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THE couple who funded the creation of Dundalk’s Ice House Hill Park are “so disappointed at the current state of the park”.

Carmel Naughton, the wife of Glen Dimplex founder Martin Naughton, told the Dundalk Leader the couple are “saddened” by what has happened to the local amenity.

“The creation of Ice House Hill Park commenced in 1994 and entailed the restoration of an existing derelict parkland area,” said Carmel.

“The works were commissioned by the then Dundalk Urban District Council and were funded by the Naughton Family Trust.

“We offered to set up a Trust fund to ensure the maintenance of Ice House Hill Park. The County Manager at the time was a lovely man who was full of enthusiasm and he said it wouldn’t be necessary.”

Carmel added: “We have since written to Louth County Manager Joan Martin about the poor condition of the park and we were told it would be looked into.

on Page 2

extensive range of quality headstones on display - inscription & restoration service availaBle —Open— MOn - fri 9.30aM – 5.30pM clOsed 1-2pM (sat 5pM) ard easMuinn rOad, dundalk. phOne 042 935 7296. dunnesmonumental@gmail.com.
Wednesday, 12th July, 2023. Vol. 16, Issue 28 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042 932 0888. | Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com Page 6 Page 6 Jamie preparing for European Championships Refurbished Angel’s Plot re-opens in Dowdallshill DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER
Page 4 Dundalk FC to begin Euro campaign in Gibraltar philip
Naughton family unhappy with current state of Ice House Park
Brodigan brilliantly captured the above bolt of lightning over Bay estate on sunday evening.

Naughton family unhappy with current state of Ice House Park

From Page 1

“We put in cobblestones edging along all the paths and it cost a fortune. Most of it has disappeared under grass.

“We didn’t create the park for thanks; it was done with a good heart so people could enjoy the amenity. With a little bit of effort, it could be a much nicer experience.”

She continued: “Blackrock and Dunleer keep

their parks beautifully. In Ice House Hill Park, the council only seems to cut the grass and pick up litter.

“The railings are a disgrace. It is such a shame because it could be a beautiful amenity. A town of Dundalk’s size needs green areas. It’s so important in a town.

“I remember the excitement on the day it was opened but now nobody

seems to care. It’s really depressing from our point of view.”

Carmel said that her husband, Martin, who grew up 50 yards from Ice House Hill Park, donated money towards the project with “goodwill” because he wanted to give back to Dundalk.

“The park was dedicated to the gardai because they have served Dundalk very well for years,” she said.

“It’s most disappointing and peculiar. The opening day was such a happy day. We were told that the park would be loved and cared for but it’s not very cherished.

“It would be great if someone would come forward to help. We need men and women helping in a practical way with shovels and the like.”

Carmel added: “The problem is the local people

in that area are quite elderly. The paths need to be looked after and the trees tended too. It’s not rocket science. The place needs to be kept tidy.

“There is also a lovely water fountain there that is an additional feature. It’s a shame. It just needs a little effort to keep it going.”

Appeal for help after Toyota Hilux is stolen

A locAl couple have appealed for help after a Toyota Hilux Invincible they had borrowed was stolen outside their house in lordship. claire Marmion and her husband Paddy had sold their own car ten days earlier and had got a loan of a Toyota Hilux from Paddy’s brother who owns a car dealership in Dublin.

The Hilux which had a registration number of MJ630GM was up for sale on Done Deal and last Tuesday (4th July) two men came to their house to view the car and take it for a test drive.

According to claire the car was stolen from their driveway three days later after the key had been switched on the keyring.

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“The car was stolen on Friday evening around 11:30pm and it was only the next day we realised that the car key on the keyring had been switched. The gardaí called around on Saturday morning and one of them noticed that the key had been switched. My brother in law sells cars and he had given us the loan of the Toyota Hilux just to help with bringing our two young toddlers to creche as we are in the process of buying a new car having sold our old one a couple of weeks ago. There were two child seats in the back of the Hilux, one was a spiderman seat and the other a pinky red fabric seat. There was no sign of a break in which is why the gardaí suspected that they key had been changed.

“The two guys who came to view the car and take it for a test drive on the Tuesday were the only people who came to view the car.

They drove up to our house on the Tuesday in a silver 08 lH Toyota Avensis. The gardaí are currently investigating and looking at ccTV footage so we are just waiting and hoping that the vehicle can be returned. We feel awful for Anthony who gave us the lend of the car

but we have to say we have been overwhelmed by the support of the local community. I’m a Dub living up in lordship and you wouldn’t get this level of support back in Dublin. Neighbours and people from further afield have been so kind and offered to help us and share

our story to try and get the car back. Hopefully somebody somewhere recognises the car and we can get it back but obviously that is looking less likely with each passing day,” stated claire.

Gardaí confirmed that they are investigating the incident.

“Gardaí are investigating the unauthorised taking of a vehicle which occurred at a residence in Riverstown, co. louth between Friday evening and the early hours of Saturday 7th & 8th July 2023.

Investigations are ongoing,” read the statement.

