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LOUTH breast cancer survivors are “relieved” that proposed cuts to their entitlements have been reversed by the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Louth women diagnosed with breast cancer are entitled to free post-surgery bras and prosthesis, which are essential to a proper recovery.

The issue was brought up in the Dáil by Deputy Ó Murchú during Taoiseach’s questions last Tuesday.

Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘A

proposal that was brought to me by Alison McCabe was mentioned by Liveline. It is for a reduction in the grant for post-mastectomy products for women who have been through breast cancer treatment.

‘This is an issue we need to look at. It is going to be highlighted by many people. Will the Taoiseach take a look at it? The grant is necessary’.

In response, Minister Donnelly said: ‘I was made aware of the issue raised by Deputy Ó Murchú yesterday.

Continued on Page 2

Huge relief over HSE u-turn HSE reverse planned postmasectomy product cuts Wednesday, 28th February, 2024. Vol. 17, Issue 9 • 9A, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042 932 0888. | Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Page 10 Page 6 Councillor appalled with St Patrick’s Day junkets Deaghlan’s support for local animals in need
Mallon and
Kearney are representing Ireland this week at the EEPF European Pool Championships in Killarney. Full story page 2. Page 4
James ready for toughest race in the world Tiernan
Pool Party in Killarney!

HSE reverse planned post-masectomy product cuts

From Page 1

‘A policy measure has been proposed in terms of supports for people who have had mastectomies. The proposal emanating from the HSE was that in some areas, supports would increase but in some areas, supports would decrease.

‘I am not allowing that to happen. I want to give a clear commitment that while I absolutely will support an increase in supports, I will not be signing off on any policy that decreases supports for anyone in the country.

‘I am pretty annoyed that someone thought that they could announce this and go ahead with it.

I have already intervened and told the HSE we will not be proceeding. We will increase supports. We absolutely will not reduce supports’.

Alison McCabe, the owner of Breastcare by Alison told the Dundalk Leader that she is “over the moon” that the cuts have been shelved.

“I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I’ve seen the knock-on effect. It’s a horrible disease. I was so emotional for the people I help,” said Alison.

“For a woman, it’s a huge thing to lose a breast. It affects men too but maybe has a greater effect on women.

“Some women don’t want to look at them-


selves in the mirror or look down when they are having a shower.”

Alison added: “A lot of ladies are opting for reconstruction now. But there are risks, and you have to take time off work and there are expenses.

“There are different allowances in different regions but ladies in Louth do have good entitlements and it would have been terrible for them to lose those.

“It’s important to get specialist underwear and a swimming prosthesis so women can exercise

in the water. It’s not just about the way you look, it also affects your physical health and recovery.”

Alison continued:

“I’m a breast cancer survivor myself. I was lucky my husband is a lecturer in college and he kept

things afloat for me.

“I do a fashion show every year and raise money for the hospice. Breast cancer survivors take part and model for the show.

“The garments are expensive as they are made to measure and they do last. Every woman deserves to go to the beach and pool.”

Karen Finnegan is a breast cancer survivor from Omeath. She is married to Gerry, and they have a 19-year-old daughter, Niamh.

“It is very important to have a proper

Paul and Tiernan in the frame at European Pool Championships

PAUL Kearney and Tiernan Mallon are representing Ireland this week at the EEPF European Pool Championships which are being held at the Gleneagles Hotel in Killarney.

Both men are longtime players and well known faces in the Dund-

alk Pool League and following successful trials late last year, both men qualified for the national team with Paul playing for the Men’s D side and Tiernan with the Over 50’s B team. Good luck to both men this week in Killarney.

fitting, specialist bra after surgery. I got reconstruction last year and I have been in and out of hospital since with infections and other matters,” said Karen.

“It is tough. Alison offers a great service. It’s homely and the experience gives you more confidence.

“I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in June 2016. I never had a lump, just a line. I went to my GP and asked to be referred to Beaumont and they were amazing, I have to say.”

Karen added: “When

you are told you have cancer, those three seconds change your life forever. I had chemotherapy for seven months and had radiation for 15 days.

“My daughter was 12-years-old at the time and I had to fight for her. Then Covid came so I only got my reconstruction last March.

“It’s very important to have the proper swimwear when you are going on holidays. I’m past the five years but I have to take anti-cancer tablets for another five years and I still have regular

checks and physio.”

She concluded: “I always say, there is help out there and take as much help as you can. I’ve made a whole new circle of friends because of it.

“It is a scary time, but people like Alison help a lot. She is just amazing. The cost of the specialty bras and swimwear would be a lot if you have no income.

“Coming out as a survivor of this terrible disease, has made me stronger. It makes sense of what is really important in life.”

‘State have failed kids with orthopaedic needs’—Ó Murchú

THE problems faced by Dundalk parents whose children are waiting on complex orthopaedic care in the Children’s Hospital was raised in Leinster House last week by Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú who spoke on his party’s motion about the issue.

The Dundalk deputy said children had been left in ‘inhumane conditions’ and the State had ‘absolutely failed some of the most needy of our citizens’

He said it was good to meet some of the children and their parents outside Leinster House, who had travelled to Dublin to hear the Sinn Féin motion being debated.

Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘I do not know how they keep going. Our requests are straightforward, including a task force that is sufficiently independent and can do the business.

‘The Minister (for Health) spoke about a dedicated spinal surgery service or management unit. We need to see it.

