Dunn Journal

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Wilderness Warriors

Dunn School’s outdoor education trips take students into wilderness areas and national monuments for incomparable leadership and learning experiences.



Every school year it is our great privilege and joy to partner with parents in educating their children. The Dunn School faculty and staff set the example for the graduates and all students at both Dunn Middle School and Dunn High School. I am proud to be associated with such a fine group of people. Their integrity, commitment, and decency set the example for our students to follow. I am extraordinarily proud of the graduating Class of 2013. They are an incredible group of students and they will be greatly missed on this campus. They represent the mission achieved; they are ready to climb the next mountain. While their personal achievements and accomplishments are many, I am most struck by how strong they became as a group...all of the same people who started their senior year together finished together, and matured into amazing young adults.

Head of School Mike Beck congratulates Tashima Richter-Valdes on winning the Peckham Family Girls’ Soccer Trophy in addition to the Sportsmanship Trophy and making the Honor Roll.

From feature films like “Norovirus 2012” starring Chris Osburn, to making CIF playoffs in five sports (football, girls’ volleyball, boys’ soccer, boys’ volleyball and boys’ baseball, returning to the state semi-finals for the third consecutive year), their carpe diem spirit has forever left an imprint on this great institution. With acceptances from Berkeley to Boston University, from the University of Washington to Wesleyan, UCLA to the Art Institute of Chicago, this class achieved an impressive college list for our underclass students to attain. On the stage they inspired us, through art and music they demonstrated great passion, in service to others–from raising money for cancer research to building homes for the homeless– they taught us humility. They reminded us to take joy in the simple things – by being silly, by being kind, by being nice to each other – by being yourself. They were intentional toward Dunn School’s mission, and taught all of us happiness and joy in the process. In the end, the Class of 2013 became leaders – they knew what was right and did what is right. To the rising seniors, juniors and sophomores...I charge you to find your passion in life. For most of us, passion comes from our life stories. By finding the meaning of key events in life and reframing them, you can understand what your passions are. For some, a transformative event in their lives awakens them to seeing what their passions are. Passion can be found in great joy or great sorrow...great excitement or great anger....great burden or great love. For others, finding their passion requires letting go of their security blankets and stepping back from the expectations others have of them.

Graduation highlights will be featured in the upcoming edition of the Alumni Newsletter. To make sure you receive your copy, send your email address to alumni@dunnschool.org.


What will happen when you find your passion? You will naturally become a leader. When you are pulled to something that matters to you a great deal...when you are drawn to a cause that captures your heart and mind – you will know your passion and leadership will follow. To all of our outstanding students – well done and blessing upon you!




Inside This Issue 4

COVER STORY Wilderness Warriors – Dunn students venture into the outdoors for education of a different kind


CAMPUS NEWS Highlights from the school year in sports, academics and on-campus events


MASTER PLAN UPDATE Work progresses on the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System and the Cindy and Adam Bronfman Student Leadership Center


THE SIERRA LEONE CONNECTION A determined group of people pave the way for African students from the Craig Bellamy Foundation to attend Dunn School


AHEAD OF THE GAME How one Dunn School alum turned a passion for board games into a multi-million dollar business


$10 PROJECTS Middle schoolers accept the challenge to use $10 to change the world


FOR THE LOVE OF ART Dunn School’s artistic power couple, Nancy and Matt Yaki, share their philosophies on helping students reach their artistic potential


NEW FACULTY New faculty and staff joining Dunn School


NEW BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS Don Daves-Rougeaux and Dana Jackson ‘76



ARTISTS AMONG US Dunn School students shine at the valleywide Arts Outreach applause competition


Bryce McKibbin scales a rock in the Ventana Wilderness as part of the junior class outdoor education trip in March. See story on page 4.



Dunn School, founded in 1957, is an accredited, independent college-preparatory school serving day and boarding students in grades 6-12. PO Box 98, Los Olivos, CA 93441 dunnschool.org Admissions: (800) 287-9197 admissions@dunnschool.org Alumni Relations: (805) 686-0627 tholmes@dunnschool.org Development: (805) 686-0615 jsilvino@dunnschool.org


Wilderness WARRIORS W hile many area schools were on Spring Break, sophomores from Dunn School were experiencing something completely different: a camping and backpacking trip in the San Rafael Wilderness Area. Lying in the northeast portion of Santa Barbara County, the San Rafael was one of the first places in the country set aside with the special wilderness designation.

More than just a fun camping experience, the sophomore trip is just one piece of the entire Outdoor Education program that builds from 6th grade through to senior year at Dunn School. Each trip teaches students important leadership lessons on expedition planning, goal setting and how to be safe in the outdoors. For many sophomores this was their first introduction to backpacking and wilderness camping. The students divided into small groups 4 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

by Kevin Fox, Assistant Director of Leadership Programs

to focus on camp skills and self-care. As the trip progressed and confidence increased, the days became more challenging and students took on a greater share of the group leadership and camp tasks. Some groups were able to climb to the top of McKinley Peak, one of the highest points in Santa Barbara County and clearly visible from the top of San Marcos Pass. On the final night, the whole class came together for a final circle and a great meal of burritos before returning to school around noon on Friday. “Dunn School’s Outdoor Education program is about more than providing an opportunity for students to learn about the environment and practice their leadership skills,” said Barbara Haig, Director of Leadership. “It’s a time for community building as well as a means for accelerating the growth and development of positive character traits.”

(left) Juniors prepare for a climb during their camping trip in the Ventana Wilderness.

It’s also one of the programs that makes Dunn different from other area schools, a difference that’s important to junior Hunter Hartmann. “I like being outdoors. That’s where I like to spend my time, away from everything else.” Two weeks before the sophomore trip, Hunter’s junior class headed off into the wilds of the Ventana Wilderness, a rugged range full of rocky peaks, clear flowing streams and groves of old growth redwood trees. Bounded to the east by the Pacific Ocean and Hwy 1, and to the west by the Salinas Valley and Hwy 101, this was the first time in many years that Dunn students have ventured to this remarkable area.

near the climbing site, taking time for solos and reflection at daybreak, completing challenging uphill climbs, visiting natural hot springs, spending time with friends, cooking their own meals on a camp stove, and learning just how fast business manager Chad Stacy can run when chasing a flying tent! Faculty like Stacy were more involved than ever this year, volunteering to take time away from family and work responsibilities in order to venture into wild places with students. Faculty members enjoyed the new close relationships they formed with students and reveled in the peaceful moments found far from the business of daily life. Many other faculty filled equally important roles covering classes, advises, coaching and dorm responsibilities back on campus,

making Outdoor Education at Dunn a whole school process. Throughout the week, juniors were encouraged to further develop the characteristics and attitudes necessary for success in a leadership role in the 12th grade. They were also prompted to consider the kind of leaders they will be in their senior year and what sort of legacy they might leave behind once they graduate. Under the careful facilitation of their group leaders, they carried a heavy share of the group decisions and expedition leadership. “It was the best outdoor trip I’ve been on,” said Jake Eisaguirre. “It was something completely different than I was expecting. The trail we took had us walking continued next page

In addition to four days of backpacking in the mild spring weather, the students spent a day rock climbing. “I had an awesome time,” said Carolyn Dorwin. “I was with a group of kids that I don’t usually hang out with so it was interesting getting to know them and working with them. I really enjoyed that part of it.” For Michelle Thibodeaux, it was nice just getting away into the wilderness. Like Carolyn, she enjoyed the climbing as well as swimming in the Big Sur River.

(above) 7th graders Jasper Beckmen and Charlie Kulp set up their tent at Pinnacles National Park. (left) A group of 7th graders pause during a hike on their outdoor education trip this past spring.

