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The initiative is called the Dundalk FC Harry Taaffe Mental Health & Wellbeing Programme and aims to educate and increase awareness about men talFormerhealth.


Dundalk FC groundsman and videogra pher Harry Taaffe, aged 58, tragically died by sui cide on July 26, 2020.

The well-known O’Hanlon Park man died just three days after he had attended the Department of Psychiatry in Crosslanes in Drogheda where he had been referred to by his GP.

Dundalk FC tackle mental health issues

Dundalk FC is planning to link up with See Change, a national partnership which is tackling the perception of mental health issues.

DunDalk FC have launched a new mental health and wellbeing programme in memory of their former groundsman Harry Taaffe.

Fyffes is supporting the campaign, which will be led by Derek Pepper, a mental health officer with Head in the Game.

CouncilLouthwelcomedRyanbyCounty Caolan 4thforScratchwinsCuprecordTimeHelp inforavailableispeoplepain

By Tamara O’Connell

additional safeTalk workshops will be avail able to members of the club’s coaching staff and the localDundalkcommunity.FCis also organising a mental health information and awareness event for October, which will include guest speakers with knowledge of mental health problems.

DUNDALK’S FREE NEWSPAPER Valid until 20-09-2022 Continued on Page 2 Wednesday, 14th September, 2022. Vol. 15, Issue 37 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: editorial@dundalkleader.com; advertising@dundalkleader.com Page 4 Page 6 Page 8

Employees from Dundalk FC and Fyffes will also participate in a safeTalk workshop, the HSE’s programme that prepares participants to rec ognise and engage with people who may be having thoughts of suicide.

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD and Minister of State with specific responsibility for the Irish Coast Guard, Hildegarde Naughton TD with members of the Greenore Coast Guard Station, County Louth as they mark 200 years of the Lifesaving service.

Irish Coast Guard Celebrates 200th Anniversary in Greenore

on Page

plan of action from government and national and local services are a priority in Ireland at this mo ment in time.

“If this programme helps one person with their struggles or makes one family aware of where they can get help then it will have achieved its objective and we know that Harry would be extremely proud of that.”

“We are delighted to announce the Dundalk FC Harry Taaffe Mental Health and Wellbeing Pro gramme.“Webelieve that discussions around mental health and suicide prevention and a coordinated

The monument was originally supposed to be unveiled last May but the official cere mony was cancelled at the last minute follow ing legal action from american sculptor Sabin howard.

Martin Connolly, chief operating officer of Dun dalk FC spoke on the club’s website about the pro gramme and what he hoped it could achieve.

The World War 1 Memorial Monument. place the alleged copy righted image.

“as a community football club, we want to try and lead that discussion and if we can equip our players, staff, supporters and sponsors with the skills to recognise the signs of depression, or help one person through a safeTalk workshop, then this programme will have achieved its aims.

initiative after him will be a fitting tribute to a great friend and supporter of Dundalk FC.

The WorlD War 1 Memorial Monument, which has caused so much controversy due to copyright issues, is set to be completed shortly, councillors were told at the recent Municipal District September Meeting.

howard claimed the image being used by louth County Council on the centerpiece of their monument was based on his work and he threatened legal action for coveredageinfringement.copyrightTheimwasimmediatelyupbylouth

Continued from Page 1

County Council, as they waited on an updated design to re

World War 1 monument to be completed in coming weeks

“We would like to thank one of our supporters, Derek Pepper, for kindly sharing his expertise and knowledge to lead this programme and we would also like to thank our good friends at Fyffes who have once again demonstrated their support for the club and the community by supporting us with this venture.“Since his tragic passing from suicide in 2020, we have looked at various ways to honour the memory of Harry Taaffe. We hope that naming this

“The programme gets underway in September and we would welcome any supporter or company within our community who wishes to partake in one of our safeTalk workshops over the coming months.”Speaking on behalf of the Taaffe family, Harry’s son Shane Taaffe, who is also involved with Head In The Game, said: “Harry was a massive Dundalk FC supporter and volunteer and some of his happi est times were spent around Oriel Park so we are delighted to see his name associated with this ter rific initiative from the club.

Dundalk FC tackle mental health issues

The idea to erect a monument to honour the memory of the 310 men from Co. louth who lost their lives in World War 1 was first approved by Dundalk Town Council in 2014 following an all Party Motion with former councillors Mark Deary and eamonn o’Boyle welcoming thehdecision.owever, Dundalk Town Council was abolished shortly af terwards which de layed the prospect of the monument getting built. The project was giving the green light once again in 2018 when funding for the project was allocated through the Peace IV programme. The Peace IV Programme is a european Union initiative designed to support peace and reconciliation in

The late Harry Taaffe

Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland.Director of Services for louth Coun ty Council, Thomas Mcevoy told coun cillors that the new memorial will include the work of Slane born poet, Francis ledwidge, who was killed in action during World War 1. a statement from louth County Council confirmed that work on the monument is almost completed and that a launch will be held for the memorial.“at present, work is progressing on the WWI memorial and is expected to be com plete in coming weeks. Following completion of works it is hoped to be able to host a brief launch of the memo rial,” read the state ment.

Dundalk Leader 14th September 20222 Funded Training for Eligible Employees Applications Now Open for Autumn Courses Contact us for more information skillstoadvance@lmetb ie Retail IT Skills Culinary Childcare Hospitality Healthcare Hair & Beauty Customer Service Sales & Marketing Payroll/Bookkeeping Office & Reception Skills Management Development Level 5 courses - 100% Funded Level 6 courses - 70% Funded Develop your team/Your own career by upskilling/reskilling Increase staff morale, skills, productivity & performance? Improve your company ’ s competitiveness & sustainability? Are you an employer or employee who would like to

3Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022

Hanratty Willie Walsh Thomas McEvoy Eamon Ryan TD Minister for Transport Environment Climate and Communications Joan Martin Chief Executive of Louth County Council Paddy Donnelly and Bryan Coughlan.

Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú.


‘Private bus operators run a significant number of routes par ticularly into Dublin, with many students using them to commute to

FIrST yEar students who are facing commutes from louth to colleges outside louth are being discriminated against because the youth travel fare reductions do not apply to them if they are not 19, according to Deputy ru airí Ó Murchú.

‘This age cohort are facing massive cost-of-living chal lenges, from college fees to ex tortionate rental prices and they don’t need higher commuting costs thrown in too’.

In what I heard today, about planned active travel routes in Dundalk and Droghe da, about the Coun cil’s efforts in energy efficiency which have already seen a 47% reduction in energy use and in your ret rofitting programme, among many other programmes, I have no doubt but that louth County Council will continue to be a leader in local government in this country.

While the student has been told she can get a ‘child’ leap card, most private bus compa nies are not offering discounts

tive measures.”

eamon ryan TD, Minister for Trans port, environment, Climate and Commu nications, said: “I had a really interesting and fruitful meeting with louth County Council officials and Councillors. County Councils have such a crucial role to play in delivering on the local environment, on ener gy efficiency, on trans port and active travel and in housing, for example. louth has always been a creative and ambitious Council

County Council welcomes Minister eamon ryan to Council Chamber

and has always been ahead of the curve.

17 and 18 year old students are being excluded from travel fare discounts

4 Dundalk Leader 14th September

ryan today to discuss a variety of issues centred on louth’s commitment to invest ment in transport, the local environment and measures towards re ducing our carbon footprint. County louth is already lead ing the way as seen in the progress we are making towards our targets for reduced emissions, the work we are undertaking in retrofitting our hous ing stock and the deliv ery of our active travel networks, amongst a range of other proac

on ‘child’ tickets.

He said the 20% fare reduc tion and introduction of the youth Travel Card scheme were welcome, there is a ‘seri ous problem’ for young adults aged 17 and 18 who travel with private bus companies as they have been excluded from both

schemes.Deputy Ó Murchú said: ‘The 20% fare reduction was never extended to commercial bus operators and while the youth Travel Card was in recent days, that scheme is only available for those aged 19-23. Meanwhile,

loUTh CoUNTy Council were pleased to welcome the Minister for Transport, environment, Climate and Communications, eamon ryan TD to the louth County Council offices yes terday. Minister ryan met firstly with the Chief executive Joan Martin and the Council’s Management Team, followed by an in-depth discussion on a range of issues with Cathaoirleach Conor Keelan and the Coun cil’s elected represent atives.Items discussed at today’s meeting included louth County Council’s progress towards its public sec tor emission reduction targets, capital invest ment in infrastructure,transportthe retrofit of the Coun cil’s housing stock, the Council’s expansion of its existing climate action team and a va riety of other local and environmental issues.

