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‘One of the best people I have ever known’

Tributes pour in following death of Private s eán rooney

TribuTes and condolences have been pouring in for Private seán rooney who was killed in the Lebanon on active duty . Pte rooney was killed in the Lebanon on active duty while undertaking Peace keeping duties with the 121st infantry battalion, uNiFiL (united Nations interim Force in Lebanon), while three other soldiers were injured.

His body was returned to his loving family after being repatriated from Lebanon on Monday morning.

seán’s remains will be taken to Holy

Family Church in Dundalk tomorrow morning for 9am Mass. He will then be taken to All saints Catholic Church in Colehill, Co Donegal, for a burial service with full military honours later in the afternoon.

The 24-year-old’s remains left beirut Airport on sunday afternoon after a uN ceremony was held to honour him ahead of his journey home.

The 24-year-old’s remains left beirut Airport on sunday afternoon after a uN ceremony was held to honour him ahead of his journey home. Continued on Page 2

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Private Seán rooney who was killed last week in Lebanon.

‘He will be remembered as a hero’

From Page 1

Pte Seán Rooney was a past pupil of Gael Scoil Dun Dealgan in Muirhevnamor and the Marist Secondary School and is well known and mourned by many friends and family in Dundalk including Muirhevnamor where he grew up and where many of his relations still live. He moved to Newtowncunningham in Donegal just over ten years ago. He was due to get married next year to his fiancee Holly McConnellogue who he met in Derry three years ago.

Having joined the Irish Defence Forces in March 2019, Private Rooney’s home unit is the 27 Infantry Battalion, Aiken Barracks, Dundalk. He quite recently served overseas with the 119th Battalion UNIFIL. He comes from a family with very strong connections to both the 27th Infantry Battalion and Aiken Barracks and who are hugely respected in the Community. His late father Cormac had served locally and was also killed in action while serving his country. Two of his uncles along with his great uncle are currently members of the 27th Battalion.

Many tributes have

been paid following the death of Private Rooney including local TD’s Peter Fitzpatrick and Ruairí o’Murchú.

Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘This was shocking and very sad news to wake up to this morning and it is a terrible loss to the Rooney family and Seán’s friends.

‘My thoughts today are with his family, his friends, the members

of the Defence Forces, particularly those based at Aiken barracks. I am also thinking of those who were injured, particularly Private Shane Kearney who is in a critical condition in hospital.

echoing those sentiments Peter Fitzpatrick TD stated that Seán would be forever remembered as a hero.

“I would like to convey my heartfelt condo-

lences to the family and friends of Private Seán Rooney

“An Irish soldier who was stationed in and from Dundalk, has lost his life whilst on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon. The loss of one of our peacekeepers and others injured have left us all saddened and shocked.

“This 24 year old brave soldier made the

ultimate sacrifice for our country and he will be remembered as a hero.

“May he rest in peace.”

Speaking on the loss of Private Rooney, the Cathaoirleach Conor Keelan said “Aiken Barracks is an integral part of Dundalk town’s past and present. The town is in shock at the loss of Seán Rooney a young man with so much to

give. My sincere sympathies go to his family both here and in Donegal, his army family and all in Dundalk who knew him.”

The Chief executive of louth County Council Joan Martin offering sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Pte Rooney, also wished to extend her sympathy “to all those serving past or present in Aiken Barracks who will feel this loss immensely. louth County Council holds close ties with Óglaigh na hÉireann in Aiken Barracks, and we are aware of the deep bond soldiers there have with each other. They are more than just colleagues, they are family. My thoughts are also with those other soldiers injured in the attack and particularly Trooper Shane Kearney who we all hope and pray will recover well.”

Taoiseach Micheál Martin told RTÉ said his sympathies were with the soldier’s family.

“We know the commitment of our soldiers, particularly those in Lebanon. They take great pride in their work. It has always been in the cause of peace and Ireland’s international contribution.”

‘We were best friends; we were brothers really’

A Close friend of Private Sean Rooney who was shot and killed in Lebanon last week has described him as “loving and kind-hearted”.

Former DkIT Student Union President Christopher o’Neill from Muirhevnamor told the Dundalk Leader that he

was also a “funny and adventurous” person.

“our mothers were best friends growing up and they fell pregnant around the same time. We knew each other since we were born and were inseparable growing up,” said Christopher.

“We also attended Gael Scoil Dhun Deal-

gan together and played under-age football in Muirhevnamor.”

Christopher added: “We went to different secondary schools. Sean went to St Mary’s College and I went to Colaiste Ris but we still spent a lot of our spare time together.

“We were best friends; we were broth-

ers really. At the beginning when you first met him you might think he was quiet but he was actually very outgoing.

“He was one of the best people I have ever known. His family meant the world to him and that’s the type of person he was. He loved his family and friends.”