Highlights for other students and faculty included amazing views of the ocean and tall trees, seeing native American history DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 5

WILDERNESS WARRIORS continued from p. 5

toward the ocean from the top of the mountains. We would drop down, see the ocean, then drop down and be a little closer. And walking through the redwoods was really cool, too.” Hunter Hartmann enjoyed it just as much. “It was a good, challenging trip in a really beautiful area,” he said. “We got to go to a hot springs, too, which is kind of unique for California. This has definitely been my favorite trip so far.” At the middle school, 7th grader Sarah Romero also had a memorable experience with her class at Pinnacles National

(above) 8th graders find snow while camping in Big Bear in April. (above right) Lily Riley and Jerry Yang share a high five while rappelling in Big Bear. (right) Jake Eisaguirre tries to make fire while camping in the Ventana Wilderness.


Park. She wrote, “The rock climbing was really fun. For most of us, it was our first time climbing outdoors. It was a great experience. We all felt closer to each other at the end of each day.” Eighth-grade boarder Fish Chiu had fun camping with her class in Big Bear in April. “We hiked for three miles and suddenly someone shouted, ‘Snow!’ We began an epic snow fight while having lunch. By the time we arrived at the camp site, we were

tired and cold, so we learned some techniques for keeping ourselves warm. We solo hiked back to where we parked the car on the next day to meet up with the other group and we went climbing and rappelling the day after. It was so much fun.” Outdoor education trips at Dunn School provide students continued next page

Master Plan Update by Chad Stacy, Business Manager

The Dunn School campus has been crawling with architects, contractors and heavy equipment again this summer as our progress on the school’s facilities master plan continues.

Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) -

The OWTS is a necessary piece of campus infrastructure, which will allow us to treat and re-use our grey-water for irrigation. This project is fully funded and the construction is well underway. Projects such as this and last year’s gas and water line projects have helped lay the groundwork for the more visible above ground projects to follow.

WILDERNESS WARRIORS continued from p. 6

with valuable experience in leadership, peer to peer interactions, self-reliance, and both mental and physical personal challenges. On all trips, students have extended experiences in some of California’s most wild places. These are places that are important to preserve as they help provide clean air and fresh drinking water for so many people across the state. Fostering an appreciation of the natural world, learning what you can about leadership, yourself and the environment, and building community is what the Outdoor Education program is all about.

To learn more about what students do and learn on Outdoor Education trips, visit the Dunn School website. Under the Student Life tab, select Leadership and Outdoor Experiential Education. http://www.dunnschool.org/ student-life/leadership/outdooreducation

Cindy and Adam Bronfman Student Leadership Center - Speaking of visible above ground projects - have

you heard of the Leadership Center? (If not, read more in the Fall 2012 issue of the Dunn Journal.) Working with the firm of Fernau & Hartman Architects, we recently completed an intense programming and conceptual design process for this important building. Students are indeed the heart of the Leadership Center with space to hang-out (Earwig Café, Student Store, and a study loft), space to collaborate (Innovation Lab, Leadership Period space), and space to grow (Whole Student Education, Leadership, College Counseling). All this wonderful programming is wrapped up in a truly Dunn exterior, which sits on the edge of Munger Common, offering views to the mountains beyond.

One of the latest renderings of the Cindy and Adam Bronfman Student Leadership Center, as it would sit on campus next to the historic school house.


Business partner Satish Pillalamarri with Dominic Crapuchettes ‘87.


One Dunn School alum turns a passion for board games into a multi-million dollar business


ests have always bothered Dominic Crapuchettes ‘87. He didn’t like taking them in school and he certainly didn’t want to feel like he was taking one when he sat down to play a game. Take Trivial Pursuit. “It felt like a pop quiz,” he says. “Ask a question and if you’ve memorized the right answer, put it down.” In order to fix the problems he saw with Trivial Pursuit and other board games, he started designing his own game, right in his dorm room at Dunn School. “My senior economics paper was a business plan for starting a board game company. It was always a passion of mine, but I put it aside.” Instead of following that passion, he went to work after college, teaching math at a boarding school for a while, doing programming for a while, working for a dot com that went bust. Every summer he would find himself back on a fishing boat in Alaska. It had paid his way through college and it still provided good income. Until the night of the storm. 8 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

“We took on so much water that it covered up the batteries and all of our electronics went off. I had no radio, no navigation system, no way to talk to people,” recalls Dominic. “I had to get out of the cabin, go to the flying bridge and guide the boat home by the North Star. I vowed to myself that night that if I made it home alive, I was going to stop fishing and start the board game company that I’d been dreaming about for 20 years.” True to his vow, he started working toward that dream. He reserved the domain name for his future company, started doing market research, drafted a business plan and in 2003, enrolled in business school at the University of Maryland. “I went back to business school to learn about entrepreneurship, to raise money and find a business partner and start the whole deal,” he says. “And I figured if it doesn’t work out, at least I’ll have an MBA.” He found a partner willing to build the company with him (a former Jeopardy! contestant), but it wasn’t easy. Both went without a salary for the first two years and it took five years before the company, North Star Games, was profitable. But by 2012 the company had 10 employees and their revenue had

reached $3.2 million. The flagship game, Wits & Wagers, the one that got its start in Dominic’s dorm room, has had an average sales growth of 123% since its release in 2004. Not bad for the former fishing boat captain who didn’t like to take tests. “I think it was pretty quickly, after maybe two years, that Target was interested in doing a test run in their stores,” he says. “That worked out great so then they rolled it out nationally and we’ve just been growing since.” Wits & Wagers is now available at most major retailers and other games in the product line are gaining momentum as well. Wil Wheaton has featured two of Dominic’s products on his celebrity gaming YouTube show, TableTop, and they’ve also been featured on Good Morning America, the Today Show, Rachael Ray, Real Simple, Time Magazine and Wired Magazine. As North Star Games continues to roll out new games (Say

Anything, Crappy Birthday, Clubs) Dominic has stayed true to his original premise of creating entertaining games that don’t feel like a test. “If you ever play Wits and Wagers, you’ll see how memorizing facts can help, but that’s not what the game’s about,” he says. “No one may know any of the answers, but the game is about making good estimates, which I think is more of an important life skill, to make good judgments than to recall memorized facts.” He likes to think that his games can help others develop those skills as well. “The other part of the game is how well do you know your friends? How well do you know their knowledge? In business some people are better than you at certain things and you work in teams all the time. So it’s an important skill to know when to defer to a certain person and when not to.” Learning those skills has certainly paid off for Dominic. He recently moved the company from his

basement and into an office building, and his games are being sold in more than 30 countries. And he has even bigger plans in in the works. “We’re raising money to put together a digital division,” says Dominic. “We’re working on a Wits & Wagers television game show, we’re creating a line of strategy games, and we are starting an initiative which puts questions and profile pictures from our Facebook fans directly into our games. I’m excited about how all of these plans are shaping out.” What started as a teenage dorm room dream, has turned into a successful business. “I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life,” says Dominic. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s also very rewarding.” You can learn more about Dominic’s company by visiting northstargames.com. Look for his games at Target, Toys ‘R’ Us, Barnes & Noble and Wal-Mart.

(below) North Star Games employees play a new version of Wits & Wagers. (right) Family trivia night with Wits & Wagers.



