Simply The Best!By Tamara O’Connell Katie George Dunleavy and Eve McCrystal won their sixth World Championship in Canada last weekend. The unstoppable duo won a tandem gold in the Para-Cycling Road World Championships as well as a silver medal in the time trial. of Joan BradymeetingWaterinvitesCouncillorIrishto
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DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Wednesday, 17th August, 2022. Vol. 15, Issue 33 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email:;
Page 4 Page 6 Page 10 bigtourswalkingLiam’sahit Stroll memoryin
A RESIDENT in Muirhevnamor has said he “cautiously welcomes” a decision by Louth County Council to reject planning permis sion for a new high-rise building in Dun dalk.Kyle Flood from Grange Close has lived in Muirhevnamor for over 40 years and was one of a number of residents who objected to the development.Hesaidthat it’s “good” that plans for the proposed development in Grange Close, off Tom Bellew Avenue have been rejected. “It was a plan for a six or seven storey build ing to build 19 apartments. It was ridiculous. It was never going to be passed,” said Kyle. “There was a planning permission meeting held on 11 August in Louth County Council and it was rejected then. “I got a notification in writing yesterday (Monday, 15 August) stating that the pro posed plan had been rejected.” Kyle added: “It was out of scale as far as I understand. The community did not want something of that nature built in the area.” on
Cautious optimism as high-rise plan rejected
Dundalk Leader 17th August 20222
From Page 1 Louth County Coun cil outlined three rea sons for rejecting the proposed plan in the let ter that was sent to resi dents such as Kyle. The first point stated that the proposed de velopment of a part six and seven storey build ing would be contrary to national policy pro visions regarding the creation of sustainable residential communi ties and the general provisions of the Sus tainable Urban Design, Guidelines for Planning Authorities and the ac companying Urban De signTheManual.second point out IT was six of the best for Eve McCrystal and her cycling partner Katie George Dunlevy who won tandem gold in the Para-Cycling Road World Champion ship in Bale-Comeau, Canada last weekend. The unstoppable duo have now won an unbelievable six world championships together and look in great shape with the paralympics in Paris on the horizon in 2024. Eve and Katie will be hoping to retain the ti tle they won at the last paralympics in Tokyo but that all depends that the underpinning could cause structural damage to their homes. There is also a creche right next door and the government requires that the children must go outside at least once per day. How can children go outside to play when there are demolition works taking place?” He continued: “There are also busy roads in the area serving two schools and a church. We are happy with this decision but we feel it’s not the “Theend. developers could come up with a new plan and bring it before Louth County Council in the future.” after the Paralympic Games there is a tran sition year but this year we had to hit the ground running as events this year already counted for Paris qualification,” explained Eve. “I was confident I could ride a good road race so I was able to put that disappointment from the TT to bed and focus quickly on the next race. Thankfully it all came together and we won. We had a plan executed perfectly and got the rainbow Jersey. It doesn’t always hap pen that way so for it to fall into place at the World Championships was amazing. As for Paris I have always said I will take each race as it comes my next one is Track Worlds in Paris in 7 weeks. So now I switch my focus to that,” stated Eve.
Cautious optimism as high-rise plan rejected
Eve and Katie are simply the best lined that it is an objec tive of national policy as set out in the “Sustaina ble urban Housing – De sign Standards for New Apartments Guidelines for Planning Authori ties (March 2018)”, to ensure the provision of well-designed com munal amenity space to meet the amenity needs of residents. The third and final point stated that the Planning Authority has serious concerns regard ing the future residential amenity of the proposed apartments due to the absence of any public/ communal open space, car parking or designat ed bin and bulky stor age areas to serve future occupants.“Theproblem that I noticed is that the three reasons given for the refusal did not mention concerns held by the residents such as lack of privacy if the devel opment was built,” said Kyle.“Also, Muirhevnamor is built on marsh land and a development such as that would need to be underpinned and that could have consequenc es for residents and their homes.“Residents are afraid if Jenkinstown native McCrystal decides to extend her career for one last shot at a ma jor championships. The 43-year-old has remained coy over her plans for Paris and has insisted she is just tak ing it one race at a time at the moment before making any decisions. Katie George Dun levy is based in Craw ley, West Sussex and has a background in rowing, she has a vis ual impairment. Eve McCrystal is one of Ireland’s best cyclists having won multiple individual titles. In Para-cycling the stoker (Katie George) is the rider with the visual impairment sit ting on the back of the bike, with the pilot (Eve) steering the bike. As well as winning gold in the road race the duo, who have been together for nine years, also won a silver in Fri day’s time trial. Speak ing after her latest world championship success Eve expressed her delight at winning the gold although ad mitted there was disap pointment that they fell just short in the time trial.“As a team we have had a great weekend. The Time Trial on Fri day even though we got a silver medal we were disappointed. I didn’t have a good ride. I have had a different lead in to these worlds than any other year. In hindsight I needed to do more specific time trial work. The TT re quires time in that po sition I just didn’t get that work in. Usually
Unit 3 northlink retail Park, Coes road, dUndalk Showroom Assistant/ Office Administrator (Part time, 18 hours per week) Trade Assistant/Apprentice (may suit recent school leaver) Email -
The planning authority expressed concerns about the proposed residential high-rise building.
Eve and Katie stormed to victory in the Road Race at the Para-Cycle World Championships.
3Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022
Dermot Gaynor who was a member of the local archaeological and historical society. Liam has followed in his father’s footsteps and is also a member of that society and he can often be seen, mi crophone in hand lead ing groups of people on a walking tour of Dundalk.“Ilove doing it,” enthused Liam. “The murals really make the tour to be honest. With out the murals there probably is no tour. It is absolutely incred ible what they have done with the murals all around town. It’s really worked out very well and I use them to give people a bet ter idea of the people in the murals and the story behind them. I have got all sorts of people coming on the tours including a cou ple of Dutch tourists
THE SEEK project from the BIDS Office in Dundalk has been a huge success with the various murals created by some of the world’s finest artists brighten ing up the town. Many historical figures and people from Dun dalk’s past have been put on murals such as St Bridget, Peter Rice, Harry Tempest and Paul Kavanagh. These figures represent an important part of the telling of the history of our town and to ac company the murals the BIDS office via SEEK have organised walking tours in con junction with the an nual SEEK Festival to give people who may be locals or just visiting a better under standing of the people in the leading those tours is Liam Gaynor who has a real passion for his town and a huge interest in the history of Dundalk. According to Liam his love for local history came from his par ents especially his dad who arrived in Dun dalk on holiday last week who had abso lutely no connection with the town. They wanted to find out a bit more about Dundalk and I was able to give them a few insights of the people and legends who helped make this town.“It’s great to see tourists actually begin ning to see Dundalk as a place to come and visit and we are see ing a lot more of that in recent years which is thanks I think to the great work done by the BIDS office. We also have local people coming along on the tours who might just want to find out a bit more about the town they live in and I like to give them some in formation about local architecture and places of interest around the town. I can remember getting an old history book when I was about 14 and I have been fas cinated with local his tory ever since. “I think everybody would agree that the town has never looked so well and the Fa cades project where old buildings are being given a new lease of life with bright colours has also been fantastic to see. We will also have people moving into apartments above the shops soon which will bring more life to Clanbrassil St. in particular and it’s just great to see a bit of a buzz around this great town once more,” stat walk with Liam takes place this Sunday at Meeting11:30am.point: In front of Dundalk Lighting on The Ram partsStartRoadtime: 11.30am, please arrive a few minutes in advance for registration. Dura tion: 1hr 20mins (ish). Weather conditions: hail, rain or shine! If, for any reason, you need to cancel your booking, please do so at your earliest convenience by email ing info@dundalk
4 Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022
Liam’s Walking Tours have been very popular with tourists.
Liam’s history walks are a big hit
Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022 5
LoCAL Fine Fail councillor Sean Kelly has suggested inviting a representative from Irish Water to the next Municipal District meeting in Dundalk to address rising con cerns locally about the standard of drinking water around the town. Discoloured water has been a running theme around Dundalk for many households over the past two summers in particular and in a letter sent to Cllr. Kevin Meenan, Cathaoirleach of Louth County Coun cil.“Given the preva lence of the above issue once again this year can I propose that we ask for a deputation from Irish Water to come be fore our next Municipal District meeting and address our concerns relating to water qual ity within the town and surrounding area. “In particular some of the issues that need to be howworks1—Theaddressed:ongoingatCavanHillandlongthesystem will need to be flushed to clear all the remain ing sediment and what areas are somewater2—Whyoutstanding.thebrownispersistinginareaslongafter the period of flushing as we have been ad vised has strategyaifwardavoidIrishevent?becomingchangecausedrecentcomelisttersponsewithforhave3—Whyconcluded.someareashadwaterissuesseveralmonthsnownoadequaterefromIrishWa(wecanprovideainadvance)4—Whyhasthisbeaseriousissueinyearsandwhatthesituationtothatthisisnowanannual5—WhatplansdoWaterhavetothisgoingforfornextyearandtheywouldconsiderbettercommunicationintherunupto ing in partnership with Louth County Council, continues to progress a programme of water mains flushing to safe guard the water supply for customers in Dun dalk and its environs. These essential flush ing works are required to clear manganese sediment from the dis tribution network and reduce the likelihood of future discolouration issues at the customer tap. These flushing ac tivities are part of an overall action plan to address discolouration issues associated with high manganese levels found in the source wa ter that feeds into Cav anhill water treatment plant. A programme of works at the Cavan Hill water treatment plant has already been car ried out including the installation of an in terim Manganese treat ment system to reduce manganese levels in the final treated water.” councillor rep to municipal meeting to address
Dundalk Leader 17th August 20226
suggests inviting Irish Water
Women’s Aid Women’s Aid Dundalk have expanded their services across the county by launching three brand new outreach clinics in Ardee, Carlingford and Omeath. The clinic will open once every month in all three locations and there is no appointment required to attend. The outreach clinics were launched in May and upcoming clinics will take place on the following dates: Ardee-Dee Hub on Monday 12th September and Monday 10th October between 10am and 12pm Omeath-The Dolmen Centre Monday 22nd August, Monday 19th September, Monday 17th October between 10am and 12pm; Carlingford-The Foy Centre Monday 29th August, Monday 26th September and Monday 24th October between 10am and 12pm.
