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DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Blessing of Redemptorist Bells Page 6

Louth Volunteer Leader awards

Crosscause launch Christmas appeal Page 10

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Wednesday, 9th November, 2022. Vol. 15, Issue 45 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Harry’s legacy of hope

Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com

Maria Taaffe, Paul Taaffe, Adrianne Taaffe, Carol Taaffe, Orla Taaffe, Shane Taaffe and Elaine Taaffe were in attendance for the launch of the Harry Taaffe Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme in Dundalk Gaol. The initiative is being set up by Dundalk FC and Fyffes in memory of Harry.

By Paul Byrne Dundalk Gaol was the setting for the launch of the Harry Taaffe Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme last Thursday evening where a large crowd came out to hear about the new initiative which has been set up by Dundalk FC. The club in association with Fyffes launched the

Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. Phone 042 935 7296. dunnesmonumental@gmail.com.

programme in memory of the club’s hugely popular late groundsman and video analyst Harry Taaffe, who tragically passed away by suicide in July 2020. The programme is being sponsored by Fyffes and will be led by Derek Pepper who has been working in the mental health sector for almost twenty years. Harry’s death sent

shockwaves through the club and the wider Dundalk community and the packed audience who were in attendance at Dundalk Gaol for the launch was testament to how well regarded he was in the town. Members of Harry’s family including his wife Maria and children Shane, Orla and Elaine were all in attendance for the

launch as well as former Dundalk FC and current Republic of Ireland manager Stephen Kenny and current Lilywhites boss Stephen O’Donnell. Brian Gartland and John Mountney represented the players who Harry used to look after on nights out where he was affectionately labelled ‘Head of Security’. Continued on Page 2

—Open— Mon - fri 9.30am – 5.30pm closed 1-2pm (Sat 5pm)

extensive range of quality headstones on display - Inscription & Restoration Service AVAILABLE

Harry’s legacy of hope Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


Cleaners Required Full & Part Time positions available, immediate start Drivers licence/own transport an advantage Apply by emailing:


From Page 1 Dundalk FC kitman Noel Walsh, who recently completed Dublin City Marathon in memory of Harry while raising €1900 in the process was also in attendance. A number of local politicians including local TD’s Peter Fitzpatrick and Ruairí O’Murchú were in attendance as well as representatives from Dundalk Counselling Centre, Head in the Game, Women’s Aid and Turas. Emma Hunt Duffy and Gerry Cunningham from Fyffes were also in attendance as main supporters of the initiative. The programme’s co-ordinator Derek Pepper spoke brilliantly on the night as he explained what the new initiative was aiming to achieve. “The programme is designed to educate and increase awareness about mental health and thanks to Dundalk FC and Fyffes we now have a hub in the community where we can go and speak to somebody. We will also be running programmes within the club and for the employees in Fyffes to help them recognise signs that people may be struggling and give them the tools to try and help anybody they think may be struggling.

The late Harry Taaffe who tragically passed away by suicide in July 2020. “I was at the match with Bohemians last week and I saw a young lad getting his picture taken with Sam Bone. He had ‘Bone’ on the back of his jersey and the euphoria on his face when he had the picture taken, and the euphoria on his father’s face when he went back to him; it was shared between the two of them. “Moments like that save the lives of people who are thinking about suicide; the simple everyday things we do for one another can help people. With this programme, we hope to advance that,” stated Derek.

Stephen Kenny also spoke on the night and talked about the huge impact Harry had in helping Dundalk FC enjoy such a successful spell during his tenure at the club between 2012 and 2018. “Harry was always a champion for the underdog and whether it was the water rates, Louth hospital or homelessness he was always protesting about something. Sometimes I perhaps protested over the amount of time he was protesting but he was a real lover of his community and he loved to help people. Harry didn’t

go to university but he was such a smart smart fella. He was doing complex video analysis stuff for the club way before it became popular and he took it upon himself to learn how to do it properly and find out what software he needed and all that. When I first came to Dundalk my family were in Donegal and I would spend many evenings in Harry’s house watching back games. Sometimes I’d fall asleep on his couch only to be woken up by Harry about 2 or 3 in the morning. “He was our unofficial head of secu-

rity and his job was to mind the players whenever they were out having a drink and make sure they didn’t get into trouble. He was a great man for getting stuff done and he used to amaze me with the ability he had to source equipment and fix what needed fixing,” remarked the Republic of Ireland boss. “When I first arrived in Oriel Park in 2012, we were looking for a grass pitch to train on and I was having a bit of difficulty finding one. One day, Harry just turned to me and said: ‘I have a roller, I have all the stuff we

need, I can do it. “I couldn’t believe it. “Who has all that sort of equipment lying around? Anyway, myself, Ciaran Bond and Andy Connolly ended up getting permission from the Grammar school to use their field beside Oriel Park and Harry got it in great condition for us. “It’s hard to quantify just how much he did for us but he was immense and there would have been none of the success we had if it weren’t for him. He did so much for so many people and we should fondly remember him.” concluded Stephen.

