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Mental Health charity express disappointment over local Darkness into Light decision to cancel this year’s event

THE suicide prevention and mental health charity Pieta have stated that they will work hard to expand their services in Louth while thanking the Dundalk Darkness Into Light committee for all their support throughout the years.

Darkness Into Light is Pieta’s flagship fundraiser, an event that is attended by hundreds of thousands of people who wake in the small hours of the morning to take part in the event.

Last week the Dundalk Darkness into Light committee made the

shock announcement that they wouldn’t be proceeding with this year’s event due to their disappointment of the failure of the HSE to reach an agreement with Pieta to establish an office in Louth.

“Dear Supporters, Dundalk’s Darkness into Light Committee has reached the difficult decision not to proceed with this years event.

“For the past number of years we have been strongly advocating the need for a physical presence for Pieta within Louth due to a very high level of suicide and the consequences this has on the wellbeing of our County.

Continued on Page 2

Pieta pledge for Louth
A wave
Gyles Quay
Saturday morning.
from Kathleen. Carlingford Lough and the Cooley Peninsula facebook page posted this spectacular photograph of a wave rising up over
Wednesday, 10th April, 2024. Vol. 17, Issue 15 • 9A, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042
| Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com End of the line for O’Donnell De La Salle 50th Reunion coming soon Maeve opposes Avenue Road junction plan Page 2 Page 4 Page 8
932 0888.

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Pieta pledge to shine light brighter in Louth

From Page 1

“Pieta has been actively attempting to reach a service level agreement with the HSE in order to provide these services. Indeed we along with the other committees in Louth have attended several meetings over the past number of years trying to progress this. We have also lobbied the HSE on this matter. We were of the belief in the last year that we would see some form of service being delivered. Unfortunately progress on this has been slow and in the last few months we have seen little or no movement. We, as the local Committee on the ground, cannot in good conscience seek the support of our community with your presence and your donations on the morning of May 11th when we cannot give a guarantee or a concrete date when these services will be delivered.

know they will continue to do so for the hundreds of people who attend their services from Louth either remotely online or by travelling to one of their centres.

it’s in your best interests to bring hope home.

“Thank you all,” concluded the statement.

Meanwhile, Pieta expressed their appreciation and thanks to the Dundalk committee while promising to improve services for the people of Louth.

“In response to the Dundalk committee deciding to call off their local walk for this year’s Darkness Into Light, Pieta would like to express our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the Dundalk committee of Darkness into Light for all their support throughout the years.

education teams are actively involved with over 4,500 students in Louth through our Resilience Academy and Amber Flag initiative helping students build resilience and encouraging positive mental health practices in the community.

The Dundalk Leader is a member of Free Media Ireland, a network of free newspaper publishers committed to supporting local journalism and delivering engaging content while providing highly effective print advertising with unparalleled circulations. Visit https://freemediaireland.ie to The Dundalk Leader is printed at WEBPRINT, 2023 Bianconi Avenue, Citywest Business Campus, Naas Road, Dublin 24, D24 EH50.

“It is important to note that this is by no means a negative view of Pieta as a service or their staff. We still believe they deliver an exceptional service in an increasingly difficult environment and we

All of the staff from Pieta who have assisted us over the years have been extremely kind, professional and dedicated to the cause of promoting positive mental health and assisting people in Louth suffering from mental health issues.

“We believe that the time is now to bring a physical presence to

Louth and bring hope home. The HSE need to progress this matter with Pieta and deliver on services. It is quite clear that the services in place within this area and particularly at Crosslanes Drogheda are not sufficient and we need urgent additional support.

“If a positive decision is announced from the HSE/Pieta in the next few weeks, we will happily reverse this decision and organise the event on the morning of May 11th.

“If that is not the case, we as a committee, will still complete the walk on the morning of May 11th in our own private way. We hope that you, as our supporters, will do similar as we remember our loved ones lost to suicide and to remind people that there is hope.

“This isn’t the end of Darkness into Light Dundalk, it is just a pause. We will continue to fight until we get a service in place. We hope you understand our decision, we believe

“Although we are disappointed by the cancellation of this year’s Dundalk walk, we remain hopeful that we can continue to work together to improve services for the people of Dundalk and Louth.

“We will continue to offer our services via phone and video and from our centres in adjacent counties. In 2023, Pieta provided over 600 hours of free professional therapy to people from Louth. We have a bereavement support service locally and our

“We recognise that there is still work to be done, and we hear the concerns expressed by the Dundalk committee for local enhanced services. We want to assure people that we are still working hard to expand our services in the area and that Pieta is available 24 hours a day for anyone in crisis. We remain committed to working closely with local communities, stakeholders, and authorities to meet their needs, and we are actively working with partners to expediate the process of establishing a service in Louth.

“We extend our thanks and appreciation to all those who support the work of Pieta in providing free, professional counselling and supports to people in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm,” concluded the statement.

