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‘Sleepout for Simon’ remembers Terry

The tenth annual ‘Sleepout for Simon’ took place last Friday night as hardy volunteers braved a cold but milder than usual December evening to raise some much-needed funds for the Simon Community in Dundalk. The event was a huge success with the generous people of Dundalk giving what they could to support the homeless.

The annual fundraiser is the main source of income each year for the Simon and for the past ten years Dundalk couple Maeve and Terry Curtis have been the driving force behind the event. This year’s fundraiser was an emotional event given the fact Maeve lost her beloved husband Terry suddenly just three months ago. The Greenacres couple have helped raise over €120,000 for the Simon community thanks to their ‘Sleepout for Simon’ initiative and

although Terry wasn’t physically there this year, Maeve believes he was there in spirit watching over her and the rest of the volunteers who made their way to the square on Friday evening.

“Myself, my husband Terry started this in 2013 and every year we are overwhelmed by the response of the Dundalk people to our fundraiser for the Simon community. Generally, the weather for the sleepout is horrendous and we’ve been out in the coldest of weather and even during Storm Desmond one year. This year we had a mild evening and maybe that was Terry looking down and helping us out,” stated Maeve.

“We all missed Terry dearly at the sleepout this year but this year’s fundraiser was done in his memory and I know he would have wanted me to go out and continue the tradition of raising money for those less fortunate.

From o nly €6 BOOK YOUR DOG'S CHRISTMAS GROOM TO DAY See O UR A D ve RT O n B ACK PAG e DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Wednesday, 7th December, 2022. Vol. 15, Issue 49 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. louth Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com
Continued on Page 2
Page 5 101 people from Louth become Irish citizens National award for local retailer
business takes part in electric car trial Page 6 Page 7
maeve remembers husband Terry at the Sleepout for Simon.

Sleepout for Simon honours Terry

From Page 1

“Once again we were overwhelmed with the generosity of every body in town on Friday evening and we want to thank every single per son who supported this year’s event. I have to re ally commend the young kids who came over to us and gave what little money they might have and also the Transition year students from the De La Salle and Coláiste Ris who slept out and helped raise money for the Simon also. They were a wonderful group of young adults and see ing that really made my heart so warm and gave me great hope for the fu ture of this country.

“This was only one night of hardship for us but it is nothing com pared to what the home less people in Dundalk have to do all through the year. We want to give these people hope and if you can spread hope it acts like a ripple in a pond and begins to spread,” added Maeve.

“I think the great suc cess of this year’s fund raiser will let the people on the streets know that they aren’t invisible

and that the people of Dundalk and beyond care about them,” stated Maeve.

“Unfortunately, the wealth isn’t shared in this country even though we are probably the fifth or sixth richest country in Europe. The Simon doesn’t get the support it needs and it is reliant on people in our com munity to keep them open and to allow them to in turn help the home less. It is great news that they are now in a posi tion to re-open the drop in centre for the first time since Covid hit and I believe that is happen ing next week thanks

to the money raised for the Simon by the peo ple of Dundalk,” stated Maeve.

A spokesperson from the Dundalk Simon Community thanked everybody who had helped the organisation during 2022.

“Dundalk Simon Community has been providing a wide range of services since 1973, which include our 34 emergency beds, our day centre and transi tional housing.

“We depend on the generosity of local peo ple to help us make a difference to the lives of those experiencing

homelessness. We would like to thank all who have volunteered their time throughout the year and we appreciate the constant support from the people of Dundalk and surrounding areas.

“You can continue help through the follow ing:

“We are still accept ing donations via our Just Giving page for our Annual Sleep Out which took place on the Friday 2nd December at the town square, this year was in memory of founding sleep out vol unteer, the late Terry Curtis.

“Once again this year

the Shed Side Army are also collecting donations on the 13th and 14th of December, donations can be handed into the shed in Oriel between 7pm and 9pm.

“Church Gate collec tions will take place on the 17th and 18th De cember.

“Alternatively, you can also donate via our office in Dundalk 0429339583 or through the Dundalk Simon Community website.

“On behalf of all at Dundalk Simon community, we wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year”.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 2
Some of the volunteers who took part in the ‘Sleepout for Simon’ at the Sqaure in Dundalk last Friday evening. This was the tenth ‘Sleepout for Simon’ with over €120,000 raised to date.
3 Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022

Online disinformation and hate must be tackled Fitzpatrick hits out at toll increases

I NDE p ENDENT TD peter Fitzpatrick has ac cused the government of ‘kicking the can down the road’ following the announcement that they will defer any toll in creases for six months.

