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Time for project to get back

THE power of sport was highlighted once again as the nation spent the past month cheering on Ireland’s Olympians who recorded their best ever performance at an Olympic Games returning home with 7 medals. Locally the town of Dundalk got behind one of our own as Kate O’Connor did herself and her country proud as she became the first Dundalk female to represent Ireland at the Olympic Games.

Growing up, Kate was fortunate enough to have parents who were able to drive her up and down the country to help her train in proper facilities which

currently aren’t available in Dundalk. However, that luxury is not available to everybody which means that some of our brightest young athletic talents are not given the support they need to prosper and elevate their performances to the next level.

For years there have been calls locally for a Municipal Athletics Track to be built in Dundalk and although work has begun on the former Pitch and Putt course in Muirhevnamór (Muirhevnamór District Park) progress has been slow with Louth County Council initially announcing the construction of a brand new athletics track back in 2018.

Continued on Page 2

Hometown Hero. Kate O’Connor became Dundalk’s first ever female Olympian in Paris when she competed in the Heptathlon.

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Olympian Kate says new track would be a huge addition to town

DUNDALK’S Kate O’Connor who recently became the first female Olympian from Dundalk has said the completion of a new athletics track for the town must be prioritized to help local athletes thrive.

Kate who finished in 14th place in the heptathlon told the Dundalk Leader that the new track would be a huge addition to the town.

“I really hope that work

on the athletics track can continue soon and that the project can be completed. We are a big town and we have so many talented young athletes and while I was very lucky to have had two parents who were able to drive me here there and everywhere across Ireland so I could train in proper facilities not everybody is that lucky.

“We need to support our young athletes and not only

that it would be a great addition for the general public to have somewhere safe and lit up where they can enjoy a walk or a run. Even just in terms of keeping healthy it will have huge benefits,” stated Kate.

“Local schools could use it and it could spark up an interest in young kids and maybe we would then see more people from Dundalk compete at the Olympics in years to come. Even for my-

self it would be great to be able to live in Dundalk and have a proper track on my doorstep. I am currently living in Belfast as I need to be beside a track where I can train regularly. To have a track in my home town would be fantastic and it is time now for the relevant authorities to work together and ensure it gets completed,” she added.

Work is set to resume on Municipal Athletics Track in Dundalk next month

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The turning of the sod in 2019 marked the beginning of the ambitious project which at the time had an estimated cost of €1.6m.

In 2021 work on the new Municipal Athletics Track in Dundalk resumed with phase two beginning as contractors return to the site at the old Pitch and Putt course in Muirhevnamor.

That phase saw grass seeds being put down as well as a new fence being installed the whole way around what will be the new track.

The new track would initially see the development of a grass track and a general training area which will be used by local athletics clubs as well as the general community.

Local Independent TD Peter Fitzpatrick has been a long time advocate for the building of a new athletics track and speaking to the Dundalk Leader yesterday he insisted that work on the project will resume in the coming weeks. He alosostated that there is over €100,000 in the Louth County Council kitty to help build a cinder track on the site before the end of the year.

“It is so important that we build this facility for the local community. We all watched the Olympics and I know I was one of many who were inspired by our very own

Deputy Peter Fitzpatrick at the site of the Municipal Athletics Track in Muirhevnamór in 2021. Work is due to resume at the site shortly.

Kate O’Connor who performed magnificently in Paris. I have been working very closely with Joe McGuinness in Louth County Council and I have been assured that work will begin next month at the track with workers going on site to pick up stones in the field. This has to be done before we can lay down what is called a cinder track (clay track) and I know that Louth County Council have €150,000 in the kitty to ensure that the track is built before the end of the year.

“After that the next phase is waiting to find out if we are success-

ful in the Sports Capital Grant. Louth County Council and the athletics clubs in Dundalk are working closely together to help make this happen and plans are drawn for an eight lane track. This has been going on four or five years now and I know people are getting impatient and wondering if it will ever be completed but I can assure them that this is going to be finished. Athletics Ireland have a role to play in this too and it’s through them that we need to get that grant. They need to work with us and for the people of Dundalk. The athletics track will

provide not only the talented athletes with a safe quality place to train but it will also be used by the general public and help keep our people healthy and happy. Running is the foundation of every single sport you can think of. It is so important and the beauty of it is that anybody can do it. You don’t need any equipment. The message from me is clear. Work is resuming on site next month and a cinder track will be layed down by the end of the year. After that we must wait for the Sports Capital Grand and then we can concentrate on getting

this project finished,” stated Deputy Fitzpatrick.

Six athletics clubs (St Peters A.C, Mountpleasant A.C, Blackrock A.C, St Gerards A.C, Dún Dealgan A.C and the North-East Runners) formed together to create a LTD company under the name of Dundalk Athletics Association and they alongside Louth County Council are the driving force to ensure this pro-

ject gets completed. Funding of €92,500 from the Sports Capital Grant was secured towards the installation of the track and that money was used during phase 1 of the project.

The facility will be managed by Louth County Council and subject to further funding it will later include an artificial surface running track which can be used to host national and international events.

Kate O’Connor.

Cllr. Fisher calls for former dump site to be transformed into community sports hub

Independent Councillor Ciarán Fisher has identified a site in Dundalk which he says could be perfect for building a community sporting facility.

LOCAL councillor Ciarán Fisher has earmarked what he describes as a ‘perfect site’ to build a top notch community sporting hub.

The recently elected Independent councillor says that any costs will be paid back in bucketloads via health and social benefits.

“Olympic fever is in the air and we’ve been treated to the worlds’ best, which this year included plenty of Irish!,” noted Ciarán. “Ireland punches above its weight in the Olympics. If you use the metric of per capita to medals, we’ve had a great year. If you look at the investment per capita, we are defying the odds. But it’s important that we don’t let success despite poor backing, continue to excuse a severe underfunding of sporting outlets in general.

