Nafs november 2017

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Bimonthly Review for the Shipping Industry NOVEMBER 2017 issue 119

ΚΩΔ. Γ.Γ 2229

Elisabeth Tørstad

Gas to become world’s primary energy source by 2035 Ted Petropoulos

Tom Perlich

Danae Bezantakou

Special Edition

A brief guide to shipfinancing options for small to medium owners

We expect even greater growth in 2018 and beyond

17th “NAVIGATOR 2017 The Shipping Decision Makers Forum

Marine Fuels

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Index ISSUE 119


Κ. ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: – Το Ελληνικό blog για τη Ναυτιλία 06. ΝΙΚΟΣ στα Ελληνικά ΔΟΥΚΑΣ: Ναυτικοί και τεχνολογία...σε ένα 10. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ περιβάλλον συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενο Petropoulos: A brief guide to shipfinancing options for 14. Ted small to medium owners

26. Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Maritime Standard Awards showcase regional quality and 32. The achievement 34. NanoPhos Marine: Nanotechnology for Green Award ships Wins New Contracts with Samsung 62. BMT Heavy Industries 64. Gas to become world’s primary energy source by 2035




66. CO2 emissions reductions of the shipping Veritas meets industry needs with the release of 68. Bureau new rules for FSRUs 70. Making headway into alternative fuels 76. Bureau Veritas joins Global Industry Alliance

Forme 10 in Marseille Tom Perlich The biggest dry dock in the We expect even greater growth in 2018 and beyondy Mediterranean now fully operational




Danae Bezantakou

17th “NAVIGATOR 2017 The Shipping Decision Makers Forum”


7o eτήσιο “Operational excellence in Shipping forum” της Capital Link



Πάμφθηνα VLCCs προσφέρουν ἡ Ναυτιλία Κίνα καί ἡ Κορέα – Το Ελληνικό blog για τη H ναυτιλία δεν φοβάται την Κορεάτικη κρίση Το ναυτιλιακό περιοδικό ΝΑΥΣ που οι περισσότεροι γνωρίζετε και εμπιστεύεστε εισήλθε στην 3η δεκαετία της ζωής του όντας το βασικότερο ίσως μέσο ενημέρωσης μιας πλειοψηφίας αναγνωστών που ασχολούνται με τα ναυτιλιακά δρώμενα. Το ΝΑΥΣ αφουγκραζόμενο τις απαιτήσεις των καιρών εξελίχθηκε σε ένα εξειδικευμένο ναυτιλιακό τεχνικό περιοδικό με μεγάλη κυκλοφορία όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα, αλλά και στο εξωτερικό. Η μέχρι σήμερα ιντερνετική μορφή του ΝΑΥΣ κλικάρει στο όνομα μία εξειδικευμένη τεχνολογική ναυτιλιακή πλατφόρμα που χρησιμοποιεί αποκλειστικά την αγγλική γλώσσα για την επικοινωνία με το πολυάριθμο κοινό της σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό. Αυτό που έλειπε μέχρι πριν από λίγο καιρό από το ΝΑΥΣ ήταν η ελληνική ιντερνετική μορφή του. Ένα κενό που αφενός εμείς εντοπίσαμε και αφετέρου εσείς ζητήσατε να το καλύψουμε. Και το κάναμε, λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν για την ...ονοματοδοσία αυτού του εγχειρήματος την ψυχή των προσπαθειών μας και το θεμέλιο όλων των ενεργειών μας: Το ΝΑΥΣ, το ιερό δηλαδή πλοίο για το οποίο σήμερα ως Έλληνες καυχιόμαστε.



Στη νέα μας ιστοσελίδα θα βρείτε νέα από την ναυτιλία, την τεχνολογία, τα ταξίδια, το περιβάλλον, καθώς και απόψεις κορυφαίων στελεχών της ναυτιλιακής μας κοινότητας, συνεντεύξεις, αρθρογραφίες, βίντεο και πολλά άλλα. Η ρότα μας είναι μία. Υπεράνω όλων η ναυτιλία και οι άνθρωποι που την στηρίζουν. Και αυτούς ακριβώς τους ανθρώπους θέλουμε να αναδείξουμε με τη νέα μας ιστοσελίδα. Βελτιωνόμαστε στα σημεία και σας προσφέρουνε ένα ακραιφνώς ελληνικό ναυτιλιακό διαδραστικό portal με ειδήσεις και ενεργό ρεπορτάζ συνδεόμενο με τα «αδέλφια του» (ΝΑΥΣ & διατηρώντας παράλληλα τον ξεχωριστό του χαρακτήρα που έχει άρωμα Ελλάδας όχι μόνο γιατί η γλώσσα επικοινωνίας του θα είναι αποκλειστικά η ελληνική αλλά και γιατί θα φιλοξενεί τις υπογραφές πολλών Ελλήνων της ναυτιλίας. Έτσι λοιπόν σας καλούμε να επιβιβαστείτε στο πλοίο που για αιώνες φωτίζει και δίνει δύναμη στους Έλληνες να είναι οι πρώτοι των πρώτων: το ΝΑΥΣ ( Σας ευχαριστούμε για την εμπιστοσύνη σας. Με εκτίμηση, Νίκος Κ. Δούκας








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Tom Perlich*: We expect even greater growth in 2018 and beyond Nafsgreen team had the opportunity to participate to a celebration reception at Yacht Club of Greece after a kind invitation of Ecochlor and its exclusive agents in Greece, Euploia Drydocks and Services. We had the chance to have an interview with Mr. Tom Perlich, President of Ecochlor. The interview has as follows:

From left (Panagiotis Doukas, Editor in Chief - - Tom Perlich, President of Ecochlor NAFS: Recently Ecochlor was recognised by Inc. 500|5000 as one of the fastest-growing manufacturing companies in the United States. What really lies behind this success? TOM PERLICH: The exceptional growth was due to forward thinking / early adoptor ship owners. These ship owners understood the benefits of installing ballast water treatment systems before the big rush – which is expected to begin in 2018. These ship owners now have the experience in Class approval, installation, commissioning and system operation. Our sales growth is continuing this year and we expect even greater growth in 2018 and beyond. NAFS: As a global leader in manufacturing ballast water treatment systems (BWTS), are you planing to continue building to your commitment to growth and excellence within the maritime industry, and in what ways? TOM PERLICH: With the regulatory compli-


ance quesitons both USCG and IMO now satisfied, we have been focused on stream-lining our manufacturing processes, building up our Technical Service network and expanding our chemical re-supply facilities around the world. We expect our already proven quality technology to be supported by exceptional service to our customers, which will in turn fuel further growth. NAFS: Few days ago you said that “Ecochlor strives to identify new ways to enhance the experience of its clients”. Could you please explain what are these new ways? TOM PERLICH: We believe crew training is the key to satisfying the regulatory requirements relating to Ballast Water Treatment. Our system is proven, the technology is superior and we feel the methodology is easy to learn and understand. Although we feel training on our system is easier than other methodologies – we are still committed to having comprehensive training programs for vessel-based crew

and shore based support. We will soon be beta-testing our computer based awareness and operational training designed for on board use. We will also be providing a desk top simulation package for shore based training and familiarization to prepare crew and train support personnel at customer based training centers. Having an approved ballast water treatment system on board is only part of the answer to the regulations. The system must be fully approved, fully operational and fully understood by the crew. NAFS: What are the means you are going to use to assist shipowners meet BWTS regulatory requirements in the most effective and efficient way? TOM PERLICH: In order to “assist” we must first listen to the ship owners concerns and questions and then work together with the ship owners to satisfy the regulatory requirements. This support might be sharing our working knowledge of the regulations, explaining the compliance process that has been devel-



We believe crew training is the key to satisfying the regulatory requirements relating to Ballast Water Treatment. Our system is proven, the technology is superior and we feel the methodology is easy to learn and understand

(From left) Steve Candito - CEO Ecochlor, Charis Valentakis - Managing Director at EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS AND SERVICES LTD , Tom Perlich - President and Founder of Ecochlor.

oped with other ship owners or modifying our training to suit the special needs of their crew and support personnel. It is clearly more than simply providing them with an approved piece of equipment for their vessels. Although we cannot accept responsibility for compliance, we consider ourselves to be partners in the goal of satisfying the many ballast water regulations around the world. This overall service and support is our primary goal and we want to be seen as an extension of the owners / managers technical support team. NAFS: In early August Ecochlor’ BWTS received USCG Type Approval and it was the first chemical injection treatment system. As one of only five USCG Type Approved

BWTS in the world, could you please tell us what this approval adds to Ecochlor? TOM PERLICH: We believe our approval adds significantly to the options ship owners have to satisfy these regulatory requirements. Many vessels, especially large vessels see the operational limitations associated with the other treatment methodologies. We are free of those limitations such as treatment or neutralization on discharge and these unique features have driven the huge increase in demand from owners to learn more about the system and how to integrate the system on their fleet. NAFS: Euploia Drydocks and Services Ltd is the Exclusive Agent for Ecochlor in

Greece. Could you please highlight some parameters of this very good cooperation with Mr. Valentakis and his team? TOM PERLICH: Euploia is the exclusive agent for the Ecochlor BWTS in Greece; it is a well-established company with very qualified managers. With more than 35 years of experience, Charis Valentakis, Managing Director of Euploia, is highly regarded with shipowners and fleet managers. His personnel integrity and credibility within the Greek market is appreciated and cherished by ship owners / managers and of course Ecochlor.

*President and Founder of Ecochlor





Ναυτικοί και τεχνολογία...σε ένα περιβάλλον συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενο Γράφει ο Κώστας

Δούκας, Δημοσιογράφος, Μέλος ΕΣΗΕΑ, Βραβείο Ιδρ. Μπότση

Ὁ παμπάλαιος Ὃμηρος, γνώστης τῶν δυσκολιῶν τοῦ ναυτικοῦ ἐπαγγέλματος, εἶχε γράψει ἀπό τά παλιά ἐκεῖνα χρόνια. “Οὐ γάρ ἐγώ γέ τί φημί κακώτερον ἂλλο θαλάσσης ἂνδρα γέ συγχεῦαι, εἰ καί μάλα καρτερός εἲη” (Γιατί ἐγώ λέω ἂλλο πιό κακό ἀπό τήν θάλασσα δέν ὑπάρχει τόν ἂνδρα νά τσακίζη, ἀκόμη κι ἂν εἶναι πολύ δυνατός). Εἶναι, ὂντως, βαρύ τό ναυτικό ἐπάγγελμα, τουλάχιστον στά παλαιότερα χρόνια, ὃταν πολλές φορές καπετάνιος ἦταν ὁ ἲδιος ὁ πλοιοκτήτης. Τό κλείσιμο καί τό ἂνοιγμα τῶν “κουβουσιῶν” (τά χοντρά ξύλα μέ τά ὁποῖα ἒκλειναν τά στόμια τῶν ἀμπαριῶν), ἡ στοιβασία τοῦ φορτίου, ἡ πηδαλιουχία κάτω ἀπό δυσμενεῖς καιρικές συνθῆκες, τό ἀποπνικτικό μηχανοστάσιο μέ τήν ζέστη καί τίς ἀναθυμιάσεις, τά παλαμάρια πού βρεμένα ἦσαν ἀσήκωτα καί πού ἂν ξεχνιόσουν καί πατοῦσες μέσα στήν κουλούρα τους πάνω στό μαϊνάρισμα γιά τό δέσιμο τοῦ πλοίου στήν δέστρα σοῦ ἒκοβε τό πόδι σάν ἀγγούρι, τό φτωχό σιτηρέσιο ἦσαν μερικές ἀπό τίς δυσκολίες πού ἒκαναν τό ναυτικό ἐπάγγελμα ἐξαιρετικά βαρύ καί ἀνθυγιεινό θά ἒλεγα. Ὃμως ἀπό τότε κύλησε πολύ νερό στό αὐλάκι χάρη στήν τεχνολογία, ἂν καί ὑπάρχουν ἀκόμη ζῶντες ἀρκετοί παλιοί ἐφοπλιστές, πού τώρα συνδιευθύνουν μέ τούς γόνους τους τεράστιους στόλους συγχρόνων πλοίων, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἒζησαν τίς καταστάσεις αὐτές σάν πλοίαρχοι τῶν πλοίων τους, ἀλλά σήμερα ἀδυνατοῦν νά καταλάβουν τίς τεράστιες δυνατότητες


πού προσφέρει στά πλοῖα παντός τύπου καί μεγέθους ἡ σύγχρονη τεχνολογία. Γι᾽ αὐτό τόν λόγο ἒχουν προσλάβει εἰδικούς, πού ἒχουν ἐπανδρώσει τά γραφεῖα τους στήν Ἑλλάδα καί τό ἐξωτερικό, οἰκονομολόγους, μάνατζερ, ξεφτέρια τῆς πληροφορικῆς, τῶν ἀσφαλειῶν, τῆς διεθνοῦς νομολογίας πού διέπει τήν ναυτιλία, εἰδικούς στίς ναυλώσεις, στίς ναυπηγήσεις καί στίς ἀγορές πλοίων καί γενικά ἂτομα ἡ δουλειά τῶν ὁποίων ἀποτελοῦσε κάποτε one man job. Ὃμως τί γίνεται μέ τούς ναυτικούς; Πόσο κατάλληλοι εἶναι γιά νά ἀντιληφθοῦν τίς εὐκολίες πού προσφέρει στήν ποντοπόρο ναυτιλία καί γενικά στήν ναυσιπλοΐα ἡ νέα τεχνολογία; Καί πόσο ἱκανοί εἶναι νά ἐφαρμόσουν τά “καινά δαιμόνια” τῆς τεχνολογίας; Ἐξακολουθεῖ ἂραγε καί σήμερα τό ναυτικό ἐπάγγελμα νά εἶναι σκληρό, βαρύ καί ἀνθυγιεινό; Ἒχουν ἂραγε προβλήματα οἱ σύγχρονοι ναυτικοί; Καί ποιά μπορεῖ νά εἶναι αὐτά; Θά τό δοῦμε στήν συνέχεια. Τό βέβαιο εἶναι ὃτι τό περιβάλλον τῆς παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας μεταβάλλεται ἐκτενῶς. Μόνο ὃσοι ἀφουγκράζονται και προσαρμόζονται στίς ἐξελίξεις τῆς σύγχρονης οἰκονομίας, τῆς γεωπολιτικῆς καί τῆς τεχνολογίας, θά μπορέσουν νά ἐπιβιώσουν μέσα σ᾽ αὐτό τό ἀπαιτητικό περιβάλλον. Ἀμφισβητοῦνται ἀκόμη καί οἱ παραδοσιακές ἀρχές πάνω στίς ὁποῖες στηρίχθηκε τό μεγάλωμα τῆς ναυτιλίας τῶν Ἑλλήνων. Ἀκούσθηκε σέ πρόσφατο συνέδριο ἀπό νεοφώτιστους τῆς διαχείρισης πλοίων ἀπό τήν ξηρά, ἀπαραίτητα πιά παρακολουθήματα τοῦ ἐφοπλιστῆ, ὃτι ἀκόμη καί ἡ ἐποχή ὃπου οἱ νόμοι τῆς προσφορᾶς καί τῆς ζήτησης πού καθόριζαν ὁλοκληρωτικά τήν ἀγορά, ἒχουν παρέλθει πρό πολλοῦ. Οἱ παλιοί πετυχημένοι ἐφοπλιστές, πού κατόρθωσαν νά κατακτήσουν τήν Νέα Ὑόρκη ξεκινῶντας σάν καραβοκύρηδες ἀπό τά μικρά νησιά τους στό Αἰγαίο, ἒλεγαν ὃτι ἂν στήν ἀγορά ὑπάρχουν 100 φορτία καί 99 πλοῖα, τότε ἡ ναυλαγορά πάει καλά καί τά κέρδη εἶναι ἐξασφαλισμένα. Ἂν ὑπάρχουν 100 φορτία καί 101 πλοῖα, τότε ἡ ναυλαγορά χειροτερεύει. Μ᾽ αὐτά καί μ᾽ αὐτά ἒκανα

τά κουμάντα τους καί ποτέ δέν ἒπεσαν ἒξω. Τώρα ἐκεῖνο πού μετράει εἶναι τό geopolitics πού χαράσσει τόν νέο χάρτη οἰκονομικοῦ ἐνδιαφέροντος στήν Κίνα, τήν Ρωσία καί τήν Ἀμερική. Νέο λεξιλόγιο μπαίνει στήν διαχείριση τῶν πλοίων. Πρέπει ὁ ἐφοπλιστής, παλιός ἢ νέος, νά ἒχει σύγχρονα ἐργαλεῖα διαχείρισης προσωπικοῦ, ὃπως ἡ “βελτιστοποίηση” τῆς μεθοδολογίας καταμερισμοῦ τῶν πληρωμάτων καί ὁ εὒστοχος συσχετισμός τῶν ρόλων καί τῶν δεξιοτήτων τῶν πληρωμάτων, διότι ἒτσι αὐξάνεται ἡ παραγωγικότητα καί ἡ ἀξιοκρατική ἀνάδειξη τῶν καλλιτέρων ἀνθρωπίνων πόρων. Καί βέβαια, κανένα πλοῖο δέν μπορεῖ νά κινηθεῖ μόνο μέ τεχνητή νοημοσύνη. Πρέπει ὁ ναυτικός καί ὁ ναυτίλος νά ἒχουν πάντα τά μάτια τους δεκατέσσερα. Στόχος λοιπόν τοῦ νέου τύπου διαχειριστῶν πλοίων εἶναι οἱ ναυτικοί, τό κόστος τῶν ὁποίων εἶναι τό μεγαλύτερο γιά ἒνα πλοῖο ὃπως καί οἱ ἲδιοι παραδέχονται. Καί τί προτείνουν; Τά ἲδια τά πληρώματα πρέπει νά υἱοθετήσουν τίς κατάλληλες γνώσεις καί δεξιότητες, ὣστε νά μποροῦν νά διαχειρισθοῦν τόσο τόν ὂγκο ὃσο καί τήν ποιότητα τῶν νέων πληροφοριῶν. Σκέψου αὐτό νά συμβεῖ κάτω ἀπό 10 μποφόρ καί κύματα 10 μέτρων, μαζί μέ πυρκαϊά ἢ χωρίς, μέ κράκ ἢ μέ ἐπικίνδυνη κλίση λόγω μετατόπισης τοῦ φορτίου. Σέ τί θά τοῦ χρησιμεύσει τότε ἡ ἠλεκτρονική πλοήγηση; Ἂχ! Παππού μας Ὃμηρε! Ἡ μοίρα τοῦ ναυτικοῦ, μέ ἢ χωρίς τεχνολογία, ἐξακολουθεῖ καί θά ἐξακολουθεῖ νά εἶναι πλουτοφόρο γιά τόν ἐφοπλιστή, ἀλλά ἡ θάλασσα παραμένει τό χειρότερο κακό. Διότι αὐτή τσακίζει τόν ἂνδρα, ἀκόμη κι ἂν εἶναι πολύ δυνατός. Ἀφοῦ καί ἡ νέα τεχνολογία δέν τόν βοηθεῖ νά ξεπεράσει τίς ἐπαγγελματικές καί ψυχολογικές δυσκολίες πού ἀντιμετωπίζει. Ἀς μήν ἐκλησσόμαστε λοιπόν πού οἱ νέοι μας δέν ἐπανδρώνουν ὃπως θά ἒπρεπε τήν μεγάλη ἐμπορική μας ναυτιλία, παρά τούς ὑψηλούς μισθούς, πού φαντάζουν ὑψηλότεροι μπροστά στήν ἀνεργία πού πλήττει τήν χώρα, σέ μοναδικά ὑψηλό ποσοστό ἀπό ὃλες τίς ἀνεπτυγμένες χῶρες τοῦ κόσμου.

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marine growth or any abnormal observation. also have very competiVenezuela / Brazil / Chile / Peru / Colombia / Panama / CuracaoWe / Aruba / Bahamas / UAE (Fujairah) / India / Sri Lanka Trinidad / Jamaica tive prices over all cleaning and maintenance services. Our capabilities include: Venezuela / Brazil / Chile / Peru / Colombia / Panama / Curacao / Aruba / Bahamas /

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SHIP INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Trinidad / Jamaica Inspection & survey: inspection, VideoNew survey inspection for classification, extension of USA (East & WestPhoto Coast) Los Angeles, York dry-docking, change of ownership, grounding damage, Contraband inspections on vessels, docks Las Palmas / Algeciras/ Malta / Greece / Italy etc., Hull propeller damage identification Gulf ofand Mexico, Houston Maintenance USA (East & West Coast) Los Angeles, New York Underwater Canada hull cleaning, Propeller polishing (3 stages micro polishing), Sea chest cleaning, Tail shaft wear down reading, Rope guard removal and installation, Blanking of sea chest & discharges, Gulf of Mexico, Houston Australia Rudder bearing clearance reading, Anode replacement, Change of transducer, Underwater epoxy coating application. Canada Ghana / Lome / Benin / Senegal / Dakar Hull Repair Underwater Australia welding & cutting, Insert welding repairs with dry-cofferdam, Crack repair, Rudder blade repair. Ghana / Lome / Benin / Senegal / Dakar

ATLANTIS SERVICOS SUBAQUATICOS LTDA was stablished in 2003 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With the wide experience of it´s CEO and Dive Team, the Company got an expressive position within the national and internation market of Underwater Ship Husbandry. The main office is strategically positioned nearby the most important Brazilian ports but the Company also developed a fast response system, allowing the attendance in other Brazilian ports such as Santos, Paranagua, Itaguai, Salvador and São Sebastião. With the recently opened operational base in FORTALEZA, ATLANTIS can also attend in the ports of PECÉM, Maceió and Natal, in the Northeast of Brazil with the same efficiency as the southern ports mentioned before. Services like Video and photo inspection for owners or class, welding repair, hull cleaning, propeller polishing, thrusters removal and repair afloat, blanking and others, are available for a honest price and at the highest quality. ATLANTIS SERVIÇOS SUBAQUÁTICOS LTDA, also known as ATLANTIS DIVE WORKS, is an ISO 9001/2008 certified company and also have class approved by ABS, BV, DNVGL, LR, NKK, RINA and RBNA. In order to keep a constantly improvement, ATLANTIS will update for the version ISO 9001/2015 still in 2016.

