταιρείες και ιδιώτες θα κινηθούν με διαφορετικές ταχύτητες. Οι νηογνώμονες θα παίξουν βασικό και ζωτικό ρόλο στην πορεία προς μηδενικές εκπομπές, υποστηρίζοντας τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη, ανεξάρτητα από την ταχύτητα προσαρμογής τους, ωστόσο μάλλον πρέπει να είμαστε προετοιμασμένοι για εκπλήξεις», δήλωσε η Paillette Παλαιολόγου, Αντιπρόεδρος Marine & Offshore Division, SE Europe, Black Sea & Adriatic Zone της Bureau Veritas. Στα Ποσειδώνια 2022 η BV θα παρουσιάσει την πλήρη γκάμα των υπηρεσιών ταξινόμησης και των ψηφιακών πλατφορμών της, όπως το VeriSTAR Green, ένα εργαλείο που υποστηρίζει τη συμμόρφωση με τις απαιτήσεις EEXI και CII. Η BV έχει ήδη παρουσιάσει οδηγίες για την αμμωνία ως ναυτιλιακό καύσιμο, για τους κανόνες χρήσης μεθανόλης και αιολικής πρόωσης, ενώ πρόκειται να εμβαθύνει περισσότερο και στο υδρογόνο. Το American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), ένας από τους ηγετικούς νηογνώμονες, έχει μεγάλη συμμετοχή στην πορεία προς την απαλλαγή από τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα. Από τα κεντρικά του διεθνούς δικτύου βιωσιμότητάς του, που εδρεύουν στην Αθήνα, το ABS συνεργάζεται με πλοιοκτήτες και διαχειρίστριες εταιρείες για να αναπτύξει εξατομικευμένες στρατηγικές στους τομείς της συγκριτικής αξιολόγησης, της βελτίωσης και της παρακολούθησης, για τη μείωση των εκπομπών άνθρακα. Ο Γεώργιος Πλευράκης, Αντιπρόεδρος της ABS, Global Sustainability, δήλωσε: «Τα υπάρχοντα πλοία μπορούν να βελτιώσουν τη λειτουργική απόδοσή τους, με βελτιστοποίηση ταχύτητας και ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες. Αυτές οι παρεμβάσεις προσφέρουν βραχυπρόθεσμα εξοικονόμηση, η οποία στη συνέχεια πρέπει να παρακολουθείται για να πιστοποιηθεί η μείωση των εκπομπών άνθρακα». Η ABS έχει αναπτύξει πρακτικές εφαρμογές νέων τεχνολογιών και καυσίμων για μείωση των εκπομπών άνθρακα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων της δέσμευσης άνθρακα επί του σκάφους, της υπεράκτιας παραγωγής πράσινου υδρογόνου, της αμμωνίας ως καυσίμου και του προηγμένου σχεδιασμού πλοίων LNG και δεξαμενόπλοιων, μεταξύ πολλών άλλων. Σύμφωνα με την DNV, η απαλλαγή από τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα είναι μια πρόκληση που καμία εταιρεία, ή και ολόκληρος κλάδος, δεν μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει από μόνος του. «Σήμερα έχουμε περάσει από τις δηλώσεις πρόθεσης στη δράση. Χρειαζόμαστε μια συλλογική προσπάθεια, με ενοποιημένες υποδομές, ενέργεια, τεχνολογία, κατανόηση, κανονισμούς και οικονομική υποστήριξη, όλα εστιασμένα στον ίδιο στόχο. Διαμορφώνεται, πραγματικά, μία δυναμική και όλοι πρέπει να παραμείνουμε προσηλωμένοι στο να κάνουμε το επόμενο βήμα προς τα εμπρός για να φτάσουμε σε αυτόν τον στόχο», δήλωσε ο Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της DNV Maritime. Η ναυπηγική βιομηχανία είναι βασικός εμπλεκόμενος, που έχει να παίξει σημαντικό ρόλο στη συζήτηση για την απαλλαγή από τις εκπομπές άνθρακα, καθώς πρέπει να υποστηρίξει τις προσπάθειες των ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών να συμμορφωθούν με τις αυστηρές απαιτήσεις της ρυθμιστικής αρχής. «Ο πιο δύσκολος γρίφος βρίσκεται στις νέες κατασκευαστικές επιλογές, με τους κανονισμούς μείωσης του άνθρακα να υποδηλώνουν ότι ένα πλοίο που κατασκευάζεται σήμερα πρέπει
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12 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
να είναι 40% πιο αποδοτικό ενεργειακά σε 20 χρόνια από σήμερα. Δραστηριοποιούμαστε σε αυτόν τον χώρο, βοηθώντας τους πλοιοκτήτες να κατανοήσουν πώς η επιλογή μιας τεχνολογίας ή ενός καυσίμου έναντι ενός άλλου επηρεάζει την πορεία τους», δήλωσε ο Γ. Πλευράκης του ABS. Ως εκπρόσωπος της εθνικής συμμετοχής της ολλανδικής ναυπηγικής βιομηχανίας στα Ποσειδώνια 2022, ο Roel de Graaf, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Netherlands Maritime Technology, πιστεύει ότι η ενεργειακή μετάβαση είναι ένα θέμα κεφαλαιώδους σημασίας για την παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία. «Βλέπουμε ήδη πολλά να συμβαίνουν στον τομέα της ηλεκτροκίνησης και των εναλλακτικών καυσίμων. Για διαφορετικούς τύπους πλοίων, υπάρχουν διαφορετικές λύσεις. Και στο πλαίσιο του δικού μας masterplan για τη ναυτιλία εργαζόμαστε για έναν έξυπνο και χωρίς εκπομπές ναυτιλιακό κλάδο» εξηγεί ο de Graaf και προσθέτει: «Σύσσωμος ο ολλανδικός ναυτιλιακός τομέας έχει αναπτύξει ένα κοινό masterplan για τη ναυτιλία. Μέσω έργων Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης στον κλάδο, στην Ολλανδία αναπτύσσονται τεχνολογίες για να κάνουν τη ναυτιλία πιο βιώσιμη. Ο στόχος του masterplan είναι να καταλήξει σε τουλάχιστον 30 πλοία χωρίς εκπομπές διοξειδίου έως το 2030». Αλλά δεν είναι μόνο τα νέα πλοία που πρέπει να συμμορφώνονται με τους κανονισμούς του ΙΜΟ. Και οι υφιστάμενοι στόλοι πρέπει να ξεκινήσουν εκτεταμένα έργα μετασκευής προκειμένου να ευθυγραμμιστούν με τις απαιτήσεις. «Η προσπάθεια απαλλαγής από τις εκπομπές άνθρακα θα οδηγήσει σε αυξανόμενη ζήτηση για τεχνολογίες και υπηρεσίες ώστε ο παγκόσμιος στόλος να ανταποκριθεί στους περιβαλλοντικούς στόχους. Ειδικά για τα υφιστάμενα εμπορικά πλοία, αναμένουμε μεγάλη ζήτηση μετασκευής στο μέλλον», δήλωσε ο Σταύρος Λεούσης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος του ελληνικού υποκαταστήματος της Βρετανικής εταιρείας επισκευής πλοίων, δεξαμενών ξηρού φορτίου και μετασκευών Newport Shipping, που προετοιμάζεται για τη δεύτερη συμμετοχή της στα Ποσειδώνια. Ο Θεόδωρος Βώκος, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος των Εκθέσεων Ποσειδώνια Α.Ε., διοργανωτών της εκδήλωσης, δήλωσε: «Ο περιορισμός των εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα και οι προκλήσεις που ο στόχος αυτός δημιουργεί στις νέες τεχνολογίες πρόωσης, στα εναλλακτικά καύσιμα και στις απαιτούμενες υποδομές, θα συζητηθούν εκτενώς στο συνεδριακό πρόγραμμα των Ποσειδωνίων 2022, όπως και όλα τα άλλα θέματα που ενδιαφέρουν και απασχολούν την παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία». «Για άλλη μια φορά, φέτος τον Ιούνιο, τα Ποσειδώνια θα προσφέρουν μια σημαντική πλατφόρμα στα μέλη της διεθνούς ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας για να συζητήσουν, να επικοινωνήσουν μεταξύ τους, να μάθουν ο ένας από τον άλλον, να χτίσουν νέες συνεργασίες και να ανακαλύψουν τις τελευταίες τάσεις και τεχνολογίες που θα επηρεάσουν τον κλάδο τα επόμενα χρόνια», κατέληξε ο κ. Βώκος. Η Έκθεση Ποσειδώνια διοργανώνεται υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας & Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών και του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος, με την υποστήριξη του Δήμου Πειραιά και της Επιτροπής Ελληνικής Ναυτιλιακής Συνεργασίας.
Τα Ποσειδώνια 2022 αναδεικνύουν τις startup τεχνολογίας καθώς οι ανάγκες της αγοράς επισπεύδουν την ψηφιοποίηση της ναυτιλίας
Ένας σημαντικός αριθμός νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων (startup) από όλο τον κόσμο, που ειδικεύονται στις τεχνολογικές λύσεις για την ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία, θα παρουσιάσουν τα προϊόντα και τις πλατφόρμες τους κατά τη διάρκεια της Έκθεσης Ποσειδώνια 2022
που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο εκθεσιακό κέντρο Athens Metropolitan Expo από τις 6 έως τις 10 Ιουνίου. Διαδικτυακές αγορές που έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να γεφυρώσουν το χάσμα μεταξύ των προμηθευτών ναυτιλιακών υπηρεσιών και των πλοιοκτητών & διαχειριστών, καθώς και όσοι αναπτύσσουν καινοτόμες λύσεις που θα βοηθήσουν τη βιομηχανία να επιτύχει τους στόχους απαλλαγής από τις εκπομπές άνθρακα και να λύσει σχεδόν οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα αντιμετωπίζει, θα βρεθούν στον εκθεσιακό χώρο της σημαντικότερης ναυτιλιακής εκδήλωσης στον κόσμο για να παρουσιάσουν στην βιομηχανία τις τελευταίες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις. «Οι πρωτοποριακές καινοτομίες που βασίζονται σε τεχνολογίες αιχμής θα μεταμορφώσουν τη ναυτιλία, και θα παρουσιαστούν σε μεγάλη έκταση αυτόν τον Ιούνιο καθώς ο αγώνας δρόμου προς την ψηφιοποίηση της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη, σε μια αγορά που οι ειδικοί εκτιμούν ότι θα αξίζει 345 δισ. δολάρια έως το 2030», δήλωσε ο Θεόδωρος Βώκος, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος των Εκθέσεων Ποσειδώνια Α.Ε. Οι συνθήκες της αγοράς, όπως η αυξημένη κερδοφορία στους τομείς των εμπορευματοκιβωτίων και του ξηρού φορτίου, σε συνδυασμό με τις αυξανόμενες ρυθμιστικές και κοινωνικές πιέσεις για μείωση των εκπομπών άνθρακα, ωθούν το ενδιαφέρον πλοιοκτητών και ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών προς την ταχεία υιοθέτηση νέων τεχνολογιών, που βελτιώνουν την ανταγωνιστικότητα και την απόδοση καυσίμου. Η Bid2board είναι μία από τις λύσεις που θα παρουσιαστούν στα Ποσειδώνια 2022. Αξιοποιώντας τη δύναμη της διαχείρισης δεδομένων, η συγκεκριμένη startup βοηθά τις ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες να απολαμβάνουν ταχείες, απλές και οργανωμένες υπηρεσίες τεχνικής εξυπηρέτησης, ενώ και οι προμηθευτές υπηρεσιών αποκτούν αυξημένη προβολή και βελτιωμένη ροή εργασίας από την παραλαβή του αιτήματος έως την εκτέλεση της υπηρεσίας. «Η αυτοματοποιημένη διαδικασία και τα δεδομένα που παρέχονται κατά τη διαδικασία υποβολής προσφορών επιτρέπουν στους πελάτες μας να έχουν στοιχεία για τον ανταγωνισμό και να βελτιώνουν τις προσφορές τους, ενώ μειώνουν τον χρόνο που αφιερώνουν στη διευθέτηση υπηρεσιών με διαφανή και ελεγχόμενο τρόπο», δήλωσε ο Ανδρέας-Μίνως Ζομπανάκης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Bid2board. «Τα Ποσειδώνια είναι ένα εξαιρετικό μέρος για να παρουσιάσουμε την τεχνολογία μας μπροστά σε ένα στοχευμένο και με επιρροή κοινό από την παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα», κατέληξε.
Το Συνεδριακό Πρόγραμμα των Ποσειδωνίων 2022 χαράσσει την πορεία σε ταραγμένους καιρούς
Το πρόγραμμα Συνεδρίων και Σεμιναρίων των Ποσειδωνίων 2022 θα εμβαθύνει στα κρίσιμα ζητήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η διεθνής ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα, καθώς η παγκόσμια οικονομία αναζητά αντίδοτα για να επουλώσει τις πληγές από τον συνεχιζόμενο πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία και από τις σοβαρές παρενέργειες της πανδημίας Covid-19. Το TradeWinds Shipowners Forum θα ανοίξει το συνεδριακό πρόγραμμα με μια ενδιαφέρουσα συζήτηση γύρω από τη διαχείριση της επίκαιρης πρόκλησης για απαλλαγή από τις εκπομπές άνθρακα. Με θέμα «Αδράξτε τη στιγμή στην Ενεργειακή Μετάβαση», το TradeWinds Forum θα φιλοξενήσει τρεις δυνατές συζητήσεις και θα προσφέρει ευκαιρίες δικτύωσης μεταξύ στελεχών και κορυφαίων παραγόντων του κλάδου. Ορισμένα κορυφαία ονόματα από την παγκόσμια ναυτιλιακή αρένα έχουν ήδη επιβεβαιωθεί ως ομιλητές στο Φόρουμ, ανάμεσά τους οι Χάρης Βαφειάς, Stealth Maritime Corp, Αγγελική Φράγκου, Navios Maritime Holdings, Ευάγγελος M. Μαρινάκης, Capital Maritime & Trading Corp., Γιάννης Κούστας, Danaos Corporation, Νίκος Τσάκος, Tsakos Energy Navigation, John
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14 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Michael Radziwill, C Transport Maritime, Alex Χατζηπατέρας, Dorian LPG, Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS κ.ά. Η σημασία της απαλλαγής από τις εκπομπές άνθρακα στην ατζέντα των πλοιοκτητών θα αντικατοπτριστεί και στο πάνελ που θα οργανώσει η BIMCO, ο μεγαλύτερος οργανισμός εκπροσώπησης πλοιοκτητών. Η ενεργειακή μετάβαση δίνει τον τίτλο και του 3rd Trading in US Waters Seminar. Με τίτλο «Προς έναν ναυτιλιακό κλάδο χωρίς εκπομπές άνθρακα έως το 2050», το σεμινάριο αναμένεται να προσελκύσει ένα ισχυρό κοινό που αποτελείται από πλοιοκτήτες και ειδικούς του ναυτιλιακού κλάδου. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα αποκτήσουν μια βαθύτερη κατανόηση της τρέχουσας κατάστασης του κλάδου των ναυτιλιακών και θαλάσσιων υπηρεσιών, θα ενημερωθούν για τις τελευταίες τάσεις και εξελίξεις στις Η.Π.Α. και θα ακούσουν απόψεις σχετικά με τις ευκαιρίες και τις προκλήσεις που φέρνει το μέλλον. Ηγέτες της ελληνικής ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας και Έλληνες κυβερνητικοί αξιωματούχοι θα ανταλλάξουν γνώσεις και απόψεις για κρίσιμα θέματα σε μια σειρά από συζητήσεις κατά τη διάρκεια του Capital Link Forum που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 6 Ιουνίου. Το Φόρουμ θα καλύψει ένα ευρύ φάσμα θεμάτων που επηρεάζουν τον κλάδο, όπως οι προκλήσεις στον εφοδιασμό και τη ζήτηση, το LNG/LPG, η πράσινη ναυτιλία, η ψηφιοποίηση και, όπως πάντα, η χρηματοδότηση και οι δυσκολίες πρόσβασης σε αυτήν. Ο Νίκος Μπορνόζης, Πρόεδρος της Capital Link Inc, δήλωσε: «Το Φόρουμ μας συγκεντρώνει στελέχη δημόσιων και ιδιωτικών ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών, επενδυτές, αναλυτές, χρηματοδότες και άλλους συμμετέχοντες του κλάδου που επισκέπτονται την Αθήνα για την έκθεση Ποσειδώνια από όλο τον κόσμο. Το Capital Link Forum είναι γνωστό γιατί συγκεντρώνει τους κορυφαίους Έλληνες εφοπλιστές, έχει πλούσιο ενημερωτικό περιεχόμενο και προσφέρει εκτεταμένες ευκαιρίες δικτύωσης και μάρκετινγκ». Το Συνέδριο της HELMEPA θα εστιάσει στην Αειφόρο Ναυτιλία με μια ζωντανή συζήτηση τριών γενεών διακεκριμένων Ελλήνων πλοιοκτητών και ηγετών του κλάδου από τη διεθνή κοινότητα, οι οποίοι θα μοιραστούν τις σκέψεις τους πάνω στις βασικές προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζει ο κλάδος καθώς προχωρά στο μέλλον και στο πώς έχει εξελιχθεί η ναυτιλία τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. H εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 8 Ιουνίου, μέρα που έχει καθιερωθεί από τον ΟΗΕ ως Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ωκεανών. «Το
συνέδριό μας θα συγκεντρώσει ηγέτες της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας, φορείς χάραξης πολιτικής, κοινωνικούς εταίρους, ακαδημαϊκούς, ρυθμιστικές αρχές και την κοινωνία των πολιτών για να συζητήσουν, να ανταλλάξουν και να μοιραστούν γνώσεις και τεχνογνωσία για τη Βιώσιμη Ναυτιλία, εμπνέοντας τη συλλογική δράση να συμβάλει στο στόχο να σωθούν οι θάλασσες», είπε η Όλγα Σταυροπούλου, Γενική Διευθύντρια της HELMEPA. Η εκδήλωση της WISTA HELLAS «Γυναίκες στη θάλασσα», με τίτλο «Πόσο κοντά είμαστε στην ποικιλομορφία των φύλων εν πλω;», επιχειρεί να εντοπίσει τους λόγους πίσω από τον περιορισμένο αριθμό γυναικών ναυτικών στα πλοία και να διερευνήσει εάν χρειαζόμαστε πιο αποτελεσματικές πολιτικές για την προώθηση της ναυτικής σταδιοδρομίας των γυναικών, μέσα από μία συζήτηση μεταξύ γυναικών ναυτικών και φορέων της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας. Η Έλπη Πετράκη, Πρόεδρος της WISTA Hellas, δήλωσε: «Σύμφωνα με την τελευταία Έκθεση Ναυτικού Εργατικού Δυναμικού BIMCO/ICS 2021, οι γυναίκες αντιπροσωπεύουν μόλις το 1,28% του παγκόσμιου ναυτικού εργατικού δυναμικού. Αν και υπάρχει αύξηση 45,8% στον αριθμό των γυναικών ναυτικών σε σχέση με το 2015, τα στατιστικά στοιχεία υπογραμμίζουν ότι οι γυναίκες υποεκπροσωπούνται σε μεγάλο βαθμό ως επαγγελματίες ναυτικοί. Αυτό είναι ένα σημαντικό ζήτημα που πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί». Η φετινή έκδοση του YES to Shipping Forum θα προσφέρει σε φοιτητές, πτυχιούχους και νεαρά ναυτιλιακά στελέχη την ευκαιρία να συναντηθούν και να αλληλεπιδράσουν με εκθέτες των Ποσειδωνίων 2022, καθώς και να παρακολουθήσουν μια συζήτηση για ευκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας στη ναυτιλιακή βιομηχανία. Η Δανάη Μπεζαντάκου, Ιδρύτρια του Concept, δήλωσε: «Είναι τιμή μας που διοργανώνουμε το YES to Shipping Forum στο Posidonia από το 2016. Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να προσκαλέσουμε τη ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα στην ημέρα της νεολαίας αυτής της σημαντικής έκθεσης για τη ναυτιλία σε εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο. Δεν είναι υπερβολή να πούμε ότι το YES to Shipping Forum στα Ποσειδώνια ήταν ο καταλύτης που έφερε τη νεότερη γενιά πιο κοντά στον κλάδο». Η Έκθεση Ποσειδώνια τελεί υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών και του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου της Ελλάδας, με την υποστήριξη του Δήμου Πειραιά και της Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Ναυτιλιακής Συνεργασίας.
16 / Ανεμολόγιο NAFS | May 2022
Η σημασία της ναυτιλίας για την Εθνική Οικονομία και την Ευρώπη Νίκος Δούκας
Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Τιμητική Διάκριση Δημοσιογραφίας Ιδρύματος Μπότση
Στην Ελλάδα, στο άκουσμα των λέξεων “εφοπλιστής” και “ναυτιλία” αυτομάτως στον μέσο Έλληνα έρχεται στο μυαλό η εικόνα ενός επιχειρηματία που δεν προσφέρει στον τόπο του και ένας κλάδος της οικονομίας που δεν αφορά την Ελλάδα. Τα πράγματα όμως είναι τελείως μα τελείως διαφορετικά. Αν παρακολουθήσει κανείς ιστορικά την πορεία της Ελληνικής και της Ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλίας, θα μπορούσε να διαπιστώσει ότι από την εποχή των liberty πέρασε σχεδόν μισός αιώνας για να μπορέσει ξανά κυβέρνηση και ναυτιλία να βρεθούν στην ίδια βάρκα όπως λέμε. Η ναυτιλία δεν είναι εχθρός ούτε της οικονομίας ούτε της χώρας. Πάμε λοιπόν να δούμε πώς διαμορφώνονται ορισμένα νούμερα που υπογραμμίζουν τον στρατηγικό και τον οικονομικό ρόλο της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας. Η Ελλάδα παραμένει η μεγαλύτερη ναυτιλιακή δύναμη παγκοσμίως. Με στόλο που αγγίζει τα 5.000 πλοία οι Έλληνες ελέγχουν το 20% της παγκόσμιας χωρητικότητας και το 60% της Ευρωπαϊκής σε τόνους deadwight (dwt). Οι Έλληνες πλοιοκτήτες ελέγχουν το 30,25% του παγκόσμιου στόλου δεξαμενοπλοίων, το 14,64% του παγκόσμιου στόλου μεταφοράς χημικών και παραγώγων πετρελαίου, το 15,58% του παγκόσμιου στόλου υγραεριοφόρων (LNG/LPG), το 20,04% του παγκόσμιου στόλου μεταφοράς χύδην ξηρού φορτίου και το 9,53% του παγκόσμιου στόλου μεταφοράς εμπορευματοκιβωτίων. Εκτός από τα νούμερα που ζαλίζουν, αξίζει να αναφέρουμε ότι οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές συνεχίζουν να χτίζουν πλοία και να κατέχουν έναν Ελληνικό στόλο, ο οποίος είναι από τους πιο ασφαλείς και πιο σύγχρονους παγκοσμίως. Θα μπορούσε κάποιος βέβαια ισχυριστεί ότι η όγδοη θέση που κατέχει η Ελληνική σημαία ανάμεσα στα κορυφαία νηολόγια παγκοσμίως, δεν διεκδικεί δάφνες. Θα μπορούσε ενδεχομένως με συντονισμένες προσπάθειες, από κοινού κυβέρνηση και ναυτιλία να οδηγήσουν τον Ελληνικό στόλο στην πρώτη τριάδα. Η ναυτιλία μεταφέρει το 90% των αγαθών παγκοσμίως. Συνεπώς, η εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα εξαρτάται απόλυτα από την ναυτιλία. Με απλά λόγια αν η ναυτιλία σταματήσει να μεταφέρει, τα ράφια θα αδειάσουν. Υπενθυμίζουμε την υπόθεση του πλοίου EVER GIVEN που για περίπου μία εβδομάδα πέρυσι έκλεισε την διώρυγα του Σουέζ. Η αναστάτωση στο εμπόριο σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο καθώς και τα νούμερα τα οποία χάθηκαν άγγιξαν κάποια δεκάδες δισεκατομμύρια. Αυτή τη στιγμή ζούμε στιγμές αβεβαιότητας καθώς μένεται ο πόλεμος ανάμεσα στη Ρωσία και στην Ουκρανία και όλα αυτά σε εποχές πανδημίας. Κανείς δεν μπορεί να προβλέψει τι θα γίνει στο μέλλον. Αυτή τη στιγμή που βρισκόμαστε στη μέση ενός πολέμου η στρατηγική σημασία της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας για την Ευρωπαΐκή Ένωση είναι τεράστια. Ο ελληνόκτητος στόλος είναι
αυτός που θα εξασφαλίσει την εισαγωγή ενέργειας στην Ευρώπη από διαφορετικές περιοχές του πλανήτη όπως είναι η Αμερική. Και εδώ ερχόμαστε πάλι στο αρχικό ερώτημα. Τελικά οι εφοπλιστές ενδιαφέρονται μόνο για το κέρδος τους; Πάλι θα πλουτίσουν θα πουν κάποιοι. Να δούμε όμως ποια είναι η πραγματικότητα χωρίς παρωπίδες και χωρίς προκαταλήψεις έτσι όπως την αποτυπώνει όχι ο γράφων αλλά η Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος. Στην έκθεση της λοιπόν αποτυπώνεται ξεκάθαρα πως οι ναυτιλιακές εισπράξεις ήταν και είναι απαραίτητες για την κάλυψη ενός μεγάλου μέρους των εξωτερικών χρηματοδοτικών αναγκών της χώρας. Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος, οι εισπράξεις από υπηρεσίες θαλάσσιων μεταφορών την περίοδο 2015-2018 ξεπέρασαν – κατά μέσο όρο – τα 12 δισ. ευρώ ετησίως (δηλ. περίπου 6,8% του ΑΕΠ), αντιπροσωπεύοντας το 37% των συνολικών εισπράξεων του ισοζυγίου υπηρεσιών. Την ίδια περίοδο οι καθαρές εισπράξεις (εισπράξεις µείον πληρωµές) ήταν – κατά μέσο όρο – περί τα 6 δισ. ευρώ ετησίως και κάλυψαν περίπου το 32% του ελλείμματος του ισοζυγίου αγαθών. Η ανοδική πορεία που κατέγραψαν οι εισπράξεις από θαλάσσιες μεταφορές το 2017 και το 2018 συνεχίστηκε και το 2019. Παρά την πανδημία του COVID-19, η Ελληνική ναυτιλία παραμένει ένας από τους βασικούς πυλώνες της ελληνικής οικονομίας. Η πανδημία επηρέασε σοβαρά τις εισροές στο ισοζύγιο πληρωμών από την παροχή ναυτιλιακών υπηρεσιών, οι οποίες παρ’ ότι μειώθηκαν κατά 20,16% σε σχέση με το 2019, ανήλθαν σε περίπου 13,81 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ συνολικά για το οικονομικό έτος 2020. Αναρωτιέμαι πως θα ήταν η Ελλάδα αν ως δια μαγείας δεν υπήρχε ναυτιλία. Ας μην υποβαθμίζουμε το μεγαλείο μιας χώρας που αποτελεί το 0,15% του παγκόσμιου πληθυσμού και κατέχει το 20% του παγκόσμιου και το 60% του Ευρωπαϊκού στόλου. Ας μην γινόμαστε μέρος μίας νοοτροπίας που αρέσκεται να “κρεμάει” την ναυτιλία στα μανταλάκια των fake news. Ας σκεφτούμε πως πριν από μερικά χρόνια υπήρξε Ελληνική κυβέρνηση που κατήργησε ακόμα και το Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας υποβιβάζοντας την ναυτιλία καθώς την ενέταξε σε μια γραμματεία στο Υπουργείο Προστασίας του Πολίτη. Σήμερα η ναυτιλία βάλεται από παντού με τους νέους κανονισμούς για το περιβάλλον, τα καύσιμα του μέλλοντος και την πράσινη μετάβαση για μηδενικούς ρύπους. Καλείται να εφαρμόσει και να χρησιμοποιήσει στα πλοία της ένα νέο καύσιμο το οποίο ακόμα δεν έχει αποσαφινιστεί πιο θα είναι, την ίδια στιγμή που με τα πλοία της Ελληνόκτητης ναυτιλίας θα μεταφερθεί το φυσικό αέριο προς την Ευρώπη. Συνεπώς η ναυτιλία στο σύνολο της πρόκειται για μία υπεύθυνη βιομηχανία με τεράστια προσφορά για τους λαούς παγκοσμίως. Εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα στο σύνολο της σημαίνει ναυτιλία και αυτό αποτελεί αξίωμα.
18 / Ίσαλος γραμμή NAFS | May 2022
Οὒριος ἂνεμος στήν ναυτιλία μέ ἀνησυχίες ὃμως γιά τό μέλλον
Κώστας Δούκας
Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Δημοσιογραφίας Ιδρύματος Μπότση
ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΠΛΟΙΑ ΚΕΡΔΙΖΟΥΝ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΠΟΛΕΜΟ, ΑΛΛΑ ΚΑΝΕΙΣ ΔΕΝ ΞΕΡΕΙ ΤΙ ΤΕΞΕΤΑΙ Η ΕΠΙΟΥΣΑ. ΟΛΕΣ ΟΙ ΧΩΡΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ ΣΤΟΚΑΡΟΥΝ ΠΕΤΡΕΛΑΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΑΚΑ. ΙΣΧΥΡΟ ΠΑΡΑΜΕΝΕΙ ΤΟ ΔΟΛΑΡΙΟ ΠΑΡΑ ΤΙΣ ΑΝΑΔΥΟΜΕΝΕΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΕΣ ΤΩΝ BRICS (ΒΡΑΖΙΛΙΑ, ΡΩΣΙΑ, ΙΝΔΙΑ, ΚΙΝΑ ΚΑΙ Ν. ΑΦΡΙΚΗ). Ἡ ἑλληνική καί ἡ ἑλληνόκτητη ναυτιλία, ἡ μεγαλύτερη τοῦ κόσμου, ἀπολαμβάνει κατά τήν παρούσα στιγμή ἱκανοποιητικούς ναύλους σέ ὃλους τούς τύπους τῶν πλοίων (μπάλκ κάρριερς, τάνκερς, πλοῖα κοντέϊνερς, LNG. Εὐνοεῖται γενικῶς ἡ ναυτιλία, ὃπως ἒχει κατά τήν παρούσα στιγμή ἡ κατάσταση στό Οὐκρανικό, ἀλλά ὑπάρχει σοβαρός προβληματισμός καί ἀνησυχία γιά τό «τί τέξεται ἡ ἐπιούσα» καί ποιές θά εἶναι οἱ ἑπόμενες ἐνέργειες τοῦ προέδρου Πούτιν. Ἡ βελτίωση τῆς ναυλαγορᾶς ὀφείλεται στό γεγονός ὃτι ὃλες οἱ χῶρες τοῦ κόσμου, ἐπηρεαζόμενες ἀπό τό ὑπ᾽ἀριθμόν 1 πρόβλημα, πού εἶναι τό ἐνεργειακό καί φοβούμενες χειρότερες ἐξελίξεις καί κλιμάκωση τοῦ πολέμου, σπεύδουν νά αὐξήσουν σέ ὑπερβολικό βαθμό τά ἐνεργειακά τους ἀποθέματα καί κυρίως σέ crude oil καί ἂνθρακα, μέ ἀποτέλεσμα νά ὑπάρχει μεγάλη ζήτηση χωρητικότητος. Ἀλλά ἐπειδή ἡ Εὐρώπη ἐπέβαλε κυρώσεις στήν Ρωσία, ἀπαγορεύοντας τήν φόρτωση ρωσικοῦ πετρελαίου, τά πλοῖα ἀναζητοῦν τόν μαῦρο χρυσό ἀπό ἂλλες μακρυνότερες περιοχές, ὃπως ἀπό τόν Περσικό Κόλπο, τήν Βορ. Ἀφρική, τήν Νορβηγία, τόν Καναδά καί ἀλλοῦ, μέ ἀποτέλεσμα ἡ ἐπιμήκυνση τῶν ἀποστάσεων προμήθειας νά αὐξάνει τίς τιμές τῶν ναύλων, ἀλλά καί τήν τιμή τῶν μεταφερομένων προϊόντων, πού τελικά μετακυλίεται στούς καταναλωτές ἐνέργειας. Ὃμως ἡ ζήτηση πετρελαίου εἶναι ἀνελαστική. Παρά τίς ἀπαγορεύσεις, ἡ ζήτηση δέν μειώνεται ἀνάλογα. Ἡ ἲδια ἡ Εὐρώπη πού ἐπέβαλε τό ἐμπάργκο ἐξακολουθεῖ νά τροφοδοτεῖται μέ ρωσικό crude oil μέσω πετρελαιαγωγοῦ σέ ποσοστό τοῦ 60% τῶν ἀναγκῶν της. Αὐτό ὃμως τό ποσοστό λείπει ἀπό τήν ναυτιλία. Πάντως τά ἑλληνικά καί τά ἑλληνόκτητα δεξαμενόπλοια μποροῦν νά φορτώνουν ρωσικό πετρέλαιο ἀπό τήν Βαλτική (Λένινγκραντ) καί ἀπό ἓνα ἂλλο ρωσικό λιμάνι ἀπέναντι ἀπό τήν Κίνα. Τά VLCCs ἐξαιροῦνται τῆς καλῆς ναυλαγορᾶς. Ἐπίσης τά τάνκερς ἐπωφελοῦνται ἀπό τήν μεταφορά καθαρῶν προϊόντων πετρελαίου (βενζίνη, ντῆζελ, νάφθα, κιροζίνη κ.ἂ.)
