Dairy Autumn 2022 Catalogue Dúnmasc Genetics

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Dairy Catalogue Autumn 2022

dunmascgenetics.ie DamMozart






which is

on the

Masc’ which is

is an area rich in


Genetics is located on the outskirts of Portlaoise, Co. Laois, in an area known
Dunamase. Our name is derived from ‘Dunamase Castle’ or ‘The Rock of Dunamase’
a defensive stronghold dating back to the 12 century. Dunamase Castle is located
Dowling family farm and towers 46 meters above
surrounding lands. ‘Dún
‘Fort of Másc’, (or now the townland of Dunamase)
history, values that form the basis of the Dúnmasc Genetics brand.
Genetics was founded in 2014 by Stephen Dowling and has grown very rapidly over the last number of years. The company’s origin is in Embryo Transfer and Training Services for both the agricultural and veterinary industries. In more recent times, growth in semen sales has been exponential. Business growth can be attributed to many factors of business model innovation, team experience, exceptional customers, breeders and great partners. Every dairy farmer requires access to the world’s top genetics. The industry faces rapid change and access to the latest trends and genetics advancements are paramount. At Dúnmasc Genetics our core belief is that the cow comes first. Breeding the correct production and physical traits is vital to profitability. We believe that a balanced cow has an equal weighting between indexes, production and physical features. With this in mind, we are pleased to present our 2022 Spring catalogue. Stephen Dowling MBS CEO Dúnmasc Genetics Ltd +353(0)863607641 stephen@dunmasc.ie David Rose Breeding Advisor +353(0)851405220 info@dunmasc.ie Contact 3


Economic Breeding Index (EBI)

Is a measure of the genetic potential of an animal. The Index is based on €0 and is comprised of seven sub-indices (milk, fertility, calving, beef, maintenance, management and health).

Milk Sub Index

The milk sub index makes up to 34% of the total EBI Index. In the milk sub index, there is three parts that make up the index, (milk kgs 9%, fat kgs 7% and protein kgs 18%). So, bulls that will have high kgs of milk (300kgs +), fat kgs (15kgs +) and protein (15kgs +) will come back with a high value on this index.

Fertility Sub Index

The fertility sub index makes up to 34% of the total EBI Index. In the fertility sub index, there is two parts that make up the index (calving interval 23% and survival 11%). The calving interval is measured in days so the ideal calving interval is 365 days which means ideally the cow should have a calf every year. Survival is measured in a percentage this based on how long the cow is going to last in the herd. The higher the percentage the more likely the cow will be in the herd at 6-7 lactations.

Calving Sub index

The calving sub index makes up to 10% of the total EBI Index. In the calving sub index, there is four parts that is the bull for heifers and also cows, ideally heifers shouldn’t be serviced with a bull greater than 7% calving

easily his daughters will calve down. Gestation length is how long the cow is pregnant. The average gestation length is 283 days, so anything longer than this mean that the calf will bigger at birth. Calf mortality determines how many calves are dead or die at birth.

Beef Sub Index

The beef sub index makes up to 8% of the total EBI Index. In the beef sub index, there is four parts that make up the index (cull cow weight 0.5%, carcass weight 4.5%, carcass conformation 2%, carcass fat 1 %). Cull cow weight is looking at weight of live weight of the cow before been processed. Carcass weight is looking at the weight of cow when she has been slaughtered. Carcass conformation is looking at the grade the carcass has been graded from the factory. Carcass fat is looking at fat score the factory have scored the carcass of the animal that has been slaughtered.

Maintenance Sub Index

The maintenance sub index makes up to 6% of the total EBI Index. In the maintenance sub index, there is only one part that makes up the index (cow live weight 6%). Cow live weight is looking at how heavy a cow is fully mature. Cows under 500kgs will be a positive and cows over 500kgs will be a negative in the index.

Management Sub Index

The management sub index makes up to 5% of the total EBI Index. In the management sub index, there is two parts that make up the index (milking speed 3%, milking temperament 2%). Milking speed is looking at how long temperament is looking how quiet/easy is cow the milk will she is in the milking parlour.

Health Sub Index

The health sub index makes up to 3% of the total EBI Index. In the health sub index, there is three parts that make up the index (lameness 0.5%, SCC 1%, mastitis 0.5%). Lameness is looking at how often will the cow be lame and will have locomotion problems. SCC is looking at how often will the cow have high SCC problems and also how long it takes to cure. Mastitis is looking at how often will the cow get mastitis and also what type of mastitis does the cow have.

Trait Emphasis make-up in the EBI

Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) from that parent. Each PTA is given in the units used to measure the trait. The PTA for milk is reported in pounds or kilograms. The PTA for productive life is reported in months.

Predicted transmitting Ability for Milk Production (PTAM) milk production for future daughters.

Predicted Transmitting Ability for Butterfat (PTAF) butterfat production for future daughters.

Predicted Transmitting Ability for Butterfat Percentage (PTAF%) Indicates the genetic variance of a bull transmitting Fat as being positive or negative.

Predicted Transmitting Ability for Protein (PTAP) PTA for protein in pounds, comparing the expected production for future daughters.

Predicted Transmitting Ability for Protein Percentage (PTAP%) Indicates the genetic variance of a bull transmitting Protein as being positive or negative.

Productive Life (PL)

PL gives a measure of the amount of “productive” months of additional more or less lifetime you can expect from bulls daughter.

Cow Livability (LIV)

Cow Livability measures of cows ability to remain alive while in the milking herd.

Somatic Cell Score (SCS)

The PTA for SCS is used to improve mastitis resistance. Bulls with low PTA for SCS (less than 3.0) are expected to have daughters with lower mastitis than bulls (greater than 3.5).

Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) pregnant each 21-day period. A DPR of “1.0”implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during the estrus cycle than a bull with an evaluation of zero.

Heifer Conception Rate (HCR)

become pregnant at each service. A HCR of “1.0”implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during the estrus cycle than a bull with an evaluation of zero.

Cow Conception Rate (CCR)

percentage of inseminated cows that become pregnant at each service. A bulls CCR of “1.0” implies the that daughters of this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during that lactation than a daughter of a bull with an evaluation of zero. Body Condition Score (BCS)

research has clearly shown an association with improved female fertility, longevity and disease resistance. Sire Calving Ease (SCE)

general, bulls with an SCE of 2.2% or less are considered “easy calving”.

Daughter Calving Ease (DCE) DCE is a measurement of the tendency of calving from a particular animal to be born more or less easy (average 2.3%). Daughter of bulls with high DCE numbers would be daughters of bulls with lower DCE numbers. Sire Stillborn (SSB) lactation animals.

Daughter Stillborn (DSB) alive but died within 48 hours of birth. The average is 5.3%.

increase in production. FE= ($0.0008 x PTA Milk) + ($1.55 x PTA Fat ) + ($1.73 x PTA Protein ) + ($0.11 x Feed Saved)

Fertility Index (FI)

The fertility index combines several reproductive components (DPR, CCR, HDR and Early First Calving) into one overall index, ability to conceive as a maiden heifer,

Predicted Transmitting Ability for Type (PTAT)

for Udder Composite Index (UDC)


Milking Speed (MSP)

ability to conceive as a lactating cow, start cycling again, show heat, conceive and maintain a pregnancy. FI= (0.7 x DPR) + (0.1 x CCR)+(0.1 x HCR) + (0.1 x EFC)
PTAT is an estimate of the genetic superiority
UDC is an index based on the ability for udder improvement. Udder composite includes six linear traits and the weighting of each traits contribution to higher score. Foot
Leg Composite Index (FLC) FLC is a measure of a bulls ability for foot and leg improvement. production, fertility, type, longevity and the wellness traits, including Polled tests results.
The value for Milking Speed predicts if a bulls daughter produces faster or slower than the average. Slow = (- -), Average = ( ), Fast (++) Production 46% Health & Fertility 28% Conformation 26% 5

Beef on Dairy Index Explained (DBI)

What are the weightings that make up the DBI Index?

Calf Mortality

• Calf mortality measures the number of calves death at birth or soon after

• No death are preferable, lower PTA values are more desirable

Carcass Weight

• Bulls with a high PTA for carcass weight are expected to produce progeny with a heavier carcass than bulls with lower PTA values for carcass weight.

• High Carcass weight is beneficial to the customer who buy your beef calves.

Carcass Fat and Carcass Conformation

• Carcass fat and conformation are indicators of the fat and conformation grades an animal’s Understanding the Dairy Beef Index Last Modified: 11 March 2020 progeny are expected to achieve in the factory.

• The traits are categorised using the EUROP grid which is scored on a 15-point scale, where 1 is 1- and 15 is 5+ for carcass fat, and 1 is P- and 15 is E+ for carcass conformation.

• Bulls with lower PTA values for carcass fat are more desirable, whereas bulls with higher PTA values for carcass conformation are more desirable.

• For example, if Bull A has a PTA for carcass conformation of -1.5 and Bull B has a PTA of +1.0, we expect the progeny from Bull B will be, on average, 2.5 conformation grades higher than those from Bull A.

Out of Spec

Understanding the traits

• This calving index identifies the risk posed to heifers

• A bull will be either low, moderate, or high risk.

• Bulls categorised as low risk are preferred for use dairy heifers as they have the easiest calving difficulty

• It is also worth identifying, is it better to used sexed dairy semen on your dairy heifers.

• The PTA for calving difficulty identifies the number of protentional births that will need considerable or vet assistance.

• Lower PTA (Calving figures) for calving are more desirable.

• For example, where a bull has a PTA for calving difficulty of 8% on dairy heifers, eight out of one hundred calving’s sired by the bull will need considerable or veterinary assistance.


• Gestation is the number of days between conception and calving

• Bulls that have a shorter gestation are more desirable to use at the end of the breeding season

• For example, if bull a Limousin bull is +1 days and a Hereford bull is -3 days the difference in the gestation length is 4 days. In this example we expect the Limousin to carry 4 days longer than the Hereford bull

• Using this example, the Limousin bull could be used earlier in the breeding season on dairy cows that are not suitable for producing dairy replacement. The Limousin bull in this case may have longer gestation, however he may have a high carcass merit combined with easy calving. This make him attractive to use during the breeding season even do he has a longer gestation length.

• Using the same example, the Hereford bull could have a lower carcass weight and easy calving, however the bull has a short gestation of -3 days. This make him attractive to use at the end of the breeding season.

• The DBI has two ‘out of spec’ traits which are an indication of the % of a bull’s progeny that are expected not to meet the minimum factory requirements for carcass weight (i.e., at least 280 kg) or carcass conformation (i.e., at least an O-).

• Since economically it is optimal if no cattle fall outside the minimum factory specifications, lower PTA values for both out of spec traits are more desirable.

Feed Intake

• Feed intake is an indication of the expected progeny feed consumption.

• If less feed is required in the diet (e.g., grass, silage, or concentrates) there are less costs on the production system; therefore, bulls with lower PTA values for feed intake are preferable. Docility

• Docility is an indicator of how quiet or docile a bull’s progeny are expected to be.

• Docility is scored by farmers on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is a very flighty animal, and 5 is a very quiet animal.

• Therefore, bulls with higher PTA values for docility are more desirable.


• Polledness is an indication of whether all, none, or half, a bull’s progeny is expected to have horns.

• Polled animals are more desirable since there is no requirement for disbudding, therefore, polled bulls are rewarded in the DBI. Trait Focus

• Problem cows, high cell count cows and late calving cows with are most suitable to inseminate to beef bulls. Don’t breed replacements from your poorest quality cows.

• Traits such as Calving Easy, Gestation and Carcass Merit and the most optimum traits for beef on dairy

• When beef bulls are used early in the breeding season, selection for higher carcass merit and calving easy are more desirable than gestation length.

Carcass merit may not be important to dairy farm, however it is important to the customer that is buying beef calves.