Our paper is sourced from sustainable forests. The paper mills take great care to ensure the viability & sustainability of their forests. The forests that they plant act as massive carbon sinks that more than offset their carbon output. They are a carbon negative industry.

Councillor opposed to council’s zebra crossing plan for Avenue Road junction

A DUNDALK councillor has proposed that the redevelopment of one of the busiest roundabouts in town be brought forward by over a year.

Louth County Councillor Maeve Yore told the Dundalk Leader that she is opposed to a suggestion that faulty lights at the Avenue Road junction be replaced with zebra crossings.

The Municipal District’s monthly meeting heard that the zebra crossings could be an interim solution to faulty lights at the Avenue Road/ Inner Relief Road junction.

“I have massive concerns over safety if the traffic

lights are removed there. A wee boy, aged only 11, was killed there decades ago,” said Maeve.

“It’s the main road for HGV’s and northern drivers. It’s a very busy junction. There has to be a solution.”

Councillors at the Municipal District’s monthly meeting were told that the lights at the Avenue Road rounda-

bout are nearly obsolete.

Louth County Council is planning on taking them away and putting in zebra crossings as a temporary measure - ahead of the roundabout being removed in just over a year under the Active Travel scheme.

“I’d love if the upgrade was brought forward and completed as soon as possible. Under the Active Travel scheme, a full traffic light section could be installed,” said Maeve.

“Instead of an interim solution, we need a permanent solution. We need to collaborate. There will have to be plenty of road markings, signs, flashing lights and calming measures.

“We are due to have a

meeting next week and will discuss it then. Road safety is paramount. I won’t be agreeing to anything until I’m happy with the suggestion in terms of safety.”

She added: “The Active Travel scheme team are working on what will replace the roundabout in time. The plan should go out to public consultation in six to eight weeks time.

“We need input from everyone. It’s important everyone makes a submission. It’s too late when the diggers are on the ground.

“We need to make it safer for everyone. All road users including pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Hopefully, we get a resolution that’s safe for all.”

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The Dundalk Darkness Into LIght committee made the difficult decision last week to cancel this year’s event. Cllr Maeve Yore.
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De La Salle 50th reunion

THE 1974 De La Salle Leaving Cert class will reunite on the 7th of June in Beagans Pub in Seatown for a 50th anniversary reunion which is sure to stir up plenty of old memories and craic.

Pupils in the De La Salle in 1974 attended the red brick building on Phillip Street as the new school in Castletown beside the Louis had yet to be built. Gerry Campbell who is helping to organise the reunion says that there has been a fantastic response so far but there are still a few classmates who the group are trying to get in touch with.

“We’ve had a great response so far and we have about 21 or 22 guys from our class of 32 who have said that they are interested in attending. I know of at least one of the guys who have sadly passed away with Ciaran Kinney

no longer with us and he will be missed as he was great fun at school.

“We have people coming from near and far for the reunion with guys coming from London, Portugal, Waterford, Galway, Wicklow, Dublin and Kilkenny. There are about 10 or so old classmates who we haven’t been able to get in touch with yet but we are hoping they will hear about the reunion before the night arrives,” explained Gerry.

“I have nothing but fond memories of my time in the De La Salle and I can’t believe it’s almost 50 years since I left the school. We all went our separate ways full of ambition after the Leaving Cert and I haven’t seen the majority of the lads since the day I left the school. We’re all older, greyer and have less hair than we did back then

but it should be a great night of reminiscing and looking back at a very exciting time of our lives. We will have a few drinks and food and I’m sure the stories will be flowing all evening.

“We are also sending out an invitation to some of our old teachers and we’re hoping the likes of Gerry McGuill, Martin Brennan, Eamonn O’Boyle and Martin McDonald can pop in on the evening to say hello. We’re all looking forward to the night and it will be a great chance to get together and catch up on what we’ve all been up to since leaving school in 1974,” explained Gerry.

If anybody is interested in attending the event or would like more information they can call Gerry on 0874164698.

McGreehan welcomes improved student supports

LOCAL Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan has said improved student supports will take effect from the new academic year, directly helping third level students in Louth.

From September, there will be a full-year increase to student grants, an increase in the number of people eligible to have their full college fees paid for and students will also be able to earn €7,925 while working outside

term time without impacting their grant.

Senator McGreehan said: “These improved supports will be extremely important for the many third level students here in Louth, whether they study inside or outside the county once they come into effect for the new academic year.

“Reducing the cost of education and ensuring we have an education system that works for

all is an absolute top priority of Fianna Fáil in government so I am glad that these supports will be of direct assistance to students coping with the cost of education and living.

“SUSI is open for new applications from today, 4th April, and I am encouraging all students to visit SUSI’s website at susi.ie to make an application and avail of these improved supports.”

Dundalk Order of Malta see demand for its services increase

At their recent AGM held in their premises in Mill street member of Dundalk Order Of Malta where told that the demand for their services had increased in 2023 compared to 2022.

A total of 2,593 man hours where clocked up by members in 2023 compared to 2473 in 2022.

