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Halliday Mills tenants issue plea for help

A RESIDENT in a well-known Dundalk apartment complex beset by problems such as frequent par ties and drug use has spoken about her experience there.

The problems facing Halliday Mills on Quay Street were raised at a recent Joint Policing Commit tee (JPC) meeting last Wednesday evening. The block of 83 apartments were refurbished and upgraded by Co-Operative Housing Ireland with the first tenants moving in to their apartments last January. Previously the site had been home to the in famous Ard Dealgan development which was a beacon for anti-social behaviour having lain empty for over ten years.

However, less than a year after the first tenants moved in, the new Halliday Mills development has quickly become embroiled with fur ther cases of anti-social behaviour

Continued on Page 2

Avenue ladies deliver for Dickie! The ladies of the St Nicholas Avenue Residents Association hand over a cheque for €1100 to Dickie Newell who suffered life changing injuries after falling of his bicycle last April. Sloanes sell vandalism condemned Dundalk duo honoured
Valid until 04-10-2022 DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Wednesday, 28th September, 2022. Vol. 15, Issue 39 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com
Page 2 Page 4 Page 10
€1 million Lotto ticket Mindless

Schedule 4 Louth County Council Notice of the Passing of Resolution to Vary the Rate of Local Property Tax

Halliday Mills residents plea for help

Continued From Page 1 with some residents reporting cases of late night parties, drug and alcohol use as well as at least two cases of fires in the apartment com plex including one just last Wednesday morn ing when residents had to evacuate their homes.

Halliday Mills resi dents were told that ef forts are being made to address the anti-social behaviour.

one such resident told the Dundalk lead er that “a lot of prob lems are happening in the apartments” and “it’s quite upsetting as I like where I live, it’s very homey”.

“At the beginning when I first moved in

there was one apart ment that was constant ly having parties on Tuesday and Wednes day nights,” she said.

“I rang the guards that night as it was still happening at 2am. They didn’t arrive. I also re ported it to the housing and it was dealt with.

“The parties had stopped for about three weeks then be gan again. From what I know there is only one person living in this apartment but there is always four to six peo ple there and smoking weed, which the smell is very strong.”

She added: “I don’t mind one or two people smoking it, people use it for medical reasons which I understand but in this case the people

partying are all smok ing it so it is extreme ly strong and comes through my vents.

“In the last weeks the fire alarms constantly go off for no appar ent reason at all hours. Some very childish people are setting them off for no reason.

“It’s got to the point where people don’t leave their apartments as they know it isn’t a real fire. As for the drug and alcohol use, it is getting completely out of hand, I can’t even sitting on my balcony without hearing people talk about drugs, sell ing drugs or getting high as kites.

“Throughout the night people bang on my door and neigh bour’s doors trying to

get in. They are either drunk, high or mess ing around. This I find quite terrifying as I live alone like a lot of oth ers living in the build ing.”

Eoin Carroll, Co-op erative Housing Ireland Policy and Communi cations Manager said in a statement: “Co-op erative Housing Ireland actively engages with its members to support community projects, last year, for example, we supported dozens of initiatives and were finalists in the Char tered Institute of Hous ing Awards and the European Responsible Housing Awards.

“Supporting commu nity is essential to what we do. We also encour age the importance of

Sloanes Newsagents sell €1m

Lotto Plus 1 top prize win

good relations with your neighbours.

“Across all our de velopments we respond proactively to issues and, when necessary, will begin the process of ending a tenancy.”

Eoin added: “We take anti-social behaviour very seriously and it is one of the grounds that can result in a tenancy being terminated.

“In relation to the fire, I would like to

wholeheartedly thank those involved and their response, this in cludes: members living there, the fire service, the Gardaí, CHI staff and our security sys tems contractor.

“All fire detection, alarm and ventilation systems operated as designed and members went to the assembly areas as required. Most importantly, no one was harmed.”

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned, hereby notify the Minister for Housing Local Government and Heritage of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of the above mentioned local authority on 19th September 2022 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should stand without variation (zero percent increase or decrease) for the year 2023 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.


A loCAl store in Dun dalk has been revealed as the selling location for last Saturday’s (17th September) lotto Plus 1 winning ticket worth a massive €1,000,000. Sloane’s newsagents, on Avenue Road in Dun dalk, sold the winning normal play ticket on Saturday September 17.

Saturday night’s big winner has officially become the 28th millionaire to be made through National lottery games in 2022. Peter and Anne Sloan first opened the popular community shop in Dundalk over 55 years ago and today, they are supported by their children Margaret, Mary, Peter and Paul who all work in the

family business.

Their daughter, Mar garet was overjoyed to hear the news that one of their customers became an overnight million aire after a visit to their store. She said; “This is literally a dream come through for our family and for the store. The excitement that we as a family had at selling the winning ticket was an incredible feeling, you’d swear we won the prize ourselves! It really is such a community store and we know each and every one of our customers who come through the door. It is a

fantastic community and we are just thrilled that one of those families is €1 million euro richer. To have played a part in that life-changing win is just fantastic.”

The winner of the lotto Plus 1 top prize worth €1 million is still yet to come forward. The National lottery is urging all players in Co. louth to check their tickets carefully. The winner is advised to sign the back of their ticket and keep it safe. They should make con tact with the National lottery prize claims team on 1800 666 222

St Dominics FC charity match

SAINT Dominics FC will host the grand opening of their brand new dressing rooms at the Friary Pitch this Sunday (October 2nd) at 2:30pm. A charity match will be played amongst ex- St. Dominics players at 1:45. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be served on the day. All proceeds raised on the day will go to the doitfordickie fund.

or email claims@lot tery.ie and arrangements will be made for them to claim their prize.

