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DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Garda award for kindhearted Eoghan Page 2

Anger over abandoned dog

Flood protection defects must be fixed

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Wednesday, 8th November, 2023. Vol. 16, Issue 45 • 9A, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth

“Utter Devastation” Tel: 042 932 0888. | Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com

Carlingford Riding School decimated by last week’s floods By Tamara O’Connell THE Manager of Carlingford Horse Riding School has spoken about the “utter devastation” caused to the business by recent floods. Charlene Meegan, manager at Carlingford Horse Riding School, told the Dundalk Leader that the business was flooded Halloween night. “We were alerted to the flooding on Tuesday morning at 6am. There was waist-high water, approximately 4ft of water,” she said. “We have 13 horses and seven of those were in the water. We eventually got them out of the water on to high ground. “Our hay and everything were destroyed. We had to get emergency hay and get it in over ditches.” She added: “We couldn’t get close enough to physically examine the horses but we did feed them through ditches. Continued on Page 2

Charlene Meegan surveys the damage at Carlingford Horse Riding School after last week’s floods.

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023


Carlingford Riding School decimated by last week’s floods From Page 1 “The horses were oblivious to what was going on. It wasn’t until Monday, 6 November, that we could open the gate to physically examine the horses. “We have arranged for the horses to go to different fields in the area with the help of local landowners.” According to Charlene,

her saddlery shop which was in a portacabin, was destroyed by the unprecedented flooding. “The tack room, which had the horse-riding school equipment, was also ruined. Each horse only has a blanket on their back,” she said. “Luckily, the horses didn’t panic and run off.

The yard has been drained but the fields are still currently under water. “The horses can’t graze on the school’s fields and we will have to buy in more hay. It will be two to three weeks before we get the stables dried out.” She added: “We had enough hay and straw in to do us until March 2024 but

Eoghan recognised with Garda Special Achievement award

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Deputy Commisioner Anne Marie McMahon presents Eoghan with his award. DUNLEER man Eoghan McCabe was the recipient of a well deserved Garda Special achievement award for his extraordinary charity work. Eoghan raised an astonishing €55,585 for Williams Syndrome by holding a charity tractor run as part of his TY project in Scoil Ui Mhuiri. The event was called ‘Eoghan’s Home Run’ and was a huge success with all money raised going to the Ardee Hospice and Drogheda Special Olympics. Eoghan was born with a rare genetic condition called Williams Syndrome but despite the challenges he has faced the Dunleer man has been able to attend his local secondary school in Dunleer as well as help out with his local GAA club. The Garda National Youth Awards recognise exceptional young people aged 13-21 who have positively contributed to their community. This year’s event took place at the Midlands Park Hotel in Portlaoise and acknowledged the remarkable contributions made in a number of Garda Divisions across the country. The Garda National Youth Awards were promoted and expanded by the then Assistant Commisioner, Anne Marie McMahon who now as Deputy Commisiioner continues to recognise the meaningful work of so many people in communities across Ireland. Deputy McMahon presented each of the 25 awards presented on the day. Garda Siochana Louth Division

praised Eoghan for all his hard work and for the positive influence he has in his community. “Eoghan has proven that it is as true as is said, ‘where there is a will there is a way.’ With years of hard work, love and perseverance, Eoghan has been able to attend his local secondary school, Scoil Uí Mhuirí together with his siblings. He plays a central part in the management and operations of his local GAA club and among friends and club mates in the Special Olympics, Drogheda. “There is smiles and laughter wherever Eoghan is. His happy, positive disposition brings an infectious smile to all who have the pleasure of encountering him or to be in his presence. In 2022, Eoghan had the genius idea of holding a Charity Tractor Run as part of his Transition Year project for the benefit of charities close to his heart, and he held it again this year to raise a combined €55,585. “Eoghan’s Home Run” as it is now known, has been a tremendous success and is a testament to his spirit and enthusiasm that he managed to pull it all off with the support of his allies and peers in the community. It is Eoghan’s modesty, however, that is most endearing and makes him such a special character. He spreads positivity wherever he goes,” concluded the statement from Garda Siochana Louth.

that’s been destroyed now. “We have to move to emergency feed, which is not easily got. It’s difficult to source. I was disappointed by the response from Louth County Council in relation to the flooding. Local farmers started to drain the area themselves and had volunteers to help manage the traffic but we were

told by the Council to stop. “We were told there wasn’t enough manpower to close off the road. We were then told we could meet with the Council but no-one showed up. The Four Seasons Hotel got its own drainage so that helped. The yard is drying but the fields are still under water.”

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023



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Anger after dog left abandoned outside Dundalk Dog Rescue Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023


By Tamara O’Connell

A DOG who was abandoned outside Dundalk Dog Rescue Centre on a wet night is searching for a new forever home. The previous dog owner, who was caught on camera, left their dog tied to a pole outside the centre of external rescue gates of Dundalk Dog Rescue. According to a spokesperson for the local dog charity, Bobby

Wain, the dog is currently in Louth County Council Dog Pound. “The dog has been scanned for a microchip and doesn’t have one but we did catch the dog’s owner on camera,” he said. “We will re-home this dog very quickly because it’s an easy dog to re-home. Leaving a dog like that outside the centre was an act of sheer ignorance. It was horrible. “It’s 2023, dog owners who want to give up their dogs should know

that there are other options.” Bobby said: “It’s shocking that people don’t realise there are other options. Even if a dog is put in the pound at least it will have a warm kennel and be re-homed in a few days. “The dog is now wonderfully safe and has to go through the process of being in the pound but then it will be re-homed. “On a positive note, Dundalk Dog Rescue will have a stall at

Frostival in the Square and we will have treats for the family.” If you are thinking of re-homing your dog, can always contact Dundalk Dog Rescue by email: rehoming@dundalkdogrescue.ie. You will be treated in the strictest of confidence. The volunteers do their best to help when they can. Louth SPCA are also local and will The dog was abandoned outside the gates of do their best to help. Dundalk Dog Rescue Centre.

“Far From Home: Co Louth Immigrants to Michigan”

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1—Lionel Messi, 2—Ringo Starr (7/7/40), John Lennon (9/10/40), Paul McCartney (18/6/42) and George Harisson (25/2/42), 3—Newtown Blues (23 titles), 4—Chris Tarrant and Jeremy Clarkson, 5—They are all principals of secondary schools in town, 6—Paris, 7—Kerry, 8— Northern Lights, 9—Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, 10—Britney Spears. Stinker: Subway.

Have your favourite photo engraved or colour enameled onto a Gold or Silver Pendant

1—Which footballer won a record eighth Ballon D’Or last week? 2—Can you name all the members of The Beatles in order from oldest to youngest? 3—Which GAA football club in Louth has won the most Senior Football Men’s Championships? 4—There have been two hosts of the British version of the gameshow Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. Can you name them both? 5—What do Alan Craven, Jonathan pop singer? Graham, Michelle Dolan, Nicola Stinker—McDonalds is the largest Connolly, Tomás Sharkey, Fiona fast food chain in the world but what Butler, Noilin NiDhulaing, Padraig is the second largest? McGovern and Caoimhe Héarún have —THIS WEEK’S ANSWERS— in common in Dundalk? 6—Which city is further north. Paris or Toronto? 7—The three highest mountains in Ireland are all in which county? 8—What is ‘aurora borealis’ better known as? 9—Can you name Harry Potter’s two best friends? 10—”Presbyterians” is not just a religious denomination -- it’s also an anagram of the name of what famous

JOIN us in Dundalk Library on Friday 10th November at 3:00pm, for this informative talk. Pat Commins and Elizabeth Rice, authors of “Irish Immigrants in Michigan: A History in Stories” will share some of the stories of the County Louth immigrants to Michigan. Through their ongoing research, they have already discovered more than 150 County Louth immigrants to Michigan stories. All are welcome to attend and there is no booking required.

Poetry Corner THANKS to Seán Brannigan who sent us the below poem entitled ‘Thanks’ which can be found in his soon to be released book Oriel Observations 2.

THANKS Thank you for a rainbow sky for goodbye tears in a mother’s eye for kisses, Christmas, music, and rhyme. Thank you for your time.