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 2
Private Seán rooney’s body was brought back from the Lebanon on Monday Sean and Christopher grew up together and were great friends. Christopher and Sean when they were kids.
Europa Restaurant & Take Away E AR l S TREET Wishing all our Customers & Friends a Happy & Peaceful Christmas S it- D o W n D ining fro M 12 n oon Dai Ly Deliveries 6-11.50pm 7 DayS Phone 042 933 4498

Christmas mass times for the Dun Dealgan �astoral �rea



Christmas Ev E


Christmas Carols 8.30pm; Mass 9pm


Christmas Carols 7.30pm; Mass 8pm

Christmas Day

ST PATRICK’S CHURCH Mass 9am & 11am ST NICHOLAS’ CHURCH Mass 8.30am, 10.30am & 12 Noon



Christmas Ev E

Children's Mass 4pm; Christmas Carols 8.30pm; Mass 9pm

Christmas Day Mass 9am, 10.30am, & 12noon


Christmas Ev E Mass 7pm

Christmas Day Mass 7am & 10am


Christmas Ev E

Christmas Carols 11.30pm; Mass 12 Midnight Christmas Day Mass 9.30am, 11am, & 12.30pm



Christmas Ev E

Family Mass 6pm; Mass 9pm Christmas Day Mass 10am & 11.30am


Christmas Ev E Mass 9.30pm Christmas Day Mass 8am, 10am & 12noon


Christmas Ev E


Christmas Carols 2.30pm; Mass 3pm &; Christmas Carols 5.30pm; Mass 6pm ST FURSEY’S, HAGGARDSTOWN Christmas Carols 7pm; Mass 7.30pm

Christmas Day


Wishing all our Parishioners a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year - Stay Safe

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 3

McGreehan highlights eD crisis in our lady of Lourdes Drogheda

LOcaL Fianna Fáil Senator, Erin McGreehan, has called for more resources for Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and has described the pressure the Emergency Department is under as unacceptable.

Senator McGreehan voiced her opposition to changes to ambulance protocols that would see more patients diverted from Navan to Drogheda saying the hospital is no longer fit for purpose.

She said, “I recently met with the Minister for Health to voice my concerns for both the patients and staff at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. I have requested from the Department an update on staffing levels and vacancies in the Emergency Department, the contingencies that are in place and all available resources to assist in alleviating the situation.

“The Minister has assured me that there will be further investment into the ED in Drogheda. I will continue to

Senator Erin McGreehan.

liaise with the Minister alongside the relevant stakeholders to ensure the matter is resolved without delay.”

Last week staff representatives from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital protested outside

their place of work to highlight the need for more resources for the Emergency Department if the bypass protocol from Navan proceeds.

Those protests came just a week after a letter was signed by 17 consultants in Drogheda warning the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly not to proceed with the updated bypass protocol. The updated protocol means ambulances will no longer bring critically ill and unstable patients to Our Lady’s Hospital Navan, and will instead transfer them to Level 3 and Level 4 hospitals.

at present, Navan is already bypassed for stroke, trauma, cardiac arrest, paediatrics and obstetrics patients.

The letter warned that due to a lack of resources in their hospital, patient care will be compromised and patients may die.

The letter added that the hospital is currently dealing with a deficit in medical staffing of 16 doctors.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 4
Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 5

Santa Visits DkIT Parent and Toddler Group

eveRy year in Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) the students from year 4 BA (Hons) in early Childhood Studies develop and manage a Parent and Toddler group, one morning a week, in the Muirhevna building as part of a professional practice module. Last Wednesday there was great excitement, and a real party atmosphere in the sensory garden on campus when Santa Claus, accompanied by Joe with two of his ‘reindeer ‘arrived to meet the children and parents at-

tending the weekly group.

The children were so excited to see Santa but even more excited to get up close to Santa’s reindeers. The Beautiful ‘reindeers’ that visited us on the day were therapy dogs and we would like to thank Joe Treacy for bringing them to this wonderful event. There was lots of singing, excited dancing and as the ‘reindeer’ relaxed placidly in the garden, they received lots of exploratory glances, touches, and gentle stroking from the children. A truly memorable experience for

the little ones, all with thanks to the work of the dedicated and enthusiastic 4th year early Childhood studies students. It was a beautiful morning event with lots of Christmas cheer to end a semester of hard work and significant new learning.

Thanks so much to all the families who participated this semester and supported student knowledge, skill, and competency in working with children under 3 years and their families.

Ndiigbo Dundalk Inauguration Ceremony

EarLIEr this month Ndiigbo, Dundalk held an inauguration ceremony in Geraldine GFc hall in Haggardstown. The cultural/integration event was

used to inform members about active citizenship and social inclusion as migrants living in Dundalk, Ireland from a cultural perspective.

There was also a new logo unveiling at the event as well as a raffle draw, traditional dance, youth performances and music.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 6
Santa Claus was a very welcome visitor to the Parent and toddler group in Dkit last week. Peter ezenwaka, anthonia umeh, Sunny udejiole, florence udejiole, Peter umeh and grace ezike. above: amaka okonkwo and ngozi alozie and on the right is one of the guests at the event.