Sloane’s newsagents, on Avenue Road in Dundalk, sold the winning ticket for last Saturday (17th of September) Lotto Plus 1 top prize win worth €1,000,000. Pictured celebrating are staff and family. Pic: Justin Mac Innes / Mac Innes Photography. Louth County Council County Hall, Millennium Centre, Alphonsus Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Dundalk Leader 28th September 20222
Joan Martin Chief Executive Dated: 19th September, 2022. County Hall, Millennium Centre, Dundalk, County Louth A91 KFW6 t 042 9335457 w www.louthcoco.ie e info@louthcoco.ie Community Call Number 042 9335457 View Alerts at www.mapalerter.ie/louth
3Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022 All stock reAdy for immediAte delivery free delivery & AssemBly dePosit secUres ANy item Carlisle Bunk Beds €499Kory 2.2mtr Sliding Door Wardrobe (Available in grey or white) €560 new stock arriving daily special offers 4'6 Diamond Grey Bedstead was €599 €479 NOW Fine Quality Furniture 25-26, Church Street, Dundalk. Tel: 042 933 1456 House of Murphy Dundalk Furniture & Interiors Specialists

Dundalk duo honoured for international contribution to disability sport

TWo disability sports consultants from Dun dalk have been hon oured for their interna tional contribution to sport for athletes with Down Syndrome at the recent World Champion ships for Athletics, Table Tennis and Tennis, held in Nymburk, Czech Re public.

The pair was joined at the event by Irish

athletes David o’Hare from Dundalk and Fer gus Cosgrove, a Navan native and their mums. These athletes both com peted in various athlet ics events and excelled

by setting personal best times in their respective events.

Caroline o’Hare speaks with apprecia tion about the impact the dedicated ladies made on her son David.

“Tessa and Sanet’s passion and dedication has changed David’s life completely. They have supported, encouraged and inspired him to be come the athlete he is today. David has repre sented Ireland twice on the world stage and has gained in confidence by training and compet ing at this level with his peers. When I think back to one of the questions I asked the doctors when David was born, as he was so ill with heart fail ure ‘would he be able to walk?’. Well, not only

can he walk, he can run a 100m faster than most of us. I can think of no one better to be honoured for their work than these two ladies.”

Tessa van Heerden has been involved in disabil ity sport for the past 25 years, while Sanet Jor daan joined her in 2015. Together they are known as Tsenya.

Tsenya, the Tswana word for Inclusion, was brought to life in South Africa after volunteers Tessa van Heerden and Sanet Jordaan realised the lack of awareness about sport for athletes with Down syndrome. The pair had just stepped into the international scene as hosts of the 3rd Athletics & 1st Table Tennis World Championships in 2015 in Bloemfontein, South


Shortly after relocating to Ireland, they attended an International Down Syndrome event in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, where they were ap proached by SUDS (the Sports Union for athletes with Down Syndrome) to share their expertise.

During their time with SUDS, Tessa and Sanet have been responsible for marketing and vwedia of international events for the 10 Sport Federations under SUDS, namely IAADS (Athletics), IBA21 (Basketball), FIFDS (Futsal), DSIGo (Gymnastics), HANDoWN (Handball), JUDoWN (Judo), SKiDS (Alpine Skiing), DSISo (Swimming and Artistic Swimming), ITTADS (Table Tennis),

and Tennis.

The Covid pandemic brought on more respon sibilities for the ladies in the form of athlete reg istration to SUDS from their 65 member coun tries. The lack of inter action & communication because of the cancella tion of events, led to the Down Syndrome Sports Network, an initiative of Tessa and Sanet that helped athletes, parents and coaches involved in all sports from countries around the world stay connected during lock down.

locally, Tsenya was involved in the hosting of Futsal Talent days all over Ireland in collabo ration with the FAI and Down Syndrome Ireland.

Most recently, the success of Ireland’s first Come & Try Athletics day at Glenmore AC was once again Tsenya’s brainchild. This was made possible with the support of Down Syn drome Ireland louth Meath Branch after set ting up their first branch sport group, the Warrior Wolves.

“Having been involved with Tsenya for the last 6 months has been very re warding for Fergus. He

has joined the Warrior Wolves and taken part in the Come & Try day or ganised by them in con junction with Glenmore

AC, from there Fergus qualified for the World Down Syndrome Cham pionship in the Czech Re public earlier this year.

I travelled there with Fergus and experienced first-hand the inclusive atmosphere and Tessa and Sanet’s professionalism” said Eleanor Cosgrove, mum of Fergus and com mittee member of Down Syndrome Ireland louth Meath branch.

With events back in full swing, Tessa and Sanet were invited to attend the World Down Syndrome Championships for Ath letics and Table Tennis in Nymburk, Czech Repub lic during the Summer. This recognition just highlights once again that awareness and develop ment at grassroot level in disability sport in Ireland has grown with leaps and bounds.

Anybody interested in getting involved in Sport for athletes with Down Syndrome is welcome to contact Tessa – tessa. tsenya@gmail.com

Tessa van Heerden (left) has been involved in disability sport for the past 25 years while Sanet Jordaan joined her in 2015. Sanet Jordaan, Fergus Cosgrove, David O’Hare and Tessa van Heerdan. Sanet and Tessa received their Award for Tsenya for their contribution to disability Sport.
4 Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022
Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022 5

Community says goodbye to ‘funny, cheeky and bubbly’ Calvin

lAST Friday morning, friends and family said their final goodbye to Calvin Curley-Gray who tragically passed away last week af ter a fall in Dundalk Town centre. The eleven year old Redeemer Boys School pu pil died in Temple Street Children’s Hospital two weeks after suffering inju ries which he sustained after falling through a perspex roof on Clanbrassil St.