DRY DRY DOCK DOCK & & AFLOAT AFLOAT SHIP SHIP REPAIRS REPAIRS MARINE MARINE UNDERWATER UNDERWATER SERVICES SERVICES PANASIA PANASIA CONTROL CONTROL SYSTEMS SYSTEMS --Ballast BallastWater WaterTreatment TreatmentSystem System“Glo-En “Glo-EnPatrol” Patrol” --Panox Panox––Pasox PasoxSystems Systems --Monitoring MonitoringSystems Systems --Supply Supplyof ofGenuine GenuinePanasia PanasiaSpare SpareParts Parts --Worldwide WorldwideService ServiceStation Stationfor forPanasia PanasiaEquipments Equipments


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Japan Japan

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A brief guide to shipfinancing options for small to medium owners

by Ted Petropoulos, Head Petrofin Research©

able room for an owner before being forced to address covenant breaches with the banks. Moreover, the presence of substantial capital injected into the vessels would minimise both the extent of covenant breaches and the risks of bank foreclosure. The absence of sufficient cash flow to meet the payment of loan interest and principal installments can be addressed by the availability of additional liquidity or access to fresh capital. Both a covenant breach and a loan service breach may also be overcome if an owner has access to unencumbered assets that can be provided to support either a loan restructure or a covenant breach waiver. The objective of the above would be to gain time and allow the opportunity for the market to recover. Readers will be aware of the phrase “to the victor belong the spoils”. It was stated by Senator William Marcy in 1828. May I paraphrase it, though, and say that “in shipping, to the survivors belong the spoils”? In my view, the first and foremost aim for all owners, given the high volatility of ship values and freights, is to survive. Although the above applies to all owners, it is the small to medium dry bulk owners that face the greatest dangers, as their available options at raising capital are fewer. In accordance with the latest Petrofin Research ©, the number of Greek dry bulk owners, as of 2016, was 316. The 2008 financial crisis, resulting in the collapse of dry bulk vessel prices, decimated cash flows and numerous bankrupt charterers, tested dry bulk shipping to the limit. It tested owners and banks alike and its aftermath is still being felt today. Traditionally, a borrowing of, say, 50% on ship values has been viewed as relatively safe. However, even such safe borrowing, in the event of a radical drop in vessel values, will result in breaches in the loan to asset covenants prescribed under loan agreements. The ability to service the debt will also be impaired by falls in vessel earnings, often to levels as low as the running expenses, as was seen approximately 18 months ago. The lower the leverage, the greater the avail-


Post the 2008 financial crisis, banks displayed great flexibility and permitted repayment restructures, aided by low interest rates. However, the banking climate has changed, due to regulatory pressure and capital adequacy restrictions, as well as losses with banks being less tolerant today. In addition, with so many commercial banks exiting shipfinance, owners’ ability to restructure (without additional collateral) has virtually disappeared, as they have to provide for potential losses. The third risk factor is that of the loan cost. Traditionally and upto 2008, bank margins were low, often under 1% for prime borrowers and 1% - 2% for most of the small to medium owners. As a result of the 2008 financial and subsequent shipping crisis across most shipping sectors, as well as the increasing losses and provisions by banks, loan margins rose to 2% - 5.5%. The wide difference is due to the different risk credit rating of owners. These risk assessment models, which have been made tougher by regulatory authorities, have increased the minimum margins necessary to cover banks’ capital adequacy requirements, as well as risk factors and processing / monitoring costs. As often is the case, it is small banks that offer loans to small to medium owners and the high margins reflect those banks’ higher internal costs (as mentioned above), higher cost of obtaining deposits plus higher

desired profit margins. The fourth factor to identify is US Dollar interest rates. These, due primarily to QE (Quantative Easing), have been forced to be very low. Even though they have risen lately, as the US is trying to reduce its QE program, the cost is still a near historical low of 1 ½%, having fallen as low as 0.33% in 2014. These rates need to be compared to over 10% interest rates applicable in the early 1980’s. The point to consider here is that there is little doubt that US Dollar interest rates are on the rise and, for shipping, this is bad news.

The most critical “survival” factor, therefore, is the availability of additional standby cash to smoothen out uneven cash flows and to demonstrate to banks prudency, commitment and ability to survive. In this way, banks will have an enhanced ability to support owners. Survival also depends on a low breakeven cost, as a result of low leverage and a low cost of borrowing. As a result of the rapid exodus of western commercial banks from ship finance, owners are increasingly turning their attention to alternative financial sources. These, either provide a first mortgage finance of upto, say, 70% of a vessel’s value or a “mezzanine” finance, covering the gap arising between a low commercial loan and the higher overall finance required. The cost (and risks) of such alternative loans is substantially higher and range from approximately 8% p.a. for, say, 50% finance to 12% - 15% for higher finance. The effect of such high cost and higher leverage is colossal to what is the key determinant of survival i.e. low breakeven. In order to partially offset such high breakeven, alternative finance providers often provide upto 2 years “interest only” loan repayments, with a 100% cash sweep (i.e. all net surplus earnings, if any, to be applied against the loan). Although, this factor helps to provide owners with an opportunity to survive, the cumulative higher cost of such expensive borrowing is enormous. As a result, the chances of survival under such schemes are substantially less with the conse-



agement is all-inclusive.” lished security operations centres, Broadhurst continues. “Owners will be Broadhurst adds that the fully-managed approach will be critical. An able to get a view of what is going on at both the ship and the fleet level, individual ship’s vulnerability to cyberattack may only be exposed when and track causes behind any security compromises, whether they are per energy unit price the positioning 36cm by 30 cm cm. at Sixa port months later, for energy its departure frombyor30 arrival is denied, examplestorage becausefor dynamic due to attacks or to the presence of malware on than board. Weless alsomature see the Oxide Fuel Cell and (SOFC). However, he (DP) duties as part of a groundswell opinthe same supplier is a 9.7 kWh Ransomware loading information is offering not shown correctly. is a “huge system’s use as the basisSolid for improving training achieving the best adds thatfrom SOFC can be he raised ion heralding change. battery of of the same size. “Typically, a high phenomenon”, Broadhurst states, shipowners may still but be willing to that block threats coming malware.” quent loss owners’ capital. Only but a strong / “upside” does provide apractice low breakeven an owner meets theefficiency lease payments, / she up to 65-70%, PEMishas a lower “It’sifthe not likely that we willOften, see large numcharge and discharge rate has been consider buying their way out. “The owner may think, theability computer Broadhurst believes satellite company taking the initiative rising market would enable such loans toone perand to survive. private capital the maritime can quietly enjoywhile the benefits of the vessel’s efficiency of around 45%. of theA major minimize the size of bers of ships operating fails, the bestcriteria solutiontoiswould to gobe outfor and get another one because atsay, a critical time for “The ISO has been talking about a maritime form. better structure owners to would look for landing “exit” routes,solely inona batteries, couple of shipping. performance. However, as the ownership of He adds that while both use the due to of the7% big-In8% physical sizeofinship years, but I believe 40-60% all vessels couldthebut it the the batteries cargoa is the imperative. theper new era connectivity, those IT cyber standards is 2-3 years away, while thetechnologies IMOa is developing pay, say, lower cost annum so as to maintainofsome control over vessel rests with the lessor, missed payhydrogen as fuel, other of fuel can benefit from auxiliary battery load exploitaspace and weight,” Räsänen “But, days are over.” guidelines,” he says. “Wement are at a place where everyone realises that be would simply result intypes the lessor “taking and provide some profit share to says. the lenders. investment. used such as LNG and Methanol. Howwith increased density and lower price/ tion to support peak load shaving,” says Although ships can be carrying high value cargoes, many individual there is a threat, but that realisation actually emphasises that shipping over” the vessel and the initial capital commit- is Consequently, only in a rapidly rising dry bulk kWh, we see step awayamounts from this. With ever, both LNG and Methanol Räsänen. “Aofsmall of ships –industry. say, Asted vessels do notahave large of valuable onboard; their at- number a fragmented thebylaunch of new guidelines bywould BIMCO aimed the lessee plus the payments uptoemit the market with higher earnings would such high data Another form finance is leasing. Chinese moderate charge and discharge rate, we in to aand 5% of the fleet –Japanese will alsoatleasing use them for pollutants andbeing need a reforming process tractions for hackers isinthat they offer a way company’s corporate helping shipping secure itself against the threat of lost. cyber-attackers, date of default simply Such leases cost borrowings result a “win – win” situation increasingly companies expect longer lifelenders. time of to the as specific duties: in at theship cruise sector, forare manyoften toin produce hydrogen. the system. “The reality is likely bebatteries that the systems are under attack however, there thehave industry who are wide awake to the obligations toAfter buy at thereforming end of the for both a owners and have begun to look leasing for western well.” process, carbon monoxide and hydrogen example, battery power could be useful because they are identified as IP addresses by hackers who are looking threat.” lease and are called bareboat hire purchase owners. Their interest is focused on medium remain, andisRäsänen notes whileevents during port entry, the environmental for any weaknesses to see what can get hands and not Maritime cyber have security myth-busting one of three keythat Inmarsat (BBHP). Alternatively, owners may wish to they try some of theirto large on, owners but where some smaller owners SOFC plants can utilize both carbon mongains would be strong.” Early cruise of because theyadopters are ships orbattery shipboard systems” says Broadhurst. scheduled to coincide with London International Shipping Week 2017. the small new bank entrants to shiptechnology finance, also been successful. Leasing involves the Recently has also seen an include ship operators calling in particularly oxide and Global hydrogen asLondon, fuel, the13 Inmarsat is working within a strategic alliance withlessor Singtel“acquiring” to Foreship utilise capaThe session, be held at Inmarsat HQ in September, To summarise, therefore, survival iscarbon best who generally lend upto 40% -50% of vessel the vessel identified bytoan sensitive Räsänen increased interestit in fuelto cells in parallel monoxide needs removed thecost case bility available the company’s Trustwave 2017, will include a briefing on theby cyber threat facing shipping, achieved low security or to nobe leverage frominlow values at aareas, costthrough ofand about 4%Singaporean - 5%.acknowledgThis telecoms owner and leasing back the owner, having to combustion engines toand improve fuel of PEM,as thus lowering the have overall efficienes that itthough, can beadifficult toofmove from subsidiary. Shipboard tests a maritime UTM (Unified Threat Managethe roles training, and global support in spare addressing lenders, well as the availability of requires, substantial injection of case initial taken into account the owner’s capital, which is technology efficiency. the time being, Räsänen cy complicating fueldemonstrated treatment study generalisation in terms of uptake. ment)to system from Inmarsat are currently and25% the full launch theacquisition different elements thatand threat. liquidity. This wasthe amply capital, some additional cash collateral andunderway a often - For 35% of the initial price. of cash believes the most promising of the various process. However, he process. citesinrecent moves by Statoil is envisaged later 2017. The Inmarsat solution will beleases embedded in priority for Inmarsat in period the firstofpart of –2017 is to engage owners in the 2008 2016, where dry bulk long approval The range from 5 – “A 10main years, depending technologies available is PEM – Polymer For the moment, both technologies have to seven more supply vesselsas with allcontract Fleet Xpress hardware going forward, an option which can be in dialogue on the vulnerabilities of the bridge, cargo management shipping produced poor cash flows able to and on the vessel’s age. The “implied” cost varies Electrolyte Membrane, usemonitoring in the a relatively high cost output, hybrid battery operation andbut invest in a switched on orhave off by operator required. In the future, same propulsion that low interface withper shoreside networks, cover only leverages. Itenergy is something like Often, owners nothe choice toasseek from 4% - the 7%, depending whose on the leverage, size systems automotive has and brought a lower Räsänen lithium ionwill battery manufacturer capability beinstead extended to FleetBroadband, says.industry explain their optionsthe when it comes to protecting themselves game ofconcludes. “hare and the tortoise”. The against hare capital providers of loans in to thedevelop form of Broadhurst of the transaction and availability of corporate The technology willfriends be supported through a network of already estabcyber incidents.” risks its life. The tortoise slowly makes it to the private equity from and others or private guarantees. finish line. equity funds. This may reduce an owner’s The advantage of this finance is that as long as


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New PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex shrinks footprint and installation costs in ballast water treatment Now in its third generation, Alfa Laval PureBallast leads the way in ballast water treatment performance. With the introduction of Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex to the PureBallast family of systems, it also leads the way in minimizing footprint and installation costs. Available space comes at a premium on any vessel. This is especially true when retrofitting major equipment such as a ballast water treatment system, which in most cases was never considered in the vessel design. On newbuilds as well, it can be difficult to incorporate a treatment system into the already cramped engine room. Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex, a new PureBallast system based on loose components, is the answer to space and flexibility needs. Available for flows of 32–1000 m3/h, it packs the leading ballast water treatment technology into a footprint up to 20% smaller than that of PureBallast 3.1 – the smallest on the market. Likewise, it reduces installation costs by up to 10%, thanks to a plug-and-play concept for quick and easy connection. “Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex is economical, both in its use of space and in its installation,” says Anders Lindmark, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “As a result, it removes headaches for both ship owners and shipyards. It’s an ideal choice for the vast majority of vessels, combining the smallest possible footprint with superior performance in the widest range of conditions.” Available now, Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex joins the existing PureBallast family of ballast water treatment systems adapted to different customer needs. PureBallast 3.1 handles high flows and special requirements, while PureBallast 3.1 Compact offers a skid-mounted option. These systems have U.S. Coast guard type approval, which is also pending for PureBallast 3.1 Compact Flex. All three PureBallast 3.1 systems provide the same superior performance in fresh, brackish and marine water, including full-flow operation in IMO-regulated waters where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%.


About Alfa Laval PureBallast

PureBallast, which was the first commercially available ballast water treatment system, is a chemical-free system sold and serviced by Alfa Laval. A vital component of the system is the Enhanced UV Reactor, which was developed jointly by Alfa Laval and Wallenius Water based on Wallenius Water Technology.

About Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol. Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications. Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2016, posted annual sales of about SEK 35.6 billion (approx. 3.77 billion Euros). The company has about 17 000 employees.



Why PureBallast?

Reasons to select Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 for ballast water treatment Why PureBallast?

Type approved by IMO and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 is the third generation of the leading ballast water treatment technology. Over 1200 PureBallast systems have been sold to date, including more than 300 as retrofits – far more than any other system. The reasons are simple. First, PureBallast 3.1 offers superior performance in all waters, so that your vessel is free to do business anywhere. Second, it comes from a supplier whose knowledge, resources and experience ensure the best and most cost-effective system for your needs.

Performance and peace of mind

Alfa Laval has the technology, knowledge and experience to ensure your compliance. Besides leading in system performance, we have provided biological and technical competence on key panels involved in developing standards and educating the market. Compliance in any waters PureBallast 3.1 complies wherever your vessel sails. The system is type approved and certified by both IMO and the USCG, and it avoids the limitations experienced with other systems. As an example, different ports have different water conditions. While the clear water in Singapore can be treated by almost any system on the market, the waters of Shanghai or Bremerhaven are technically challenging. Many systems cannot comply in these ports or others like them – or will require your vessel to slow its operations significantly. PureBallast 3.1 is unaffected by salinity and can treat fresh, brackish or marine water, regardless of water temperature. Using one of the most effective filters on the market, it removes high concentrations of suspended solids. It also outperforms other UV systems in challenging waters, handling UV transmittance levels as low as 42 %. As a result, PureBallast 3.1 complies in more ports worldwide than any other system. Chemical-free treatment PureBallast 3.1 is a chemical-free system. It neither requires chemicals to operate, nor does it produce chemical compounds during treatment. This means there is no increased corrosion of the ballast tanks, no ventilation needed and no chemical discharge. It also means that your vessel’s operations are simplified. No safety equipment or storage space is required, and there are no supply logistics to consider when planning your vessel’s route. Updated G8 compliance and beyond PureBallast 3.1 is compliant with the revised IMO G8 guidelines, which were developed to harmonize the type approval process and ensure its robustness. The system exhibits superior performance under challenging test conditions, which also safeguards compliance during Port State

Control sampling. Your ballast water treatment system will need to meet the discharge standards for as long as you own the vessel. By choosing PureBallast 3.1, you choose a supplier with a century-long track record and a system that has been developed not only to pass the certification tests, but also to comply with discharge standards under real conditions – today and throughout the vessel’s lifetime.

Lowest cost of ownership

Your ballast water treatment system should last as long as your vessel, which makes it important to look at its total costs. From installation to operation, PureBallast 3.1 is the costeffective choice. Cost-saving project management The largest cost of a ballast water treatment system is not the system itself, but rather its engineering and installation. This is especially true in a retrofit project, which can involve many parties and high complexity. Alfa Laval provides experienced project management, built on a decade of installations and over 300 retrofit projects. By working closely with all parties, our team lets you avoid engineering mistakes and delays that can drastically increase your project cost. Durable system construction Materials impact the lifetime and maintenance needs of components. Higher quality increases upfront costs, but it ensures fewer problems and replacement costs over time. This is why Alfa Laval uses high-grade materials for all key PureBallast 3.1 components. In a warm engine room, for example, marine water can easily corrode a UV reactor of 316L steel, creating a replacement need in as little as five years.




PureBallast 3.1 reactors are made of 254 SMO steel, a material designed for seawater applications. Likewise, non-corroding bronze-aluminium is used for the filter body. Energy-saving power management In operation, PureBallast 3.1 minimizes energy-related costs. Thanks to its high biological disinfection performance, it runs at just 50 % of its potential operating power in most situations. It can then be ramped up to full power for the most challenging waters. This automatic power management is available whenever running in IMO mode, including when USCG-certified systems operate outside the United States. Easily maintained performance Maintaining PureBallast 3.1 involves little time or cost, and the most important maintenance is automatic. A Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) system keeps the reactor sensors and lamp sleeves free from performance-reducing fouling. nIn contrast to wiper-based cleaning systems or manual cleaning, the circulation nof inexpensive and biodegradable CIP fluid involves no moving parts or risk of scratching the sleeves. The technique prolongs sleeve life while avoiding your biggest potential cost: non-compliance due to degraded performance.

Ease of installation and operation

PureBallast 3.1 is designed to make life simple, both for those who engineer and install it and for the crews that will operate it over your vessel’s lifetime. High vessel compatibility PureBallast 3.1 is an excellent match for nearly any vessel. Single systems handle ballast water flows of 32–3000 m3/h, and multiple systems can be used for even larger capacities. For installation in explosive environments, components with ATEX or IECEx certification can be used to create a PureBallast 3.1 Ex system. Space-saving inline design PureBallast 3.1 is a modular system with an inline design in which the major components are incorporated into the ballast water piping. This creates a highly flexible system with a small footprint, which is especially important nwhen engineering a retrofit. For flows of 32–300 m3/h, PureBallast 3.1 is available in compact skid-mounted designs. These compact systems have the market’s smallest footprint and are connected via simple plug-and-play contacts, which decreases installation time and cost. Strong but flexible project management No two installations are the same, especially in retrofit projects. Drawing on na decade of retrofit experience, Alfa Laval takes responsibility and understands nthe importance of adapting to change. Our project management combines local presence with global strength. We can work with your engineering department and chosen yard, or we can secure all necessary competencies from our network of skilled partners. Likewise, we can meet your existing docking schedule or arrange for installation nduring your voyage. As a global organization with strong logistics, we can neven move with your project if your trading routes


change prior to docking. Simple, automatic operation Once installed, PureBallast 3.1 is fully automatic and operates in the background. Together with Alfa Laval crew training, this minimizes the risk of non-compliance as a result of crew error. Remote panels or integration with the ship’s control system allow PureBallast 3.1 to be overseen from the bridge, cargo control room or elsewhere. Limited maintenance Maintenance of PureBallast 3.1 is limited to a few simple tasks at regular intervals. If desired, Alfa Laval can take responsibility for the whole system, performing annual maintenance, calibration and upgrades as part of a Performance Agreement. In the event of an unplanned service need, Alfa Laval’s global service network is always close by.

Lasting supplier commitment

By choosing Alfa Laval, you choose a dedicated marine supplier with the skills, resources and well-developed service offering to support you in ballast water treatment – tomorrow as well as today. A proven marine supplier Unlike many suppliers of ballast water treatment systems, Alfa Laval has a long-term commitment to the marine industry. Having served marine customers for 100 years, we see ballast water treatment as a natural part of our offering. This will still be true a decade from now, when the retrofit peak period has passed. As the legislation continues to develop, we will continue to secure your compliance. Newer players, who have little or no other connection to marine business, cannot make the same promise. Comprehensive knowledge In ballast water treatment, Alfa Laval and PureBallast 3.1 stand out among the many competitors. Alfa Laval has 20 years of development experience, nand PureBallast was the first commercially available treatment system. nNow in its third generation, the system has improved significantly with each. nSince launching PureBallast in 2006, Alfa Laval has sold over 1200 systems, including more than 300 as retrofits – far more than any other supplier. Installations have been made on a wide range of vessel types, from large container ships to small supply vessels. In each case, the experience has been used to further improve PureBallast and our project capabilities. Service and support wherever you sail As a major marine supplier, Alfa Laval also has a strong global service network. nWith Alfa Laval service centres in all major harbours worldwide, your nvessel will never be far from our parts and expertise. To secure fast access to PureBallast support, Alfa Laval has specially trained more than 100 service engineers in local and regional hubs. In addition, we offer training and a comprehensive range of services specific to PureBallast, from maintenance and calibration to complete Performance Audits. These services can be used individually, but they can also be combined in a tailor-made Performance Agreement for maximum economy and peace of mind.