Thank you for a baby’s smile for a gift that makes the pain worthwhile for a broken heart that hugs will mend for stories with a happy end. Thank you for this welcome day for caring, sharing, children at play for laughter, romance, the stars above. Thank you most for Love. Seán Brannigan

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023



Excitement builds ahead of Les Miserables show Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023

By Tamara O’Connell

ONE of the directors of a local production of the upcoming musical Les Miserables School Edition has said the “young cast members were so excited” to meet the resident director in the West End, Jo Parsons. Les Miserables School Edition SONG co-director Terese Dunne told the Dundalk Leader that nearly 70 children, from age ten to 18, from all over Co Louth are set

to perform in the show. Now adapted for young people, Les Miserables School Edition features one of the most memorable scores of all time. It also features some of the most memorable characters. SONG Dundalk are bringing this masterpiece to An Tain Arts Centre from November 15-19 from 7.30pm. “There are children from all over the county performing in the show. Opening night is not far away now.

The children auditioned in early May and did a little rehearsal over the summer,” said Terese. “We rehearsed in Wellington Hall on St Mary’s Road in Dundalk. We also have another 20 people helping backstage and as crew members. “It’s a huge team. We got funding from Louth County Council arts office for workshops with professionals from musical theatre.” She added: “Brian Gilligan who

plays Scar in The Lion King in Ireland and the UK came to do a workshop with us in September. “And the resident director of Les Miserables in London, Jo Parsons, came to visit us last Sunday here in Dundalk. “It’s fabulous Jo came to visit us and work with the kids in the area. It’s a huge opportunity. This type of musical doesn’t come along often. It’s exciting for the kids and we are looking forward to it now.”

Joe Biden mural defaced

The mural was created by French artist Aéro as part of this year’s SEEK Festival. Earlier this year President Biden visited Dundalk as part of his visit to Ireland. The mural represents Biden’s connections to Dundalk and North Louth. THE Joe Biden mural at Bachelors Walk in Dundalk has been vandalised for a second time in the space of a few days. Initially specks of red paint had been sprayed over President Biden’s face but this morning more red paint as well as the words “War

Crimes” and “Free Palestine” have been written on the mural beside the face of the US President. The work was created as part of the SEEK Urban Arts Festival by French artist Aéro to commemorate Biden’s visit to the

town earlier this year. The mural represents Biden’s connection to Dundalk and north Louth depicting the immigrant journey his great, great grandfather, Owen Finnegan took when he departed from Louth to New York in 1849.

Dundalk man writes history of famous London Irish rugby club Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023

DUNDALK native Paddy Lennon has written a new, definitive history of the famous London Irish rugby club. The 350 page, illustrated book was published on 24th October to coincide with the 125th anniversary of the first match ever played by the club. Lennon, who re-

turned to live in Dundalk in summer 2021 after over four decades in London, has been associated with the club since the early 1970s. He described the research and writing of the book “as a labour of love” that he has been working on for almost ten years and intensively for the last three.

Paddy Lennon. The book traces the history of the club from its origins in the heart of London until the present day. The club’s first president also had a Dundalk connection, he was Newry born Lord (Charles) Russell of Killowen who was member of parliament for the town from 1880 – 85. The book has been published by Vision Sports Publishing (VSP) a specialist sports publishing company. There are full details of the book, in-

cluding illustrated page layouts, at londonirishbook.com Patrick (Paddy) Lennon grew up at Scotchgreen, Dundalk and Kilcurry. He attended the De La Salle Secondary School and went on to University College Dublin where he was awarded a BA. After initial roles with what was the Eastern Region Tourism Organisation based in Dun Laoghaire, Lennon moved to London where he pursued his

business career in the aviation and leisure industries with Aer Lingus and British Airways before establishing a marketing and communications consultancy in 1985. His involvement with rugby union spans five decades, including the transition from the amateur to the professional era. He is well known and respected throughout the game for his support for and media work with London Irish among others. He first joined the club in 1973 and has been associated with it in a number of roles ever since. He has written and broadcast extensively about the game including “A Short History of Rugby Union” published in 2012. He is also wellknown and involved with the Irish Community in London in particular as a result of his work for Aer Lingus and The Irish Times and his role as Chairman of Irish Heritage, the performing arts charity from 2017-


2021, among others. Paddy contributed to the establishment of the London Irish (Rugby) Foundation in

2019 and is proud to have an ongoing role in its invaluable efforts to use rugby and its values as a catalyst for

improving the lives of less fortunate people. He returned to live in Dundalk in summer 2021.