Mourners gathered at the Holy Redeemer Church where Calvin’s favourite football jersey’s were laid at the alter including a shirt left to him by Dundalk FC striker Pat Hoban. Rev. Stephen Wilson spoke in his homily about Calvin’s ‘funny, cheeky and bubbly spirit’ while offering his friends and family the com munities time and love.

“When Jesus died, darkness descended over the whole land. When Calvin died, darkness descended

Dundalk. A darkness that has stunned many people in this community and throughout the whole


Dianne, Fra, Sophie and Evan, I would love to be able to explain to you why Calvin has died, but I can’t do that. I don’t have the an swers for you. Your family and friends, the whole com munity of Dundalk, that has gathered around you today, want to be able to give you answers, but we are lost for words. All we can do is offer you our time and our love.

The loss of a child can not be comprehended. The loss of so much potential, of a character and person ality such as Calvin’s, the funny, cheeky, and bubbly spirit that disarmed so many with that trademark smile, the wee chats, never passing anyone without acknowl edging them, them trying to work out whether it was

Calvin or not with the latest hair style.

We cannot understand what you are going through right now, but we are here, we are here as one Christian community, behind you, with you, offering you the little we have, because we care for you, and we want to do our best by you.

I think of our lady, Mary, who stood at the cross, she stood there while her son was dying, and I think of the time that you spent in the hospital beside Calvin’s bedside, being there while your son was dying.

“Those difficult hours that only a parent that has been through this can un derstand.

If there is anyone that might have a sense of your loss, it isn’t us, it is our lady. She has experienced

the loss of a son, the loss of a child. I urge you to stay close to our lady, she will comfort you, she knows what you are suffering, and she knows what it is to lose a child too soon.

When her son breathed his last, he commended his Spirit to the Father. our faith leads us to the belief that Calvin is now with the Father in heaven.

“This, for us Christians, is real. It is not some thought or vision, it is a reality that your Calvin, that our Calvin, is with God, with all of his individual traits and man nerisms, with his quick wit and likeability.

It is almost comforting, that Calvin, the spirit that had so much courage to try new things, to try anything, would run ahead of the rest of us to meet his maker, to

meet the God that has called him to himself.

“We, together, have spent time preparing Calvin’s body for his final resting place, we have kept vigil, we have comforted each other, we have walked to gether to the church, and we will walk to Calvin’s final resting place; and this is important, this ritual of walking helps us in our mourning, there is a comfort and a tradition in our journeying to the family home, and from the home to the church, and from the church to the cemetery, we walk together because we are unable to be alone. We support each other in the sure hope that God is with us, that God is sup porting us, and that God is uniting us,” concluded Rev. Wilson.

An African Culture Evening took place last Friday in Dundalk Youth Centre. The event included African music and dance as well as an art exhibition, drama, a taste of Af rican cuisine, poetry and African games. The culture evening was designed to give youths from all cultural backgrounds liv ing around Dundalk a chance to experi ence African Culture at its best.

1—Which singer born David Robert Jones, died in 2016?

2—The phrase ‘Accrington Stanley, who are they?’ was used in an advertisement in the 1980’s to promote what liquid?

3—Las Vegas is surrounded by which desert?

4—Which actor won an Oscar for his performance in the 1971 movie ‘The French Connection’?

5—Where in Dundalk would you find Douglas Court?

6—Who succeeded Gay Byrne as host of RTE TV series ‘The Meaning of Life’?

7—In what country would you find the cities of Split and Dubrovnik?

8—Insulin, Melatonin and Cortisol are all types of what?

9—The Irish name for which Irish county name translates to ‘A place of cattle’?

10—In mythology who was the principal god of the greeks?

The Stinker—What connects Maria Walsh (Philadelphia), Elysha






A tribute poster for Calvin’ was made by his class mates in Redeemer Boy’s School. Brennan (Meath), Maggie McEldowney (Chicago), Jennifer Byrne (Offaly), Kirsten Kate Maher (Waterford), Sinead Flanagan (Limerick) and Rachel Duffy (Westmeath)? Hackman, islocatedatthe ofCroweStandFrancisSt, Cathedral, Stinker: oftheRoseofTraleecontest.
Dundalk Leader 28th September 20226
??? QUIZ ???
2—Milk,3—Mojave, 4—Gene
7—Croatia, 8—Hormones,9—Carlow—Ceatharlach, 10—Zeus.The
Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022 7

Fitzpatrick hits out at inaction over energy cost crisis

INDEPENDENT TD and Minster for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan were in volved in a feisty de bate in the Dáil cham bers this week with the louth/East Meath TD claiming that Minister Ryan would have been sacked for his inaction had he been a CEo of a company.

Deputy Fitzpatrick claimed he was left breathless at the Minis ter’s refusal to answer what the reason was for household electric ity bills in Ireland being more expensive than the European average and what his plans were to address the energy cost and supply challenge.

“We all know that the Irish people are suffer ing hard. Not a month passes that the prices are not going up, and they are only going one way. I have been asked by my constituents to ask the Minister a cou ple of questions. First of all, I want to know what is the reason that the household electric ity bills in Ireland are more expensive than

the European average and what are the Minis ter’s plans to address the electricity costs and en ergy supply challenges. This is serious and I ask the Minister to give de cent answers, not what is written in front of him but what exactly is hap pening.