Οἱ πάντες ἀντιλαμβάνονται ὃτι τό ἐνεργειακό πρόβλημα ἀπασχολεῖ σήμερα ὁλόκληρο τόν πλανήτη χωρίς βραχυπρόθεσμες προοπτικές βελτιώσεως, διότι τό πρόβλημα αὐτό ἐπηρεάζει ἀρνητικά ὁλόκληρη τήν παγκόσμια οἰκονομία, ἀπειλῶντας καί μία μεγάλη ἐπισιτιστική κρίση, καθώς ὃλες οἱ τιμές τῶν ἀγαθῶν ἐπηρεάζονται ἀπό τό κόστος ἐνέργειας. Ναυτιλιακοί κύκλοι ἐκτιμοῦν ὃτι ὁ πρόεδρος Πούτιν δέν ἒχει ὡς κύριο πρόβλημα τό Οὐκρανικό, τό ὁποῖο θά μποροῦσε νά «τελειώσει» πολύ γρήγορα. Δέν τόν ἀπασχολεῖ ὁ Οὐκρανός πρόεδρος Ζελένσκι, ἀλλά ὁ τρόπος μέ τόν ὁποῖο τόν μεταχειριζονται ἡ Δύση καί εἰδικότερα οἱ Εὐρωπαῖοι, μέ τούς
ὁποίους ἐπιθυμεῖ τόν διάλογο καί τήν συνεννόηση. Καί ὃσο αὐτό δέν συμβαίνει, συντηρεῖ, ἲσως ἐπίτηδες, τόν πόλεμο στήν Οὐκρνία, μέ ἀποτέλεσμα ἡ διαφαινομένη κλιμάκωση νά προκαλέσει πιθανόν ἀπρόβλεπτες καί δυσάρεστες ἐξελίξεις. «Τίποτε δέν μπορεῖ ν’ ἀποκλεισθεῖ» λένε ναυτιλιακοί κύκλοι. Καί καθώς συντηρεῖται ἡ κρίση, τά καύσιμα καί ἡ ἠλεκτρική ἐνέργεια ἀνατιμῶνται διεθνῶς μέ ταχύ ρυθμό, ἀπορρυθμίζοντας ὃλες τίς παραμέτρους τῆς παγκόσμιας οἰκονομίας. Γίνεται πλέον περισσότερο ἀντιληπτό ὃτι γιά τήν ἂνοδο τῶν τιμῶν ἐνέργειας δέν εύθύνεται ὁ πόλεμος τῆς Οὐκρανίας, ἀλλά οἱ κυβερνήσεις οἱ ὁποῖες, πρίν βροῦν τό μελλοντικό καύσιμο γιά τόν περιορισμό τῆς κλιματικῆς ἀλλαγῆς, γέμισαν ὁλόκληρη τήν Γῆ μέ φωτοβολταϊκά καί ἀνεμογεννήτριες, καθώς καί μέ μπαταρίες γιά συσσώρευση ἠλεκτρισμοῦ. Εἶναι ἐπίσης γνωστό ὃτι ἡ ἀνατίμηση τοῦ φυσικοῦ ἀερίου εἶχε ἀρχίσει πολλούς μῆνες πρίν γίνει ἡ ρωσική εἰσβολή στήν Οὐκρανία. Πράγματι, πρίν ἀρχίσει ὁ πόλεμος, ἡ τιμή του ἀνερχόταν στά 100 δολάρια, καί σήμερα κυμαίνεται γύρω στά 110. Μικρή ἡ διαφορά γιά νά προκαλέσει τόσους κραδασμούς. «Φαίνεται – λέει παράγων τῆς ναυτιλίας - ὃτι ἡ Εὐρώπη ποτέ δέν λύνει προβλήματα. Ἀντιθέτως, δημιουργεῖ προβλήματα. Εἰδικά γιά τήν Ἑλλάδα, ὃπου τό κόστος τῆς ἐνέργειας ἀποτελεῖ μέγα πρόβλημα, εἶναι ἀδιανόητη ἡ μή χρησιμοποιηση τῶν μεγάλων λιγνιτικῶν μονάδων ἠλεκτροπαραγωγῆς τῆς χώρας, πού θά μείωνε τήν τιμή τοῦ ρεύματος ἀπό τήν ΔΕΗ. Ἀλλά αὐτή δέν πρέπει νά ἒχει χαμηλότερα τιμολόγια ἀπό τούς παρόχους, οἱ ὁποῖοι θησαυρίζουν μέ τήν ρῆτρα ἀναπροσαρμογῆς, πού ἐπιχειρεῖται νά μειωθεῖ μέ ἐπιδοματική πολιτική». Μία ἀκόμη ἀρνητική ἐπίπτωση ἀπό τό εὐρωπαϊκό ἐμπάργκο τοῦ ρωσικοῦ πετρελαίου εἶναι καί ἡ ἀπαγόρευση μεταφορτώσεων ρωσικοῦ πετρελαίου ἀπό τήν Τουρκία στά εὐρωπαϊκά πλοῖα, ἐκ τῶν ὁποίων ὃμως τά μισά εἶναι ἑλληνικῆς ἰδιοκτησίας, δημιουργηθέντος ἒτσι ἑνός ἰδιοτύπου «καμποτάζ», γεγονός που προκάλεσε τίς ἀντιδράσεις πολλῶν μεγάλων Ἑλλήνων ἐφοπλιστῶν πρός τήν κυβέρνηση. Σημειωτέον ὃτι ἐπί συνόλου 5.000 περίπου πλοίων ἑλληνικῆς ἰδιοκτησίας, τά μισά περίπου, γύρω στίς 2.500 εἶναι δεξαμενόπλοια. Πάντως ἀπό ὃλη αὐτή ήν παγκόσμια ἀναταραχή καί τό δημιουργούμενο καί ἐνεργοποιούμενο νέο χρηματοπιστωτικό ἀντίβαρο ἀπό τίς ἀναδυόμενες οἰκονομίες τῶν χωρῶν BRICS(Βραζιλία, Ρωσία, Ἰνδία, Κίνα καί Νότια Ἀφρική) τό δολλάριο ἐξακολουθεῖ νά εἶναι ἰσχυρό ὃσο ποτέ, καθώς προσεγγίζει μάλιστα τήν ἰσοτιμία τοῦ εὐρώ.
1, Charilaou Trikoupi Str., 185 36 Piraeus, Greece, Tel.: +30 210 4283741, Fax: +30 210 4511679 e-mail:,
20 Financial Focus NAFS | May 2022
A review of Greek ship finance trends and prospects Ted Petropoulos, Head, Petrofin Research
Bank ship finance for Greek shipping GRAPH 1 has witnessed some major developments in 2021 and 2022. This is captured in this year’s Petrofin Index, (Graph 1), (Petrofin Bank Research ©, April 2022) that grew from 301 in 2020 to 318 in 2021. Since 2008, the year of the banking crisis, the index depicts only 2 points of some recovery with 2021 being the latest. Furthermore, Graph 1 also depicts the increase of the Greek fleet over the period. Clearly the fleet growth was achieved via additional sources of ship finance, owners’ resources, refinancings and considerable newbuilding and S&P investment over the years. Although newbuilding orders have slowed down recently, the Greek fleet is continuing to show some growth of 0.5m GT over the first quarter of 2022 (Clarkson’s Research). According to Petrofin Research © there are 69 Greek shipping entities with fleets of over 20 vessels (irrespective of DWT total) and 83 with fleets of over 1m DWT. The drive for bigger size coupled with modern tonnage continues. In 2021 the total Greek shipping portfolio stood at $52.6bn. Last year there was a $5.2bn y.o.y growth, which represents a significant development that notably took place during the pandemic, a deeply overall destabilizing period. The only other two points after 2008 where Greek ship finance marked an increase were in 2011 and 2014. It would appear that the departure by prominent banks in the last decade has run its course even though all banks continue to adjust their strategies in terms of clientele, physical location and geographical emphasis. In addition, the ranking of banks in Greek ship finance has seen changes. Eurobank grew by 29.3% to the second position from sixth position in 2020 with BnP Paribas, Piraeus and Alpha banks all being in the top 5. Credit Suisse still remains market leader. Overall, Greek banks have seen an increase of market share from 18.47% in 2018 to 25.81% in 2021. The total number of banks has remained the same since 2020. Greek banks have shown their commitment to Greek shipping and focus on shipping loans. They have been able to lower their margins too and compete with non Greek lenders, especially for medium to small Greek owners. Greek banks have weathered the storm related to the Greek financial crisis since 2010 and are re-emerging stronger in line with the improvement in their own credit ratings, as well as those of Greece. The new Athens Stock Exchange placement by Costamare, Capital Products Partners and Safe Bulkers has attracted support by Greek banks and do represent a further opportunity to grow. Greek banks grew by a significant 14.2%. International banks without a Greek presence also managed to show a modest increase of 2.84% y.o.y with International banks with a Greek presence showing a similar modest growth of 2.99% y.o.y. For the top Greek owners loan terms offered by banks have become keener and there is intense bank competition. Loan margins for such owners are often as low as sub 2% whilst loan to asset lending has been around 60-65% for modern vessels and newbuildings. Small to medium Greek owners have less choice amongst banks but they are still well able to attract finance and compare terms with other non-banking finance offers. As each market sector has its own dynamics and prospects, loan terms vary considerably but one distinguishing feature has been that there has not been ‘exuberant lending’. As vessel values have risen in many sectors, secured employment backed lending has reappeared. The ability of banks to offer competitive loan terms has been affected by regulatory pressures and the need to comply with capital adequacy rules. Many international banks have sought to differentiate their range of services with offering capital raising advice and placement whilst others
Financial Focus 21
NAFS | May 2022
through private banking and niche services to their GRAPH 2 clients. With the stronger markets across many sectors and despite the headwinds imposed by increased geopolitical sanctions and restrictions, bank ship finance is expected to continue to grow. Emission related regulations and the required new technology cost to ensure compliance represent interesting challenges for both owners and banks. The recent commodity and energy inflationary environment does threaten global growth but on the other hand port congestion, slow steaming and longer voyages, as well as the modest newbuilding order book do provide counterbalancing support. Alternative forms of ship finance have been widely used. Global leasing has grown significantly over especially the last 5 years, from US$47bn in 2017 to US$77bn in 2021 (Source: SMarine). Ship finance does now represent about half of all new business and the relative Greek owners’ share has been rising as they have become more familiar with leasing and Lessors and as the latter have offered more competitive terms. Whereas banks still offer on average lower margins, leasing more than makes up by offering higher loans to vessel values, longer loan profiles and more flexibility. Another major development has been the growth of ship finance provided by Funds with increasing involvement of Greek owners. There exists now a large number of experienced shipping Funds which can provide fixed rate loans in USD or Euros at cost to Greek owners of approximately 6-7% and involving loan to value of up to 70-75%. The higher LTV can be seen to justify the higher cost. There is also a plethora of Funds offering even higher LTV with correspondingly higher costs / risks. In conclusion, the Greek fleet is expected to continue to grow and participate in the development of low / zero emission vessels to maintain its competitiveness. Towards this goal, banks, Lessors and Funds are all expected to provide the necessary support in the years to come. Greek shipfinance provided by both Greek and International banks is expected to show further progress in 2022.
22 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
The UK Ship Register further cemented its commitment to its Greece office
Andriani Vodena, Heading the UKSR’s team in Piraeus The UK continues to hold its own as a leader in the maritime world after the leading international agency responsible for safety of shipping carried out an audit that shows how well it does its work. Auditors from other Member States of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the IMO Secretariat praised the way in which the UK oversees and manages the delegation of statutory survey work to its Recognised Organisations. It also highlighted the work carried out jointly by the MCA’s Hydrography team and UK Hydrographic Office as best practice. The IMO audit examined how the UK and wider Red Ensign Group (made up of Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies) meet their flag, coastal and port state obligations and responsibilities. It was the first time such an audit had been carried out remotely because of the ongoing challenges of COVID-19. It also highlighted how well the Red Ensign Group worked together towards overall compliance. It has specifically recommended that this level of focus should continue to build on the continuing success as an example to other IMO Member States. They particularly singled out the work being
done around III Code coastal state compliance with the Overseas Territories and want to see how they will achieve the maximum benefit from the Code and its conventions as they progress. Their audit revealed just two findings - the average tends to be in double figures – both of which were already being addressed before the audit. Work will continue to address the findings but also to uphold and build on the high standards that continue to be demanded and met across the UK and the wider REG. Brian Johnson, Chief Executive of the MCA said: “The result is significant for us all and importantly, means we retain our position as a world leading maritime state. It shows that the UK and the Red Ensign Group take our international obligations seriously.” The news comes as The UK Ship Register (UKSR) further cemented its commitment to its Greece office this year, sponsoring the recent Shipping Finance conference in Athens. Supporting the conference as a Gold Sponsor, UKSR representatives delivered one of the keynote speeches and participated in a fireside talk, as well as organising an informative panel discussion looking at the key focuses of finance, sustainability, safety, and innovation. On the first day of the conference, Maritime and Coastguard Agency Chairman, Christopher Rodrigues CBE, delivered a keynote speech, looking at the International Maritime Organisation’s 2050 sustainability goals and how these can be achieved. With maritime a significant contributor to greenhouse emissions, due to its vital role in world trade, the need to find solutions to achieve net-zero goals can no longer be ignored. But, while the goals have been clearly established, the way we get there is less clear, particularly with tonne miles also expected to double in the same period. In his keynote, Mr Rodrigues sets out some
of the challenges such as the multiple potential fuel options, infrastructure demands and the differing needs across the industry.
Decarbonisation remains a key focus for the UK Flag and wider Maritime and Coastguard Agency as CEO Brian Johnson sets out in a recent interview with Maritime UK. The agency’s Maritime Future Technologies team is preparing to launch a new technology matrix which will enable users to compare different technologies in relation to decarbonisation. “There are a large number of proposed alternative solutions for decarbonisation – one of the things we have been very keen to do is to find an objective way of comparing the technologies,” says Johnson. “That is important because what I don’t see happening in a really disciplined way is the discarding of options which don’t have long-term viability. It is crucial that the international shipping sector starts to converge on what we think is a relatively limited number of potential solutions for decarbonisation. The technology matrix has been developed so that technologies can be compared objectively side by side.” To facilitate easier and more direct local access to the UK Flag for Greek and Cypriot shipping owners and agents, we opened our offices in Piraeus in 2020. Heading the UKSR’s team in Piraeus, Greece is Andriani Vodena, who has many years’ experience and knowledge of the shipping industry and working with partners including ship owners, Port Authorities and Government Bodies. Contact Andriani: Andriani Vodena Tel: +30 698 035 0183 Or visit:
World Leading
technical support and advice
Dedicated support now in Greece The UK Ship Register offers you world-class expertise 24/7, 365 days a year. Join a flag that gives you access to unrivalled maritime knowledge and experience, tailored to your commercial requirements.
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24 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Shaping a better maritime world At Posidonia, we all need grasp the opportunity to listen, learn and work together to deliver on shipping’s decarbonisation, digitalisation and diversity goals writes Paillette PALAIOLOGOU, Vice President South East Europe, Black
Sea & Adriatic Zone, Bureau Veritas
contracts, secure investment and satisfy shareholders. They may be at very different stages and moving at different speeds on their decarbonisation journeys, but it is undeniable that the journey has started. So we know our destination as an industry. The question for us all at Posidonia is how we get there.
A more complex playing field
Shaping a better maritime world
At Posidonia, we all need grasp the opportunity to listen, learn and work together to deliver on shipping’s decarbonisation, digitalisation and diversity goals Shipping is changing. Perhaps faster than any of us can appreciate, our role as an industry is being transformed by the recognition that we have a wider duty to fulfil when it comes to protecting our planet and recognising the ocean as a stakeholder in its own right. This requires us all to re-evaluate our purpose and our responsibilities – not just to our customers, our colleagues, and our partners, but also to our future generations, to the ocean and to our planet. Shipping has undergone a profound change in mindset in the past two years and I believe that we arrive at Posidonia this year with a renewed sense of purpose, as an industry and as a community. We know what is needed when it comes to our decarbonisation goals. Furthermore, because life on earth is intrinsically linked to the ocean, and on the crucial role it plays in regulating our climate, we know that simply minimising the impact of our activities on the ocean is not enough. We must shape a better maritime world that protects and preserves the ocean, leaving it in a better state than we found it. These new priorities are being felt at every link in our supply chains and in every facet of our industry, from the bridge to the boardroom. As an increasingly visible industry, shipping also faces greater scrutiny from the society, as well as regulators and investors, on its environmental performance. In tangible terms, this means that companies will have to demonstrate their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials to win
We know we are moving away from a world in which nearly all ships use fossil fuels, to a varied ecosystem in which multiple fuel and energy options will coexist – including biofuels, LNG, and eventually ammonia, methanol, hydrogen, and other alternatives. New technologies are emerging to increase efficiency and reduce emissions, from data-driven voyage optimisation tools to wind propulsion, battery solutions, and more. The maritime sector is fizzing with new technologies, fresh ideas, and innovative solutions. Some of these are the result of decades of industry experience. Others are inspired by fresh thinking from outside our industry. We need the pioneers and the innovators who have picked up the mantle of shipping’s decarbonisation challenge. But to be successfully and safely deployed, on the right vessels, for the right routes, and under appropriate operating conditions, we need each of these solutions to be rigorously and independently validated. This is where classification societies can assist. As the maritime sector goes through this transformation, the scope of our work has expanded. This also requires a profouwnd shift in our thinking: now it is our role not just to protect life at sea, ships, and assets, or help prevent pollution, but we must also more actively preserve and protect our blue planet for future generations.
The evolution of class
Throughout its history, class has always evolved, using its expertise and independent position to support progress. This was true for the invention of the shipping container in the 1950s, and more recently with the integration of LNG as fuel or wind propulsion systems, for example. By de-risking new solutions, class builds trust between shipyards, shipowners, and technology providers, thereby supporting
the safe innovation that will be necessary to decarbonise shipping. This in turn, builds confidence of shipping’s regulators, investors, cargo owners and the public at large. Now it is essential that we build on our experience to support further innovations, whether that is through our new rules for new fuels, or our expertise in LNG as a fuel, which has an important role to play in the energy transition. Indeed, the LNG supply chain also has a renewed importance in today’s world when it comes to energy security. There is also an opportunity to broaden the scope of classification to add a much-needed social dimension, most notably around crew safety and welfare standards. Demands imposed on shipping by its downstream customers increasingly include social justice, and class societies can also help their clients deliver on their ESG commitments. This will help ensure that the transition is sustainable for the oceans, but also fair for those who live and work on them.
Progress through people
Shipping is going through a remarkable period of technological change, but we remain a people business, from our remarkable seafarers to our shoreside teams. What is more, I firmly believe that we drive progress through our people and through our relationships. That is just one more reason why we are so happy to be returning to Posidonia this year. We believe that the opportunity to share ideas, to discuss the challenges and to listen to others is vital to how we need to collaborate as an industry if we are to achieve the necessary progress on the three D’s of decarbonisation, digitalisation and diversity. When it comes to diversity, any industry will perform better when it embraces the full range of talent available to it, and shipping is no exception. We need to put people at the heart of our approach to problem-solving, and more diverse, inclusive organisations will do this far better. We need to attract a wider talent pool and encourage more young people to join our industry and Posidonia offers a great opportunity to showcase what shipping has to offer.Our goal at Bureau Veritas is shaping a better maritime world. We’re working closely with our partners along the entire shipping supply chain to work towards this goal and supporting all our customers on their own decarbonisation journeys.
IT’S WHAT UNITES US We share your drive to leave the maritime world in a better place than we found it. It’s what unites us; our passion for the oceans and our desire to not just protect our seas, but to shape a better maritime world for future generations. Learn more at
Shaping a better maritime world.
26 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Tsagaris Yacht Painting in new offices Tsagaris Yacht Painting Co specializes in the field of painting and maintenance of yachts since 1994. It holds one of the leading positions not only in Greece but also internationally. Specializes in new construction, repainting and maintenance of luxury yachts. Its headquarters are located in the port of Perama in Piraeus. The specialized and experienced staff of the company, in combination with the latest technology equipment and machinery, guarantee perfect results in any kind of work, painting or maintenance. The company provides its services responsibly, paying great attention to every detail. “With perseverance and dedication to our work we managed to win one of the highest positions in the field”, says Mr. Vassilis Tsagaris, owner of the company. Recently, Tsagaris Yacht Painting announced the operation of its new offices at the address: 141 Irini Avenue Perama Greece and the facilities of the Painting Chamber at the Address Argyrokastrou 18 & Thevon in Piraeus. (Photo Credits Nick Mandarakas).
28 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Headway Builds the International Brand of Marine Equipment
Recently, there is a great stride in order of OceanGuard®BWMS, which is independently developed by Headway Technology Group (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. It is reported that, until March 2022, Headway has obtained BWMS orders for near 3000 shipsets and more than 2000 shipsets have been delivered with high recognition from customers. Besides, two important moves pave the way for Headway towards its goal of contributing to decarbonization and green shipping. The first one is OceanGuard® Methanol Fuel Supply System(LFSS), developed independently by Headway, has obtained the AiP certificate from RINA. OceanGuard® LFSS adopts modular and redundant design. Its core filtration units, duplex-filters with high filtration accuracy, is also independently developed by Headway. When the differential pressure of one filter is up to the rated value, then the other one can be started manually to ensure the system to be in good operation. In addition, OceanGuard® LFSS also have the advantage of high-efficient operation, safety and reliability, small footprint etc. It is estimated that LFSS with green methanol is enabled to reduce 90% carbon emission and it complies with the EEXI, EEDI with low retrofitting cost. What’s more, the application of methanol in shipping will have a positive effect on enhancing the transformation efficiency of electricity. The second one is about Carbon Capture, Storage& Utilization and Headway has finished an experiment of new material for decarbonization in lab. This material not only enhances the efficiency of absorbing carbon dioxide but also make it easy to desorb. Combining with Headway’s Exhaust Gas Cleaning System and Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization, about 25% marine fuel cost can be saved. The CCSU with this kind of material will be installed onboard in the second half year of 2022. Meanwhile, OceanGuard® Marine Fuel Supply System (FGSS) contributes more steps for Headway’s target. In 2021, Headway have signed contract to supply OceanGuard® FGSS for 2 ships of 10000 DWT bulk carriers. This is another milestone after Headway’s strategic sales for 10 sets. During the retrofitting, as the space on board is limited, Headway takes advantage of rich experience in retrofitting BWMS to enhance installation efficiency by 3D scanning and design in advance. Good market performance means high recognition from customers because that Headway’ FGSS has the features of high reliabilities and comprehensive service. Accord-
ing to the feedback from customer, about 15%-20% fuel cost will be saved from the deferential price between fuel oil and LNG. OceanGuard® FGSS is dependently developed by Headway and compatible with popular dual fuel medium/low speed engine, singular/dual-fuel engines for riverboat and generators from major manufactures. Till now, OceanGuard®FGSS has obtained the AiP certificate from major classification societies such as DNV, BV,RS,RINA,NK, etc. According to Headway the system is also the first one in the industry to obtain the SIL Functional Safety Certificate. Headway always specializes in the research, manufacturing, sales of high-tech marine equipment with comprehensive global after-sales service network. From the beginning, her vision is “ Create High-end Marine Equipment, Build the International Brand of Marine Equipment” which guides Headway’s development. In this process, Headway has gradually shaped its own spirit “Service, Innovation, Win-win”. The spirit of Headway has been corroborated many times by the below three points: • Service: Headway always pays more attention to the service for customers, employees, partners and the shipping industry, Especially when COVID-19 has raged more than two years in global and imposed various restrictions for the shipping industry. Headway spares no efforts to ensure all product activities to be in normal operation so that timely delivery is accomplished in this hard time. In addition, combining 120 service stations in 56 countries and areas with remote cloud service, Headway provides a comprehensive and local service. • Innovation: Headway has always emphasized on Research and Development from its beginning and launched a series of marine equipment, such as BWMS, VDR, FGSS, EGCS and so on. Headway’s OceanGaurd® BWMS adopts the AEOP technology and is not affected by the salinity, temperature, or turbidity of the water. At same time, OceanGuard®BWMS has successively obtained certificates from nearly 20 major classification societies and flag states. • Win-Win. Headway always fights for accomplishing win-win cooperation with customers, partners and community. In the past and in future, Headway adheres to committing itself to reduce carbon emission and to green shipping by providing more innovative products and comprehensive service.
We are looking forward to your visit at Posidonia 2022 and the booths No. are 1.317 and 4.317
DNV, BV, RS, RINA, ABS and NK AiP Approval; First SIL in the Industry; LNG, LPG, Methanol and Ammonia fuel supply solutions.
Optimized filter design; Full type approval of USCG and revised G8; Ultra-low power consumption
30 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης
Δεν μπορείς να διασχίσεις τη θάλασσα κοιτώντας μόνο το νερό Με γνώμονα την ηγετική θέση της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας στην παγκόσμια κατάταξη και έχοντας πρωταρχικό στόχο τη διατήρηση της αξιοπιστίας μας, αξιοποιούμε στο έπακρο κάθε ευκαιρία και διαχειριζόμαστε με ζήλο και σοβαρότητα τις νέες προκλήσεις υπερσκελίζοντας τις δυσκολίες που κατά καιρούς παρουσιάζονται” σημειώνει
ο ιδρυτής της C&A κ.Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης.
ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΣΙΔΙΑΡΗΣ ΑΕ είναι επικεφαλής του ομίλου εταιρειών C&A. Ο όμιλος αποτελείται από τρεις ανώνυμες εταιρείες με αντικείμενο την προμήθεια ηλεκτρομηχανολογικού εξοπλισμού σε ναυτιλία και βιομηχανία, καθώς και υπηρεσίες ναυπηγοεπισκευής. Oι υπόλοιπες εταιρείες του ομίλου, είναι η «ΜANTANCO S.A.» & η «SELECTRON S.A.». Και οι τρεις εταιρείες εδρεύουν στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Πειραιά. Η ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΣΙΔΙΑΡΗΣ Α.Ε. από τα πρώτα χρόνια της λειτουργίας της κατάφερε να αναγνωρισθεί και να αποκτήσει ένα σοβαρό εκτόπισμα στο χώρο της παροχής υπηρεσιών αυτοματισμού στα πλοία. Στην 45ετή πορεία της, ακολουθώντας τη ρότα των εξελίξεων και το επιχειρηματικό πνεύμα του ιδρυτή της Σταύρου Κασιδιάρη, άρχισε να δραστηριοποιείται παράλληλα και στην αντιπροσώπευση διεθνών κατασκευαστικών οίκων ηλεκτρομηχανολογικού υλικού που σήμερα ξεπερνούν τους 50 και συνεχώς προστίθενται νέοι. Με ένα ευρύ πελατολόγιο σε όλες τις ηπείρους αριθμώντας περισσότερους από 3000 πελάτες ο όμιλος C&A έχει καθιερωθεί ανάμεσα στις πιο αξιόπιστες εταιρείες στο χώρο της. Παρά τις αντίξοες συνθήκες των τελευταίων ετών, η εταιρεία συνέχισε να εξελίσσεται μπαίνοντας σε νέες αγορές και δραστηριότητες. Πρόσφατα επεκτάθηκε στην αγορά καλωδίων δημιουργώντας ένα μεγάλο stock στις ιδιόκτητες αποθήκες της συνεργαζόμενη με 2 μεγάλους κατασκευαστές ναυτικών καλωδίων. Έχοντας μόνιμα και ευαίσθητα αντανακλαστικά προσαρμογής και μηχανισμούς εφαρμογής αλλαγών, βάζει στόχο την ανέλιξη και την επίτευξη νέων στόχων μέσα από την υιοθέτηση πρακτικών που συμβαδίζουν με τα κριτήρια ESG και που συντελούν και επηρεάζουν την πολιτική και την ικανότητά της στο να χαράζει καινοτόμες στρατηγικές και να παράγει αξία μακροπρόθεσμα και με ευρύ ορίζοντα. Tαυτόχρονα η εταιρεία ενισχύοντας τα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά της κατέχει τις εξής πιστοποιήσεις: Aπό την ΑΑΔΕ ως εγκεκριμένος οικονομικός φορέας (Authorized Economic Operator – ΑΕΟ), από το Υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας: N-CAGE CODE: G2426 ΜΗΤΡΩΟ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΑΣΤΩΝ ΝΑΤΟ & Α.Μ. 4981 – ΑΝΑΛΗΨΗ ΕΡΓΩΝ «ΝΑΤΟ- ΟΧΥΡΩΣΗΣ ΑΠΟΡΡΗΤΑ» καθώς και από το Bureau Veritas κατά ISO: 9001, 14001, 45001. Παράλληλα η εταιρεία είναι εγγεγραμμένη στο Μητρώο Εργοληπτικών Επιχειρήσεων Δημοσίων Έργων, (ΜΕΕΠ:24352). Ως όμιλος η C&A επιδιώκει ο κύκλος των εργασιών της, οι συνεργασίες της και οι επιχειρηματικές της επιλογές, να κινούνται με άξονα τη διασφάλιση μιας βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης υπερμαχόμενος των νέων θεωριών και των επιστημονικών προτάσεων. Έτσι στη χάραξη της κάθε στρατηγικής του υιοθετεί σύγχρονες μεθόδους, συνδυάζοντας τα παραδοσιακά με τα ψηφιακά μέσα και γεφυρώνοντας με επιτυχία την απόσταση μεταξύ του παλιού και του νέου. Αυτή η πρακτική χαίρει της αποδοχής των συνεργατών του ομίλου και αποτελεί έναν από τους σημαντικότερους λόγους της συνεχούς αύξησης του πελατολογίου του. Τον τελευταίο χρόνο, η C&A ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΣΙΔΙΑΡΗΣ ΑΕ μεγάλωσε με την ένταξη δεκαπέντε νέων ατόμων με εξαιρετική επιστημονική κατάρτιση στο δυναμικό της. Η εταιρία έχει αναφερθεί και παλιότερα στην τεράστια σημασία που δίνει στους ανθρώπους της και στον ξεχωριστό ρόλο που διαδραματίζει καθ’ ένας από αυτούς, στην επίτευξη των στόχων της, που δεν είναι άλλος από την παροχή υπηρεσιών υψηλού επιπέδου σε όλο το πελατολόγιό της. Σήμερα ο όμιλος επιδιώκει περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη κατανοώντας πάντα τις αντικειμενικές δυσκολίες που παρουσιάζονται στο χώρο της οικονομίας, των επιχειρήσεων και κατ΄ επέκταση της ναυτιλίας . “Με γνώμονα την ηγετική θέση της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας στην παγκόσμια κατάταξη και έχοντας πρωταρχικό στόχο τη διατήρηση της αξιοπιστίας μας, αξιοποιούμε στο έπακρο κάθε ευκαιρία και διαχειριζόμαστε με ζήλο και σοβαρότητα τις νέες προκλήσεις υπερσκελίζοντας τις δυσκολίες που κατά καιρούς παρουσιάζονται” σημειώνει ο ιδρυτής της C&A κ.Σταύρος Κασιδιάρης. Άλλωστε η φιλοσοφία της C&A ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΣΙΔΙΑΡΗΣ ΑΕ είναι ότι “Δεν μπορείς να διασχίσεις τη θάλασσα κοιτώντας μόνο το νερό”
32 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
TeamTec has just released it’s new ballast water management system
Senza holds all latest approvals from USCG and IMO-DNV. Senza is based on direct injection technology with no filter and no complicated treatment unit. TeamTec’s main goal has been to develop a BWMS which is easy to operate and has few components at competitive price. “ We have reached this goal by introducing Senza BWMS. We are experiencing more and more interest for this system, and we see that there is clearly a strong demand for filter less ballast water management systems and it did not take long time before we secured our first orders” says Amir Gholamshahi who is head of sales for BWMS at TeamTec.
Some of main SENZA BWMS advantages: • No filter • 100% flow rate in all waters prevents risk of delay during cargo operation. • Lowest power consumption in the market (5kW) • Minimal change to existing ballast piping • Quick and simple installation and commissioning • Possible to install while sailing • Range: 225 – 3750 m3/h
c o
P | TeamTec BWMS AS | Nyvei 41 | P.O. Box 203 | N-4902 Tvedestrand | Norway | +47 37 19 98 00 |
34 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
43 χρόνια στην υπηρεσία της ναυτιλίας Η FARAD S.A είναι μια ελληνική, κατασκευαστική εταιρία που δραστηριοποιείται στο κλάδο των εναλλακτών θερμότητας από το 1979 και εδρεύει στο Πειραιά. Η εταιρία μέσα από τα 40 και πλέον χρόνια στην αγορά, είναι υπερήφανη για τις συνεργασίες που έχει αναπτύξει με μερικές από τις μεγαλύτερες ναυτιλιακές εταιρίες της χώρας, αλλά κυρίως για την αναγνώριση της στους κύκλους της αγοράς για την υψηλή ποιότητα των προϊόντων και των άλλων υπηρεσιών που προσφέρει. Η FARAD S.A είναι σε θέση να προσφέρει όλο το φάσμα των αναγκών που σχετίζονται με τους εναλλάκτες θερμότητας. Από το σχεδιασμό και τη κατασκευή, έως την επισκευή και τη συντήρηση. Καθιστώντας την, ιδανική επιλογή για οποιονδήποτε ενδιαφέρεται να μελετήσει μια εφαρμογή, να προμηθευτεί έναν εναλλάκτη, ή να επισκευάσει τον εναλλάκτη που ήδη έχει. Από το 1979 μέχρι σήμερα, η εταιρία έχει εξελιχθεί σε μια από τις πλέον ανταγωνιστικές μονάδες παραγωγής εναλλακτών στην εγχώρια αγορά, ενώ ταυτόχρονα έχει αναπτύξει σημαντικά και τη παρουσία της στις διεθνείς αγορές. Επενδύει συνεχώς στην έρευνα, την ανάπτυξη και τη βελτιστοποίηση των προϊόντων της. Στη FARAD S.Α μπορεί κάποιος να βρει σχεδόν κάθε τύπο εναλλάκτη θερμότητας, τυποποιημένο και μη, ώστε να ταιριάζει τέλεια με την εφαρμογή του. Ενώ ταυτόχρονα, όλα τα προϊόντα της FARAD S.Α είναι εγκεκριμένα από διεθνείς φορείς πιστοποίησης. Η εταιρία συνεχίζει να αναβαθμίζεται και να αναπτύσσεται συνεχώς. Με νέες επενδύσεις σε υποδομές αλλά και το προσωπικό της εταιρείας (επιμόρφωση, εκπαίδευση κ.α) η FARAD S.A είναι μια αναπτυσσόμενη εταιρία ευρωπαϊκών προδιαγραφών που εξελίσσεται γύρω από το moto της, “we work on quality”. Η αποστολή της εταιρείας εφάπτεται σε όλες τις παραγωγικές της διαδικασίες, εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι, άριστης ποιότητας προϊόντα. Στόχος της είναι να συνεχίσει να παράγει για τους πελάτες της ποιοτικά και αξιόπιστα προϊόντα. Να συνεχίσει, το όνομά της, να αποπνέει σιγουριά και εμπιστοσύνη. Να χαίρει της αναγνώρισης του έμπιστου συνεργάτη παρά του απλού προμηθευτή. Και αυτό το στηρίζουμε με μια ολόπλευρη, πελατοκεντρική κι ευέλικτη προσέγγιση με εξαιρετική εξυπηρέτηση και τεχνική υποστήριξη εφόρου ζωής. H FARAD S.A θα συνεχίσει να εξελίσσεται ώστε κάθε προϊόν, κάθε έργο που αναλαμβάνει να ξεχωρίζει για την άριστη κατασκευή και απόδοσή του.