Art OF

Dunn School’s artistic power couple, Nancy and Matt Yaki, share their philosophies on helping students reach their artistic potential.


unn School art teacher Nancy Yaki loves to challenge her students. But she loves it even more when they go beyond her expectations and start pushing themselves to do better. “Art is a good confidence builder for other classes,” she says. “It’s hard, but you don’t ever really feel that because you’re having fun doing it.” While she might have music playing to help her students relax into their work, she also urges them to do more than make something pretty. “Art isn’t just painting pretty pictures,” she says. “Art changes the way we look at things. We’re here to express ourselves and to use our voices in the style of how we work.” Her husband, Dunn School music teacher Matt Yaki, has a similar philosophy. Matt started teaching guitar while he was a student at U.C. Davis. A multiinstrumentalist, he is just as comfortable on the drums as he 10 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

is on piano or bass. He spends a few nights a month singing and playing his guitar at places like Avant in Buellton or Soho in Santa Barbara, and training his students to be comfortable playing in front of audiences is just one part of his challenging curriculum. Since coming to Dunn School six years ago, he has introduced jazz and vocal ensembles that perform at various events, and nurtured a growing number of budding musicians along the way. “I teach jazz because it is creatively and mentally demanding, it makes you constantly think about what you’re doing,” explains Matt. “The thing that I try not to allow ever in my classes when we perform is, you cannot simply recite what you’ve learned. You have to negotiate, sort of a new obstacle course, every time you play, so that you’re constantly growing, constantly having to develop yourself.” That hard work has paid off for many of the students who have gone through his program.

“I am amazed at what Mr. Yaki does with these students,” says Miranda Sattaar El, whose son Khaleeq has played in the jazz ensemble for two years. “The way he shapes and molds them is nothing short of amazing.” Matt feels like he has gained plenty from his students, too. “A lot of the songs I have now, they come out of the maturity I gained from the last few years of being here,” he says. “I really can’t separate them anymore because this is what I do now.” “It’s a balance,” says Nancy. “This teaching and being a professional artist, it’s a real balance of feeding yourself so you can feed your children.” Earlier in the school year, Nancy asked her students to create paintings that addressed bullying or made a social commentary. Rather than sending them to the internet for inspiration, she encouraged students to photograph live models as a point of reference for their paintings.

Matt plays congas along with one of his student jazz ensembles during the Dunn School Auction at the Santa Ynez Valley Historical Museum.

The results were stunning, with paintings touching on everything from physical and cyber bullying to the families of soldiers and the plight of female workers in China. “They’re all very powerful pieces,” says Yaki. “I’m pretty happy with these kids.” They’re happy to have her as a teacher as well. During a recent art show, sophomore Elana Field

Nancy poses with student art inside the Sinclaire Art Studios on Dunn School’s upper campus.

included this written statement along with her displayed artwork: “Nancy Yaki seems to almost pull the potential out of students. She knows that every student can do what she assigns and she makes you believe this yourself, even when you are the most doubtful… Nancy Yaki has shaped me into an artist that is confident in my work and I can never thank her enough for that.”

A nationally acclaimed artist since high school, Nancy Yaki studied at Wesleyan University and the Paier School of Art. Her paintings have graced the pages of numerous publications as well as the walls of appreciative art lovers. Most recently, Yaki was awarded 2nd place by the International Society of Acrylic Painters for her piece titled, “El Capitan State Park.” Her piece, “Canopy of Halos,” was the top choice for Syracuse Cultural Workers 2013 publications, and she was a finalist in the landscape division of the 2011, 28th Annual International Art Competition held by The Artist’s Magazine. She will also be featured in an upcoming book by celebrity photographer Mark Halper, highlighting 71 artists of Santa Barbara County. continued next page

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FOR THE LOVE OF ART continued from p. 11

Nancy was recently named the Art Department Chair, a title she earned through a combination of hard work and innovative ideas. Those ideas are propelling her to move forward with a few changes in the art department that she feels will better prepare students for working creatively within an increasingly digital landscape. “With new technologies now commonly available, it’s only sensible that we channel young, creative, and artistic minds towards design, media, fabrication, and engineering,” says Nancy. “I envision a

department embodying the spirit of Da Vinci—a truly renaissance attitude that merges art and progressive practices for a better society.” Matt also has big plans for the fall. Over the summer he’ll be recording with Grammynominated producer Jamie Candiloro and he already has an eye on how this experience will help him in the classroom. “I’ve always wanted to work with a good producer, if nothing else, for the experience I would gain from working with someone who does it all the time so I could take that experience and start integrating it into how I create and how I teach,” says Matt. “Right now

Matt rehearses with his vocal ensemble class on the steps of the Santa Rita Schoolhouse: Firestone Center for the Performing Arts.

recording and production is at the periphery of the curriculum and it doesn’t need to be. I’m really excited about the possibilities.”

Artists Among Us Fourteen Dunn School students were named finalists in the Visual Art category of Arts Outreach’s annual Applause competition. Of the 37 finalist pieces, 16 belonged to Dunn students! The finalists’ artwork was displayed in the Artists Guild Room at the Gallery Los Olivos from April 3 until May 1. During an artists’ reception April 14, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners were announced. Dunn School sophomore Kevin Hsu took the top prize for his piece, “25 to Life.” His win was even more remarkable for the fact that he had never picked up a paintbrush before taking a Studio Art class with Nancy Yaki.

Kevin Hsu’s self-portrait, titled “Nivek” from the on-campus spring art show. 12 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

8th: Davis Schaffer -- “Buttercup” 10th: Sam Beckert -- “Design” 9th: Kalena Chomeau -- “Old Shoe” 9th: Xinli (Blair) Li -- “Memento Mori” 10th: Joyce Lin -- “Study of a Turkey Feather” 10th: Landers Mayer -- “Felicia” 10th: Teddy Xiong -- “Mr. White Keys” 10th: Teddy Xiong -- “Self-Portrait” 10th: Brittany Zhuang -- “Coil Swirl”

Carolyn Dorwin’s “AntiBullying Poster”

11th: Heather Chu -- “The Joker” 11th: Carolyn Dorwin -- “AntiBullying Poster” 11th: Carolyn Dorwin -- “Anita” 11th: Kevin Hsu -- “25 to Life” 11th: Kristina Jackson -“Anything Helps” 12th: Ian Renstrom -- “Untitled” 12th: Emma Van Steenwyk -“Untitled”

Campus News — Sports Interscholastic Sports at Dunn Middle School Volleyball has always been popular at the middle school, a sport that both boys and girls have excelled at. This year was no exception.

In addition to volleyball, Dunn Middle School sponsors interscholastic teams in tennis and basketball.