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Alfa Laval: Muddy waters and filter clogging in ballast water treatment Securing filter performance in ballast water treatment systems


With the implementation of ballast water treatment regulations, first in United States waters and now worldwide, many of the treatment systems installed over the past 10 years are being put into regular use. As a result, practical challenges that may not have been evident previously are coming to light. One of these is the issue of filter clogging, which has been noted by customers with ballast water treatment systems operating in muddy waters, such as those of Mumbai, India or the Yangtze River. The tendency of filters to clog relates primarily to filter design, although smaller mesh sizes also play a role. While low-end filter solutions may clog or experience excessive backflushing in muddy waters, there are high-end filter solutions with enhanced cleaning that perform reliably and efficiently, even with small mesh sizes. Two recent studies, performed using Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 and Filtrex filters with enhanced cleaning, show that ballast water treatment systems can indeed perform well in muddy waters. The first, conducted for dredging contractor Van Oord at Dutch research facility Marine Eco Analytics (MEA-nl), demonstrated the ability to handle 250 mg/L of sed-


iment, which is equivalent to samples taken by the Van Oord in the very muddy waters of Mumbai. The second study, an onboard comparison performed on a large container ship, established that the Filtrex basket filter with enhanced cleaning has 10 times greater backflushing efficiency than a standard filter. From these studies, it can be concluded that filter clogging is an avoidable problem. When selecting ballast water treatment systems, customers should prioritize those systems that make use of high-end filters with enhanced cleaning.

Filters in ballast water treatment

Filtration is the most common method of pretreatment employed by ballast water treatment systems. Nearly all ballast water treatment systems, regardless of technology, use fixed-screen filters to remove larger particles and organisms prior to main treatment. When finer mesh sizes are used, they also reduce sediment accumulation at the bottom of the ballast water tanks, which lowers operator costs for sediment removal. It is important to note that the filter of UV-based treatment systems does not have a substantial impact on UV transmittance, i.e. the ability of UV

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light to pass through the water. UV transmittance is the result of many different factors, on which the effect of the filter is negligible.

The role of backflushing

While there are different types of filters available on the market, almost all employ an automatic cleaning procedure called backflushing. During this procedure, which is automatically initiated by an increase in differential pressure between the filter inlet and outlet, water flows in the reverse direction – from the outside of the filter to the inside – and clears the filter weave. Because the impurities have collected in the filter element during ballast water uptake, the backflush water can be discharged overboard into the same local area. As the filter weave becomes finer, the need for backflushing increases along with the amount of impurities filtered out. If the backflushing is ineffective, it will impede ballast water operations and cause a substantial amount of pumping energy to go to waste. In a worst-case scenario, if the filter cannot clean itself properly, it will clog completely after a time. This will necessitate lengthy manual cleaning that brings ballast water operations, and in many cases cargo loading and unloading, to a stop.

Ballast 3.1 ballast water treatment system with a Filtrex basket filter. Over the course of the testing programme, the system and filter were subjected to a variety of sediment concentrations in excess of the 50 mg/L required for IMO type approval. Using natural sediment from the Den Oever area of the nearby Wadden Sea, loads of 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 mg/L were targeted, to be followed bya final load of 250 mg/L. The sediment concentrations were chosen to correspond with field samples taken by Van Oord in dredging projects all over the world. The final target of 250 mg/L was set based on actual sediment levels measured during operations in the muddy waters of Mumbai. While technical difficulties with the chosen set-up prevented a consistent load of 250 mg/L over time, the system and filter experienced loads over 200 mg/L at several points, including a maximum load of 400 mg/L. During testing, samples were taken once stable conditions were established at each sediment concentration. For each load condition, two samples were taken of each of the following: • The challenge water, i.e. the ambient water plus added sediment • Outflow from the ballast water treatment system • Backflush water from the filter

The challenge of muddy waters

For ballast water treatment systems whose filters have a small mesh size, certain waters present a greater risk of filter clogging than others. The waters of Mumbai, India, for example, or the Yangtze and Mississippi Rivers, can contain high amounts of suspended solids – especially mud and dirt – that pose difficulties for finer filter weaves. If the organic content is also high, the challenge becomes even greater. In recent years, some vessels have experienced significant clogging when operating their ballast water treatment systems in muddy waters. Regardless of filter type, the problems have been tied to low-end filters with simpler backflushing procedures.

When the samples were evaluated, they showed that the Filtrex filter had significantly reduced the sediment content in the challenge water. This was in spite of the fact that most of the sediment particlespresent were considerably smaller than the mesh size used. As stated previously, the tests included concentrations much higher than those required for IMO type approval. The MEA-nl samples demonstrated conclusively that the Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 system, using a Filtrex filter with enhanced cleaning, could operate reliably at sediment concentrations as high as 250 mg/L. This corresponds to the sediment concentration in the waters of Mumbai, which was the most challenging of the samples Van Oord had collected.

Filters with enhanced cleaning

Onboard filter testing on a container ship

There are major differences between low-end and high-end filters when it comes to preventing clogging. High-end filters, such as the basket filters produced by Filtrex, have enhanced cleaning mechanisms nthat speed up the backflushing process while using a reduced flow of water. This not only improves backflushing efficiency, but also increases overall filter effectiveness by producing a higher net capacity. In Filtrex basket filters, a rotating arm with a slot mechanism passes over the filter interior during backflushing. Underpressure draws clean water in through the weave, carrying the accumulated impurities with it into the slot. The water and reject then passes into a pipe for discharge overboard. Two recent studies confirm the ability of such filters to handle muddy waters – even with a 20 μm mesh size. Performed with Filtrex basket filters as a part of Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 ballast water treatment systems, the studies show that ballast water treatment systems can avoid clogging issues with the correct choice of filter.

Filter testing for Van Oord at MEA-nl

The first of the two studies was initiated by Van Oord, an international contractor specialized in dredging. By nature of their business, dredging vessels encounter far higher sediment loads during ballast water operations than are specified in the IMO G8 guidelines for type approval. Van Oord thus contacted Dutch research facility Marine Eco Analytics (MEAnl) to evaluate different filtration set-ups for ballast water treatment. In November 2016, MEA-nl performed tests using an Alfa Laval Pure-


The results of the land-based testing at MEA-nl are also supported by onboard testing, performed in April 2017 aboard a large container ship. During a three-day trial, which was conducted onroute from Aahus, Denmark and in the challenging waters of the Wilhelmshaven, Germany, the container ship performed a direct, side-by-side filter evaluation. Once again, Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 systems were used. On the vessel’s port side, a ballast water treatment system was equipped with a standard filter. On the starboard side, an identical system was equipped with a Filtrex basket filter with enhanced cleaning. During the trial, sediment loads of up to 665 mg/L were experienced. When the data from the three days was collected, it showed that the backflushing of the Filtrex filter with enhanced cleaning was 10 times more efficient than that of the standard filter.


In combination, the two studies involving Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 and Filtrex filters make clear the importance of filter selection when choosing a ballast water treatment system. Filter clogging when operating in muddy waters can be avoided. However, it requires the selection of a high-end filter technology with enhanced cleaning capabilities. Ballast water treatment systems sourced from reliable suppliers, who have put substantial effort into researching and testing their system’s filters, can be trusted to perform optimally even in the most challenging sediment conditions worldwide.



Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1

Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1 is an automated inline treatment system for the biological disinfection of ballast water. Operating without chemicals, it combines initial filtration with an enhanced form of UV treatment to remove organisms in accordance with stipulated limits. The main component of the modular system is an enhanced UV reactor in which disinfection treatment occurs. The special design of the reactor’s synthetic quartz lamp sleeves supports transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, providing more UV light during disinfection. Combined with the reactor’s internal design, this ensures optimal UV dosage and low energy consumption.


Type approved by IMO and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), PureBallast 3.1 is certified for ballast water treatment in all types of water: fresh, brackish and marine. In most cases, single systems can be configured for flows of 32–3000 m3/h, with multiple systems used for even larger capacities. Due to its enhanced UV technology and power ramp-up capabilities, PureBallast 3.1 provides unmatched biological disinfection performance in low-clarity waters. When operating in IMO-regulated waters, full-flow treatment is possible where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%.


• Superior performance in any waters PureBallast 3.1 offers unmatched biological disinfection performance in


any type of water: fresh, brackish or marine. This includes water in liquid form at frigid temperatures. In addition, the system excels in low-clarity water conditions. When operating in IMO-regulated waters, it performs at full flow where the UV transmittance is as low as 42%. • Ease of use PureBallast 3.1 is fully enclosed, fully automated and thoroughly integrated with the ballast water system. The system requires no manual intervention. • Effective power management Automatic power management minimizes energy consumption in IMO-regulated waters, including when USCG-certified systems operate outside the United States. With this feature, PureBallast 3.1 runs at just 50% of its potential operating power in most situations. It can then ramp up to full power for the most challenging waters. • Space-saving inline construction PureBallast 3.1 is an inline system in which the major components (filter and reactor) are incorporated into the ballast water piping. The reactor diameter, in particular,is only marginally larger than that of the piping itself. This creates a highly flexible system with a small footprint. System design is further simplified by the free placement of the lamp drive cabinet up to 150 m away. This allows additional space to be saved in the engine room, and it enables placement outside the hazardous zone

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for Ex systems. • Chemical-free operation PureBallast 3.1 meets biological disinfection requirements without the addition of salt or chemicals, even when operating in fresh water. No dosing is required, and there nare no tanks or ventilation systems needed to manage consumables and residuals. • Complete worldwide support Alfa Laval is a global supplier and an experienced partner in ballast water treatment, with a complete range of solutions for both newbuild and retrofit needs. Shipyards and engineering companies can expect clear and thorough documentation, as well as expert consultation. Ship owners have access to far-reaching ownership support, nincluding Performance Agreements and other services for cost-efficient peace of mind.

System components – biological disinfection

Biological disinfection with PureBallast 3.1 comprises an initial filtration stage followed by enhanced UV treatment in a specially designed reactor. Both stages are integrated into nthe ballast water piping as inline components. Filter A filter is used during ballasting operations to block the intake of larger organisms nand reduce sediment in the ballast water tanks. Bypassed during deballasting, the filter is cleaned via automatic backflushing using a small portion of the system flow. In combination with the reactor, the effective basket filter design enables treatment of fresh, brackish and marine water in conditions with low UV transmittance. Reactor The enhanced UV treatment stage of PureBallast 3.1 occurs within a reactor. Four reactor sizes are available, each with a flow-optimized interior that ensures high turbulence nand the concentration of the UV dose. nThe reactor lamps employ specially designed lamp nsleeves of synthetic quartz. These support transmission of a broader wavelength spectrum, thus providing more nUV light during disinfection. Temperature and level nsensors within the reactor ensure its safety. The reactor design, which draws on treatment technology from Wallenius Water, is specially developed for marine applications. The reactor construction is of 254 SMO steel, which ensures a long lifetime without corrosion.

System components – support

The additional components of PureBallast 3.1 are support systems that can be flexibility placed for an optimal design. • Lamp drive cabinet The UV lamps are supplied with power by a lamp drive cabinet associated with the reactor. The cabinet is physically separated from the reactor and may be placed up to 150 m away. This saves space in the engine room and simplifies the design of Ex systems. • Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) unit UV lamp performance is safeguarded by an automatic CIP cycle. The CIP unit circulates a reusable, non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning solution that prevents any UV-impairing build-up. Such build-up cannot be removed by wiping, which would also risk scratching the sleeve surface. • Control cabinet The PureBallast 3.1 control cabinet features a graphical touchscreen


interface that is easy and intuitive to use. Operation can be started or stopped with a single touch. The control system can also be integrated with onboard automation systems via Modbus, allowing access to all functions through the vessel’s Integrated Ship Control System. • Auxiliary equipment A broad range of auxiliary equipment is available to support integration into any vessel, including backflush pumps, sampling points, valve packages and remote control panels.

Operating sequence

• Ballasting PureBallast 3.1 is a fully automated system. When initiated, it undergoes a brief startup sequence. When ballasting begins, the incoming ballast water first passes through the filter stage. This removes any larger organisms and particles, which improves the quality of the water for treatment. The filter stage is of benefit for operation in cloudy coastal waters and fresh water. After filtration the water continues through the reactor stage, where it is disinfected by means of enhanced UV before entering the ballast water tanks. Once ballasting is complete, reactor cleaning is performed via an automatic Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) cycle. This cycle is prompted immediately after ballasting and should be performed within 30 hours. The reactor stage is rinsed with fresh water when the CIP cycle begins and filled with fresh water upon its completion. The filter stage is also filled with fresh water once ballasting is completed. • Deballasting The deballasting process is essentially the same as the ballasting process. However, the filter stage is bypassed during deballasting since the water has already been filtered. After leaving the ballast water tanks, the outgoing ballast water passes through the reactor stage to eliminate any regrowth of microorganisms that may have occurred in transit. Having thus been disinfected to the established limits, it is discharged into the receiving water at the deballasting site. The same startup and shutdown sequence, including CIP,is employed during both ballasting and deballasting.

Type approvals

• IMO (USCG upgradeable) All generations of PureBallast, current and previous, have IMO type approval. Note that when comparing IMO type approval certificates for different ballast water treatment systems, certificates issued before 2014 do not state the system limitations. If needed, IMO-certified PureBallast 3.1 systems can be upgraded with USCG type approval at a later date. • USCG For vessels that need to discharge ballast in United States waters, PureBallast 3.1 systems with USCG type approval are available. Standard USCG-certified systems have the same capacities as IMO-certified systems, but they may operate at reduced flow in United States waters with very low UV transmittance values. For vessels requiring full flow at all times, high-power USCG-certified systems are available. IMO-certified PureBallast 3.1 systems installed before 7 March 2017 are approved for use in the United States as Alternate Management Systems (AMS) during a five-year acceptance period from the vessel’s compliance date.

nafs March 2014




Forme 10 in Marseille: The biggest dry dock in the Mediterranean now fully operational

Dry dock no. 10 of Marseille Port, the biggest dock in the Mediterranean area and one of the biggest in the world, becomes fully operational and ready to welcome the first ships. Operated by Chantier Naval de Marseille (CNdM), dock no. 10 is ready to accommodate all types of naval vessels, including those exceeding 270 metres of length, thanks to its 465 metres in length and 85 metres in width. Operations in dock no. 10 will start next Monday with the maintenance schedule for an MSC cruise ship which will be followed by two Costa ships at the end of November, beginning of December. With the new facility, the shipyard will be able to position itself and the port of Marseille as a state of the art location for all ship-owners and cruise ships, tankers, cargo ships, RO/RO, container ships and offshore platforms will all be able to benefit from the extensive expertise and state of the art technologies of the yard. About 10 million euro investments have been planned to increase the shipyard’s efficiency. Among CNdM activities, a special focus will be given to operations linked to the optimization of energy efficiency and environmental performances of cruise ships, in line with the new regulations and cruise lines investments strategies. This important step follows another significant milestone in the consolidation of CNdM, represented by the entry of Costa Crociere with a 33.3% share back in August 2016. “It is a great satisfaction for our Company to see Forme 10 finally fully operational as we have always believed in the great potential of this facility. The availability of Forme 10 marks a turning point in the operations of Chantier Naval de Marseille, which now has all it takes to become the point of reference in the Mediterranean area for ship repair, maintenance and conversion.” said Ferdinando Garrè, CEO of San Giorgio del Porto, parent company of CNdM and headquartered in Genoa, Italy. “This was made possible thanks to a series of investments that aimed at expanding our business to new market segments and, subsequently, at increasing the efficiency of the shipyard with the best available technologies. In this respect, the partnership with Costa Crociere played a crucial role. Moreover, the investment will benefit both direct employment and the entire supply chain.” “The new opening of Dry dock no. 10 and the arrival of the first vessel


is a major event for Chantier Naval de Marseille and for all its staff. With this new facility, Chantier Naval de Marseille can provide his customers not only with a new dry dock for the busiest period (October to March), but also with a dock which, with its unique size, allows us to accommodate other type of vessels and to position ourselves in a high-potential business segment, such as LNG and offshore, to realise more complex projects” declared Jacques Hardelay CEO of Chantier Navale de Marseille. “This outcome is the result of the work of CNdM’s staff in close collaboration with the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and a constant support of all the local stakeholders.” “The port of Marseille Fos is the first French cruise port and plays a major role in the Mediterranean Sea. The size of the new ships requires dry docks of adequate measures and in proximity of their area of operation. Dry dock no. 10 responds to this need and opens new industrial perspectives to large scale ship repair, offering new opportunities for the offshore sector, gas tankers, bulk carriers or container ships” stated Christine Cabau Woehrel, president of the Directory Port of Marseille Fos - Chief Executive Officer of Marseille Fos Port Authority. “It is a new page for ship repair in Marseille. We can now offer our customers, on the same premises, a complete port service, from commercial operations to major repair and refit activities, in a unique industrial pole in the Western Mediterranean.” Works to restore dock no. 10 started in mid-2013 and included the construction of a new floating concrete gate, the overhaul of the pumping system, the repair of the lifting facilities and the redesign of all networks. The port of Marseille, the largest in France, is at the forefront of the shipbuilding industry thanks to its infrastructural features, which allow the handling of large vessels. Chantier Naval de Marseille operates three dry docks, dock n. 8, n. 9 and the new n.10, the biggest graving dock in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the biggest in the world. Chantier Naval de Marseille was founded by San Giorgio del Porto in 2010 and employs about 120 people, including naval architects, mechanical engineers and specialized technicians. The shipyard is located in a strategic position, at the centre of a large traffic zone extending from Genoa to Barcelona. “Exclusive Agents in Greece and Cyprus EUPLOIA DRYDOCKS & SERVICES”



The Maritime Standard Awards showcase regional quality and achievement

The fourth annual The Maritime Standard Awards, held on Monday 23rd October 2017 at the iconic Atlantis Ballroom, on The Palm, set a new standard for regional awards ceremonies, with exceptional levels of grandeur, glamour and professionalism. Hosted by well-known Bollywood actress and model, Lara Dutta, the Awards attracted a top calibre audience of over 700 executives from across the shipping, ports and related sectors, from almost 70 different countries. The high profile event, held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President, Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and Chairman and Chief Executive, Emirates Airline and Group, celebrated and rewarded the achievements of leading companies and individuals active in maritime fields in the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent. The Maritime Standard Awards founder and managing director, Trevor Pereira, said: “We were once again tremendously honoured that His Highness has supported the awards. Having the backing of such an esteemed figure shows how well recognised the TMS Awards are, and how the importance of the industry is appreciated, at the highest level.” The Awards demonstrated that the region’s ports and shipping sector is one that continues to show innovation, creativity and a determination to succeed in uncertain times. Moreover it leads the way especially in areas such as environmental protection, corporate social responsibility and security. In total 29 awards were presented to individuals and companies following the deliberations of the judging panel. Clive Woodbridge, editor of TMS and chairman of the judges, said, “This year we received an alltime record number of nominations, of the highest quality. All the judges


were impressed by the standard of entries. It is evident that maritime companies in the region are not sitting back - they are being innovative and proactive. It was difficult to select the winners, and as a result not just those who picked up an award, but all of those who were shortlisted, can be justifiably proud of their achievements over the past year.” In addition to the awards determined by the judging panel, there were a number of special awards presented by the TMS team for particularly impressive individual achievements. The Maritime Standard Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Sudhir Rangnekar, of Oman Shipping Company; The Hall of Fame Award was given to H.E. Sheikh Talal Al Khaled Al Sabah, chief executive of Kuwait Oil Tanker Company; The Personality of the Year Award went to DP World’s Mohammed Al Muallem; and the Editor’s Choice Award was presented to Richard Briggs, executive partner, Hadef & Partners. Other awards selected by The Maritime Standard included June Manoharan, managing director of Lukoil Marine, who was the recipient of the Woman in Shipping award, and Amir Hossein Mosadeghi, of Islamic P&I Club, who was named Young Person in Shipping. Omar Abu Omar of Gulf Navigation won the Excellence in Shipping Award and the winners of the Deal of the Year were Abu Dhabi Ports and JOCIC of China for their Musataha agreement. Trevor Pereira added, “It was a fantastic night of celebration, that showcased the tremendous achievements and progress that is being made in the region. On top of that we raised the bar still higher as far as awards ceremonies go. Once again we showed that we deliver the biggest and best Awards for the maritime sector in the region, which is what the industry deserves.”