Information Source: ICBF What Does the Dairy Beef Index Select For? •Easy calving, short gestation, and less calf mortality •Heavier carcasses of greater conformation and lower fat score •Cattle that are polled and docile with lower feed intake Dairy Beef Index 13%Gestation DairyCalving Diff35% Calf 1%Mortality CarcassWeight 27% Value of Beef Sub-Index 51% FeedIntake 9% 7%WeightOutSpec: Carcass Conf4% Carcass Fat 2% Out Spec Conf 1% Docility 1% Value of Calving Sub-Index 49% 6
The symbols below describe trademarks and features of all the bulls in this catalogue. Each bull gets a total of six trademarks appointed, which are related to the bull. The trademarks are divided in two colors: Red and Grey. The red trademarks symbolize the trademarks which the bull inherits, and therefor improve your herd. The grey symbols show the reliability indicator and other information which is characteristic for a specific bull. A2 A2 CALVING EASE COMMERCIAL COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE FEET & LEGS UDDERGTPI NM $$PRODUCTION OUTCROSS TYPE ROBOT SIRE OF SONS PRODUCTION Milk improver COMPONENTS Components improver PRODUCTIVE LIFE Longevity improver FEET & LEGS Feet and legs improver UDDER Udder improver HEALTH TRAITS Low somatic cells and high scores for productive life and positive daughter pregnancy rate GTPI GTPI improver TYPE Type improver CALVING EASE Calving ease improver NET MERIT $ Net Merit improver COMMERCIAL Medium sized, high combined fat and protein, and positive daughter pregnancy rate ROBOT SPECIALIST Long teats, wide rear teat placement and udder depth NEW DAUGHTER PROVEN SEXED SEMEN GENOMICS FERTILITY FEED EFFICIENCY FERTILITY Fertility improver and positive daughter pregnancy rate A2A2 Beta Casein A2/A2 FEED EFFICIENCY Feed e ciency improver DAUGHTER PROVEN Index based on genomic data and daughter performance NEW New in our catalogue GENOMIC Index based on genomic data SEXED SEMEN Sexed semen available OUTCROSS Di erent sire stack SIRE OF SONS Bulls which will be used in the breeding programs of international organizations RELIABILITY INDICATOR White quadrants reflect proven sires in the pedigree and red quadrants reflect sires with genomic data in their pedigree and/or less than 500 daughters in their proof. A sire is proven when he has a minimum of 60 daughters in the first run and at least 500 daughters in the third run. TRADEMARKS AND LINEAR GUIDE STATURE Gröbe Hoogtemaat Taille Estatura STRENGTH Starke Voorhand Puissance Fortaleza BODY DEPTH Körpertiefe Inhoud Profondeur de corps Profundidad corporal DAIRY FORM Milchcharakter Openheid état corprel Estructura le chera RUMP ANGLE Beckenneigung Kruisligging Inclinaison de bassin Angulo de grupa THURL WIDTH Beckenbreite Kruisbreedte Largeur de basin Anchura de grupa REAR LEGS SIDE VIEW hinterbeinwinkelung beenstand zij Membres vue còté Vista lateral patas REAR LEGS REAR VIEW hinterbeinstellung beenstand achter Membres vue arrière Vista Posterior patas FOOT ANGLE Klauenwinkel Klauwhoek Talon Angulo podal FORE UDDER ATTaCHMENT Vordereuteraufhangung Vooruieraanhechting Attache avant Inserión anterior de ubre REAR UDDER HEIGHT Hintereuterhohe Achteruierhoogte Hauteur attache arrière Inserclión posterior de ubre UDDER CLEFT Zentralband Ophangband Ligament Ligamento Suspensor UDDER DEPTH Eutertiefe Uierdiepte Profondeur de mamelle Profundidad de ubre FRONT TEAT PLACEMENT Strichplatzierung vorne Voorspeenplaatsing Placement trayon avant Colocación Pezoned Anteriores REAR TEAT PLACEMENT Strichplatzierung hinten Achterspeenplaatsing Placement trayon arrière Colocacón Pezones Posteriores TEAT LENGTH Strichlange Speenlengte Trayons Longitud pezoned Teat Length Rear Teat Placement Front Teat Placement Udder Depth Udder Cleft Rear Udder Width Rear Udder Height Fore Attachment Feet & Legs Score Foot Angle Rear Legs-Rear View Rear Legs-Side View Thurl Width Rump Angle Dairy Form Body Depth Strength Stature Feet & Leg Composite Udder Composite Type 1.38 1.50 1.12 1.28 1.53 0.99 -0.18 -1.14 1.52 -0.05 1.50 1.14 1.14 2.31 1.51 1.39 0.36 2.02 0.40 0.42 0.32 Tall Strong Deep Tight High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close LongTeat Length Rear Teat Placement Front Teat Placement Udder Depth Udder Cleft Rear Udder Width Rear Udder Height Fore Attachment Feet & Legs Score Foot Angle Rear Legs-Rear View Rear Legs-Side View Thurl Width Rump Angle Dairy Form Body Depth Strength Stature Feet & Leg Composite Udder Composite Type 1.38 1.50 1.12 1.28 1.53 0.99 -0.18 -1.14 1.52 -0.05 1.50 1.14 1.14 2.31 1.51 1.39 0.36 2.02 0.40 0.42 0.32 Tall Strong Deep Tight High Pins Wide Posty Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long By signing the agreement, the breeder grants AI Total the irrevocable option to purchase all O spring created using AiDol Sire semen prior to the end-date as listed on the AIDOL page on the AI Total website. In the event that AI Total denies exercising its option the client is free to do whatever they wish with the o spring. 7
Top Rankings Top 5 : GTPI In our World +3052 Martin +3031 Prada +2972 Dr. No +2962 Gen Patch +2951 Milk PTAM Gen Patch +1949 Messi +1819 Moon +1552 Catchy +1548 Dr. No +1467 Top 5: lbs Protein Gen Patch +67 Lovoo +62 Moon +61 Jazz +60 Dr. No +58 Top 5: PTAT Happen +3.75 Have It All +3.57 Mooi PRC +3.32 Davinci +3.16 Arrow +3.00 Top 5: EBI Catchy €240 Profit €227 Harry €224 Rave €212 Cash €211 Top 5: Productive Life Gen Patch +7.0 Profit +6.9 Dr. No +6.3 Cash +6.3 Novastar +5.5 Top 5: Somatic Cell Count Profit +2.60 Stardancer +2.63 Harry +2.63 Mozart PP RC +2.64 Mitchell +2.67 Top 5: Net Merit Gen Patch +1062 Dr. No +1045 Martin +1026 In Our World +995 Cash +938 Top 5: % Protein Blooper +0.14 Mozart PP RC +0.13 Falko +0.12 Davinci +0.11 Jazz +0.10 Top 5: lbs Fat Martin +116 In Our World +102 Eifle +95 Hudson +95 Lovoo +95 Top 5: Udders Happen +2.95 Mooi-P RC +2.93 Have It All +2.75 Arrow +2.58 Davinci +2.40 Top 5: Fertility Index (EBI) Apple Pie Red €86 Catchy €57 Rave €48 Novastar €46 Harry €45 Top 5: Daughter Progeny Rate (DPR) Prada +1.7 Gen Patch +1.5 Cash +1.4 Falko +1.3 Mozart +1.0 Top 5: Teat Length Prada +1.07 Novastar +0.73 EQ +0.73 Davinci +0.70 Moon +0.69 Top 5: Grazing Merit Gen Patch +1025 Martin +994 Dr. No +981 In Our World +970 Cash +924 Top 5: % Fat Eifle +0.28 Mozart PP RC +0.28 Martin +0.23 Falko +0.23 Singapore +0.23 Top 5: Combined Fat + Protein Martin +165 In Our World +157 Lovoo +157 Dr. No +152 Prada +144 Top 5: Feet & Legs Happen +2.06 Have It All +1.84 Arrow +1.74 Davinci +1.57 Relax Red +1.31 Top 5: Feed Efficiency Martin +277 Dr. No +261 In Our World +255 Lovoo +255 Gen Patch +246 Top 5: Calving Ease Gen Patch +1.2 Rave +1.2 Spirit Red +1.6 Cash +1.6 Profit +1.6 Robot Suitable: Prada Falko Philip Relax Red Rave Gen Patch 8
9 DAM Al-Lew Monterey Ashley 1346 EX-92-USA EX-93-MS 4yr. 2-09 305d 12.546kgM 4.2% 525F 3.6% 450P MGD Al-Lew Mgl Astute 1207-ET EX-91 2E 2.04 365d 13.739kgM 4.1% 563F 3.4% 469P MGGD Al-Lew Dmn Amazon 1059-ET EX-90-3YR 3.04 365d 15.168kgM 3.7% 558F 3.4% 514P Milk PTAM +729 lb Combined F+P CFP +82 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.07 Fat PTAF +47 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +35 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.98 Net Merit NM$ +545 Productive Life PL +4.1 Cheese Merit CM$ +552 Livability LIV +0.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +483 Fertility Index FI -0.4 Grazing Merit GM$ +473 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.7 Feed Efficiency FE +122 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.4 / -0.1 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.5 / 2.4 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 7.0 / 5.7 aAa 243615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) ARROW Doc X Monterey X Mogul ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 81 59 Milk Sub Index 84 75 Fertility Sub Index -27 52 Calving Sub Index 30 59 Beef Sub Index -7 42 Maintance Sub Index -14 39 Management Sub Index 1 60 Health Sub Index 14 68 Calving Heifer 7.13 63 Calving cow 3.29 87 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.06 46 Mastitis -.05 67 TB 8.39 63 Liver Fluke 32.15 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 507 75 Fat (kg) 18 75 Prot (kg) 16 75 Fat (%) -0.03 75 Protein (%) -0.02 75 AI Code: FR8211 National ID: BBP000770753339 International ID: HOLDEUM000770753339 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 27-AUG-2018 Pedigree Status: PED TYPE PRODUCTIVE LIFE UDDER FEET & LEGS SEXED SEMEN 4 M DAM: AL-LEW MONTEREY ASHLEY EX-92-USA EX-93 MS FULL SISTER TO ARROW: DG NH ASCHLEY VG-88-FR VG-89-MS 2YR.
10 DAM Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 9.041kgM 5.0% 446F 3.8% 343P MGD Larcrest Chenile-ET VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.03 365d 12.040kgM 4.8% 577F 4.0% 480P MGGD Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 2.03 365d 13.204kgM 4.5% 600F 3.7% 489P Milk PTAM -585 lb Combined F+P CFP +58 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.22 Fat PTAF +37 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.14 Protein PTAP +21 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.94 Net Merit NM$ +293 Productive Life PL +0.3 Cheese Merit CM$ +316 Livability LIV -0.1 Fluid Merit FM$ +111 Fertility Index FI +0.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +311 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.1 Feed Efficiency FE +92 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.6 / +1.3 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.1 / 1.9 Kappa Casein AA Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.6 / 4.5 aAa 342 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) BLOOPER Boss x Beacon x Ramos ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 96 70 Milk Sub Index 84 91 Fertility Sub Index -32 72 Calving Sub Index 31 51 Beef Sub Index -15 38 Maintance Sub Index 7 37 Management Sub Index 5 62 Health Sub Index 18 72 Calving Heifer 6.41 53 Calving cow 3.13 83 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.08 47 Mastitis -.09 67 TB 5.42 64 Liver Fluke 32.16 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 75 91 Fat (kg) 14 91 Prot (kg) 10 91 Fat (%) 0.19 91 Protein (%) 0.14 91 AI Code: S3719 National ID: CNP000761628082 International ID: HOLNLDM000761628082 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 20-JAN-2014 Pedigree Status: PED DAUGHTER PROVEN COMPONENTS A2 A2 UDDER COMMERCIAL DAM: ROCCAFARM BEACON CHRISSY VG-87-BEL MGD: LARCREST CHENILE-ET VG-86-USA
11 DAM: DG BRILLIANT NC 2-00 305D 9410KGM 4.00% 377F 3.32% 313P MGD: MS DG DELTA BRIDGETT EX-93 2-09 305D 13708KGM 4.4% 606F 3.2 435P MGGD: CALLBRETT SUPERSIRE BARB VG-86 2-04 365D 13830KGM 4.2% 581F 3.4% 469P Milk PTAM +1148 lb Combined F+P CFP +133 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.12 Fat PTAF +80 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.06 Protein PTAP +53 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.79 Net Merit NM$ +798 Productive Life PL +4.4 Cheese Merit CM$ +812 Livability LIV +1.5 Fluid Merit FM$ +704 Fertility Index FI +0.8 Grazing Merit GM$ +757 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.1 Feed Efficiency FE +204 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +2.5 / +1.6 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.1 / 2.0 Kappa Casein AA Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.8 / 4.7 aAa 234165 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) BORAZ RC MITCHELL 53 X RESOLVE X DELTA ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 152 52 Milk Sub Index 83 72 Fertility Sub Index 8 43 Calving Sub Index 39 46 Beef Sub Index -10 32 Maintance Sub Index -5 32 Management Sub Index 5 55 Health Sub Index 32 62 Calving Heifer 7.87 46 Calving cow 3.19 64 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.12 39 Mastitis -.16 59 TB 7.24 57 Liver Fluke 32.62 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 308 72 Fat (kg) 19 72 Prot (kg) 12 72 Fat (%) 0.11 72 Protein (%) 0.03 72 AI Code: FR8028 National ID: NL673378013 International ID: HOLNLDM000673378013 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 20-SEP-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI COMPONENTS COMMERCIAL HEALTH OUTCROSS MGGD CALLBRETT SUPERSIRE BARB RC VG-86-USA 2YR. MGD MS DG DELTA BRIDGETT RC EX-92-USA
12 DAM Hul-Stein DG Calinda NC 2.04 305d 10.562kgM 4.6% 485F 3.6% 375P MGD Larcrest Calinda-ET MGGD Larcrest Crimson-ET EX-94 EX-96-MS GMD DOM 5.02 365d 21.042kgM 5.3% 1110F 3.7% 775P Milk PTAM +792 lb Combined F+P CFP +85 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.05 Fat PTAF +46 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.05 Protein PTAP +39 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.91 Net Merit NM$ +440 Productive Life PL +1.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +450 Livability LIV -0.9 Fluid Merit FM$ +366 Fertility Index FI -0.7 Grazing Merit GM$ +404 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.0 Feed Efficiency FE +131 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.8 / -0.8 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.0 / 1.8 Kappa Casein AA Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.8 / 5.3 aAa 423156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) CASEY Supershot x Mogul x Observer ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 193 71 Milk Sub Index 113 91 Fertility Sub Index 12 69 Calving Sub Index 47 58 Beef Sub Index -5 45 Maintance Sub Index 1 43 Management Sub Index 7 61 Health Sub Index 17 71 Calving Heifer 6.23 59 Calving cow 2.84 82 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.06 44 Mastitis -.08 66 TB 8.43 64 Liver Fluke 32.82 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 526 91 Fat (kg) 22 91 Prot (kg) 20 91 Fat (%) 0.02 91 Protein (%) 0.03 91 AI Code: FR8202 National ID: CNP000678889750 International ID: HOLNLDM000678889750 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 06-FEB-2015 Pedigree Status: PED DAUGHTER PROVEN PRODUCTION COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE COMMERCIAL DAM: HUL-STEIN DG CALINDA NL MGGD: LARCREST CRIMSON-ET EX-94-USA
13 DAM EBA MANON GP-84 LA1 305D 8377KGM 4.8% 398F 3.9% 325P MGD: EBA JOA-ET GP-83 3-05 305D 11846KGM 3.9% 465F 3.5% 414P MGGD: EBA HANOI VG-87 LA1 305D 11133KGM 3.6% 3.3% (PROJ) Milk PTAM +1400 lb Combined F+P CFP +111 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.01 Fat PTAF +58 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.03 Protein PTAP +53 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.68 Net Merit NM$ +938 Productive Life PL +6.3 Cheese Merit CM$ +950 Livability LIV +2.2 Fluid Merit FM$ +876 Fertility Index FI +1.7 Grazing Merit GM$ +924 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.4 Feed Efficiency FE +216 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.6 / +3.3 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.6 / 1.8 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.6 / 4.8 aAa 243516 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) CASH Charl X Jedi X Halogen ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 211 54 Milk Sub Index 124 73 Fertility Sub Index 25 46 Calving Sub Index 45 45 Beef Sub Index -13 35 Maintance Sub Index 5 34 Management Sub Index 0 57 Health Sub Index 25 65 Calving Heifer 6.58 50 Calving cow 2.52 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.07 41 Mastitis -.1 62 TB 10.51 61 Liver Fluke 32.52 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 721 73 Fat (kg) 24 73 Prot (kg) 24 73 Fat (%) -0.07 73 Protein (%) -0.01 73 AI Code: S3808 National ID: BQF005356942877 International ID: HOLFRAM005356942877 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 06-APR-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI PRODUCTION A2 A2 PRODUCTIVE LIFE FERTILITY SEXED SEMEN 3RD DAM: EBA HANOI VG-87-FR | LA1 305D 11133KGM 3.6% 3.3% (PROJ) FAMILY MEMBER: EBA LIZA VG-88-FR
14 DAM HH JEDI CHASSY GP-84 LA1 305D 14370KGM 3.7% 535F 3.4% 491P MGS: JEDI MGD: VEKIS CHAYENNA-ET GP-83 3-05 305D 10313KGM 4,39% 453F 3.34% 344P MGGS: KINGBOY MGGD: VEKIS CHELSEA VG-86 465D 14817KGM 4.0% 599F 3.6% 531P Milk PTAM +1548 lb Combined F+P CFP +142 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.10 Fat PTAF +89 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +53 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.78 Net Merit NM$ +830 Productive Life PL +3.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +837 Livability LIV -1.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +792 Fertility Index FI -0.3 Grazing Merit GM$ +785 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.2 Feed Efficiency FE +237 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.2 / +0.5 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.0 / 1.5 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.5 / 4.1 aAa 324156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) CATCHY Charl X Jedi X Kingboy ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 240 54 Milk Sub Index 123 73 Fertility Sub Index 57 46 Calving Sub Index 47 45 Beef Sub Index -2 35 Maintance Sub Index -4 34 Management Sub Index 1 56 Health Sub Index 18 64 Calving Heifer 7.05 49 Calving cow 2.77 67 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.04 40 Mastitis -.06 61 TB 9.55 59 Liver Fluke 32.68 26 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 787 73 Fat (kg) 29 73 Prot (kg) 23 73 Fat (%) -0.02 73 Protein (%) -0.06 73 AI Code: S3840 National ID: CNP000659441276 International ID: HOLNLDM000659441276 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 24-SEP-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ A2 A2 PRODUCTION PRODUCTIVE LIFE FEED EFFICIENCY DAM HH JEDI CHASSY GP-84-DE LA1. MGGD VEKIS CHELSEA VG-86 2YR.
15 DAM Het Sound Chenile-ET VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. 2.00 305d 9.464kgM 4.1% 389F 3.6% 340P MGD Diepenhoek Chanel VG-87 3.09 305d 12.227kgM 4.4% 539F 3.9% 479P MGGD Roccafarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.03 305d 9.041kgM 5.0% 446F 3.8% 343P Milk PTAM +1085 lb Combined F+P CFP +136 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.14 Fat PTAF +83 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.07 Protein PTAP +53 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.73 Net Merit NM$ +762 Productive Life PL +3.2 Cheese Merit CM$ +779 Livability LIV -0.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +658 Fertility Index FI -0.5 Grazing Merit GM$ +717 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.0 Feed Efficiency FE +216 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.1 / Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 2.0 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.6 / 4.6 aAa 0 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) CHARMING Kenobi x Sound System x Balisto ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 155 56 Milk Sub Index 120 74 Fertility Sub Index -9 48 Calving Sub Index 33 48 Beef Sub Index -11 35 Maintance Sub Index -1 34 Management Sub Index 2 59 Health Sub Index 21 66 Calving Heifer 10.68 53 Calving cow 3.49 69 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.1 44 Mastitis -.07 64 TB 7.86 63 Liver Fluke 32.94 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 602 74 Fat (kg) 24 74 Prot (kg) 21 74 Fat (%) 0.00 74 Protein (%) 0.01 74 AI Code: S3843 National ID: CNP000485091869 International ID: HOLNLDM000485091869 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 03-AUG-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ A2 A2 PRODUCTION COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE MGGD ROCCAFARM BEACON CHRISSY VG-87 BEL MGGGD LARCREST CHENILE-ET VG-86 USA
16 DAM Eba Netty VG-87-FR 2yr. La1 222d 8.290kgM 4.8% 397F 3.5% 289P MGD Eba Liza VG-88-FR 2yr. 2.06 305d 10.179kgM 4.5% 457F 3.6% 363P MGGD Eba Heazy VG-88-FR 2yr. 6.08 305d 14.778kgM 4.3% 635F 3.4% 501P Milk PTAM +205 lb Combined F+P CFP +90 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.16 Fat PTAF +53 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.11 Protein PTAP +37 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.84 Net Merit NM$ +513 Productive Life PL +2.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +534 Livability LIV -0.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +364 Fertility Index FI +0.6 Grazing Merit GM$ +494 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.4 Feed Efficiency FE +122 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.4 / +0.6 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.4 / 1.2 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.3 / 4.0 aAa 243165 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) DAVINCI Dylan x Sillian x Kingboy ICBF (OCT2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 99 56 Milk Sub Index 93 74 Fertility Sub Index -14 43 Calving Sub Index 15 72 Beef Sub Index -5 33 Maintance Sub Index -18 33 Management Sub Index 2 57 Health Sub Index 27 64 Calving Heifer 9.02 71 Calving cow 3.52 85 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.07 42 Mastitis -.14 62 TB 5.96 61 Liver Fluke 32.77 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 384 74 Fat (kg) 19 74 Prot (kg) 15 74 Fat (%) 0.07 74 Protein (%) 0.03 74 AI Code: FR6921 National ID: FR7261004257 International ID: HOLFRAM007261004257 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 25-JUN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI COMPONENTS TYPE UDDER FEET & LEGS SEXED SEMEN 4 M DAM EBA NETTY VG-87-FR 2YR. MGD EBA LIZA VG-88-FR
17 DAM GEN DURKJE VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2YR. 2-05 305D 10085KGM 4.2% 427F 3.5% 352P MGD DG ARIANA GP-84-DE 2YR. 2-03 305D 9187KGM 4.2% 388F 3.7% 338P MGGD AL-LEW MONTEREY ASHLEY 1346 EX-94-USA 2-09 348D 14006KGM 4.2% 590F 3.8% 538P Milk PTAM +1467 lb Combined F+P CFP +152 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.13 Fat PTAF +94 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +58 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.68 Net Merit NM$ +1045 Productive Life PL +6.3 Cheese Merit CM$ +1059 Livability LIV +2.9 Fluid Merit FM$ +969 Fertility Index FI +0.4 Grazing Merit GM$ +981 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.3 Feed Efficiency FE +261 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +2.6 / +1.4 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.1 / 1.7 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.3 / 3.8 aAa 0 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) DR. NO CAPTAIN X CRIMSON X CHARLEY ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 154 46 Milk Sub Index 112 66 Fertility Sub Index -29 32 Calving Sub Index 32 42 Beef Sub Index -7 31 Maintance Sub Index 8 31 Management Sub Index 11 56 Health Sub Index 26 64 Calving Heifer 5.56 47 Calving cow 2.64 67 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.1 41 Mastitis -.1 62 TB 7.7 1 Liver Fluke Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 673 66 Fat (kg) 26 66 Prot (kg) 20 66 Fat (%) 0.00 66 Protein (%) -0.04 66 AI Code: National ID: CNP000575217889 International ID: HONLD000575217889 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 18-JUN-2021 Pedigree Status: PED