Compact design solution
High efficiency
Flexible and Expandable
Cost effective
Close Approach Temperature
Easy maintenance
Small footprint
Superior clip-on gasket design
14 Alon str., 18540 Piraeus, Greece T: +30 2104227410 | F: +30 2104227303 | E:
36 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Explore the Mediterranean with Celestyal Cruises Celestyal Cruises has long been recognised as the number one choice for cruise travellers to the Greek Islands and East Mediterranean thanks to its regional expertise and exceptional all-inclusive hospitality. The company operates two vessels, each one intimate enough to provide genuine and highly personalized service. The foundation of the company’s philosophy is built on a unique Greek heritage which combines outstanding hospitality with genuine cultural destination immersion and provides authentic, lifetime experiences both onboard and onshore. The guest experience, based on Customer Satisfaction Surveys conducted onboard, is highly rated. Guests can enjoy Celestyal’s renowned service from staff speaking more than five languages with English as the main language. Celestyal’s popular seven-night, “Idyllic Aegean” begins in Athens and visits Thessaloniki, Kusadasi, Rhodes, Heraklion, Santorini, Mykonos and Milos. Celestyal is the only cruise line calling on a regular basis to the historic city of Thessaloniki and, for the first time ever, guests can embark here on a Sunday, allowing them to benefit from the increased airlift between key European cities and Thessaloniki. Celestyal’s three-night “Iconic Aegean” sets sail from Athens and calls in Mykonos, Kusadasi, Patmos, Heraklion and Santorini, while the four-night “Iconic Aegean” sailing from Athens also calls in Rhodes. The seven-night “Eclectic Aegean” departs Athens and calls in Istanbul, Kavala, Thessaloniki, Volos and Santorini. Kavala is also a new stop for Celestyal. This northern, centuries-old Greek city on the Thracian Sea is often referred to as the “blue city” due to its crystal-clear waters and legendary views from the Bay of Kavala. Travellers wishing to visit Egypt, Israel, Cyprus, Turkey and Greece in one trip should opt for the award-winning seven-night “Three Continents” cruise. Alternatively, travellers can discover the trials and tribulations of St. Paul’s epic journey to the Eastern Mediterranean region on a seven-night “Steps of Paul” sailing, which departs from Athens and visits Thessaloniki, Kavala, Patmos, Istanbul, Dikili and Kusadasi. For those looking to celebrate the holidays at sea, Celestyal is offering a special ten-night, Christmas sailing. This unique itinerary departs Athens and visits Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Izmir, Egypt, Israel and Cyprus. The highlight for many will be the once in a lifetime experience of spending Christmas in the “Holy Land”. Celestyal is also offering a special eight-night New Year’s cruise
departing Athens and visiting Heraklion, Santorini, Volos, Kusadasi and Istanbul where the ship will have a prime position for the city’s famous New Year’s Eve celebrations. For a longer cruise experience, Celestyal is combining these two holidays cruises and offering an 18-night Christmas and New Year’s itinerary. The cruise begins in Athens and visits Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Heraklion, Santorini, Volos, Izmir, Kusadasi and Istanbul along with Egypt, Israel and Cyprus. Brand new for 2022 is the introduction of a signature Greek menu and dining experience. Celestyal, already known and recognised for its authentic Greek cuisine, has developed the culinary experience in collaboration with Diane Kochilas, one of the world’s foremost experts on Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. The premium “My Greek Table Six-Course Tasting Menu”, which features local and regional ingredients from many of the islands Celestyal visits, will be offered for a supplementary charge in Celestyal’s specialty restaurant. A daily signature dish created by Kochilas will also be featured as part of the main dining room included offering. The dishes are all centred around the healthy Mediterranean Diet, with many being plant-forward or vegetarian with a gluten-free and/or vegan option available. Celestyal Cruises’ main priorities are compliance, environmental protection and the health, safety and well-being of guests, crew and the communities they visit. As a member of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), Celestyal pledged its commitment to adopt mandatory core elements of enhanced health protocols as part of a phased-in resumption of cruise operations. Informed by leading scientists, medical experts, European and Hellenic health authorities, these protocols apply to the entire cruise experience. Celestyal’s health and safety measures are continuously evaluated and adjusted based on the current evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe as well as the availability of new prevention, therapeutics and mitigation measures. Celestyal Cruises has fast built an award-winning reputation and is proud to have received a number of renowned international and national awards. In February 2020, the company’s “Three Continents” cruise was named best cruise itinerary for 2019 at the Cruise Excellence Awards; in December 2019 and 2018 the line received Cruise Critic’s UK Editors’ Picks Award for Best Service; in February 2018 Celestyal Cruises received four Cruise Critic Cruisers’ Choice Awards - two first place awards for shore excursions and value and two second place awards for service and entertainment; while in June 2020 and 2019, Celestyal Cruises was recognised for its overall contribution and commitment to the development of the cruise industry in the Eastern Mediterranean region at the MedCruise Awards in Genoa.
Ταξιδεύοντας Ταξιδεύοντας χιλιάδες χιλιάδες επισκέπτες από όλο τον από κόσμο όλο τον στους κόσμο γνωστούς στους γνωστούς αλλά και αλλά κρυμμένους και κρυμμένους θησαυρούς θησαυρούς We offer cruises withεπισκέπτες authentic Greek hospitality. Passionate, personal hospitality του Αιγαίου, του προσφέροντας Αιγαίου, προσφέροντας την αυθεντική την αυθεντική ελληνική ελληνική εμπειρία εμπειρία ιστορίας, ιστορίας, πολιτισμού, πολιτισμού, ψυχαγωγίας ψυχαγωγίας based on thousands of years of culture. Onboard cuisine and entertainment that και οινογαστρονομίας. και οινογαστρονομίας.
continues the story of each destination as we sail away to our next one.
χιλιάδες επισκέπτες από όλοκοινότητες. τον κόσμο στους γνωστούς αλλά και κ Στηρίζουμε Στηρίζουμε έμπρακτα έμπρακτα και πολυδιάστατα και πολυδιάστατα τηνΤαξιδεύοντας εθνική την οικονομία εθνική οικονομία και τις τοπικές και τιςκοινότητες. τοπικές WeΔιατηρούμε are trueκαι specialist destination cruising. Our cruise shipsτης travel thousands ofιστορίας, πολιτισμο του της Αιγαίου, προσφέροντας την αυθεντική ελληνική εμπειρία Διατηρούμε καιaαναπτύσσουμε αναπτύσσουμε την in τεχνογνωσία την τεχνογνωσία ελληνικής της ελληνικής κρουαζιέρας κρουαζιέρας μέσω μέσω εκπαίδευσης της εκπαίδευσης και οινογαστρονομίας. ανθρωπίνου ανθρωπίνου δυναμικού δυναμικού και της αξιοποίησης και της αξιοποίησης των ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών μονάδων μονάδων της μας. χώρας μας. visitors from around the word to των the ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών known and hidden treasures of χώρας the της Greek islands
and Easter Mediterranean.
Στηρίζουμε έμπρακτα και πολυδιάστατα την εθνική οικονομία και τις τοπικές κο Είμαστε περήφανοι Είμαστε περήφανοι που δημιουργούμε που δημιουργούμε προστιθέμενη προστιθέμενη αξία για την αξίαπατρίδα για την μας, πατρίδα μας, Διατηρούμε και αναπτύσσουμε την τεχνογνωσία της ελληνικής κρουαζιέρας μέσω πάντα σεβόμενοι πάντα σεβόμενοι το φυσικό το περιβάλλον φυσικό περιβάλλον με γνώμονα με γνώμονα τη βιώσιμη τη ανάπτυξη. βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη. Our company supports the national economy and the local communities wherever we ανθρωπίνου δυναμικού και της αξιοποίησης των ναυπηγοεπισκευαστικών μονάδω
operate, always respecting the natural environment and sustainable development.
Είμαστε περήφανοι που δημιουργούμε προστιθέμενη αξία για την πατρίδα μας, πάντα σεβόμενοι το φυσικό περιβάλλον με γνώμονα τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη. Contact number: +30 211 1995176 Τηλέφωνο Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας: επικοινωνίας: 216 400 216 9999 400 9999
38 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Working together for a low carbon future for the global maritime industry We have already begun the decarbonisation journey to a low carbon future, and we will continue to support the sector with our expertise says Spyridon Zolotas, Senior Director at RINA the ship’s fuel (LNG) with steam to produce hydrogen and CO2. The MR LNG/hydrogen-fuelled vessel is the result of a joint project with ABB and Helbio. To meet CO2 reduction targets, shipping is faced with the challenge of having solutions which either rely on fossil fuels, but which still require technology to mature, or on new, zero carbon fuels, the availability of which is still far from being guaranteed. This new design enables the use of hydrogen as a fuel today without the need for bunkering and storage on board and exceeds IMO 2050 targets for 70 per cent reduction of carbon intensity. The MR tanker design is based on combining LNG with steam in a Helbio gas reformer to split LNG molecules into hydrogen and CO2. Hydrogen is then directly used to fuel the internal combustion engines and fuel cells in a hybrid marine power system by ABB. The CO2 is captured by splitting the LNG molecules, rather than from exhaust gas.
As the maritime sector moves along the path to 2050 and a zero-carbon future the sector still has no clear roadmap for the maritime fuel of the future. What has become clear is that there is no single ‘silver bullet’ for decarbonisation and therefore the industry must continue to work together investigate all the options. It requires practical and economical solutions and the ability for us to reduce emissions today as well as remove them for the future. There are two crucial factors to consider if we are to win this race towards the zero-carbon future and they are scalability and modularity of any system. The 2050 deadline is still some way in the distance and the is no obligation to comply with the all the 2050 requirements now. However, ship operators should have a strategy that details how they can progress over time to meet the requirements, this is what we are working on at RINA. This is at the core of our strategy at RINA where we are working on a concept that allows compliance to be achieved in a structured way along with the ship’s lifecycle. Rather than aiming at zero carbon on the ship now, which would be extremely difficult to achieve, we are developing a design that can improve a ship’s environmental performance step by step over time. As an example of this work and the role that classification societies play, we have issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) of Swedish designer FKAB Marine Design’s hydrogen powered MR Tanker, the first AiP of a design using currently viable technology and fuels that achieves IMO 2050 targets. The propulsion is based on combining
This is juts one way that classification societies can support decarbonisation with additional notations, such as RINA’s “Sustainable Ships”, and design approvals for future fuels. We are working in many areas for decarbonisation, including Approval in Principle of dual fuel Methanol, dual fuel Ammonia, and many other environmentally friendly ship designs based on hybrid or fully electric propulsion. To achieve the common goals of the maritime sector collaboration is not just important, it is essential. No one in this industry can tackle this challenge on its own. shipowners, designers, shipyards, classification societies, all stakeholders must work together to develop practical and feasible solutions rather than trying to invent the ultimate solution themselves for the prestige. Last year, as part of its broader decarbonisation program, RINA hosted the first Hellenic Decarbonisation Committee (HDC) that discussed improvements in technology, regulatory changes, digitally enabled services and the potential funding or financing of green technologies to benefit the entire industry. Recently that committee submitted a proposal that will allow derated engines to be unsealed for shipowners to test their engine at the full power and then reseal them. It may not be a ground-breaking achievement but a small, very practical outcome of our Hellenic collaboration. We have already begun the decarbonisation journey to a low carbon future, and we will continue to support the sector with our expertise. Ultimately, we will continue to strive to provide innovative and forward-looking services and support to ensure the shipping industry continues to gain efficiency, ensure safety, and finds practical, viable pathways for a zero-carbon future.
From project conception to decommissioning, bridge the gap with RINA. Visit us at Posidonia 2022 - booth 3.211 Hall 3
Make it sure, make it simple.
40 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Anastasios Hilios Founder at HPS - A.Hilios Ship Repairs
To be a pioneer, you must have experience, goals & the ability to achieve them
Our business involvement in the ship repairs industry dates back to 1988. For over 30 years at HPS - A.Hilios Ship Repairs we have gone through a rising course going up gradually, studying in detail our every move. Our goal is to evolve always innovation-driven and focusing on both the customers’ benefit and their seamless access to high-quality services. In addition to the company’s healthy growth model, our success originates from our personnel, dedicating all their efforts to support HPS. We are committed to operating with responsibility, reliability, and integrity. Our deep understanding of our clients’ needs led us to re-establish our corporate identity by extending furthermore our wide range of services, now offering a full General Ship repairs coverage. This new era for HPS was also accompanied by a holistic revamp on the branding identity, following all the most modern trends. Our company provides our clients with certified quality services of general ship and yachting repairs 24/7 worldwide. Our capable technicians and our experienced workforce are here to ensure quality and professional painting works, hydro-blasting from 100-3500bar, sandblasting, anti-corrosion methods, cleaning and washing, metal and piping works, engineering services, and fitting. In addition, we provide services of rental equipment, diving works, and undertake projects of overland facilities. Our operations are ISO 9001:2015 certified and all equipment is in accordance with the highest international standards, being checked thoroughly and constantly to ensure no deterioration or damage. We are proud of our massive equipment and this stands as one of our strong advantages. We have won a worthy reputation for our works’ quality, using continually updated mechanical equipment, machines with new technology purchased only from EU countries, and working methods environmentally friendly in line with the high-
est international standards. At HPS we dispose of many machineries consisting among others of 35 cherry pickers, 16 hydroblasting machines, 20 compressors, sandblasting pumps, a barge, trucks, cranes, bobcat machines, pipe-cleaning systems, hydroblasting robots of 2500bar, and pumps for various usage. In the Shipping industry, our company has performed successfully the maintenance of many shipping companies, among others ELETSON CORP., TSAKOS COLUMBIA SHIPMANAGEMENT, BERNHARD SCHULTE HELLAS SHPG, MTM SHIP MANAGEMENT. Furthermore, we had undertaken the surface treatment of a new OLP-COSCO drydock, named “Piraeus III”, the maintenance of drilling Rig “ENERGEAN FORCE” of ENERGEAN OIL & GAS and the cleaning operation of burned ship “MV HIGHSPEED 5” of HELLENIC SEAWAYS. Moreover, we participated in the erection of the sinking vessel “MV PANAGIA TINOU” of VENTOURIS SEA LINES. In addition, through the big overland projects, we gained trust and cooperation of large groups, such as Motor Oil, Shell Hellas, Coca Cola, and Halyvourgiki. Last but not least, regarding the public sector, we cooperate with both the Hellenic Navy and the Coast Guard and we participate in tenders assignments highway projects. HPS - A.Hilios Ship Repairs provides worldwide services. We undertake not only projects in Greece but also in other foreign countries. We have clients in numerous countries all over the world, such as Germany, Singapore, Malta, Denmark, and India. We are available 24/7 and that makes us flexible to act around the world.
Visit us at Posidonia 2022 at stand No. 3106 in Hall 3 of the exhibition space at Metropolitan Expo, June 6-10.
There is not just a specific element that differentiates us from our competitors; it is, I would say, an alloy of factors. The hard work, consistency in the client, investment in human resources, and the constant update of new techniques and renewal of our massive equipment. Our strong geographical location is also an important advantage of ours, as the engineering facilities are located in the Ship Repair Zone, at Perama, Greece, former Karras premises. The combination of quality and minimum time schedule services that we server our clients with, is also a major competitive advantage for HPS. The experience and trust we constantly provide to clients are a source of inspiration for those around us. Success requires perseverance. If we rest, this will be passed on to both our staff and our partners. The long duration of the covid-19 pandemic is a challenging period for every business and all industries. Most companies were not prepared for the changes the covid-19 brought to the work environment. At HPS - A.Hilios Ship Repairs, health and safety are always of paramount importance, so the company adapted and get aligned with all the preventive measures from this pandemic’s very beginning. The absence of personal contact with our partners forced us to do meetings through virtual meeting platforms. Despite the pandemic, we have achieved several new partnerships with new clients due
to our rapid response to covid-era. We strongly believe that by the end of these difficult situations, companies will be stronger because -necessarily- had to look for alternative tools to get utilized for their profitability. Our long past experience at HPS - A.Hilios Ship Repairs has educated us always to operate considering flexibility as the key to success, especially in difficult times. Our company HPS - A.Hilios Ship Repairs has been participating in the International Exhibition Posidonia since 2008 and we are happy to announce that we will keep this constant presence by participating in Posidonia 2022 with an upgraded, premium stand. Our company with long-life experience in the maritime sector will be present this year highlighting our strong competitive advantages; high-quality services and specialized equipment, professionalism, and experienced personnel. Posidonia institution has a long tradition in the creation of new business opportunities and over the years since our first participation, we have benefited by creating new partnerships, and exchanging important opinions on the important issues of the shipping industry. We take advantage of seminars and conferences held worldwide to discuss issues related to all aspects of the shipping sector. It would be our pleasure to come and visit us at our new premium stand No. 3106 in Hall 3 of the exhibition space at Metropolitan Expo, June 6-10.
42 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Chalkis Shipyards
Successfully completes the renewal of Panamax B/C
Chalkis Shipyards accepts the challenge for transshipment of cargo from Panamax B/C & successfully completes the renewal of her damaged bow
Chalkis Shipyards S.A. is a privately-owned company with an international client base, conveniently positioned in Chalkis, mainland Greece, and certified to ISO-9001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 with facilities that operate under the ISPS code. Over the last years drydocking of a major number of all types of vessels up to 58.000dwt and breadth<=32.26m and repair works that included WBTS installation, cargo holds treatment, hydraulic works, normal drydocking works and conversions have been carried out in our Shipyard. All tasks and works are successfully completed thanks to our dedicated, experienced & qualified workforce. Chalkis Shipyards is always aiming to continuous improvement of the standards of quality and the increase in productivity and proceeds to upgrading of machinery equipment and facilities trying to expand the range of services in order to meet our customers’ expectations.
44 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Greek shipping squares up to the challenge of decarbonization Greek owners are addressing shipping’s sustainability challenge in earnest, writes Elias Kariambas, Director,
Regional Business Development, ABS
us well placed to advise owners through the complex maze of regulation, finance and technology that makes future fleet development so challenging today.
This year’s Posidonia event will have greater than usual significance for all participants. As the first in-person Posidonia since before the pandemic it will also be the first since the COP26 meeting in Glasgow that sought to make further progress on limiting greenhouse gas emissions. In the coming decade the industry will have to assimilate fundamental shifts in the fuel and propulsion technologies it can adopt to comply with the IMO’s targets and ambitions for decarbonization. There is no way of heading off the changes; the UN mandate, through the IMO to the industry makes clear that shipping must reduce its emissions and ultimately operate at net zero carbon. How the leading industry players – and Greek shipowners in particular – are responding to this challenge does much to demonstrate the operational, technical and financial changes required across the broader industry, and we are seeing the Greek owners developing serious projects in significant volume now. ABS has been at the leading edge of this process from the beginning, investing in broadening the capabilities of the Athens office with specialists in sustainability, alternative fuels and propulsion. We have created a world-leading center in sustainability, ship systems and digital capability. This makes
The degree of interest can be seen from the current situation at shipyards where an increasing number of industry projects is focussing on research into future solutions. Meanwhile owners are increasingly hedging their bets with investments in dual fuel designs powered by LNG, LPG and Methanol as well as studying and ordering ‘dual fuel-ready’ designs for future fuels such as Ammonia. As is so often the case, Greece’s shipown-
“As is so often the case, Greece’s shipowners have a vital role to play. As owners and operators of tonnage across the spectrum of vessel types, from the simplest workhorses to the most technically advanced, they cross the spectrum of energy efficiency and trading patterns”.
iness and the first vessel to receive a new notation for sail power readiness. Some major names are even understood to be looking at investments and partnerships that will help them secure new types of vessel fuel. Our conversations with clients are that new guidance, tools, services and partnership approaches will be needed from industry – including classification societies. This includes the traditional technology remit of class and also extends to new types of services designed to reflect the emerging landscape. In the next few years, a raft of new technologies including those that support low and zero carbon fuels, will begin to mature and become available. The safety implications of these options will need to be fully understood and accounted for, and the value of each option will need to be assessed against the decarbonization goals of each asset and the wider fleet.
ers have a vital role to play. As owners and operators of tonnage across the spectrum of vessel types, from the simplest workhorses to the most technically advanced, they cross the spectrum of energy efficiency and trading patterns.
Drawing on its vast technical heritage, ABS provides external guidance and best practices to help owners effectively implement new technologies and operational changes. Many of these projects have a connection to new and emerging digital capabilities which are having an increasing impact on client needs. Having conducted an increasing number of remote surveys over the past 18 months, we believe that digital services offer valuable efficiencies and potentially safer operations. ABS is a pioneer in this field with resources locally available from its Athens office.
The process of understanding what carbon reduction targets mean for their existing fleet and newbuilding projects is accelerating, with owners beginning to evaluate all the options for primary and auxiliary propulsion as well as improving vessel efficiency. In addition to investigating the use of new fuels, Greek owners are evaluating pathways to increased energy efficiency, dual fuel read-
An industry undergoing a period of seismic change requires that class services evolve alongside it, supplementing survey and certification services with broader information around assessing technical and financial options for decarbonisation and ESG. These new services represent a further extension of ABS’s leadership in providing trusted solutions to industry challenges.
46 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Growth, innovation and continuous improvement is in the ERMA FIRST DNA
Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Greece, ERMA FIRST is a leading manufacturer of ballast water treatment systems (BWΤS). Our robust systems ensure worldwide compliance, provide operational simplicity and reduce operational expenditure. ERMA FIRST passionately believes in sustainability and is dedicated to preserving and protecting the marine ecosystem. ERMA FIRST’s customer-centric approach offers flexible and convenient servicing through a trusted network of engineers worldwide. ERMA FIRST provides sales, maintenance and training to clients via a network of offices in 46 countries. ERMA FIRST is proud to manufacture the industry-benchmark ballast water treatment system - the ERMA FIRST FIT BWTS - which incorporates the most reliable and efficient filtration followed by a state-of-the-art disinfection stage. FIT is an advanced modular system which can be installed on both newbuilds and as a retrofit. Covering an extensive capacity range from 50 to 3600m3/hr and holding USCG & IMO Type Approvals, FIT is an ideal solution for all types of ships providing to ship managers and operators with unmatched practical flexibility and allows the ships to operate unimpeded globally. There is no need to slow down cargo operations, no need to undertake ballast water exchange and no need for treatment at discharge. Growth, innovation and continuous improvement is in the ERMA FIRST DNA. oneTANK, producer of the world’s smallest ballast water treatment system, was acquired by ERMA FIRST last year. ERMA FIRST also strategically aligns with Dutch shipbuilding and engineering experts Damen to offer oneTANK to the widest possible global audience. Respected German marine water treatment system manufacturer, RWO, was also purchased in 2021. To date, ERMA FIRST has installed over 2,500 ballast water
treatment systems on more than 1,800 ships worldwide. Its global after-sales network now encompasses locations in 16 locations as well as a tie up with MAN Energy Solutions in the Benelux region. ERMA FIRST also owns intelligent-performance monitoring firm METIS, acquired in 2019, which brings integrated artificial intelligence to the ERMA FIRST FIT BWTS system. “Our purchase of oneTANK in 2021 was a game-changer for the ballast water treatment market,” said ERMA FIRST Managing Director Konstantinos Stampedakis. “The system is compact, simple-to-use, and fully automated. It delivers a quick to install additional solution for small ballast tanks on big ships as well as a stand-alone solution for small vessels such as yachts, tugs and offshore support vessels. “We were also delighted to welcome RWO into the fold. RWO is a world leader in water treatment systems for the shipping industry with a strong customer base and a reputation for excellence and reliability.” Earlier this year, ERMA FIRST were delighted to unveil ERMA FIRST BLUE CONNECT - a shore power containerized system designed for high voltage shore connection. BLUE CONNECT enables ships’ diesel generators to be switched off with a resultant reduction in noise and emissions, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, carbon oxides and volatile organic compounds. BLUE CONNECT is available for RoRo/RoPax, Passenger Ferries, Containers and Tankers.
50 Posidonia Posidonia2022 2022 40 NAFS | May 2022
NAFS | May - June 2022
We provide safety at sea on a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year basis. MEGATUGS SALVAGE & TOWAGE was established in 1978 and is widely recognised as one of the leading professional towage and salvage companies in the marine industry dedicated to provide safety and support at sea. MEGATUGS scope of services includes harbour & ocean towage, salvage, wreck removal, oil spill response, commercial diving, offshore support and lifting services.
MEGATUGS manages and operates a modern fleet of harbour tugs, salvage tugs, oil recovery ships and crane barges. All crafts are fully equipped with sophisticated equipment in order to satisfy our customers’ requirements in terms of power, reliability, safety and efficiency. Since, its establishment, MEGATUGS has undertaken numerous salvage operations to the full satisfaction of Shipowners, Underwriters and P&I clubs. MEGATUGS has been involved in more than 100 salvage cases over the last two decades. The cases include refloating operations, fires, rescue towages, collisions, wreck removals and emergency assistance/ salvage operations.
RECENT PROJECTS MEGATUGS recently accomplished projects includes, but it’s not limited to, the following: The “EUROFERRY OLYMPIA” (firefighting and salvage services off Corfu, Greece), the “MANASSA ROSE M” (pollutants removal and cargo recovery off Crete, Greece), the “IRMA S” (salvage services for its refloating in Preveza, Greece), the “RIVER THAMES” (salvage services for its refloating in Fromentera isl.,Spain), the “T-MOON” (salvage services off Crete, Greece), the “SUKRAN C” (fire incident in bay of Biscay), the “LITTLE SEYMA” (wreck removal / pollution control services), the “FOCOMAR” (abandoned by crew in Indian Ocean during SW monsoon period), the “ANTAIOS” (fire, water ingress in engine room and abandoned by its crew 800 nm off Cape Town, Africa), the “EFE MURAT” (salvage services in Bari, Italy), the “CABRERA” (fuel oil, cargo & wreck removal / pollution control services), the “NORMAN ATLANTIC” (firefighting services in Adriatic sea), and others.
Over the recent years, MEGATUGS has invested a significant amount in expanding its assets with the purchase of the: • AHTS / Oil Rec Ship / Salvage Tug “AIGAION PELAGOS” | DP2 | FIFI I | BHP 10,188 | 120 TBP • AHTS / Oil Rec Ship / Salvage Tug “PANTOKRATOR” | FIFI I | BHP 4,052 | 62 TBP • AHTS / Oil Rec Ship / Salvage Tug “PANTANASSA” | FIFI I | BHP 4,052 | 62 TBP • AHTS / Oil Rec Ship / Salvage Tug “DOLPHIN I” | FIFI I | BHP 4,200 | 62 TBP • AHTS / Oil Rec Ship / Salvage Tug “PLATYTERA” | FIFI I | BHP 3,872 | 56 TBP • ASD Tug “CAPTAIN MICHALIS X.” | FIFI I | BHP 4,930 | 70 TBP • ASD Tug “MEGALOCHARI VII” | FIFI I | BHP 4,930 | 70 TBP • Barges “CLARE” (L:76,20m * B:24,38m) and “KIM HENG 191” (L:54,90m * B:24,38m) • Cranes “MANITOWOC 16000” (Lifting cap.: 400tons) and “MANITOWOC 4100S3” (Lifting cap.: 300tons) In addition, and for the purpose of full co-ordination of group activities, MEGATUGS operates a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Operations Room to deal with routine operational matters as well as with emergency incidents. Our highly trained and experienced personnel are dedicated and committed to their job on a 24 hours basis to offer every possible assistance required.
52 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Stavros Lalizas
#thelalizasforce Safety is not just a product, it is an ongoing process LALIZAS was founded back in 1982 as a small manufacturing plant of buoyancy aids for professional sailing. Today, LALIZAS remains a family-run company with 10 branches, 8 logistics centres, 7 franchises, 6 factories, and 700 employees around the world. The company’s vision is to produce high quality products that ensure safety at sea, and distribute them in international markets through our well-established distribution network. LALIZAS’ product range includes both ISO & SOLAS lifejackets, foam-filled and inflatable ones, as well as liferafts, MOB devices and navigation lights, immersion suits, safety harnesses, IMO signs and many other safety marine products; these are designed by taking into account the regulations of different flags. All items are being manufactured and distributed to maritime companies, ship suppliers, chandleries, marine stores, shipyards and boat builders around the world always taking into consideration the market’s needs and feedback, as well as the latest updates on regulations. Τhe genuine care for their customers and the indispensable input of their employees, who are considered as #thelalizasforce, has resulted in the company’s growth and will continue to contribute positively to the continuous development of LALIZAS. An interesting interview with mr. Stavros Lalizas follows...
Already with 40 years’ experience and knowledge of supplying the maritime & safety industry, LALIZAS keeps on innovating and now introduces the Fast & Independent (F&I) Liferaft Exchange. Could you please tell us a few words about it? Having 40 years of experience in the global market, we pay particular attention to listening & understanding our partners’ needs, providing them with solutions that optimise a vessel’s operations. LALIZAS F&I is a radical game-changer in the liferaft market, a unique proposal to Ship Owners/Managers for a simple & fast liferaft exchange to keep the vessels compliant and in service. F&I is managing liferaft compliance, through exchange, in the world’s key ports as a managed service - for a single fixed fee - without need of a contract and with no single OEM brand restriction. Regardless of the location where the exchange operation may take place, F&I offers the convenience of a single point of contact, which is LALIZAS, both for the management of liferafts’ due dates (monitoring system of 9060-30 days) as well as for invoicing. F&I has been designed without the need of complex agreements (no entry or exit costs) being purely customer centric. This is a genuine alternative to the traditional ‘ownership-service’ or to the ‘no ownership-rental’ offer which currently exists in the market today. The commercial shipping industry faces new challenges every day. The vessels must constantly comply with new regulations and standards, the inspection control in the ports is stricter and the fear of the ship being detained is more present than ever before. Do you think that LALIZAS offers what ship owners and ship managing companies need? The required technical resources and spe-
cialised expertise held by LALIZAS provide successful advice to owners and management companies on how to keep their vessels protected and in compliance with regulations. Our dedicated in-house R&D, Design and Quality Departments develop safety appliances with materials of the highest quality. The high expertise in the field of LALIZAS Regulatory & Approvals Department ensures that all of the LALIZAS products and services are up to date and comply with all the latest international maritime regulations and equipment standards. As safety remains our first priority, we offer worldwide service through our Fire Safety Rescue (FSR) Department, in which customers are directly handled by safety experts, in a worldwide scale without delays. LALIZAS offers a global network of professional contractors and facilities with a full range of products, services and standardised certificates. All commercial vessels can be offered the essential prerequisites to sail carefree, always keeping their crew safe on board. From liferafts to firefighting equipment and rescue systems, we offer service and replacement on all appliances, at any place, any time and at the most competitive prices for the vessels, making sure that full services with minimum port stay will be provided. LALIZAS manufactures safety marine equipment with a commercial presence in 130 countries around the world. In what ways do you turn your motto “safety is not just a product, it is an ongoing process” into action? We do turn our motto into action through several initiatives that address professionals, who place their trust in us, as well as the general community. In this frame, we organise (faceto-face as well as online) several trainings on lifesaving equipment inspection to technical departments of maritime companies we closely cooperate with. LALIZAS highly skilled technicians explain step by step important inspection procedures and service techniques so that our partners get the practical knowledge they might need, being able to maintain, service and extend the lifetime of their lifesaving equipment on board. Additionally, they are able to understand whether the work in the service stations has been done properly, ensuring that their equipment will be fully operational when duty calls. Details about the proper maintenance, thus operation, of lifesaving equipment are not well-known, although it is of extreme importance. In addition, we always strive to raise awareness on safety at sea, providing seminars as well as other trainings on young people, who aspire or not for a future in the shipping industry. We feel that it is our duty to build a culture of safety around our industry.
LALIZAS was founded in Piraeus, Greece, as a small manufacturing plant of buoyancy aids for professional sailing by Mr. Stavros Lalizas. Setting sail
Logistics Centers
Commercial presence in 130 countries More than 200 Service Stations around the world Manufacturer of more than 10.000 products
Innovative services & supply at most major ports
FSR Fast & Independent Liferaft Exchange
Fire Safety Rescue Service
06-10 June 2022
Metropolitan Expo, Athens, Greece
HALL 3 • STAND 3.414
54 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Ίδρυμα Λάτση και ΣΥΝ-ΕΝΩΣΙΣ:
Δωρεές σε φορείς παροχής παιδιατρικής φροντίδας και νοσηλείας νεογνών
Ανακοινώθηκαν οι φορείς παροχής δημόσιας υγείας και οι Μονάδες/ Τμήματα που έχουν προεπιλεγεί προς υποστήριξη στο πλαίσιο του τέταρτου κύκλου του προγράμματος «Συμπράττουμε για την Υγεία» για το έτος 2022, μίας κοινής πρωτοβουλίας του Κοινωφελούς Ιδρύματος Ιωάννη Σ. Λάτση και της Μη Κερδοσκοπικής Εταιρείας Κοινωνικής Προσφοράς Ελληνικού Εφοπλισμού ΣΥΝ-ΕΝΩΣΙΣ. Το Πρόγραμμα υλοποιείται από το 2018 σε ετήσια βάση και αφορά στη χρηματοδότηση έργων μικρής και μεσαίας κλίμακας που έχουν σκοπό την αναβάθμιση των υπηρεσιών και την κάλυψη επιτακτικών αναγκών των φορέων παροχής δημόσιας υγείας μέσω της προμήθειας ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού και της αναβάθμισης των υποδομών τους. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν τις ιδιαίτερα αυξημένες ανάγκες των φορέων παροχής υγειονομικής φροντίδας σε παιδιά και νεογνά, το Πρόγραμμα στοχεύει για δεύτερη συνεχή χρονιά στην αναβάθμιση των Παιδιατρικών Κλινικών και Ιατρείων, καθώς και των Νεογνολογικών Τμημάτων Δημόσιων Νοσοκομείων και Κέντρων Υγείας ανά τη χώρα. Ακολουθούν οι δωρεοδόχοι φορείς για το έτος 2022: • Πανεπιστημιακό Γενικό Νοσοκομείο «ΑΤΤΙΚΟΝ» – Ανακαίνιση χώρων και προμήθεια εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση της Μονάδας Εντατικής Νοσηλείας Νεογνών, • Πανεπιστημιακό Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Ιωαννίνων – Προμήθεια
ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση της Νεογνολογικής Κλινικής, • Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Καβάλας – Προμήθεια ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση της Μονάδας Πρόωρων Νεογνών της Παιδιατρικής Κλινικής, • Πανεπιστημιακό Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Αλεξανδρούπολης – Ανακαίνιση χώρων και προμήθεια εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση της Παιδοχειρουργικής Πτέρυγας, • Γενικό Νοσοκομείο «ΒΕΝΙΖΕΛΕΙΟ-ΠΑΝΑΝΕΙΟ» Ηρακλείου Κρήτης – Προμήθεια ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση της Μονάδας Εντατικής Νοσηλείας Νεογνών, • NΓενικό Νοσοκομείο Φλώρινας – Προμήθεια ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση της Παιδιατρικής Κλινικής, • Κέντρο Υγείας Μαντουδίου Ευβοίας – Ανακαίνιση χώρων και προμήθεια εξοπλισμού με σκοπό την αναβάθμιση του Τμήματος Παιδικών Επειγόντων Περιστατικών. Το Ίδρυμα Λάτση και η ΣΥΝ-ΕΝΩΣΙΣ χρηματοδοτούν και υλοποιούν πρωτοβουλίες που στοχεύουν στην αποτελεσματικότερη ανταπόκριση στις σύγχρονες κοινωνικές ανάγκες. Μία τέτοια πρωτοβουλία αποτελεί και η συνέργεια των δύο φορέων στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος «Συμπράττουμε για την Υγεία», η οποία επικεντρώνεται στον νευραλγικό τομέα της δημόσιας υγείας και επιβεβαιώνει τη δέσμευσή τους για κοινωνική προσφορά.