The winners of a pair of tickets each from last week’s Competition to see Abba Forever Christmas Show at An Tain Arts Centre, Dundalk, on Saturday, 3rd December, are Pauline White and Catriona McBride.

Poker Night raises almost €5000 for two local hospices

The annual Charity Poker Classic held in the Lisdoo last week was a great success with €4920 raised in total. The event was very well supported by the local community and organisers Gerry Curtis and Michael Stanley were delighted to be able to hand over cheques of €2460 for both the North Louth Hospice and the Southern Area Hospice in Newry. Organisers of the event wish to thank everybody who supported them and helped sell tickets. They would also like to thank the players who turned up and the Lisdoo bar and restaurant for Michael Stanley and Gerry Curtis hand a cheque for €2,460 over to Siob- Gerry Curtis and Micheal Stanley hand a cheque for €2,460 over to hosting the event. han McArdle, and Orla Rowland from Southern Area Hospice Services. Anne Newell and Ann Shanahan from the North Louth Hospice.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022



Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022

Regional Group seek action on long COVID While most people will make a full and quick recovery from COVID 19, some adults and children, can continue to experience ongoing symptoms or can have a relapse after an initial recovery, and these symptoms can persist for several months or even years. Long COVID is an umbrella name given to a broad range of some 200 post COVID symptoms which in-

clude conditions such as chronic fatigue and brain fog, which are experienced at least three months after the initial infection for significant periods of time, in some cases for over two years. From an analysis based on research conducted in Ireland and the Netherlands some 336,451 adults nationally are likely to be or have suffered some form of long COVID, with an

estimated 21,000 people being so unwell that they are unfit to work. Even with a small proportion of these long COVID patients presenting to our health service with complex health conditions, in already overcrowded emergency departments and GP surgeries, they will overwhelm our health service as we face into serious winter overcrowding.

Sixteen successful applicants of the Night-Time Economy Support Scheme announced

Sixteen premises in Louth will benefit from a pool of €4m in funding which will assist in off peak entertainment. The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, T.D. announced the successful applicants of the €4 million in funding to assist off peak entertainment in our towns and cities. A total of 433 organisations have been offered funding from the Night-Time Economy Support Scheme. Applications were received from a wide range of venues including pubs, nightclubs, cafés, theatres, arts centres, galleries, museums and retail outlets. Well in excess of 2000 events in every county across the country, have been approved for funding, they include live music, ranging from traditional music to electronic music, DJ nights, theatre, comedy, dance, literature, art and photographic exhibitions. The Scheme included a specific strand of funding for unlicensed premises such as cafés, dry bars and other suitable venues to support diversification and inclusivity in our Night-Time Economy. The successful local applicants were: Russells Saloon, Toale’s Taverns, Corbetts Bar, Forty Bar, Imperial Hotel, Callans Restaurant, Callans Bar, Spirit Store, The Bartender, Haughneys Hole in the Wall, Lockup Records, The Smugglers Rest, The Punt and Sharkeys Pub, Mother Hughes and Trinity Quarter.

Deputy Fitzpatrick, along with the Regional Group, believe that unless we address this challenge of long COVID in a comprehensive way, in tandem with measures to reduce spread of COVID 19 (including the rollout of Evusheld to those who are immunecompromised), we will sleepwalk our health service into a crisis of chronic illness. This will push people waiting on treatments

since before the pandemic even further down already horrendous waiting lists. Deputy Fitzpatrick also wants to see long COVID recognised as an occupational illness and a comprehensive special leave with pay scheme for frontline healthcare workers as well as the expansion of services for other similar illnesses such as M.E. and chronic fatigue syndrome.

1—An assassination attempt on which former Pakistan Prime Minister took place last week? 2—What is the world’s largest man-made structure? 3—Which famous band got their name from taking the first letter from each of their first names 4—Which country lost the most soldiers in World War II? 5—What did Thomas Crapper invent? 6—Dundalk Gardaí have used the station at the Crescent as their base since January 1946. What was that building used for before the Gardaí moved in? 7—What is the medical term for high blood pressure? 8—Newspeak was the official language

of Oceania in which fictional dystopian novel released in 1949. 9—Which David headed the cult which staged a 1993 mass suicide in Waco? 10—In what county is Ireland’s most easterly point - The Ards Peninsula? The Stinker—What car was OJ Simpson driving during the famous police chase in 1994?

—this week’s answers— 1—Imran Khan, 2—Great Wall of China, 3—ABBA (Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, and Anni-frid.), 4—Soviet Union (Over 18 million soldiers), 5—The modern flushing toilet, 6—The building was the Dundalk Gaol’s Governors House, 7—Hypertension, 8—George Orwell’s 1984., 9—Koresh, 10—County Down. The Stinker: Ford Bronco

Peter Fitzpatrick, TD.

In the first major parliamentary debate on the impact of long COVID in Ireland, Deputy Peter Fitzpatrick and his colleagues in the Regional Group of TDs will table a Dáil motion this morning (Wednesday) seeking the roll out of specialist services to support those who have failed to make a full recovery after being infected with the SARSCoV-2 virus.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022



Blessing and Dedication of the St Joseph’s Redemptorists Bells Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022

Oliver Hanratty officially christening the new Redemptorists bell Oliver at the official blessing of the twelve bells at St Josephs.