18 DAM Kings-Ransom Delta Destiny EX-92-USA MGD Kings-Ransom DM Debonair EX-93-USA MGGD Kings-Ransom Dorc Dextra EX-94-USA Milk PTAM +393 lb Combined F+P CFP +88 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.12 Fat PTAF +50 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.09 Protein PTAP +38 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.91 Net Merit NM$ +565 Productive Life PL +2.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +582 Livability LIV -0.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +440 Fertility Index FI +0.8 Grazing Merit GM$ +573 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.7 Feed Efficiency FE +144 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.9 / +1.8 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.8 / 1.6 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.9 / 4.7 aAa 231465 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) DYLAN Granite x Delta x Doorman ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 109 67 Milk Sub Index 101 88 Fertility Sub Index -24 66 Calving Sub Index 38 56 Beef Sub Index -3 37 Maintance Sub Index -7 36 Management Sub Index -10 58 Health Sub Index 14 67 Calving Heifer 7.20 57 Calving cow 2.74 88 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.02 43 Mastitis -.08 64 TB 7.65 62 Liver Fluke 32.17 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 367 88 Fat (kg) 20 88 Prot (kg) 16 88 Fat (%) 0.09 88 Protein (%) 0.06 88 AI Code: FR8181 National ID: ELI003139851226 International ID: HOL840M003139851226 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 06-APR-2017 Pedigree Status: PED TYPE UDDER CALVING EASE FEET & LEGS COMPONENTS FERTILITYSEXED SEMEN 4 M DAM KINGS-RANSOM DELTA DESTINY EX-92-USA MGD KINGS-RANSOM DM DEBONAIR-ET EX-93-USA
19 DAM Sandy-Valley Emari-ET 1.11 147d 3.817kgM 4.7% 181F 3.3% 127P RIP MGD Sandy-Valley Eternity EX-91-USA DOM 2.01 365d 15.128kgM 4.6% 689F 3.3% 504P MGGD Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83-USA GMD DOM 2.02 365d 15.781kgM 4.2% 658F 3.4% 541P Milk PTAM +434 lb Combined F+P CFP +135 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.28 Fat PTAF +95 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.09 Protein PTAP +40 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.98 Net Merit NM$ +807 Productive Life PL +3.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +823 Livability LIV +1.9 Fluid Merit FM$ +680 Fertility Index FI +1.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +802 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.7 Feed Efficiency FE +224 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.3 / +1.2 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.3 / 2.5 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.5 / 6.1 aAa 243165 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) EIFLE Renegade x Samuri x Rubicon ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 195 56 Milk Sub Index 127 73 Fertility Sub Index 31 43 Calving Sub Index 33 74 Beef Sub Index -10 35 Maintance Sub Index -6 33 Management Sub Index 2 57 Health Sub Index 18 65 Calving Heifer 7.91 70 Calving cow 3.13 81 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.04 41 Mastitis -.09 62 TB 7.58 60 Liver Fluke 32.18 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 552 73 Fat (kg) 26 73 Prot (kg) 21 73 Fat (%) 0.08 73 Protein (%) 0.03 73 AI Code: FR6661 National ID: ELI003148929319 International ID: HOL840M003148929319 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 24-FEB-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE FERTILITY SEXED SEMEN 4 M MGD SANDY-VALLEY ETERNITY-ET EX-92-USA MGD SANDY-VALLEY ETERNITY-ET EX-92-USA
20 DAM: SANDY-VALLEY ECSTASY-ET VG-86 MGD: SANDY-VALLEY EDEN-ET GP-83-USA VG-MS 2YR. 2-04 331D 11181KGM 5.0% 556F 3.0% 409P MGGD: SANDY-VALLEY ETERNITY-ET EX-92 2-02 2X 365D 15127KGM 4.6% 689F 3.5% 533P Milk PTAM +1196 lb Combined F+P CFP +147 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.15 Fat PTAF +91 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.06 Protein PTAP +56 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.87 Net Merit NM$ +859 Productive Life PL +4.4 Cheese Merit CM$ +873 Livability LIV +0.4 Fluid Merit FM$ +761 Fertility Index FI +0.9 Grazing Merit GM$ +827 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.2 Feed Efficiency FE +229 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.4 / +1.7 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.3 / 2.1 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.3 / 5.1 aAa 516324 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) EQ RENEGADE X FRAZZLED X MODESTY ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 189 53 Milk Sub Index 137 72 Fertility Sub Index 6 43 Calving Sub Index 43 50 Beef Sub Index -3 33 Maintance Sub Index -11 32 Management Sub Index 1 56 Health Sub Index 14 63 Calving Heifer 5.03 57 Calving cow 2.19 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.04 40 Mastitis -.05 73 TB 6.72 59 Liver Fluke 32.28 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 736 72 Fat (kg) 31 72 Prot (kg) 24 72 Fat (%) 0.04 72 Protein (%) -0.02 72 AI Code: FR8025 National ID: 840003209481288 International ID: HOL840M003209481288 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 01-MAY-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ PRODUCTION COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN EQ 3RD DAM: SANDY-VALLEY ETERNITY EX-92-USA
21 DAM Hul-Stein Famke 2.06 305d 10.097kgM 4.4% 444F 3.4% 343P MGD Hulstein Fedi 2-ET MGGD Schreur DG Fantastica-ET VG-85 2.00 305d 10.015kgM 4.1% 406F 3.4% 338P Milk PTAM +43 lb Combined F+P CFP +100 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.23 Fat PTAF +65 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.12 Protein PTAP +35 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.78 Net Merit NM$ +678 Productive Life PL +4.2 Cheese Merit CM$ +701 Livability LIV +2.4 Fluid Merit FM$ +513 Fertility Index FI +1.5 Grazing Merit GM$ +663 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.3 Feed Efficiency FE +150 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +2.3 / +2.6 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 1.9 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.1 / 3.9 aAa 432561 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) FALKO AltaRobert x Achiever x Jedi ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 198 55 Milk Sub Index 113 74 Fertility Sub Index 37 44 Calving Sub Index 31 61 Beef Sub Index -7 33 Maintance Sub Index -8 32 Management Sub Index 4 60 Health Sub Index 26 67 Calving Heifer 7.41 59 Calving cow 2.52 83 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.1 45 Mastitis -.14 65 TB 8.89 63 Liver Fluke 32.59 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 324 74 Fat (kg) 22 74 Prot (kg) 16 74 Fat (%) 0.16 74 Protein (%) 0.09 74 AI Code: FR7344 National ID: CNP000588792298 International ID: HOLNLDM000588792298 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 30-OCT-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ COMPONENTS A2 A2 PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN 4 M DAM: HUL-STEIN FAMKE VG-87 FAMILY MEMBER: GEN-I-BEQ GW SECRET VG-87-CAN 2YR.
22 DAM PRIMEVAL 8497 VG-85 LA1 305D 12800KGM 4.09% 523F 3.58% 458P MGS: BURLEY MGD: SEAGULL-BAY MY OCTAVIA-ET VG-86 2-01 170D 7066KGM 4.0% 280F 3.3% 232P MGGS: OCTOBERFEST MGGD: S-S-I MOONRY MYESHA 9071-ET VG-85 2-01 2X 365D 15087KGM 4.0% 603F 3.5% 523P Milk PTAM +1949 lb Combined F+P CFP +137 lb Fat % PTAF% -0.02 Fat PTAF +70 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +67 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.83 Net Merit NM$ +1062 Productive Life PL +7.0 Cheese Merit CM$ +1070 Livability LIV +3.4 Fluid Merit FM$ +1016 Fertility Index FI +1.8 Grazing Merit GM$ +1025 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.5 Feed Efficiency FE +246 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.1 / +2.3 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.2 / 1.1 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.2 / 3.8 aAa 432561 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) GEN PATCH Timberlake X Burley X Octoberfest ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 153 53 Milk Sub Index 110 73 Fertility Sub Index -7 43 Calving Sub Index 50 43 Beef Sub Index -11 33 Maintance Sub Index -5 32 Management Sub Index 4 58 Health Sub Index 12 64 Calving Heifer 8.14 49 Calving cow 2.22 66 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.03 42 Mastitis -.04 62 TB 7.51 61 Liver Fluke 32.39 32 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 818 73 Fat (kg) 22 73 Prot (kg) 23 73 Fat (%) -0.15 73 Protein (%) -0.07 73 AI Code: S3831 National ID: CNP000737302967 International ID: HOLNLDM000737302967 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 28-FEB-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ PRODUCTION PRODUCTIVE LIFE FERTILITY HEALTH MGGGD S-S-I BOOKEM MODESTO7269-ET VG-87 USA MGGD S-S-I MOONRY MYESHA 9071-ET VG-85 USA
23 DAM: SIEMERS DOC HANKER 28653 EX-92-USA 3YR. (MAX) 1-11 3X 296D 14810KGM 4.0% 587F 3.2% 468P INC. MGS: KING DOC MGD: SIEMERS MONTEREY HANKER-ET EX-91 2-01 365D 16379KGM 4.1% 676F 3.3% 545P MGGS: MONTEREY MGGD: COOKIECUTTER MOG HANKER-ET EX-94 4-01 2X 305D 17926KGM 4.2% 750F 3.6% 636P Milk PTAM +924 lb Combined F+P CFP +102 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.10 Fat PTAF +64 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.03 Protein PTAP +38 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 3.06 Net Merit NM$ +443 Productive Life PL +1.1 Cheese Merit CM$ +447 Livability LIV -2.5 Fluid Merit FM$ +396 Fertility Index FI -2.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +365 Pregnancy Rate DPR -2.8 Feed Efficiency FE +146 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.1 / -3.1 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.5 / 2.0 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.8 / 5.2 aAa 234615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) HAPPEN Excalibur X Rubicon X Supersire ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 58 54 Milk Sub Index 104 73 Fertility Sub Index -60 44 Calving Sub Index 17 52 Beef Sub Index -11 36 Maintance Sub Index -16 35 Management Sub Index 11 58 Health Sub Index 13 65 Calving Heifer 9.19 53 Calving cow 4.04 79 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.05 43 Mastitis -.05 64 TB 7.06 60 Liver Fluke 32.79 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 664 73 Fat (kg) 25 73 Prot (kg) 19 73 Fat (%) -0.02 73 Protein (%) -0.05 73 AI Code: FR8193 National ID: 840003208356666 International ID: HOL840M003208356666 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 09-JAN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED TYPE A2 A2 COMPONENTS UDDER FEET & LEGS SEXED SEMEN DAM: SIEMERS DOC HANKER 28653 EX-92-VG-88-USA 3YR. (MAX) 3RD DAM: COOKIECUTTER MOG HANKER EX-94-USA
24 DAM PrimeVal Genetics 1372 VG-86 2yr. 2.05 305d 9.336kgM 4.25% 397F 3.82% 357P (Proj.) MGD A-L-H Delta Helios VG-86 3.01 305d 13.045kgM 4.03% 526F 3.44% 449P (Proj.) MGGD Cookiecutter Ssire Have VG-86 2.05 305d 13.382kgM 4.9% 657F 3.7% 495P Milk PTAM +860 lb Combined F+P CFP +128 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.17 Fat PTAF +82 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.07 Protein PTAP +46 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.63 Net Merit NM$ +760 Productive Life PL +4.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +779 Livability LIV +0.1 Fluid Merit FM$ +654 Fertility Index FI +0.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +695 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.6 Feed Efficiency FE +195 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.5 / +0.3 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.2 / 2.6 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.7 / 5.8 aAa 243615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) HARRY Nacash x Blowtorch x Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 224 52 Milk Sub Index 122 71 Fertility Sub Index 45 38 Calving Sub Index 43 55 Beef Sub Index -11 37 Maintance Sub Index 0 34 Management Sub Index -1 56 Health Sub Index 26 63 Calving Heifer 5.81 59 Calving cow 2.70 69 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.06 40 Mastitis -.12 61 TB 7.74 59 Liver Fluke 32.34 27 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 476 71 Fat (kg) 25 71 Prot (kg) 19 71 Fat (%) 0.11 71 Protein (%) 0.05 71 AI Code: FR8190 National ID: CNP000748567375 International ID: HOLNLDM000748567375 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 31-JAN-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ A2 A2 COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN 4 M DAM PRIMEVAL GENETICS 1372-ET VG-86-NL 2YR. MGGD COOKIECUTTER SSIRE HAVE-ET VG-86-2YR-USA
25 DAM: Siemers Doc Hanker 28653 VG-88-USA 2yr. 1.11 263d 13.346kgM 4.0% 530F 3.1% 419P MGD: Siemers Monterey Hanker-ET EX-91-USA 2.01 365d 16.379kgM 4.1% 676F 3.3% 545P MGGD: Cookiecutter Mog Hanker-ET EX-94 GMD DOM 4.01 305d 21.228kgM 4.2% 894F 3.4% 722P Milk PTAM +721 lb Combined F+P CFP +122 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.20 Fat PTAF +84 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.05 Protein PTAP +38 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 3.01 Net Merit NM$ +602 Productive Life PL +1.0 Cheese Merit CM$ +611 Livability LIV -1.8 Fluid Merit FM$ +526 Fertility Index FI -1.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +573 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.7 Feed Efficiency FE +194 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.2 / -1.8 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.2 / 1.8 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.7 / 4.0 aAa 243615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) HAVE IT ALL Excalibur x Doc x Monterey ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 130 56 Milk Sub Index 130 73 Fertility Sub Index -34 44 Calving Sub Index 33 69 Beef Sub Index -6 36 Maintance Sub Index -15 35 Management Sub Index 8 59 Health Sub Index 16 66 Calving Heifer 8.01 59 Calving cow 3.25 83 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.09 44 Mastitis -.07 65 TB 11.46 62 Liver Fluke 32.19 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 598 73 Fat (kg) 30 73 Prot (kg) 21 73 Fat (%) 0.10 73 Protein (%) 0.01 73 AI Code: FR8208 National ID: 840003208356638 International ID: HOL840M003208356638 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 21-AUG-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI PRODUCTION COMPONENTS TYPE FEET & LEGS SEXED SEMEN 4 M DAM: SIEMERS DOC HANKER 28653 EX-92-VG-88-USA 3YR. 3RD DAM: COOKIECUTTER MOG HANKER EX-94-USA
26 DAM: A-L-H DELTA HELANIA-ET VG-87 2-09 305D 16132KGM 3.2% 515F 3.1% 503P MGD: COOKIECUTTER SSIRE HAVE-ET VG-86 2-05 305D 13382KGM 4.9% 657F 3.7% 495P MGGD: COOKIECUTTER MOM HALO-ET VG-88 2-00 365D 16003KGM 5.2% 825F 3.7% 591P Milk PTAM +1079 lb Combined F+P CFP +101 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.07 Fat PTAF +61 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +40 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.96 Net Merit NM$ +643 Productive Life PL +3.3 Cheese Merit CM$ +648 Livability LIV +0.1 Fluid Merit FM$ +606 Fertility Index FI +0.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +629 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.0 Feed Efficiency FE +177 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.4 / +1.5 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.1 / 2.2 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.9 / 6.2 aAa 243156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG 2022 ) HERCULES Superher X Delta X Supersire ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 152 61 Milk Sub Index 110 85 Fertility Sub Index -17 50 Calving Sub Index 49 51 Beef Sub Index -16 41 Maintance Sub Index 3 38 Management Sub Index 5 59 Health Sub Index 18 67 Calving Heifer 5.72 58 Calving cow 2.38 70 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.01 43 Mastitis -.1 65 TB 11.59 63 Liver Fluke 31.87 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 674 85 Fat (kg) 25 85 Prot (kg) 20 85 Fat (%) -0.02 85 Protein (%) -0.04 85 AI Code: FR8184 National ID: CNP000618713259 International ID: HOLNLDM000618713259 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 04-JUN-2017 Pedigree Status: PED PRODUCTIVE LIFE PRODUCTION COMPONENTS UDDER COMMERCIAL DAM: A-L-H HELANIA-ET VG-87-NL MGD: COOKIECUTTER SUPERSIRE HAVE-ET VG-86-USA
27 DAM: AOT POSITIVE HOLIDAY MGS: POSITIVE MGD: COOKIECUTTER DTA HABITAN-ET VG-89 2-04 365D 16456KGM 4.7% 774F 3.3% 551P MGGS: DELTA MGGD: COOKIECUTTER DAY HALEY-ET VG-88 2-04 365D 15939KGM 3.9% 626F 3.4% 541P Milk PTAM +1013 lb Combined F+P CFP +141 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.19 Fat PTAF +95 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.05 Protein PTAP +46 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.72 Net Merit NM$ +876 Productive Life PL +5.1 Cheese Merit CM$ +890 Livability LIV +0.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +794 Fertility Index FI +0.8 Grazing Merit GM$ +854 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.6 Feed Efficiency FE +228 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.3 / +2.2 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.7 / 2.3 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.6 / 6.5 aAa 423651 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) HUDSON Einstein X Positive X Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 158 51 Milk Sub Index 130 72 Fertility Sub Index 0 39 Calving Sub Index 27 45 Beef Sub Index -7 33 Maintance Sub Index -6 32 Management Sub Index -3 5 Health Sub Index 17 62 Calving Heifer 8.67 47 Calving cow 3.92 66 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.04 39 Mastitis -.06 60 TB 9.29 58 Liver Fluke 32.54 27 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 732 72 Fat (kg) 28 72 Prot (kg) 23 72 Fat (%) -0.01 72 Protein (%) -0.02 72 AI Code: FR7590 National ID: ELI003212245742 International ID: HOL840M003212245742 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 03-MAY-2020 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ GTPI A2 A2 COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN 4 M MGGD: COOKIECUTTER DAY HALEY-ET VG-88 MGD: COOKIECUTTER DTA HABITAN VG-89
28 DAM: FUTURE DREAM H. PRIMEVAL 1356 VG-87-NL VG-89-MS MGD: A-L-H DELTA HELIOS-ET VG-86 3-01 305D 13045KM 4.03% 526F 3.44% 449P PROJ. MGGD: COOKIECUTTER SSIRE HAVE-ET VG-86 2-05 305D 13382KGM 4.9% 657F 3.7% 495P Milk PTAM +1293 lb Combined F+P CFP +73 lb Fat % PTAF% -0.07 Fat PTAF +28 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +45 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.81 Net Merit NM$ +634 Productive Life PL +5.1 Cheese Merit CM$ +641 Livability LIV +3.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +598 Fertility Index FI +0.7 Grazing Merit GM$ +573 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.2 Feed Efficiency FE +128 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.3 / +0.8 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 2.2 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.5 / 5.8 aAa 243561 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) I AM RED & PP Solitair P Red X Powerfull-PP RC X Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 180 52 Milk Sub Index 113 72 Fertility Sub Index 16 43 Calving Sub Index 38 43 Beef Sub Index -6 33 Maintance Sub Index -3 33 Management Sub Index 3 57 Health Sub Index 20 64 Calving Heifer 7.75 50 Calving cow 2.70 66 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.05 41 Mastitis -.08 62 TB 5.55 60 Liver Fluke 32.23 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 731 72 Fat (kg) 21 72 Prot (kg) 23 72 Fat (%) -0.11 72 Protein (%) -0.03 72 AI Code: FR8154 National ID: CNP000730307181 International ID: HOLNLDM000730307181 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 20-APR-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI HEALTH PRODUCTIVE LIFE A2 A2 CALVING EASE SEXED SEMEN FULL SISTER TO GRAND DAM: ALH DELTA HASHTAG MGGGD COOKIECUTTER MOM HALO-ET VG-88-USA
DAM WELCOME LGACY HELEN-ET VG-85 2-01 305D 13603KGM 4.6% 628F 3.4% 465P MGD WELCOME SAMURI HELMA-ET VG-86 3-03 305D 17273KGM 4.3% 740F 3.4% 588P MGGD AOT MONT HASEVERYTHING-ET EX-90 2-02 305D 13032KGM 4.7% 611F 3.4% 449P Milk PTAM +1200 lb Combined F+P CFP +157 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.19 Fat PTAF +102 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.06 Protein PTAP +55 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.78 Net Merit NM$ +995 Productive Life PL +5.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +1010 Livability LIV +0.4 Fluid Merit FM$ +899 Fertility Index FI +1.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +970 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.6 Feed Efficiency FE +255 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +2.6 / +2.4 Beta Casein A1/A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.2 / 2.0 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.1 / 4.2 aAa 0 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) IN OUR WORLD Pari X Legacy X Samuri ICBF (OCT 2022) International ID: HO840003229343755 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 24-JUNE-2021 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ COMPONENTS UDDER COMMERCIAL PRODUCTIVE LIFE ICBF index not published at the time of the print, check online for new EBI Index
30 DAM: MIDAS-TOUCH CASPR JOLLY-ET VG-86 MGD: MIDAS-TOUCH JEDI JANGLE-ET EX-92 2-00 3X 253D 8981KGM 3.4% 301F 3.4% 305P MGGD: SEAGULL-BAY S JILLIAN-ET VG-87 2-01 365D 17776KGM 3.0% 541F 3.4% 604P Milk PTAM +1099 lb Combined F+P CFP +82 lb Fat % PTAF% -0.02 Fat PTAF +35 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +47 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.74 Net Merit NM$ +470 Productive Life PL +2.8 Cheese Merit CM$ +483 Livability LIV -1.2 Fluid Merit FM$ +396 Fertility Index FI +0.9 Grazing Merit GM$ +452 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.6 Feed Efficiency FE +105 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.1 / +1.9 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.5 / 2.2 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.4 / 4.6 aAa 432156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) JACKPOT Tropic X Casper X Jedi ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 119 53 Milk Sub Index 120 74 Fertility Sub Index -29 42 Calving Sub Index 30 45 Beef Sub Index -12 35 Maintance Sub Index -7 34 Management Sub Index -2 58 Health Sub Index 19 65 Calving Heifer 7.11 50 Calving cow 2.86 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -0.07 43 Mastitis -.1 63 TB 6.13 61 Liver Fluke 32.95 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 520 74 Fat (kg) 23 74 Prot (kg) 20 74 Fat (%) 0.05 74 Protein (%) 0.04 74 AI Code: FR8160 National ID: ELI003202768460 International ID: HOL840M003202768460 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 18-JAN-2020 Pedigree Status: PED PRODUCTIVE LIFE TYPE UDDER FERTILITY PRODUCTION SEXED SEMEN 4 M JACKPOT MGD MIDAS-TOUCH JEDI JANGLE EX-92-USA