Responding to Dep uty Fitzpatrick Minister Ryan insisted that the current high prices were caused by the war in Ukraine and that Ireland were hit harder than most due to the fact that we are a price taker on international markets and the country’s reli

ance on fossil fuels.

“To answer the Depu ty’s question as to why we are above the other European countries in price levels, it is because we are so dependant on fossil fuels. other than the Corrib gas field, we do not have any of those fossil fuels. We have to import them all. It is be cause we have the most dispersed population in Europe and the price of getting electricity and getting gas and get ting other energy to a dispersed population is much more expensive than to a concentrated one. That is a reality. lastly, it is because of the smaller scale and geographic isolation of our markets.

Deputy Fitzpatrick responded by challeng ing the Minister to make the energy companies stop raising the stand ing charges especially at a time when they are making record profits.

The Minister stated that the price is because of the war. How come all these energy com panies are making such high profits? Is that be cause of the war?

How come it always seems to benefit the companies rather than the consumer? For ex ample, today Depu ties were talking about standing charges and the Minister stated that the companies have to justify these standing charges. However, the Minister can stop them putting up these stand ing charges.

There is an amount of people coming to me in my constituency office about tariffs and how they are being ad vised every 12 months to change to a different company. Can the Min ister not force these en ergy companies to give their best prices on tar iffs from day one?

These are simple is sues. My siblings keep telling me to change and I will get the standing charge, this, that and the other.

This is a serious situ ation and the Minister has the power. This is somewhere we can cut prices. I will not use the word “waffling”, but the Minister has an oppor tunity to do something here. Will he please do

something to reduce the prices to the consumer? What about the tariffs?

Minister Ryan in sisted that working with the European Union to come up with a plan to ease the burden on con sumers remained the right way to tackle the crisis.

“If I can answer the Deputy’s question as to what to do about those profits, certain genera tors who are not gener ating with gas will get a supernormal profit be cause the market price

is way above their pro duction price cost. We are working with the European Union, which is the appropriate way to do it,” stated Minister Ryan.

That response led to an increasingly irritated Fitzpatrick to hit out at the Minister’s reluctance to even consider his suggestions of lowering the tariffs or freezing the standing charge.

“The Minister has me breathless here. I asked him simple questions. The Minister has an op

portunity to reduce the price to the consumer and he has been doing absolutely nothing. I will be honest with the Minister. I would hate to see him as CEo of a company because if he were CEo of a compa ny, he would be sacked straightaway. The Min ister will not even have a look at simple wee things I am asking him to do.

“I come from a busi ness background. God forgive me, when I had my company going I put

my best price forward. These companies should deal with the tariff pric es instead of messing around. We are in dif ferent times. People are really bleeding. People are looking for help. It is important that these companies, the Govern ment and we all work together. Please God, this will only happen for maybe one or two years, but we need the Minis ter. The Minister is our CEo and we need him to do this right,” pleaded Deputy Fitzpatrick.

Fr John Mulligan 5k Run

Commissioner Drew Harris with Chief Supt. Alan McGovern, Supts Charlie Armstrong and Andy Waters with Garda Kevin Cleary and Tony’s children at the final stage of the Tony Golden Memo rial Cycle in Dundalk. Cyclists cycled a combined total of over 44,000km over seven days. Peter Fitzpatrick, TD. Cliodhna Hyland, Claire Smyth (Winner of ladies race) and Ann-Marie Duffy. Paul Hyland, Rory Mulholland, David Redmond (Winner of men’s race) and Paddy McSorley (2nd place) Joe Hoey Sean Murphy and Jordan O’Donoghue Emily Holmes and Elaine McCann. Linda Bailey and Emmet Holland.
Dundalk Leader 28th September 20228

Councillor calls out ‘dismal’ Irish Water for lack of responses

loUTH County Coun cillor Maeve Yore raised the issue of water discolouration which has plagued certain households in the Dun dalk area at the louth County Council (lCC) monthly meeting.

She said that some householders are wor ried about the safety and quality of the water. She added that the lack of responses from Irish Water to queries about the water discoloura tion is “dismal”.

Head of Finance and Water Services Bernie Woods said that louth County Council has “no control over Irish Water”.

Sinn Fein Cllr Tomas Sharkey also voiced concerns over the state of the water in certain parts of the town.

Chief Executive Joan Martin said that in a few months, councillors will have “less opportu nity to raise the issue in this forum”.

She advised council lors to use their regu lar meetings with Irish Water to raise the issue.

The next opportunity to do so would be in octo ber, she added.

In response to Coun cillor Yore’s statement Irish Water said they are continuing to safe guard the water supply through a programme of watermains flush ing. They apologised for any inconvenience caused.

“Irish Water, work ing with louth County Council, continues to progress a programme of watermains flush ing to safeguard the water supply for cus

tomers in Dundalk and its environs. These es sential flushing works are required to clear manganese sediment from the distribution network and reduce the likelihood of future discolouration issues at the customer tap. These flushing activities are part of an overall action plan to address discol ouration issues in the source water that feeds into Cavanhill water treatment plant.

“The manganese lev els found are not at a level that would pose

a risk to health, and are continuing to decrease as a result of the flush ing / upgrade works at the plant.

Essential network mains flushing may af fect customers in Bay Estate, Coes Road, Point Road, lower Point Road, Red Barns Road, Dundalk (see work programme be low for specific areas) and surrounding ar eas may experience low pressure and/or water discoloration for short periods between Friday, 16th September and Friday, 7th october.

“Irish Water wish to apologise for any in convenience caused. Please note that as this work is resource and network dependent it may change at short notice.

