
Page 1

DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Vaccination Centre moves to Ardee Page 6

Una calls time on stellar Louth career Page 8

Katie all set for Kathmandu climb

“It’s time we got some help”

Page 10

Wednesday, 6th July, 2022. Vol. 15, Issue 27 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com

By Paul Byrne

The Navvy Bank on the Point Road is considered one of the nicest walkways in Dundalk and hugely popular with locals especially around this time of the year. However, according to local residents on the Point Road the walkway is not being maintained to a sufficient standard and it is left to volunteer groups like Dundalk Tidy Towns and Sean O’Mahony’s GAA club to pick up the slack and keep the area free from litter and weeds. The walkway which is just over a mile in length is owned by Dublin Port Company but is licensed to Louth County Council who therefore have full responsibility for its maintenance. Yet, there seems to be little in the way of regular work being done by Louth County Council to ensure the upkeep of the walkway according to locals.. Sean O’Mahony’s club members after their Navvy Bank clean up recently. Continued on Page 2

Fitzpatrick calls for more to be done to ease cost of living crisis Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Peter Fitzpatrick TD has welcomed the €2.4b allocated to cost of living measures but insists that more needs to be done to help people around the country. He told Deputy Michael McGrath in the Dáil that he is hearing from his constituents that they cannot heat their homes or put food on the table due to increasing costs. “The people of Ireland are bleeding and need help now. I welcome the €2.4 billion allocated to cost-of-living measures and the reduction of VAT on gas and electricity bills from 13.5% to 9%. I will not say the Government has done nothing but I will say that it needs to do more. In my constituency office in Dundalk I hear from my constituents what is happening on the ground. People cannot afford to put food on the table, heat their homes, put fuel in their cars or shoes on their children. They are afraid

to turn on the cooker or the washing machine. “They are panicking that they will not be able to buy books or uniforms for their children. The Minister should not forget that the kids have only gotten their holidays and their parents are thinking six weeks ahead. Pensioners living in old houses are unable to heat them. People with a disability are unable to access services. Families are unable to find rental accommodation. They tell me about all the buildings around the town lying empty and there seems to be no urgency in bringing them back in order that they can have the homes they badly need. “A number of people have come in to my constituency office lately telling me that they would be better off on social welfare. A young married man with two young children came into my office last Friday, crying. He cannot

afford to look after his family. He goes to work in Dublin five days per week. His fuel bills have doubled and he cannot cope anymore. The words he used were “enormous pressure”. He was told by his landlord that he must vacate the property he is leasing at present. He went to look for new accommodation, which is impossible to find. Although he found some, he could not afford the €1,800 asking price. He did considerable research lately and found out that he would be better off if he left his job and went on social welfare. He would then be able to get €1,150 through the housing assistance payment towards his rent. He would not have to drive to Dublin to work. He would get all the benefits to which he is entitled, such as a medical card. He does not want to go down this road but he has no option. The Minister’s Government can

help him,” stated Deputy Fitzpatrick. In response to Deputy Fitzpatrick Fianna Fáil TD Michael McGrath acknowledged that people are struggling but insisted the government were doing al they could to help alleviate pressure on families. “I thank the Deputy for raising the issue. He has articulated the real-world experience of many people at this point in time. Not everyone but, certainly, a share of the population is very much feeling the effects of what is a 40-year high level of inflation. The Deputy has acknowledged, to be fair, that the Government has made a range of interventions in different areas to address cost of living. “We have had some universal measures, including the electricity credit, the reduction in transport costs and, most recently, the elimi-

nation of hospital charges for children under the age of 16, but we have also had a number of targeted measures, in particular with the fuel allowance through the two bullet payments, for example, Peter Fitzpatrick, TD. and the increase in the rate of fuel allowance that took effect on budget night last year. Doing it that way was an exceptional measure. “We have reduced the drugs payment scheme threshold to Temporary Closing Of Roads €80 per month and put caps on school transport fees. We Section 75 Roads Act, 1993 have cut the annual public Louth County Council hereby gives notice of its service obligation, PSO, levy. intention to close Junction 17 on the M1 at night-time We have launched a major naover a one week period to facilitate Celtic Roads tional retrofitting scheme and Group (CRG) to carry out pavement works. we have already touched on The Closures & Diversion route will be as follows: the reduction in VAT on gas 1. M1 at Junction 17 – within the period 6th and electricity and in excise September 2022 – 15th September 2022. on fuel. It is important that - Diversion using the following national and regional it always pays to work. The roads; Junction 16 and Junction 18 (N52) for overwhelming majority, who Dundalk Traffic and Junction 14 (N33 and N2) for are able to, want to work. (N53) Castleblayney Traffic. The evidence is that they are Diversions will be in place, at night-time only, working,” stated Deputy Mcbetween the hours of 19.30-06.30. Grath. The total duration of the roadworks is expected to