N EWS in Brief Cllr Sean Kelly. DkIT forecasts a deficit of €2.4m
flushing works to alle viate public concern? “I understand there is an Irish Water clinic offered in advance of county meetings (al though this has hap pened less frequently since CoVID) but I be lieve the level of public concern re the water is sue from our constitu ents in Dundalk require this to be a formal pres entation followed by issuebersIsessionquestion-and-answeraatournextMD.welcomeotherMemfeedbackonthisalso,”concluded Cllr. Kelly’s letter. Last week in an up date to customers Irish Water explained that they are continuing a flushing programme designed to prevent discolouration of water in the “Irishfuture.Water, work DkIT have blamed the Covid-19 pandemic for a deficit of €2.4m for the last academic year. A spokesperson for the college stated that they are working closely with the Higher Educa tion Authority to ensure they return to a surplus position.“TheInstitute’s com mercial activities were heavily curtailed by the Covid-19 pandemic re sulting in reduced rev enue. Travel restrictions also had a detrimental effect on our interna tional student com munity, placing further pressures on revenue streams. The Institute is pleased to report a rebound in both these revenue streams in line with the relaxation of Covid 19 restrictions. “The Institute is working closely with the HEA and a variety of other advisors to return to a surplus generating position. The Institute had accumulated re serves of €5.791 mil lion at 31 August 2021. “With regard to our student numbers; we are delighted to report that our total mentions from 31st May to 1st July in creased by 2,248 (13%) and our 1st Preference mentions from 31st May to 1st July increased up by 340 (9.2% increase). “With regard to our flexible learners, we are one of the fastest grow ing colleges in the coun try in terms of part-time/ flexible student num bers. There has been a 160 percent growth in the number of part-time students enrolling in DkIT since 2014. This compares to a national growth rate average of 38 percent. Even during the turbulence of CoV ID-19 we saw a surge of 25 percent growth in our student enrolments. “We are busy work ing towards our Tech nological University metrics and have to date have been successful in both applications made under the thetionUniversityTechnologicalTransformaFund,”concludedstatement.
Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022 7
What better place to find out about Bees and Hon ey than at Fons Mellis. The name of our beauti ful abbey is the Font of Honey and for the Medi eval Monks the Bee was so important for honey, to make Mead and for their beeswax candles. Paddy from BeeWise will be in our lovely Chapter House and there will be a presentation each hour from 12noon to 4pm. Free of charge. MonArt Miniatures Exhibition: I’m a self taught ink pen artist with a passion to draw herit age buildings, monu ments, railways, steam
Dundalk Leader 17th August 20228 NATIoNAL Heritage Week is taking place this week and will continue until Sunday August 21st. There are plenty of outdoor events for the family to enjoy as the Heritage Council bring back Heritage Week in person following a tran sition to online events during the Co.ofeachthousandstryplaceSaturday.eventsbigandSustainablepandemic.heritagebiodiversityareafocusforthisyear’swhichbeganlastHeritageWeektakesalloverthecounandisenjoyedbyofpeopleyear.HereisatastewhattoexpectaroundLouththisweek.70thAnniversaryoftheclosureofLNWRRailwayinGreenoreVillage.-Aneventtomarkthe70thanniversaryoftheclosureofLNWRRailwayinGreenoreVillage.ApresentationoftheGreenoreRailway.Walk&TalkofouruniqueVictorianVillage.ModelRailwaydisplayopen.DressintheperiodcostumesoftheVictorianEra.21stAugust.Ph0872620174.
Explore Your Shore! at Templetown Beach, Co. Louth or Ulster Wild life and CEDaR at Kil broney, Co. Down from 11am to 1pm while we explore the intertidal rocky shores at these lo cations, photographing and recording as many marine species as pos sible.Bring your wellies and appropriate cloth ing, as well as your cam era/smartphone to take photos of your finds. You will be able to sub mit your records using our Biodiversity App or submit them online. We hope to have a number of seashore ex perts on hand to help you identify what you find on the shore. Meet in the Car Park at Templetown Beach or Kilbroney at 11am. Following our inter tidal survey join us at the Cloughmore center at Kilbroney, Co. Down at 3.30pm – 5pm for a Bi oBlitz identification ses sion, followed by talks by Explore Your Shore! and oCoastwatch.Northernlife,Centre,tionalpartnersLoughoCoastwatch.urCarlingfordMarineBioblitzaretheNaBiodiversityDataUlsterWildCEDaR,SeasearchIrelandandLearnaboutBeesatldMellifontAbbey-
trains, ships and
Plenty to do during National Heritage Week
A Magical Walk Through Nature with Venora Hovelt - An en chanting sensory expe rience through Raven sdale Forest and the Fortescue Estate. Hear of the lives and loves of Lord Clermont, landlord during the 1800s. Climb the hidden steps to the circle of beeches, and enjoy the fairy follies and foresters’ cottages, crisscrossing the bridges on the estate. Meditate on the beauty of nature and immerse your sens es on your journey. For age in season. Enjoy a picnic under the giant fir trees.Suitable for family groups. Unfortunately, no dogs. Immersion in Nature. Bringing His tory alive. Mindfullness. Fun for children. Picnic Caring for your Col lection with Dundalk Museum curator Brian Walsh. 