Conor’s ‘Putin Park’ fundraiser will help fund vital projects

FOr over a quarter of a century Blackrock’s conor Hughes has been entertaining the masses on St Stephen’s Day with his madcap beach antics on Blackrock beach which serve to raise money for charities that are close to his heart.

conor is the founder of the crosscause charity which was launched in 1998 when a group of volunteers started working with special needs orphans in romania. With the gained experience, crosscause have now been able to expand further into Eastern

Europe and West africa. In 2003 crosscause become an officially registered Irish charity led from day one by conor Hughes. Since 2015 the charity has been accountable and monitored for good practice by the Irish charities regulator. as well as having a home in romania to take care of special needs young adults in the small village of Nicoresti, crosscause have recently ventured to Ghana where they have built two homes to care for abandoned kids in the local villages. crosscause have

also been doing their bit for Ukraine, utilising the fact that their care home in romania is only two hours from the Ukrainian border. In recent months conor and volunteers associated with crosscause have organised for lorries to drop supplies in the port city of Kherson which had been occupied by russian forces during the invasion of Ukraine before being recaptured by Ukrainian forces last month. a number of refugees have also been staying in casa Brigit since the war broke out.

These projects are the reason conor organizes his fundraiser on the beach each christmas with the aim of entertaining the masses as well as raising money for his charity. according to the Blackrock native there will be the same old carry on as usual with this year’s event entitled ‘Putin Park’ which promises to be both an installation and interactive family event full of glum for all the family.

“We’ve been doing this fundraiser on St. Stephen’s Day for quite a while now and it’s always been very well supported by the local community. We like to make it fun and there is lots of silly carry on each year on the beach. This year’s event is called ‘Putin Park’ and it is being billed as a ‘Family Glum Day’. We will have KGB childcare facilities. The chernobyl Beauty Parlour and I’ll be reenacting a famous photograph of Putin involving a horse. There will be

refreshments on the day for everybody and thankfully it is looking like the weather will be mild enough for us.

“We do this every year to fund the various projects we are

involved in and once again I have to thank the people of Blackrock and further afield who come out to support us every St. Stephen’s Day morning. We hope to see

you all there again on Monday,” stated conor.

as the poster for the event states ‘Humour is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against authori-

tarianism’. Putin Park opens at 11am and will go on until 5pm. There will be refreshments, games, music and family events to participate in.

Crosscause recently sent aid to Kherson.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 7
The recently completed care home in Ghana which Crosscause run.
g ot a Story? We want to hear from you Phone: 042 932 0888 Email: editorial @dundalkleader.com

Eoghan’s second ‘Home run’ for charity

FoR the second year running, Dromin teenager eoghan McCabe, is organising a Home Run event to raise money for three Irish charities.

According to eoghan, this year donations will support Williams Syndrome, Ardee Hospice and Drogheda special olympics.The fifth year scoil Ui Mhuiri leaving Certificate Applied student is organising a second Home Run event after last year’s one raised over €27,000.“After such a successful event last year, we’re looking to have more tractors, more people and support an extra charity,” eoghan writes on his GoFundMe page.

“All donations will be split equally between the three causes and every euro counts.”

eoghan’s mother, linda, told the Dundalk leader that eoghan decided to do the first Home Run event as part of a Transition year project at his school in Dunleer.

“He came up with the idea and he mentioned it to family and friends and it’s very hard to say no to him,” said Linda.

“He has the ability to make people gravitate towards him. The day went very well and he won a category in the nationals of the Foroige competition.

“It has spiralled and now he is going to Austria in 2023. His event was for charity but he’s going to meet entrepreneurs.”

She added: “Then his Aunty

nominated eoghan for the louth Garda youth Awards so he is getting plenty of recognition for all his hard work.

“He also won a prize last week at the louth Civic Awards. He has delayed learning. It takes him longer to do things but he’s very hard to say no too.”eoghan’s Home Run 2023 is due to take place on Monday, January 2. Participants are set to assemble at Richardstown, Dromin, Co Louth, A92 X090.Registration kicks off at 11am. entry costs e30

and includes a steak burger. The run starts at 1pm.All proceeds will be donated to the three charities. entry to draw for driver.If you would like to donate money to this cause please visit eoghan’s Home Run page on GoFundMe. com. All are welcome to attend the upcoming event.Fundraiser by eoghan McCabe : eoghan’s Home Run (gofundme.com)

For more information please send an email to: eoghanshomerun@gmail.com or call 086 858 8028.

Residents look to ‘Light up Bridge Street’

DUNDALK residents have made a music video about the lack of Christmas lights on Bridge Street which has gone viral.

The residents created the song ‘Light up Bridge Street’ with a local band called The Stormers. It is set to the tune of the popular 1984 song ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas Time?’

Filmed in McAlester’s Bar, the video has been viewed thousands of times since it was launched.

The residents have recently set up a GoFundMe page called ‘Bridge Street Aid 2022’ in a bid to raise funds to buy Christmas lights for one of the town’s oldest streets.

The GoFundMe page states: “Bridge Street Aid 2022 was created to shine a light (no pun intended) on the lack of Christmas lights in the Northern Quarter of Dundalk.