“It’s time we got some help” From Page 1 Two weeks ago a number of players and committee members from Sean O’Mahony’s football club spent over 6 hours walking the entire length of the bank and tidying up the walkway as they went along. Litter had gathered and weeds had grown over the previous couple of months and locals took it into their own hands

to give the walkway a much-needed spring clean. Former O’Mahony’s chairman and current club member Eamonn Doyle was one of the volunteers who took part in that clean up last month and he wants to know who is in charge of the area and why it is being left to volunteer groups to ensure that the popular walkway

Some of the Sean O’Mahony club members who helped clean the Navvy Bank on the Point Road walkway last week. doesn’t get overrun with weeds and rubbish. “A number of us took it upon ourselves last week to walk the length of the bank and tidy up the walkway by picking up rubbish and pulling weeds. We have done it before and I’m sure we will do it again as it’s a beautiful walkway and we don’t want to see it destroyed with rubbish. What we want to know however is who is in charge with maintaining the walkway? Nobody seems to take

responsibility for the area and as far as we can see it’s generally either ourselves or the Dundalk Tidy Towns who help keep the place free from rubbish. The guy in the bird sanctuary on the walkway too helps to keep the place clean too and cuts the grass up around his area but I’m sure that is not part of his remit. “I often see the fellas on community service up around St Helena’s Park and other amenities around town tidying up but they never seem

to be down the Navvy bank,” stated Eamonn. “I’ve heard people say that the council are in charge of the walkway and other people tell me that it’s Dublin Port but whoever is in charge doesn’t seem to be doing much to keep it right,” he added. “It is a fantastic amenity enjoyed by many people from town and further afield and we are lucky to have it. We spent six hours last week cleaning the place because we are proud of our local area and we

want to see it looking well but we would like some help by whoever is in charge of maintaining it as it’s not right to expect volunteers to do everything,” concluded Eamonn. When contacted by the Dundalk Leader on Monday Dublin Port’s Digital Media Manager Lynette Harcourt confirmed that Louth County Council have full responsibility for its maintenance. “The area is owned by Dublin Port Company but is licenced to Louth County Council so they have full responsibility for its maintenance.” An email was also sent to Louth County Council asking who was currently in ownership of the Navvy Bank and who was in charge of maintaining the area. The response received read: “This is currently in the ownership of the Port Authority under Dublin Port”. A follow up email was sent asking again if Louth County Council were responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Navvy Bank and the following response was given. “We empty the bins every second day and cut grass when required.”

be one week, during which time the Junction 17 Roundabouts, interchange slip roads and side roads may be closed. It is the intention of Celtic Roads Group (CRG) to minimise the number of and duration of road closures within the above period.

Contingency has been included in the period to allow for disruption to works due to weather conditions etc. and every effort will be made to complete works in less than the timescale mentioned. The closures will affect the N53 in the vicinity of M1 Junction 17, including roundabouts and both northbound and southbound slips roads at different periods. For up to date information, notifications will be published on AA Roadwatch and on LMFM Radio. Any person who wishes to object to any of the closures should lodge an objection in writing (envelope clearly marked “Road Closure Objection”) to the undersigned not later than 12.00 noon on Tuesday 20th July 2022. William Walsh Senior Executive Officer Operations Section, Louth Co Co, County Hall, Dundalk, Co Louth A91 KFW6 6th July 2022 Website: www.louthcoco.ie Correspondence in Irish is welcome: Cuirfear fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras Gaeilge

Road Works Speed Limit Order Section 10 (1), Road Traffic Act 2004 Louth County Council gives notice of its intention to apply a temporary speed restriction on the road described below. The Council considers that it is in the interests of road safety to apply a Road Works Speed Limit of 60km per hour for the duration of road works, from 11th July 2022 to the 30th September 2022. Speed Limit signs will be in place during the period of the reduced speed limit. Louth County Council has given notice to An Garda Siochána. 60km/h Speed Limit shall apply to the following road: R173, Cornamucklagh, Omeath, Co. Louth from a point 500m southeast of Cornamucklagh House on the R173 to a point 227m southeast of Cornamucklagh House on the R173. Eugene Mc Manus, Administrative Officer Infrastructure, Louth County Council 6th July 2022 County Hall, Millennium Centre, Dundalk, County Louth A91 KFW6 t 042 9335457 w www.louthcoco.ie e info@louthcoco.ie Community Call Number 042 9335457 View Alerts at www.mapalerter.ie/louth

Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022

Chartered Accountants 60 Anne Street, Dundalk - Ph: 042 935 7033


A firm of Chartered Accountants is seeking to recruit two Qualified Accountants to join a small team at Anne St, Dundalk. Our office is excellently equipped to facilitate social distancing. This is an excellent opportunity to join an expanding practice where you will gain exposure and manage a diverse client portfolio. As an Accountant, your role will be as follows: • Manage a portfolio of clients. • Manage workflow & staff training. • Organise the planning, execution and completion of accounting and other assignments. • Preparation of Tax computations and Returns. • Demonstrate an understanding of accounting concepts and apply them to client situations. Candidates must have: • Three/four years practice experience. • Have a good technical knowledge. Persons interested should submit their CV as soon as possible to info@briodys.ie or to 60 Anne St, Dundalk, Co. Louth. A91 KN28. Salary dependent on experience. All applications will be dealt with in strictest confidence Skills: Organised, Technical, Accounts, Accounts production Benefits: Flexible Working Hours, Free Parking Nearby.

Autism class delays must be resolved—O’Murchú The issue of delays in having classrooms ready for children with autism enrolled in a North Louth school was raised in Leinster House last week by Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú. The Sinn Féin TD raised problems that Monksland NS in Cooley have been experiencing as they try to get two classrooms for autistic children up and running ahead of the return to school on August 30. During a debate on education provision for children with special needs, the Dundalk deputy said: ‘I raise the particular issue of Scoil Náisiúnta Talamh na Manach in north County Louth where ten children with autism have been enrolled. #The school is to open on 30 of August and, I believe, the school was requested on 26 January to have two classrooms specific to children with autism. ‘At this time there has been a great deal of engagement with

the Department by the school and by Síle Murnaghan, the príomhoide. ‘The difficulty is it is oneway traffic. There may be very many disappointed children and parents now on the basis these classrooms do not exist. ‘The school is willing, able and wants to deliver, so we need to ensure we see delivery in this case. This is just another example of where we are failing children with disabilities. ‘I am asking the Minister and I will speak to her afterwards so that we might have an intervention to ensure we deliver for these children. ‘We are all here for the one reason. We want to see the spaces and places provided for some of our citizens, that is, children with disabilities. Up to this time, we have not had the necessary planning to deliver that. We all welcome this legislation and, if it streamlines the section 37A

process, then that needs to be done because it seems to be a process that is far too long with far too many steps in delivering these places. We all know, however, there is a wider issue. ‘This is about ensuring we have a review system in September to see what places will be available for the following September. That is the piece we need to address to ensure the National Council for Special Education and the Department have all of the information required and all of the necessary steps are taken so that we do not end up in a situation, which often happens, where either schools or parents have to play the role of campaigners’. After the debate, Deputy Ó Murchú spoke to Minister Josepha Madigan about the issue and received an assurance that she would deal with it. He said he would follow up this week with the minister.

Castletown girls raise €655 for SOSAD

Castletown Girls School raised €655 for SOSAD by organising a jumble sale in the school.

1—The USA celebrated Independence Day on Monday. What year did they gain their independence? 2—According to the proverb, what is the better part of valour? 3—What does 3G mean in the mobile phone ads? 4—How many players are there on a cricket team? 5—McDonalds is the largest fast food chain in the world with outlets in approximately 40,100 locations? Which chain is second on the list? 6—What in Dundalk

are ‘The Dutch Billy Gables’? 7—What was the Roman name for Ireland? 8—Which American actor born on July 17th 1899 starred in movies such as White Heat, Yankee Doodle Dandy and Angels with Dirty Faces? 9—Three counties in Ulster have never won the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship. Name them. 10—How many chambers are in the Human heart? The Stinker—What do fromologists collect?

—this week’s answers— 1—1776, 2—Discretion, 3—3rd Generation, 4—11, 5—Subway (36,800 outlets) Starbucks is third), 6—They are the red brick houses at Roden Place, opposite the Century Bar. 7—Hibernia, 8—James Cagney, 9—Fermanagh, Monaghan and Antrim, 10—4. The Stinker: Cheese.