Tennis teams compete exclusively in doubles matches. Six boys’ pairs were named to the tournament squad – three pairs each at the novice and intermediate levels – by team coaches. Owen Sprinting to the finish line at the “Try”-athlon. Andersen and Ethan Tyng, both 7th graders, earned glory in the intermediate division by defeating Los Olivos in the a 5.5-mile bike ride on Los Olivos tournament finals. public roads, and a 1-mile run on the Dunn School track, with very Girls’ tennis and basketball brief transitions between each. players and boys’ basketball team members all The Healthy Heart Valentine’s showed impressive gains 2-Miler combined spirit and fitness in the technical aspects in a friendly competition format of their sports during the between DMS advisor families. regular season. Scheduling Students dressed in reds, pinks, conflicts prevented these and whites and donned hearts to teams from participating in pay tribute to the holiday. Students league tournaments. and staff ran two laps of the Dunn High School cross country route. Endurance Contests at Sixth grader Cade Schaffer set a Making a play during a game at Santa Ynez. Dunn Middle School blistering pace in leading the pack Each year, DMS hosts of finishers and the Gelatin Giraffes several contests that challenge This was the first championship won the family contest for fastest students to push their aerobic in the Santa Ynez Valley Middle cumulative time. capacity. These events incorporate School Sports League for the Dunn the cornerstones of the DMS Middle School boys’ volleyball team At DMS’s Valley-Wide Track Meet, physical education program: since 2010. Earwigs topped the podium in swimming, biking and running. several events, including: Zoraida During the academic year, students On the girls’ side, the #7-seeded Ibarra, 800m dash (JV); Alexander are introduced to the fun and DMS squad triumphed over Jackson and Charlie Kulp (tie), freedom of each specialty, as well #2-seeded Jonata in a thrilling high jump (V); Lexi Lawrence, as educated in safety, technique, 3-set match on the first night of 100m dash (V); and the team and efficiency. The endurance tournament play. The next night, of Christina Golden, Alexander contests serve as opportunities for Solvang bested Dunn by two points Jackson, Charlie Kulp, and Lexi students to put their readiness to in the third set, sending DMS to the Lawrence, 4 x 100m relay (V). the test. consolation match. Solvang went Hosted at the SYVUHS track for the on to win the tournament, and DMS second consecutive year, the meet The Third Annual “Try”-athlon won over Christian Academy to consisted of a 225-yard pool swim, claim 3rd place. continued next page The boys’ volleyball team began the tournament as the top-seeded team, playing against the Christian Academy. The Earwigs prevailed in three sets to move onto the final match against a tough Jonata School team. In the championship match, Dunn School was down in both games and, with some timely playing by the entire team, the Earwigs came back for the victory to capture the title.

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Campus News — Sports Academy. The game was a back and forth shootout with the Earwigs rallying for a 38-36 win in the final seconds. The team also notched a win against Laguna Blanca, a Condor League foe, who the football team has only beaten one other time. According to Coach Martin, “We had some great accomplishments this season. It was one to build on. While we’re going to miss our seniors next season, the lion’s share of starters were juniors this year. So the boys are setting some lofty goals for the 2013 season. If they play like they can, we should expect great things.”

Celebrating a win for Zoraida Ibarra (second from left) at the DMS Valley-wide Track Meet.

serves to unite the athletic spirits of all middle school-age children in the Valley and its close neighbors. Students are encouraged to compete in at least four events, whether to try an event for the very first time (such as high jump) or to race for a personal best time. In the “Carpe Diem” tradition of DMS, students finished the school year by cycling to Los Alamos and back, pedaling a total of 28 miles. Piece ‘o Cake! CIF Playoffs – Football It was a season of firsts for the Dunn School football team. For the first time in the program’s history the team finished the regular season with a winning record at 4-3. This was good enough to earn the team a playoff berth, another first for the program. While the Earwigs fell to the top-seeded Desert Christian in the playoffs, the boys gave the team a run for their money and even led the scoring at half time. Another notable game was a thriller at Orcutt 14 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

CIF Playoffs – Boys’ Soccer The varsity boys’ soccer team had a successful campaign, finishing

the season in second place with an overall record of 7 wins, 2 losses and 3 ties. The finest moment of the season was during the final league game against Cate School. While the Earwigs had been challenged by a host of injuries to key players and a shortened season due to norovirus, the team still managed to come together for a massive effort against Cate, the two-time defending CIF champion who had defeated Dunn School earlier in the season. On game day, the defense was anchored by Abu Danladi and Bryce McKibbin with critical saves from Chris Osburn. Myles Simpson and Aidan Lunde held down the midfield, and two strikers, Henry Codron and Rex Mascheroni, led the attack. In the final third of the field, Henry orchestrated several opportunities for Rex to show his talents. With Rex’s blistering speed and hustle over the field, he terrorized the Cate defense and scored two spectacular goals, putting the

Ayinde Crear (center) protects the ball from Laguna Blanca players.

Campus News — Sports played before,” said Andie de Werd. “Everyone played better than I’ve ever seen them play. They really stepped up.”

Senior striker Henry Codron

The team was proud to have advanced to CIF and looks forward to building on their successful season. During the last home game, the girls celebrated Senior Night honoring opposite hitter Cleo Cleary, setter Sophia McGee and middle blocker Jayne Pugh. The team will miss these three starting seniors who provided great offensive balance.

Earwigs up 2-1. In the dying minutes of the game Cate scored a goal to tie. While the boys didn’t bring home a win, it was a significant tie and gritty performance for Dunn School, illustrating how close and talented the team was. We will miss the spirit, skill, and leadership of our graduating seniors. CIF Playoffs – Girls’ Volleyball The varsity girls’ volleyball team received a boost this year with the arrival of two enthusiastic coaches, former college volleyball players Laura Marcus and Jenna Boyd. Skill building practices and joint team effort paid off with exciting wins over strong rivals like Thacher, and helped bring the girls to CIF playoff competition for the first time since 2008. With a season record of 3-3, Dunn School went up against Desert High School for their first playoff game. Although the matches were close, it wasn’t enough to advance further in the playoffs. “It was a tougher team than we’ve

Senior Robert Lee catches some air at the volleyball net.

them as coaches this year,” said Julie Silvino, whose son Anthony plays on the team. The team lost in the first round to Orangewood Academy, but for many of them, just getting to the playoffs was a big enough accomplishment.


Brynlie Johnston makes a save while Andie de Werd cheers her on.

CIF Playoffs – Boys’ Volleyball After a shaky start to their season, the boys’ volleyball team came on strong, playing together as a team and defeating tough opponents. Their final regular season game against Providence Hall was their strongest yet. “We won all three games,” said senior Chris Osburn, “and got dinner early!” It’s been nearly a decade since the boys’ volleyball team made it to CIF. Assistant coach Spencer Vincent remembers that successful 20032004 team well: he was on it. And he, along with head coach Laura Marcus, has been instrumental in getting the team CIF-ready. “The boys have really enjoyed having

CIF Playoffs – Baseball The Dunn School baseball team finished the year with a 14-5 overall win-loss record, a co-Condor League championship with a record of 5-1, and made its third trip to the semifinals in as many years. The Earwigs put some miles on the team vehicles this year with road trips to Pebble Beach, San Francisco, Avalon, Oro Grande, and Hemet. During Spring Break, the team visited the University of San Francisco, University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University while also playing two baseball games. They will look to make a trip to Los Angeles and possibly San Diego next spring to play baseball and visit colleges.

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Campus News — SPORTS

The Sierra Leone Connection by Hannah Roots and Dan Ekiss

After months of uncertainty, Sahid Conteh finally arrived at Dunn School on October 5, 2012, from the Craig Bellamy Foundation in Sierra Leone. The process for getting him here was by no means easy. His arrival was the culmination of effort by dozens of people, including Dunn School faculty, students, an alum and a U.S. senator. Kelsey Sullivan ‘07, who worked for both the Right to Dream Academy in Ghana and the Craig Bellamy Foundation in Sierra Leone, identified Sahid as a potential Dunn School student for several reasons: he was a strong leader in his community and was academically one of the top students. While she worked on ensuring that financial support was available, there were still roadblocks ahead. Including the fact that Sahid’s visa was initially rejected by the United States. “We all thought it was dead, over, not going to happen,” recalls Sahid’s soccer coach Mark Geriak. Henry Codron, a senior on the soccer team, refused to let anyone give up. He wrote an impassioned letter to convince Head of School Mike Beck and Associate Head of School Aaron Dorlarque to continue working on Sahid’s acceptance. It took numerous letters, phone calls and prayers, but Kelsey fondly remembers the day she found out he was coming. “I screamed, I cried, all of the Academy boys and I.”

The baseball team visits the Berkeley pavillion named after the father of a Dunn alum, Wally Haas ‘68, during their trip to San Francisco.