This popular course will teach you everything that you need in order to AI your own herd. Details of the course are contained below, if you wish to participate or if you have any questions, please visit our website at www.dunmascgenetics.ie or call us on 057-8601813

• Five-day training course plus three free refresher days to use at any point into the future.

• First day is a theory day (covering reproduction, problem cows, legislation, caring for your AI kit and animal welfare). Anatomy of the female reproductive tract. Understanding and treating fertility issues. Understanding the oestrous cycle. Semen collection, processing and freezing. Handling storing and transporting semen. Regulations controlling the practices of A.I. sanitation and prevention of disease spread.

• Four days of practice (lots of cows for training, use of reproductive tracts, dealing with problem cows). Methods for treating fertility issues. Learning washout methods.

• Course given by experienced embryo transfer technicians and vet.

• Upcoming dates:

Aulbrae Zamora, Kilkenny “Learning the science of bovine artificial insemination at Dunmasc Genetics is one of the best decision I've ever made. The hands-on approach of Stephen during our training made the difference, it provides us the guidance on how to effectively perform the AI procedure.”

Tom Flanagan, Laois

“As a part-time farmer, the AI course gives me more flexibility to AI the cows at the optimum time. Stephen and Sean were excellent at giving onsite training and I found it very useful to learn the different approaches to handling cows and the different techniques. They were very forthcoming in sharing their own experiences and answering any questions we had.”