‘We need to see timelines for delivery, because the people who need it are Ada, her mother Paula and the rest of the family who are here from Dunleer. There is also Kirsty Rose from Dundalk, whom I met and who I spoke to about Daisy and Layla.

‘As time goes on and they spend more time on waiting lists, they worry that their conditions will become worse and that the possibility of an operation will become that bit more distant. We do not know what the long-term ramifications will be. We need solutions and timelines. We really need to stop the pain. None of this is good enough.

‘Once again, we have absolutely failed those families and children. We need to do better.

‘I do not know how anyone that side of the House can say “We are offering solutions, but we realise that what has happened to date has not been good enough”.

‘We really need delivery. I do not like making these kinds of speeches. It is an abject failure when people have to travel to Leinster House to talk to politicians about these issues. We need to deliver for them, and we need to do so now’.

“The Birches” relaunch family support meetings

THEY continued online during the pandemic but it’s felt that those living locally, whose loved ones are living with Alzheimer Disease or another form of dementia, might need a reminder that the ‘in person’ group meetings are there for those who require some extra support.

They take place on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm at The

Birches Day Care Centre on the Priorland Road, with the February meeting being held this Thursday.

Meanwhile, local second level schools are being encouraged to sign up for “Creating a Dementia-Inclusive Generation” - a Transition Year Programme in collaboration with The Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI). Nearly one

third of young people will know someone living with dementia.

It involves an e-learning programme with five modules of self-directed learning on the Moodle platform including Growing Older; The Brain; Brain Health; What is Dementia and Perceptions of Dementia.

The ‘Peer Educator’ programme sees TYs facilitating dementia

awareness sessions for their fellow students. This can be tailored to the individual needs of each school with varied levels of engagement, with certificates for successful completion of the programme. There’s also an opportunity for participants to fulfill the challenge area requirements of An Gaisce.

Fundraising is also a key part of the overall

programme, with each TY class being encouraged to engage with one of ASI’s events like Denim Day for Dementia (March) and Tea Day in May. Schools interested in signing up should contact the North Louth branch at The Birches (042) 9351388 or by emailing thebirchesdundalk@alzheimer.ie or communityengagement@alzheimer.ie.

Knights of Hibernia: John Boyle O’Reilly Society

THE Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 10th March at our offices on Clanbrassil Street at 12 noon sharp. All members welcome.

Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 2
Tiernan Mallon and Paul Kearney.
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Alison McCabe. Ruairí Ó Murchú, TD.
Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 3

James ready to tackle ‘toughest race in the world’

LOCAL man James Redmond is preparing to tackle what is regarded as the toughest foot race in the world. The MARATHON DES SABLES is a ten day 250km plus race across the Sahara desert in Morocco. Competitors must be selfsufficient and carry all of their supplies for this; food, sleeping gear and other materials. James has been in preparation for this for months now. Since finishing the New York Marathon in November 2023 in an impressive sub 3 hour time, James’ training has changed to prepare him for the this gruelling Ultramarathon: This has meant running in excess of 100km a week with

his bag loaded with his supplies to get use to the weight and chaffing. James currently lives and works in Germany as an engineer for BMW. According to the Meadow Grove man he has to juggle hours and hours of training around a busy job.

‘I work about 9 to 10 hours a day and some days I honestly only have about 30 free waking minutes a day to spend how I like between running and eating.

“I’m consuming mountains of food for the calories used, lots and lots of milk and potatoes in there too, staying true to my roots.’

The conditions for the race

can range from 56 degrees by day to 0 degrees by night, which is why apart from the distance, it is regarded as the toughest foot race on earth.

January saw snowy cold conditions in Munich, so James has had to pile on extra layers not just to stay warm, but to replicate warmer conditions and to try and acclimatise for the heat.

He has become a familiar figure on the roads, in the gym and even the Bavarian Alps, racking up miles and miles while wearing more layers and gear than looks comfortable.

James embarked on this as a personal challenge.

He is an engineer at heart

and enjoys working out the steps needed to achieve a goal. Many competitors in recent years have taken to running for a cause and James has opted to create a fundraising page for Medical Aid for Palestine. ‘I think it is a fitting event to raise awareness and money for the people of Palestine.

If anyone would like to find out more about what I’m taking on and donate, they can do so by following @marathonstrong on Instagram or visiting tinyurl.com/MarathonStrong where they will see a link to donate and also get updates on my progress’.

Councillor McKevitt calls for inspection of trees in Ravensdale

Cllr.McKevitt has called for Louth County Council to assess the stability of trees in Ravensdale.

AT the February municipal meeting Councillor Andrea McKevitt, raised concerns about the current state of the trees along the Deerpark and Ravensdale Park roads after the recent storm we have seen in the past months.

McKevitt advised ‘’ Observing the precarious position of these mature trees in the forest

areas of Ravensdale, I am worried about the potential risk of them falling, perhaps pulling down cables, obstructing roads or, even more critically posing a risk to life it they were to fall on a vehicle or pedestrian. I am requesting the trees are addressed before something bad happens. As safety of our community is paramount, and it is crucial

that Louth County Council address and assess the stability of these trees promptly to mitigate any potential hazards they might pose.’’

The Councillor welcomed response on the night from Senior Engineer Paddy Connolly, advising the meeting that his team would inspect these concerning trees.

Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 4 CARRICKDALE HOTEL This Friday, March 1st, TickeTs €32.50 aT HoTel & TickeTmasTer.ie or Pay aT THe Door JOHNNY
in Concert
James Redmind is preparing to tackle the Marathon Des Sables.
Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 5

Unprecedented funding of over €800m for Shared Island investment priorities including the construction of Narrow Water Bridge

LOCAL Fianna Fáil Senator Erin McGreehan, has welcomed new Government funding commitments of over €800 million for Shared Island projects including the construction of the Narrow Water Bridge.

Senator McGreehan said, “I warmly welcome news today that the Government has agreed to channel funding through the Shared Island Fund to a host of projects, including the construction of the landmark Narrow Water Bridge connecting the Cooley Peninsula to the Mourne Mountains and complete the scenic Carlingford Greenway, boosting tourism and transport links in the east border region.

“The building of the bridge is a longstanding commitment of the Government reflected in the Programme for Government, and today marks an important decision

point for the project.

“It is my understanding that the tendering process is now complete, a preferred tenderer has been identified and it is expected that contracts will be signed next month, with construction concluding by the end of 2027.

“The Narrow Water Bridge is a flagship Shared Island project, serving as both a tangible and symbolic link between communities in Northern Ireland and the South.

It further highlights the region’s potential and will provide a lynchpin for connectivity and sustainable tourism in the Carlingford Lough region.

“For too long, our region has been overshadowed by the troubles of the past. Today’s announcement signals a bright future which will benefit both jurisdictions and all communities.

“I want to sincerely thank Tánaiste Micheál Martin for establishing the Shared Island Initiative and his commitment to projects such as the Narrow Water Bridge, which can now move forward with real ambition.’’

Deaghlan’s Pet Project

A DUNDALK teenager has launched a fundraiser called ‘Deaghlan’s Project for Pets’ in a bid to support local animals in need.

Deaghlan McGovern, aged 16, from Pearse Park has set up a GoFundMe.com page

for the charity project.

Deaghlan’s mother, Sheona McGovern, told the Dundalk Leader that her son likes to do a charity project every other year.

“He’s a Venture Scout with St Patrick’s 1st/2nd/5th Scout Group on the Castletown Road. He joined as a Beaver when he was six or seven-yearsold,” said Sheona.

“I’m a retired veterinary nurse and I worked in a zoo in Devon. We also currently have four pets, so animals have always been a big part of Deaghlan’s life.

“My Dad and grandfather used to breed labradors and my grandfather was a founding member of the Irish Guide Dog Association.”

She added: “Deaghlan always had animals and charities in his life. There are some animals who are in need of food in the area.

“Déaghlan is collecting dog and cat food or treats to be distributed to our local animal charities.

“All food or treats are welcome by Wednesday, March 20. We are so grateful for any support we receive.”

Sheona continued: “Any monetary dona-

tions, Déaghlan will use to purchase dog/ cat food and treats in local stores.

“The chosen charities include Dundalk Dog Rescue CLG which rescues lost and abandoned dogs due to be euthanised in local pounds and instead finds them loving homes.

“Meanwhile, Louth SPCA responds to sick, injured and stray animals of all species, across the Louth region.”

She concluded: “They also respond to all reports of animal abuse and neglect. It is a heartbreaking job that often sees some of the worst cases.

“They are two extremely important charities for the welfare of our animals, which are very close to our family’s hearts.”

For more information or to donate please visit Fundraiser by Sheona McGovern : Déaghlan’s Project for Pets (gofundme.com)

Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 6
Erin McGreehan Deaghlan McGovern with some furry friends.
7 Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024

Louth County Council recognise 1,250 years combined service of long serving staff

LOUTH County Council celebrated the contribution of 50 local authority staff with an incredible combined service of 1,250 years!

Staff were honoured with Long Service awards at a special ceremony in The Gateway Hotel, Dundalk, County Louth, on Friday 2nd February.

The event was also an induction for new employees, staff who have joined the local authority in the last 18 months.

Louth County Council are one of the largest employers in Louth, with almost 800

staff working in Dundalk, Drogheda, Ardee and across the county.

Chief Executive of Louth County Council, Joan Martin, presented the Long Service awards to employees who are working in a range of departments within the local authority, including Social and Community Development, Operations and Local Service, Fire Service, Building Control and Housing.

The Chief Executive was joined by Louth County Council’s Senior Management Team, Joe McGuinness, Bernie Woods, Ger Murphy,

David Jones and Eamonn

Wolfe in congratulating all those who were awarded for 25 years service.

With a remarkable 1,250 years in combined service, she acknowledged the valuable knowledge, abilities and experience long service staff bring to Louth County Council, and welcomed those who have recently joined.

“Over the last 18 months we have welcomed over 100 staff to Louth County Council. This event was about bringing these new joiners together and allowing them to meet each other, and the Council’s Senior

Management Team, and share their experience in the organisation to date. and to highlight to them the full range of services that we deliver. It was fitting on days like this to recognise and thank long-standing members of staff who have shown dedication and commitment to Louth County Council in reaching 25 years service with us. Louth County Council recognises the importance of our employees as being the Council’s greatest asset and it was a wonderful morning to come together and celebrate.“

Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 8
Brian Martin, Maureen Walsh, Irene McBride, Carole McGuffin and Pauline Malone. Long Service awards were given to Padraig Judge and Martin McCreesh. Long Service awards to Peter Coleman and Chief Executive Joan Martin. Paddy Connolly and Lorraine Quigley. CE Joan Martin presenting Martin Brady.
Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 9

Gerry turns life around to become life coach


tive Gerry Murray will host a free event next Wednesday to help people improve their well being and mindset. The event will take place in the Muirhevnamor Community Centre (A91W974) in Dundalk on Wednesday 6th March between 7:30pm and 9pm and all are welcome to attend.