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 2
The Toyota Hilux was stolen in Lordship last Friday evening. Gardaí have confirmed that they are investigating the theft of the vehicle. Carmel and Martin Naughton.
Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 3

Dundalk fans on the march to Gibraltar Fitzpatrick questions need for abortion services exclusion zone

INDePeNDeNT TD has questioned the need for Safe Access Zones outside medical centres that provide abortions. Recently the government approved the text of a bill that would introduce ‘safe-access zones’ around healthcare premises providing services linked to the termination of pregnancy. However Deputy Fitzpatrick claimed that the new legislation would prove unworkable in Ireland given the fact that the Irish abortion system doesn’t operate out of specific abortion clinics.

“This legislation has been rushed through pre-legislative scrutiny and will be likely to be unconstitutional. exclusion zones around abortion clinics exist in other countries, which provide the model for this proposed legislation. The logic behind these zones is to ensure that women entering an abortion clinic are not subject to potential harassment from protestors outside. However, because the Irish abortion system does not operate out of specific abortion clinics, but rather within GP clinics, hospitals and family planning centres, importing this same model wholesale into Ireland strikes me as unworkable,” stated Deputy Fitzpatrick.

“To ensure anonymity when availing of such services, this legislation will not highlight the specific service sites where termination of pregnancy services are actively provided. Therefore, we must place a 100m exclusion zone around each premises, irrespective of whether they are performing abortions or not. Would then, for example, the large-scale, annual and public event, March for life, be prohibited from passing down certain streets in Dublin because there is a GP clinic in the vicinity of 100 m, which may or may not provide abortions?,” asked Fitzpatrick.

“From the perspective of a person who is minded to protest abortion, the proposals have sweeping consequences which

raise questions of personal rights under Article 40 of the constitution. The explanatory memorandum to the Bill states that: “It is not intended to be a general prohibition on expression or assembly or protest in relation to termination of pregnancy services.” However, the Bill subsequently makes provision for enforcement and the creation of offences in relation to such conduct. As there is no way to identify whether someone who is entering a maternity hospital or GP clinic is there to have an abortion, this proposed legislation will effectively discriminate against people of a particular ethical viewpoint who are simply assembling in a public area, which may happen to be within one of these 100 m zones. Will the Taoiseach explain how the Government can claim to uphold civil liberties while bringing in a law overtly discriminating against citizens who are expressing their views on a particular issue and who unwittingly happen to be within one of these expansive exclusion zones?

In response the Taoiseach stated that the new legislation was designed to protect the freedom

to access termination services without impediment.

“I thank the Deputy for raising this important issue. There is a long-standing Government commitment to ensure safe access zones around healthcare facilities and providers of termination of pregnancy services. That includes hospitals as well as GP surgeries in some cases. The introduction of safe access zones is supported by clinicians providing the service. Safe access zones are designed to protect the freedom to access termination services without impediment and to provide privacy to people accessing health services, as well as the service providers, their staff, in the course of their duties and responsibilities.

The Minister for Health secured cabinet approval to legislate for the designation of safe zones last July. The Bill was approved by cabinet last week and will be introduced in the Dáil for debate later this week. It required striking a careful balance. We need to respect the right to protest and people have a right to protest, whether we agree with them or not, but we also need to protect the right of patients not to be intimidated when they go to see their doctors or when they enter hospitals to seek treatment. We have struck the right balance and any prosecutions will depend on the individual circumstances.

There are defences set out in the legislation and it may yet be challenged on constitutional grounds. That is a possibility with any legislation but we think we have struck the right balance and the Attorney General advises us that it is constitutional. We had pre-legislative scrutiny and engagement with stakeholders and we think we have struck the right balance between respecting people’s right to protest and to protest peacefully, while not doing so in a way that intimidates patients seeking to see their doctors or have a particular procedure done,” stated An Taoiseach.

STePHen O’Donnell’s Dundalk FC will take on Bruno’s Magpies tomorrow for the first leg of their Europa Conference League. Dundalk had been in good form recently but were dealt a blow last weekend when they let slip a 2-1 lead away to Bohs with the Phibsboro side scoring two late goals to clinch a 3-2 win.

Dundalk supporters have travelled to Gibraltar for the game against a side who were only set up ten years ago by friends who drank at Bruno’s Bar and Restaurant. Having started out in the second

division the Magpies gained promotion in 2019. The club’s fortunes continued in 2021 as they secured their first foray into european competition.

Last season they played Irish league side Crusaders, winning the home leg 2-1. They lost the tie on aggregate however with the northern Irish side winning the home leg 4-3.

This will be the first time Dundalk or indeed any League of Ireland side will face Gibraltarian opposition. Speaking ahead of the game

Dundalk manager Stephen

O’Donnell insisted they would not be taking the Gibraltar side lightly.

“I don’t think any Irish team is in a position to say they are overwhelming favourites.

“We have to give them respect — we are the seeded team but they won’t be devastated with the draw either.