CompactClean One of the most Compact Ballast Water Management Systems on the Market


 Very small footprint - Less than 2.2 m2 footprint for a 340 m3/h system and less than 2.8 m2 for a 1000 m3/h system  No chemicals  No risk of increased corrosion  No hazards to crew, vessel or environment  No salinity limitations  No temperature limitations  Easy operation  Easy maintenance

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CompactClean 340 m3/h System


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197 mm 9x14 36

The unique shape of the UV unit ensures optimum treatment efficiency


187 8x





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NanoPhos Marine: Nanotechnology for Green Award ships

A festive ceremony was held to mark entrance of NanoPhos Marine into the Green Award certification scheme. NanoPhos Marine, a company using nanotechnology to boost efficiency of ocean going vessels, became a Green Award incentive provider. The formal ceremony took place on September 29th, 2017, in Athens (Greece). Cpt. Dimitrios Mattheou, Chairman of the Green Award Foundation addressed NanoPhos by saying: “New technologies are an integral part of the nowadays shipping. In general they make a very positive contribution to both safety and efficiency. Nanotechnology helps solving macro-issues and Nanophos is an expert when it comes to coating issues. Nanophos Marine develops and produces materials that help solving common problems at a qualitatively higher level. We are delighted to see such a company joining the Green Award scheme.” Dr. Ioannis Arabatzis, Founder and CEO of NanoPhos – NanoPhos Marine accepted the Green Award plaque and commented: “It is a great honor to join the Green Award Foundation, as acknowledgement for our company’s constant effort to promote through its products new, efficient, environmental-friendly and cost-effective solutions in the marine field. We have come so far through the shipping world’s recognition and support, and we will keep “tuning” the nanoworld to serve the macroworld with pioneering ideas and products. NanoPhos Marine SA invents clever materials that solve every day problems. The company has developed multiple nanotechnology driven formulations to add functionality and boost energy efficiency of ocean going vessels. NanoPhos Marine product line approaches in a holistic way the needs for smart, durable and efficient coatings in the sea envi-


ronment. The decision to join Green Award has come naturally. Green Award has been certifying ships and ship managers that are superior to required values of the industry regulations for more than 20 years. Green Award certificate is a quality mark indicating excellent management, great environmental performance and high safety standards of a certificate holder. NanoPhos Marine committed itself to promoting values of sustainability and safety and will reward Green Award certified ships with an 8% discount on all its products and an additional 10% discount on selected products. Both parties believe that this new partnership will be beneficial for the further improvement of safety and greening of the shipping.




Kongsberg receives first DNV GL cyber security type approval for its K-IMS system

K-IMS provides a complete and up-to-date information portal for better traceability and quality of communications between offshore and onshore organizations. Key benefits are improved decision making and operational support, improved troubleshooting and reduced need for service personnel on board vessels. As the shipping industry digitalizes, vessels are becoming sophisticated hubs of connected systems and sensors that generate and exchange data both onboard and back to shore. This connectivity increases the need for cyber security and for ways of verifying the cyber safety of installed systems. “At Kongsberg we have been delivering solutions for remote support and data collection for many years,” says Bent Erik Bjørkli, VP Digital Performance at Kongsberg Maritime. “Over the last few years, however, we have seen an increasing focus from our customers in the cyber security of the connected systems on their vessels. This was why we were so interested to work together with DNV GL on the development of the new type approval. With the new type approval, we can now demonstrate the security of our systems through an independent verification process.” For the past year, DNV GL and Kongsberg have combined their efforts to develop a new type approval programme for the cyber security assessment of control system components: “Security Assessment of


Control System Components, DNVGL-CP-0231”. The pilot system has been K-IMS, a core component in Kongsberg’s digital ecosystem Kognifai. Designed in accordance with the principles in IEC 62443-4-2 and IEC 61162-460, the type approval programme focuses on verifying both the technical reliability and cyber security of control systems. “We would like to thank Kongsberg for choosing to work with us on this project, and we are very pleased that K-IMS is the first product to have received the new type approval,” says Odd Magne Nesvåg, Head of Control Systems at DNV GL – Maritime. “With the new ‘Security Assessment of Control System Components’ type approval programme, we have developed a rigorous certification regime to demonstrate the cyber security capability of onboard systems.

By choosing this new voluntary type approval for their systems, maritime vendors now have a way to show their customers they meet a set of independently developed and verified quality standards in an area that is becoming ever EQUIPMENT more important in today’s REPRESENTA connected maritime EQUIPMENT REPRESEN industry.” EQUIPMENT REPRESEN


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17th “NAVIGATOR 2017 The Shipping Decision Makers Forum” The Forum organized by Navigator Shipping Consultants was held for the 17th consecutive year and proved that it still remains one of the most popular events in the shipping industry worldwide. The event took place on Friday, November 3rd 2017 at the exceptional floating museum «Hellas Liberty». More than 500 high-ranking officials and executives of the Shipping community, ambassadors from 20 countries, members of the banking sector, representatives of major maritime organizations, academics, students and journalists were present at the NAVIGATOR 2017 - “The Shipping Decision Makers Forum”. Danae Bezantakou, CEO of NAVIGATOR welcomed the participants underlining the significance of this year’s Forum, as it comes back to Piraeus and takes place in the historical floating museum HELLAS LIBERTY. The President of NAVIGATOR, Capt. Dimitris Bezantakos, during his opening speech stressed that «it is our duty, and especially of the Hellenics, to convey the importance of shipping to students, society and international fora and to defend shipping with vigor, without expediencies and show the respect the shipping deserves.» He also suggested the establishment of an Organisation with the collaboration of IMO, INTERTANKO, BIMCO, INTERCARGO & European Owners Association, that will mediate between P & I Clubs - shipowners and government –individuals who raise claims from the vessels, in the event of any damage to third parties in order to be able to intervene and avoid unnecessary delays and costs for the vessels, discomfort for crews and depreciation or destruction of the cargoes being transported. The Minister of Maritme Affairs and Insular Policy, Mr. Panagiotis Kourouplis, referred to the country’s leading position in shipping, the need for educated mariners and the Ministry’s efforts to implement practices, such as mediation and arbitration. Piraeus’ Mayor, Ioannis Moralis welcomed the Navigator Forum in Piraeus after 17 years and stressed that the future of the


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country looks towards the sea, as the sectors that we can develop economically are tourism and the big port, Piraeus. Vassilis Korkidis, President of - PIRAEUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (PCCI) presented Maritime Hellas and the coordinated efforts between the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce, Greek Shipowners’ Association and the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping for the establishment of the first Greek Maritime Cluster. The Ambassador of the United States to Greece, H.E. Geoffrey Pyatt, stressed that he hopes to see increased U.S. investment in Greece, mainly in the fields of energy, infrastructure and industry. The Ambassador referred to the key role that Greece plays in the Balkans and the Mediterranean as a pillar of stability, highlighting his hope that an investment in Syros’ shipyards will be completed soon. He also mentioned that the strategic position of Alexandroupolis’ port is on full display right now: elements of the US Army’s 10th Combat Air Brigade are using it as a staging area for Blackhawk helicopters and cargo demonstrating the potential of that port to play a much bigger role in regional infrastructure and connectivity. MacGregor the world-leading engineering solutions and services provider for the offshore and marine industries has been supporting NAVIGATOR Forum. The Managing Director, Athena Kanellatou, underlined MacGregor’ s family commitment to serve the Greek shipping miracle, presented sustainable solutions that maximize efficiency and minimize downtime for cargo handling equipment lifecycle. She referred to the latest developments of the group, the involvement in the world’s first floating wind farm, company’s tailor made solutions, the upcoming digital offering and the pilot program for cranes “Macgregor On Watch Scout”. At the end, she presented Cargotec corporations strategy, shaping the future of cargo handling. Smarter cargo flow for a better day. The first panel, entitled “Ports and Supply Chain” was moderated by Mr. George Xiradakis, Managing Director – XRTC Business Consultants Ltd and President – The Propeller Club (Port of Piraeus). The panel consisted of Sotiris Theofanis, Coordinator & Authorized Representative, DIEP GmbH- Terminal Link SAS– BELTERRA Investments Ltd Consortium, Kostis Achladitis, Managing Director – Golden Cargo, Mary Pothitos, Marine Insurance & Claims Handling Consultant, PARALEGAL MARITIME SERVICES, Sotiris Raptis, Senior Policy Advisor for Environment and Safety, EcoPorts Coordinator – ESPO. The main topic discussed


was the room for further development of the supply chain in Greece and the steps that should be followed in order to take full advantage of the country’s significant geostrategic position. A reference to the port of the future was made, focusing on the aspect that by incorporating advanced technological systems, the transportation of commodities to their final destination will be done in zero time. The second panel entitled “Sustainable Innovation: Challenging Tradition to Create New Opportunities” was moderated by Helena Athoussaki, Head of Maritime Sustainability Centre - PwC and consisted of Jeff Horst, Commercial Director - FOSS MARITIME, Yoong Hui Chia, CEO – ASCENZ SOLUTIONS, Michael Lund, Deputy Secretary General – BIMCO, Dimitrios Mattheou, Managing Director - ARCADIA SHIPMANAGEMENT & Chairman – Green Award Foundation and Hugo Du Mez, Advisor Business Intelligence - Dry Bulk – Port of Rotterdam. The technical panel started with a survey of Norwegian and Greek shipping companies on the digital transformation, revealing its key role for the industry’s future. The panellists presented innovative projects responding to the environmental challenges such as the Carbon Free Project 2050 of the port of Rotterdam and the Tote’s LNG project. All panellists highlighted the importance of digital innovation to operational efficiency, environmental performance, safety and logistics as well as the value creation from data analytics. They also emphasised the significance of supporting innovation and collaboration to create an innovative ecosystem. Finally, audience and panel recognised that shipping companies need to be more open to innovation, better equipped with resources and infrastructure and ready to fundamentally change the way they do business. H.E. Cristina Liakopulos de Papadikis, Ambassador and General Consul of Panama in Greece, addressed commemorative words regarding the celebration of the 100 years of the Panama Ships Registry and the Independence of Panama from Colombia on 3rd November 1903. A short presentation regarding Lesvos island also took place by Capt. Gabriel Haldezos, Master Mariner, Diploma in Shipping – Shipping Expert and Dr. Kostas A. Damianidis, Architect, PhD on History of Shipbuilding, as Lesvos was the honored island for this year’s Forum. We thank everyone that helped this Forum to take place and we are looking forward to welcoming you in the 18th NAVIGATOR 2018 – The Shipping Decision Makers Forum, which will take place in Chios Island.

nafs March 2014




7o eτήσιο “Operational excellence in Shipping forum” της Capital Link 26 κορυφαίες ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες, 3 πολύ σημαντικοί νηογνώμονες, ναυλωτές, χρηματοδότες και οργανώσεις της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς έδωσαν ηχηρό παρόν

Το “7ο Ετήσιο Capital Link “Operational Excellence in Shipping Forum” πραγματοποιήθηκε την Τετάρτη, 1 Νοεμβρίου, 2017 στο Divani Caravel Hotel στην Αθήνα με μεγάλη επιτυχία ξεπερνώντας τους 650 συμμετέχοντες. ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ & ΔΟΜΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ Το συνέδριο διοργανώθηκε σε Συνεργασία με την Ένωση Εφοπλιστών της Δανίας, την Ένωση Εφοπλιστών της Γερμανίας και την Ελληνική Επιτροπή Ναυτιλιακής Συνεργασίας. Με ένα 7ετές ιστορικό, αποτελεί το μοναδικό Συνέδριο που παρουσιάζει την Επιχειρησιακή Αριστεία στον Τομέα των Θαλάσσιων Μεταφορών και διερευνά τις Βέλτιστες Πρακτικές στον Κλάδο σε όλους τους σημαντικούς τομείς όπως η διαχείριση του στόλου, η τεχνολογική καινοτομία, η εκπαιδευση και διαχειρηση πληρωματων, η ενεργειακή απόδοση και το περιβάλλον, η προστασία και η ασφάλεια. Το Συνέδριο αποσκοπεί επίσης στο να αναδείξει εταιρείες που εφαρμόζουν τις βέλτιστες πρακτικές στο πλαίσιο της εταιρικής τους πολιτικής. Το Συνέδριο αποσκοπεί να δώσει μια υψηλού επιπέδου ενημέρωση για τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις σε θέματα σημαντικού επιχειρησιακού ενδιαφέροντος για την ναυτιλία. Παράλληλα αποσκοπεί να λειτουργήσει σαν πλατφόρμα επικοινωνίας και επαφών στα παραπάνω θέματα και συνδέει τις ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες, τους ναυλωτές, τις κυβερνητικές και μη κρατικές ενώσεις, τους νηογνώμονες, τους Ασφαλιστικούς Οργανισμούς (P&I Clubs), τα Νηολόγια, τους προμηθευτές τεχνολογίας και υπηρεσιών και την οικονομική και επενδυτική κοινότητα.


Με μεγάλη μας χαρά βλέπουμε πώς η ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα έχει αποδεχτεί αυτό το Συνέδριο. Φέτος, ανώτατα στελέχη από 26 κορυφαίες ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες, 3 πολύ σημαντικούς νηογνώμονες, καθώς επίσης ναυλωτές, χρηματοδότες και οργανώσεις της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς επάνδρωσαν τα πάνελ για να συζητήσουν τις γεωπολιτικές, κανονιστικές και εμπορικές τάσεις που επηρεάζουν τη ναυτιλία και πώς η εφαρμογή των βέλτιστων πρακτικών μεταφράζεται σε απτά εμπορικά, επιχειρησιακά και οικονομικά ανταγωνιστικά πλεονεκτήματα. Η μεγάλη συμμετοχή των ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών στο Συνέδριο είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική. Η ασφαλής, αποτελεσματική, και συμμορφούμενη με τους κανονισμούς διαχείριση του πλοίου αποτελεί τη ραχοκοκαλιά της ναυτιλίας και το Συνέδριο προσδίδει στο επιχειρησιακό κομμάτι της δουλειάς και στις εταιρείες που εφαρμόζουν τις βέλτιστες πρακτικές την δέουσα προσοχή. Το Συνέδριο άνοιξε ο Πρόεδρος της Capital Link κ. Νικόλαος Μπορνόζης, o οποίος αφού καλωσόρισε το κοινό, τόνισε ότι στην έβδομη χρονιά του, αυτό είναι το μοναδικό Συνέδριο το οποίο αναδεικνύει την Επιχειρησιακή Αριστεία στον Τομέα των Θαλάσσιων Μεταφορών και διερευνά τις Βέλτιστες Πρακτικές στον Κλάδο σε όλους τους σημαντικούς τομείς όπως η διαχείριση του στόλου, η τεχνολογική καινοτομία, η εκπαίδευση και διαχείριση πληρωμάτων, η ενεργειακή απόδοση και το περιβάλλον, η προστασία και η ασφάλεια. Ο κ. Νικόλαος Μπορνόζης ευχαρίστησε την Ένωση Εφοπλιστών της Δανίας και της Γερμανίας και την Ελληνική Επιτροπή Ναυτιλιακής Συνεργασίας, για την υποστήριξη και

συνεργασία τους. Στη συνέχεια ο κ. Clay Maitland, Conference Chairman; Founding Partner – NAMEPA; Chairman – NYMAR; Managing Partner – International Registries, στην εναρκτήρια ομιλία του ανέφερε τα εξής: «Πιστεύω πως βρισκόμαστε σε ένα από τα σημαντικότερα Συνέδρια στην Ευρώπη. Σήμερα έχουμε πάνελ με διακεκριμένους ομιλητές και προσκεκλημένους, και όλοι μαζί θα αναλύσουμε το διαρκώς διαφοροποιούμενο τοπίο της βιομηχανίας, από τα νέα καύσιμα έως τις «πράσινες» τεχνολογίες, και όχι μόνο.»

“ Με μεγάλη μας χαρά βλέπουμε πώς η ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα έχει αποδεχτεί αυτό το Συνέδριο. Φέτος, ανώτατα στελέχη από 26 κορυφαίες ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες, 3 πολύ σημαντικούς νηογνώμονες, καθώς επίσης ναυλωτές, χρηματοδότες και οργανώσεις της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς επάνδρωσαν τα πάνελ για να συζητήσουν τις γεωπολιτικές, κανονιστικές και εμπορικές τάσεις που επηρεάζουν τη ναυτιλία και πώς η εφαρμογή των βέλτιστων πρακτικών μεταφράζεται σε απτά εμπορικά, επιχειρησιακά και οικονομικά ανταγωνιστικά πλεονεκτήματα ”.

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Geopolitical, Regulatory & Market Developments Affecting Shipping & The Industry’s Response Συντονιστής: κ. Clay Maitland, Founding Partner – NAMEPA; Chairman – NYMAR; Managing Partner – International Registries Ομιλητές: • κ. Apostolos Poulovassilis, CEO – Aegean Shipping Management, Inc. • κ. Dimitris Vastarouchas, Deputy Chief Operating Officer & Technical Director – Danaos Shipping • κ. Dimitrios Fafalios, Chairman, Technical Committee – INTERCARGO; Member of the Board – Union of Greek Shipowners; President & Director – Fafalios Shipping • κ. Bill Box, Senior Manager Commercial, Area Manager Greece & Cyprus, Manager PPS Payment Performance System – INTERTANKO • κ. Tom Boardley, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Corporate and External Affairs – Lloyd’s Register

O κ. Apostolos Poulovassilis, CEO – Aegean Shipping Management, Inc., ανέφερε: «Οι εφοπλιστές, οι διαχειριστές των πλοίων και σύσσωμος ο ναυτιλιακός κλάδος λειτουργούν εν μέσω ενός διαρκώς και γενικευμένα δύσκολου επιχειρηματικού περιβάλλοντος. Βρίσκονται επίσης αντιμέτωποι με μια αυξανόμενη πολυπλοκότητα αναφορικά με τις σημαντικές περιβαλλοντικές κανονιστικές αλλαγές που φαίνονται ήδη στον ορίζοντα. Από τους νέους αυτούς κανονισμούς προκύπτουν μια σειρά ερωτήσεων και επιλογών, τις οποίες οι εφοπλιστές θα πρέπει να διαχειριστούν αρχικά για λόγους συμμόρφωσης, αλλά και σε όρους αποδοτικότητας και αποτελεσματικότητας των ενσωματωμένων λύσεων ως κομμάτι μιας ολιστικής προσέγγισης βάσει του συνολικού εμπορικού και επιχειρησιακού πλαισίου της κάθε εταιρείας.»

O κ. Dimitris Vastarouchas, Deputy Chief Operating Officer & Technical Director – Danaos Shipping, ανέφερε: «Προχωρώντας προς την Έξυπνη Ναυτιλία, κατέστη σαφές πως απαιτούνται τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις ώστε να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις προκλήσεις της αγοράς, τους κανονισμούς και τις τοπικές προϋποθέσεις, με σκοπό την παραγωγή αξίας για τα συμβαλλόμενα μέρη. Οι απαιτητικές διοικητικές ανάγκες και οι καινοτόμες εργασιακές μέθοδοι πρέπει να γίνουν πράξη ώστε η μετάβαση στη νέα πραγματικότητα να γίνει ομαλά. Οι τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις τρέχουν, με ακόμη μεγαλύτερη ταχύτητα από τους υπαλλήλους, επομένως οι εταιρείες πρέπει να επενδύσουν σε νέες δομές, εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό, εμπειρογνώμονες και συστήματα ΤΠ. Ταυτόχρονα, οφείλουν να ενισχύσουν τη σύγχρονη φιλοσοφία τους, να προωθήσουν τη διαφάνεια και να εργαστούν από κοινού με τους αρμόδιους φορείς. Η ναυτιλία μπήκε σε μια νέα εποχή, όπου η εταιρική κοινωνική ευθύνη θα αποτελέσει τον συνδετικό κρίκο μεταξύ της παραδοσιακής ναυτιλίας, της σύγχρονης νοοτροπίας και της κοινωνικής συνείδησης.»

O κ. Tom Boardley, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Corporate and External Affairs – Lloyd’s Register, ανέφερε: «Χαίρομαι για την ευκαιρία που μου δίνεται για να απευθυνθώ στο συγκεκριμένο ακροατήριο. Τα τελευταία 8 χρόνια θεωρώ πως οι μεγαλύτερες καινοτομίες δεν έχουν λάβει χώρα στον τομέα της τεχνολογίας. Η πραγματική καινοτομία αφορά τον τρόπο χρηματοδότησης της ναυτιλίας και την εγκαθίδρυσης της εμπειρογνωμοσύνης. Η Ελλάδα είναι μαζί με την Κίνα ο ηγέτης του κλάδου, οπότε αν οι άνθρωποι σε αυτήν την αίθουσα δεν είναι ικανοί να απαντήσουν στα φλέγοντα προαναφερθέντα ερωτήματα, δεν βλέπω ποιος θα μπορούσε. Όσον αφορά το γεωπολιτικό τοπίο του μέλλοντος, είδαμε την (προβλέψιμη) άνοδο της Κίνας και την επικράτηση των μεγάλων εταιρειών έναντι των πιο αδύναμων παραγόντων. Οι λεγόμενες «πρωτεύουσες» της ναυτιλίας έχουν μειωθεί στον αριθμό, υπάρχουν επομένως λιγότερα και άρα ισχυρότερα κέντρα. Τέλος, πιστεύω πως η μεγαλύτερη πρόκληση του μέλλοντος σχετίζεται με την εφαρμογή του ανώτατου ορίου εκπομπών Θείου.» O κ. Bill Box, Senior Manager Commercial, Area Manager Greece & Cyprus, Manager PPS Payment Performance System – INTERTANKO, ανέφερε: «Οι ιδιοκτήτες δεξαμενόπλοιων του σήμερα πρέπει να είναι πολυμήχανοι, καθώς οι πιέσεις των κανονισμών και τα στενά χρηματοδοτικά όρια αυξάνουν τα έξοδα και δυσχεραίνουν την οικονομική διαχείριση. Η αρνητική εισοδηματική ροή που βιώνουν οι ιδιοκτήτες δεξαμενόπλοιων οφείλεται στην πληρωμή του εμπορεύματος στο τέλος του ταξιδιού, μετά την ολοκλήρωση της εκφόρτωσης, υποχρεώνοντας τον εφοπλιστή να στηρίζει οικονομικά ολόκληρο το ταξίδι. Ωστόσο, το ιδιαίτερο ζήτημα που αντιμετωπίζουν οι ιδιοκτήτες δεξαμενόπλοιων είναι η συνήθης καθυστέρηση πληρωμών εκ μέρους των ναυλωτών εμπορεύματος (>10 μέρες καθυστέρηση) συν τα έξοδα επισταλιών (>95 μέρες καθυστέρηση). Αυτή η πρακτική πληρωμών με καθυστέρηση για τα έξοδα εμπορευμάτων και επισταλιών επιβαρύνει τον ιδιοκτήτη δεξαμενόπλοιων με 1.200 $ ανά ταξίδι κατά μέσο όρο, δηλαδή πάνω από 250.000 $ τον χρόνο για έναν στόλο 18 δεξαμενόπλοιων, εκ των οποίων το καθένα χρησιμοποιείται μια φορά το μήνα.»