Halliday Mills Apartments wins award for Building Community

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023

Co-operative Housing Ireland (CHI) Community Engagement Manager, Anthony Burrowes, Safer Neighbourhoods Specialist, Lar Roddy, and Community Engagement Specialist, Sarah Reidy, at the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) Allianz Community Housing Awards which took place in the Clayton Hotel, Wexford, celebrating CHI’s win in the ‘Building Community’ category for Halliday Mills, Dundalk. Photo: Conor Healy Picture It Photography.

C O - O P E R AT I V E Housing Ireland (CHI) took home an award in the ‘Building Community’ category for the collaborative effort between CHI and Member tenants living in Halliday Mills, Dundalk, to build a happy and thriv-

ing community. The Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) Biennial Allianz Community Housing Awards, which recognises innovative and sustainable social housing projects delivered by Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) and local authority partners, took place in the Clayton Hotel, Wexford. Halliday Mills is an apartment complex of 85 a-rated CHI apartments and Member tenants moved in in January 2022. Speaking about the community’s growth and evolution, CHI Member tenant and Halliday Mills resident Inga Perkone said, “With all the events and ini-

tiatives that have taken place, more and more people have shown up and engaged. Lar Roddy, our CHI Housing Officer is brilliant, he’s someone we can rely on. More and more people are showing up because of they see and appreciate the effort put into community gatherings. There are issues with anti-social behaviour, but they are being dealt with, they’re not ignored. Going forward, I would like to see even more people get involved in the committee.” Many community events and initiatives have been organised by the Halliday Mills Member Association in

cooperation with CHI, the most recent being the establishment of a piece of colourful community artwork by artist Seán Atmos. The artwork was officially unveiled by Cllr Conor Keelan and CHI Director of Housing Services and Community Engagement, David Mayner, in August. CHI is a leading Approved Housing Body working with Local Authorities and others to meet the housing needs of low-income households on social housing waiting lists. CHI owns, manages and support over 4,700 social-rented homes across Ireland.

Old Dundalk Society Lecture THE Old Dundalk Society is delighted to announce the first lecture in their 2023 Winter season of lectures. The lecture is entitled ‘Fane Valley’- A house and its occupants, gone but not forgotten. The lecture tells the story of ‘Fane Valley’ house and its occupants. The lecture will take place in the County Museum Jocelyn Street, Dundalk, on Thursday the 9th of November commencing at 8.00 pm sharp. The lecture will be presented by Conor M. J. Kenny, Irish Country House enthusiast. Conor

has a large following for his Facebook blog pages Irish Country Houses and Old Irish Buildings and places. He has been researching, photographing, and writing about Country Houses in Ireland for many years and has a particular interest in the ‘Big Houses ‘of County Louth. The audience will be guaranteed a stimulating and interesting lecture on the night. Patrons are advised to come early as there is limited seating capacity available in the venue. Refreshments served after lecture. Voluntary contributions at door.

Dún Dealgan Athletics Club

DÚN Dealgan Athletic Club in 2pm at Dún Dealgan A.C Hall in Seatown are holding their annual Seatown. Bric-a-Brac sale on Saturday, All proceeds will go towards 11th November from 11am to the running of the club.

SUCCESS IN LISBURN FOR CÚCHULAINN ARCHERS—Competition this weekend was a WA 18 held in Lisburn City Archery Club in Lisburn, Co.Antrim. Representing CúChulainn Archers were six members of the club, all of whom came home with a medal. The winners were: Darrell Wilson Gold in Compound Senior Men Paul McClelland; Gold in Compound Masters Men; JoAnn Bell, Gold in Compound Masters Women; Siobhán Keeble, Silver in Barebow Senior Women; Neil Keeble, Silver in Barebow Senior Men; Peter Gilmore, Silver in BArebow Master Men. A great result for the club with three gold and three silver medals from six competitors. CúChulainn holds beginner courses throughout the year. Enquiries to cuchulainnarchers@hotmail.com.