The europa Conference League first qualifying round first leg will take place away tomorrow, July 13 at 5pm. The second leg will take place at home next Thursday, July 20 at 7:45pm.

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 4
The stadium where Dundalk will face Bruno Magpies tomorrow evening. Deputy Fitzpatrick.
GoT a S Tory? We Wa NT To H ear F ro M you Phone: 0429320888; email: editorial@dundalkleader.com
Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 5

o Murchú urges government to fund Family Addiction Support Network

TAoISeAcH leo Varadkar has given an undertaking to look into funding solutions for the Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) after he was twice asked about the organisation in the Dáil last week by Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú.

During questions to the Taoiseach, Deputy Ó Murchú said: I would bring up the issue again of the Family Addiction Support Network (FASN), which is an abso-

lutely vital cog that provides supports that no one else does for families. This is not only for the Minister of State responsible for the national drugs strategy but the Minister for Justice, who is the custodian, to a degree, of the Guerin report and the Drogheda implementation plan.

‘There is a failing around providing sustainable funding. An Garda Síochána is doing fundraisers for this or-

ganisation. The former chief superintendent of An Garda Síochána in louth, christy Mangan, is still on the board.

‘This is absolutely excellent, necessary work. Sometimes the people who find themselves under the cosh as regards drug debt and intimidation will make their approaches to this organisation. We need to look at sustainable funding and there needs to be a wider conversation on it. It is necessary that the

Taoiseach bring this up with the two Ministers’.

In a further question, the Dundalk TD said: ‘The Guerin report and the Drogheda implementation report spoke about the important work it does, particularly with families.

‘It is sometimes the go-to body for those who are not necessarily comfortable with going to the Garda about drug debt, intimidation and the huge issues there are with

those matters. Those involved have had numerous meetings with the HSe on funding, but it is not really cutting the mustard.

‘They have even met an organisation that was provided funding and that asked it whether it could deal with some of its overflow. The Minister for Justice has had many interactions with me before on this but we need to see some sort of sustainable funding for an organisation

doing necessary work’.

In response, Mr Varadkar said a lot of progress has been made on the ground in Drogheda since the feud and ‘the awful events that occurred a few years ago’. He said: ‘A lot of good things are happening. Regarding the funding of the particular organisation, I will have to come back to the Deputy on that when I have chance to speak to the relevant Ministers’.

Dundalk’s ball-winning defender preparing for euros

“TALL, strong and ball-winning – That’s how most coaches describe center backs.” Planet. training

Jamie Linden is all that, and being selected to represent his country is a huge honour and a dream come true.

Ireland’s first ever Down Syndrome Futsal team will travel to Padua, Italy in September. Ireland is likely to face Portugal, Italy and Turkey in the SUDS european Championships for athletes with Down Syndrome.

Jamie has been training with the national squad down in Dublin for the past two months. The squad consists of 8 players and 4 development players.

“Being focussed and versatile makes Jamie a very important member of the squad.” said head coach Paul Smyth.

“He always has a football jersey on and a football at his feet. Over the years he was encouraged by supportive teachers, coaches and friends, who saw his potential. It would be fantastic if Dundalk’s community can help realising Jamie’s dream.” said proud mum Irene Contributions can be made to: https://www. gofundme.com/f/please-support-jamies-participation-in-euros.

newly refurbished Angel’s Plot to be re-opened in Dowdallshill

A MAN living in Dundalk who campaigned for the Angel’s Plot at Dowdallshill cemetery to be re-opened is “delighted” it has been cleaned up.

craig corr from Muirhevnamor told the Dundalk leader that he contacted the Miscarriage Association of Ireland to ask if they would donate a new memorial stone to the graveyard.

“I also contacted louth county council and they agreed to refurbish the old Angel’s Plot and to put in a new area,” he said.

“The memorial stone donated by the Miscarriage Association of Ireland was erected last week in the new area at Dowdallshill.

“I decided to do this after my partner and I buried our baby. It’s been 30-40 years since

the old plot was last opened.”

craig added: “It’s not provided by the council; it’s provided by the HSe. If you have a miscarriage or stillbirth in our lady of lourdes Hospital and you don’t have the money to bury your baby in a private plot you can bury the baby in a plot near the hospital.

“If you are from the Dundalk area or North louth this makes it dif-

ficult for parents from those areas to regularly visit the plot in Drogheda.

“Now with the old and new plot in Dowdallshill families can place flowers on it and pay their respects.”

craig is calling on members of the public and local shops to donate suitable flowers and grave ornaments for the old and new Dundalk plots.

“People can contact

either myself or Sinn Fein councillor edel corrigan or they can go themselves and place the flowers or ornaments on the plots,” he said.

craig thanked various people who have helped him with this project including Martin Browne of Butterly Stone; Shevlin’s Funeral Director; Quinn’s Funeral Directors; Arthur’s Shop on the Newry Road; Petal’s Florist in the clanbrassil

Street centre and The Dundalk club.

He added: “I’m working with the Miscarriage Association of Ireland to raise money to provide a different stone in another part of the country.

I have sponsorship cards and we are relying on donations.