“Dundalk has a perfect site for a top-notch community sporting facility, the old dump lands opposite St Helena’s/Jimmy Bellew Park.

“Although it is currently zoned as Open Space, it is fenced-off and out of bounds to the public. Pitches, a permeable running track and some athletics facilities would transform this into a sporting jewel for the town. Ideally there would be scope to look at the demand for other emerging sporting facilities, like skateboarding and basketball too.

“It’s a win on so many levels. This site can’t be developed with buildings because it won’t support heavy foundations, but it’s settled plenty for pitches and sports. In fact, it was mooted back in the early noughties, that something like this could be accomplished in a matter of years, but the vision has faltered.

“Using it for sporting facili-

ties would maintain an important barrier with the river and in effect, provide an extension of green space to St Helena’s Park, hugging both sides of the river.

“St Helena’s Park is an excellent facility, and the riverwalk loop has been a very positive step in embracing the geography of the river. Yet, our two primary parks, are pockets of green from British planned parks: I’d love to see us make a bold step towards providing for the next generations and the next one hundred years, by committing to putting the old dump land into public use.

“The population of the town has increased. North of the river is one of the noticeable locations of mass development in recent years. Only last week, people would have learned of the planning approval for 205 new homes on the Lisdoo Road, joining the sprawl of contemporary estates out that road. Unfortunately, are very few outlets for young people out that way, teenagers in particular.

“I commend, and often use, the facilities at Dundalk Sports Centre, Muirhevnamor. Something like that is a model to follow for the other side of town: a community facility that can be used by all clubs, teams, schools. Across the town and county, there are lots of clubs and teams crying out for space, resources and facilities. It may not be feasible to finance each and every one of them, to pick just a few and to give them everything they want, would raise questions of fairness. In practice, what happens is a lot of clubs get a sliver of capital grants to make bit-by-bit improvements, or to get by, but without creating real marquee facilities to push sports


“I know from playing and coaching football, that the supply of good quality pitches does not meet the demand. Many clubs are doing their bit and have womens’ teams, multiple underage boys’ and girls’ teams, swelling the demand on facilities. We have an immense voluntary sports sector in this country, let’s make it easier for them to do what they love.

“Of course, Ireland being Ireland, it rains! While the overall rainfall may be comparable year on year, there seems to be in increase in the intensity of the rain, which can cancel events and waterlog playing pitches. Certainly another all-weather pitch, would help competitions and clubs keep the show on the road.

“I can imagine this being a hub of activity, with schools using it during the day and clubs and organisations using it in the evening.

“As a town, we are sports mad. When our county or club is doing well it gives the whole place a lift. At the moment, we’re all so proud to have seen Kate O’Connor compete in the heptathlon in Paris, becoming Dundalk’s first female Olympian and Ireland’s first Olympic Heptathlete. We have discussions every Olympics about the need to invest in sports and athletics!

“I’d really love to see a space where anyone can present, participate and improve in their chosen field – without having to go to Dublin to trial it. It would be great to get some momentum to secure funding to make it a reality. I can tell you, that any investment will be paid back in buckets in the improvements in health and social benefits,” he concluded.

History maker

Kate O’Connor returns home

DUNDALK’S first female Olympian Kate O’Connor has returned home to a heroes welcome along with her fellow Olympians at the Team Ireland Summer Olympics homecoming reception on O’Connell Street on Monday afternoon. Huge crowds gathered on our capital’s main thoroughfare to welcome home the most successful Olympic team in Irish history.

O’Connor had worked tirelessly to reach the Olympics having endured a frustrating injury hit season but all the hours of hard work to ensure she reached Paris payed off in spades with the St Gerard’s AC athlete recording three season’s best efforts in her first Olympics. O’Connor went into the Olympics ranked 24th in the world and finished ten places above that ranking with a very creditable 14th place finish.

The heptathlon is viewed as one of the toughest events in athletics with athletes having to master seven events including the 100mts hurdles, high jump, shot putt, 200 metres, long jump, javelin and finally the 800 metres.

The 23-year old fin-

Kate finished on 6167 points and recorded a season’s best of 2:13.25 in the 800m, in her final event of seven disciplines.

• 100m hurdles - 14.08

• High Jump - 1.77m (SB)

• Shot Put - 13.79m

• 200m - 24.77 (SB)

• Long Jump - 5.79m

• Javelin - 50.36m

• 800m - 2:13.25 (SB)

ished with 6167 points which was narrowly shy of the Irish national record which she holds.

Reflecting on her experiences in Paris Kate spoke about the amazing support she received from the crowds in Paris while speaking about her desire to work harder and to continue to inspire the next generation of athletes coming through.

“It’s amazing to see the Irish support, friends and family in the crowd.

“That’s one of the beautiful things about multi-eventing. You have that time to go around and appreciate all the fans coming and supporting.

Every single Irish flag that I see just pushes me on further and every single smiling face helps me remember why I do all of this I suppose,” she


“I probably haven’t had time to reflect properly on my performance yet to be honest but I do know I’m proud of myself with how I recorvered after a poor start in the hurdles. I probably let the occasion get to me a bit knowing there was 70,000 people in the stadium watching me as well as millions at home. After that first event I had a word with myself and just told myself that I belong here and that I needed to embrace the occasion and enjoy it. I perform better when I am enjoying the events and I think that showed in the second event which was the high jump which I absolutely loved every minute of.

“ I finished with three seasons best in the seven events which I have to be happy with. At

Kate O’Connor hopes to have inspired a new generation of future Olympians with her performances in Paris.