The 6th class pupils and their teacher Ms McLoughlin in Castletown Girls’ School recently organised a jumble sale in the school which raised €655 for their chosen charity SOSAD. Praise goes to the 6th class girls who collected the jumble; unwanted books, toys, games, jewellery, household goods, all donated by the other students. They also sold ice cream cups, soft drinks and had a nail varnish station as well as “guess how many sweets in the jar” and name the teddy. The school thanked all who helped raise the money for SOSAD. “Thank you to the parents who supported the jumble sale by donating jumble and giving their children money to go to the sale. Thanks also to the 6th class teacher Ms McLoughlin who organised it all. “We are very proud of them and wish them every success in their secondary school.”

Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Louth Vaccination Centre moves to Ardee

After administering 125,913 vaccinations to citizens in County Louth the vaccination centre in the Fairways Hotel is moving to St Brigids Complex in Ardee - Eircode A92FX5V. The vaccination centre at St Brigid’s will open in Ardee on Saturday 2nd July and appointments for COVID-19 vaccines will be available two days per week. The HSE is urging those who are eligible for a COVID-19 Pictured is the vaccination team at the Fairways Hotel Dundalk on their vaccine or a booster final day (25th June) of vaccinating on the Fairways site. and who have not yet



CHO with the closure of the Fairways Covid Vaccination Centre in Dundalk as part of the national plan for vaccination centres. In total, 125,913 vaccinations were administered. Many thanks and much appreciation to all those individuals and organizations involved in making this happen. These staff have worked tirelessly to vaccinate our communities as speedily and safely as possible. This is reflected in the number of people vaccinated which tells its own story and speaks volumes of the huge effort made by staff. The support and cooperation of colleagues across the wider HSE, as well as from local representa-

tives was also very welcome. I would also like to thank the people of the Co Louth and all members of the public for availing of the Fairways facility to get vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and their loved ones and their communities. Vaccines are working and are helping to prevent severe illness across the county.” PCR Testing will continue to take place in St Brigid’s complex Monday to Sunday (7 days per week). PCR testing will continue to be available via self-referral or GP referral for those, in the following categories, who require it based on public health advice.

port from the residents. We have a clean up day and an ice-cream van comes into the estate,” said the spokesperson. “We also did a quiz night pre-Covid. Now residents have a nice road to drive on and children have a nice road to cycle on. “We have 33 lights

on the estate and 23 of those lights are LED. Whenever a light goes out, we notify the council. We keep a little eye on everything.” He added: “We have planted over 300sqm of wildfeed and planted fruit trees on the estate. I’d like to thank the volunteers and the county council who assisted us and Dundalk Credit Union too for their support. “Thanks to the collaborative efforts of everyone involved Willow Grove is a nicer place to live.”

By Tamara O’Connell


Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space.

(LTRCs). The HSE will also put in place a number of pop-up vaccination teams that will be available to support particular locations if access to vaccination becomes a challenge. Des O’Flynn, Chief Officer of Midlands Louth Meath Community Healthcare said it was important to acknowledge the work and commitment of all staff at the Fairways Vaccination Centre who supported the delivery of the vaccination programme, the organisations and agencies who supported it and, most importantly, all those who presented for vaccination. “Another milestone has been reached in Midlands Louth Meath

Willow Grove in full bloom


for a fully fitted electric garage door.

• • • • •

received it to get their vaccine. To get an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine at a HSE vaccination centre you can book online at https:// www2.hse.ie/screening-and-vaccinations/ covid-19-vaccine/getthe-vaccine/covid-19vaccine-booster-dose/ or call our team in HSE Live on 1800 700 700. A number of GP Practices and Pharmacies across the County are still involved in the provision of Vaccinations. Pharmacy information is available on the HSE website, HSE.ie Vaccinations will continue to those who are homebound and residents of Long Term Residential Centres


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The Willow Grove Resident’s Association have made “several great improvements” to the area in recent years, according to a spokesperson for the Dundalk estate. The Willow Grove Resident’s Association spokesperson said that “young and old are participating in having Willow Grove look good”. “Prior to 2018 we probably had the worst roads in any estate in Co Louth,” he said. “But we got together with Louth County Council and they took over the roads in the estate in early 2019. “By July 2019 we had our new road surface in. The resident’s association decided to make the whole estate more presentable with flower beds and roses.” In 2019 Willow Grove was judged as best in their category in a competition about

estates after putting in a lot of hard work. In 2021 Willow Grove was named the best overall winner in their category for estates of up to 125 houses in Dundalk and the county. “We have very good volunteers in the estate. We have excellent sup-

Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Dundalk Summer Clean Weekend

Louth County Council is inviting all Resident Associations, Community Groups, Schools, Sporting Organisations, individuals or a few neighbours working together to get involved in the Dundalk Summer Clean weekend. This event will take place from Friday 22nd July to Sunday 24th July 2022. You are invited to tackle a kilometre of roadway, park, street, lane in your local area and to make it litter and debris free. Louth County Council will provide litter pickers, bags, gloves and hi-viz vests. The bags of waste will be collected when your clean up is finished. Once you have registered you will be able to collect your free Clean Up pack from V&W Dundalk Recycling Centre, Newry Rd, who are supporting this initiative. To register to participate please contact Louth County Council, by email at community@louthcoco.ie or ring Louth County Council on 042 -9392918.

Top local athletes gain invaluable experience at World Championships We the Irish are avid sports fans, as sport plays a key role in the social and cultural life of our Irish communities. This was evident in the support two local lads received when participating in the World Championships recently. Athletics Ireland club members Fergus Cosgrove, Navan AC and David O’Hare, Glenmore AC took part in the 6th Athletics Down syndrome World Championships in Nymburk, Czech Republic held 19 – 26 June 2022. They were privileged to run at the prestigious track of Jan Železný stadium in Mladá Boleslav, which was host to athletes from 13 countries. For Fergus, local participation was with his club in Navan, as well as the Warrior Wolves at their event in Co. Louth with Glenmore AC. Setting out to try his hand at international participation

the man was very positive. ‘Obstacles are those frightful things you see, when you take your eyes off your goal’ – Henry Ford, and Fergus’ goal is to be the best athlete he can be. On the other hand, David O’Hare had already competed in Ferrara, Italy in 2021 making him a good companion and guide to Fergus. Both athletes took part in Triathlon, individual 100m and 200m. David went on to do the individual long jump for the first time on international level. The Irish athletes were in the category Trisomy 21 - the other eligibility category being Mosaic. With a good number of athlete entries, they had to be at the top of their game. The 100m Men Trisomy 21 had 4 heats. Qualifying for the final, was calculated as follows, the winner in each heat and the next 4 fastest to

advance. It was in his heat that Fergus Cosgrove came 3rd and just missed out going into the final. In the 200m Men Trisomy 21 sprint, Fergus again missed out going into the final by 1 sec. Close enough to encourage him to work on his performance towards next year’s Open European Championships in Italy. As the more experienced athlete, David O’Hare improved all around, setting a total of 3 personal best times and 3 personal best distances in Mladá Boleslav. Naturally, Fergus had set great times and distances as well, which will form the base for future international ascent. The main event these 2 athletes entered for in the World Championships, was the Triathlon. Triathlon consists of 100m sprint, long jump and shot put. Each country may enter a maximum of 3 athletes as per IAADS tech-

nical rules and regulations. They both excelled, securing a 9th and 11th place overall. This puts Ireland as a country in the top 6th with having 2 athletes in the top 12, an absolute brilliant achievement! Rankings in Ireland, after the World Championships, are as follows: 100m sprint Men T21 – Fergus Cosgrove (Triathlon & Individual) 200m sprint Men T21 – Fergus Cosgrove Long jump Men T21 – David O’Hare (Triathlon & Individual) Shot put Men T21 – Fergus Cosgrove (Triathlon) After 3 days competing, countries were offered optional Biometric testing for their athletes. The results will aid coaches and medical staff in a more focused, holistic approach when preparing athletes for their specific events. In the case of Ireland,

we have one young adult, David O’Hare, 22 years of age and on the other hand we have Fergus Cosgrove who is still a 15-year-old teenager. This means that the support and development they will need will have to be individualized. During the event Ireland’s delegates, Tsenya, attended the General assemble of IAADS, International Athletic Association for persons with Down syndrome, where the calendar for 2023-2026 was discussed amongst other issues. For now, it is back to the drawing board to develop and create more opportunities for local participation for these 2 athletes, as well as for all their peers with Down syndrome. Any athlete interested to get involved in athletics contact Tessa van Heerden: Tessa.tsenya@gmail.com.

North Drogheda Draft Development Contribution Scheme Section 48 Planning And Development Act 2000 (as amended) The Planning Authority is proposing to make a Development Contribution Scheme under Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) to apply to development within part of the area zoned New Residential in the Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027, which is located between the R132 (former N1) to the West and the Dublin – Belfast Railway line to the East. This is to provide for the necessary public infrastructure and facilities to facilitate development in the area.