Fitzpatrick stated that private companies were already making millions of euro in profits and any proposed increase in toll would only act as a further taxation in an already highly-taxed environment. Speaking in the Dáil, Fitzpatrick accused Minister for Transport Eamonn Ryan of ‘robbing peter to pay paul’.

“While the Govern ment is spending bil lions to ease acute costof-living pressures, it is then taking it back in the form of tolls. The high est rise in tolls of 60 cent per journey was con firmed last week by the State agency Transport Infrastructure Ireland, with the blessing of the Minister Eamon Ryan. While the decision to

defer these increases for six months announced today was welcome, this leads to kicking the is sue down the road.

“Let us take note that the decision by Trans port Infrastructure Ire land flies in the face of Government policies. As these private companies are already making mil lions of euro in profits, how can Transport In frastructure Ireland jus tify the increase in toll charges to the maximum permitted value? I am aware that the surge in inflation has resulted in the higher cost of mate rials for road repairs and

the general rising cost of operations. My ques tion, however, would be to ask whether toll prices need to increase to their maximum permitted value,” asked the former Fine Gael TD.

“Just last month, for example, the M3 toll operators reported €11 million in profit for the previous financial year. We have paid for this infrastructure ten times over. Research shows that commuters have al ready paid €1.2 billion for the M50 tolls in the past nine years. These toll increases are only further taxation. It does not matter what label one puts on it because it is a further taxation in a highly-taxed envi ronment,” stated Fitz patrick.

“The M50 brought in €140 million in revenue last year, which was a year of curtailed move ment and economic ac tivity and it has brought in €1.2 billion over the past ten years.

“Rural areas within my constituency of Louth and east Meath will be the hardest hit by all these toll increases. Whether that is now or in six months’ time, the situation will not change. These are the people who are depend ent on private car use due to the lack of trans port infrastructure.

“Big hikes in the mid dle of a cost-of-living crisis are not a good idea. Does the Minister know that inflation will have settled by June and the cost of living crisis will have abated? If inflation rates are low, will that mean that the increase will not be required? What is the general idea about kicking the can down the road?

“It is the regular users which will be exposed, including commercial fleets and daily commut ers and the timing could hardly be worse. All the Minister is doing is rob bing peter to pay paul,” concluded Fitzpatrick.

ThREE local examples of ‘online disinforma tion and hate’ were outlined to Taoiseach Micheál Martin in Lein ster house last week by Dundalk TD Ruairí Ó Murchú who called for the State to use ‘all the tools necessary’ to deal with it.

he cited an online video that showed a cyclist apparently be ing purposely knocked down by a driver on the Castletown Road who filmed the crime and posted it on social media.

Deputy Ó Murchú also spoke about the ‘hateful stuff’ that has been posted online about refugees who were staying in accom modation in Carling ford.

The Sinn Féin TD further cited an inci dent where the wrong address for a criminal was filmed and put on line.

In his submission

ruairí Ó murchú.

during the Order of Business, Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘I raise the issue of online dis information and hate.

‘On Sunday (last week) a man filmed himself as he seemed to knock down a cy clist on the Castletown Road in Dundalk and then posted the video. The Garda is investi


‘Concerning Car lingford, I have spoken to the Minister on the need for communica tion with the commu nity but we have all been bombarded with online disinformation, conspiracy theories and hateful stuff.

‘I have also seen vid eos where wrong ad

dresses have been put up as being those of people who have com mitted crimes. We need to ensure we have all the tools necessary to deal with this’.

In response, the Tao iseach said: ‘Deputy Ó Murchú raised the is sues of disinformation and hate.

‘He identified shock ing examples and the Minister has published hate legislation de signed to go after peo ple who do horrendous acts like that. There is no toleration of that’.

Speaking afterwards, Deputy Ó Murchú said people ‘need to take responsibility for what they are putting on line’.

‘While people have to be very careful, there is also a responsibility on social media compa nies who really need to get to grips with deal ing with the spread of hate and disinformation online’.

4 Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022
Peter Fitzpatrick, TD.

Louth business takes part in Electric car trial

A LOUTh business is one of 200 businesses nationwide selected to take part in a fully elec tric vehicle trial.

North East Bluebird Care, which provides home care and support to keep people safe and comfortable in their own homes, is taking part in the trial.

North East Bluebird Care Director, Kieran hallinan said he is “de lighted” that the com pany has been chosen to participate in the trial.