The most of them hours where clocked up at horse racing in Dundalk Stadium with Dundalk FC games in Oriel Park and 3 arena duties coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively. GAA, athletics,

cycling and community duties including patient transfers.

With 43 race meetings scheduled for Dundalk stadium in 2024 it looks like the demand on the services will increase again in 2024. With that in mind we are looking to recruit new members to help with the increase in demand in for the services. There is no requirement for members to have a fist aid experience as all training will be provided. If you have experience then that an advantage.

We are also looking to upgrade out=r ambulance fleet this year we currently have 2 ambulance’s which are in need of upgrading and we hope to hold some fundraising later in the year to help with this as a new ambulance costs in the region of €90 to €100,000.

For more information on Joining or if you would like to help with fundraising you can contact us through Facebook or by phone on 085 127 2550 or 085 266 0895.

Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 4
THE 1974 DE LA SALLE LEAVING CERT CLASS —Back Row: Eamon Gray, Tommy Renaghan, Fintan Mulholland, John McElroy, Peter Toal, Karl Boyle, Kevin McBride, Martin Duffy, Aidan Barry, Liam Grimes, Paul Brennan, Paddy Birch (partially hidden) Ciaran Kinney (RIP), Andy Lennon. Middle Row: Mickey McCoy, Peter Kerley, Gerry Duffy, John Flynn, Jimmy Higgins, Tony O’Callaghan, Eamon Doherty, Noel Callan, Paul Lynch, Declan McKeown. Front Row: Pat Brannigan, Padraig Keane, Eugene Woods, Philip Meegan, Gerry Campbell, Peter O’ Connor, Kevin Keane, Colm Brady.
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An Bord Pleanála give go ahead for Francis St development

AN Bord Pleanála has given approval for a development at Francis Street in Dundalk, that will see the construction of new apartments and retail units.

The construction of a new five storey mixed use building, comprising two retail/office units at ground floor level and 18 apartments (12 x 1-bed and 6 x 2 bed) over four storeys above had been appealed by the Douglas Court Residents Association following a decision in 2022 by Louth County Council to grant planning permission to Paula Tiernan for the project.

In their submission appealing that decision the Douglas Court Residents Association raised the following issues:

The eastern side of the development encroaches on land which is outside of the ownership of the applicant. (Documentation provided). This should invalidate the application; A long-established right of way would be extinguished by the development. This would have an impact on the residents of Douglas Court; The proposal would have a negative impact on the ACA by virtue of its design and scale; Construction of the development will result in traffic congestion; No public amenity space is provided; Bicycle parking provision is not sufficient; The development would have an adverse

impact on the residential amenity of Douglas Court through loss of light and overbearing impact; The fire escape route from Douglas Court would be impacted.

However, last week An Bord Pleanala granted planning permission for the development subject to conditions.

Having regard to the zoning of the site in the Louth County Development Plan 2021 to 2027, for town centre development, the pattern of development in the area, the nature of the vacant, infill site in the town centre, and, subject to compliance with the conditions below, it is considered that, the proposal would be in accordance with the provisions of the current Louth County Development Plan, would not endanger public safety by reason of traffic hazard, would not injure the residential or visual

amenity of property in the vicinity and would, therefore, accord with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

In total there were 20 conditions laid out in granting planning permission including that “in the interests of residential amenity”, “the four-storey projection over the commercial unit to the rear of the proposed development shall be permanently omitted from the scheme.”

It also asked that “all residential parking spaces shall be constructed so as to be capable of accommodating future electric vehicle charging points with a minimum of 10% of spaces to be fitted with functional electric vehicle charging points”, and that “a minimum of 39 no. bicycle parking spaces shall be provided within the site.”

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Francis St development given go ahead.
7 Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024

New Taoiseach won’t make iota of difference to people of Louth—Ó Murchú

THE Fine Gael selection of a new Taoiseach this week ‘does not affect the reality of people’s lives and offers nothing new’, Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú has said.

The Dundalk TD said the election on Tuesday of Fine Gael leader Simon Harris as Taoiseach ‘will not make one iota of difference to the people of Louth’ who will, he said, ‘continue to struggle under failed government policies in housing, healthcare, disability service provision and rising costs’.

Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘While all the focus this week will be on

the election of a new Taoiseach, the third in four years, there will be no improvement in the lives of people in Louth.

‘It will be a case of: ‘meet the new boss, same as the old boss’. Any change that is being promised is coming too late. Fine Gael has been in government for 13 years and the problems remain’.

He pointed to the fact that Louth County Council’s first affordable housing scheme at Blackrock had seen just five out of the ten on offer being taken up, with the rest now going on the open market for sale.

He said: ‘Council officials themselves said the scheme’s criteria was very strict and that just five applicants out of 26 were able to get through. Also, the ‘affordability’ of the properties, at €305,000, was beyond the reach of many families and workers.

Deputy Ó Murchú said his constituency office is ‘full of people that are being abjectly failed by government policy and that is not going to change under a new Taoiseach’.