“The people of Bridge Street,

the oldest and most historic part of the town, deserve Christmas lights and footpaths. No lights for 800 years now.

“We have teamed up with our friends in The Stormers to record Bridge Street Aid 2022 and any money raised in this campaign will be donated to the local council and BIDs office, as we aim to help them buy a few lights for Dundalk’s beloved Bridge Street.”

According to Dundalk man, Paddy Casey, who is one of the volunteers behind the ’Bridge Street Aid 2022’ campaign, making the video was “a good bit of craic”.

“We do a Christmas-style video every year. We did a re-make of a Harp lager ad last November,” said Paddy.

“We will try and do something every year. We’ve a few businesses in town. My sister and her husband run McAlester’s

pub; we’ve a marketing business in Dundalk called The Unit and we have Irishify, a website for Irish goods.”

Paddy added: “When our family took over McAlester’s it was one of the oldest pubs in Dundalk.

“First and foremost, Dundalk looks class – the lights, the murals - and there is a regeneration fund for the Northern quarter. But it’s almost like that part of town has been forgotten about.

“The feedback has been deadly about the song and the video and we have had a good response on the GoFundMe page.”

Members of the public can donate via the following link https://www.gofundme.com/f/ bridge-street-aid-2022

The video can be viewed via the following link https://www. facebook.com/McAlesters/videos/445253944455866.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 8
eoghan McCabe raised over €27,000 for charity last year.

St Patrick’s soup kitchens overwhelmed by local communities generosity

THe St Patrick’s Soup Kitchen originally opened over twenty years ago when it was set up by Fr. Gerry Tremer following the death of a homeless man in Dundalk. Unfortunately the need for their services has grown over the years and around seven years ago the soup kitchen expanded their service to include the distribution of food parcels every week. every Friday between 100 and 130 food parcels are distributed every Friday morning in the car park at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Roden Place. The food parcels are basically a bag of basic essentials for those in need.

The soup kitchen is open every night between 7pm to 8pm and Sunday from 5pm to 6pm. Approximately fifteen volunteers lend a hand to ensure the smooth running of the operation. St Patrick’s Soup Kitchens are a 100% non-profit opera-

tion with no backing from the government or outside organisations. They rely completely on the generosity of the local community to stay open and this year once again that generosity has been overwhelming with volunteer Rose Bailey thanking everybody for their generosity.

“We have been overwhelmed once again with the support we have received which allows us to continue helping those in need this Christmas. I’ve been involved with the soup kitchens since 2005 and I am continuously amazed and grateful of all the support we receive not only at Christmas but all through the year. We rely completely on donations and fundraisers and last week one of our

volunteers Mary Murphy organised carol singing in the Longwalk which brought in about €2000.

“The local schools and local businesses have been very generous as well as members of the public and we thank them all from the bottom of our hearts,” stated Rose.

“Next week we will give out 130 Christmas hampers to those in need and we will also be giving out food parcels as we do every week, she added.

St Patrick’s Soup Kitchens are staffed by a dedicated group of volunteers each evening where people can drop in for a hot meal, shelter or even just simply for a chat.

Ukrainian refugees won’t be transferred until after Christmas

A GRoUP of Ukrainian refugees told they had to leave the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Dundalk have been allowed to stay for two more weeks.

Around 50 people, including 19 children, were informed at an emergency meeting on Friday last that they would be transferred from Dundalk to areas such as Tralee in Co Kerry, limerick and Galway.

The group was given 48 hours notice. The decision sparked an outcry and it was confirmed on Monday, December 19 that the refugees would be given two more weeks before moving.

The news was recounted by Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú who spoke to the group on Monday morning.

It is understood the decision was made by Integration Minister Roderic o’Gorman’s department.

Deputy Ó Murchú said: “It has been confirmed to me…that the Ukrainians who had been in the Crowne Pla-

za in Dundalk and who were due to be moved…have been advised that they can stay a further two weeks so that they can make arrangements to move to a different part of Ireland.

“I welcome this good news but this incident over the weekend has shown that there needs to be far better communication and consultation with people about moving them from one part of the State to another.

“I hope that there is communication in the coming weeks with them and they are assisted with the arrangements with schools, adult education and work.”

When asked for a comment on the situation louth County Coun-

cil explained that the refugees in the Crowne Plaza did not fall under their responsibility and therefore no comment was available.

“louth County Council has placed circa 200 refugees in accommodation in Louth, but those placed in the Crowne Plaza do not fall under the responsibility of louth County Council. We did not arrange their accommodation and therefore cannot comment on the current situation.

“An open call for those willing to offer a home to those fleeing war in Ukraine can be accessed at www.offerahome.ie,” explained a louth County Council statement.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 9
50 ukrainian refugees wilL stay in the Crowne Plaza until after Christmas after a late decision to extend their stay by Minister roderic o’gorman. Carol singing in the Longwalk helped raise over €2000 for the St Patrick’s Soup kitchens last week.