“One of my col leagues alerted me to the trial and I got a copy of an application form not expecting anything to come of it,” said Kieran.

“Then I was informed that the application had been reviewed and was successful. I was then told how the trial would work.”

The Department of Transport and the Sus tainable Energy Author ity of Ireland (SEAI) are behind the launch of a Commercial Fleet

Trial.Businesses will be trialling a fully electric vehicle to see how they can work for their busi ness to save money and emissions.

Two hundred busi nesses nationwide will have the use of an EV for three months at no cost to them, along with the option to install an EV charger. Fourteen businesses across Louth, Sligo, Limerick, Wex ford, Dublin, Cork, Wa terford and Galway will receive their cars by the end of this month. “We received the vehicle last Friday and they are in stalling a wall charger at our place of business today,” said Kieran.

“It’s an interesting tri al to take part in. It will help to save money and it all helps the environ ment too.”

The Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, said: “Ireland’s Climate Action plan sets down ambitious targets for Electric Vehicles on Irish roads by 2030 to help re duce our emissions.“An important component in achieving this target is the electrification of the commercial fleet sector.“Businesses up and down the country are already telling us that they are keen to make the switch to more sustain able practices, but they also need to know that

the switches they want to make are going to be good for their bottomline.“The findings from this trial will give feed back and provide us with the evidence to encour age more businesses to switch to electric.

William Walsh, CEO of SEAI, said: “Elec tric vehicles are a great option for businesses across a wide range of industries.“Given the in creased costs of business they can help reduce fuel costs, have lower main tenance costs and lower tolls.“They also allow businesses to operate with reduced emissions and show customers that they are contributing to a cleaner more sustain able environment. This trial will showcase the financial and emissions savings by switching to electric.”

The trial will be coordinated by Zero Emis sions Vehicles Ireland, an office of the Depart ment of Transport and SEAI. Visit gov.ie/zevi and seai.ie for further info.

Dundalk Credit Union and Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) Announce Exclusive Corporate Partnership

BuIlDInG upon a longstanding track record of successful collaboration, Dundalk Credit union and DkIT are delighted to announce an exclusive corporate partnership that underpins the importance of their respective roles in the north-east, their heritage of co-operation and their combined ambition to help create a more sustainable and thriving community for all people in the north east.

Drawing on their common purpose as drivers of economic and community development, DkIT and Dundalk Credit union have agreed a scalable framework to explore and develop a number of transformative initiatives that will promote regional growth, sustainable development and positive environmental change through the power of cooperation.

In addition, the collaboration will see initiatives in the areas of Age Friendly Financial education, Financial literacy, Financial Wellbeing, Academic Scholarships, Business to Business Financial product marketing, Social Access to and inclusion in education and Student body academic prizes.

Speaking at the signing of the Corporate Partnership MOu,

DkIT President, Dr Gerard (Bob) McKiernan said: “We are delighted to strengthen our relationship with Dundalk Credit union via the introduction of

this MOu. A key strategic initiative of DkIT is to continue to build on our track record through the development of the DkIT Corporate Partnership Programme. This

programme offers an organised framework for DkIT and highprofile organisations across industry and the community to develop sustainable and mutually beneficial

relationships within the region. We believe this MOu will facilitate the capacity to evolve and grow in a planned manner whilst sharing our mutual ethos of community and economic development with a potential focus on corporate sponsorship of innovation projects and specific research projects in financial literacy”

Billy Doyle, CeO, Dundalk Credit union added;

“Dundalk Credit union is very excited to announce this exclusive credit union collaboration with DkIT. We were delighted to deepen our long-standing relationship with DkIT, particularly when the potential outcomes envisaged in this partnership bring such broad and tangible benefits to our shared communities in Dundalk and the wider north-east. We believe this collaboration – which is the first of its kind in Ireland between a Credit union and a 3rd level institution – is an example of what can be achieved by bringing purpose led organisations together via a reimagined co-operative platform to co-create solutions that deliver real value for the entire community and the broader region.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 5
Billy Doyle, CEO, Dundalk Credit Union, and Dr. Gerard (Bob) McKiernan, President, DkIT Tina onyszko(Care manager) and Kieran Hallinan, Director of northeast Bluebird Care.

101 people from Louth conferred with Irish Citizenship in Killarney

ThREE thousand five hundred people be came new Irish citizens on Monday and Tues day as applicants from over 130 countries re ceived their certificates of naturalisation. Of the 3500 people receiving their citizenship this week, 101 are from Co. Louth.