The first day (theory) will take place in Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise Co. Laois, or via Zoom, depending on Covid-19 restrictions. The remaining four days will take place on a farm, we use locking barriers, and each animal will be locked in for Health and Safety, you will receive disposable gowns and gloves daily, and we will supply hand sanitizers as part of our Covid-19 policy to safeguard participants while training. Please make sure that your footwear is clean, disinfection point will be in place. Please bring your own face mask.

Upon completion of your training course, you will be issued with your certificate and an application form for your DIY AI Licence, which you will send to the Department of Agriculture, your licence is valid for five years and you can name up to two other farms on your licence together with your own farm. (Three in total)

David Hudson, Wicklow

I found the DIY AI course very useful. We use a lot of AI on our home farm in Wicklow and would like to be able to serve cows ourselves. After completing the course, I now know how to handle semen properly and inseminate the cows so now I can buy straws from more companies. The course was well run and managed. I would recommend it to other dairy farmers.

Mark Shorten, Cork

“The 5 day D.I.Y A.I course training with Dunmasc genetics was hugely beneficial to me. This course offered me a great insight into reproduction, artificial insemination, equipment, and semen handling. After the 5 days I felt I was very confident and ready to AI the cows in my own herd. I would strongly recommend Dunmasc Genetics to anyone thinking of partaking in a D.I.Y AI course. The team at Dunmasc genetics were very welcoming and easy to deal with in relation to all aspects of the course.”

Read what previous DIY AI Course participants have to say 17th - 21st Oct 2022 21st - 25th Nov 2022 5th - 9th Dec 2022 9th - 13th Jan 2023 Check our website for dates after for Spring of 2023 31


Day Hoof Trimming Programme – Phase 1 The one-day hoof trimming, and lameness mobility workshop is designed to assist you in identifying problems with the hoof. Course content: • Safety considerations around animals • Anatomy of the hoof • Why we should routinely trim the hoof • Factors that contribute to lameness • Tour of yards/housing and farm roadways to identify high risk areas, discussion, and prevention solution for the farm. • We plan to run two separate days as we like to have a group maximum of 10 participants. • Course is delivered by our Professional Trainers and Vet • Certificate of completion will be issued • 9am until 4pm daily with a half hour lunch break, we will implement the Covid 19 procedures, hand sanitizers, mask wearing, disinfection point upon entry to yard. Course Dates are available throughout the year, check on www.dunmascgenetics.ie Two-day hoof trimming course for farmers – Phase 2 The two day course will enable you to do routine trimming and maintenance. Course content: • More practical and hands on than the 1 Day Course • Understanding the cause and prevention methods of lameness, • Basic equipment required, maintenance of knives applying shoes, blocks, and bandages. • Course is delivered by our Professional Hoof Trimmer and Vet • Certificate of completion will be issued • 9am until 4pm daily with a half hour lunch break, we will implement the Covid 19 procedures, hand sanitizers, mask wearing, disinfection point upon entry to yard. Course Dates are available throughout the year, check on www.dunmascgenetics.ie 32
Professional Hoof Trimming Course – Phase 3 Our Professional Hoof Trimming Course is designed for those who wish to make a career out of hoof trimming. This course is run over four days. • Practical hands-on training (two participants per create) • Safety around livestock • Introduction to equipment needs • Maintenance, keeping knives in excellent working order. • We will supply training equipment for course • Course delivered by our Professional hoof trimmer and Vet • Certificate of completion will be issued • 9am until 4pm daily with a half hour lunch break, we will implement the Covid 19 procedures, hand sanitizers, mask wearing, disinfection point upon entry to yard. Lunch will also be served at farm. Course Date 1st to 4th Nov 2022 www.dunmascgenetics.ie

Ultrasound Scanning Course

Phase 1 Foundation Palpation Training (FPT)* is a 4 day course. Phase 1 begins your journey to learn how to scan cows. It starts with Hand Palpation. Scanning Cows is 70% use of the hand, and so hand palpation is a very important step in your overall journey into learning more about Scanning.

Topics Covered

Handling the reproductive organ and identifying the uterus, ovaries, follicles and

pregnant animals

Identifying reproductive problems

Identifying the technique required to palpate cows.

Who is this course for?

• Farmers who wish to gain an understanding of Gestation.

• Students who are eager to enrich their practical knowledge.

• Vets seeking to earn CPD points.

• People who wish to gain a greater understanding of Reproduction.

• Those looking to begin a career in Ultrasound Scanning. Course Dates: 17th to 21 Oct 2022 21st to 25th Nov 2022

to 9th Dec 22 10th to 13th Jan 2023

entry requirement for this course is that you must have successfully completed

AI Training (details for this course are also in this catalogue)

Phase 2 Theory Ultrasound Scanning (TUS)**

This 1 day Theory course is designed to help develop the practical and theoretical knowledge of Bovine Reproduction. Videos and Images will be used during the course presentation.

Topics Covered

Female Reproductive Organs

and Identifying Pregnancies

Identifying the structures on Reproductive Organs

Understanding Reproductive problems and how to correct them Who is this course for?

• Farmers who wish to gain an understanding of Gestation.

• Students who are eager to enrich their practical knowledge.

• Vets seeking to earn CPD points.

• People who wish to gain a greater understanding of Reproduction.

• Those looking to begin a career in Ultrasound Scanning.

Course Dates: 28th Oct 2022 & 23rd Jan 2023

**The entry requirement for this course is that you must have completed DIY AI Training and Phase 1 Foundation Palpation Training