Fergus Cosgrove and David O’Hare flew the flag for the north east recently with both men participating in the 6th Athletics Down Syndrome World Championships in Nymburk, Czech Republic.

The Draft Scheme provides for contributions as follows: Residential: €11,954.86 per dwelling unit Commercial: €91.96 per square meter of gross floor area; The Draft Scheme also provides for adjustment of the contribution rates payable on 1st January each year, based on changes to the Wholesale Price Index for Capital Goods, Building and Construction, published by the Central Statistics Office. The draft scheme in relation to the above will be available for inspection during office hours at Louth County Council Offices located at • County Hall, Millennium Centre, St. Alphonsus Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 KFW6 • Civic Offices, Fair Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 P440 • Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 W20C commencing Wednesday 6th July 2022 for a 6 week period up to Wednesday 17th August, 2022. Written submissions or observations in connection with the above should be sent to the undersigned on or before 5.00 pm on Wednesday 17th August, 2022 and will be taken into consideration in making the proposed Development Contribution Scheme. Colette Moss, Senior Executive Officer, Planning Section, Town Hall, Dundalk. Email: planning@louthcoco.ie www.louthcoco.ie Dated: 6th July 2022 County Hall, Millennium Centre, Dundalk, County Louth A91 KFW6 t 042 9335457 w www.louthcoco.ie e info@louthcoco.ie Community Call Number 042 9335457 View Alerts at www.mapalerter.ie/louth

Louth number one calls time on stellar career On June 28th Una Pearson, Louth Ladies LGFA goalkeeper announced her retirement from county football. Pearson has represented Louth for more than a decade and been a mainstay in between the posts, donning the number 1 jersey on over 100 occasions. Her powerful presence, on and off the pitch, was felt by everyone who had the privilege to step onto the intercounty circuit alongside her over the last 12 years. Stern, with high expectations from herself and those around her, Pearson led by example, was ever the professional and played with such heart and commitment that it encouraged others to take pride in their jersey, county and themselves. Always the first one to take a new or underage player under her wing and show them the ropes while always offering unwavering support, Pearson not only made an impact on Louth LGFA through her own personal achievements but by helping others to be the best version of themselves.

2 All Ireland medals, 5 Leinster, 1 National League and a nomination for the golden glove were all a far reach for the young girl who was reluctant to play in goals to start - now she shines the light for others to follow in her footsteps. Pearson mastered her craft by taking on extra training sessions, constantly looking for ways to improve and play at the high standard that we have all become accustomed to over the years. Even if she was often her own critic. The incredible dedication Pearson gave to the Wee County has to be mentioned, no doubt countless personal events have been missed, left early or rearranged to accommodate her love for the red and white jersey and her drive to bring home silverware. Una, on behalf of your friends and teammates, thank you for all the special memories and kind, supportive words. You have left some big, big boots Una (in white goalkeeper jersey on right) with some of her now former Louth teammates. to fill!

Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022

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Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Family Notices in memoriam

English 1st Anniversary In loving memory of Tommy English, late of 11 Hillview, O’Hanlon Park, Dundalk whose anniversary occurred on 5th July. RIP. We never part from those we love, No distance can divide us. With memories dear and love sincere, You will always walk beside us. —Always in our hearts, from your wife Patricia; sons Ryan, Shane, Thomas and Paul; daughtersin-law Jacqueline and Sarah and all of his grandchildren.

months mind

DALY James (Jim) Annesley, The Cresent, Dundalk The months mind mass for Jim Daly will take place on Sunday, 10th July, at 12 noon in the Friary Church. All welcome. God saw the road was getting tough, The hill was hard to climb, He gently closed your weary eyes, And whispered peace be thine. —Much loved and sadly missed by your loving family.

novena Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). D.W.

novena Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). Y.L. Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). D.M. Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). P.N.

Katie all set for Kathmandu climb By Tamara O’Connell

A DUNDALK woman is planning to trek to Mount Everest base camp in a bid to raise money for the Marie Curie Foundation. Originally from Bay Estate, Katie Todd now has family in Blackrock. She plans to travel from London to Kathmandu on August 28. The 23-year-old is currently living and working in Wales after completing her studies there last June. “I had planned to go on this trip last year but I couldn’t go because the Covid-19 situation was still quite tricky in Nepal,” she said. “There’s a group of 17 of us all going travelling together. We are in training for this trip. I did a 40km coastal walk recently which wasn’t too bad.