“I am extremely proud of this year’s team for carrying themselves with class and dignity, and for living up to the team motto - Relentless Pursuit of Excellence - on and off the field,” said coach Aaron Dorlarque. “These are lessons that will serve them well in life.” Special thanks and congratulations to senior Jake Harris who will attend the University of Puget Sound this fall and play baseball for the Loggers as a pitcher. 16 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

Now that Sahid is here, he has a few hopes for his high school career. “I want to become a professional soccer player and to become well educated,” he says. He won’t be the first Dunn School alum to go on to a professional soccer career. Michael Tetteh ‘08 plays for the Seattle Sounders and Fifi Baiden ‘10, currently a senior at UCSB, has similar dreams. Because Sahid was willing to pave the way, two more students will be able to make the journey from Sierra Leone to Dunn School. Dennis Cole and Peter Kargbo will join the incoming freshmen in the fall. Mark Geriak believes the boys will make positive contributions to Dunn School’s community as well as to the soccer team. “All the good things that are embedded in sports with teamwork and working hard and being a community come together here at Dunn. It’s going to be an exciting future.” Sahid proudly shows his Dunn School spirit.

Campus News wit and honesty, he wrote about his experiences in The Lowedown, keeping everyone up to date on the nature of his treatments and sharing a realistic view of the process.

Nancy Ortiz, Mark Geriak, Nancy Roome, Leslie Vincent and Alice Berg

n Four members of the Learning Strategies department – Alice Berg, Leslie Vincent, Mark Geriak and Nancy Ortiz – attended a conference in Arlington, Virginia, to learn more about “Executive Skills for School Success: Enhancing Self-Regulation, Reasoning and Working Memory.” While in the Washington DC area, the group was able to visit with Nancy Roome, the woman who started the Learning Skills program at Dunn School in 1973 and retired after a thirty-year career in 2003. The teachers were thrilled to spend time with Nancy, reminiscing about Dunn School and former students that she worked with. Thanks to Janet and Barry Lang for making this trip possible.

Ralph Lowe returns to his classroom.

n After a four-month absence from the classroom, English teacher Ralph Lowe ‘70 was welcomed back to campus on his birthday, May 5th. When Ralph learned in December that he had cancer of the epiglottis, he took a leave of absence and rented a house in Santa Barbara, close to where he received treatments. With his typical

Despite the rain on the day of his return, Ralph received a heartfelt standing ovation from students and faculty when he stepped into the outdoor assembly area. He wasted no time, returning to his classroom for teaching, heckling students and sharing his wisdom. He was also able to take students on his annual sojourn to Greece this summer. “It’s good to be back,” he said.

With more than 25 years experience in the business world, Brutoco has been instrumental in the cable television industry and served on The Mens’ Wearhouse Board for over 20 years. Dunn School alum Rea Callender ‘80 and Director of Leadership Barbara Haig have worked together to bring an impressive roster of speakers to campus this past school year. Other guest speakers included: Distinguished producer, director, and former staff reporter for the Wall Street Journal Ralph King showed students his latest film, Extreme By Design, a one-hour documentary following three Stanford University graduate students around the globe as they worked on solving problems for the world’s extremely poor.

Business leader Rinaldo Brutoco speaks to students.

n Founding President of the World Business Academy Rinaldo Brutoco was one of several prominent guest speaker who visited Dunn School as part of the ongoing Leadership Speaker Series. Mr. Brutoco engaged students with his wealth of knowledge in leadership and business practices that take into consideration global, social and environmental impact. He also shared numerous success stories and ultimately identified “pursuing your passion and discipline” as the key ingredients for “creating the life you want.”

Greg Steltenpohl, founder of Odwalla juice company, was one of the prominent guest speakers to visit campus this year.

Greg Steltenpohl, founder of the Odwalla juice company, spoke to seniors about the challenges of being an entrepreneur. He started the business with a box of oranges and $200 he borrowed continued next page DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 17

Campus News from a friend. In 2001, he sold the company to Coke for $160 million.

their brains are the most elastic and ready to absorb information.

“It’s not for everybody,” he cautioned. “It doesn’t happen overnight. Odwalla took twenty years before Coke bought it. If you don’t like what you’re doing, then you can’t tough it out for as many years as it takes.”

“It was really interesting what she said about how the brain is like a muscle and it needs sleep to grow,” said sophomore Preston Hughes. “It inspired me. I’ve thought a lot about what she told us.”

Before leaving, Mr. Steltenpohl shared cases of his latest product, Cuties Juice, a product that has become popular in the Earwig Café.

In small groups, students and admission officers evaluated actual applications and debated “admit or deny” decisions. Afterward, students mingled with the college admission officers and got the chance to grill them on everything from essay topics to international student admission standards to the quality of food on campus.

NFL veteran Julian Jenkins talks about becoming a college athletic recruit. Dr. JoAnn Deak speaks to middle school students during her day on campus.

Dr. JoAnn Deak spent the day on campus talking to students, faculty and parents about the differences in adolescent brains from children and adults, and how best to care for them to maximize learning. While she tailored her presentation to each group, several messages came through loud and clear for everyone who heard her speak. • Adolescent brains are different from children’s and adult’s. • Adolescents need a lot of sleep to grow (she recommends 9 hours). Dr. Deak defined adolescence as roughly 12 to 24 years of age and told students that during this time, 18 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

On April 30, the college counseling office teamed with Midland School to produce an evening event for the junior class. Admission officers from the University of Alabama, Bennington College, Denison University, Hendrix College and Pomona College shared their best tips on college admission success and application do’s and don’ts.

n The college counseling office also brought in several speakers throughout the year to aid students as they consider college. Julian Jenkins, a former Stanford University football MVP and NFL veteran, outlined five key steps to becoming a college athletic recruit. Major takeaways: start young and use the internet to promote yourself. The audience of 45 student-athletes and parents from multiple schools came away with a college recruiting game plan, and inspiring advice to commit to academics and athletics.

n Thursday, March 28 was the inaugural Dunn Mud Run, a D.U.N.N. event for the 6th-12th grades. Patterned after the Tough Mudder races held around the world, the Mud Run was an obstacle course that included running up bleachers, crawling under nets, sloshing through mud and pools of ice water, and jogging through tires. Head of School

Spanish teacher Ulises Castaneda (right) encourages students on the first annual Mud Run.

Campus News

How $10 can Change the World

Head of School Mike Beck congratulates runners at the end of the course.

Mike Beck waited at the finish line to congratulate everyone who completed the course. Unlike the Tough Mudder races, this one didn’t include any dangerous electrical obstacles, but it did provide a fun challenge for everyone who participated. Senior Belle Clendenen got everyone revved up with some group cheers and those who didn’t run encouraged others from the sidelines.

If you were given $10, how would you use it to change the world? That’s the premise behind the $10 Project, the challenge issued to each 8th grader at Dunn School since the spring of 2002. Former Middle School Director Linda Smith started the program in the aftermath of 9/11 after reading about a pastor who had issued a similar challenge to his congregation.

Over the years students have created summer reading baskets for needy preschoolers, sent three inner-city students to summer camp, and refurbished part of a local homeless shelter.

“My only request,” said Linda, “was that they take the $10 and do something good with it. They got to define what good was.”

This year’s incoming 8th grade class will have an advantage that past students didn’t: time. Instead of waiting until the spring, current Middle School Director Simon Sweeny plans to introduce the $10 Projects at the start of the school year, giving students more time to develop their projects.