In 4 separate ceremo nies at the INEC in Kil larney, applicants from over 130 countries re ceived their certificates of naturalisation, and took an oath of fidelity to the Irish State.

Minister of State James Browne TD, who presided over the ceremonies, said:

“I’d like to welcome our newest citizens, I’m delighted they have chosen to make Ireland their home. They now below to an interna tional Irish community, which spans all corners of the globe and has citizens from more than 180 countries. Like many before them, they

now bring their culture, history and traditions and combine them with ours.

In granting you your

Irish citizenship, Ire land has made a wider symbolic commitment to you that resonates with our country’s his

the Ireland that strives to be safe, fair and in clusive for all..”

The presiding Of ficers at the ceremo nies were retired high Court Judge, Bryan McMahon and retired Judge paddy McMa hon, who administered the Declaration of Fi delity to the Irish Na tion and Loyalty to the State.The new citizens also undertook to faith fully observe the law of the State and respect its democratic values.

Details of future ceremonies and the process for applying for citizenship can be found on www.irishim migration.ie.

The top ten nation alities for citizenship ceremony in Killarney were as follows:

tory and with our peo ple at home and abroad.

A commitment that you will always have a home here with us, in

1/ UK 375, 2/ India 326, pakistan 282, 4/ poland 170, 5/ Syrian Arab Republic 159, 6/ Brazil 158, 7/ Nigeria/ 154, 8/ Romania 150, 9/ United States 102, 10/ philippines 95.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 6 Check out our new Pet Shop at Unit 5, neighbourhood Shopping Centre, Inner relief road, Dundalk. Telephone 042 603 0924 Web:www.pet-bliss.ie Pet Bliss is an i rish owned B usiness selling a range of P roducts for all your furry friends. “Pet Bliss is where your pets want you to shop” Wishing all a Happy Christmas and Shop Local
Quyen nguyen from Dundalk receives her citizenship in Killarney.

National Community Initiative of the Year Award for local retailer

LAST Wednesday night at the ShelfLife Con venience Store Awards, Colin Fee’s four shops in town (Maxol Dublin Rd and Maxol Avenue Rd and Centra Castle town Rd and Centra Greenacres) combined to win the national ‘Community Initiative of the Year Award’. The award, presented by RTE’s Marty Whelan and sponsored by Kel logs, is renowned as being one of the most competitive categories to try and win- there were 12 nominees for the award in total from all over Ireland, with some fantastic comple tion.

The shops were cho sen because of a body of community work, but with a particular focus on our Charity of the Month scheme, where the shops pick a local

charity for each month of the year and donate all their fundraising efforts for that month towards this charity. Since starting in April, they have already raised a combined 15k+ for

some great local causes, including the Dundalk Men’s Shed, SNAp, Dundalk/Newry Sa maritans, North Louth hospice etc.

When deciding the winner, Shelflife also

took into consideration some of their other com munity work including the installation of de fibrillators across their shops, providing a free breakfast for Darkness into Light, turning their shops pink for June and donating 50c per sand wich to the local ‘100k in 30 days’ charity, sponsorship for local football clubs including Cuchulainn Gaels etc.

“Since starting the Charity of the Month programe and participat ing in a number of other initiatives, we have been able to see first hand the levels of dedication and hard work that so many of the volunteers from local charities and com munity groups put inDundalk should be very proud!,” noted paddy O’hanlon who accept ed the award alongside Colin Fee.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 7
Colin Fee and Paddy o’Hanlon pictured with the award.

St Francis NS pupils raise €3,000 for Simon Community

pUpILS from the two 4th classes, Spideoga and Smólaigh, at St Francis NS Blackrock held a sponsored ‘Sleep Out’ in October, in aid of the Dundalk Simon Community, raising €3,000 which they re cently presented to the charity.

having studied the topic of homelessness, and from an informa tive visit from Yvonne and Laura from Dun dalk Simon Communi ty, the children learned about the different types of homelessness, it’s impact and how it is a huge problem across Ireland and in our own community. The chil dren particularly fo cused on the person behind the homeless person and how it could happen to any one of us. They learned about the supports available and the wonderful and lifechanging work charity organisations such as The Dundalk Simon Community provide and how we can support them.