The ten newly refurbished bells from St Joseph’s Redemptorist church as well as the two new replacement bells were the centrepiece of a Blessing and Dedication service which took place during the 12:30 mass last Sunday. The service conducted by Fr. Noel Kehoe and assisted by Fr. Ryan Holovlosky consisted of two main parts – the dedication of the new bells and then the blessing of the full chime. Two local parishioners, Moninne McCarthy and Oliver Hanratty, took part in the naming and dedication ceremony of the two new bells ‘Ol-

iver and Moninne’ which included the washing of the bells with holy water and anointing of the bells with sacred oils. The full chime of 12 bells was then blessed by Fr. Noel as the choir sang a beautiful rendition of ‘Ye Joyful Bells ring out your Praise’. A recording of the ceremony is available for viewing on the www. redemptoristsdundalk.ie web site under Live Web Cam Recording section. The RTE Nationwide team was also present and conducted several interviews with parishioners as part of a documentary on the Bells of St Joseph’s due to air before Christmas.

The team will be returning on the 7th December when it is hoped the installation and initial commissioning will be completed and the chime will be available to the campanology ministry to play once again. Taylor & Co Bell Foundry of Loughborough UK, the original re-founderers in 1921 are again involved in the project. The bells have been cleaned by sand blasting, and two new bells to replace those missing following the Belfry fire in 1920 were cast to the original notes to complete the diatonic ten with two semi tones chime of twelve once more.

The new galvanised steel bell frame is currently being installed. The clappers and crown staples have been restored along with the transmission system. The clavier (used to play the bells manually) has been completely refurbished and will be reinstated in the tower with a new manual transmission. New electro-magnetic chiming hammers and a programmable Apollo Unit will also be installed, the new clock dial mechanisms will also be installed as part of the project. It is hoped to refill the local air with the glorious sound of the twelve bells in time for Christmas.

Moninna McCarthy officially christening the new Redemptorist bell Moninne.

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Phone: 0429320888; Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com

Oliver Hanratty with his sister Aisling McGuigan.

Moninna McCarthy with her Dad Charley following the dedication of new bell Moninne.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022

Unique chair by emerging Louth designer featured in National Museum of Ireland exhibition

A unique chair crafted by emerging furniture designer Ann Marie Woods from Dunleer, has just finished a very successful stint on display at the National Museum of Ireland (NMI), as part of the exhibition Our Irish Chair: Tradition Revisited. Ann Marie is currently studying on the B.Sc. in Furniture Design and Manufacture programme at ATU Connemara, Letterfrack, Co Galway (formerly GMIT - Letterfrack). She designed and crafted a three-legged chair that was chosen for display by a panel of adjudicators from the National Museum of Ireland, ATU Connemara and the Office of Public Works. It went on display at the Nationlal Museum of Ireland Country Life, Turlough Park, Castlebar, Co -Mayo, from October 2021 to October 2022. n The work is a result of a partnership initiative by the National



Ann Marie Woods with her unique chair.

Museum of Ireland and ATU Connemara, which challenged furniture design students to respond to examples of chairs in the national collections and design a piece of furniture for the modern home. The students were inspired by a particular Irish chair type known as the Tuam or Sligo chair. Ann Marie was at the National Museum of Ireland recently for

a special event to celebrate the significant contribution of ATU Connemara to the exhibition, which was originally launched during difficult circumstances when strict COVID-19 public health restrictions were in place. Ann Marie’s unique take on the Tuam/Sligo chair was inspired by the Mary McAleese bridge in Drogheda. Called ‘The Emblematic Chair’, it

is light and elegant with minimalist architectural lines and a curved seat for comfort. Clodagh Doyle, Keeper of the Irish Folklife Collection at the NMI - Country Life, said: “It is inspiring to see how these emerging designers applied such creativity, skill and commitment to their individual works. I think that speaks immediately to the visitor when considering each piece of furniture. It is especially engaging to see how the modern interpretations are so striking and vibrant yet still manage to evoke a sense of an enduring design passed down through the generations by dedicated craftspeople.” Our Irish Chair: Tradition Revisited is on display at the National Museum of Ireland Country Life, Turlough Park, Castlebar, until March 2023. Admission is free. Visit www. museum.ie for further information.


Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


New Dundalk Dog Rescue centre opens in Dromiskin By Lucy Brennan

The Dundalk Dog Rescue Centre opened the doors to their brand new facility in Dromiskin which is home to state of the art kennels to home abandoned dogs. The la-

bour of love took plenty of blood, sweat and tears from the Dundalk Dog Rescue committee but late last month the doors were finally opened. Bobby Wain is a director for Dundalk Dog Rescue and he said that

the committee simply didn’t have time to have a proper opening for the facility given how busy they are. “We wanted a quiet opening due to the high demand of the many dogs who need to be rescued. We haven’t had time to do a proper opening as we are already very busy taking dogs in and taking care of them is always the top priority for us,” stated Bobby. Dundalk Dog Rescue centre takes the dogs who have been surrendered to Louth County Council’s dog pound

The new rescue centre in Dromiskin. for rehoming as well as strays who haven’t been claimed. They also get many phone calls from people who want to give up their pets. If Dundalk Rescue doesn’t take the dog the dog will be put down. The Dundalk Rescue Centre had begun to build their brand-

new dog kennels to take in abandoned dogs about two years ago in Dromiskin having created a number of fundraisers to help fund the project. They built 55 new kennels and presently they are housing twenty dogs and nine new puppies. “Some of the new

animals are very nervous and skittish as they have never been properly cared for or maybe they have previously lived in a comfortable nice loving home,” explains Bobby. “There are four directors and about forty volunteers involved in Dundalk Dog Rescue. The volunteers walk the dogs twice a day as well as feeding and playing with them. We are always looking for people to come and volunteer to help out with the dogs. If you want to sign up, you can go to the Dundalk Dog Rescue website

to register to become a volunteer. “If you can’t volunteer you can help by donating. We are always trying to get people to donate to the Centre. We depend on public funding to be able run the kennels, feed, and provide veterinary care for the dogs. There are many fundraising events, you can find out how to participate on our Facebook page and when they will be on,” he added. If you want to adopt or foster a dog, you can go onto the Dundalk Dog Rescue website

and register for a dog. You will be given an appointment to go and see the dogs. There will then be two volunteers that will be sent to your house for a house check to see if you are suitable for a dog and for the type of dog you want. They will tell you what type of dog that will be suitable for you and your family whether it is a family friendly dog or dog who needs a lot of space to exercise or just a dog to sit with on the couch. Check out www.dundalkdogrescue.ie for more details.

Louth Volunteer Leader Awards 2022 Event

Louth Volunteer Centre were delighted to host the Louth Volunteer Leader Awards on Wednesday in O’Connell’s GAA club in Castlebellingham. These awards were a chance to nominate a local hero for the work they do in leading volunteers. Volunteer leaders are usually behind the scenes and rarely recognised for the incredible work that they do. The Louth Volunteer Leader Awards are the perfect opportunity to recognise this work and show our appreciation to the volunteer leaders in our community. “To read the nominations coming in and hear more about the incredible work being done in Louth by Volunteer Leaders was humbling, I certainly did not envy the judges and the difficult job they had of choosing the awardees” says Olivia Conlon, Volunteer Development Officer with Louth Volunteer Centre. We were absolutely delighted to be joined at the event by all the nominees and to have the opportunity to celebrate the work they do. The Awardee for the Drogheda/South Louth Category was Sinead Nugent from Connect FRC. As the person who nominated Sinead stated, “Sinead is someone who absolutely values and prioritises the work and commitment of volunteers.” The Awardee of the Mid Louth category was Orla Brennan with Dynamites Basketball Club. “Orla has encouraged numerous teenager’s male and female to participate in the introduction to coaching therefore encouraging our young to continue the legacy of coaching basketball” says Orla’s nominator. Orla has done fantastic work in promoting the club and

even after a serious injury continued to be there and offer her support. The awardee for the Dundalk/ North Louth category was Mary Murdock from Dundalk RFC. Mary has been with the club for a staggering 17 years. “Mary started Dundalk RFCs bid to Tackle Breast Cancer with an army of volunteers behind her raising thousands for Breast Cancer Research and the local Louth Palliative Care.” says Mary’s daughter Sophia who nominated her for the award. The final category was the Leading Young Volunteers. The Awardee for this category was Calvin Magee from M.A.D Youth Theatre. “Calvin seamlessly made the switch to leader last year. He is looked up too by the members as he used to be ‘one of them’. This is what Kwasie and I aimed for, to be made redundant by our young members” say Gerry another M.A.D Youth Theatre leader who nominated Calvin for this award. Louth Volunteer Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Volunteer Leaders in Louth for their amazing work and contribution to the community. We would also like to thank the wonderful volunteer judges who took on the incredibly difficult task of choosing the awardees. They were Nina Arwitz CEO of Volunteer Ireland, Mary Deery former Community Development Lead of Louth County Council, Michelle Hall Mayor of Drogheda, and Dawn Finnegan of Dawn LA Blog. If you would like to find out more about volunteering in Louth contact Louth Volunteer Centre on 041-9809008 or info@volunteerlouth.ie

Cllr Kevin Meenan, Michael Muckian, Maria O’Toole, Kayleigh Mulligan and Ruairí O’Murchú TD.

Orla Brennan Mid Louth Awardee with Louth Volunteer Centre manager Kayleigh Mulligan.

Geraldine Ball and Paul Malone from M.A.D Youth theatre.

Mary Murdock North Louth Awardee with Louth Volunteer Centre manager Kayleigh Mulligan.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


O’Murchú raises energy issues at Ard Fheis District heating systems, like Carlinn Hall in Dundalk, and the State’s potential to be a wind energy ‘superpower’ were raised at the Sinn Féin Ard Fhéis by Dundalk TD Ruairí Ó Murchú who said the party in government would ‘help ease the pain’ of energy costs. Around 2,000 people attended the Ard Fhéis at the RDS in Dublin on Saturday and heard Deputy Ó Murchú say there had been ‘consistent and constant government failures’ to tackle the energy crisis including the problems of cost and reliance on fossil fuels.