Defects in flood protection infrastructure must be fixed Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023

DUNDALK and North Louth could face a ‘Doomsday scenario’ if work to examine defects in flood protection infrastructure is not started immediately, Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú has said. The Dundalk TD was speaking after a week of unprecedented scenes of destruction in Cooley following record-breaking rainfall which also left parts of Dundalk under water. Deputy Ó Murchú said it can ‘no longer be the case the Louth County Council are fighting on multiple fronts when the deluge comes’. He called for work to start ‘immediately’ on finding out what caused the flooding of Carlingford and other areas and, crucially, what needs to be done to ensure that the catastrophic damage does not happen again. He said: ‘It has been a devastating and heartbreaking week for many people, particularly those who have seen their homes and businesses destroyed by flood waters caused by torrential rain and to whom Cllr. Antóin

There are concerns that the reason roads in parts of Dundalk such as Bay Estate and Cluan Enda flooded so badly was

Deputy Ruairi O Murchu and Cllr Antoin Watters. Watters and I spoke at length. ‘The issues at the forefront of people’s minds are the need for maximum flexibility in the government compensation schemes and for the remedial works on roads, bridges and other infrastructure to be done as soon as possible. ‘With climate change, we know and accept that this type of rain could and will come again, but there will be no excuses the next time for not being prepared for it. ‘All the resources, with no quibbling, have to be given to Louth

County Council, as the lead agency, to look at what happened and to put measures in place, quickly, to ensure that the Doomsday scenario does not come to pass. In Dundalk, the only thing that stopped hundreds of homes from being flooded was that there was no further significant rainfall. ‘We are talking about starting with an honest assessment of the council’s response to this, where the gaps were and what could have been done better. That needs to be completed before the end of this year. ‘And officials have

to be upfront about it – the council’s response needs to be better at dealing with these kind of emergencies and they need to use every available resource they have. ‘They also have to reach out to other agencies, such as central government, to demand assistance and expertise to put infrastructure in place to ensure that last week’s dreadful scenes are not repeated. ‘In addition, there needs to be a proper look at Uisce Eireann and their role in providing wastewater and combined drain systems that are fit for purpose.


that there is not enough capacity at the pumping station on the Coe’s Road. ‘This needs to be ad-

dressed urgently and in a collaborative fashion. And the government has to take responsibility for the interminably

long time it is taking to get flood defences, under the CFRAM programme, constructed and working’.

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023



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Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023





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Three transition year students from Dundalk Grammar School were awarded trophies for winning the Irish Mathematics Teachers Association (IMTA) Maggie Gough ProblemSolving Competition. The competition was aimed at all 2nd, 4th & 5th years nationally and took place during Maths Week 2023. Over 18,700 students entered the problem-solving competition nationally and those who succeeded in 16 or more of the 20 questions were deemed winners. Only 55 of the competitors (top 0.3%) were successful. The competition is named after Maggie Gough who is the first known Irish woman to receive a PhD in mathematics. All a DGS are very proud of the students achievement! Pictured L-R: Nick Kuzmin, Mickey Chung, Joe Liscoe.

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023




NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.C.

MIRACULOUS PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, you who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideal, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones… in your perpetual glory. Amen To that end, and submitting to God’s holy will, I ask from you… (mention your favor). You must pray this prayer 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day your wish shall be granted no matter how difficult It may be. Promise to publish the dialogue as your favour has been granted. T.M.

MIRACULOUS INVOCATION TO ST. THERESE O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your Miraculous Intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining every need of body and spirit from the Heart of God. Holy Mother Church proclaims you “Prodigy of Miracles… the greatest saint of Modern Times.” Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (mention in silence here) and to carry out your promises of spending heaven doing good on earth… of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses. Little Flower, give me your childlike faith, to see the Face of God in the people and experiences of my life, and to love God with full confidence. St. Therese, my Carmelite Sister, I will fulfill your plea “to be made known everywhere” and I will continue to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen S.K.

OUR WEEKLY DEADLINE For FAMILY NOTICES is 4pm Fridays prior to Wednesday Publication. Contact Lorna for further information.