Gerry is the author of the inspirational and life changing book ‘You can do anything’ and he is the owner of a company called Walk Into The Rainbow which offer life coaching sessions as well as retreats where you take some time out for yourself, reflect and reenergise yourself, escape the strains of everyday life.

According to Gerry he feels he is in a good position to offer help and advice to people given the fact he had a very tough childhood

and was at various times in his life depressed and suicidal.

“I was what you would probably call a troubled child,” states Gerry. “ I had a pretty tough time in school with bullying and the like and I eventually went down the drugs route and got addicted to cocaine which got me into trouble resulting in a stint in prison. I was spiralling out of control and lost and getting in trouble with the gardaí and it wasn’t

until I had my daughter twelve years ago that I began to climb out of the hole I was in.

I would have been depressed and suicidal from a very young age but I had my daughter in my early 30’s and that was a real turning point.

I’ve always been a great listener and when I was younger I always had this dream to be able to help people in trouble when I was older. During COVID I began work on my first ever

book which was basically my life story and how I managed to turn things around and pull myself out of the hole I was in.

“The book got a great response and people were telling me that they were inspired by my story and from that I began to each wellness and help people who are in trouble and that’s what I do full time now through ‘Walk The Rainbow’. I like to give back to people by offering free events where I share my story and offer simple tools and techniques that can help people improve their mindsets and their lives.

“I love talking to people and seeing them improve and I’m grateful to be able to use my experiences to help others. Everybody is welcome to come down to the Muirhevnamor Community Centre next week and I look forward to meeting the people of Dundalk,” stated Gerry.

Cllr Yore ‘appalled’ with St Patrick’s Day junkets


Maeve Yore appalled with Louth County Councils Junket to New York for St Patrick’s Day

Since elected in 2014 the Independent Councillor has objected to the annual Junket to NY for St Patrick’s Day, asking what is the relevance of it, what is the cost to Louth taxpayers, where is the tangible evidence that shows it creates one job or tourist coming to Our County?

Cllr Yore has also suggested inviting local, national, UK & US based tour operators to Louth to showcase the scenic beautiful landscape’s, huge local artistic talent, cultural events, and all the rich heritage of Louth to boost the local economy and promote tourism in Louth on the international map.

She says: “I have consistently called for the cost of the yearly visit to instead be spent on other measures to promote tourism in the county. Show me definite proof that Louth gets added to tour itineraries by US tour com-

panies or that local businesses in Louth get contracts from these junkets, and as with any use of public taxpayers money there should to be targets set and progress reports given, in my ten years as an Independent

Ian’s feature film debut enjoying fruitful cinema run

LOCAL filmmaker Ian Hunt-Duffy has seen his most recent movie ‘Double Blind’ attract some excellent reviews and some good numbers at the box office with ‘Double Blind’ set to appear in cinemas nationwide for a third consecutive week.

The Blackrock native is already an awardwinning filmmaker having been IFTA Nominated and Oscar longlisted for his short film ‘Gridlock’ which won 60 awards at over 150 film festivals worldwide, including Best Director at the Savannah International Film Festival; Best International Short Film at DC Shorts; and a Young Director Award (YDA) in Cannes.

In 2018, Ian was selected for the prestigious Berlinale Talents in Germany as a director, before winning the Discovery Award in 2019 at the Dublin International Film Festival. In 2022, Ian directed his debut feature film ‘Double Blind’, a horror/thriller funded by Screen Ireland and Epic Pictures and last year Ian was nominated for the Bingham Ray New Talent Award.

Double Blind is a psychological thriller/

horror that follows an experimental drug trial gone wrong. The test subjects learn that they must stay awake or they will die, and as time goes on, paranoia escalates.

The film stars Millie Brady (Roadkill), Pollyanna McIntosh (The Walking Dead), Akshay Kumar (Count Abdulla), Diarmuid Noyes (Pure Mule: The Last Weekend), Brenock O’Connor (Game of Thrones), Abby Fitz (Redemption), Shonagh Marie (Britannia), and Frank Blake (Cherry).

According to Ian he has a passion for producing suspenseful movies that deliver tension and disorientation for his audiences.

“As a director I am deeply passionate about creating high-concept and suspenseful genre films, and I believe that the hook of our story —if you fall asleep you die —is really evocative and exciting. It takes something normal and innocent like sleep and makes it deadly, creating panic and terror whenever someone closes their eyes. We have a fantastic ensemble cast led by Millie Brady and horror icon Pollyanna McIntosh, so I cannot wait for audi-

ences to experience the tension, disorientation, and dread of Double Blind,” states Ian. Double Blind was released in Irish cinemas nationwide and thanks to a positive reaction from the cinema going public it has just been announced that the film will remain in cinemas for a third week running.

Taize by candlelight

All welcome this Lent, to Peace & Silent “Prayer Around the Cross”, in candlelight, with the music of Taize. Friday 1st March 8pm -9pm. (Followed by Tea/Coffee) “Bethany” 34 Point Road, Dundalk A91W0C 9

Feeling stuck and lost?