18 - 19 August, 11:30am - 12:30pmCaring for your col lection is a workshop for families advising children how they can care and record their own collection - be they toys or football cards or whatever inspires their imagination. This work shop will highlight how the Museum manages its own collection and will advise how children may do the same. Prior booking is es sential. This may be made by contacting the Museum at 042 9392999.Coastal Education and Beach Clean at Templetown Beach- As part of National Herit age Week Water Herit age Day this August, there will be a familyfriendly action day at Templetown beach, Co. Louth on Saturday, 20th between 12-2pm, all the community are wel come. An Taisce’s Clean Coasts will be teaming up with Cooley Com munity Alert, and the Irish Coastguard and Local Authority Waters Programme will also at tend.Cross Border Marine Bioblitz with Explore your Shore – Join the National Biodiver sity Data Centre, Ulster Wildlife and CEDaR for a Cross-border Marine Bioblitz at Carlingford Lough. Team up with much Houses of famous Dun dalk Families ending with John Browne Dis tillery. Committee mem bers will highlight many interesting facts pertain ing to all of these sites. We would encourage those attending to share any extra information that they may have on offer. It promises to be a very interesting “Ram ble” indeed so do please join us! Assemble at St. Joseph’s Redemptorist Church at 6.30pm sharp. The event should take about 1.5 to 2 hours in duration. Looking for ward to meeting you all. Wear comfortable walk the Nav vy Bank with Bref fni Martin, August 20th between 5 and 6pm.A walk along the Navvy Bank in Dundalk. Meet at Soldiers Point at 5pm. Bring binoculars if you haveUrbanthem.Geology Field Trip of Dundalk. Thurs day 18th August. 11am12:30 pm and 2pm3:30pm. Learn about the geological treasures you walk on and by every day – some of local ori gin and some from far away! Dundalk Tour ist Office in association with Geological Survey Ireland would like to invite you to an urban geology field trip of Dundalk led by geolo gist Dr Siobhán Power. Admission is free, book ing is Meetingessential.point: Dun dalk Tourist Office. Start time: 11am, please ar rive a few minutes in advance for registration. Duration: 1hr 30mins (ish). Weather condi tions: hail, rain or shine! To celebrate #Her itageWeek2022 this guided walking tour is free of charge, be sure to show your support for outeek@nationalheritagewonsocial&checkwww.heritageweek. ie find out all about the amazing events taking place across the coun try from 13 – 21 August 2022.If, for any reason, you need to cancel your booking, please do so at your earliest conven ience by emailing info@
more. I like to think I’m bringing new life to the heritage on our doorstep in my Thisdrawings.yearall 108 of my original ink pen drawings are now on display as mounted fine art giclee prints. The artwork is visible now and until the end of August.Event address is Law less Barbershop, 5 Park Street, Dundalk. A91 P62KContact Miriam on 087 9765153 or view images on ChurchGrounds,tion,Club,SquashTheRedemptoristginningsiteswillRamble”.2022,daytakingingHeritageconjunctionomonartdrawings.Instagram:RampartRamble:TheldDundalkSocietyinwithLouthWeekareholdanoutdooreventplaceonThursthe18thofAugusttitled“RampartTheRambleconsistoftakinginalongtheway,bewithStJoseph’sChurch,Dundalk,Lawn,andBadmintonDundalkFireStaSiteoftheAthleticPresbyterianandSchool,
Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022
Celtic legends match to raise money for the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust
The legends XI will play three charity matches on Saturday 27th August against Eire Go Brach Celtic Supporters club as well as a local select team and Cleary Celtic FC. There will also be a limited meet and greet in the Duke Bar and Res taurant in Warrenpoint at 11:30 on the morning of the 27th and anybody wanting to attend can go on to the Warrenpoint Town website for tickets.
5—JackLynch,6—FergalQuinn(founderof Superquinn)openedawholesalegrocerystore oppositethepostofficeatapremisesformerly ownedbyEakinshardwarecompany.7—Ireland. TheWildAtlanticWayoffersanuninterrupted drivingjourneyfromDonegaltoCork.8—Nose andears,9—Courage,10—RiodeJaneiroinBrazil. Stinker:Thesunappearsontheirflags.
Earlier this year
6—Who ClanbrassilsupermarketDundalk’sopenedfirstonStreet in the early 7—At1960’s?2500km the longest defined coastal driving route in the world is in which country? 8—Which two body parts continue to grow through a human’s entire life?9—In the Wizard of Oz, what was the lion searching for? 10—If you were on the Copacabana beach in which city would you be Thein?Stinker: What similarities do the flags of Argentina, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Macedonia, Malawi, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, UruguayRwanda,Philippines,Taiwanandshare?
—this week’s answers— 1—25degreesCelsius,2—AmnestyInternational, 3—DollyParton,4—Heshotasilent,8mmcolour homemovieofthePresidentialmotorcadeofJohn FKennedyinTexasonthedayhewasassassinated.
MinistEr for Further and Higher Ed ucation, research, innovation and sci ence simon Harris has awarded Dkit €1,299,452 for key capital investment. the funding awarded to Dkit is part of an extra €40 million financial package for higher education institutions for the upcoming academic year. the funding must be used for key capital investment priorities, including: investments to support universal access energy efficiency and decarbonisation upgrades general iCt and equipmentrelated upgrades health and safety works, and other building upgrades minor works and equipment speaking after the funding announce ment, Minister Harris said: “I’m delighted to announce a signifi cant devolved capital grant for the higher education sector to support a range of capital priorities.