Phase 3 Applied Practical Ultrasound Scanning (APUS)***

This is

Topics Covered

• Identifying
• Dating
a 3 day course where participants will learn how to use an Ultrasound Scanner. Participants will learn how to use the scanner to identify reproductive problems at the various stages of gestation. This course is to develop skills in visual learning with Ultra Scanner. Two-day refresher course in the future, free of charge, date early December ‘21.
• How to care for your Ultrasound Scanner • Which Scanner is best suited to your needs • Identifying Reproductive problems • Understanding how to date pregnancies • Introduction to identifying twins • Understand the gestation of the cow Who is this course for? • Farmers who wish to gain an understanding of Gestation. • Students who are eager to enrich their practical knowledge. • Vets seeking to earn CPD points. • People who wish to gain a greater understanding of Reproduction. • Those looking to begin a career in Ultrasound Scanning. Course Dates: 7th to 9th Nov 2022 30th of Jan to 1st Feb 2023 ***The entry requirement for this course is that you must have completed DIY AI Training, Phase 1 Foundation Palpation Training and Phase 2 Theory in Ultrasound Scanning Training. Phase 4 Ultrasound Scanning This is a 1 day course where participants will learn to use the scanner in order to receive further information on each pregnancy. This course has some Theory content followed by a comprehensive practical element. Topics Covered • How to Sex Pregnancies • Identifying Twinning • Identifying any Pregnancy anomallies • How to date Pregnancies Who is this course for? • Anyone who has completed Phase 1 - 3 of the Ultrasound Scanning Course, who would like to gain a more comprehensive knowledge of the above. • Those who would like to begin a career in Ultrasouns Scanning • Vets seeking to earn CPD points Course Dates : 15 & 16th Nov 2022 ***The entry requirement for this course is that you must have completed DIY AI Training, Phase 1 Foundation Palpation Training,Phase 2 Theory in Ultrasound Scanning Training and Phase 3 Applied Practical Ultrasound Scanning. Course Dates are available throughout the year, check on www.dunmasc.ie Macra Skillnet will give 25% towards the cost of the above courses. 34
35 DAM Cal-Roy-Al Candy 4740-ET MGD Endco Delta Chance VG-87-USA 2.01 305d 14.828kgM 3.8% 568F 3.3% 487P MGGD Peak Charm-ET VG-85-USA 2.02 305d 12.483kgM 4.0% 502F 3.1% 381P Milk PTAM +977 lb Combined F+P CFP +137 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.14 Fat PTAF +77 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.10 Protein PTAP +60 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.96 Net Merit NM$ +660 Productive Life PL +1.1 Cheese Merit CM$ +678 Livability LIV -3.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +516 Fertility Index FI -0.8 Grazing Merit GM$ +643 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.7 Feed Efficiency FE +224 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.8 / -0.4 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 2.0 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.5 / 5.4 aAa 423651 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) JAZZ Kenobi x Hotline x Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 164 56 Milk Sub Index 132 74 Fertility Sub Index -21 48 Calving Sub Index 36 54 Beef Sub Index -7 34 Maintance Sub Index -5 33 Management Sub Index 1 59 Health Sub Index 28 66 Calving Heifer 8.02 54 Calving cow 2.98 85 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.13 44 Mastitis -.12 64 TB 4.74 63 Liver Fluke 32.63 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 521 74 Fat (kg) 27 74 Prot (kg) 21 74 Fat (%) 0.11 74 Protein (%) 0.05 74 AI Code: FR7341 National ID: ELI003200815647 International ID: HOL840M003200815647 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 24-JAN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI A2 A2 PRODUCTION COMPONENTS CALVING EASE SEXED SEMEN MGD ENDCO DELTA CHANCE-ET VG-87-USA MGGD PEAK CHARM-ET VG-85-USA
36 DAM: SANDY-VALLEY LHEXIS-ET GP-82 MGS: FABULOUS MGD: SANDY-VALLEY LHEXI-ET VG-87-USA VG-88-MS LA1. 2-04 170D 6722KGM 4.1% 274F 3.3% 219P INC. MGGS: HELIX MGGD: SANDY-VALLEY LIMELIGHT-ET 2-05 197D 7117KGM 4.7% 335F 3.8% 267P Milk PTAM +1253 lb Combined F+P CFP +157 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.16 Fat PTAF +95 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.08 Protein PTAP +62 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.83 Net Merit NM$ +819 Productive Life PL +2.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +836 Livability LIV -2.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +699 Fertility Index FI -0.7 Grazing Merit GM$ +795 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.9 Feed Efficiency FE +255 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -1.9 / -1.2 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.3 / 2.2 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.7 / 5.6 aAa 312654 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) LOVOO RENEGADE X FABULOUS X HELIX ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 169 53 Milk Sub Index 139 73 Fertility Sub Index 7 43 Calving Sub Index 32 49 Beef Sub Index -6 33 Maintance Sub Index -18 32 Management Sub Index -3 58 Health Sub Index 17 65 Calving Heifer 8.35 56 Calving cow 3.11 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.03 43 Mastitis -.08 62 TB 5.3 60 Liver Fluke 32.73 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 680 73 Fat (kg) 29 73 Prot (kg) 24 73 Fat (%) -0.03 73 Protein (%) -0.02 73 AI Code: National ID: ELI003209481407 International ID: HOL840M003209481407 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 15-SEP-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ COMPONENTS UDDER NEW SEXED SEMEN MGD SANDY-VALLEY LHEXI-ET VG-87-USA MGD SANDY-VALLEY LHEXI-ET VG-87-USA
37 DAM: WET MATTERS MARGIE-ET VG-86 2-11 143D 5584KGM 3.9% 220F 3.2% 179P (PROJ) MGD: WET HOTSHOT MAUD-ET VG-85 2-06 365D 14411KGM 3.0% 551F 3.0% 480P MGGD: MS DELICIOUS MOJO-ET EX-90 4-09 365D 18983KGM 3.9% 744F 3.3% 626P Milk PTAM +906 lb Combined F+P CFP +100 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.09 Fat PTAF +61 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +39 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.61 Net Merit NM$ +744 Productive Life PL +5.0 Cheese Merit CM$ +759 Livability LIV +0.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +677 Fertility Index FI +0.4 Grazing Merit GM$ +690 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.1 Feed Efficiency FE +176 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.5 / +0.4 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.2 / 1.6 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.6 / 4.1 aAa 345216 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MAGIC PACO X MATTERS X HOTSHOT ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 190 53 Milk Sub Index 117 73 Fertility Sub Index 30 43 Calving Sub Index 39 44 Beef Sub Index -13 32 Maintance Sub Index -9 32 Management Sub Index 0 57 Health Sub Index 26 63 Calving Heifer 6.25 48 Calving cow 2.77 67 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.09 41 Mastitis -.09 61 TB 8.94 60 Liver Fluke 32.5 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 658 73 Fat (kg) 26 73 Prot (kg) 21 73 Fat (%) 0.01 73 Protein (%) -0.03 73 AI Code: FR8022 National ID: 840003204327011 International ID: HOL840M003204327011 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 07-JUN-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI PRODUCTION COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE HEALTH FEED EFFICIENCY MGGD MS DELICIOUS MOJO-ET EX-90-USA MGD WET HOTSHOT MAUD-ET VG-85-USA
38 DAM: WET RENEGADE MARLA-ET MGD: WET MATTERS MARGIE-ET VG-86 DOM 2-11 365D 14257KGM 5.0% 717F 3.7% 524P MGGD: WET HOTSHOT MAUD-ET VG-85 DOM 2-06 365D 14411KGM 3.0% 551F 3.0% 480P Milk PTAM +1233 lb Combined F+P CFP +165 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.23 Fat PTAF +116 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +49 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.67 Net Merit NM$ +1026 Productive Life PL +5.1 Cheese Merit CM$ +1039 Livability LIV +0.4 Fluid Merit FM$ +959 Fertility Index FI +0.5 Grazing Merit GM$ +994 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.1 Feed Efficiency FE +277 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.6 / +1.1 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.6 / 1.7 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.9 / 4.2 aAa 243615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MARTIN FANECA X RENEGADE X MATTERS ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 171 48 Milk Sub Index 129 67 Fertility Sub Index 16 35 Calving Sub Index 21 43 Beef Sub Index -14 31 Maintance Sub Index -9 31 Management Sub Index 3 56 Health Sub Index 25 62 Calving Heifer 9.20 49 Calving cow 3.42 66 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.07 41 Mastitis -.11 60 TB 7.4 1 Liver Fluke 32.68 5 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 585 67 Fat (kg) 33 67 Prot (kg) 19 67 Fat (%) 0.15 67 Protein (%) -0.01 67 AI Code: National ID: ELI003204327044 International ID: HOL840M003204327044 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 08-FEB-2021 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI NM $$ COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE HEALTH COMMERCIAL
39 DAM: PINE-TREE 7019 ACHI 7793-ET VG-85 2-01 92D 3153KGM 5.3% 166F 3.6% 113P (INC) MGD: PINE-TREE 9882 PROF 7019-ET VG-86 MGGD: OCD SUPERSIRE 9882-ET VG-86 2-01 365D 14456KGM 4.1% 594F 3.4% 492P Milk PTAM +1819 lb Combined F+P CFP +136 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.03 Fat PTAF +80 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.00 Protein PTAP +56 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.98 Net Merit NM$ +854 Productive Life PL +4.3 Cheese Merit CM$ +855 Livability LIV +1.4 Fluid Merit FM$ +847 Fertility Index FI -0.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +801 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.0 Feed Efficiency FE +236 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +2.4 / -0.1 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.1 / 1.8 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.7 / 4.5 aAa 423516 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MESSI Dante X Achiever X Profit ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 86 55 Milk Sub Index 97 73 Fertility Sub Index -36 49 Calving Sub Index 24 45 Beef Sub Index -3 36 Maintance Sub Index -13 34 Management Sub Index 4 57 Health Sub Index 14 65 Calving Heifer 8.96 51 Calving cow 3.56 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.02 43 Mastitis -.06 63 TB 9.18 61 Liver Fluke 32.49 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 635 73 Fat (kg) 23 73 Prot (kg) 18 73 Fat (%) -0.03 73 Protein (%) -0.05 73 AI Code: FR8187 National ID: ELI003213241747 International ID: HOL840M003213241747 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 19-MAR-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI A2 A2 PRODUCTION PRODUCTIVE LIFE FEED EFFICIENCY SEXED SEMEN 4 M MGGD OCD SUPERSIRE 9882-ET VG-86-USA MGD PINE-TREE 9882 PROF 7019-ET VG-86-USA
40 DAM Aurora Bombero 15902-ET GP-83-2YR-USA 2.00 305d 14.615kgM 3.8% 559F 3.4% 503P MGD Aurora Mayfield 13965-ET VG-85-USA DOM 2.11 336d 16.044kgM 4.1% 665F 3.3% 527P MGGD Aurora Iota 11727 VG-88-USA DOM 3.01 302d 13.635kgM 4.0% 543F 3.4% 435P Milk PTAM +826 lb Combined F+P CFP +108 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.12 Fat PTAF +67 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.05 Protein PTAP +41 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.67 Net Merit NM$ +622 Productive Life PL +3.0 Cheese Merit CM$ +638 Livability LIV +0.8 Fluid Merit FM$ +535 Fertility Index FI +1.0 Grazing Merit GM$ +602 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.2 Feed Efficiency FE +159 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +3.7 / +1.3 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 2.1 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.5 / 6.1 aAa 432615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MITCHELL Mitchell x Bombero x Mayfield ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 126 67 Milk Sub Index 60 87 Fertility Sub Index 15 63 Calving Sub Index 35 69 Beef Sub Index -8 34 Maintance Sub Index -4 33 Management Sub Index -3 58 Health Sub Index 31 66 Calving Heifer 6.78 48 Calving cow 2.78 87 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.12 44 Mastitis -.12 62 TB 5.46 60 Liver Fluke 32.6 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 334 87 Fat (kg) 14 87 Prot (kg) 11 87 Fat (%) 0.01 87 Protein (%) -0.01 87 AI Code: FR8205 National ID: ELI003138948156 International ID: HOL840M003138948156 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 18-NOV-2016 Pedigree Status: PED DAUGHTER PROVEN GTPI NM $$ TYPE PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN 4 M MITCHELL DTR: R SWEET 10 Mitchells at Molenkamp Holsteins (NL) - Avg production 305d 10.373KgM 4.2%F 3.5%P - Avg Classification 87.4Udders / 86 - F&L / VG 86.2 Total Score
41 DAM: AIJA KING_DOC WICHITA VG-86 2-01 305D 11842KGM 4.2% 493F 3.7% 434P MGD: WESTCOAST COMAND WSCONSIN 378 VG-86 2-00 300D 11338KGM 4.3% 492F 3.6% 406P MGGD: VIEW-HOME DRMAN WSCONSIN-ET VG-88 2-02 305D 10316KGM 4.3% 438F 3.7% 382P Milk PTAM +999 lb Combined F+P CFP +67 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.00 Fat PTAF +37 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.00 Protein PTAP +30 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.90 Net Merit NM$ +294 Productive Life PL +1.2 Cheese Merit CM$ +296 Livability LIV -3.0 Fluid Merit FM$ +290 Fertility Index FI -1.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +243 Pregnancy Rate DPR -1.5 Feed Efficiency FE +84 Conception Rate HCR/CCR / -2.0 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.9 / 2.3 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.5 / 5.4 aAa 243156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MOOI P RC Mirand PP RC X Doc X Comander ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 69 55 Milk Sub Index 74 74 Fertility Sub Index -35 46 Calving Sub Index 21 47 Beef Sub Index -8 35 Maintance Sub Index -9 34 Management Sub Index 8 58 Health Sub Index 17 64 Calving Heifer 8.18 54 Calving cow 3.29 67 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.06 42 Mastitis -.08 63 TB 10.24 60 Liver Fluke 32.87 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 602 74 Fat (kg) 18 74 Prot (kg) 16 74 Fat (%) -0.09 74 Protein (%) -0.08 74 AI Code: FR8163 National ID: ELI003204593849 International ID: HOL840M003204593849 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 26-FEB-2020 Pedigree Status: PED TYPE PRODUCTION FEET & LEGS OUTCROSS UDDER SEXED SEMEN 4 M MGD WESTCOAST COMAND WSCONSIN 378 VG-86-CAN VG-87-MS 2YR. MGGD: VIEW-HOME DRMAN WSCONSIN-ET VG-88-CAN EX-91-MS 3YR.
42 DAM Sandy-Valley Lhexi-ET VG-87-USA 3Yr. 2.04 170d 6.722kgM 4.1% 274F 3.3% 219P Inc. MGD Sandy-Valley Limelight-ET 2.05d 197d 7.117kgM 4.7% 335F 3.8% 267P MGGD Sandy-Valley Ss Psych Milk PTAM +1552 lb Combined F+P CFP +136 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.05 Fat PTAF +75 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +61 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.89 Net Merit NM$ +706 Productive Life PL +2.7 Cheese Merit CM$ +716 Livability LIV -0.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +635 Fertility Index FI -0.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +665 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.8 Feed Efficiency FE +204 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.2 / -0.2 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.8 / 1.7 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.2 / 4.5 aAa 432561 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MOON MARIUS X HELIX X KINGBOY ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 103 57 Milk Sub Index 106 73 Fertility Sub Index -46 47 Calving Sub Index 42 68 Beef Sub Index -12 35 Maintance Sub Index -11 34 Management Sub Index 5 59 Health Sub Index 20 67 Calving Heifer 6.21 54 Calving cow 2.65 82 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.09 44 Mastitis -.08 64 TB 4.32 62 Liver Fluke 33.11 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 623 73 Fat (kg) 22 73 Prot (kg) 20 73 Fat (%) -0.04 73 Protein (%) -0.02 73 AI Code: FR6670 National ID: ELI003148929181 International ID: HOL840M003148929181 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 18-OCT-2018 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ GTPI PRODUCTION COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN DAM: SANDY-VALLEY LHEXI-ET VG-87 USA DAM: SANDY-VALLEY LHEXI-ET VG-87 USA
43 DAM: HUL-STEIN HOT TUBE RF PP VG-85 2-04 305D 12163KGM 4.4% 534F 3.6% 439PP MGD: HUL-STEIN STYLISH P RF 2-10 305D 13668KGM 3.0% 511F 3.4% 463P MGGD: PG DESU STYLISH Milk PTAM -22 lb Combined F+P CFP +112 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.28 Fat PTAF +77 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.13 Protein PTAP +35 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.64 Net Merit NM$ +751 Productive Life PL +4.2 Cheese Merit CM$ +779 Livability LIV +1.5 Fluid Merit FM$ +573 Fertility Index FI +1.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +739 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.0 Feed Efficiency FE +186 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.0 / +0.7 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.2 / 2.3 Kappa Casein AE Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.6 / 5.5 aAa 243165 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) MOZART PP RC Hulk X Jacuzzi X Apoll P Red ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 208 48 Milk Sub Index 114 68 Fertility Sub Index 30 36 Calving Sub Index 37 42 Beef Sub Index -8 33 Maintance Sub Index -3 32 Management Sub Index 1 55 Health Sub Index 36 61 Calving Heifer 6.14 47 Calving cow 2.69 64 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.09 38 Mastitis -.16 59 TB 6.98 56 Liver Fluke 32.03 28 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 393 68 Fat (kg) 23 68 Prot (kg) 17 68 Fat (%) 0.13 68 Protein (%) 0.06 68 AI Code: National ID: CNP000737303085 International ID: HOLNLDM000737303085 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 06-JAN-2021 Pedigree Status: COMPONENTS COMMERCIAL HEALTH ROBOT PRODUCTIVE LIFE NEW Hul-Stein Hot Tube RF Pp VG-85-1
44 DAM Bomaz Outsiders 7729-ET MGD Ri-Val-Re Delta 6675-ET EX-90-USA 2.01 305d 12.256kgM 4.1% 499F 3.7% 450P MGGD Ri-Val-Re Num Uno Nady-ET VG-85 4.00 305d 9.226kgM 5.3% 494F 3.5% 323P Milk PTAM +374 lb Combined F+P CFP +106 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.23 Fat PTAF +80 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.05 Protein PTAP +26 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.66 Net Merit NM$ +751 Productive Life PL +5.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +766 Livability LIV +2.8 Fluid Merit FM$ +671 Fertility Index FI +1.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +704 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.8 Feed Efficiency FE +157 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.8 / +2.1 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 2.0 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 4.7 / 4.8 aAa 432561 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) NOVASTAR Heroic x Outsiders x Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 204 53 Milk Sub Index 95 72 Fertility Sub Index 46 43 Calving Sub Index 46 45 Beef Sub Index -5 33 Maintance Sub Index -8 32 Management Sub Index 7 58 Health Sub Index 22 65 Calving Heifer 6.32 50 Calving cow 2.56 70 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.03 43 Mastitis -.11 63 TB 6.46 61 Liver Fluke 32.73 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 391 72 Fat (kg) 21 72 Prot (kg) 15 72 Fat (%) 0.10 72 Protein (%) 0.02 72 AI Code: S3784 National ID: DQV003208679954 International ID: HOL840M003208679954 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 03-DEC-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ GTPI A2 A2 COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN NOVASTAR
45 DAM Exloer Dg Carbony VG-85-NL VG-88-MS La1. La1 155d 5.126kgM 4.0% 207F 3.2% 163P MGD DG Carice 3.08 305d 9.956kgM 4.5% 452F 3.7% 367P MGGD DG Candide VG-85-NL VG-88-MS La1 305d 11.120kgM 4.7% 520F 3.5% 389P Milk PTAM +1295 lb Combined F+P CFP +121 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.09 Fat PTAF +75 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +46 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.72 Net Merit NM$ +775 Productive Life PL +4.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +784 Livability LIV -0.2 Fluid Merit FM$ +732 Fertility Index FI +1.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +756 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.7 Feed Efficiency FE +192 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.5 / +2.5 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.6 / 1.7 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.5 / 5.9 aAa 435261 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) PAUL Charl x Bourbon x Supershot ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 184 55 Milk Sub Index 118 74 Fertility Sub Index 11 46 Calving Sub Index 44 50 Beef Sub Index -4 34 Maintance Sub Index -8 33 Management Sub Index 2 59 Health Sub Index 22 66 Calving Heifer 6.88 50 Calving cow 2.60 69 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.04 42 Mastitis -.08 64 TB 9 .48 61 Liver Fluke 32.77 27 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 714 74 Fat (kg) 26 74 Prot (kg) 22 74 Fat (%) -0.03 74 Protein (%) -0.04 74 AI Code: S3755 National ID: BBP000361742795 International ID: HOLDEUM000361742795 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 27-JAN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ GTPI PRODUCTION A2 A2 PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN DAM EXLOER DG CARBONY VG-85 VG-88 MS-NL FULL SISTER TO GRAND DAM: DG CAYLEE VG-86-NL VG-88-MS LA1.