Christmas I was injured and down and didn’t even know if I would be fit in time for the Olympics. I worked so hard to make it to Paris and I’m proud that I can now call myself an Olympian,” stated Kate.

“There’s loads of little kids out there cheering us on and I try to give them all a little wave because I love to inspire young people to not just do track and field but also multi events which is a brilliant sport. I might be a little bit bias but I really do think multi-events is one of the best sports in track and field.

“With Ireland we have a lot of great track athletes and they get showcased really well at home but sometimes I feel the multi eventers and field eventers are left out a little bit so it’s great that we can push ourselves a bit forward on huge stages like this and we’re actually making moves and not finishing down the bottom of the field. I suppose we just want to show everybody at home that there’s more to track and field than just the track. I just want to keep showing up and getting better and hopefully inspire the next generation,” she added.

Rally driver Logan retains championship lead Chloe’s 70km walk for two charities close to her heart

Logan in action in Wales last weekend.

REIGNING Irish Junior Rallycross Champion, and current Irish junior mini championship points leader Logan Hoey (15), retained his championship lead after two more podium finishes at Anglesey race circuit in Wales last weekend For Logan’s first race outside Ireland, he qualified in third position for round 3 of the championship on Saturday.

Logan got shuffled back at the start, and then had to take avoiding action for an on track incident, all of which dropped him down to 7th position. But this did not faze Logan, and he charged back up the field to take an incredible second place fin-

ish at the last corner on the last lap. For round 4 of the championship, Logan started Sunday’s race on the outside of the front row. Unfortunately Logan sustained some damage early in the race which affected the cars handling, but he drove a great race to finish in 3rd place.

Logan is now the only driver to finish all four races on the podium, and retains his championship lead. The championship now moves to Kirkistown on the Ards peninsula for rounds 5 & 6 of the championship on August 31st However the talented Louth teenager requires some much needed sponsorship to see out the season.

AN eight-year old Dundalk girl is pounding the streets of Dundalk for the third year in a row to help raise money for two causes close to her heart.

Chloe McCartney from Greenfield Court pledged to walk 70km over the course of a month for Diabetes Research in memory of both her Grandads, Ned Stokes and Paddy McCartney. This is the third year in a row that Chloe has raised funds for Diabetes Research and last year she also raised money for Children With Autism/GDD (Global Development Delay) and any other additional needs.

She will also, for the 2nd time, be raising funds to help Children with Autism/GDD and any other additional needs. Chloe’s brother Seán is a late learner and she was inspired to help out other kids around Dundalk with additional needs.

Last year she donated half the funds raised to Diabetes Ireland and the other half went to purchasing and donating educational toys and sensory equipment to 2 pre-schools in our area and to a lot of local children with ASD in our community.

She walked 50km last year so this year she wants to beat it and try for 70km. Speaking on Mon-

day, Chloe’s grandmother, Julia Gonnelly said her granddaughter has always been a kind soul and always looking out for others.

“We’re all very proud of Chloe. She’s been doing this fundraising walk for a few years now and she is always looking to help others. The weather hasn’t been the best over the last few weeks but that hasn’t stopped Chloe from get-

ting out and getting her walks done. She even did a big walk up in Antrim last week when she was on her holidays. The last couple of years she did 50km in total but this year she has upped that to 70km. She is due to finish the 70kms this week and after that she will divide all the money she has raised between Diabetes Research and towards local children with additional needs. Her brother, Sean, is aged four and he inspired her to do this fundraiser. He is a late learner and Chloe wanted to do something to help him and other children.,” explained Julia.

Chloe has already helped out one local family in recent weeks by making a donation which paid for two local girls with autism to attend private OT sessions for a month.

Last year the Gael Scoil Dhun Dealgan primary school pupil donated toys and equipment to local children with autism/ learning delays and to two local preschools. If you would like to help Chloe raise money for her two chosen charities you can donate on her GoFundMe page by searching for ‘Chloe’s walk for Diabetes and children with additional needs’.

Old Dundalk Society Heritage Week Event

THE Old Dundalk Society contribution to the 2024 Heritage Week will focus on the history of our local communities through trade, exploration and migration that have shaped communities over time.

This year’s heritage theme will be developed in the St Nicholas Quarter of the Town, with a visit to St. Nicholas Parish Church (Green Church) originally built circa 1400 A.D. and also a visit to the Church of St. Nicholas built in 1859, (part of St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish).

The tour will take place on Wednesday 21st of August assembling at St Nicholas Parish Church (Green Church) at 6.30pm sharp. Mr Trevor Patterson (Select Vestry) will deliver a presentation on the history of the church and its involvement with local communities.

After the lecture we leave the precincts of the Church and will proceed along Church Street towards the Church of St. Nicholas stopping on the way for a musical interlude, with music by members of the wonderful Ukulele band the ‘Yew Tree Ukus’.

After the foot tapping musical entertainment, we will proceed to the Church of St. Nicholas arriving at 7.30 pm, entering the Church we will be greeted by the sound of traditional Irish music played by ‘Cuchulainn CCE Junior Traditional Band’.

Fr. Michael Murtagh will then present a lecture on the History of the Church and its relevance within the local community and reference the Oliver Plunkett connection to the St Nicholas Quarter of the Town. The event will conclude at 8.30pm approx. Everyone welcome to attend this free event.

Pearse Park 75th Anniversary Celebrations

Chloe takes a well earned rest on her holidays in Antrim.

Erin McGreehan to contest next general election

FIANNA Fáil senator Erin McGreehan will run as a candidate in the next general election after being nominated by party members last Thursday evening. The Cooley native was up against three local Fianna Fáil councillors with Seán Kelly, Emma Coffey and John Sheridan also throwing their hats into the ring.

