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Grammar School sports plan rejected by council

DUNDALK Grammar School’s plans for an outdoor sports and recreational development which would have included an all weather pitch, an eight lane running track, a covered spectator stand, changing rooms, tennis courts, outdoor gym and multi-use games area have been hit with the news that their planning application has been rejected by Louth County Council.

In the Planning Application which was lodged on the 29th of July, access to the proposed development from Dundalk Grammar School was provided in the plans via the existing access off Hill Street/ Dublin Road (R132) (Immediately south of Byrne’s pub). It was proposed to adjust the existing R132 road carriageway lane width to 3.1m along a c. 70 m section of Hill Street to the north of the proposed access and extend the existing cycle lane along the western edge of the R132 Dublin Road /Hill Street as far as the site entrance.

The proposed development also provided for alterations to grounds levels within the site, a pumping station, site lighting (including flood lighting surrounding the pitch), landscaping and boundary treatments and all ancillary site development works. Continued on Page 2

Colette O’Hagan pictured in Dundalk Credit Union with just some of her 997 marathon medals. Next month she will collect medal number 1000 at the Dublin City marathon. Full story page 2.

Grammar School sports plan rejected by council

From Page 1

There was also a proposal for an ecological park in the southern part of the site which would adjoin but not form part of Balmer’s Bog. The proposed ecological park would incorporate a viewing deck /bird watching observation hide orientated towards Balmer’s Bog. Car parking, cycle parking and a bus set down area were also provided within the site.

However, those plans will have to be altered after Louth County Council recommended that permission be refused for the development in a decision that was given on the 22nd September.

There were a number of reasons outlined in the

decision to reject the plans with Louth County Council stating that the applicant had failed to demonstrate provision for an appropriate pedestrian/cycling route from the Grammar School to the development proposed or adequate provision for vehicular traffic and other road users from Hill Street/(Dublin Road R132) to the site that ‘would not be prejudicial to the pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular traffic safety’.

There were also issues with parking spaces for local residents while the Planning Authority stated they were concerned that the development was at risk of flooding and/or could result in the potential loss of a floodplain, which in turn could lead to flooding elsewhere in the area. There was also an issue with the site layout which made no provision for access to the open drainage channel from the inlet screen of the existing surface water in-

frastructure on site to the Ramparts River for maintenance purposes without which the flood risk on the site and adjoining lands would be exacerbated.

The Planning Authority also stated that they were not satisfied that the proposed development individually or in combination with other plans or projects would not adversely affect the integrity of Dundalk Bay and other sites in the area.

The Grammar school had purchased the 4.135 hectare of land west of Hill Street/Dublin Street (which includes part of Balmer’s Bog) with the intention of developing a first-class sporting hub that would encourage participation and progression in sport at all levels.

The range of facilities it was proposed to provide were listed in the plans as including:

A floodlit rugby pitch of international standard with ball stop nets

An 8-lane athletics running track

Long and triple jump, javelin, discus, hammer throwing, pole vault, shot put and high jump facilities

Three floodlit tennis courts

A MUGA synthetic sports pitch

Clubhouse with changing facilities

Site perimeter walking/ jogging track with age friendly exercise equipment

Spectator stands with capacity for c. 5,000 persons

Bicycle/bus and car parking facilities.

The proposed development would also comprise an ecological park stretching into the Balmer’s Bog area. However those plans will have to be put on hold now pending an appeal following Louth County Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the development.

Collette closing in on amazing 1000th marathon

COLLETTE O’Hagan’s amazing marathon career was celebrated in the new Dundalk Credit Union premises on Clanbrassil Street last Saturday morning. The inspiring 75 year old grandmother has completed a mind boggling 997 marathons and will run her 1000th next month where it all started at the Dublin City Marathon.

Collette ‘s 997 medals were on show in the former Heuston’s premises as well wishers and passers by dropped in to have a look at the fantastic display of medals and trophies Collette

has won since running in her very first marathon which was the Dublin City marathon in 1990.

The exhibition was hosted by Dundalk Credit Union with the exhibition also acting as a coffee morning in aid of the North Louth Hospice and Feileacain.

Wellwishers came in their droves to wish Collette well as she readies herself for three marathons over the next month culminating in the big one on Sunday 27th October. According to Collette she runs every single day of her life and actually enjoys the struggle and pain that comes with running a marathon.

“I absolutely love it. I love pushing myself and believe it or not I love the struggle and the pain that comes with a marathon. I get more pleasure out of finishing a marathon where I don’t feel I am running well but am able to push through than one where I am feeling ok throughout the race. It’s a battle you have with yourself where your body is telling you to stop but you have to be strong and keep on going. I only actually took up running in my 40’s. My husband Larry used to run a bit and I went out with him one day and caught

Top David Donnelly from Dundalk Credit Union with Collette O’Hagan.

Bottom:Collette O’Hagan with husband Larry at the exhibition showcasing her amazing medal collection.

the bug. 997 marathons later I am here getting ready to take part in the big 1000th one next month which is amazing to me,” stated Collette.