“Dundalk Flushing Program: 16th Septem ber – 7th october Phases

1.—Bay Estate and the Shore Road: 16th September – 21st Sep tember

2.—Coes Road, Bea con Court, Point Road,

Mountain View, Cois Cluain, St Clements Park, The Meadows: 22nd September – 27th September

3.—Red Barns Road, lennonstown Manor, Manydown Close, Brookwood lawns and Riverside Drive: 28th September – 5th

october 4.—lower Point Road, The Towers, Suil na Mara, Harbour Grove, Wilton Green, Golden Ridge, Water view, Seacrest Manor: 6th october – 7th oc tober

“Following works, customers seeing dis

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coloured water com ing from their cold kitchen tap are advised to run the tap for a few minutes to restore the clear colour. If the col our does not restore to clear, customers are ad vised not the drink the water as a precaution, and should contact the

Irish Water customer care helpline, open 24/7 on 1800 278 278 or via Twitter @IWCare. The latest updates on these works will be avail able on the Supply and Service Updates sec tion of the Irish Water website,” read the state ment.

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‘Mindless vandalism’ condemned by councillors

LOuTH Fine Gael Council lor John Reilly has described an act of vandalism in Car lingford as “mindless”.

The bus shelter in the pic turesque seaside village was smashed, while several flower pots were also damaged.

“It’s an old cliché to use in politics but it was mind less vandalism. There was no sense to it. All they did was damage services for the local area,” said Cllr Reilly.

“I want to condemn it very strongly and I would appeal to anyone with relevant infor mation to contact the gardai.

“Acts like this damage the local tourism industry. I’d like to see anyone involved in this brought to justice.”

Louth Sinn Fein Councillor Antoin Watters said: “Obvi ously, it’s a terrible thing. The main thing that struck me was the mess from the bus stop.

“I’ve been working very hard to get a bus stop for the Clos na Manach estate and it’s very frustrating to see this type of thing.

“I believe it was a keg that did it as it is toughened glass and would have required a lot

of force to do it.”

He added: “The bus stop that was damaged is at the gate way to the village. It gives a very bad first impression to anyone visiting Carlingford.

“The Tidy Town’s group has been doing a lot of great work in the village and for someone to come along and undermine that work in a short time, it’s very frustrat ing.

“There is the cost to think of and the time for the cleanup to consider. The money would be better spent on a new bus stop.”

Quality night for D’Avenya’s 85th anniversary celebrations

A QUAlITY night was had by the residents of what is affectionately known locally as Quality Street as St Nicholas Avenue Residents’ As sociation celebrated the 85th an niversary of their street last week end.

St Nicholas Avenue was built 85 years ago in 1937 as part of the house building programme which was carried out by Dundalk Urban District Council to improve hous ing conditions in the town.

The street which is located close to the Castletown River before the Big Bridge on the Newry Road has earned a reputation of being a tight knit community down through the years with a very active Resident’s Association helping to ensure the street and its surrounding areas are always looking their best.

That sense of community spirit was evidenced by the work put in to by the committee over the last few months to ensure that the 85th anniversary of the street would not go unrecognised. Committee members made sure to remember their former neighbours and friends from St Nicholas Avenue who are no longer with us by organising a beautiful candlelit vigil recently to remember all residents who have passed away down through the years.

A few days later the celebrations began in earnest with a night out in the Clan na Gael function rooms on the Castletown Road where Paddy Mac entertained the masses into the small hours to ensure a fantas tic evening was had by all. Michael McEneaney, chairman of the St Nicholas Avenue Residents Com mittee thanked everybody who helped ensure the night was a huge success.

“We had a fantastic night in the Clan Na Gael hall yesterday cel ebrating D’AVENYAS 85th birth day ,we would like to thank Molloy catering, the Clans for the use of the hall, all the local businesses for their spot prizes and to Paddy Mac for a brilliant entertaining day and also the very hard working commit tee who organised the party. Thank You All,” stated Mickey.

A bus shelter was smashed in Carlingford over the week end in an act of mindless vandalism, Several flower pots were also damaged over the weekend.
Dundalk Leader 28th September 202210

Bus ticket situation a mess states Ó’Murchú

THE issue of school transport, particularly in Annagassan, and the problems of families not qualifying for bus tickets on routes, has been raised directly with Education Min ister Norma Foley by Sinn Féin TD Ruairí Ó Murchú.

The Dundalk TD was at the oireachtas Education Committee last week to speak with Minister Foley about the huge problems be ing faced by families who did not qualify for school transport this year.

He said the conces sionary ticket situation is a ‘mess, particularly this year’, and said the whole system needs to be reviewed because it is ‘happening every year’.

Around 6,000 stu dents in the State who made applications for school transport were denied, causing ‘annoy

Ruairí Ó Murchú, TD.

ance and great difficul ties’ for their families.

Deputy Ó Murchú said the issue was par ticularly acute in An nagassan, which is in the ‘anomalous situa tion that is it equidis tant, though not quite, between schools in Dundalk, Dunleer and Ardee’.

He said between 20 and 30 families in An nagassan, and a total of around 60 in louth, who had previously received concessionary tickets are having to provide

‘difficult logistical fix es’ at the moment to get their children to school.

The Dundalk TD said there needed to be a so lution found ‘as quickly as possible’. He told Minister Foley that the issue of the 6,000 con cessionary tickets need ed to be fixed, but not in a way where families with students in first year would miss out.