56 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Supporting the Shipping Industry with a green profile reducing carbon footprint DESMI Now Has Full Range of Ballast Water Management Systems for Any Vessel Size
By Segment Director Marine & Offshore, John K. Pedersen, DESMI POSIDONIA is one of the most important marine events within the shipping market, and we have high expectations for this years’ event. Firstly, we are attending the exhibition as an independent exhibitor and full-scale booth with all DESMI products and services. With the establishment of our DESMI Representative office in 2018 headed by Mr. Konstantinos Karabinis, we have experienced a warm welcome by the Greek shipping community and related business, and with local growing and a dedicated local team of highly motivated employees we have been very successful and the footprint of our products and services are growing day-by-day. After sales and service has during the past year been high on the agenda and with the establishment of our affiliated DESMI DeServe company we now have service stations strategically organized around the world, ready to support our customers. Especially for the Mediterranean Sea we established in the beginning of February 2022 a service hub with a local service engineer in our Greek representative office, especially but not limited to our Ballast Water Treatment Systems and a growing interest of our energy efficient automation system called OptiSaveTM, to support the demand for immediate and local services. DESMI has a long tradition for participating in various groups and organizations for supporting the shipping industry with a greener profile and reducing the carbon footprint. Among others we have been a member of Green Ship of the Future with a number of case studies for reducing the total power consumption as much as possible through innovative technologies and great utility of the energy demand for operating the fleet without any compromises on safety and reliability of the crew, owners and environments. Currently, we are performing several feasibility studies and installations of our fully automated OptiSaveTM system for optimized
performances of main sea and freshwater cooling system and Engine room ventilation fan system. The savings have proven to be significant in regards to saved fuels. However, indeed more important, the reduced emissions as a result of a more efficient operation is of a great value for the specific vessel, and the EEXI index recently being mandatory introduced for the operating fleet. A white paper of the OptiSaveTM system is uploaded on our homepage for free downloading. Another and equally important area where DESMI are contributing, is to improve the new building designs. Currently, we are a part of an international working group headed by Danish Standard and the aim is to create a new ISO standard covering a greater holistic view of the equipment and system installation in the engine room for superior integration and reducing of the total carbon footprint. As a leading manufacturer and with an extensive experience we consider these projects as our commitment to the maritime market and a sustainable shipping industry. Being the leading company supplying pumps and associated systems to most of the scrubber manufacturers we are very dedicated to the development of pumps and pumping systems for achieving marine decarbonation with carbon capture technologies. New material combinations will be tested during the coming period to ensure the right products and a safe and reliable operation of the technologies for capturing the carbon onboard the operating fleet. Entering the Cargo market with Cargo Pumps for LPG carriers are being introduced with a pump model with an innovative design. The models are developed in close cooperation with owners and highly acknowledged service providers for creating the best of the best design for superior and safe operation for the crew. It is our intention to develop the system further for covering the market for LNG and fuel systems.
Centrifugal Pumps Fresh- and Seawater Cooling Ballast Water Fire-Fighting Scrubber / Exhaust Gas Cleaning Etc.
OptiSaveTM Optimizing pump & fan speed to current conditions & saving fuel
35 m3/h - 2500 m3/h
Deepwell Cargo and Booster Pumps for Gas & Chemical Tankers
58 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Marasco Marine...insuring the future By Mr Anastasios Maraslis, President/Director of Marasco Marine Ltd
Most recent events in the ever changing world have brought the subject of risk into higher profile. Evaluating the range of available risk management techniques and
choosing the most appropriate response in each case is an increasingly significant element of managerial responsibility in today’s business environment. Marasco Marine Ltd focuses and aims at generating and enhancing its esteemed clientele’s awareness for risk management and the consequences of its lack in day to day shipping business operations. It’s true, we cannot eliminate risk entirely, that would be ideal, but our challenge is to identify the right risk to take and to eliminate or minimize high or catastrophic risk and its potential negative impact with first class security marine insurance policies. Marasco Marine Ltd is dealing with marine risks since 1991, having a successful track record in prompt claims payments, securing its clientele’s peace of mind and business survival at the most critical times, when mostly needed, producing valuable benefits for the shipping company and its assets with care.
Marasco Marine’s underwriting/claims team and its BOA’s measure risk in terms of probability and potential impact to your assets. However, taking a risk can also result in a positive outcome and Marasco Marine technology in risk management will assist you to decide correctly how you may have a significant effect in premium control, same as risk control. Marasco Marine serves responsibly and consciously its mission, that is building Risk Awareness to its shipping clientele and the world wide shipping community in managing risks effectively for best possible results in their company’s finances and future prosperity. Make the most of our expertise in risk management and let us show you how our technology applied in your case can be beneficial to your company, in analyzing and minimizing risk, turn risk into opportunity, and manage uncertainty, thus insuring the future of your company!
Bureau Veritas, Vinssen and NTU Singapore to develop hydrogen fuelled vessels Bureau Veritas (BV), Vinssen Co. Ltd (Vinssen) and the EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy (EcoLabs) at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with plans to demonstrate commercialisation of eco-friendly marine propulsion system technology and products in Singapore and Korea. Under the agreement, BV, Vinssen and EcoLabs, which is based in the university’s Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N), will be working together to develop a pilot project in Singapore demonstrating hydrogen-based power generation by discovering in-depth knowledge about hydrogen to be used as an eco-friendly marine fuel by integrating hydrogen fuel cell systems on harbour crafts. Mr David Barrow, Vice-President of Bureau Veritas South Asia Zone, Marine & Offshore said: “Bureau Veritas is glad to have the industrial expert, Vinssen and a world-renowned university NTU Singapore working
together hand in hand to come up with solutions for the changing industry needs. With strong industrial collaboration, BV shall continue to provide turn-key services for marine environment protection and innovation towards sustainable maritime.” BV’s new Centre of Excellence - innovation, and Centre for Alternative and Renewable Energy (iCARE), will be leading the initiative and is looking forward to working with Vinssen and NTU’s EcoLabs to produce commercially feasible studies that could empower organisations to take up sustainable growth and work towards a greener future together. Mr Koh Shu Yong, Director of iCARE said: “iCARE is proud to be a part of the project that can contribute back to the maritime industry. Having a strong industry collaboration to co-create solutions for sustainability and forging ahead on at our best pursuing innovation in policy and technology for decarbonisation”. Vinssen is a pioneering enterprise of
environmentally friendly marine mobilities. To reduce greenhouse emissions, Vinssen continues to steadily invest on research and strategies to develop a sustainable propulsion system to reduce greenhouse emissions with primary focus in applying the hydrogen fuel cell system and electric vehicle battery (EVB) technology to ship building and marine industry. Mr Chil-han Lee, CEO of Vinssen said: “Vinssen is actively developing propulsion and control systems for alternative marine fuels including Hydrogenia, Korea’s first commercial hydrogen electric boat. We take pride in our efforts to create environmentally friendly products that will have a positive impact on our customers while also reducing pollution on our planet. With collaboration with NTU and BV iCARE, we hope to extend our product portfolio to Singapore and beyond.” Following the agreement, the parties will be moving on to make detailed discussions on the project.
60 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry supports
seafarers impacted by Ukraine crisis by facilitating the opening of bank accounts
The Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM) has collaborated with the financial institutions in Cyprus to facilitate the opening of bank accounts for seafarers affected by the war in Ukraine. The Seafarer Workforce Report, published in 2021 by BIMCO and ICS, reports that combined, Ukrainian and Russian seafarers represent 14.5% of the global workforce. As more Russian banks are blocked from international transactions, crewing managers are increasingly unable to make payments. Ukrainian seafarers and their families seeking safety in other states are also unable to access wage payments. To address this, Cyprus SDM has facilitated two main payment schemes for seafarers following consultation with local banks and financial institutions in Cyprus. One is provided by Cyprus Commercial Banks (Bank of Cyprus, Hellenic Bank, Eurobank) and the other is facilitated through the Members of the Association of Electronic Money & Payment Institutions (ACEMPI) via ECOMMBX or SEPAGA. Seafarers will be able to contact the dedicated liaison officers at each institution for support. Recognising the need for a simple solution following insight and feedback from Cyprus shipowners, Cyprus SDM has, once more, demonstrated its commitment to providing flexible responses to
unexpected issues. The new process is already receiving and administering applications directly from seafarers who are now able to make applications themselves, or via the ship manager, to access wage payments. Commenting on the new arrangements, Vassilios Demetriades, Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister, said: “We hope that facilitating the opening of bank accounts for both Ukrainian and Russian seafarers will enable them, and their families, to easily access their wages. We also believe shipowners and crew managers require an effective solution from flag states to a challenge that many will be facing. We will continue to review and assess the situation to ensure that our system remains a viable and successful offering to the industry. “Seafarers are at the heart of shipping operations and it is essential that the industry makes flexible arrangements to existing ship management structures. Seafarers have encountered extraordinary circumstances during the past few years and need to be supported as a priority. Cyprus prides itself on being a proactive and adaptable flag and we hope this new scheme makes a real difference.” Cyprus has highlighted that this new offering is notwithstanding the arrangements recommended by the Government of Ukraine in relation to payments to Ukrainian seafarers.
Μaritime passenger link between Cyprus and Greece, after a 21-year hiatus Following the launch of a formal tender last year, the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM) has announced the award of a tender to reinstate a maritime passenger link between Cyprus and Greece, after a 21-year hiatus. Following a formal evaluation procedure, the contract for Tender No. SDM 14/2021 has been awarded to Scandro Holding LTD – a joint venture between ship management company Acheon Akti and tour operator Top Kinisis. The company was formed with the ultimate goal of connecting Cyprus and Greece by sea. Taking into account the anticipated seasonal fluctuations in demand, the Cyprus-flagged ferry, DALEELA, will perform 22 return sailings over the summer period from June to September for the duration of the three-year contract. The journey from Limassol to Piraeus takes 30 hours. The Ro-Ro vessel, DALEELA, has capacity to carry 400 passengers – 110 in first class cabins, 110 in second class cabins and 110 in airplane seats. The vessel is also capable of carrying vehicles and features a 300-seat restaurant, café, and medical facilities. The service will be subsidized by state funds, in accordance with the European Union rules governing a Service of General Economic Interest, of €5.475 million annually for the three-year contract, with
a possible extension for a further three years. On awarding the successful tender, Vassilios Demetriades, Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister, commented: “Scandro Holding LTD was the successful candidate from a number of competitive tenders for this service. We are excited about this link, starting very soon, which has been eagerly anticipated by the local community. It will be hugely advantageous to the region as a whole, providing alternative connectivity to our citizens while promoting maritime tourism between Cyprus and continental Europe, with very low fares. “Cyprus has a strong maritime infrastructure, and this new facility demonstrates our commitment to continuing to build our relationship with the rest of the Mediterranean and beyond. We are currently investigating the potential extension of the link to a third neighbouring country, beyond Greece. This aligns with our long-term maritime strategy which advocates collaboration, and will contribute to a better-connected European region.” DALEELA’s first voyage will take place on 19 June 2022 and the last one for this year will be on 16 September 2022. The Shipping Deputy Ministry presented the main provisions of the tender during an open meeting on 29th November 2021.
ABOUT US EastGate provides Shipbroking services covering all aspects of the Dry Bulk space, including Chartering, Projects and S&P. Based in Athens, it has set routes in one of the largest shipowning nations in the world and has managed to become a gate which connects the Greek shipping fraternity with international players. Our diversified clientele relies on our international experience and accountability and trusts our driven team with its portfolio. Our strong ties within the shipping community worldwide have shaped the Company’s character to an exotic blend of East and West. We operate round the clock to offer first class service and worldwide coverage. We adopt traditional Shipbroking practices enriched with entrepreneurial acumen.
Shipbroking. Well done.
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64 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Γιάννης Πλακιωτάκης
Περισσότερα από 700 κρουαζιερόπλοια αναμένονται το 2022 στις ελληνικές θάλασσες «Ξεπερνούν τα 700 τα κρουαζιερόπλοια που αναμένεται να βρεθούν στις ελληνικές θάλασσες το 2022», επεσήμανε ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής Γιάννης Πλακιωτάκης, σε ειδική εκδήλωση που πραγματοποιήθηκε σήμερα στον Οργανισμό Λιμένα Λαυρίου, με αφορμή την επίσημη έναρξη του προγράμματος κρουαζιέρων της Celestyal Cruises, με το κρουαζιερόπλοιο «Olympia». «Σύμφωνα με τα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία», είπε ο κ. Πλακιωτάκης, «υπερβαίνουν τα 700 τα κρουαζιερόπλοια, που θα βρεθούν στο Αιγαίο. Από αυτά τα 570 και πλέον θα κάνουν homeporting, στην Ελλάδα, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα θα είναι transit». «Το 2022», πρόσθεσε, «θα είναι μία οικονομικά ανοδική χρονιά για τον κλάδο της κρουαζιέρας η οποία θα ενισχύσει σημαντικά τις τοπικές οικονομίες συμβάλλοντας παράλληλα στην αύξηση του τουριστικού ρεύματος». Ο κ. Πλακιωτάκης, επισήμανε ότι «στο Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας
και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, σε συνεργασία και με το Υπουργείο Τουρισμού, έχουμε λάβει όλες τις απαραίτητες πρωτοβουλίες ώστε να διασφαλίσουμε την ομαλή επανεκκίνηση της αγοράς προωθώντας ταυτόχρονα σημαντικές παρεμβάσεις σε επίπεδο έργων υποδομής και της κρουαζιέρας αλλά και του yachting στην πατρίδα μας. «Σε μία περίοδο διεθνών κρίσεων και ανακατατάξεων», σημείωσε, «η Ελλάδα αποτελεί τον απόλυτα ασφαλή προορισμό. Έναν διεθνή προορισμό με εξαιρετικές κλιματολογικές συνθήκες και βέβαια την μοναδική η πατροπαράδοτη ελληνική φιλοξενία». Σχετικά με το λιμάνι του Λαυρίου, ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, σημείωσε ότι «βρίσκεται και αυτό σε μια φάση μετεξέλιξης και εκσυγχρονισμού. Πλέον, βρισκόμαστε στην τελική ευθεία για την κατασκευή των πέντε πλωτών προβλητών φιλοξενίας σκαφών αναψυχής με 192 νέες θέσεις ελλιμενισμού σε ένα ιδιαίτερο γεωγραφικό σημείο με μεγάλη ζήτηση».
66 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Charidimos Valentakis
Shipping is in the Greeks’ DNA and the revival of the shipbuilding industry must become our national target Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd
is a well established company of highly experienced and qualified managers in the Marine Services, specialising in Ship Repairs and Conversions. Its Core Business is to provide Repair Services through our Worldwide Network of Leading Shipyards, Workshops, and Co-operating Companies. Its Products and Services Portfolio extends to the field of Marine Equipment, Spare Parts, BWTS, Lubricants, Bunker, Safety Products & Services. The company’s Mission is to meet and exceed its customer’s expectations by providing Products & Services of the highest standards in local and worldwide markets, accompanied with timely deliveries and competitive prices, honoring always its contractual commitments. Mr. Charis Valentakis Managing Director at EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS AND SERVICES LTD gives a very interesting interview about the new environmental regulations for the shipping industry, the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the competitiveness of the Greek shipping and its the sustainability in order to maximize its contribution to the national economy, the predictions for the future of the shipbuilding market so much more...
Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd New environmental regulations and their implementation are very hot issues for the shipping industry. Do you believe that the viability of the regulators’ ambitious goals is more than certain to happen?
initiatives in the direction for full decarbonization this cannot be achieved without new fuels and propulsion technologies available globally. Are we going to overcome this burning issue?
The global scientific community along with the commercial chambers and international associations have realized that the global warming needs immediate and radical measures to be implemented so as to achieve the required balance to global temperature rise. The shipping community, IMO, EU and many other countries have perceived the necessity to effectively contribute to the environmental awareness with the implementation of mitigate measures for the harmful air emissions.
It is true that the CO2 reduction targets that have been set by the IMO and the EU along with the GHGs upcoming regulations cannot be achieved with the current fuels. The regulators, the engine makers and the energy market in total should joined their forces towards this direction so as the alternative fuels to become a reality in the near future. The new investments, the national subsidized programs and the political decisions will power the R&D of many industry players towards this direction.
The energy crisis - as a result of the war in Ukraine - creates an ever-changing reality with growing uncertainty and challenges leading to an uncertain future. In your opinion what will be the consequences but also how will the shipping industry respond to this problem? What will be the new normal for shipping after the end of this unfair war?
Shipping has proven many times that it operates with responsibility and efficiency towards the state. Could you argue that the state also makes shipping one of its priorities and recognizes its value?
The Ukraine war confirmed the major role energy plays to every sector of the economic, commercial and even social life of each state. The war has revealed the risk to be energy dependent from specific countries and how this fact can disorganize the economic and development goals of each country. The war has also proved that the urgency to invest to the development of alternative fuels is more topical than ever. With the IMO 2030 and 2050 targets for CO2 reduction, decarbonization is at the top of the agenda for shipping worldwide. Although the shipping industry has already taken important
Shipping is the longer means of transport that has been transformed its operation may times through the centuries. It is certain that it will be adjusted to the new energy regulations and that it will contribute to the formulation of a green maritime transport and will lead to a sustainable shipping operation. How can Greek shipping remain competitive and thus sustainable in order to maximize its contribution to the national economy? The Greek shipping must invest to its people who are the major capital of the country. Greece has excellent scientific personnel
INTERVIEW Mr. Charis Valentakis Managing Director at EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS AND SERVICES LTD
68 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS AND SERVICES LTD team who can work and provide innovative solutions which will fulfill the decarbonization requirements but also excellent seafarers who will be able to operate the vessels of the new era. Do you think that the recovery of the competitiveness of the Greek flag is a national goal that along with the revival of seafaring of the new generation will give a new perspective to Greek shipping? It is certain that the competitiveness of the Greek shipping involves the Greek flag revival and the active participation of the Greek seafarers to shipping community. Greeks are hard workers, creative, flexible with a unique ability to find and implement quick and efficient decisions. These qualities are necessary for the progress and the transition of the Greek shipping to the decarbonization age. What are the recent developments on the hot ballast water management issue? The vessels proceed with the BWMS installation according to the IOPPC dates and the USCG timeline. From 28 October 2020, all BWMS that are installed on a ship shall comply with the revised IMO G8 Guidelines (Res. MEPC.279(70) or the BWMS Code adopted by Res. MEPC.300(72)). Makers of BWMS and shipping companies evaluate the BWMS efficient operation based on installation decisions, cost-oriented factors related to the equipment purchase and maintenance and operational costs to extract useful results that will be used for the development of the BWMS of the next generation. How do you think current issues such as piracy, environmental protection, and ship recycling should be addressed by the shipping community? The decarbonization concept illustrates the sustainable shipping operation from cradle to grave that involves all the stages of ships
life, shipbuilding, ships operation and scrapping. The notion that the maritime activity is restricted to the ship’s operation is no longer acceptable by the regulators, the national and international organizations and even the societies. Sustainability has been connected through the latest regulations with the cost effectiveness, competition and social competency. The shipping industry has become highly automated and digitalized. However, where automation is applied to improve efficiency, there is an increase in cyber risk. Do you think this is a major problem that will affect the shipping industry in the near future? The digitalization in shipping is a reality for the everyday activity of the ships. Many aspects of the engine and deck operations have already been transformed to digital forms which lead to the necessity for the implementation of cyber security measures. The cyber security is a major issue however there are already effective solutions that are implemented to ships and shipping companies with the assistance of CS and IT companies’ experts. What are your predictions for the future of the shipbuilding market? In your opinion, is there any serious chance that the Greek shipbuilding industry will revive? In the near future, there will be some fluctuations in the shipbuilding market due to the transitional phase the shipping industry is going through in energy solutions. However, as soon as the solutions of the alternative fuels and the respective engine modifications will be completed, the uncertainty will be terminated. The Greek shipbuilding industry have all the prospects to revive. We have excellent technicians with great experience and deep knowledge of the ship that can contribute significantly to the shipbuilding industry. Shipping is in the Greeks DNA and the revival of the shipbuilding industry must become our national target.
Spare Parts Dept.
We are proud to declare that our company Euploia Drydocks & Service Ltd. has a very strong Spare parts department and we are able to supply a wide range of products which can cover all vessel’s spectrum, no matter where the vessel was built. Due to our Sales Engineers’ and Managers’ high experience in Maritime Industry, we know very well the needs of Maritime Community and we always try hard to satisfy our customers. Through our extensive network of worldwide partners and exclusive principals, our portfolio includes spare parts for hull equipment, deck machineries, engine machineries, propulsion systems, automation (Electrical/Hydraulic) systems, accommodation areas etc. The number of our clients is continuously increased since we are meeting and exceeding their expectations by providing products of the highest standards worldwide, within the best delivery terms and very competitive prices. Our clients’ trust, is driving us to working tenaciously and follow the latest developments in the shipping industry in order to satisfy their increasingly needs. We are confident that Euploia can become a trustful and supportive partner for all Shipping Companies.
Stamatios Koutrelakos, Sales Manager & Head of Spare Parts Department
Drydocks & Repairs Dpt.
Since the beginning of Euploia, our core business is to provide Repair Services through our Worldwide Network of Leading Shipyards, Workshops, and Co-operating Companies. Euploia’s concept in Drydock Repairs is not common, as we act an equal party between the shipyard and the client, following up with each project on a daily basis to honour the signed contracts in terms of Safety, Quality, repair time and initial price. Throughout each project’s lifecycle a series of actions and procedures are implemented by Euploia’s Drydocks Dpt. to ensure adequate control and smooth completion of the repairs. Our experience and knowledge allows us to solve any technical, economic or organizational issues effectively, and to keep all interested parties satisfied. Following our client’s high expectations, we consult with our principals to continuously evolve and improve their services, always aiming to satisfy our clients. Our Products and Services Portfolio extends to the field of Afloat Repairs, Underwater Services and Safety Services. Euploia’s mission is to provide the Greek shipping industry with high quality level of services accompanied with timely deliveries and competitive prices, and in view of this mission, Euploia has established a Network of reliable partners worldwide, for Class Approved Diving Stations, Afloat Repairs and Safety Services, which can provide our clients with high quality and cost effective options in the major ports of the world.
Special Projects
Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd is dedicated to continuously broaden professional horizons by establishing new collaborations, aiming always to satisfy regulatory requirements and provide a wide range of quality products and services to our esteemed clients. Before the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention), entered into force globally on 08 September 2017, there was a need for a new activity to be established within our company, the Special Projects Dept. In view of this and in an effort for our company to expand their business portfolio on the field of Ballast Water Treatment Systems, Euploia entered into agreement with Ecochlor, a leading BWTS manufacturer, who provides high performance and reliable systems with a reference of more than 350 systems worldwide. Ecochlor’s unique technology uses chlorine dioxide (ClO2), generated by a simple process on board the vessel to treat the ballast during a single pass at uptake. In addition, following Marpol Annex VI requirements regarding the SOx emissions reductions on ships, our office entered into agreement with CR Ocean Engineering, a well-known EGCS manufacturer, who offers its proven exhaust gas scrubbing technology as an economic alternative to the high-priced low sulphur fuel. CROE’s systems provide the necessary reliability and the assurance of meeting the 0.1% Sulphur fuel equivalency when burning high-sulphur lower cost fuels. CR-OCEAN have now sold more than 160 systems worldwide and all operating systems are working great and have received certification immediately upon commissioning. We are happy and grateful for the successful collaboration with our principals thus far, which resulted to smooth systems’ installations on our clients’ vessels who trusted us for these sensitive projects.
Visit us at Posidonia 2022 at Euploia Drydocks and Services Booth, Hall 2 / Stand 2.101 at Metropolitan Expo, June 6-10.
70 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Dominique Philibert Over 60 years of scrubbing experience Mr Dominique Philibert is the President & Chief Operations Officer of CR Ocean Engineering Headquartered in New Jersey, USA and with manufacturing plants, sales and service engineers covering the world, CR Ocean Engineering leverages decades of experience in design and manufacturing scrubbing systems and other pollution control systems that meet the most stringent emissions standards. Established in New York in 1917, Croll Reynolds designs and manufactures state-of-the-art air pollution control equipment and process vacuum systems for a broad range of industries - Petrochemical, Pulp and Paper, Pharmaceutical, Power, Aerospace, and the Food Processing - worldwide. Croll Reynolds established CR Ocean Engineering as an engineering firm specializing in the research, design and manufacture of air pollution control equipment for the marine industry. This specialized focus assures customers of the upmost attention and company performance. CR Ocean Engineering’s experience is based on thousands of closed loop and open loop scrubbers operating worldwide, under the strictest environmental conditions that meet or exceed the IMO sulfur and wash water regulations. With company owned Manufacturing, Research and Test facilities in the United States, India and China, qualified fabrication shops in Europe and a worldwide network of representatives, CR Ocean Engineering is a leading supplier of high-performance Air Pollution Control Equipment to the world.
Do you believe that CR Ocean Engineering scrubbers are ideal for use in a wide range of vessels, such as RO-RO, Ferries, Cruise Ships and Container Ships and why? The CR Ocean Engineering (CROE) scrubbers are in fact used on a wide range of vessels including the ones you mentioned but also tankers, bulk carriers, car carriers, heavy lift vessels etc… They are ideal for all types of vessels : with over 60 years of scrubbing experience, our design is optimized and compact and fits any type of arrangement : inline which typically fits nicely inside funnels or with a side inlet if preferrable for newbuilds or for backpack installations or even outside installations. Since your company is very active in the field of scrubbers, could you please tell us few words about the latest developments in this segment? Regarding our latest developments, these are two (2) major ones : • We have been working on our Wet Electrostatic Scrubber (WES) technology for fine PM and black carbon removal. This targets submicron particles and can be offered on passenger ships or any type of vessels to bring those emissions to the next level. It will be tested on a ship later this year. With this technology, as opposed to Wet ESPs, there are no plates or tubes and no issues related to movement or vibrations on a ship. This technology is suitable for any vessel burning low or high sulfur fuels. • With the new targets on greenhouse gases, we are proposing CO2 scrubbers. This is based on using ionic liquids and can be installed on ships burning low sulfur or high sulfur fuels but also LNG fueled ships. How will your company be able to achieve greater growth and a stronger presence in the field of Shipping Services in the near future? Our SO2 scrubbers will continue saving money for shipowners for the next decades. CO2 capture and fine PM removal are growing markets. We will also focus on pollutants that will be emitted with new fuels. Do you believe that under the pressure to meet environmental regulations do you have to develop more technological and environmental friendly solutions much more often than it should be? Does it make you anxious and uncomfortable? Scrubbers have been our specialty for over 60 years. This is our bread and butter. We are dealing with all kinds of pollutants on the land side. New regulations may push us in different directions but this is our comfort zone.
72 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Asta Bražukienė Our customers now can benefit of getting very personal and strongly customer oriented service Mrs. Asta Bražukienė Business Development Manager CRUG-VERSITEC
CRUG Marine Sealing Solutions has recently acquired VERSITEC Marine & Industrials, company with 20 years experience in shaft sealing industry. In this respect CRUG Marine Sealing Solutions is remarkably expanding the presence in the market by at least doubling of expertise, production capacity, shortening response and delivery times, so far increasing sales capacity and significantly improving the products as well as service quality and becoming one of the leading players of the industry in the market Worldwide. The trade name of the product from now on will be a CRUG-VERSITEC. Our seals are made from FKM/VITON material, fully EAL compatible, Class approved (BV and DNV) and stocked in Canada also European warehouses for fast supply. European warehouse is being managed by our authorized service station PROMAR, who are our good partners and provide bonding service of our seals Worldwide.
CRUG Marine Sealing Solutions has recently acquired VERSITEC Marine & Industrials working in the field of production & distribution of the Sterntube Seals & Kits. What benefits do you think you will get from this collaboration? VERSITEC MARINE was acquired by CRUG LTD last year, June 2021 and this date marks a new start and first milestone of company CRUG - VERSITEC. Our customers now can benefit of getting very personal and strongly customer oriented service: fast inquiry processing and quotation, quick response time and close communication with our dedicated sales representatives. Also from technical side, we have improved quality control and now have constant and thorough monitoring of production quality. Do you believe that CRUG’s personnel have the perfect combination of experience and skills needed to drive your company’s performance and meet your targets? We have all benefits of small company: flexibility, speed and zero bureaucracy. With such a combination we have a big advantage among our competitors in a market. Our sales department is closely working with our agents, covering big part of the World. Regulations have resulted in changes to painting procedures. Do you believe that under this pressure you have to develop more technological and environmental friendly solutions much more often than it should be? Does it make you anxious and uncomfortable? Painting procedures regulations are not applicable to us, since our product is not related to painting jobs, however we do feel general sector movement to environmental friendly solutions, thus we have developed our own Equalizer system, in order to be in line with current and forthcoming requirements for greener shipping technologies.
74 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Safe electrification: Green shipping in Greece Greece’s maritime market is becoming greener. “This is a process that the Hellenic Republic is consciously driving,” says Dr Frank Diehl, Head of Sales and Marketing at EAS Batteries. The change is already noticeable in the shipping industry. Understanding in the Greek market for green propulsion is growing. “We are experiencing the openness and increasing awareness of the importance of a more sustainable maritime industry in Greece through the close cooperation with Euploia, our local partner. This is a development that we are doing our very best to support.” Zero-emission entry into ports is becoming increasingly important across Europe. Market observers expect regulations in this regard to be introduced in Greece within a few years. Ship operators are therefore already being called upon to prepare their Greek fleets for the future. The solution lies in electric or hybrid-electric ship propulsion. Beyond zero-emission propulsion, EAS Batteries has made it its mission to make green shipping safe for crew, passengers and cargo. That’s why its modular battery system for the maritime industry, EASy Marine®, is based on the maximally safe cell chemistry lithium iron phosphate (LFP). “Here we are acting true to our claim ‘Power you can trust,’” says Dr Frank Diehl. “The battery may get hot in the event of a short circuit, overcharging or mechanical damage to the cell, but it will not start to burn on itself.” This cathode cell chemistry is considered a benchmark in safety. The marine battery EASy Marine® is particularly suitable for converting existing ships to hybrid electric mobility. The modular space concept of the battery system enables almost any ship owner to convert his propulsion system to a fuel-optimized hybrid system. The reason: the design of the battery can be adapted to almost any ship architecture. “It’s like Lego for adults,” says Dr Frank Diehl. The modules can be flexibly combined. “EASy Marine modules can even be used to replicate steps, so that in fact sloping walls no longer pose a space problem.” Thus, with EASy Marine®, even intermediate spaces as well as rooms with low ceilings or deviating floor plans can be used for the electrification of a ship. This modular design of the battery system is unique in the maritime industry. The general advantage of an on-board battery system like EASy Marine® is that diesel generators can be operated permanently in the so-called sweet spot, where fuel consumption is lowest relative to the power generated. In addition, the batteries compensate for load fluctuations, for example in
propulsion or hotel loads. This is known as peak shaving or load leveling. Depending on load fluctuations, savings of up to 25 or even 30 percent are possible in this way. But propulsion systems based on diesel, LNG or fuel cells are not only operated more economically with the help of a marine battery, their service lifes are also extended. With EASy Marine®, EAS Batteries is thus helping to safely electrify shipping and make it more efficient at the same time. EASy Marine® is already DNV certified. “EASy Marine is an absolutely convincing battery concept,” says Manos Tsonis, Sales Executive of Euploia Drydocks & Services Ltd. “The marine battery is innovative, flexible and safe. Thus, EAS helps the Greek maritime market with a German-European product to sustainably strengthen its core business and to future-proof it.” EAS Batteries develops and produces cells and batteries in Germany, with materials from Europe. “With EASy Marine, we offer an autonomous battery system for the global shipping market that is independent of other continents and based on German technologies,” says Dr Frank Diehl. “This is a strong solution that ensures reliability at different levels - in operation, in the supply chain, in quality and in sustainability.” The particular advantage of EASy Marine® is that the battery system permanently and directly benefits from the further development of cell technology. EAS Batteries continuously improves its cell portfolio and installs the latest technology in the marine battery. “In the next steps, we will also diversify and expand our EASy Marine offering itself,” says Dr Frank Diehl. “Safety on the water will always be our focus.” Based on current knowledge, LFP remains the safest active material that can be used in battery cells in the long term. And already at this level of the marine battery, the properties combine to be safe, green and efficient: LFP is not only the safest material, but also the most sustainable. Iron and phosphorus - unlike cobalt, nickel or manganese - are not scarce resources. LFP has a significantly lower carbon footprint in production. And the lithium itself is used more efficiently in this combination. The scarcity of other materials will drive up their price in the global effect. “Given the coming CO2 price, this will also make LFP cheaper in the long term,” says Dr Frank Diehl. “In principle, however, the EASy Marine modular battery system functions independently of the cell chemistry of the installed cells and automatically adapts to future developments.”
Lupi was founded in the maritime port city of Genoa in 1914. Since then, Lupi has become a leading company in the production and supply of high quality spare parts for all brands of fuel and lub oil separators spare plates and gaskets for plate heat exchangers all spares for fresh water distillers oil filter spare parts, and spare parts for many brands of oil transfer and circulating pumps.
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“Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd is the Exclusive Agent in Greece.” Contact: Charis Valentakis, +30 210 9400660,
78 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Roel Van de Water Navitec: Maintaining high standards of work and safety Mr Roel Van de Water is co-CEO of Navitec Navitec Marine Services NV is a privately owned company founded in 1978 and part of H2O Group. We are located centrally in the port of Antwerp and provide all afloat ship repairs for seagoing vessels in the whole ARA area, 24/7. With a combined staff of close to 50 people and a network of strategic partners we realise and annual turnover just shy of € 10.000.000.