CLLr. John reilly has wel comed the funding from the Department of rural and Community Development for two projects in the Cooley peninsula. the Clàr Pro gram is to provide funding to the amount of €44,500 to Carlingford tidy towns for compactor solar bins for the harbour, piers, promenade and car parks this will be a welcomed addition to the vil lage which is very popular with tourist the whole year round.Cooley Complex is to re ceive €19,926 for the provi sion of an outdoor handball alley this will be a very welcome addition to a very fine sporting complex. Cllr reilly wished to thank minister Heather Humphreys for all her for Joan She took part in her final mini-marathon in 2019 at the age of 80. (The 2020 and 2021 mini-marathons were called off due to the CoVID-19 pandemic). Every year she would organise a bus from Dundalk to the Women’s Mini Marathon and throughout the years she became a friend to many around her adopted town. She was also a keen supporter of charities and helped raise thousands of euro for local charities down through the years.
1—A heatwave in Ireland is defined as five consecutive days of temperatures in excess of how many degrees 2—WhichCelsius? nonprofit human rights organisation was founded in London by Peter Benenson and Eric Baker in JanuaryEconomicjoinedTaoiseach5—WhohistoricalZapruder4—WhyCentre,Pigeontheinbornbusinesswomansinger,country3—Which1961?famousandwesternactressandwasinJanuary19,1946,aone-roomcabinonbanksoftheLittleRiverinPittmanTennessee?isAbrahamafamousfigure?wasAnwhenIrelandtheEuropeanCommunityon1st1973?
Joan’s daughters Helen and Susan and their sister-in-law Emma and Alva (Emma’s daughter) completed the mini marathon in Joan’s honour while wearing ‘Jog for Joan’ t-shirts.
Dundalk Leader 17th August 202210
“the funding forms part of ongoing investment in the higher education sector under Project Ireland 2040 and reaffirms a strong commitment to public investment in higher education infrastructure.”
DkIT receive almost €1.3 million for key investmentcapital
AN event not to be missed for local Celtic FC fans will take place later this month in Warrenpoint. A Celtic legends team containing the likes of Brian McClair, Lubomir Moravcik, Bobby Petta, Alan Stubbs, Danny McGrain, Dusty o’Hagan, Rudi Vata, Tommy Johnston, Joe Miller and Roy Aik en will take to the field in Warrenpoint Town’s Milltown Stadium later this month in aid of the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust.
“Our third level sector faces significant challenges in responding to climate objec tives and this fund will assist with making energy upgrades. “it will also ensure our campuses are inclusive and accessible. the funding can be used to make the necessary upgrades to make campuses accessible for people with disabilities but it can also be used to help students to access laptops or other iCt requirements.
The late Joan Brady. FRIENDS of Joan Brady are holding a stroll in her memory on Sunday 18th September at 3pm at the bandstand in St Helena’s Park. Joan, who was origi nally from Dublin, was known far and wide as an inspirational par ticipant in the Dublin Women’s Mini-Mar athon – taking part in every event since it began in 1983. She was also a huge advo cate for using walking as a form of exercise and she set up Dundalk Walkers and Joggers over 40 years ago in the earlyThe80’s.walk will be along the riverside and over the Newry Rd, bridge before return ing back to St Helena’s Park. Joan died sudden ly at her home on the Avenue Road on Moth er’s Day this year and organisers of the event have invited anybody who knew Joan to join in and participate in the event next month. Joan, originally from Dublin, was very well known around Dundalk and was a huge sup porter of the Women’s Mini Marathon, tak ing part in every event since it began in 1983.
Two projects in North Louth will benefit from Clár funding.
Previous allocations under the devolved capital grant have delivered tangible ben efits for students and staff and comple ments other Project ireland 2040 capital investments in the higher education sec tor.Funding will be provided through the Higher Education Authority for all tech nological universities, institutes of tech nology and smaller colleges, except for riAM and DiAs, who will be funded directly by the department.
Clár funding for projectsNorthtwoLouth
Tickets for the match itself are also available on the Warrenpoint Town website priced at €10 for kids and €20 for adults. All proceeds from the event will go directly towards the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust which is a charity which aims to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families repatriating the body (bodies) of loved one(s) who have died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances back to Ireland. The charity was set up by Newry couple Colin and Eithne Bell following the tragic death of their 26-year-old son Kevin in a hit-and-run incident in New York in Check2013. the Warrenpoint Town FC website for info on tickets.
Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022 11 QuAy S TREET, Du NDALK . 042 933 OFFICESTAthomas@stauntonofficesupplies.com1424www.stauntonofficesupplies.comuNTONSuPPLIES • COPIES • HARDBACK BOOKS • PENCIL CASES • SCHOOL BAGS • SCIENTIFIC CALCuLATORS • FILES AND FOLDERS • PENS AND PENCILS • HIGHLIGHTERS • L APTOP C ASES • MARKERS • RULERS • M EMORy S AllTICKSthisand much more at Staunton Office Supplies. See in store for fantastic offers For all your back to school needs! Ruairi O Murchu.