“People can take a sponsorship card off me or donate. I’m also working on another fundraiser. I’d like to help provide a nice memorial

1—What is the French holiday on the 14th of July normally called in English?

2—What decade was Netflix launched?

3—Who served as the first President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999?

4—Can you name the three main airports in New York?

and Cougar are models associated with which car manufacturer?

8—Three different men served as An Taoiseach during the 1970’s. Can you name all three?

9—In Superman, which colour is Kryptonite?

bench if anyone would like to donate.

“I’ll have sponsorship cards for that too. It all started after losing my daughter, Aleigha Faith corr. I’m doing this because of her. The bench will be somewhere for people to go and think about the loved ones they have lost. I hope people will get behind us.”

For further information email craigcorr691@ gmail.com.

5—Where in Dundalk would you find ‘The Soldier’s Point’?

6—Which year did the Vietnam war end?

7—Granada, Capri

10—Which journey is the shortest. Dundalk to Letterkenny or Dundalk to Castlebar?

Stinker—The RMS Titanic sunk in 1912 during its maiden voyage. What does the RMS stand for?

—this week’s answers—

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 6
The new memorial stone which was donated by the Miscarriage association of Ireland. ruairí Ó Murchú, TD. Roger Zyro wishing his good friend Jamie good luck ahead of the games. Jamie Linden (green top) with head coach Paul Smyth. 1—Bastille Day, 2—90’s (1997), 3—Nelson Mandella, 4—La Guardia, JFK and Newark. 5—At the end of the Navvy Bank down the Point Road. 6—1975, 7—Ford, 8—Liam Cosgrave, Jack Lynch and Charles Haughey, 9—Green, 10—Dundalk to Letterkenny (160km compared to 246km). Stinker: Royal Mail Steamer.
7 Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023

el Pasopalooza Music Festival will help our homeless

MUSIc fans are being invited to attend a music festival in Toale’s Bar on crowe Street, Dundalk over the August bank holiday weekend.

The festival is being organised by local man colin McDonnell from Toberona in aid of Save our Homeless.

“The festival is called el Pasopalooza and its going to take place from August 4-6 in Toale’s Bar,” said colin.

“The first band will be on stage at 6pm each evening and the last act will be on from 10pm. There will be four or five acts per night.”

Some of the confirmed acts taking part in el Pasopalooza include orwell’s 84 which will headline on the Friday evening.

A band called The Gakk are headlining on Saturday, while on Sunday Words That Burn are headlining.

“There will be a bit of everything over the weekend – punk, metal,

and a hip hop group called Psycho embryo,” said colin.

“It will be all local acts and there will be a few up-and-coming bands. The opening act each night will be a new band.

“The orwell’s 84 have an album coming out shortly, while The Gakk are working on their third album. Words That Burn have released

McGreehan calls for further investment into community rehabilitation teams in louth

LOCAL Fianna Fáil

Senator, erin McGreehan, has raised the need to invest in community rehabilitation teams in the CH08 area, which Louth is part of, to ensure adequate communitybased treatments and therapies for neuro patients.

Senator McGreehan said, “neurological conditions, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple

sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, can have a profound impact on a person’s life. However, with the right support and medical intervention, these individuals can have opportunities for recovery and a better quality of life.

“Unfortunately, not all communities have access to local neurorehabilitation teams, including my own county of Louth. As a result, many individu-

als are left without the specialised care they desperately need. Having these specialised teams situated within local communities ensures that individuals can receive timely and convenient care.

“Dealing with a neurological condition can be overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. Local neurorehabilitation teams provide a network of support, helping in-

dividuals and their loved ones navigate the challenges they face. This emotional support is invaluable, providing individuals the strength and motivation to overcome adversity.

“I will continue to liaise with the Minister on this issue to ensure we continue to build supportive communities with equal access to quality neuro-rehabilitation care.’’

a number of albums, two of which have done well on Apple.”

other acts include RP3000 who are going to do a DJ set; Dead and loving It; Arco Arena; Messy Avocado; and Imbau, which is a grunge band.

“We are avoiding doing themes each night.

A ticket for the whole weekend costs €20 and it’s all in aid of Save our

Homeless,” he said.

“We are going to have a stage in the bar for up-and-coming singer/ songwriters for anyone who is interested in participating.

“The tickets will be available from Monday, 17 July from the Save our Homeless store on Park Street and from Toale’s Bar on crowe Street and Classified Records.”

IWa’s fundraiser for Suicide awareness for everyone

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 8
Francis Farrell, and Catriona Brady from SaFe receive a cheque for €2,054 from Janey Quigley (centre) from the Dundalk branch of the IWa.
Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 9

local community group SNAIl selected for National award

SPecIAl Needs Assistants in louth (SNAIl) community group is making waves in the local community by advocating inclusivity and empowering children with additional needs. Through their dedication and innovative programme SailAbility, SNAIl group is creating a positive impact on the lives of children and their families.

As an organisation committed to inclusivity, SNAIl group understands the unique challenges faced by children with additional needs. By

providing tailored support and opportunities, they create a safe and welcoming space where children can thrive.