Navitec Marine Services is renowned among its customers for maintaining a high quality and safety standard. How easy is for you to sustain this service level and what is the key for your success? Maintaining high standards of work and safety isn’t necessarily easy. It’s hard work that requires constant attention but it is a main focus throughout the organisation and a natural state of mind for our staff. It thrives on permanent investment is all types of resources, ranging from training of staff, over proper tools and maintenance, to thought out software solutions and their implementation.
if not strictly work related. If we can help our support them, we will. Being part of a larger entity like H2O Group really helps in that respect, as they too value people on a personal level throughout. An employee is not just someone who works for you, they are a partner and a stakeholder and deserve valued as such. This is shown by the limited hierarchy in our organisation and the complete accessibility to and for everyone all staff, everyone is always welcome and invited to talk to line managers and senior management about all concerns or ideas they might have and we will always engage in those conversations based on mutual respect.
Navitec says that is proud to have an excellent track record in retaining its experienced staff and consequently the skills and expertise built up over the years. How important is the human factor for you? The human factor is our first and foremost priority and gains ever more importance in today’s heated labour market. We demand a lot of our staff. From not knowing when the day will end or what they’ll be doing the next day, to working in harsh environments like noisy and overheated engine rooms, the tight and muddy insides of void spaces or the cold and windy deck in wintertime. In return we put a lot of trust in them and allow a great deal of independence in the organisation and execution of a repair project. They take pride in their knowledge and experience and in being truly vital parts of the solutions we offer our customers. Over the past few years we have made serious investments in new tools and gear as well as in compensation and benefits. In order to provide even better working conditions and to reward their loyalty, we have recently started the construction of new facilities for all staff next to our current workshop. The plans show a strong focus on comfort and wellbeing for all staff. Next to that we are always looking for ways to engage with staff and their families in other ways than merely executing jobs. We are in the process of setting up a committee whose main tasks is to organise events for our staff and their families, outside from work. We have a strong desire to support people on all levels of their life, even
It is Navitec’s mission to assist crew, owners, charterers and managers in maintaining operability of their vessels in the best possible way. Can you describe how Navitec succeeds in satisfying its customers in the shipping community? A great deal of our success depends on the above. Having people that embrace the challenges of the maritime industry, that take pride in helping owners and technical managers out and that are always on the lookout for solutions without getting stuck in the problem. The biggest contribution to that success is the inherent “can do” mentality and “Always There” approach mariners bring to our company. The company’s owner, Captain Joris Van de Water has spent many years at sea, followed by a decade with one of the largest and most successful ship management companies globally. He’s seen all sides to the story first hand and has been in the seat of pretty much al stakeholders involved in successful technical repairs. Four of our Ship Repair Managers have completed a naval education and three have them have sailed as Engineers. We know how things work, we know who’s involved and who we need to talk to, we know what the consequences of our actions and choices are. Most importantly, we are very aware of the significance of time for any vessel. The combination of our experience, skill and knowledge on the one hand, and openness, honesty and solution oriented approach on the other hand is what makes us succeed.
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Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd is our Exclusive Agent in Greece Contact: Charis Valentakis +30 210 9400660,
80 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Manolo Cavaliere
An historic shipyard with state-of-the-art facilities Mr Manolo Cavaliere, is Commercial director of San Giorgio del Porto and Chantier Naval de Marseille Operating in the ship repair industry since 1928, San Giorgio del Porto (SGdP) is an historic shipyard equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. The shipyard is a global point of reference for the repair and conversion of all types of ship, Ro-Pax vessel upgrades and mid-range vessel construction projects. SGdP, alongside its French sister company, Chantier Naval de Marseille (CNM), operates a total of eight dry docks and over 2 km of equipped repair quays. It is capable of handling the largest of vessels and is perfectly positioned to support all the needs of the maritime sector, from cruise and offshore to LNG and cargo. Ship repair and maintenance form the core business of the two yards: from mid-range ships to the giants of the sea, CNM & SGdP have the facilities, the teams and the technical know-how to carry out any kind of repair. In addition to standard repair and maintenance services, the shipyards also offer special value-added options. Major engine and equipment makers are their regular partners and their have selected qualified service providers. Both shipyards are able to execute all kinds of work on vessel propulsion, ranging from removal of tail shafts and rudders to complete overhaul of thrusters or azipod in its workshops. CNM & SGdP Staff are qualified by GTT to manage LNG membrane type repairs and, through carefully selected qualified service providers and an extensive network of subcontractors, both companies offer a full range of specialized activities, including membrane tank testing, cryogenic piping, and valve and pump overhauls. “We’ve been in Genova for almost 100 years and in Marseille for 12 years, and we have different facilities in each location, - says Manolo Cavaliere, Commercial director of San Giorgio del Porto and Chantier Naval de Marseille - Both facilities do ship repair and conversion and, due to the nature of the facilities, we do special project in Genova and the larger vessels in Marseille.” Worldwide clients appreciate its main characteristic, namely flexibility. The shipyards can provide a full range of services on both normal and more complex projects. An advantage the San Giorgio del Porto and Chantier Naval de Marseille offer is the ability to pool the
expertise and resources of both facilities which are only 400km from each other. Additionally, Marseille is very close to the port of Fos sur Mer. Whether the shipowner wants to give a new look to an old vessel, renew or revamp existing areas, boost a ship’s capacity or improve its efficiency, the yard’s teams are able to design, manage and deliver any project, regardless of its complexity. “From the logistics side, Marseille has incredible facilities and more space, and we work closely with San Giorgio, so the ports work together as a team,” - says Manolo Cavaliere - “We can transfer skills and experience, and we have a good network of subcontractors that can work in both.” With five dry docks, over 2,000m of equipped docks and an area of almost 70,000m² in Genoa, and three dry docks in Marseille, including Forme 10, the largest in the Mediterranean with a 465m x 85m capacity , the yards have the capacity and the skill to help the maritime industry return to the seas in style. SGdP & CNM operates large, modern and well-equipped workshops situated near to the dry-docks. Each of the workshops is involved in a single activity (mechanical work, steelwork, pipe work, lifting, logistics, electrical work and general storage), and is properly equipped with large overhead cranes and advanced machinery. Strongly committed to QHSSE, SGdP and CNM recognize the importance of ensuring high quality standards. Providing a safe and healthy working environment for site staff and partner organizations is considered a primary objective. The shipyards’ operations take place in an environment where a broad range of inter-related activities is required. Extensive experience acquired over the years has allowed them to devise and implement a comprehensive QHSSE system. “All activities are performed in a manner conducive to safe work practices and which avoids risk to our employees, neighbors and the environment” – Says Manolo Cavaliere – “All managers, co-ordinators, controllers and operational centers fulfil their duties in respect of the requirements defined by the Project Management System and, in general, by the contractor’s QHSSE Management System.”
82 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Fran Johnson
Combining skills and work scopes is key to growth at Stone Marine Mr Fran Johnson - Managing Director Stone Marine Shipcare & Stone Marine Services The four Stone Marine companies offer a complete package of shaftline maintenance services for vessel operators and owners. From the shaft itself to bearings, couplings, lubricants, shaft sealing devices, CP & FP propeller maintenance along with marine electrics and propeller & thrust unit controls and dynamic positioning systems we offer a cohesive package. We are also highly experienced with steering gear and deck machinery. With highly experienced propeller technicians, service engineers, seal technicians and controls engineers we can offer a one-stop approach. Again, developing relationships with partners and customers is essential. Our facilities in the UK & Africa allow us to provide geographic flexibility in the services we provide. We can mobilise from a number of bases allowing us to respond more rapidly. We can operate on vessels, in shipyards or move equipment to our repair bases for repair and storage until required. After beginning his career in 1997 with Stone Manganese Marine as an apprentice, Fran Johnson was appointed Managing Director of Stone Marine Shipcare, Birkenhead, UK in 2019. Recently he was also appointed as Managing Director of Stone Marine Services Ltd. to oversee marine service centres in Inverkeithing - Scotland, Cape Town – South Africa and Walvis Bay - Namibia. With 25 years of working with propulsion systems, Fran Johnson brings a wealth of experience to the Stone Marine brand with exciting times ahead. With the continued success of Stone Marine Shipcare Fran Johnson’s appointment offers a unique opportunity for both companies to bring together their expertise and work closely to provide complete service support packages to vessel owners & operators globally. On his appointment, Fran said ‘This is a fantastic opportunity to develop all four companies and to create a stronger presence in the Maritime Service Sector. The expertise we can offer and the scope of our work will allow us to rival any major service company.’
How will your company be able top achieve greater growth and stronger presence in the field of Shipping Services in the near future? Moving the combined skills and work scopes of the four Stone Marine companies together is a key element of our strategy. Operating as a cohesive unit to combine the strengths of all our personnel is a huge opportunity that we are investing in. How high on your agenda is the strengthening of your existing partnerships with manufacturers and operators around the world? Are you going to announce new partnerships soon? Its right at the top of the list. Long term partnerships are key to agency development and the success at Stone Marine Shipcare. Our strong partnership with Nakashima Propeller Co. Ltd. has operated successfully for over 30 years and continues to grow from strength to strength. Over the past few years, developing & strengthening partnerships has been the cornerstone of growth at Stone Marine in both the UK and global markets. Amalgamating the managing director position for both the Services and Shipcare divisions will only allow these partnerships to be developed further. We are very pleased to have recently announced a new partnership/agency agreement with KTE, South Korea. Our experience and ongoing work with CP propellers and in thrust unit maintenance aligns perfectly with KTE’s requirements for customer support and spare parts supply in the UK & Europe and it will be a great pleasure to work with them in the coming years. Do you believe that STONE MARINE’s personnel have the perfect combination of experience and skills needed to drive your company’s performance and meet your targets? We have undergone a substantial overhaul of the management structure during the past 18 months and developed a greater cohesion between the four Stone Marine companies. These changes are bringing both economies and a greater return. Also, we have recognised that many staff were underutilised and after a review of our existing skill set, a few simple changes have brought new insights and a clearer direction for us to move forward. Johnson said ‘It is a huge strategic mistake to focus on what personnel are doing now at the expense of being aware of how those personnel can develop.’ Listening to staff and allowing ideas to evolve has also brought several new approaches to issues that we were facing. Our personnel are the foundation of our strength. I’ve heard so often that the reason for not training staff is that they could move away to new jobs and the investment could be enjoyed by someone else, but I argue that companies must consider what would happen if personnel aren’t developed and they stay in place? New skills & new ideas are essential and the feeling that any member of a workforce has when a company invests in them and shares their goals brings such a difference to the commitment that person has to the business. That said we do recognise that there are times when key skills are identified as essential within the immediate future, and we look carefully at recruiting the right people.
Experts in Marine Service & Repair
+44 (0) 151 651 3324
84 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Stathis Athanasiadis Efficiency is a must Convenience is a key for Xinglun Mr. Stathis Athanasiadis is the SALES EXECUTIVE for Xinglun Rope (Europe)
Xinglun Rope Europe is a newly established branch office of Xinglun Rope Cable Co. China, which is located in Cyprus and was founded to support all clients in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Our production lines are certified by all major Classifications Societies (*ABS *NK *DNV-GL *LR *BV *RINA). Our target is to make our ropes available globally through our existing stock warehouses in various strategic locations such as China, Singapore, Rotterdam, Jebel Ali and Houston, while we are in the process of expanding further our stock points to include Panama. The above comprehensive stock warehouses network aims to provide our clients same price levels, quality, and specification eliminating delivery time irrespective of the required place of delivery.
1. What do the words safety, efficiency, convenience mean to you and how can they be applied to produce and sell the better rope for the shipping industry? Since the establishment of the factory, 55 years ago, safety has been a guide and lead word for Xinglun dictionary. We are one of a few producers of SNAP BACK ARRESTOR (SBA) rope globally and the only one in Asia, which is considered as the “safest ropes” since the design and construction eliminate human injuries during onboard operation. Efficiency is a must for Xinglun since the product range covers all kinds of marine ropes which are manufactured in strict compliance with the IMO (MEG4) and Classification guidelines using top quality materials and the latest fabrication technology. Convenience is also a key word for Xinglun. The worldwide network of own stock points is constantly expanding to cover all strategic locations worldwide, which include CHINA, SINGAPORE, ROTTERDAM, JEBEL ALI and HOUSTON, in order to serve the clients ordering XINGLUN ropes at minimum transportation charges and delays, ensuring uniformity of rope specifications, coming from the same production. 2. Do you believe that XING LUN’s personnel have the perfect combination of experience and skills needed to drive your company’s performance and meet your targets? Xinglun Rope is investing in its own personnel that proved to be the most important asset. Our sales and technical departments are sharing their experience globally via seminars for mooring and maintenance of ropes as we are providing solutions like Real Time Video Chat for live testing and after sales services.
Xinglun Ropes. Safe and dependable for over half a century.
OF SERVING THE MARITIME INDUSTRY Xinglun Rope Cable Co. Ltd was established in 1966
WE WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE OUR XINGLUN ROPES EUROPE (XGLRE), THE NEWLY ESTABLISHED BRANCH OFFICE OF XINGLUN ROPE CABLE CO. (XGLR) CHINA, WHICH IS A WELL-KNOWN MANUFACTURER OF MARINE ROPES FOR THE PAST 55 YEARS HAVING A REMARKABLE CLIENT’S PORTFOLIO. XLGR Rope Europe’s office is in Cyprus and is founded to support all European clients including Middle East and Africa. All our products are certified by major Classifications Societies (*ABS *NK *DNV-GL *LR *BV *RINA) as our aim is to provide our ropes globally through our existing stock warehouses in various strategic locations such as China, Singapore, Rotterdam, and New York, while we are in the process of expanding further our stock points to include Houston, Panama and Fujairah. Our comprehensive warehouses network aims to provide our clients with a uniformity of products from our own production (same price levels, quality, and specification) irrespective of the required place of delivery.
Listed as one of the biggest National High-tech Enterprises in China Specialized in the R&D, design and production of all types of marineropes Accredited with the ISO9001 certificate 10,000 square meters of state-of-the-art workshops 75 high performance manufacturing equipment for 3/6/8/12-strand and double braided ropes 5 advanced breaking load testing machines with measuring range up to 1,000 tons Approved by all major classification societies
Get in touch with us XINGLUN ROPE (EUROPE) Co LTD
M +357 95166423 T +357 25 053680 e / 23 Iapetou Street, Ayios Athanasios Industrial Area 4101 Limassol, Cyprus
86 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Aikaterini Tsoutsoura
Armonia provides products and services of the highest standards to the Greek Shipping Companies Aikaterini Tsoutsoura is the Director of Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited Our focus is on the customer. Our partners, principals & suppliers share our vision to establish long term relations with our customers. This is not an easy task. You need to prove on daily basis your dedication so that the customers think of trust and reliability when they think of you.
Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited is a new company in the maritime sector, established during the uncertain times of the covid pandemic. The company focuses on its customers. Armonia started with an adequate portfolio of collaborations and representations which has been growing at a satisfactory pace, aiming to provide products and services of the highest standards to the Greek Shipping Companies. An interesting interview with Ms Aikaterini Tsoutsoura Director Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited, follows: How and when did Armonia’s idea start and how is its portfolio being shaped today? Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited is a new company in the maritime sector, established during the uncertain times of the covid pandemic. The owners are experienced professionals in the field, who, having a vision and seeing prospects in the Greek market, decided to establish the company despite the difficult international situation, expecting a rapid normalization of the international market. We have started with an adequate portfolio of collaborations and representations which has been growing at a satisfactory pace, aiming to provide products and services of the highest standards to the Greek Shipping Companies. In what ways do you believe that you build mutually beneficial relationship and long-term collaboration with your principals? We choose our collaborations based on the same ethical principles that should govern the serious professionals who want to make the difference in their field. If you value what you do and respect your work and your target is the essential offer to the customer, who always comes first, then the appropriate conditioans are created for long-term and mutually beneficial collaborations. What makes your customers to talk about trust and reliability when they talk about their partnership with Armonia?
How difficult is to provide the local shipping industry with high quality level of products and services accompanied with timely deliveries and competitive prices? When you are customer oriented, you know that customer satisfaction is the only way for a company to succeed. In our field, high quality products and services, competitive prices and timely deliveries are a must, and we always try to secure the conditions to provide exactly that. From a certain perspective, this is indeed difficult, mainly because it is beyond one’s control. Considering the many and serious obstacles the shipping industry had to overcome & in some cases is still facing, i.e., the international economic recession, the covid pandemic effects in raw material shortage, staff shortages, travelling prohibitions, etc., recently the Russia-Ukraine War, it takes a lot of hard work to always be the reliable and effective partner that the client requires. In Armonia we take a lot of pride in achieving excellent customer support and also for our commitment to customer satisfaction, supported of course by our valuable principals and partners. Do you think that in the coming years the shipping industry will experience better days? What opportunities and what threats do you think will be presented? In the coming years the shipping industry will definitely experience challenging days. A fast increase in the number of vessels is expected which will ease the ships availability problem and will lower the freight rates. The supply-demand balance will be restored in the coming years, provided that we will not face another global crisis like the covid pandemic. The shipping industry will provide opportunities to sea farers for improved working environment in modern ships. New opportunities will arise through new, cutting-edge technologies, like the Emission Monitoring Tools. Do you believe that groundbreaking innovations based on cutting-edge technologies will transform shipping industry and are going to work for the benefit of the global economy? Shipping emission reductions are in the spotlight and are increasingly the concern of the whole shipping industry. Do you think that the goals set for 2030 and 2050 are achievable? As of January 1st, 2023, the maritime community must comply with the decarbonization regulatory requirements set by IMO and the European Union. The European Commission has adopted the concept that the maritime industry needs to invest in alternative fuels that have lower environmental footprint. New, cutting-edge technologies arise, working for the benefit of the global economy. During Posidonia Exhibition we will witness the launching of new software products that will monitor the emissions, according to IMO & EU regulations. The goals set for 2030 & 2050 seem achievable.
is a new teaming up of experienced & qualified Managers, committed to provide high quality products & services in the most responsible and professional manner. We have the know how to offer our clients the highest standards & operational excellence, accompanied by custom-made, cost-effective solutions. We can cover our customers’ needs through our global net of well-known shipyards, workshops & manufacturers, offering a comprehensive and reliable service to our customers worldwide. ARMONIA can provide a wide range of products & services including but not limited to:
Exclusive Representation of principals for the Greek market
Representing reputable ship-repair yards
Collaborating with significant key ship suppliers/makers in the world
Afloat Repairs
Use of own stocks of Fameline companies
Underwater Services
SPECIAL PROJECTS Energy Saving Renewable Energy Sources Alternative Fuels Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) Scrubber Systems
Services offered from highly trained and experienced staff
The satisfaction of our clients is our driving force. We are always available for our customers and we address promptly all their needs!
Get in touch with us ARMONIA TRADING & COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS LTD 1–3 Spatharikou Street . 4004 Limassol . Cyprus T +30 2109483110 |
88 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry Technology (Weihai) Co., Ltd: “We provide reliable solutions for Greek owners” “By relentlessly developing and improving our technology, we, together with our faithful partner Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited, with the intention of expanding to Greek market and providing reliable solutions for Greek owners”. COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry Technology (Weihai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as COSCO SHIPPING(Weihai)) is located in beautiful coastal city- Weihai, China. The company was established in October, 2011, covering 100,000 square meters, with total assets nearly 400 million (CNY). It is a fully-owned subsidiary of COSCO SHIPPING HEAVY INDUSTRY CO., LTD., and affiliated with China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited (COSCO SHIPPING Group). Adhering to the concept of “Integrity & Innovation, Technology Leading, Value-Oriented”, COSCO SHIPPING(Weihai) is committed to becoming a sci-tech enterprise, specialized in R & D, manufacturing and system integration of energy-saving and environmental protection high-end equipment, and strives to design reliable environmental protection solutions to better equipped your fleet for complying international regulation. The company is actively involved in a number of marine equipment, including: Ballast Water Management System, Alternative Maritime Power System, Recycling System for Marine Sewage, FGSS, FASS, Indicative Analysis Instrument for Ballast Water, Air Conditioning Disinfection System, Industrial Wastewater Advanced Treatment System, and Electronic Ballast. The company owns a research and development team, a biological testing team, an optimization design team, electrical laboratory, environment laboratory, and ballast water test facility. COSCO SHIPPING(Weihai) has set up over 60 service stations in more than 30 countries, providing customers with solutions in product’s full life cycle. The company trained the service engineers twice a year to ensure they are professionally competent and personally committed to undertake the after-sale service work. COSCO SHIPPING(Weihai) develops tailored retrofit solutions in close cooperation with the customer - from the very first enquiry until the system is successfully delivered and the project complete. By working very closely with the customer, the company can establish the precise needs, and then validate the solutions at the conclusion of each phase of the project. After the project is completed, the company’s global services network is there to support customers throughout the lifecycle of the ship.
The BOS system combines a self-cleaning mechanical filter for organisms and particles >50 µm and a medium pressure UV disinfection system for the inactivation of aquatic nuisance species (ANS); Due to its compactness the system is not only suitable for newbuildings but also for retrofits. The system is scalable for pumping capacities between 100 and 3.200 cbm/h and offers a number of advantages: • Green and Safe (ex-proof, chemical-free, no by-products, no hydrogen): BOS BWMS needs no salt or chemicals, even when operating in fresh water. No chemical is involved, and there are no tanks or ventilation systems needed to manage consumables or residuals. • USCG Type Approved + IMO NEW G8 Type Approved + Class Type Approved (DNV GL, ABS, BV, LR, NK, CCS, RINA, RMRS, CR, RS ) + State Authority Type Approved (China, Japan, Greece, Italy, COOK Islands, Sierra Leone) • Reliable Maker and Global Service and Spares Network. The company is a subsidiary of China COSCO Shipping Group, who has the ability and financial foundation to stay in this booming but uncertain business and always support our client. We also have established a global service and spares network to give our users full support. • The company has delivered over 950 systems to the satisfaction of ship-owners from more than 15 countries and territories across the world, and 300+ orders in hand. • Full Crew Training Plan: Well prepared Finish Plan + On-site crew training with commissioning + Training Video. The BOS-EGC system developed by COSCO SHIPPING(Weihai) adopts wet scrubbing technology to removes sulphur oxides in exhaust gas with sodium hydroxide as the absorbent, and features: 1.High desulfurization efficiency (> 95%, the highest≥99%) 2.Safe discharge of washing waste liquid, no secondary pollution 3.Simultaneous removal of most of particles and nitrogen oxides 4.Compact and flexible design, can be customized according to customer requirements 5.No need to reform the diesel engine or the oil supply system The company’s experience on scrubber is fitted in more than 40 ships.
90 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Simone Trevale
We guaranty maximum reliability in terms of product quality and flexibility Mr. Simone Trevale is Sales Manager - Fluid Global Solutions Srl
FGS was born eleven years ago and thanks to the expertise of the people who work there it has grown year by year. Currently FGS is made up of 20 people. We deal with activities related to machines suitable for handling fluids and their components, the activities include the supply of complete units, their accessories and spare parts with both standard and customized solutions. We have set ourselves the goal of guaranteeing maximum reliability in terms of product quality and flexibility. We collaborate with a leading Italian company – AREM - specializing in overhauling and reconditioning both centrifugal separators and tanks. They have specialized for over 50 years in constructing non-original and perfectly interchangeable spare parts for oil separators (Alfa Laval and WestFalia). In this last period we have started important commercial relationships with first-rate companies - SETTIMA MECCANICA for three-screw pumps and OME for electric motors - and now we are very proud to be BIOSEA (ballast water treatment) agents for the Italian naval market. We look forward to exhibiting at Posidonia 2022 with our local agent Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited ! Hall 2 / Booth 2560 see you there!!
Almost a year ago Armonia Trading & Commercial Applications Limited announced a new exclusive collaboration in the field of Pumps & Spare Parts, with Fluid Global Solutions Srl (FGS), one of the most well-known companies in Italy. Today, a year after the announcement of this collaboration, how satisfied are you? We are completely satisfied, because thanks to this precious collaboration we have started to collaborate with very important Greek owners and the name of FGS is enjoying great success. You have recently completed 10 years of operation. If you took a brief look back at those 10 years, what do you think were the main parameters that contributed to your success? No particular parameter can be decisive for achieving success other than working seriously and always having the desire to move forward and accept new challenges. It is also necessary to understand that mistakes must become positive forces that can be exploited to perform at their best. It is very important to have good and serious colleagues, without internal jealousies. Fortunately, this is what I found here in FGS, all of us, starting with our CEO Mr. Alessandro Biggio, have the good of FGS in mind. One of your main goals is to increase your sales in the Greek market. Do you think that the steps that have been taken in this direction have worked? What messages do you receive from your customers and the Greek market? Yes, the steps taken are working well. The messages we receive from our customers are positive because they have been able to learn about the FGS service. (fast answers, trained technicians, precise deliveries and above all high quality materials).
92 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Anthony Verbeeck MBS Turbo Holland provides top quality spares and services accurately & quickly Mr. Anthony Verbeek is MBS Turbo Holland managing director
Founded in 2013, MBS Turbo Holland has grown as a dedicated company specialized in marine turbocharger services and spare parts. The company has a broad supply range of turbocharger brands and types, from its large stock in the Netherlands. The range includes smaller parts such as overhaul kits, as well as main parts such as rotors, nozzle and cover rings, turbine blades and casings. MBS can offer both new and reconditioned spare parts, under 1 year operational warranty terms. With our in-house technical knowledge, we are able to provide any technical support that you may require. Strategically located near the Port of Rotterdam, Antwerp Harbour and Amsterdam Schiphol International Airport, parts can rapidly be shipped to any destination. Furthermore, we have an experienced service team available at any moment, for performing overhauls and maintenance of turbochargers, on board (worldwide) as well as in our own workshop. Our facility is equipped with modern machinery such as a state-of-the-art Schenck balancing machine, available for dynamic balancing. MBS Turbo Holland is accredited with the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, which is always available upon request.
Do you believe that MBS’s personnel have the perfect combination of experience and skills needed to drive your company’s performance and meet your targets? In the marine turbocharger business, it is very important to have an experienced team to understand and meet any customer’s demand accurately and quickly. Our sales and service personnel have an extensive commercial and technical knowledge, based on multiple years of experience. In this way, we are able to provide top quality spares, equipment and service as well as reliable answers at any stage of sales or service. How will your company be able to achieve greater growth and a stronger presence in the field of Shipping Services in the near future? Initially, the company was mainly focused on the assembly and sales of turbocharger bearings. Thereafter, the company’s scope has expanded to also cover the supply of spare parts, equipment and servive of various brands and types of turbochargers, including ABB, MAN, IHI, Napier, MET, KBB, Holset, KKK and other makers. Moving forward, the next target of the company is to expand both sales and service teams as well as the regional service partner network. This is to achieve even faster response and minimise travelling and logistics costs and delays. In addition, we focus on expanding our stock levels where needed. Regulations have resulted in changes to painting procedures. Do you believe that under this pressure you have to develop more technological and environmental friendly solutions much more often than it should be? Does it make you anxious and uncomfortable? Since establishment, we use appropriate paints in accordance with the existing environmental regulations. Evidently, we are ready to adapt with any new future regulation. As we have a very motivated team at MBS, we always strive towards the best possible way to meet any demand from our clients. New regulations will be implemented quickly when required.
Exclusive Agent in Greece: ARMONIA TRADING & COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS LIMITED +302109483110 -
94 Cover Story NAFS | May 2022
Afaia Technology Ltd: The response of the Greek Shipping Community to Decarbonization
Mr. Charis Valentakis Managing Director at EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS AND SERVICES LTD
From 1st January of 2023, the maritime community has to comply with the decarbonization regulatory requirements set by IMO and the European Union. IMO decided to contribute to decarbonization principles with the regulation set the Carbon Intensity Index (CII) calculations. The CII is rating the ships of 5000GT and above on a 5-grade scale from A, B, C, D and E— A rating the best performance while E rating the worst. This regulation forces the vessels’ stakeholders to define ships’ carbon intensity profiles taking into account the technical, operational and commercial factors that affect the vessels’ energy output. Furthermore, the EU Commission adopted a proposal to reduce the CO2 emissions by at least 55% by 2030, in the frame of the Green Deal, opening the discussion for the zero emissions goal of 2050. European Commission decided that in order to achieve the ambitious decarbonization targets, all the transport sectors, including shipping, need to participate in the emissions mitigation measures. Moreover, the European Commission has adopted the concept that the maritime industry needs not only to reduce the CO2 emissions but also to invest to alternative fuels that have lower environmental footprint from cradle to grave. The Communication on the 2030 Climate Target Plan 3 states: “maritime sectors will need to scale up efforts to improve the efficiency of ships and their operations and to increase the use of sustainably produced renewable and low-carbon fuels. This will be assessed in greater detail in the context of the FuelEU Maritime initiatives that aim to increase the production and the uptake of sustainable alternative fuels for these sectors. The necessary technology development and deployment has to happen already by 2030 to prepare for much more rapid change thereafter.”
Based on the above, the European Commission has proposed to include the emissions from maritime transport (for vessels of 5000GT and above) in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) as part of the Fit for 55 proposal. The inclusion of maritime transport in the EU ETS opens the road for a sustainable future of the shipping community while the involved stakeholders need to display, through their compliance with the regulations, their environmental awareness and the ability to operate the ships with a competent and cost-effective manner. Afaia Technology Ltd is a recently founded company aiming to assist maritime shareholders to comply with decarbonization requirements and outline the most effective operation for their vessels. In that regard, Afaia will provide consultancy and innovative solutions in the maritime industry concerning the decarbonization strategy, the emissions monitoring and vessels’ compliance perspective. Afaia Technology Ltd has been founded by Mr Charis Valentakis and shareholders who are surrounded by a group of experts with long standing experience in the technical, operational and commercial aspects of vessels’ operation. Afaia team having endorsed the responsibility of the shipping community towards the decarbonization requirements, developed an Emissions Monitoring Tool (EMT) to calculate the CO2 emissions required by IMO (CII) and EU ETS regulations. The Afaia’s EMT can calculate the vessels’ annual CII category and compare it to the required CII reference lines for this type of vessel, offering, at the same time, a benchmarking between the vessels of the same company and the average values of the market. Moreover, the EMT can calculate the EU ETS CO2 emissions providing the cost of the required allowances in order to permit to the vessel to maximize the profit of the European voyages in the most efficient approach. The EMT aims to assist the shipowners, the management companies, the bunkering companies, the charterers, the ports, the P&I clubs and every other entity who should monitor the CII and the EU ETS CO2 emissions on voyage and annual basis providing a valuable prediction tool able to determine the vessels’ energy output, the indices defined by the regulation and the associated cost on each voyage. Based on this information, the vessel’s operator will be able to make the most cost-efficient decisions in the context of ship’s compliance with the regulations. Afaia Technology Ltd is confident that the time for the commitment to a greener planet has come and all the stakeholders within the shipping industry should provide the best solutions to address the environmental and commercial challenges of the future in the most cost effective and sustainable manner. Finally, we proudly would like to inform you that the first official presentation of EMT at Greek Market will take place at Posidonia Exhibition, at Euploia Drydocks and Services Booth, Hall 2 / Stand 2.101 For any additional information/clarifications, you can contact directly with Mr. Charis Valentakis at his mobile number +30 6944 855985.
96 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Apostolos Bekiaris Oceanking is adapting to the new challenges of Greek Shipping Mr Apostolos Bekiaris is Operations Manager, Oceanking Oceanking has been active in the Greek shipping market for almost 35 years. All these years its mission remains unchanged. i.e., “to provide the Greek Maritime Community with technical and commercial services of high added value satisfying the applicable regulations through its Partners”. Greek owners have proven to be leaders in NBs activity by ordering new ships of various types including high-value ships like LNG and LPG carriers. In fact, almost 2000 ships were ordered by Greek owners at Far East shipyards. Oceanking, always adapted its portfolio to provide solutions according to the needs of the shipowners and has been very successful in doing so. At the beginning of the new decade, many new regulations have come to force for limiting the pollution of the sea and the combustion emissions. In addition to these, the continuous improvement for the safe operation of the ships and control of their performance created the need of applying digital technology which provides the operator with the full picture of ships’ data, situational awareness, and recommended optimization potential. Over the last two years, world commerce has gone through changes that could not predicted, and still, there is a lot of uncertainty due to the covid-19 pandemic and the geopolitical situation with the war front in Ukraine, affecting the energy balance due to sanctions against Russia by the Western countries. As a result, shipping is trying to cope with the decompression of world commerce after covid-19 hiked charter rates for container ships mainly. B/Cs and PCTCs are also enjoying high charter rates. Secondhand ships cost more than NBs, a phenomenon that reminds us of 2006-2008. There have been a lot of orders for containers and PCTCs by worldwide owners, however, Greek owners focused on conventional M.E. and standard makers’ lists. Of course, a few exceptions are comprising a small fraction of the NB order book. What is important is the delivery time and the cost. This is logical due to the aforementioned situation, since “ships in the water make money”. The sooner a delivery takes place, the better it is. This puts the environmental policies in second priority because the need for more containers, small to medium size, are needed to cover the transportation demand. After all, carbon capture systems and scrubbers can be retrofitted later at a less demanding time. Another characteristic of the current period is the cost of new ships. Prices went up considerably, thus discouraging owners to
place orders for lower value ships e.g., B/Cs. It is preferable to earn money from the existing fleet than investing money on a ship that will be delivered in one and a half years at the earliest, at a higher cost, and during a period in which no one can predict what it will be like. Almost all NB orders by Greek owners are mainly repeating orders of the past or resale contracts keeping the contractual cost as low as possible aiming to short deliveries. This limits the upgrading of the specs about the ships’ environmental footprint, postponing the adoption of greener shipping technologies after 2023. This, however, does not mean that shipowners should not focus on environmental policies by adopting the NB specifications solutions like alternative fuels e.g. LNG, methanol, ammonia, hybrid systems, carbon capture scrubbers, and performance monitoring for optimization of operation. Oceanking has already adapted its portfolio according to these needs and can provide solutions through its Partners which are very successful and leaders in their field of technology, such as: • Carbon capture technology through an innovative carbon capture scrubber • Alternative Maritime Power (cold ironing), in reducing the shipping emissions when ships are berthed • Core sensors & data collection systems for ship performance • AI-based vessel performance & voyage/route/emissions optimization • Engine performance (M/E & generators) • Powertrain assessment • Condition monitoring / Vibration analysis of rotating machinery • Intelligent Navigation Assistance & Berthing Assistance Systems Oceanking acting as consultants and as an extension of the technical departments of our clients can provide information on the latest technologies, as well as service through its subsidiary, Oceanking Engineering.
Your link to the future of shipping.