The children did themselves and their school proud by chal lenging themselves to experience what it is like to sleep rough in order to raise awareness on the topic of home lessness and to raise vital funds for Dundalk Simon Community. Before settling down outside for the night, the children investigated where would be the best place to sleep, the most suitable and accessible materials to create shel ters from and how to op timise these materials in order to keep as warm, dry and comfortable as possible. Speaking after the event, deputy prin cipal and class teacher, Elaine O’Rourke said,

“It was a fun and posi tive learning experience that the children took on with reverence and an understanding of all we have to be thankful for. We are aware that we, as a society, can not ignore the problem of homelessness. We acknowledge how our contribution, however small, can help make change for the better.”

In total, 30 children took part and those una ble to attend the sleepout at the school participat ed from home instead, by giving up their com fortable bed and sleep ing on the floor. They were supervised by the class teachers, Elaine O’Rourke and Kristian Magill, and the school principal, Oreena Law less.

Mrs O’Rourke went on to thank Yvonne and Laura from The Dun dalk Simon Community for coming in to speak with the children. “The information they pre sented and sharing of your experiences added reality and greater depth to our study on home lessness.” She also wished to acknowledge the support of the Dun

PUPIls from the two 4th classes, spideoga and smólaigh, at st Francis Ns Blackrock held a sponsored ‘sleep Out’ in October, in aid of the Dundalk simon Community, raising €3,000. In total, 30 children took part and those unable to attend the sleepout at the school participated from home instead by giving up their comfortable beds and sleeping on the floor.

dalk Lios Club, along with the parents and the St. Francis NS Board of Management for sup porting the fundraiser and allowing them to use the school premises and facilities. Finally, a special thank you was given to School prin cipal, Oreena Lawless joining the pupils and teachers for the over night Sleep Out.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 8


Wayne macken and Sarah mallon of local Enterprise office louth invite you to enter the #lookForlouth competition to win one of two €250 Shop local vouchers.

hOW would you like to win a €250 local shopping spree before Christmas? Well two lucky locals will do just that in this year’s #LookForLouth com petition.

The team in the Lo cal Enterprise Office Louth are giving away 2 prizes of €250 Shop Local Vouchers.

Sarah Mallon of Lo cal Enterprise Office

Louth explains “It’s all part of our campaign to encourage people to #LookForLouth this Christmas. Louth has so many fabulous small businesses, up and down the county. They create, produce and sell gifts for eve ryone, all the time keeping our towns and villages buzzing and giving employment. So this Christmas,

we’d love you to join in our #LookForLouth campaign by shopping local both in person and online. Visit www. localenterprise.ie/louth to find our Christmas shopping directory of brilliant local busi nesses.”

her colleague Wayne Macken continues “It’s simple to enter the com petition for one of the €250 prizes. Search for

social media links are in development

Local Enterprise Office

Louth on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter and share our Christmas video using the hashtag #LookFor Louth. Share, share, share it with everyone you know to encourage them to #LookForLouth this Christmas. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, 14th De cember, so get sharing and best of luck!”

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Council announces new Louth Arts Development Plan

LOUTh County Council has, announced its new Louth Arts Development Plan. The first in over 10 years, the plan provides a roadmap for the arts service of Louth County Council to help deliver a thriving and strategic arts service to benefit all citizens in the county.

Over a year in the making, the develop ment of the plan was one of the first undertakings by Acting Arts Officer, Moya hodgers. Com menting she said: “This plan has been a key pri ority for me since taking on the post of Arts Of ficer just 18 months ago.

The landscape of Louth has changed dramatical ly over the past 10 years with a more diverse and thriving community liv ing and working in our towns and villages. The last 2 years have been challenging both eco nomically and socially as we have come to terms with the effects of the Covid pandemic. The mission of the new Arts Development plan is that ‘it promotes a so

ciety which values the arts, and recognises their positive contribution to individuals and commu nities’. This plan aims to deliver an arts service that not only supports artists and the creative sector, but it will create a more inclusive and ac cessible arts service for all.”

Chief executive Joan Martin supported the an nouncement comment ing “We are so fortunate to have a county that is rich in cultural and ar tistic talent, and it is our aim to ensure that this is

nurtured and supported so that it can be enjoyed by all. The launch of this new Arts Development plan is a step forward in achieving this and I look forward to seeing the work that the arts office and our creative commu nities will produce in the coming years.”

The new plan was de veloped over the past 14 months in conjunction with consultant Grainne Millar of GM Innova tions. Workshops were held with members of the local authority, and with the strategic partners of

Tie wrap gang raise €6,000 for six

local charities

A GROUp of Dundalk FC supporters who call themselves the ‘Tie Wrap Gang’ have raised €6000 which will be evenly divided between six local charities.