SNAIl group’s inclusive water sports programme is at the heart of their mission. By adapting water sports activities such as kayaking, swimming and sailing to suit individual abilities, they ensure that every child can participate and experience the joy of water sports and activities. This programme not only promotes physical fitness but also builds confidence, social skills,

and teamwork among participants.

The outstanding work of SNAIl group has not gone unnoticed. They have been recognised for their efforts in empowering children with additional needs and building inclusive communities by the National lottery.

They have been selected as a National Finalist in the National lottery Good causes Awards for 2023. #GoodcausesAwards.

SNAIl would like to express gratitude to all the organisations involved in

ongoing funding of SNAIl, National lottery and louth local Development, and the invaluable support from carlingford Sail Training centre, emphasizing the significant impact such collaborative efforts can have on the lives of children and their families. We would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the importance of ongoing training and professional development of SNAs in creating safe and inclusive spaces for children with additional needs to explore and enjoy water

louth council cathaoirleach meets An Taoiseach in Government Buildings

loUTH county council cathaoirleach cllr

Paula Butterly met with An Taoiseach and Fine Gael Party leader, leo Varadkar, in Government Buildings on Tuesday evening.

The Taoiseach, along with all of his senior Ministers, met with the 13 Fine Gael councillors who have recently been elected as the first citizen of their county. councillor Butterly was elected as cathaoirleach in June and outlined her main priorities for her term.

“I will continue to highlight issues regarding supports and resources for families, particularly for children with additional needs at Primary School level and improved accessibility to Home Services packages for older people.

“I will support and represent rural communities, including towns and villages, to secure additional resources and

funding to enable them to grow and prepare for the future.

“I will work hard to promote initiatives such as the M1 corridor and engage with key stakeholders to ensure that county louth is front and centre when it comes to investment by businesses.”

Taoiseach leo Varadkar said, “I had a good two-hour meeting with councillor Butterly in Government Buildings on Tuesday evening to discuss the issues that matter to the people of louth. The meeting gave councillor

Butterly the opportunity to raise these issues directly with me. I committed to councillor Butterly to work on these issues.

“The need for more funding this year for local and regional road maintenance, a top up allocation for the local Improvement Scheme and, in the coming years, funding to advance new road projects that are delayed, the urgent need to service much more land for housing were raised at the meeting. on energy security and climate, they impressed on me the need to increase aid to

Free library ‘Pride’ events

IN conjunction with outcomers, join us in Dundalk library on Thursday 13th July at 6:00pm, for a human library experience as we invite people to chat about their experience being lGBTQ+ in a country where it is illegal, surrounded by the flags of these countries. outcomers Youth Group have been hard at work the last few months to create the flag backdrop which will be on display on the night. All are welcome and there is no booking required.

Join us in Dundalk library on Fri-

day 14th July at 3:00pm for an afternoon of fun for all the family as we celebrate Rainbow Day.

We will be having an inclusive storytime at 3:00pm, rainbow crafts at 3:30pm and coffee & chats at 4:00pm, where you can get book recommendations from our librarians.

Booking is essential for the rainbow themed craft session and all children must be supervised by an adult. Suitable for ages 4 and up. call 042-9353190 to book your child’s place.

sport and other activities.

SNAIl group welcomes collaboration and support from individuals and businesses who share their vision of inclusivity and empowerment. Together, we can build a community that embraces diversity and ensures that every child can thrive.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

lara Schmit & Dawn collins - SNAIL PR Officer’s larahschmit@gmail.com dawnfoley1@hotmail.com.

McGreehan welcomes historic change in third level education through degree programmes available outside points system

LOCAL Fianna Fáil Senator, erin McGreehan, has welcomed a landmark change to ensure undergraduate students, for the first time, can earn a university degree outside the points system.

From September students will be able to enrol in one of 23 degree courses across healthcare, enterprise, ICT and creative sectors in a Further education institution before progressing to a Higher education institution to complete their fully accredited degree.

These programmes represent an important new departure in flexible provision and will provide pathways to learners outside the traditional CAO process.

farmers, schools, community buildings and businesses to install solar panels and become energy efficient.

“I look forward to working with councillor Butterly and visiting louth during her term as cathaoirleach.”

Fine Gael is making a real impact in communities through the hard work of our local representatives. With 13 Mayors/ cathaoirligh across the country Fine Gael is representing stronger, safer communities in every part of the country.

Senator McGreehan said: “This is the single biggest transformation to education in decades.

Fianna Fáil recognise that the points system has not worked for many of our young people and today we can tell the next generation of students they can access degrees in nursing, business, engineering and media without ever having to worry about points.

“With the launch of these

Senator Erin McGreehan.

courses today, Government are making a significant change to how our third level system works and, most importantly, creating a more inclusive society in which students will have the opportunity to reach their potential without relying solely on an outdated system.’’

RcNe fundraiser to expand Dundalk services

RAPe Crisis north east (RCne) is currently fundraising to purchase a building with enough space to expand its service and base in Dundalk.