24 Hours worldwide turbocharger service & spare parts
Excellent services & state of the art facilities Worldwide turbocharger services, 24/7 365 days a year Great stock of turbocharger spare parts Successful retrofit solutions Total quality services
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100 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
George Teriakidis DNV
Decarbonization and safety shape the future of the shipping industry Mr George Teriakidis is Area Manager East Mediterranean & Black Sea, DNV
DNV has been contributing to the amplification of safety and quality in the shipping business since 1864. In 2021 DNV celebrated 100 years of operations in Greece. Given this milestone and heading towards Posidonia 2022, we discuss with Mr. George Teriakidis, Area Manager East Mediterranean & Black Sea, the past, the present and the future of the company and the industry.
Let’s start with the fact that you are operating for more than a century in Greece. What is the idea behind this anniversary? For more than 100 years, we are sailing together with our people- customers, and employees, and helping to build the maritime landscape from Greece both local and internationally. This anniversary is an occasion to pay tribute to the past, to highlight the present achievements and to look forward to an even brighter future for Greek shipping – all these, through the accomplishments of our customers and partners with whom we are joining efforts to take the maritime market a step further. Our Piraeus office has been continuously expanding, reaching almost 100 people strong Regional hub. The importance of Piraeus within DNV is given having been announced as the “third home country” after Norway and Germany, as well as having the control for a large geographical region: Black Sea, Balkans, East Med, Africa and Middle East are all controlled from Piraeus, under our Regional Manager, Mr. Ioannis Chiotopoulos. During these years, especially in Greece, we have worked to build trust between industry stakeholders, suppliers and customers, systems, and technologies. DNV has been contributing to the intensification of safety and quality standards in the global and local shipping industry. And that’s a good reason to celebrate… Posidonia is back and DNV takes part in it once again… DNV has been participating and supporting Posidonia since forever! We are very happy to be associated once again with this top-tier maritime event as an exhibitor. We look forward to the opportunity to meet with our customers and other stakeholders personally, face to face, and discuss upcoming transformations in the maritime industry. We at DNV also look forward to collaborating with our customers to help them turn uncertainty into confidence. The exhi-
bition’s supporting programme – conferences, seminars and more – is also a great opportunity to connect with the industry’s finest and share experiences and know-how. Posidonia is the meeting point of thought-leaders, experts, and influential personalities and DNV will again capitalise on the benefits of such an important event. We look forward to another successful Posidonia! Speaking of transformations in the maritime industry, we all think about decarbonization as the biggest and hottest among all. What are DNV’s position on this critical issue? Previous energy transitions were comparatively straightforward. Vessels moved from wind to coal, to steam and finally oil, with a uniformity driven by the easily available fuel everywhere. Now we are moving from a one-fuel-fits-all to a much more complex fuel picture. We believe that the future will be multi-fuel, where ships will be utilizing more than one energy sources. The technology and energy sources used will depend heavily on the type of vessel, size and operational profile. The pressure for lower emissions and improve efficiency has become one of the big drivers over the next 30 years - especially from existing, tightening and future regulations. We need action if we are to stand any chance of attaining our goals. Refreshingly, we are already under way. A new development in 2021 was the number of vessels ordered with alternative fuel systems. DNV’s “Alternative Fuel Insight” portal closely monitored this trend throughout the year, and alternative fuel vessels made up 17% of all vessels ordered in 2021, but more than 36% by gross tonnage, demonstrating the strong uptake of alternative fuels in larger vessels. This included over 240 ships fuelled by liquefied natural gas (LNG), 48 by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 22 by methanol, and four by hydrogen. In addition to this, significant numbers of new pure electric, hybrid, and plug in hybrid vessels were ordered in 2021, mainly in
INTO CONFIDENCE For the maritime industry, this is more than a moment of change. It’s a time for transformation. Never have the decisions it faces been so complex. Nor their consequences ever mattered more. As a trusted voice of the industry, DNV helps decision-makers throughout the maritime world to make purposeful and assured choices. From regulatory compliance, next generation fuels, vessel and operational optimization, to in-depth advice and insight, explore DNV’s solutions.
Learn more:
102 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
the car/passenger ferry segment. Ordering for LNG vessels continued into 2022, with 70 newbuildings already in the books as of April 1st. We at DNV think that the pathway to decarbonization is long, but it cannot be a lonely one – we need partnerships with stakeholders in shipping and up the value chain, including the fuel producers, the engine manufacturers, and the shipyards. We are all part of the wider movement towards carbon neutrality and must be treated that way. Sufficient capital must be allocated to develop alternative fuel infrastructure and supply chains on land, in tandem with the onboard technology necessary to decarbonise. Cross-sector, regulatory and international collaboration are a prerequisite for broad-based success, with the industrial world coming together to safeguard the natural one. With the right assistance, owners can turn uncertainty into confidence and win back clarity from the confusion, addressing a variety of future fuel scenarios and greenhouse gas target trajectories to unlock cost efficient, commercially attractive vessel designs that will not get stranded in tomorrow’s markets. New fuels bear safety risks. How can we tackle them? As shipping follows a route towards decarbonization, this will require a rethink of risk management to ensure safety remains at the core of the development of new fuel systems as well the new digitalized ways of working. Earlier this year, DNV alerted of a developing “safety gap” as the dual forces of decarbonization and digitalization present new hazards from alternative fuel technologies, such as fire and explosion risk, and issues like data security and complex digital systems. New safety risks are presented by alternative fuel technologies required for decarbonization – for example, ammonia is highly toxic, and hydrogen is easily ignitable – and it is therefore necessary to develop new class rules and safety regulations to mitigate these hazards. DNV has already issued classification rules for the use of LNG, ammonia, fuel cells, methanol, ethanol and LPG to safeguard against fire and the release of toxic gases. The new “Fuel ready” notation is applicable for ammonia, LNG, LPG and LFL (methanol) as a ship fuel – either individually or for more than one fuel at the same time to stay safe and flexible in the future. DNV has also taken the lead in joint industry projects to develop safety guidelines for the use of hydrogen and batteries. DNV sees a requirement for renewed risk controls and a new regulatory approach based on individual fuel assessments, as well as greater industry knowledge and experience of these potential safety risks – with class set to play a vital role in this regard.
104 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Panos Kirnidis
The future arrives at Posidonia Mr Panos Kirnidis is Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Palau to Greece & Chief Executive Officer at Palau International Ship Registry
Even though the start of 2022 has brought uncertainty to the global economy, maritime shipping remains one of the most important elements in driving global trade. This is why Posidonia remains one of the leading events in the shipping industry. Greece has been at the pinnacle of shipping for centuries and retains its place among the great maritime nations in the 21st century. This is always reflected at Posidonia and PISR has welcomed the opportunity to meet and greet ship owners, managers and operators at the expo: this will be our third year attending and we have some great news in the form of a new location and digital services. As we continue our carefully planned European reach, PISR has opened a new office in London, one of the world’s leading maritime industry centres. This expansion is a strong statement about the current growth of the registry. At Posidonia this is a good time to be reaching out to shipowners who are looking for services that are in tune with their needs, which are accessible and delivered with speed. The shipping industry is moving quickly to adapt and so are we: our growth is down to innovation and confidence, the things that shipowners look for and in 2022 PISR is continuing its development of digital services. There is no substitute for dependable and reliable technology allied to the right people with knowledge and experience: PISR has both in abundance and they are already proving invaluable to shipowners. Our Deficiency Prevention System is renowned and an invaluable tool for shipowners and operators and our forthcoming upgrades and new services will create an even wider range of online tools to support them. We talk to ship owners daily and the thing they always refer to is time and how delays can affect their business both operationally and financially. We have an established, tried and tested digital range of services and we use these to keep our fleet sailing and our ship owners happy. The focus on digital services was the way we perceived the industry was heading and we started from the beginning to provide our fleet with real-time online services to keep them moving. PISR offers unique and verified tools through our SMART services. Shipowners are not looking for innovation without credibility: they are looking for services that work; that are tried and trusted; that keep their ships operational and free from costly delays due to deficiencies. It is one
of the main reasons they talk to PISR and we have retained the same-day delivery of services we are known for. Our shipowners need and demand much more from PISR and we are delivering that for them: the proof is in our recent elevation to the Paris and Tokyo MoU Grey Lists. The next decade will see an increase in online registrations and associated services. But we will always retain the ‘human element’ at PISR because we understand there is always a need to talk to a ‘real person’ when there are questions or issues to be resolved. What works for PISR is a combination of human and technological service. Shipping has always been a ‘people business’ and we do not see that changing anytime soon. We recognise that as a SMART Registry we offer ship owners significant benefits in costs and delivery of services. PISR’s e-registration services remove the reliance on and the fallibility of paper certificates. This is the world of instant communication and information on demand. Some of the questions we will doubtless be asked in Posidonia, will be, “Why should a shipowner register their vessel with PISR?” and “Why seafarers should be looking for licencing with PISR?” These are questions that we can answer with knowledge, experience and the enthusiasm our staff are known for. What we believe marks PISR out as a truly global registry is our services, our experience and our innovation. We are far more than just an online service; despite the fact we are a world leader in this regard. Shipping is a global operation and we have the largest support service available, with our 44 Deputy Registrars in 25 countries, extending our services to shipowners across the globe, regardless of vessel size or location. We talk to shipowners and operators daily. Communication is a core focus for PISR: this is why we have developed so quickly because of being responsive and able to deliver with digital services. We see ourselves as a different from other registries and it’s not simply down to size. We have learned over the years that shipowners want a flag of confidence. They are looking to be supported, to have communications to hand and have their services delivered cost effectively and speedily. In our view, they are talking about our services and our reputation.
The World’s Leading Digital Registry
Visit us on stand 1.215 HEAD OFFICE EUROPE I GREECE I 5 SACHTOURI STR, PIRAEUS - Tel: + 30 210 4293500
Palau InternatIonal ShIP regIStry l
106 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Palau Registers New Office in Major Shipping Hub London is the latest location for the Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) which has opened a new regional office in the heart of one of the world’s leading maritime centres. The new PISR office is headed by Georgios Bazos, Business Development Director (UK) who has a strong experience of the global shipping industry. George Bazos believes the London location will attract ship owners and operators who are looking to register current and new vessels with a progressive and digital ship registry. He says: “Opening a London office offers not only UK-based ship owners with a new contact but also expands the registry’s reach across Europe. London is a premier shipping location and Palau International Ship Registry is making a strong statement about the growth of the registry by opening our new office in the City location near Moorgate. This is a great opportunity to show the wider shipping community that PISR is an established registry with unique online services that are attracting a growing number of ship owners and operators to the flag.” Panos Kirnidis, CEO of Palau International Ship Registry, sees George Bazos as the ideal person to support ship owners who are looking for a range of online services that meets their needs in a digital world. “The growth of PISR has demonstrated that what we offer, ship owners across the globe want. PISR is continuing to grow and offer ship owners an even more comprehensive set of online services. With this growth it means we need more people across our global network and more offices to support demand for our services. George Bazos is an excellent fit for the registry and comes with a comprehensive knowledge of the global shipping industry the services and needs ship owners ask for.”
Mr Georgios Bazos, Business Development Director (UK)
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108 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Michalis Pantazopoulos Liberian Registry Commitment & Credibility to Greek Shipping
Dr. Michalis Pantazopoulos, is Senior Vice President & General Manager of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry’s (LISCR) Piraeus office, managers of the Liberian Registry Today the Liberian Registry, with 5,062 ships, has a total tonnage of 215 million GTONS (average age 12 years), representing 14% of world shipping. Greek shipowners have honored us with 1,436 of their ships (127 million DWT) making the register the first choice in Greek shipping, that is about 25% of our total fleet.
2021 has been a milestone year for the Liberian Registry, which surpassed the historic 200 Million GT mark. This overall fleet growth has largely been due to an increase in newbuilding orders recently delivered, especially with larger modern dual-fuel vessels, oil tankers, LNG carriers, and Mega Containerships. Furthermore, the Liberian Registry became the world’s largest tanker flag in October 2021. With the recent addition of 2.7 Million GT of new tankers, the Liberian tanker fleet now stands at 57.4 Million Gross Tons (GT) per Clarkson’s, making Liberia the world’s leading tanker flag in terms of Gross Tonnage. This is a great development for the Liberian Registry globally, and especially here in Greece where Liberia is the top flag for Greek shipowners, as the majority of this new tanker tonnage we have registered in Liberia is directly from Greek shipowners. The Liberian Registry, has not only grown to be the world’s leading tanker flag, but has also maintained its position as the world’s leading containership flag with 18% of global container vessel market share; and is the fastest-growing major registry in the world with a 6.6% growth rate year–to-date. As the Liberian Registry celebrates 74
years of existence in the internationally competitive shipping industry where longevity is a badge of honor that is awarded only to businesses that are in it for the long haul and survive because of the quality services they provide, we feel honored to be part of the Greek Shipping community. For this our gratitude and commitment to the Greek shipping community is the ground we have been founded on since 1948. The benefits are known for the last 74 years, mainly very prompt and quality services at competitive cost with value added services and products that in most cases pay-off the traditional annual fees that a flag will charge. But with Liberian Registry there are many more drivers that motivate a shipmanager to register his/her ship with us. 1) As the Liberian Registry strongly believes that it is the responsibility of the flag State to help owners increase the operational efficiency of their vessels by reducing daily administrative burdens, there has been an ongoing effort with significant investments in technology, so that Liberian-flagged shipowners have access to industry-leading services and programs that benefit them, their ships, and their seafarers. The Flag’s role is to ensure that ships and ship owners are complying with international regulation, but in a way that does not inhibit their ability to
service the needs of global transportation. 2) Liberia is a leading maritime nation with permanent representatives at the IMO providing a full-time voice on issues affecting maritime safety, security and environmental protection. Liberia is not only present at IMO and subcommittee meetings but is taking an active leadership role. Of the 174 member States of the IMO, Liberia is one of the handful in the room for many subcommittee meetings, which is where new regulations and standards are discussed. This means Liberian-flagged shipowners have access to the highest level of advice and assistance. 3) The Liberian Registry has also launched streamlined Ship Newbuild Services to Liberian-flagged shipowners through dedicated joint industry ship design projects. The intention is to produce quality, innovative ships capable of high-performance levels and outstanding Port State Control performance, in compliance with all rules and regulations. The Registry’s unique and innovative services have saved shipowners and managers significant time and money within a flexible system which keeps Liberian-flag ships operating safely and efficiently. We
The LIBERIAN REGISTRY Proudly Serving Greek Shipowners Since 1948
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firmly believe that all flags are not alike, and it is through these services and features that we prove that.
well as the recent Russia-Ukraine military operations. These issues are likely to affect shipping over the next two years.
The recent extension of the Maritime Transportation agreement between China and Liberia that would among other benefits reduce the Chinese tonnage port dues by 28% for the Liberian flag vessels was driven by the urge, and the advocating desire of the Greek shipowners.
It should be noted that the recent geopolitical turmoil and the Russia-Ukraine issue have added new problems and risks, possible increases in premiums, fluctuations in raw material prices and transportation costs, economic and other sanctions that may include ships, ports. of the Caspian Sea, but also the Ukrainian and Russian seafarers who are employed and those who are on board. This creates an environment with many unknown aspects and side effects that may affect global shipping in the long run.
Regulations and technology are the two largest influencers of the maritime industry. Technology has been revolutionizing shipping since the steam engine; not only has it transformed the ships at sea, but the industry ashore. Liberia was the first Flag Administration to offer electronic certificates, electronic seafarer documentation systems, an online client portal for registry services, and electronic oil record books, to name a few. Recent international regulations have made our industry safer, cleaner, and more globalized. Furthermore, these regulations have opened the door for innovative technologies by forcing the industry to reevaluate the ways in which we operate. Liberia has the unique position of being on the IMO Council which means we have a fulltime voice at the IMO, contributing to the international regulations that affect the entire industry. In doing so, we constantly advocate for smart regulations that reflect the needs of the industry, with the interests of our shipowners in mind.
Challenges ahead of us
Flag states are not immune from the challenges that affect the entire industry. I think that so far in 2022 we have experienced so much of the unexpected and have had to adjust to this adversity along with the entire industry. This includes COVID-19, IMO regulations, commodity and stock volatility, supply / demand uncertainty, and some extremely high dry freight and container charter rates, as
We also believe that the older tonnage currently will not undergo installation of capital-intensive equipment to comply with regulations and most likely scrapping may increase. Consolidation in shipping in certain sectors is also likely to occur. Further on, the instability due to sanctions and geopolitical unarrest would have an effect that may go either way positive or negative as shipping industry prefers stability and organized operating environment. But no matter what, in Greece specifically, we will continue to see growth in the Greekowned fleet, and their continued dominance in the global shipping scene. Shipping is an industry of partnership and not a one-way street, and we are committed to making sure to share with shipowners our experiences, our networks, our technology, and our global network to ensure their vessels get the support they need to operate in an ever changing and increasingly complicated regulatory environment. The aim for continuous improvement, innovation, technology utilization to improve existing system for ships to operate efficiently, safely and environmentally friendly is a continuous effort. Liberia is committed on this continuous effort moving towards systems, procedures and processes that will improve not only shipping but the community at large and this is a commitment more than ever now.
• 2020 •
PSYCTOTHERM is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) company, specialized in the development, manufacturing and marketing of integrated and cost-effective solutions in the marine and industrial refrigeration. Moreover, the company’s R&D and production departments design and manufacture innovative systems, providing waste heat recovery solutions that improve energy efficiency and carbon intensity. In this context, Psyctotherm is the winner of the Lloyds 2020 award for Technical Achievement for the development of an innovative ORC marine unit.
One of the main needs of shipping companies is to improve the energy efficiency of their ships, in order to (1) reduce fuel consumption and its operating costs and (2) comply with greenhouse gas emissions limits established by international regulations, since vessels waste large amounts of energy, rejecting high-temperature gases and hot water used for cooling. Our solutions use an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) to increase efficiency by converting unused heat into electricity. This process also reduces cooling needs, reducing further the energy demand, and leading to lower operating energy costs. By adopting this technology to the marine industry, a reduction in ship fuel consumption of up to 3-4% can occur. Moreover, by capturing the rejected heat, the waste of energy is reduced, leading to decreased fossil fuel consumption and its related emissions of CO2 and other harmful chemical substances (NOx, SΟx, etc). Thus, our systems are aligned with the policies for Green Economy. The first ORC with application in shipping will soon be installed together with the DANAOS research center on a DANAOS SHIPPING vessel. This concept was also awarded a Seal of Excellence, by the European Commission, during Horizon 2020 evaluation process and is currently co-funded by EPAnEK 2014-2020 (research project ORC4SHIP) in collaboration with DANAOS research center. Psyctotherm has also expanded its waste heat recovery activities in the sector of agriculture, designing an ORC system for exploitation of the raw biomass burning, in order to cover the thermal and energy demands of a greenhouse, achieving a more circular economy.
To conclude, Psyctotherm moves forward designing new products based on four main axes: Innovation, Energy Efficiency, Eco-Friendliness and Cost-Effectiveness. Our R&D department focuses on the incorporation of innovative technologies in order to further develop highly efficient products. The company’s new production facilities of a total 1300 square meters aim to this end, by increasing the production capacity, improving the quality, and minimizing the delivery time.
• 2020 •
PSYCTOTHERM : LEADING INNOVATION COOLING SYSTEMS FOR BWTS INSTALLATIONS The last few months we have supplied more than 50 units with fully successful operation.
AIR COOLED SPLIT A/C UNIT Using a marine specialized Air Cooled Split A/C Unit, you will have increased performance, efficiency and larger lifetime of the unit with loss maintenance and faults in comparison units. - also available with atex outdoor unit
An A/C Packaged Type Unit with water (sea or fresh water) as coolant. An ideal solution for areas of the vessel with special cooling needs like Engine Control Room, Workshops or Kitchen. Benefit with up to 28% Reduced Power Consumption and up to 18dBA Minimized noise.
114 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Michael Papageorgiou KPMG
We support the shipping industry to the new era Mr Michael Papageorgiou is Director, Consulting, Shipping Sector Business Development Lead, KPMG in Greece KPMG is a global organization of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG is the brand under which the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”) operate and provide professional services. “KPMG” is used to refer to individual member firms within the KPMG organization or to one or more member firms collectively. KPMG firms operate in 145 countries and territories with more than 236 000 partners and employees working in member firms around the world. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such. Each KPMG member firm is responsible for its own obligations and liabilities.
Recently KPMG published an interesting report with the title “The future of Shipping”. According to this report the most important trend for the Shipping Industry is the Digital Transformation. How can KPMG contribute to this important transformation of the Shipping Industry? The digital transformation certainly stands out as the main trend for the shipping industry and is an answer to several of the known challenges. Technology solutions come to optimize operations, efficiency and add value to shipping companies in many ways. The new business environment demands the shipping industry to shift from the traditional business model of selling capacity, to one that offers value to customers. With the increasing need of global supply chains for seamless flow of goods and services, Digital Business is a key enabler for shipping companies today. Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT/sensors), Big-Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs), Digital Twins and Blockchain, together with the vast amount of data that are now available, are being utilized to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, drive down costs and increase the uptime of vessels. Digital transformation will create smarter, more connected distributed networks and will provide performance monitoring as well as real-time visibility of the vessels. This will massively reduce the lack in communication between the people on the vessel and those on-shore and will set up the foundation for more centralized know-how where data from one vessel can be used to
drive improvements in other vessels as well. Shipping Companies are exploring ways to leverage new technologies to improve the efficiency and productivity of their investments. KPMG has the answers and supports the shipping industry to develop innovative digitally connected vessels, to deliver digital transformation initiatives, to plan the development of the appropriate skills and last, but not least, to include the environmental sustainability of vessels and shipbuilding in the agenda. KPMG Greece and its global network as well as with our specialized shipping partners form a team with design and implementation capabilities for complex and demanding digital transformation projects. We at KPMG believe that our offering provides reliable and viable services which can support the shipping industry to the new era. Unfortunately after the problems due to the Pandemic, global economy faces serious difficulties in the energy and the supply sectors. How can KPMG support its clients in really harsh situations of crisis management? Global economy, following the pandemic crisis, faces serious difficulties in the energy and the supply sectors due to recent invasion in Ukraine. The sanctions imposed on Russia’s energy sector are expected to have a major impact on the shipping industry, as they will have an impact on commercial operations ranging from shipping costs and routes throughout the entire supply chain.
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INTERVIEW Some risks can be planned for, monitored, and mitigated; but other high-impact, hard-to-predict events are occurring more often. Due to the unpredictable nature of a crisis and the potential impact on an organization’s viability, it is important for organizations to prepare in advance for both a crisis and a response. As part of our broad range of Advisory services across our network of firms, KPMG professionals assist member firm clients in answering difficult questions like: -Are we prepared for a crisis? -Do we understand all of our potential risks? -Have we thought “outside the box” about our risks and responses? -Do we have an appropriate response or responses documented? -Do we have the right resources and advisors readily available in the event of a crisis? Effective crisis planning and response can limit business interruption and the associated costs of a crisis and its aftermath, especially for the shipping industry due to the global nature of the operations. KPMG’s network of firms provide strategic and tactical insights and skills to help enhance organizations’ response to a crisis. “Nothing is more important than passion and we are passionate about shipping and trying to increase our footprint in this exciting industry” stated Mr Ioannis Bravos Partner and Head of Shipping at KPMG in Greece. How important is Shipping for KPMG? Shipping is one of the most dynamic sectors worldwide and we are very proud that is a cornerstone for the Greek Economy. KPMG globally has identified Shipping as one of the key areas of our future development thus we work hard to increase our footprint in this flagship industry. In an industry that enables intercontinental trade, transport of energy and raw materials, import/export of manufactured goods and as a sequence creates a robust and wealthy ecosystem in terms of economic growth and employment, we are ready to give our best to be the preferred and trusted advisors for the shipping companies. We at KPMG are passionate to serve our customers, we are eager to deliver solutions, we are committed to provide high quality services and we are thirsty to contribute for the next era of the shipping industry. Our experts have extensive knowledge, understanding and experience of maritime issues and provide a wide range of services to ensure our clients reach their full potential. KPMG and corporate social responsibility. In what ways KPMG supports the needs of the society especially in these difficult times? We work together to create positive impact in the communities in which we live and work in, striking a balance between mind
and heart, putting into practice our firm’s values which govern all aspects of our daily life. Our goal is to ensure that our people, our clients and our communities reach their full potential, knowing that when we coordinate our skills, experience, motivation and passion, we can achieve great things. In this context, our Citizenship actions are based on four pillars: people, environment, community and life-long learning, aiming to support the following groups: children and students, symbolizing the future, the community of KPMG’s professionals, symbolizing the present, and the elderly, as a token of our respect and to provide support to the communities in which we operate. We are very active corporate citizens and some of our actions include: -We participate every year in Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Campaign and in coordination with HELMEPA cleaning up the beaches around Attica -KPMG in collaboration with the Hellenic Book Club for more than 6 years, creates and enriches lending libraries across Greece by participating in KPMG’s Family for Literacy (KFFL), an international program to combat child illiteracy. -“KPMG Global Cyber Day” is a social initiative of global reach organized by KPMG International, aimed at educating schoolage children, as well as the adults of their environment, about the importance of cyber safety. In 2021 more than 1500 students and parents benefited from this award-winning program in Greece. -For the 5th year, KPMG, in the context of the company’s social responsibility and on the occasion of the United Nations World Hunger Day and World Food Day, implemented with great success the established action “Cook for Good” (“We cook for a good cause”). The action was attended by 40 volunteer employees, who surpassed themselves and their culinary skills, cooking more than 200 care meals, “breaking” the record of previous years. -Our long-term cooperation with ELEPAP has given rise to a plethora of multi-level initiatives for its support. A member of our leadership is a board member offering the business perspective and being close to the needs of ELEPAP. At the same time, the people of KPMG contribute in a number of ways by holding Bazaars at our offices every Christmas and Easter and donating school supplies at the start of each school year. In addition, KPMG offers promotional space at our conferences, as means for ELEPAP to raise awareness of their work within the business world. The greatest reward is the fulfillment of supporting fellow human beings in need, by implementing on a daily basis actions to protect the environment, to support marginalized communities and to empower life-long learning.
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118 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Newport Shipping: LNG makes CAPEX sense
Ingmar Loges, Managing Director (Hamburg), Newport Shipping
Lianghui Xia, Managing Director (Oslo), Newport Shipping
Whilst pressure may be on for the shipping industry to cut emissions there is also pressure from shipowners to save costs and invest in solutions not just for today but for the longer-term.
short term. LNG retrofit is a mid to long-term investment and over the lifespan of a vessel, owners will see benefits of utilising LNG especially in a period of inflated oil prices.
With this in mind Newport Shipping has developed a portfolio of solutions for LNG retrofit designs for VLCC’s, Bulk Carriers and Containerships that will help shipowners realise those financial savings.
Loges notes that banking may also look favourably at an LNG retrofit “An LNG retrofit is also expected to enhance the valuation of the vessel and hence, indirectly, increase the loan quantum associated with the vessel.” He also notes that Newport Shipping can help in this area, “In this aspect, Newport Shipping offers a breakthrough when it comes to LNG retrofit financing giving owners up to seven years for repayment.”
Lianghui Xia, Managing Director (Oslo), Newport Shipping explains why Newport Shipping is now offering these solutions to the market: “LNG has the right characteristics as being the most practical choice for a marine fuel. There has been a strong trend in newbuild orders of LNG-fuelled vessels and retrofitting of existing fleet is the next step. We believe now is the right time for us to provide the market with our solution which is both cost effective and time efficient.” The industry needs to act now if it is going to meet with the carbon reductions laid out by the IMO. Shipowners are being presented with lots of different options on the market that are still under development. One of the key concerns is the time frame that these solutions will be ready and that not enough action is being undertaken now. Newport Shipping comments that this is one of the reasons that make LNG right for the market now. Shipowners also need technology that works and is reliable, along with minimal time and cost expense. Xia explains the benefits of adopting LNG technology in relation to the company’s containerized concept: “Shipowners need a proven design that can meet the technical targets with minimum off-hire time during retrofitting, and competitive costing for both retrofit and operation afterwards. Our solution is tailor-made for such purposes”. With any adoption of new technology there is a cost and an LNG retrofit is no different, but there are advantages with this technology. Ingmar Loges, Managing Director (Hamburg), Newport Shipping explains: “As with any kind of capital expenditure, the shipowner will have to put aside a sum of initial equity to fund the project for the
Newport Shipping sees its target audience as one third of the global fleet for its retrofit designs, this also includes vessels that are LNG ready. Newport Shipping works in collaboration with 15 shipyards globally giving shipowners flexibility of booking their project when and where they need it. Xia notes that: “We have an in-house design team, on-site project execution team, access to global yard slots, we equipment-maker partners and long-term financing solutions” to help shipowners with the retrofit project. Newport Shipping received Approval-in-Principle from DNV for its VLCC and Bulk Carrier design last year. The concept is based on deck-mounted LNG tanks that can be installed without major modifications to the vessel hull, thereby reducing installation costs, as part of a retrofit solution using a dual-fuel engine that would be suitable for future use of carbon-neutral methane such as bio-LNG. In addition, Newport Shipping has recently received Approval-in-Principle from BV for its Containerized LNG design that features its latest E-nergy tank. Xia explains in respect of the latest E-nergy tanks: “These containers are easy to use standard 40 feet containers with capability of using future fuels for the container industry. They are easily adaptive to container vessels and do not delay any container operations in the port while the vessels are loading and discharging in the port.”
120 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
SMM 2022: The Next Phase Of The Digital Transformation From ship design to ship management, and from the bridge to the engine room and the cargo hold, digitalisation has entered all aspects of ship operation. Identifying smart ways of combining digital technologies is one of the topics of this year’s Maritime Future Summit on 5 September 2022. Panel experts will discuss the latest digital trends, while SMM exhibitors will showcase related innovations in the halls.
The course has been charted: “Increased automation in shipping has the potential to enhance safety, to improve environmental performance, and to ensure more efficient and sustainable shipping,” says Kitack Lim, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization IMO. And indeed, the digital toolbox is full of technologies: Weather monitoring allows crews to optimise their routes and minimise fuel consumption; digital twins provide an efficient way to detect the root causes of ship performance issues; and remote surveys enable safe inspections without having to be physically present – a great advantage especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. Finding ways to combine all these digital tools effectively is the topic of the Maritime Future Summit. Featuring top-ranking experts, the conference will take place on 5 September, one day before the launch of the leading international maritime trade fair. “Connected Technologies On The Rise” is this year’s motto for the meeting of the international digital experts. “Forming smart alliances and developing multidisciplinary solutions is the order of the day,” says Claus Ulrich Selbach, Business Unit Director – Maritime and Technology Fairs & Exhibitions at Hamburg Messe und Congress (HMC). “At the Maritime Future Summit, the maritime industry will enter the next stage of the digital transformation.”
Smart hulls
The shape of a ship’s hull decides about its stability, cargo capacity and fuel consumption. No wonder hull condition is a key area for monitoring technology. The French company notilo plus combines subsea robots with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to perform hull inspections. “Our autonomous underwater drone Seasam not only allows you to inspect the hulls of boats, but it can also, thanks to artificial intelligence and image analysis tools, do predictive maintenance to prepare for the next drought,” says notilo plus Vice President Solène Guéré who will present the system at the Maritime Future Summit. The leading ship classification society DNV pursues a similar approach for ship hull inspections. In his speech, Pierre Sames, Senior Vice President Group Research & Development, will explain what technologies DNV relies on. Hull monitoring frequently reveals an annoying form of ballast: In extreme cases, plankton, algae and muscles growing on the bow and propeller can increase a ship’s fuel consumption by more than 50 per cent. Hasytec has developed an effective method to avoid biofouling. The company, nominated for the German Environmental Award 2022, will highlight its innovative ultrasonic anti-fouling technology at SMM.
common platforms and standards is a prerequisite to successful innovations for a more sustainable and efficient maritime industry.” For Patrick Müller from Siemens Energy Marine, data transparency is key to achieving this goal. In his presentation he will advocate an open digital ecosystem. “It is important to have a holistic view on all your assets, available in real time, from machinery to navigation, combined with environmental conditions,” says Müller.
Digital security
More transparency and data traffic increase efficiency – but also risks. Data networks are favourite targets of cyber criminals. Not long ago Hapag-Lloyd fell victim to a cyber attack. Donya-Florence Amer will describe how her shipping company defends itself against these kinds of attacks and charts its future digital course. The IT specialist has been Chief Information Officer at Germany’s biggest container liner operator since the beginning of the year. For autonomous shipping in particular, an effective cyber security management system is of utmost importance. The on-board sensors must be able to function error-free to avoid collisions on the water. The team of the CAPTN project focuses on sensor fusion and deep learning. Initiated by Kiel University in 2018, they develop low-emission, autonomous ferries for the Firth of Kiel. The team will present the current status of the project at SMM. “Digital transformation, climate change and the maritime energy transition – what better headlines fit our initiative, which, with its collaborative projects and numerous partners from the maritime industry and excellent research institutions, focuses on precisely these topics,” says Dr. Wiebke MüllerLupp, General Manager of Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel GmbH and the coordinator of CAPTN. Numerous high-tech innovations will be featured at the Maritime Future Summit and can be viewed by visitors at the stands of SMM exhibitors on the days after the conference.