CHILDREN over 12 in Louth will be referred to private opticians so that HSE staff can begin to clear the massive back log in referrals, Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú has revealed.TheSinn Féin TD said the information had come in response to a parliamentary question he put to the Minister for Health Stephen Don nelly before the Dáil re cess, and which was re sponded to by the HSE in recent days. In its response to the Dundalk deputy, the HSE said that a ‘twin track’ approach is be ing adopted in Louth with the recruitment by Primary Care Man agement, of a Senior Grade orthoptist along with assistance from the to run a Waiting List Initiative to screen all those on the waiting list, this screening event will be run over two days and should also help to reduce the backlog. ‘Both initiatives are expected to greatly re duce the numbers wait ing before next year’s new cohort of referrals begin, with the return to school after the summer holidays.’Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘A number of parents had raised con cerns with me earlier in the year about the long waiting lists for eye ex aminations and follow up care for their chil dren.‘Iam glad to see that progress is being made on this issue, but it has taken far too long, par ticularly when the HSE knew this problem was here and growing as more and more children came on the list. ‘The HSE may call it ‘innovative’ to refer patients to private opti cians, which may help clear the backlog, but to me it is an admission that the service is not able to cope, and has not been able to cope for a significant period of ‘ welcome news for the children on the list and their parents. ‘I hope the HSE will communicate clearly with them as things progress because in the months leading up to this ‘innovation’, com munication was patchy at best’.
Children to be referred to private opticians to clear massive backlog
Service Lead. The HSE said: ‘The commitment is to set in motion an innovative mechanism to reassign children over age 12 years to the local opti cian of their choice as a safety valve mechanism to increase capacity by freeing up appointment slots better assigned to new referral ‘Additionally,patients. the health care professionals within the ophthalmic Services in Louth and Meath have volunteered
Dundalk Leader 17th August 202212 Blinds Conservatories/Windows/SunroomsCCTV/AlarmsDeliveryAddress Flooring Builders Supplies Forklifts Specialists in herringbone Over 30 years’ experience Dust free service Tel Arthur 085 1229291 Eirnwood Wood floor fitting & sanding services Gardening Professional and Reliable Service, Free estimates, All work Friendlyguaranteed,Service All green waste removed and recycled, Fully insured Call Sean on 087 349 5477 Gardens Cleaned & Cleared All overgrown gardens restored Garden tidy ups Tree Felling Trees & hedges cut High quality Turf Grass Weed free instant lawn All types of Stone, Gravel & RailwayChippingsSleepers
Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022 13 THROUGH CLASSIFIEDASELL IT PlumbingKitchensGardening&Bedrooms FERGAL MARRY KITCHENS / 087 276 BedroomKitchens5866UnitsSliderobes&FeaturewallsTVUnits Tree Surgery Tree S&HedgeFullySurgeonSInSuredCuTTInggardenClearanCeTumpgrIndIng&mulCHIng We also sell & deliver Wood Chip & Fire Logs in ton bags - deliveries arranged Tel adrian 085 765 8830 Industrial Steam Cleaning Office 1800 911 766 or Mob/Text Michael 087 22 60091 ROOFs, DRivewAys, PATiOs & wAlls BlOCk PAvinG RePAiReD, CleAneD & seAleD CleAn & CleAR yOuR ROOF OF MOss AnD liCHen SteamIndustrialCleaningFour Season Office 1800 911 766 or Mob/Text Michael 087 22 60091 HeDGe CuTTinG, sHRuB PRuninG, TRee FellinG & TOPPinG, DGRACGARDenleARAnCe,vel,eCkinG Tree Surgeon & Gardening Four Season Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Fax. 042 9333514 Web: Email. Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OpEning HOuRS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors All OUr prOdUCTS Are AS STAndArd Keep Your Town in Business Keep Your Business in Town SenatorDundalkWindows Locksmith - skip hire - skip hireDomestic & commercial sKiPs for hire Available in all sizes From 3 Cubic Yard to 40 Cubic Yard Call 042-932 2594 or email DunDalk, Co. louth visit us @ or email us @ NWCPO-12-06461-04 Established in 1995 Als O wH eelie Bin C O lle CT i O ns Sign Up On-Line at Or Phone Office: 042-932 2594 ALL COVEREDAREAS Skips Power Washing Power washing Roofs Old roofs restored to new Moss coat treated and sealed All roofs repointed Driveways All driveways restored to new and Relayingsealed Re-sandingdrivewayswithsilica paving sand Gutters We jet and form wash gutters outside and inside to make them like new We quote any size job, big or small All our waste is recycled Call Sean on 087 349 5477
NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). I.M. NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). D.W. NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.W. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote. s C Tilin G—Professional Tiler, Special ises in full bathroom refits. Top Class Work Guaranteed Call Shane—086 107 5080. GRiMley ’s DuBlin sT. DunDAlk— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343. DunDAlk GARDen seRviCes—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & Rubbish removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085-8407707. TelleR—Available for ap pointment, Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229. CAn DisTRiBuTe from €75 Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888. Buil D in G s e R vi C es—Extensions, Renovations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501. ROOF leAks MAsTeR—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie. R OOF in G Re PA i R s & sTO ves—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries. GARDen & HOuse MAinTenAnCe Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358. COACH in G wi TH e s TH e R—Life and Executive Coach Tel 086 8972007 www. QuA li F ie D C ARP en T e R AvA il AB le for Floors, Doors, Frames, Architraves, Skirtings, Stud Walls, Roofing & All Build ing Repairs. No Job too big or too small. Call Mark 086 089 5508. PROPeRT y MAinTenAnCe—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concret ing, plastering, gardening, power wash ing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs ex perience. References available. Tel Michael on 085-762-3758. Fi F i’s AlT e RAT i O ns—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Wed 9.30 - 5.30pm, Thur & Fri 9.30 - 6pm & Sat 10-2pm. wATCH RePAiRs—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own work shop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citi zen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Gold star Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478. All-in- O ne!—Home and property maintenance and improvements. Paint ing, decorating, general household main tenance, exterior cleaning, power wash ing, gutters, dust free sanding, No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238. GRA ss C u TT in G se R vi C es—Dundalk and surrounding areas. Contact Michael 087 1477 067. G ARD enin G—Lawns cut, hedges cut, trees trimmed and topped. Also firewood cut up for winter months. Telephone Tom 087 2296441. Pl A s T e R in G s e R vi C e available, free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285. C ARP e T A n D uPHO ls T e R y cleaning. Home and Office contract cleaning. Over 10 years’ experience. RTM Cleaning Ser vices contact Robbie 087 3817618. BuilDeR & HOMe MAinTAinenCe Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529. F O u R s e A s O n Industrial Steam Clean ing. Roofs, driveways, patios & walls. Block paving repaired, cleaned & sealed. Clean and clear your roof of moss and lichen. Freephone 1800 911 766 or Mob/ Text Michael 087 2260091. F O u R s e A s O ns Tree Surgeon & Gar dening. Hedge cutting, shrub pruning, tree felling & topping, garden clearance, gravel, decking. Freephone 1800 911 766 or Mob/Text Michael 087 2260091.