Community based talk about challenges of life, relating to feeling stuck/ helping you identify what you want out of life/ giving valuable clarity. Psychologist and sleep expert will be giving a talk. If you feel stuck, unsure, lost, then this may suit. Open conversation for the group.

Talking points: Clarity on what you want. Value alignment. Challenges/ Skills. Nutrition and sleep.

All welcome. It will take place in the Downtown Hub on Clanbrassil Street on March 2nd at 10am.

Garabandal Pilgrimages

Wednesday 17th April – Sunday 21st Aprilbooked out; Sunday, May 26th – Wednesday 29th May – booked out; Sunday 16th June –Wednesday June 19th. Further details: please phone 085-1833110.

Councillor for Louth we have never seen a progress report

I asked at our Feb County Meeting with the genocide happening in Palestine have we considered for St Patrick’s Day not going to NY and inviting US delegates to Louth instead. This year it isn’t about monetary cost it’s about moral courage

It is unpalatable to me, and to the general public who have raised this with me, that a delegation from Louth County Council would even consider the trip whilst Joe Biden and his administration are complicit in supplying missiles and assistance to Israel raining down death, destruction and devastation on Palestinian men, women and children and abetting genocide in Gaza and I would ask the elected representatives and council management to examine their conscience and moral compass and abandon this junket.”

1/ Siún Ní Raghallaigh resigned from her job last week. What job was that?

2/ Which of the seven dwarfs has the longest name?

3/ Which Irish singer had a small role in Alan Parkers’ musical film Evita?

4/ What is the largest wine producing state in the USA?

5/ One of the oldest streets in Dundalk was called Camp Street. What is it called today?

6/ How many Russian astronauts have

walked on the moon?

7/ Which law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong?

8/ If you flew directly west from Shannon airport, which country would you reach first?

9/ Robert Mugabe was President of which African country?

10/ France is the largest country in Europe by area. What is the second largest?

The Stinker: Why was Wicklow pub Jack White’s Inn in the news in March 1996?


Divine Mercy Conference – RDS Dublin, Saturday – February 24th, 2024. Bus will depart for the above Conference on Saturday, February 24th, pending numbers willing to travel.

For further information: phone 0851833110.

Cooley Genealogical and Historical Society: Did you work on the renovation of Boher Church in 1965? If so, please phone 0851833110.

Library Events

Adult Mixed Media Art Workshop with Susan Farrelly from Abbey Art Studios:

In honour of International Women’s Day join artist Susan Farrelly for a Mixed Media Art Workshop on Tuesday 5th March at 11:00am in Dundalk Library. Be inspired by the 2024 theme for International Women’s Day #InspireInclusion.

The content is fully accessible to all levels of learning and the workshop will be an hour and a half in duration. Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place please contact Dundalk Library on 042-9353190.

Kilkerley AC

Kilkerley Athletic Club host a Special General Meeting in Kilkerley Community Centre this Wednesday, February 28, at 8.30pm . The meeting will be supervised by Louth Athletics County Board. The aim of the meeting is to officially nominate our club committee for 2024. All welcome.

Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 10
Gerry Murray. Cllr Maeve Yore. 1/ Chair of RTE Board, 2/ Bashful, 3/ Andrea Corr, 4/ California (California produces almost 85% of all wine in the U.S), 5/ Wolfe Tone Terrace, 6/ None, 7/ Murphy’s Law, 8/ Canada, 9/ Zimbabwe, 10/ Ukraine. The Stinker: It was the pub where Catherine Nevin had her husband Tom killed on 19th March 1996. Ian Hunt-Duffy.

Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 11





In loving memory of my dear mother who died on the 3rd March, 1994, RIP, and whose birthday is on 10th March.

If we could have a lifetime wish

And one dream that could come true

We would pray to God with all our hearts

Just to see and speak to you

A thousand words won’t bring you back

We know because we’ve tried

And neither will a million tears

We know because we’ve cried

You left behind our broken hearts

And precious memories too

But we never wanted memories

We only wanted you.

—Sadly missed by the Kieran family.



Also whose birthday occurs on the 10th of March.

All the wonderful memories of you, are held lovingly in our hearts, we love and miss you always. May God bless and take care of you.

All our love to you. xx

—Sadly missed by your loving grandson Stephen. RIP.



In loving memory of Gabriel Morrissey late of 7 Fair Green Row, Dundalk, who passed away on 3rd March, 2023. Also remembering Gabriel’s sisters Eileen Doyle who passed away on the 3rd March 1980 and Maureen Morrissey, who passed away on the 4th March, 2013.

You always had a smile to share

Tine to give and time to care

A loving nature kind and true These are the memories we have of you

Today tomorrow our whole lives through We will always love and remember you.

—Always loved and missed by your relatives and friends.

Anniversary Mass in the Marist Church at 7pm on Saturday, 2nd March.

Final Countdown To Local Enterprise Week

LOCAL Enterprise Week Louth 2024, hosted by the Local Enterprise Office, is fast approaching. It offers local business owners a busy programme of events from March 4th to 8th. Featuring free seminars, workshops, and networking opportunities, the week aims to provide valuable learning, networking and business development opportunities for local businesses.