Erin was selected on the first count through a vote by proportional representation and a second count was not deemed necessary. Speaking to the Dundalk Leader following her nomination, Erin said it was a huge honour and a huge moment especially for the young Erin who dreamed of this day when growing up.

‘It’s a huge honour for me and I’m thrilled to be ratified ahead of three brilliant competitors. It shows the strength of the party at the moment and the hunger we have in our bellies which maybe was missing from the party for a few years. I’ve been dreaming of running for a general election for as long as I can remember. I took the name Constance as my confirmation name after Con-

stance Markievicz who was the first woman to be elected to the Dáil so that shows you how passionate I was about politics from an early age. That young girl would be so thrilled knowing that one day she would be running as a candidate for Fianna Fáil.

“The hard work starts now and I know the magnitude of the role and the responsibility I have for the people of County Louth if I get elected. I have been working as a Senator since 2020 and before that I was a member of Louth County Council. I have also worked as a Parliamentary Assistant in Leinster House for many years

so I know and understand the logistics of how things work in the Dáil.

I have passionately worked on issues close to my heart such as cancer care, disability, environment, agriculture and youth services. I also have a masters in economics and of course we cannot fix any of the issues we face in this country if we do not have a buoyant economy so ensuring the country is doing well economically is key to everything,” explained Erin.

“I am very passionate about ensuring we look after the young people in County Louth. We must improve services for them. There are very few places for teenagers to hang out in town. Most congregate in the Marshes but we have to offer them more. Somewhere safe and fun where they can gather and enjoy themselves,” she added.

On the subject of increasing anger and hate online towards politicians Erin said she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been affected by some of the twitter trolls but the key was trying to find out why so many people

are disaffected and full of hate.

“Listen, I’ve been on the receiving end of hurtful comments and they do hurt. I’m not a stone, I have feelings. Insults are insulting. Some days you can brush the comments off and roll your eyes but other days you do take them to heart and take them to bed with you. I have four young kids and I don’t want them growing up thinking everybody hates their mother. They didn’t ask for this. But I am an optimist and I want to change things for the better and I believe I can do so. We need to find out why people are so disaffected. Why they feel the need to be so angry and hateful. Every dispute can be negotiated. The Good Friday agreement is the template to prove that. We don’t have to agree on everything or even like each other but we can sit down and discuss what is bothering us and come to an agreement. Every citizen of this country matters. I am looking forward to getting out and meeting people and hearing their issues. There’s a lot of hard work ahead but I can’t wait to get going,” stated Erin.

Almost 1800 18-year-olds receiving Child Benefit extension in Louth

CHILD Benefit has now been paid in respect of 1783 18-yearolds in Louth since the government announced that the benefit would be extended to anyone who is 18 and in full-time education, or who has a disability, up until their 19th birthday.

To date, this measure has benefited over 58,000 young people in full-time education or with a disability and is paid at a rate of €140 per month.

O’Dowd said: “1783 recipients in Louth are now receiving the extension which is providing a just and improved support to families as children continue to enter primary schools at a later age.

“In the case of a child who turned 18 after May 2023 and

remains in full-time education, they will be eligible again from May 2024 until their 19th birthday. The parent or guardian does not need to reapply if the child is in full-time education and the Department holds a current education certificate.

“If the education certificate expires before the 19th birthday, a new certificate will be issued to the parent or guardian, which must be completed and returned to resume Child Benefit payments.

O’Dowd added “In the case of a child that turns 18 after May 2024, Child Benefit will automatically be extended until the 19th birthday or the expiry date of the current certificate.”

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Senator Erin McGreehan.

Publicly funded HRT scheme a “game changer” for women’s healthcare

LOUTH Senator Erin McGreehan has welcomed reports that her party colleague, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, plans to introduce a publicly funded hormone replacement therapy (HRT) scheme.

Under the scheme, the Government would cover the cost of HRT medication being available to those who need it.

Senator McGreehan said: “The publicly-funded HRT scheme

will be a game-changer for women’s healthcare. This is hugely welcome news.

“There has been an increase in demand for HRT medicines in the last number of years, both due to public information campaigns run by the Government and to the work of many individuals, organisations and public representatives in highlighting the need for better menopause care for women.

“However, women have faced issues in using HRT medicine, from access to cost disparity.

“These issues are in addition to the already challenging experience of menopause. It represents a significant change in the reproductive system and brings with it a lot of other symptoms, everything from hot flashes to weight gain, hair loss, anxiety, depression, sight loss, arthritis and diabetes.

Heritage Week table of events

LOUTH County Council is delighted to announce a series of exciting events will take place during national Heritage Week, led by the Louth Urban Food Sanctuary team.

The events will run from August 17th to August 24th, and will explore the links between heritage and climate. Funded by Creative Ireland’s Creative Climate Action Fund II, they offer a unique blend of history, gardening, sustainability, and climate awareness.

The series of talks and interactive sessions include:

Saturday, 17th August at The Still, Dundalk Library 11am –12pm: The Art of Gardening with Dr. Pamela Whitaker and Eileen Carter

Join the Louth Urban Food Sanctuary team for The Art of Gardening, a captivating talk led by Eileen Carter of Blackrock Community Garden and organic gardener, Dr. Pamela Whitaker. Dive deep into the rich history of gardening in Ireland, with a special focus on botanic gardening, community gardens and the invaluable contributions of local botanist Thomas Coulter and his groundbreaking discoveries.

Explore the roots of heritage gardening and learn about sustainable, organic practices and edible landscapes. This event promises to be a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration.