Tel. 086 818 4827. C ARP en TR y & J O ine R y—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpen try, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110. MOBile HOMe TRAnsPORT—Trans ported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702. CARPeT & Oven CleAninG—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on
private or group bookings.
G R een F iel D s Musi C TO u R s—Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact Anthony on 085 1204994.
D O es A nyO ne wA n T their homes decluttered but feeling overwhelmed. Clothes, bedrooms, kitchens, offices, ga rages, playrooms or anyone putting house on market. Contact Shelly@stepintoac or phone 086 8878054. DRuM lessOns inCluDinG BODHRAn—For adults & children aged 8years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228. Ge T F i T the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm—10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed’s first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information. F R en CH G R in D s available. Telephone 086 8723340.
McGAHON (nee McGuane) the family of the late carmel mcGahon (nee mcGuane), mat son lodge, Drogheda, who passed away peacefully on 5th July 2022, would like to express our sincere thanks to all who sympathised with us on our great loss. We greatly appreciate the phone calls, cards, flowers and condolences on We want to extend a special thank you to the staff of our lady of lourdes hospital for the won derful care and kindness shown to carmel during her illness, and also to icU, mater hospital for their care in carmel’s last days. thank you to family, friends and neighbours who supported us by visiting the house and joining us in person or via the live stream service to pay tribute to carmel. thank you to P townley & sons for the funeral arrangements and to sarah Gardiner for delivering carmel’s service. carmel will be deeply missed and never forgotten.
your leaflets
+ vat per thousand
Dundalk Leader 17th August 202214 OurDeaWeeklyDlineForFamilynOtices is 4pm Publication.WednesdaypriorFridaysto Contact Lorna for information.furtherTel0429320888 Family Notices
lOuTH COunT y COunCil—We Nicola and Christopher Maguire intend to ap ply for permission at 2 Chestnut Grove, Bay Estate, Dundalk, Co. Louth for part demolition of the existing rear extension and proposed ground floor rear extension and first floor side and rear extensions to the existing dwellinghouse, two new bay windows and canopy over to the front elevation and associated development works. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not ex ceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Au thority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00. P e C i A l se R vi C es C l A sses A n D CO u R ses n OT i C es P l A nnin G n OT i C es P e C i A l se R vi C es ART i C les FOR s A le Sofia Cumiskey Leah Miele and Evan Hearty.
oN Sunday, the club travelled to the penulti mate event in the Louth Track and Field season at Ardee and District sports.on a fabulous sum mer afternoon Sofia Cumiskey, Cara Miele, Rian and Leeya Domah, Evan Hearty, Emilie Rose and Emma Byrne, Emily and Nathan o’Hagan, Shannon McGuinness and Aobha Morgan Traynor all rep resented Redeemer AC brilliantly on the day. In the shot put, Sofia Cumiskey had to take a big step up in age from U12 to compete in the U14 Shot put Final. This propelled her to new heights as she threw a fantastic new PB. Cara Miele also performed very well to finish 4th in the shot put and long jump.The sprints now took centre stage. Rian and Leeya Domah both made the finals of the U11 and U8 60m run ning very well in the Emma Byrne also put in a superb performance, both narrowly miss ing out on the medals. Emma then had to move up her age to compete in the U13 long jump, but that didn’t deter her get as she leapt to a huge new PB and a 4th place finish. Emma then went one better in the U12 turbo javelin by taking home the bronze medal. Last up was Evan Hearty who was also stepping up in age to perform in the U14 Shot put, continuing his fine season by throwing yet another new PB with the heavier 2.72kg shot to take home the Silver medalThank you to Ardee and District AC and Louth Athletics for host ing yet another fantastic day of competition. The track and organisation was a credit to the club. As always thanks to our brilliant athletes, parents and coaches for their dedication to train ing and competing. process. Leeya also had a new PB in the long jump.Emilie Rose Byrne ran a brilliant race in the 60m final just missing out on a medal, whilst also running a very solid race in the 200m final. Aobha Morgan Traynor is in a rich vein of form at the moment. on Friday she was in Carlingford where she took home a fantastic silver medal at the Glen more AC road races. on Sunday Aobha took home Gold in the U9 200M and the long jump in which she jumped to a big new PB, and silver in the 60M. outstand ingNathanconsistency.o’Hagan ran very well in both the 60M and 600M. Little sister Emily competed in the U8 60M and 200M running brilliant ly in both, but went a step further in the 60M final of the tiny tots, taking home Gold in the final Shannon McGuinness ran superbly in the U12 60M in a race in which Redeemer AC excel in Ardee