Minister Foley said she is currently in talks with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform about securing

additional funding to extend school transport to the 6,000 students who missed out this academic year, ‘or as close as possible to the 6,000, particularly those who had been in receipt of concessionary tickets previously.

She said there had been a one third in crease in the numbers of concessionary tickets issued this year and an additional €40 million had been invested in school transport.

She said she was con scious of the difficulties faced by families who missed out on the tick ets, but wanted to pro vide a solution, subject to Bus Eireann having capacity such as drivers and buses.

Deputy Ó Murchú said parents had been waiting for solutions for more than a month and urged the minister to do everything she could for families in Annagassan.

Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022 11
Dundalk Leader 28th September 202212 SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED Blinds Blinds CCTV/Alarms Conservatories/Windows/Sunrooms Delivery Address Flooring Builders Supplies Building Contractors Specialists in herringbone Over 30 years’ experience Dust free service Tel Arthur 085 1229291 Eirnwood Wood floor fitting & sanding services
Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022 13 Professional and Reliable Service, Free estimates, All work guaranteed, Friendly Service All green waste removed and recycled, Fully insured Call Sean on 041 2132041 087 349 5477 Gardens Cleaned & Cleared All overgrown gardens restored Garden tidy ups Tree Felling Trees & hedges cut High quality Turf Grass Weed free instant lawn All types of Stone, Gravel & Chippings Railway Sleepers Email: info@allseasonsroofcleaners.ie Gardening Kitchens & Bedrooms FERGAL MARRY KITCHENS fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.com / 087 276 5866 Kitchens Bedroom Units Sliderobes & Feature walls TV Units Plumbing Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Fax. 042 9333514 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OpEning HOuRS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors ALL OUR pROdUCTS ARE AS STANdARd Keep Your Town in Business Keep Your Business in Town Senator Windows Dundalk Power Washing Power Washing Roofs Old roofs restored to new Moss coat treated and sealed All roofs repointed Driveways All driveways restored to new and sealed Relaying driveways Re-sanding with silica paving sand Gutters We jet and form wash gutters outside and inside to make them like new We quote any size job, big or small All our waste is recycled Call Sean on 041 2132041 087 349 5477 Email: info@allseasonsroofcleaners.ie Power Washing - skip hire - skip hireDomestic & commercial sKips for hire Available in all sizes From 3 Cubic Yard to 40 Cubic Yard Call 042-932 2594 or email info@aceenvironmental.ie DunDalk, Co. louth Visit us @ www.aceenvironmental.ie or email us @ info@aceenvironmental.ie NWCPO-12-06461-04 Established in 1995 Al S o W HEE li E Bin Coll ECT ion S Sign Up On-Line at www.aceenvironmental.ie Or Phone Office: 042-932 2594 ALL COVEREDAREAS Skips Fuel Forklifts Gardening

Family Notices




the family of the late Des casey carrick road, Dundalk, who passed away peacefully on 23rd august 2022, would like to ex press our sincere thanks to all who sympathised with us on our great loss. We greatly appreciate the phone calls, cards, flowers and condolences on rip.ie.

We want to extend a special thank you to the staff of our lady of lourdes hospital for the won derful care and kindness shown to Des during his illness.

thank you to family, friends and neighbours, president micheal D. higgins, representatives from fai, Dundalk fc, tssa and mem bers of an Garda siochana who supported us by visiting the house and joining us in person or via the live stream service to pay tribute to Des.

thank you to mcGeough’s fu neral Directors for the funeral ar rangements.

Des will be deeply missed and never forgotten.

months mind mass, this sunday, 2nd october, 2022, at 12noon in Dominican friary, anne street, Dundalk.

CARROLL Aidan (Babs)

14th aNNiversary in loving memory of a dear son and brother who died on the 28th september 2008, r i p late of 44 Drive 1, muirhevnamor. september comes with sad regret, it brings a date we will never forget, We remember the day you left us, When sunshine turned to rain. When lights turn to darkness, and all that remained was pain, your leaving was so sudden, We always wonder why, But the hardest pain of all, is we never said goodbye. loved and missed by mam and Dad, sister Nancy, brothers paul and David, brother-in -law Dee, nieces and nephews. XXX.

anniversary mass on Wednes day, 28th september, at 10am in the friary church.

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). A.C.



Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.W.



Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.S.


ATTEnTion—For B.E.R. CERTIFICATION of properties being offered for sale or rent, con tact Robert Mulholland, BER assessor. 087 609 1906 www.louthber.ie. 2/3 BED HouSE to rent, Dundalk Town Cen tre, gas central heating, may suit 2 profes sionals. Email:michaelfinegan@me.com.

DouBlE BEDRoom or Bedroom with en suite wanted for long term rent by working professional, Dundalk area Tel 083 4073192.

ATTEnTion lAnDloRDS—We supply furniture & Beds for any rental properties you have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Furniture Sets from €249 Call us today www.bedstore. ie, Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 0927. CD loGS—Kiln Dried Ash/Oak & Birch, Weekly Deliveries to Dundalk & surrounding areas. Newry Co. Down Mob 00 44 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www.cdlogs.com.

lARDER PRESS & KiTCHEn Island for sale. Solid oak larder approx. 2.1mtr high x 1.2mtr wide, excellent condition, never painted. Galaxy black/silver granite worktop on Is land approx. 1.2mtr long x.8mtr wide. Can be viewed. Tel 086 3993452.

SEll iT THRouGH A ClASSiFiED—Only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. The Dundalk Leader.

RooF lEAKS mASTER—We repair all types of roof/tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chim ney pots, chimney bird guards, gutter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experi ence. Tel. 086 818 4827.