He said: ‘Every day, people who are desperately seeking accommodation are coming to us, asking for help.

Deputy Peter Fitzpatrick backs Simon Harris

DEPUTY Peter Fitzpatrick, voted for Simon Harris to become Taoiseach yesterday having met with his former party colleague in Dundalk on Monday to speak about issues in County Louth and East-Meath that are significantly impacting constituents.

Rents are out of control in Dundalk, where three bedroom houses are costing in excess of €1500 a month.

‘There remain huge difficulties in the provision of disability services for children in Louth, with incredibly long waiting lists at Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNTs) in all areas.

‘There are also problems emerging at the moment with the provision of places in autism units at secondary schools in Dundalk, with a number of parents struggling to find somewhere for September.

‘In addition, there are well docu-

mented problems with water infrastructure, including water pressure issues in estates throughout Dundalk.

‘We are also dealing with serious anti-social behaviour and working with communities, alongside Gardaí and Louth County Council, but we don’t have all the resources needed to deal with some very serious incidents.

‘Independents, who support the continuation of this government in the election of a new Taoiseach, need to wake up to the reality of people’s daily lives’.

End of the line for O’Donnell at Oriel Park

DUNDALK FC confirmed on Monday morning that Stephen O’Donnell had been relieved of his duties as head coach at the club. The former club captain is and will remain a legend amongst supporters but a torrid start to the season saw the Lilywhites fail to win a single game after the first round of fixtures with the first eight matches yielding three draws and five defeats.

NEWS in Brief

Alzheimer Café

Dundalk Library on

Tuesday 16th April at 11:00am-12:30pm for a relaxing morning of advice, music, tea and a chat! We will have Jacinta Kennedy Mulligan from Family Carers Ireland as our Guest speaker. For further information, please contact Dundalk Library on 042-9353190 or libraryhelpdesk@louthcoco.ie.

Kilkerley Athletic Club

Deputy Fitzpatrick rose the issues of housing, health, the cost of living, the importance of supporting our SME’s, the issues facing our border areas, and agriculture to name a few. Additionally, in light of the recent announcement that Darkness into Light Dundalk would not proceed this year due to the HSE’s lack of progress on a service level agreement to bring services to Dundalk, Deputy Fitzpatrick raised this issue with Minister Harris.

agreement with the HSE to offer services, but there has been no progress. Minister Harris pledged to contact the appropriate Minister and endeavour to secure these services.

Minister Harris promised a strong stable government”.

“Pieta House has been actively pursuing a service level

“After this meeting, I will be giving Minister Simon Harris my vote for Taoiseach in the coming days,” stated the Independent TD.

The final straw for O’Donnell’s tenure came on Friday evening at the Brandywell when a lackluster Dundalk side were easily brushed aside in a 4-1 victory for the Candystripes. O’Donnell cut a forlorn figure during post match interviews admitting he was sad rather than angry and that there was a softness to his team. Most supporters believed that the Derry defeat was the final nail in the coffin for Galway native O’Donnell and that proved the case with the club confirming the former midfielder’s departure on Monday morning.

“Dundalk FC can confirm that Stephen O’Donnell has been relieved of his duties as head coach.The club has also parted ways with assistant manager Patrick Cregg.

A former club captain, O’Donnell returned to Oriel Park in December 2021 and led Dundalk

to European qualification in his first season at the helm before guiding the Lilywhites to a fifthplace finish in 2023.

“This has been a very difficult decision to make,” said Dundalk FC owner Brian Ainscough.

“Stephen is, and always will be, a legendary figure at Dundalk FC and is a very talented young coach but football is a results business and, regrettably, our disappointing start to the season has led to this conclusion.

“Stephen and Patrick have worked tirelessly to improve the club over the past two-and-a-half years and I would like to thank both of them for their commitment, dedication and enthusiasm

“I wish both of them the very best of luck in their future endeavours and they will always be welcome at Oriel Park.”

“It’s obviously a very sad day for myself and Padge,” said Stephen O’Donnell. “I love Dun-

dalk FC and I love the town so much.

“We always wanted what was the best for Dundalk FC and we worked tirelessly to try and do that.

“I’m proud of our achievements over the past two years, qualifying for Europe and going close again last season.

“The way I left it with Brian was very amicable and I think the club is in really good hands going forward.

“I have no doubt that the players and staff will get the club out of the position they’re in.”

First-team coach Liam Burns and Head of Football Operations

Brian Gartland will take charge of the team on an interim basis while the search for a new appointment takes place.

The next game for the Carrick Road outfit takes place this Friday in Oriel Park against St Patrick’s Athletic.

As part of the Kilkerley Athletics Club relaunch they will be hosting an assistant coaching course on Saturday, April 13, in Kilkerly Emmets GFC at 10.00am. The online component of this course will be delivered via zoom on Wednesday, April 10. For more information contact: peterkelleher3@gmail.com

Coffee Morning

The students of the National Learning Network, Ramparts Road, Dundalk are hosting a coffee morning on Monday April 15th from 10am-2pm in aid of SHINE mental health services. All are welcome to attend on the day and help support a very worthy cause.

