February/March 2009
2008: Capturing the Year in Numbers. See page 7.
momentum Featured Inside Steal This Car! 2 MetLife Europe Grows Its Own 2 Contingent Staffing 4 to the Rescue Groundbreaking Pension 5 Risk Attitude Study Keeping Our Promises 6 The New MetLife.com 6 Capturing the Year in Numbers 7 Protecting Privacy in a 8 Borderless World
. . . more profitable! What kind of Operational Excellence ideas do we need from associates to extend our lead in the marketplace? Here’s how associates at a recent MetLife workshop took on Operational Excellence challenges and ran with them.
Skating With Snoopy 9 Retirement Liquidity Study 9 e-Relationship 10 Rallying the Troops 10 Diversity at MetLife 11 5,000 Take the 11 Chairman’s Challengesm
See Page 3 >
Ethics Awareness Month 12 Everyone Could Benefit 12 from $100
EDITOR’S NOTE: Momentum will publish combined (two-month) editions occasionally during 2009. This is the combined February/March edition.
Telling Our Story
ast month, I had occasion to speak
we are strong; and we are trusted.” We
run. This is one of the reasons why in
at the 2009 Financial Services
talked about this at Investor Day and
2008 we saw tremendous growth in our
Conference sponsored by Citi Investor
you will hear me and other senior
top-line performance (see page 7 for a
Research. In today's difficult economic
MetLife leaders return to this theme
snapshot of 2008 results). It is also why,
environment, it is more important than
throughout the year as we tell the
throughout our businesses, we continue
ever to share our story with the multiple
MetLife story. Particularly in times like
to gain customers and, in many cases,
and important stakeholders who impact
these, it is important to remind people
outpace the market.
our business. Over the course of the
that MetLife is successful not because
past few months, we have had some
we are big, but that MetLife is big
Though many forecasters say that the
challenges to talk about, but we have
because we are successful. This is an
difficult economic climate will continue
been and will continue to be honest and
important distinction and a great
for some time, I am confident that
forthcoming in our communications —
place to be.
MetLife is well positioned. Our capital
strength, strong ratings and focus on
to you, our employees, as well as to MetLife also is continuing to benefit
the long-term not only set us apart, but,
from a flight to quality. Customers want
together with our diversified businesses
The focus of my remarks at the
to do business with a company they can
and investment portfolio, make us truly
conference was that “MetLife is big;
trust to be there for them in the long
unique in the marketplace. ■
customers and shareholders. Rob Henrikson Chairman, President and CEO
Volume 11, Issue 2
< Be sure to visit Momentum online at my.metlife.com >