Some students kept it simple and used the money to buy ingredients for a lemonade stand or a bake

“Getting them to think about world problems and the people solving them is an extremely valuable

Director of Leadership Barbara Haig promises that the “March Mudness” will return next year with an even better course. n Members of Helena Avery’s Period F Economics class won the Rotary Stock Club annual six-week competition that included teams from schools all over the Santa Ynez Valley. Each team started with a pretend portfolio of $5,000 and was allowed to make one trade per week. In the end, the winning Dunn School team realized a 17 percent return on their investments, edging out Midland School by a fraction of continued next page

Sean Lin and Nick Sabatini sold lemonade at several baseball games and raised $103 for the Smithsonian Institute.

sale, then turned the proceeds over to the charity or nonprofit of their choice. Others got more creative. One girl used her $10 to buy a sheet of corrugated metal which she cut down and painted to make into small flags. With the money she made from selling the flags, she was able to refurbish the DMS flagpole and purchase a new flag.

exercise,” says Simon. “The added benefit of having them plan an actual fundraising event on a small scale as a safe, low-stake opportunity, allows them to thrive without a lot of adult hand-holding.” Hopefully, students can see how just a small amount of money and effort can produce exceptional results. Maybe they’ll even be inspired to change the world. DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 19

Campus News continued from page 19 a percentage point. In dollars and cents, the team won by 84 cents. The program allows students to learn about capital markets and the mechanics behind trading stocks. Henry Codron, Jake Harris, Jordi Sendra, and Erielle Webber attended a Winner’s Luncheon at the Santa Ynez Valley Marriott. Congratulations to the winning team and thank you to Economics teacher Helena Avery for coordinating the stock competition each year.

Seniors (left to right) Henry Codron, Jake Harris, Erielle Webber and Jordi Sendra show their stock market savvy.

venture capitalists, Ph. D students and professors. Winners were ranked by the audience through a live voting system. The Dunn School participants took 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th place. Eager to expand on one of the pitch ideas, Alex reached out to Kevin Davis, CEO of Bristol Farms. Davis invited Alex to bring some of the students down to the Bristol Farms headquarters in Los Angeles. Alex took freshman Abe Storey and junior David Zou with him and the group was able to spend two hours talking to Davis about his career and the business model for Bristol Farms. He also gave them a tour of the facility and put them in contact with the investment banker who started the Entrepreneurship School at USC. “It was pretty amazing,” says Alex. “The kids left inspired and I think they gained insight into the logistics of running this kind of business.”

n Earwig Incorporated, a new class being offered this fall by Alex Kehaya and Chad Stacy, will introduce students to business managment, finance, investing, and business model generation through already existing campus ventures: the Earwig Café, the Student Store, the Earwig Foundation and Earwig Innovations. Alex started prepping his Earwig Innovations team last year by taking them down to UCSB to participate in the Elevator Pitch Social. Each student pitched a business idea in front of an audience of more than 50 people that included undergraduates, post graduates, local Santa Barbara entrepreneurs, 20 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

(left to right) Alex Kehaya, Kevin Davis, Abe Storey and David Zou meet together at Bristol Farms headquarters in Los Angeles. If you are a business owner or investment professional interested in offering your expertise to Earwig Incorporated, contact Chad Stacy (cstacy@dunnschool.org).

Whole Student Education Helena Avery has been named to a newly-created position dedicated to designing and developing school-wide programs that build on Dunn’s strength in whole student education. Helena is in her eighth year at Dunn, where she has taught mathematics and economics, served as a faculty adviser, and facilitated multiple student clubs. She has three children and is also host mom to a Dunn senior from Ghana. “I’m honored to work with our faculty and staff in exploring innovative ways to prepare every student for success in a complex, competitive world,” Helena noted. “Dunn teachers have always been driven by a calling to educate children not just as students, but as wellrounded and compassionate individuals.”

New faculty Jane Cullina – 7th and 8th Grade Social Studies Returning students will find a familiar face in Jane Cullina as she was on several of the outdoor ed trips this past spring. With a BA in English and French from Bowdoin College and an MS in Childhood Education, Jane taught in elementary and high schools in Boston, New York and South Africa before moving on to the Chewonki Foundation in Maine. There she was able to combine her degree in education with her love of the

outdoors. For the last three years she has taught in outdoor classrooms and led sea kayaking expeditions along the Maine coast. Before moving to Los Olivos, she spent three weeks leading a hiking and sea kayaking expedition in southeast Alaska (where the photo at left was taken). Jane is also a certified Level 1 USA Track and Field coach who spent nine years as a varsity runner, including post-collegiate track.

Matt Struckmeyer – 7th and 8th Grade Language Arts Dunn School’s former English department chair will be sharing his expertise in middle school classrooms this year, teaching language arts for 7th and 8th graders at DMS. A former college counselor here at Dunn School, Matt Struckmeyer will split his duties between the middle school and upper campus, offering college counseling to freshmen and sophomores. Matt earned his BA from Franklin & Marshall

College and MA degrees from George Mason University and Harvard University. He has worked in education for 22 years, teaching middle school, high school and college students. A passionate farmer and environmentalist, Matt started the “pigposting” program at Dunn School and is eager to continue those efforts. In his free time he enjoys swimming, tennis, and backpacking. Israel, and at a physical therapy clinic in Mexico. She also studied abroad in Hangzhou, China, to learn more about alternative medicine. As an RN, she has worked primarily in community health, and has been employed by camps and schools in California and Massachusetts. Excited to experience a boarding school community, Ellen enjoys reading, hiking, and traveling.

Ellen Husted – Director of Health Services

As a graduate of Azusa Pacific University’s BSN program, Ellen pursued a career in nursing out of a desire to help people. As a nursing student, she volunteered her time at a pediatric clinic in

license. Prior to working at Dunn School, Sarah worked in San Diego as a personal health/nutritional assistant and taught yoga. She also spent two years working as an academic/finance advisor at the University level. In her free time she enjoys, running, making smoothies, yoga, hiking, and playing guitar.

Sarah Redding – Health Services Assistant

Sarah joined the Health Services staff mid-year and will be returning in the fall. She earned her BS at San Diego State and an MA at Ashford University. This summer she is taking classes for her EMT DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 21

new faculty Scott Semple – Ceramics Teacher Internationally known for his ceramics, Scott Semple is one of a handful of professionals on the leading edge of what is referred to as large format pottery. He has been excited about clay since his freshman year of high school, eventually attending both the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University to study his craft. He has traveled around the world, working directly with native peoples and resources, to further his studies. Before moving back Terrence Word – Math Teacher Since graduating from Wesleyan University with a double major in mathematics and French, Terrence Word has been teaching: Algebra II and volleyball in Massachussets, English in Vietnam and math and French in New Mexico. He has been living in Seattle since last October, tutoring students as they prepare for the SAT and rowing with the Pocock Rowing Center’s High Performance Team, in a bid for the U.S. National

Team. Terrence learned to scull at Craftsbury Sculling Center the summer before his freshman year at Wesleyan. He went on to row all four years at Wesleyan, earning numerous medals as part of the varsity boat. A skilled cyclist, swimmer, kayaker and backpacker, Terrence also enjoys spicy food and bridge. He will be taking over math classes for Helena Avery who is now the Coordinator of Whole Student Education. Kelsey Sullivan ‘07 – Athletic Director As a student at Dunn School, Kelsey Sullivan was named Best Female Athlete all four years she attended the high school. So it’s really no surprise that she has returned as the Athletic Director. Since graduating from California Lutheran University with a degree in Criminal Justice, Kelsey has

Alix Puchli – Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office When Christy Nordgren became Director of Summer Programs earlier this year, Alix Puchli (pronounced PUCK-lee) took over the administrative duties in the Dean’s Office. A Los Olivos native, Alix attended Santa Ynez High School and later worked as a teller at Santa Barbara 22 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

to California in 2007, Scott was privileged to be on the faculty at the Hui No’Eau Visual Arts Institute on Maui, and also worked on the Havasupai Indian reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. He has visited Dunn School on several occasions to demonstrate his techniques for throwing large-scale pottery. Now students will be able to learn from him on a daily basis. When he isn’t in the ceramic studio, Scott can be found surfing, playing the drums or spending time with his four-year old son.