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SECTION “ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION & COMPLIANCE – HOW IT MAY AFFECT SHIPPING” Ballast Water Treatment – NOx Emissions Reduction – Sulfur Limits – Greenhouse Gasses – Novel Fuels – Electrical Propulsion – Renewable Energy Sources Συντονιστής: Dr. John Kokarakis, Vice President, Technology & Business Development, Hellenic, Black Sea Region & Middle East – Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore Division Ομιλητές: • κ. Kostas G. Vlachos, Managing Director – Consolidated Marine Management Inc. & COO (Latsco Shipping) • κ. George Bourtoulis, Technical Manager – Eurotankers • κ. Frederick J. Kenney, Director of Legal and External Affairs – International Maritime Organization (IMO) • κ. Stavros Hatzigrigoris, Managing Director – Maran Gas Maritime Inc. • κα. RADM Linda Fagan, Deputy Commandant for Operations Policy and Capabilities – United States Coast Guard

O Dr. John Kokarakis, Vice President, Technology & Business Development, Hellenic, Black Sea Region & Middle East – Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore Division, ανέφερε: «Το Πάνελ περί Συμμόρφωσης στους Περιβαλλοντικούς Κανονισμούς εστίασε σε κρίσιμα ζητήματα όπως: Η οικονομική ανάκαμψη και βιωσιμότητα σε καιρούς οικονομικής κρίσης, η ενδεχόμενη έλλειψη τεχνολογικών μέσων για αποτελεσματική και δίκαιη συμμόρφωση, η ανάγκη για καινοτόμες μορφές πρόωσης και καυσίμων, η εκπαίδευση του πληρώματος, και, τέλος, η εφαρμογή και ο έλεγχος συμμόρφωσης. Ποιος θα είναι ο αντίκτυπος στη ναυτιλία; Θα καταφέρει η ναυτιλία να ανταποκριθεί στις μελλοντικές προκλήσεις; Ποια κίνητρα θα παρασχεθούν ώστε να αυξηθούν οι επενδύσεις στις «πράσινες» τεχνολογίες»; Ποιες διαδικασίες θα πρέπει να ακολουθήσει η ναυτιλία ώστε να ενισχύσει την εικόνα της ως ηγετική δύναμη στις «πράσινες» τεχνολογίες και στους αποτελεσματικότερους τρόπους μεταφοράς;» O κ. Kostas G. Vlachos, Managing Director – Consolidated Marine Management Inc. & COO (Latsco Shipping), ανέφερε: «Οι κανονισμοί που θα τεθούν σε ισχύ το 2020 για το ανώτατο όριο Θείου και οι υπόλοιπες διατάξεις για τη μείωση NOx III και CO2, καθώς και η Σύμβαση για το Υδάτινο Έρμα, από κοινού με τις προϋποθέσεις για την κυβερνοασφάλεια, θα αλλάξουν την εικόνα του Κλάδου. Μόνο και μόνο το γεγονός ότι θα εισαχθούν νέες και όχι πλήρως ελεγμένες τεχνολογίες θα επιφέρει πληθώρα προκλήσεων για τη ναυτιλία. Επιπροσθέτως, ο χειρισμός των τεχνολογιών αυτών θα πρέπει να γίνει από ναυτικούς που δεν διαθέτουν ακόμη την απαιτούμενη κατάρτιση. Από την άλλη πλευρά, οι ελεγκτικοί κανόνες δεν έχουν αποσαφηνιστεί πλήρως, αφήνοντας έτσι το περιθώριο για αυθαίρετα μέτρα, ακούσια ή εκούσια, από τους διάφορους εμπλεκόμενους. Απαιτείται μια πολύ προσεκτική προσέγγιση από όλους τους βιομηχανικούς φορείς.»

O κ. Stavros Hatzigrigoris, Managing Director – Maran Gas Maritime Inc., ανέφερε: «Υπάρχουν ποικίλα διαθέσιμα καύσιμα για τη μείωση της μόλυνσης του περιβάλλοντος. Τα υδρογονοκίνητα σκάφη και η πυρηνική ενέργεια δεν είναι διαθέσιμα επί του παρόντος. Το ΥΦΑ, το υγραέριο και η μεθανόλη θα μειώσουν τις εκπομπές CO2 κατά 30% (ΥΦΑ 20%, υγραέριο 14%, Μεθανόλη 60%, Αιθανόλη 45%) και ταυτόχρονα θα εξαφανίσουν τα οξείδια του Θείου. Οι κινητήρες Otto μπορούν να ανταποκριθούν στα όρια NOX Tier III για το αέριο. Οι κινητήρες ντίζελ θα χρειαστούν EGR ή SCR. Η μετατροπή στο ΥΦΑ είναι αρκετά ακριβή. Με τις πληροφορίες που έχουμε σήμερα η εγκατάσταση ή μετατροπή πλυντρίδων σε κινητήρες υγρών καυσίμων προσδίδει πλεονέκτημα σε μεγαλύτερες εγκαταστάσεις μεγαλύτερου κινητήρα. Η τιμή της τάξης του 0.5 % S HFO θα καθορίσει τις συνθήκες τουλάχιστον μέχρι το 2025. Δεν πιστεύω πως η εγκατάσταση ενός συστήματος διαχείρισης υδάτινου έρματος ή η ανάγκη για ακριβότερα καύσιμα (τουλάχιστον το 80% του πλανήτη θα κληθεί να κάνει το ίδιο) πρόκειται να επισπεύσουν την απόσυρση αν η διαθεσιμότητα των πλοίων μειωθεί μέσω περιορισμού νέων παραγγελιών. Τα παλαιότερα πλοία είναι πλέον αποπληρωμένα.» O κ. Frederick J. Kenney, Director of Legal and External Affairs – International Maritime Organization (IMO), αναφέρθηκε στον ρόλο της ΙΜΟ ως παγκόσμιου ρυθμιστή του Κλάδου της ναυτιλίας και του χώρου στον οποίο αναπτύσσονται και υιοθετούνται ομοιόμορφοι, συνεκτικοί κανονισμοί, με στόχο τη διασφάλιση της ασφαλούς πλοήγησης και προστασίας του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος. Αναφέρθηκε επίσης στην πρόκληση που αποτελεί για την ΙΜΟ η συμμόρφωση με την Συμφωνία του Παρισιού για την κλιματική αλλαγή, καθώς και στις ενέργειες που έχουν ληφθεί μέχρι τώρα και αναμένεται να ληφθούν στο μέλλον. Τέλος, σχολίασε τη πρόσφατη έναρξη ισχύος της Σύμβασης για το Υδάτινο Έρμα και την εφαρμογή της.




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SECTION “INVESTING IN BIG DATA & CYBERSECURITY: IS IT WORTH IT? WILL IT REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE?” Συντονιστής: κ. Ioannis Chiotopoulos, Regional Manager South East Europe and Middle East – DNV GL – Maritime Ομιλητές: • κ. Panos Kourkountis, Technical Director – Andriaki Shipping • κ. Stefanos Stylianos, SQ & Marine Manager/DPA – Minerva Marine Inc. • κ. Vasileios Lampropoulos, Chief Operating Officer – Thenamaris Ships Management Inc. • κ. Socrates Theodossiou, Chief Executive Officer – Tototheo Maritime Ltd

O κ. Ioannis Chiotopoulos, Regional Manager South East Europe and Middle East – DNV GL – Maritime, ανέφερε: «Στο πάνελ μας, σε «διάλογο» και με την ενεργό συμμετοχή του κοινού, συζητήθηκαν τα big data (μαζικά δεδομένα) και η κυβερνοασφάλεια. Κινδυνεύει ο παραδοσιακός κύκλος της ναυτιλίας; Φόρτωση, μεταφορά του σκάφους από το σημείο Α στο σημείο Β, εκφόρτωση, συντήρηση και επισκευή των πλοίων μας. Συλλέγουμε εμπειρίες και γνώση την οποία χρησιμοποιούμε στα γραφεία μας στη στεριά και στη διαχείριση των στοιχείων ενεργητικού μας. Θα αλλάξει η ναυτιλία ως αποτέλεσμα της ταχύτατης τεχνολογικής ανάπτυξης και της ψηφιοποίησης; Ο προαναφερθείς κύκλος θα σπάσει, θα προκύψει η ανάγκη για την υιοθέτηση ενός νέου τρόπου σκέψης και επιχείρησης; «Ποια είναι» τελικά η ψηφιοποίηση για να μας υποδείξει το πως να κάνουμε τη δουλειά μας; Η ψηφιοποίηση έχει καταστήσει δυνατή τη συγκέντρωση τεράστιου όγκου δεδομένων ανά πλοίο σε καθημερινή βάση. Για να αποκτήσουν σημασία, ωστόσο, τα δεδομένα, θα πρέπει η συλλογή και η διαχείριση τους να γίνουν με τον σωστό τρόπο. Τα δεδομένα πρέπει να συνδυαστούν και να αναλυθούν με βάση τις ορθές μεθοδολογίες, ώστε να παραχθούν χρήσιμα πορίσματα. Αν και πολλοί ισχυρίζονται πως το επιτυγχάνουν, δεν είναι κάτι το ασήμαντο. Όταν η διαχείρισή τους γίνεται επιτυχημένα, τα δεδομένα μπορούν να ξεκλειδώσουν οφέλη σημαντικής αξίας αναφορικά με την παρακολούθηση της κατάστασης, την αξιολόγηση και τη βελτιστοποίηση της απόδοσης, τη βελτίωση της ασφάλειας, τη συντήρηση με βάση τον κίνδυνο κ.λπ. Η συνδεσιμότητα και το διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων (internet of things), το οποίο πλησιάζει πιο σύντομα απ’ ότι περιμέναμε, έχουν ανοίξει τον δρόμο σε κινδύνους σχετικούς με τον κυβερνοχώρο. Το πάνελ ανέλυσε τη σοβαρότητα των σχετικών με τον κυβερνοχώρο κινδύνων για τα πλοία και τις ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες. Μήπως αντιδρούμε υπερβολικά, δημιουργώντας απειλές εκεί που δεν υπάρχουν; Μήπως ο κίνδυνος είναι λιγότερο εξωτερικός και περισσότερο εκ των έσω; Πέραν των τεχνικών εμποδίων, η ανάπτυξη κατάλληλων συστημάτων διαχείρισης της ασφάλειας της πληροφορίας κρίνεται απαραίτητη, δεδομένου του ρυθμού των τεχνολογικών εξελίξεων. Η σημαντικότερη διάσταση είναι τελικά η ανάπτυξη της αντίστοιχης επιχειρηματικής νοοτροπίας, εστιάζοντας στον ανθρώπινο παράγοντα και τη διαρκή βελτίωση ενημερότητας, εκπαίδευσης και συμπεριφοράς. Εν κατακλείδι, το πάνελ κατέληξε στο συμπέρασμα πως οι έξυπνες επενδύσεις, η σταδιακή εφαρμογή και η υιοθέτηση νέων τεχνολογιών είναι απαραίτητες για μια σύγχρονη ναυτιλιακή εταιρεία, ώστε να κεφαλαιοποιήσει επί των οφελών που προσφέρει η τεχνολογία και να αυξήσει την ανταγωνιστικότητά της.» O κ. Stefanos Stylianos, SQ & Marine Manager/DPA – Minerva Marine Inc., ανέφερε: «Το «Έξυπνο Πλοίο» είναι το μέλλον, ωστόσο φέρνει στο προσκήνιο νέες προκλήσεις για όλους εμάς στον χώρο της ναυτιλίας. Μάθαμε να διαχειριζόμαστε αποτελεσματικά το υλικό και το λογισμικό των σκαφών μας στο παρελθόν: Το ατσάλι, τα μηχανήματα, τους ανθρώπους. Πλέον έχουμε περάσει σε μια εποχή κατά την οποία βασιζόμαστε στην τεχνολογία για την αποτελεσματική πλοήγηση και λειτουργία. Διαθέτουμε πλειάδα ηλεκτρονικών συστημάτων που παράγουν και ανταλλάσσουν πολλαπλά δεδομένα συνεχώς, πώς διαχειριζόμαστε λοιπόν αυτόν τον βομβαρδισμό πληροφόρησης; Πώς θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε όλα αυτά τα δεδομένα για να διαχειριστούμε τα πλοία μας με μεγαλύτερη αποτελεσματικότητα; Η αυξανόμενη εξάρτηση από την Τεχνολογία επιφέρει έναν νέο κίνδυνο όσον αφορά την κυβερνοασφάλεια. Ενδεχόμενη αποτυχία θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε σημαντικές συνέπειες, ακόμη και σε καταστροφικά αποτελέσματα για ανθρώπινες ζωές και περιβαλλοντικές ζημιές.» O κ. Socrates Theodossiou, Chief Executive Officer – Tototheo Maritime Ltd, ανέφερε: «Τα Big Data και η κυβερνοασφάλεια είναι οι δύο πλευρές του ίδιου νομίσματος. Η επένδυση και στους δύο τομείς έχει καθοριστική σημασία. Τα Big Data σχηματίζουν το μέλλον της βιομηχανίας, και αν κανείς δεν επενδύσει κινδυνεύει να δει τον ανταγωνισμό να τον ξεπερνά. Συνιστώ ωστόσο προσοχή, τα big data δεν αποτελούν λύση αυτά καθαυτά - ο τρόπος χρήσης οδηγεί στην δημιουργία αξίας. Η Κυβερνοασφάλεια θα έπρεπε ίσως να αντιμετωπίζεται ως μέρος του επενδυτικού κόστους για τα big data - δεν θα έπρεπε να υπάρχει το ένα χωρίς το άλλο.»




Capital Link


Συντονιστής: κ. Theodosis Stamatellos, South Europe Marine and Offshore Manager – Lloyd’s Register Ομιλητές: • Capt. Michalis Malliaros, General Manager, EUSG, Fleet Personnel Manager ESMH – Euronav • Κα. Maria Christopoulou, Quality & Training Manager – Neda Maritime Agency Co. Ltd. • Κα. Angie Hartmann, Crew Manager – Starbulk SA; President – WISTA Hellas • Κα. Yanna Laskari, Crew Manager – TMS Dry Ltd. • Capt. Panagiotis Drosos, Managing Director – Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement

O κ. Theodosis Stamatellos, South Europe Marine and Offshore Manager – Lloyd’s Register, ανέφερε: «Η Capital Link μας έδωσε την εξαιρετική ευκαιρία να αυξήσουμε την ευαισθητοποίηση για τις ανησυχίες και τις ευκαιρίες που σχετίζονται με τα «άτομα». Πολλοί στόχοι μπορούν να επιτευχθούν χάρη στην ορθή διαχείριση της εκπαίδευσης και της ευημερίας. Αντιστοίχως, αν αποτύχουμε να συλλάβουμε τις ανάγκες, ενδέχεται να προκύψουν σημαντικές απειλές. Ψυχολογική υποστήριξη, προσωπικές (μη τεχνικές) δεξιότητες, ταχύτατα αυξανόμενος όγκος καθηκόντων και διαφοροποιούμενα προφίλ κατάρτισης, ενίσχυση των υπευθύνων εκπαίδευσης και ανταλλαγή βέλτιστων πρακτικών. Μια ματιά στα όσα αντιμετωπίζει η βιομηχανία, ενόσω οι εταιρείες εργάζονται προς τη διασφάλιση της φιλοσοφίας πληρώματος και εταιρείας, με σκοπό την ασφαλή πλοήγηση στο μέλλον.» H κα. Maria Christopoulou, Quality & Training Manager – Neda Maritime Agency Co. Ltd., ανέφερε: «Είναι ο «Κλάδος Μηδενικών Περιστατικών» ένας ρεαλιστικός στόχος προς τον οποίο πρέπει να κινηθούμε, ή αποτελεί ουτοπία; Είναι άραγε το ανθρώπινο στοιχείο που αποτυγχάνει ή πρέπει να αποδεχτούμε πως ορισμένα ανθρώπινα όρια είναι πέρα από την ρυθμιστική μας ικανότητα; Περισσότερα από 100 χρόνια μετά τη σύμβαση SOLAS, αντιμετωπίζουμε ακόμη περιστατικά με τις ίδιες Βασικές Αιτίες. Ενώ οι αναλυτές αποδίδουν πάνω από το 80% των περιστατικών αυτών σε «Ανθρώπινα Λάθη», η ναυτιλιακή κοινότητα μόνο πρόσφατα αφυπνίστηκε και ενθαρρύνθηκε να προσεγγίσει τους ανθρώπινους περιορισμούς ως πρόκληση. Η εκπαίδευση με στόχο οι ναυτικοί μας να γίνουν πιο «Ανθεκτικοί», ικανοί να ανταποκριθούν με επιτυχία στις αντιξοότητες ανά πάσα στιγμή, είναι θέμα υψίστης σημασίας. Είναι ο Ανθεκτικός Ναυτικός ο «άνθρωπος με το κόκκινο πηλήκιο», ο άνθρωπος που θα υπερνικήσει τους κινδύνους στα σκάφη μας; Έχουμε πλέον καταλήξει στο συμπέρασμα ότι χάρη στη ανάπτυξη μέσω Προσωπικών Δεξιοτήτων, χρησιμοποιώντας εργαλεία όπως οι Τεχνικές Ηγεσίας, οι μέθοδοι Διαχείρισης του Στρες, η Ασφάλεια με βάση τη Συμπεριφορά, η Διαχείριση Κρίσεων και η συμμετοχή σε ρεαλιστικά μαθήματα εξομοίωσης, οι Αξιωματικοί και το πλήρωμα μπορούν να κάνουν χρήση των τεχνικών γνώσεων και της εμπειρίας τους αποτελεσματικότερα, τόσο κατά την διάρκεια επιχειρήσεων ρουτίνας όσο και σε επείγουσες καταστάσεις σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Οι εταιρείες και τα σκάφη πρέπει να κινηθούν προς την ίδια κατεύθυνση και να αποκτήσουν κοινή οπτική όσον αφορά την Ασφάλεια, χτίζοντας ανθεκτικά συστήματα, βάσει των θεμελιωδών αρχών της αποτελεσματικής, διαδραστικής επικοινωνίας και του ομαδικού πνεύματος. Επίσης, τα συστήματα Διαχείρισης θα πρέπει να παύσουν να βασίζονται στην «Αντίδραση» ή την «Συμμόρφωση», και να αντικατασταθούν από την Ασφάλεια ως κύρια εταιρική αρχή και αξία.» H κα. Angie Hartmann, Crew Manager – Starbulk SA; President – WISTA Hellas, ανέφερε: «Η καθημερινή, στενή επαφή με το πλήρωμα οδηγεί σε αποτελεσματική επίλυση προβλημάτων. Ο Ανθρώπινος Παράγοντας πρέπει πάντοτε να παραμένει η βασική προτεραιότητα. Ως γυναίκα, υπάρχει θα έλεγα ένα σχεδόν μητρικό ένστικτο στον τρόπο με τον οποίο ενδιαφέρομαι για το πλήρωμα, και πιστεύω πως η ύπαρξη γυναικών σε αντίστοιχες θέσεις αποτελεί πλεονέκτημα.»

H κα. Yanna Laskari, Crew Manager – TMS Dry Ltd., ανέφερε: «Η ευημερία του πληρώματος είναι ένας ιδιαίτερα ευρύς όρος. Μεταφράζεται στο πνευματικό καλώς έχειν και την ψυχολογική υγεία των μελών. Η διατήρηση ουσιαστικής στήριξης και η καλή επικοινωνία είναι τα σημεία-κλειδιά για να ενθαρρύνουμε την κοινωνικοποίηση των ναυτικών στο πολυεθνικό και πολυπολιτισμικό περιβάλλον του σήμερα.»