Cross Cooley Challenge

The 12th Annual Cross Cooley Challenge takes place this year on Saturday the 18th of May. The walk will raise much needed funding for our two local worthy causes North Louth Hospice and the Marie Goretti Foundation at Lordship. Sponsorship cards are now available from the Hospice shop, Ramparts and Greenore Bar, Quay Street.

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Stephen O’Donnell. Kilkerley Emmets U16 girls pictured under the new scoreboard after their home win over Roche Emmets on Wednesday last Ruairí Ó Murchú, TD. An Taoiseach Simon Harris and Deputy Peter Fitzpatrick.
Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 9

Ardee to Armagh fundraiser raises over €20k for cancer charities

A RECENT cheque presentation to charities Childhood Cancer Ireland (ROI) and the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity (NI) from the Ardee to Armagh Charity Run, undertaken by Francie McMullen and Kevin Toner on 27th January.

Francie and Kevin, both members of St Patrick’s Cullyhanna and Lamh Dhearg An Céide ran 75.9km from Ardee to Armagh City. They visited each GAA Club along the way, which took them through Tallanstown, Louth Village, Inniskeen, Sheelagh, Crossmaglen, Silverbridge, Cullyhanna, Newtownhamilton, Ar-

maghbreague (Granemore) and finally through Francie’s home town of Keady.

The pair raised a fantastic €10,717,55 for Childhood Cancer Ireland and a further £9,625 for the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity.

Sophie to launch sophomore album in Spirit Store this weekend Jinx to bring Septic Tiger Summer Tour to An Táin

SINGER-songwriter Sophie

Coyle makes a triumphant return with her latest offering, “Cuentista”, following the success of her debut album, “Blame Me for the Storm”. Set to enthrall audiences with its unique blend of alt-folk, this album promises an enchanting musical voyage through South America, encapsulating Coyle’s experiences, and tales from her travels. “Cuentista” will go on official release on Friday 12th April, with the album launch night in the Spirit Store on 13th April. Support from SELK and Rowan.

“Cuentista”, which translates to “Storyteller,” comprises eleven original compositions along with two traditional Spanish ballads, each intricately woven with Coyle’s signature storytelling prowess and melodic charm. Evoking the ambiance of a latenight tango bar, the album offers a rich soundscape infused with South American influences, creating an immersive musical experience for listeners.

Coyle fuses the laid-back west coast vibe of her native Galway with the observational lyrical style of her current home in Dundalk, where she lives with her

husband, fellow musician Jinx Lennon and their three children. Her band members are fellow Dundalkers Caroline Whately (Bass), Sharon McArdle (piano, harp, accordion) and Conor Taaffe (Drums).

Recorded amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 lockdowns at Black Mountain Studios in Co. Louth, “Cuentista” showcases Coyle’s artistic evolution and growth. Renowned mixer Chris Barry, known for his work with artists like Junior Brother and The Mary Wallopers, lent his expertise to the album at Ailfionn

Recording Studios, Dublin. Four tracks on the album feature the sublime arrangements by Annemarie McGahon, brought to life by the talented Glas Quartet, and accompanied by the evocative trumpet playing of Bill Blackmore.

Coyle was shortlisted in 2019 for the International Songwriters Competition and long listed for album of the year by the Choice Music Awards. She showcases her multifaceted talent as an illustrator by crafting the artwork on the “Cuentista” album cover and merchandise. Additionally, she brings her creative vision to life by animating the music video for her first single Wanderlust adding a visual dimension to her musical storytelling.

Speaking about her latest release, Sophie expressed her pride and excitement, stating, “I’m incredibly proud of how it all came together. We began recording in Black Mountain Studios at the start of the pandemic, and we welcomed another two kids into our lives along the way, making it an epic journey. Now, as we prepare to release the album, I couldn’t be happier. I feel that both the lyric writing and pro

PUNK folk singer Jinx Lennon will be playing in An Táin Centre on the second date of the “Septic Tiger Summer Tour “which starts in Fred Zeppelins in Cork on Friday May 10th (tickets on Eventbrite) and ending with Thomas House Dublin on Friday June 21, (tickets Eventbrite) with an eye to playing Glastonbury in late June.

This past few months have been spent working on the new 26-track album. It’s called “The hate agents leer at the last Isle of hope “and it’s out later this year.

It’s about modern Ireland and religious hysteria, social media mania and far right nationalist dementia or in other words the demise of Catholicism on one hand and the rise of religious far right and social media self-righteousness on the other.

There’s more songs about Dundalk like on the song “Belfast 71 “about the internment refugee crisis and the influx of people escaping the troubles that affected the town back then. “Cyndi Lauper” takes a walk through the local nightlife with a romantic twist and “Mad for Mass” and “Bouncy Castle Catholics” are about filtering the good and bad parts of religious worship, Fermanagh singer Rose Connolly sings on several songs and plays piano. She performs her own music as Róis and is well

Brown Bull will be grazing again

AT the March meeting of the Dundalk Municipal Council, Cllr John Reilly asked if LCC had asked about the status of the brown bull of Cooley, which is located between Junction 17 and Junction 18.