Conor Murphy MLA, John Finucane MP and Ruairí Ó Murchú TD at the Sinn Féin Ard Fhéis held at the RDS, Dublin on Saturday.

He said: ‘We have had abject failure in relation to off shore wind energy. We have the potential to be a superpower in this area, but there have been failures at a planning level, at a resource level and failures of imagination at

government level. ‘District heating systems have the potential to be a major win for us, from a renewable and waste heat usage point of view. ‘But in Dundalk, we have a communal heating system that is fed by

gas and people are being charged extortionate rates. ‘We need the government to provide short term mitigations to ease the pain for these people on the bills that can’t be paid. We need to switch to a fuel source that is more sustainable and that will require the government and the SEAI putting grant schemes in place that will deliver’. He said people need to have the pain of energy bills eased while moving towards more sustainable fuel sources and added that the government’s current retrofit scheme was ‘aimed at those who can pay the

most’. Sinn Féin in government, he said, would ‘take on the big suppliers and put in place a system of caps and windfall charges’. The Louth TD also hit back at those who said this was not the time to talk about Irish unity and called once again for a Citizen’s Assembly on the subject, ahead of a referendum on the issue. He said: ‘We owe it to the people to deliver that republic, a better Ireland, one that delivers on energy and housing and health and where everyone has a better chance’.

Dundalk Cycling Friends, a local leisure cycling group, officially unveiled their new kit at the Market Square recently. The cycling gear was purchased with the help of some local sponsors namely: Café Adelphi; Cycle Centre (Dublin Street); EK Fuels Ltd; Fyffes; John Laverty Motor Factors; McAteers–The Food House; McKenna Window Cleaning; Tommy The Bikes. The group is not a club, but a group of people with a love for leisure cycling. We are proud of our motto; “No-one left behind!” We meet at the Market Square every Sunday morning (weather permitting) at 9.45am for 10am departure. New members are most welcome. Remember we are LEISURE cyclists, so your pace is our pace! Please contact Seán at 087-9040733. The newly formed Dundalk Cycling Friends unveil their new kit.

Dundalk Cycling Friends

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


Poetry Corner The Refugees Local poet Noel Sharkey is often inspired to put pen to paper to write about atrocities and thos eless fortunate and recently he wrote this short poem on the enormous refugee crisis that is happening not just in Ireland but all over the world. It’s the refugees, always the refugees, The detritus of wars and famines, Unfortunates like these, Who must flee each decimated homeland, hungry, harassed and chased, Their sole possessions upon their backs, permanently displaced. It’s the refugees, always the refugees Trudging over deserts and surreptitiously sailing on the seas; As they have from the dawn of time, as they are sailing yet, Forgetting what they wish to remember, Remembering what they most wish to forget. —Noel Sharkey.

Full steam ahead for Louth Science Festival News Supported by Louth County Council and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Louth Science Festival (7th – 20th November) is a fun, educational and exciting community festival. According to SFI research, Louth is a low intervention county in terms of STEAM participation, and Louth Science Festival aims to find fresh and innovative ways of bringing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths to new and existing audiences, particularly reaching out to those not typically serviced by STEAM programming. Since its inception in 2018, Louth Science Festival has seen

the Library Service partner with local schools, educational facilities, organisations and community groups. This year’s festival – the biggest to date – seeks to develop these connections and build new ones. The festival’s 2022 offering which will be delivered both in-person and online will see a continuation of Louth Library Service’s work with Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT), Dr Niamh Shaw, iCrag, Dublin Zoo and Met Éireann, as well as our local primary and secondary schools. Furthermore, new collaborations with the ESB and Creative Spark Dundalk will lead to exciting specialised

workshops for schools, families and adults, including talks on renewable energy, and handson workshops in our mobile Fab Labs. There is truly something for everyone at Louth Science Festival; from our youngest citizens to our oldest; for all interests and abilities. We will have talks on Genealogy; being a Blacksmith; Superhero Science and Climate Action. Workshops for schools will include videos and visits from the likes of the Irish Air Corps, Scientific Sue and Circus 250. Family Fun Days held throughout Louth as part of the

festival will see the School of Irish Archaeology bring ‘The Big Dig’ to ‘The Wee County’, as well as visits from the Mobile Music School, Dr Niamh Shaw, Paralympian gold medallist Eve McCrystal, Anyone4Science and even a mobile Escape Room with BiOrbic! All events are free. For more information on Louth Science Festival contact your local branch library, email libraryhelpdesk@louthcoco.ie or Tel. 042 9353190 and follow Louth Library Service on Facebook and Instagram. Join us, as we boldly go where no Science Festival has gone before!