“When I got to around 900 I started fo-

cusing on making 1000 and when I reach 1000 I have no plans to stop. I love it too much. I run with the North East Runners who are a great group to run with and I was delighted when I was asked to come

here today with all of my medals. I didn’t actually think anybody would come out to look at my medals but I am humbled that so many have come out to wish me well and to support my fundraiser, which

will raise funds for the North Louth Hospice and Feileacain. Thank you to everybody for coming out and to David in Dundalk Credit Union for putting this event on,” stated Collette.

Speaking about the event Dundalk Credit Union’s Head of Marketing and Communications, David Donnelly praised Collette for all she has achieved down through the years.”

“Collette is an absolute inspiration and we are proud to have her as a Brand Ambassador for Dundalk Credit Union. She has been a member of the credit union for over 50 years and would have used our services to help fund her trips overseas where she has competed in various marathons. As our ambassador she has gone around to local schools giving inspirational talks to our local schoolkids and she is just the essence of what community spirit is all about. She is an inspiration to us all and she really showcases what Dundalk Credit Union is all about. We love to shine a light on all that is good in our wonderful town and Colette is one of the finest examples of that,” stated David.

International Cap awarded to Olympian James Meenan

GREENACRES man James Meenan was recently presented with an official Ireland cap by the FAI in honour of his remarkable success as part of the Ireland Special Olympic Football Team that won Gold in last year’s Special Olympic Games in Berlin.

The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) brought together a heart-warming Pre-Match Celebration in the Green Room of the Aviva Stadium, ahead of the Republic of Ireland vs. Greece match to pay trib-

ute to the Irish Special Olympics Football team.

28 year old James was part of a special team who proudly brought home Gold from last year’s Special Olympics World Games in Berlin. In honor of the team’s remarkable success, they received the prestigious distinction of being awarded their International Caps—a coveted recognition reserved for those who have represented Ireland on the international stage.

James was part of the Irish team that won a gold medal after beating Morocco in the final.

The 28-year-old, plays with Newry City’s Special Olympics team and scored in Ireland’s 3-0 win over Uganda in the qualifier.

He is no stranger to success having won three medals at the Los Angeles Special Olympics in 2015. James has quite the collection of Olympic medals.

New unmarked Garda HGV will target distracted driving including using a

phone or other electronic device while driving

AN Garda Síochána has deployed a new, unmarked HGV as part of its work to help reduce fatal and serious injury road traffic collisions, and protect vulnerable road users by detecting those driving while distracted.

It will be utilised by Roads Policing Units nationwide as part of ‘Operation IOMPAR’ which will provide for targeted enforcement on dual-carriageway and motorway network throughout the country.

So far this year, Gardaí have detected over 15,000 people using their phone while driving. That’s almost 2,000 more than during the same period in 2023.

Last month, 421 drivers received a fine and penalty points on their licence having been found using their phone behind the wheel.

The introduction of Operation IOMPAR is already having yielding positive results – with over 100 drivers detected during three periods of action using the HGV - the majority of which were found to be using their phone while driving.

Due to the height of some vehicles, it can be difficult at times for Gardaí to detect motorists committing offences such as travelling without a seatbelt, using a phone or electronic device while driving holding a mobile phone or engaging in other poor driving behaviour that can distract and therefore potentially lead to a fatal or serious injury road traffic collision.

When in use on a targeted opera-

tion, the HGV will allow Gardaí to observe drivers in any make, model or size vehicle from a more elevated position and therefore help them to enforce the key life-safer offences.

The Operation IOMPAR HGV is driven by a specially trained member and an observer is responsible for detecting distracted drivers. The observer will relay the information to the enforcement team working alongside the HGV in marked and/ or unmarked interceptor vehicles –these must then stop the distracted driver and deal with the offences.

Superintendent Stephen McCauley, An Garda Síochána Roads Policing said, “It’s not always easy to clearly observe the irresponsible drivers of some vehicles on a dual carriage-way or motorway so introducing an unmarked HGV will hugely support our work.

“Operations like this are important because they mean that those that are detected for a road traffic offence must consider their unsafe driving. Drivers need to know that there is a real risk of them causing a fatal or serious injury collision if distracted and not keeping their full attention on the road.

“Ensuring that road users are safe requires us to keep at pace with the latest in technology and to be strategic about how we drive home the message. Our new HGC tractor unit will elevate our position on the roads and help us to detect any drivers committing offences but ultimately it’s about keeping people safe.”

James Meenan from Dundalk, right, is presented with his cap by FAI President Paul Cooke during the Special Olympics/FAI International Cap Presentation at Aviva Stadium in Dublin. Photo by Stephen McCarthy/Sportsfile.

Mental health services struggling to cope—Ó Murchú

MENTAL health was to the fore as the Dáil returned last week with Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú highlighting specific issues in Louth where services are underfunded and struggling to cope.

The Dundalk deputy, during a debate on the Mental Health Bill, raised the new Pieta House service in the Redeemer Centre and said he had spoken to representatives of SoSAD in the last week about funding.

He said: ‘The service needs a roadmap. It provides a huge amount of support and services for those going through mental health anguish.