‘Icollege.spoke to Minister ryan at the Coastguard event at Green ore on Thursday about this issue and asked him to address this as a matter of urgency. It’s an obvi ous anomaly and it is unfair.

He said he will follow up with Minister ryan this week on the issue, along with the cost of liv ing and the school transport is sue.

‘as a result, dozens of 17 and 18-year-old students who just got their CaO offers in louth, and who will now be using pri vate bus operators to commute to work or college, will be forced to pay significantly more.

The Sinn Féin TD spoke to Transport Minister Eamon ryan at an event in Greenore on Thursday and asked him to address a gap in the recent public transport fare reduction measures, which has resulted in 17 and 18-year-olds who use private bus operators receiving no reduction in transport fares at Deputyall. Ó Murchú cited one case from his constituency of fice last week where an 18-yearold woman from the south of the county who is due to start at Trinity College later this month has to pay €68 a week in bus fares, compared to €34 a week if she was 19.

full time students over 23 years of age can avail of the Student leap Card.

Joan Martin, Chief executive of louth County Council, said: “We were delighted to meet with Minister

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 5

the Irish economy around €4.7billion per year, more than 2.5% of GDP. among those with chronic pain, 29% cannot work because of their condition, while 42% said they think oth ers doubt the existence of their pain. Some 21% said their pain was so intense that they wanted to Hiddendie.

“I got really bad sharp, stabbing pains in the neck. They would come on very suddenly. I was look ing in a microscope for most of the day,” said Kathleen.“Ipresume that trig gered it, looking down all day. In the end it got so bad I had to take time off work and ended up not return ing to work.

The Irish Pain Soci ety’s figures estimate that chronic pain costs

a loCal woman who lives with chronic pain is encouraging other people in the same situation to contact Chronic Pain Ireland for help and informa tion.originally from Gal way, Kathleen Walsh currently lives in old Bridge, Toberona and is a DkIT graduate in history and politics.

CPI Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initiative.

Kathleen Walsh.

In 2002 she was working in a medical device factory when she began suffering with chronic pain.

CHrOnIC Pain Ireland marks 30th anniversary with events to provide advice and respite to people suffering with chronic pain anniversary celebra tions coincide with Pain awareness Month in SeptemberVirtual events de signed to teach chronic pain sufferers the tools, techniques and coping strategies necessary for maintaining quality of life

“I wanted to work

Dundalk Leader 14th September 20226

CPI launch Sunflower lanyards so members can discreetly identify themselves as having a non-visible disability.

Chronic Pain Ireland (CPI), an organisation dedicated to support ing people living with chronic pain and their families, is to mark the 30th anniversary of its foundation by hosting a series of events for Pain awareness Month dur ing throughoutportingwithCPI,September.inconjunctiontheHSE,issupitsmembersPainaware


Sunflower Regional Director for Ireland, Tristan Casson-rennie, said: “We are delighted that CPI has joined the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Network. living with chronic pain is immensely dif ficult, and by choosing to wear the sunflower, it lets people know that the wearer has an invis ible disability and may need more time, kind ness and understanding. Working together with a joint aim to increase awareness of non-visi ble disabilities helps us reach a wider audience at the same time as sup porting members.”

Chronic Pain Ireland marks 30th anniversary

“I’d encourage any one with any kind of chronic pain to get in touch with Chronic Pain Ireland. They have so much informa tion.”For more details vis it www.chronicpain.ie.

kathleen says help is available for people in pain

“I used to jog a lot and go walking up the mountains with my dog. In terms of fitness, I’m raring to go in my head but my body just won’t do it.

ness Month via its liv ing Well with Chronic Pain alsocopingtools,byditionswithtoforgrammesseven-weekprogrammes.self-managementTheseonlineproareavailablefreeandaredesignedsupportthoselivingchronicpaincontoself-manageprovidingthemwithtechniquesandstrategies.CPIandtheHSEareworkingtogether

hopeful these things will work but they haven’t, unfortunately.“I’vetried the ho listic route too. reiki, kinesiology, reflexol ogy and massage. I’m very open-minded but I haven’t got much relief. I try to remain positive.”Sheadded: “hope fully someone will find a new treatment or cure. There are thousands of people like me. I can’t accept it. I still want to go back to work. It’s very dif ficult.

to offer specific pro grammes for those aged 18-30. Top university researchers who engage with CPI through its pa tient and public involve ment (PPI) partnerships

According to figures released by Irish Pain Society, Ireland has just 27 dedicated pain consultants operating across the public sys tem, meaning that 41% of patients are currently waiting more than 12 months for their first ap pointment with a chron ic pain specialist, while 18% are waiting the same length of time for their first treatment.

but there was nothing suitable. I had to leave. after I left work, I had some scans done as the symptoms were getting worse.”Shesaid: “I thought I’d take some time off work and rest and I’d be grand but it didn’t work out like that. The pain just got so bad I struggled to get out of bed“Thesometimes.scansrevealed I had moderately de generating discs in my neck. I would have huge stabbing pains mostly in my neck and

Kathleen continued: “My doctor referred me to a consultant and I had to wait four years to be seen. I went for another scan and was told I had chronic de generation of the discs in the neck.

“I was in and out of hospital for different procedures. None worked. I’m always

By Tamara O’Connell

will also be on hand to provide insights on their studies into chronic pain.

things went downhill after“Thethat.pain moved to other parts of the body. I’d walk around and get a shooting pain through my neck.”

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 7 Save on straighter smiles€200off*Bookby31/10/2022 ORTHO is a trading name of Xeon Dental Services Limited. Registered in Ireland. Registered Number 391309. Registered Address: 1st Floor, 9 Exchange Place, I.F.S.C. Dublin 1, D01 X8H2. Head Office: No.10, Pembroke Place, Ballsbridge, Dublin, D04 V1W6 *Terms and conditions: 1. Offer only available at Ortho Dundalk to new patients aged 18 years or over. 2. Offer is valid to patients who book a consultation between 01/10/22 and 31/10/22, attend it by 30/11/22 and then sign-up to an orthodontic treatment plan by 14/12/22 (inclusive). Consultation charged separately. 3. The €200 discount is only valid against the full price of an orthodontic treatment plan, which normally starts from €3,600 as of 28/07/22. 4. Discount is not applicable against the initial consultation. 5. Consultations subject to availability. 6. Before treatment commences, patients will need to attend the consultation to confirm suitability for treatment (to be determined by ORTHO Dundalk). 7. One offer per eligible patient. 8. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, dental insurance or PRSI benefit. 9. No cash alternative to this offer is available. Call 042 934 3081 to book your consultation. 22 Park Street, Dundalk, A91 dundalkorthodontics@smiles.ieFX2P | ortho.ie Aug22|DUK10836

Heavy rain saw the 60th staging of this prestigious event re duced to 18 holes but rafferty was already four shots clear of the field at that stage hav ing shot a five-under par 67 in the everdeteriorating weather conditions.

days calls the faithful to rejoice, share, join the Banjo's Joyful Prayer.

A ballad man, eyes closed, distant, kisses the sootheslyrics,asilent listener who softly smiles, tapping time.

Dundalk Leader 14th September 20228

BOOKING FEE: All tickets bought from An Táin Arts Centre will incur a booking charge of per ticket



“I held a lot of putts today and a lot of them came at the right time. Eight and nine were good puts and I made a good up and down from about 70 yards on on the tenth.”



RobinsonandMcAleese, Toe —an swers— The theknownHalluxStinker–Theisbetteraswhatonhumanbody?

CaOlan raFFEr

6– Who is the bestselling Irish solo artist in history?

The bodhran's ancient pulse beats proud and well and like the blessed bell of simpler


Oriel is reeling, Dundalk is in rhyme the communion that we share is the Banjo's Joyful Prayer ! (in praise of our music makers)

Campbell, who had birdied the opening hole, also bogeyed the fifth and then found himself two over after a double bogey seven at the par five sixth. rafferty birdied the sixth and McDonnell birdied the seven to leave them tied at two under but then rafferty drained three succes sive birdie putts on the next three holes to open up a three-shot lead as he moved to five under.

Ty won the Dundalk Scratch sponsored by One Finance for the fourth time since 2016.


a magic fiddle rings, tears quiver, laughter sings.

Poet Seán inspired by the musicians of Dundalk

8– Which is colder? The North Pole or the South Pole?