Pamela Kerr from Local Enterprise Office Louth explains: “We are proud to collaborate with Network Louth, Drogheda Chamber, Dundalk Chamber, Creative Spark, The Mill Enterprise Hub and Ardee Business Park to deliver these events. Highlight activities include celebrating International Women’s Day, a cross-border conference on building a sustainable all-island economy, and seminars on business security through insurance and financial planning. Innovative Ideas Generation Workshops will be held across multiple locations, alongside Business Advice Clinics available throughout the week. The week kicks off on Monday 4th March with a seminar on Practical AI and concludes with the Louth Enterprise Awards on Friday 8th March.” Pamela concludes: “Participation in all events is free, but pre-booking on www.localenterprise.ie/louth is essential as places are strictly limited. Don’t delay, book your place today and we look forward to welcoming you to Local Enterprise Week.”


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.T.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I asked you for many favours This time, I ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). P.C.



Holy Spirit, you who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideal, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones… in your perpetual glory. Amen. To that end, and submitting to God’s holy will, I ask from you… (mention your favor). You must pray this prayer 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day your wish shall be granted no matter how difficult It may be. Promise to publish the dialogue as your favour has been granted M.S.


St. Martha, I resort to thee and to thy petition and faith, I offer up to thee this light which I shall burn every Tuesday for nine Tuesdays. Comfort me in all my difficulties through the great favour thou didst enjoy when Our Saviour lodged in thy house. I beseech thee to have definite pity in regard to the favour I ask (Mention favour). Intercede for my family that we may always be provided for in all our necessities. I ask thee St. Martha to overcome the dragon which thou didst cast at thy feet. One Our Father and three Hail Marys, and a Glory Be Amen; and a lighted candle every Tuesday and the above prayer made known with the intentions of spreading devotion to St. Martha. This miraculous Saint grants everything before the Tuesdays are ended. No matter how difficult. E.D.

ATTENTION LANDLORDS—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927.

€500 FINDER’S FEE CARBON K2 Proflex OZ-M bike with carbon spin tri spokes. Lost near Dundalk-Blackrock. Please call 089 989 4694.


€5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

DOUBLE ROOM AVAILABLE for rent Monday to Friday in lovely quite area, own bathroom & sitting room. 5 minutes’ walk from train station, 10 minutes’ walk to Town Centre. Carrick road area, would suit female. Phone 087 9536395.

ROOM TO RENT in Dundalk near train station, comes with WiFi/ TV/ your own bathroom laundry facilities on site. Secured location key pad entry to property no utility bills. We have a house policy and security process standard that a candidate must agree to. We accept ARP payments. Text only first to 0872227599.

CHIMNEY & STOVE CLEANING—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094.

CHIMNEY CLEANER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087225-9799.

ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

WE CAN DISTRIBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888.

WINDOW CLEANING—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>.


Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>.

TILER AVAILABLE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile workmarble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote.

GRIMLEY’S DUBLIN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DUNDALK GARDEN SERVICES—Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/ Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085-8407707.

FORTUNE TELLER—Available for appointment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

ROOF LEAKS MASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 8184827.

CARPENTRY & JOINERY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110.

CARPET & OVEN CLEANING—Carpet, upholstery & specialist oven cleaning available. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning. ie.

ROOFING AND BUILDING contractor available. Repairs and new builds. Fully insured. Contact Mark Carney on 087 1302040 for enquiries.


Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358.

FIFI’S ALTERATIONS—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Fri 9.30 - 5.30pm & Sat 10-2pm.

WATCH REPAIRS—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478. Please note, we do not repair Clocks.


Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.


No job too small, keen rates, Dundalk & surrounding areas, estimates free. Phone 086 3848079.


Over 20 years experience. No job too big or too small. Available services:Doors, Frames, Floors, Skirting, Architraves, Walls, Built in Units, Fencing/Gates, Plaster boarding and Roofing Services. Complete renovations carried out. Contact Mark 086 0895508.

POWER WASHING/Garden Services— All garden tidy ups, lawns, hedges, pathways, Gutters, shed/garage/garden rubble removal. Call Will’s Services 0858604048.

MAN WITH A VAN—Hedges, tree topping, painting, facia & Soffit, patios, concreting, garage clear-outs, outside taps. Call Kevin for a free & honest quote 0894016728.

ALL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE services carried out. Roof repairs, Plumbing, Painting & Decorating, Wall & Floor tiling, All outdoor work, Paving & Fencing, Power washing. Call Gerry your local man 087 6461556 or 042 9327241 after 6pm. MAN IN A VAN—House moves, furniture delivery/removal, yard/garage clearances, recycling & rubbish removal. Call Will on 085 860 4048 for a competitive quote.

MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT—Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

PLASTERER AVAILABLE—Professional tradesman available for first class plastering repairs etc both inside and outside. Keen prices, free quotes. Small Jobs only. Contact 087 3525652.

PAINTING SERVICES available, interior and exterior. Also available for Power washing, Garage, House and Garden clearance. Furniture removals. Tel Brian 087 7558506.

LOCAL POWER WASHING—No job too big or too small. Patios, driveways, walls, also grass cutting, gutter cleaning and furniture removals, recycling or rubbish removals. Contact James 087 4464960 for free quotation.

CLIENT CENTERED COUNSELLOR—20 years’ experience, currently taking appointments. Supporting you with emotional intelligence for relationship issues, your mental health, grief, all addictions & past traumas. For a strictly private consultation call Martin today on 083 3402766.

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Whatsapp or Tel 085-7623758 for quotation.

FAITH & SPIRITUAL HEALING available for skin conditions, asthma, chest problems, sinuses and general wellbeing. Further information Call Faith on 087 7188450.