Bank and Trust and at The Mole Hole in Solvang. She is currently taking classes at Santa Barbara City College, working toward a degree in anatomy, which compliments her passion for Pilates. She hopes to earn her BASI certification in Pilates within the next two years. Alix also enjoys photography, reading, and writing in her spare time.

worked for the Right to Dream Academy in Ghana and the Craig Bellamy Foundation in Sierra Leone. In addition to teaching English in Sierra Leone, she helped establish the first national girls’ youth development soccer league and was instrumental in bringing three students from Africa to study at Dunn School.

New faculty

Mike McKee – Director of Admissions Mike McKee comes to Dunn School from the Orme School in Arizona where he gained experience, not only with admissions, but with marketing and financial aid for the small college prep boarding school. Mike also spent two years in corporate marketing as an account executive for Palio Communications in New York. With a BA in Economics and Psychology from College of the Holy Cross, he was able to teach courses in both topics during his time at Orme. An avid lacrosse player, he was team captain at Holy Cross and named MVP three out of the four years he played there. Away from the office, Mike is an experienced horseman and is a CHA certified instructor. He loves exploring new areas whether on his horse, motorcycle, mountain bike, or hiking. Ann Greenough, who has been indispensable in her role as leader of the admissions team for more than 14 years, will still be working part-time in the admissions office, focusing primarily on overseas markets.

Steve Freire – Facilities Manager Steve Freire joined Dunn School in July as the Facilities Manager, bringing a wealth of experience with him. He spent four years as the Facilities Manager at Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital and most recently worked as the Maintenance Manager at the WorldMark in Solvang. With a degree in Philosophy, Ethics and Public Policy from UCSB, Steve is well poised to lead the maintenance team as the campus grows and changes. He’s also happy to play guitar or do woodwork and carving when he isn’t spending time with his two daughters.

A Fond Farewell

On behalf of everyone in the Dunn School community, the Dunn Journal acknowledges the many contributions of these departing faculty members and we wish them all the best. Callie Martin – While she enjoyed her five years teaching ceramics at Dunn School, Callie decided it was time to focus on getting her master’s degree from MICA. She and her fiancé Chuck plan to remain in the Valley. Phil Martin – Although he won’t be on campus every day to teach chemistry or advise students, Phil does plan to return in the fall to continue coaching the football program he started back in 2005. He’ll spend his days working in the family business, All Star Heating and Air Conditioning. Tammy Misner – Everyone at Dunn School was sad to see Tammy go from her position in the Health Office, even sadder to learn of her son’s tragic death in an Arizona wildfire. Our hearts go out to the Misner family who have been such an integral part of our community. Jenna Newburn – Although Jenna loved teaching social studies at Dunn Middle School, she shortened her drive time by joining the faculty at Santa Barbara Middle School. Dawn Robinson – After nine years teaching language arts at the middle school, Dawn, Eric and their dog, Ben, made the move to Los Angeles. She is now an English teacher at Windward School. Neil Rudis – Former Health Office assistant and outdoor ed instructor Neil Rudis has moved to Asheville, NC to join the staff at Adventure Treks. He’ll be leading expeditions and building outdoor education programs for North Carolina students. DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 23

New Board of Trustees Members Don Daves-Rougeaux is a familar face to

many Dunn School alums. He first came on campus to deliver a speech on Martin Luther King Day in 1994. “Next thing I knew I’d agreed to come back for an interview,” recalls Don. “Just prior to my date I was asked by Cate to come interview there. Barbera Zasloff rescheduled my interview here at Dunn School so that I’d come before I went to Cate. After my visit, I was sold. I cancelled my Cate interview and accepted a position at Dunn. I’m so happy I did.” Although he only planned to teach and coach for a few years, he wound up staying for eight. “My experiences at Dunn School provided me with the skills and expertise I needed to acquire my position at UCSB and others since then, which is such a testament to the school itself. It’s so much more than just an academic environment. It provides growth opportunities for students, teachers and staff alike. I grew as a person and as a professional, developed lifelong relationships with my peers and students and was given the opportunity and resources to be creative and innovative in the classroom and out.” Don is excited to serve on the Board of Trustees for Dunn and feels he brings a broad range of experience. “I worked many years in varied high school settings from large public, to small experimental court schools, language and an independent boarding school. I’ve been a boarding school teacher, coach, department chair and most importantly- parent (my daughter attended Thacher). I’ve worked at universities around the country, had fundraising experience, as well as a corporate/business management, organizational development and strategic planning background. In, short I feel I can bring expertise in the areas of curriculum, development and business management.”

Dana Jackson ‘76 is another familiar face on the

Dunn School campus. He has returned on several occasions to speak to current students about his life journey and the global economy. As Managing Director, Senior Institutional Consultant for the Peninsula Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Menlo Park, California, he has over 20 years of wealth management experience and his nineperson team manages more than $2.0 billion in client assets. Dana has been consistently ranked by Barron’s as one of America’s Best Wealth Advisors and is recognized as one of the leading financial consultants in the country. When addressing students he shared the key lessons he has learned along the way: “Trust yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses, find and pursue your passion, and learn from your mistakes.” An exceptional lacrosse player in high school, Dana also participated on the UC Santa Barbara team and went on to play Division I lacrosse and football at Hobart College where he was part of three NCAA national champion teams. He also excelled as a boys’ lacrosse coach at Menlo School where the team won multiple Division II state titles. Dana believes in instilling a philosophy of “working hard and playing as a team,” whether it be in school, at work or in life. In his spare time, Dana continues to coach collegiate lacrosse, runs a foundation to benefit local high school athletes, and is involved in numerous charitable organizations. He and his wife Loreen have four children and live in the Bay area.

24 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

Bill DuBois ‘80

Heritage Society Member Profile

Bill DuBois has long set an example for giving back, while at the same time looking forward. He served the school as the Director of Development for three years and has served more than once on the Board of Trustees. But his action of leaving the school in his will, first written when he was just 26 years old, perhaps best demonstrates Bill’s concern for the future of Dunn School and how he can help make a difference. “Dunn School served as a launching pad for me,” says Bill. “I kind of blossomed at Dunn. The school gave me opportunities that I probably would not have had otherwise. I was accepted to several colleges I don’t think I would have gotten into had it not been for the attention and support I received here.” After graduating from Middlebury College in Vermont, Bill headed for Europe and found himself in London when his money ran out. He was offered a temporary job in the investment department of CitiBank, which turned into a 16-year career in international finance. Bill DuBois ‘80 While in Europe, Bill met his wife Jennifer and the two returned to California shortly after 9/11. About a year later, Bill was asked by then Headmaster Jim Munger to “give back” to the school by building the breadth and depth of the development department. By agreeing, he made good on the promise he delivered in his senior speech some two decades earlier to return to Dunn School.

“I kind of blossomed at Dunn. The school gave me opportunities that I probably would not have had otherwise.”