Bay estate man Barry feeling ‘Bueno’ as Argentina win World Cup

MoRe than a million people turned the streets of Buenos Aires on Sunday night blue and white as ecstatic Argentinian supporters celebrated the nations first World Cup triumph since 1986. one of those supporters was Bay estate man Barry Coyle who moved to Argentina almost six years ago with his Argentinian wife María Sol and son Lucas.

According to Barry the celebrations continued on the main streets of Buenos Aires until 6am on Monday morning after Lionel Messi had inspired his side to a famous victory over reigning champions France in the final in Qatar. luckily for Barry and the many millions of people around the country the Argentinian government declared Tuesday a Bank Holiday to give the revellers a day to recover after those wild celebrations.

“My wife María Sol is from Buenos Aires in Argentina. We met in Dublin, lived together in Bay estate for 10 years, and with our son Lucas, who was born in Lourdes Hospital Droghe-

da, moved to Buenos Aires when he was a baby,” explains Barry.

“During our time in Ireland, we had travelled at least once a year to visit Sol´s family and friends and often spoke about the possibility of a move. In January 2017, to the bewilderment of Argentinians when they hear our story, we left our jobs, Ireland and the relative security of living in a first world country for a new life in Buenos Aires.

It is true that the general trend is for a flow of people out of Argentina (due to the country´s economic and security hardships) to europe or the United States but we went with the idea of regret what you have done not what you haven´t done. Thankfully we were lucky enough to secure good jobs here and Argentina has provided us with a life better than we ever imagined. I currently work as the Head of Research and Development for a Pharmaceutical Company based 35 km outside of the capital.”

According to Barry there was huge anticipation ahead of the World Cup in Argentina with the streets filed with kids in Messi jerseys.

With this more than likely being Lionel Messi’s last World Cup all Argentinians were praying for a fairytale ending to mark what has been a magical career.

“There was a huge build up to this world cup in Argentina but a little different to what I remember for that of the Russia 2018 tournament. Firstly, while in Ireland we are used to the tournament been played during our summer months, in Argentina the world cup is usually played in wintertime where the weather is a lot cooler and the days shorter (at least in Buenos Aires). This time it was played out in the warm summer sunshine and the natives were in holiday mood. Any child wearing an Argentinian number 10 Messi jersey would inevitably receive the comment from a passerby in the street of Bring us the cup Messi! Knowing that it was most likely Messi´s last world cup I think there was a feeling, more so than an expectation, that something special would happen. And then came the Saudi Arabia game,” laughs Barry.

“Up until this match the general consensus was

that Argentina´s world cup would start in essence after the group stages. ´La Selección´ as they are referred to here, had entered the tournament as current winners of the Copa América and it was expected that Saudi Arabia would serve as a manageable warm up opponent. We all know what happened subsequently, but during the game there was an air of disbelief as what we were witnessing. It was not part of the script. Then came the anger, I would say mostly from the printed press and social media. It created a depressive mood here in Buenos Aires and most people had revised their world cup campaign projections to a more pessimistic outcome. By the time the Mexico game came around there was an acceptance by the Argentinian public that the Saudi Arabia team had not been given the respect that it had deserved and the hope was that the team had it in them to respond.

“In Argentina it is most common to watch football matches at home with friends or family. For big games like a world cup final most bars and restaurants

in Buenos Aires are closed. The streets were deserted but at the same time very noisy from people singing and shouting from their apartments. A lot of swearing is usually involved. There were big screens erected for the game in Fan Zones however, given the mid-day temperature outside we arranged to meet up with friends in an apartment.

“I would not say that the atmosphere changed much in terms of excitement as the team progressed in the tournament as they have been in quarter finals, semifinals and finals before however, there was a sense of nervousness and the realization that one mistake could send them home. From the Holland match in the quarter finals people started to leave their homes and celebrate on the street. That is where the craziness starts. The joke now is that after 7 world cup matches, there is a realization that Christmas was forgotten about and an acknowledgement that this year´s dinner would stretch to not much more than a pizza from the freezer.

“The Argentinian peo-

ple are used to suffering. Their unstable and volatile currency, the Argentinian peso, is running at an inflation rate of close to 100% for this year and has been known to drop by 30% in value in just one day. The national team is jokingly viewed in a similar vein.

“After the second French goal we thought it had slipped away. It was difficult to see where a goal to win it would come from and France were playing well. By the end of normal time, we were close to despair with the thought of half an hour more football to be played. Nobody was speaking and it felt like the city had emptied. Some people could not take any more and just left. After taking the lead in extra time and the subsequent French penalty to equalize, kids and adults alike were left in tears. When they did finally win it, I think the initial feeling was that of relief that it was over and thankfully had ended well. Later when we made our way onto the street the mood changed to celebratory.

“The game kicked off at 12 pm Buenos Aires time on Sunday so by 3 pm the

game had finished and we walked with thousands of people through the streets and avenues of the city to join over 2 million people at el obelisco (a historic monument and icon of Buenos Aires). Streets were cut and the main motorways which function as arteries into and out of the city served as car parks as people abandoned their vehicles to make the rest of the way on foot. We got to within 200 meters of the monument by el Teatro Colon as it was impossible to get any closer.