MY NAME IS BRENDAN CONNOLLY and I am from Dundalk, I am a wildlife watcher and I have always loved the great outdoors. I would like to plant a woodland for the environment and the wildlife and the people of Dundalk and Ireland to visit. I’m asking other wildlife lovers to help me raise the money. I am on GoFundMe Brendan Connolly Green forest if you would like to donate or if you run, cycle, swim, dance, sing or play a sport maybe you can do a fundraiser to help.

EASY-GOING country lad, mid 50s with GSOH seeks like-minded female companion late 40s/mid 50s with no ties. For walks/ talks and to share the simple things in life. Tel—0868220403.

GET FIT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm - 10pm, no partner required. First wedding dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further information.


BODHRAN—For adults & children aged 8 years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.

WEEKLY SEWING CLASSES ongoing at Northlink Retail Park, you can join in any time, for enquiries please call or WhatsApp Elizabeth on 0872649221 or visit www.djkcreations.com.



GRINDS AVAILABLE for Junior and Leaving cert, All levels. Individual and small group options. Tel 086 8723340.
FOR YOUR Leaving Cert French or Spanish oral. 1.5 hour intensive class. Contact sophiep@gcdd.ie.
12 Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 Drain Cleaning/Septic Tanks • Septic Tank Cleaning • Drain Cleaning • CCTV Drain Surveys • High Pressure Water Jetting • Drain Repairs Phone: 086 849 8882 Email: info@adcdrains.ie - www.adcdrains.ie Blinds CCTV/Alarms Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Forklifts Flooring Specialists in herringbone Over 30 years’ experience Dust free service Tel Arthur 085 1229291 ERINWOOD Wood floor fitting & sanding services Doors Fuel THROUGH A CLASSIFIED BUY IT
Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 13 Kitchens & Bedrooms FERGAL MARRY KITCHENS fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.com / 087 276 5866 Kitchens Bedroom Units Sliderobes & Feature walls TV Units Gardening Gardening & Steam Cleaning Printers Plumbing Professional and Reliable Service, Free estimates, All work guaranteed, All green waste removed and recycled, Fully insured Call Sean on 087 349 5477 Gardens Cleaned & Cleared Tree Felling Trees & hedges cut High Quality Turf Grass Weed free instant lawn Steam Cleaning Roofs Old roofs restored to new Driveways All driveways restored to new and sealed Re-sanding with silica paving sand Gutters We jet and form wash gutters outside and inside Email: info@allseasonsroofcleaners.ie ALL TYPES OF STONE, GRAVE/CHIPPINGS & RAILWAY SLEEPERS Locksmith Wheelie Bins Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OPENING HOURS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Is it time to upgrade or replace your Velux Windows? Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • Irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors KEEP YOUR TOWN IN BUSINESS KEEP YOUR BUSINESS IN TOWN Wheelie Bins

St Vincent’s talented TY class ready to Rock!

IT’S the tail end of the big, bad 1980s in Hollywood, and the party has been raging hard. Aqua Net, Lycra and Heavy Metal flow freely at one of the Sunset Strip’s last legendary venues, a place where legendary rocker Stacee Jaxx takes the stage and groupies line up for their chance at an autograph.

Amidst the madness, aspiring rock star (and resident toilet cleaner) Drew longs to take the stage as the next big thing (and longs for small-town girl Sherri, fresh off the bus from Kansas with stars in her eyes).

But the rock ‘n’ roll fairy tale is about to end when German developers sweep into town with plans to turn the fabled Strip into just another capitalist strip mall. Can Drew, Sherri and the gang save the strip – and themselves –before it’s too late? Only the music of hit bands Styx, Journey, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake and more can hold the answer.

Rock of Ages: Teen Edition takes you back to the times of big bands with big egos playing big guitar solos and sporting even bigger hair! This Tony Award -nominated Broadway musical features the hits of bands including Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon, Pat Benatar, Twisted Sister and others.

The talented students of the 2023 Transition Year are taking this show to the stage under the direction of their teachers, Victoria O’Hagan, Dervilia Hargadon and Leanne O’Doherty. Tickets, priced at 12 euros (10.50 plus a 1.50 booking fee), are available to purchase in-person at An Tain box office or

via the following link: https://www.antain. ie/event/rock-of-ageshigh-school-edition-stvincents/ It is an amateur production presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals and was based on the book by Chris D’Arienzo with arrangements and orchestrations by Ethan Popp.

Dundalk Credit Union launch Sustainable Energy Community

DUNDALK Credit Union invited the public into their new premises on Clanbrassil Street (formerly Houstons Department Store) yesterday as they launched their Sustainable Energy Community initiative.

People in attendance were given free information about Green Energy Assessments, Upgrades and Grants available for homes and businesses as well as being shown the many benefits of Green Energy Upgrades.

A range of local green energy suppliers were available to discuss their products and services and information about grants and funding options were available for green energy updates.

Information session for the elderly

Fine Gael MEP Colm Markey is to host an Information Session for Older People event in the Gateway Hotel in Dundalk on the 4th of March.

Markey will bring together all possible services and information streams for the benefit of our older citizens. The event titled ‘Active Ageing - Connected Communities’, marks the second in a series planned across the Midlands North-West constituency. The first event, held earlier this month in Navan, was a huge success with over 200 people in attendance.

Whilst the overall European Union population is ageing, life expectancy is increasing and today, Ireland’s older citizens, like their EU counterparts, remain productive and active often several decades into their retirement years. MEP Markey however, aims to make those retirement and later years a better experience for all.