A melody is caressed, echoing in tim bre, in shapedmemory,and strained and stretched from Gaelic choruses of glory and of pain.Chords thunder and subside a lone whistle soars on wings in se cretbringingskies hidden spirits from sacred soil, pagan tides.

7–photography,Colour the hypodermic needle and the submarine were all invented in which country?

Athletic Grounds closed in 1960?

I'm working on a poetry collection which hopefully will manifest in a book. One of the poems I’ve been working on is a tribute to Dundalk's great musical talent and heritage, especially in the trad and folk gen res. Mark Mcloughlins was our Mecca back in the day, and eve rywhere now we have a wealth of young musicians, it's just so won derful,” stated Seán.

Coaxed by bow and elbowed pipe, the woodwind of the heart and strings which cause the soul to dance

1– What was the name of in are three blue coloured Dublin properties on the Irish version of Monopoly. Can you name any one of is the chemical symbol for Hall wrote and presented which satirical programme on RTE between 1971 and 1980? What company moved to the site of the Dundalk Athletic Grounds when the

rafferty wins Dundalk Scratch for fourth time since 2016

The Banjo's Joyful Prayer

Where the merry men of Marks once tuned the Dundalk air new minstrel maestros squeeze the box of dreams, jam a shanty of the seas, lilt the blues, jig the breeze.


10– What year was the monument in O’Connell St known as ‘The Spire’ completed? QUIZ

race was run. Five under after 10, rafferty parred his way home for a 67 while Campbell’s third birdie of his round at the 17th was enough to bring him to one over and give him third place on hisrown.afferty was delight ed to become the first player in the 60 year history of the Dundalk Scratch to lift the Car roll Cup for the fourth time.“awin’s a win in any event but it is always great to win at home and to win this four times is always nice as well,” he said.

Caolan Rafferty

He finished four shots ahead of the defending champion Jack Mc Donnell of Forest little with the 2017 winner, Warrenpoint’s Colm Campbell, two shots further back in third.

The poem Seán talks about above can be read below.

putted the eighth but got back to two under with a birdie at the 10th. He dropped another shot at the par three 13th when he found the trees off the tee but got it back at the next with his fourth birdie of the round.

lOCal POET Seán Brannigan is currently working on a poetry collection which he hopes will manifest in a book down the line.


The 15th provided a key moment as McDon nell narrowly missed a 12ft birdie putt that would have brought him to within two shots of rafferty and when he failed to get up and down on the 17th his

rafferty played alongside McDonnell and Campbell in the group that teed off on the first hole follow ing a shotgun start for the high-quality field that included 44 play ers playing off a plus handicap.The2019 Walker Cup player opened with a birdie at the first and went to two under with another birdie at the third. However, he found the water at the par three fifth follow ing a wayward tee shot while McDonnell, who had opened with four straight pars, birdied to draw level on one under.

McDonnell had three

1–PrincessMargaret,2–Rathmines,Rathgarand SouthCircularRoad,3–Ag, 4–Hall’sPictorialWeekly, 5–Halliday’sShoeFactory, 6–Enya(shehassoldan estimated80millionrecords worldwide),7–Ireland, 8–TheSouthPole.South Poleaveragestemperatures ofminus28celsiusin summerandminus60cin winter.NorthPoleaverages 0degreesCelsiusinsummer and-40cinwinter.9–Mary.

9– Two of the nine Irish Presidents have shared the same first name? Can you name them?


tute and received a CAO offer to study Midwifery in UCD. Owen O Connell studied Pre-Garda & secu rity studies in Ó Fiaich in stitute and received a CAO offer to study Criminology in Maynooth University. rebecca Halpenny studied Photography in Ó Fiaich institute, received a CAO offer to study Photography in tUD. Anita sylvester

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 9


Mohamad Marza who studied Computer science & Mobile Apps in Ó Fiaich institute, received a CAO offer to study Computer science in DCU. Maggie Delaney studied Advanced early Childhood Care in Ó Fiaich institute and re ceived a CAO offer to study Childcare in Dkit. Livia Menezes studied nursing studies in Ó Fiaich insti

studied nursing in Ó Fia ich institute, received a CAO offer to study intel lectual Disability nursing in trinity College.

There are numerous benefits of doing a PLC Course at Ó Fiaich insti tute, Dundalk. Firstly, this one year course allows learners to have a taste of what studying this sub ject area is really like be

Owen O Connell. Rebecca Halpenny.

fore embarking on a three year degree at university level. All courses involve work placement which also gives a real life insight into the working world. Completing a course at OFi Dundalk qualifies the learner with a QQi Level 5 or 6 certificate. This cer tificate can lead straight to employment in areas such as childcare, healthcare,

youthwork, photography, hairdressing and beauty just to name a few. For others hoping to progress to universities and i t’s, completing a PLC or PreUniversity Course gives the learner experience on how to complete assign ments, work to deadlines and how to reference properly. Our past OFi students who are now in

Mohamad Marza.Maggie Delaney.

University, have reported how confident they felt starting off because of the experience they gained at PLC level.

Ó Fiaich institute has more than 50 PLC and Pre-University Courses to choose from. For de tails of these courses visit www.ofi.ie Applications are open now to help you shape Your Future.

Ó Fiaich Institute Students Get a Step Ahead with Early CAO Offers

Livia Menezes.

given the efforts made by the Council to facilitate regular waste col lection. I would appeal to the public to utilise the services provided by the Council and refrain from disposing of household items and waste illegally. louth County Council will be exploring necessary surveillance measures

Illegal Dumping In louth Continues Despite County Council efforts

Dundalk Leader 14th September 202210

THErE arE still a substantial number of students on Mid louth school routes who are still waiting for tickets to be approved accord ing to Fine Gael Senator John McGahon and Cllr. Paula yetDunleernagassan,ofthatPaulatorbecommunicationbestTheynumberoverwhelmedthatever,ofeffortsanotherGovernmentannouncementbeenschoolonintransportmentTheButterly.recentannounceoffreeschoolhasseenasoarthedemandforseatstheschoolbus.Freetransporthasareallypositivebytheanditisexampleofourtotacklethecostlivingcrisis.HowithasbecomeclearBusEireannarewiththeofapplications.aredoingtheverytheycan,butthecouldalotbettersaidSenaMcGahon.localCouncillorButterlyhassaid“thereareanumberstudentsontheanCollonandroutesthataretoreceiveanynoti

Discarded mattress on the Drogheda/Baltray Road.

fication about whether they have gotten tickets or not. The annagas san bus in particular has the most outstand ing number of students who are yet to know if they have gotten tickets or anot.number of parents have also told us that ticket inspectors have

Parents are being left in the dark over Mid-louth bus routes – McGahon-Butterly

Bus Eireann should be providing a large degree of latitude until another bus is provided accord ing to believesSenatorCllr.ButterlyMcGahonthat“wehave

ets, and have confirma tion from Bus Eireann of same, are unable to get on the bus until their physical ticket arrives.

loUTh CoUNTy Council were delighted with the recent success of their Mattress and Couch Disposal am nesty Day on Wednes day 31st august as part of the Council’s anti-Dumping Ini tiative for 2022. In ef forts to prevent the illegal disposal of bulky household items, the local authority accept ed 1,890 mattresses and 1,795 couches at the V & W recycling Centres in Dundalk and Drogheda free of charge.Despite the free disposal offered, a number of household were discovered on the roadside by Council staff in Drogheda last week. The items, which included two mattress es, two beds and some electrical items, were reported at Boyne estuary at Queens borough on the r167 Drogheda to Baltray road, on Monday 5th September, less than a week after the dedi

Senator John McGahon

now gone on buses, it is a heavy handed ap proached as Bus Eireann know that a number of routes are yet to be re solved. It caused a lot of upset and children can not be used as pawns in an issue that Bus Eireann are struggling to resolve. Even children who have been approved for tick

to find a way forward on this, it is leaving a real mark on students and parents alike. There is clearly an extra demand for seats and as a result, we should be making every effort to find alter native buses and driv ers.While we accept this may take some time, parents cannot be left in the dark about what is happening. Commu nication is vital and as long as we are being told what is happen ing, we can work with that, but at the moment, we are being left in the dark alongside parents concluded Senator Mc Gahon.

cated disposal day. In addition to this, the Council were dis appointed to learn of the outcome of a survey by Irish Busi ness against litter (IBal) which rated Clogherhead beach as ‘moderately littered’. Despite the installation of two new solar bins and the bin collection

service operating six days per week (including Sundays and bank holidays), members of the public have still engaged in littering around the car park area.Joan Martin, Chief executive at louth County Council, said: “These findings are ex tremely disappointing

and will take appropri ate action against any members of the public found to be dumping illegally.”Illegal waste dispos al forces louth County Council’s environment crew to divert serv ices from other tasks, placing the cost of the clean-up and disposal on the taxpayer.