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Capital Link


Προλόγισε: O κ. Nicolas Bornozis, President – Capital Link, Inc. Ομιλητές: • κ. Costas Th. Ioannides, CEO – Marsh Brokers Ltd., Cyprus • Dr. Periclis Tzardis M.D., Chief Medical Advisor – ShipMedCare Ltd. • κ. David Nichol, Senior Loss Prevention Executive (Greece) – Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. • κ. Martin Slade, Lecturer, Director of Research – Yale University Occupational & Environmental Medicine

O κ. David Nichol, Senior Loss Prevention Executive (Greece) – Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd., ξεκίνησε λέγοντας πως «ένα ιατρικό επείγον περιστατικό σε πλοίο, μακριά από εγκαταστάσεις ιατρικής περίθαλψης, μπορεί να αποδειχθεί ένα ιδιαιτέρως δύσκολο και αγχωτικό γεγονός, όχι μόνο για τον ιατρό και τον ασθενή, αλλά και για τον υπεύθυνο του πλοίου. Σύμφωνα με μια γραφική απεικόνιση, οι ασθένειες και οι τραυματισμοί αντιπροσωπεύουν την μερίδα του λέοντος, από πλευράς κοστοβόρων αιτημάτων των Μελών προς τα P&I Clubs.» Τέλος, εξήγησε πως «ήταν πολύ σημαντικό οι υπεύθυνοι των πλοίων να έχουν πρόσβαση σε επαγγελματικές ιατρικές συμβουλές για να βοηθηθούν στη διατήρηση της ψυχραιμίας και τη λήψη αποφάσεων.»

O Dr. Periclis Tzardis M.D., Chief Medical Advisor – ShipMedCare Ltd., ανέφερε: «Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη το ότι οι επιχειρηματικοί ηγέτες είναι ηθικά και κοινωνικά υπεύθυνοι για την ευημερία των υπαλλήλων τους, η προτεραιότητα αναφορικά με την ευημερία του πληρώματος ήταν η επιτακτική ανάγκη για ορθολογικές υπηρεσίες τηλεϊατρικής διαβούλευσης 24 ώρες το 24ωρο και 7 ημέρες την εβδομάδα, με την υποστήριξη ενός παγκόσμιου δικτύου εξειδικευμένου ιατρικού προσωπικού και ιατρικών ιδρυμάτων. Η προτυποποίηση ενός ιατρικού ηλεκτρονικού εγγράφου για τους ναυτικούς, το οποίο θα περιλαμβάνει το ιατρικό ιστορικό τους, αποτελέσματα χρήσης αλκοόλ, αξιολόγηση της πνευματικής τους υγείας, παρελθόντα περιστατικά στο σκάφος κ.λπ., κρίνεται εξίσου απαραίτητη. Τα πλεονεκτήματα της εφαρμογής της τηλεϊατρικής διαβούλευσης φαντάζουν μεγάλα, τόσο από ανθρωπιστική (προστασία υγείας των ναυτικών) όσο και από οικονομική (σημαντική μείωση κόστους) σκοπιά.» O κ. Martin Slade, Lecturer, Director of Research – Yale University Occupational & Environmental Medicine, ανέφερε: «Η χρήση της τηλεϊατρικής μειώνει, και θα συνεχίσει να μειώνει, το προσωπικό και οικονομικό άχθος της ασθένειας ή του τραυματισμού μεταξύ των εμπορικών ναυτικών. Η ανάλυση των πληροφοριών που εμπεριέχονται στα τηλεϊατρικά αρχεία, μέσω της χρήσης επιδημιολογικών και βιοστατιστικών μεθόδων θα οδηγήσει στην ανάδυση στρατηγικών με σκοπό την μείωση των κινδύνων υγείας λόγω ήδη υπαρχουσών ιατρικών διαταραχών. Η επιχειρηματική προσέγγιση με βάση τα δεδομένα θα αυξήσει την ευημερία μειώνοντας το κόστος της ιατρικής περίθαλψης.»

O κ. Costas Th. Ioannides, CEO – Marsh Brokers Ltd., Cyprus, ανέφερε: «Όπως έχει ήδη αναφερθεί, η Υγεία και η Ασφάλεια του Πληρώματος αποτελούν τον πρωταρχικό μας στόχο. Τα ζητήματα που αφορούν την ασφάλιση είναι δευτερεύοντα. Σύμφωνα με την εμπειρία μου, η τηλεϊατρική αντιμετωπίζεται θετικά στον χώρο της ασφάλισης. Φυσικά τα οφέλη της χρήσης μιας τέτοιας υπηρεσίας είναι πολλά, ωστόσο οι ασφαλιστικές (P&I Clubs κατά κύριο λόγο) θα ήθελαν να το διαπιστώσουν σε στατιστικές καταγραφές προτού προθυμοποιηθούν να βελτιώσουν τις τιμές ενόψει πιθανής μειωμένης συχνότητας. Πρόκειται για μια συνηθισμένη πρακτική. Φυσικά θα μπορούσε κανείς να υιοθετήσει μια άλλη οπτική γωνία, αυτή της επένδυσης με στόχο την Πρόληψη Απωλειών, και θα μπορούσε κανείς να θέσει στους φορείς προστασίας και αποζημιώσεων την πρόκληση της λήψης προληπτικών μέτρων, με γνώμονα την προσπάθεια αποφυγής ή μείωσης του συνολικού κόστους.»


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Συντονιστής: κ. Theo G. Baltatzis, General Manager – Technomar Shipping Inc. Ομιλητές: • κ. Loukas Kaniaros, Director of Technical and Marine Dry Operations – Chandris Hellas • κ. Andreas Hadjipetrou, Managing Director – Columbia Shipmanagement • κ. Dimitris Orfanos, Chief Operating Officer – Dorian LPG Management Corp. • κα. Danielle Lammens, Maintenance Excellence Manager – Exmar Ship Management NV • κ. George Thanopoulos, Technical Manager Bulk Carriers – Neda Maritime Agency Co. Ltd.

O κ. Loukas Kaniaros, Director of Technical and Marine Dry Operations – Chandris Hellas, ανέφερε: «Τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια, είναι προφανές πως έχει επιτευχθεί σημαντική πρόοδος, και πως έχουν επαναπροσδιοριστεί οι πραγματικές δυνατότητες ενός καλά οργανωμένου και πλήρως βελτιστοποιημένου συστήματος συντήρησης και διαχείρισης πλοίων . Σκοπός αυτής της περίληψης είναι να αναδείξουμε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι σύγχρονες μέθοδοι διαχείρισης, ειδικά όσον αφορά τη συντήρηση και τη διαχείριση των ανθρώπινων πόρων, μπορούν να συνδυαστούν με την επιστήμη της διαχείρισης, ώστε να προκύψει το καλύτερο δυνατό σύστημα διαχείρισης πλοίων. Ο στόχος του συστήματος αυτού είναι η μείωση του συνολικού κόστους και ταυτόχρονα η διατήρηση ή και βελτίωση της επιχειρησιακής αποτελεσματικότητας. Πολλοί άνθρωποι που δεν είναι μηχανικοί αντιμετωπίζουν τη συντήρηση ως ένα αναγκαίο κακό. Ωστόσο, ο πραγματικός σκοπός της αποτελεσματικής συντήρησης ενός αποδοτικού συστήματος διαχείρισης πλοίου είναι η παροχή δυνατότητας στην εταιρεία να επιτύχει τους στόχους της, ελαχιστοποιώντας το επιχειρησιακό κόστος, μεγιστοποιώντας τα μακροπρόθεσμα κέρδη, αλλά και βελτιστοποιώντας το επίπεδο των υπηρεσιών σε συνάρτηση με τον προϋπολογισμό. Αν εξετάσουμε από τεχνική σκοπιά τα προαναφερθέντα, γίνεται εύκολα κατανοητό πως η επίτευξη των στόχων αυτών δεν αποτελεί αμελητέο εγχείρημα. Το κόστος συντήρησης και τα έξοδα που αφορούν τη διαχείριση ανθρώπινων πόρων, π.χ. το κόστος πληρώματος, μπορούν να μειωθούν με ευκολία, με ποιο τίμημα όμως; Ορισμένες εκ των συνεπειών της μείωσης των εξόδων είναι οι εξής: 1. Συχνά προβλήματα με αποτέλεσμα «ακριβό» χαμένο χρόνο 2. Ταχεία επιδείνωση της κατάστασης του πλοίου και των μηχανημάτων 3. Διακινδύνευση της εμπορικής αξιοπιστίας, της φήμης και του στάτους της εταιρείας.» O κ. Andreas Hadjipetrou, Managing Director – Columbia Shipmanagement, ανέφερε: «Οι διαχειριστές τρίτων μερών θα αυξήσουν το μερίδιο αγοράς που τους αναλογεί αν καταφέρουν να διαχειριστούν τα πλοία εξοικονομώντας περισσότερο σε σύγκριση με τους εφοπλιστές, αρκεί να μην κάνουν συμβιβασμούς στην ποιότητα και την ασφάλεια, και επικεντρωνόμενοι όχι μόνο στις επιχειρησιακές δαπάνες αλλά και στην παρακολούθηση, την ενεργειακή απόδοση και την έγκριση των ναυλωτών. Οι επιτυχημένοι διαχειριστές πλοίων εστιάζουν στην εξέλιξη και την εκπαίδευση του πληρώματος, την επένδυση στην τεχνολογία και τη δια βίου μάθηση του προσωπικού τους στη στεριά. Διαχειριστές και ιδιοκτήτες πρέπει να έρθουν σε συμφωνία όσον αφορά τους αποδοτικούς δείκτες και να ανταλλάσσουν διαρκώς πληροφορίες αναφορικά με τα σκάφη, χτίζοντας έτσι μια σχέση εμπιστοσύνης. Η νέα εποχή στη ναυτιλία επιτάσσει περισσότερη διαφάνεια και στενότερη συνεργασία μεταξύ ιδιοκτητών, ναυλωτών και διαχειριστών.»

O κ. Dimitris Orfanos, Chief Operating Officer – Dorian LPG Management Corp., σχολίασε πως «η Βελτιστοποίηση της Τεχνικής Διαχείρισης Στόλου δεν είναι απλά θεμιτή, αλλά απαραίτητη στην πραγματικότητα των αγορών του σήμερα. Υποστήριξε πως κάθε υπάρχουσα δραστηριότητα διαχείρισης στόλου πρέπει να αξιολογείται, να αναθεωρείται, και να δράττεται κάθε ευκαιρία εξορθολογισμού ή δημιουργίας αξίας. Από την διαχείριση του εφεδρικού εξοπλισμού (αποθήκη έναντι σκάφους), στο προσωπικό και την απλοποίηση των καθηκόντων εν πλω και στη στεριά (έξοδα επικάλυψης και πολυπλοκότητας!), οι εταιρείες μπορούν και πρέπει να περιορίσουν την αναποτελεσματικότητα. Ανέφερε πως η ενεργειακή συντήρηση δεν είναι ακόμη μεταξύ των διαδεδομένων και βαθιά ριζωμένων δραστηριοτήτων, παρά το γεγονός πως είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη με την εξοικονόμηση καυσίμων, ενώ τα εργαλεία ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης προσφέρουν πολλά περιθώρια βελτιστοποίησης της εταιρικής εκπαίδευσης. Η διευρυμένη πρόσβαση στα δεδομένα του πλοίου (δεδομένα συστήματος παρακολούθησης φορτίου) δημιουργεί ευκαιρίες βελτιστοποίησης, παρότι ο εξορθολογισμός είναι δύσκολος. Η βελτιστοποίηση της συντήρησης απαιτεί στενή παρακολούθηση, συνέπεια και προσεκτική αξιολόγηση των επιχειρησιακών κινδύνων ώστε αυτοί να παραμείνουν σε αποδεκτά επίπεδα».


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SECTION “SHIP SAFETY – REGULATORY COMPLIANCE & THIRD PARTY INSPECTIONS” Συντονιστής: Dr. Michalis Pantazopoulos, Managing Director – Liberian Registry – LISCR (Hellas) S.A. Ομιλητές: • κ. Panos Zachariadis, Technical Director – Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd. • κ. Stavros Meidanis, DPA/CSO, S&Q Manager – Capital Ship Management Corp. • κ. Theofanis Sallis, General Manager, Operations – GasLog Ltd. • κ. Stylianos I. Siafakas, Chief Executive Officer –Dromon Maritime Inc. • κ. Dimitris E. Patrikios, Chief Operating Officer – Springfield Shipping Co. (Onassis Group) • κ. George Thanopoulos, Technical Manager Bulk Carriers – Neda Maritime Agency Co. Ltd.

O Dr. Michalis Pantazopoulos, Managing Director – Liberian Registry – LISCR (Hellas) S.A., ανέφερε: «Η συμμόρφωση με τους κανονισμούς των συμβάσεων του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού Ναυσιπλοΐας (IMO), SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL και MLC περιγράφηκαν ήδη εν συντομία. Τίθενται συνήθως σε ισχύ από το Κράτος Σημαίας του σκάφους και τους αναγνωρισμένους οργανισμούς - τις εγκεκριμένες εταιρείες από τη Διεθνή Ένωση Νηογνωμόνων - και ελέγχονται από τους Λιμενικούς Ελέγχους των Κρατών. Από την άλλη συζητήθηκαν οι Επιθεωρήσεις Τρίτων, που περιλαμβάνουν ελέγχους αξιολόγησης από πετρελαϊκούς κολοσσούς, το πρόγραμμα TMSA, οι επιθεωρήσεις Rightship, καθώς και τα αποτελέσματα άλλων επιθεωρήσεων που θεωρούνται οδηγοί στον Κλάδο της ναυτιλίας. Τα πλεονεκτήματα και τα μειονεκτήματα της τρέχουσας τάξης πραγμάτων και στις δύο πλευρές - κανονιστικοί έλεγχοι και επιθεωρήσεις «τρίτων» - από κοινού με τον ρόλο του ανθρώπινου παράγοντα παρουσιάστηκαν, με έμφαση στα συμπεράσματα και τις προτάσεις για μια βελτιωμένη φιλοσοφία ασφάλειας προς όφελος της ναυτιλίας γενικότερα.» O κ. Panos Zachariadis, Technical Director – Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd., ανέφερε: «Η συμμόρφωση με τους Κανονισμούς σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις επηρεάζει την Ασφάλεια. «Αναφέρθηκε στη συμμόρφωση με την EEDI η οποία οδηγεί σε λιγότερο δυνατούς κινητήρες, δημιουργώντας, ειδικά για την 3η φάση μετά το 2025, ένα πραγματικό πρόβλημα για τα δεξαμενόπλοια και τα πλοία μεταφοράς χύδην φορτίου. Δυστυχώς, είπε, κάποιες χώρες και ΜΚΟ στον Διεθνή Οργανισμό Ναυσιπλοΐας χρησιμοποιούν το σύνθημα «πρώτα η ασφάλεια» απλά και μόνο ως «ατάκα», δίχως να το εννοούν. Όσον αφορά τις επιθεωρήσεις, άσκησε κριτική σε διάφορους τρίτους, οι οποίοι δεν διαθέτουν ιδιαίτερες ναυτιλιακές γνώσεις, αλλά παρόλα αυτά συνθέτουν δείκτες ασφάλειας και αποδοτικότητας για πλοία, οι οποίοι δεν έχουν αξία, και τελικά πωλούν ελεγκτικές υπηρεσίες σε εφοπλιστές για να βελτιώσουν τη θέση των πλοίων τους. Όσον αφορά τους ελέγχους του κράτους του λιμένα ανέφερε πως το πρόβλημα ασυνείδητων επιθεωρητών, σε γνωστές περιοχές, πρέπει επιτέλους να αντιμετωπιστεί.»

O κ. Stavros Meidanis, DPA/CSO, S&Q Manager – Capital Ship Management Corp., ανέφερε: «Σήμερα, η ασφάλεια είναι ένας σημαντικότατος παράγων που επηρεάζει όλες τις πτυχές της ναυτιλίας. Ωστόσο η διαχείριση της ασφάλειας και η εφαρμογή της στη ναυτιλία είναι σημαντικότερες από ποτέ. Πλέον, τα όρια της ασφάλειας και της αποδοτικότητας στη ναυτιλία τίθενται μέσω κωδικών, συμβάσεων και κατευθυντήριων γραμμών. Οι λιμενικοί ελεγκτές, οι νηογνώμονες, οργανισμοί νηολόγησης αλλά και σημαντικοί παράγοντες της βιομηχανίας όπως το OCIMF (Διεθνές Ναυτικό Όργανο Εταιρειών Πετρελαίου) και η Rightship συνεισέφεραν στην ασφάλεια και την προστασία στον τομέα της ναυτιλίας. Το σύνολο των παραπάνω «οργανισμών» προτρέπει τα σκάφη να σέβονται τα διεθνή πρότυπα ασφάλειας και προστασίας, να προλαμβάνουν τυχόν περιβαλλοντικές μολύνσεις και να ακολουθούν άλλους επιχειρησιακούς κανονισμούς. Για τους διαχειριστές και χειριστές των πλοίων, είναι πολύ σημαντικό να γίνουν κατανοητοί οι στόχοι του κάθε κανονισμού, ούτως ώστε να ανταποκριθούν με αποδοτικότητα και αποτελεσματικότητα στις προκλήσεις αυτές.» O κ. Stylianos I. Siafakas, Chief Executive Officer –Dromon Maritime Inc., ανέφερε: «Κάθε εταιρεία οφείλει να επενδύσει στο προσωπικό της, τόσο στη στεριά όσο και επί του στόλου της. Στόχος κάθε εταιρείας είναι να προσελκύσει το καλύτερο προσωπικό, δίνοντας έμφαση στην πρόσληψη ικανών, κατάλληλα κατηρτισμένων, έμπειρων, ενεργοποιημένων και σωστά εκπαιδευμένων επαγγελματιών χειριστών δεξαμενόπλοιων. Η διαχείριση του προσωπικού σε ένα πλαίσιο αλληλοκατανόησης και υπευθυνότητας θα παρέχει την δυνατότητα δημιουργίας εξαιρετικού πνεύματος συνεργασίας μεταξύ των ατόμων, στις ακτές και στην θάλασσα, το οποίο θα συνεισφέρει στη διατήρηση υψηλών διαχειριστικών και επιχειρησιακών προτύπων στην εταιρεία. Το καλά εκπαιδευμένο προσωπικό αποτελεί τον ακρογωνιαίο λίθο της δέσμευσης για διαρκή βελτίωση. Η επίτευξη της αριστείας απαιτεί την κατάλληλη προεπιλογή, προσεκτική επιλογή και τοποθέτηση, στρατολόγηση, διαρκή αξιολόγηση και εκπαίδευση του προσωπικού στο σύνολό του».


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SECTION “OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE” Συντονιστής: κ. George Teriakidis, Regional Business Development Manager - DNV GL Ομιλητές: • κ. George Ousantzopoulos, Head of Safety/Vetting – Almi Tankers • κ. Marcos Vassilikos, Managing Director – Eurobulk • κ. George Kouleris, Technical Director – Prime Marine Management • κ. Lambros Babilis, Chief Executive Officer – Stealth Maritime Corporation S.A. • κ. Dimitris E. Patrikios, Chief Operating Officer – Springfield Shipping Co. (Onassis Group) • κ. George Thanopoulos, Technical Manager Bulk Carriers – Neda Maritime Agency Co. Ltd.

O κ. George Teriakidis, Regional Business Development Manager - DNV GL, ανέφερε: «Το πάνελ για το θέμα αυτό αποτελείται από εταιρείες από όλο το φάσμα της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας. Όλες οι συμμετέχουσες εταιρείες είναι ευρέως γνωστές στη ναυτιλία χάρη στις επιδόσεις τους. Το γεγονός αυτό βασίζεται στις επιχειρήσεις που κάνουν χρήστη των βέλτιστων βιομηχανικών πρακτικών οδηγώντας στην επιχειρησιακή αριστεία. Ποιες είναι όμως οι προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουν; Πώς μπορούν να ξεπεράσουν αυτές τις δυσκολίες διατηρώντας ταυτόχρονη την ίδια υψηλή απόδοση; Πώς επηρεάζονται οι επιχειρήσεις τους από την τωρινή κατάσταση της αγοράς; Τα πορίσματα που θα προκύψουν από την συζήτηση μας θα αναδείξουν το πως η επιχειρησιακή αριστεία μετατρέπεται σε διαφοροποιητικό παράγονται και ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα.» O κ. George Ousantzopoulos, Head of Safety/Vetting – Almi Tankers, μίλησε για την επιχειρησιακή αριστεία και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο μπορεί να δημιουργήσει ένα ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα, παρά το γεγονός ότι οι ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες κατά κύριο λόγο αποδέχονται τις τιμές της αγοράς. Υπογράμμισε το γεγονός ότι ένα από τα σημαντικότερα στοιχεία της επιχειρησιακής αριστείας είναι ο Ανθρώπινος Παράγοντας και παρουσίασε τις βιομηχανικές τάσεις που αποδεικνύουν την αυξανόμενη βαρύτητά του. Στη συνέχεια ανέλυσε 3 τομείς: Τον τομέα της Ηγεσίας, της Φιλοσοφίας και της Συλλογικής Συμμετοχής, οι οποίοι αν αναπτυχθούν καταλλήλως σε μια εταιρεία θα οδηγήσουν στην επιχειρησιακή αριστεία, δημιουργώντας έτσι ένα ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα.