C ARPEnTRY & JoinERY—Maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpentry, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110. moBilE HomE TRAnSPoRT—Transport ed throughout 32 Counties. Contact Eugene 086-607-1702.

CARPET & oVEn ClEAninG—Carpet, up holstery & specialist oven cleaning available.

Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie.

RooFinG REPAiRS & SToVES—Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certi fied. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries.

GARDEn & HouSE mAinTEnAnCE Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358.

CoACHinG WiTH ESTHER—Life and Ex ecutive Coach Tel 086 8972007 www.coach ingwithesther.com.

DoES AnYonE WAnT their homes declut tered but feeling overwhelmed. Clothes, bedrooms, kitchens, offices, garages, play rooms or anyone putting house on market. Contact Shelly@stepintoaction.ie or phone 086 8878054.

lAnDSCAPinG—Flower beds tided up, outdoor cleaning, patios, footpaths, walls, general property maintenance, exterior painting of fences, gates, walls, etc and deck ing cleaned. Dundalk & District. Tel. Jim 086 3818184.

lADY WiTH GiFT of Healing for Skin con ditions, Eczema, Psoriasis, Chest problems, Asthma. 3 consecutive visits needed. For ap pointment please phone 087 7188450.

GREEnFiElDS muSiC TouRS—Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact An thony on 085 1204994.

CONLON (Matthew) 6th aNNiversary in loving memory of matthew (mala) conlon, late of Upper faughart, Dundalk, whose 6th anniversary occurs on 8th october.

you never said i’m leaving, you never said goodbye, you were gone befor we knew it, and only God knew why. a million times we needed you, a million times we cried, if love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. in life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still, in our hearts we hold a place, that only you can fill. from Briege and family.

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours this time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). take it, dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your fa ther sees it. then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. amen. say this prayer for 3 days. promise publication and favours will be granted. (Never known to fail). M.S.

CHimnEY & SToVE ClEAninG—Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094 Email tribalky@yahoo.com. CHimnEY ClEAnER—The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-225-9799. WinDoW ClEAninG—Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices.ie.

HouSE & APARTmEnT ClEAninG Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleen services.ie <http://www.everkleenservices. ie>.

TilER AVAilABlE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work - marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087387-8995 for free quote.

GRimlEY’S DuBlin ST. DunDAlK Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.

DunDAlK GARDEn SERViCES—Tree top ping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. Rubbish Removals/Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact Ben 085-840-7707.

FoRTunE TEllER—Available for appoint ment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229.

BuilDinG SERViCES—Extensions, Reno vations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fitted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Deco rating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free estimates Tel 087 260 2501.

C ARPET AnD uPHolSTERY ClEAn inG—Home and Office contract cleaning. Over 10 years’ experience. RTM Cleaning Ser vices contact Robbie 087 3817618.

QuAliFiED C ARPEnTER available for Floors, Doors, Frames, Architraves, Skirtings, Stud Walls, Roofing & All Building Repairs. No Job too big or too small. Call Mark 086 089 5508.

PRoPERTY mAinTEnAnCE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concret ing, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experience. References available. Tel Michael on 085762-3758.

FiFi’S AlTERATionS—Longwalk S.C. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon - Wed 9.30 - 5.30pm, Thur & Fri 9.30 - 6pm & Sat 10-2pm.

WATCH REPAiRS—Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own workshop. Most brands: Cartier, Longines, Omega, Re vue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citizen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Goldstar Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478.

All-in-onE!—Home and property main tenance and improvements. Painting, deco rating, general household maintenance, exterior cleaning, power washing, gutters, dust free sanding, No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238.

GRASS CuTTinG services, Dundalk and sur rounding areas. Contact Michael 087 1477 067.

Pl ASTERinG SERViCE available, free quo tations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285.

BuilDER & HomE mAinTAinEnCE Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529.

HAiRDRESSinG SERViCE—Avenue Road area. Fully qualified, specialising in all as pects of hairdressing. Ladies, mens and chil drens, reasonable prices. Contact Anne 087 7643291. Home visits can also be arranged.

DRum lESSonS inCluDinG BoDHRAn For adults & children aged 8years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228. GET FiT the fun way and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now tak ing place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm—10pm, no partner required.

Newly Wed’s first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271

for further information. Also New Jiving class starting Thursday 29th September in Kilcurry Resource Centre 8-9.30pm.

linE DAnCinG—New beginners classes continuing in Dowdallshill GAA hall Tuesdays at 7pm, also Boys Club Seatown Wednesday mornings at 10am in September. Contact 087 2618773.

louTH CounTY CounCil—Vantage Towers Ltd, intend to apply for permission to erect a 30 metre high lattice telecom munications support structure together with antennae, dishes and associated tele communications equipment, all enclosed in security fencing and to extend an existing access track at Newtownbalregan (Td), Dun dalk, Co. Louth. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the ap plication and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00.

louTH CounTY CounCil—I Kevin Hol land, intend to apply for replacement planning permission for the construction of a new outbuilding to the rear of No. 8, Cuchulainn’s Terrace, Castletown Road, Dun dalk, Co.Louth. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the ap plication and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00.

SPEC i A l SERV i CES C l ASSES A n D Cou RSES P l A nnin G noT i CES SPEC i A l noT i CES CASEY Michael McCartney and Jacob Traynor proudly show off their medals after they completed the Dundalk Young Ireland's Fr. John Mulligan 5k Run last Saturday morning.
Dundalk Leader 28th September 202214
novenaaCknowleDgmenTS in memoriam Our Weekly DeaDline For Family nOtices is 4pm Fridays prior to Wednesday Publication. Contact Lorna for further information. Tel 042 9320888 SPEC i A l noT i CES ART i C l ES F o R SA l E

OPW need to take over Faughart Graveyard states Cllr Reilly

AT the September meeting of louth County Council Cllr. John Reilly called on the council to write to the oPW to ask them to take charge of Faughart Graveyard as a heritage site.