“If there was a world cup for scaling lampposts, monuments, bus shelters and moving vehicles then Argentina would surely be a candidate. It was constant dancing and singing similar to what you would see in any Argentinian football stadium but with 40 times more people. The party continued at el obelisco until 6 am Monday morning. When the country did get back to work late Monday afternoon the first order of the day was to declare the following day Tuesday a bank holiday so as the party could continue,” concluded Barry.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 10
Barry with his wife Sol and son Lucas celebrating argentina’s victory on Sunday afternoon. Barry’s friends and family enjoying the atmosphere in Buenos aires after World Cup win. Lucas Coyle waves the argentinian flag on top of Dad Barry’s shoulders. Barry and his son Lucas (back left) celebrate on the streets of Buenos aires on Sunday.

An Tain Photographic Group Awards

aN TaIN Photographic Group hosted the annual Eugene Quigley Memorial cup recently where this years winners were Monica ralph was awarded 1st Place for her winning image of the Stoat. Monica received the Eugene Quigley Memorial cup for her efforts. collette Sheelan won 2nd and

3rd place with her sports and model images. This years judge was clodagh Tumility from the Dundalk camera club, who was excellent at critiqueing of all the images presented on the night. The club meets on a Monday night in the clans clubhouse at 8pm. New members welcome.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 11
Phil Quigley presents Monica Ralph with her certificate and Trophy for 1st Place in the Eugene Quigley Memorial Cup which was judged by Clodagh Tumilty from Dundalk Camera Club. Phil Quigley presents Collette Shelan with her certificates for 2nd and 3rd place in the Eugene Quigley Memorial Cup which was judged by Clodagh Tumilty from Dundalk Camera Club.

Family Notices

Kathleen Callan


In loving memory of dear Kathleen Callan, late of Belfry Drive, Dundalk.

Loved and missed by husband John, daughter Clare, sons Aidan, Shane, Jason and Korey also grandchildren Millie and James. —Anniversary Mass, Friday, 30th December, at 9.30am in Redemporist Church.

Kathleen Callan Kathleen Callan


In loving memory of our much loved and missed friend, Kathleen Callan.

—Loved and missed always, Aenia and Moira. X.


In loving memory of our dear parents, Brendan and Marie Coburn and also our sister Bernadette Breen, late of St Mary’s Road, Dundalk. RIP.

We your family miss you, That’s plain to see, We wanted so much to keep ye, But God willed it not to be.

Now you are in God’s keeping, You suffer no more pain, So, dear God, take care of them, Until we meet again.

Will those who think of them today,

A little prayer to Jesus say.

—Always remembered, especially at this time of the year, by your loving family. Happy Christmas. X.


In loving memory of Joseph Enright, late of Beechmount Park, Dundalk, who died on 18th December 2002.

Some may have forgotten you, Now that you’re gone, But we’ll not forget you, No matter how long.

—Always loved from your brother Stephen and Family.

nOVena tO the SaCReD heaRt

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). R.D.

nOVena tO the SaCReD heaRt

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail) M.W.


Oh St Martin obtain for us from God and his Holy Mother Mary, the special intention of this novena and the divine mercy in all our needs both our soul and body. Pray God may we learn to be humble, submissive and prayful and ever to practise the divine virtues of faith, hope and charity. Say one Our Father, ten Hail Marys and Glory be to the Father for nine days. St Martin has granted me favours for many years and this thanksgiving is long overdue. J.M.

O St Martha I resort to thee and to thy petition and faith, I offer up to thee this light which I shall burn every Tuesday for nine Tuesdays. Comfort me in all my difficulties thro the great favour thou didst enjoy when our saviour lodged in thy house. I beseech thee to have divine pity in regard to the favour I ask (mention favour). Intercode for my family that we may always be provided for in all our necessities. I ask thee St Martha to overcome the dragon which thou didst cast at thy feet. One Our Father and three Hail Marys and a lighted candle every Tuesday and the above prayer made known with the intentions of spreading devotion to St Martha. This miraculous saint grants everything before the Tuesdays are ended. No matter how difficult. t.McC.


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CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call mVi Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie.

R OOFING R EPAIRS & S TOVES stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries..

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W INTER G ARDEN T IDY UP—Keen rates, all waste removed and recycled tel 086 8459472.

G ET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the lisdoo, Dundalk tuesday’s from 8pm—10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information..

F RENCH G RINDS available for Junior and leaving cert, All levels. individual and small group options. tel 086 8723340.

H OUSE CLEANER RE q UIRED for a few hours each week, louth Village, Dundalk, good pay rate tel 086 8459472.

LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We mWAC Property ltd have submitted significant further information in relation to planning application reference number 22/405 @ rathmount, blackrock, Co. louth. this significant Further information has been furnished to the planning authority and is available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the significant Further information may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20, not later than 2 weeks after the date of receipt of this newspaper notice and site notice by the planning authority.