O κ. Lambros Babilis, Chief Executive Officer – Stealth Maritime Corporation S.A., ανέφερε: «Προσεγγίζω την Επιχειρησιακή Αριστεία σε δύο επίπεδα: Το ατομικό, του υπάλληλου, και το εταιρικό. Σε υπαλληλικό επίπεδο, η προσπάθεια για αριστεία στην εργασία προσφέρει στο άτομο μια αίσθηση αυτοπραγμάτωσης που οδηγεί στην επαγγελματική ικανοποίηση χάρη στην ποιότητα της εργασίας. Το ηθικό του υπαλλήλου αυξάνεται, επηρεάζοντας με τη σειρά του την ποιότητα της εργασίας, σε έναν καρποφόρο κύκλο προσωπικής ικανοποίησης, εργασιακής απόδοσης και αποτελεσματικότητας. Στο εταιρικό επίπεδο, η υιοθέτηση της Επιχειρησιακής Αριστείας και των βέλτιστων βιομηχανικών πρακτικών προστατεύει από τις παραβιάσεις κανονισμών, βελτιώνει την εικόνα της εταιρείας σε ένα περιβάλλον διαφάνειας, προσδίδει νομική ασφάλεια και εν τέλει σιγουριά στους υπάρχοντες και υποψήφιους πελάτες, προμηθευτές, υπεργολάβους και παρόχους υπηρεσιών. Επιπλέον προσελκύει υποψήφιους υπαλλήλους υψηλής ποιότητας που μοιράζονται παρόμοιες αξίες, οδηγώντας σε έναν κόμη ενάρετο κύκλο. Η ποσοτικοποίηση των οφελών σε οικονομικά μεγέθη ή σε ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα μπορεί να μην είναι απλή διαδικασία, εξαιτίας του ότι στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις τα οφέλη είναι κρυμμένα κάτω από χαμένες ευκαιρίες, ελλείψει Επιχειρησιακής Αριστείας, και άρα αναγνωρίζονται δύσκολα.» O κ. George Kouleris, Technical Director – Prime Marine Management, ανέφερε: «Σήμερα, πολλοί εξωτερικοί παράγοντες, όπως lobbyists, ΜΚΟ, περιβαλλοντικές οργανώσεις κ.α., ασκούν επιρροή στη ναυτιλία, και επομένως επηρεάζουν και το επιχειρησιακό κόστος. Δεν διαθέτουν κάποιο κίνητρο ώστε να περιορίσουν τους κανονισμούς που επιβάλλουν. Παρόλα αυτά, όλοι οι τομείς θα πρέπει να χαρακτηρίζονται από υψηλά πρότυπα, και τελικά είναι στο χέρι της κάθε εταιρείας να υιοθετήσει τις βέλτιστες βιομηχανικές πρακτικές σύμφωνα με τα μέσα στη διάθεσή τους.»


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Capital Link

To Συνέδριο έκλεισε με την απονομή του Βραβείου “Capital Link Maritime CSR Leadership Award”, η οποία ξεκίνησε πριν από 5 χρόνια με στόχο την αναγνώριση ενός ατόμου ή ενός οργανισμού για την επίδειξη του υψηλότερου επιπέδου αφοσίωσης στην Επιχειρηματική Δεοντολογία και τις Βέλτιστες Πρακτικές στον Κλάδο. Τιμώμενα πρόσωπα προηγούμενων ετών ήταν οι κκ. Jeremy Penn, Former Chief Executive of the Baltic Exchange, Dr. Nikolas P. Tsakos, Chairman of INTERTANKO and President & CEO of NYSE listed TSAKOS ENERGY NAVIGATION LTD (TEN), Efthimios E. Mitropoulos, Secretary General Emeritus of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) και Clay Maitland, Founding Partner – NAMEPA; Chairman – NYMAR; Managing Partner – International Registries. Στα πλαίσια του Συνεδρίου το “2017 Capital Link Maritime CSR Leadership Award” απονεμήθηκε στον κ. Ιωάννη Πλατσιδάκη, Chairman, INTERCARGO; Managing Director - Anangel Maritime Services Inc. σε αναγνώριση της αφοσίωσής του στην εφαρμογή και προώθηση των Βέλτιστων Πρακτικών στον Κλάδο τόσο σαν επικεφαλής της INTERCARGO όσο και κατά την μακρόχρονη καριέρα του στον ναυτιλιακό κλάδο.

εμπλέκονται στο περιστατικό. Η ποιότητα είναι ακριβή, δύσκολη ως προς την επίτευξή της και αποτέλεσμα μιας συνεχούς διαδικασίας. Η αντίθετη επιλογή όμως, δηλαδή η μη συμμόρφωση, η κακή απόδοση και τα ατυχήματα ενδέχεται να αποβούν μοιραία για τη βιωσιμότητα της εταιρείας ως οντότητα. Όπως συνηθίζουμε να λέμε, αν πιστεύετε πως η Ποιότητα είναι ακριβή, που να δείτε πόσο κοστίζει ένα Ατύχημα! Η καλή φήμη απαιτεί χρόνο για να χτιστεί και μόνο μια στιγμή για να καταστραφεί! Συνοψίζοντας, η ναυτιλία μοχθεί για την ποιότητα και προσβλέπει στην υιοθέτηση και την συμμόρφωση με κανονισμούς διαφάνειας, πρακτικότητας και σεβασμού απέναντι στη ναυτιλία η οποία αποτελεί έναν από τους βασικότερους συντελεστές του υψηλού βιοτικού επιπέδου που απολαμβάνει η κοινωνία μας.» Οι εισαγωγικές παρατηρήσεις και η παρουσίαση του Βραβείου έγιναν από τον κύριο Παναγιώτη Λασκαρίδη, President - European Community Shipowners Associations; CEO - Lavinia Corporation/Laskaridis Shipping Co. Ltd., o οποίος στην ομιλία του ανέφερε: «Οι βέλτιστες πρακτικές στη ναυτιλία, όπως και αλλού, δεν αποτελούν μια ακριβή επιστήμη. Αν και μπορεί κανείς να αναφέρει κάθε μια ξεχωριστά, συλλογικά το εύρος και ο ορισμός τους είναι δύσκολος και ασαφής. Ωστόσο, οποιοσδήποτε επιχειρηματίας, διαχειριστής ή διευθυντής ενστικτωδώς γνωρίζει τις βέλτιστες πρακτικές στον κλάδο του. Ο σκοπός ενός συνεδρίου όπως το σημερινό είναι να φέρουμε σε επαφή ανθρώπους και διαδικασίες ώστε από κοινού να κατανοηθούν και να εκτελεστούν οι βέλτιστες πρακτικές. Ενώ η κοινή αντίληψη είναι πως οι βέλτιστες πρακτικές έχουν μια στενή εφαρμογή στην βελτίωση της απόδοσης και της αποτελεσματικότητας, διευρύνονται στις πολιτικές, τη νοοτροπία, τη διακυβέρνηση, τη συμμόρφωση κ.λπ. Για τον δικό μας κλάδο, τη ναυτιλία, ίσως δεν προξενεί εντύπωση το γεγονός ότι οι βέλτιστες πρακτικές, πέραν της εφαρμογής τους στη διαχείριση πλοίων, παίζουν ρόλο και στα κυριότερα ζητήματα Ναυτιλιακής Πολιτικής, είτε παγκόσμιας είτε ευρωπαϊκής, όπως τον διάλογο για τα αέρια θερμοκηπίου, τις πολιτικές ενιαίας θυρίδας, τις προτάσεις για τις Μελλοντικές Ευρωπαϊκές Πολιτικές, την Ευρωπαϊκή Ατζέντα Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής και άλλα. Όλα τα ζητήματα αυτά συνδέονται με γενικά αλλά και συγκεκριμένα ναυτιλιακά θέματα.»

Ο κ. Ιωάννης Πλατσιδάκης O κ. Ιωάννης Πλατσιδάκης, Chairman, INTERCARGO; Managing Director - Anangel Maritime Services Inc., στην ομιλία του ανέφερε: «Οι ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ένα ιδιαιτέρως ανταγωνιστικό περιβάλλον αυστηρών κανονισμών. Τα κράτη νηολόγησης, οι λιμενικές αρχές, οι ναυλωτές, φορτωτές και παραλήπτες, οι τράπεζες και φορείς νηολόγησης θέλουν και έχουν γνώμη για τα πλοία που χρησιμοποιούν. Επομένως, η ναυτιλία, εφοπλιστές και διαχειριστές, πρέπει να συμμορφωθούν με τους επικρατούντες τοπικούς και διεθνείς κανονισμούς, ακολουθώντας τον ανταγωνισμό. Τα κριτήρια απόδοσης είναι η ποιότητα και η επιχειρησιακή αριστεία. Λόγω της εύκολης ροής πληροφοριών μέσω των ΜΜΕ και του διαδικτύου, η οποιαδήποτε μη συμμόρφωση γίνεται άμεσα αντιληπτή και χαρακτηρίζει το σκάφος και τον χειριστή που


Ο κ. Παναγιώτης Λασκαρίδης

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BMT Wins New Contracts with Samsung Heavy Industries

BMT SMART (BMT), the specialist fleet and vessel performance management company of BMT Group, has announced new contracts with Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI). BMT will supply vessel performance monitoring systems for four VLCC’s for a Greek owner which comes on the back of current orders already received from SHI for seven vessels (Suezmax and Aframax tankers) for Norwegian and Singapore owners.

a great win for us and we appreciate the support our service partners, Marbiss and Intra Mare Hellas provided to help us secure these projects. In a world where we are inundated with data, it’s critical that we focus on providing a solution that helps to transform this complex information into actionable insights – only then can owners and operators truly begin to enhance operational efficiency and profitability.”

Mr Chang Su Lee, Sales Director at Marbiss, BMT’s local agent in Korea comments: “BMT has secured several projects with SHI based on a strong reputation of delivering high quality products. Working in partnership with BMT, we’re looking forward to working with SHI to ensure the solutions are fit for purpose and fulfil the needs of their customers.”

BMT SMART BMT SMART Ltd is a leading global provider of innovative fleet and vessel performance management solutions and advisory services for the international maritime industry. Our solutions support sophisticated, real-time monitoring of vessel management and handling, and in turn produce analytics and reporting on key performance indicators. Access to management information on vessel and fleet performance is available via our simple-to-use web application.

BMT will provide SHI with its modular vessel performance monitoring solution, SMART VESSEL. SMART VESSEL has been designed to be flexible to user’s requirements, with each individual component marine approved, future proofing the system. SMART VESSEL collects analogue and serial feeds before transferring the data to BMT’s cloud based performance monitoring solution, SMARTFLEET. BMT’s data experts will then interpret the data to determine true underlying performance of the vessels. This contract will also see BMT providing the Shaft Power Torque Meter (SPTM) to these vessels. Peter Mantel, Managing Director of BMT SMART comments: “This is


BMT Group BMT is an international design, engineering and risk management consultancy, working principally in the defence, energy and environment, marine risk and insurance, maritime transport and ports and logistics sectors. BMT invests significantly in research. Its customers are served through a network of international subsidiary companies. The group’s assets are held in beneficial ownership for its staff.



Gas to become world’s primary energy source by 2035 Oil and gas will be crucial components of the world’s energy future, according to DNV GL’s forecast of the energy transition. While renewable energy will grow its share of the energy mix, oil and gas will account for 44% of world energy supply in 2050, compared to 53% today. Gas will become the largest single source of energy from 2034. DNV GL’s Energy Transition Outlook (ETO), a forecast that spans the global energy mix to 2050, predicts that global demand for energy will flatten in 2030, then steadily decline over the next two decades, thanks to step-changes in energy efficiency. The fossil fuel share of the world’s primary energy mix will reduce from 81% currently to 52% in 2050. Demand for oil will peak in 2022, driven by expectations for a surge in prominence of light electric vehicles, accounting for 50% of new car sales globally by 2035. However, the stage is set for gas to become the largest single source of energy towards 2050, and the last of the fossil fuels to experience peak demand, which DNV GL expects will occur in 2035. Gas will continue to play a key role alongside renewables in helping to meet future, lower-carbon, energy requirements. Major oil companies intend to increase the share of gas in their reserves, and DNV GL expect an accelerated shift by 2022 as they decarbonize business portfolios. While demand for hydrocarbons will peak over the next two decades, significant investment will be needed to add new oil and gas production capacity and operate existing assets safely and sustainably. However, the results of DNV GL’s model reinforce the need to maintain strict cost efficiency in order to achieve the margins necessary for future capital and operational expenditure. “We have seen impressive and important innovative efforts across the energy industry, resulting in cost saving and efficiency gains. The oil and gas industry must continue on a path of strict cost control to stay relevant. Coming from a tradition of technological achievements, and having the advantage of existing infrastructure and value chains, this industry has the potential to continue to contribute to energy security and shape our energy future,” said Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas. “Increased digitalization, standardization and remote or autonomous operations will play a central role in achieving long-term cost savings and improving the oil and gas industry’s carbon footprint. We also expect the industry to turn to innovations in facility design, operating models and contracting strategies,” Tørstad added. DNV GL has published a suite of reports on the Energy Transition Outlook, which are available to download free of charge. The main ETO report covers the transition of the entire energy mix to 2050. Three sector-specific supplements will accompany this: an oil and gas supplement and a renewable, power and energy supplement are both available this week. A maritime supplement will be available later this year. DNV GL’s oil and gas supplement considers some of the key trends identified by the company’s model across the sector’s value chain, and explores their implications.


Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas



CO2 emissions reductions of the shipping

European Shipowners discussing the impact of improved machinery, propulsion, operation and design In the European Shipowners’ seminar on CO2 reductions in the shipping industry one message was clear: in order to achieve CO2 reductions across the world merchant fleet, a combination of different measures is needed. “In our seminar this week, we discussed with our stakeholders and European decision-makers different measures that enable to minimise the environmental impact of the shipping sector. In one analysis, the measures were divided in categories including the Technical and operational measures, Alternative fuels and Logistics related to the speed management of a vessel”, explained Tor Christian Sletner, the Chairman of ECSA’s Air Emissions Working Group and Director, Head of Environment of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association. Following the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) latest meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC71) and in view of the second meeting of the intersessional working group on reduction of GHG from ships in October 2017, European Shipowners this week organised the seminar on CO2 reduction in the shipping industry. In the event, shipowners presented their initiatives followed by a debate with stakeholders, including the Commission, maritime attachees, European Parliament’s representatives and NGOs such as Transport and Environment. “We certainly aim to promote ambitious short, mid and long term global measures in line with IMO MEPC71 roadmap for the CO2 reductions from international shipping, and the

Paris COP21 Agreement on climate change. We feel that the shipping industry is fully engaged in advancing the emission reduction agenda. We call for the EU Member States to proactively engage IMO’s global members that IMO continues to seriously address CO2 reduction for ships and adopts an IMO CO2 strategy as soon as possible, as a global solution is what our industry indeed needs”, concluded Sletner.

Shell opens first service station in major Mexican expansion plan Shell opened its first service station in Mexico, with more sites due to start providing Mexican motorists with high-quality Shell fuels and retail services over the next few months. Over the next 10 years, if market conditions continue to develop at their current rates, Shell plans to invest around $1 billion in Mexico. These investments will be channeled into expanding and improving the retail network, improving fuel logistics infrastructure and developing partnerships to deliver world-class products and services to Mexican consumers and businesses. “This is a major milestone for Shell and shows our ongoing commitment to Mexico. As the fifth-biggest consumer of gasoline in the world, it is an important and growing market,” said István Kapitány, Shell Executive Vice President of Retail. “We have been present in Mexico for more than 60 years, but this is our first opportunity to improve Mexican motorists’ journeys through our unique retail experience.” Shell is the largest fuels retailer in the world, with 43,000 retail stations across around 80 countries serving about 30 million custom-


ers daily. In addition to Mexico, Shell is investing in several other high-growth markets – such as India, China, Indonesia and Brazil – as part of its expansion strategy for the next decade. The new service station in Tlalnepantla on the outskirts of Mexico City promises an improved experience for Mexican motorists and their families, providing them with high-quality fuels in a welcoming environment. The new service station will also offer freshly-brewed gourmet coffee, healthy fresh food and free Wi-Fi, reflecting Shell’s focus on delivering a world-class retail experience to customers. Shell Retail’s ambitions for 2025 include growing the convenience retail offer, significantly increasing the availability of low-emission fuels and reducing waste. Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Mexican Secretary of Energy welcomed Shell’s entry into Mexico’s burgeoning retail fuel market. “The opening of fuel stations is important for Mexico, given that there are currently just 11,400 service stations, each serving an average of more than 3,000 vehicles a day,” he said at the opening ceremony.



Bureau Veritas meets industry needs with the release of new rules for FSRUs

Bureau Veritas has now published a new Rule (NR645) for the classification of Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs) in response to industry demand and following close engagement with FSRU stakeholders. Demand for FSRUs is growing. They are a fast, cost effective route to meet growing demand for LNG as a clean and cost competitive energy source. The new BV rules enable the classification of all types of floating storage and regasification assets in a comprehensive and pragmatic manner by building on Bureau Veritas’ extensive experience in the LNG sector. The new rules set out technical requirements to address the technical and operational issues of FSRUs. These requirements span demand for units that may operate as a floating terminal for one or more decades to FSRUs that may be required for much shorter periods and whose operators may want the option of trading as an LNG carrier. The rules address this range of needs while applying a unified approach to safety and design challenges and providing clarity in terms of classification requirements by offering two distinct class notations:

Liquefied Gas Carrier -FSRU notation

Based on rules for the classification of LNG carriers this enables gas trading in addition to floating storage and regasification terminal operations. The notation provides the possibility for exemptions from the traditional class survey regime - such as five year


dry-docking survey requirements - when the vessel is in use as an FSRU.

FSRU notation

For units dedicated to pure gas storage and regasification terminal operations and not intending to trade. This notation provides full optimization for site conditions and a class survey regime as applicable to permanent units with continuous operation requirements. No dry-docking would be required and some exemptions from IGC Code requirements compared to typical LNG carriers are allowed. For example, no bottom damage stability requirements would be necessary having addressed specific operational circumstances. Jean-François Segretain, Marine Technical Director, Bureau Veritas, commenting on the new rules said: ”FSRUs are a special market with both ‘marine’ and ‘offshore’ approaches and requirements involved. So, FSRU projects raise a lot of questions from all stakeholders. These new rules take into account the specific technical, regulatory, operational and environmental requirements of FSRU stakeholders to provide a much higher level of confidence when making significant commercial decisions.” With a growing demand across the gas supply chain, Bureau Veritas specialists are involved in a wide range of LNG projects world-wide, including a growing number of FSRUs, small-scale LNG projects, LNG as fuel projects (BV is the class leader in LNG fuelled newbuildings) and LNG carriers including the 15 Yamal ice-class ships. Image caption: FSRU Experience, Courtesy of Exmar

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Making headway into alternative fuels LPGreen, a joint development project between four leaders in the maritime industry, has been working on a concept design for an LPG carrier capable of operating on LPG fuel. The successful outcome of an innovative project depends very much on the parties involved and in the case of the LPGreen design concept, Kostas Vlachos, COO of Consolidated Marine Management (CMM), believes the mix is perfect. “The LPGreen project could not have happened at a better time. With 2020 fast approaching, the shipping industry will have to make the right decisions in regard to the proper option and avoid spending a lot of money unnecessarily to meet the new regulations coming over the horizon. This concept of LPG carriers offering the efficient option of burning LPG is new. Nothing like it has been developed in the past,” says Vlachos. He should know. Athens-based gas carrier owner and operator CMM, a company of Latsco Shipping, is one of the four industry leaders partnering to develop the LPGreen concept design. By contributing the expertise of a ship operator, CMM is key to the project.

Rapid progress

Apart from CMM, the partners to the LPGreen concept design project include the shipyard Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), the cargo handling systems manufacturer Wärtsilä Oil & Gas (WAR), and DNV ­GL as the classification society. Seeking to develop a safer and more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and competitive vessel for the transport of LPG products, the project utilizes the latest advances in machinery technology, ship design and operational experience. Within the bounds of existing shipbuilding methods it pursues the clear target of arriving at an LPG carrier concept design that can be ordered and built immediately. Vlachos, a former chairman of Intertanko’s powerful Hellenic Mediterranean Panel, is a member of Intertanko’s executive council, its safety and technical committee (ISTEC) and its chemical committee. He says the idea for the concept of using LPG as a fuel was first voiced several years ago. The project took shape in November 2015 when the partners formally agreed to cooperate, with the actual project work launched in May 2016. The LPGreen project pursues five main objectives: use LPG as a fuel; develop a highly fuel-efficient vessel; increase load rates to spend less time at terminals; and, most importantly, give utmost attention to both safety and an ergonomic arrangement of machinery to improve the safety of the ship personnel as well as ship operability. Almost a year into the project, the partners agree the results to date have been good. The goal is ambitious, and with the highly valuable contributions of HHI and cargo handling system provider Wärtsilä Oil & Gas, the primary targets have been achieved: the new design will enable savings of five per cent to nine per cent in total consumption for all stages of operation (loading, discharging as well as sailing in laden condition and under ballast, including chilling and maintaining pressure), compared with the reference design, a conventional VLGC built by HHI. CMM and HHI have been enjoying a strong working relationship


since HHI began building gas carriers for the Greek operator at the South Korean yard in 2002. CMM embarked upon this project with a focus on finding a practical, energy-efficient design that is both competitive and safe, “with the safety aspect at the top of the list,” says Vlachos. “Any concept which is not safe is of no use to anyone,” he argues.