‘Deputy Mark Ward and I visited Dundalk Counselling Centre. A spectacular amount

of work has been done. It is all about sustainable funding and being able to deliver the service’.

He also pointed to the delay in the construction of a ten-bed extension at the Drogheda Department of Psychiatry in Crosslanes and said Louth and Meath have poor bed provision compared with the rest of the State. Deputy Ó Murchú also raised the issue with Taoiseach Simon Harris during Taoiseach’s Questions.

He said: ‘The ratio is 12.9 beds per 100,000 whereas the State average is greater, although I accept that needs to be increased.

‘At one stage before the moratorium was lifted that there were around 40 nursing mental health service vacancies. Following the lifting of the moratorium, this

number became 13. I was told that positions left by nurses acting up no longer exist. If we were to extend that to other disciplines, there would be a greater level of unfilled posts.

‘In relation to Crosslanes, the Mental Health Commission stated that at times there was insufficient staffing. It is an issue. While we want the extension, we need to make sure there is a sufficient number of staff to provide a safe service in Crosslanes and the entirety of Louth and Meath.

‘I think there were 49 occasions - day shifts and three night shifts - since January 2023 when the approved centre’s nursing staff was below the required staff ratio. This presents a worry’.

And he also pointed to the

fact that there is no 24-hour psychiatry service at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital.

He said: ‘At night, this sometimes leads to chaotic circumstances in which people go to Crosslanes when the assessment should happen away from there. It goes from a doctor, to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, to the emergency department. As we face into budget season, it would be good if could deal with some of these issues’.

In response, the Taoiseach said: ‘I will follow up with the Minister for Health with regard to an update and timeline for the Drogheda department of psychiatry and the issue of nursing and other vacancies in the health service in the Louth-Meath area’.

Caoimhe first runner-up in final of Miss Universe Ireland

IT was a stylish night at the final of Miss Universe Ireland 2024 at the Fairways Hotel in Dundalk over the weekend as Sofia Labus (21) from Cork studying Criminology in UCC was crowned Miss Universe Ireland. Caoimhe Kenny, a fashion buyer for Brown Thomas and Arnotts, from Blackrock was first runner up on the night. The daughter of former Dundalk FC and Republic of Ireland manager Stephen Kenny spoke passionately on the night about her efforts to raise awareness for local charity ‘Save Our Homeless’.

“The experience of a lifetime. Delighted to be awarded 1st runner up and so happy for my girl Sofia Labus on being crowned Miss Universe Ireland.

“Enjoyed the journey and excited for the future. Thank you everyone who has been so supportive and continuously uplifted me and to the Miss Universe Ireland girls, I have truly found new friends for life,” stated Caoimhe.

Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú with Rhiannon McClelland, co-ordinator with SoSAD in their Dundalk offices.

Holland quartet deliver at Powerlifting World Championships

AT the bottom of the garden in Kevin and Lauri Holland’s house in Cuchulainn terrace, lies a home built gym called Jay’s Dungeon which was made to help eldest son Jordan (Jay) chase his dreams in the world of Powerlifting. Since then Jay’s younger brother Scott and sister Lucy have been bitten by the powerlifting bug with al three now competing together at tournaments all over Ireland and England. And with all three doing brilliantly in competition, Kevin and Lauri may soon need to build an extra shed beside the gym to house the number of medals and trophies that are

The Holland family with friends and supporters at

being brought back to Castletown.

During their most recent competition last month in Limerick, Jay finished second in a

stacked under 82.5 kg Junior category. With 15 lifters in his section he set a new world record squat of 250 kg (he is now the holder

of an amazing 23 world record in four different federations). He benched 137.5 kgs and deadlifted 232.5 kgs to total 620kg which re-

sulted in a new total Personal Best for Jay. He also went 9 for 9 in his attempts.

Jay spend his week spotting and load-

ing everyday except the day he lifted. He also coached his father Kevin, brother Scott and sister Lucy as well during the week. This is the first time in the sport that four members from one family competed at world level.

Sixteen year old Lucy had an amazing competition as well, breaking six world records in the under 18 (T2) category.

Lucy squatted 110kgs (A new World Record) Benched 45kgs (A World Record) and had an amazing last deadlift of 107.5kgs (also a World Record). This totalled 262.5kgs which set a new total World Record.

Lucy took home gold

in her division which was just reward for the youngster who has gone from strength to strength since she began training with her brothers, adding nearly 50 kgs to her total since last March. Lucy is in off season now and will have a well earned rest until her next competition next year.

Lucy’s brother Scott also had an amazing day taking home gold in another big flight of eight boys in the under 16 section. Fourteenyear old Scott took part in the 67.5 kg category and he squatted 155 kgs, benched 82.5 kgs and deadlifted a monster 160 kgs. He lead from start to finish and was again coached by big brother Jay who called his numbers perfectly for win.

All Scott’s last lifts were new national records and at just 14 Scott has now won 1 gold and 1 silver at the Worlds and 1 gold in European competition in the last two years. Altogether for the Hollands it was 2 gold and 2 slivers at the Worlds this year. Kevin, Jay, Scott and Lucy would like to thank everyone who has helped them over the years including Ma Bradys, Goldstar Jewellers, Megapump, Joe Mclaughlin and Ruairí McCann for all their help over the years.