Cllr Reilly enquired that the bull has been lopsided for some time, and requires veterinary assistance.

Senior engineer Mark Johnston has indicated that the decorative bull situated on top of the motorway is due to be taken away to be refabricated and strengthened. It will be reinstated in the coming weeks.

Cllr Reilly says he will be glad to see the animal back in full health, and the brown bull standing upright again.

worth checking out.

Joining Jinx at the Tain show will be Chris Barry and Jamie Bishop who played on the latest album. Jamie is involved with several bands including Róis. His own act is Muckno (Jamie is a Castle Blayney native son). He releases his own album in April it’s called “Muck For Hamchildren “ and it’s available on Bandcamp on April 14.

He has his own brand of me-

lodic psychedelic music and has really come to the fore on his own and the latest Jinx album and is soon off to Cornwall soon to play some shows, Chris Barry plays guitar and engineered the two albums. Chris also plays with Myles Manley and the Snowgoons with some members of the Dublin garage rock folk act Deadlians and Chris has made albums with Kerry alt folk man Junior Brother and the Mary Wallopers and Jinx’s wife Sophie Coyle’s latest masterpiece “Cuentista” .

Special guests are “Wasps V Humans’ featuring husband and wife Carl and Linda Plover who mix spoken word with song. A Recent single “The Price You Pay” featured as Hot Press song of the week. Local up and coming act Geansai will also play a set. Geansai sings about the issues with acoustic and sometimes other instruments and adds a welcome rawness to what he has to say in his words and songs.

The new video Jinx Lennon video “Taoiseach “ directed by Letterkenny man Steve McCollum who did animation on the Kneecap movie and plays with Donegal legends Pox Men. The video will be out in the next few weeks.

The An Tain show is on Friday 17th May and tickets are available from www.antain.ie.

??? QUIZ ???

1—What was the name of the storm that passed over Ireland last weekend?

2—Which County in Ireland is often referred to as ‘The Short Grass County’?

3—Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro are four of the seven islands which are collectively known as what?

4—There are two official state emblems for Ireland. Can you name both?

5—What road in Dundalk would you find Emer Terrace, Cuchulainn Terrace and Woodview Terrace?

6—What’s the first line of Frank Sinatra’s classic song (Theme from) New York, New York?

7—From which major US city can you

drive south to reach Canada?

8—Gymnophobia is the irrational fear of which natural state in humans?

9—What is the modern international unit of energy measured in?

10—Which sport is the subject of the 1992 film ‘The Mighty Ducks’?

The Stinker—Nanu, Nanu was the Orkan phrase for Goodbye in which US Sitcom from the 1970’s/80’s?


Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 10
Sophie Coyle Jinx Lennon. Edel McMahon, Francie McMullen & Family; Kevin, Aiobheann Toner & Family and Sinead Lynch from the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity (in the centre) and Fionnuala Murphy from Childhood Cancer Ireland.
2—Kildare, 3—Canary Islands, 4—Harp and the Shamrock, 5—Castletown Road, 6—Start spreadin’ the news, I’m leavin’ today, 7—Detroit, 8—Nudity, 9—Joule, 10— Ice Hockey. The Stinker: Mork & Mindy. ANSWERS
Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 11
12 Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 Gardening Drain Cleaning/Septic Tanks • Septic Tank Cleaning • Drain Cleaning • CCTV Drain Surveys • High Pressure Water Jetting • Drain Repairs Phone: 086 849 8882 Email: info@adcdrains.ie - www.adcdrains.ie Blinds CCTV/Alarms Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Forklifts Flooring Specialists in herringbone Over 30 years’ experience Dust free service Tel Arthur 085 1229291 ERINWOOD Wood floor fitting & sanding services Doors Flooring Meadow View Landscaping Trees, Hedging & Grass Cutting. Power Washing and General Garden Maintenance. Serving the people in Dundalk for 26 years. Contact Ken 087 9548114 Fuel
SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 13 Wheelie Bins Gardening Plumbing Kitchens & Bedrooms Handyman/Man With Van FERGAL MARRY KITCHENS fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.com / 087 276 5866 Kitchens Bedroom Units Sliderobes & Feature walls TV Units Gardening & Steam Cleaning Professional and Reliable Service, Free estimates, All work guaranteed, All green waste removed and recycled, Fully insured Call Sean on 087 349 5477 Gardens Cleaned & Cleared Tree Felling Trees & hedges cut High Quality Turf Grass Weed free instant lawn Steam Cleaning Roofs Old roofs restored to new Driveways All driveways restored to new and sealed Re-sanding with silica paving sand Gutters We jet and form wash gutters outside and inside Email: info@allseasonsroofcleaners.ie ALL TYPES OF STONE, GRAVE/CHIPPINGS & RAILWAY SLEEPERS Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OPENING HOURS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Is it time to upgrade or replace your Velux Windows? Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • Irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors KEEP YOUR TOWN IN BUSINESS KEEP YOUR BUSINESS IN TOWN MAN WITH VAN/HANDY MAN COLLECTIONS AND DELIVERIES CALL OR WHATSAPP 089 420 4356 or 083 008 4909 manwithvanhandyman2020@gmail.com • REMOVALS • DELIVERIES • STORE PICK UPS • GARDEN MAINTENENCE • GARDEN CLEARENCE • FENCE REPAIR • HOUSE MAINTENANCE • CHIMNEY CLEANING • PAINTING • WINDOW CLEANING • GUTTER/PVC CLEANING • POWER WASHING • FLAT PACK FURNITURE ASSEMBLY • HANGING PICTURES, ETC • ATTIC FLOORING NO JOB TOO FRIENDLYSMALL & EFFICIENT SERVICE VERY REASONABLE RATES Tree Surgery TREE SURGEONS FULLY INSURED HEDGE CUTTING & GARDEN CLEARANCE STUMP GRINDING & MULCHING We also sell & deliver Wood Chip in ton bags - deliveries arranged Tel Adrian 085 765 8830