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An evening of poetry, music, film and art

The poems were mostly writen by the Wednesday group of Encore Productions. old books from charity shops to create collage work with an emphasis on contrast and connection. Further poems were written by people attending RehabCare Dundalk’s centre in Carrol Village while artists Rachel Tinniswood and Michael Stafford facilitated the creation of further artworks. Featured poets and



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JEWELLERY PARTIES—Top commissions paid, contact Alan, Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Complex, Dundalk. Tel 042 9339478 Mob 087 3898908 or Email: goldstarjewellersdundalk@gmail.com. LANDSCAPING—Flower beds tided up, outdoor cleaning, patios, footpaths, walls, general property maintenance, exterior painting of fences, gates, walls, etc and decking cleaned. Dundalk & District. Tel. Jim 086 3818184.



AS a perfect antidote to these dark Winter Evenings, An Táin Arts Centre’s Communty Company in Residence - Encore Productions – present - CUT AND PASTE - An evening of poetry, music, film and art. The poems were mostly written by the Wednesday group of Encore Productions – now Community Theatre Company in Residence at An Tain Arts Centre. Wednesday morning in the workshop room means tea and biscuits – of course – but also a chance to talk and listen to each other and for facilitators Sandy Sneddon and Grainne O’Hanlon to help get those fleeting words down on paper. Then, after a bracing walk round the parks and streets of the town the group engage in art work. Some of these sessions were facilitated by local Artist Orlaith Cullinane who worked with textured papers and


artists include, Moninna McCarthy, Mairead McBride, Liam O’Reilly, Callum O’Brennan, Nicki Cormican, Brendan O’Shea, Olivia McGinnity, Martin Hanley, Anita Guest, John Stokes, John Clinton, Sarah Malone, John Marron, Therese Baxter, Oliver Hanratty, Paddy Durnin, Melissa Fox, Gavin Holmes and Ste-

ven Mannison. Actors Karen Shields, Calvin McGee, Maeve and Jack Montgomery will lend their voices to the words. Former An Táin Arts Centre’s folk musician in Residence, master uilleann piper Brendan McCreanor shall weave his music around and through the voices. Actors Caoimhe Gleeson, Paudie Breen, Brenda Cunningham and Vincent Casey filmed their responses to the poems. The organisers would like to thank the actors and musicians onstage and on film. Wednesday 29th November, 8pm. All tickets €5 (plus €1.50 booking fee per ticket), available from the venue or online. Box office opening hours 10am – 4pm Tuesday to Saturday and 30 minutes before the event. An Táin Arts Centre, Crowe Street Dundalk. 042 933 2332 info@antain.ie

ATTENTION LANDLORDS—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927. SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED—Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

SPECIAL SERVICES CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094. CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-2259799. WINDOW CLEANING—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>. HOUSE & APARTMENT CLEANING Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>. TILER AVAILABLE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work - marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. PROFESSIONAL TILER available for all types of tiling, Specialising in full bathroom refits. Over 25 years’ experience, Top Class Work Guaranteed Call Shane—086 107 5080. GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343. DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—Ben 085-8407707. FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229. ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof—tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827. CARPENTRY & JOINERY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110. MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702. CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie. ROOFING AND BUILDING contractor available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.

CLASSES & COURSES GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information. DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228. SEWING CLASSES on-going at Northlink retail park, Monday to Friday, for enquiries please call or WhatsApp Elizabeth on 0872649221 or visit www.djk-creations. com. FRENCH GRINDS AVAILABLE for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340.

SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED PERSON AVAILABLE for cleaning, to a very high standard, to homes and businesses in Dundalk. All cleaning products provided, references available Tel 083 3240022.

SITUATIONS VACANT HELP WANTED on sea boat couple of days per week depending on sea weather. No time wasters please. Must have some sort of experience being on a boat. Contact 53somethingnew@gmail.com.

PLANNING LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—I John McBride have submitted significant further information in relation to planning application reference number 23144 @ Crois Croinn, Saltown, Dundalk, Co.Louth. Significant Further Information includes response to information relating to rearrangement of road layouts, carparking & open space areas, comprehensive landscaping, Screening Report, alterations to building plans & elevations, electrical charge point positions, public lighting reports and changes to services. This Significant Further Information has been furnished to the planning authority and is available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the Significant Further Information may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20, not later than 2 weeks after the date of receipt of this newspaper notice and site notice by the planning authority.

MOTORS FOR SALE SUZUKI VITARA—1.0ltr petrol, 70,000km, nct’d till June’25, full service history, immaculate condition. Tel 085 2761953.