Dream realised for Aoife as she becomes partner in top US law firm

made headlines six years ago when she became one of the youngest people ever to pass the New York Bar Exam.

The then 23-year-old began working with a law firm in New York after passing that exam and having worked tirelessly for the past six years and working her way up the legal ladder the former Dromiskin N.S pupil has been promoted to Partner at Lewis Brisbois which is one of the 100 largest law firms in the United States.

A law firm partner is an attorney who holds partial ownership of a firm. In exchange for partial ownership, they generate revenue for the firm.

Aside from the financial profit a law firm partner can gain, this accomplishment is a major career goal for many lawyers. Being a partner in a

firm is a prestigious position and gives you an opportunity to make your mark on your corner of the legal world. Aoife’s love of law was fostered by her old 6th class teacher in Dromiskin N.S, Pat Mulligan who she has said helped her believe that anything is possible while supporting and encouraging her dreams to one day become a lawyer.

According to Aoife, she is proud that she has accomplished what she set out to do when first arriving in New York.

“First the dream was to become a New York lawyer and when I ticked that box six years ago, I set myself a goal of becoming a law firm partner before the age of 30. I am so happy and proud to say that today that dream has come true. I’m so excited for the next chapter,” stated Aoife.

“Since passing the New York bar exam and getting a job in a law firm in the city, I worked my way up the legal ladder starting out as an associate, then a senior associate. That wasn’t easy. As soon

as I passed the Bar Exam I spent 6 months searching for a job and probably sent in the region of 1200 emails until I received an offer that was right for me.”

“I was then promoted to Of Counsel before starting my new position as Partner at Lewis Brisbois, an AmLaw 100 firm (one of the 100 largest firms in the US),” explained Aoife.

“Usually American students pass the Bar Exam and start practicing law around the age of 26 so to be Partner at 30 is a dream come true!

“I focus my practice on construction accidents that occur throughout the State of New York and regularly network with other Irish professionals in the legal sector at events held by the Irish American Bar Association of New York and the Brehon Law Society of New York.

Aoife’s old sixth class teacher Pat Mulligan remembers a very focused, driven student with a great love for English and a love for law.

“Aoife always stood out as a pupil with very good ability and she was especially good at English. She often stated to me that she wanted to become a lawyer and as a teacher you want to encourage and support a child and help them reach their goals. Her tenacity and determination was there for all to see when she passed the New York Bar Exam after narrowly failing to get it the first time around. It’s fantastic to see her doing so well and I send my congratulations to Aoife. As a teacher, hearing stories like this are very rewarding and it’s always great to see old pupils doing well,” added Pat.

1—Can you name the local barrister who stepped in at the 11th hour to help save Dundalk FC last week?

2—Who directed the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’?

3—Old Major, Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer were the names of characters in which popular novel first published in 1945?

4—Which sea borders the north of Turkey?

5—St. Brigid’s and St. Patrick’s Terraces which are located between Seatown and St. Mary’s Road are known locally by what nickname?

6—What is Batman’s butler called?

7—The Prime Minister of England’s official residence is 10 Downing Street. Who lives next door in number 11?

8—Can you name the first four letters of the Greek alphabet?

9—Albany is the state capital of which US state?

10—Brian Lenihan was a TD in the Dáil between 1961 and 1995. Can you name his two sons who followed in their father’s footsteps to also become TD’s? Stinker—Which band/artist holds the record for most number one singles in the Irish music charts?


Louth International Film Festival on September 27 to 29

THE Louth International Film Festival is set to run from September 27 to 29, showcasing an impressive array of films, discussions, and special guests in the IMC Cinema and An Táin Arts Centre, Dundalk. Presented by the Louth Filmmakers Society in collaboration with An Táin Arts Centre and DkIT. The festival is entirely operated by dedicated volunteers, whose passion and commitment make it possible.

All Film & TV students will attend on Friday, September 27, at IMC Cinema as part of a Student Day to meet industry practitioners, watch award-winning shorts, meet John Moore, and

understand the importance of attending film festivals as part of their studies. All DkIT students have free access to the full festival schedule across 3 days. Present student ID for free entry.

Dundalk native and Hollywood director John Moore will jet in from LA to open the Louth International Film Festival 2024! John will join us for a special Q&A session at IMC Cinema Dundalk on Friday September 27 at 5:20 PM, followed by the 20th Anniversary Screening of his critically acclaimed film Flight of the Phoenix at 6:30 PM.

Be sure to get your tickets now!

John had this to say

about the 5th anniversary of the festival, “The Louth Film Festival is growing, and we need it to grow, and we need help to make it grow. I’m so proud that my home county is making such a marvelous festival happen; they’re offering a wonderful alternative to just absorbing the endless torrent of content that floods us now from streaming. Instead, they’re reminding us of what movies are about: see them together, see them in a dark room, let them be special, and let the experience actually mean something— not just another swipe or scroll. It’s a source of pride for me and I’m beyond flattered that they’re

screening one of my movies as part of that. Flight of the Phoenix is 20 years old, almost to the day, and so it’s really a joy to see it screen in my hometown after all these years.”