According to the organisation, the waiting list is “unacceptable” and it is “imperative that we find a suitable premises”.

The fundraiser is for a young people’s room designed to ease the process of

disclosure and enough counselling rooms to expand.

RCne is currently in the process of expanding its outreach centre in Drogheda and establishing a centre in navan. It also has an outreach centre in Castleblayney. RCne is a specialised counselling, advocacy, information and support service for women, men, boys and girls who have experienced any form of sexual violence and or sexual abuse.

established in 1996 RCne provides a range of intervention supports to survivors of sexual violence within Louth, Meath, Monaghan and Cavan.

Supports available include a freephone confidential helpline support, advocacy, information, educational outreach, accompaniment to the courts, medical services and Gardaí, face to face counselling and crisis intervention.

RCne is the only specialist service available to those who have been traumatised by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault within the entire north east Region of Ireland.

For more information or to donate please go online and visit Fundraiser by Jennifer norton : Rape Crisis north east Building Fund (gofundme.com)

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 10
Paula Butterly with an Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar.

Family Notices

in MeMOriaM

Mccrave Margaret (Ma)

3rd ANNiverSAry

in loving memory of Margaret, late of 1 Park view, Dundalk, whose 3rd anniversary occurred on 8th July. Mother

you were not just a perfect mother

But an amazing teacher.

All the good things i have in me

Are because i saw them in you. you will be remembered forever dear Ma.

—From your loving daughter Mary. Mother

Ma you’re given me so much, the gift of life and you’re a friend to me, we have a very special bond i’m sure you agree

Thank you for being my lifelong friend.

My precious mother Ma.

—From your loving daughter Jennifer and son-in-law Sean. Mother

it’s always sad but comforting to silently recall your smile and dear familiar face so loved by one and all For the world may keep turning and change from day to day but my precious memories of you will never fade away

And here’s hoping that this message which carries so much love will somehow find its way to you in heaven up above it’s to let you know dear Ma that, although you are at rest, you’ll live forever in my heart and in those who loved you best. —From Holly. Mother you were my mother, i would have no other.

—From your loving daughter Lorraine and son-in-law John. grandMother

How could we ever forget a grandmother who gave us so much love to remember.

—From David and Niamh. Anniversary Mass at 6.30pm, on Saturday 15th July in redemptorist Church.


Mam, dad and Brother

Late of O’Hanlon Park, Dundalk. Memories are precious They don’t fade away We think of you always Not just today.

—Loved always, Seamie, Bridie, Ann, Marie & Gerard.

novena to the sacred heart

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted.

(Never known to fail) c.r. novena to the sacred heart

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted.

(Never known to fail). M.s. novena to the sacred heart

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted.

(Never known to fail). M.s. novena to the sacred heart

Attention—For b e r. CerTIFICATIOn of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact robert Mulholland, ber assessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie.

ADveRtise YoUR HoUse Premises for rent or sale to 55,000 readers a week from €5.

Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888.

Attention lA n D lo RD—We supply furniture & beds for any rental properties you have. beds from €180, bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www.bedstore. ie, Coes rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.

tW o MAtCH in G 2 seater couches for sale €300 for both also solid wood coffee table for sale. All excellent condition. 0870967776.

CHiMneY & stove CleAninG—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094.

CHiMneY CleAneR—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact Cathal 087-225-9799.

ADveRtise YoUR seRviCe to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words

Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

WinDoW CleAninG—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.

CARpet & oven CleAninG—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie.

Roo F in G RepA i R s & s toves—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries.

GARDen & HoUse MAintenAnCe

Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact brian 086-109-7358. pRopeRt Y MAintenAnCe repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concreting, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. references available. Tel Michael on 085762-3758.

Fi F i’s Alte RAtions—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon—Fri 9.30—5.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

WAtCH RepAiRs—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, revue, raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478.

AA Fl At RooF RepAiRs—All flat roofing repairs carried out by experienced felt roofer. Call 087 2607558.

G W pAintinG and Decorating. Keen rates—estimates free Phone—086 3848079.

lAnDsCApinG—Flower beds tided up, outdoor cleaning, patios, footpaths, walls, general property maintenance, exterior painting of fences, gates, walls, etc and decking cleaned. Dundalk & District. Tel. Jim 086 3818184.

loCAl C ARpenteR/JoineR available, 20 years’ experience, Floors, Skirting, Panelling, Kitchens, Wardrobes, Internal & external Doors, etc. Tel Sean 083 0344035.

HeAlinG CliniC AvAil Able in Dundalk every Thursday 11am—5pm at Medical eye & Health Centre, Demense, Dundalk. For appointment please phone Faith 087 7188450.

Get Fit the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

DRUM lessons inClUDinG boDHRAn For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

perKins rose 1st ANNiverSAry in loving memory of rose Perkins, formerly of Marian Park, Dundalk, who died on 14th July, 2022. you found a little land in Heaven


Always in our Hearts.