Monday, 19th August at The Still, Dundalk Library 2pm-3pm: Seed Saving with Roisín Cotter Delve into the age-old practice of seed saving with expert organic gardener Roisín Cotter. In this informative session, hosted by Louth Urban Food Sanctuary’s Team, Roisín will guide you through the fascinating history of seed saving and its vital role in achieving seed security and sovereignty. Learn about the types of seeds that can be saved and the simple techniques to do so, ensuring the continuation of diverse and resilient plant varieties. Roisín will also spotlight two pioneering seed-saving organisations in Ireland: Irish Seed Savers and Brown Envelope Seeds. Discover how these companies are preserving genetic diversity and heritage crops in addition to supporting sustainable agriculture.

Tuesday, 20th August at The Still, Dundalk Library 11am-12pm: Modern Potato Growing with Maria Flynn of

Ballymakenny Farm

Louth Urban Food Sanctuary’s Team look forward to hosting an insightful talk with Maria Flynn of Ballymakenny Farm, as she explores the intricacies of growing potatoes in today’s predominantly monoculture-driven farming landscape. Discover Ballymakenny Farm’s innovative responses to the challenges faced by the potato farming sector and gain a fresh perspective on the question: Is bigger always better? Whether you’re a seasoned farmer, an aspiring grower, or simply interested in the future of agriculture, this talk promises to provide valuable insights.

Wednesday, 21st August at the Old Schoolhouse and Tallanstown Community Garden, Tallanstown 12pm-2pm: Harvest Cultural Traditions led by Dr. Pamela Whitaker and members of Tallanstown Community Garden

Join the Louth Urban Food Sanctuary Team for a vibrant, harvest-themed event led by organic gardener Dr. Pamela Whitaker, alongside representatives from the diverse community of Tallanstown, Co. Louth. Held in the historic Old Schoolhouse, this celebration will delve into the Celtic tradition of Lúghnasa and feature enchanting traditional harvest stories and practices shared by members of the Indian, Ukrainian, and Afghan communities residing in Tallanstown. Experience a rich tapestry of cultural heritage as you enjoy a tour of the stunning community garden adjacent to the Old Schoolhouse. The event will also offer a delightful array of traditional foods and to sample, providing a true taste of the diverse traditions that make Tallanstown such a wonderful place to visit.

Thursday, 22nd August at Drogheda Library 11am-12pm: Seed Saving with Roisín Cotter Delve into the age-old practice of seed saving with expert organic gardener Roisín Cotter. In this informative session, hosted by Louth Urban Food Sanctuary’s Team, Roisín will guide you through the fascinating history of seed saving and its vital role in achieving seed security and sovereignty. Learn about the types of seeds that can be saved and the simple techniques to do so, ensuring the continuation of diverse and resilient plant varieties. Roisín will also spotlight two

“The scheme would put an end to the barrier posed by costs in accessing effective and essential healthcare treatment. Women are faced with costs of €30 to €70 per month for HRT, the cost of a GP visit which can be between €60 and €80 and the cost of having to have to go to a consultant which could be hundreds of euros for one consultation.

“Publicly-funded HRT is an investment in the individual health

of those women who access the medicines as well as in the health of families and entire communities. I look forward to the details of the scheme being published in the coming weeks.

“The scheme is the latest example of Fianna Fáil’s commitment in Government to supporting women’s healthcare and removing barriers to access wherever we can.”

pioneering seed-saving organisations in Ireland: Irish Seed Savers and Brown Envelope Seeds. Discover how these companies are preserving genetic diversity and heritage crops in addition to supporting sustainable agriculture.

Friday, 23rd August at Ardee Library 11am-12pm: Climate Change and Invasive Species and Pests Ireland with Dr. Rory Sheehan

Join Louth Urban Food Sanctuary’s Team and Dr. Rory Sheehan of Louth County Council for an enlightening talk and Q&A session on the pressing issue of invasive species in Ireland and across the EU. As climate change accelerates their spread, these pests are increasingly impacting our agricultural output and gardens.

Dr. Sheehan will delve into the specific invasive species threatening our ecosystems, discussing their effects and the challenges they pose. Learn about the strategies being employed to combat these pests and how we can adapt our practices to mitigate their impact.

Saturday, 24th August at Townley Hall Walled Gardens, Drogheda 1pm – 2pm: A history and tour of the gardens with Hilda Crampton and Exploring Louth’s Changing Climate with Dr. Rory Sheehan

Louth Urban Food Sanctuary’s Team is excited to host an event at the enchanting walled gardens of Townley Hall, Drogheda. The event will combine history, horticulture, and climate science, beginning with a talk from Dr. Rory Sheehan of Louth County Council, who will present a compelling overview of Louth’s changing climate. This brief yet informative presentation will examine how County Louth’s weather has evolved and what the future holds, drawing on the latest climate change predictions for Louth and their implications for our growing seasons and rainfall patterns. The event will also feature a guided tour of the walled gardens led by Hilda Crampton, who will share the fascinating history of these gardens and their significance to the local community.

To book a place or for any information regarding these events, please email creativeireland@louthcoco.ie or visit the website: www.louthurbanfoodsanctuary.com.

DkIT welcomes new Students Union Team

DUNDALK Institute of Technology (DkIT) are delighted to welcome the new Students Union Team for the academic year 2024/2025. The office this year will be led by elected President Holly Lambe-Sally. Holly is no stranger to the Students Union as last year she expertly filled the role of Vice-President for Welfare and Equality. Holly from Dundalk is a graduate of DkIT’s Health and Physical Activity Course.

“I loved being on the Student Union Team last year, but I felt that I had more to offer the student body, so I’m delighted to be able to represent DkIT students as their President this year on an institutional and national level. I want to ensure all students needs are met no matter how large or small they are, and my continuous agenda will be to service our students and I will have their best interests at heart all the time”.