Cllr. Reilly has claimed that he has made contact with the two main Christian churches who both claim that they have no responsibility for Faughart Graveyard. After quite a bit of re search, the councillor claims that the owner ship of the graveyard is in a legal limbo.

The graveyard is believed to have been in the control of the Church of Ireland up

tensive clean-up of the graveyard has been car ried out. The graveyard has been transformed. New signage has been recently erected thanks to the help of louth County Council and louth leader.

The graveyard is a rich heritage site, both as a religious site being close to the birthplace of St Brigid and burial ground of a former Scottish king, Edward De Bruce.

Cllr Reilly says that he is delighted to have helped promote Faughart Graveyard as a tourist attraction during his first 2 years on the council. With the help of Kilcurry Tidy Towns, who are the sponsors of a TUS scheme, an ex

until the 1850s but was taken over by the Cath olic Church in around this period. No satis factory records can be found to back this up.

Cllr Reilly has ex plained that it is now time for the oPW to take over the long-term running of Faughart Graveyard and to keep up the maintenance of such a beautiful and historic site.

It’s Midsummer—in october!

AN TáIN Arts Centre’s theatre company in resi dence - Encore Produc tions, are proud to be back with their spectacular ad aptation of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

Having previously tackled the mighty ‘Mac beth’ and the philosophi cal twists of ‘The Tem pest’ these veteran actors from Rehabcare Dundalk are more than ready to shake loose and enjoy the comedy of the Bard’s ‘Frolic in the Forest’!

‘The path of true love never did run smooth!’

Shakespeare’s clas sic comedy of confusion has all its lovers in a tangle. Refusing to obey her father, Hermia runs off to the forest with her true love lysander. With ditched fiancé Demetrius and his jilted girlfriend Helen hot on their heels it was never going to be easy – but when oberon, the Fairy King and his cheeky sidekick Puck put a spell on the lovers, things re ally get out of hand. For their retelling of the tale, Encore have added an ex tra dimension in the form of ‘The Shadows’ – from the spaces between the trees and beyond the shin ing moon itself these dark silhouettes weave their spells on mortal and fairy alike.

Actor Martin Hanley proves his versatility by playing not only ‘Egeus’ – father of the unwilling bride- but also ‘Flute’ one of the mechanicals. He’s sure the audience will get a great laugh at the me

chanicals antics but prom ises there’s plenty magic and romance too! Anita Guest will play his daugh ter ‘Hermia’. She’s stand ing up to her dad- running off to be with the man she really loves. For local leg end Anita this play is sim ply a great comedy that is going to cheer everybody up!

The remaining stage cast comprises oliver Hanratty, olivia McGin nity, Rodger Zyro, Mary Francis McAteer, Do lores McKeever, Sandra Shields, Jamie linden, David Coyle, Paddy Du rnin, and Melissa Fox.

Now with restrictions somewhat eased, Encore

Productions have sought to strike a balance by hav ing the 12 stage actors joined by 12 additional actors who have created a series of short films that will be integrated as pro jections in the stage show.

The film making proc ess comprised a varied

series of arts workshops. First up, Bridge Street Studio based artist orlaith Cullinane led the group through printing and col lage processes – building up a rich stock of forest, animal and night images which would provide the backdrop for videos created by the actors in conjunction with vision ary film maker Dara Mc Cluskey. Green screen techniques were used to transport the action to a magical realm born of the actors own prints and drawings. The third and final part of the jigsaw to lock into place is a soundscape of music and special sound effects cre ated by the participants in workshops with innova tive composer and sound designer Eoin Hannaway.

liam o’Reilly enjoyed working with Dara and orlaith but really loved making music with Eoin – making sounds with branches and leaves to

be part of the soundtrack. Therese Baxter also found the sound workshops fascinating but really en joyed making the prints from leaves and flowers with orlaith.

Starring alongside liam and Therese in the films are Nikki Cormi can, Brendan o’Shea, lauren Murphy, Mairead McBride, Stephen Manni son, Callum o’Brennan, Gavin Holmes, Christo pher McKevitt, and Mo ninna McCarthy.

Blackrock’s very own Eileen Johnston will weave her customary magic decking oberon and Titania, Puck and Cobweb in all their fairy finery. As ever Jason Kel ly will be up in the light box while the show is di rected by Sandy Sneddon assisted by stage favour ites Grainne o’Hanlon and Rachel Tinniswood who also take stage man agement and performance roles. Encore productions are delighted to welcome Alex Tumuye in his first ever stage role as ‘Quince’ the leader of the Mechani cals!

If ever we needed the escape of a great night at the theatre we need it now, so get your tickets now!

Show times are 8pm Tuesday 4th and Thurs day 6th october – tickets 8.50euro (plus 1.50 book ing fee) and a Matinee at 11am Wednesday 5th oc tober –tickets 3.50 (plus 1.50 booking fee). Tickets available only from the box office on 0429332332/ www.antain.ie

Cllr John Reilly. Melissa Fox ( Ardee) as Titania the Fairy Queen and Jamie Linden (Dromiskin) as Bottom!
Dundalk Leader 28th September 2022 15 H ILL S TREET, D UBLIN R D., D UNDALK . 042 9331515/086 2559201
Dundalk Leader 28th September 202216

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