Concerns and Complaints Policy
POLICY NAME Concerns and Complaints Policy
UPDATE BY Head of College
NEXT REVIEW Jan 2025 (Every 2 years)
POLICY NAME Concerns and Complaints Policy
UPDATE BY Head of College
NEXT REVIEW Jan 2025 (Every 2 years)
Dulwich College Seoul is committed to developing individuals who see and act ethically. We strive to be a caring, supportive and well-ordered community where students from a variety of cultural and social backgrounds can feel secure and equally valued. We believe parents to be partners in the education and development of students, and that good communication is essential in this partnership.
There may be times when parents or guardians have matters of concern that they wish to raise with the College. With regard to concerns or complaints, the College believes that:
• the interests of students come first
• all parties have the right to express a view, and to be heard
• concerns should be raised and addressed with courtesy
• confidentiality of individuals should be respected
These values are summarised in a Shared Community Values document visible on our website.
The raising of a concern or a complaint by a parent will never reflect adversely on a student. For the purposes of this document a ‘concern’ is less serious than a ‘complaint’, and could usually be solvable through clarification or explanation. A ‘complaint’ is more formal and likely to require extensive investigation.
In the first instance parents should communicate directly and in writing either with the member of staff concerned or with the student’s Class Teacher/Form Tutor. The majority of problems can be resolved at this stage, and the parent should expect communication within 24 hours (except weekends).
If the matter is thought to be of a major concern, the parent should write directly to the relevant Head of School detailing the problem. Having investigated the situation fully the Head of School will seek to resolve it, and communicate with the parent.
If the matter is not resolved, the parent should write to the Head of the College who, in all but the most exceptional of cases, is the final arbiter on matters to do with students’ welfare and education.
Parents have a final right of appeal to Governors and if they wish to avail themselves of this right they should write to Dulwich College Management International and the Co-Chair of the Advisory Board. Contact details can be obtained from the Head of College’s Executive Assistant.
Learning and Teaching Class Work or Homework
Curriculum / Programme Content
Primary School: Class Teacher
Senior School: Subject Teacher
Primary School: Year Leader
Senior School: Head of Department
Quality of Teaching Head of School
Activities, Trips and Events Head of School
Pastoral Behaviour and Personal Wellbeing
Primary School: Class Teacher or Deputy Head
Senior School: Form Tutor, Assistant Head, School Counsellor, Head of School
Child Protection and Safeguarding Head of College
General Enrolment
School Fees
Admission, Marketing and Communications Manager
Director of Business Administration
Overall College Policy Head of College
Leadership Concerns Head of College
Allegations against Members of Staff Head of College
Appeals against Permanent Exclusion
Chair of the Board of Trustees (via Head of College’s Executive Assistant)
The process of registering and investigating a written complaint is more formal than expressing a concern. Most issues can be resolved without resort to this process.
If, however, parents decide to make a formal complaint, they should submit their complaint in writing as a letter attached to an email to the Head of College. The College will acknowledge receipt within 24 hours / 1 working day and will state the action to be taken and the likely timescales for investigation and resolution.
If appropriate, the Head of College may consult the College Leadership Team or ask another member of staff to investigate the complaint, in which case that staff member will communicate directly with the parents. Timescales for the management and resolution of the complaint will vary according to the nature of the complaint but, normally, we would hope to reach a resolution within three working weeks from receipt of the complaint.
The College will try to resolve all complaints quickly; unless the matter is particularly complex, the aim is to reach a resolution within three working weeks. The resolution of the complaint shall be set forth in writing and provided to the complaining party. The College does not respond to anonymous complaints.
If a parent feels the complaint has not been adequately resolved, a formal notice of appeal should be submitted in writing as a letter attached to an email to the Head of College within two weeks. The Head of College will notify the Global Managing Director of Dulwich College Management International (or appointed representative from DCMI) to form a panel to resolve the complaint.
A panel meeting or hearing may take place depending upon the circumstances, with the parent and College informed of the date at least two weeks in advance. The parent and College may be requested to submit documents or respond to questions in person. An accompanying witness may be nominated (though that person cannot be acting as legal counsel). All documentation must be submitted within one week of the panel meeting. Any member, parent, witness or other persons present at a hearing are required to keep all information confidential in the course of the appeal.
The panel shall decide by majority decision the outcome of the appeal, and the decision is final.
Email: To contact a member of staff by email, please use the protocol:
Should you wish to make a formal complaint by letter attached to an email, please send it to: