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LOUTH County Council have announced that a new steering committee will oversee the roll out of CCTV surveillance project across the county within the next two weeks. The CCTV will be installed both covertly and overtly in various litter blackspots across Louth in a bid to thwart the ongoing problem of illegal dumping which has plagued towns and villages across the County for years.

Previously, Data Protection issues prevented the use of CCTV cameras to catch illegal dumpers in the act but

all issues around the implementation of CCTV at litter hotspots have now been resolved and once the newly formed steering committee hold their first meeting within the next two weeks, work will begin in earnest to install the CCTV cameras to catch dumpers in the act.

There are GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines in place for local authorities which need to be followed for each and every site that Louth County Council want to install CCTV cameras that are designed to catch illegal dumpers in the act.

Continued on Page 2

Rosie Murphy from St Mary’s Road, Dundalk has won the prestigious BBCNI and Arts Council Young Musicians Platform Award. See Page 6.

Over €10m worth of funding allocated for roads in Louth

LOUTH Co. Council will receive €10,992,55 in government funding for the upgrade of re-

gional and local roads as part of a €713m funding package for roads across Ireland. The announce-

ment was made on Friday by the Department of Transport.

The package also includes just over €300,000 which will be used specifically for bridge rehabilitation around Louth.

Minister of State with responsibility for Rural Transport, Jerry Buttimer, said:

“As Minister with responsibility for Rural Transport, I know just how important it is that we continue to invest in our rural road network.

“This funding totaling €713 million will support and enhance towns, villages and communities the length and breadth of the State. It’s an investment that will boost connectivity, sup-

port businesses, and make daily commutes to school, work, and other activities easier and safer for families.”

The 2025 grants programme demonstrates a significant increase in investment across various grant categories, with boosted funding for Restoration Improvement, bridge rehabilitation, safety projects and the Community Involvement Scheme. The Department of Transport will also continue to offer grant assistance to Local Authorities for the implementation of reduced speed limits on rural local roads.

The breakdown of the €10,992,555 is outlined in the table (right).

Council to use CCTV to crackdown on illegal dumpers

From Page 1

A GDPR Risk Assessment has to be undertaken and submitted to the Data Pro-

tection Commissioner and signed off before the local authority can use them. This has now been done much to the delight of Councillor Antoin Watters who has been pleading for help from Louth County Council to stop illegal dumping since he first became a public representative in 2016. Watters has often stated that illegal dumping is rampant in rural areas especially in North Louth and only last week he was called to Edentubber where, not for the first time, there was a significant dumping of tyres in the area.

Cllr Watters said “The roll-out of CCTV at litter blackspots could not come at a better time. Following years of trying to tackle the illegal dumping of tyres, building materials and a host of other

items, we have been prevented from erecting CCTV because of legal issues.

“Over the past few weeks we have seen the illegal dumping of tyres creeping into the County again. Upon asking for an update at this month’s Council meeting, it was confirmed that all docu-

mentation and risk assessments had been completed and a meeting of the new steering committee was imminent. This committee will oversee the rollout of the CCTV surveillance project and it has been confirmed that it should happen in the next two weeks.”

Cllr Watters who

has been at the forefront of this issue for a number of years said “I am delighted that this is coming to fruition. It is a farce that I can be under surveillance anywhere and everywhere but if I drive up a quiet road and dump hundreds of old tyres, I can’t be on camera. Well, that is chang-

ing and I welcome it. Illegal dumping is a scourge on any county and Louth has had its fair share and we have had enough. Hopefully the CCTV will be a deterrent to anyone planning on dumping their unwanted rubbish in our community,” stated the Sinn Fein councillor.

Transport Minister Darragh O’Brien with Ministers Jerry Buttimer and Sean Canney.
Cllr. Antoin Watters has welcomed the news that CCTV will be used to catch illegal dumpers.

Residential Tenancies Board launches new campaign 530 positions waiting to be filled for Child Disability Network teams

THE Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has launched a new campaign in partnership with Louth County Council to ensure landlords register their tenancies as required by law.

The initiative follows research conducted by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) last year that suggested 9.5% of tenancies in Louth that should be registered with the RTB are not.

The campaign will see Louth County Council work closely with the RTB to increase landlord awareness of the need to register tenancies annually.

Advertising on local radio, in local papers, on social media and posters in public buildings across Louth will remind landlords that they must register their tenancies annually.

The campaign will also highlight the serious consequences of failure to register. These can include a civil sanction of up to €15,000 or a criminal prosecution

Rosemary Steen, Director of the RTB, and David Conway, Chief Executive, Louth County Council, pictured at the launch of the RTB campaign at County Hall, Dundalk.

and/or a fine of up to €4,000.

In addition to public information activities, the new drive also aims to increase data sharing and referrals of unregistered tenancies by Louth County Council’s housing teams to the RTB.

David Conway, Chief Executive of Louth County Council, said: “Ensuring compliance with tenancy registration is essential to protecting both tenants and landlords while maintaining transparency in the rental sector. Louth County Council

is committed to working closely with the RTB to improve awareness and enforcement of these requirements. By working together and sharing information, we can help improve standards and protect both tenants and landlords across the county.”

Rosemary Steen, Director of the RTB said:

“Ensuring that every tenancy that should be registered is registered is a key priority for the Residential Tenancies Board. I would like to thank our partners in Louth County Council

for working with us to drive our message that landlords must register their tenancies or face prosecution. Through their responsibility to inspect rental properties and ensure they comply with minimum standards; local authorities have unparalleled onthe-ground knowledge of the rental sector in their areas. We appreciate Louth County Council’s commitment to work with us to increase referrals of unregistered tenancies this year.”

The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) partnership with Louth County Council is part of a wider campaign that also includes the following six counties: Cavan, Clare, Donegal, Galway, Monaghan and Tipperary.

The public information campaign will run from 11th to 28th February. Collaboration between Louth County Council and the RTB to identify unregistered tenancies and drive compliance will continue throughout 2025.

ONE in five posts needed for the Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNTs) around the State are vacant, with almost 530 positions waiting to be filled, according to new information from the HSE given to Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú.

In response to a Parliamentary Question tabled by the Sinn Féin TD, the HSE said data from their draft staff census, which was run on October 16 last year, ‘details a 22% vacancy rate, or 529.77 Whole Time Equivalent (WTE), a noted improvement on the 29% vacancy rare in the 2023 Workforce Review and vacant posts are those unfilled as of October 16 2024 which require recruitment.

‘There was a 271.77 WTE net gain of staff into CDNTs in the past 12 months to 16/10/2024.

The HSE December 2024 Census notes accelerated recruitment growth across Disabilities services, therefore we can predicate further growth in CDNT recruitment in 16/10/2024 to 31/12/2024 period’.

The Dundalk deputy said it was shocking that nearly 530 posts were still vacant in CDNTs around the State but added that it would ‘come as no surprise to

families in Louth whose children are waiting for vital services for years because there is not enough staff to do the work that is needed’.

Deputy Ó Murchú said his very first meeting in Leinster House, on the resumption of the Dáil, was with other Oireachtas members who are part of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Autism and met AsIAm CEO Adam Harris. He also attended a meeting of Inclusion Louth in Blackrock at

the end of January where clinical psychologist Dr Damien Connolly.

He said: ‘This response from the HSE is shocking, but not a surprise to the very many families in Dundalk and Louth who are struggling to get the therapies for their children.

‘While everything has to be done from a workforce planning, as well as from a recruitment and retention point of view, we are in situation where there will be gaps for the next number of years. Therapists and psychologists have said that there has not been a conversation with them on the best way to provide everything from assessments to therapies, alongside technological support.

‘We need action from the government on the school inclusion model during this term, so we get the best bang for our buck with regard to occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and others, not just in special schools but also in all schools with a shared service, offering holistic solutions. This is what needs to happen and I will continue to raise it at every opportunity’.

Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú.

Rosie wins prestigious BBC Musician Platform award

TALENTED local harpist Rosie Murphy has won the prestigious BBCNI and Arts Council Young Musicians Platform award.

Rosie, from St Mary’s Road, was among six exceptional musicians who have been awarded the NI Young Musicians’ Platform Award, supported by The National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and BBC Northern Ireland.

As part of her prize

Rosie will perform Debussy’s Danses with the Ulster Orchestra on the 20th of March. She will also record De Falla’s Spanish Dance No 1 for the Ulster Radio on the 18th March and she will be mentored by Sioned Williams, previous principal harpist of the BBC Symphony Orchestra. These prestigious biennial awards, aim to showcase and support the development of exceptional young musicians from Northern

Ireland by providing funding awards, worth up to £5000 each, to solo musicians and singers/ singer-songwriters in classical, jazz, contemporary and traditional music, who are ready to enter the professional world as artists. This financial award enables recipients to develop their musical aspirations by spending a sizeable amount of time learning from a master musician, mentor, teacher or composer either in Northern Ireland or abroad.

Rosie Murphy is a classically trained harpist and composer, graduating from The Hague Royal Conservatory in 2024. Passionate about new music, Rosie is a Britten Pears YoungArtist for composition and performance, collaborating with international composers and premiering their new works for 2024/2025.

During the Britten Pears residency, Rosie gave a harp composition

workshop alongside composers Colin Matthews and Mark-Anthony Turnage and is currently preparing to premiere six new works at The Alderburgh Festival this coming June with the Britten Pears Chamber Orchestra.

Focusing on her career as a soloist and performer, Rosie made her concerto debut, performing Handel’s harp concerto with IYBO, performing in The National Concert Hall, Dublin in 2023. Rosie has performed recitals in venues such as Aras an Uachtarain, The Irish Embassy of The Netherlands, No. 10 Downing Street, Queen’s University and for live radio on ‘Radio West’ in The Hague and Harp Ireland’s Harp day Gala concert.

As the Featured Young Artist for the Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble for 2023/2024, Rosie performed regular con-

temporary ensemble concerts and live premiered pieces by Belfast composer, Greg Caffrey. In 2024, Rosie collaborated with Dr. Saad Haddad of Columbia University on a contemporary piece for harp in Arab Maqamatic tuning, premiering it at a recital in The Hague in May.

In 2022, Rosie completed a Music Network emerging-artist residency, composing and performing a new work for harp and flute, premiering it on Culture Night in Dublin. In 2021, for 21 Artists-forthe 21st century, Rosie composed music based on Irish mythology, recording it in Sonic Arts Reseach Centre. Rosie has performed as principal harp with The Esker Festival Orchestra, The Ulster Orchestra, The Britten Pears Chamber Orchestra and The Guildhall London Symphony Orchestra.

Brazilian Economic Attaché visits Dundalk

GEORGE Marques, Brazilian Economic Attaché made a second visit to Dundalk Hosted by Dundalk Chamber. This was his second visit in the last 5 months following his successful visit last September.

He met with a number of different businesses, both interested in importing and exporting to Brazil. There was a broad range of businesses from SME to larger organisations in the Agri, tourism, manufacturing, power generation to name some.

Mario MacBlain, formerly of DkIT attended with PRO Paddy Malone explained the region’s history and our future plans. These focused on the strategic importance of the MI corridor.

Rosie Murphy was among six talented musicians to win the award.
Paddy Malone, Mario MacBlain, (both from Dundalk Chamber of Commerce) and George Marques, Brazillian Attaché.

Information meeting called for Louth / North-East Institutional Abuse Survivors

SAGE Advocacy is calling survivors of institutional abuse in Louth and the North-East region to come to a special drop-in information session in Dundalk on Friday afternoon, February 28th.

The session is to gather, discuss and inform on how survivors can be supported to find and access resources available to them, including State supports and advocacy services.

The information session will be convened by Sage Advocacy Project Manager Damian O’Farrell, who is himself an abuse survivor.

Damian was one of a group of eight survivors of clerical and institutional abuse invited to meet Pope Francis during the Papal visit to Ireland in 2018. He was struck when Pope Francis appeared not to have been briefed on the Magdalene Laundries.

Damian is a long-time advocate and campaigner for the rights of cleri-

cal child sexual abuse victims and achieved Ireland’s first known criminal conviction of a Christian Brother in March 1998.

He has worked to highlight the unjust litigation strategy of the Order and appeared recently on an awardwinning RTE Prime Time Programme. He also participated in the recent government scoping inquiry on day

school pupils who were sexually abused.

Damian, on behalf of Sage Advocacy extends a warm welcome to survivors of institutional abuse and their family members, as well as members of the public across the mid-west region interested to the drop-in information session in the Gateway Hotel, Dundalk, Co Louth on Friday 28th February from 12noon

to 4.00pm.

“My advocacy work over the years has brought me into contact with survivors of institutional abuse, including those who were confined in industrial schools and other institutions.

“I thought that whatever happened to me as a child I could always go home to my mother, whilst Institutional abuse survivors had nowhere to turn for comfort, no warmth, no touch, no escape. The lack of basic humanity denied to so many is incomprehensible”, he said.

Damian has struggled with the word ‘historical’ believing there is nothing historical about the aftermath of institutional abuse, it is enduring and always present. “There are many challenges facing survivors, and in this regard, accessing information and necessary supports is vital”, he said.

Abuse survivor and Sage Advocacy Project Manager Damian O’Farrell meeting with Pope Francis.

Heartbreak as pony dies after falling into a ravine in Ravensdale

A heartbreaking incident occurred in Ravensdale Park, North Louth, when a pony fell and became trapped in a ravine.

Fiona Squibb, an inspector for the Louth Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (LSPCA), was contacted by her friend after spotting the pony in a “serious state.” The alarm was raised at approximately 10 am by a hill-walker who discovered the trapped pony.

Once Fiona was alerted, she im-

Get lost in a good book on Ireland Reads Day

LOUTH Library Service is inviting everyone in County Louth to rediscover the joy of reading ahead of Ireland Reads Day, which takes place on Saturday 22nd February.

Ireland Reads is a government initiative, aimed at encouraging people of all ages to pick up a book and experience the many benefits that reading can bring.

Funded by Healthy Ireland and supported by public libraries and organisations that promote reading, literacy and the arts, this campaign promotes the wellbeing that comes from getting lost in a good story.

Studies have shown that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%, making it one of the best things you can do for your mental health.

Amanda Branigan, Acting County Librarian, Louth County Council, encourages everyone to get involved:

“Getting lost in a good book is one of the best things you can do, at any age. Reading is great for your well-being and a good book can relax you, teach you, take you places you’ve never been and introduce you to people you’ve never met.

“Louth Library Service is striving to get the whole county reading this month, especially those who

might not be avid readers. If you don’t read, or you haven’t picked up a book in a while, this is the perfect time to give it a try.”

Special Event: Author Workshop with Gerry Daly

To celebrate Ireland Reads, Louth Library Service is hosting an interactive workshop with Gerry Daly, illustrator and author of the Puffling picture book series, on Saturday 22nd February. Join Gerry on a wildlife adventure exploring the creatures of the Atlantic Ocean and Skellig Islands.

This family-friendly event will take place at the following locations:

Dunleer Library at 11am – Booking: 041-6859016

Dundalk Library at 2.30pm –Booking: 042-9353190

For personalised book recommendations that are based on your interests and the time you have to read, visit www.IrelandReads.ie.

The website offers suggestions for all reading levels and genres, curated by librarians across the country.

Library membership is free for all, with no overdue fines and access to over 12 million items to borrow from libraries nationwide.

??? QUIZ ???

1—Can you name the US black nationalist leader who was assassinated exactly 60 years ago this Friday in New York?

2—In which Asian city would you find the Petronas Towers?

3—‘So fresh it’s famous’ is the advertising slogan for which Irish brand?

4—According to the old saying, what does the hand that rocks the cradle do?

5—Where is New Street in Dundalk?

6—What is the square root of a quarter?

7—In chess what is the alternative name for the castle?

8—Which journey is the longest in kms. Dundalk to Derry City or Dundalk to

Kilkenny City?

9—The plot of the cartoon Yogi Bear was mainly centred around which fictional park?

10—Can you name the members of the Beatles from youngest to oldest?

The Stinker—What connects J. Edgar Hoover, Howard Hughes, Jordan Belfort, Frank Abagnale Jr and Romeo Montague (from Romeo and Juliet)?

mediately contacted emergency services.

Alongside the Gardaí and the Louth Fire and Rescue Service, Fiona reached out to My Lovely Horse Rescue, based in Kildare, and volunteers were promptly sent to the scene.

All were described as “incredible” by Fiona, as they worked tirelessly to save the distressed animal.

The leader of the voluntary group, alongside a firefighter, abseiled into the ravine in an attempt to rescue and comfort the pony.

The team remained on-site for 4 to 5 hours, doing everything they could to save the pony.

It is believed the pony slid into the ravine in the late hours of the night. Its leg was broken, and Fiona shared that “it was not nice to be there or watch.”

Unfortunately, the pony passed away from the injuries sustained in the accident.

Fiona expressed her sadness, adding, “It’s important for everyone to keep their eyes open when in mountainous areas like this, where wild ponies often roam.”

Some of the young readers who are taking part in the Harry Potter and the Reading Circle series at Louth County Library.
Fiona Squibb.






In loving memory of our mother Patricia Duffy, late of Fr Murray Park, whose 1st anniversary occurs on 25th February.

No matter how life changes. No matter what we do.

A special place within our hearts, is always there for you.

Though Heaven and earth divides us, we will never be apart, for you are always in our thoughts, and forever in our hearts.

—Always remembered by her children Karen (Taaffe), Alan, Gavin, Derek and extended family. Anniversary Mass on Sunday, 23rd of February, at 12am, in St Nicholas Church.




They say there is a reason, they say that time will heal, neither time nor reason, will change the way we feel. But in our hearts you’re always there.

—From your loving son Philip and Rose and family. Loved always.


Damien (Bebob)


Late of 577 Ashling Park

Everyday in some small way, memories of you come our way, Though absent you are always near, still missed, loved always.

—Always remembered by your daughters Kaya and Shannon. Father-Harry Kelly, brother Patrick Kelly, Stepmother Patricia McDowell, Stepchildren and extended uncles and aunties, late mother Phyllis Kelly. Anniversary mass on February 22nd at 6pm in the Redeemer Church.



Carol Ann (née Hughes) 3rd ANNIVERSARY

The 3rd anniversary occurs of Carol Owens on 26th February, late of New Jersey, formerly Dundalk, who died on 26th February 2022. Carol is sadly missed and loved by her dear husband Thomas, children Brendan, Stephen, Mary and daughter-in-law Allie, loving parents Peadar and Briege Hughes, her brother Pat, sisters Mairéad and Celine, brothers in Law Colin and Ken and her nieces and nephews. No-one knows the heartache, Of what your parting cost, But God in all His Glory, Has gained what we have lost.

—Carol’s 3rd anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday, 2nd March, at 12pm in St Nicholas Church, Bridge Street, Dundalk.



Holy Spirit, you who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideal, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be.

I want to be with you and my loved ones… in your perpetual glory. Amen.

To that end, and submitting to God’s holy will, I ask from you… (mention your favor). You must pray this prayer 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day your wish shall be granted no matter how difficult It may be. Promise to publish the dialogue as your favour has been granted. P.H.



Holy Spirit, you who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideal, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones… in your perpetual glory. Amen.

To that end, and submitting to God’s holy will, I ask from you… (mention your favor). You must pray this prayer


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).



O St Martha I resort to thee and to thy petition and faith, I offer up to thee this light which I shall burn every Tuesday for nine Tuesdays. Comfort me in all my difficulties thro the great favour thou didst enjoy when our saviour lodged in thy house. I beseech thee to have divine pity in regard to the favour I ask (mention favour). Intercide for my family that we may always be provided for in all our necessities. I ask thee St Martha to overcome the dragon which thou didst cast at thy feet. One Our Father and three Hail Marys and a lighted candle every Tuesday and the above prayer made known with the intentions of spreading devotion to St Martha. This miraculous saint grants everything before the Tuesdays are ended. No matter how difficult. E.D.



CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Also gutter cleaning—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094 Email:tribalky@yahoo.com.

CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact Cathal 087-225-9799.

GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085-840-7707.

FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

CARPENTRY & JOINERY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie.

ROOFING AND BUILDING contractor available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.

FIFI’S ALTERATIONS—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.305.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

WILLS GARDENING SERVICES—Power and pressure washing, hedge cutting, strimmimg, gutter cleaning, house and furniture removals. Tel 089 9531751.

LOCAL POWER WASHING—No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and furniture removals, recycling or rubbish removals. Contact James 0862086141 for free quotation.

MAN WITH A VAN—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 089-4016728.

ALL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Carpentry, Doors & Floors. Roof repairs, Plumbing, Wall & Floor tiling, All outdoor work, Paving & Fencing, Power washing. Call Robert on 083 0777666.

WILL’S SERVICES for all mini moves, yard cleans, gutters, gardens, power washing and recycling removal. Contact Will on 085 8604048.

PAINTING AND DECORATING—No job too small, keen rates, Dundalk & surrounding areas, estimates free. Phone 086 3848079.

TREE SERVICES—Tree surgery, stump grinding, wood chipping & pruning. Conifer hedge reduction and ash die back removal. Fully Insured & Certified. Contact Chambers on 087 2750825 Email rchambers2008@ yahoo.ie.

SMALL BUSINESS SERVICES—Benefit your business by finding trends using your own company’s data through sales, stock & customer analysis. Also creation of reports, documents, letter writing, quotations and invoices. Local Dundalk Company, Telephone or Whatsapp Susan 087 6982206 for further information.

COMPUTER REPAIRS—IT solutions, Cybersecurity, Network Services and Website Development —secure, reliable, affordable. Call Liam at ELYK IT Dundalk today—083 4835981.

ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN— For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

WEEKLY SEWING CLASSES on-going at Northlink Retail Park, you can join in any time, for enquiries please call or WhatsApp Elizabeth on 0872649221 or visit www.djkcreations.com.

LINE DANCING CLASSES every Tuesday night in Dowdallshill GAA Hall, beginners at 7pm also Seatown Hall Wednesday morning at 10am, for enquiries Phone 087 2618773.

FRENCH GRINDS available for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340.

JUNIOR & LEAVING CERT Maths grinds available at weekends. Contact 087 7110282.

CHILDMINDER REQUIRED to mind 9 & 10 year olds in children’s or minders home, Dundalk area, own transport essential, 2/3 school days per week, must be flexible. Tel 087 9974770.


Further Information. We, Austin & Johanna Dawe, have submitted significant further information in connection with our application for alterations and extensions to existing two storey dwelling including construction of two storey extensions to the sides & rear of the dwelling, elevational & internal arrangement changes, alterations to a single storey outbuilding, revised vehicular entrance arrangement, new effluent treatment system/ percolation area, new soakaways and all site development works at Old Road, Bellurgan, Dundalk, County Louth. (Planning Reference Number 2460639). The Significant further information includes: Revised proposed dwelling plans, sections and elevations. Structural survey report. Revised site layout plans. Representative survey of traffic speeds. Confirmations in relation to the supervision of the installation of the effluent system and percolation area. The further information may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 2 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the further information, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. C/o Bernard Dowdall - MRIAI - Architect—Carrickedmond, Kilcurry, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel. (042) 9429558; (087) 6657148; E-mail - bernard@ dowdallarchitect.ie.



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).

3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day your wish shall be granted no matter how difficult It may be. Promise to publish the dialogue as your favour has been granted. B.H.

In the past, I have asked for many favours. I now ask Thee for this very special one: Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Holy Father sees it, then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour, not mine. Say for three days, promise publication. Never known to fail. B.B.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored. Glorified, loved and preserved throughout the whole world. Now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say the prayer nine times a day for nine days and your prayers will be answered. Publication must be promised. Thanks St. Jude. B.B.

PAINTING SERVICES AVAILABLE—Interior and exterior plus Wallpapering, also sprayed and hand painted kitchens, all work carried out by professional trades men. Tel Brian 087 7558506.

CHARA COUNSELLING—20 years’ experience, currently taking appointments. Supporting you with emotional intelligence for relationship issues, your mental health, grief, all addictions & past traumas. For a strictly private consultation call Martin today on 083 3402766.

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Whatsapp or Tel 085-762-3758 for quotation.

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LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We, Mr Mark & Fionnuala Gracey, intend to apply for permission for RETENTION of development at Newtowndarver, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth. A91 VF82. The dwelling is a Protected Structure ref. Lhs 012-040. The development consists of 1) Removal of a section of farmyard wall and installation of a gate; 2) Construction of a metal portal framed shed and hard surfaced area; 3) Removal of gate piers and entrance boundary wall and construction of replacement gate and railing. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00.

LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—Significant Further Information. I, Amy Campbell, have submitted significant further information in connection with my application for demolition of an existing garage / store and sections of the existing dwelling, further alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, installation of a new proprietary effluent treatment system and percolation area with all associated site development works at Newrath, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth, A91F3C8. (Planning Reference Number 2460732). The Significant further information includes—Revised site plans. Various confirmations in relation to the existing and proposed effluent treatment system and percolation area. The further information may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 2 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the further information, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. C/o Bernard Dowdall - MRIAI - Architect—Carrickedmond, Kilcurry, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel. (042) 9429558; (087) 6657148; E-mail - bernard@dowdallarchitect.ie.

Deputy McGreehan asks Louth County hospital to be used to ease pressure on Lourdes hospital Concerns over x-ray backlog in Louth County Hospital

FIANNA Fáil TD, Erin McGreehan has called on the Minister for Health for an update on the waiting list action plan, as Drogheda Hospital faces surge capacity.

Yesterday in Dáil Éireann, Deputy McGreehan raised this issue with the Minister, saying patients in County Louth need to be supported.

“Yesterday in the Dáil I sought an update on the waiting list action plan. The strategy that is in place has helped waiting times come down but not to the level that is needed.

“This is especially being felt in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, where the A&E department is dealing with surge capacity. This is leading to pressures on the system and cancellation of appointments for patients.

“I asked the Minster in the Dáil yesterday if we could utilise the resources and capacity in Louth County Hospital in Dund-

Deputy Erin McGreehan.

alk to help alleviate the pressures on Drogheda,” she said.

In response to Deputy McGreehan, Minister for Health Jennifer Carroll McNeill said

that she is bringing the second iteration of the waiting list action plan to Cabinet this week, something that Deputy McGreehan welcomes.

“I welcome the Minister’s response given the rapid need to decrease waiting times for patients. Having this brought to Cabinet will hopefully then lead to the reduction of time patients need to wait for care.

“Our healthcare workers do trojan work right across my constituency and right across this country. I salute their professionalism and commitment to go above and beyond for their patients, but we must support them too.

“Improving the health services in Louth is of upmost importance to me, and I will continue to work with the Minister for Health to ensure that we can come to a solution for the people of Louth,” McGreehan concluded.

SERIOUS concerns have been raised about an apparent backlog in the reading of x-rays taken at the Louth County Hospital since the start of the year, with Sinn Féin’s Ruairí Ó Murchú highlighting information he has received from GP surgeries and patients.

The Dundalk TD said he was contacted on February 8 by a receptionist at a Dundalk GP surgery who told him that patients who had been referred to the Louth County Hospital for x-rays in January had not received their results.

When the receptionist contacted the hospital, she was told there were ‘at least five weeks of unread x-rays as there was no-one to read them’ and was advised to make a complaint to the manager of the Louth/Meath hospitals.

In addition, he was made aware of the problem when

a patient revealed how they had been waiting for more than three weeks for the results of an x-ray taken at the hospital.

Deputy Ó Murchú said he wrote to the HSE on February 8 about the matter asking why there is a backlog and is awaiting an answer.

He said: ‘The situation is very concerning, particularly for those patients who have been waiting for weeks for the results of their x-rays. This situation should not have been allowed to develop to this stage and it is clear that

with every passing week, the backlog is getting bigger.

‘GPs in Dundalk are left having to try to explain the situation to patients, whose care cannot be progressed until the x-ray is read and there can be serious consequences to delayed care.

‘Those in charge have to sort out this problem immediately and ensure there are sufficient and ongoing resources deployed to the hospital in Dundalk so that x-rays are read in a timely manner’.

Success for St Vincent’s Girls at Cross Country Championships

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ON a bitterly cold day in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, over 100 athletes recently competed in the prestigious Leinster Schools Cross Country Championships. Amongst these determined athletes two teams represented St. Vincent’s school. Despite the freezing conditions, the atmosphere was charged with energy and determination as young runners from across Leinster vied for top honours.

Among the standout performances, the Junior Girls team shone brightly, finishing in a strong position to earn the bronze medals in their race. Their impressive collective effort ensured they secured a spot in the All-Ireland Championships set to take place in Galway.

Their remarkable performance in the Leinster Schools Championships not only earned them a podium finish but also ce-

mented their place as one of the region’s top teams heading into the national competition. With the All-Ireland Championships in Galway on the horizon, the team will look to build on this success and continue their journey towards achieving even greater success. Congratulations to the Junior Girls for their outstanding achievement, and best of luck in Galway!

Invitation to the Louth Enterprise Awards and Networking Lunch

LOCAL Enterprise Office Louth invites the business community to the annual Louth Enterprise Awards and Networking Lunch on Friday, 7th March 2025, at The Monasterboice Inn, Drogheda.

A highlight of Local Enterprise Week 2025, this prestigious event recognises outstanding local businesses while offering valuable networking opportunities. The ceremony will honour winners in categories such as Best Start-Up, Best Established Business, and Innovation, with the County Winner advancing to the National Enterprise Awards in May.

“Local Enterprise Week empowers businesses with knowledge, tools, and connections,” says Niall Gallagher, Senior Enterprise Development Officer. “The Louth Enterprise Awards are always the highlight of the week, giving guests the chance to network with fellow business professionals, and celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit in County Louth.”

Upcoming Pilgrimages

PILGRIMAGES Garabandal March 24th to March 28th, 2025 (5 Days). Fare includes double room, 280 euro, single room 320, transport to and from Santander Airport and guide. Optional tour available. Pilgrims are required to book their own flight which is circa 100 Euro at the moment. Enquiries: Laurena 0851833110. Medjugorje September 22nd to September 27th, 2025 (6 Days). Fare Includes double room 280 Euro – single room 340 Euro, transport from Split Airport and return journey plus guide. Pilgrims are required to book their own flights on above pilgrimage enquiries: Laurena 0851833110. Naju Shrine, South Korea June 28th, 2025 40th Anniversary Naju Shrine. One week 420 Euro. Pilgrims are required to book their own flight. Enquiries: Laurena 0851833110.

RSA ‘Check It Fits’

THE RSA’s ‘Check it Fits’ service is coming to Co Louth this week. The Check it Fits service is a fulltime, nationwide, free expert service which aims to put a parent and guardian’s mind at ease that their child’s car seat is safely and securely fitted in their car. No booking is necessary and those who are interested can just arrive on the day. The service is quick, easy and free. RSA experts will advise on how to fix any problem, demonstrate how to fit the restraint correctly and answer any queries participants might have.

RSA’s Check it Fits will be available at the following locations in Louth: Wednesday 19th February 2025 – 10am-5.30pm Smyths Toys Drogheda; M1 Retail Park, Unit B, Collon Rd, Drogheda, Co Louth, A92 RD45; Thursday 20th February – 10am-5.30pm Smyths Toys Dundalk Unit 15, Dundalk Retail Park, Dundalk, Co Louth, A91 DNY8. Click here to book your appointment www.checkitfits.ie.

Darts League

IN week 6 of the Heineken sponsored Dundalk and District Dart League saw a number of eagerly anticipated matches take place across the 3 divisions.

In Division 2, it was the clash of the Callans as Callans Of Hackballscross hosted Callans Cobras of Church Street.

It was the Cobras who raced into an early 2-0 lead courtesy of the ever reliable Darren “Pigeon” Kerley and Paddy Taaffe.

Rodney Mc Loughlin won the next game 2-0 to put the men from HBX back into the game . The next 3 games were all won by the slenderest of margins with Kevin Campbell getting the win in the Final game of the night to secure the win for the league leaders.

In the Premier Division Uncle Toms Cabin travelled in to play The Commercial.

Colm Flanagan put the visitors 1 up but the Commercial hit back quickly with wins for Ray Harte & Stephen Coyne.

Lunch, visit the www.localenterprise.ie/ Louth. Tickets are free, but pre-booking is essential. We look forward to welcoming the local business community to join in this special occasion.”

Niall concludes “To book a place at the Louth Enterprise Awards and Networking

Local Enterprise Week 2025 is proudly supported by Louth County Council and Enterprise Ireland.

Aaron Duffy won the next for Uncle Toms Cabin (Aaron getting man of the match for his team).

John Rafferty (Man of the match for the Commercial) & then Ciaran Traynor sealed the win for The Commercial.

Meanwhile, there was an early season top of the table clash in the Northend Bar where Damh O Thuaidh hosted Uncle Toms.

Eddie Duffy won the 1st game for the visitors and the next game went all the way with Paddy Gibney getting the win for the home team against Mickey Crosse.

Simon Wykes & Alan Rogan won the next two games for the hosts to put them 3-1 up. Next up was Hughie Shields against Padraig Gorham, it was a cracking match and despite Hughie going 2 up, Padraig won the next 2 to set up a tense final game.

Hughie was rolling back the years and hit the winning double to secure the win for the home team (Hughie hit 8 x 100+ scores in their game and both players got man of the match awards for their team).

In the Final game of the night, despite going 1-0 down against Adam McDonnell, Paul “Dicky” Callan won the next 3 games to make the final result 5-1 to Damh O Thuaidh.

Cliodhna Reilly, Dearbhla Leavy, Maeve Cunniffe, Grace McEvoy, Aisling Finegan and Rachel Clarke.
Niall Gallagher.

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19-02-2025 by Peter Kierans - Issuu