The group of eight een supporters volun teer their services and tidy Oriel park ahead of each game which is where they got their name from.

The group were formed in September 2017 when a group of likeminded passionate Dundalk FC supporters decided to go down to an away game in Cork on the train. Unfortunately, there was a train strike that weekend, so they instead organised a bus and from that moment

‘The Tie Wrap Gang’ were born. pre-Covid the group travelled to every away league and cup game as well as at tending all home games in Oriel park. On the bus journey’s they started to do a goal time compe tition and any profits made were kept until the end of the year be fore giving some money to local charities.

Tie Wrap Gang

Chairman Gerry Cur tis was delighted with the amount raised and thanked everybody who supported the Tie Wrap Gang in 2022.

“We raise money every year for local charities that are close to our hearts and we are delighted to be able to be in the positon to be able to give six cheques of €1000 to North Louth hospice, Meals on Wheels, Louth Cerebal palsy, Maria Goretti, head in the Game and SOSAD,” stated Gerry. “It’s been a tough couple of years

for everybody and espe cially those who rely on fundraising to keep their charities going and we are delighted to be able to help them out here to day,” added Gerry.

“It was great to be back travelling to all the games and to be able to enjoy an uninterrupted season and we are al ready looking forward to going to more games and raising more money for local charities in 2023. Wishing all of our members and families a happy and peaceful Christmas,” added Ger ry on behalf of the Tie Wrap Gang.

the arts office which in cluded several members of the local arts sector.

The Louth Arts Devel opment plan 2022-2026 identifies 5 key priori ties which are intended to help the council reach its goals:

Supporting Artists & Developing Infrastruc ture – providing strate gic support for artists and to optimise space and places.

Community, health & Wellbeing – providing an arts service that helps build a resilient soci ety and supports people

from all communities.

Children and Young people – Nurture and en courage our children and young people to enjoy, partake and learn from the arts service.

Arts and Older peo ple – Enhance the qual ity of life for our older population and provide supports for our older artists to continue their practice.

promote Louth as a great place to work, live and visit.

Copies of the Louth Arts Development plan are available in the council offices in Coun ty hall and Town hall Dundalk, Fair Street Of fices in Drogheda, in all 5 county libraries and in the County Museum.

Online digital versions of the plan can also be downloaded. The online versions are available on the arts services website https://www.createlouth. ie/louth-arts-develop ment-plan-2022-2026/

and the council’s website https://www.louthcoco. ie/en/publications/artsdevelopment-plans/

1—How many Prime Ministers were there in the UK in 2022?

2—Ireland have played thirteen matches in total at the World Cup. Can you name the only player who has played in all thirteen matches?

3—By what other name is the Liffey Bridge in Dublin known as?

4—Sitting on the Dock of the Bay was recorded at Stax Studios in Memphis Tennessee on this day in 1967. Who sang it?

5—Can you name the two Louth TD’s who have been successfully elected in the last three general elections?

6—In the US if a student is their ‘sophomore’ year at college what year are they in?

7—Cape Horn is the

southern most point of which continent?

8—What is the branch of medicine called that is concerned with the causes and effects of disease?

9—What newsreader on RTE retired recently after 40 years on air?

10—According to the Oxford English Corpus what is the most commonly used word in the English language? The Stinker: Which Irish President had the shortest term in office at 1 year and 5 months?

—this week’s answers—

speech at the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin on 17 November 1974.

1973-November 1974). He suffered a fatal heart attack after giving a

9—Eileen Dunne, 10—The. Stinker: Erskine Childers (June

Staunton, 3—Ha’penny Bridge, 4—Otis Redding, 5—Peter Fitzpatrick and Fergus O’Dowd. 6—Second year, 7—South America, 8—Pathology,

1—Three (Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, 2—Stephen

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 10
Cathaoirleach Conor Keelan, CE Joan martin, moya Hodgers. Back: michele Haechler Paddy Donnelly and Aisling morgan. Photo Ken Finegan.

Family Notices





P r OP erty/rentals s P ecial services


5th AnniversAry

in loving memory of stephen who died on 9th December, 2017. riP.

Time passes, life goes on, From our thoughts you are never gone, Just as you were, you will always be, someone special in our memory. Will those who think of stephen today,

A little prayer to Jesus say.

—Loved and remembered always, Mam Bridie, stepdad Hughie, brothers John, Brian and families, Francine, family circle and friends.

