November 2004
momentum Featured Inside Media blitz this 2 holiday season
stories of significance What if you could make a difference — help a family send their children to college, or save someone’s business? Help
3Q earnings snapshot 3 Field trips make for great 3 service effort Brand Center goes live 4
aging parents get the care they need without depleting their life savings? Assure a widower he’ll be able to make more
than ends meet? That's what we do every day. Though we don’t all have face-to-face contact with clients, the support we
LTC quiz: see how you score 5 Celebrating Colleagues 6
provide to those that do, means we all play an important role in helping our customers secure a legacy and achieve peace
Alzheimer’s Memory Walk 6 becomes a family affair of mind, independence and dignity through all life stages. Recently, Momentum discussed Living a Life of Significance, an
Diversity at MetLife 7 Safe Return Program 7
Individual Business focus that reaffirms the impact that our reps have by being advocates for those who cannot speak for
themselves — a customer’s beneficiaries, families and employees. From time to time, we’ll publish personal stories from
associates on how each of us leads a life of significance. The emotional connection we make with our customers, the
financial freedom we make possible, is something to feel good about every day.
y story begins several years ago at my parents’ home.
disability waiver of premium option to the policy. I brought
My grandparents were visiting at the time. I was new
up the long-term care coverage and, as you might guess, the
to financial services and began telling them about the value
client was reluctant — until I shared my personal experience.
and benefits of long-term care coverage. This piqued my
I told them what happened and the situation that faced
grandfather’s interest, so I ran a quick quote for him.
my grandparents and my family. Fortunately, the client was
Immediately, my grandfather said that it was too expensive —
convinced. Shortly afterward, he was diagnosed with a
not an unlikely response. With little experience, I said that’s
brain tumor. He and his family are using the long-term care
fine and didn’t push any further. I now wish I had. My grand-
coverage as well as the waiver of premium option to keep
mother is in the mid-stages of Alzheimer’s disease. She can’t
their life insurance in force.
be left alone and will need full-time care. I’m sad to say that my grandparents are depleting their savings and may need
I want to make sure my clients are absolutely covered for the things that are really important. That’s
government aid.
the first step; the rest can come later. Recently, as a manager, I went on a joint call with one of my newer reps to visit a man who was retiring from a
Brian Brandt
pharmaceutical company. The purpose of the call was to
New England Financial ■
close a life sale. We closed the sale as well as added the
Vision Talk with Bob
s Baby Boomers — all 77 million of
help our customers secure an income
Foundation’s commitment to
them — age, many will face new
they can’t outlive or access elder care
combating Alzheimer’s disease. I am
challenges such as having enough
and long-term care services.
always astounded by the statistics — 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s;
income to last through life, planning
Volume 5, Issue 10
for the possibility of needing long-term
MetLife has long been a thought leader
one in three people know someone
care, and fulfilling their desire to
on issues related to aging through the
who does; millions more will be
remain independent and vital well into
studies we support and fund, our
affected in the years ahead. The toll
later life. This presents important
participation in policy discussions, and
on caregivers, mostly family members,
opportunities for MetLife as we deliver
our corporate citizenship. Nowhere is
is especially hard.
solutions and best-in-class research to
that more true than MetLife
Continued on Page 2
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