The event was opened by President of network Ireland louth, andrea McQuillan, who spoke about her personal insight into disability and the im portance of exploring all options of employment for those with disabili ties.Speakers for the evening were Professor Thomas Cooney, Profes sor of forMcDermottaownerDublin;TechnologicalEntrepreneurship,universityDeniskennedy,andfounderofDkccessibilityandJanewhoworkstherevenueCommis

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 11 *Offer valid for openings up to 2.6m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS From €997 * for a fully fitted garageelectricdoor. CALL US TODAY ON: 04 294 17851

sioners in Dundalk and is Disability Access Officer for Dundalk FC.

lored education, training, and mentoring supports available that e a change of attitude through com munication, informa tion and education; Jane wants a focus on ability and not disability and to be treated as an equal; Thomas would like selfemployment to become a natural part of the con versation for people with disabilities, as a career option.Professor Tho mas Cooney is running a Start your Own Business

Thomas Cooney believes that entrepreneurshipcan be a great leveller for people who are typically marginalised e.g. people with wouldpeopleSelf-employment,fordisabilities.withdisabilities,meanhavingtai

course for people with disabilities, who have a business idea but have not yet started a business.

Network Ireland host disability workshop

The course starts on 21st September, for 12 weeks, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. It will help evaluate the business idea, build a business plan, week by week and explore the viability of theMorebusiness.info is available by emailing Thomas lin.iethomas.cooney@tudubonnetwork

Professor Thomas Cooney, Jane McDermott, Denis Kennedy, Carmel McCarthy, Andrea McQuillan who all spoke at the event.

The Monasterboice Inn was the venue for the recent network Ire land louth event with a thought-provoking topic “Disability and the Work place”.The event focused on exploring the opportuni ties, and challenges, for those living with disabili ties, in securing employ ment or becoming selfemployed as well as the opportunities for employ ers in hiring them.

The event was facili tated by Carmel McCa rthy, EMS & associates, Health & Safety Consult ants, auditors & Trainers.

THE IrISH Coast Guard, which can trace its roots to 1822, cel ebrated 200 years of lifesaving service last Thursday in Greenore.

The milestone was marked at an event at tended by Minister for Transport Eamon ryan and Minister of State with specific responsi bility for the Irish Coast Guard, Hildegarde naughton, at Greenore Coast Guard Station. a special Commemorative Proof of Service Wreck Token was awarded to 950 volunteers nation wide in recognition of their valued service.

Staff and volunteers from 44 Coast Guard units across Ireland provide a national mari time search and rescue service and a maritime casualty and pollution response service. To gether, they respond to almost 3,000 call outs and save on average 400 lives a year. Of the call outs, approximately half are maritime incidents, a quarter are inland search

200th anniversary in Greenore

Minister for Transport Eamon ryan said: “The Irish Coast Guard Serv ice has always been, and remains, a critical part of Ireland’s emergency response system. last year, the Coast Guard re ported a 12% increase in the overall number of in cidents coordinated dur ing 2021. Hardly a day goes by without hear ing of the extraordinary work carried out bravely and selflessly by its staff and volunteers. Whether

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan in Greenore last Thursday.

and rescue and another quarter involve assisting the national ambulance Service.Today

Dundalk Leader 14th September 202212

across the country.guardingThisCOVID-19deliveryforserviceprovidingstaffthelikeingworkgencyState’sGuardsaid:HildegardeMinistercountry.”ofStatenaughton“TheIrishCoastisoneofthePrincipalEmerServicesandtheirisbothchallengandvaried.Iwouldtoacknowledgecommitmentofandvolunteersforthiscrucialandparticularlymaintainingservicethroughoutthepandemic.weekIamcontinumyvisitstoourcoastunitsacrossthe“Thededicationand

loUTh CoUNTy CoUNCIl is preparing to celebrate the Culture Night 2022 with a series of free events across the county on Friday 23rd September, from 4pm till late. Now in its 17th edition, this year’s theme for Culture Night is ‘one Night for all’, and the Council is offering a range of events for every one of all ages to enjoy. all events are free, but some will require booking in advance due to limited numbers available. run by the arts Council of Ireland, Culture Night is a national event, celebrating culture, creativity and the arts nationwide. last year, over 1.1 million people engaged with Culture Night.

the Irish Coast Guard uses state of the art technology to sup port its work. How ever, over the decades, its volunteers have had to rely on horse drawn carriages to carry equip ment, climbing cliffs on ladders and line-firing rockets to reach ground ed vessels, for example, in their rescue efforts. The 200th anniversary is an opportunity to re flect on the legacy and rich history of this cru cial rescue service.


Irish Coast Guard service celebrate

“I am delighted to mark this 200-year cel ebration and to reflect on its rich history by recog nising the tireless work of Irish Coast Guard staff and volunteersboth those currently in duty and those who have served before them, and their families right

it’s the rescue of some one from the sea, a cliff or mountain rescue, the provision of maritime safety broadcasts, ship casualty operations or the investigation of pol lution reports, they pro vide a 24/7 service for, and on behalf of, the Irish people.

Modern volunteer Coast Guard units pro vide a combination of rescue Boat, Cliff res cue, Shoreline Search Capabilities, and Emer gency Community Sup port in conjunction with the other emergency services. Development in the use of Small un manned aircraft sys tems (Drones) provide Coast Guard units with an enhanced search

Moya Hodgers, Arts Officer at Louth Coun ty Council, said: “louth County Council is delighted to have a jam-packed programme of events planned for Friday 23rd September. We would encourage all to come along and with the wide variety of free arts and culture events be ing showcased the night – there is something for aeveryone!”crossDundalk and Drogheda, 12 venues will be participating in the night. events tak ing place in Dundalk include, lego Building workshops in the County Museum, Chinese lantern making in an Táin arts Centre, talks from family members of the escapees of Dun dalk Gaol in 1922 and storytelling with Niall de Búrca in Dundalk library. In Drogheda, there will be walking tours of the DraWDa murals, live music and film in Droichead Arts Centre, a multicultural event by hands4Unity and Mill mount Craft Quarter and Borrowed Ground artist Studios will be open for visitors to chat to the artists.

commitment towards protecting people along our coastline and inland waters is palpable to say the least. I continue to hear stories of volun teers leaving their fami lies at home at the dead of night, or on Christ mas Day, to assist a per son in difficulty; a fact that demonstrates the personal sacrifice that is made by our volunteers 365 days of the year. Without our volunteers we simply would not have this lifesaving service.“Iam also pleased to announce the publica tion earlier this week of the second annual report on the national Search and rescue Plan, submitted by the national Search and rescue (Sar) Commit tee. The report shows a lot of evidence of interagency co-operation which is made possi ble by the close bonds forged locally between the services and interagency training and ex ercising.”

capability while Coast Guard helicopters pro vide 24/7 services out of four bases (Dublin, Wa terford, Shannon, Sligo).

For more information, visit: www.cul turenight.ie/louth/


Pictures paint a thousand words and magnified images of the tympanic membrane and the meatus can reveal crucial information. We always provide before and after pictures of musician hearing protection moulds. advice on all aspects of ear and hearing health including wax manage ment plans regular monitor ing for those most at

Shot over six days in multi ple locations across Co louth in Spring 2021 and under strict Covid-19 filming protocols, the students overcame huge chal lenges through the film’s pro duction, as all development and pre-production was carried out remotely whilst post-production was completed with a mix of oncampus and remote activity.

Gold Standard Hearing Care & Technology


DkIT would like to extend a massive congratulations to all cast and crew for their contin ued triumphs with this short film. These outstanding achievements are a testament to our students and staff’s continued ingenuity and resilience during such un precedented times.

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 13

Wax Removal

The winning streak continues

and also featured heavily in the across The Globe Film Festival based in new york where they were shortlisted for Best Short Film, Best Student Film, Best Director, Best Music/Composer, Best Supporting actor for Paddy Seery, Best Screenplay, Best ac tress in a leading role for ana nerovcic and Best actress in a supporting role for Cat Coyle and won overall in the latter three categories.TheInstitute is delighted to report that over the summer this film has won Best Female Direc tor at the Direct Monthly Online Film Festiva, Winner of Best Student Film at los angeles Cin ematography awards and was part of the official selection at GaZE International lGBT Film Festival 2022, the Boyne Valley International Film Festival 2022, the Meath Film Festival 2022, the Disappear Here Film Festival 2022and the ranelagh arts Fes tival and the 13th underground

Wemicrosuction.provideindustrial, domestic and


care clinics ar hing

Cinema Film Festival.