Crosscause (www.crosscause.ie) a small but effective charity based in Blackrock, Co. Louth. Crosscause supports homeless children in Ghana & Romania who face daily violation of their rights to feel safe & secure and their rights to education & healthcare. Homeless children worldwide are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. As a result of the Ukrainian crisis, we now home many refugees also residing in our home in Romania. Our recent project (September 2021 - ongoing) involved the building of 2 new homes in Ghana each to provide housing for up to 40 children. We would like to ask for your help with our Christmas appeal. Each year we hold a fundraising day on the 26th December in Blackrock. This year we would like to ask for your help either by donating food, bedding, furniture, warm clothing, toiletries or even a prize to raffle. Should you wish a monetary donation you can do so online at www.crosscause.ie. We can arrange Crosscause Founder Conor Hughes donated a ‘pre loved’ HSE neonatal collection of your kind donation. incubator to Ghana last year.

Crosscause launch Christmas appeal

in Brief Brownies and Guides

Dundalk Brownies and Guides had a great night at the Redeemer Family Centre with a joint Halloween Party! We are a fun active group for girls ages 7-14. If interested, contact Chris 085 8383875.

Cultur Centre

Cultur Migrants Centre is set to host a job fair in The Fairways Hotel in Dundalk on Wednesday, November 16 from 10am to 1pm. The purpose of the job fair is to bring local employers and those (migrants and general public) looking for work together. Educational institutions will also be present and will share information about the educational options available. The event will also include a CV clinic and a workshop on how to be best prepared for a job interview. For more information, please contact Cultur Migrants Centre on www. cultur.ie.

Harry Taaffe Mental Health and Wellbeing Launch

The Taaffe family were in attendance for the launch. Pic Credit for all photos: Ciaran Culligan.

Gerry Cunningham (Fyffes Derek Pepper, Martin Connolly, e, Emma Hunt Duffy(Fyffes MD), Stephen Kenny, Shane Taaff O’Donnell. hen Step Head of Marketing) and

Stephen Kenny and Stephen O’Donnell.

Peter Fitzpatrick, Maeve Yore, Stephen Kenny, Kevin Meenan, Ruairí O’Murchu, John McGahon and Colm Markey.

Gerry Cunningham, SteJohn Mountney, Brian Gartland, Stephen O’Donnell. and y Duff t phen Kenny, Emma Hun

Stephen Kenny and Dundalk FC kit manNoel Walsh. All pics courtesy of Ciaran Culligan.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022

Dundalk RFC U14 girls win opening match of Leinster League

Dundalk U14 girls opened their season with an excellent win on the road against Balbriggan.

Last Saturday our U14 girls team travelled to take on Balbriggan in their round 1 Leinster League Match. The Dundalk Girls started the match applying pressure from the off, some great attacking plays and running off the ball were rewarded with some fine trys in the

1st half of the match and Dundalk went into the halftime break with a 22-0 scoreline in there favour. Dundalk used their replacements in the second half but still dominated at the breakdown and went on to score more trys. Balbriggan to their credit never gave up and were rewarded with a

couple of late trys themselves. Final score: Dundalk 41 - 12 Balbriggan. Next up for Dundalk is a home match on Sunday 13th November. If there’s any Girls want to come out to try out Rugby, Training is Wednesday evenings 6.30pm - 7.45pm.

Cuchulainn Cycling Club

It was a fantastic weekend racing for the younger members of Cuchulainn Cycling Club, Round 3 of the Leinster League took place on our doorstep at McCrystal’s track in Bullurgan. This top class facility due to host the national championships in 2023 provided the backdrop for some great racing. The first rider in action was Tara Callaghn making her competitive debut in the Under 8 event where she proved she is a name to watch as she led the field from beginning to end to take victory in the girl’s race. In the Under 10 event Callum

Tara Callagahan and Callum Gaffney made their competitive debut at McCrystal’s Track. Gaffney was also mak- Boy’s race. Aidan maning his debut lining up aged a top 10 finish, a with Logan McAreavey. result that sees him movLogan was unlucky not ing into 4th place in the to make the podium as overall standing in the a late crash hindered his league . In the Under 16 girl’s race Cuchulainn progress. Michael O’Rourke were well represented and Sean Delaney took with Holly McCaffrey, part in the Under 14 Grace O’Rourke, Edith

Murphy and the Dolan Sister’s Rhiannon and Ffion all lining up. Rhiannon finished in 2nd place and now leads the Leinster League with Holly McCaffrey moving into 3rd Place. Calum McCaffrey also managed a top 6 finish in the Under 16 Boy’s race and he now leads the under 16 Leinster Boy’s league. Elsewhere Johnny McCabe travelled to the European Cyclocross Masters Championships in Namur, Belgium. He once again showed why he has been multiple national champion finishing 18th in the 60-64 years aged group.

Dynamites Basketball Club

Dynamites U12 boys enjoyed a great win over East Cavan Eagles in the North East Region basketball league.

Dynamites u12 boys team competing in the North East Region Basketball league had a great 20pts v 32pts win over East Cavan Eagles Virginia on Sunday last. This win was followed by Dynamites U14 boys playing their first league game and winning with great style on

a scoreline of 6 pts v 42 pts . A very young Dynamites U12 girls showed true class in winning by the same scoreline (6pts v 42pts) while our U14 girls went down by three points against the Virginia club (44-41). With three of their starting five players fouled out it was difficult

for the girls but a great game with lots of skill on show will benefit them going forward. Dynamites Basketball Club Mini Academy for U10 boys and girls takes place every Saturday morning 10am in Dromiskin. Follow us on Facebook Dynamites Basketball Club.


Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022





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Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


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Citizens Information Centre advice to consumers for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

As we now prepare to start our Christmas shopping, many of us will be splashing out on Black Friday which is on 25th November, or Cyber Monday on 28th November. Your local Citizens Information Centre (CIC) is here to assist you if you have any issues with your purchases. When you buy a product or a service you have a number of rights under Irish and European Union (EU) legislation. These laws only apply to transactions between a consumer and a trader. When you buy products they must be: Of merchantable quality – this means of reasonable and acceptable standard, taking into account other factors such as durability and price. Fit for the purpose you bought it for – they should work and do what they are reasonably expected to do As described – they should match any description given in an advert or other information provided by the seller at the time of sale EU consumer laws provide you with the following key rights: You have the right to truthful advertising; You have the right to have faulty goods repaired or replaced; You have the right to contracts without unfair clauses; You have the right to return most goods purchased online within 14 days; You have the right to access goods and services on the same terms as local customers. Online shopping rights When you buy online from an online trader in Ireland, or elsewhere in the EU, you have strong rights under the EU Consumer Rights Directive (CRD). These rights include: The right to clear and accurate information; The right to change your mind and cancel (some purchases are not included); The express right to refund for delays or non-delivery; Right to redress in case of faulty goods. How does Brexit affect my EU consumer rights? The UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020. The transition period that was in place ended on 31 December 2020. As a result of Brexit, there are changes to your consumer rights when buying online from businesses in the UK. You will still have consumer rights but they will be set down in UK law and not EU law. The legal guarantees you have under EU law may no longer apply. From 1 January 2021, you should be aware of the following changes: Additional import charges and Value Added Tax (VAT) apply when you buy from websites in the UK (depending on the value of the items and where the product is manufactured); EU consumer protection legislation may no longer apply, instead your consumer rights will be set down in UK law; It may be more difficult to resolve a dispute with a UK business; The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has detailed information about. Redress: Dispute with an Irish-based trader: Contact the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC); Dispute with a trader based in another EU country: Contact the European Consumer Centre (ECC) Ireland; New rules for digital content and sale of goods; From 1 January 2022, the Directive on the Sale of Goods and Associated Guarantees will be replaced by: The Directive (EU) 2019/770 on contracts for the supply of digital content and services (the Digital Content Directive); The EU Directive on contracts for the Sale of Goods 2019/771/EU (the Sale of Goods Directive); Member States have until 1st July 2021 to introduce the Directives into national law. Under the new Directives, you will have the same consumer rights for problems or defects with digital content, digital services, or smart products (that is, products with a digital component) as you do with any other product. The European Commission has more information about digital contract rules and a factsheet about digital contracts (pdf). Funded by the Citizens Information Board , the range of areas covered by the CIS are extremely wide including social welfare rights and entitlements and other social issues such as employment, health services, housing, education, family matters and consumer rights on which people need access to information. A growing number of customers require in-depth assistance and the CIS plays an important role in providing advocacy with, or on behalf of, those people who need it, including people with disabilities, migrants, refugees, lone parents, the Travelling Community, prisoners, geographically isolated people and those who may not have access to digital resources. Basically anyone working or living in (insert county) who has an issue that needs addressing or is at a crossroads in their lives. We are open for a drop in service on Mon – Fri 9.30 – 12.45. Last entry into the queue 12.30. The remaining days will be used for prebooked appointments with customers who have more complex requirements and queries. For anyone needing impartial, confidential, non-judgemental and informed advice and support the CIS is here to help, throughout the pandemic and as we emerge from the pandemic. There are many ways to access our services. Our website www.citizensinformation.ie is packed full of helpful information. To find out our opening hours, if you would like us to address a specific query or to book an appointment with a member of our team please contact your local Citizens Information Centre. We are available Monday to Friday and our services are free and confidential.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


Family Notices NOVENA


Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail) K.O’D. Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.S. Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). L.H.

Novena To The Sacred Heart Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail) P.R. Unfailing Novena to the HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine light to forgive and forget all evil against me, and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in spite of all material illusion. I wish to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days, after three days the favour will be granted. A.M.

Our Weekly Deadline For Family Notices is 4pm Fridays prior to Wednesday Publication. Contact Lorna for further information.

Tel 042 9320888

Supports available for small businesses across Louth

Riona McCoy. strong potential business to scale, create employment and export. She continues “Sometimes business owners hesitate to get in touch because they feel they should be able to deal with things on their own. But that’s actually the opposite. Whatever challenge you are going through in your business, chances are we’ve seen it before and we have a way to help. We have connections in all types of sectors and all areas of expertise and

special services

special services

ATTENTION—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert Mulholland, BER assessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie. 16 Acres of stubble ground to let for sheep, Dundalk Tel 087 6860436. ADVERTISE YOUR HOUSE Premises for rent or sale to 55,000 readers a week from €5. Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888.

DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085840-7707. Building Services—Extensions, Renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501. ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 818 4827. Carpentry & Joinery—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110. MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702. CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie. Roofing Repairs & Stoves— Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries. GARDEN & HOUSE MAINTENANCE— Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358. Coaching with Esther—Life and Executive Coach Tel 086 8972007 www. coachingwithesther.com. Qualified Carpenter available for Floors, Doors, Frames, Architraves, Skirtings, Stud Walls, Roofing & All Building Repairs. No Job too big or too small. Call Mark 086 089 5508. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concreting, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Tel Michael on 085-762-3758. Fifi’s Alterations—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.30 - 5.30pm & Sat 10-2pm. WATCH REPAIRS—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478. Plastering Service available— Free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285.

All-in-one!—Home and property maintenance and improvements. Painting, decorating, general household maintenance, exterior cleaning, power washing, gutters, dust free sanding, No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238. BUILDER & HOME MAINTAINENCE— Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529. Do you feel overwhelmed but want to declutter any room in your home, or downsizing or staging your house for sale? If so Contact shelly@stepintoaction.ie or phone 086 8878054. Concert Harpist available for weddings. Church & reception catered for. Also Piano, Flute and Harp lessons available. Please contact Susan at 0873744895. Daryl’s School of Motoring Dundalk. Accredited & RSA approved driving instructor with 20 years’ experience. Categories B & BE licence. Tel 087 7516978 or check us out on FB & Instagram. Painter available—Keen rates, no job too small! Call 086 3848079. Tree Surgery/Removal—Hedge Cutting and Pruning and general garden maintenance. Fully insured Tel Mike 087 1125640. All-Weather Roof & Driveway Cleaning, roofs cleaned and sealed, we also clean patios, tarmacadam etc Tel Michael 085 7601999. www.allweatherroofcleaners.ie. Podiatry/Chiropody treatment in the comfort of your own home. Ms. Dara McCoy, Bsc. Podiatry 0871924794. LANDSCAPING—Flower beds tided up, outdoor cleaning, patios, footpaths, walls, general property maintenance, exterior painting of fences, gates, walls, etc and decking cleaned. Dundalk & District. Tel. Jim 086 3818184.

articles for sale

“We’re here to help” Running a business can be a challenge. But what if there were an expert team with supports, advice and training available to be your back-up? That’s exactly what Local Enterprise Office Louth do for small businesses across the county. Riona McCoy explains “Local Enterprise Offices are a one-stop shop for anyone in business. We provide training, mentoring, business advice and management development programmes. We want to hear from businesses. We want to know what you need and how we can support. We’re here to walk every step of the journey with you, to signpost the supports available along the way.” In certain cases, the Local Enterprise Office can also provide grant aid for businesses with


we can help you to progress much quicker than if you were to do it alone. Why try to work things out alone when you can learn from those who’ve been there before you?” “One of our most popular supports is our weekly Business Advice Clinic. This offers business owners a one-toone appointment with one of our Business Advisors. These free, online sessions are ideal for businesses at any stage, whether you have an idea you want to discuss or are looking for supports to grow your business. Our expert team can talk to you about your business and identify the supports that would be most beneficial to you.” “Our website, localenterprise.ie/louth, is a great place to start. You’ll find all of our training, mentoring and

management development supports listed. Looking to improve your financial management skills? We’ve got a support for that. Looking to make your business more sustainable? We’ve got a support for that. Looking to improve your management skills and that of your team? We’ve got a support for that. Looking to make your business more efficient and profitable? Well, we’ve also got a support for that too.” In conclusion, Riona explains “The Local Enterprise Office is supported by Louth County Council and Enterprise Ireland. We are the state agency responsible for supporting small and medium enterprises to establish, grow and scale it is what we’re here for. So visit www.localenterprise.ie/louth or call 042 9335457 and talk to us today.”

Attention Landlords—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www.bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927. CD Logs—Kiln Dried Ash/Oak & Birch, Weekly Deliveries to Dundalk & surrounding areas. Newry Co. Down Mob 00 44 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www. cdlogs.com. Hedging Plants for sale— Grizelenia €1.50 & €2.50 each, Laurels €1.50 each & Viburnum €2.50 each Tel 087 0689521. 400 Square bales of good clean equestrian hay for sale Phone 087 6860436. SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED— Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

SPECIAL services CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094. CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-225-9799. ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888. WE CAN DISTRIBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888. WINDOW CLEANING—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www. everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>. HOUSE & APARTMENT CLEANING Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>. TILER AVAILABLE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343. FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-6751229.

special notices

Lady with Gift of Healing for Skin conditions, Eczema, Psoriasis, Chest problems, Asthma. 3 consecutive visits needed. For appointment please phone 087 7188450. Greenfields Music Tours—Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact Anthony on 085 1204994.

classes and courses

DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228. Get fit the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm—10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information. French Grinds available—Telephone 086 872 3340.

Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022


St Dominic's FC Presentation Night

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Dundalk Leader 9th November 2022

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