Love you Mum. XXX.

—From your daughter Monica and Peadar. nanny

Missed and loved every day


—From your grandchildren XX. rose

To someone special rose

Never forgotten.

—Paula and family. XX.

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted.

(Never known to fail). f.t.

HoUse & ApARtMent CleAninG Service. Specializing in re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.

tileR AvAilAble experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work - marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote.

s C t ilin G—Professional Tiler, Specialises in full bathroom refits. Top Class Work Guaranteed Call Shane—086 107 5080.

GRiMleY’s DUblin st. DUnDAlK Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUnDAlK GARDen seRviCes—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. rUbbISH reMOVALS—Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—ben 085-840-7707.

FoRtUne telleR—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

bU il D in G s e R vi C es extensions, renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. bathroom refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of roof repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501.

RooF leAKs MAsteR—We repair all types of roof—tile, slate, bangor blues. repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

C AR pent RY & Joine RY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. no job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

Mobile HoMe tRAnspoRt—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact— eugene 086-607-1702.

bUilDeR & HoMe MAintAinenCe building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. no job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.

p o D i At RY/C H i R opo DY treatment in the comfort of your own home. Ms. Dara McCoy, bsc. Podiatry, COrU registered 0871924794. p o W e R WA s H in G of driveways/paving/ walls/patios. no job too big or small. Competitive rates. Call Will on 085 860 4048. DD s pA intin G & Decorating Services. Dundalk area. Internal and external painting and wallpapering. Free estimates within 12 hours. 10 years experience. Tel David 085 7308777.

Will’s G ARD en s e R vi C es—Lawn cutting, edges, hedges, strimming, rubbish & recycle removal, garage/house/yard clearances. Call Will on 085 860 4048.

M A n W it H A vA n—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 089-4016728.

pA intin G & De Co RAtin G—Interior & exterior, Spray Painting & Hand Painted Kitchens, etc. All work carried out by professional Trades Men. Call brian 087 7558506.

G RA ss CU ttin G in and around the Dundalk area. experienced and reliable. Contact Michael on 0871477067.

s el F -Develop M ent and One to One Life Coaching by Certified Life Coach available in Dundalk. Contact Fiona 087 7188450.

M A n in A vA n—House moves, furniture delivery/removal, yard/garage clearances, recycling & rubbish removal. Call Will on 085 860 4048 for a competitive quote.

C AR pent RY repair, maintenance. Woodwork, attic space, fencing, feature walls, floors, kitchen and wardrobe repairs, shops and office suspended ceilings, metal partitions, drylining Tel enda 085 1481212.

s e M i- R eti R e D pA inte R available, Internal & external. 30 Years experience, also power washing services, etc. Tel Dermot 087 2993660.

pARt tiMe/RelieF DRiveR required, full licence, must be over 25, HGV licence is not required. Tel 087 2564616.

loUtH CoUnt Y CoUnCil—We, Alan Haughey, Michael Shields and eoin Murdock, intend to apply for permission at Grange Close, Muirhevna Mor, Dundalk, Co. Louth A91 TC97 for the demolition of the existing commercial unit and the construction of a three storey residential unit made up of 6 x two bedroom apartments (6 apartments in total), secure bin storage, bicycle storage, new boundary treatments including associated hard and soft landscaping, connection to the existing mains sewer, new on site surface water attenuation system, associated carparking and associated site development works. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00. loUtH CoUnt Y CoUnCil—I, Patrick Sheehan, intend to apply for planning permission for development at 24 Jocelyn Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. A Protected Structure under listing no. D436. The development consists of a change of use from Dental Surgery to use as a house. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 11 p R ope R t Y/R entA
spe C i A l se R vi C es
spe C i A l se R vi C es
AR ti C les F o R s A le spe C i A l se R vi C es pl A nnin G noti C es spe C i A l noti C es C l A sses & Co UR ses sit UAtions vACA nt
in MeMOriaM nOVena
b elle W sto W n RAC es best DR esse D F in A lists—picture left to right: louise Allen, sinead McKenna, Geraldine shalvey, Joanne Mallon – Ribbon Rogue boutique, Martina Meade, paddy Meade.
12 Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 Kitchens & Bedrooms FERGAL MARRY KITCHENS fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.com / 087 276 5866 Kitchens Bedroom Units Sliderobes & Feature walls TV Units Flooring Blinds CCTV/Alarms Building Contractors Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Forklifts Gardening Wa LSH Const RUC tion n e W bUILDS , e x T en SIO n S , r en OVATIO n S , Gr OU n D W O r KS 30 Ye A r S ex P er I en C e For quotations contact: Declan 086 274 9641 Flooring Specialists in herringbone Over 30 years’ experience Dust free service tel Arthur 085 1229291 ERInwood Wood floor fitting & sanding services Barbecues & Smokers


€10,000 of Walks Scheme Grant Funding

LOUTH Local Development has secured €10,000 of Walks Scheme Grant funding, from the Department of Rural and Community Development.