Shock amongst Dundalk FC supporters as record goalscorer confirms he is leaving

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023

RUMOURS had been swirling around town for a number of days that Dundalk FC’s record goalscorer Pat Hoban had been told by the club that he was free to leave and look for another club. This was despite having another year left of a three year contract he signed in 2021 when Sean O’Connor, Alan Clarke and Andy Connolly took over the club following three turbulent years under the ownership of American investment firm Peak6. Most supporters scoffed at the very thought that this particular rumour had any legs but following a game changing performance from the bench against Bohs in Oriel Park last week the 32 year old Galway native confirmed to local journalist James Rogers that he was told by the club that he could speak to other clubs and was free to leave. Last Friday evening Hoban scored two against UCD to extend his Dundalk goalscoring record to 150 goals but following the game when speaking to the Irish Independent he once again confirmed that he was leaving and that he had played his last game for the club. “I tell you one thing, I have been a small bit doubted and that’s the biggest drive for me, I am looking forward to

Pat Hoban embraces Dundalk FC fans earlier this season. Pic Credit: Dundalk FC. next season,” Hoban says, who scored his 150th – and final – goal for Dundalk in Friday’s 5-1 win away to UCD which secured a top-five finish. “I’m going to go elsewhere and continue on with a new chapter. That’s the way it is. That’s life. It’s sad. That’s the last time I will put on a Dundalk FC jersey. I’ll be playing against them next year so it won’t be my last time in Oriel Park. I’ll be going and doing a job for someone else and that’s the way it is.” “The decision’s made and I have to act on it as well. I’m not going to stay where I’m not wanted. I have a year’s contract. I could [stay], but what’s the point in doing that? I feel like I’ve two or three years left in me, really good ones so I’m not going to do that,” says Hoban.

The news was met with disbelief from the vast majority of Dundalk FC fans who first joined Dundalk in 2013 when signed by Stephen Kenny. Kenneth Sloane, host of Dundalk FC Podcast “The Men Who Saved Football” stated: “We’re very surprised that Patrick Hoban’s future at Dundalk has even been a matter of discussion as he is under contract for the coming season. He still has a lot to offer and remains one of the country’s top scorers, so many fans will be hoping it is not too late for a reconsideration and we may yet see him play for us next season despite the ominous sounding reports in the press. There certainly doesn’t seem to be a ready made replacement for Pat in the squad or arguably in the league. If it is to be his last cam-

paign fans will remember him as one of the most outstanding players of an outstanding era.” Lifelong Dundalk FC fan Jane McDermot who is also the club’s supporter’s Liason Officer and Disability Access Officer said she and her fellow fans were shellshocked when they heard Hoban’s comments. “I think everybody is just shell-shocked to be honest. We know the club are currently in talks with a view of looking for more investment into the club and we need to wait to hear their reasons for this but it will be very sad to see Pat go. He is a club legend and nobody wants to see our best players leave. I think there is a mixture of shock and frustration but I’m just holding out hope that there can be a resolution and something can be done before he is signed up by another club,” stated Jane. The Dundalk Leader asked Dundalk FC for a comment on Hoban’s imminent departure but there was no response at time of going to press. The club released a statement last week confirming that talks over potential investment in the club are ongoing. They asked for space to conclude the discussions that they hoped ‘will bring Dundalk FC into an exciting new era”.

Women’s Shed Monster Quiz

THE Dundalk Women’s Shed enjoyed a party at their weekly meeting in Wellington Hall on Monday when they held a Monster Quiz led by quiz leader Irene Patterson (in the picture in the witches’ gear). Many members dressed up to celebrate Halloween when they regaled each other with memories of the event from the past. There was a great spread of home baked goodies and a cake to celebrate Halloween and the first birthday of the Dundalk Women’s Shed. The next meeting of Dundalk Women’s Shed will be held in Wellington Hall at 10h00 on Monday 6th November when our speaker will be Walking Warrior and guide, Venora Connolly O’Brien telling us about walking Dundalk Women’s Shed pictured left to right Joan McAdams, in the mountains and countryside Irene Patterson, Geralvdine Meehan, Alison Sloan and Linda in Louth. Stevens.



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Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023

Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023


Dundalk Leader 8th November 2023





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