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.

Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). D.B.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). P.H.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.M.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.

Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.L.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.

Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). J.McA.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.

Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). K.O’H.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours. This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.

Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). L.D.

ATTENTION LANDLORDS—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www.bedstore. ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.

SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED—Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

ROOM TO RENT in Dundalk near train station, comes with WiFi/ TV/ your own bathroom laundry facilities on site. Secured location key pad entry to property no utility bills. We have a house policy and security process standard that a candidate must agree to. We accept ARP payments. Text only first to 0872227599.


Kerry. We have a 3-bedroom apartment right in the center of Dingle that can cater for 6 persons. Email us for more details at info@ innisfreehouse.ie.

ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED either with a family or in a separate house/apartment for a Ukranian lady and her child. €800.00 of rent will be tax free. Nice lady, no bad habits, very neat and. Tidy. Please phone 087 6480845.

CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094.

CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact Cathal 087-225-9799.

DKIT proudly presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

DKIT is delighted to announce a vibrant and fresh take on William Shakespeare’s iconic play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” performed by students of the Theatre and Film Practice program. This captivating production will take place in DkIT’s McAnna Theatre from April 16th – 18th.

This production offers a contemporary twist on Shakespeare’s comedic masterpiece, infused with the rich heritage of Celtic culture. Audiences can expect an evening of laughter, love, and magic as they are transported into the mystical realm of the Athenian woods.

“We’re excited to present ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ with a Celtic flair, celebrating both Shakespeare’s timeless storytelling and the vibrant traditions of our own Irish culture,” says codirector Eva Urban-Devereux. “This production is a true collaboration of creative minds, with our talented third-year students bringing their passion and energy to the stage,” added co-director Loli Ros Gordon. “With the timeless theme of love in all its agony and glory, it’s a play for young

Enjoy a fresh take on Shakespeare’s classic ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in DkIT’s McAnna Theatre from April 16th-18th.

people by young people!” Highlighted by live performances of traditional Irish music by DKIT’s music students, this adaptation promises to captivate audiences of all ages. With a nod to the comedic elements of the original play, this production adds a modern twist, ensuring a memorable experience for theatregoers. Admission to the performances is free for all, but due to limited seating, registration is required.

Reserve your seats now to secure your spot for this unforgettable theatrical event. To register and for more information, telephone: 0429370280 or email: creativearts@dkit.ie.

Experience the magic of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” like never before, as DKIT College invites you to laugh, dream, and revel in the whimsy of Shakespeare’s timeless tale.

ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

CARPENTRY & JOINERY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

MAN IN A VAN—House moves, furniture delivery/removal, yard/garage clearances, recycling & rubbish removal. Call Will on 085 860 4048 for a competitive quote.

ROOFING AND BUILDING CONTRACTOR available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.

GARDEN & HOUSE MAINTENANCE— Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358.

FIFI’S ALTERATIONS—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.305.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

LOCAL POWER WASHING—No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and furniture removals, recycling or rubbish removals. Contact James 087 4464960 for free quotation.

LOCAL PAINTERS & DECORATORS AVAILABLE All types of painting & decorating done to the highest of standards, no job to big or to small, we also do shops/offices and can work out of hours to avoid any disruption or inconvenience to the day to day running of your business,call 0851588667, or get us on Facebook @ Budget painters Decorators.

LAWNS CUT—Hedges cut and gutters cleaned Tel Tom 087 2296441.

CARPENTER—Fully qualified available for all aspects of carpentry. Tv units, paneling, doors or floors call James on. 0871833091.

MEADOW VIEW LANDSCAPING—Trees, Hedging & Grass Cut. Power Washing and General Garden Maintenance. Serving the people in Dundalk for 26 years. Contact Ken 087 9548114.