Anniversary Mass sunday, 11th December, at 12.00 in st nicholas Church.

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Fa ther sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) T.McC.



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Fa ther sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) s.K.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Fa ther sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) P.C.

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Fa ther sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) J.D.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Fa ther sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) M.A.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Fa ther sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail) h.W.

Dundalk Outcomers secure €60,000 in funding

DUNDALK Outcomers, a social and befriending support group for LGBT people, has secured €60,000 in funding.

Bernardine Quinn of Dundalk Outcomers told the Dundalk Leader she was “delighted” to re ceive funding for the group.

“The funding will be used to increase supports for LGBT people in Louth, Cavan, Meath, Monaghan and Balbrig gan,” she said.

“There is a real need for support groups in these areas. We are get ting calls from LGBT people who say that services are very limited in their area.”

Bernardine added: “There is a need for drop-in services, indi vidual events and for LGBT issues to be high lighted to increase awareness in the wider community. We now

need to look at making these supports sustainable in the long-term.”

Louth Fine Gael TD Fergus O’Dowd has welcomed the news that Dundalk Outcomers have secured €60,000 and the Drogheda LGBTQI Support Group have secured €6,000 under the 2022 LGBTI+ Community Services Funding Call.

The 2022 LGBTI+ Community Services Funding Call for proposals ran from 22 June 2022 to 20 July 2022.

Over €1.2m has been made availa ble in 2022 to support LGBTI+ projects through grant funding of €25,000 - €100,000 per successful Scheme A project and €5,000 to

€10,000 per successful Scheme B project.

“Outcomers secured the monies through a Scheme A application and Drogheda LGBTQI Support Group secured their monies through a Scheme B application,” said Fergus.

“I’m delighted that local Louth or ganisations will benefit significantly from the €1.2m national fund, im proving supports and services for the LGBTI+ community is essential as we try to build a more inclusive and safe environment for everyone. I wish Bernie and the extended team in Out comers and peter and the extended team in Drogheda the very best in de livering their respective projects”.

attenti O n—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert Mulholland, BER as sessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie. aDvertise yOUr HOUse Premises for rent or sale to 55,000 readers a week from €5. Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888.

B U il D ing s ervices—Extensions, Renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fas cia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501.

Plastering s ervice available, free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285.

BUilDer & HOMe Maintainence Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.

attenti O n l an D lO r D s—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Fur niture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.

c D lO gs—Kiln Dried Ash/Oak & Birch, Weekly Deliveries to Dundalk & surround ing areas. Newry Co. Down Mob 00 44 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www.cdlogs. com.

He D ging Plants f O r sale Grizelenia €1.50 & €2.50 each, Laurels €1.50 each & Viburnum €2.50 each Tel 087 0689521.

sell it tHrOUgH a classifieD Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

rOOf leaKs Master—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 818 4827.

c ar P entry & J O inery—Mainte nance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Car pentry 087 298 5110.

MOBile HOMe transPOrt—Trans ported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

carPet & Oven cleaning—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie.

P OD iatry/cH ir OPOD y treatment in the comfort of your own home. Ms. Dara McCoy, Bsc. Podiatry 0871924794.

Man availa B le for Karaoke in Pubs, also covers all parties and entertainment. Also available for Car Valeting, has all the equipment. Tel Francis 085 1353703.

P O wer was H ing & Gardening, lawns cut, hedges cut, trees trimmed and topped. Also firewood cut up for winter months. Telephone Tom 087 2296441.

Pr O fessi O nal Drylining Dropped Ceiling, Tape & Joints also all Insulation Services. Dundalk Tel 0892488819 or 089-4189199.

Painter availa B le—Keen rates, no job too small! Call 086 3848079.

cHiMney & stOve cleaning—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094.

cHiMney cleaner—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact Cathal 087-2259799.

aDvertise yOUr service to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

we can DistriBUte your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

winDOw cleaning—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.

HOUse & aPartMent cleaning Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>.

tiler availaBle—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile workmarble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. griMley’s DUBlin st. DUnDalK Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUnDalK garDen services—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—Ben 085-8407707.

fOrtUne teller—Available for ap pointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

rOO fing r e Pairs & s tO ves—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries.

garDen & HOUse Maintenance Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weed ing, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086109-7358.

cOac H ing wit H e st H er—Life and Executive Coach Tel 086 8972007 www. coachingwithesther.com.

Q Ualifie D c ar P enter available for Floors, Doors, Frames, Architraves, Skirt ings, Stud Walls, Roofing & All Building Repairs. No Job too big or too small. Call Mark 086 089 5508.