Q&A with Director Terry McMahon

Join us on Sunday, September 29, at 6.15 PM in An Táin Arts Centre, Screen 1, for the highly anticipated screening of The Kiss of Death. This powerful film tells the story of Tony, a teacher in Northern Nigeria, whose

life-saving intervention with a student leads to unintended consequences. The screening will be followed by an engaging Q&A with Director Terry McMahon.

Exciting Saturday Screening: Notes from Sheepland

On Saturday, September 28, at 1:50 PM at An Táin Arts Centre, join us for a screening of Notes from Sheepland, a captivating documentary directed by Cara Holmes, an accomplished film-

maker from Blackrock.

This film chronicles the fascinating life of Orla Barry, an artist and sheep farmer, as she navigates the intersection of her dual passions—art and eco-farming. Don’t miss this award-winning documentary that took home Best Documentary at the Dublin International Film Festival 2023! Fred Dekker Award for Best Student Film! We are thrilled to announce that Fred Dekker, the acclaimed writer, director, and producer behind The Monster Squad and Night of the Creeps, will present the Fred Dekker Award for Best Student Film at this year’s festival.

One-Armed Wonder: The Extraordinary Story of Jimmy Hasty A must-see for football fans, the Emmywinning documentary One-Armed Wonder: The Extraordinary Story of Jimmy Hasty will be screened on Saturday, September 28, 1.50pm at An Táin Arts Centre. This remarkable film follows the life of Jimmy Hasty, a one-armed footballer who defied all odds to play for Dundalk FC and make history. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers and Dundalk FC Press Officer Gavin McLaughlin.

Honoring Cinematic Excellence: The Seamus

McGarvey Award for Best Cinematography

Dearbhla Walsh Award for Best Director

We are honoured to present the Dearbhla Walsh Award for Best Director again this year. Walsh, a distinguished Irish director known for her work on Fargo and The Handmaid’s Tale, is a key patron of our festival, bringing invaluable insight and support to the emerging talent we strive to showcase. Introducing the Best in Louth Award, Presented by John Moore In a nod to our local roots, the Best in Louth Award will be presented by none other than John Moore himself.

the World Championships in Limerick.
AOIFE Moore Kavanagh
Aoife Moore Kavanagh.

Local animator calls for government to support sector

A LOCAL animator has urged the government to give investment to the animation sector in the upcoming budget to help lift the sector. Ian, who is the founder of Elk Studios in Dundalk says that Ireland has made major animation contributions globally and generally punched above their weight on the world stage but more investment is needed if they are to continue to do so.

The Animation Ireland Pre-Budget 2025 Submission to Government asks for investment to uplift the animation sector here, so it can thrive and grow. Key to this is that Government take steps to reimagine and re-launch the Regional Film Development Uplift at 8% ring fenced for a minimum of 10 years. The reintroduction of a regional tax incentive may take time to implement, so in the meantime Ani-

mation Ireland and their members would like to see the establishment of an Interim Regional Audiovisual Development Fund of €10 million and the funding of a Regional Department within Screen Ireland. Ireland has been the envy of animation, film and creative communities across the world, our Government investment in the form of Tax Credits has contributed immensely to Ireland’s globally celebrated, awarded and commercially successful animation and live action sector. But without targeted tax incentives, especially for the regions, our domestic market would simply not have the resources to bring our stories to the world.

IAN HAMILTON, Founder of Elk Studios in Dundalk says: “Elk Studios is a production studio located in the rural, innovative town of Dundalk. We are a bou-

tique studio that brings a wealth of experience from other high profile studios and projects. Our mission is to foster a key creative hub in the country that is already known for its positive work/life balance and excellent employee welfare. We work to produce the highest quality content in partnership with other studios globally.

Our size and our unique location is our strength, our studio is only an hour from Dublin and Belfast, our crew have great opportunities for weekend excursions to see the rest of the country, Dundalk is the main town of the Cooley Peninsula, containing the Cooley Mountains where you can hike or mountain bike, nice beaches for swimming or kayaking, a lively indie arts community and for those who prefer indoors; as part of Dundalk’s “Innovation Town”

Estonian ambassador to Ireland visits Louth

LAST Thursday saw the visit of the Estonian Ambassador to Ireland, Her Excellency Kairi Kunka with an aide from the Estonian Embassy to County Louth.

The visit included a briefing at County Hall on housing and many of the different initiatives being undertaken by the local authority across the county, a presentation and exchange of formal gifts and the Ambassador signing the official visitor book of the County.

Speaking after the visit, Cathaoirleach Kevin Callan said that the council were delighted to receive the ambassador and to hold discussions on ways in which the council are advancing many initiatives on housing and to discuss the situation in Estonia and to look at comparisons and methods adopted in both countries.