Holly will be capably supported by Tobi Bewaji and Gerry O’Brien. Tobi has recently completed her BA (Hons) in Audio and Music Production and will take on the role of Vice President of Welfare and Equality. Tobi’s key focuses this year will be to address matters of diversity and Inclusion, support student’s financial issues, support mental and sexual health and further evolve the events and campaigns the Union offers its students. Tobi said:

“I want to promote inclusion and equality by being the voice for all students including minorities. This coming academic year I will focus on student wellbeing whilst creating a safe space for all students to academically and socially thrive and flourish”

Last, but not least is Gerry O’Brien who completed his BA (Hons) in Sports, Exercise & Enterprise as a mature student.

Gerry was elected as Vice President for Student Engagement and will be responsible for engaging students within the academic and the social aspects of their time in DkIT. Part of his role will include sitting on academic council, this is the council where every policy, guideline and module/course change is approved. Gerry will make sure that the student voice is fundamental in any discussion around the issues affecting studies. Gerry said,

“my goal is to maximise student engagement for all students, I will have a particular focus on mature students and apprentices. All students are equal in DkIT, and we want to engage them all whilst creating an opportunity for

all their voices to be heard”. Holly Lambe-Sally, Student President added

“We have a fantastic team this year and I’m really looking forward to working with Tobi and Gerry and to continue the fantastic work that has been done by previous DkIT Student Union bodies”.

The Students Union in DkIT is an integral part of the Institute and is the office that supports the student’s voice and represents all students. The Union not only organises social & entertainment events but offers support on everything from accommodation, to finances, mental health to offering everyday solutions for issues that may arise for students. All of DkIT wish this team the very best for the next academic year and look forward to supporting them in their new roles.—

1—Where will the next Olympic Games be held?

2—If your surname is McGowan/ MacGabhann what occupation would your ancestors most likely have had?

3—Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens which parts of the human body?

4—Who was the Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021?

5—Home and Colonial delicatessan, McCann’s Fruit Shop, McCuskers Shop, Royal Liver Insurance Company and Maloccas were all former traders in which Dundalk

6—In computers and technology what does USB stand for?

7—What is the Russian boxer who Rocky fights in Rocky IV called?

8—What famous Irish politician has a Bernese Mountain Dog called Misneach?

9—What is the only country to share a land border with Denmark?

10—Rabat is the capital of which African country? Stinker—The traditional Irish

of 18 letters. Can

Sen Erin McGreehan.
Gerry O’Brien, Holly Lambe-Sally and Tobi Bewaji will be the new Students Union Team for the new academic year.






In memory of Pierce Curley whose 8th anniversary occurs on 14th August.

We think of you in silence

We often speak your name

But all we have are memories

And your picture in a frame. Your resting place we visit And put flowers there with care

But no one knows the heartache

As we turn and leave you there.

—Always loved and remembered by your wife Rose.


A Beautiful memory, Dearer than gold, Of a father whose worth, Can never be told. There is a place in my heart, That can never be filled, I miss you Dad, And always will.

—Always loved and remembered by your loving daughter Michelle, son-in-law John and grandsons Adam and Sean. XXX.


In Our Hearts: We thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new, We thought about you yesterday And days before that, too. We think of you in silence, We often speak your name, Now all we have are memories, And your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, With which we’ll never part, God has you in His keeping, We have you in our heart. —From your son Pierce, Madeline, Rachel and Aaron.


FAGAN Philomena Birthday remembrance for Philomena Fagan, late of Willowdale, Bay Estate, whose birthday occurs on 19th August. Another day goes by without you, Another day to reminisce, About all the times we shared together, And everything we miss. Love you always Mammy. —From your loving family.

NEWS in Brief

Dundalk Library Event

Niamh’s Extreme Earth Mission #3: Antarctica, the coldest continent Saturday 17th of August at 3pm—Last November, Dundalk native Dr Niamh Shaw set sail to Antarctica, in the south Polar region and joined by 100 other women scientists equally passionate about our planet. With video and photos of icebergs, whales, seals and lots and lots of penguins, this talk will satisfy curious minds of all ages. Family friendly event followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Healthy Ireland At Your Library—The Irish Heart Foundation Mobile Unit will be offering free blood pressure and pulse checks at Dundalk Library on Thursday 15th of August from 10am to 3:15pm.

Heritage Week—The Art of Gardening for Climate Change in Dundalk Library on Saturday 17th of August at 11am. Celebrating the Heritage of Irish Gardens for Food and Health. Have you ever considered your garden to be a work of art and yourself to be the artist? Eileen Carter from Blackrock Park will be sharing her experiences in the project as part of this event.

Organic gardener Pamela Whitaker will encourage the development of skills to promote gardens that are both productive and restorative. She will showcase examples from artists who garden and inspire your capacity to regenerate your home and local surroundings with edible landscapes.

To book contact Dundalk Library at Tel 042 9353190. Carlingford Library Heritage Week Celebration—Join us on Saturday 17th of August at Carlingford Library to celebrate our heritage. 10am – 5pm Louth County Council’s Decade of Centenaries Local Context and Connection: An Exhibition. 11am Storytime suitable for 4-8 year olds 3pm Traditional Music.

Booking via Dundalk Branch at Tel 042 9353190 or Email libraryhelpdesk@louthcoco.ie


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).


ATTENTION LANDLORDS— We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.

FABRIC ARMCHAIR In good condition. Free to collect. Contact 085 7211411. MANUAL THREADMILL for sale. €60.00. Dundalk area. Contact 086 2148792. STEWART ENERGY cavity wall extraction machine for sale Tel 00 44 7831728495.

BONDED BEAD cavity insulation lorry for sale, fully loaded, ready to go Tel 00 44 7831728495.

6 X 4 TRAILER FOR SALE— Very good condition, LED lights & jockey wheel + Bradley hitch & lock & keys €600 Tel 086 1535987.

SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED—Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail).