St. Vincent’s TY Students Ready to Rock!

14 Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024
Somer Browne, Shona Cavaroli and Rebecca Bailey. Padraig McCreesh and Glen Murray from Senator Windows at the launch. Elli Sharkey, Maddie Cristal, and Kacey Kehoe. Rachel Dania, Anna Synnott and Alannah McArdle. Mia Gogarty, Katie Wilson Kenny and Sofia Molloy. Ciara Quigley, Caragh Mailley, and Ruth Mulroy. Esther Otabor and Aliza Jane Martin. Moya O’Neill and Jane McGee.
NEWS in Brief
Ciara, Victoria, Mark, Naomi, Frances and Megan - Dundalk Credit Union staff at 4-5 Clanbrassil Street for the launch of Dundalk Credit Union Sustainable Energy Community.

Multicultural Day in Dún Dealgan N.S. was a huge success!

DÚN Dealgan N.S organised a very enjoyable multicultural day to celebrate all of the different nationalities in their school.

All of the boys and girls worked hard in the weeks previous, preparing posters, artwork and videos about their chosen country.

These countries included Brazil, China, Russia, Sri Lanka and Egypt to name a few.

Many parents prepared a national dish and it was clear from

the empty plates that the food was a huge hit. The school was de-

lighted to see so many parents, grandparents and past pupils to visit.

Everyone left with full bellies and smiles on their faces.

Dundalk Scoildrámaíocht Festival/ Féile Scoildrámaíochta

Dhún Dealgan

PUPILS and teachers throughout County Louth are eagerly preparing for Féile Dhún Dealgan, the annual Irish language Scoildrámaíocht festival. This year’s festival will take place in An Táin Theatre Dundalk on Thursday 29th February, 10.00am - 12.30pm , with local schools taking part.

The festival gives students the opportunity to act, gain confidence and have fun all as Gaeilge.

Schools partaking in this year’s festival include St. Mary’s NS Knockbridge, St. Joseph’s NS Dundalk and Gaelscoil Dhún Dealgan. Winners at the competition will go on to represent the region in Féile Laighean / the Leinster Provincial Festival.

Entrance is open to the public throughout the morning and will be €1 for pupils / €4 for adults in what is sure to be a fulfilling and exciting day for all those involved. As the Irish proverb says,

An Cumann Scoildrámaíochta was first established in 1934 and is now over 90 years old with thousands of students from throughout the country taking part each year. The Dundalk festival forms part of Seachtain na Gaeilge activities in the town.

For more details visit our Facebook page or e-mail feiledd@ outlook.com

https://www.facebook.com/ FeileDhunDealgan.

Johnny McEvoy in concert at Carrickdale Hotel this Friday

THE term ‘living legend’ is sometimes loosely accredited to artists in the music business but certainly not when people speak about Johnny McEvoy. Johnny has always been highly acclaimed for the quality of his live concert shows and when his Autumn tour 2023 was announced it received a huge response from his legion of fans nationwide as with Covid and it’s consequences he hasn’t toured for the past four years.

His current live show is called ‘a nostalgic Evening of ‘Song and Story’ and features all of Johnny’s ‘Hit’ songs,including Mursheen Durkin, Boston Burglar, Long before your time, Rich Man’s Garden, Michael Collins etc, many of these songs penned by Johnny.

His songs are hauntingly beautiful

and evocative, always presented with an individuality that is unmistakably his own unique style. One can truthfully state that Johnny McEvoy has been one of the most enduring and talented singer songwriters in the Folk/ Ballad genre in Ireland over the past 50 years.

His concert performances are second to none and incorporate a brief but relevant reference to the story of each song. The lyrical clarity of Johnny’s vocals combined with gentle backing from excellent musicians is a joy to listen to and ensures a wonderful and joyful evening of ‘Song and Story’ Carrickdale Hotel, this Friday March 1st at 8pm. Tickets at Hotel, ticketmaster.ie or pay at the door on the night.

Dundalk Leader 15
042 9331515/086 2559201
Feile Dhún Dealgan Scoildrámaíocht Festival will take place in an Táin theatre tomorrow (Thursday). “Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí!”
Dundalk Leader 28th February 2024 16 OPEN 7 DAYS MON to SAT 9.30 - 5.30pm SUN 2-5pm NEW SELECTION OF . . . Rugs, Lamps, Mirrors, Pictures & Occasional Furniture COE'S ROAD, DUNDALK (beside Lallys) Ph: 042 938 6371 DEPOSIT SECURES ANY ITEM - FREE DELIVERY 4’ 6” Divan & Mattress starting from €299, Singles from €199 SLIDING ROBES From €599 Large Range of Bedroom Furniture in Stock Corner Suite choice of over 100 colours and combinations Chesterfield Style 3 + 2 Fabric Suite also available with Chairs and other Combinations in over 100 Colours. MASSIVE DISCOUNTS ACROSS ALL STOCK 3-2 Italian Leather Recliner – Available in All Combinations Pat McKenna t/a WINTER SALE A Range of Over 30 Beds, Storage Beds & Mattresses on Display at Unbeatable Prices OVER 60 SUITES ON DISPLAY ALL AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OVER 20 DINING SETS ON DISPLAY New Range of Sliding Robes Just Arrived Irish made Queen Anne Chairs, your choice of over 100 Fabrics in Patchwork, Plain, Strips, etc 10FINAL DAYS

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