PrOPerty Maintenance—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof re pairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concreting, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Tel Michael on 085-762-3758.

f ifi’s a lterati O ns—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.30 - 5.30pm & Sat 10 - 2pm.

watcH rePairs—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own work shop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs.

Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478.

a ll-in- O ne!—Home and property maintenance and improvements. Paint ing, decorating, general household maintenance, exterior cleaning, power washing, gutters, dust free sanding, No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238.

lanDscaPing—Flower beds tided up, outdoor cleaning, patios, footpaths, walls, general property maintenance, ex terior painting of fences, gates, walls, etc and decking cleaned. Dundalk & District. Tel. Jim 086 3818184.

g et fit the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm—10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

f renc H g rin D s availa B le for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 11 ADVE r TISE I n o U r C l ASSIFIEDS to over 60,000 readers from only€5 per week up to 20 words Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888
g reenfiel D s M U sic tOU rs—Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact Anthony on 085 1204994.
s P ecial services
classes an D cOU rses s P ecial n Otices FINNEGAN s P ecial services articles f O r sale
sell IT THROUGH A ClAssIFIeD Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 12 Blinds CCTV/Alarms Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Delivery Address Forklifts Builders Supplies Clo SI ng DoW n All SToCK mUST ClEAr Bedding Fuel
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Cuchulainn Cycling Club Annual Awards

FRIDAY last saw Cu chulainn Cycling Club once again hold it’s end of year prize giving after the COVID enforced hi atus. held in the Lisdoo bar & Restaurant it was a night for the cyclists to celebrate all their achievements and adven tures over the previous 12 months.

Cindy Black and Jim Doyle were recognised for their outstanding year on the bike by be ing crowned Female and Male Leisure cyclists of the year respectively.

On the road racing scene Robert Neary had an outstanding season winning one of the 1st races of the year back in March in Newry. This win saw him rise to the A3 rank, where he con tinued to perform admi rably. These results saw him awarded Road Rac ing Cyclist of the Year

pJ hynes continued to be the dominant cyclist on the off road scene, which meant he was a worthy winner of the Off Road Cyclist of the Year


Most improved female and male cyclists were Rebecca McKay and Jack Gregory respec tively.

Such is the success the club is having in under age cycling both female and male categories saw 2 winners. Grace O`Rourke and holly Caggrey were the under age female cyclists of the year. These 2 ladies were part of a club team that has been incredibly strong, especially in the cyclo cross discipline and has also resulted in the club’s riders racking up a considerable amount of Leinster Cycling selec

tions this season.

Sean Delaney and Oliver O’Shaughnessy were the male underage cyclists of the year.

The Cuchulainn Spirit of the year award was presented to Jacqueline healy in recognition of her outstanding year as ladies representative. her greatest achievement was the successful running of the Lady’s Lap of Louth in September. The event which saw over 200 la dies complete one of 2 routes around the county was a huge success.

The final award on the night was the Club per son of the Year and with so many great nominees

the club had to pick 2. First up was Jim Wallace, a relatively latecomer to the sport, Jim was there to help at all events throughout the year, from the summer league right through to the kids train ing session. If a bike was involved Jim was there to lend a hand.

The other joint winner was Jason Malone, for his stellar work through out the year on the off road scene. Jason was es pecially instrumental on the youth development side of the sport. This year many of these un derage riders stepped up to compete in the club’s off road league, again driven by Jsaon and the strong committee he helped put together. The league grew to become one of the strongest in the county, attracting riders on a weekly basis from Ulster and Leinster. Additionally Jason has a strong season himself with 2 podiums in the Senior 3 XC NpS league and a top 25 in the famed Cooley Thriller.

Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 14 CARRICKDALe HOTeL DUnDALK Saturday January 7th 8pm tickets at Hotel tel 042-9380900 & ticketmaster.ie H I ll S T r EET, D UB l I n rD., D U n DA l K . 042 9331515/086 2559201 T. 042 9331555/9331006 the ramparts, Dundalk (formerly Martin's Garage) Sealey & teng toolS, toolboxeS, Socket SetS, yuaSa batterieS, battery chargerS, etc. Car Gift Packs & Gift Vouchers Available anti-Freexe, coolant, batteries, De-icer etc. POWER WASHERS Make it a Motorists Gift This Christmas
Club Chairman Francis laverty presents Jason malone and Jim Wallace with their awards.
Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 15
Dundalk Leader 7th December 2022 16

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