Green light given for new athletics track as contracts set to be signed
By Paul Byrne
KATE O’Connor’s heroics over a twelve-day stretch have seen her win a bronze at the European Indoor Championships as well as silver at last weekend’s World Indoor Championships. Her stellar efforts have undoubtedly inspired a wave of the next generation’s athletes and now it looks like that new generation will finally have a home athletics track to call their own.
Growing up, Kate was fortunate enough to have parents who were able to drive her up and down the country to help her train in proper facilities which currently aren’t available in Dundalk. However, that luxury is not available to everybody, which means that some of our brightest young athletic talents
are not given the support they need to prosper and elevate their performances to the next level.
At Monday’s monthly Louth County Council meeting it was revealed that contracts for the long mooted athletics track in Dundalk will be signed in the coming weeks. It is believed that officials are hoping to tie in the announcement of the signing of the contracts with a joint civic reception which is being planned for April 10th to celebrate the achievements of both Kate O’Connor and Eve McCrystal.
In further good news for local athletes it was also revealed at Monday’s meeting that arrangements have been made to open the Lourdes stadium in Drogheda in April and May for a number of Sundays.
Continue on Page 2
HOMETOWN HEROES! Kate O’Connor and Jimmy Dunne both shone on the international stage this week. Full Story Page 2.
Jimmy’s Dunne it!
Jimmy Dunne became the first local player to be capped at full international level since Stephen Staunton when he took to the pitch in the 74th minute against Bulgaria in Sunday evening’s Nations League Group B encounter.
The 27 year old QPR defender earned his first cap when he came on in place of Bettystown man Evan Ferguson as his proud mother Sharon Treacy Dunne watched it all unfold in the Aviva.
It hasn’t been a straightforward journey for the former Rock Celtic player, who was signed up to Manchester Utd’s Belfast academy at the age of 10. He would later move to Manchester and join the youth set up over there but at 19 years of age he made the move to Burnley before embarking on a number of loan moves which saw him play in all four divisons in England as well as the Conference. He
Proud mother,
would also play a season in Scotland where he played with Hearts during the 2018/19 season. However, his wandering days ended when he was signed by QPR in 2021 and that move has proven hugely beneficial for Dunne who has become a mainstay in the defence while garnering a reputation for scoring crucial goals for the club. Last December Jimmy Dunne scored for QPR against Nor-
wich City the day after his father Eamonn’s funeral and in the build up to the Ireland match he spoke of his determination to put on the Green shirt to honour his father. He did exactly that on Sunday night in front of his Mam as well as friends and family who all cheered to the rafters as he took to the pitch to help Ireland seal a 4-2 aggregate victory over Bulgaria. Speaking to reporters after the game
From Page 1
The decision to shut the Lourdes Stadium in Drogheda last June to both the public and sporting organisations on Sundays was met with anger but it seems that decision has at least been partially reversed with the news that the stadium will be open on a number of Sundays over the next two months.
For years there have been calls locally for a Municipal Athletics Track to be built in Dundalk and although work has begun on the former Pitch and Putt course in Muirhevnamór (Muirhevnamór District Park) progress has been slow with Louth County Council initially announcing the construction of a brand new athletics track back in 2018. The turning of the sod in 2019 marked the beginning of the ambitious project which at the time had an estimated cost of €1.6m.
In 2021 work on the new Municipal Athletics Track in Dundalk resumed with phase two beginning as contractors return to the site at the old Pitch and Putt course in Muirhevnamor.
The new track would initially see the development of a grass track and a general training area
which will be used by local athletics clubs as well as the general community. Cllr. Maeve Yore who has been banging the drum for a new Athletics track for most of the past decade stated she was delighted with the positive update received from Louth County Council during Monday’s monthly meeting.
“I’ve been dealing with this issue for seven years now and there have been so many false dawns. I have been working very closely with the athletics clubs in Louth and all of our brilliantly talented athletes deserve a proper track to train on. We have so much local talent and with the success of Kate in recent weeks this is an ideal opportunity to finally get this project up and running. Kate’s achievements are going to inspire a whole new generation of local athletes and it is imperative we have a state of the art track for them sooner rather than later. I am delighted and excited that the contracts for the stadium will be signed in the coming weeks and it finally looks like this is actually going to happen,” stated Maeve.
Meanwhile Kate O’Connor is back on home soil after returning from China with a silver
he spoke of his joy in representing his friends and family as well as his parish in Blackrock.
“I’m not embarrassed to admit I’m absolutely thrilled to put on the green shirt and play in front of friends and family back home,” he said.
“All my family and friends from Dundalk were at the game, and loads of ones up in Dundalk, they’ll be absolutely delighted back home. It’s a great feeling.
I’m representing a small parish, my GAA parish, everyone in Geraldines, it’s a really proud day,” he stated.
medal in her possession after a magnificent performance in the Pentathlon at the World Indoor Championships.
Speaking yesterday morning, Kate admitted the scale of her achievements probably haven’t fully sunk in yet.
“It’s madness. Even just the support here at the airport for me today is crazy. I’m just trying to soak it all in and savour the moment. There was a photo posted online there of me pictured alongside Sonia O’Sullivan and Dervla O’Rourke and it’s just so surreal to me that my name is being compared to those two women. I don’t think it’s fully sunk in what has happened. It will probably take a few weeks to actually realise what I’ve done,”.
Speaking about the special bond she has with her father who is also her coach, Kate described the partnership as very special.
“It’s so special. Having a father-daughter coaching relationship is something that not everybody can do but it is a special one. You get to travel the world together and win global medals together and that is something I will definitely cherish for the rest of my life,” stated Kate.
We are looking to recruit a journalist who ideally has a working knowledge and interest in our local and national law system and how it works. Previous experience in reporting at local District and Circuit Courts would be a distinct advantage. This position would be part-time on a 12-month contract and would be financially supported by Coimisiún na Meán. Please apply in writing to: Paul Byrne, Editor, Dundalk Leader, 9A Crowe St, Dundalk or email
Sharon Treacy Dunne embraces her son Jimmy after he earned his first senior International cap for Ireland.
Local TDs welcome new Women’s Aid Refuge-Dundalk
LOCAL TD’s have welcomed the news that planning permission has been granted for a new domestic violence refuge in Dundalk.
Dundalk is one of 18 priority locations identified for domestic violence refuge development as part of the Government’s work under Zero the Tolerance Strategy.
In a project supported by the Department of Justice, Cuan, the domestic, sexual and gender-based violence Agency, the Department of Housing and the Housing Agency, Dundalk Women’s Aid aims to increase its refuge provision through the construction of a new 12-unit refuge facility in the town. The
project will see the current six units replaced and a further six units added, ensuring a doubling of capacity.
The new facility provides for 12 short-stay emergency accommodation units, a family access unit and youth and child support unit.
Deputy Butterly welcomed the news stating:
‘This is great news for the county, another step forward in addressing the impact of domestic violence and abuse. I would like to acknowledge my colleagues minister Jim O’Callaghan and Minister Helen McEntee who did trojan work in implementing the zero tolerance strategy plan and advocating
for domestic violence awareness in her time as Minister.’
‘More people are seeking help from sexual, domestic and gender based violence services, this is a step forward to ensure that the demands are met across the county including for young people and people in rural areas.’
Erin McGreehan TD
who is a board member of the Dundalk Women’s Aid board also welcomed the news.
Speaking on the news: “I am delighted to hear of the progress being made after the granting of planning permission for a new refuge in Dundalk. This project has been worked on for years now, and it is great that over that time government policy has moved to support plans like this – it is crucially important,” she highlighted.
“The topic of domestic abuse is something I am so passionate about.
I am a member of the Dundalk’s Women’s Aid board, and I am very proud to be part of this hugely important organisation for the thousands they have supported over the years.
Dundalk Women’s Aid aims for a doubling of capacity and fit for purpose safe homes for women and children to start again.
Concluding Deputy McGreehan congratulated all who have worked tirelessly on this for years, and said she will continue to engage constructively to deliver this facility for
the women and families who need it.
“There have been so many who have been working on this for years and I want to congratulate Ann Larkin who is CEO of Dundalk Womens Aid and all the team who were relentless in their ambition to make this a reality.
“I will continue to work with Department of Housing to ensure that the funding for construction of these vital services is progressed without haste,” she concluded.
Cross Cooley Challenge aims to raise money for two local charities
IN your plans for 2025 we invite you to consider the 13th Annual Cross Cooley Challenge on Saturday, May 24th 2025 for participation by your company and your staff.
Over the past 13 years, people like yourselves who took part in the event have helped raise in excess of €430,000 for North Louth Hospice and The Maria Goretti Foundation.
The Cross Cooley Challenge is a 15 km gentle walk from the Lumpers Bar in Ravensdale to Carlingford with transport provided to and from Dundalk for start and finish.
Previous participants have found that The Cross Cooley Challenge is not just about hiking, it’s about coming together as a team, embracing the beautiful landscapes of the Cooley Mountains, supporting two great local charities and having good craic in the process. If you think that the event may be of interest ,without any commitment,you can find out more details on the Cross Cooley Challenge Facebook page. Sponsorship cards will be available shortly.
Paula Butterly, TD.
Erin McGreehan, TD.
New dog fouling campaign aims to keep our community clean
LOUTH County Coun-
cil has launched a new six-month campaign to address dog fouling and promote responsible pet ownership around the county.
The initiative, which includes new signage, media outreach and community engagement, aims to keep public spaces clean and safe.
Some of the key messages of the campaign include: ‘Bag It & Bin It’, ‘Dog Fouling is Litter’, and ‘Dog Dirt Belongs in the Bin – Not on the Street.’
The campaign was officially launched at County Hall on 7th March where Cllr Kevin Callan, Cathaoirleach of Louth County Council, along with council officials, Tidy Town representatives, children from St Joseph’s Primary School, Dundalk and dogs gathered to discuss its impact.
“Dog fouling is not just an unpleasant nuisance, it poses health risks and impacts the overall quality of our public spaces,” said Cllr Kevin Callan. “This
campaign is about educating dog owners on their responsibilities and ensuring that our parks, streets, and walkways remain clean and welcoming for all.”
Key campaign elements include: Signage: Dog fouling awareness messages on 620 bins countywide,
plus youth art competitions for sticker and poster designs.
Media Outreach: A radio and social media campaign to engage the public and promote responsible pet ownership.
Tidy Towns Partnership: Installation of dog bag dispensers, footpath
stencilling, and local awareness campaigns.
Community Engagement: Clean-up events, school outreach, and distribution of awareness materials.
St Patrick’s Day Parade: A Dog Fouling Awareness message in collaboration with Dundalk Tidy Towns.
The public is encouraged to get involved in making a difference in their areas and are invited to attend any awareness days during the campaign.
By working together, we can create a cleaner, safer environment for everyone.
Two Dundalk boxers to take part in youth international this Friday
DUNDALK will be represented by two local boxers at this Friday’s IABA Youth International against India and France. Dealgan boxers Sophie Curley Grey and Sean McCusker will lace up the gloves against to take up some of the best talent in world boxing at the Youth International event which will take place at the Holy Family Boxing Club in Drogheda.
Recently appointed IABA President Anto Donnelly who is a coach in Dealgan Boxing Club has urged any boxing fans to make the short trip to Drogheda this Friday evening to witness some of the finest talent at youth level in international boxing including local boxers Sophie and Sean.
“We are looking to bring back these Youth Internationals to give the kids a chance to test themselves against some of the best young boxers across the world. It promises to be a great night and if anybody wants to see some of the stars of the future they could do worse than travel up to the Holy Family Boxing Club in
“This will be a very momentous occasion as there are two Dundalk boxers fighting on the night for Ireland.
“As it will come to great expense to host this event we are seeking valuable sponsorship from the local business community to aid us in this venture. Bout sponsorship is €200. Main
sponsor is €500 and Ring Sponsorship is €600,” explained Anto. Ireland’s 2025 National Youth Competition gold and silver medalists will take on a composite team of India and France on Wednesday March 26th at the National Stadium, Dublin and at Holy Family Boxing Club, Drogheda on Friday, March 28th at 7pm.
These internationals are key development opportunities for the boxing stars of the future, designed to simultaneously grow their skills and represent Ireland. If you are interested in sponsoring the event contact Anto on antodonn@hotmail. com or call 086 3748688.
Tickets: Adults: €20. Children, under 16: €10. Club bundles: 10 tickets €150.
Louth County Council have launched a new campaign to help promote responsible pet ownership when it comes to dog fouling. Th einitiative will include new signage, media outreach and community engagement with the aim to keep public places clean and safe.
Sophie Curley Gray. Sean McCusker.
Katherine’s eye opening experience in Rwanda
DUNDALK native Dr. Katherine McGinnitty has just returned from a trip to Rwanda as part of Christian Blind Mission’s project to alleviate the problem of preventable blindness in the country.
Katherine, originally from the Dublin Road, is an ophthalmology registrar in the Belfast Trust, currently works at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, has thanked all those who supporter her fundraiser which helped to buy a new cataract machine for the people of Rwanda which will potentially help to restore their sight. In total Katherine managed to raise £14,500 via her GoFundMe page.
Cataracts is the leading cause of preventable blindness in Rwanda. Below, Katherine gives an account of her time in Rwanda and her experience in the Kabgayi Eye Unit where each day approximately 300 patients wait to be seen by a doctor.
“Rwanda was an eye-opening experience in every way. From the sun to the mosquitos, the hills to the eye hospitals we saw so many patients and such a variety of eye disease that would not reach our country here in Ireland.
“There is a population of 14 million people there and two eye hospitals to care for these people.
“Each day approx. 250-350 patients present to Kabgayi Eye Unit from all over the country and wait to be seen. These patients range from premature babies requiring retinal screening, patients who sustained traumas from bottle caps and cow horns to more elderly patients requir-
Join Our Expanding Team at Lynn Motors Dundalk Lynn Motors, the trusted Peugeot dealership in Dundalk, County Louth, is growing, and we’re looking for a.
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Dr Katherine McGinnity was part of a project to help alleviate the problem of preventable blindness in Rwanda.
ing cataract surgery or eyelid ptosis repair.
“The patients are seen in the outpatient clinic and cared for medically with drops or laser treatments or listed for surgery if required. Daily there are 3060 eye operations in theatre, where 2-3 surgeons operate side by side. Accommodation is provided for patients overnight in a large concrete building with a galvanised roof and multiple beds for patients to lie on. There was no nursing staff to care for them through the night, but they were more than happy to have somewhere to sleep.
“We operated in theatre and trained a local Rwandan ophthalmologist how to complete phacoemulsification cataract
surgery, a more modern technique for surgery which is not the normal in all eye units in Rwanda. Last year on a similar visit, one of my consultant’s colleague’s Olivia Earley, trained two local ophthalmologists in this technique, over the course of the last year they have both completed over 700 cases of cataract surgery which is truly remarkable.
“The equipment used in theatre is reused, as a result the blades for operating on the eyes can be blunt and require some force to get through the eye tissues.
I completed various surgeries while there- cataracts, corneal, eyelids and eye removals for advanced trauma cases. The cataract machine and microscopes
Poetry Corner
With your auburn hair. Your noble brow. Gentle smile. You walked tall. You had it all.
I’ll never forget the summer of ’73. The Donovan LP. When we walked hand in hand. Walked on air.
Without care.
As time passes, moves on. You had your trials and tribulations, your dark days, but you shall overcome. Brighter days will be yours, for you are made of stern stuff.
Born with a noble brow.
for completing the surgeries are old and the needles wide bore and blunt compared to what we use in the western world. This makes the precise surgery we carry out more technically challenging and more high risk.
“I would like to thank everyone who has donated to the fund, the money raised will be combined with a hospital fund along with a 35% discount for low-income countries to buy a modern cataract machine, which will be more efficient and less aggressive on the eyes than the current one the Rwandan ophthalmologists are using.
“During our time we saw multiple children suffering from a type of allergic eye condition called vernal keratoconjunctivitis, this condition causing the eyes to be red, inflamed, itchy, and dry. The children rub their eyes and aggravate the condition further and it is a cause of blindness in this young patient group. We brought over hundreds of pairs of sunglasses and children were so delighted when we fit them with a pair of sunglasses, not only will this reduce the glare and light sensitivity they suffer but also will help prevent them rubbing their eyes and aggravating their eye condition.
“I hope to return to Rwanda in the years to come and help support the training of the next generation of ophthalmologists. The people were warm and welcoming, and it was truly a great privilege to get the chance to pass on skills that will be sustained by the younger ophthalmologists in caring for their own people,” concluded Katherine.
1—Which recently deceased US sports star had twelve children including five boys all called George?
2—There have been four Green Party leaders in total. Trevor Sargent, Eamonn Ryan, Roderick O’Gorman and who else?
3—What is the name of Postman Pat’s cat?
4—The term RENAL refers to what part of the human body?
5—Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton and The Beatles have all played gigs in Dundalk. True or False?
6—What is the chemical name for Laughing Gas?
7—Which surgical device has a name derived from the Latin for `small knife`?
8—The Murray-Darling is the longest river in which country?
9—In a list of US States, which would come last alphabetically?
10—Which Co. Cork lighthouse is often referred to as ‘Ireland’s Teardrop’?
The Stinker—What do George Best, John Lennon and Robin Hood have in common?
1—George Foreman, 2—John Gormley, 3—Jess, 4—Kidneys, 5—False. Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash and Eric Clapton have. The Beatles were booked to play the Adelphi Ballroom in 1963 but sadly the gig was cancelled late in the day. 6—Nitrous Oxide, 7—Scalpel, 8—Australia, 9—Wyoming, 10—Fastnet is known as “Ireland’s Teardrop”, because it was the last part of Ireland that some 19thcentury Irish emigrants saw as they sailed to North America. The Stinker: They all have/had airports named after them (Belfast, Liverpool and Doncaster). ANSWERS
Dr. Katherine McGinnity was in Rwanda earlier this month.
Country is ‘absolutely awash with cocaine’
A ‘REAL plan’ is needed to deal with the problems caused by a country that is ‘at the minute, absolutely awash with cocaine’, Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú has told the Dáil.
He was speaking during questions to the Minister for Justice last week and pointed to underfunding of projects such
as the Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) and youth diversion projects in Muirhevnamor and Cox’s Demesne.
Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘We have to be absolutely straight in the sense that Ireland at the minute is absolutely awash with cocaine and when we are dealing with addicts who would previously have had an issue with heroin.
talking about crack cocaine and that obviously leads to a particular set of issues particularly as regards crime and the impact on the wider community’.
ity, the bad examples that exist that we are all aware and know of.
‘We are probably
He said it was time to ‘get real’ and a multiagency approach was urgently needed. He said: ‘We need to deal with the fact of ongoing criminal-
‘We have seen examples of where the Criminal Assets Bureau has taken action. We need to see more of that. I have seen drug dealers who have had houses taken off them. It is just the cost of doing business and then they are back in action again.
Resident appeals for anti-social behaviour to stop in Greenacres
A RESIDENT in Greenacres, Dundalk, has appealed to parents in the area to let their children know of the damaging affects anti-social behaviour can have on people living in the community.
The lady who is a resident in Greenacres wished to remain anonymous for fear of being targeted again. She claims that her front door was kicked and a ball thrown against it several times which she found very upsetting.
“I was out in my back kitchen when I heard a big crashing sound. I thought maybe a shelf or something had fallen down so I went to the front of the house but couldn’t see anything. Ten minutes later I heard a bang again and I realised it was coming from outside. I saw young kids, probably younger than teenagers, running away.
“They came back a third time and started banging on my door again and throw-
ing a football at my house before running away. I am an elderly lady living on my own and I find this anti-social behaviour extremely upsetting and frightening. These children know who they are and I have notified the gardaí. It has happened on a few occasions now and I just want it to stop before it escalates,” she stated.
Gardaí confirmed that they had received a complaint and had attended the residence in question.
Castletown Girls School show racism the RED card
RED was the colour of choice in Castletown Girls School last Friday as the school held an anti-racism day with all kids and teachers encouraged to wear red on the day to symbolize their commitment to tackling racism.
Castletown Girls School is a School of Sanctuary and they are currently doing the programme to become a Champion School of Sanctuary. To do this they must demon-
strate a commitment to become ever more inclusive places, taking an active and visible stance against prejudice and racism.
On Friday the students sent out a strong message that they are committed to fighting racism as they donned red clothes as part of the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ initiative. The school are also busy planning for their annual Intercultural Day which will take place in April.
‘I have spoken to the senior Minister before about the chaos caused by drug addiction and by criminality and
pointed out that we do not have the powers, whether we are talking about Tusla, the councils or right across to
An Garda Síochána. There needs to be a real conversation. We need a real plan to deal with all of this’.
Thanks to Alan Graham for sending in this beautiful picture of a sunset in Ravensdale last weekend.
Alan is the owner of popular local coffee shop ‘23 Seats’ and is a keen photographer in his spare time..
Ruairí Ó Murchú, TD.
Lucie, Claudia, Amber and Evie showing racism the red card.
Local Stage School
Shines bright at St Patrick’s Day Parade
ELITE Star School of Performing Arts showcased their talent and won the Best Youth Entrant Award at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.
The students from Dundalk performed with great spirit and energy during the parade, impressing both judges and spectators.
Elite Star School, a top performing arts school in Dundalk, offers singing, dancing and musical theatre for children in Dundalk.
Elite Star’s calendar is filled with exciting opportunities for young performers. The school is currently in training for the All Ireland championships in Galway this April.
Additionally, preparations are underway for their highly anticipated summer show production at An Táin.
Elite Star offers weekly classes catering to various age groups and skill levels. This Performing Arts School not only develops performance skills but also builds confidence and creativity in young performers.
For the latest updates on class schedules, upcoming performances and enrolment opportunities, follow Elite Star School on social media. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this performing arts community in Dundalk.
THE students at Dundalk Grammar School held their annual Celebration of Culture Day 2025 in the school. The event has been running in the school since 2018, and save for Covid, the day has found a special place in the hearts and minds of students. This is very much a student directed and organised day, and this is why the student body really embraces, and feels very much a part of, the day. Students make a big effort to dress in their chosen cultural attire, and this is what is the essence of the event. For one day of the school year, each student can present their own culture, whether you come from Afghanistan, or your culture that is dear to you is your local Gaelic football team. It is all there, over 50 cultures making up the school student population.
Students were encouraged to put up stalls on the day of the various cultures. What stood out was the lovely foods served from the stalls. Students had gone to great trouble to make foods representing their own culture. A visit to each stall on the day made for a very appetising experience.
Then there was the music, and the singing, and the dancing. There was a real flow to the day, and the atmosphere was tangible. Everyone was in
Culture Day has been running every year in the school since 2018 and has proved a huge success.
good form. If only every day at school could be like this. Whatever the formula on the day, it works. Parents joined in the fun on the day. The Parent Teachers Association had their own stall. The day itself was rounded off with a concert in the afternoon to reflect culture. The decorations up around the school contributed significantly to creating the special atmosphere. Celebrating diversity, but united in this diversity, has been the theme of Culture Day since its inception in 2018.
This year’s celebration was
added to by the attendance of a number of Ambassadors. In attendance, by invite of the 5th year Politics class, was the Dutch Ambassador, Maaike van Koldam, the Luxembourg Ambassador, Florence Ensch, and the Deputy Belgian Ambassador, Katrijn Coppens. The Politics students had arranged a reception for their special guests, and the students presented a number of gifts to their guests. Short speeches were made, and the Ambassadors were taken on a tour of all the stalls.
The idea of the Ambas-
Dundalk students awarded Maynooth University Entrance Scholarships Celebration of Culture Day in DGS
THE significant Leaving Certificate achievements of three former Dundalk school students have been acknowledged and celebrated by Maynooth University at a recent awards ceremony.
The now first year MU students are among over 70 Maynooth University Entrance Scholars, each having achieved 575 points or more in their Leaving Certificate examination.
Former St. Louis Secondary School student Leah Kennedy is studying the BBS Business
and Management degree, St. Vincent’s Secondary School alumna Aishwarya Suresh is a taking the BSc Bachelor of Science degree, and former De La Salle College student Niall Donnelly is taking the BA Bachelor of Arts degree.
The €1,000 Entrance Scholarship is awarded to incoming first year students, via the CAO, who have obtained 575 points or more in their Leaving Certificate.
President of Maynooth University, Professor Eeva Leinonen, presented each
sadors to attend grew out of the Mock Council of the EU Debate which will be held in Dublin Castle on March 28. 3 Politics students have been chosen to represent The Netherlands at this 27 selected schools event. The Dutch Embassy has given the students enthusiastic support in their preparations. The theme will be the impact of AI and technology, and the DGS students must represent the views of the Dutch government. The Dutch Embassy has been very supportive. When the Embassy heard about Culture Day, they immediately wanted to attend. Their contacts with other Embassies lead to the Luxembourg and Belgian Embassies communicating their interest in attending. The key contact in the Dutch Embassy has been James Bradshaw, and the students have greatly appreciated his support. So, another day of celebrating culture at DGS has passed. The spirit of diversity and inclusion is alive in the school, no more than any other school. The students do appreciate that they can take ownership for one day of the year to celebrate culture, their own and others, in a way they would wish to. We celebrate difference, but we also show how together we are.
scholar with a bespoke piece of crystal, in recognition of their achievement, during the awards ceremony recently held on the campus. School representatives were presented with a plaque. Family members and guests were treated to an evening of music and refreshments.
Speaking about the event, Assistant Registrar and Director of Admissions, Ita McGuigan said: “We are delighted to celebrate with the Scholarship recipients, their family and schools, their outstanding
achievement in the Leaving Certificate. Tonight, we had over 70 Scholars from more than 60 schools from all over Ireland in attendance, who chose to study at Maynooth University.”
Maynooth University Open Days take place on Saturday April 12th and June 28th 2025. Free buses are running to the Open Day on Saturday April 12th.
More information is available at
Elite Star School of Performing Arts won the best Youth Entrant award at this year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade.
Elite Star School of Performing Arts members take part in last week’s St Patrick’s Day Parade.
Aishwarya Suresh.
Leah Kennedy. Niall Donnelly.
Pupils from D.G.S take part in Culture Day.
In loving memory of Gerry Dullaghan, whose First Anniversary occurs on the 31st March, late of Marian Park.
No one knows the heartache,
Of what your parting cost, But God in all His glory, Has gained what we have lost.
Will those who think of Dad today,
A little prayer to Jesus say.
—Gerry is so sadly missed and loved by his children Catherine, Rosemary and Martin, grandchildren Shane, Gerard, Cian, Jakey and Emma, Gerry’s sonin-law Paul, brothers and sisters, sister-inlaw, cousins and extended family.
Gerry’s Anniversary Mass is on Sunday, 30th March, at 11am in St. Patrick’s.
Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). S.K.
Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it).
Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).
O Lord, infinitely holy and glorified in your saints, you inspired Saint Sharbel, the saintly monk, to lead the perfect life of a hermit. We thank you for having granted him the blessing and the strength to detach himself from the world so that the heroism of the monastic virtues of poverty, obedience, and chastity might triumph in his hermitage.
O God, for the blessing of all people you have deigned to choose Saint Sharbel as a model of all virtues, and you have converted many souls through his works and example. We now ask you to grant by his merits and intercession that we may be truly converted, renounce all sins and sinful desire, and become more and more pleasing to you by the practice of true virtue, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. S.K.
2013 FIAT 500—12,570 Klms, new tyres, new battery, hands free phone kit. Genuine reason for sale, great condition. €6,000 ono Tel 087 2261117.
ATTENTION LANDLORDS—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.
LOOKING TO SWAP apartment in Blackrock to Lis na Dara or Jocelyn Grove apartments Phone 086 8817509. FLAT TO RENT in Dundalk Phone 087 2788573.
STAND-ALONE Workshop/Industrial Unit to let on Newry Rd., Dundalk. 3 phase, 45ft x 30ft approx., secure parking, would suit many purposes including small machinery sales & repairs, retail, engineering, storage, etc. Enquires Tel 087 2071796.
CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Also gutter cleaning. Tel Paul McArdle 087 6660094 / 042 9332491
CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. ContactCathal 087-225-9799. WE CAN DISTRIBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand. Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.
GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.
ROOFING AND BUILDING contractor available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.
FIFI’S ALTERATIONS—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon-Fri 9.30-5.30pm & Sat 102pm.
FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Phone Alison on 042 933 5102 or 08767-51229.
WILL’S GARDENING SERVICES— Power and pressure washing, hedge cutting, strimmimg, gutter cleaning, house and furniture removals. Tel 089 9531751.
LOCAL POWER WASHING—No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and furniture removals, recycling or rubbish removals. Contact James 0862086141 for free quotation.
MAN WITH A VAN—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 089-4016728.
Carpentry, Doors & Floors. Roof repairs, Plumbing, Wall & Floor tiling, All outdoor work, Paving & Fencing, Power washing. Call Robert on 083 0777666. WILL’S SERVICES for all mini moves, yard cleans, gutters, gardens, power washing and recycling removal. Contact Will on 085 8604048.
PAINTING AND DECORATING—No job too small, keen rates, Dundalk & surrounding areas, estimates free. Phone 086 3848079.
PAINTING SERVICES available, interior and exterior plus Wallpapering, also sprayed and hand painted kitchens, all work carried out by professional trades men. Tel Brian 087 7558506.
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Whatsapp or Tel 085-762-3758 for quotation.
TAKE THE HASSLE OUT of your garden. I do it all. Grass cutting, Hedge Cutting, Weeding, Strimming, Power washing, Gutter Cleaning, Fence Painting, General DIY, Flat Pack Assembly, Removals. Contact Catriona 087 3172109.
DMC GARDEN maintenance services. Hedge, shrub trimming, shaping or removal. Large lawns mowed ride on mower strimming weeding beds, weedkilling, moss removal, control demolition, removal of old sheds fencing etc and more. All works to a very high standard at keen rates. Free quote 0877019178.
TREE SERVICES—Tree surgery, stump grinding, wood chipping & pruning. Conifer hedge reduction and ash die back removal. Fully Insured & Certified. Contact Chambers on 087 2750825 Email
EXPERIENCED reliable man available for lawn cutting, hedge cutting, gutters cleaned and power-washing. Phone 0872296441.
NEED A RELIABLE HANDYMAN? Offering affordable, interior and exterior services for homeowners. From small repairs, home maintenance and home improvements. I’m here to help. Call or text today for assistance. 0830463321.
PSYCHOTHERAPY IN DUNDALK— Struggling with anxiety, depression, addiction or just need to talk? Call Kristine at 0830230066. Sessions from €40–€60.
BEN’S POWER WASHING service and hedge cutting also house removals Tel 0874464960.
GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm –10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.
DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN— For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.
LINE DANCING CLASSES every Tuesday night in Dowdallshill GAA Hall, beginners at 7pm also Seatown Hall Wednesday morning at 10am, for enquiries Phone 087 2618773.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—I, Dominic Pilbeam intend to apply for Retention permission for development consisting of the construction of a side extension to an existing dwelling, comprising of a bedroom, dressing area and en-suite and all associated site development works at No. 4 Knock Shee, Blackrock, Dundalk, Co. Louth. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We, PJ & Lizzy McKay, intend to apply for planning permission for alterations and extensions to our existing dwelling to include for a single storey extension to the rear, a new single storey domestic garage and all associated site development works at Lurgankeel, Kilcurry, Dundalk, County Louth, A91 E3Y4. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL— I, Meghan Mullen, intend to apply for retention permission for a single storey dwelling, a single storey domestic garage / store, new vehicular entrance, effluent treatment system with percolation area and all associated site development / landscaping works at Feede, Ravensdale, Dundalk, County Louth. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—(FURTHER INFORMATION) Hillcastle Sales Ltd. intend to submit further information for planning permission (Ref No. 2460299) for development to the rear of 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 V2XE (which is a protected building Reg No.13704010). The development consists of the erection of a single storey extension to the existing retail premises to provide a store and associated site works, also including the retention of existing timber shop front and roller shutter door (Amended Description). Further information shall be furnished to the planning authority and may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the further information may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00, not later than two weeks after receipt of this newspaper notice and site notice by the planning authority.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We, Cuach Ltd intend to apply for Retention and Completion of dwellings previously approved including Retention of alterations to internal layout and external finishes previously granted under 22667 together with Permission for conversion of attic space into habitable living accommodation at 2 and 3 Clos Fergus, Saltown, Dundalk, Co. Louth. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We, Ronan and Emma Carolan intend to apply for Permission for development at Grange Road, Knockbridge, Co. Louth A91D560. The development will consist of the following—1. The demolition of the existing front porch and single storey extension to the rear of the property. 2. Permission for a new front porch extension and single storey extensions to the rear of the property, a new waste water treatment system and all associated site development works. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00 Signed— Ronan and Emma Carolan.
LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We, Glebe Botanical Ltd intend to apply for Full Planning Permission for amendments to previously granted under planning reference 2360458 at Former McCabes Garage, The Glebe, Ardee, Co. Louth, A92 YW40. Alterations and extensions to include single-storey extension to the children’s activity centre at the north-east elevation of the building on site. Amendments to consist of reallocation of car parking spaces, electric charging points and associated infrastructure in compliance with Section 7.6.2 and Section 13.16.9 of the Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027. Alterations to foul and storm drainage layout and associated site development works to the north-east area of the site. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00.
FRENCH GRINDS available for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340.
8’ 4” SEATER SOFA—Mustard in colour. In excellent condition. Cushions included. €600. Phone 087 2251454. 4’6” MATTRESS for sale, Elite 1800, brand new, paid €500, would take €250 Tel 086 3675618. BROWN LEATHER Suite for sale, 3 Seater Couch + 2 Reclining Arm Chairs, perfect condition, €400 Tel 087 4178014.
We also sell & deliver Wood Chip & Fire Logs in ton bags - deliveries arranged Tel Adrian 085 765 8830
For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Web: Email. Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk.
HOURS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment
Old Dundalk Society
The Old Dundalk Society is delighted to announce the first of its Spring lectures of the 2025 season. The lecture entitled The FCÁ (Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil) (Local Defence Force) the History of Volunteering Soldiering in the newly independent Ireland from 1929 until the standing down of the FCÁ in 2005. also referring to notable local people who served in the A Coy 8th Battalion, Dundalk.