Katie Todd. “I also did a half marathon recently to get my lung capacity up. I feel good but it’s hard to know how my body will react to the altitude.” Katie will spend 17 days on the trip, 11 of which will be spent

trekking. She said she’s “excited to go through the villages and to see the atmosphere”. Marie Curie is a charitable organisation that supports people and families who have or are dealing with terminal illnesses.

Katie set a fundraising target of £2,400 and recently she reached her target as she has been generously supported by donors. To donate visit www. justgiving.com/fundraising/katie-todd.


special services

special services

ATTENTION—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert Mulholland, BER assessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie. ADVERTISE YOUR HOUSE Premises for rent or sale to 55,000 readers a week from €5. Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888.

Building Services—Extensions, Renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501. ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 818 4827. Carpentry & Joinery—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110. MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702. CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie. Roofing Repairs & Stoves—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries. GARDEN & HOUSE MAINTENANCE— Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358. Coaching with Esther—Life and Executive Coach Tel 086 8972007 www. coachingwithesther.com. Qualified Carpenter available for Floors, Doors, Frames, Architraves, Skirtings, Stud Walls, Roofing & All Building Repairs. No Job too big or too small. Call Mark 086 089 5508. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concreting, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Tel 085-762-3758. Fifi’s Alterations—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Wed 9.30 - 5.30pm, Thur & Fri 9.30 - 6pm & Sat 10-2pm. WATCH REPAIRS—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478. All-in-one!—Home and property maintenance and improvements. Painting, decorating, general household maintenance, exterior cleaning, power washing, gutters, dust free sanding, No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238. GRASS CUTTING services, Dundalk and surrounding areas. Contact Michael 087 1477 067.

Gardening—lawns cut, hedges cut, trees trimmed and topped. Telephone Tom 087 2296441. Plastering Service available, free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285. Dog walking and dog sitting services in Dundalk and surrounding areas. Check out Walkies with Chloe on Facebook or call Chloe 089 4000439. Carpet and Upholstery cleaning. Home and Office contract cleaning. Over 10 years’ experience. RTM Cleaning Services contact Robbie 087 3817618. Gabriel Garden Services—Hedges trimmed, power washing, trees & shrubs planted, garden clearance, decorative stone & bark. Complete garden maintenance. Tel Gabriel 087 0951030 Fully vaccinated. Local Power Washing—No job too big or too small. Patios, Driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and carpet cleaning Contact James 087 4464960 for free quotation. SAFE TREES and Garden services, Tree fall service, hedge trimming & stump removal, fully insured, for free quotations Tel 085 7420023 www.safetreesandgardening.com.

articles for sale Attention Landlords—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927. CD Logs—Kiln Dried Ash/Oak & Birch, Weekly Deliveries to Dundalk & surrounding areas. Newry Co. Down Mob 00 44 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www.cdlogs. com. FOR SALE—Rossmore display unit for sale. 200cm high x150cm wide x 46cm depth. Top half glass, immaculate condition, very reasonably priced. Contact Una 087 9054274. SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED—Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

SPECIAL SERVICES CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING— Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094 Email tribalky@yahoo.com <mailto:tribalky@yahoo.com>. CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact Cathal 087-2259799. ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Leader 042 932 0888. WINDOW CLEANING—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>. HOUSE & APARTMENT CLEANING Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>. TILER AVAILABLE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. SC Tiling—Professional Tiler, Specialises in full bathroom refits. Top Class Work Guaranteed Call Shane 086 107 5080. GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343. DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085-8407707. FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

classes and courses

DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN—For adults & children aged 8years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228. Guitar lessons available for Adults & Children. One to one with Covid precautions, beginners welcome. Phone Gerry on 087 6941075. Get fit the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed’s first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information. Earn a few bob and help an old man out. Young person on school holidays wanted for light garden work. Reply to gardening1@mail.com. Greenfields Music Tours—Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact Anthony on 085 1204994.

ADVERTISE in our classifieds to over 60,000 readers from only €5 per week up to 20 words

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Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022





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Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


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Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022


Boccia team very thankful for local sponsorship

A local Boccia team have thanked Matthews Coaches for their kind sponsorship of the team which has enabled them to purchase new team jerseys. The Cuchulainn Warriors are a group of local men and women who play Boccia in Dundalk Sports Centre on Tom Bellew Avenue. Boccia is an Italian bowling game played with red and green balls and a target ball, the jack. The object is to roll a boccia ball closest to the jack. The game is played by people in wheelchairs although able bodied people can play as long as they use a wheelchair while doing so. Local boccia enthusiasts played the game regularly in Dundalk Sports Centre pre-pandemic often contesting games with other teams from around Leinster. The arrival of the pandemic as well as the use of Dundalk sports Centre to house Ukrainian refugees meant the local Boccia players hadn’t played

Hill Street, Dublin Rd., Dundalk.