Both Bill and Jennifer worked at the school, extending the outreach to parents, alumni and friends of Dunn School, increasing marketing and communications efforts, developing a new website, and building a strong foundation for both annual fund and capital campaigns that followed their tenure. By almost any measure, their accomplishments are considered significant in terms of “giving back,” but Bill continued to keep his eye on the days and years ahead of Dunn School by joining the Board of Trustees in 2007. “I joined the Board because there were a number of issues I feel very strongly about,” said Bill. “I believe establishing sustainability, so that the school has the resources to navigate through difficult times, is our greatest priority.” Bill is a member of the Anthony B. Dunn Heritage Society of 1957 and has been a consistent and generous donor to the school. His foresight in including Dunn School in his estate plans more than two decades ago is indicative of someone who is willing to give back by looking ahead.

Heritage Society Members (As of 8-1-13) Willis M. Allen, Jr. (‘64) Michael Boone (’79) Joseph V. Costello III (’70) William DuBois (’80) Edward and Joyce Engs III (P’80) Beryl Geller (P’75) JonAnn and Robert LeRoy (Former Employee) Gail McGrath (P’79, P’79) John H. Sanger (Former Employee) Chad and Sarah Stacy (P’20, P’22, P’24, P’26)

Guy Walker (’76, P’05) William and Claire Wolfenden Family Trust (’84) Deceased Andrew D. Orrick (P’74, P’75, GP’09, GP’14) Susan Hossfeld (P’70, P’73) Please consider remembering Dunn School in your will. For further information contact Julie Silvino, 805.686.0615. DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 25

‘12-’13 Dunn School Trustees Chair–Debbie Jones (P ‘09, ‘11, ‘14) Vice Chair–Mark Rawlins (‘67) Treasurer– Jim Dehlsen (‘85) Secretary–Dean Davidge (P ‘98) Head of School–Mike Beck Mary Bianco Michael Boone (‘79) Cindy Bronfman (P ‘12) Jim Chomeau (P ‘10, ‘16) Bill DuBois (‘80) Michael Dunn (P’06, ‘09) Jim Gaskin (‘71) C.J. Jackson (P ‘04, ‘06) Dana Jackson (‘76) Chris Mullin Dave Nelson (P ‘11, ‘15) Cheryl Stauffer (P ‘04, ‘07) Bruce Thacher (‘73) Gladdys Uribe (‘98) Chris Wesselman (‘65) Wally Haas (‘68) Honorary Trustee Tim Bliss (P ‘04) Emeritus Bill Jackson (‘80, P ‘14, ‘18) Emeritus

Thanks to outgoing Board members Mary Bianco and Michael Dunn for their years of service to Dunn School.

100% of Board of Trustees members and 89% of current parents participated in Annual Fund giving Annual Fund Donations

(Total Unrestricted and Restricted Gifts for 2012-2013 = $482,127)

INVESTING IN EXCELLENCE, INVESTING IN DUNN SCHOOL Thank you to those in the Dunn School community who invested in the school’s mission to educate the whole student to his or her fullest potential in preparation for a life of learning and responsible leadership in society. In partnership with you, we are able to deliver the transformative Dunn School experience and graduate intellectually-vibrant, happy students into the world who are wellprepared to shape fulfilling lives. Thank you for supporting the Dunn Annual Giving Program, capital projects, and endowment funds. If you are interested in making an investment in Dunn School or learning more about any of the projects or endowment funds below, please contact Associate Head of School Aaron Dorlarque, adorlarque@dunnschool.org.

Annual Giving Program

Dunn School relies on the Annual Giving Program to deliver an outstanding educational program that includes award-winning teachers, a diverse and global student body, an outstanding Leadership Program and Speaker Series, unparalleled Fine and Performing Arts program, robust enrichment activities, a 4-year college counseling program, an Advanced Learning Strategies Program, personalized advisor program, necessary upgrades to our facilities, and much more. One hundred percent of the Board of Trustees and 89% of parents gave to the Annual Giving Program, while loyal alumni again generously supported their alma mater. In partnership with you, we can deliver on our promise to develop the whole child and help them find their passion. Thank you for your support!

Capital Projects

Annual fund donations support numerous programs and functions including curriculum, campus upgrades, athletics, student awards and trips. 26 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

Through extremely generous support from the Dunn School community, we will be able to complete this summer $2 million in necessary campus infrastructure that provides the foundation for all future buildings from our Campus Master Plan. Currently, we are looking for partners to help fund the proposed $5 million Cindy and Adam Bronfman Student Leadership Center. Last year, the Bronfman family made a generous $1 million lead matching gift toward this

project. The proposed building will serve as the center of campus for students and house critical programming. Supporting Dunn School’s goal to educate the whole student, the Director of Leadership, the Coordinator of Whole Student Education and the College Counseling team will work with students in this Center. The building will also include a 50-person meeting space for the Leadership Speaker Series, an Innovation Lab, the Earwig Cafe, the Student Store, and a loft for student gatherings.

Endowment Funds

Thank you to those individuals who invested in Dunn School’s scholarship and faculty endowment funds. Your support ensures that we can bring in a talented and diverse student body, and attract and retain talented faculty to deliver an outstanding educational experience. Scholarship donors continue to invest in the Paul Overgaag Memorial Scholarship Fund that goes to a boarding student who has overcome a significant lifetime challenge, an endowment that supports student diversity, and the George and Leanne Roberts Scholarship Fund that supports the school’s general scholarship fund. A special thank you to Brett Van Steenwyk, father of Dunn School graduate Emma Van Steenwyk ’13, who pledged $250,000 to establish The Nancy Ortiz Scholarship Endowment for Advanced Learning Strategies. The endowment will help fund financial aid for qualified families with a student in the Advanced Learning Strategies Program and honors faculty member Nancy Ortiz for her work with Emma and other students.

Summary of 2012-2013 Contributions* Annual Fund-Unrestricted Annual Fund-Restricted Total Annual Fund Contributions

$339,462 141,938 $481,400

Scholarship Endowment Funds Faculty Support Funds Total Endowment Contributions

$111,233 26,100 $137,333

Pledge Capital Infrastructure Capital Infrastructure Pledge Master Plan (Bronfman) Total Capital Pledges and Contributions

$120,000 1,560,000 1,000,000 $2,680,000

Total Pledges and Contributions


*Information based on preliminary and unaudited financial results.

Dunn School awarded more than $1.2 million in financial aid for the 2012-2013 school year.

Currently, we are looking for partners to help fund the Barenborg Family African Scholarship Endowment with a goal of $1 million. The Barenborg family generously funds one African student from Ghana today. Thank you! Faculty donors contributed to the Robert Kumler Math & Science Fund that benefits the math and science faculty, the Nancy Roome Endowment Fund that supports all facets of the Advanced Learning Strategies Center and the Jackson and Luton Family Faculty Fund that supports all Dunn School faculty. A special thanks to Rebecca and Jonathan Neeley who have pledged $100,000 over a two-year period to support the newly created position for the Coordinator of Whole Student Education. The program will help students find their passions, prepare for a successful college process, and realize their full potential academically and personally. Dunn School’s Annual Fund Honor Roll can be found online at http://www.dunnschool.org/support/index.aspx

Emma & Brett Van Steenwyk share a hug while Nancy Ortiz (right) and Marjorie Haller look on. DUNN JOURNAL 2013 | 27



Dunn School A boarding & day college prep school




Upper school Grades 9-12

Middle school Grades 6-8


Children deserve small, engaging classes that challenge them to fully develop their gifts. Classes at Dunn average just nine students. Our hands-on approach inspires students to think deeply and take bold intellectual risks. The result: young adults with vibrant academic confidence. Visit Dunn’s campus and see for yourself. Call (805) 686-4823 to schedule a personal tour.

Financial aid is available. To learn more, contact Christy Davidge, (805) 686-0651 Visit us: 2555 West Highway 154 in Los Olivos, CA or online at www.dunnschool.org 28 | DUNN JOURNAL 2013

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