Medication Policy

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Medication Policy


POLICY NAME Medication Policy





Policy Objectives

The following general guidelines apply to all Medication defined within this document. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that parents have a clear understanding of the rules under which we will administer different types of medication to students at the College. This policy is also intended to inform al employees of the procedures that must be followed if medicine is to be administered to a student.


This policy applies to all medication administered to a student of DCSL by a member of the College staff.


This policy is subject to amendments and interpretation by, and practice requirements of, the relevant government authorities. DCSL further reserves the right to make policy changes from time to time.


If a child is well enough to attend school and is no longer infectious they may return to school. To facilitate parents with the completion of their treatment the College Nurse will administer the medication provided by the parents in accordance with the written instructions accompanying the medication. Doctor’s prescription must be attached to the slip. Medication Permission Slip attached as Appendix 1.

If a child is on a school organised activity outside the school grounds a designated member of the College Staff will be instructed by the College Nurse on how to administer the medication provided by the parents in accordance with the written instructions accompanying the medication.

If a child has a minor condition and the Parent / Guardian has previously given written permission, the College Nurse may administer over the counter medicines as details in the Student Health Information Form completed and signed by the Parent. Student Health Information Form attached as Appendix 2.

Specific Directives

Medication prescribed by a doctor

The college nurse will administer oral or topical medicine prescribed by a doctor as authorized by the doctor’s prescription and student’s parent in writing, by completion of the Medication Permission Slip (attached as Appendix 1).

Where parents have supplied an Epi Pen, together with doctor’s prescription and written permission to administer, it will be administered by the College Nurse. In an emergency situation, if the college nurse is unable to get to the student immediately, a member of staff, who has been appropriately trained, will administer the Epi Pen to the student.

Medication freely available without prescription

The college nurse will administer a mild painkiller if she considers it medically appropriate provided parents have given their consent in the Student Health Information Form. If consent has not been given she will contact parents to seek their permission and record the oral permission given on the student’s medical file.

Use of Inhalers

Children who requires the use of an inhaler at school must adhere to the following guidelines:

Only Ventolin inhalers can be carried by students outside the Nurse’s Room. Ventolin inhalers can only be held by students of Year 3 age and above.

For children younger than Year 3, the inhalers will be kept by the teacher in a secure place in the classroom. In such cases, please ensure that you hand them directly to the teacher.

Under no circumstances are steroid inhalers, or any other kind of inhaler apart from the above, to be held by students on their person. If your child requires such an inhaler, please hand them to the Nurse along with the prescription detailing their use

Access to Medical Records

Access to medical records is strictly controlled with access only available to the College Nurse, Head of College and DBA. The following records are maintained by pupil in paper form and held in locked cabinets in the Nurse room:

• Student Health Information Form (appendix 2)

• Student Physical Examination Form (appendix 2)

• Medication Permission Slips (appendix 1)

• Vaccination record

• Medical Certificate

• Accident/Incident report

The following information is recorded in the Pupil record on iSams and is available to be viewed by teaching staff:

• Dietary

• Medical Notes

• Medical Conditions

• Medical Events

• Emergency contact


The Head of College:

• Ensuring that all College members of staff are familiar with this Policy.

• Reviewing this policy annually and recommending updates as appropriate to the Board of Management

The Director of Business Administration

• Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the Medical Centre

The Operation Manager:

• Managing the day-to-day operation of the Medical Centre

The College Nurse:

• Is responsible for ensuring compliance with all aspects of this Policy.

• Advising on possible amendments to the policy

The ICT Manager:

• Is responsible for the data security of all medical records held on the iSams database including allocation of appropriately approved access rights.

Appendix 1 : Medication Permission Slip

Appendix 2 : Student Health Information Form


2 : Student Physical Examination Form

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