46 DAM PrimeVal 1347 VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 200d 7.914kgM 4.1%F 3.5%P (Inc.) MGD Seagull-Bay My Octavia VG-86-USA 3.02 305d 16.352kgM 3.4% 563F 3.2% 518P MGGD S-S-I Moonray Myesha-ET VG-85-USA DOM 2.01 305d 12.955kgM 4.0% 520F 3.5% 453P Milk PTAM +764 lb Combined F+P CFP +108 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.12 Fat PTAF +65 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.07 Protein PTAP +43 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.75 Net Merit NM$ +737 Productive Life PL +5.2 Cheese Merit CM$ +754 Livability LIV +1.7 Fluid Merit FM$ +636 Fertility Index FI +1.5 Grazing Merit GM$ +689 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.9 Feed Efficiency FE +159 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.7 / +1.7 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.0 / 1.6 Kappa Casein AA Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.6 / 4.3 aAa 243615 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) PHILIP Aristocrat x Burley x Octoberfest ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 159 52 Milk Sub Index 114 72 Fertility Sub Index -2 41 Calving Sub Index 44 44 Beef Sub Index -7 33 Maintance Sub Index -12 32 Management Sub Index 3 57 Health Sub Index 20 64 Calving Heifer 6.66 48 Calving cow 2.76 67 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.07 42 Mastitis -.08 62 TB 7.23 60 Liver Fluke 31.71 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 609 72 Fat (kg) 24 72 Prot (kg) 20 72 Fat (%) 0.01 72 Protein (%) -0.01 72 AI Code: S3720 National ID: NL683167313 International ID: HOLNLDM000683167313 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 22-NOV-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ GTPI HEALTH COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE CALVING EASE MGGGD S-S-I BOOKEM MODESTO7269-ET VG-87 DOM USA MGGD S-S-I MOONRY MYESHA 9071-ET VG-85-USA
47 DAM Bomaz Eldorado 8336-ET MGD Bomaz Delta 12557-ET MGGD Bomaz Bob 6207-ET VG-86 GMD DOM 4.05 305d 15.966kgM 4.5% 717F 3.6% 574P Milk PTAM +980 lb Combined F+P CFP +109 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.10 Fat PTAF +68 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.04 Protein PTAP +41 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.80 Net Merit NM$ +795 Productive Life PL +5.2 Cheese Merit CM$ +805 Livability LIV +1.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +734 Fertility Index FI +0.4 Grazing Merit GM$ +749 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.0 Feed Efficiency FE +194 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.7 / +0.9 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.2 / 2.2 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.4 / 5.2 aAa 243156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2021 ) PIZZA Heroic x Eldorado x Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 189 52 Milk Sub Index 98 72 Fertility Sub Index 25 42 Calving Sub Index 56 45 Beef Sub Index -12 34 Maintance Sub Index -5 33 Management Sub Index 5 57 Health Sub Index 21 65 Calving Heifer 5.59 51 Calving cow 2.81 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.07 42 Mastitis -.09 63 TB 8.71 61 Liver Fluke 33.01 29 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 524 72 Fat (kg) 20 72 Prot (kg) 18 72 Fat (%) -0.01 72 Protein (%) 0.00 72 AI Code: S3723 National ID: DQV003208679952 International ID: HOL840M003208679952 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 03-DEC-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ GTPI PRODUCTION A2 A2 PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN 4 M MGGD BOMAZ BOB 6207-ET VG-86 USA BOMAZ PIZZA
48 DAM SIEMERS GRT PARINI 28262-ET EX-91 2-11 293D 14248KGM 4.2% 594F 3.4% 481P MGD SIEMERS DENVER PARINI-ET VG-85 MGGD QUALITY TANGO PARIS VG-86 1-11 365D 14742KGM 4.9% 723F 3.6% 521P Milk PTAM +853 lb Combined F+P CFP +144 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.21 Fat PTAF +92 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.09 Protein PTAP +52 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.87 Net Merit NM$ +817 Productive Life PL +4.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +834 Livability LIV +1.2 Fluid Merit FM$ +689 Fertility Index FI +1.8 Grazing Merit GM$ +803 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.7 Feed Efficiency FE +199 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.8 / +2.2 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.3 / 2.5 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.1 / 4.7 aAa 561432 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2021 ) PRADA Taos X Granite X Denver ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 180 49 Milk Sub Index 110 68 Fertility Sub Index 23 37 Calving Sub Index 37 44 Beef Sub Index 2 33 Maintance Sub Index -14 32 Management Sub Index -2 56 Health Sub Index 24 63 Calving Heifer 8.72 49 Calving cow 3.47 66 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.06 41 Mastitis -.12 61 TB 7.5 3 Liver Fluke 32.47 8 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 569 68 Fat (kg) 24 68 Prot (kg) 19 68 Fat (%) 0.03 68 Protein (%) -0.01 68 AI Code: National ID: ELI003218556047 International ID: HOL840M003218556047 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 29-DEC-2020 Pedigree Status: GTPI COMPONENTS FERTILITY PRODUCTIVE LIFE UDDER ROBOT DAM SIEMERS GRT PARINI 28262-ET EX-90-USA 2-11 293D 14248KGM 4.2% 594F 3.4% 481P MGGGD RANSOM-RAIL FACEBK PARIS-ET VG-87-USA 2-03 365D 13676KGM 4.3% 593F 3.7% 506P
49 DAM Wet Frazzled Prettie-ET GP-USA 2yr. La1 10.046kgM 4.5% 454F 3.0% 305P MGD Wet Damaris Poppy-ET VG-85-USA La2 11034kgM 5.2% 579F 3.8% 421P MGGD Har-Dale-Acres-Jp Palace-ET VG-87-USA DOM 2.02 365d 11.975kgM 4.8% 574F 3.4% 405P Milk PTAM +923 lb Combined F+P CFP +86 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.05 Fat PTAF +51 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +35 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.60 Net Merit NM$ +832 Productive Life PL +6.9 Cheese Merit CM$ +844 Livability LIV +4.2 Fluid Merit FM$ +785 Fertility Index FI +1.0 Grazing Merit GM$ +762 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.6 Feed Efficiency FE +164 Conception Rate HCR/CCR / +1.4 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.6 / 1.8 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.3 / 4.5 aAa 342156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) PROFIT Kenobi x Frazzled x Damaris ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 227 57 Milk Sub Index 123 74 Fertility Sub Index 41 48 Calving Sub Index 42 60 Beef Sub Index -10 35 Maintance Sub Index 1 33 Management Sub Index -1 58 Health Sub Index 29 65 Calving Heifer 5.85 52 Calving cow 2.58 68 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.11 42 Mastitis -.11 63 TB 7.71 61 Liver Fluke 32.21 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 637 74 Fat (kg) 26 74 Prot (kg) 22 74 Fat (%) 0.02 74 Protein (%) 0.00 74 AI Code: S3754 National ID: ELI003204326921 International ID: HOL840M003204326921 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 25-JAN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ HEALTH A2 A2 CALVING EASE PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN WET KENOBI PROFIT MGGD HAR-DALE-ACRES-JP PALACE-ET VG-87-USA
50 DAM Col Orlanda VG-85-DE 2yr. 2.08 305d 9.895kgM 3.8% 375F 3.8% 374P MGD Col Opine VG-85-DE 2yr. 2.06 305d 10.026kgM4.0% 402F 3.8% 378P MGGD Prismagen Epic Oregon Milk PTAM +465 lb Combined F+P CFP +97 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.15 Fat PTAF +61 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.08 Protein PTAP +36 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.72 Net Merit NM$ +670 Productive Life PL +4.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +688 Livability LIV +1.6 Fluid Merit FM$ +558 Fertility Index FI +1.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +634 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.0 Feed Efficiency FE +149 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.1 / +1.4 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.2 / 1.3 Kappa Casein AB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.3 / 4.2 aAa 426351 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) RAVE Rio x Finder x Racer ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 212 57 Milk Sub Index 113 73 Fertility Sub Index 48 47 Calving Sub Index 34 63 Beef Sub Index -4 39 Maintance Sub Index -4 36 Management Sub Index -4 58 Health Sub Index 29 65 Calving Heifer 4.71 59 Calving cow 2.21 83 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.1 43 Mastitis -.12 63 TB 10.17 61 Liver Fluke 32.4 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 545 73 Fat (kg) 24 73 Prot (kg) 19 73 Fat (%) 0.04 73 Protein (%) 0.01 73 AI Code: FR7338 National ID: BBP000540682571 International ID: HOLDEUM000540682571 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 18-JAN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED COMPONENTS ROBOT FERTILITY CALVING EASE PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN MGGGD HICKORYMEA MANOMAN OPINE-P EX-90-USA MGD COL OPINE VG-85-2YR-DEU
51 DAM Lakeside Ups Red Range-ET VG-85-NL VG-88-MS 2.11 305d 9.975kgM 4.4% 442F 3.5% 352E MGD De Oosterhof DG Rose VG-87 4.02 305d 12.630kgM 5.1% 642F 3.5% 441P MGGD Telgter Aikman Doreen-ET *RC La1 315d 8.111kgM 4.6% 373F 3.5% 284P Milk PTAM +906 lb Combined F+P CFP +96 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.09 Fat PTAF +62 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.02 Protein PTAP +34 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.74 Net Merit NM$ +641 Productive Life PL +4.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +650 Livability LIV +2.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +601 Fertility Index FI -0.1 Grazing Merit GM$ +574 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.3 Feed Efficiency FE +142 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.2 / +0.1 Beta Casein A1A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.6 / 2.3 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.9 / 4.4 aAa 324156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2021 ) RELAX-RED Rubels-Red x Salvatore RC x Rubicon ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 122 51 Milk Sub Index 98 69 Fertility Sub Index -14 39 Calving Sub Index 32 48 Beef Sub Index -9 34 Maintenance Sub Index -7 33 Management Sub Index -2 58 Health Sub Index 23 65 Calving Heifer 8.15 60 Calving cow 3.42 77 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.09 42 Mastitis -.09 64 TB 4.22 60 Liver Fluke 32.74 30 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 707 69 Fat (kg) 25 69 Prot (kg) 19 69 Fat (%) -0.04 69 Protein (%) -0.08 69 AI Code: FR8157 National ID: CNP000571815502 International ID: HOLNLDM000571815502 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 08-DEC-2019 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI PRODUCTIVE LIFE FEET & LEGS HEALTH TYPE COMPONENTS MGD DE OOSTERHOF DG ROSE P DAM LAKESIDE UPS RED RANGE-ET VG-86-NL
52 DAM De Volmer Sabine MGD Tramilda-N Kingboy Sage-ET VG-87-USA 2.03 365d 9.793kgM 4.5% 445F 3.6% 354P MGGD Ladys-Manor MG Suzanne EX-92 6.01 305d 13.036kgM 5.0% 648F 3.5% 463P Milk PTAM +450 lb Combined F+P CFP +121 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.23 Fat PTAF +83 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.08 Protein PTAP +38 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.67 Net Merit NM$ +771 Productive Life PL +3.9 Cheese Merit CM$ +791 Livability LIV -0.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +646 Fertility Index FI +0.6 Grazing Merit GM$ +758 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.3 Feed Efficiency FE +199 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +0.4 / +1.9 Beta Casein A2A2 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.9 / 2.0 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.9 / 5.2 aAa 243156 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) SINGAPORE Charl x Jedi x Kingboy ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 178 55 Milk Sub Index 114 74 Fertility Sub Index 12 46 Calving Sub Index 41 46 Beef Sub Index -4 35 Maintenance Sub Index -8 34 Management Sub Index 0 59 Health Sub Index 23 67 Calving Heifer 6.44 51 Calving cow 2.55 70 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.08 44 Mastitis -.09 64 TB 9.79 62 Liver Fluke 33.06 29 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 580 74 Fat (kg) 26 74 Prot (kg) 19 74 Fat (%) 0.05 74 Protein (%) -0.01 74 AI Code: S3731 National ID: BBP000361742809 International ID: HOLDEUM000361742809 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 22-MAR-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ PRODUCTION A2 A2 COMPONENTS GTPI SEXED SEMEN MGGGD LADYS-MANOR RUBY D SHAWN-ET EX-90 GMD DOM USA MGGD LADYS-MANOR MG SUZANNE-ET EX-92 USA
53 DAM Elitestreet Apprentice Spirit Red VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 86d 3.291kgM 4.2%F 3.3%P (Inc.) MGD MS Sofias Delta Spirit RC MGGD Snowbiz Sympatico Sofia Red VG-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 11.678kgM 4.0% 466F 3.2% 369P Milk PTAM +1162 lb Combined F+P CFP +92 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.03 Fat PTAF +53 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.01 Protein PTAP +39 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.78 Net Merit NM$ +654 Productive Life PL +4.5 Cheese Merit CM$ +660 Livability LIV +0.5 Fluid Merit FM$ +627 Fertility Index FI -0.2 Grazing Merit GM$ +600 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.2 Feed Efficiency FE +153 Conception Rate HCR/CCR -0.1 / -0.3 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 1.6 / 1.6 Kappa Casein BB Still Birth SSB/DSB 5.4 / 5.1 aAa 234165 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) SPIRIT RED Ronald x Apprentice x Delta ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 106 54 Milk Sub Index 111 73 Fertility Sub Index -36 44 Calving Sub Index 33 45 Beef Sub Index -2 34 Maintenance Sub Index -13 33 Management Sub Index -4 60 Health Sub Index 17 66 Calving Heifer 8.07 55 Calving cow 2.54 67 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.04 44 Mastitis -.07 64 TB 5.59 62 Liver Fluke 31.23 32 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 817 73 Fat (kg) 25 73 Prot (kg) 23 73 Fat (%) -0.11 73 Protein (%) -0.08 73 AI Code: S3793 National ID: BBP000770971993 International ID: HOLDEUM000770971993 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 14-FEB-2020 Pedigree Status: PED GTPI UDDER PRODUCTIVE LIFE CALVING EASE PRODUCTION SEXED SEMEN DAM ELITESTREET APPRENTICE SPIRIT RED VG-85-UK MGGD SNOWBIZ SYMPATICO SOFIA VG-85-2YR-CAN
54 DAM Aquila Jedi Odessa VG-85-ITA 2yr. 2.02 305d 14.612kgM 4.3% 621F 3.5% 513P MGD BB Aquila Halogen Jade EX-90-ITA 2.03 305d 13.781kgM 4.1% 563F 3.5% 480P MGGD Aquila Sudan Ivory VG-87-ITA 2yr. Milk PTAM +886 lb Combined F+P CFP +142 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.20 Fat PTAF +93 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.07 Protein PTAP +49 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.63 Net Merit NM$ +869 Productive Life PL +5.3 Cheese Merit CM$ +889 Livability LIV +1.3 Fluid Merit FM$ +753 Fertility Index FI +1.5 Grazing Merit GM$ +832 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.9 Feed Efficiency FE +207 Conception Rate HCR/CCR +1.6 / +2.9 Beta Casein A1A1 Calving Ease SCE/DCE 2.5 / 2.2 Kappa Casein BE Still Birth SSB/DSB 6.3 / 4.5 aAa 0 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) STARDANCER Aristocrat x Jedi x Halogen ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 153 55 Milk Sub Index 108 73 Fertility Sub Index -3 43 Calving Sub Index 38 58 Beef Sub Index -7 35 Maintenance Sub Index -8 34 Management Sub Index -1 59 Health Sub Index 26 65 Calving Heifer 7.12 51 Calving cow 3.29 80 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.07 43 Mastitis -.12 63 TB 7.59 62 Liver Fluke 32.43 31 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) 465 73 Fat (kg) 23 73 Prot (kg) 17 73 Fat (%) 0.08 73 Protein (%) 0.02 73 AI Code: FR7410 National ID: CEV035991009119 International ID: HOLITAM035991009119 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 22-AUG-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ FERTILITY COMPONENTS PRODUCTIVE LIFE GTPI SEXED SEMEN MGGD AQUILA SUDAN IVORY VG-87 IT MGGGD AQUILA BOLTON CORAL IT
55 DAM Jx Ahlem Daggar Nancy 50578 {6} GP-78%-USA 2yr. 1.11 295d 5.997kgM 5.9% 355F 4.2% 252P MGD Jx Ahlem Mowgli Nancy 46237 {5} VG-85%-USA 4yr. 3.09 305d 8.056kgM 5.2% 418F 3.9% 313P Milk PTAM -11 lb Combined F+P CFP +41 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.14 Fat PTAF +29 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.06 Protein PTAP +12 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 2.86 Net Merit NM$ +319 Productive Life PL +3.6 Cheese Merit CM$ +329 Livability LIV +1.9 Fluid Merit FM$ +257 Fertility Index FI Grazing Merit GM$ +295 Pregnancy Rate DPR +1.5 Beta Casein A1A2 Heifer Conception Rate HCR +0.6 Kappa Casein AA Cow Conception Rate CCR +1.7 aAa 0 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS (AUG. 2022 ) NEYMAR VIABULL x DAGGAR x MOWGLI ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 112 49 Milk Sub Index 43 67 Fertility Sub Index 50 42 Calving Sub Index -1 36 Beef Sub Index -67 32 Maintenance Sub Index 75 31 Management Sub Index 4 54 Health Sub Index 9 55 Calving Heifer 2.99 39 Calving cow 1.35 45 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.13 43 Mastitis -.04 54 TB 9.31 48 Liver Fluke 30.5 20 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) -227 67 Fat (kg) 12 67 Prot (kg) -1 67 Fat (%) 0.38 67 Protein (%) 0.13 67 AI Code: S3786 National ID: 840003202630973 International ID: JER840M003202630973 Breed: JE (100%) Date of Birth: 8-JAN-2019 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ HEALTH FERTILITY ROBOT COMPONENTS SEXED SEMEN NEYMAR DAM JX AHELEM DAGGAR NANCY 50578 {6} G-USA 2YR.
56 DAM DJ Impuls Violet VG-85% La1 305d 6.404kgM 6.0% 382F 4.2% 267P MGD D&E Paramount Violet EX-90% 5.02 305d 12.519kgM 4.2% 529F 3.5% 432P MGGD D&E Abe Violet EX-90% 6.06 305d 10.006kgM 4.2% 421F 3.6% 359P Milk PTAM -289 lb Combined F+P CFP +72 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.32 Fat PTAF +53 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.14 Protein PTAP +19 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 3.17 Net Merit NM$ +398 Productive Life PL +1.7 Cheese Merit CM$ +410 Livability LIV +0.7 Fluid Merit FM$ +274 Fertility Index FI Grazing Merit GM$ +411 Pregnancy Rate DPR +0.5 Beta Casein A2A2 Heifer Conception Rate HCR +0.2 Kappa Casein BB Cow Conception Rate CCR +1.3 aAa 0 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) VERDI P NIKON-P x IMPULS x PARAMOUNT ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 130 58 Milk Sub Index 49 80 Fertility Sub Index 90 51 Calving Sub Index -16 40 Beef Sub Index -74 35 Maintenance Sub Index 78 35 Management Sub Index -1 58 Health Sub Index 3 59 Calving Heifer 3.37 44 Calving cow 1.81 49 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.08 47 Mastitis -.03 57 TB 7.62 52 Liver Fluke 29.84 23 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) -458 80 Fat (kg) 10 80 Prot (kg) -2 80 Fat (%) 0.53 80 Protein (%) 0.25 80 AI Code: S3869 National ID: DNK2371402843 International ID: JERDNKM002371402843 Breed: JE (100%) Date of Birth: 08-AUG-2015 Pedigree Status: PED COMPONENTS ROBOT PRODUCTIVE LIFE A2 A2 COMMERCIAL DJ IMPULS VIOLET VG-85% D&E PARAMOUNT VIOLET EX-90%
57 DAM CLOVER PATCH VICEROY DELICATE {6} VG-85% 1-09 335D 9066KGM 5.6% 479F 4.1% 356P MGD: CLOVER PATCH EUSEBIO DEVAN {5} 1-08 241D 7244KGM 5.9% 425F 3.7% 270P MGGD: CLOVER PATCH KILO DELIA 2-01 280D 5938KGM 5.8% 345F 4.0% 238P Milk PTAM -270 lb Combined F+P CFP +53 lb Fat % PTAF% +0.21 Fat PTAF +31 lb Protein % PTAP% +0.15 Protein PTAP +22 lb Somatic Cell Score SCS 3.01 Net Merit NM$ +354 Productive Life PL +3.0 Cheese Merit CM$ +370 Livability LIV +2.7 Fluid Merit FM$ +213 Fertility Index FI Grazing Merit GM$ +304 Pregnancy Rate DPR -0.1 Beta Casein A2A2 Heifer Conception Rate HCR +0.9 Kappa Casein BB Cow Conception Rate CCR +0.7 aAa 345216 CDCB GENETIC EVALUATIONS ( AUG. 2022 ) DO IT RIGHT Bubba X Viceroy X Eusebio ICBF (OCT 2022) Trait Euro Rel% EBI 74 47 Milk Sub Index 71 67 Fertility Sub Index -2 35 Calving Sub Index -4 36 Beef Sub Index -76 31 Maintance Sub Index 77 31 Management Sub Index -1 55 Health Sub Index 8 56 Calving Heifer 3.66 39 Calving cow 1.89 45 Health Sub Index PTA Rel% Lameness -.11 44 Mastitis -.03 54 TB 7.22 49 Liver Fluke 30.06 21 Milk Sub Index PTA Rel% Milk (kg) -187 67 Fat (kg) 15 67 Prot (kg) 4 67 Fat (%) 0.40 67 Protein (%) 0.18 67 AI Code: S3835 National ID: DQZ000075812302 International ID: JERUSAM000075812302 Breed: HO (100%) Date of Birth: 21-FEB-2020 Pedigree Status: PED NM $$ UDDER COMPONENTS FERTILITY PRODUCTIVE LIFE SEXED SEMEN DO IT RIGHT DO IT RIGHT
NA SEMTEX-ET RAD-555 D.O.B. 13.01.2018 SIRE RAD-524 IMPERATIV MOTHER CZ 339891 952 MGS RAD-318 GLORIE MM CZ 293114952 24-2-2021 Katalogový list býka HCH-045 JHB PROGRES ET datum narození 06.12.2016 sire HCH-013 HERZ mother BIRKA maternal grand sire 285-444 MM BOSCIMA 107.0 108 Daughters: Rear udder lenght 95 short long udder cleft 93 weak strong JHB PROGRES-ET HCH-045 D.O.B. 06.12.2016 SIRE HCH-013 HERZ MOTHER BIRKA MGS 285-444 MM CZ 293114952 58
I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) € 54 44% 7.5 4 6% 2.2 51% Gestation Length (Days) 88 37% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 27 39% Towra MUNCHKIN Drumcrow ROLLS ROYCE Top Notch AI CODE AA4026 D.O.B . 18-01 2015 Breed AA (100%) ANGUS ANGUS ANGUS AI CODE AA6328 D.O.B 05-09 2018 Breed AA (100%) AI CODE AA8289 D.O.B 02-09-2020 Breed AA (100%) I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) € 74 59% 6.5 57 % 2 3 67% Gestation Length (Days) 2 26 75% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 21 57% I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) € 55 77% 11 1 62 % 3.7 68% Gestation Length (Days) 03 80% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 38 78% I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) €101 47 % 15.0 31 % 9.1 46% Gestation Length (Days) 77 60% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 26 46% BLUESTAR ICE BELGIAN BLUE AI CODE S3620 D.O.B 22 09 2014 Breed BB(100%) 59
Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Lactation 1 Target: 7000kg Lactation 2 Target: 8000kg www.dunmasc.ie Maximising Your Herd Current Target www.holstein.cz/natural/kat_cs/katalog.php?reg=HCH-045&nas_jazyk=en teat placement 106 wide close Daughters average - 1.lactaion Trait kg milk % fat kg fat % protein kg protein 1 lactation Natural, spol. s r.o. Hradištko pod Medníkem 252 09 tel.: 257 740 348, fax: 257 740 550 e-mail objednavky@naturalgen.cz, internet: www.naturalgen.cz Derreen KNIGHT Meelickaduff MASSEY AI CODE S3471 D.O.B . 13-03-2018 Breed SI (100%) SIMMENTAL LIMOUSIN AI CODE S3330 D.O.B. 07-02-2017 Breed LM (100%) I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) €114 55% 11 9 34 % 5.6 53% Gestation Length (Days) 3.48 73% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 20 61% I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) €83 54% 9.4 32 % 5.2 54% Gestation Length (Days) 1.94 73% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 14 54% Brackan Ruben LIMOUSIN AI CODE LM7641 D.O.B. 10-05-2020 Breed LM (100%) I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) €156 45% 9 3 34 % 4.4 44% Gestation Length (Days) 2.83 46% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 01 46% I C BF ( OCT 2022) Trait PTA Rel% DBI Dairy Heifer Calving Difficulty (%) Dairy Cow Calving Difficulty (%) € 50 59% 10.8 52 % 3.8 67% Gestation Length (Days) 1 38 78% Calf Mor tality (%) 0 49 54% Appel 1 SUPERSTAR 2 HEREFORD AI CODE HE7137 D.O.B 01 12 2019 Breed HE(100%) 60