Louth is a county with a proud tradition or welcoming those on diplomatic missions and we were as always happy to give a cead mile failte to our friends, this time from Estonia.

status - high speed internet access! A happy crew is a productive crew. Locating in Dundalk is important to us, it decentralises industries, reverts the infrastructure strain on Dublin and other cities in the country. Basing ourselves in the regions, creates a balanced distribution of the economy throughout the country, preventing major urban

hubs from becoming bottle necks. Innovation will prosper in the regions, as people can enjoy work life balance - remote working allows individuals to connect with others all over the country, while Region living / working eases the commute to work, encouraging people to come back into the office,” stated Ian.

Ian Hamilton, Founder, Elk Studios, Dundalk, Louth.

Cathaoirleach of Louth County Council Kevin Callan & Estonian Ambassador.




In loving memory of Hugh McElroy, late of Wolfe Tone Tce, Dundalk, Drogheda and Enniskillen whose anniversary occurs on 29th September. We hold you close within our hearts and there you shall remain,

To walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again.

Your needs in life were simple, your love for us was true,

As long as we were happy you were happy too.

You gave us all you had to give, gifts both big and small, But most of all you gave us love, the greatest gift of all. —Loved and missed by your partner Bridie; son Paul, Michelle, Jade and Kyle, John, Brian and families, Adam and Leo. Also The McElroy, O’Hare and Gough families and all who knew and loved him

Anniversary Mass is on 29th September, in St Nicholas Church at 12pm.


In loving memory of Mairead Rice, late of McSwiney Street, whose 9th anniversary occurs on September 29th. The world changes from year to year, Our lives from day to day, But the love and memory of you,

Shall never pass away.

—Always loved and remembered John.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail) M.S.



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail) S.K.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail) K.S.

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CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094.

CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-2259799.

ALL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE— Carpentry, Doors & Floors. Roof repairs, Plumbing, Wall & Floor tiling, All outdoor work, Paving & Fencing, Power washing. Call Robert on 083 0777666.

PAINTING SERVICES AVAILABLE— Interior and exterior, sprayed and hand painted kitchens, all work carried out by professional trades men Also available for Power washing. Tel Brian 087 7558506.

CHARA COUNSELLING—20 years’ experience, currently taking appointments. Supporting you with emotional intelligence for relationship issues, your mental health, grief, all addictions & past traumas. For a strictly private consultation call Martin today on 083 3402766.



Gentle Saint Martin, During Your Lifetime You Looked After The Needs Of All Creation Both Mankind And Animals. Look After My Needs Now For I’m Worried About My Examinations. Grant By Your Prayers I May Answer The Questions I Know And Answer Correctly. If There Are Questions Set That I Could Not Answer, Guide And Enlighten My Mind So That I Should Study Them Between Now And The Examinations. Under Your Guidance And That Of The Holy Spirit I Know I Cannot Fail So Please Come To My Assistance. In Return I Promise To Make Your Own Name Better Known And Better Loved. Amen. K.S.


Saint Alphonsus Liguori, you are honoured as the patron of Arthritis. You suffered immensely and yet still practiced God’s teachings. Help me remember the suffering of Jesus Christ when my fingers ache or my joints are sore with pain. Help alleviate my pain, O great Saint, so that my arthritis will either be abstained or cured so that I may suffer no more. Amen. S.K.


LOUTH County Council are delighted to announce this year’s ‘Age Friendly Expo’ will take place on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 in Ardee Parish Centre, Ardee, County Louth. The theme of the Expo is Ageing Well at Home, and the event will feature a number of speakers and presenters who will give helpful tips and advice to older people around ‘ageing well’, on topics such as positive ageing, maintaining social connections, the importance of physical activity, diet and hydration, and also information on the Age Friendly Healthy Homes programme.

This is a free event, and everyone aged 55 and over in County Louth and surrounding areas are welcome to attend. Free parking and accessible facilities will be available on site. The event will start at 10am and there will be an opportunity to view the information stands showcasing the groups, organisations and

Attendees at the 2023 Age Friendly Expo in the Ardee Parish Centre, Ardee County Louth.

a variety of topics around the theme of ‘Ageing Well in Louth’.

Joe Grogan Chairperson of the Louth Older People’s Council stated: “The Age Friendly Expo last year was a great success. We had almost 200 people attend our Expo and we hope to replicate that this year”.

Age Friendly Louth Program

Manager Sinead McVerry said:

“The issue of Ageing Well in County Louth was identified by members of the Older People’s Council (OPC) an issue of great importance to older people. The Age Friendly Expo is therefore a response to this identified local need and also an opportunity for older people, community groups, and groups representing older people to meet up, learn and share experiences.”

The event is free, and booking is advised. Contact agefriendly@louthcoco.ie or phone 042 9324389 for further details. There will be a free bus to and from the event from Dundalk. services on offer to

Duffy (from RTE’s Dragon’s Den) & Louth Age Friendly Ambassador will officially launch the event and this will be followed by a suite of speakers on

GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact—Ben 085-8407707.

FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof—tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

CARPENTRY & JOINERY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie.

GARDENS/POWER washing - one stop garden service, large & small lawn cutting, strimming, hedges, tidy-ups, power washing, clearances. Contact Will’s Services 085-860-4048.

ROOFING AND BUILDING contractor available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.

FIFI’S ALTERATIONS—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.305.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

TAKE THE HASSLE OUT of your garden.