Council welcome submissions on the Strategic Policy Committee

LOUTH County Council have developed a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Scheme for the newly elected council and are inviting submissions from the public. As a Local Authority Louth County Council has a wide range of statutory and service obligations which it carries out on behalf of and for the benefit of the people of County Louth.

The Council formulates and adopts policy and is assisted and supported in this work by several committees called Strategic Policy Committees.

Following the local elections held in June 2024, each Local Authority is required to establish new Strategic Policy Committees in line with the revised Guidelines published by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in June 2024.

The role of SPCs, as committees of the council, is to advise and assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy. The SPC system is intended to give councillors and relevant sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages. SPC’s have an important role as they involve both elected members of the council, and people actively working with social, economic, cultural and environmental bodies to develop and review policies related to council services. There are five SPCs in Louth, responsible for each of the following: Economic Development and Enterprise Supports, Strategic Planning, Community and Placemaking, Social Development, and Sustainability.

Louth County Council’s SPC Scheme will agree the sectoral representation from other bodies, ensuring vital knowledge and experience support decision making.

When adopted SPCs will run for the lifespan of the current council 2024-2029. Louth County Council welcomes any suggestions on the SPC scheme, which is now open for public consultation until 5.00pm on 6th September 2024. Submissions should be emailed to spcscheme2024@ louthcoco.ie

GARDEN MAINTENANCE—Hedge cutting, Lawn cutting, Powerwashing, fencing. Slabs laid. Contact Brian 086-1097358.

FIFI’S ALTERATIONS— Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.30 - 5.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

TAKE THE HASSLE OUT of your garden. I do it all. Grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting, weeding, fencing, wall painting, power washing, gutter cleaning and general DIY. Tel Catriona 087 3172109.

BUILDER & HOME MAINTAINENCE— Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.

PAINTING AND DECORATING— No job too small, keen rates, Dundalk & surrounding areas, estimates free. Phone 086 3848079.


CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact Cathal 087-2259799.

ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

WE CAN DISTRIBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085-8407707.

FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

CARPENTRY & JOINERY— Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie.

GARDENS/POWER WASHING One stop garden service, large & small lawn cutting, strimming, hedges, tidy-ups, power washing, clearances. Contact Will’s Services 085-860-4048.

ROOFING AND BUILDING contractor available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.

CLINIC AVAILABLE to help with the following conditions and general wellbeing, skin conditions, migraine, asthma, chest and ear problems, sinuses, etc. Further information call Faith on 087 7188450.

APPLIANCE REPAIRS for washing machines, dryers, fridges, etc, also general property maintenance and cleaning Tel 089 4370074. or www.best4you.ie.

WINDSOR LANDSCAPING— Installation, maintenance & refurbishment services. Driveways, paths, patios, walls, block paving, tarmac, gravel, natural stone, flagging. For free quotation contact Joe 085 1974414 or 0044 7932362648. TREE SERVICES— Tree surgery, stump grinding, wood chipping & pruning. Conifer hedge reduction and ash die back removal. Fully Insured & Certified. Contact Chambers on 087 2750825 Email— rchambers2008@yahoo.ie.

Over 20 years experience. No job too big or too small. Available services: Doors, Frames, Floors, Skirting, Architraves, Walls, Built in Units, Fencing/Gates, Plaster boarding and Roofing Services. Complete renovations carried out. Contact Mark 086 0895508.

MAN WITH A VAN— Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 089-4016728.


Carpentry, Doors & Floors. Roof repairs, Plumbing, Wall & Floor tiling, All outdoor work, Paving & Fencing, Power washing. Call Robert on 083 0777666.

PAINTING SERVICES available, interior and exterior, sprayed and hand painted kitchens, all work carried out by professional trades men Also available for Power washing. Tel Brian 087 7558506.

CHARA COUNSELLING— 20 years’ experience, currently taking appointments. Supporting you with emotional intelligence for relationship issues, your mental health, grief, all addictions & past traumas. For a strictly private consultation call Martin today on 083 3402766.

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Whatsapp or Tel 085-7623758 for quotation.


Whether you require one off garden/ outdoor services or regular maintenance, we’ve.

GOT YOU COVERED— Grass cutting, Hedge trimming, Weeding, Power washing, General Maintenance and more. Contact us on 087 9043817.

SIMON’S GARDENS— Grass cutting & general gardening services contact Simon 086 3004930.

LOCAL POWER WASHING— No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and furniture removals, recycling or rubbish removals. Contact James 0862086141 for free quotation.

WE CAN DISTRIBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

DMC GARDEN maintenance services. Weekly/fortnightly lawn mowing services available. Hedge, shrub trimming and shaping. Weeding, spraying, strimming. Full garden clean up and all waste removed. Free quote. Keen rates. Please contact 087 7019178.

GOLDEN OLDIES? Call the Nostalgia Line for Karaoke and singing for birthdays, anniversaries, parties etc. Call Nicky on 0874128526.

GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

WEEKLY SEWING CLASSES on-going at Northlink Retail Park, you can join in any time, for enquiries please call or WhatsApp Elizabeth on 0872649221 or visit www.djk-creations.com.

PLASTERING— (all aspects), Tiling, Painting (exterior & interior) and general maintenance Louth/Monaghan area. Tel Gary 083-0634440.

EASY-GOING country lad, mid 50s with GSOH seeks like-minded female companion late 40s/mid 50s with no ties. For walks/talks and to share the simple things in life. Tel 0868220403.

BAR PERSON REQUIRED for town centre pub. Position 1—Part time, experienced bar person required for nightime and weekend work. Position 2—Part time bar person required. No prior experience necessary. Applications and CV to BarworkDundalk16@gmail.com.

For a free no obligation

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Alan’s class shines through

LAST Friday night saw the Paul Walla Murtagh Cup return to the local Darts scene in the Northend Bar.