042 9331515/086 2559201

Front: Niall Coleman, John Morgan, John Moore, Simon Cusack. Back: Katie Byrne, Karen McDermott, Geraldine Moore and Marie O’Callaghan.

for over two years until last week when they returned to action. According to John Morgan who is a member of the Cuchulainn Warriors the return to action has coincided with a new sponsorship deal with local bus hire firm Matthews Coaches. “I was on the street a while ago and I got talking to Paddy Matthews and asked if he would be so kind to sponsor our team. We had been going to play all these other teams around Leinster and they always had lovely

t-shirts with their team crest and name printed on them. We wanted to do something similar so that’s why I approached Paddy asking for sponsorship. Paddy agreed immediately and from there we got in touch with Priority Printing where Deirdre was extremely helpful in helping us get the t-shirts printed up. Myself and John Moore came up with the idea for the design of our new crest and we decided to call ourselves the Cuchulainn Warriors so we are delighted

with how the t-shirts turned out. “We hosted a blitz last weekend where ourselves, Ardee, Clontarf, Drogheda, Navan, Cavan and Ballyfermot all entered a couple of teams into the competition. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and it’s just great to be back playing regularly after being out of action for so long. We would just like to thank Matthews coaches, especially Paddy and Karen McDermott for their generosity in sponsoring our team,” stated John.

Louth Craftmark outdoor “Summer Fair” returns Louth Craftmark is back again with their highly anticipated outdoor Summer Fair which will once again return to the St Nicholas Quarter, Church Street, Dundalk. The Summer Fair will take place on Saturday 9th July, from 10am to 5pm. Featuring a host of professional designers and makers, the fair will have an eclectic array of tempting art, gifts, and high-quality crafts. The Summer Fair is part of the Fringe Programme of the SEEK Contemporary Urban Arts Festival and is sure to be a buzzing vibrant addition to the town centre in July. Founded in 2006, Louth Craftmark Designers Network is a collective of talented Northeast based artists, craftspeople, and designers, who have come together to promote and support each other. The Summer Fair will comprise of 12 artists showcasing their beautiful work, representing various creative disciplines including ceramics, handmade scented candles, Irish designed textiles, glass giftware, artisan soaps, handmade skincare, jewellery, painting, and prints. There will be something for everyone’s taste at the Summer Fair; where visitors can treat themselves to something special or buy a gift

Car Roof Boxes, Roof Bars, Wind Visors etc.

POWER WASHERS Milk jug by Etaoin O’Reilly.

“Compass” by Sarah McKenna.

for a loved one. Louth Craftmark is well known for their very successful annual Winter Fair, and the artists are delighted to have the opportunity to return to the St Nicholas Quarter, for a second time. The spacious layout will give visitors ample opportunities to browse and peruse the stalls and see the wonderful art and crafts on offer. Louth Craftmark is delighted to welcome new artists and designers to participate in the Summer Fair this year, including vibrant new Irish textile brand Jennie Ritchie. Jennie’s brand is inspired by nature and the outdoors, mixing laid back luxe, bohemian, and colourful designs. LORE Natural Skincare is also a new addition this year, handmade in the Cooley Peninsula using only natural, ethically sourced, and sustainable ingredients. Well known wellness and home-fragrance brand Emma’s So Natu-

rals, with their collection of clean burning candles, wax melts, palm-free soaps, and new aroma diffusers will also be joining the Summer Fair for the first time. Purchasing handmade products from Louth Craftmark is a great way to support local and buy Irish. By buying from independent businesses, we are contributing to the local economy and encouraging our community to thrive. Ceramicist Sarah McKenna from Louth Craftmark has commented, “We are delighted to be bringing the Louth Craftmark Summer Fair back to Dundalk this July, after a very successful event last year. Our network has grown to 68 members, and we can’t wait to showcase the work of our talented local artists and craftspeople in the heart of Dundalk.” For more information please visit: www.louthcraftmark.com.

Toolboxes, Socket Sets, yuasa batteries, Battery Chargers, etc.

Car Gift Packs & Gift Vouchers Available

T. 042 9331555/9331006 The Ramparts, Dundalk (formerly Martin's Garage)

Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022



Dundalk Leader 6th July 2022

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