I do it all. Grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting, weeding, fencing, wall painting, power washing, gutter cleaning and general DIY. Tel Catriona 087 3172109.

BUILDER & HOME MAINTAINENCE— Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.


Over 20 years experience. No job too big or too small. Available services—Doors, Frames, Floors, Skirting, Architraves, Walls, Built in Units, Fencing/Gates, Plaster boarding and Roofing Services. Complete renovations carried out. Contact Mark 086 0895508.

MAN WITH A VAN—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 0894016728.

GOLDEN OLDIES? Call the Nostalgia Line for Karaoke and singing for birthdays, anniversaries, parties etc. Call Nicky on 0874128526.

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Whatsapp or Tel 085-7623758 for quotation.

LOCAL POWER WASHING—No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and furniture removals, recycling or rubbish removals. Contact James 0862086141 for free quotation.

TREE SERVICES—Tree surgery, stump grinding, wood chipping & pruning. Conifer hedge reduction and ash die back removal. Fully Insured & Certified. Contact Chambers on 087 2750825 Email rchambers2008@yahoo.ie.

ASBESTOS REMOVAL SERVICES—Roof Tiles, Cement Sheets, Pipes, etc, 15 years’ experience. ND Asbestos Removal Tel 085 2380012 Email 1ndabestosremoval@ gmail.com.

DMC GARDEN MAINTENANCE services. Weekly/fortnightly lawn mowing services available. Hedge, shrub trimming and shaping. Weeding, spraying, strimming. Full garden clean up and all waste removed. Free quote. Keen rates. Please contact 087 7019178.

BOOST YOUR VITALITY for the months ahead with reflexology. Mobile service available. Also available, reflexology for adults or children with special educational needs. Phone Rosemarie on 0872058644.

HANDYMAN REQUIRED on a regular basis for general tidy ups including brushing up yard, occasional strimming and spraying. Mountpleasant area. Telephone 0866062740.

GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm—10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.

DRUM LESSONS INCLUDING BODHRAN—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

WEEKLY SEWING CLASSES on-going at Northlink Retail Park, you can join in any time, for enquiries please call or WhatsApp Elizabeth on 0872649221 or visit www. djk-creations.com.

FRENCH/SPANISH GRINDS available in Dundalk. Experienced examiner and teacher. Available after school on Tuesdays/ Wednesdays. Email—sophiep@gcdd.ie. ENGLISH AND GEOGRAPHY grinds to LC level. Experienced teacher in Dundalk area. Contact Jennifer on 0876337821 for more details.


Stunning debut win for gymnast Estella

IN a stunning display of talent and determination, 13-year-old Estella Volkoff from Carlingford made history at the National Series Next Gen Artistic Gymnastics Championship held at the National Indoor Arena in Dublin on September 14-15, 2024.

Estella was making her debut as a junior at the top level FIG, and she triumphed against formidable opponents from across Ireland and Northern Ireland to become junior balance beam champion.

Achieving this feat in her debut competing at this level underscores her exceptional skill in what many gymnasts regard as the most challenging discipline.

Alongside her impressive gold medal performance, she clinched bronze medals in the uneven bars and another bronze as part of a team with senior gymnasts Lily Russell

Estella, who began her gymnastics journey at just three years old, trains rigorously at DP Gymnastics Club in Balbriggan, dedicating over 25 hours a week

under the expert guidance of head coach and the club founder Marisa Duffy and her team.

As the only artistic gymnast from Louth to reach such remarkable heights, Estella’s accomplishments not only

highlight her individual dedication but also shine a spotlight on the sport’s growing popularity, particularly as it continues to captivate audiences worldwide, including at the Summer Olympic Games.

Estella Volkoff became Junior balance beam champion last week.
and Sophie McGuinness.


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How financially informed are Dundalk’s students?

FRESHERS’ Week at Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) was a buzz of excitement last week. Dundalk Credit Union was thrilled to be on campus, collaborating with the Students’ Union in a new partnership aimed at supporting students’ financial wellness.

Throughout the week, the team—led by Victoria and Naomi—engaged with hundreds of students, particularly new firstyears, eager to get involved in campus activities. Among the highlights was the Financial Wellness Wheel of Wisdom—a fun, interactive game designed to test students’ financial knowledge while offering essential insights into key money matters. Naomi O’Donoghue, Head of Sales and Business Development at Dundalk Credit Union, reflected on the experience:

“This wheel is always a big hit! It’s a great icebreaker, but it’s one of the best ways we’ve found to engage young people in financial topics which they may otherwise find dull. It’s a lot of fun, but we were surprised that over 95% of

SATURDAY saw a huge 450 Kilos of marine litter removed from the Blue Flag Templetown beach. As part of the An Taisce Big Beach Clean sponsored by Kia the event was lead by Cooley Peninsula Community Alert and its team of Michael Muckian, Antóin Watters and Fiona Mhic Conchoille supported by the Louth Volunteer Centre , Cooley Kickhams GAA and Rice and Ruddy Kia Dundalk who supplied refreshments for all taking part.