Dance Kids proudly present

christmas Ever’

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P ROFESSIONAL D RYLINING—Dropped Ceiling, tape & Joints also all insulation services. Dundalk tel 089-2488819 or 089-4189199.

LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL—We mWAC Property ltd have submitted significant further information in relation to planning application reference number 22/406 @ seafield road, blackrock, Co. louth. this significant Further information has been furnished to the planning authority and is available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the significant Further information may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20, not later than 2 weeks after the date of receipt of this newspaper notice and site notice by the planning authority.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 12
a DV erti S e in our CL a SS ifie DS to over 60,000 readers from only €5 per week up to 20 words Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888
nOVena tO St MaRtIn De
Dance kids juniors and tots will take to the stage on 30th December for their Christmas Show. Book your tickets today at an tàin arts Centre box office on 042 9332332.


ALAN o’Mara is the founder of Real Talks, an author and a performance and wellbeing coach with sports and business leaders around the world. This column is part of the Real Talks with sosAD Ireland well-being series. Check out www.sosadireland.ie/realtalks/ to learn more.

Christmas is often billed as the most wonderful time of the year, but it was when I usually struggled the most. The two times in my life where suicidal thoughts and feelings came closest to suicidal action, occurred between Christmas and New years. This December is the ten year anniversary of when I last reached that tipping point. I hope revisiting that distant painful memory today will help you to mind your mental health and look out for others in the coming days and weeks.

In December of 2012, I remember standing in my favourite pub in my hometown of Bailieborough, Co Cavan. I was there in body, but not in mind or spirit. Internally I was in a dark and confusing place. everyone else seemed to be interacting effortlessly, engaging and mingling with one another. Instead of connecting with childhood friends and sharing old stories, my time was spent trying to suppress the tears that lurked behind my eyes. even though the world expected me to feel joy and connection, I was depressed.

Sometimes I mustered a halfhearted laugh, or nodded my head like one of those toy dogs in the rear window of a car. I felt sad and

lonely despite being surrounded by my best friends. The alcohol didn’t numb my feelings and it all became too much for me. I headed for the exit. The cold air that greeted me when I stepped outside was soothing, and its iciness matched how I was feeling inside.

‘It’s Christmas. you have to enjoy Christmas,’ I said aloud to myself.

I couldn’t spend one more minute trying to hide how I truly felt so I took a notion to walk home alone – all three miles of a dark, meandering and icy country road. Instead of finding peace on that drunken walk, the depression strengthened its grip on my mindset.

I couldn’t understand why I felt the way I did. I debated what had become of my life and asked myself many questions. Who am I? What is the point of all this? Do I even know what makes me happy? Will I ever feel happy again? should I go back to counselling? Does it actually help, or am I just prolonging the inevitable – suicide?

All of a sudden, the road ahead was ablaze with light as a car came around the corner. I thought of holding my hand up to get a lift but then I got the urge to throw myself in front of the oncoming car. As my eyes filled with tears, I took half a step towards the middle of the road. Part of me wanted the car to knock me out of this world. It felt like such a logical choice for a brief moment. Jump. Bang. Gone. No more sadness. No more depression. No more pain.

Thankfully, I flung myself out of sight behind a nearby wall instead and slumped miserably to the ground on my hunkers. It scared me how quickly those suicidal thoughts and feelings almost became an action. I sat there for a while in the dark of night trying not to cry. I mustered up enough energy and clarity to get myself home and safely to bed. Before falling asleep, I promised myself that I would go see a mental health professional once more. And I did.

Reaching out for help

Ten years later, my life is in a much better place because I reached out for help and got the support I needed. If you find yourself struggling in the coming days or weeks, know you are not alone. sosAD Ireland is one organisation that is here to support you and your mental health. Reach out by calling to the 24 hour helpline on 1800-901-909.

If you are in a good place this Christmas, try your best to look out for others. They might be acting differently or just seem ‘off.’ Never be afraid to ask someone how they are doing and to show them that you care. They might fob you off but they also may be honest about their struggles and be open about needing support. When in well-being conversations, concentrate on listening as best as you can, rather than offering opinions or advice. Having someone to listen to can be a tremendous help.

I truly believe that the best gifts we can give to people are our time, attention and love.

1—The spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future, and Jacob Marley appear in which Charles Dickens novel?

2—What colour are mistletoe berries?

3—In the original Home Alone movie where are the family going on holiday?

4—Which Christmas song contains the lyric “Everyone dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way?”

5—How do you say “Merry

Christmas” in Spanish?

6—Members of which Dundalk GAA club has traditionally ran from St Brigid’s Park to St Olivers Nursing home every Christmas morning for over 60 years?


7—Three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D.” What are those names?

8—Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a hugely popular Christmas meal in which Asian country?

9—What is the most popular vegetarian alternative to a roast turkey?

10—What is the chemical formula of snow? the Stinker—How many gifts are there in the 12 days of Christmas song?

9—Nut Roast, 10—H2O The Stinker: 364.