Walla was a local dart thrower who was both feared and revered by anyone who had the pleasure of playing darts against him.

From the start of the night the draw threw up some interesting fixtures with a number of the fancied winners going to be knocked out in the 1st round.

A great battle was in store when Walla’s brother Mark would take on his nephew, Darren Ludlow and both players gave it their all in trying to win a Cup named after one of their own.

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Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk.

Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2

After hours by appointment

Mark would gain victory over Darren but he would eventually be knocked out in the 1/4 finals by Paul Monahan who’s been taking a few big scalps of late.

A number of the local younger dart throwers would pick up wins in the earlier rounds of the competition, players such as Conor Dunn, Ciaran Treanor, Cian Roddy & Jason Finnegan would all pick up ranking points but at the semi-finals stage it would be the more experienced

throwers who would be trying to get their hands on the Cup.

Ray Harte’s recent rich vein of form would eventually be halted by Alan Dullaghan while Paul Monahan would be halted in his tracks by Aidan Conroy.

The final was of the highest order with both players going tit for tat in the games and Alan Dullaghan would eventually edge out Aidan Conroy 3-2 in a thrilling outcome to the final.

Highlight of the night was

Alan Dullaghan’s monster 160 checkout.

Next up in the Summer Series

Of Darts is The Thomas & Richard Callan Memorial Shield next Friday Night, 16th of August with the first of the games getting underway @ 9pm.

With their only being two more qualifying games left in the series, so far there’s been 72 different throwers turning up so far to try and get through to the Finals Night to play for the Inau-

gural Paddy Dixon Cup. The Organisers would like to thank their sponsors, along with a few sponsors who would like to remain anonymous. Sponsors include: Fives Taxis, Mullens Roden Place, Gonnelly Signs, Smashers, Bellurgan Engineering, Northend Bar & Ring-A-Drink, Imperial Hotel & Shang Garden Chinese Takeaway Louth Village who have all helped make the Summer Series Of Darts a great success.

Sarah Fagan Women’s Lap of Louth

THE female members of Dundalk Cuchulainn Cycling Club have now finalised plans for this Year’s Women’s Lap of Louth which will take place on Sunday 18th August 2024. Now in its 4th Year, this annual “female only” cycle, is a renowned All IRELAND wide cycling event attracting girls and women cyclists from all 32 Counties. Last Year the Cuchulainn Club was greatly saddened to lose one of its stalwart members Sarah Fagan who tragically drowned whilst participating in the Alpe d’ Huez Triathlon in France. Sarah was an esteemed member of the Cuchulainn club for many years, always a keen athlete eager to take on a challenge but especially remembered as someone who was forever on hand to encourage others, especially women and girls to join in the sports she loved.

Last Year the WLOL was renamed the Sarah Fagan Womens Lap of Louth in memory of Sarah and the tremendous impact she had on women in sport. As in previous years, the WLOL will link into Sport Ireland’s “HER Outdoors Week” initiative which is designed to attract more women into sport and to encourage women to enjoy the social

and health benefits sporting activities provide. Cuchullainn CC and the WLOL are committed to inclusivity and is also proud to support and encourage our chosen charity partner, Louth Disability Cycling Club.

The cycle offers two routes, 50Km and 90 km both of which sweep their way across the rolling green hills of Louth, the picturesque villages dotted throughout the county and the beautiful coastal road with spectacular views across to the Mourne Mountains. No detail has been spared by the organizers who have created a great fun day for “women on wheels”. The routes will be safe and ful-

ly marshalled with plenty of snacks, water and loo stops. All participants will receive a goody bag and at the finish at DKIT there will be food, music and craic galore as well as a free Raffle for all participants offering some great prizes. Changing facilities and hot showers will also be available for those wishing to avail.

The all-important date to mark in your diary is Sunday 18th August 2024, when the Sarah Fagan Women’s Lap of Louth pedals off from DKIT Sports Centre at 10.00am. Registration is now open online and participants may register on the day between 08.30-09.30 with roll out from the Start

Line at 10.00am. Registration Fee is €20 online and €25 on the day. Register Online: eventmaster.ie/event/ Do42umAcJr Facebook: www. facebook.com/womens lapoflouth/ E mail: women@dundalk cycling.com

Sincere Thanks to all our Sponsors: DKIT Sport; Fyffes; Dole; The Cycle Centre; Kelleher Insurances; German Salami Company; The Bike Station; Galibier; EK Fuels Ltd; Velo Revolution; Louth Local Sports Partnership; Grenade: Ronaghans Pharmacy; Byrnes Late Night Pharmacy; The Hair Shop.

33rd Fatima Golf Open

THE 33rd Fatima Golf Open (Gerry Gallagher Memorial and The Kevin Matthews Memorial) will take place on Saturday 24th August in the Ballymascanlon Golf Course. Tee off takes place between 2pm and 4pm and presentation of prizes will take place later in the evening in Lennon’s Bar at 8-9pm. Fee €30. Prizes will be awarded for the top five finishers as well as best front 9, best back 9, nearest to the pin and longest drive. Main sponsors for the event are Cullen Auto Parts, Fastfix, John Laverty Motor Factors and MVI. For further information contact Paul Mathews 0857226163, Leo Martin 0863675618 or Paddy ‘The Caddie’ Murtagh 0879732709.

In the attached photo is Mark Murtagh, Alan Dullaghan, Aidan Conroy, Sheila Meehan and Darren Ludlow.
Some of the members of the women’s committtee of the Cuchulainn Cycling Club launching Sarah Fagan’s Lap of Louth.

KIDS UNDER 150CM – HALF PRICE Before 4:30pm Starts at 5pm

KIDS UNDER 100CM £2.99



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