Towards a transparent future
Saving fuel to minimise costs and emissions is one of the top goals for the fleet control centres of ship operators. At the Maritime Future Summit, Sean Fernback, CEO of the leading ship engine manufacturer Wärtsilä Voyage, will discuss how the digital transformation can unlock the full potential of shipping. “The maritime world is entering the digital era where mutualising our investments into
Photo Copyright: Hamburg Messe und Congress / Nicolas Maack Hamburg Messe und Congress / Michael Zapf
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Nikos Kakalis LR
Leading the conversation on bulk sector’s energy transition Mr Nikolaos Kakalis, is Global Bulk Carrier Segment Director at Lloyd’s Register
After four-year break, the world’s most prestigious shipping event, Posidonia, comes back with IMO’s GHG emissions milestones at the core of the agenda. With the bulk sector at surprisingly high levels and a strong Greek footprint, the energy efficiency challenge is the most imminent with new technologies to offer tangible benefits and savings. Dry bulk is enjoying an overall strong run after having suffered in recent years, and despite the Ukraine war impact and market volatility, the fundamentals of supply and demand look favourable. Last year was also the strongest in a decade for the sale and purchase of secondhand bulk carriers. However, the global orderbook for new vessels remains historically low, partly due to high prices as most major yards are full, mainly with container vessels. Another reason why there may be reluctance by dry bulk owners to place new construction orders is due to the continued uncertainty over potential fuel and technology options for current/future decarbonisation regulatory compliance. Considering an optimal mix of fuel and technologies aboard vessels, based on their size and anticipated trades that can promise compliance throughout the investment horizon or the lifetime of the vessel, are key topics that need to be addressed. For this reason, the role and value of class societies is critical for the dry bulk sector as in addition to providing classification services, organisations like Lloyd’s Register have the knowledge, experience and capacity to advise shipowners on how to manage this complex environment and navigate the decision-making process. Going forward, we see energy efficiency commanding attention with many focusing on technologies/solutions for more efficient and more environmentally-friendly bulk carriers. While LNG dual-fuelled engines are already an option, the potential of ammonia and methanol are being explored further, either in terms of technology maturing or uptake. Most notably, we are already seeing an increasing interest in wind-assisting systems, both for retrofit and for new ships. Such systems have the potential to
provide tangible fuel savings and corresponding emission reduction in a relatively less complex manner. It’s worth stressing that at LR we focus on new technology from the viewpoint of safety, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall better vessels; but we also assess ways that new technology can be seamlessly adapted. It’s one thing to develop a new technology or try to migrate it from one sector to another, but quite another to have this technology adopted in practice. That’s why over the past three years LR has entered into more than 70 joint development projects for bulk carriers with ship designers and yards in China alone, more than half of which have already been incorporated into newbuilding projects. LR is also very active in digital technology, supported by our investments in two key digital solution providers – Hanseaticsoft and i4 Insight. The digital platforms and solutions provided on fleet management and fleet performance optimisation have a proven track record, used also by dry bulk shipping companies. I fully expect that the uptake of these kinds of digital services in the dry bulk sector will increase based on their demonstrated usefulness in practice and ability to simplify operations and save money. Crew change challenges became acute during the Covid pandemic, reinforcing the importance of human factor in maintaining supply chains. The uptake of new technologies, together with the handling of multiple fuels onboard, possibly of wide quality variation, highlights the importance of continuous training and support for all our seafarers on the changing competencies, digital technologies and safety management. Understanding the increasingly important role class must play in this transformation pathway, and considering the legacy and prevalence of Greek owners in the bulk segment, Lloyd’s Register launched in early May the Hellenic Bulk Carriers Forum to engage with the sector’s leading companies to improve collaboration, provide inputs on technology developments, operational and practical challenges, all in support of the transition towards a sustainable future.
124 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Andrew Marshall Ecochlor maintains a very strong market position Mr Andrew Marshall is CEO, Ecochlor
This year marks Ecochlor’s 21st year in ballast water management and the focus of the company is to continue to offer shipowners a system that keeps their vessels compliant both now and into the future. Outside of the BWMS marketplace, Ecochlor has begun to increase its collaboration and partnerships with other innovative maritime environmental technology providers. According to Mr. Andrew Marshall, CEO of Ecochlor, the long-term goal of the company is to position the Ecochlor brand as a major “Green Marine” company in the maritime industry. The full text of the inteview with Mr Andrew Marshall follows:
Recently, Ecochlor promoted Mr Panos Smyroglou to Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Is this a strategic decision to increase revenue growth while supporting customer relations? Yes, absolutely. The Greek shipping industry is the largest nation of shipowners in the world. Consequently, it is a very important market for Ecochlor and I recognized early on that we needed to have someone in place with an extensive knowledge of the maritime industry and ballast water management, as well as a person who is widely respected by his colleagues. When I initially hired Mr. Smyroglou for Ecochlor, I knew he was the perfect candidate to head up our office in Greece. Prior to joining Ecochlor, Mr Smyroglou was a colleague of mine for many years so I was already familiar with his background and experience. He has a strong presence in Greek shipping and has always been committed to making sure his clients receive the best support available for their company and fleet of ships. There is none better qualified than Panos Smyroglou to help bring Ecochlor to the next level! Ecochlor recently submitted Filterless and Hybrid BWMSs for USCG Type Approval. Could you tell us what are the advantages of this application and what are your expectations for EcoOne® and EcoOne® Hybrid? In order to answer this question, I need to start with the benefits of the traditional Ecochlor® BWMS because both the filterless and hybrid BWMS include these features. Our ClO2 technology is highly effective in varying waters anywhere in the world with no limitations when it comes to temperature, salinity or turbidity. Furthermore, the system is simple to operate, extremely reliable with flow rates up to 16,200 m3/hour, the system has no TRO sensors, offers gravity ballasting, and has very low power and maintenance requirements. You would think that would be enough, but the new EcoOne® filterless and hybrid BWMSs include all these benefits and much, much more! Presently, there are only about five systems on the market today that do not use filters. When you delve down and think about it, not having a filter on a BWMS has
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tremendous advantages for vessel operators because filters have their own problems: they need to be cleaned and maintained; they can limit the flow rate; and they have a tendency to clog up, especially in ‘dirty’ water. Our EcoOne® BWMS doesn’t have any of these problems because there is no filter. Therefore, the system requires even less power and maintenance than our traditional BWMS and it’s even easier for the crew to operate. Last, but not least, the savings for installing an EcoOne® can be significant, since it requires 40% less piping and 30% less cabling, as well as taking less time in dry dock to install. Plus, since there are no neutralizing requirements or filter, the EcoOne® can gravity ballast both on intake and discharge which is a tremendous advantage to bulk carrier using top side tanks (TST). With our EcoOne® Hybrid system, the vessel crew retains the ability to choose to run the BWMS with or without a filter and it operates automatically, without crew intervention based on the ballast water type. The clearest benefit of our hybrid system is for those vessels that must have freshwater operations, is the flexibility to be able to enjoy the benefits of a filterless BWMS in marine and brackish operations and still be able to treat freshwater as required. It is worth noting of course, that in all of the Ecochlor® BWMS series (filter, filterless or hybrid), we are comfortably below the 5 ppm dose requirements, a fraction of what some of our competitors may be operating with their electro-chlorination, hypochlorite-based systems. Lower dosage means better protection for tank coatings. We can keep these low doses because, unlike electro-chlorination hypochlorite-based systems where the active substance is consumed by any organic matter (living or dead) our chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is largely only reactive with living organisms. In a hypochlorite-based system there can always be the nagging doubt that there was not enough active chemical left over to treat the living organisms if the water is particularly challenging and full of organic matter. That raises the risk of non-compliance and fines. To date, I am delighted to say we have exceeded our expectations for the EcoOne® filterless and hybrid systems. If I were to venture a guess, I would say almost 95% of our business is from the sale of these systems and it is with some of the largest, most respected, shipowners in the world. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not only a strong desire from the shipowners for these systems but we have also filled a very large void in the industry for reliable, low-cost, filterless and hybrid BWMSs. There is great competition for Ballast Water Systems in the market. In Ecochlor how do you respond to this competitive environment in order to maintain your market share and drive market growth? From the very beginning, we differentiated ourselves from competitors by being the only ones on the market to offer the ClO2 treatment technology. If you think the Ecochlor® BWMS offers the
best ballast water treatment in the industry, then you have to go to Ecochlor to buy it. Whereas, with UV or Electro-chlorination (EC), there are multiple companies that offer very similar products and so it rather dilutes each company’s ability to maintain a strong market share. In the near future, I expect there will be less than a dozen BWMS manufacturers still in operation, but I can assure you Ecochlor will be among those “last ones standing”. Mainly due to our unique treatment technology, the popularity of our system amongst major shipowners and our continued focus and superior efforts on providing the best global training and service support to our clients. What are the major problems you faced during the installation and maintenance of a Ballast Water Treatment System as a result of the Pandemic? I would say that the disruption to global supply-chain has offered the biggest challenge to our team during the pandemic. Whilst, the virus is still a threat, with a number of regions still in lockdown, interruption to our deliveries continues to be difficult, but not impossible to overcome. This is in part due to the diligence of our engineering team and their efforts over the past two years. At the start of the pandemic, we researched and started to set up multi-source options for our major parts and delivery processes. Simultaneously, we kept in daily contact with our suppliers to make sure the immediate impact to our clients was negligeable. We installed local in-house service engineers in major maritime hubs around the world and trained new Authorized Service Partners for our more remote regions. And, last but not least, we tripled our facilities for spare parts within three major time zones. Now, when faced with supply-chain or manufacturing disruptions, we have the ability to respond quickly and at the same time we minimized scheduling changes as well as lowered costs to our clients. In these difficult times of the Russian - Ukraine War how do you manage to deal with supply and demand for your products? Government sanctions have restricted most companies to some degree, but we have seen very little impact on our deliveries or in the demand for our products during this difficult time. What are the future plans of Ecochlor in order to maintain or increase its market share in the area of BWMS? This year marks Ecochlor’s 21st year in ballast water management and our focus is to continue to offer shipowners a system that keeps their vessels compliant both now and into the future. As I aforesaid, our filterless and hybrid BWMSs have seen unprecedented success in the BWMS market. As more and more shipowners are becoming aware of our offerings, I expect to see us continue to grow. Outside of the BWMS marketplace, we have begun to increase our collaboration and partnerships with other innovative maritime environmental technology providers. Our long-term goal is to position the Ecochlor brand as a major “Green Marine” company in the maritime industry.
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Panos Smyroglou Filterless BWMS Option Driven by Shipowner Demand Mr Panos Smyroglou is Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Ecochlor The Ecochlor EcoOne® reliable, filterless system fills a marketplace void in the ballast water management industry Shipowners have often been drawn to ballast water management systems (BWMSs) that don’t include filters because by eliminating the filter you save money, you need less power, there’s less maintenance and it is simpler for crew to run. Operating a BWMS without a filter has proven to offer huge benefits to the shipowner in terms of OPEX and CAPEX costs as well as for the crew through the simplicity of operating the system along with less maintenance requirements. For long-term benefits though, a reliable efficacy-wise filterless technology is highly advisable! These thoughts and other comments are presented to the following article of Mr Panos Smyroglou Vice President of
Additionally, filters have well-known issues in turbid or high-sediment water, often clogging and requiring extended back flush cycles or maintenance which can reduce the ballast rate or stop the ballasting operation altogether. Plus, there are the additional costs for piping and equipment installation. So why have a filter? Good question! One claim, in support of filters, is that they prevent sediment going into ballast tank which then requires additional cleaning. The reality is that since most systems use filter meshes of around 40 microns and since much of the sediment material found in ship’ ballast tanks are fine-grained particles under 35 microns then a filter-in BWMS does not have as large an impact upon sediment build-up as might be imagined.
Sales and Marketing of Ecochlor
But, let’s be honest, a more accurate reason to use filters is that most BWMS technologies may don’t work effectively and are unreliable without one and, truthfully . . . if they could treat ballast water without a filter, then they would! Let me explain further, the necessity of filters on UV BWMSs is more obvious as the UV light must reach and disinfect the organisms that would otherwise get shielded behind silts or sediments. Likewise, an electro-chlorination (EC) or sodium hypochlorite-based treatment technology doesn’t function optimally as a filterless system because of the absolute need to significantly increase the chemical dose. This is because EC treatments react with any organic matter, living or dead – so in waters with high levels of total suspended solids, the sodium hypochlorite reacts with everything, requiring a considerable
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increase in the dose or else the vessel runs the risk of insufficient biocide left over to kill the living organisms at all operating conditions that the vessel may encounter. Certain EC based BWTS manufacturers openly admit this issue, however, equally there are others that disregard this. The Ecochlor® BWMS technology does not suffer any such issues. This is because chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is selective in its reactions – in other words it reacts primarily with living organisms, rather than all organic matter. Due to this limited reaction with non-living organisms, the need to increase the dose to effectively treat the ballast water is minimal. Thus, making the Ecochlor system a particularly ideal and safe option for filterless ballast water treatment applications. In early 2021, Ecochlor launched the EcoOne® filterless BWMS. This system treats ballast water by injecting a dose of 4.6 mg/L of ClO2. Vessels operating this system can operate anywhere in marine and brackish waters (i.e., ≥ 1PSU) and with no restrictions on temperature or turbidity. The dose rate of 4.6 mg/L compares very closely with the dose rate of 4.2 mg/L which we use for our filter-in systems. If a vessel has to regularly ballast in waters below 1 PSU, then Ecochlor offers a hybrid version of the EcoOne®. This system gives shipowners the ability to operate either with or without a filter and is great for shipowners who want the flexibility of unrestricted operation globally along with the convenience of having a filterless system when they want it. Additionally, some owners have expressed a desire to have a different capacity flow rate on freshwater compared to marine and brackish. This would allow them to fit a smaller capacity filter for freshwater operation only and, thereby, still enjoy the benefits of a smaller footprint for the filter.
can see from the minor equipment changes, upgrading a standard Ecochlor® two-step filtered system to an EcoOne® BWMS is a fairly simple procedure. There are a number of really beneficial features of EcoOne® BWMS for the ship’s crew ─ even easier operation and maintenance along with very low power requirements. Additionally, since the system doesn’t require re-treatment or neutralization on discharge and doesn’t have a filter, you can gravity ballast both on intake and discharge and latter directly out of the ballast tanks, in the case of Top Side Tanks on a Bulk Carrier. For the shipowner, there are some nice environmental advantages of the EcoOne® BWMS. It has extremely low energy requirements, thus reducing the ship’s carbon footprint. For example, once you take out the filter, for a ship with ballast flow rates between 500 to 3000 m3/hour the power requirements would range from an astonishing 5 to 7 kW; with flow rates between 3,000 – 10,000 m3/hour the power requirements range from 10 to 15kW. Additionally, ships will soon be required to use shore-to-ship power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, otherwise known as cold ironing. It would make sense for shipowners to install BWMS equipment with the lowest possible power rating since ballasting operations are handled in port. The EcoOne®, with its very, very low energy usage would be a clear choice in helping shipowners lessen these power costs! Operating a BWMS without a filter has proven to offer huge benefits to the shipowner in terms of OPEX and CAPEX costs as well as for the crew through the simplicity of operating the system along with less maintenance requirements. For long-term benefits though, a reliable efficacy-wise filterless technology is highly advisable!
The EcoOne® BWMS has the same design and benefits as a standard Ecochlor® BWMS with a few limited modifications. Of course, this includes the removal of the filter but the only equipment additions are: a duplex strainer to ensure large particles don’t reach the treatment unit; a conductivity sensor to certify that the unit is being operated in the correct mode for either freshwater or marine/ brackish water; a pressure transmitter to further enhance the reliability of the operation; and lastly, some updated software. As you
EcoOne® Rendering on a Bulker.
EcoOne® Generator
Ballast Water Management System
The wait is over. . .
Filterless & Hybrid ® EcoOne BWMS Reliable Simple to Operate No TRO Sensors Gravity Ballasting Low Power Low Maintenance Low Cost IMO & USCG Type Approved
Επιδιορθώσεις Βαφής Σιλικόνης στο Πέραμα
Προετοιμασία επιφάνειας με ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE WATER JET 2500 BAR Η Coral Piraeus ship repairs PC είναι εταιρεία με μεγάλη εμπειρία από το 1990 στην προετοιμασία επιφανειών με μεθόδους σύγχρονης τεχνολογίας Αμμοβολής-Υδροβολής υψηλής πίεσης και Υδροβολή υπέρ υψηλής πίεσης (U.H.P.W.J.), με ρομποτικά συστήματα και εφαρμογή σύγχρονων μεθόδων χρωματισμού. Επίσης παρέχει υπηρεσίες καθαρισμού GAS FREE κ.α. Η εταιρεία είναι εφοδιασμένη με όλες τις πιστοποιήσεις ISO.
Coral Piraeus ship repairs PC is a company with extensive experience since 1990 in the procedures of surface preparations, using modern sandblasting – High Pressure Jet technology and Ultra High Pressure Water Jet (U.H.P.W.J). Moreover, it is also equipped with robotic systems and application of synchronous coating methods. Furthermore the company provides cleaning services GAS FREE. Coral Piraeus ship repairs PC holds all the certifications ISO.
VASSILIS KANAKAKIS President and Managing Director
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Accelerating Ship Repairs with NanoVapor™ Gas-freeing Technology By Sören Scheid, NanoVapor Product Manager for Ecochlor
Ships only earn money when they can carry goods or passengers. Thus, idle times due to urgent and unavoidable repair work should be kept as short as possible to ensure profitability. One approach is to carry out repairs through the use of mobile repair teams during transit, otherwise known as “riding crews”. These crews come onboard in one port, bringing all the necessary tools and parts to do the job, and they oftentimes complete the repair before the vessel reaches the next port. In spite of never-ending pressures on time, work place safety has to be continuously maintained, both with respect to the safety of the vessel crew and mobile repair team, but also the vessel and its cargo.
NanoVapor VOC Suppressant
Sometimes, prior to a ship’s maintenance project, the vessel will need to go through gas-freeing and venting of fuel and cargo holds to ensure a safe working atmosphere as well as meeting maximum acceptable workplace concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The crew must ensure the vapor concentration is well below the critical lower explosive limit (LEL). LEL defines the minimum concentration of fuel or cargo vapors with oxygen (from ambient air) which can ignite and burn or explode. Typically, the maximum allowable concentration is a fraction (e.g. 10%) of the LEL, to make sure any risk is avoided. This is most important in case of any “hot work” like welding or grinding required in or near fuel or cargo tanks. Before the repair work can start, gas detectors are used to confirm a safe atmosphere. And, more often than not, repeat checks show an unexpected buildup of fumes later – even after a full tank cleaning procedure – which then immediately stops the repair work, thus, causing further costly delays. Conversely, when using NanoVapor™, a revolutionary VOC suppressant, the ST-1000M application unit uses compressed air and
a venturi nozzle system to create a very fine spray of the patented TankSafe™ liquid. The spray is directed into the tank where the tiny droplets reach every corner of the tank. They settle on the surface of the liquid hydrocarbons (fuel or cargo) to create a molecular evaporation barrier. It immediately stops any further formation of fresh VOCs. Thus, a nonflammable concentration, well-below LEL, is reached quickly and lastingly. The ST-1000M application device is intrinsically safe and type approved by Lloyd’s Register. A complete NanoVapor™ set up is the size of a large suitcase, weighs around 45 kg and requires only on board compressed air. Since it is highly mobile, it can easily be included into the riding crew’s standard toolbox. A NanoVapor unit allows the riding crew to start the same repair job much faster, significantly reducing idle time. There are fewer work interruptions from resurging evaporation and it is not necessary to change existing safety protocols. VOC concentrations are monitored as in the past, same as the use of protective equipment and clothing. But with NanoVapor™, safe conditions are established faster and more persistently.
Stock of new & reconditioned parts in Greece & our network More than a 1000 sqm of premises in Piraeus greater area New balancing machines from 0,1 klg to 1500 klg Worldwide turbocharger service stations network In house TIG, thermal spray & laser cladding, LR approved ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 9001:2015 certifications by LR Specialised turbochargers engineers trained by the makers Turbo General operates since 1975 Turbocharger technical seminars (theory & practice)
Investing in people!
235, irinis Ave., Perama Piraeus, 188 63 Greece/Hellas E.U
23, Voriou Ellados Str. & 5, Ifestou Str. Skaramangas, Chaidari, 124 62 Athens, Greece/ Hellas E.U.
T.: +30 210 40 02 724 +30 210 40 02 725 F.: +30 210 40 05 709
132 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
The NanoVapor™ VOC suppressant allowed emergency hot work to start without fuel tank cleaning and lengthy venting
NanoVapor™ is a versatile tool to accelerate tank de-gassing and reduce idle time for repair ship yards and riding crews
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NanoVapor ST-1000M Application Unit
Environmental Impact
Tai Prize, required emergency cutting and welding repairs in a cargo hold located just above a 250 m³ heavy fuel oil tank with roughly 70 m³ actual fuel content. 0% LEL was required before hot work was allowed to begin. In the initial opening, the fuel tank showed 245 ppm VOC concentration. After approximately 20 minutes to set-up and ground the ST-1000M, the VOC concentration was quickly reduced to safe levels. The cutting and welding job was finished in approximately five hours, which allowed the vessel to reach the cargo terminal on time.
In comparison, the NanoVapor™ evaporation barrier is only a few molecules thick, so the total amount of active substance is tiny. It does not have any noticeable effect on the fuel after refilling the tank. It is not necessary to clean out sludge and spend enormous sums on its sustainable disposal. The impact from venting on local residents and the environment is negligible. Plus, valuable fuel or cargo is saved.
A traditional approach for this repair would have required the HFO to be pumped to another tank, clean out any sludge at the tank bottom and then thoroughly clean and vent the tank before any hot work could start. Unfortunately, even pumped out tanks contain enough residual liquid which whilst steadily evaporates, can maintain a hazardous atmosphere for days.
For the most part, explosion proof blowers are used to vent any hazardous and often toxic fumes out of the tanks until all liquids have evaporated. In other words, fuel or cargo is blown into the atmosphere creating all sorts of environmental and health hazards in addition to the possibility of significant odor nuisance for local residents. Also, solid residues and sludge have to be manually cleaned out and disposed of in a sustainable way, which again costs time and a lot of money.
TankSafe™ is a non-hazardous, non-toxic and bio-degradable liquid which does not leave a permanent residue.
Tai Prize Case Study
A recent project for a repair job on board ae 73,170 dwt bulk carrier,
The process for the Tai Prize would have taken days to de-gas the tanks and finish the repairs to the cargo hold, which might have included a hefty penalty for late arrival at the cargo terminal. Additionally, there would have been an extra cost for tank cleaning and sludge disposal.
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Ballast Water Treatment Limitations in Challenging Waters By David Swindells, Ecochlor Director of Sales & Marketing
The problem with ballast water management systems (BWMSs) is that at first glance there’s no single solution for all vessel types and all operating conditions. In this article, I will run through some of the primary ballast water treatment technologies, discuss their methods and showcase the optimal conditions of each type of technology when faced with different types of water conditions on their vessel trade routes.
Ultraviolet Treatment Technology
So, let’s jump straight into our tour of BWMSs with one of the most common treatment methods, ultraviolet light (UV). This is a ‘line-ofsight’ treatment which in other words, needs the light to see what it is designed to kill or disable. The method of determining efficacy of UV ballast water treatment depends on who you are in conversation with, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) or the United States Coast Guard (USCG). With IMO, you need to render the live organisms unable to reproduce (Non-viable), whereas the USCG says they must be dead. This means that for ships traveling in the United States the UV lamp intensity has to be increased to ensure compliance with the ‘kill’ requirement. Consequently, this means either a significant increase the power requirement or a reduction in ballast flow rates, further increasing the time taken to ballast. Additionally, if we look at the logic of UV treatment, to be effective you’re going to need relatively clear water. Or, if you don’t have that, you need to add a filter with an ultra-fine screen in order to capture any sediment, thus, clearing up the water’s transparency. That, in itself adds a drawback to the system’s reliability and operation, it’s another piece of equipment to maintain and with the finer screen size, has a greater potential to block, further delaying your ballasting operation. A recent study by INTERTANKO summarized the feedback from their members on the problems crews were experiencing with their BWMS during ballasting operations. The most common issues reported seemed to be in waters with heavy sediment, which caused issues with filters or affected the efficacy of the BWMS. It should also be noted that UV systems require treatment
of the ballast water both on intake and discharge. Straight away we begin to see that depending on the types of waters you are trading in, if you don’t choose the right BWMS, it can potential give you a major headache when applied to real-life conditions. Unfortunately, what we are seeing is that those shipowners who purchased systems solely based on price considerations, and without recognizing the importance of researching the waters that their vessel will be trading in, is that they are having to come back and purchase a new BWMS that can actually deliver compliance under their vessel trading conditions. What some people once considered to be irrelevant little nuances, such as the quality of the waters the vessel is typically trading in, are now recognized to be vitally important considerations when it comes to the selection of an effective BWMS.
Electro-chlorination / Hypochlorite-based Treatment Technology
Now, let’s move on from UV and look at the other major group – electro-chlorination (EC) or generation of hypochlorite-based BWMSs. At first glance, many people are going to say, “yes, that’s great. I’m familiar with that biocide. It works in households and it works in industry, so it can also work on board a vessel.” Unfortunately, it’s not necessarily as simple as that! Outside of physically storing vast quantities of hypochlorite on board, (which just isn’t practical), a further method has to be considered to generate it during BWMS operations. The most frequently selected method is to pass an electric current through salt water. This is the basis for
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most EC systems. Now, by default, this means that you have to ballast in salt water. Therefore, if you are ballasting in fresh water you will need to modify your vessel to enable the EC system to operate, most usually by carrying brine in the Aft Peak Tank (APT). This can cause a number of issues operationally as the APT may not be large enough to support extended fresh water operations, and the crew essentially loses the APT as a way to trim the vessel. Another difficulty with EC or hypochlorite-based BWMSs, is that the treatment technology is not just sensitive to salinity in the water, but also to water temperature. This means that it is not as efficient in high or low temperatures. The problem is obviously exacerbated in low salinity operations. Likewise, ballasting in waters with high levels of silts and sediments will also affect system performance. Hypochlorite reacts with any organic matter, living or dead, and in doing so it is “consumed”. Ideally, to ensure that there is always sufficient hypochlorite available for organism to kill in the most challenging of waters the BWMS must increase hypochlorite production in order to overcome the organic load, but not all systems do this. Each separate issue may require a significant increase in power consumption in order to overcome them. But if compounded, and in extreme circumstances, it’s conceivable that the vessel may not have sufficient power available to meet the demands of the BWMS! Many shipowners may not think this is a problem because they have a blue water fleet, but a review of water quality in major ports globally, plus the experience (to date) of many, many shipowners, it would suggest that the problems are real and need to be considered when selecting a BWMS. Therefore, let’s be mindful that for EC or hypochlorite-based systems, as these water conditions change ─ in the salinity, the temperature, the turbidity (and even to a degree in the pH) ─ both the speed at which the active substance is generated and the quantity of hypochlorous acid is generated, requires continuous monitoring of the system. All of a sudden, we’re into a situation where we’ve set up an almost vicious circle, the more we have to treat, the more we have to generate, the more we have to generate, the more power we need and the larger our CO2 footprint! Also, keep in mind that we may have to neutralize the ballast water prior to discharge. To measure all of that, we now have to invite everybody’s least favorite friend to the party, a TRO sensor! A TRO sensor is usually installed in the least accessible part of the vessel and requires frequent calibration if it is to do its job properly (as we can see from the above it is VITAL that it does its job properly). This component is notoriously prone to breaking down, giving incorrect readings and basically wreaking havoc on your ballasting operations. And, of course those will be the days and times when you don’t want to be delayed in port. Now when you start to look at operating limitations of an EC system outside optimal water conditions, you realize that even though chlorine is a very familiar word, the process of generating it and using it to treat ballast water in a marine environment is actually quite tricky. In short, it’s not necessarily well-suited to all operating conditions.
Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Technology
My final review on BWMS technologies is with a chemical injection treatment process using the chlorine dioxide or ClO2 disinfectant. I want to make sure at this point that I make something very, very clear, chlorine dioxide and chlorine are not the same chemical. It’s not the same treatment process. And, it reacts MUCH differently in water.
The first thing to note about chlorine dioxide, is that we’re not loading a big container with it for storage on the ship. That’s not how it works, chlorine dioxide is generated on demand using two chemicals at small dosage levels to treat the ballast water on intake only since the treatment technology doesn’t require any additional treatment or neutralization upon discharge. Next, chlorine dioxide is a much more efficient biocide than chlorine. It works more effectively in lower quantities and is somewhat selective in that, for the most part it only reacts with living organisms. It’s highly effective in all water conditions and is not affected by changes in salinity, temperature or turbidity. Consequently, you immediately begin with a simpler BWMS treatment technology, with more flexibility in the varying waters along the ship’s travel route because there are less steps to consider in the process. If we add to that, the fact that we’re using a more effective biocide, requiring negligible levels of power to generate it (low CO2 footprint means lower cost cold ironing operations), I think you’ll start to see that chlorine dioxide can be considered amongst the most efficient processes on the market. The only provider of chlorine dioxide-based BWMSs is Ecochlor, based in the USA. As one of the longest standing BWMS providers in the industry, Ecochlor has built up a large amount of experience across hundreds of installations. However, people’s first questions when dealing with chemicals to treat ballast are, “Is this harmful? Is it hazardous? What does this mean for my ship?” The good news is that from a vessel longevity standpoint the difference between an Ecochlor® BWMS and an EC system is in the dosage rate. Even in the most challenging waters, and running in filterless mode, the Ecochlor systems use a very small dose of chlorine dioxide to treat the ballast water. The filtered version requires 4.25 ppm, whilst the filterless requires just 4.6 ppm - a minuscule difference. If we compare that to equivalent EC systems, the dose requirements there are closer to 10, 15 and even up to 30 ppm. These high chemical doses can lead to expensive issues, including damage to ballast pipes and ballast tank coatings. Plus, with the high chemical dose comes the need to neutralize the ballast water before it can be discharged, this is not a requirement with the Ecochlor system because the chlorine dioxide essentially “self neutralizes”. Another benefit of chlorine dioxide is that it may also prove to be future-proof – It already removes biofilms, which chlorine does not. Of course, this is not a current requirement of the regulations, but with shipping coming under increasing environmental scrutiny who can say for sure what additional requirements will be placed on ship owners in the coming years. We get comments from owners and operators who say that the ballast water tanks on their ships are some of the cleanest areas on the vessel. So, it truly is a disinfecting process for slime and algae, in addition to treating ballast water. Each ballast water treatment technology has its benefits and drawbacks. As shipowners consider a BWMS for their vessels, they will need to understand the limitations posed by each type of treatment technology and how these restrictions may affect the operation of the ship in certain types of water. Owners should make the most informed decision, a decision that protects their operational interests both now, and into the future operational life of the vessel. That will not always lead to the cheapest selection. But the right system will ensure compliance, avoid fines and penalties, minimize carbon output by using the least amount of energy, protect operations and protect the vessel structure and systems whilst being easy and reliable for crew to use.
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Marine Plus:
Servicing the Shipping Industry since 1988
Marine Plus S.A. was established by Mr. Dimitris Vranopoulos in London in 1988 and its subsidiary office was set up in Athens in 1990. The first overseas trip was to Shanghai in 1991, where Mr. Vranopoulos participated in the Marintec exhibition. With the assistance of a translator sourced through the Greek embassy, standing in a small booth, and handing out business cards in English and Chinese to all exhibitors, the first contacts with Chinese yards were established. The first repair in China was booked in Lifeng S/Y with a vessel owned by A.M. Nomikos. Since then Marine Plus has managed to be granted the confidence and trust both by the major Shipyards in China and other areas of the world (S/E Asia, Middle East, Europe, Americas) as well as the Greek shipping community, as a provider of high quality maritime services worldwide. Today, with over 30 years of experience and offices in Athens, Istanbul, Singapore and Houston, Marine Plus can effectively provide almost any technical support required by vessels trading Worldwide, ranging from dry dockings, conversions, new building contracting/supervision, minor voyage or port repairs, BWMS, Scrubber, LNG fuel systems, other machinery equipment, IMO & VGP Sampling Tests and Analysis, fit-out solutions for the galley, laundry, and living quarters, VSAT services, supply of spares, supplies and provisions, UW services, FFE, LR/LB inspections, certification, repairs and more. Marine Plus has built up a very close, long-term, and constructive cooperation with the best ship repair yards in the World. This has been a slow process that has taken years of commitment and hard work, a combination of strong interpersonal relationships with the senior management of these yards as well as a concentrated team effort to ensure each repair project undertaken is a success both for their Greek customers as well as the yards’ is representing. Thus, it is conducting over 150 dry dock repairs annually, and has been granted the trust by more than 200 loyal customers from the Greek Shipping Community. As Mr. Vranopoulos explains ‘’Our real job begins after we receive a firm booking, especially during the vessel’s repair at the yard, where key milestones are monitored as well as overall progress, maintaining agreed schedules, docking dates, sufficient labor for prompt execution of works etc. During this period regular contact with the attending Supt Eng as well as the head office is maintained. Monitoring and expediting work progress is greatly assisted by our local associates who deal with working-level yard staff, whilst we also keep contact with senior yard management as and
when their intervention is required.’’ With this mentality and proven professionalism, Marine Plus has managed to gain the trust of the Major S/Y facilities in China (both Government owned and Private) as well as to sign exclusive representation agreements with key vessels’ repairs facilities (S/Y) to other strategic locations Worldwide, such as Dubai Drydocks World, EDR Ship Repairs (S/Y) Belgium, NAUTA S/Y Poland, Unithai S/Y Thailand, MEC Panama and to create new partnerships with esteemed companies in various fields in Shipping services. Worth to mention that Marine Plus: a. Exclusively represents SunRui Marine Environment Engineering, a subsidiary of CSSC Group, the largest Shipbuilding Conglomerate in the World. SunRui has developed the well known to the International Maritime Community products BalClor BWMS, SOxFree EGCS (Scrubber system), SCR De-NOX system, GasLink LNG/ Methanol/Ammonia FGSS and can organize turn-key retrofitting projects in collaboration with Chinese Repair Shipyards. b. Exclusive represents Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant (Deck Machinery & Steering Gear), Suzhou City Muyi Shipping Equipment (GRE Piping & FPR Products), Josun Air Conditioner (A/C, Refrigeration and Ventilation Fans and TGA (The Galley Architect), which is a top-quality and reputable Maker of fit-out solutions for the galley, laundry, and living quarters in the Shipping industry. Marine Plus also represents GMSC, a company able to perform on board water sampling analysis for BWTS, EGCS, Grey Water etc. in China and other countries. c. Is specialized in stores and provisions for vessels calling in China and for initial supply regarding newbuilding projects. d. is also running 2 sister companies: i. JNE Marine who is the exclusive agent of Mitsubishi Purifiers in Greece. Also specialized in the supply of spares and specifically engineered components from the Chinese / Korean market. ii. Marine Plus Safety which provides spare parts and attendance needs for FFE/LS Equipment as well as professional integrated communication system solutions for global marine engineering as exclusive agent of Jiaxing Kexun Electron CO. e. Another ambitious and very promising movement is the establishment of the Newbuilding Department which is in charge of NB projects, mainly in China where the company has a permanent association with well-established local brokerage houses who assist with securing off-market opportunities as well as due diligence with new yards and contract negotiation.