anovena CKnoWLeDGMenT PROP e RT y/R en TA ls s P e C i A l se R vi C es ATTenTiOn—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert Mulholland, BER assessor. 087 609 1906 ADveRTise yOuR HOuse Premises for rent or sale to 55,000 readers a week from €5. Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888. ATT en T i O n lA n D lORD s—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Fur niture Sets from €249 Call us today www., Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927. CD lOG s—Kiln Dried Ash/Oak & Birch, Weekly Deliveries to Dundalk & surround ing areas. Newry Co. Down Mob 00 44 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www.cdlogs. com. F OR s A le—Black leather 3 piece suite incl 2 reclining chairs. Good condition. €350.00. Phone 087 9214178. sell iT THROuGH A ClAssiFieD—Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader. CHiMney & sTOve CleAninG Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094 Email <> CHiMney CleAneR—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-2259799. ADveRTise yOuR seRviCe to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone 042 932 0888. winDOw CleAninG—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <>. HOuse & APARTMenT CleAninG Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, <http://www.>. TileR AvAilABle—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile workmarble, granite, porcelain.
Help Bus Éireann Fill-A-Bus for Meals on Wheels Learning and walking in Carlingford
Dundalk Leader 17th August 2022 15 H ILL S TREET, Du BLIN R D., Du NDALK . 042 9331515/086 2559201
BUS Éireann, Ireland’s national bus company, is organising a Fill-A-Bus appeal for the vulner able and elderly at Dundalk bus station on Thursday, 18 August from 10am to 4pm in partnership with Meals on Wheels Dundalk. Members of the public are be ing asked to donate non-perish able goods including household items such as tin foil and cook ing oil to help with the cost of providing the Meals on Wheels Service across Dundalk. “Bus Éireann is delighted to be teaming up with Meals on Wheels Dundalk, whose volun teers are doing great work lo cally,’’ said Adrian o’Loughlin, Bus Éireann Senior operations Manager, East. “This year, Bus Éireann is appealing to the public to bring non-perishable goods and house hold items to Dundalk Bus Sta tion at the Long Walk between 10am and 4pm on Thursday, 18 August where we hope to fill a bus in support of those most in need in DundalkDundalk.’’Meals on Wheels was established in 1972 and supports vulnerable, elderly and housebound people across Dun dalk, delivering 240 meals in the area every week. Bus Éireann operates the Dundalk town bus service, rural PSo bus services across County Louth and com mercial Expressway Route 100x services, which provide impor tant connectivity between Dun dalk and Dublin. “With the increased cost of living, many vulnerable and elderly people in Dundalk find themselves in difficulty due to a lack of necessities such as food and household items,’’ said John Hennessy, Chair of Dundalk So cial Service Council/Meals on Wheels. “We are happy to have the support of Bus Éireann once again this year in filling a bus with non-perishable goods for those in need and we ask mem bers of the public to get on-board and donate generously on Thurs day, 18 August at Dundalk bus station at the Long Walk.’’
The day trip was part of their Intensive ESOL summer course to help improve their English.
Adult Learning Service members took a day trip to Carlingford last week.
RECENTLY there was great ex citement in Adult Learning Serv ice as a full coach departed the car park of LMETB in Chapel Steet, Dundalk. The learners were go ing on a day trip to Carlingford as part of their Intensive ESoL Summer course to improve their written and spoken English. The course was offered to learners studying in the centre already, and some who had re cently arrived in Ireland for hu manitarian reasons from Ukraine and other countries. The course sought a commitment of attend ance on five days a week in ei ther mornings or afternoons and the places filled quickly. The at tendance on the course has been excellent. This is the first time LMETB Adult Learning Serv ice has run this type of Intensive Summer programme and Kinga Byrne the ALo in the centre said “we are delighted to have been able to respond so quickly to the needs of learners, it was too long a wait for them until September to avail of classes.” The team of tutors have worked through the month of July in order to provide these popular courses. We are grateful to everyone for making these classes such a success. The course has several day tours, to help people integrate into the country by visiting plac es of interest that teach people about the culture and way of life in their host country. As all who live in Louth know, Carlingford is a jewel in the crown of Louth tourist attrac tions. It was an obvious choice to bring people to, especially as most do not have transport so trips like this would be difficult. Thankfully the weather was good on the day and with the ex cellent information provided by the Tour guide from the Carling ford Adventure Centre, learning and enjoyment of the outdoors came together to make for a great trip. As you can see from the photos, great fun and a memora ble day was had by all. LMETB Adult Learning Serv ice provides part-time courses for adults in the areas of literacy, nu meracy, digital skills and ESoL. For more information call (042) 9353591, text 0860132244 or drop into the centre Adult Learn ing Service Dundalk, LMETB, Continuing Education Centre, Chapel Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 E0AW.
Dundalk Leader 17th August 202216