10 physical traits. The physical traits are the colour code for the farm chart, making it easier to understand. For example : Red means a correct is required on the next mating (e.g the AI bull selected needs to have the traits to make the correct) Green means no correction is needed. Yellow traits require attention, however For any enquiries please contact us on 057 - 8601813 or for more details on our website. Customer Name: Date: Herd Number: Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Back Length Production Improvements 2nd 3rd Lactation 1 Target: 7000kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Legs View Udder Udder Length Improvements Lactation 4 Target: 9000kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Back Length Production Improvements 2nd 3rd Lactation 5 Target: .....kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Back Length Production Improvements 2nd 3rd Lactation 3 Target: 8700kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Back Length Production Improvements 2nd 3rd Lactation 2 Target: 8000kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs Side Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull Bull 3 1st Serve Service Date 2nd Serve Service Date 3rd Serve Service Date Lactation 6 Target: .....kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs Side Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull Bull 3 1st Serve Service Date 2nd Serve Service Date 3rd Serve Service Date Lactation 7 Target: .....kg HERD MATING PLAN LEGEND No Improvement Needed Slight Improvement Needed Correction/Improvement Needed www.dunmasc.ie Maximising Your Herd www.dunmasc.ie Maximising Your Herd www.dunmasc.ie Maximising Your Herd Current Production:_________ Target Production:__________ Overall Herd Goals: •_________________________ •_________________________ •_________________________ Herd Mating Program At Dúnmasc Genetics we have developed a mating programme that focuses on the individual cows within your herd. Key herd indicators such as Production, Fat, Protein and longevity are the cornerstone of a productive herd. However, a balanced approach to breeding is essential to improving key performance. Our Herd Mating allows you to measure for the Our mating program is split into two parts: linear traits and production. Linear and production charts are created identifying the key areas for improvement. Production Production is also very important on farms. Meeting with our team and exploring the direction your farm will take over the coming year, is vital to the success of herd mating programmes. herd allowing for more selective breeding. Many methods and tools are available to create the next generation, get in touch with us for more information today. Matings are selected using 3 options - 1 best option and 2 and 3 as alternatives Once the mating’s are complete you will receive a breeding chart with the linearing scoring, production improvement, the bulls selected and space where the service date and bulls used to be recorded on. www.holstein.cz/natural/kat_cs/katalog.php?reg=HCH-045&nas_jazyk=en 1/1 Natural, spol. s r.o. Hradištko pod Medníkem 252 09 tel.: 257 740 348, fax: 257 740 550 e-mail objednavky@naturalgen.cz, internet: www.naturalgen.cz Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull 2 Bull 3 1st Serve Service Date 2nd Serve Service Date 3rd Serve Service Date Lactation 1 Target: 7000kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull Lactation 4 Target: 9000kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull Lactation 3 Target: 8700kg Lactation 2 HERD MATING www.dunmasc.ie Maximising Your Herd Current Production:_________ Target Production:__________ Production Improvements Bull 1Bull 2 Bull 3 1st Serve Service Date 2nd Serve Service Date 3rd Serve Service Date Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull 2 Bull 3 1st Serve Service Date 2nd Serve Service Date 3rd Serve Service Date Lactation 4 Target: 9000kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Lactation 5 Target: .....kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs Side View Locomotion Front Udder Back Udder Teat Placement Teat Length Production Improvements Bull 1Bull 2 Bull 3 1st Serve Service Date 2nd Serve Service Date 3rd Serve Service Date Lactation 3 Target: 8700kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Lactation 6 Target: .....kg Tag No.Stature Strength Dairy Depth Rump/ Pins Legs - Side View Locomotion Front Udder Lactation 7 Target: .....kg HERD MATING PLANCurrent Production:_________ Target Production:__________ Overall Herd Goals: •_________________________ •_________________________ •_________________________ 61
PRICE LIST Guide Prices only - discounts are available for bulk orders - Please contact us for details. Holstein Freisian 62 Jersey Fleckvieh Limousin Hereford Simmental Belgian Blue Fleckvieh BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL 4M/Ultraplus Arrow 29.00 50.00 Blooper 23.00 N/A Boraz RC 29.00 54.00 Cash 28.00 45.00 Casey 25.00 N/A Catchy 26.00 N/A Charming 28.00 N/A Davinci 29.00 50.00 Dr. No 32.00 55.00 Dylan 32.00 62.00 Eifle 26.00 50.00 EQ 29.00 54.00 Falko 26.00 48.00 Gen-Patch 28.00 N/A Happen 27.00 48.00 Harry 27.00 50.00 Have It All 29.00 55.00 Hercules 26.00 N/A Hudson 29.00 55.00 I Am Red & PP 29.00 54.00 In Our World 35.00 64.00 Jackpot 29.00 50.00 Jazz 27.00 50.00 Lovoo 29.00 54.00 Magic 28.00 50.00 Martin 34.00 56.00 Messi 29.00 50.00 Mitchell 35.00 55.00 Mooi 31.00 55.00 Moon 29.00 40.00 Mozart PP RC 34.00 56.00 Novastar 24.00 44.00 Paul 24.00 45.00 Philip 24.00 N/A Pizza 28.00 50.00 Prada 32.00 54.00 Profit 27.00 45.00 Rave 26.00 46.00 Relax Red 28.00 N/A Singapore 28.00 46.00 Spirit Red 44.00 60.00 Stardancer 27.00 50.00 BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL SEXED Do-It-Right 28.00 45.00 Neymar 27.00 45.00 Verdi P 27.00 N/A BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL Progres 28.00 Semtex 28.00 BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL Meelickaduff Massey 10.00 Brackan Ruben 10.00 BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL Appel 1 Superstar 10.00 BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL Derreen Knight 10.00 BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL Bluestar Ice 10.00 BULL NAME CONVENTIONAL Towra Munchkin 10.00 Drumcrow Rolls Royce 10.00 Top Notch 10.00 Special offer on Conventional Straws 20 doses + 4 FOC 30 doses + 6 FOC 40 doses + 8 FOC For Discounts on larger orders please contact us directly on 0578601813 Special Sexed Offers 20 sexed + 2 Sexed FOC 30 Sexed + 3 Sexed FOC 50 Sexed + 5 Sexed FOC
HERD TRANSFORMERS Embryo Solutions WWW.HERDTRANSFORMERS.COM $ PROFIT PLAN HETEROSIS+ BEEF+ Breed Transformers Transform your herd in 1 generati on to an ELITE Net Merit level with FEMALE ♀ embryos Breeding Plan Calculate your PROFIT PLAN Reach the fastest genetic progression through HERD TRANSFORMERS and optimalize your PROFIT Make your custom made Highest HETEROSIS effect, every generation with ♀ FEMALEJERSEY-, Montbeliarde-, & Fleckvieh embryos from elite Holstein donors. Our BEEF+ are purebred embryos of the meet breed of your choice of Belgian Blue, Angus, Wagyu, Here ford, or others! Purebred ♀ FEMALE embryos of high genetic merit combinations of multiple different breeds, s.a. Jersey, Montbeliarde & more! Herd Transformer embryos are available through Dunmasc Genetics, contact us for more information and pricing. Holstein PROFIT+ A2A2 POLLED Heterosis NEW BREED Genetic Merit PA NM $ >600, >PTAT 3, >1500 Milk, >0.10% P, ... Kappa Casein BB Your Challenge? Date: Herd Number: 63
64 Rockview, Dunamaise, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Ireland. T +353 (0)57-8601813 M +353 (0)864019529 E info@dunmasc.ie W www.dunmascgenetics.ie 10 Mitchells at Molenkamp Holsteins (NL) Avg production 305d 10.373KgM 4.2%F 3.5%P Avg Classification 87.4 - Udders / 86 - F&L / VG 86.2 Total Score

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