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Your challenge, Our incentive JNE Marine Ltd is a well rooted and established company in the Greek shipping market, providing a wide range of products and services for more than 25 years. To mention a few: • Mitsubishi MKK & Samgong (licensee) Exclusive representation in Greece of the Japanese origin of centrifugal separators (purifiers) Maintenance / Repair Services via our authorized service hub located in Piraeus • Cygnus Instruments Ltd Exclusive representation of the leading UK company in Ultrasonic thickness gauges measurements Lightweight ultrasonic Hatch Leak detection system for testing the weather tightness of cargo hatch covers • Hatchtec Marine Service Ltd Authorized distributors of the Chinese expert for Deck machinery, providing high quality spares and services for Hatch covers, Grabs, Cranes, Winches & Windlass and lashing materials as well
• Toei Engineering Co., Ltd
A leading Japanese company specialized in reconditioning and repairs of 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines
• Dealfeng Rotor Sail
Technology based Chinese company with developing and manufacturing of marine energy saving and emission reduction equipment
• Spare Parts Supply
Specific engineering parts mainly from the Chinese and Korean market, covering the whole spectrum of engine room located machinery. In particular cylinder liners, cylinder covers, piston crowns, piston skirts, for most of the common propulsion main engines, diesel engines, and consumable parts spares for compressors and various types of pumps, vacuum, vacuumarator pumps a wide range of valves, i.e butterfly valves, globe valves, safety valves panama chocks, bollards, chain stoppers, anchors and anchor chains JNE Marine Ltd has persistently labored over the years to build customer’s trust and establish an extensive portfolio averaged to 250 ship management and owning companies within 2022, reflected by a retention rate that exceeds 90% in both the Greek and Cypriot market
144 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Long lasting corrosion free piping solutions in Offshore , Industry and Marine PIPESPAIN is the outcome of an International Business Enterprise started in 1974 expertising in Marine, new builds, retrofits and repairs. At that time the closure of the Suez Canal created a need for large vessels, which requiring constant support by maintenance riding crews for fixing the issues coming from Inert Gas Scrubbers unloading piping and Sea Water Cooling systems. PIPESPAIN reached more than 300 men performing maintenance services on board worldwide in a time when telex was the state-of-the-art in communication. These services continue being today part of PIPESPAIN DNA, almost 50 years later. In the mid 90´ ,minded on continuous improvement and innovation, and the need for long lasting corrosion free piping solutions in Offshore , Industry and Marine, mainly for Inert Gas Scrubber and Sea Water cooling in Machine Room , PIPESPAIN contacted with global leading companies in the design and manufacturing of Glassfiber Reinforced Epoxy pipes and working together with them and with the Main Class Societies , PIPESPAIN got to install, first time in the world, the sea water cooling system piping in GRE in Machine Room in four LNG vessels in a new build shipyard in Spain. In 2005, GRE technology become PIPESPAIN core business performing installations worldwide in the new building/retrofitting/ repairs. Further than this, Research & Development of composite technologies for marine, offshore and industry applications, are our main goal focusing on customized composite solutions which support customer new functional requirements, cost saving and sustainability needs. PIPESPAIN designed and manufactured the first Sea Proof GRE Filters for offshore platform application. An independent in-house Engineering Division, PIPESPAIN ENGINEERING SERVICES and an independent steel division, PIPESPAIN ACERO, were established, supporting, and expanding PIPESPAIN activities and capacities to be able to supply the best fit for purpose , cost effective, complete and permanent solution for new builds, retrofits and Repairs. PIPESPAIN offers its capacities in the development of GRE/GRP piping, combined solutions in steel and composite, Basic/Detail Engineering, Supply, Manufacturing, Installations during sailing, onshore, offshore and after Sales Support. Our teams are high skilled and certified to perform any job related to composite pipe onshore, on board and offshore along the five Continents, with high efficiency, high quality and meeting all Health, Safety and Environmental standards and regulations worldwide required. ECA 2020 brought new requirements to the marine sector (shipowners, yards, makers, service companies…), PIPESPAIN was pioneer , in 2014, offering to shipowners for Scrubber retrofitting including: detailed engineering, CAESAR flexibility studies, GRE piping supply , Steel supports manufacturing, steel bulkhead penetrations manufacturing , GRE piping prefabrication, installation and commissioning. Scrubber projects, with all described scopes, were performed
successfully in these very early stages of Scrubber. PIPESPAIN has been one of main actors in Europe as specialized company on GRE piping Scrubber projects. In similar scope of work than for Scrubber Projects, PIPESPAIN continue from 2017, offering their services in Europe from detailed engineering to installation on GRE piping BWTS being a specified installer by BWTS maker. A world in need for lower CO2 emissions and looking forward clean energy sources , is opening the door to GRE applications in all sectors related to Green Energy Generation as Offshore wind power generation and Green Hydrogen generation plants. PIPESPAIN is working, to identify new applications for piping, equipment and structures in composite, supporting the sustainability of our planet and moving towards a New Future.
146 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Leo Marine Diesel:
Specializing in recondition and repair of fuel injection systems and governors for marine diesel engines
Leo Marine Diesel is a modern manufacturing and repair facility, strategically located in the new Industrial Park of Schisto (Greece), close to Piraeus, specializing in recondition and repair of fuel injection systems and governors for marine diesel engines but also offering a wide range of marine and industrial repairs. Through the years the company has built a reputation in the marine industry, based on company’s standing experience in the field, in combination with its qualified and skilled technicians and the use of modern technology together with its continuous commitment to quality which guarantees its services and the satisfaction of its customers. Leo Marine Diesel’s aim is to keep its client’s vessels sailing without delays in port for repairs therefore the company offers round the clock operation at its clients premises as well as on situ services on board the vessels with its team of experts. Each task assigned to Leo Marine Diesel is treated in close cooperation with its customers in order to be completed in the most time and cost effective manner without compromising the quality of the final product. In company’s modern facilities Leo Marine Diesel carries out: * Fuel Oil Pumps: Recondition and repair of Fuel Oil Pumps - All engine types. Fabrication Plunger of all engine types Also a large stock of ready-made Plunger for fast response to vessel’s need. * Fuel Oil Injector Valve Overhauling / Repairing and Testing of all engine types. * Fuel Injection Nozzle repairing / Renewal of all engine types. * Governor Repairing and testing of any type of governor. Many types of governors are also available on exchange basis The company’s skilled engineers can board its clients’ vessels
worldwide for consultancy, fault diagnosis and fuel injection timing of the main and auxiliary diesel engines. In-situ emergency repairs can also be performed in order to keep the vessel running until a convenient port for major repairs to be carried out. Also, latest technology calibration and testing facilities including fuel pump test bench, injector nozzle testers and high accuracy measuring equipment are used to ensure optimum performance of the final product. Various parts and components of propulsion and auxiliary machinery can be manufactured upon client’s request using carefully selected material and production methods to ensure prolonged service on board. In its stock Leo Marine Diesel maintains a large number of parts and components both from original engine manufacturers as well as from selected aftermarket high quality product makers. A wide range of new and reconditioned fuel nozzles, atomizers, plunger and barrels, delivery valves and various components are available for direct sale or on exchange basis. Various parts and components of propulsion and auxiliary machinery can be manufactured upon client’s request using carefully selected material and production methods to ensure prolonged service on board the vessel. The final product is quality controlled with latest technology calibration equipment prior to delivery to the client. Leo Marine Diesel offers its services under ISO 9001-2015 certification. Quality procedures are implemented and maintained at all levels of our services and consistently monitored by the company’s Quality Internal Auditors. Company’s target is to meet and exceed our customers’ requirements without compromising the quality of its products and services. In order to achieve this Leo Marine Diesel has vastly i nvested on the development of its facilities and on human resources.
148 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Farewell Luncheon in honour of the outgoing US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt, hosted by the
Propeller Club of Piraeus
The International Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Piraeus, Club hosted a private farewell luncheon in honour of the outgoing US Ambassador to Greece, The Honourable Geoffrey Pyatt, on Friday 29 April. The Ambassador was presented with an honorary plaque as well as a certificate of lifetime honorary membership of the Propeller Club, Piraeus. Propeller Club President, Costis Frangoulis, expressed gratitude for the Ambassador’s exceptional contribution to the strengthening of the relationship between Greece and the United States. He also thanked the Ambassador for his solid and consistent support of the Propeller Club of Piraeus in his role as Honorary President during his 6 year term in Greece. He wished him continued success and expressed the hope that his relationship with the Club would continue in the future. “I’m sure that a new, very important page in Mr. Pyatt’s career will start soon,” Mr. Frangoulis said, “and that we will have the pleasure to work together and maintain our excellent relationship in new, creative ways”.
150 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Cruise Industry is sailing back toward a better future
“Our science backed protocols facilitated the resumption of cruise operations, with over 7.5 million passengers having sailed in nearly 90 markets, all while committing to pursuing ever more ambitious carbon r eduction goals”. At Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami, Florida, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), shared new findings that are evidence of the cruise community’s resilience. “As the industry resumes operations, passenger volume is expected to recover and surpass 2019 levels by the end of 2023, with passenger volumes projected to recover 12% above pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2026,” said Kelly Craighead, President and CEO, CLIA. “Cruising is accessible, responsible, and experiential - making it the best way to see the world for people of all ages and interests. With the support of an incredibly resilient community, the future of the cruise industry is bright.
zero emission vessels and fuels the default choice by 2030. “The cruise industry has an extraordinary ability to innovate, and we want to channel our collective expertise and commitment to help find solutions as an active partner in the effort to decarbonise shipping. We continue to set ambitious carbon reduction goals as an industry, and cruise lines are showing the way by partnering with fuel suppliers, shipyards, technology manufacturers and academic institutions to develop new lower carbon fuel sources. We are investing in our future,” said Pierfrancesco Vago, Chairman, CLIA.
Highlights of the consumer research: • Intent to cruise is rebounding, with 63% of cruisers or potential cruisers indicating they are ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to cruise in the next two years. • 69% of respondents that have never cruised said they are open to cruise, exceeding pre-pandemic levels. • Millennial cruisers are the most enthusiastic about taking another cruise, with 87% indicating they will take a cruise in the next few years, followed by Gen X at 85%. As we continue to sail back better, CLIA and our member lines announced important environmental sustainability commitments that will drive innovation for a more efficient future. Today’s announcements include a commitment that by 2035 all ships calling at ports where shoreside electricity (SSE) is available will be equipped to use SSE, allowing engines to be switched off and effectively eliminating carbon emissions while berthed at port. Where shoreside power is not available, the ships will use available alternative low carbon technologies required by ports.
Kelly Craighead, President and CEO, CLIA
The industry is acting now for the future. We are reducing the carbon footprint of our ships while at berth and at sea investing in advanced environmental technologies and partnering with cities and ports on sustainable destination management. By equipping cruise ships with the ability to connect shoreside power and using it where available, the cruise industry is prepared to eliminate emissions while at port for the benefit of local communities. This is responsible tourism in action. Recognising that shoreside power is only one pathway to decarbonisation, CLIA also shared that it will join the Global Maritime Forum Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization to make
Pierfrancesco Vago, Chairman, CLIA
Scanjet supply products & solutions for all your tank management requirements. We designs and produces a range of fixed and portable tank cleaning equipment, marine protection systems, high level overfill alarms, vapour emission control systems, tank level gauging equipment, high-velocity P/V valves and inert gas system. P/V Valves
Electropneumatic Gauging
Tank Cleaning Equipment
Gas Freeing Fan
Tank Level Gauging
Inert Gas System
Contact our representative in Greece: Intra Mare Ltd T: +30-210 42 93 843
152 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Navigator Assembly
Η ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα καλοσωρίζει την αλλαγή και την μετά Covid εποχή
Mε μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε δια ζώσης την Τετάρτη 13 Απριλίου 2022 το NAVIGATOR ASSEMBLY από τη NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS. Ο Πρόεδρος της NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS Δημήτρης Μπεζαντάκος, καλωσόρισε τους συμμετέχοντες υπογραμμίζοντας την ανάγκη συνεργασίας και μετάδοσης της ναυτικής παράδοσης από τους έμπειρους στους νεότερους. Η Δανάη Μπεζαντάκου, CEO της NAVIGATOR SHIPPING CONSULTANTS έκανε μία σύντομη αναδρομή στην πορεία του NAVIGATOR – THE SHIPPING DECISION MAKERS FORUM και τόνισε την ανάγκη συνεργιών και ανταλλαγής απόψεων μεταξύ όλων των μελών της ναυτιλιακής κοινότητας στοχεύοντας στη διατήρηση της Ελληνικής πρωτοκαθεδρίας στις θάλασσες και τους ωκεανούς του κόσμου. Ακόμα αναφέρθηκε στην πρόοδο των δράσεων της ανοιχτής πλατφορμας διαλόγου του YES FORUM , οι οποίες απευθύνονται σε μαθητές, φοιτητές, αποφοίτους και νέους που κάνουν τα πρώτα τους βήματα στον κλάδο της ναυτιλίας. Τα αποτελέσματα των δράσεων αυτών θα παρουσιαστούν την Παρασκευή 10 Ιουνίου 2022, στο YES to Shipping Forum 2022 στα Ποσειδώνια. Την έναρξη των εργασιών κήρυξε ο Υπουργός Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής, κύριος Ιωάννης Πλακιωτάκης o οποίος αναφέρθηκε στις μεγάλες προκλήσεις και αλλαγές που καλείται να αντιμετωπίσει η ναυτιλία μας στα χρόνια που έρχονται αλλά και σε όσα έχει επιτύχει και συνεχίζει να επιτυγχάνει η Ελληνική Ναυτιλία.
Το συνέδριο έλαβε χώρα με τη συμμετοχή 150 στελεχών από 80 Ναυτιλιακές Εταιρείες (πλοιοκτήτριες ή διαχειρίστριες) που συμμετείχαν σε 5 θεματικές συζητήσεις στρογγυλής τραπέζης με εκπροσώπους από 24 Εταιρείες παροχής Ναυτιλιακών Υπηρεσιών από όλο το φάσμα του ναυτιλιακού πλέγματος που εκπροσωπούσαν τους υποστηρικτές της διοργάνωσης. Τα φλέγοντα θέματα που αναλύθηκαν διεξοδικά δεν είναι άλλα από τον «ανθρώπινο παράγοντα σε στεριά και θάλλασα», την «απανθρακοποίηση» της ναυτιλίας, το «Smart Shipping», τα «Μaritime Logistics» και το περίφημο «ESG». Επιπλέον, στο Navigator Assembly πραγματοποιήθηκε για πρώτη φορά συζήτηση στρογγυλής τραπέζης με τη συμμετοχή 21 Ναυτιλιακών Οργανισμών, οι οποίοι είχαν την ευκαιρία να παρουσιάσουν την ατζέντα των δράσεων τους αλλά και να συζητήσουν με τα μέλη του Navigator Forum Advisory Board ποιες είναι οι απόψεις τους για τις 5 θεματικές που αναλύθηκαν στις συζητήσεις με τα στελέχη των ναυτιλιακών Εταιρειών. Οι διοργανωτές ευχαρίστησαν τους χορηγούς, τα ναυτιλιακά μέσα ενημέρωσης που υποστηρίζουν τη διοργάνωση, και όλους τους συμβαλλόμενους στην επιτυχία του συνεδρίου και ανανέωσαν το ραντεβού με τη ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα για το 21ο ΝΑVIGATOR 2022 – THE SHIPPING DECISION MAKERS FORUM το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί 23-25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022 στη ναυτομάνα Χίο, στο πλαίσιο του οποίου θα παρουσιαστούν τα συμπεράσματα του NAVIGATOR ASSEMBLY.
— ABB Ability™ OneBox Marine Signals Monitoring ABB’s new digital solution to gather and record signals to improve efficiency onboard ABB at Posidonia Hall 1 | Stand 1.116
ABB Ability™ OneBox-Marine Signals Monitoring offers shipowners a new point of entry to digitalization, providing data about ship performance to improve efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and cut emissions. It is a simple, cost-effective solution to gather and record signals onboard a vessel with the ability of accessing and analyzing them from your office or mobile phone. • • • • • •
Easy installation by ship crew. Minimized need for commissioning*. Remote commissioning available. Very fast implementation both on ship & on shore. Future proof - Easy expansion of the system. Connectivity to 3rd party systems. Increased insight and continuous learning about the ship performance enable smarter decision making to improve operational efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Based on the information, shipowners can calculate fuel consumption and evaluate the possible need for further action to ensure compliance with the International Maritime Organization EEXI (Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index) and CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator) targets.
— Simple – Cost Effective – Future Proof Option A MQTT over TCP TLS Security
ABB Cloud & Visualization
Customer Microsoft Azure Cloud & Visualization
Option B .csv file transfer
Contact us: Tel.: 2102891637 E-mail:
Customer On Premises Server
*Providing that installation and all information received are correct.
154 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Το μέλλον της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας: 2030-2040 Για το μέλλον της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας είχαν την ευκαιρία να συζητήσουν σε πάνελ του 7ου Delphi Economic Forum που πραγματοποιήθηκε στους Δελφούς μεταξύ 6 – 9 Απριλίου υπό την Αιγίδα της Α.Ε της προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας, Κατερίνας Σακελλαροπούλου, οι Θανάσης Μαρτίνος, managing director της Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Limited, Ιωάννα Προκοπίου, managing director της Prominence Maritime S.A, Σεμίραμις Παληού, CEO της Dianna Shipping Inc και πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Ενωσης Προστασίας Θαλασσίου Περιβάλλοντος, Γιάννης Πλατσιδάκης, επίτιμος πρόεδρος της Intercargo, Γιάννης Θεοτοκάς, καθηγητής του τμήματος Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά, Γιώργος Καραγεωργίου, CEO της Olympic Shipping and Management S.A. Το πάνελ που διοργανώθηκε σε συνεργασία με το Ίδρυμα Ωνάση, συντόνισε ο Αντώνης Παπαδημητρίου, πρόεδρος του Ιδρύματος. Ανοίγοντας τη συζήτηση για το μέλλον της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας ο Αντώνης Παπαδημητρίου ανέφερε: «Οι ερασιτέχνες μιλούν για στρατηγική, οι επαγγελματίες μιλούν για logistics» θέτοντας παράλληλα τα κρίσιμα ερωτήματα που κλήθηκε να απαντήσει το πάνελ «Ποια θα είναι τα φορτία που θα κουβαλούν τα πλοία μας; Tι πλοια θα έχουμε; Ποιες θα είναι οι μηχανές; Πράγματα πρακτικά και ουσιαστικά» και σημειώνοντας χαρακτηριστικά για την ανανέωση του στόλου «Είναι 5000 τα ελληνόκτητα πλοία, αν την επόμενη δεκαετία πρέπει να ανανεωθούν τα 2000 μιλάμε για ένα τεράστιο ποσό που από κάπου πρέπει να χρηματοδοτηθεί». Αισιόδοξη πως η ναυτιλία θα καταφέρει να μειώσει την εκπομπή ρύπων κατά 40% τα επόμενα χρόνια εμφανίστηκε η Σεμίραμις Παληού, «Το 90% των παγκόσμιων φορτίων μετακινείται δια θαλάσσης. Τα ρούχα που φοράτε, τα δημητριακά που τρώτε είτε σε πρώτη ύλη είτε σε τελικό προϊόν έχουν μεταφερθεί σε ένα πλοίο. Το 20% αυτών των πλοίων ανήκει σε ελληνικά χέρια. Η ναυτιλία είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος μεταφοράς όλων αυτών των φορτίων. Χρησιμοποιούμε ψηφιακά μέσα για να μετράμε τους ρύπους μας. Σιγά σιγά υπάρχει και η ανανέωση του στόλου. Αποχωρούν τα πιο ρυπογόνα. Ο στόχος του 2030 είναι πάρα πολύ εφικτός και θα τα καταφέρουμε». Η Ιωάννα Προκοπίου ανέφερε ότι παρά το γεγονός πως τόσο μεγάλο ποσοστό του παγκόσμιου φορτίου κινείται μέσω της ναυτιλίας, η τελευταία ευθύνεται μόλις για το 3% των εκπομπών ρύπων. Αναφέρθηκε στη σημασία της μείωσης εκπομπών ρύπων της ναυτιλίας, παράλληλα όμως κατέδειξε και το μέγεθος αυτής της διαδικασίας λέγοντας πως «η απανθρακοποίηση των πλοίων θα κοστίσει 3,2 τρις». Πιάνοντας το νήμα, ο Γιάννης Πλατσιδάκης, επανέλαβε πως η ναυτιλία είναι ο λιγότερο επικίνδυνος τρόπος μεταφοράς φορτίων αλλά και πως πρέπει να εξασφαλιστεί πως θα παραμείνει βιώσιμη. Όπως τόνισε χαρακτηριστικά: «Η ναυτιλία δεν έχει υποκατάστατο. Πρέπει να βρούμε έναν τρόπο όταν ο ναυλωτής χρησιμοποιεί
το πλοίο να μπορεί να το κάνει με τον πιο αποδοτικό τρόπο». Ο επίτιμος πρόεδρος της Intercargo χαρακτήρισε «σημαντικό λάθος της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας» που δέχτηκε τους κανονισμούς IMO για τη μείωση του διοξειδίου του άνθρακα. “Ήρθαν χωρίς επιστημονική τεκμηρίωση και η ναυτιλία είπε ότι οι στόχοι μπορούν επιτευχθούν. Ήταν επικοινωνιακό σφάλμα. Είχαμε ενοχικό σύμπλεγμα. Έπρεπε να πούμε ένα «αλλά».” Για τη σημασία της ψηφιοποίησης των πλοίων αλλά και τις προκλήσεις της διαδικασίας μίλησε ο Γιώργος Καραγεωργίου: «Τι πρέπει να έχουμε για την ψηφιοποίηση; Ποιοτικά δεδομένα. Πρέπει να φτιάξουμε πλατφόρμες που θα αποθηκεύουν και θα διαχειρίζονται αυτά τα δεδομένα που θα είναι ιδιαίτερα ογκώδη» και συμπλήρωσε «χρειαζόμαστε κυβερνοασφάλεια ώστε κανείς να μην έχει πρόσβαση στα δεδομένα αυτά και κανείς να μην έχει πρόσβαση στα πλοία μας. Είναι μια περίπλοκη διαδικασία. Έχει πολλές υποκατηγορίες». Στις αλλαγές στις ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις που φέρνει η νέα γενιά πλοιοκτητών αλλά και τα εξειδικευμένα στελέχη που προσφέρει το ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα αναφέρθηκε ο Γιάννης Θεοτοκάς. «Βλέπουμε πως εμφανίζονται σημαντικές διαφοροποιήσεις στο θέμα της οργάνωσης των εταιρειών. Είναι πια πολύ πιο οριζόντιες δομές με άμεση επικοινωνία. Το ιεραρχικό μοντέλο έχει υποχωρήσει. Το ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα προσφέρει εξειδικευμένα στελέχη που μπορούν να στηρίξουν τη διαδικασία μετάβασης στο νέο περιβάλλον». O managing director της Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Limited, Θανάσης Μαρτίνος, εξήγησε ότι «η ελληνικότητα της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας προσδιορίζεται από τη διαχείριση, την ιδιοκτησία, τα πληρώματα και τη σημαία» και ανέφερε πως μόνο το 1/3 του ελληνόκτητου στόλου κινείται υπό ελληνική, κυπριακή ή μαλτέζικη σημαία. «Η μεγαλύτερη σημαία στον ελληνόκτητο στόλο είναι η Λιβερία με δεύτερο τον Παναμά». Τόνισε ακόμα πως «Το σύνολο των Ελλήνων εφοπλιστών διαχειρίζονται τα πλοία τους από την Ελλάδα. Άλλοι αναθέτουν τη διαχείριση σε τρίτους. Η Ελλάδα προσφέρει ευνοϊκό θεσμικό πλαίσιο. Αντίστοιχα θεσμικά πλαίσια υπάρχουν και σ’ άλλα ανερχόμενα κέντρα όπως το Ντουμπάι και Σιγκαπούρη» σύμφωνα με τον ίδιο όμως το πλεονέκτημα της Ελλάδας «είναι τα στελέχη μας. Έχουν μεγαλύτερο κόστος αλλά είναι ευέλικτοι, γρήγοροι στις αποφάσεις τους και φιλότιμοι». Ο Θανάσης Μαρτίνος πάντως δήλωσε επιφυλακτικός για το μέλλον της ναυτιλίας για δύο λόγους «Την εμμονή της ευρωπαϊκής επιτροπής ανταγωνισμού με το ελληνικό πλαίσιο και την πρόσφατη τάση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να χρησιμοποιεί την οικονομία για γεωπολιτικούς λόγους. Υπάρχει περίπτωση να μας πει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να σταματήσουμε τις εμπορικές σχέσεις με τη Ρωσία. Γι αυτό τα 2/3 είναι εκτός ελληνικών σημαιών».
156 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Piraeus Marine Club
Enhances Its Role as a Center for Regional Intelligence for its Membership On Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 the Piraeus Marine Club featured a talk as a part of its series of Working Luncheons highlighting key current events issues, this time with honored guest speaker Mr. Kostas Skrekas, Member of the Hellenic Parliament, Minister of the Environment and Energy, entitled “Energy Transition: The only realistic solution to overcome the international energy crisis” The audience had the opportunity to raise questions to Mr. Skrekas and an engaging discussion ensued. Photo: The President of Piraeus Marine Club Ms. Irene S. Daifas delivers a honorary plaque to Mr Kostas Skrekas after his speech
Driving diversity in maritime through data IMO-WISTA Women in Maritime survey highlights current gender diversity across the sector and sets a benchmark for progress Gender diversity in maritime is extremely fragmented by sector, according to data from the newly-published 2021 IMO-WISTA (Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association) Women in Maritime Survey Report.
systems of gender equality.” The survey contributes to initiatives to support the Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality.
Women in the workforce
The report, launched on the first IMO International Day for Women in Maritime, contains information about the proportion and distribution of women working in the maritime sector from IMO Member States and the maritime industry. The data demonstrates that women account for only 29% of the overall workforce in the general industry and 20% of the workforce of national maritime authorities in Member States.
The report highlights great variation amongst individual sub-sectors. According to data gathered from Member States, search and rescue teams in national maritime authorities account for significantly fewer women staff (just 10%) as compared to female diplomats (33%) and training staff (30%). Industry data shows that women seafarers make up just 2% of the crewing workforce and are predominately found in the cruise sector, while in shipowning companies they made up 34% of the workforce.
IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said, “Benchmarking the current state of the sector is vital to measure where we are, and where we need to go. The Women in Maritime Survey 2021 shines a spotlight on areas in which IMO Member States and the wider maritime industry are performing well – and, more importantly, those where additional attention, resources and encouragement are needed. By actively empowering women with the requisite skills, maintaining a barrier free working environment, we create truly sustainable
WISTA International President Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou said, “The knowledge we have gathered about gender diversity in the maritime industry through this first Women in Maritime Survey 2021 is an important step in our ambition to create holistic gender diversity. As a first snapshot, this survey gives telling evidence of how much work still needs to be done. But it also shows us where there are a few bright spots. The maritime industry can see for itself which sectors are pushing ahead with diversity, and which are not.”
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158 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Driving diversity in maritime through data May 18: The first International Day for Women in Maritime focuses on the theme “Training-Visibility-Recognition: Supporting a barrier-free working environment”.
The first International Day for Women in Maritime on 18 May 2022 provides a platform to highlight and celebrate the achievements of women in maritime and identify areas of improvement for gender balance. IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said: “There is still a gender imbalance in maritime – but times are changing. It is recognized that diversity in maritime benefits the entire sector. Women in maritime are working everywhere to support the transition to a decarbonized, digitalized and more sustainable future. Let’s take this opportunity to celebrate the many women who are contributing to the future of maritime: maintaining an engine on a ship, running a company, drawing up a contract, surveying a vessel, or chairing an IMO committee meeting,” he said. While there is much to celebrate, there is also the need for more progress to be made,” he said. IMO is marking the occasion with a virtual symposium, the release of a women in maritime report and a social media campaign. IMO has unveiled an iconic new logo to mark the occasion. The logo artistically combines the female gender symbol and maritime anchor symbol. IMO will launch the inaugural IMO-WISTA International (Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association Limited) survey results. The report contains information about the proportion and distribution of women working in the maritime
sector, based on information provided by IMO Member States and the maritime industry. The survey uses data from IMO Member States and the maritime industry to benchmark the current gender balance of the maritime workforce and indicate areas of success and those where more progress is needed. On social media, IMO invites women in maritime to share images of themselves in their working environments using the hashtag #WomenInMaritimeDay. IMO also invites allies to share images of themselves with the woman/women in maritime who make their working lives better. IMO is working to address the current gender imbalance in maritime and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality. IMO has a longstanding Women in Maritime programme. In 2019, the World Maritime theme was “Empowering women in the maritime community”, with numerous activities promoting gender equality in maritime. At the end of 2019, IMO Member States at the IMO Assembly adopted a resolution pledging to ensure the legacy of 2019 would continue. In 2021, the IMO Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming an International Day for Women in Maritime on 18 May each year. The day celebrates women in the industry and is intended to promote the recruitment, retention and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector and raise the profile of women in maritime.
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160 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May - June 2022
New Report Highlights INTERCARGO Members’ Commitment to Quality INTERCARGO has launched the thirteenth edition of its Benchmarking Report, providing a unique and real time insight into safety standards in the dry bulk sector. A highlight of the Report was the finding that INTERCARGO members demonstrated improved performance compared with the industry both in terms of deficiencies and detentions, with non- members reporting more than a third more detentions as a percentage of the fleet (2.5% vs 1.8%) The Report provides information on detention rates and deficiencies per inspection across Flag States, Class, insurers, and Port State Control, in addition to owners’ benchmarking and a review of the negative performance indicators that are currently affecting the sector. Paul Markides, Marine Quality Manager at INTECARGO says: “We were delighted to see, once again, INTERCARGO-registered vessels outperforming the industry. As an Association we represent quality dry bulk operators, and these findings validate the work that we do to raise standards within the dry bulk industry. “The value of the Benchmarking Report lies not only in the way that it enables operators to compare themselves with their peers, but also in the opportunity it provides for an operator to compare their own fleet performance against the profile of Classification Societies, Ship Registries, and P&I clubs, enabling them to seek out quality partners.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Report notes that members of the International Group of P&I Clubs continue to record significantly less deficiencies than the industry, with a Deficiency per Inspection ratio (DPI) of 1.46 versus 2.34. However, with some clubs reporting nearly double the number of deficiencies per inspection than others (1.21 vs 2.17) it certainly pays owners to take a closer look. The Report also makes interesting reading for the quality operator when considering choosing a Registry, with detention rates providing a valuable insight into the quality of vessels within a Flag State’s fleet. The picture with Port State Control too, is noteworthy, with a wide variation across regions. For example, vessels calling at Australian Ports (AMSA) report a DPI of 3.44 versus the average across all authorities of 1.26. In terms of detentions, AMSA is again top of the list with a detention rate of 7.4% versus the average of 2.08%. When comparing bulk carrier detention rates versus average performance of all types of ships, detention rates of bulk carriers in the Black Sea and Paris MoU regions were amongst the highest, with the worst performance being in the US where detention rates of bulk carriers were 43% higher than the overall average (0.90% vs 0.63%).
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162 Posidonia 2022 NAFS | May 2022
Union of Greek Shipowners annual report Greece remains the top shipowning nation in the world, as Greek shipowners with 5,514 ships currently control approximately 21% of the global fleet, in terms of capacity (deadweight tonnes - dwt). The total capacity of the Greekowned fleet has increased by 45.8% compared to 2014, while even during the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., since 2019, capacity rose by 7.4%2. Greek shipowners control: • 31.78% of the world oil tanker fleet • 25.01% of the world bulk carriers • 22.35% of the world Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers • 15.60% of the world chemical & product tankers • 13.85% of the world Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) carriers • 9.33% of the world containerships The Greek-owned merchant fleet transports cargoes between third countries with more than 98% of its fleet capacity, thus being the world’s largest cross trader. Greek shipping is predominantly engaged in bulk/tramp shipping, which is a truly entrepreneurial sector that maintains characteristics of perfect competition: a very large number of private, mainly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), compete globally for business on a daily basis, with flexible, lean and efficient administration and asset management, abundant and transparent access to information, and low entry and exit costs. Shipowners/operators in the bulk/tramp sector are price takers, transporting cargoes on an ad hoc basis. Most vessels in the bulk/ tramp trades operate under time charter contracts. The Greek-owned fleet represents 59% of the European Union (EU)-controlled fleet, with more than 75% of the EU-controlled fleet being active in the bulk/tramp sector. One third of the Greek-controlled fleet flies an EU Member State flag. Greek shipowners are constantly investing in new, energy efficient ships and in environmentally friendly equipment, with the average age of the Greek-owned fleet (9.99 years), being lower than the global average. Newbuilding orders from Greek shipowners amount to 173 ships (from 104 ships the year before), corresponding to 17.3 million dwt. More than one third of the oil tankers and almost one out of six LNG carriers currently being built in the world will be delivered to Greek shipowners. In addition, more than one quarter (27.6%) of the Greek-owned tonnage (in terms of dwt) falls within the scope of the global standard Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), a technical measure of the United Nations (UN) International Maritime Organization (IMO) which ensures an improved energy efficiency for ships. Greek shipowners have steadily been investing in larger vessels, which also exhibit greater efficiency and environmental gains due to the economies of scale they provide. Since 2014, the growth of the deadweight capacity of the Greek-owned fleet has been much higher than the growth of the number of ships. While in 2014 the average capacity of a Greekowned ship was
71,308 dwt, today the average capacity of Greek ships is estimated at 86,247 dwt, a figure almost double that of the world fleet (45,020 dwt). Ιt is important to note that shipping is the most efficient mode of cargo transport. This can be demonstrated also by the fact that, during the past 50 years, world seaborne trade has quadrupled in terms of volume, while CO2 emissions from shipping have just almost doubled. The situation is similar regarding not only CO2 but also total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Indicative data shows that GHG emissions from international maritime transport in the EU have remained at almost the same level as a percentage of total emissions from transport during the last 30 years. Ranking 8th in terms of dwt, Greece is one of the main shipping registries in the world and one of the top ones from traditional maritime nations. With 647 ships (above 1,000 gt) registered with the Greek flag amounting to 61.8 million dwt7, the Greek shipping registry holds the 2nd position in the EU. Greece remains on the IMO’s “List of confirmed Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Parties” and on the White Lists of the Paris and the Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Greece is also included in the Flag Administrations List of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) QUALSHIP 21 Program, while it is placed among the bestperforming Flag States with positive indicators across all categories. Shipping is crucial for the welfare of EU citizens as it ensures the supply of the vast majority of raw materials, energy, food and other staples. Seaborne trade accounts for the greatest part of the quantities imported and exported from EU Member States for the main categories of basic food products, energy and raw materials. In some cases, more than 85% of total trade volume is carried by sea, such as cereals (93%), animal and vegetable fats and oils (86%), non ferrous ores (93%), copper ore (97%). The maritime transport also plays an especially significant role in the intra-EU trade, as the EU relies on shipping for 33% of its internal trade10. The Short Sea Shipping (SSS) sector is pivotal in serving the EU trade while at the same time being one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport. Enabling the decongestion of roads and with lower carbon footprint than other transport segments, the promotion of a sustainable and resilient Short Sea Shipping sector in Europe should remain a priority for the EU institutions. At a national level, Greek shipping is clearly a strategic asset and especially significant for the Greek economy. Maritime transport contributes more than 3% of the gross value added and accounts for almost 7% of the Gross Domestic Product (directly and indirectly), offering 200 thousand jobs. It also provides sizeable net inflows to the Greek economy. In 2021, inflows to the Greek Balance of Payments by sea transport not only surpassed the 2019 levels, after the slump caused in 2020 by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, but are also the highest recorded after 2008, amounting to more than 17 billion euros.
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