The lecture will take place in the Louth County Museum Jocelyn Street Dundalk A91 EFY9 on Thursday 27th March 2025, commencing at 8.00pm sharp. The lecture will be presented by local man Tony Martin. Tony moved with his parents from Greenore in 1952 to reside in Castle Road, Dundalk. He was educated at the Marist College where he joined the school FCÁ platoon in October 1963.
Tony served in the FCÁ initially as a private soldier, in the same unit (ACoy 8th Battalion) where he quickly moved through most NCO ranks, and he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1981 and retiring as a captain in 2003.
Dundalk Women’s Shed
Dundalk Women’s Shed invites you along to our Monday meet ups. We offer interesting talks by local speakers, therapies and exercise. Talks include general interest and useful information on history of our town. We meet every Monday morning at 10am and organise outings locally and in the region. Remaining Women’s Shed Programme for March: March 31 Credit Union.
Meals On Wheels
Meals on Wheels Dundalk are currently seeking volunteer drivers for our service. The commitment would be for one hour three days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday except on a bank holiday (Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday). If you are interested contact 042 9332848 or email
UK State Pension Rights
Cllr Marianne Butler Urges County Louth residents to Secure UK State Pension Rights Before April 5th Deadline Green Party councillor for Dundalk, Marianne Butler, is encouraging local people who have previously worked in Northern Ireland or the UK to review their National Insurance (NI) contributions and consider making voluntary payments to secure or enhance their UK State Pension entitlements.
Making voluntary contributions now can help secure a UK State Pension and increase those payments. This is a one-time opportunity to purchase up to 18 years of contributions—after April 5th, individuals can only buy up to 6 years. It is an opportunity for everyone eligible to maximise their future income.
Eligibility for this scheme is for Irish people who have worked for a number of years in Northern Ireland and/or the UK and paid National Insurance contributions but do not yet qualify for a full UK State Pension. Those with fewer than 10 years of contributions may be able to buy additional years to become eligible for a pension, while those with 10 to 35 years can increase their pension amount.
The Final week of the Heineken sponsored Dundalk and District Dart League saw big scores and big checkouts being hit all across the 3 divisions.
Bragging rights were up for grabs in the Premier Division as the Big House Eagles looked to go the League Season unbeaten.
They travelled across town to play Corbetts Craicheads & the Seatown based team looked to be really up for the challenge as they raced into a 2-0 lead thru Barry Dillon (Man of the match for the Craicheads) & Robbie Murphy.
But then The Eagles took lift off and Marty Dixon (Man of the match for The Big House Eagles), Daniel Dunn & Paul Monahan all won to put the Eagles 3-2 up before Stephen Shields won the last game to secure the win for The Eagles and they ended their season with a quite impressive 9 wins & 1 draw out of 10 games.
Also in the Premier Division, The Commercial hosted The Bodhran and this was a game of savage darts with 56 scores of 100+ being hit.
Kevin Thompson (man of the match for The Bodhran) won 3-0 in the 1st game against John O Brien (man of the match for The Commercial) but the scoreline didn’t give a true reflection of the game as John hit 7 x 100 scores and Kevin narrowly topped that by hitting 8 x 100+ scores.
Darren Ludlow, Mickey Mcmahon, Alan Dullaghan & Nipper Boyce all won for The Bodhran to put them 5-0 up.
The last game was a mirror scoreline of the 1st game as Ray Harte beat Tommy Joe Mc Cartney 3-0 with Ray hitting 2 x 180’s & 4 x 100+ scores and a 136 checkout while Tommy Joe hit 1 x 180 & 5 x 100+ scores and a 121 checkout.
Meanwhile, down Bridge Street, Damh O Thuaidh hosted Uncle Kevin’s in the 1st Division. Paddy Gibney, Johnny Knoblock (mam of the match for Damh O Thuaidh) and Peader Kieran all won to put the home team 3-0 up. Wayne Fry (6 x 100+ scores & player of the match for Uncle Kevins) pulled one back for Uncle Kevin’s in a hard fought win against Simon Wykes (7 × 100+ scores).
Next up was Alan Rogan who secured the win for Damh O Thuaidh and in doing so helped the team achieve 10 wins out of 10 league games, a brilliant achievement. In the Final game of the night Paul Callan beat JJ McKeown 3-2 in a very tight match.
Next week see’s the initial rounds of the Andrew Mc Alester Open Shield take place in The Phoenix, The Bodhran, Corbetts & The Big House.
Castletown Girls show racism the red card
Junior and Senior Infants wear red for Castletown Girl’s School Anti Racism day.
2nd and 3rd class pupils wear red for Castletown Girl’s School Anti Racism day.
1st Class pupilss wear red for Castletown Girl’s School Anti Racism day.
4th class pupils wear red for Castletown Girl’s School Anti Racism day.
5th and 6th class pupils wear red for Castletown Girl’s School Anti Racism day.
Range of Over 30 Beds, Storage Beds & Mattresses on Display at Unbeatable Prices