Tree, 5—Feliz Navidad, 6—Dowdallshill, 7—Dasher, Dancer and Donner, 8—Japan,

Around the Christmas

1—A Christmas Carol, 2—White, 3—Paris, France, 4—Rockin’

Gernord Ltd, Carrickmacross, established since 1968, are part of a French-based multinational operation, and are one of the largest PVC flooring manufacturers in Europe.

We invite applications for the following positions

Pro D u C tion Manager:

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Pro C e SS e ngineer

The principal roles are to optimise the overall Plant performance by ensuring budgeted KPI targets are achieved, production process problems solved and investigated, directly handle the smaller Engineering projects and Continuous improvements, implement any H&S actions, maintain, and manage all Risk Assessments, SOPs and production documentation. Also, review the efficient use of raw materials, labour & material flow. Degree qualification in process or mechanical engineering and 5+ years, experience of continuous process manufacturing. Also consider Degree qualifications in Science & Engineering.

Maintenan C e eL e C tri C ian

Vacancy for a Qualified Electrician. A minimum of 10 years in maintenance and repair of automated manufacturing equipment, and experience or formal qualification in cross/ multi-skilled electrical and mechanical work, is required, for routine, breakdown, and project electrical work to support production operations. The shift is an alternating, every second week, 6am to 2pm and 2pm to 10pm shifts, five days per week.

All applicants for above vacancies, must have good communication and team building skills, a willingness to be flexible, versatile, embrace ongoing change and engage in continuous improvement programmes.

Please forward full CV details or complete application form and send to: francis Duffy, general Manager, gernord Ltd, Ballybay rd, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan. 042-9661060 email: francis.duffy@gerflor.com

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 13 CARRICKDALE HOTEL DUNDALK Saturday January 7th 8pm Tickets at Hotel Tel 042-9380900 & Ticketmaster.ie
Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 14 Fuel Kitchens & Bedrooms FERGAL MARRY KITCHENS fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.com / 087 276 5866 Kitchens Bedroom Units Sliderobes & Feature walls TV Units Blinds CCTV/Alarms Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Delivery Address Forklifts Builders Supplies C Lo S ing DoW n aLL StoCk MuSt CLear Bedding Plumbing Property Maintenance

n e WS in Brief

Church gate Collection

A Church Gate collection for St Patrick’s Parish Soup Kitchen will take place at all Masses on Christmas Eve. There is also a bucket collection on 30th December.

Men’s Shed

r affle Winners

The winner of the unique Kids Log Cabin in the Dundalk Men’s Shed Christmas raffle was Brendan Sherry. Other prizewinners were: John McKeown, Gillian Marmion, the Ruddy children, Michelle Keenan, Joe Grossi, and Ann Dorian.

Dundalk Men’s Shed now open Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm.

Shredding and re-cycling trees

Blackrock Tidy Towns will be Shredding and Recycling Christmas Trees again this year. This is a free event to promote waste minimisation and recycling. Venue: Community Centre, Sandy Lane, Blackrock – Saturday 7th January from 11.00am to 3.00pm. All trees will be shredded and used as mulch in the adjoining Blackrock Park. Keep an eye to Blackrock Tidy Towns Facebook page for updates and further information.

Book o f Condolence

Louth County Council have a book of condolence for Private Seán Rooney. Pte Rooney was killed in the Lebanon on active duty while undertaking Peace keeping duties with the 121st Infantry Battalion, UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), while three other soldiers were injured.

The book of condolence will be opened initially in County Hall, Dundalk by the Cathaoirleach of Louth County Council Cllr Conor Keelan and Chief Executive Joan Martin early this afternoon. Both a physical book and an online book will be opened to allow all who wish to do so to pay their respects.

Physical Books of condolences have been opened in each of Ardee, Drogheda and Dundalk Municipal Districts by respective Cathaoirligh Cllrs Paula Butterly, Michelle Hall and Kevin Meenan, and all will be available at the following locations from 4pm this afternoon:

County Hall, Dundalk; Ardee Library; Tholsel Drogheda; Dundalk Town Hall.

Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 15
Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Fax. 042 9333514 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OpEning HOuRS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors ALL OUR pRODUCTS ARE AS STANDARD Keep Your Town in Business Keep Your Business in Town Senator Windows Dundalk Septic Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Cleaning • Drain Cleaning • CCTV Drain Surveys • High Pressure • Water Jetting Drain Repairs • Phone: 086 849 8882 email: info@adcdrains.ie - www.adcdrains.ie - skip hire - skip hireDOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL SKIPS FOR HIRE Available in all sizes From 3 Cubic Yard to 40 Cubic Yard Call 042-932 2594 or email info@aceenvironmental.ie DunDalk, Co. louth Visit us @ www.aceenvironmental.ie or email us @ info@aceenvironmental.ie nWCPO-12-06461-04 established in 1995 A LSO W HEELIE B IN C OLLECTIONS sign up On-line at www.aceenvironmental.ie Or Phone Office: 042-932 2594 all COVaReaS eReD Skips
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Dundalk Leader 21st December 2022 16

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