Derek Malone from Kia Dundalk alongside Cleancoasts education office Aidan Gray were able to show how lobster pots and ropes collected washed up at the carpark are actually recycled into the plastic used in Kia cars with a display they had very informative.

Locals alongside juvenile players from Cooley Kickhams , coaches and Cooley Kickhams Juvenile Chairperson Lorraine Long all were amazed as to the amount they collected and how it can be again put to use.

Chairperson Michael Muckian said “ This huge clean up is thanks to community partnership and we are greatful to Kayleigh in the

the students we met this week were unaware of what a money mule is. It is quite concerning, but we were able to spread the word to hundreds of students in a way that resonated with them, and we will continue to inform students throughout the year through oncampus participation”.

So, what exactly is a money mule? This is when an individual, often unknowingly, allows their bank account to be used to transfer money linked to criminal activities. Young people, including students, are often targeted by criminals, lured in with the promise of quick cash in exchange for allowing their account to be used. This may seem harmless at first glance, but money mule activity is illegal, and anyone caught participating—knowingly or not— can face serious consequences, including prosecution and losing

access to banking services. Raising awareness about these scams is crucial, especially as they continue to evolve and target more vulnerable individuals.

Along with highlighting the dangers of money mules, the credit union team also discussed vital topics like debit card protection and fraud, budgeting, saving, and setting financial goals. Holly Lambe-Sally, Students Union’s President noted:

“We believe that supporting young people in understanding financial topics can have a lifelong impact, helping them to develop strong financial habits early on, that’s why we are delighted to partner with Dundalk Credit Union this year. Together, we are committed to helping our students become more financially savvy and we’re excited about the opportunities ahead.”

Council lead major improvement works in public playparks

LOUTH County Council are upgrading playgrounds across the county with a focus on providing imaginative, inclusive play for children of all ages and abilities.

Refurbishment works are underway in parks in Dundalk, Drogheda, and Ardee. In Dundalk, work is underway on the playground at St. Helena’s Park, a project that is designed to offer a wide range of imaginative, dynamic, and challenging play experiences.

The centrepiece of the playground is the impressive senior Kanope tower unit, featuring a large slide, wavy slide, various climbing structures, sensory play elements, and a remarkable central rope net climbing matrix that extends from ground level to the top of the tower. This area is tailored for older children seeking adventurous and engaging play.

For younger children, the toddler zone includes the delightful Diabolo baby play unit, designed for toddlers aged 6 months to 3 years. This area offers low-level, accessible activities, and age-appropriate sensory experi-

ences. Features include wheelchair-accessible ground-level trampolines, a double wheelchair-accessible seesaw, an accessible spring rocker, and dedicated sensory zones for musical and visual play.

The playground’s safety surface is crafted from resin-bound rubber mulch, which mimics the natural appearance of bark while eliminating the maintenance challenges associated

Dundalk Communities United to host afternoon of solidarity at St Helena’s Park

DUNDALK Communities United is inviting everyone down to St Helena’s Park on Sunday 29th September at 1:30pm for an afternoon of football, baked goods, community and solidarity. There will be a community football game between Dundalk Communities United versus Friendly Street Football Club from Belfast. Everyone is welcomed, all ages, to partake in the game just bring your boots, togs and a willingness to have the craic. If football isn’t your thing, come down for the baked treats and face painting that will be on offer along the sidelines. James Renaghan, one of Dundalk Communities United organisers is encouraging everyone to attend, “Our most important aim of Sunday is to build back community, one football, one cake, one conversation at a time. Solidarity forever.”

with traditional loose-fill surfaces. The park boasts an unparalleled array of fully wheelchair-accessible equipment, ground-level sensory play activities, and other features that ensure easy access for all children, including those who use wheelchairs.

Families and children will be invited to explore and enjoy this vibrant new facility when it is complete in October.

The public playground in Ardee has benefitted from refurbishment, with works ongoing.

The improvement works at the playground in Ardee will add more play value for children and young people by providing safe playing space and equipment for different age groups .

Refurbishments works in Drogheda, Dundalk and Ardee playparks are being funded by the Community Recognition Fund at the Department of Community & Rural Development.

Construction of the first ever playground in Termonfeckin, Co. Louth is also nearing completion.

Dundalk Active Retirement

DUNDALK Active Retirement Group meet every Monday between 2:30pm and 4pm in Carroll Mead, Pearse Park. New members are always welcome. Join us for conversation, cuppas and participate in our various club programme activities.

Relics of Saint Bernadette

THE Relics of St Bernadette will visit Ireland this Autumn and will spend some time in both St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, on 19th October and St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dundalk, on 20th October, 2024. A great opportunity for all with a devotion to St Bernadette to venerate the relics and give thanks to Our Lady for the gift of St Bernadette and Lourdes to the Church.

Louth Volunteer Centre and everyone who came it from across the Peninsula to take park. Over 20 lobster pots strewn on the Blue flag beach was a shock to find but it was amazing to see how Kia are recycling these globally. We are really making a difference to the area with community effort.
Community volunteers were out in force last weekend for the clean up at Templetown’s Blue Flag Beach.
Victoria Prendergast from Dundalk Credit Union.

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