DunDalk Institute of Technol ogy (DkIT) are absolutely thrilled to report that the phenomenally successful ‘High Society’, a short film created by 3rd year Film & Television Production students which was created last year on their year-long Film Project mod ule, is continuing to win awards and selection in international and national festival circuits.

utilise the world’s best technology to deliver superb hearing solutions for your FREE

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The core team behind the film were niamh Magee -Writer/Di rector, liam Delahunt –Producer, Celine McInerney–DoP, James Hickey–Sound, Conor lewisEditor, andrius rutavicius –Pro duction Design.

would like to follow on in the footsteps of former councillor Terry Brennan who had a life long friendship and working relationship with former coun cillor Peter Savage.

new lawnmower for Greenore

Major advances have been made in tinnitus treatment. The majority of sufferers can now have relief from the noise. We have even developed special devices for those whose sleep is badly affected.

The safest and most effective form of earwax removal is microsuction. It is the only form of wax removal advised for anyone with perforated eardrums, mastoid surgery or ear canal issues.

represented the people of Dun dalk/Carlingford for over four decades.Theresidents in Greenore are delighted with their new lawnmower and the group funding from the two parties is a good show of compromise and collaboration.

social media links are in development Carrick Road Medical Centre, Lis Na Dara, Dundalk, Co. Louth Crosslanes Medical Centre, Cross Lane, Drogheda, Co. Louth 100a Main Street, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan - Phone: 041 9835510 www.earcareclinics.ieinfo@earcareclinics.ie social media links are in development

TWo north louth councillors, Cllr andrea McKevitt and Cllr John reilly, who both started their political careers on the same day in July 2020 have recently pooled their commu nity funding to help purchase a lawnmower for Greenore Tidy Towns. Cllr reilly says that he

Hearing Tests

Frank McGrath FISHAA

In addition, it was selected as a Monthly Pick at the rome Pris ma Independent Film awards and was part of the official selection at the Dublin university Film Festival in April. The film was also nominated for Short Film of the year at the SMEDIa awards

Earlier in the year this film was nominated for a royal Television Society Student award, it saw a win for the Best Cinematography award at the Best Istanbul Film Festival, along with being nomi nated for Best Director and Best Music at the Screen Power Film Festival in the uk


Also, we give

As well as those with known hearing difficulties, all who are experiencing menopause symptoms, diabetics and anyone who has recovered from cancer or Covid-19 should have their hearing tested.

Cllr McKevitt is very anx ious to follow the example of councillor Peter Savage who


Children will be catered for in the fun corner with amusements includ ing inflatables, soft play area, magic shows, craft workshops, face paint ing, balloon modelling and many more novelty events.

For more information and details contact 00353 (0)87 2204 261or check out Knockbridge Vintage Club Face book page.

weeks time.

of visitors with the opportunity to see how farming was carried out in years gone by and for the older folk to remi nisce about days gone by. owners of vintage tractors, cars and bicycles will travel from far and wide to partici pate.Vintage tractors and machinery will be put through their paces in the “live” working field which promises to be a spectacular sight with a horse driven threshing mill, steam engines, vintage combine displays, potato planting, horse ploughing and vintage ploughing all taking place on the day. The John Deere lanz self propelled baler which has proved a Tik Tok sensation will be on display also.

Dundalk Leader 14th September 202214

Since his international debut in 2013 Garry has become one of the most impressive players in the country and he was amongst a select few chosen to represent the university of limerick in the English amputee Football association

league (EaFa).

aFTer a TWo year break due to Covid, the annual Knockbridge Vin tage rally and Working Day returns on Sunday 18 September to the heart of Knockbridge just outside Dundalk, Co. louth. The event was due to take place last Sunday (11th) but was put back a week due to heavy rain.

The World Cup gets underway on 30th Sep tember and finishes on the 9th October and all going well Garry will win his 50th cap for his country during the event having made his debut for the boys in green al most ten years ago.

you don’t know how many games you have left at this level so I’m going to make sure I enjoy it and give it my all,” stated Garry. All fixtures will be streamed live on the EaFF Facebook page.

The club are delighted to welcome back Declan Nerney, one of Ireland’s top country music entertainers. Dec lan will be on stage at 3pm to enter tain everyone with his numerous chart hits. There will be a Jiving Competi tion so if you have the moves that can turn heads then don’t be shy and come along. Top prize is €100.

Garry set to feature in third World Cup

lOCal Man Garry Hoey will be on the plane to Turkey at the end of this month as he gets ready for his third world cup with the Ire land amputee squad.

Garry and his team mates will be hoping to qualify from a tough looking group which in cludes Brazil, Iran and Morocco. Garry who plays with Bohemians (who are currently lead ing the amputee na tional league) is hoping that Ireland can improve on their last sixteen fin ish in Mexico four years ago.“I feel we are a much better team than the one that played in Mexico four years ago. We took a step forward at the last Euros where we got to the quarter finals and we are hopeful that we can improve that bit more again in Turkey. We have a few young fellas who have been brought into the squad over the last couple of years and they have brought a new energy to the team. I am one of the more seasoned campaigners at this stage but I still love it and every time I put on that green jersey I feel a sense of pride,” stated Garry.

Garry Hoey

The day will provide the thousands

Whether you are a die hard vintage enthusiast or not there is something for everyone at the Knockbridge Vin tage rally - this is a day that you do not want to miss. Gates will open to the public at 12pm. ample free park ing available. entrance fee is €10 for adults and children go free. all pro ceeds raised on the day will be donated to local charities.

The renowned Tea Stall will have freshly cooked food and delicious homemade baked treats available throughout the day.

with Bohs in the am putee national league and we are currently leading the division with a couple of games to go. Hopefully we can wrap up the title ahead of getting on the plane to Turkey. at my age

Irish Country Music legand Declan Nerney To headline Knockbridge Vintage rally

There will be an Irish historian on site who will have an extensive collec tion of military memorabilia on dis play. There will also be a special exhi bition dedicated to Michael Collins.

The Point road man has been playing am putee football since 2012 when he joined the Irish amputee Football association. He made his international debut against Great Britain in limerick the following year and has since trav elled all over the world playing with the na tional team, competing at two World Cups and two European Champi onships.Backin 2009 while at work, a car display ramp slipped and fell over, crushing Garry’s foot resulting in him being rushed to hospital where he remained for a month before a decision was made to have his right leg amputated from just below the knee joint.

“I have 46 caps for my country right now and all going well I should earn my 50th cap at the world cup which would be really special,” he added.The game is a lot quicker and more in tense nowadays and the standard is much higher than when I first started a decade ago but we’ve all improved as a team and we want to show that in Turkey in a few

There’ll be lots to keep everyone en tertained, be they young or old, and a very enjoyable family day out is guar anteed. The list of highlights on the day is endless with many new attrac tions added this year!

“We are quietly con fident that we will qualify from our group and after that it’s just a case of dealing with the pressure and sticking to the gameplan. I’ve been having a decent season

Li NE DAN ci N g: New beginners classes starting in Dowdallshill GAA hall Tuesday 13th September at 7pm, also Boys Club Seatown Wednesday morning 14th Sep tember @10am. Contact 087 2618773

Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail).

LOUTH cOUNTY cOUNciL—W E JEM c B intend to apply for Full Planning Permission for Removal of dwelling units 4 and 5 pre viously granted under planning reference 17791 and replacement with 2no. Apart ment Blocks consisting of 4no. Apartments in total @ Saltown, Dundalk, Co. Louth..

This event builds on recent song workshops to bring back these forgotten local songs that were sung in the oriel area by our ancestors, recalling the early 20th century col lection of John hannon, and informed by research work of Dr Gearóid Trimble.

of properties being offered for sale or rent, contact Robert

A RT & S OUL A RT cLASSES. Adults: Mondays & Wednesdays 7-9pm. Children: Saturdays 11am-12.30pm Greenore CoOperative €15 per class Tel 087 9158162

ATTENT i ON L ANDLORDS. supply furniture & Beds any rental properties have. Beds from €180, Bedroom Fur Sets from €249 Call us today www. bedstore.ie Coes Rd, Dundalk Tel 042 932 SH/OAK to Dundalk Co. Down Mob 77 6040 3254 or 048 30269632 www.cdlogs.com

Ár noidhreacht oirialla our oriel heritage

DRUM LESSONS iNcLUDiNg BODHRAN. For adults & children aged 8years upwards. One to one lessons. Phone 087 414 4228.


