3 minute read
John praises council for road safety work
from 29-03-2023
LocaL disability and equal rights campaigner, John Morgan, has praised Louth county council for making great strides in recent years to improve road safety for disabled people around town.

Speaking to the Dundalk Leader, the Point Road man said that many improvements had been made locally in recent years. John singled out Director of Services, catherine Duff and Louth county council Senior Engineer, Mark Johnston in particular for their work in recent years to make Dundalk safer for the disabled.
“I like to give credit where it is due and I have to say that Louth county council are making great strides to ensure that this town is safe for people with disabilities. The tactile paving which is designed to help the blind or those with partial sight is being installed all over town and they come in two different colours to allow those with partial sight know if they or the motorist have the right of way when crossing the road. obviously, when all the work was done to upgrade clanbrassil St. this paving was put in but it’s also being done on other streets all over the town which is great to see.
“I actually went on a walk around town with both Mark and catherine a while back and they both took on board my suggestions and issues and they have been very engaging and willing to work with the likes of myself and other campaigners to make the town safer. Myself, Paul callan, cllr. Maeve Yore and another wheelchair user Mark Nugent were on that walkabout and it’s good that we have people from the council willing to engage and see first-hand the issues disabled people face around town on a day to day basis. as the saying goes there is a lot done and a lot more to do but things are definitely improving.
Back in 2013 cavan won a ‘European Destination of Excellence’ (EDEN) award for accessible tourism and I remember going up there to talk to people who were involved in getting it to those standards. I was told it took several years to complete that project so I do understand that these things take time. Dundalk isn’t where cavan is just yet but things are definitely improving and fair play to Louth county council for trying to improve things,” stated John.
“I would also like to thank the St. Patrick’s Day parade committee and Louth county council for the viewing platform for wheelchair users and people with disabilities. It was very well received and I believe there will be an additional one in use for next year,” he added.
Louth county council Director of Services catherine Duff gave an outline of the work already done by the local authority as well as their plans going forward.
“Louth county council, Placemaking and Physical Development directorate has been working with representatives of Louth Disability, John Morgan and elected representatives to address access issues countywide . This has been funded from the council resources and from NTa funding. There has been a focus on providing level access crossings to enable wheel chair user, tactile pavement at crossings to inform the visually impaired, additional disabled parking and improved traffic signals systems. The council traffic wardens have also been active enforcing illegal parking in disabled parking bays. The council’s plans for improving the public realm as part of Westgate vision in Drogheda, St Nicholas Quarter in
Dundalk, ardee 2040, Living in and Visting carlingford project and omeath village center regeneration will all enhance accessibility for the disabled,” explained catherine.
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