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE—Promotes overall health & wellness, cleanses the body, builds immune system, eases lymphedema & oedema, improves circulation, eases stiff joints, fibromyalgia, bloating and good for allergies. Contact Annamarie on 0867300231.

ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888. WE CAN DISTRIBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

WINDOW CLEANING—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.

HOUSE & APARTMENT CLEANING Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www.everkleenservices. ie>.

TILER AVAILABLE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work - marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087387-8995 for free quote.

GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—Ben 085-840-7707.

FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

ANAM CARA HEALING—Holistic company providing Psychic Tarot Reading, Reiki, Crystal Therapy and Aromatherapy. Phone for appointments 0864591226 or visit www. anamcarahealing.ie”.

CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie.

WATCH REPAIRS—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478. Please note, we do not repair Clocks. POWER WASHING/Garden Services - all garden tidy ups, lawns, hedges, pathways, Gutters, shed/garage/garden rubble removal. Call Will’s Services 0858604048.

GW PAINTING AND DECORATING—No job too small, keen rates, Dundalk & surrounding areas, estimates free. Phone 086 3848079.


Over 20 years experience. No job too big or too small. Available services: Doors, Frames, Floors, Skirting, Architraves, Walls, Built in Units, Fencing/Gates, Plaster boarding and Roofing Services. Complete renovations carried out. Contact Mark 086 0895508.

MAN WITH A VAN—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 089-4016728.

ALL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE services carried out. Roof repairs, Plumbing, Painting & Decorating, Wall & Floor tiling, All outdoor work, Paving & Fencing, Power washing. Call Gerry your local man 087 6461556 or 042 9327241 after 6pm.

PAINTING SERVICES available, interior and exterior. Also available for Power washing, Garage, House and Garden clearance. Furniture removals. Tel Brian 087 7558506.

CHARA COUNSELLING—20 years’ experience, currently taking appointments. Supporting you with emotional intelligence for relationship issues, your mental health, grief, all addictions & past traumas. For a strictly private consultation call Martin today on 083 3402766.

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Whatsapp or Tel 085-762-3758 for quotation.

GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228. WEEKLY SEWING CLASSES on-going at Northlink Retail Park, you can join in any time, for enquiries please call or WhatsApp Elizabeth on 0872649221 or visit www.djkcreations.com.

FRENCH GRINDS AVAILABLE for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340.

RESPONSIBLE POSITION—Full time/ Part time for yard operations, loading, unloading and customer care. Salary negotiable. Loughrans Agri Stores, Haggardstown, Dundalk. Email services@loughranstores. com. Whatsapp or text Hugh—0876888514.

IRONING LADY WANTED Haggardstown area. Couple hours weekly Contact:0872302617.

LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—I John Daly, intend to apply for Retention permission for rear sunroom extension and pergola to side and rear of existing

14 Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024
detached dwelling house At No.64 Ard Na Mara, Blackrock, Co. Louth. Retention permission to include alteration to side and rear elevations and associated site development works. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00. ARTICLES FOR SALE SPECIAL SERVICES SPECIAL SERVICES
DEADLINE For FAMILY NOTICES is 4pm Fridays prior to Wednesday Publication. Contact LORNA for further information.
042 9320888 CLASSES & COURSES
Dundalk Leader 15 HILL STREET, DUBLIN RD., DUNDALK. 042 9331515/086 2559201
Caroline McGee, Dolores McNally, Bernadette Kettle, Gerry McGee and Jacinta Walsh. Bernadette Kettle and Caroline McGee. Dolores and Aidan McNally.
Enjoying the NECRET fundraiser. Afternoon tea in aid of NECRET Afternoon Tea and
Eithne Mackin and Geraldine Deane. Mary and Grainne McArdle.
Dance for
Dundalk Leader 10th April 2024 16 OPEN 7 DAYS MON to SAT 9.30 - 5.30pm LARGE SELECTION OF . . . . . Rugs, Lamps, Mirrors, Pictures & Occasional Furniture COE'S ROAD, DUNDALK (beside Lallys) Ph: 042 938 6371 DEPOSIT SECURES ANY ITEM - FREE DELIVERY SLIDING ROBES From €599 Large Range of Bedroom Furniture in Stock Corner Suite choice of over 100 colours and combinations Chesterfield Style 3 + 2 Fabric Suite also available with Chairs and other Combinations in over 100 Colours. 20 SHOWROOM DISPLAY END-OF-LINE SUITES TO CLEAR 3 + 2s Were €1,399 Now €999 Corner Suites Were €1,499 Now €1,099 Recliner Suites Were €2,499 Now €1,899 All For Immediate Delivery Pat McKenna t/a EXTRA DISCOUNTS ON ALL MATTRESSES 100% Irish Made Immediate delivery OVER 60 SUITES ON DISPLAY ALL AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OVER 20 DINING SETS ON DISPLAY New Range of Sliding Robes Just Arrived Irish made Queen Anne Chairs, your choice of over 100 Fabrics in Patchwork, Plain, Strips, etc

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