This is for someone wonderful as loved as one could be for you were everything in life you meant the world, you see. And sometimes life can be unkind when hearts are torn in two but nothing ever could compare to the pain of losing you.


Service. Specializing in Re-Let & Spring Cleaning, Carpet & Upholstery cleaning. Fully insured. For a free quotation contact Everkleen 042 9352717 / 087 6873188, www.everkleenservices.ie <http://www. everkleenservices.ie>


tion. Tel 086 3735478

MOBiLE HOME TRANSPORT : Transported throughout 32 Counties. Contact : Eugene 086-607-1702

R OOF i N g R EPA i RS & S TO v ES. Stoves supplied and fitted, fully insured, Hetas certified. Contact Paul Englishby 087 6301914 or 041 98 94633 and Mark on 087 1302040 for roofing enquiries.

gARDEN & HOUSE MAiNTENANcE –Strimming grass, hedge cutting, weeding, also garden clearance, concreting, patios, painting, power washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, fencing. Have all the equipment. Contact Brian 086-109-7358 gABR i EL gARDEN S ER vic ES. Hedges trimmed, power washing, trees & shrubs planted, garden clearance, decorative stone and bark. Taking orders for chipping branches with woodchipper. Complete garden maintenance, Tel 087 0951030 cARPET AND U PHOLSTERY cleaning. Home and Office contract cleaning. Over 10 years’ experience. RTM Cleaning Ser vices contact Robbie 087 3817618

D UNDALK A RT gROUP. Commencing classes on Wednesday 21st & Thursday 22nd Sept 2022. Painting in Oil, Acrylic, Water Colours. New members welcome. If interested call Marianne 086 6062740 or Ann 086 1580826

gARDEN i N g, LAWNS c UT, hedges cut, trees trimmed and topped. Also firewood cut up for winter months. Telephone Tom 087 2296441

PROPERTY MAiNTENANcE—Repairs, building, plumbing, painting, roof repairs, tiling, bathroom refurbishments, concret ing, plastering, gardening, power washing, PVC facia and soffits, Over 20 yrs experi ence. References available. Tel Michael on 085-762-3758

E R i NWOOD Wood floor fitting & sanding services. Specialists in herringbone, over 30 years’ experience, dust free service Tel Arthur 085 1229291

B U i LD i N g S ER vic ES, Extensions, Reno vations, Sunrooms, Conservatories and All General Maintenance. P.V.C. Fascia, Soffit and Guttering products supplied and fit ted. Bathroom Refurbishment, Painting, Decorating, Wall & Floor Tiling. All types of Roof Repairs & Maintenance. For free esti mates Tel 087 260 2501

LOUTH cOUNTY cOUNciL—W E, AvivA Li FE & P ENS i ONS iRELAND DAc, in tend to apply for Planning Permission for development at Carroll Village Shopping Centre, The Long Walk, Dundalk, Co. Louth. The development will consist of partial demolition of the existing Shopping Cen tre building and the construction of a new four-storey Primary Care Centre including a) General Practitioners Surgery, b) Phar macy Unit, and c) HSE accommodation, external plant area, relocation of existing site access, car parking and set down area, erection of access control barriers, new to tem sign, general wall mounted signage, new elevational treatment to North façade of the Carroll Village Shopping Centre, site lighting, hard and soft landscaping and all associated site works. This planning application may be inspect ed or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the of fices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the applica tion and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00

Loved and missed, Mam, Dad & Family

ADvERTiSE YOUR SERvicE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888


A LL -i N ONE! HOME and property main tenance and improvements. Painting, dec orating, general household maintenance, exterior cleaning, power washing, gutters , dust free sanding , No job to big or small, quality but affordable service contact Ian 0874158238

WiNDOW cLEANiNg - Gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Affordable rates. Domestic & Commercial. Call our office for a free quotation. Everkleen 042 935 2717 or 086 829 3585. www.everkleenservices. ie <http://www.everkleenservices.ie>

TiLER AvAiLABLE—Experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile workmarble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 087-387-8995 for free quote.

P LASTER i N g S ER vic E available, free quotations. Contact David 085 7829910 or Gavin 086 3799285

R EADY TO g O to their forever homes, 100% Bichon Frise puppies. Non shedding little white teddy bears. Brought up in the home, weaned, Vet checked and first Vac. Dad & Mam can be seen with litter, they are indoor pups €500. Tel 00 44 7881 718 950 or 085 1234 067

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 15

cARPENTRY & J O i NERY, maintenance and repairs, roofing, 1st & 2nd fix carpen try, sash window repairs. No job too big or small. Contact Seandon Carpentry 087 298 5110

Family Notices


cHiMNEY cLEANER - The Clean sweep, clean & tidy, no dust. Brush & Vac. Also gutter cleaning. Contact - Cathal 087-2259799

10th AnniversAry

Our WeeklyDeaDline For Family nOtices is 4pm Fridays prior to Wednesday Publication. Contact Lorna for information.further Tel 042 9320888

ROOF LEAKS MASTER : We repair all types of roof: tile, slate, bangor blues. Repair torch on roofs, scrape & clean, chimneys & chimney pots, chimney bird guards, gut ter facia & soffits. All work guaranteed, 25 years experience. Tel. 086 818 4827

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.


engine. €4200.00 ono. Contact

gRASS cUTTiNg services, Dundalk and surrounding areas. Contact Michael 087 1477 067

LANDScAPiNg, flower beds tided up, outdoor cleaning, patios, footpaths, walls, general property maintenance, exterior painting of fences, gates, walls, etc and decking cleaned. Dundalk & District. Tel. 086 3818184.

HOUSE Premises for rent or sale

Pi ANO LESSONS available for beginners from a young primary school teacher tel 0877085028.



ATTENTiON : For CERTIFICATION Mulholland, BER 609 1906 www.louthber.ie YOUR to 55,000 week from Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 93 -20888

serviced, All belts replaced. €2000 spent


gREENF i ELDS M US ic TOURS. Invite you to join for our 1 nights stays to see the cream of Irish Folk and Ballads. Price includes accommodation, bus and ticket. Contact Anthony on 085 1204994




WATcH REPAiRS. Mechanical/Quartz (battery) and Vintage. In our own work shop. Most brands – Cartier, Longines, Omega, Revue, Raymond Weil, Seiko, Citi zen & more, also Jewellery repairs. Gold star Jewellers, Demesne Shopping Centre Dundalk Tel. 042 93 39478

& surrounding areas. Newry

assessor. 087

F OR S ALE 2 & 3 SEATER suite of furniture with recliners. Dark grey. Perfect

A RT & S OUL A RT cLASSES. Begin ners and advanced, Mondays: Drawing 10am -12pm, Art Therapy 12.30 -2.30pm. Wednesdays: Acrylic Painting 11am- 1pm. Eagles Rock retreat, Riverstown. 6 week Course €120 Bookings Tel 087 9158162


SELL THROUgH A cLASSiFiED. Only for one week up to 20 words. 042 93 20888. Dundalk Leader. Diesel ride on Fully on 087 0951030 condi

Tractor. Hydrolic Lifts,

Special Services

cARPET & OvEN cLEANiNg : Carpet, up holstery & specialist oven cleaning avail able. Call MVI Cleaning Dundalk on 042 94 21300 or visit www.mvicleaning.ie

Fi F i’S A LTERAT i ONS LON g WALK S.c. (formerly A-Alterations) Tel 083 011 8728. Zips, hems, clothes taken in or let out, also Dry Cleaning Service. Open Mon – Wed 9.30 – 5.30pm, Thur & Fri 9.30 – 6pm & Sat 10-2pm

& Bi R c H, Weekly Deliveries

00 44

gRiMLEY’S DUBLiN ST. DUNDALK— Televisions, TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & Saorview, new installations, sales, service & repairs. Free estimates 042 935 4343.


FORTUNE TELLER - Available for appoint ment, private or group bookings. Tel. Alison 042 933 5102 or 087-67-51229

cOAc H i N g W i TH E STHER, Life and Executive Coach Tel 086 8972007 www. coachingwithesther.com

BUiLDER & HOME MAiNTAiNENcE Building, Woodwork, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Kitchen Refurbishments, Paving & Fencing. No job to big or too small. Tel. 087 295 2529

H A i RDRESS i N g S ER vic E, Avenue Road area. Fully qualified, specialising in all aspects of hairdressing. Ladis, mens and childrens, reasonable prices. Contact Anne 087 7643291. Home visits can also be ar ranged.


readers a

Late of Manydown Close, Dundalk whose 10th Anniversary occurs 17th september 2022

mass will be celebrated in The redemptorist this saturday 17th september at 6.30pm.


Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail). B.B.

Amen. say this prayer for 3 days.


Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail). S.K.

WE cAN DiSTRiBUTE your leaflets from €75 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 932 0888



Permission to include alterations to previ ously granted site layout and all associated site development and drainage works. This planning application may be inspect ed or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the of fices of Louth County Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the applica tion and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00

But all the love you left behind, forever will live on and so until we meet again rest peacefully, dear son.

novenain memoriam


Q UAL i F i ED cARPENTER available for Floors, Doors, Frames, Architraves, Skirt ings, Stud Walls, Roofing & All Building Repairs. No Job too big or too small. Call Mark 086 089 5508



cHiMNEY & STOvE cLEANiNg – Tel Paul McArdle 042 933 2491 / 087 666 0094 Email tribalky@yahoo.com <mailto:tribalky@ yahoo.com>

gET F i T THE FUN WAy and learn to dance, the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot and Jive, now taking place in the Lisdoo, Dundalk Tuesday’s from 8pm – 10pm, no partner required. Newly Wed’s first dance lessons and private lessons also available. Contact 086 357 3271 for further informa tion. Also New Jiving class starting Thurs day 29th September in Kilcurry Resource Centre 8-9.30pm.

An eternal Memory of a much loved son.


d.W.NovENA To ThE SACrEd hEArT


0927 c D LO g S Ki LN D R i ED A

DUNDALK gARDEN SERvicES – Tree topping, felling, hedge trimming, grass cutting & strimming. RUBBISH REMOV ALS – Garage clearance, House & Garden refuse. Permit holder. Contact : Ben 085840-7707

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine.

a Free Culture Night event in county louth on Friday 23rd September, this night of music and song in the Green Church, Dundalk, from the oriel Traditional orchestra and special guests, will enable the audience celebrate our heritage when Irish was commonly spoken and under stood in the north louth and greater oriel area.

Amen. say this prayer for 3 days.

Tickets "Ár noidh reacht oirialla- our oriel heritage" are Free , thanks to funding from louth Coun ty Council and National arts Council , and are available on the eventbrite.ie website.

D OES ANYONE want their homes declut tered but feeling overwhelmed. Clothes, bedrooms, kitchens, offices, garages, play rooms or anyone putting house on market. Contact Shelly@stepintoaction.ie or phone 086 8878054

L ADY W i TH g i FT of Healing for Skin con ditions, Eczema, Psoriasis, Chest problems, Asthma. 3 consecutive visits needed. For appointment please phone 087 7188450



Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past i asked you for many favours This time, i ask for this special favour (mention it). Take it, dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favours will be granted. (never known to fail).

F.dNovENA To ThE

Dundalk Leader 14th September 202216 SELL IT THROUGH A CLASSIFIED Blinds Blinds Conservatories/Windows/SunroomsCCTV/Alarms DeliveryFlooringAddressBuilders Supplies Building Contractors Forklifts

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 17 ADVERTISE IN OUR CLASSI f IEDS to over 60,000 readers from only €5 per week- up to 20 words Dundalk Leader - Tel: 042 932 0888 Professional and Reliable Service, Free estimates, All work Friendlyguaranteed,Service All green waste removed and recycled, Fully insured Call Sean on 041 2132041 087 349 5477 gardens cleaned & cleared All overgrown gardens restored Garden tidy ups Tree Felling Trees & hedges cut High quality Turf grass Weed free instant lawn All types of Stone, Gravel & RailwayChippingsSleepers Email: info@allseasonsroofcleaners.ie KitchensGardening&Bedrooms FERGAL MARRY fergalmarrykitchens@gmail.comKITCHENS/0872765866KitchensBedroomUnitsSliderobes&FeaturewallsTVUnits Plumbing Windows For a free no obligation quotation Callsave: 1850 774455 Tel. 042 9333513 Fax. 042 9333514 Web: www.senatorwindows.ie Email. senatordundalk@gmail.com Or Visit our Showrooms on Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk. OpEning HOuRS Mon-Fri 9- 5 & Sat 10-2 After hours by appointment Full Range of Colours • Extensive Range of Designs • irish Made Fully Certified • 'A' Rated Security Windows & Doors ALL oUR pRodUCTS ARE AS STANdARd Keep Your Town in Business Keep Your Business in Town SenatorDundalkWindows PowerLocksmithWashing Power Washing Roofs Old roofs restored to new Moss coat treated and sealed All roofs repointed Driveways All driveways restored to new and Relayingsealed Re-sandingdrivewayswithsilica paving sand gutters We jet and form wash gutters outside and inside to make them like new We quote any size job, big or small All our waste is recycled Call Sean on 041 2132041 087 349 5477 Email: info@allseasonsroofcleaners.ie PowerWheelieWashingBins Wheel Bin ColleCtions CALLArEASovErEd Sign Up On-Line at www.aceenvironmental.ie Or Phone Office: 042-932 2594 Or Phone Stephen: 087-126 4934 DunDalk, Co. louth visit us @ www.aceenvironmental.ie or email us @ info@aceenvironmental.ie NWCPo-12-06461-04 Established in 1995 also Domestic & commercial skip hire: 3-40 cubic yards Tel: 042-932 2594 or email info@aceenvironmental.ie ApplyT&C’s DoMesTiC & CoMMerCiAL WAsTe, reCyCLe, orgAniC & gLAss CoLLeCTions

Friends of Joan Brady are holding a stroll in her memory on Sunday 18th September at 3pm at the bandstand in St helena’s Park.

she would organise a bus from Dundalk to the Women’s Mini Marathon and throughout the years she became a friend to many around her adopted town. She was also a keen supporter of charities and helped raise thousands of euro for local charities down through the years.

Joan, who was originally from Dublin, was known far and wide as an inspirational participant in the Dublin Women’s Mini-Marathon – taking part in every event since it began in 1983. She was also a huge advocate for using walking as a form of exercise and she set up Dundalk Walkers and Joggers over 40 years ago in the early 80’s.

corporate’.“Iamdelighted to have the Imperial Hotel as a member, owned by highly experienced hoteliers; it is a wonder ful4 star hotel property, their hotel team deliver exceptional standards in accommodation, food and service to their customers and I am looking for ward to working with them’.

SElECT HOTElS OF IrElanD, a Hotel Marketing Group for independ ently owned Irish hotels, have wel comed the Imperial Hotel Dundalk, as their newest member to the Group.

Curves Cancer Charity Walk

A charity walk held by local fitness club Curves Dundalk, will be held in aid of Breast Cancer Re search Ireland on Satur day 24th September. The walk will begin and finish at the club at Unit 4, Blackthorn Business Park on the Coes Road in Dun dalk. The walk is 3km in total with groups leaving every half hour between 8:30am and 11.00am. The walk is open to all and you do not have to be a mem ber of Curves Dundalk to take part.

Shane has experience of working with a company from the bottom up and watching it thrive having been employee number 22 with Tech firm First De rivatives which was founded by the late Brian Con lon in his mother’s spare bedroom in 1996. First Derivatives today employs about 2500 and it’s that organic type of growth that Shane is hoping to rep licate with kaseya in Dundalk.

Vantastival is once again committing to its role as a community-spirited, family friendly festival and the showing from local acts will be strong. Emerging acts from a developing local youth music scene will perform in the Glasshouse Stage, a refurbished 18thcentury garden pavilion, as part of a collaboration between Vantastival and Music Generation louth, Dundalk youth Centre and the Boo merang Café in Drogheda.

kaseya already has an Irish presence via its EMEa headquarters in Dublin where it has operated since 2016 and they will be based in Dundalk in an IDa building in Finnabair Business Park where they have taken a 20-year lease.

The walk will be along the riverside and over the Ne wry rd, bridge before returning back to St helena’s Park. Joan died suddenly at her home on the avenue road on Mother’s Day this year and organisers of the event have invited anybody who knew Joan to join in and participate in the event next month.

VanTaSTIVal rETurnS to Beaulieu in two weeks’ time. With just two weeks to go until Co. louth’s biggest annual music and camping festival returns to Beaulieu House and Gardens, Vantastival’s organisers are al ready on site in Beaulieu preparing for the welcome return of the festival format follow ing a 2-year hiatus due to COVID19.