An ecological Assessment will be conducted on sections of Walks Scheme approved trails, located within Carlingford Mountains SAC “Special Area of Conservation” protected area; which form part of the Táin Way; The Slieve Foy Loop; The Commons Loop and The Barnavave Loop, on lands located in both Private Individual and Commonage (Glenmore and Commons Commonage) ownership. This will be covered in the Assessment and the final report will be delivered to Louth Local Development by the end of 2023.

The outcomes of this report will aid the Trail Management Organisation and the Rural Recreation Officer (RRO) in guiding best practice and statutory requirements for future Trail Management, Trail Maintenance, Planning and Monitoring decisions as well as future funding parameters of the trails located within this eU Habitat protected area. The RRO works closely with the Walks Scheme participants and the private landowners/farmers who continue to permit the General Public access to their lands on a permissive basis for the continued enjoyment and benefit of all.

‘check It Fits’ coming to louth

THe RSA’s check it Fits service is coming county louth this July and will be visiting Tesco extra, Donore Road, Drogheda on Tuesday 18th July and Smyth’s Toys, Dundalk Retail Park on Wednesday 19th July from 10am to 5.30pm each day.

experts in child car seat safety will on hand to offer advice on the different types of seats available, how to fix any problem, demonstrate how to fit the restraint correctly and to answer any queries you may have.

Travelling by car can potentially be one the most dangerous things a baby or child is likely to do each day, so parents and guardians should ensure that their small passengers are as well protected as possible by having the proper child car seat for their height and weight correctly installed in their vehicle.

No appointment is necessary, and the free checks are open to all makes and models of cars and child car seats.

Don’t let your child be a statistic, get your child car seat checked.

Friary Hop Reunion this Friday is sure to stir up old memories

THe Friary Hop was for many around town, their first introduction to the disco scene around Dundalk. Aimed at young teens the Friary Hop took place in the Friary school and was a place where teenagers danced the night away and where the seeds for blossoming teenage romances were sown.

Fintan Mulholland, originally from Hill St. but now living in Kildare has brought it upon himself to organise a reunion night for those who went to the Hop back in the day and he has invited anybody and everybody who has fond memories of that time to join him in Byrne’s Pub on Hill St. on July 14th at 9pm where old memories will be shared and funny stories retold.

If you are interesting in turning up to such an event then feel free to join Fintan and friends in Byrne’s Pub on Hill St. on the 14th of July at 9pm. Anybody with any questions for Fintan can contact him at 70friaries@gmail.com.

Families to receive enhanced Back to School Allowance

locAl Fianna Fáil Senator, Erin McGreehan, has welcomed confirmation that over 131,000 families will receive the enhanced Back to School clothing and Footwear Allowance from today.

The payment from the Department of Social Protection is designed to support eligible families with the cost of school uniforms and footwear ahead of the upcoming school term.

The rates of payment have increased this year by €100 per child to reflect the ongoing cost of living pressures facing families.

This means that €260 will be paid in respect of children aged 4-11 years old and €385 will be paid in respect of children aged 12 years and over in second level education.

overall, payments totalling over €72 million will be made automatically to over 131,000 families, in respect of over 231,000 children, from today. A notification of the automated payment is sent to customers by post or through their MyWelfare account.

InterIor & exterIor 087 656 0367 Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 13 Plumbing Windows Wheelie Bins For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Fax. 042 9333514 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OpEning HOuRS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors ALL oUR pRodUCTS ARE AS STANdARd Keep Your Town in Business Keep Your Business in Town Senator Windows Dundalk Septic Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Cleaning • Drain Cleaning • CCTV Drain Surveys • High Pressure • Water Jetting Drain Repairs • Phone: 086 849 8882 email: info@adcdrains.ie - www.adcdrains.ie Tree Surgery Tree SurgeonS Fully InSured Hedge CuTTIng & garden ClearanCe STump grIndIng & mulCHIng We also sell & deliver Wood Chip in ton bags - deliveries arranged Tel adrian 085 765 8830 Patios /Gardening Wheel Bin ColleCtions allareas covered Sign Up On-Line at www.aceenvironmental.ie Or Phone Office: 042-932 2594 Or Phone Stephen: 087-126 4934 DunDalk, Co. louth visit us @ www.aceenvironmental.ie or email us @ info@aceenvironmental.ie nWcpo-12-06461-04 established in 1995 alsO dOMestic & cOMMercial skip hire: 3-40 cubic yards tel: 042-932 2594 or email info@aceenvironmental.ie T&C’s Apply DOMeSTiC & COMMerCiAL WASTe, reCyCLe, OrGANiC & GLASS COLLeCTiONS

Dundalk Girl Guides

Dundalk Guides had their first cookout on Wednesday which they have been preparing for the past two weeks. In teams of four, they had to design a two course meal and organise bringing all the ingredients and equipment with them to prepare it. They did a great job and got to enjoy quite a feast at the end!

Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 14 H ILL S T ree T, Du BLIN rD., Du NDa L k. 042 9331515/086 2559201
Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 15
Dundalk Leader 12th July 2023 16

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