Safety tops the list

George Dimopoulos, Principal Specialist for R&D and Advisory, DNV ­GL South East Europe & Middle East Region, who manages the LPGreen project, says CMM’s operational experience provided invaluable insight into the design aspects. “CMM collaborated very actively and closely with DNV­GL on most of the safety aspects, a very important concern for the entire project,” he stresses. “About half of the project’s roughly 130 new ideas and vessel features involve safety criteria.” Intensifying environmental pressure is driving energy efficiency improvements across the shipping industry. As the LPGreen concept matures, it will allow LPG-fuelled LPG carriers to become a reality, says Vlachos. The results obtained so far are encouraging: “We have a steady baseline,” he says, “since the vessel the project is based on is CMM’s own 54,400 dwt, 84,000 cbm VLGC Hellas Gladiator built in 2016. She is a modern and very efficient ship so all results of our project are true achievements.” Summarizing the project status, George Dimopoulos says the design concept is technically feasible, competitive and practicable. “Comparisons with the reference ship demonstrate that the concept improves overall efficiency by up to nine per cent, reduces energy demand for the cargo handling system by up to six per cent, potentially cuts loading times by up to 35 per cent, and reduces fuel costs through the use of LPG fuel by up to 30 per cent,” he points out. Being able to draw on the extensive experience and competence of DNV­GL in the LPG shipping sector as well as the classification society’s advanced analytical tools has enabled this consortium of international industry leaders to create an innovative ship concept with tangible improvements for the project partners. The project has utilized the latest advances in machinery technology, ship design and operational experience within the bounds of existing shipbuilding methods. The contribution of the DNV­GL computer modelling tool COSSMOS has been greatly appreciated: “COSSMOS allowed the project to take an analytical approach to data gathering and evaluation. Various options were compared, and the whole project proceeded in a highly professional, focused way towards the main goal: a design concept for a more energy-efficient VLGC operating on LPG,” says Vlachos. He believes this is the first time the complete cargo, auxiliary and propulsion machinery was modelled, simulated and optimized for a full operating profile, and the COSSMOS application made this possible. “The role of this and other advanced technologies in identifying the best solutions for the industry is finding more wide-spread recognition,” he points out. “There is no doubt today’s computational methods speed up the development process considerably, enabling us to examine the numbers and reach conclusions faster.”


nafs nafs

classfuels news

LR joins project to build world’s biggest sailing cargo ship

▪ The majority of the participants believe that the availability of 0.5% S fuels will be sufficient to cover the needs of the industry Promoting the concept (74%) Vlachos also notes that LPGreen is an international project in ▪ On the question as to whether the price differential of 0.5% S which Greek shipping has taken a leading role, working closely with fuels as compared to HFO will make the scrubber option a cost-efother leaders across geographies and coordinated by the Piraeus fective one, there was no clear conclusion office of DNV ­GL. ▪ On the question whether the different companies have CMM’s COO says shipowners and their customers should be made already commenced the techno-economical assessment of the aware ofRegister the concept industry is considering using LNG as a Lloyd’s (LR) as hasthe joined the Quadriga sustainable shipavailable options, the result was divided (58% yes, 42% no) ship “But on initiative an LPG carrier, that is not the best option,” he emping fuel. project – an from Hamburg-based Sailing Cargo, phasizes. “I to believe LPGworld’s ships burning LNG are not the right idea to which build the biggest sailing cargo ship. BWMaims – technical problems, alternatives, frequent pursue, since LPG is already available on board LPG carriers and plan approval comments adding a second gasafuel willaadd to the overall complexity. The project outlines plan(LNG) to build 170-meter car carrier, The Vice Chairman of the Committee, Vasileios Lampropoulos, Rather, the market should discuss the LPGreen concept, and capable of carrying between 1,700 and 2,000 cars, which will by gave an overview of the so far experiences with the installation the market I mean all the players, from owners, charterers, clients, be equipped with four DynaRig masts and will operate on hybrid of BW treatment systems and the problems we are facing. The to shipbuilders, equipment makers and bodies such as Bimco, SIGpropulsion with sails and diesel-electric engines, and an optionpresentation covered the different technologies including a comparTOO and Intertanko. They loads. all should promote thebe idea of burning al battery system for peak The vessel will capable of ison between them, selection criteria, challenges of the differLPG rather thanknots natural gasthe and formulate the proper clauses sailing at 10-12 with aim of reaching 14-16 knots in in ent technologies, service experience, health and safety issues, charter parties for that purpose, because this involves a complex the next few years through combined expertise. maintenance, challenges for the crew and shore staff, approval and set of regulations. operation comments, etc. In fact, the concept is a legal matter that should as Wind-assisted propulsion offers a realistic optionbeforaddressed introducing Live voting by the participants took place at the end of the session. soon as possible. Untilshipping. now nothing has been donePathways on this front, renewable power into LR’s Low Carbon The following results are noted: and time is moving fast.” is a good to promote a new 2050 study found that lowThis carbon ships time will need to enter the ▪ Filter + electrolysis and filter + UV are believed to be the design concept as ship newbuilding prices are reasonable, fleet by 2030 in order for shipping to reduce its emissions inVlachos line most popular systems (48% and 45% respectively) points out. with the Paris Agreement and this means significant changes in ▪ The vast majority of the participants believe that the internaUntil all parameters are clear and all questions answered, CMM will the industry are required. tional organizations and regulators should recognize the need for hold off on ordering a new ship, however. “We have always wanted more time until the implementation of the BWM convention (80%) to lead the way but have to wait and see what happens in the com ▪ The majority of the participants believe that the BWM conBlueOcean 27/05/2016 14:51 Page up 1 acceptance ing months, June but I 2016_1/2 expect market pressure to speed vention will force significant number of vessels of all types above

15 years to go for scrap (77%) ▪ The participants believe that significant number of owners will of the LPGreen concept design,” he says. go for advanced renewal surveys to delay the installation of BWT The far-reaching deviations from traditional designs will make the systems as per IMO requirements LPGreen concept attractive, he believes, not only in terms of the ▪ The clear majority of the participants do not believe that the type of fuel burned by the main engine but also the changes affectno. of installed BWT systems, their so far utilization and the coming the cargo reliquefaction plant. Meanwhile, Wärtsilä is proposing apetence of the crews are giving confidence in the safe and effective new configuration with only two redundant cargo compressors use of the systems (75%) instead of the typical three. ▪ 55% of the participants do not believe that the “Trump” paFurther efforts are needed to make charterers aware of the innorameter will affect the enforcement of environmental regulations in vative features of the LPGreen design regarding bunker capacity general and the USCG req. for BWM in particular as well as loading and discharging procedures, Vlachos adds. “Charterers in particular have to be brought up to speed about the development since increased capacity and reduced time spent in Dronesisinofuse fleettointhem, service terminals greatfor interest alongsurveys with the significant reBased on a question raised by a member of the Committee before duction in fuel consumption during all stages of operation. Besides, itthe meeting, DNV GL’s Technical Director, Geir Dugstad, showed a is simply necessary to have the charterers on board.” video with a close up survey carried out on-board an OBO vessel The LPGreen concept offers great benefits to VLGC owners and using drones. The benefits of the survey method were explained operators. “Now it is up to us to convince the Asian market to follow. and highlighted. The concept is a revolution compared to the classical designs. It secures a lot of energy savings and safety advantages. It opens the Chairman’s closing address road into the future, and that is what we at CMM have chosen as During the presentations, various discussions took place between our mission.” all participants. The meeting came to a close, with remarks of the The decisive factor that has made this truly innovative and pracacting Chairman, Mr Socratis Dimakopoulos who expressed his ticable concept possible is close collaboration of representatives overall satisfaction on the presented material and the discussions of all key industry segments — builders, vendors and class. “All that took place. the partners in this project have given their best, offering their The meeting was very satisfactory and followed by a cocktail knowledge and experience from their respective sectors,” Vlachos reception. emphasizes.

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Find out who are already saving fuel with BOS EFS, go to NAFS NOVEMBER 2017 71



New gas valve unit from Eltronic FuelTech increases engine efficiency while reducing costs

At Kormarine 2017, Eltronic FuelTech is launching the Gas Valve Unit Geminus enabling shipowners and shipbuilders to increase engine efficiency, save energy and reduce costs. In addition, the new gas valve unit enables easy accessibility and maintenance. To meet the new emission standards for marine vessels, shipowners and shipbuilders must reduce CO2, NOx and SOw engine emissions remarkably. Thus, more marine vessels use liquified natural gas-fuelled engines to reduce environmental impacts. “A gas valve unit is an essential safety component for gas-fuelled engines, as it allows for a safe shut-down of the fuel gas supply system in case of emergency,” explains Ryan Nielsen, Director at Eltronic FuelTech. “In addition to this, the new Gas Valve Unit Geminus contains an innovative gas control principle adjusted to the need of the engine. This enables shipowners and shipbuilders to increase engine efficiency, save energy and reduce costs,” he says.

difficult to access and maintain. “Now, we can eliminate the encapsulation of the gas valve unit, as its double-walled ventilated feature serves as outer barrier with gas leakage detection,” says Ryan Nielsen and continues: “This design makes the Gas Valve Unit Geminus easy to access directly and thus, improves maintenance of components.”

Easy accessibility and maintenance

Photow: Gas Valve Unit Geminus from Eltronic FuelTech enables shipowners and shipbuilders to increase engine efficiency, save energy and reduce costs.

An existing gas valve unit is a double block and bleed piping system with components encapsulated in a large steel box making it


Serves the need of your engine room setup

Along with increased accessibility, the new solution makes up onethird of the size and weight of an encapsulated gas valve unit and consists of six independent blocks. “Shipbuilders can put together the blocks in a way that serves the need of their exact engine room setup rather than making room for a unit that takes up three square metres of floor space. This makes the gas valve unit suitable for newbuildings and retrofits,” explains Ryan Nielsen.



Chevron’s Taro® Cylinder Lubricant receives approval from WinGD Chevron Marine Lubricants has received a No Objection Letter (NOL) from Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD) for the use of its Taro® Special HT 100 cylinder lubrication oil in a number of the manufacturer’s engines when operating on a wide variety of fuels from 0.0% to 3.5% sulphur, including fuels compliant with emissions control area (ECA) regulations with a maximum content of 0.10% sulphur, therefore removing the need to change cylinder lubricants when operating in and out of ECAs. This follows 2,000 hours of validation testing on-board a Panamax containership fitted with a Wärtsilä 8RT-flex82T engine. Taro Special HT 100 has been specifically formulated for high performance, and demonstrated enhanced performance in distillate fuel applications under laboratory engine conditions. The NOL applies to the use of Taro® Special HT 100 in WinGD X, WinGD X-DF, WinGD RT-flex, WinGD RT-flex-DF, Wärtsilä RTA, Wärtsilä RT-flex and Wärtsilä X engines as well as in Sulzer 2-stroke engines, that are operating on bunker fuels with a sulphur content ranging from zero to 3.5% by weight. Chia Yoo Soon, General Manager of Chevron Marine Lubricants, said: “We are delighted with the results of the testing and to receive this No Objection Letter from Winterthur Gas & Diesel. It is further evidence of how Chevron Marine Lubricants is helping ship owners and operators reliably navigate the ECA requirements of today, and

is ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow as shipping moves into a lower sulphur, lower emissions future.” Konrad Räss, General Manager Combustions Systems, WinGD commented: “As a leading developer of marine low-speed gas and diesel engines our target is to set the highest possible industry standards, a philosophy that is echoed throughout our rigorous testing regimes. After 2,000 hours of sea-trials, Taro® Special HT 100 has shown that it meets the exacting standards demanded by WinGD and we have no hesitation in providing this No Objection Letter as a result.” Chevron’s Taro® Special HT 100 is one of a full range of Taro® cylinder lubricants, that from the low 25 BN Taro® Special HT LF to the new 140 BN Taro Special HT Ultra, provide solutions in all operating environments. Taro® Special HT 100 should always be used in line with manufacturers guidelines, and it is recommended to adjust feed rates and conduct drip oil analysis to maintain optimum performance.The Taro® cylinder lubricants range are offered alongside Chevron’s DOT.FAST® Service that provides both on-board and on-shore analysis of drip oil giving an accurate measurement of total iron wear, including corrosive wear. It is the best service of its kind in the market today. Image Caption: Navigating ECA just got easier




Sovcomflot to operate new Rosneft large capacity oil tankers built at Zvezda shipyard

PAO Sovcomflot (“SCF Group”), Rosneft, the State Transport Leasing Company (“STLC”), and Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex have signed a set of agreements that entail the construction of five Aframax tankers to enable export shipments of crude oil and oil products. The 114,000 dwt vessels will be built by Zvezda jointly with Hyundai Heavy Industries (Republic of Korea), the world’s leader in Aframax construction and the technology partner of Zvezda. The new vessels are due to enter service beginning from 2021. The tankers will have an ice class of 1A/1B, sufficient to ensure safe year-round operations in regions with challenging ice conditions, including the Baltic Sea and subarctic seas. SCF will operate all the tankers, first supervising their construction and then providing a range of services to ensure the effective and safe management of these vessels, including the recruitment of high-skilled crews and their management. This series of tankers heralds a new generation of merchant vessels with higher environmental safety standards. They are purpose-designed to use LNG (liquefied natural gas) as their primary fuel, which significantly reduces their environmental impact. The vessels were designed to comply with most stringent international


Sulphur Oxide (SOx), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission standards, governed by new IMO regulations that are scheduled to come into effect from 2020 and will apply, amongst other areas, to the Baltic and North Seas. The technical specification of the new tankers was designed by SCF’s specialists, with the close involvement of the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Centre (FESRC). When designing the tankers, SCF’s team applied the Group’s vast experience of operating large-capacity tankers under adverse climatic and ice conditions. (For reference: For more than 15 years SCF Aframax tankers have been successfully shipping crude oil in the Baltic Sea and subarctic seas). Sergey Frank, President and CEO of Sovcomflot, said: “On the global market, Sovcomflot has a strong reputation as a world-class operator of large-capacity tankers, as well as platform supply vessels, and we remain the world’s No.1 operator of Aframax tankers, which comprise over one-third of the SCF fleet”. “Sovcomflot welcomes the further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation with Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil exporter. SCF Group is already operating three Rosneft-owned ice-class 30,000 dwt


tankers (RN Arkhangelsk, RN Murmansk, and RN Privodino), all of them transporting oil and petroleum products across the Baltic Sea and in the Arctic. SCF is also involved in crude oil transhipment operations for Rosneft”. “We welcome the commitment of Zvezda to a project that exceeds the highest technical requirements of the market. We hope that the beginning of serial production of cutting-edge large-capacity LNG-fueled tankers in Russia will facilitate the the further development of Russia’s port infrastructure that will allow ships to be bunkered with LNG fuel at Russian ports. We are also looking forward to seeing Russian regulators and maritime authorities continue with providing incentives for charterers, ship owners, and fleet operators who are taking real steps towards investing in green technologies.” Igor Tonkovidov, Executive Vice-President and Technical Director of Sovcomflot, said: “For many years, our key customers remain some of the largest oil & gas companies and oil traders, both globally and in Russia, who are demanding in their selection of carriers. SCF Group makes it a priority to meet customers’ expectation to transport their cargoes in accordance with the highest quality standards, and we work hard to maintain our fleet to a standard that always guarantees this. Sovcomflot is grateful to the specialists of Rosneft, FESRC, Lazurit


Central Design Bureau, and Hyundai Heavy Industries for their active technical cooperation in the development of this project”. “SCF Group strives to reduce systematically the environmental impact of vessels. To this end, we are prioritising the switch to the use of LNG as a primary vessel fuel, a complex solution which we consider to be efficient both environmentally and economically. When compared to engines running on standard marine fuels, it allows us to reduce the volume of all major emission types at once, such as Sulphur Oxide (SOx), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2).” Photo caption

Signing (from left to right): Andrey Shishkin, Vice-President for Energy, Localization and Innovation of Rosneft; Sergey Khramagin, CEO of the State Transport Leasing Company (STLC); Oleg Tereschenko, CEO of Rosnefteflot; Sergey Frank, President and CEO of SCF Group. Standing in the background (from left to right): Igor Sechin, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of Rosneft, Viktor Olersky, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Head of the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot);

Dorian LPG Selects ABS to Evaluate LPG as Fuel and other 2020 Compliance Options ABS has been selected by Dorian LPG to provide an in-depth techno-economic analysis, laying out compliance options for impending global sulfur cap requirements. Dorian LPG owns and operates a fleet of very large gas carriers (VLGCs), transporting liquefied petroleum gas around the world. “It is important for owners and operators to assess their fleets and evaluate their options so that they can develop the most efficient compliance strategies as new requirements come into place,” says ABS Chairman, President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. “The Dorian LPG fleet of VLGCs provides an opportunity to investigate new fuels, such as LPG, among other conventional options, and we are excited to work closely with them as they develop strategies that meet their unique fleet profile.” “As we look ahead at the implementation date of the IMO’s mandate to reduce sulfur fuel emissions, we are maintaining our strategy to ensure that our fleet remains efficient and cost-effective. Based on the environmental benefits of LPG as well as the large number of ports that have the existing infrastructure to deliver LPG to the global fleet, we are examining the potential of using LPG as a marine fuel,” says Dorian LPG Chairman, CEO and President John Hadjipateras. “With their extensive knowledge in environmental regulations and technical prowess, ABS will play an important role as we prepare to meet the impending 2020 global sulfur cap requirements.” As owners begin to prepare for compliance with impending air emis-

sions requirements, they want to be sure they have selected solutions that best meet their fleet needs. Through its techno-economic analysis, ABS offers guidance that gives owners and operators confidence in their compliance strategies. ABS will help evaluate the various fleet compliance options, including LPG as a marine fuel, installation of scrubbers and use of low-sulfur fuels. It is important to fully understand the technical implications and risks of applying an alternative fuel source, such as LPG. Before options are considered, ABS will perform a comprehensive LPG as Fuel technical evaluation in order to define the most advantageous options to serve the needs of the specified vessel design. The evaluation will consider the applicable regulations, the design capabilities and limitations, the installation and safety requirements, the operating features and equipment restrictions.

“The Dorian LPG fleet of VLGCs provides an opportunity to investigate new fuels, such as LPG, among other conventional options, and we are excited to work closely with them as they develop strategies that meet their unique fleet profile” NAFS NOVEMBER 2017 75



Bureau Veritas joins Global Industry Alliance At a ceremony in Singapore Bureau Veritas formally joined the Global Industry Alliance (GIA). Philippe Donche-Gay, President Marine & Offshore, Bureau Veritas said that he was delighted BV was able to provide support to the GIA: ‘Whether it’s a better understanding of hull structures, digitalization, gas fueled and hybrid systems or the many other areas of research and development that are leading to practical solutions, our Marine & Offshore Division - and the 70,000 Bureau Veritas people around the world (10,000 in China alone) across our group - will be able to contribute towards this important initiative.’ The GIA was officially inaugurated on June 29 by IMO Secretary General, Mr Kitack Lim. 17 companies have now signed up to join the GIA, which will work within a framework established by Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership (GloMEEP) Project, a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - IMO project. The GIA will support improving the energy efficiency of ships and shipping by collectively identifying and developing innovative solutions to address common barriers and promote the uptake of energy efficiency technologies and operational measures. The GIA is focused on five priority areas of collaboration: 1. Energy Efficiency Technologies (EETs) and Operational Best Practices 2. Alternative Fuels and Energy Carriers 3. Digital Transformation

4. Finance 5. Human Element Activities likely to be undertaken or promoted by the GIA on these priorities will include, inter alia: • research and development • showcasing advances in technology development and positive initiatives by the maritime sector • industry fora to encourage a global industry dialogue • implementation of capacity building • information exchange activities A GIA Task Force comprising of representatives of the members has been formed to act as the advisory body to the GIA and to take decisions on which activities to undertake under the GIA umbrella. Selected GIA projects will be implemented by the GloMEEP Project Coordination Unit, with the advice of the GIA Task Force. Activities will be funded by a Fund (GIA Fund) established by IMO. The GloMEEP Project aims to provide long-term global environmental benefits by supporting the effective implementation of IMO’s energy efficiency regulations (chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI), particularly in the developing countries. Three main streams of work have been set up so far: • Legal, policy and institutional reforms • Awareness raising, knowledge sharing and capacity-building activities • Public-private partnership to support low carbon shipping

Ecoslops and Galp giving a new life to oil residues Ecoslops an innovative technology company that regenerates ship-generated hydrocarbon residues (or “slops”) into valuable new fuels and light bitumen, today announced the implementation of a long term agreement with Galp for the supply of refined cut to the Sines Refinery of Galp. ECOSLOPS and Galp have signed and performed a supply agreement under which Galp will purchase the refined cut produced by Ecoslops at market price at its refinery at Sines. In order to deliver to Galp refinery, ECOSLOPS has built a dedicated pipeline connection between its tanks and the Galp crude oil pipeline. The first deliveries to Galp took place in August, achieving a combined volume of 1 200 tons. This agreement, scheduled to last until the end of 2020, benefits both parties through the avoidance of logistics costs. Annual volume will fluctuate according to ECOSLOPS feedstock, being estimated at this stage to 10.000 tons / year can be delivered. Vincent Favier, Chairman and CEO of Ecoslops, said: “It is a great pleasure to enter this agreement with Galp for many reasons.


Firstly, it provides further concrete evidence that our products achieve the best possible standards. It also demonstrates that our circular economy model works perfectly, as part of the light product sold to Galp is produced by slops generated by the tankers that are regularly calling at Sines for the Galp refinery. Finally, I would like to thank Galp for their trust and the partnership spirit that has driven our discussion since the start.” José Carlos Silva, COO Trading & Refining of Galp, said: “This first delivery is the result of a vision, after Ecoslops and Galp agreed in 2013 to establish a partnership to address the recycling of vessel’s slops and represents a clear step towards sustainability, one of Galp’s values, placing Sines harbour in a unique innovative position.”

This agreement, scheduled to last until the end of 2020, benefits both parties through the avoidance of logistics costs. Annual volume will fluctuate according to ECOSLOPS feedstock, being estimated at this stage to 10.000 tons / year can be delivered.

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Dimitris Dimitris Argyros Argyros Lloyd’s Lloyd’s Register Register Project Project manager manager for GMFT2030 for GMFT2030 Dr Tristan Dr Tristan Smith Smith Lecturer Lecturer at UCL at Energy UCL Energy Institute Institute

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