No fee – Donations gratefully accepted

Coyle(Dundalk). The programme of chil dren’s events is extensive and the Enchanted Garden kids’ Camp in the exquisite walled garden at Beaulieu is designed to inspire im agination and creative play in young minds, encouraging them to “dare to dream”.

“Select Hotels offers independent Irish hotels that fit its strict criteria & standards, strength in numbers, giv ing independent hotels the opportunity to promote their properties to a much wider market.


Select Hotels of Ireland is a market ing group established over 20 years ago for independently owned Irish hotels, to help market themselves both in Ireland and a board, owned by the Cronin Travel Group.

earlier this year Joan’s daughters helen and Su san and their sister-in-law emma and alva (emma’s daughter) completed the mini marathon in Joan’s honour while wearing ‘Jog for Joan’ t-shirts.

una young went on to say; “In a vastly changed and competitive mar ket, it is more important than ever that independent Irish hotels join forces with similar properties, to promote their hotel and services to the home and overseas markets, both leisure and

laST July uS software firm Kaseya announced plans to establish a new Centre of Excellence in Dundalk, creating 250 jobs over the next three years.

Representatives from Imperial Hotel and Select Hotels Group and the an nouncement of their new partnership.

Imperial Hotel join Select Hotels Group


Select Hotels said they were proud to have the Imperial Hotel as a member of the Select Hotels group and General Manager of Select Hotels, una young, speaking at the announcement said;

It costs just €10 to register and all entrants are asked to register in Curves premises in Blackthorn Business Park. All money raised from the event will go directly to Breast Can cerAnybodyIreland. taking part are asked to paint the town pink and purple by wearing either pink for Breast Cancer Re search Ireland or purple for Curves Dundalk. Call 0429354311 or 0857783999 for more

Speaking at the announcement, lou ise McElwain, Hotel Manager of the

“When the office opens we plan on working a hy brid model and we want to be a part of the Dun dalk community and form relationships with local schools, voluntary organisations and sporting clubs. We are not going to be a fly by night US company who comes in and doesn’t engage with the local community.Weseeourselves being here for the long haul and we want to leave a real legacy here. “I am in charge of getting the operation up and running and I’m de lighted that it is happening in Dundalk. I pushed for Dundalk as I am aware of the benefits the town has to offer and as a newry lad I am very familiar with the town. I have five kids and have constantly been driving up and down the road over the years leaving

Dundalk Leader 14th September 202218

a time of Relaxation, Meditation and Prayer followed by Tea/Coffee. 11am to 12noon. Wednesday 14th, 21st & 28th Sep tember at “Bethany” House of Prayer, 34 Point Road, Dundalk. Co. Louth A91 WOC 9 Tel. 00353-429331602.

Joan, originally from Dublin, was very well known around Dundalk and was a huge supporter of the Women’s Mini Marathon, taking part in every event since it began in 1983. She took part in her final minimarathon in 2019 at the age of 80. (The 2020 and 2021 mini-marathons were called off due to the CoVID-19 pandemic).everyyear

“We have pledged to create 250 jobs over the next three years but for me that is just the start of things. I want to see this company thriving in Dundalk and looking to make another job announcement in a few years time but right now my focus is on getting the right employees in the door and getting up and run ning in our 30,000 sq ft premises in Finnabair Park.

Shane looking forward to kaseya challenge

“The message I want to send out is that we are hiring and we have very rewarding jobs here for the people of louth and surrounding counties,” stated Shane

The average age of employees is 27 and there is a real ethos of work hard and play hard within the company.“It’sagreat place to work and I am really looking forward to getting up and running here in Dundalk. as I said, I know the area well and I want to grow this thing organically.

“I am currently getting the message out that we are looking for employees right now and we have

Shane Mulholland, Senior Vice-President of Opera tions and Ireland Site lead, is the man tasked with getting the company up and running in Dundalk and the Newry man is busy filling positions in the com pany ahead of a planned opening this november.

the kids to discos and what not. kaseya are very employee driven company and they are excellent at given employees a chance of career progression within the company and promoting from within.

and folk acts along with a few surprises!

Vantastival regular Tony Clayton-lea will bring his Culture Vultures blend of music and conversation to the Woodland Stage on the Saturday, while the Cully & Sully Camp ervan Cook-off will see the culinary pair judge a ready-steady-cook style competition, with all contestants given the same ingredi ents with which to prepare a two-course meal using the facilities in their campervans.

O’Hara’s Craft Beers will run the bar this

year, while a ByOB policy will also be in place throughout the site as always. Vantas tival 2022 will take place in the beautiful grounds of Beaulieu House, on the banks of the Boyne just outside Drogheda.

Imperial Hotel said; “We are delighted to announce our membership of Select Hotels of Ireland, it is an exciting new venture, and we look forward to work ing with the Team at Select.

a stroll for Joan

“all our member hotels are unique, but similarities include an ethos of committee to standards of product & service and customer focused hospi tality that prevails in all our independ ently run hotels. This ethos has ensured our members continue to thrive in this competitive market as our member ho tels never lose focus on their custom er’s needs”.

already got about 30 people who have been recruit ed and are currently working from home ahead of our offices opening in November all going well. We are looking for software developers, tech support, sales account managers, office secretary and many more types of roles and we are forming a relation ship with DkIT which will see us recruit graduates over the coming years.

This year’s festival will take place on Fri day 16th and Saturday 17th September, and we are promised a feast for the ears, as almost 60 Irish acts will perform over the weekend. Hermitage Green, rSaG, niamh regan, Su san O’neill and The Barley Mob are among the headliners, while the Trad Folkin’ rocks stage will host a cornucopia of traditional

The festival is supported by the Depart ment of Tourism, Culture arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and IMrO. Tickets are on sale now from Eventbrite and www.vantas tival.com/tickets. Children of all ages are welcome and day tickets are available for the Saturday.2-day camping -€120Saturday tickets -€70 (includes camping if desired) Campervans -no charge and no ticket needed booking fees http://www.vantastival.com/ticketsapply

Other local acts to appear on this year’s lineup include GranD, The Cacks, The Stone cold Hobo, Horizon, Sea High and Paper Clap (Drogheda), and Future West, accidents in the Workplace and Sophie

Shane Mulholland

Prayer Support for Cancer Sufferers

be announced in april. Coupled with monthly and spot prize rewards, one suc cessful school will have the distinction of being chosen as ‘Ireland’s Fittest School 2023’, the prize for which will be a visit from healy and Gillick and €5,000 worth of sports equipment.lastyear, North Donegal primary school, Scoil Na Croise Naofa, in Dunfanaghy, fought off stiff competition from the large volume of competitors to

Dundalk Karate Junior Member Amy Callan proudly showing her Grading Certificate and Belt after she Graded to 10th Kyu.

If you would like any infor mation on Dundalk karate and its classes, which are held in the redeemer Family resource Centre, you can contact Sensei Mary Marcus 3rd Dan on 086 353 1625 or karatequeen@live. com.

For the second year in suc cession, a call has gone out to schools in Dundalk, and else where across the country, from Irish olympians, sprinter Phil healy and fellow athlete, David Gillick, who have joined forces with Dundalk-based banana importer Fyffes in a quest to find ‘Ireland’s Fittest School’. registration for the competition, which runs until March 31st, can now be made online at www.fyffesfitsquad. ie, with the overall winner to

ular activities or work and its daily commute, it was a surprise to some when Head of Dundalk karate, Sensei Marcus sprung a Grading on some during class. However, each member yet again showed how hard work and dedication pays of and with fellow members watching on,

Dundalk schools invited to compete for ‘Ireland’s Fittest’ title

be crowned the overall winner.

Dundalk Karate members Amy Callan and Kelly McGuinness after their successful Grading to 10th Kyu.

Karate Kids Make the Grade

The upcoming schedule will see some 7,500 pupils from schools throughout Ireland, North and South, participate in an interactive Fit Squad ses sion between now and March next.

With many members return ing to school and having to jug gle homework and extra-curric

excellence was achieved.

The commencement of the competition coincides with the resumption this month of Fyffes children’s fitness pro gramme of live school visits following a two-year break during Covid.

COnGraTulaTIOnS to Dun dalk karate members, Jamie Cunningham-Barry, Eivyna Vilivsyte, leon Hosey, amy Callan and kelly McGuinness who recently graded.

Dundalk Leader 14th September 2022 19 H ILL S TREET, D UBLIN R D., D UNDALK . 042 9331515/086 2559201

Dundalk Karate Junior Members Jamie Cunningham-Barry Eivyna Vilivsyte and Leon Hosey with their Grading Certificates.

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